path: root/blockly/generators/lua/text.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'blockly/generators/lua/text.js')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blockly/generators/lua/text.js b/blockly/generators/lua/text.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74efba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockly/generators/lua/text.js
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * @license
+ * Visual Blocks Language
+ *
+ * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+ *
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @fileoverview Generating Lua for text blocks.
+ * @author (Rodrigo Queiro)
+ */
+'use strict';
+Blockly.Lua['text'] = function(block) {
+ // Text value.
+ var code = Blockly.Lua.quote_(block.getFieldValue('TEXT'));
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_ATOMIC];
+Blockly.Lua['text_join'] = function(block) {
+ // Create a string made up of any number of elements of any type.
+ if (block.itemCount_ == 0) {
+ return ['\'\'', Blockly.Lua.ORDER_ATOMIC];
+ } else if (block.itemCount_ == 1) {
+ var element = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'ADD0',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ var code = 'tostring(' + element + ')';
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+ } else if (block.itemCount_ == 2) {
+ var element0 = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'ADD0',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_CONCATENATION) || '\'\'';
+ var element1 = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'ADD1',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_CONCATENATION) || '\'\'';
+ var code = element0 + ' .. ' + element1;
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_CONCATENATION];
+ } else {
+ var elements = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < block.itemCount_; i++) {
+ elements[i] = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'ADD' + i,
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ }
+ var code = 'table.concat({' + elements.join(', ') + '})';
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+ }
+Blockly.Lua['text_append'] = function(block) {
+ // Append to a variable in place.
+ var varName = Blockly.Lua.variableDB_.getName(
+ block.getFieldValue('VAR'), Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE);
+ var value = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'TEXT',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_CONCATENATION) || '\'\'';
+ return varName + ' = ' + varName + ' .. ' + value + '\n';
+Blockly.Lua['text_length'] = function(block) {
+ // String or array length.
+ var text = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_UNARY) || '\'\'';
+ return ['#' + text, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_UNARY];
+Blockly.Lua['text_isEmpty'] = function(block) {
+ // Is the string null or array empty?
+ var text = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_UNARY) || '\'\'';
+ return ['#' + text + ' == 0', Blockly.Lua.ORDER_RELATIONAL];
+Blockly.Lua['text_indexOf'] = function(block) {
+ // Search the text for a substring.
+ var substring = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'FIND',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ var text = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ if (block.getFieldValue('END') == 'FIRST') {
+ var functionName = Blockly.Lua.provideFunction_(
+ 'firstIndexOf',
+ ['function ' + Blockly.Lua.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ +
+ '(str, substr) ',
+ ' local i = string.find(str, substr, 1, true)',
+ ' if i == nil then',
+ ' return 0',
+ ' else',
+ ' return i',
+ ' end',
+ 'end']);
+ } else {
+ var functionName = Blockly.Lua.provideFunction_(
+ 'lastIndexOf',
+ ['function ' + Blockly.Lua.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ +
+ '(str, substr)',
+ ' local i = string.find(string.reverse(str), ' +
+ 'string.reverse(substr), 1, true)',
+ ' if i then',
+ ' return #str + 2 - i - #substr',
+ ' end',
+ ' return 0',
+ 'end']);
+ }
+ var code = functionName + '(' + text + ', ' + substring + ')';
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+Blockly.Lua['text_charAt'] = function(block) {
+ // Get letter at index.
+ // Note: Until January 2013 this block did not have the WHERE input.
+ var where = block.getFieldValue('WHERE') || 'FROM_START';
+ var atOrder = (where == 'FROM_END') ? Blockly.Lua.ORDER_UNARY :
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE;
+ var at = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'AT', atOrder) || '1';
+ var text = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ var code;
+ if (where == 'RANDOM') {
+ var functionName = Blockly.Lua.provideFunction_(
+ 'text_random_letter',
+ ['function ' + Blockly.Lua.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(str)',
+ ' local index = math.random(string.len(str))',
+ ' return string.sub(str, index, index)',
+ 'end']);
+ code = functionName + '(' + text + ')';
+ } else {
+ if (where == 'FIRST') {
+ var start = '1';
+ } else if (where == 'LAST') {
+ var start = '-1';
+ } else {
+ if (where == 'FROM_START') {
+ var start = at;
+ } else if (where == 'FROM_END') {
+ var start = '-' + at;
+ } else {
+ throw 'Unhandled option (text_charAt).';
+ }
+ }
+ if (start.match(/^-?\w*$/)) {
+ code = 'string.sub(' + text + ', ' + start + ', ' + start + ')';
+ } else {
+ // use function to avoid reevaluation
+ var functionName = Blockly.Lua.provideFunction_(
+ 'text_char_at',
+ ['function ' + Blockly.Lua.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ +
+ '(str, index)',
+ ' return string.sub(str, index, index)',
+ 'end']);
+ code = functionName + '(' + text + ', ' + start + ')';
+ }
+ }
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+Blockly.Lua['text_getSubstring'] = function(block) {
+ // Get substring.
+ var text = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'STRING',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ // Get start index.
+ var where1 = block.getFieldValue('WHERE1');
+ var at1Order = (where1 == 'FROM_END') ? Blockly.Lua.ORDER_UNARY :
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE;
+ var at1 = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'AT1', at1Order) || '1';
+ if (where1 == 'FIRST') {
+ var start = 1;
+ } else if (where1 == 'FROM_START') {
+ var start = at1;
+ } else if (where1 == 'FROM_END') {
+ var start = '-' + at1;
+ } else {
+ throw 'Unhandled option (text_getSubstring)';
+ }
+ // Get end index.
+ var where2 = block.getFieldValue('WHERE2');
+ var at2Order = (where2 == 'FROM_END') ? Blockly.Lua.ORDER_UNARY :
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE;
+ var at2 = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'AT2', at2Order) || '1';
+ if (where2 == 'LAST') {
+ var end = -1;
+ } else if (where2 == 'FROM_START') {
+ var end = at2;
+ } else if (where2 == 'FROM_END') {
+ var end = '-' + at2;
+ } else {
+ throw 'Unhandled option (text_getSubstring)';
+ }
+ var code = 'string.sub(' + text + ', ' + start + ', ' + end + ')';
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+Blockly.Lua['text_changeCase'] = function(block) {
+ // Change capitalization.
+ var operator = block.getFieldValue('CASE');
+ var text = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'TEXT',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ if (operator == 'UPPERCASE') {
+ var functionName = 'string.upper';
+ } else if (operator == 'LOWERCASE') {
+ var functionName = 'string.lower';
+ } else if (operator == 'TITLECASE') {
+ var functionName = Blockly.Lua.provideFunction_(
+ 'text_titlecase',
+ // There are shorter versions at
+ //
+ // that do not preserve whitespace.
+ ['function ' + Blockly.Lua.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(str)',
+ ' local buf = {}',
+ ' local inWord = false',
+ ' for i = 1, #str do',
+ ' local c = string.sub(str, i, i)',
+ ' if inWord then',
+ ' table.insert(buf, string.lower(c))',
+ ' if string.find(c, "%s") then',
+ ' inWord = false',
+ ' end',
+ ' else',
+ ' table.insert(buf, string.upper(c))',
+ ' inWord = true',
+ ' end',
+ ' end',
+ ' return table.concat(buf)',
+ 'end']);
+ }
+ var code = functionName + '(' + text + ')';
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+Blockly.Lua['text_trim'] = function(block) {
+ // Trim spaces.
+ var OPERATORS = {
+ LEFT: '^%s*(,-)',
+ RIGHT: '(.-)%s*$',
+ BOTH: '^%s*(.-)%s*$'
+ };
+ var operator = OPERATORS[block.getFieldValue('MODE')];
+ var text = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'TEXT',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ var code = 'string.gsub(' + text + ', "' + operator + '", "%1")';
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+Blockly.Lua['text_print'] = function(block) {
+ // Print statement.
+ var msg = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'TEXT',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ return 'print(' + msg + ')\n';
+Blockly.Lua['text_prompt_ext'] = function(block) {
+ // Prompt function.
+ if (block.getField('TEXT')) {
+ // Internal message.
+ var msg = Blockly.Lua.quote_(block.getFieldValue('TEXT'));
+ } else {
+ // External message.
+ var msg = Blockly.Lua.valueToCode(block, 'TEXT',
+ Blockly.Lua.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\'';
+ }
+ var functionName = Blockly.Lua.provideFunction_(
+ 'text_prompt',
+ ['function ' + Blockly.Lua.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(msg)',
+ ' io.write(msg)',
+ ' io.flush()',
+ ' return',
+ 'end']);
+ var code = functionName + '(' + msg + ')';
+ var toNumber = block.getFieldValue('TYPE') == 'NUMBER';
+ if (toNumber) {
+ code = 'tonumber(' + code + ', 10)';
+ }
+ return [code, Blockly.Lua.ORDER_HIGH];
+Blockly.Lua['text_prompt'] = Blockly.Lua['text_prompt_ext'];