path: root/box
diff options
authorDavid Barksdale <>2022-04-08 14:51:33 -0500
committerDavid Barksdale <>2022-04-08 14:51:33 -0500
commitc3513dbb18f7b91f4ecfa045d21e262240c2e57b (patch)
tree8ba28966984a60be44598589ace2a186e64c6072 /box
parenta02800d31b1879f44edfdd31658816818b84dda8 (diff)
Added 3D-printable enclosure
Diffstat (limited to 'box')
6 files changed, 69394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/box/Makefile b/box/Makefile
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/box/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+poe.stl: poe.wrl
+ meshlabserver -i $< -o $@
diff --git a/box/Polarity_marking_center_positive.svg b/box/Polarity_marking_center_positive.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73853e7
--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/box/YAPPgenerator_v14.scad b/box/YAPPgenerator_v14.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23fa79f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/box/YAPPgenerator_v14.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,2282 @@
+** Yet Another Parameterised Projectbox generator
+Version="v1.4 (14-03-2022) (amatus's mods)";
+** Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Willem Aandewiel
+** TERMS OF USE: MIT License. See base offile.
+// This design is parameterized based on the size of a PCB.
+// Note: length/lengte refers to X axis,
+// width/breedte to Y,
+// height/hoogte to Z
+ padding-back|<------pcb length --->|<padding-front
+ 0 X-as --->
+ +----------------------------------------+ ---
+ | | ^
+ | | padding-right
+ | | v
+ | -5,y +----------------------+ | ---
+ B Y | | 0,y x,y | | ^ F
+ A - | | | | | R
+ C a | | | | | pcb width O
+ K s | | | | | N
+ | | 0,0 x,0 | | v T
+ ^ | -5,0 +----------------------+ | ---
+ | | | padding-left
+ 0 +----------------------------------------+ ---
+ 0 X-as --->
+//-- which half do you want to print?
+printBaseShell = true;
+printLidShell = true;
+//-- Edit these parameters for your own board dimensions
+wallThickness = 1.2;
+basePlaneThickness = 1.0;
+lidPlaneThickness = 1.0;
+//-- Label depths
+baseLabelDepth = 0.4;
+lidLabelDepth = 0.4;
+leftLabelDepth = 0.4;
+rightLabelDepth = 0.4;
+frontLabelDepth = 0.4;
+backLabelDepth = 0.4;
+//-- Total height of box = basePlaneThickness + lidPlaneThickness
+//-- + baseWallHeight + lidWallHeight
+//-- space between pcb and lidPlane :=
+//-- (bottonWallHeight+lidWallHeight) - (standoffHeight+pcbThickness)
+baseWallHeight = 8;
+lidWallHeight = 5;
+//-- ridge where base and lid off box can overlap
+//-- Make sure this isn't less than lidWallHeight
+ridgeHeight = 3.0;
+ridgeSlack = 0.2;
+roundRadius = 5.0;
+//-- pcb dimensions
+pcbLength = 30;
+pcbWidth = 15;
+pcbThickness = 1.5;
+//-- How much the PCB needs to be raised from the base
+//-- to leave room for solderings and whatnot
+standoffHeight = 3.0;
+pinDiameter = 2.0;
+pinHoleSlack = 0.2;
+standoffDiameter = 4;
+//-- padding between pcb and inside wall
+paddingFront = 1;
+paddingBack = 1;
+paddingRight = 1;
+paddingLeft = 1;
+//-- D E B U G -----------------//-> Default ---------
+showSideBySide = true; //-> true
+onLidGap = 3;
+shiftLid = 1;
+hideLidWalls = false; //-> false
+colorLid = "yellow";
+hideBaseWalls = false; //-> false
+colorBase = "white";
+showPCB = false; //-> false
+showMarkers = false; //-> false
+inspectX = 0; //-> 0=none (>0 from front, <0 from back)
+inspectY = 0; //-> 0=none (>0 from left, <0 from right)
+//-- D E B U G ---------------------------------------
+********* don't change anything below this line ***************
+//-- constants, do not change
+yappRectangle = 0;
+yappCircle = 1;
+yappBoth = 2;
+yappLidOnly = 3;
+yappBaseOnly = 4;
+yappHole = 5;
+yappPin = 6;
+yappLeft = 7;
+yappRight = 8;
+yappFront = 9;
+yappBack = 10;
+yappCenter = 11;
+yappSymmetric = 12;
+yappAllCorners = 13;
+shellInsideWidth = pcbWidth+paddingLeft+paddingRight;
+shellWidth = shellInsideWidth+(wallThickness*2)+0;
+shellInsideLength = pcbLength+paddingFront+paddingBack;
+shellLength = pcbLength+(wallThickness*2)+paddingFront+paddingBack;
+shellInsideHeight = baseWallHeight+lidWallHeight;
+shellHeight = basePlaneThickness+shellInsideHeight+lidPlaneThickness;
+pcbX = wallThickness+paddingBack;
+pcbY = wallThickness+paddingLeft;
+pcbYlid = wallThickness+pcbWidth+paddingRight;
+pcbZ = basePlaneThickness+standoffHeight+pcbThickness;
+//pcbZlid = (baseWallHeight+lidWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)-(standoffHeight);
+pcbZlid = (baseWallHeight+lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness)
+ -(standoffHeight+pcbThickness);
+//-- pcb_standoffs -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy
+// (2) = { yappBoth | yappLidOnly | yappBaseOnly }
+// (3) = { yappHole, YappPin }
+pcbStands = [
+ // , [20, 20, yappBoth, yappPin]
+ // , [3, 3, yappBoth, yappPin]
+ // , [pcbLength-10, pcbWidth-3, yappBoth, yappPin]
+ ];
+//-- Lid plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = length
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsLid = [
+ // [20, 0, 10, 24, 0, yappRectangle]
+ // , [pcbWidth-6, 40, 12, 4, 20, yappCircle]
+ // , [30, 25, 10, 14, 45, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
+ ];
+//-- base plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = length
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsBase = [
+ // [30, 0, 10, 24, yappRectangle]
+ // , [pcbLength/2, pcbWidth/2, 12, 4, yappCircle]
+ // , [pcbLength-8, 25, 10, 14, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
+ ];
+//-- front plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posy
+// (1) = posz
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = height
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsFront = [
+ // [10, 5, 12, 15, 0, yappRectangle]
+ // , [30, 7.5, 15, 9, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
+ // , [0, 2, 10, 0, 0, yappCircle]
+ ];
+//-- back plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posy
+// (1) = posz
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = height
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsBack = [
+ // [10, 0, 10, 18, 0, yappRectangle]
+ // , [30, 0, 10, 8, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
+ // , [pcbWidth, 0, 8, 0, 0, yappCircle]
+ ];
+//-- left plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posz
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = height
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsLeft = [
+ // , [0, 0, 15, 20, 0, yappRectangle]
+ // , [30, 5, 25, 10, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
+ // , [pcbLength-10, 2, 10, 0, 0, yappCircle]
+ ];
+//-- right plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posz
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = height
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsRight = [
+ // [0, 0, 15, 7, 0, yappRectangle]
+ // , [30, 10, 25, 15, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
+ // , [pcbLength-10, 2, 10, 0, 0, yappCircle]
+ ];
+//-- connectors -- origen = box[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy
+// (2) = screwDiameter
+// (3) = insertDiameter
+// (4) = outsideDiameter
+// (5) = { yappAllCorners }
+connectors = [
+ // [10, 10, 2, 3, 2]
+ // , [30, 20, 4, 6, 9]
+ // , [4, 3, 34, 3, yappFront]
+ // , [25, 3, 3, 3, yappBack]
+ ];
+//-- base mounts -- origen = box[x0,y0]
+// (0) = posx | posy
+// (1) = screwDiameter
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = height
+// (4..7) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+// (5) = { yappCenter }
+baseMounts = [
+ // [-5, 3.3, 10, 3, yappLeft, yappRight, yappCenter]
+ // , [40, 3, 8, 3, yappBack, yappFront]
+ // , [4, 3, 34, 3, yappFront]
+ // , [25, 3, 3, 3, yappBack]
+ ];
+//-- snap Joins -- origen = box[x0,y0]
+// (0) = posx | posy
+// (1) = width
+// (2..5) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+// (n) = { yappSymmetric }
+snapJoins = [
+ // [2, 5, yappLeft, yappRight, yappSymmetric]
+ // [5, 10, yappLeft]
+ // , [shellLength-2, 10, yappLeft]
+ // , [20, 10, yappFront, yappBack]
+ // , [2.5, 5, yappBack, yappFront, yappSymmetric]
+ ];
+//-- origin of labels is box [0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy/z
+// (2) = orientation
+// (3) = plane {lid | base | left | right | front | back }
+// (4) = font
+// (5) = size
+// (6) = "label text"
+labelsPlane = [
+ [5, 5, 0, "lid", "Liberation Mono:style=bold", 5, "YAPP" ]
+ ];
+function getMinRad(p1, wall) = ((p1<(wall+0.001)) ? 1 : (p1 - wall));
+function isTrue(w, aw, from) = (( w==aw[from]
+ || w==aw[from+1]
+ || w==aw[from+2]
+ || w==aw[from+3]
+ || w==aw[from+4]
+ || w==aw[from+5]
+ || w==aw[from+6] ) ? 1 : 0);
+function minOutside(o, d) = ((((d*2)+1)>=o) ? (d*2)+1 : o);
+function newHeight(T, h, z, t) = (((h+z)>t)&&(T=="base")) ? t+standoffHeight : h;
+//function lowestVal(v1, minV) = ((v1<minV) ? minV : v1);
+//function highestVal(v1, maxV) = ((v1>maxV) ? maxV : v1);
+module printBaseMounts()
+ //echo("printBaseMounts()");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ module roundedRect(size, radius)
+ {
+ x1 = size[0];
+ x2 = size[1];
+ y = size[2];
+ l = size[3];
+ h = size[4];
+ //echo("roundRect:", x1=x1, x2=x2, y=y, l=l);
+ //if (l>radius)
+ {
+ linear_extrude(h)
+ {
+ hull()
+ {
+ // place 4 circles in the corners, with the given radius
+ translate([(x1+radius), (y+radius), 0])
+ circle(r=radius);
+ translate([(x1+radius), (y+l)+radius, 0])
+ circle(r=radius);
+ translate([(x2+radius), (y+l)+radius, 0])
+ circle(r=radius);
+ translate([(x2+radius), (y+radius), 0])
+ circle(r=radius);
+ }
+ } // extrude..
+ } // translate
+ } // roundRect()
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ module oneMount(bm, scrwX1pos, scrwX2pos)
+ {
+ // [0]=pos, [1]=scrwDiameter, [2]=len
+ outRadius = bm[1]; // rad := diameter (r=6 := d=6)
+ bmX1pos = scrwX1pos-bm[1];
+ bmX2pos = scrwX2pos-outRadius;
+ bmYpos = (bm[1]*-2);
+ bmLen = (bm[1]*4)+bmYpos;
+ difference()
+ {
+ {
+ color("red")
+ //--roundedRect x1, x2, y , l, h
+ roundedRect([bmX1pos,bmX2pos,bmYpos,bmLen,bm[3]], outRadius);
+ }
+ translate([0, (bm[1]*-1), -1])
+ {
+ hull()
+ {
+ linear_extrude(bm[3]+2)
+ {
+ //===translate([scrwX1pos, (bm[1]*-1.3), 4])
+ translate([scrwX1pos,0, 4])
+ color("blue")
+ {
+ circle(bm[1]/2);
+ }
+ //===translate([scrwX2pos, (bm[1]*-1.3), -4])
+ //==translate([scrwX2pos, sW+scrwYpos*-1, -4])
+ translate([scrwX2pos, 0, -4])
+ color("blue")
+ circle(bm[1]/2);
+ } // extrude
+ } // hull
+ } // translate
+ } // difference..
+ } // oneMount()
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function calcScrwPos(p, l, ax, c) = (c==1) ? (ax/2)-(l/2) : p;
+ function maxWidth(w, r, l) = (w>(l-(r*4))) ? l-(r*4) : w;
+ function minPos(p, r) = (p<(r*2)) ? r*2 : p;
+ function maxPos(p, w, r, mL) = ((p+w)>(mL-(r*2))) ? mL-(w+(r*2)) : p;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- position is: [(shellLength/2),
+ //-- shellWidth/2,
+ //-- (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)]
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- back to [0,0,0]
+ translate([(shellLength/2)*-1,
+ (shellWidth/2)*-1,
+ (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)*-1])
+ {
+ if (showMarkers)
+ {
+ color("red") translate([0,0,((shellHeight+onLidGap)/2)]) %cylinder(r=1,h=shellHeight+onLidGap+20, center=true);
+ }
+ for (bm = baseMounts)
+ {
+ c = isTrue(yappCenter, bm, 5);
+ // (0) = posx | posy
+ // (1) = screwDiameter
+ // (2) = width
+ // (3) = Height
+ // (4..7) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+ if (isTrue(yappLeft, bm, 4))
+ {
+ newWidth = maxWidth(bm[2], bm[1], shellLength);
+ tmpPos = calcScrwPos(bm[0], newWidth, shellLength, c);
+ tmpMinPos = minPos(tmpPos, bm[1]);
+ scrwX1pos = maxPos(tmpMinPos, newWidth, bm[1], shellLength);
+ scrwX2pos = scrwX1pos + newWidth;
+ oneMount(bm, scrwX1pos, scrwX2pos);
+ } // if yappLeft
+ // (0) = posx | posy
+ // (1) = screwDiameter
+ // (2) = width
+ // (3) = Height
+ // (4..7) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+ if (isTrue(yappRight, bm, 4))
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,180])
+ {
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ {
+ translate([0,shellWidth*-1, 0])
+ {
+ newWidth = maxWidth(bm[2], bm[1], shellLength);
+ tmpPos = calcScrwPos(bm[0], newWidth, shellLength, c);
+ tmpMinPos = minPos(tmpPos, bm[1]);
+ scrwX1pos = maxPos(tmpMinPos, newWidth, bm[1], shellLength);
+ scrwX2pos = scrwX1pos + newWidth;
+ oneMount(bm, scrwX1pos, scrwX2pos);
+ }
+ } // mirror()
+ } // rotate
+ } // if yappRight
+ // (0) = posx | posy
+ // (1) = screwDiameter
+ // (2) = width
+ // (3) = Height
+ // (4..7) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+ if (isTrue(yappFront, bm, 4))
+ {
+ rotate([0,180,0])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,90])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,180])
+ {
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ {
+ translate([0,shellLength*-1, (bm[3]*-1)])
+ {
+ newWidth = maxWidth(bm[2], bm[1], shellWidth);
+ tmpPos = calcScrwPos(bm[0], newWidth, shellWidth, c);
+ tmpMinPos = minPos(tmpPos, bm[1]);
+ scrwX1pos = maxPos(tmpMinPos, newWidth, bm[1], shellWidth);
+ scrwX2pos = scrwX1pos + newWidth;
+ oneMount(bm, scrwX1pos, scrwX2pos);
+ }
+ } // mirror
+ } // rotate Z-ax
+ } // rotate Z-??
+ } // rotate-Y
+ } // if yappFront
+ // (0) = posx | posy
+ // (1) = screwDiameter
+ // (2) = width
+ // (3) = Height
+ // (4..7) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+ if (isTrue(yappBack, bm, 4))
+ {
+ //echo("printBaseMount: BACK!!");
+ rotate([0,180,0])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,90])
+ {
+ translate([0,0,(bm[3]*-1)])
+ {
+ newWidth = maxWidth(bm[2], bm[1], shellWidth);
+ tmpPos = calcScrwPos(bm[0], newWidth, shellWidth, c);
+ tmpMinPos = minPos(tmpPos, bm[1]);
+ scrwX1pos = maxPos(tmpMinPos, newWidth, bm[1], shellWidth);
+ scrwX2pos = scrwX1pos + newWidth;
+ oneMount(bm, scrwX1pos, scrwX2pos);
+ }
+ } // rotate Z-ax
+ } // rotate Y-ax
+ } // if yappFront
+ } // for ..
+ } // translate to [0,0,0]
+} // printBaseMounts()
+//-- snapJoins -- origen = box[x0,y0]
+// (0) = posx | posy
+// (1) = width
+// (2..5) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+// (n) = { yappSymmetric }
+module printBaseSnapJoins()
+ snapHeight = 2;
+ snapDiam = 1.2;
+ for (snj = snapJoins)
+ {
+ snapWidth = snj[1];
+ snapZposLR = (basePlaneThickness+baseWallHeight)-((snapHeight/2)-0.2);
+ snapZposBF = (basePlaneThickness+baseWallHeight)-((snapHeight/2)-0.2);
+ tmpYmin = (roundRadius*2)+(snapWidth/2);
+ tmpYmax = shellWidth - tmpYmin;
+ //-aaw- tmpY = lowestVal(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpYmin);
+ tmpY = max(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpYmin);
+ //-aaw- snapYpos = highestVal(tmpY, tmpYmax);
+ snapYpos = min(tmpY, tmpYmax);
+ tmpXmin = (roundRadius*2)+(snapWidth/2);
+ tmpXmax = shellLength - tmpXmin;
+ //-aaw- tmpX = lowestVal(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpXmin);
+ tmpX = max(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpXmin);
+ //-aaw- snapXpos = highestVal(tmpX, tmpXmax);
+ snapXpos = min(tmpX, tmpXmax);
+ if (isTrue(yappLeft, snj, 2))
+ {
+ translate([snapXpos-(snapWidth/2),
+ wallThickness/2,
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ //color("blue") cylinder(d=wallThickness, h=snapWidth);
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-(snapXpos+(snapWidth/2)),
+ wallThickness/2,
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth);
+ }
+ } // yappCenter
+ } // yappLeft
+ if (isTrue(yappRight, snj, 2))
+ {
+ translate([snapXpos-(snapWidth/2),
+ shellWidth-(wallThickness/2),
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ //color("blue") cylinder(d=wallThickness, h=snapWidth);
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-(snapXpos+(snapWidth/2)),
+ shellWidth-(wallThickness/2),
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ //color("blue") cylinder(d=wallThickness, h=snapWidth);
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ } // yappCenter
+ } // yappRight
+ if (isTrue(yappBack, snj, 2))
+ {
+ translate([(wallThickness/2),
+ snapYpos-(snapWidth/2),
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ rotate([270,0,0])
+ //color("blue") cylinder(d=wallThickness, h=snapWidth);
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([(wallThickness/2),
+ shellWidth-(snapYpos+(snapWidth/2)),
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ rotate([270,0,0])
+ //color("blue") cylinder(d=wallThickness, h=snapWidth);
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ } // yappCenter
+ } // yappBack
+ if (isTrue(yappFront, snj, 2))
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-(wallThickness/2),
+ snapYpos-(snapWidth/2),
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ rotate([270,0,0])
+ //color("blue") cylinder(d=wallThickness, h=snapWidth);
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-(wallThickness/2),
+ shellWidth-(snapYpos+(snapWidth/2)),
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ rotate([270,0,0])
+ //color("blue") cylinder(d=wallThickness, h=snapWidth);
+ color("blue") cylinder(d=snapDiam, h=snapWidth); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ } // yappCenter
+ } // yappFront
+ } // for snj ..
+} // printBaseSnapJoins()
+//-- snapJoins -- origen = box[x0,y0]
+// (0) = posx | posy
+// (1) = width
+// (2..5) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+// (n) = { yappSymmetric }
+module printLidSnapJoins()
+ for (snj = snapJoins)
+ {
+ snapWidth = snj[1]+1;
+ snapHeight = 2;
+ snapDiam = 1.4; // fixed
+ tmpYmin = (roundRadius*2)+(snapWidth/2);
+ tmpYmax = shellWidth - tmpYmin;
+ //-aaw- tmpY = lowestVal(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpYmin);
+ tmpY = max(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpYmin);
+ //-aaw- snapYpos = highestVal(tmpY, tmpYmax);
+ snapYpos = min(tmpY, tmpYmax);
+ tmpXmin = (roundRadius*2)+(snapWidth/2);
+ tmpXmax = shellLength - tmpXmin;
+ //-aaw- tmpX = lowestVal(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpXmin);
+ tmpX = max(snj[0]+(snapWidth/2), tmpXmin);
+ //-aaw- snapXpos = highestVal(tmpX, tmpXmax);
+ snapXpos = min(tmpX, tmpXmax);
+ snapZposLR = ((lidPlaneThickness+lidWallHeight)*-1)-(snapHeight/2)-0.5;
+ snapZposBF = ((lidPlaneThickness+lidWallHeight)*-1)-(snapHeight/2)-0.5;
+ if (isTrue(yappLeft, snj, 2))
+ {
+ translate([snapXpos-(snapWidth/2)-0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([snapWidth, 5, wallThickness]);
+ color("red") cube([snapWidth, wallThickness+1, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-(snapXpos+(snapWidth/2))+0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([snapWidth, 5, wallThickness]);
+ color("red") cube([snapWidth, wallThickness+1, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ } // yappSymmetric
+ } // yappLeft
+ if (isTrue(yappRight, snj, 2))
+ {
+ translate([snapXpos-(snapWidth/2)-0.5,
+ shellWidth-(wallThickness-0.5),
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([snapWidth, 5, wallThickness]);
+ color("red") cube([snapWidth, wallThickness+1, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-(snapXpos+(snapWidth/2)-0.5),
+ shellWidth-(wallThickness-0.5),
+ snapZposLR])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([snapWidth, 5, wallThickness]);
+ color("green") cube([snapWidth, wallThickness+1, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ } // yappSymmetric
+ } // yappRight
+ if (isTrue(yappBack, snj, 2))
+ {
+ //translate([(wallThickness/2)+2,
+ translate([-0.5,
+ snapYpos-(snapWidth/2)-0.5,
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([5, snapWidth, wallThickness]);
+ color("red") cube([wallThickness+1, snapWidth, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([-0.5,
+ shellWidth-(snapYpos+(snapWidth/2))+0.5,
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([5, snapWidth, wallThickness]);
+ color("red") cube([wallThickness+1, snapWidth, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ } // yappSymmetric
+ } // yappBack
+ if (isTrue(yappFront, snj, 2))
+ {
+ //translate([shellLength-(wallThickness/2)-1,
+ translate([shellLength-wallThickness+0.5,
+ snapYpos-(snapWidth/2)-0.5,
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([5, snapWidth, wallThickness]);
+ color("red") cube([wallThickness+1, snapWidth, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ if (isTrue(yappSymmetric, snj, 3))
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-(wallThickness-0.5),
+ shellWidth-(snapYpos+(snapWidth/2))+0.5,
+ snapZposBF])
+ {
+ //color("red") cube([5, snapWidth, wallThickness]);
+ color("red") cube([wallThickness+1, snapWidth, snapDiam]); // 13-02-2022
+ }
+ } // yappSymmetric
+ } // yappFront
+ } // for snj ..
+} // printLidSnapJoins()
+module minkowskiBox(shell, L, W, H, rad, plane, wall)
+ iRad = getMinRad(rad, wall);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ module minkowskiOuterBox(L, W, H, rad, plane, wall)
+ {
+ minkowski()
+ {
+ cube([L+(wall*2)-(rad*2),
+ W+(wall*2)-(rad*2),
+ (H*2)+(plane*2)-(rad*2)],
+ center=true);
+ sphere(rad);
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ module minkowskiInnerBox(L, W, H, iRad, plane, wall)
+ {
+ minkowski()
+ {
+ cube([L-((iRad*2)),
+ W-((iRad*2)),
+ (H*2)-((iRad*2))],
+ center=true);
+ sphere(iRad);
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ //echo("Box:", L=L, W=W, H=H, rad=rad, iRad=iRad, wall=wall, plane=plane);
+ //echo("Box:", L2=L-(rad*2), W2=W-(rad*2), H2=H-(rad*2), rad=rad, wall=wall);
+ difference()
+ {
+ minkowskiOuterBox(L, W, H, rad, plane, wall);
+ minkowskiInnerBox(L, W, H, iRad, plane, wall);
+ } // difference
+ if (shell=="base")
+ {
+ if (len(baseMounts) > 0)
+ {
+ difference()
+ {
+ printBaseMounts();
+ minkowskiInnerBox(L, W, H, iRad, plane, wall);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} // minkowskiBox()
+module printPCB(posX, posY, posZ)
+ difference() // (d0)
+ {
+ translate([posX, posY, posZ]) // (t1)
+ {
+ color("red")
+ cube([pcbLength, pcbWidth, pcbThickness]);
+ if (showMarkers)
+ {
+ markerHeight=basePlaneThickness+baseWallHeight+pcbThickness;
+ translate([0, 0, 0])
+ color("black")
+ %cylinder(
+ r = .5,
+ h = markerHeight,
+ center = true,
+ $fn = 20);
+ translate([0, pcbWidth, 0])
+ color("black")
+ %cylinder(
+ r = .5,
+ h = markerHeight,
+ center = true,
+ $fn = 20);
+ translate([pcbLength, pcbWidth, 0])
+ color("black")
+ %cylinder(
+ r = .5,
+ h = markerHeight,
+ center = true,
+ $fn = 20);
+ translate([pcbLength, 0, 0])
+ color("black")
+ %cylinder(
+ r = .5,
+ h = markerHeight,
+ center = true,
+ $fn = 20);
+ translate([((shellLength-(wallThickness*2))/2), 0, pcbThickness])
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ color("red")
+ %cylinder(
+ r = .5,
+ h = shellLength+(wallThickness*2),
+ center = true,
+ $fn = 20);
+ translate([((shellLength-(wallThickness*2))/2), pcbWidth, pcbThickness])
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ color("red")
+ %cylinder(
+ r = .5,
+ h = shellLength+(wallThickness*2),
+ center = true,
+ $fn = 20);
+ } // show_markers
+ } // translate(t1)
+ //--- show inspection X-as
+ if (inspectX > 0)
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-inspectX,-2,-2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+3, shellHeight+3]);
+ }
+ } else if (inspectX < 0)
+ {
+ translate([(shellLength*-1)+abs(inspectX),-2,-2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+3, shellHeight+3]);
+ }
+ }
+ //--- show inspection Y-as
+ if (inspectY > 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, inspectY-shellWidth, -2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (inspectY < 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, (shellWidth-abs(inspectY)), -2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ } // difference(d0)
+} // printPCB()
+// Place the standoffs and through-PCB pins in the base Box
+module pcbHolders()
+ //-- place pcb Standoff's
+ for ( stand = pcbStands )
+ {
+ //echo("pcbHolders:", pcbX=pcbX, pcbY=pcbY, pcbZ=pcbZ);
+ //-- [0]posx, [1]posy, [2]{yappBoth|yappLidOnly|yappBaseOnly}
+ //-- , [3]{yappHole, YappPin}
+ posx=pcbX+stand[0];
+ posy=pcbY+stand[1];
+ //echo("pcbHolders:", posx=posx, posy=posy);
+ if (stand[2] != yappLidOnly)
+ {
+ translate([posx, posy, basePlaneThickness])
+ pcbStandoff("green", standoffHeight, stand[3]);
+ }
+ }
+} // pcbHolders()
+module pcbPushdowns()
+ //-- place pcb Standoff-pushdown
+ for ( pushdown = pcbStands )
+ {
+ //echo("pcb_pushdowns:", pcbX=pcbX, pcbY=pcbY, pcbZ=pcbZ);
+ //-- [0]posx, [1]posy, [2]{yappBoth|yappLidOnly|yappBaseOnly}
+ //-- , [3]{yappHole|YappPin}
+ //
+ //-- stands in lid are alway's holes!
+ posx=pcbX+pushdown[0];
+ posy=(pcbY+pushdown[1]);
+ height=(baseWallHeight+lidWallHeight)
+ -(standoffHeight+pcbThickness);
+ //echo("pcb_pushdowns:", posx=posx, posy=posy);
+ if (pushdown[2] != yappBaseOnly)
+ {
+// translate([posx, posy, lidPlaneThickness])
+ translate([posx, posy, pcbZlid*-1])
+ pcbStandoff("yellow", height, yappHole);
+ }
+ }
+} // pcbPushdowns()
+module cutoutsInXY(type)
+ //function actZpos(T) = (T=="base") ? ((roundRadius-1)*-1)+2 : ((roundRadius+lidPlaneThickness)*-1)+2;
+ function actZpos(T) = (T=="base") ? -1 : ((roundRadius+lidPlaneThickness)*-1);
+ function planeThickness(T) = (T=="base") ? (basePlaneThickness+roundRadius+2)
+ : (lidPlaneThickness+roundRadius+2);
+ function setCutoutArray(T) = (T=="base") ? cutoutsBase : cutoutsLid;
+ zPos = actZpos(type);
+ thickness = planeThickness(type);
+ //-- [0]pcb_x, [1]pcb_y, [2]width, [3]length, [4]angle
+ //-- [5]{yappRectangle | yappCircle}
+ //-- [6] yappCenter
+ for ( cutOut = setCutoutArray(type) )
+ {
+ if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]!=yappCenter) // org pcb_x/y
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posy=pcbY+cutOut[1];
+ if (type=="base")
+ {
+ translate([posx, posy, zPos])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,cutOut[4]])
+ color("blue")
+ cube([cutOut[3], cutOut[2], thickness+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ translate([posx, posy, zPos])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,cutOut[4]])
+ color("blue")
+ cube([cutOut[3], cutOut[2], thickness+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]==yappCenter) // center around x/y
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+(cutOut[0]);//-(cutOut[3]/2));
+ posy=pcbY+(cutOut[1]);//-(cutOut[2]/2));
+ //if (type=="base")
+ // echo("XY-base:", posx=posx, posy=posy, zPos=zPos);
+ //else echo("XY-lid:", posx=posx, posy=posy, zPos=zPos);
+ translate([posx, posy, zPos])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,cutOut[4]])
+ color("red")
+ cube([cutOut[3], cutOut[2], thickness*2],center = true);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappCircle) // circle centered around x/y
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posy=pcbY+(cutOut[1]+cutOut[2]/2)-cutOut[2]/2;
+ translate([posx, posy, zPos])
+ color("green")
+ linear_extrude(thickness*2)
+ circle(d=cutOut[2], $fn=20);
+ }
+ } // for ..
+ //--- make screw holes for connectors
+ if (type=="base")
+ {
+ for(conn = connectors)
+ {
+ //-- screwHead Diameter = screwDiameter * 2.2
+ translate([conn[0], conn[1], (basePlaneThickness)*-1])
+ {
+ linear_extrude((basePlaneThickness*2)+1)
+ circle(
+ d = conn[2]*2.2,
+ $fn = 20);
+ }
+ if (conn[5]==yappAllCorners)
+ {
+ //echo("Alle corners hole!");
+ translate([shellLength-conn[0], conn[1], (basePlaneThickness-1)*-1])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(basePlaneThickness+3)
+ circle(
+ d = conn[2]*2.2,
+ $fn = 20);
+ }
+ translate([shellLength-conn[0], shellWidth-conn[1], (basePlaneThickness-1)*-1])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(basePlaneThickness+3)
+ circle(
+ d = conn[2]*2.2,
+ $fn = 20);
+ }
+ translate([conn[0], shellWidth-conn[1], (basePlaneThickness-1)*-1])
+ {
+ color("green")
+ linear_extrude(basePlaneThickness+3)
+ circle(
+ d = conn[2]*2.2,
+ $fn = 20);
+ }
+ }
+ } // for ..
+ } // if lid
+} // cutoutsInXY(type)
+module cutoutsInXZ(type)
+ function actZpos(T) = (T=="base") ? pcbZ : pcbZlid*-1;
+ //-- place cutOuts in left plane
+ //-- [0]pcb_x, [1]pcb_z, [2]width, [3]height, [4]angle
+ //-- [5]{yappRectangle | yappCircle},
+ //-- [6]yappCenter
+ //
+ // [0]pos_x->|
+ // |
+ // F | +-----------+ ^
+ // R | | | |
+ // O | |<[2]length>| [3]height
+ // N | +-----------+ v
+ // T | ^
+ // | | [1]z_pos
+ // | v
+ // +----------------------------- pcb(0,0)
+ //
+ for ( cutOut = cutoutsLeft )
+ {
+ //echo("XZ (Left):", cutOut);
+ if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]!=yappCenter)
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1];
+ t=(baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight);
+ newH=newHeight(type, cutOut[3], z, t);
+ translate([posx, -1, posz])
+ color("red")
+ rotate([0,cutOut[4],0])
+ cube([cutOut[2], wallThickness+roundRadius+2, newH]);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]==yappCenter)
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1]-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ t=(baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight)-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ newH=newHeight(type, (cutOut[3]/2), z, t)+(cutOut[3]/2);
+ translate([posx, (wallThickness-1), posz])
+ color("blue")
+ rotate([0,cutOut[4],0])
+ cube([cutOut[2], wallThickness+roundRadius+2, newH], center=true);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappCircle)
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ //echo("circle Left:", posx=posx, posz=posz);
+ translate([posx, (roundRadius+wallThickness+2), posz])
+ rotate([90,0,0])
+ color("green")
+ cylinder(h=wallThickness+roundRadius+3, d=cutOut[2], $fn=20);
+ }
+ } // for cutOut's ..
+ //-- [0]pcb_x, [1]pcb_z, [2]width, [3]height, [4]angle
+ //-- {yappRectangle | yappCircle}, yappCenter
+ for ( cutOut = cutoutsRight )
+ {
+ //echo("XZ (Right):", cutOut);
+ if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]!=yappCenter)
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1];
+ t=(baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight);
+ newH=newHeight(type, cutOut[3], z, t);
+ translate([posx, shellWidth-(wallThickness+roundRadius+1), posz])
+ color("red")
+ rotate([0,cutOut[4],0])
+ cube([cutOut[2], wallThickness+roundRadius+2, newH]);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]==yappCenter)
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1]-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ t=(baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight)-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ newH=newHeight(type, (cutOut[3]/2), z, t)+(cutOut[3]/2);
+ translate([posx, (shellWidth-2), posz])
+ color("blue")
+ rotate([0,cutOut[4],0])
+ cube([cutOut[2], wallThickness+roundRadius+2, newH], center=true);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappCircle)
+ {
+ posx=pcbX+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ //echo("circle Right:", posx=posx, posz=posz);
+ translate([posx, shellWidth+2, posz])
+ rotate([90,0,0])
+ color("green")
+ cylinder(h=wallThickness+roundRadius+3, d=cutOut[2], $fn=20);
+ }
+ } // for ...
+} // cutoutsInXZ()
+module cutoutsInYZ(type)
+ function actZpos(T) = (T=="base") ? pcbZ : (pcbZlid)*-1;
+ for ( cutOut = cutoutsFront )
+ {
+ // (0) = posy
+ // (1) = posz
+ // (2) = width
+ // (3) = height
+ // (4) = angle
+ // (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+ // (6) = { yappCenter }
+ //echo("YZ (Front):", plane=type, cutOut);
+ if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]!=yappCenter)
+ {
+ posy=pcbY+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1];
+ t=baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight;
+ newH=newHeight(type, cutOut[3], z, t);
+ translate([shellLength-wallThickness-roundRadius-1, posy, posz])
+ rotate([cutOut[4],0,0])
+ color("blue")
+ cube([wallThickness+roundRadius+2, cutOut[2], newH]);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]==yappCenter)
+ {
+ posy=pcbY+cutOut[0];
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1];
+ t=(baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight)-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ newH=newHeight(type, cutOut[3]/2, z, t)+(cutOut[3]/2);
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1]-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ translate([shellLength-(wallThickness+1), posy, posz])
+ color("red")
+ cube([wallThickness+roundRadius+wallThickness+2, cutOut[2], newH], center=true);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappCircle)
+ {
+ posy=pcbY+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ translate([shellLength-(roundRadius+wallThickness+1), posy, posz])
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ color("green")
+ cylinder(h=wallThickness+roundRadius+2, d=cutOut[2], $fn=20);
+ }
+ } // for cutOut's ..
+ //-- [0]pcb_x, [1]pcb_z, [2]width, [3]height, [4]angle
+ //-- {yappRectangle | yappCircle}, yappCenter
+ for ( cutOut = cutoutsBack )
+ {
+ //echo("YZ (Back):", cutOut);
+ if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]!=yappCenter)
+ {
+ posy=pcbY+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1];
+ t=baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight;
+ newH=newHeight(type, cutOut[3], z, t);
+ translate([-1 , posy, posz])
+ rotate([cutOut[4],0,0])
+ color("blue")
+ cube([wallThickness+roundRadius+2, cutOut[2], newH]);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappRectangle && cutOut[6]==yappCenter)
+ {
+ posy=pcbY+cutOut[0]-(cutOut[2]/2);
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1]-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ z=standoffHeight+pcbThickness+cutOut[1]-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ t=(baseWallHeight-ridgeHeight)-(cutOut[3]/2);
+ newH=newHeight(type, (cutOut[3]/2), z, t)+(cutOut[3]/2);
+ translate([-1, posy, posz])
+ color("orange")
+ cube([wallThickness+roundRadius+2, cutOut[2], newH]);
+ }
+ else if (cutOut[5]==yappCircle)
+ {
+ posy=pcbY+cutOut[0];
+ posz=actZpos(type)+cutOut[1];
+ //echo("circle Back:", posy=posy, posz=posz);
+ translate([-1, posy, posz])
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ color("green")
+ cylinder(h=wallThickness+3, d=cutOut[2], $fn=20);
+ }
+ } // for ..
+} // cutoutsInYZ()
+module subtractLabels(plane, side)
+ for ( label = labelsPlane )
+ {
+ // [0]x_pos, [1]y_pos, [2]orientation, [3]plane, [4]font, [5]size, [6]"text"
+ if (plane=="base" && side=="base" && label[3]=="base")
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-label[0], label[1], -baseLabelDepth])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,label[2]])
+ {
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ linear_extrude(lidPlaneThickness)
+ {
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // mirror..
+ } // rotate
+ } // extrude
+ } // translate
+ } // if base/base
+ if (plane=="base" && side=="front" && label[3]=="front")
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-frontLabelDepth, label[0], label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,0,90+label[2]])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if base/front
+ if (plane=="base" && side=="back" && label[3]=="back")
+ {
+ translate([-backLabelDepth, shellWidth-label[0], label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,0,90+label[2]])
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if base/back
+ if (plane=="base" && side=="left" && label[3]=="left")
+ {
+ translate([label[0], leftLabelDepth, label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,label[2],0])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if..base/left
+ if (plane=="base" && side=="right" && label[3]=="right")
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-label[0], shellWidth+rightLabelDepth, label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,label[2],0])
+ {
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if..base/right
+ if (plane=="lid" && side=="lid" && label[3]=="lid")
+ {
+ translate([label[0], label[1], -lidLabelDepth])
+ {
+ rotate([0,0,label[2]])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(lidPlaneThickness)
+ {
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // mirror..
+ } // rotate
+ } // extrude
+ } // translate
+ } // if lid/lid
+ if (plane=="lid" && side=="front" && label[3]=="front")
+ {
+ //translate([shellLength+label[0], (shellHeight*-1)-label[1], 10+(lidPlaneThickness*-0.5)])
+ translate([shellLength-frontLabelDepth, label[0], (shellHeight*-1)+label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,0,90+label[2]])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if lid/front
+ if (plane=="lid" && side=="back" && label[3]=="back")
+ {
+ translate([backLabelDepth, shellWidth-label[0], (shellHeight*-1)+label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,0,90+label[2]])
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if lid/back
+ if (plane=="lid" && side=="left" && label[3]=="left")
+ {
+ translate([label[0], leftLabelDepth, (shellHeight*-1)+label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,label[2],0])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if..lid/left
+ if (plane=="lid" && side=="right" && label[3]=="right")
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-label[0], shellWidth+rightLabelDepth, (shellHeight*-1)+label[1]])
+ //translate([label[0], wallThickness*0.5, (shellHeight*-1)+label[1]])
+ {
+ rotate([90,label[2],0])
+ {
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ linear_extrude(wallThickness)
+ {
+ text(label[6]
+ , font=label[4]
+ , size=label[5]
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // extrude
+ } // rotate
+ } // translate
+ } // if..lid/right
+ } // for labels...
+} // subtractLabels()
+module baseShell()
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ module subtrbaseRidge(L, W, H, posZ, rad)
+ {
+ wall = (wallThickness/2)+(ridgeSlack/2); // 26-02-2022
+ oRad = rad;
+ iRad = getMinRad(oRad, wall);
+ difference()
+ {
+ translate([0,0,posZ])
+ {
+ //color("blue")
+ //-- outside of ridge
+ linear_extrude(H+1)
+ {
+ minkowski()
+ {
+ square([(L+wallThickness+1)-(oRad*2), (W+wallThickness+1)-(oRad*2)]
+ , center=true);
+ circle(rad);
+ }
+ } // extrude
+ }
+ //-- hollow inside
+ translate([0, 0, posZ])
+ {
+ linear_extrude(H+1)
+ {
+ minkowski()
+ {
+ //square([(L)-((iRad*2)), (W)-((iRad*2))], center=true);
+ square([(L)-((iRad*2)), (W-ridgeSlack)-((iRad*2))], center=true); // 13-02-2022
+ circle(iRad);
+ }
+ } // linear_extrude..
+ } // translate()
+ } // diff
+ } // subtrbaseRidge()
+ posZ00 = (baseWallHeight) + basePlaneThickness;
+ //echo("base:", posZ00=posZ00);
+ translate([(shellLength/2), shellWidth/2, posZ00])
+ {
+ difference() //(b)
+ {
+ minkowskiBox("base", shellInsideLength, shellInsideWidth, baseWallHeight,
+ roundRadius, basePlaneThickness, wallThickness);
+ if (hideBaseWalls)
+ {
+ //--- wall's
+ translate([-1,-1,shellHeight/2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+3, shellWidth+3,
+ shellHeight+((baseWallHeight*2)-(basePlaneThickness+roundRadius))],
+ center=true);
+ } // translate
+ }
+ else //-- normal
+ {
+ //--- only cutoff upper half
+ translate([-1,-1,shellHeight/2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+3, shellWidth+3, shellHeight], center=true);
+ } // translate
+ //-- build ridge
+ subtrbaseRidge(shellInsideLength+wallThickness,
+ shellInsideWidth+wallThickness,
+ ridgeHeight,
+ (ridgeHeight*-1), roundRadius);
+ }
+ } // difference(b)
+ } // translate
+ pcbHolders();
+ if (ridgeHeight < 3) echo("ridgeHeight < 3mm: no SnapJoins possible");
+ else printBaseSnapJoins();
+ shellConnectors("base");
+} // baseShell()
+module lidShell()
+ function newRidge(p1) = (p1>0.5) ? p1-0.5 : p1;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ module addlidRidge(L, W, H, rad)
+ {
+ wall = (wallThickness/2);
+ oRad = rad;
+ iRad = getMinRad(oRad, wall);
+ //echo("Ridge:", L=L, W=W, H=H, rad=rad, wallThickness=wallThickness);
+ //echo("Ridge:", L2=L-(rad*2), W2=W-(rad*2), H2=H, oRad=oRad, iRad=iRad);
+ translate([0,0,(H-0.005)*-1])
+ {
+ difference() // (b)
+ {
+ //translate([0,0,posZ])
+ {
+ //color("blue")
+ //-- outside of ridge
+ linear_extrude(H+1)
+ {
+ minkowski()
+ {
+ square([(L+wallThickness)-(oRad*2), (W+wallThickness)-(oRad*2)]
+ , center=true);
+ circle(rad);
+ }
+ } // extrude
+ }
+ //-- hollow inside
+ translate([0, 0, -0.5])
+ {
+ //color("green")
+ linear_extrude(H+2)
+ {
+ minkowski()
+ {
+ square([L-((iRad*2)), W-((iRad*2))+(ridgeSlack/2)], center=true); // 26-02-2022
+ circle(iRad);
+ }
+ } // linear_extrude..
+ } // translate()
+ } // difference(b)
+ } // translate(0)
+ } // addlidRidge()
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ posZ00 = lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness;
+ //echo("lid:", posZ00=posZ00);
+ translate([(shellLength/2), shellWidth/2, posZ00*-1])
+ {
+ difference() // d1
+ {
+ minkowskiBox("lid", shellInsideLength,shellInsideWidth, lidWallHeight,
+ roundRadius, lidPlaneThickness, wallThickness);
+ if (hideLidWalls)
+ {
+ //--- cutoff wall
+ translate([((shellLength/2)+2)*-1,(shellWidth/2)*-1,shellHeight*-1])
+ {
+ color("black")
+ cube([(shellLength+4)*1, (shellWidth+4)*1,
+ shellHeight+(lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness-roundRadius)],
+ center=false);
+ } // translate
+ }
+ else //-- normal
+ {
+ //--- cutoff lower halve
+ translate([((shellLength/2)+2)*-1,((shellWidth/2)+2)*-1,shellHeight*-1])
+ {
+ color("black")
+ cube([(shellLength+3)*1, (shellWidth+3)*1, shellHeight], center=false);
+ } // translate
+ } // if normal
+ } // difference(d1)
+ if (!hideLidWalls)
+ {
+ //-- add ridge
+ addlidRidge(shellInsideLength+wallThickness,
+ shellInsideWidth+wallThickness,
+ newRidge(ridgeHeight),
+ roundRadius);
+ }
+ } // translate
+ pcbPushdowns();
+ shellConnectors("lid");
+} // lidShell()
+module pcbStandoff(color, height, type)
+ module standoff(color)
+ {
+ color(color,1.0)
+ cylinder(
+ //r = standoffDiameter / 2,
+ d = standoffDiameter,
+ h = height,
+ center = false,
+ $fn = 20);
+ } // standoff()
+ module standPin(color)
+ {
+ color(color, 1.0)
+ cylinder(
+ d = pinDiameter,
+ h = pcbThickness+standoffHeight+pinDiameter,
+ center = false,
+ $fn = 20);
+ } // standPin()
+ module standHole(color)
+ {
+ color(color, 1.0)
+ cylinder(
+ d = pinDiameter+.2+pinHoleSlack,
+ h = (pcbThickness*2)+height+0.02,
+ center = false,
+ $fn = 20);
+ } // standhole()
+ if (type == yappPin) // pin
+ {
+ standoff(color);
+ standPin(color);
+ }
+ else // hole
+ {
+ difference()
+ {
+ standoff(color);
+ standHole(color);
+ }
+ }
+} // pcbStandoff()
+//-- d1 = screw Diameter
+//-- d2 = insert Diameter
+//-- d3 = outside diameter
+module connector(plane, x, y, d1, d2, d3)
+ if (plane=="base")
+ {
+ translate([x, y, 0])
+ {
+ hb=baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness;
+ difference()
+ {
+ {
+ //-- outerCylinder --
+ linear_extrude(hb)
+ circle(
+ d = d3,
+ $fn = 20);
+ }
+ //-- screw head Hole --
+ linear_extrude(hb-(d1*1))
+ circle(
+ d = d1*2.2,
+ $fn = 20);
+ //-- screwHole --
+ linear_extrude(hb+d1)
+ circle(
+ d = d1*1.2,
+ $fn = 20);
+ } // difference
+ } // translate
+ } // if base
+ if (plane=="lid")
+ {
+ translate([x, y, (lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness)*-1])
+ {
+ ht=(lidWallHeight);
+ difference()
+ {
+ //-- outside Diameter --
+ {
+ linear_extrude(ht)
+ circle(
+ d = d3,
+ $fn = 20);
+ }
+ //-- insert --
+ linear_extrude(ht)
+ circle(
+ d = d2,
+ $fn = 20);
+ } // difference
+ } // translate
+ } // if lid
+} // connector()
+module shellConnectors(plane)
+ for ( conn = connectors )
+ {
+ //-- [0] x-pos
+ //-- [1] y-pos
+ //-- [2] screwDiameter
+ //-- [3] insertDiameter,
+ //-- [4] outsideDiameter
+ outD = minOutside(conn[4], conn[3]);
+ //echo("minOut:", rcvrD=conn[4], outD=outD);
+ if (plane=="base")
+ {
+ //echo("baseConnector:", conn, outD=outD);
+ //--connector(plane, x, y, scrwD, rcvrD, outD) --
+ connector(plane, conn[0], conn[1], conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ if (conn[5]==yappAllCorners)
+ {
+ //echo("allCorners:");
+ connector(plane, shellLength-conn[0], conn[1],
+ conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ connector(plane, shellLength-conn[0], shellWidth-conn[1],
+ conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ connector(plane, conn[0], shellWidth-conn[1],
+ conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ }
+ }
+ if (plane=="lid")
+ {
+ //echo("lidConnector:", conn);
+ //--connector(lid x, y, scrwD, rcvrD, outD)
+ connector(plane, conn[0], conn[1], conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ if (conn[5]==yappAllCorners)
+ {
+ //echo("allCorners:");
+ connector(plane, shellLength-conn[0], conn[1], conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ connector(plane, shellLength-conn[0], shellWidth-conn[1], conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ connector(plane, conn[0], shellWidth-conn[1], conn[2], conn[3], outD);
+ }
+ }
+ } // for ..
+} // shellConnectors()
+module cutoutSquare(color, w, h)
+ color(color, 1)
+ cube([wallThickness+2, w, h]);
+} // cutoutSquare()
+module showOrientation()
+ translate([-15, 40, 0])
+ %rotate(270)
+ color("gray")
+ linear_extrude(1)
+ text("BACK"
+ , font="Liberation Mono:style=bold"
+ , size=8
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ translate([shellLength+15, 10, 0])
+ %rotate(90)
+ color("gray")
+ linear_extrude(1)
+ text("FRONT"
+ , font="Liberation Mono:style=bold"
+ , size=8
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ %translate([15, (15+shiftLid)*-1, 0])
+ color("gray")
+ linear_extrude(1)
+ text("LEFT"
+ , font="Liberation Mono:style=bold"
+ , size=8
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ if (!showSideBySide)
+ {
+ %translate([45, (15+shellWidth), 0])
+ rotate([0,0,180])
+ color("gray")
+ linear_extrude(1)
+ text("RIGHT"
+ , font="Liberation Mono:style=bold"
+ , size=8
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ }
+} // showOrientation()
+//========= MAIN CALL's ===========================================================
+module lidHookInside()
+ //echo("lidHookInside(original) ..");
+} // lidHookInside(dummy)
+module lidHookOutside()
+ //echo("lidHookOutside(original) ..");
+} // lidHookOutside(dummy)
+module baseHookInside()
+ //echo("baseHookInside(original) ..");
+} // baseHookInside(dummy)
+module baseHookOutside()
+ //echo("baseHookOutside(original) ..");
+} // baseHookOutside(dummy)
+module YAPPgenerate()
+ echo("YAPP==========================================");
+ echo("YAPP:", wallThickness=wallThickness);
+ echo("YAPP:", roundRadius=roundRadius);
+ echo("YAPP:", shellLength=shellLength);
+ echo("YAPP:", shellInsideLength=shellInsideLength);
+ echo("YAPP:", shellWidth=shellWidth);
+ echo("YAPP:", shellInsideWidth=shellInsideWidth);
+ echo("YAPP:", shellHeight=shellHeight);
+ echo("YAPP:", shellInsideHeight=shellInsideHeight);
+ echo("YAPP==========================================");
+ echo("YAPP:", pcbX=pcbX);
+ echo("YAPP:", pcbY=pcbY);
+ echo("YAPP:", pcbZ=pcbZ);
+ echo("YAPP:", pcbZlid=pcbZlid);
+ echo("YAPP==========================================");
+ echo("YAPP:", roundRadius=roundRadius);
+ echo("YAPP:", shiftLid=shiftLid);
+ echo("YAPP:", onLidGap=onLidGap);
+ echo("YAPP==========================================");
+ echo("YAPP:", Version=Version);
+ echo("YAPP: copyright by Willem Aandewiel");
+ echo("YAPP==========================================");
+ $fn=25;
+ if (showMarkers)
+ {
+ //-- box[0,0] marker --
+ translate([0, 0, 8])
+ color("blue")
+ %cylinder(
+ r = .5,
+ h = 20,
+ center = true,
+ $fn = 20);
+ } // showMarkers
+ if (printBaseShell)
+ {
+ if (showPCB) %printPCB(pcbX, pcbY, basePlaneThickness+standoffHeight);
+ baseHookOutside();
+ difference() // (a)
+ {
+ baseShell();
+ cutoutsInXY("base");
+ cutoutsInXZ("base");
+ cutoutsInYZ("base");
+ color("blue") subtractLabels("base", "base");
+ color("blue") subtractLabels("base", "front");
+ color("blue") subtractLabels("base", "back");
+ color("blue") subtractLabels("base", "left");
+ color("blue") subtractLabels("base", "right");
+ //--- show inspection X-as
+ if (inspectX > 0)
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-inspectX,-2,-2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+10, shellHeight+3]);
+ }
+ } else if (inspectX < 0)
+ {
+ translate([(shellLength*-1)+abs(inspectX),-2-10,-2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+20, shellHeight+3]);
+ }
+ }
+ //--- show inspection Y-as
+ if (inspectY > 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, inspectY-shellWidth, -2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (inspectY < 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, (shellWidth-abs(inspectY)), -2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ } // difference(a)
+ baseHookInside();
+ showOrientation();
+ } // if printBaseShell ..
+ if (printLidShell)
+ {
+ if (showSideBySide)
+ {
+ //-- lid side-by-side
+ mirror([0,0,1])
+ {
+ mirror([0,1,0])
+ {
+ //posZ00=(lidWallHeight/2) + lidPlaneThickness;
+ //posZ00=0;
+ translate([0, (5 + shellWidth+(shiftLid/2))*-2, 0])
+ {
+ lidHookInside();
+ difference() // (t1)
+ {
+ lidShell();
+ cutoutsInXY("lid");
+ cutoutsInXZ("lid");
+ cutoutsInYZ("lid");
+ if (ridgeHeight < 3) echo("ridgeHeight < 3mm: no SnapJoins possible");
+ else printLidSnapJoins();
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "lid");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "front");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "back");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "left");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "right");
+ //--- show inspection X-as
+ if (inspectX > 0)
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-inspectX,-2,
+ (lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness+ridgeHeight+2)*-1])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+3,
+ shellHeight+ridgeHeight+lidPlaneThickness+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (inspectX < 0)
+ {
+ translate([(shellLength*-1)+abs(inspectX),-2,
+ (lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness+ridgeHeight+2)*-1])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+3,
+ shellHeight+ridgeHeight+lidPlaneThickness+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ //--- show inspection Y-as
+ if (inspectY > 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, inspectY-shellWidth,
+ (lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness+ridgeHeight+2)*-1])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth,
+ lidWallHeight+ridgeHeight+lidPlaneThickness+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (inspectY < 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, (shellWidth-abs(inspectY)), -2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ } // difference(t1)
+ lidHookOutside();
+ translate([shellLength-15, -15, 0])
+ linear_extrude(1)
+ mirror([1,0,0])
+ %text("LEFT"
+ , font="Liberation Mono:style=bold"
+ , size=8
+ , direction="ltr"
+ , halign="left"
+ , valign="bottom");
+ } // translate
+ } // mirror
+ } // mirror
+ }
+ else // lid on base
+ {
+ translate([0, 0, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness+
+ lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness+onLidGap)])
+ {
+ lidHookOutside();
+ difference() // (t2)
+ {
+ lidShell();
+ cutoutsInXY("lid");
+ cutoutsInXZ("lid");
+ cutoutsInYZ("lid");
+ if (ridgeHeight < 3) echo("ridgeHeight < 3mm: no SnapJoins possible");
+ else printLidSnapJoins();
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "lid");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "front");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "back");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "left");
+ color("red") subtractLabels("lid", "right");
+ //--- show inspection X-as
+ if (inspectX > 0)
+ {
+ translate([shellLength-inspectX, -2,
+ (shellHeight+lidPlaneThickness+ridgeHeight+4)*-1])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+3,
+ (((shellHeight+lidPlaneThickness+ridgeHeight)*2)+onLidGap)]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (inspectX < 0)
+ {
+ translate([(shellLength*-1)+abs(inspectX), -2,
+ (shellHeight)*-1])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength, shellWidth+3,
+ (shellHeight+onLidGap)]);
+ }
+ }
+ //--- show inspection Y-as
+ if (inspectY > 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, inspectY-shellWidth,
+ (lidWallHeight+ridgeHeight+lidPlaneThickness+2)*-1])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth,
+ (lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness+ridgeHeight+4)]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (inspectY < 0)
+ {
+ translate([-1, (shellWidth-abs(inspectY)), -2])
+ {
+ cube([shellLength+2, shellWidth, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness)+4]);
+ }
+ }
+ } // difference(t2)
+ lidHookInside();
+ } // translate ..
+ } // lid on top off Base
+ } // printLidShell()
+} // YAPPgenerate()
+//-- only for testing the library --- YAPPgenerate();
+if (showMarkers)
+ translate([shellLength/2, shellWidth/2,-1])
+ color("blue") %cube([1,shellWidth+20,1], true);
+ translate([shellLength/2, shellWidth/2,-1])
+ color("blue") %cube([shellLength+20,1,1], true);
+* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+* persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
+* following conditions:
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/box/box.scad b/box/box.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585668e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/box/box.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+module RoundBox(length, width, height, radius)
+ translate([0, radius, radius])
+ {
+ minkowski()
+ {
+ cube([length / 2, width - 2 * radius, height - 2 * radius]);
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ cylinder(r=radius, h=length / 2, center=false);
+ }
+ }
+IN = 25.4;
+origin_x = 3.85 * IN;
+origin_y = 4.85 * IN;
+include <YAPPgenerator_v14.scad>
+// Overrides
+//-- which half do you want to print?
+printBaseShell = true;
+printLidShell = true;
+//-- Edit these parameters for your own board dimensions
+wallThickness = 1.6;
+basePlaneThickness = 1.6;
+lidPlaneThickness = 1.6;
+//-- Label depths
+baseLabelDepth = 0.4;
+lidLabelDepth = 0.4;
+leftLabelDepth = 0.4;
+rightLabelDepth = 0.4;
+frontLabelDepth = 0.4;
+backLabelDepth = 0.4;
+//-- Total height of box = basePlaneThickness + lidPlaneThickness
+//-- + baseWallHeight + lidWallHeight
+//-- space between pcb and lidPlane :=
+//-- (bottonWallHeight+lidWallHeight) - (standoffHeight+pcbThickness)
+baseWallHeight = 8;
+lidWallHeight = 14.4;
+//-- ridge where base and lid off box can overlap
+//-- Make sure this isn't less than lidWallHeight
+ridgeHeight = 3.0;
+ridgeSlack = 0.2;
+roundRadius = 3.0;
+//-- pcb dimensions
+pcbLength = 2.4 * IN;
+pcbWidth = 1.8 * IN;
+pcbThickness = 1.6;
+//-- How much the PCB needs to be raised from the base
+//-- to leave room for solderings and whatnot
+standoffHeight = 3.4;
+pinDiameter = 2.7;
+standoffDiameter = 6;
+//-- padding between pcb and inside wall
+paddingFront = 0.1;
+paddingBack = 0.1;
+paddingRight = 0.1;
+paddingLeft = 0.1;
+//-- pcb_standoffs -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy
+// (2) = { yappBoth | yappLidOnly | yappBaseOnly }
+// (3) = { yappHole, YappPin }
+pcbStands = [
+ [ 4 * IN - origin_x, -4.7 * IN + origin_y, yappBoth, yappPin ],
+ [ 4 * IN - origin_x, -3.2 * IN + origin_y, yappBoth, yappPin ],
+ [ 6.1 * IN - origin_x, -3.2 * IN + origin_y, yappBoth, yappPin ],
+ [ 6.1 * IN - origin_x, -4.7 * IN + origin_y, yappBoth, yappPin ]
+//-- Lid plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = length
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsLid = [
+ [4.8 * IN - origin_x + 1.27, -4.5 * IN + origin_y, 5, 5, 0, yappCircle]
+//-- front plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posy
+// (1) = posz
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = height
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsFront = [
+ [-3.67 * IN + origin_y - 9/2, 0, 9, 3.3, 0, yappRectangle]
+//-- back plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
+// (0) = posy
+// (1) = posz
+// (2) = width
+// (3) = height
+// (4) = angle
+// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
+// (6) = { yappCenter }
+cutoutsBack = [
+ [21.96, 0, 15.6, 12.7, 0, yappRectangle],
+ [9.3, 0, 9, 11, 0, yappRectangle]
+//-- snap Joins -- origen = box[x0,y0]
+// (0) = posx | posy
+// (1) = width
+// (2..5) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
+// (n) = { yappSymmetric }
+snapJoins = [
+ [2, 5, yappLeft, yappRight, yappSymmetric]
+//-- origin of labels is box [0,0,0]
+// (0) = posx
+// (1) = posy/z
+// (2) = orientation
+// (3) = plane {lid | base | left | right | front | back }
+// (4) = font
+// (5) = size
+// (6) = "label text"
+labelsPlane = [
+ [12, 35, 0, "lid", "Liberation Mono:style=bold", 4, "Square Dishy"],
+ [15, 30, 0, "lid", "Liberation Mono:style=bold", 4, "150W PoE++" ],
+ [15, 25, 0, "lid", "Liberation Mono:style=bold", 4, "50V DC" ],
+// Reference board model
+translate([pcbX - origin_x, pcbY + origin_y, pcbZ - pcbThickness / 2])
+ %import("poe.stl");
+//showSideBySide = false;
+onLidGap = 0;
+module lid_diagrams() {
+ translate([15, 18, -lidLabelDepth])
+ linear_extrude(basePlaneThickness)
+ scale([0.15, 0.15, 1])
+ import("Polarity_marking_center_positive.svg");
+ translate([shellLength - frontLabelDepth, 23.5, -12])
+ rotate([90, 0, 90])
+ linear_extrude(basePlaneThickness)
+ scale([0.075, 0.075, 1])
+ import("plug.svg");
+difference() {
+ YAPPgenerate();
+ if (printLidShell) {
+ if (showSideBySide) {
+ mirror([0,0,1])
+ mirror([0,1,0])
+ translate([0, (5 + shellWidth+(shiftLid/2))*-2, 0])
+ lid_diagrams();
+ } else {
+ translate([0, 0, (baseWallHeight+basePlaneThickness+
+ lidWallHeight+lidPlaneThickness+onLidGap)])
+ lid_diagrams();
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/box/plug.svg b/box/plug.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c81e979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/box/plug.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
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diff --git a/box/poe.wrl b/box/poe.wrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aa7455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/box/poe.wrl
@@ -0,0 +1,66700 @@
+#VRML V2.0 utf8
+DEF TXFM_1 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 2.54 2.54 2.54
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_2 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 48.5 -43.5 0.31496063
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_3 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_4 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_1 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.271
+ diffuseColor 0.824 0.81999999 0.78100002
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.69999999
+ specularColor 0.32800001 0.25799999 0.17200001
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_1 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,-0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ -0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,-0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,-0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ -0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,-0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.31499999 0.155 0.004,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,-0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0,-0.31499999 0.155 0.004,
+ -0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,-0.31499999 0.148 0,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0,-0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 0.155 0.311,-0.31499999 0.155 0.311,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.153 0.312,
+ -0.31499999 0.153 0.312,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,-0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,
+ -0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,-0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.31499999 -0.148 0,-0.31499999 -0.148 0,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_5 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_2 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_6 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_3 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_3 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_3 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,-0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,-0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,-0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ -0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,-0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,-0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,
+ -0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,-0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,-0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,-0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,-0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,-0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.148 0,-0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.148 0,-0.19699999 -0.148 0,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,-0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,-0.31499999 -0.148 0,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 -0.148 0,-0.31499999 -0.148 0] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_3 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.91122323 -0.41191289,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.91973477 -0.39254039,0 -0.91122323 -0.41191289,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.91860959 -0.39516632,0 -0.91973477 -0.39254039,
+ 0 -0.91927684 -0.39361161,0 -0.91860959 -0.39516632,
+ 0 -0.91122323 -0.41191289,0 -0.91973478 -0.39254037,
+ 0 -0.94868358 -0.31622691,0 -0.91927684 -0.39361161,
+ 0 -0.9486836 -0.31622686,0 -0.94868358 -0.31622691,
+ 0 -0.91860959 -0.39516632,0 -0.91927684 -0.39361161,
+ 0 -0.56766283 -0.82326114,0 -0.44721252 -0.89442773,
+ 0 -0.56874576 -0.82251338,0 -0.56766283 -0.82326114,
+ 0 -0.44721252 -0.89442773,0 -0.44721252 -0.89442773,
+ 0 -0.49862285 -0.86681904,0 -0.56874576 -0.82251338,
+ 0 -0.49924835 -0.86645894,0 -0.49862285 -0.86681904,
+ 0 -0.56766283 -0.82326114,0 -0.56874576 -0.82251338,
+ 0 -0.15662614 -0.98765796,0 -0.49924835 -0.86645894,
+ 0 -0.15776643 -0.98747646,0 -0.15662614 -0.98765796,
+ 0 -0.49862282 -0.86681906,0 -0.49924835 -0.86645894,
+ 0 0 -1,0 -0.15776643 -0.98747646,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 -0.15662612 -0.98765797,0 -0.15776643 -0.98747646] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_7 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_4 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_4 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_4 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,-0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,
+ -0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,-0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,-0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,-0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,
+ -0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,-0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,
+ -0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,-0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,
+ -0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,-0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,-0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_4 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -0.98248924 0.18631931,
+ 0 -0.96732338 0.25354582,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.98248924 0.18631931,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.96732338 0.25354582,0 -0.92644562 0.37642864,
+ 0 -0.93516008 0.35422538,0 -0.98248924 0.18631931,
+ 0 -0.92644562 0.37642864,0 -0.96732338 0.25354582,
+ 0 -0.93516008 0.35422538,0 -0.94868331 0.31622773,
+ 0 -0.9486833 0.31622776,0 -0.92644562 0.37642864,
+ 0 -0.94868331 0.31622773,0 -0.93516008 0.35422538,
+ 0 -0.44721145 0.89442826,0 -0.70197514 0.71220145,
+ 0 -0.61887244 0.7854915,0 -0.44721152 0.89442823,
+ 0 -0.70197514 0.71220145,0 -0.44721145 0.89442826,
+ 0 -0.61887244 0.7854915,0 -0.61659693 0.787279,
+ 0 -0.50353983 0.86397201,0 -0.70197514 0.71220145,
+ 0 -0.61659693 0.787279,0 -0.61887244 0.7854915,
+ 0 -0.50353983 0.86397201,0 -0.068858597 0.99762643,
+ 0 -0.16649785 0.98604182,0 -0.6165969 0.78727902,
+ 0 -0.068858597 0.99762643,0 -0.50353974 0.86397207,
+ 0 -0.16649785 0.98604182,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.068858597 0.99762643,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.16649785 0.98604182] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_8 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_5 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_5 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_5 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,-0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_5 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_9 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_6 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_6 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_6 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_6 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_10 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_7 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_7 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_7 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,-0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,-0.19699999 0.155 0.004,
+ -0.31499999 0.155 0.004,-0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.155 0.004,-0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.31499999 0.155 0.004,-0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,-0.19699999 0.155 0.004,
+ -0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,-0.31499999 0.155 0.004,
+ -0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,-0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,-0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,-0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,-0.19699999 0.148 0,
+ -0.31499999 0.148 0,-0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.19699999 0.148 0,-0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.31499999 0.148 0,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 0.148 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0,-0.31499999 0.148 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_7 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 0.91466196 -0.40421961,
+ 0 0.97547587 -0.2201064,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.91466196 -0.40421961,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.97547587 -0.2201064,0 0.91905914 -0.39411964,
+ 0 0.93026984 -0.36687603,0 0.91466196 -0.40421961,
+ 0 0.91905914 -0.39411964,0 0.97547587 -0.2201064,
+ 0 0.93026984 -0.36687603,0 0.94868359 -0.31622688,
+ 0 0.9486836 -0.31622686,0 0.91905914 -0.39411964,
+ 0 0.94868359 -0.31622688,0 0.93026984 -0.36687603,
+ 0 0.44721255 -0.89442772,0 0.56891268 -0.82239794,
+ 0 0.61776043 -0.78636636,0 0.44721255 -0.89442772,
+ 0 0.56891268 -0.82239794,0 0.44721255 -0.89442772,
+ 0 0.61776043 -0.78636636,0 0.49733925 -0.86755615,
+ 0 0.47830285 -0.87819496,0 0.56891264 -0.82239796,
+ 0 0.49733925 -0.86755615,0 0.61776039 -0.78636639,
+ 0 0.47830285 -0.87819496,0 0.15572709 -0.98780012,
+ 0 0.16650225 -0.98604107,0 0.49733922 -0.86755616,
+ 0 0.15572709 -0.98780012,0 0.47830276 -0.87819501,
+ 0 0.16650225 -0.98604107,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.15572709 -0.98780012,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.16650225 -0.98604107] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_11 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_8 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_8 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_8 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,-0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.19699999 0.155 0.311,-0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.31499999 0.155 0.311,-0.19699999 0.155 0.311,
+ -0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,-0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.19699999 0.153 0.312,-0.31499999 0.155 0.311,
+ -0.31499999 0.153 0.312,-0.19699999 0.153 0.312,
+ -0.19699999 0.155 0.311,-0.31499999 0.155 0.311,
+ -0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.31499999 0.153 0.312,
+ -0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.19699999 0.153 0.312,-0.31499999 0.153 0.312,
+ -0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999,-0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,-0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_8 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.98280642 0.18463897,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.98284461 0.18443554,0 0.98280642 0.18463897,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.92630791 0.37676737,0 0.98284461 0.18443554,
+ 0 0.9262658 0.37687089,0 0.92630791 0.37676737,
+ 0 0.98280642 0.18463897,0 0.98284461 0.18443554,
+ 0 0.9486833 0.31622775,0 0.9262658 0.37687089,
+ 0 0.9486833 0.31622775,0 0.9486833 0.31622775,
+ 0 0.92630791 0.37676737,0 0.9262658 0.37687089,
+ 0 0.69943231 0.71469885,0 0.4472115 0.89442824,
+ 0 0.70622438 0.70798808,0 0.69943231 0.71469885,
+ 0 0.44721152 0.89442823,0 0.4472115 0.89442824,
+ 0 0.62243182 0.78267402,0 0.70622438 0.70798808,
+ 0 0.61055522 0.79197369,0 0.62243182 0.78267402,
+ 0 0.69943228 0.71469888,0 0.70622438 0.70798808,
+ 0 0.067414098 0.99772508,0 0.61055522 0.79197369,
+ 0 0.073092998 0.99732513,0 0.067414098 0.99772508,
+ 0 0.62243186 0.78267399,0 0.61055522 0.79197369,
+ 0 0 1,0 0.073092998 0.99732513,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0.067414098 0.99772508,0 0.073092998 0.99732513] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_12 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_9 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_9 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_9 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_9 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_13 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_10 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_10 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_10 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 0.153 0.312,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 0.155 0.311,
+ -0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 0.153 0.312,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,
+ -0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,-0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,-0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,-0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ -0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,
+ -0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,-0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,-0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 0.153 0.312,
+ -0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,-0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,-0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 0.148 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,-0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 0.148 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.143 0.016,
+ -0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 0.155 0.004,
+ -0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,-0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.155 0.004,-0.19699999 0.143 0.016,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.139 0.013,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 0.144 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,-0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 0.145 0.021,-0.19699999 0.144 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,-0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,-0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.139 0.013,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.145 0.021,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,-0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.145 0.294,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.144 0.296,
+ -0.19699999 0.145 0.294,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 0.144 0.296,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,-0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,
+ -0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,-0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,-0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 0.155 0.311,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,-0.19699999 -0.148 0,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 -0.148 0,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,-0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,-0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,-0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1,
+ 96,97,98,-1,99,100,101,-1,102,103,104,-1,105,106,107,-1,108,109,110,-1,111,112,113,-1,114,115,116,-1,117,118,119,-1,
+ 120,121,122,-1,123,124,125,-1,126,127,128,-1,129,130,131,-1,132,133,134,-1,135,136,137,-1,138,139,140,-1,141,142,143,-1,
+ 144,145,146,-1,147,148,149,-1,150,151,152,-1,153,154,155,-1,156,157,158,-1,159,160,161,-1,162,163,164,-1,165,166,167,-1,
+ 168,169,170,-1,171,172,173,-1,174,175,176,-1,177,178,179,-1,180,181,182,-1,183,184,185,-1,186,187,188,-1,189,190,191,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_10 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_14 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_11 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_2 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.45300004
+ diffuseColor 0.37900001 0.27000001 0.215
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.15000001
+ specularColor 0.223 0.223 0.223
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_11 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_11 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,-0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,
+ -0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,-0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,
+ 0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,-0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,
+ -0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,-0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_11 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,0 -0.94868362 -0.31622681,
+ 0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,
+ 0 -0.94868362 -0.31622679,0 -0.94868362 -0.31622681,
+ 0 -0.92125372 -0.3889622,0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,
+ 0 -0.92111823 -0.38928293,0 -0.92125372 -0.3889622,
+ 0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,
+ 0 -0.79531034 -0.6062025,0 -0.92111823 -0.38928293,
+ 0 -0.79524763 -0.60628476,0 -0.79531034 -0.6062025,
+ 0 -0.92125371 -0.38896222,0 -0.92111823 -0.38928293,
+ 0 -0.57420088 -0.81871445,0 -0.79524763 -0.60628476,
+ 0 -0.57393214 -0.81890286,0 -0.57420088 -0.81871445,
+ 0 -0.79531031 -0.60620254,0 -0.79524763 -0.60628476,
+ 0 -0.38169829 -0.92428698,0 -0.57393214 -0.81890286,
+ 0 -0.38180067 -0.92424469,0 -0.38169829 -0.92428698,
+ 0 -0.57420088 -0.81871445,0 -0.5739321 -0.81890289,
+ 0 -0.16050377 -0.98703523,0 -0.38180067 -0.92424469,
+ 0 -0.16016725 -0.98708989,0 -0.16050377 -0.98703523,
+ 0 -0.38169829 -0.92428698,0 -0.38180072 -0.92424467,
+ 0 0 -1,0 -0.16016725 -0.98708989,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 -0.16050377 -0.98703523,0 -0.16016726 -0.98708989] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_15 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_12 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_2
+ geometry DEF FACE_12 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_12 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,-0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_12 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_16 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_13 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_2
+ geometry DEF FACE_13 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_13 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,0.19699999 0.145 0.021,
+ -0.19699999 0.145 0.021,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.145 0.021,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.145 0.021,0.19699999 0.144 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 0.144 0.018,0.19699999 0.145 0.021,
+ 0.19699999 0.144 0.018,-0.19699999 0.145 0.021,
+ -0.19699999 0.144 0.018,0.19699999 0.143 0.016,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.016,0.19699999 0.144 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.016,-0.19699999 0.144 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.016,0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.014,0.19699999 0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.014,-0.19699999 0.143 0.016,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.014,0.19699999 0.139 0.013,
+ -0.19699999 0.139 0.013,0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 0.139 0.013,-0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 0.139 0.013,0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,0.19699999 0.139 0.013,
+ 0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.139 0.013,
+ -0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,
+ -0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,-0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_13 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.94868362 -0.31622681,0 0.94868359 -0.31622689,
+ 0 0.9486836 -0.31622686,0 0.94868362 -0.31622681,
+ 0 0.94868359 -0.31622689,0 0.94868362 -0.31622681,
+ 0 0.9486836 -0.31622686,0 0.92076188 -0.39012506,
+ 0 0.92555578 -0.37861128,0 0.94868359 -0.31622689,
+ 0 0.92076188 -0.39012506,0 0.9486836 -0.31622686,
+ 0 0.92555578 -0.37861128,0 0.79495164 -0.6066728,
+ 0 0.78576894 -0.61852015,0 0.92076187 -0.39012508,
+ 0 0.79495164 -0.6066728,0 0.92555574 -0.37861137,
+ 0 0.78576894 -0.61852015,0 0.5730798 -0.81949957,
+ 0 0.57722939 -0.81658204,0 0.79495164 -0.6066728,
+ 0 0.5730798 -0.81949957,0 0.78576889 -0.61852022,
+ 0 0.57722939 -0.81658204,0 0.38189819 -0.9242044,
+ 0 0.36050347 -0.93275787,0 0.57307982 -0.81949955,
+ 0 0.38189819 -0.9242044,0 0.57722939 -0.81658204,
+ 0 0.36050347 -0.93275787,0 0.15906632 -0.9872679,
+ 0 0.16823548 -0.98574684,0 0.38189819 -0.9242044,
+ 0 0.15906632 -0.9872679,0 0.36050347 -0.93275787,
+ 0 0.16823548 -0.98574684,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.15906632 -0.9872679,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.16823548 -0.98574684] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_17 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_14 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_2
+ geometry DEF FACE_14 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_14 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ -0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_14 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_18 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_15 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_2
+ geometry DEF FACE_15 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_15 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.145 0.294,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ -0.19699999 0.145 0.294,0.19699999 0.145 0.294,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,-0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ 0.19699999 0.144 0.296,-0.19699999 0.145 0.294,
+ -0.19699999 0.144 0.296,0.19699999 0.144 0.296,
+ 0.19699999 0.145 0.294,-0.19699999 0.145 0.294,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 0.144 0.296,
+ -0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.144 0.296,-0.19699999 0.144 0.296,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,-0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,
+ 0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,-0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,
+ -0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,-0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,
+ 0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,-0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,-0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_15 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.92587002 0.37784217,0 0.9486833 0.31622777,
+ 0 0.92588637 0.3778021,0 0.92587002 0.37784217,
+ 0 0.9486833 0.31622776,0 0.9486833 0.31622777,
+ 0 0.92617941 0.37708315,0 0.92588637 0.3778021,
+ 0 0.92619367 0.37704811,0 0.92617941 0.37708315,
+ 0 0.92587002 0.37784217,0 0.92588637 0.3778021,
+ 0 0.89256848 0.45091186,0 0.92619367 0.37704811,
+ 0 0.89228687 0.45146887,0 0.89256848 0.45091186,
+ 0 0.92617941 0.37708315,0 0.92619366 0.37704814,
+ 0 0.6927377 0.72118962,0 0.89228687 0.45146887,
+ 0 0.69089181 0.72295816,0 0.6927377 0.72118962,
+ 0 0.89256848 0.45091186,0 0.89228689 0.45146882,
+ 0 0.33802276 0.94113794,0 0.69089181 0.72295816,
+ 0 0.34155675 0.93986115,0 0.33802276 0.94113794,
+ 0 0.6927377 0.72118962,0 0.69089181 0.72295816,
+ 0 0.069184214 0.9976039,0 0.34155675 0.93986115,
+ 0 0.0672922 0.99773331,0 0.069184214 0.9976039,
+ 0 0.33802276 0.94113794,0 0.34155672 0.93986116,
+ 0 0 1,0 0.0672922 0.99773331,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0.069184214 0.9976039,0 0.067292207 0.99773331] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_19 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_16 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_2
+ geometry DEF FACE_16 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_16 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,-0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_16 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_20 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_17 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_2
+ geometry DEF FACE_17 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_17 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,
+ -0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,
+ -0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,
+ 0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,-0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,
+ -0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,
+ 0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,-0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,
+ -0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,-0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,
+ -0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,-0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,
+ -0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,-0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_17 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.9486833 0.31622777,0 -0.92585084 0.37788917,
+ 0 -0.92182608 0.38760377,0 -0.9486833 0.31622776,
+ 0 -0.92585084 0.37788917,0 -0.9486833 0.31622777,
+ 0 -0.92182608 0.38760377,0 -0.92627023 0.37686001,
+ 0 -0.93508228 0.35443072,0 -0.92585084 0.37788917,
+ 0 -0.92627023 0.37686001,0 -0.92182608 0.38760377,
+ 0 -0.93508228 0.35443072,0 -0.89149627 0.45302804,
+ 0 -0.83828633 0.54523026,0 -0.92627023 0.37686001,
+ 0 -0.89149627 0.45302804,0 -0.93508228 0.35443072,
+ 0 -0.83828633 0.54523026,0 -0.68730896 0.7263652,
+ 0 -0.59803638 0.80146895,0 -0.89149627 0.45302804,
+ 0 -0.68730896 0.7263652,0 -0.83828635 0.54523022,
+ 0 -0.59803638 0.80146895,0 -0.34879128 0.93720043,
+ 0 -0.36830579 0.92970471,0 -0.68730892 0.72636523,
+ 0 -0.34879128 0.93720043,0 -0.59803639 0.80146895,
+ 0 -0.36830579 0.92970471,0 -0.063065986 0.99800936,
+ 0 -0.16823893 0.98574625,0 -0.34879128 0.93720043,
+ 0 -0.063065986 0.99800936,0 -0.36830582 0.9297047,
+ 0 -0.16823893 0.98574625,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.063065993 0.99800936,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.16823893 0.98574625] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_21 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_18 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_2
+ geometry DEF FACE_18 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_18 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,-0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_18 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_22 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_19 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_19 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_19 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.312,0.19699999 0.155 0.311,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.312,0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,
+ 0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,
+ 0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.312,0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,0.19699999 0.148 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.014,0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0,0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 0.148 0,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.016,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,0.19699999 0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,0.19699999 0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.016,0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.016,0.19699999 0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.014,0.19699999 0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.139 0.013,0.19699999 0.141 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.016,0.19699999 0.144 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.144 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 0.145 0.021,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 0.141 0.30100001,0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.139 0.30199998,
+ 0.19699999 0.13600001 0.303,0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,0.19699999 0.139 0.013,
+ 0.19699999 0.145 0.021,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,0.19699999 0.13600001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.145 0.021,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.024000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.144 0.018,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.143 0.016,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,0.19699999 0.13400001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.29100001,0.19699999 0.145 0.294,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.145 0.294,0.19699999 0.144 0.296,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.29100001,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,0.19699999 -0.145 0.294,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,
+ 0.19699999 0.144 0.296,0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.144 0.296,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.13400001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 0.143 0.29899999,0.19699999 0.155 0.311,
+ 0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,
+ 0.19699999 -0.139 0.30199998,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,0.19699999 -0.148 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13600001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.13400001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.148 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 -0.139 0.013,0.19699999 -0.141 0.30100001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.141 0.014,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,0.19699999 -0.143 0.29899999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1,
+ 96,97,98,-1,99,100,101,-1,102,103,104,-1,105,106,107,-1,108,109,110,-1,111,112,113,-1,114,115,116,-1,117,118,119,-1,
+ 120,121,122,-1,123,124,125,-1,126,127,128,-1,129,130,131,-1,132,133,134,-1,135,136,137,-1,138,139,140,-1,141,142,143,-1,
+ 144,145,146,-1,147,148,149,-1,150,151,152,-1,153,154,155,-1,156,157,158,-1,159,160,161,-1,162,163,164,-1,165,166,167,-1,
+ 168,169,170,-1,171,172,173,-1,174,175,176,-1,177,178,179,-1,180,181,182,-1,183,184,185,-1,186,187,188,-1,189,190,191,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_19 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_23 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_20 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_20 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_20 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_20 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_24 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_21 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_21 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_21 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,0.19699999 -0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,0.19699999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,0.19699999 -0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.148 0,0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.148 0,0.31499999 -0.148 0,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,0.19699999 -0.148 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,
+ 0.31499999 -0.148 0,0.19699999 -0.148 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_21 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.92987528 -0.36787493,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.91970378 -0.39261299,0 -0.92987528 -0.36787493,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.92022332 -0.39139371,0 -0.91970378 -0.39261299,
+ 0 -0.91933368 -0.39347883,0 -0.92022332 -0.39139371,
+ 0 -0.92987528 -0.36787493,0 -0.91970378 -0.39261299,
+ 0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,0 -0.91933368 -0.39347883,
+ 0 -0.9486836 -0.31622686,0 -0.94868359 -0.31622688,
+ 0 -0.92022332 -0.39139371,0 -0.91933367 -0.39347885,
+ 0 -0.57043846 -0.82134035,0 -0.4472125 -0.89442774,
+ 0 -0.56885728 -0.82243625,0 -0.57043846 -0.82134035,
+ 0 -0.4472125 -0.89442774,0 -0.4472125 -0.89442774,
+ 0 -0.49999841 -0.86602632,0 -0.56885728 -0.82243625,
+ 0 -0.4990846 -0.86655326,0 -0.49999841 -0.86602632,
+ 0 -0.57043846 -0.82134035,0 -0.56885736 -0.8224362,
+ 0 -0.1594092 -0.98721259,0 -0.4990846 -0.86655326,
+ 0 -0.15771574 -0.98748455,0 -0.1594092 -0.98721259,
+ 0 -0.49999843 -0.86602631,0 -0.49908465 -0.86655324,
+ 0 0 -1,0 -0.15771574 -0.98748455,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 -0.1594092 -0.98721259,0 -0.15771576 -0.98748455] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_25 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_22 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_22 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_22 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,
+ 0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,0.19699999 -0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ 0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,0.19699999 -0.155 0.311,
+ 0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,0.19699999 -0.153 0.312,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,0.19699999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 -0.148 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_22 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -0.98249265 0.18630133,
+ 0 -0.97200906 0.23494339,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.98249265 0.18630133,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.97200906 0.23494339,0 -0.92644386 0.37643297,
+ 0 -0.93319685 0.35936561,0 -0.98249265 0.18630133,
+ 0 -0.92644386 0.37643297,0 -0.97200906 0.23494337,
+ 0 -0.93319685 0.35936561,0 -0.94868331 0.31622773,
+ 0 -0.9486833 0.31622776,0 -0.92644386 0.37643297,
+ 0 -0.94868331 0.31622773,0 -0.93319685 0.35936561,
+ 0 -0.4472115 0.89442824,0 -0.70192471 0.71225115,
+ 0 -0.61234161 0.7905933,0 -0.44721152 0.89442823,
+ 0 -0.70192471 0.71225115,0 -0.4472115 0.89442824,
+ 0 -0.61234161 0.7905933,0 -0.616624 0.7872578,
+ 0 -0.50810516 0.86129504,0 -0.70192477 0.71225109,
+ 0 -0.616624 0.7872578,0 -0.61234161 0.7905933,
+ 0 -0.50810516 0.86129504,0 -0.068931511 0.99762139,
+ 0 -0.17674668 0.98425637,0 -0.616624 0.7872578,
+ 0 -0.068931511 0.99762139,0 -0.50810518 0.86129503,
+ 0 -0.17674668 0.98425637,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.068931518 0.99762139,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.17674666 0.98425638] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_26 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_23 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_23 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_23 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0,0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,0.19699999 -0.14599999 0,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_23 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_27 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_24 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_24 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_24 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_24 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_28 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_25 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_25 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_25 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,0.31499999 0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 0.155 0.004,0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.31499999 0.155 0.004,0.19699999 0.156 0.0070000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.155 0.004,0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,0.31499999 0.155 0.004,
+ 0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,0.19699999 0.155 0.004,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,0.19699999 0.153 0.0030000001,
+ 0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,0.31499999 0.148 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.148 0,0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.31499999 0.148 0,0.19699999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.19699999 0.148 0,0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0,0.31499999 0.148 0,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0,0.19699999 0.148 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_25 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 0.91475619 -0.40400633,
+ 0 0.97744147 -0.21120646,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.91475619 -0.40400633,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.97744147 -0.21120646,0 0.91905426 -0.39413103,
+ 0 0.92956332 -0.36866249,0 0.91475619 -0.40400633,
+ 0 0.91905426 -0.39413103,0 0.97744147 -0.21120646,
+ 0 0.92956332 -0.36866249,0 0.94868359 -0.31622688,
+ 0 0.94868359 -0.31622689,0 0.91905426 -0.39413103,
+ 0 0.94868359 -0.31622688,0 0.92956332 -0.36866249,
+ 0 0.44721252 -0.89442773,0 0.56889968 -0.82240693,
+ 0 0.61154391 -0.79121049,0 0.44721255 -0.89442772,
+ 0 0.56889968 -0.82240693,0 0.44721252 -0.89442773,
+ 0 0.61154391 -0.79121049,0 0.49738006 -0.86753275,
+ 0 0.49073674 -0.87130789,0 0.56889968 -0.82240693,
+ 0 0.49738006 -0.86753275,0 0.61154388 -0.79121052,
+ 0 0.49073674 -0.87130789,0 0.15575837 -0.98779519,
+ 0 0.17675116 -0.98425557,0 0.49738003 -0.86753277,
+ 0 0.15575837 -0.98779519,0 0.49073674 -0.87130789,
+ 0 0.17675116 -0.98425557,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.15575838 -0.98779518,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.17675117 -0.98425557] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_29 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_26 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_26 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_26 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.31499999 0.155 0.311,0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.19699999 0.155 0.311,0.31499999 0.155 0.311,
+ 0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,0.19699999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.31499999 0.153 0.312,0.19699999 0.155 0.311,
+ 0.19699999 0.153 0.312,0.31499999 0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 0.155 0.311,0.19699999 0.155 0.311,
+ 0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,0.19699999 0.153 0.312,
+ 0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.31499999 0.153 0.312,0.19699999 0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,0.19699999 0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ 0.19699999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999,0.19699999 0.148 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_26 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.9829207 0.18402959,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.98285663 0.18437149,0 0.9829207 0.18402959,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.92618151 0.37707798,0 0.98285663 0.18437149,
+ 0 0.92625301 0.37690231,0 0.92618151 0.37707798,
+ 0 0.9829207 0.18402959,0 0.98285663 0.18437149,
+ 0 0.9486833 0.31622775,0 0.92625301 0.37690231,
+ 0 0.94868331 0.31622773,0 0.9486833 0.31622775,
+ 0 0.92618151 0.37707798,0 0.926253 0.37690236,
+ 0 0.69592698 0.71811255,0 0.4472115 0.89442824,
+ 0 0.70622295 0.70798951,0 0.69592698 0.71811255,
+ 0 0.44721147 0.89442825,0 0.4472115 0.89442824,
+ 0 0.59099877 0.80667246,0 0.70622295 0.70798951,
+ 0 0.61015716 0.79228041,0 0.59099877 0.80667246,
+ 0 0.69592698 0.71811255,0 0.70622295 0.70798951,
+ 0 0.081167016 0.99670051,0 0.61015716 0.79228041,
+ 0 0.073057123 0.99732776,0 0.081167016 0.99670051,
+ 0 0.59099881 0.80667243,0 0.61015716 0.79228041,
+ 0 0 1,0 0.073057123 0.99732776,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0.081167016 0.99670051,0 0.073057123 0.99732776] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_30 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_27 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_27 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_27 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.012,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.303] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_27 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_31 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_28 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_1
+ geometry DEF FACE_28 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_28 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.30599999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,0.31499999 -0.155 0.311,
+ 0.31499999 -0.156 0.30800001,0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.31400001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.148 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0,0.31499999 0.155 0.004,
+ 0.31499999 0.156 0.0070000001,0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,0.31499999 0.155 0.004,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0,0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.31499999 0.153 0.0030000001,0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.31499999 0.148 0,0.31499999 0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.30599999,0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 0.156 0.30800001,
+ 0.31499999 0.155 0.311,0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.155 0.311,0.31499999 0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 0.153 0.312,
+ 0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15099999 0.31400001,0.31499999 0.148 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.009,
+ 0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 -0.156 0.0070000001,0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 -0.155 0.004,
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 -0.153 0.0030000001,0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 -0.15099999 0.001,
+ 0.31499999 -0.148 0,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 -0.148 0,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,
+ 0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.303,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,0.31499999 0.14599999 0,
+ 0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.14599999 0,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.012,
+ 0.31499999 -0.14599999 0,0.31499999 -0.14599999 0.31499999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.303,0.31499999 0.14599999 0.31499999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_28 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_32 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 1.5707963
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 47.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_33 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_34 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_29 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_3 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.271
+ diffuseColor 0.824 0.81999999 0.78100002
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.69999999
+ specularColor 0.32800001 0.25799999 0.17200001
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_29 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_29 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_29 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_35 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_30 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_30 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_30 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,-0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,-0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,-0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,-0.297 -0.15700001 0,
+ -0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,-0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.211 -0.15700001 0,-0.211 -0.15700001 0,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,
+ -0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,-0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_30 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_36 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_31 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_31 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_31 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,-0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,-0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,-0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,-0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,-0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,-0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,-0.30100001 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,-0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.30100001 0.15700001 0,-0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,-0.297 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0,-0.30100001 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0,-0.30100001 -0.15700001 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_31 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-0.91098384 0 -0.41244205,
+ -0.955892 0 -0.29371836,-1 0 0,
+ -0.91098384 0 -0.41244205,-1 0 0,
+ -0.955892 0 -0.29371836,-0.86194825 0 -0.50699627,
+ -0.85983858 0 -0.51056598,-0.91098384 0 -0.41244205,
+ -0.86194825 0 -0.50699627,-0.955892 0 -0.29371836,
+ -0.85983858 0 -0.51056598,-0.76641952 0 -0.64234035,
+ -0.74904283 0 -0.66252157,-0.86194825 0 -0.50699627,
+ -0.76641952 0 -0.64234035,-0.8598386 0 -0.51056594,
+ -0.74904283 0 -0.66252157,-0.62812793 0 -0.77811008,
+ -0.61345984 0 -0.78972592,-0.76641952 0 -0.64234035,
+ -0.62812793 0 -0.77811008,-0.74904283 0 -0.66252157,
+ -0.61345984 0 -0.78972592,-0.5002569 0 -0.86587703,
+ -0.4779629 0 -0.87838003,-0.62812793 0 -0.77811008,
+ -0.5002569 0 -0.86587703,-0.61345988 0 -0.78972589,
+ -0.4779629 0 -0.87838003,-0.2174291 0 -0.97607612,
+ -0.15456242 0 -0.98798303,-0.5002569 0 -0.86587703,
+ -0.2174291 0 -0.97607612,-0.4779629 0 -0.87838003,
+ -0.15456242 0 -0.98798303,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,-0.2174291 0 -0.97607612,
+ 0 0 -1,-0.15456243 0 -0.98798302] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_37 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_32 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_32 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_32 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,-0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,-0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.311 0.15700001 0.17,-0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.311 0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,-0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.311 0.15700001 0.17,-0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,-0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,-0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,-0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_32 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99997166 0 0.0075284157,-1 0 0,
+ -0.99991009 0 0.013409735,-0.99997166 0 0.0075284157,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -0.83677197 0 0.54755152,-0.99991009 0 0.013409735,
+ -0.84050697 0 0.54180074,-0.83677197 0 0.54755152,
+ -0.99997166 0 0.0075284157,-0.99991009 0 0.013409735,
+ -0.74285437 0 0.66945305,-0.84050697 0 0.54180074,
+ -0.74210244 0 0.67028648,-0.74285437 0 0.66945305,
+ -0.83677197 0 0.54755152,-0.84050694 0 0.54180078,
+ -0.61633476 0 0.78748426,-0.74210244 0 0.67028648,
+ -0.61597392 0 0.78776654,-0.61633476 0 0.78748426,
+ -0.74285437 0 0.66945305,-0.74210244 0 0.67028648,
+ -0.49671586 0 0.86791322,-0.61597392 0 0.78776654,
+ -0.49672193 0 0.86790975,-0.49671586 0 0.86791322,
+ -0.61633473 0 0.78748428,-0.61597395 0 0.78776652,
+ -0.18067991 0 0.98354195,-0.49672193 0 0.86790975,
+ -0.18015511 0 0.98363821,-0.18067991 0 0.98354195,
+ -0.49671586 0 0.86791322,-0.49672188 0 0.86790977,
+ 0 0 1,-0.18015511 0 0.98363821,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.18067991 0 0.98354195,-0.18015512 0 0.98363821] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_38 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_33 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_33 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_33 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.201 0.15700001 0.17,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.201 0.15700001 0.17,-0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.201 0.15700001 0.17,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,-0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,-0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.30100001 0.15700001 0,-0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.297 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.30100001 0.15700001 0,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0,-0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,-0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.211 0.15700001 0,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.211 0.15700001 0,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,-0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,-0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.311 0.15700001 0.17,-0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.311 0.15700001 0.17,-0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,-0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_33 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_39 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_34 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_34 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_34 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0,-0.297 -0.15700001 0,
+ -0.21500001 0.15700001 0,-0.21500001 -0.15700001 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_34 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_40 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_35 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_35 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_35 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ -0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,-0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ -0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,-0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,-0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,-0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ -0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,-0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,-0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,-0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ -0.211 0.15700001 0,-0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.211 -0.15700001 0,-0.211 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,-0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ -0.21500001 0.15700001 0,-0.211 -0.15700001 0,
+ -0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ -0.211 0.15700001 0,-0.211 -0.15700001 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_35 Normal { vector [
+ 0.93377082 0 -0.35787156,1 0 0,
+ 0.93012216 0 -0.36725028,0.93377082 0 -0.35787156,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 0.86002862 0 -0.5102458,0.93012216 0 -0.36725028,
+ 0.86021576 0 -0.50993024,0.86002862 0 -0.5102458,
+ 0.93377082 0 -0.35787156,0.93012216 0 -0.36725028,
+ 0.76398287 0 -0.64523652,0.86021576 0 -0.50993024,
+ 0.76405267 0 -0.64515387,0.76398287 0 -0.64523652,
+ 0.8600286 0 -0.51024582,0.86021572 0 -0.50993031,
+ 0.62615593 0 -0.77969786,0.76405267 0 -0.64515387,
+ 0.62633565 0 -0.7795535,0.62615593 0 -0.77969786,
+ 0.76398287 0 -0.64523652,0.76405267 0 -0.64515387,
+ 0.49940271 0 -0.86636998,0.62633565 0 -0.7795535,
+ 0.49936615 0 -0.86639105,0.49940271 0 -0.86636998,
+ 0.62615593 0 -0.77969786,0.62633561 0 -0.77955352,
+ 0.21388171 0 -0.97685957,0.49936615 0 -0.86639105,
+ 0.21418689 0 -0.9767927,0.21388171 0 -0.97685957,
+ 0.49940271 0 -0.86636998,0.49936618 0 -0.86639103,
+ 0 0 -1,0.21418689 0 -0.9767927,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0.21388171 0 -0.97685957,0.21418689 0 -0.9767927] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_41 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_36 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_4 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.49399999
+ diffuseColor 0.89499998 0.89099997 0.81300002
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.25
+ specularColor 0.046999998 0.055 0.109
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_36 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_36 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_36 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_42 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_37 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_37 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_37 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_37 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_43 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_38 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_38 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_38 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,-0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ -0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,-0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.201 0.15700001 0.17,-0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ -0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,-0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ -0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,-0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,-0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,-0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ -0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,-0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ -0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_38 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,0.96186999 0 0.27350707,
+ 0.94937482 0 0.31414558,1 0 0,
+ 0.96186999 0 0.27350707,1 0 0,
+ 0.94937482 0 0.31414558,0.86383973 0 0.50376674,
+ 0.85735135 0 0.51473164,0.96186999 0 0.27350707,
+ 0.86383973 0 0.50376674,0.94937482 0 0.31414558,
+ 0.85735135 0 0.51473164,0.77146316 0 0.63627399,
+ 0.74644112 0 0.66545146,0.86383973 0 0.50376674,
+ 0.77146316 0 0.63627399,0.85735135 0 0.51473164,
+ 0.74644112 0 0.66545146,0.6332704 0 0.77393062,
+ 0.612428 0 0.79052637,0.77146316 0 0.63627399,
+ 0.6332704 0 0.77393062,0.74644101 0 0.66545159,
+ 0.612428 0 0.79052637,0.5018742 0 0.86494063,
+ 0.47802212 0 0.8783478,0.63327043 0 0.77393059,
+ 0.5018742 0 0.86494063,0.61242796 0 0.7905264,
+ 0.47802212 0 0.8783478,0.25381112 0 0.9672538,
+ 0.17200322 0 0.98509639,0.5018742 0 0.86494063,
+ 0.25381112 0 0.9672538,0.4780221 0 0.87834781,
+ 0.17200322 0 0.98509639,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.25381112 0 0.9672538,
+ 0 0 1,0.17200322 0 0.98509639] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_44 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_39 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_4
+ geometry DEF FACE_39 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_39 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.297 0.15700001 0.018,-0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_39 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_45 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_40 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_4
+ geometry DEF FACE_40 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_40 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_40 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_46 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_41 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_41 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_41 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,0.211 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0,0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,0.297 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.297 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.297 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_41 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_47 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_42 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_5 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.63800001
+ diffuseColor 0.082000002 0.086000003 0.093999997
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.30000001
+ specularColor 0.066 0.063000001 0.063000001
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_42 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_42 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_42 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_48 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_43 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_5
+ geometry DEF FACE_43 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_43 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_43 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_49 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_44 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_44 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_44 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0,0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0,0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.211 0.15700001 0,0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.018,0.297 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0,0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.018,0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.30100001 0.15700001 0,0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.30100001 0.15700001 0,0.297 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.018,0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.018,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.018,0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,0.297 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.311 0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,0.311 0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_44 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_50 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_45 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_5
+ geometry DEF FACE_45 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_45 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_45 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_51 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_46 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_46 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_46 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.19900001 0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,0.201 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,0.201 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,0.20399999 0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,0.211 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.211 -0.15700001 0,0.20700001 0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.211 0.15700001 0,0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.211 -0.15700001 0,0.21500001 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,0.211 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0,0.211 -0.15700001 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_46 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-0.92240821 0 -0.38621639,
+ -0.96194659 0 -0.27323755,-1 0 0,
+ -0.92240821 0 -0.38621639,-1 0 0,
+ -0.96194659 0 -0.27323755,-0.86042994 0 -0.50956875,
+ -0.86277681 0 -0.50558499,-0.92240821 0 -0.38621639,
+ -0.86042994 0 -0.50956875,-0.96194659 0 -0.27323754,
+ -0.86277681 0 -0.50558499,-0.76395626 0 -0.64526804,
+ -0.75443146 0 -0.65637884,-0.86042994 0 -0.50956875,
+ -0.76395626 0 -0.64526804,-0.86277684 0 -0.50558493,
+ -0.75443146 0 -0.65637884,-0.62635792 0 -0.7795356,
+ -0.62024872 0 -0.78440521,-0.76395626 0 -0.64526804,
+ -0.62635792 0 -0.7795356,-0.75443148 0 -0.6563788,
+ -0.62024872 0 -0.78440521,-0.49909545 0 -0.86654702,
+ -0.48184364 0 -0.87625722,-0.62635792 0 -0.7795356,
+ -0.49909545 0 -0.86654702,-0.62024872 0 -0.78440521,
+ -0.48184364 0 -0.87625722,-0.21374216 0 -0.97689011,
+ -0.17200268 0 -0.98509648,-0.49909545 0 -0.86654702,
+ -0.21374216 0 -0.97689011,-0.48184361 0 -0.87625723,
+ -0.17200268 0 -0.98509648,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,-0.21374216 0 -0.97689011,
+ 0 0 -1,-0.17200268 0 -0.98509648] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_52 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_47 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_47 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_47 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0,0.297 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,0.21500001 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0,0.297 -0.15700001 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_47 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_53 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_48 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_48 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_48 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.014,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.014,
+ 0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.31299999 0.15700001 0.0099999999,0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.0099999999,
+ 0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.311 0.15700001 0.0070000001,0.311 -0.15700001 0.0070000001,
+ 0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.30800001 0.15700001 0.004,0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.004,
+ 0.30100001 0.15700001 0,0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,0.30100001 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.30500002 0.15700001 0.002,0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.002,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0,0.30100001 -0.15700001 0,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0,0.297 0.15700001 0,
+ 0.30100001 0.15700001 0,0.30100001 -0.15700001 0] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_48 Normal { vector [
+ 0.91624847 0 -0.40061046,1 0 0,
+ 0.91463425 0 -0.40428231,0.91624847 0 -0.40061046,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 0.86230849 0 -0.50638333,0.91463425 0 -0.40428231,
+ 0.8622372 0 -0.5065047,0.86230849 0 -0.50638333,
+ 0.91624847 0 -0.40061046,0.91463425 0 -0.40428231,
+ 0.76669076 0 -0.64201657,0.8622372 0 -0.5065047,
+ 0.76667556 0 -0.64203473,0.76669076 0 -0.64201657,
+ 0.86230849 0 -0.50638333,0.86223718 0 -0.50650473,
+ 0.62873753 0 -0.77761759,0.76667556 0 -0.64203473,
+ 0.62864505 0 -0.77769236,0.62873753 0 -0.77761759,
+ 0.76669079 0 -0.64201653,0.76667558 0 -0.6420347,
+ 0.50035445 0 -0.86582067,0.62864505 0 -0.77769236,
+ 0.5003859 0 -0.86580249,0.50035445 0 -0.86582067,
+ 0.62873753 0 -0.77761759,0.62864508 0 -0.77769234,
+ 0.21898727 0 -0.97572772,0.5003859 0 -0.86580249,
+ 0.21881651 0 -0.97576602,0.21898727 0 -0.97572772,
+ 0.50035445 0 -0.86582067,0.5003859 0 -0.86580249,
+ 0 0 -1,0.21881651 0 -0.97576602,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0.21898725 0 -0.97572772,0.21881651 0 -0.97576602] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_54 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_49 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_49 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_49 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.018,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.018,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_49 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_55 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_50 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_50 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_50 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,0.31499999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,0.31499999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,0.311 0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,0.31299999 0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.311 0.15700001 0.17,0.31299999 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,0.311 0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,0.311 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,0.30800001 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,0.30800001 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.30500002 0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.30500002 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.30100001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.30100001 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_50 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,0.99969526 0 0.024685709,
+ 0.96932284 0 0.24579103,1 0 0,
+ 0.99969526 0 0.024685709,1 0 0,
+ 0.96932284 0 0.24579103,0.84761894 0 0.53060544,
+ 0.86651759 0 0.49914654,0.99969526 0 0.024685709,
+ 0.84761894 0 0.53060544,0.96932284 0 0.24579103,
+ 0.86651759 0 0.49914654,0.74028076 0 0.67229785,
+ 0.7582416 0 0.65197367,0.84761891 0 0.53060548,
+ 0.74028076 0 0.67229785,0.8665176 0 0.49914652,
+ 0.7582416 0 0.65197367,0.61490462 0 0.78860149,
+ 0.62158059 0 0.78335022,0.74028079 0 0.67229782,
+ 0.61490462 0 0.78860149,0.7582416 0 0.65197367,
+ 0.62158059 0 0.78335022,0.49654403 0 0.86801153,
+ 0.48177147 0 0.87629689,0.61490462 0 0.78860149,
+ 0.49654403 0 0.86801153,0.62158059 0 0.78335022,
+ 0.48177147 0 0.87629689,0.17807956 0 0.98401609,
+ 0.15456287 0 0.98798295,0.49654403 0 0.86801153,
+ 0.17807956 0 0.98401609,0.48177147 0 0.87629689,
+ 0.15456287 0 0.98798295,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.17807956 0 0.98401609,
+ 0 0 1,0.15456287 0 0.98798295] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_56 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_51 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_51 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_51 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.297 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.297 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_51 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_57 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_52 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_3
+ geometry DEF FACE_52 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_52 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.163,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.163,
+ 0.201 0.15700001 0.17,0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,0.201 0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.19900001 0.15700001 0.167,0.19900001 -0.15700001 0.167,
+ 0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.201 0.15700001 0.17,0.201 -0.15700001 0.17,
+ 0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.20399999 0.15700001 0.17299999,0.20399999 -0.15700001 0.17299999,
+ 0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.20700001 0.15700001 0.175,0.20700001 -0.15700001 0.175,
+ 0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.21500001 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.21500001 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.211 0.15700001 0.17700001,0.211 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_52 Normal { vector [
+ -0.96184477 0 0.27359577,-1 0 0,
+ -0.9619392 0 0.27326357,-0.96184477 0 0.27359577,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -0.8638737 0 0.50370847,-0.9619392 0 0.27326357,
+ -0.86391001 0 0.50364619,-0.8638737 0 0.50370847,
+ -0.96184477 0 0.27359577,-0.9619392 0 0.27326357,
+ -0.77177437 0 0.63589647,-0.86391001 0 0.50364619,
+ -0.77174758 0 0.63592898,-0.77177437 0 0.63589647,
+ -0.86387372 0 0.50370845,-0.86391001 0 0.50364619,
+ -0.63345297 0 0.7737812,-0.77174758 0 0.63592898,
+ -0.63350219 0 0.7737409,-0.63345297 0 0.7737812,
+ -0.77177437 0 0.63589647,-0.77174758 0 0.63592898,
+ -0.50220836 0 0.86474665,-0.63350219 0 0.7737409,
+ -0.50216296 0 0.86477301,-0.50220836 0 0.86474665,
+ -0.63345297 0 0.77378119,-0.63350222 0 0.77374087,
+ -0.25516921 0 0.96689641,-0.50216296 0 0.86477301,
+ -0.25505756 0 0.96692587,-0.25516921 0 0.96689641,
+ -0.50220836 0 0.86474665,-0.50216296 0 0.86477301,
+ 0 0 1,-0.25505756 0 0.96692587,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.25516921 0 0.96689641,-0.25505756 0 0.96692587] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_58 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_53 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_5
+ geometry DEF FACE_53 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_53 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.15899999,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.15899999,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_53 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_59 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_54 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_5
+ geometry DEF FACE_54 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_54 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001,-0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.19699999 0.15700001 0.17700001,
+ -0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001,0.19699999 -0.15700001 0.17700001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_54 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_60 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation -0.57735027 0.57735027 0.57735027 4.1887902
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 46.25 -42.5 3.6149607
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_61 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_62 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_55 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_6 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.16666666
+ diffuseColor 0.60000002 0.60000002 0.60000002
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.050000001
+ specularColor 0.039999999 0.039999999 0.039999999
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_55 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_55 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.9094488 -2.9094488 -0.23622047,-2.9094488 2.9094488 -0.23622047,
+ -1.247562 -2.9094488 -0.23622047,-1.3489662 -0.75298205 -0.23622085,
+ -1.2601739 -0.46377953 -0.2362209,-1.2948431 -0.46739488 -0.23622045,
+ -1.3273933 -0.47792533 -0.23622048,-1.3566945 -0.49482164 -0.23622047,
+ -1.3815833 -0.51729319 -0.23622047,-1.4010608 -0.54434725 -0.23622047,
+ -1.4143305 -0.57481722 -0.23622047,-1.42082 -0.60733097 -0.23622047,
+ -1.4202321 -0.64063282 -0.23622047,-1.412388 -0.67349395 -0.23622047,
+ -1.397442 -0.70421281 -0.23622048,-1.3760033 -0.73114197 -0.23622045,
+ -0.69100685 -0.46377953 -0.23622054,-0.62841083 -0.52701992 -0.23622048,
+ -0.61065746 -0.55723825 -0.23622047,-0.60375586 -0.57914687 -0.23622047,
+ -0.60157511 -0.60016148 -0.23622047,-0.6015748 -0.73936955 -0.23622047,
+ -0.70361909 -2.9094492 -0.23622047,2.9094488 -2.9094488 -0.23622047,
+ 2.9094488 2.9094488 -0.23622047] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,2,0,-1,3,0,15,-1,14,15,0,-1,13,14,0,-1,12,13,0,-1,11,12,0,-1,23,20,19,-1,23,21,20,-1,
+ 23,22,21,-1,1,4,5,-1,1,5,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,1,7,8,-1,1,8,9,-1,1,9,10,-1,1,10,11,-1,
+ 1,16,4,-1,1,11,0,-1,24,17,16,-1,24,18,17,-1,24,19,18,-1,24,16,1,-1,24,23,19,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_55 Normal { vector [
+ -6.4268576e-08 0 -1,0 1.7578493e-08 -1,
+ 0 -1.7299379e-07 -1,-2.3146367e-07 0 -1,
+ -1.4911814e-07 5.509261e-08 -1,-5.7028051e-06 -2.7330972e-06 -1,
+ 2.4229614e-07 1.1604913e-07 -1,-1.215318e-07 -5.6399777e-08 -1,
+ 4.5204732e-08 2.0438209e-08 -1,-1.4610474e-08 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 4.7586398e-08 -3.1588964e-08 -1,-1.1023435e-07 7.502373e-08 -1,
+ 1.9517069e-07 -1.3748404e-07 -1,-4.4026508e-06 3.1074475e-06 -1,
+ 6.4708301e-08 4.7376824e-08 -1,3.890355e-07 -3.9723141e-07 -1,
+ 1.4538439e-07 -1.4762466e-07 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_56 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_6
+ geometry DEF FACE_56 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_56 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.9094488 2.9094488 -0.23622047,-2.9298283 2.9094488 -0.23353747,
+ -2.9488189 2.9094488 -0.22567129,-2.9651265 2.9094488 -0.21315801,
+ -2.9776398 2.9094488 -0.19685039,-2.985506 2.9094488 -0.17785977,
+ -2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031,-2.9094488 -2.9094488 -0.23622047,
+ -2.988189 -2.9094488 -0.15748031,-2.985506 -2.9094488 -0.17785977,
+ -2.9776398 -2.9094488 -0.19685039,-2.9651265 -2.9094488 -0.21315801,
+ -2.9488189 -2.9094488 -0.22567129,-2.9298283 -2.9094488 -0.23353747] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,7,-1,1,7,13,-1,2,13,12,-1,2,1,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,2,12,-1,4,11,10,-1,4,3,11,-1,
+ 5,9,8,-1,5,10,9,-1,5,4,10,-1,6,5,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_56 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.96592583 0 -0.25881905,
+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.96592583 0 -0.25881905,
+ -0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,-0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ -0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993] }
+DEF SHAPE_57 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_6
+ geometry DEF FACE_57 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_57 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.988189 -2.9094488 0.15748031,-2.988189 -2.9094488 -0.15748031,
+ -2.988189 2.9094488 0.15748031,-2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_57 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_58 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_6
+ geometry DEF FACE_58 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_58 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.9094488 2.988189 0.15748031,-2.9298283 2.985506 0.15748031,
+ -2.9488189 2.9776398 0.15748031,-2.9651265 2.9651265 0.15748031,
+ -2.9776398 2.9488189 0.15748031,-2.985506 2.9298283 0.15748031,
+ -2.988189 2.9094488 0.15748031,-2.9094488 2.988189 -0.15748031,
+ -2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031,-2.985506 2.9298283 -0.15748031,
+ -2.9776398 2.9488189 -0.15748031,-2.9651265 2.9651265 -0.15748031,
+ -2.9488189 2.9776398 -0.15748031,-2.9298283 2.985506 -0.15748031] }
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+ 8,6,5,-1,9,8,5,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_58 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.21622209 0.9763442 0,
+ -0.46155098 0.88711369 0,-0.67542593 0.73742784 0,
+ -0.84327172 0.5374875 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.88711369 0.46155098 0,-0.73742784 0.67542593 0,
+ -0.5374875 0.84327172 0,-0.30091828 0.95364993 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_59 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_6
+ geometry DEF FACE_59 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_59 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.9094488 2.9094488 -0.23622047,-2.9298283 2.9094488 -0.23353747,
+ -2.9488189 2.9094488 -0.22567129,-2.9651265 2.9094488 -0.21315801,
+ -2.9776398 2.9094488 -0.19685039,-2.985506 2.9094488 -0.17785977,
+ -2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031,-2.985506 2.9298283 -0.15748031,
+ -2.9776398 2.9488189 -0.15748031,-2.9651265 2.9651265 -0.15748031,
+ -2.9488189 2.9776398 -0.15748031,-2.9298283 2.985506 -0.15748031,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 2.9488189 2.9776398 0.15748031,2.9298283 2.985506 0.15748031,
+ 2.9094488 2.988189 0.15748031,2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031,
+ 2.9094488 2.988189 -0.15748031,2.9298283 2.985506 -0.15748031,
+ 2.9488189 2.9776398 -0.15748031,2.9651265 2.9651265 -0.15748031,
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+ 0.84327172 0.5374875 0,0.95364993 0.30091828 0] }
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+ 2.9776398 2.9488189 -0.15748031,2.985506 2.9298283 -0.15748031,
+ 2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031,2.985506 2.9094488 -0.17785977,
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+ 2.9488189 2.9094488 -0.22567129,2.9298283 2.9094488 -0.23353747,
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+ 0.12942831 0.12942831 -0.9831056,0.1566015 0.23190623 -0.96004972,
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+ 0.23348078 0.82072403 -0.52143916,0.13775514 0.96520614 -0.2222625,
+ 0.92418457 0.3218268 -0.2056949,0.85014776 0.26302583 -0.45614274,
+ 0.77365319 0.55869411 -0.29886726,0.57489565 0.78580599 -0.22804372,
+ 0.68763885 0.41456798 -0.59605889,0.42563297 0.7587386 -0.49310477,
+ 0.49385828 0.28934129 -0.81999123,0.30513496 0.90146474 -0.30700812,
+ 0.3525941 0.61306193 -0.70698831,0.2674634 0.35017567 -0.8976861] }
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+ 2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031,2.985506 2.9094488 -0.17785977,
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+ 2.9488189 2.9094488 -0.22567129,2.9298283 2.9094488 -0.23353747,
+ 2.9094488 2.9094488 -0.23622047,2.988189 -2.9094488 -0.15748031,
+ 2.9094488 -2.9094488 -0.23622047,2.9298283 -2.9094488 -0.23353747,
+ 2.9488189 -2.9094488 -0.22567129,2.9651265 -2.9094488 -0.21315801,
+ 2.9776398 -2.9094488 -0.19685039,2.985506 -2.9094488 -0.17785977] }
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+ 13,1,0,-1,13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,13,0,-1]
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+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.96592583 0 -0.25881905,
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+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
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+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.96592583 0 -0.25881905] }
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+ 2.9488189 -2.9776398 -0.15748031,2.9298283 -2.985506 -0.15748031,
+ 2.9094488 -2.988189 -0.15748031,2.9094488 -2.985506 -0.17785977,
+ 2.9094488 -2.9776398 -0.19685039,2.9094488 -2.9651265 -0.21315801,
+ 2.9094488 -2.9488189 -0.22567129,2.9094488 -2.9298283 -0.23353747,
+ 2.9094488 -2.9094488 -0.23622047,2.9298283 -2.9094488 -0.23353747,
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+ 2.9776398 -2.9094488 -0.19685039,2.985506 -2.9094488 -0.17785977,
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+ 2.9330625 -2.9504823 -0.22039816,2.9819071 -2.9313528 -0.17916033,
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+ 27,14,26,-1,27,24,11,-1,27,11,13,-1,27,26,24,-1]
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+ 0.9831056 -0.12942831 -0.12942831,0.96544436 -0.22173627 -0.13693146,
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+ 0.12942831 -0.12942831 -0.9831056,0.23190623 -0.1566015 -0.96004972,
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+ 0.82072403 -0.23348078 -0.52143916,0.96520614 -0.13775514 -0.2222625,
+ 0.3218268 -0.92418457 -0.2056949,0.26302583 -0.85014776 -0.45614274,
+ 0.55869411 -0.77365319 -0.29886726,0.78580599 -0.57489565 -0.22804372,
+ 0.41456798 -0.68763885 -0.59605889,0.7587386 -0.42563297 -0.49310477,
+ 0.28934129 -0.49385828 -0.81999123,0.90146474 -0.30513496 -0.30700812,
+ 0.61306193 -0.3525941 -0.70698831,0.35017567 -0.2674634 -0.8976861] }
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+ -0.70361909 -2.9094492 -0.23622047,-0.70458598 -2.9297394 -0.23356033,
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+ -0.7191375 -2.988189 -0.15748031,2.9094488 -2.9094488 -0.23622047,
+ 2.9094488 -2.988189 -0.15748031,2.9094488 -2.985506 -0.17785977,
+ 2.9094488 -2.9776398 -0.19685039,2.9094488 -2.9651265 -0.21315801,
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+ 0,9,15,-1,1,0,15,-1,2,15,14,-1,2,1,15,-1,3,14,13,-1,3,2,14,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,3,13,-1,
+ 5,12,11,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,5,11,-1,7,11,10,-1,7,6,11,-1,8,7,10,-1]
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+ 1.5408167e-06 -0.13025979 -0.9914799,6.1686931e-08 -0.24675957 -0.96907673,
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+ 6.2993335e-05 -0.51999696 -0.85416811,1.6496452e-05 -0.25295643 -0.96747767] }
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+ -2.9094488 -2.988189 0.15748031,-2.9094488 -2.988189 -0.15748031,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 1.1680484e-08 -1 0,0 -1 3.2007003e-08] }
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+ -2.9094488 -2.988189 0.15748031,-2.9094488 -2.985506 0.17785977,
+ -2.9094488 -2.9776398 0.19685039,-2.9094488 -2.9651265 0.21315801,
+ -2.9094488 -2.9488189 0.22567129,-2.9094488 -2.9298283 0.23353747] }
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+ -2.2064569e-07 -0.13082927 0.99140491,5.0456375e-07 -0.2476711 0.96884417,
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+ -6.2261961e-05 -0.52024523 0.85401692,-1.5998965e-05 -0.25339775 0.96736218] }
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+ -2.9488189 -2.9776398 0.15748031,-2.9298283 -2.985506 0.15748031,
+ -2.9094488 -2.988189 0.15748031,-2.9094488 -2.985506 0.17785977,
+ -2.9094488 -2.9776398 0.19685039,-2.9094488 -2.9651265 0.21315801,
+ -2.9094488 -2.9488189 0.22567129,-2.9094488 -2.9298283 0.23353747,
+ -2.9094488 -2.9094488 0.23622047,-2.9298283 -2.9094488 0.23353747,
+ -2.9488189 -2.9094488 0.22567129,-2.9651265 -2.9094488 0.21315801,
+ -2.9776398 -2.9094488 0.19685039,-2.985506 -2.9094488 0.17785977,
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+ -0.12942831 -0.12942831 0.9831056,-0.23023714 -0.13220548 0.96411232,
+ -0.49519124 -0.13835657 0.85769639,-0.66435803 -0.20350816 0.7191751,
+ -0.85539172 -0.15622632 0.49386064,-0.94090646 -0.19719131 0.27533727,
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+ -0.81999123 -0.28934129 0.49385828,-0.30700812 -0.90146474 0.30513496,
+ -0.70698831 -0.61306193 0.3525941,-0.8976861 -0.35017567 0.2674634] }
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+ appearance USE APP_6
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+ -2.9094488 -2.9094488 0.23622047,-2.9298283 -2.9094488 0.23353747,
+ -2.9488189 -2.9094488 0.22567129,-2.9651265 -2.9094488 0.21315801,
+ -2.9776398 -2.9094488 0.19685039,-2.985506 -2.9094488 0.17785977,
+ -2.988189 -2.9094488 0.15748031,-2.9094488 2.9094488 0.23622047,
+ -2.988189 2.9094488 0.15748031,-2.985506 2.9094488 0.17785977,
+ -2.9776398 2.9094488 0.19685039,-2.9651265 2.9094488 0.21315801,
+ -2.9488189 2.9094488 0.22567129,-2.9298283 2.9094488 0.23353747] }
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+ 5,9,8,-1,5,10,9,-1,5,4,10,-1,6,5,8,-1]
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+ -0.13052619 0 0.99144486,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ -0.46155098 0 0.88711369,-0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ -0.84327172 0 0.5374875,-0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
+ -0.88711369 0 0.46155098,-0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ -0.5374875 0 0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993] }
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+ appearance USE APP_6
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+ -2.988189 2.9094488 0.15748031,-2.985506 2.9094488 0.17785977,
+ -2.9776398 2.9094488 0.19685039,-2.9651265 2.9094488 0.21315801,
+ -2.9488189 2.9094488 0.22567129,-2.9298283 2.9094488 0.23353747,
+ -2.9094488 2.9094488 0.23622047,-2.9094488 2.9298283 0.23353747,
+ -2.9094488 2.9488189 0.22567129,-2.9094488 2.9651265 0.21315801,
+ -2.9094488 2.9776398 0.19685039,-2.9094488 2.985506 0.17785977,
+ -2.9094488 2.988189 0.15748031,-2.9298283 2.985506 0.15748031,
+ -2.9488189 2.9776398 0.15748031,-2.9651265 2.9651265 0.15748031,
+ -2.9776398 2.9488189 0.15748031,-2.985506 2.9298283 0.15748031,
+ -2.9837244 2.9331701 0.16845544,-2.9789281 2.9283738 0.18933138,
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+ 27,8,26,-1,27,24,5,-1,27,5,7,-1,27,26,24,-1]
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+ -0.9831056 0.12942831 0.12942831,-0.96411232 0.13220548 0.23023714,
+ -0.85769639 0.13835657 0.49519124,-0.7191751 0.20350816 0.66435803,
+ -0.49386064 0.15622632 0.85539172,-0.27533727 0.19719131 0.94090646,
+ -0.12942831 0.12942831 0.9831056,-0.1566015 0.23190623 0.96004972,
+ -0.14940243 0.55650811 0.81729899,-0.22844675 0.74072815 0.63177044,
+ -0.23348078 0.82072403 0.52143916,-0.13775514 0.96520614 0.2222625,
+ -0.12942831 0.9831056 0.12942831,-0.22173627 0.96544436 0.13693146,
+ -0.44991542 0.88541903 0.11665872,-0.72663324 0.6749647 0.12816708,
+ -0.85057879 0.50905557 0.13182623,-0.97632084 0.18909444 0.10507573,
+ -0.92418457 0.3218268 0.2056949,-0.85014776 0.26302583 0.45614274,
+ -0.77365319 0.55869411 0.29886726,-0.57489565 0.78580599 0.22804372,
+ -0.68763885 0.41456798 0.59605889,-0.42563297 0.7587386 0.49310477,
+ -0.49385828 0.28934129 0.81999123,-0.30513496 0.90146474 0.30700812,
+ -0.3525941 0.61306193 0.70698831,-0.2674634 0.35017567 0.8976861] }
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+ appearance USE APP_6
+ geometry DEF FACE_72 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_72 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.9094488 2.988189 0.15748031,2.9094488 2.985506 0.17785977,
+ 2.9094488 2.9776398 0.19685039,2.9094488 2.9651265 0.21315801,
+ 2.9094488 2.9488189 0.22567129,2.9094488 2.9298283 0.23353747,
+ 2.9094488 2.9094488 0.23622047,-2.9094488 2.988189 0.15748031,
+ -2.9094488 2.9094488 0.23622047,-2.9094488 2.9298283 0.23353747,
+ -2.9094488 2.9488189 0.22567129,-2.9094488 2.9651265 0.21315801,
+ -2.9094488 2.9776398 0.19685039,-2.9094488 2.985506 0.17785977] }
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+ 9,6,5,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,1,0,-1,13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,13,0,-1]
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+ 0 0.99144486 0.13052619,0 0.96592583 0.25881905,
+ 0 0.88711369 0.46155098,0 0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 0.5374875 0.84327172,0 0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 0.13052619 0.99144486,0 0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 0.13052619 0.99144486,0 0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 0.46155098 0.88711369,0 0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 0.84327172 0.5374875,0 0.96592583 0.25881905] }
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+ appearance USE APP_6
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+ 0.70362162 -2.9095029 0.23622047,0.6015748 -0.73936955 0.23622047,
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+ 1.4010608 -0.54434725 0.23622047,1.4143305 -0.57481722 0.23622047,
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+ 1.412388 -0.67349395 0.23622047,1.397442 -0.70421281 0.23622048,
+ 1.3760033 -0.73114197 0.23622045,1.3489662 -0.75298205 0.23622085,
+ 1.247562 -2.9094488 0.23622047,2.9094488 -2.9094488 0.23622047,
+ 2.9094488 2.9094488 0.23622047,-2.9094488 2.9094488 0.23622047,
+ -2.9094488 -2.9094488 0.23622047] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-6.4708291e-08 4.7376835e-08 1,
+ -3.8903537e-07 -3.9723125e-07 1,-1.4538514e-07 -1.4762542e-07 1,
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+ 5.7028051e-06 -2.7330972e-06 1,-2.4229614e-07 1.1604913e-07 1,
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+ 1.4610474e-08 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-4.7586398e-08 -3.1588964e-08 1,
+ 1.1023435e-07 7.502373e-08 1,-1.9517069e-07 -1.3748404e-07 1,
+ 4.4026508e-06 3.1074475e-06 1,2.3146367e-07 0 1,
+ 0 -1.7299379e-07 1,6.4268576e-08 0 1,
+ 0 1.7578493e-08 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_6
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+ coord DEF COORD_74 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.9094488 2.9094488 0.23622047,2.9298283 2.9094488 0.23353747,
+ 2.9488189 2.9094488 0.22567129,2.9651265 2.9094488 0.21315801,
+ 2.9776398 2.9094488 0.19685039,2.985506 2.9094488 0.17785977,
+ 2.988189 2.9094488 0.15748031,2.9094488 -2.9094488 0.23622047,
+ 2.988189 -2.9094488 0.15748031,2.985506 -2.9094488 0.17785977,
+ 2.9776398 -2.9094488 0.19685039,2.9651265 -2.9094488 0.21315801,
+ 2.9488189 -2.9094488 0.22567129,2.9298283 -2.9094488 0.23353747] }
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+ 5,9,8,-1,5,10,9,-1,5,4,10,-1,6,5,8,-1]
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+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
+ 0.88711369 0 0.46155098,0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 0.84327172,0.30091828 0 0.95364993] }
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+ appearance USE APP_6
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+ 2.988189 -2.9094488 0.15748031,2.988189 -2.9094488 -0.15748031,
+ 2.988189 2.9094488 -0.15748031,2.988189 2.9094488 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_76 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_6
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+ coord DEF COORD_76 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.9094488 -2.988189 0.15748031,2.9298283 -2.985506 0.15748031,
+ 2.9488189 -2.9776398 0.15748031,2.9651265 -2.9651265 0.15748031,
+ 2.9776398 -2.9488189 0.15748031,2.985506 -2.9298283 0.15748031,
+ 2.988189 -2.9094488 0.15748031,2.9094488 -2.988189 -0.15748031,
+ 2.988189 -2.9094488 -0.15748031,2.985506 -2.9298283 -0.15748031,
+ 2.9776398 -2.9488189 -0.15748031,2.9651265 -2.9651265 -0.15748031,
+ 2.9488189 -2.9776398 -0.15748031,2.9298283 -2.985506 -0.15748031] }
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+ 8,6,5,-1,9,8,5,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1]
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+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ 0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ 0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,
+ 0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,0.30091828 -0.95364993 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_6
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+ 2.988189 -2.9094488 0.15748031,2.985506 -2.9094488 0.17785977,
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+ 2.9488189 -2.9094488 0.22567129,2.9298283 -2.9094488 0.23353747,
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+ 0.70692219 0.092474303 0.70122002,0.64272634 0.026406692 0.76564061,
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+ 0.21314672 0.97247184 0.094164736,0.64236257 0.73660999 0.21160352,
+ 0.46903424 0.87005783 0.15167815,0.28101275 0.95471673 0.097712802] }
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+ 1.2601712 -0.54251987 0.31496063,0.69100724 -0.54251954 0.31496063,
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+ 9,0,8,-1]
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+ 1.307482e-07 1 -1.3178216e-07,5.8431059e-07 1 1.7988871e-06,
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+ -1.1223952 -0.54251969 -0.49241585,-1.1833601 -0.54251969 -0.44602867,
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+ 1,2,0,-1]
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+ 0 1 8.6918769e-07,3.3166843e-07 1 1.245914e-06,
+ 1.094824e-06 1 1.9106266e-06,3.3885473e-06 1 3.4217957e-06,
+ 7.5428155e-06 1 5.8563604e-06] }
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+ -1.2483606e-05 0.25755524 -0.96626358,0.00044371545 0.11124147 -0.99379331,
+ 6.3750914e-07 0.054678984 -0.99850399,0.00058436537 0.093220704 -0.9956453,
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+ 0.00030828743 0.63428083 -0.77310266,0.00038748774 0.78550492 -0.61885529,
+ 0.00041939225 0.89869504 -0.43857388,0.00032012278 0.97075626 -0.24006705] }
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+ -0.011688021 0.11195713 -0.9936443,0.033703675 0.22238736 -0.97437566,
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+ -0.53218012 -0.07414322 -0.84337838] }
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0.30118926 7.5886983e-07 0.95356438] }
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+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
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+ 0 0 -1,0.25881905 0 -0.96592583,
+ 0.5 0 -0.8660254,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
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+ 1.29696 0.089796198 4.1382399,1.16062 0.16961899 4.28441,
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+ 1.257 0.264886 4.1382399,1.16062 0.16961899 4.28441,
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+ 0.107545 -0.80007099 3.9714798,0.23511299 -0.757001 4.1382399,
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+ 1.01318 0 4.4190797,1.0298999 0.079869303 4.4043597,
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+ -0.405296 -0.27461801 3.7905299,0.61924397 -0.52244799 4.4043597,
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+ -0.23129298 -0.60015602 3.7905299,-0.279168 -0.432473 3.9714798,
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+ 0.67896599 0.058149998 4.5483901,1.0298999 -0.079869303 4.4043597,
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+ -0.279168 -0.432473 3.9714798,0.86546001 -0.57587398 4.28441,
+ 0.997192 -0.466896 4.28441,0.89145598 -0.47031801 4.3479702,
+ 0.997192 -0.466896 4.28441,0.99612099 -0.35819102 4.3479702,
+ 0.89145598 -0.47031801 4.3479702,0.99612099 -0.35819102 4.3479702,
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+ 0.84102398 -0.141257 4.4935001,0.73873696 -0.146299 4.52539,
+ -0.45850103 -0.107997 3.60235,-0.44038202 -0.214636 3.60235,
+ -0.44147701 -0.092727304 3.7905299,0.76100803 -0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.87082902 -0.26311799 4.4530302,0.73873696 -0.146299 4.52539,
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+ -0.44147701 -0.092727304 3.7905299,0.84102398 -0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.67896599 -0.058149998 4.5483901,0.73873696 -0.146299 4.52539,
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+ 0.776798 -0.36073198 4.4530302,0.87082902 -0.26311799 4.4530302,
+ 0.76100803 -0.261009 4.4935001,0.776798 -0.36073198 4.4530302,
+ 0.76794099 -0.46408899 4.4043597,0.89282896 -0.36449301 4.4043597,
+ 0.776798 -0.36073198 4.4530302,0.64125596 -0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.76794099 -0.46408899 4.4043597,0.776798 -0.36073198 4.4530302,
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+ 0.776798 -0.36073198 4.4530302,0.76100803 -0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.63681199 -0.24429799 4.52539,0.64125596 -0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.776798 -0.36073198 4.4530302,0.63681199 -0.24429799 4.52539,
+ -0.045474299 -0.704693 3.9714798,0.073305799 -0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ -0.067105197 -0.56710398 4.1382399,0.23511299 -0.757001 4.1382399,
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+ 0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,0.49999901 -0.36912302 4.4935001,
+ 0.55462404 -0.27461801 4.52539,0.49999901 -0.36912302 4.4935001,
+ 0.64125596 -0.34102499 4.4935001,0.55462404 -0.27461801 4.52539,
+ 0.073305799 -0.67907797 4.1382399,0.23511299 -0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.209596 -0.61713804 4.28441,0.64125596 -0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.63681199 -0.24429799 4.52539,0.55462404 -0.27461801 4.52539,
+ -0.405296 -0.27461801 3.7905299,-0.334326 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ -0.35027399 -0.26677502 3.9714798,-0.334326 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ -0.279168 -0.432473 3.9714798,-0.35027399 -0.26677502 3.9714798,
+ 0.30421901 -0.49884 4.4043597,0.45995201 -0.53438502 4.4043597,
+ 0.39467999 -0.44232701 4.4530302,0.45995201 -0.53438502 4.4043597,
+ 0.49999901 -0.36912302 4.4935001,0.39467999 -0.44232701 4.4530302,
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+ 0.16588099 -0.418971 4.4043597,0.057711001 -0.42287097 4.3479702,
+ 0.057231201 -0.30187401 4.4043597,-0.051791397 -0.40089901 4.28441,
+ 0.057711001 -0.42287097 4.3479702,-0.45850103 0.107997 3.60235,
+ -0.46456597 0 3.60235,-0.44147701 0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 0.16588099 -0.418971 4.4043597,0.057231201 -0.30187401 4.4043597,
+ 0.057711001 -0.42287097 4.3479702,-0.44038202 0.214636 3.60235,
+ -0.45850103 0.107997 3.60235,-0.44147701 0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 0.23898999 -0.261009 4.4935001,0.16588099 -0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.268981 -0.391633 4.4530302,0.16588099 -0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.30421901 -0.49884 4.4043597,0.268981 -0.391633 4.4530302,
+ 0.30421901 -0.49884 4.4043597,0.39467999 -0.44232701 4.4530302,
+ 0.268981 -0.391633 4.4530302,0.39467999 -0.44232701 4.4530302,
+ 0.35874201 -0.34102499 4.4935001,0.268981 -0.391633 4.4530302,
+ -0.46456597 0 3.60235,-0.44147701 -0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ -0.44147701 0.092727304 3.7905299,-0.17616201 -0.580465 3.9714798,
+ -0.067105197 -0.56710398 4.1382399,-0.179079 -0.42669299 4.1382399,
+ 0.49999901 -0.36912302 4.4935001,0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,
+ 0.44537403 -0.27461801 4.52539,0.39467999 -0.44232701 4.4530302,
+ 0.49999901 -0.36912302 4.4935001,0.44537403 -0.27461801 4.52539,
+ 0.35874201 -0.34102499 4.4935001,0.39467999 -0.44232701 4.4530302,
+ 0.44537403 -0.27461801 4.52539,-0.279168 -0.432473 3.9714798,
+ -0.17616201 -0.580465 3.9714798,-0.179079 -0.42669299 4.1382399,
+ 0.073305799 -0.67907797 4.1382399,0.209596 -0.61713804 4.28441,
+ 0.065243696 -0.52552904 4.28441,-0.067105197 -0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 0.073305799 -0.67907797 4.1382399,0.065243696 -0.52552904 4.28441,
+ 0.389391 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.23898999 -0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.363186 -0.24429799 4.52539,0.23898999 -0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.268981 -0.391633 4.4530302,0.363186 -0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.61924397 -0.52244799 4.4043597,0.64125596 -0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.49999901 -0.36912302 4.4935001,0.268981 -0.391633 4.4530302,
+ 0.35874201 -0.34102499 4.4935001,0.363186 -0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.45995201 -0.53438502 4.4043597,0.61924397 -0.52244799 4.4043597,
+ 0.49999901 -0.36912302 4.4935001,0.35874201 -0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.44537403 -0.27461801 4.52539,0.363186 -0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.23898999 -0.261009 4.4935001,0.389391 -0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.26126098 -0.146299 4.52539,0.15897401 -0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.23898999 -0.261009 4.4935001,0.26126098 -0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.209596 -0.61713804 4.28441,0.37219501 -0.66996902 4.28441,
+ 0.30421901 -0.49884 4.4043597,0.32103198 -0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.15897401 -0.141257 4.4935001,0.26126098 -0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.37219501 -0.66996902 4.28441,0.45995201 -0.53438502 4.4043597,
+ 0.30421901 -0.49884 4.4043597,-0.035884601 0 4.4043597,
+ -0.0120768 -0.15795401 4.4043597,0.050384698 -0.067768404 4.4530302,
+ -0.0120768 -0.15795401 4.4043597,0.15897401 -0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.050384698 -0.067768404 4.4530302,-0.035884601 0 4.4043597,
+ 0.050384698 -0.067768404 4.4530302,0.050384698 0.067768404 4.4530302,
+ 0.050384698 -0.067768404 4.4530302,0.13087601 0 4.4935001,
+ 0.050384698 0.067768404 4.4530302,-0.0120768 0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ -0.035884601 0 4.4043597,0.050384698 0.067768404 4.4530302,
+ 0.15897401 0.141257 4.4935001,-0.0120768 0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ 0.050384698 0.067768404 4.4530302,-0.405296 -0.27461801 3.7905299,
+ -0.35027399 -0.26677502 3.9714798,-0.38657099 -0.090155305 3.9714798,
+ 0.13087601 0 4.4935001,0.050384698 -0.067768404 4.4530302,
+ 0.223448 -0.0438014 4.52539,0.050384698 -0.067768404 4.4530302,
+ 0.15897401 -0.141257 4.4935001,0.223448 -0.0438014 4.52539,
+ -0.44147701 -0.092727304 3.7905299,-0.405296 -0.27461801 3.7905299,
+ -0.38657099 -0.090155305 3.9714798,0.15897401 -0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.32103198 -0.058149998 4.5483901,0.223448 -0.0438014 4.52539,
+ 0.057231201 0.30187401 4.4043597,0.16588099 0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.057711001 0.42287097 4.3479702,0.16588099 0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.065243696 0.52552904 4.28441,0.057711001 0.42287097 4.3479702,
+ 0.065243696 0.52552904 4.28441,-0.051791397 0.40089901 4.28441,
+ 0.057711001 0.42287097 4.3479702,-0.051791397 0.40089901 4.28441,
+ 0.057231201 0.30187401 4.4043597,0.057711001 0.42287097 4.3479702,
+ 0.050384698 0.067768404 4.4530302,0.13087601 0 4.4935001,
+ 0.223448 0.0438014 4.52539,0.15897401 0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.050384698 0.067768404 4.4530302,0.223448 0.0438014 4.52539,
+ -0.44038202 0.214636 3.60235,-0.44147701 0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ -0.405296 0.27461801 3.7905299,-0.41043801 0.31857601 3.60235,
+ -0.44038202 0.214636 3.60235,-0.405296 0.27461801 3.7905299,
+ -0.36904401 0.41850899 3.60235,-0.41043801 0.31857601 3.60235,
+ -0.405296 0.27461801 3.7905299,0.32103198 0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.15897401 0.141257 4.4935001,0.223448 0.0438014 4.52539,
+ 0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,0.15897401 0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.26126098 0.146299 4.52539,0.15897401 0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.32103198 0.058149998 4.5483901,0.26126098 0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.30421901 0.49884 4.4043597,0.16588099 0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.268981 0.391633 4.4530302,0.16588099 0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,0.268981 0.391633 4.4530302,
+ 0.30421901 0.49884 4.4043597,0.268981 0.391633 4.4530302,
+ 0.39467999 0.44232701 4.4530302,0.268981 0.391633 4.4530302,
+ 0.35874201 0.34102499 4.4935001,0.39467999 0.44232701 4.4530302,
+ 0.45995201 0.53438502 4.4043597,0.30421901 0.49884 4.4043597,
+ 0.39467999 0.44232701 4.4530302,0.49999901 0.36912302 4.4935001,
+ 0.45995201 0.53438502 4.4043597,0.39467999 0.44232701 4.4530302,
+ -0.35027399 -0.26677502 3.9714798,-0.279168 -0.432473 3.9714798,
+ -0.25700199 -0.264886 4.1382399,0.268981 0.391633 4.4530302,
+ 0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,0.363186 0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.35874201 0.34102499 4.4935001,0.268981 0.391633 4.4530302,
+ 0.363186 0.24429799 4.52539,0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.389391 0.15223899 4.5483901,0.363186 0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.49999901 0.188177 4.5483901,0.49999901 0.36912302 4.4935001,
+ 0.44537403 0.27461801 4.52539,-0.279168 -0.432473 3.9714798,
+ -0.179079 -0.42669299 4.1382399,-0.25700199 -0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 0.39467999 0.44232701 4.4530302,0.35874201 0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.44537403 0.27461801 4.52539,-0.067105197 -0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 0.065243696 -0.52552904 4.28441,-0.051791397 -0.40089901 4.28441,
+ 0.49999901 0.36912302 4.4935001,0.39467999 0.44232701 4.4530302,
+ 0.44537403 0.27461801 4.52539,0.35874201 0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.363186 0.24429799 4.52539,0.44537403 0.27461801 4.52539,
+ -0.179079 -0.42669299 4.1382399,-0.067105197 -0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ -0.051791397 -0.40089901 4.28441,0.76794099 0.46408899 4.4043597,
+ 0.89282896 0.36449301 4.4043597,0.89145598 0.47031801 4.3479702,
+ 0.997192 0.466896 4.28441,0.86546001 0.57587398 4.28441,
+ 0.89145598 0.47031801 4.3479702,0.86546001 0.57587398 4.28441,
+ 0.76794099 0.46408899 4.4043597,0.89145598 0.47031801 4.3479702,
+ -0.44147701 0.092727304 3.7905299,-0.44147701 -0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ -0.38657099 0.090155305 3.9714798,0.49999901 0.36912302 4.4935001,
+ 0.49999901 0.188177 4.5483901,0.55462404 0.27461801 4.52539,
+ -0.405296 0.27461801 3.7905299,-0.44147701 0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ -0.38657099 0.090155305 3.9714798,1.4585 0.107997 3.60235,
+ 1.4403799 0.214636 3.60235,1.4585 0 3.7103499,
+ 1.46456 0 3.60235,1.4585 0.107997 3.60235,
+ 1.4585 0 3.7103499,0.64125596 0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.49999901 0.36912302 4.4935001,0.55462404 0.27461801 4.52539,
+ 0.89282896 0.36449301 4.4043597,0.98281301 0.23251101 4.4043597,
+ 0.99612099 0.35819102 4.3479702,0.98281301 0.23251101 4.4043597,
+ 1.09768 0.32857999 4.28441,0.99612099 0.35819102 4.3479702,
+ 0.997192 0.466896 4.28441,0.89145598 0.47031801 4.3479702,
+ 0.99612099 0.35819102 4.3479702,1.09768 0.32857999 4.28441,
+ 0.997192 0.466896 4.28441,0.99612099 0.35819102 4.3479702,
+ -0.44147701 -0.092727304 3.7905299,-0.38657099 -0.090155305 3.9714798,
+ -0.38657099 0.090155305 3.9714798,0.89145598 0.47031801 4.3479702,
+ 0.89282896 0.36449301 4.4043597,0.99612099 0.35819102 4.3479702,
+ 0.76794099 0.46408899 4.4043597,0.64125596 0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.776798 0.36073198 4.4530302,0.89282896 0.36449301 4.4043597,
+ 0.76794099 0.46408899 4.4043597,0.776798 0.36073198 4.4530302,
+ 0.065243696 -0.52552904 4.28441,0.209596 -0.61713804 4.28441,
+ 0.16588099 -0.418971 4.4043597,0.209596 -0.61713804 4.28441,
+ 0.30421901 -0.49884 4.4043597,0.16588099 -0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.76100803 0.261009 4.4935001,0.776798 0.36073198 4.4530302,
+ 0.63681199 0.24429799 4.52539,-0.316722 0.51318003 3.60235,
+ -0.36904401 0.41850899 3.60235,-0.334326 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 0.61060702 0.15223899 4.5483901,0.76100803 0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.63681199 0.24429799 4.52539,0.64125596 0.34102499 4.4935001,
+ 0.55462404 0.27461801 4.52539,0.63681199 0.24429799 4.52539,
+ -0.36904401 0.41850899 3.60235,-0.405296 0.27461801 3.7905299,
+ -0.334326 0.44595599 3.7905299,0.776798 0.36073198 4.4530302,
+ 0.64125596 0.34102499 4.4935001,0.63681199 0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.776798 0.36073198 4.4530302,0.76100803 0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.87082902 0.26311799 4.4530302,0.98281301 0.23251101 4.4043597,
+ 0.89282896 0.36449301 4.4043597,0.87082902 0.26311799 4.4530302,
+ 0.89282896 0.36449301 4.4043597,0.776798 0.36073198 4.4530302,
+ 0.87082902 0.26311799 4.4530302,0.91850795 0 4.4713997,
+ 1.0298999 0.079869303 4.4043597,0.93807902 0.121784 4.4530302,
+ 1.0298999 0.079869303 4.4043597,0.98281301 0.23251101 4.4043597,
+ 0.93807902 0.121784 4.4530302,0.84102398 0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.81857499 0 4.5127902,0.93807902 0.121784 4.4530302,
+ 0.98281301 0.23251101 4.4043597,0.87082902 0.26311799 4.4530302,
+ 0.93807902 0.121784 4.4530302,0.87082902 0.26311799 4.4530302,
+ 0.84102398 0.141257 4.4935001,0.93807902 0.121784 4.4530302,
+ 0.81857499 0 4.5127902,0.91850795 0 4.4713997,
+ 0.93807902 0.121784 4.4530302,0.87082902 0.26311799 4.4530302,
+ 0.76100803 0.261009 4.4935001,0.73873696 0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.67896599 0.058149998 4.5483901,0.84102398 0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.73873696 0.146299 4.52539,0.84102398 0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.87082902 0.26311799 4.4530302,0.73873696 0.146299 4.52539,
+ -0.38657099 -0.090155305 3.9714798,-0.35027399 -0.26677502 3.9714798,
+ -0.29696501 -0.089796198 4.1382399,0.61060702 0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.54292102 0.084239198 4.5622803,0.56685195 0.066852599 4.5622803,
+ -0.35027399 -0.26677502 3.9714798,-0.25700199 -0.264886 4.1382399,
+ -0.29696501 -0.089796198 4.1382399,0.714635 0 4.5427397,
+ 0.67896599 0.058149998 4.5483901,0.59337902 0.0147899 4.5622803,
+ 0.60799601 0 4.5608603,0.714635 0 4.5427397,
+ 0.59337902 0.0147899 4.5622803,-0.334326 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ -0.405296 0.27461801 3.7905299,-0.35027399 0.26677502 3.9714798,
+ 0.49999901 0 4.5669199,0.60799601 0 4.5608603,
+ 0.59337902 0.0147899 4.5622803,0.67896599 -0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.59337902 -0.0147899 4.5622803,0.54372502 -0.018112001 4.5657601,
+ -0.405296 0.27461801 3.7905299,-0.38657099 0.090155305 3.9714798,
+ -0.35027399 0.26677502 3.9714798,0.58423797 -0.042922 4.5622803,
+ 0.67896599 -0.058149998 4.5483901,0.54372502 -0.018112001 4.5657601,
+ 0.59337902 -0.0147899 4.5622803,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.54372502 -0.018112001 4.5657601,0.61060702 -0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.76100803 -0.261009 4.4935001,0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,
+ 0.73873696 -0.146299 4.52539,0.67896599 -0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,0.67896599 -0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.58423797 -0.042922 4.5622803,0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,
+ -0.25700199 -0.264886 4.1382399,-0.179079 -0.42669299 4.1382399,
+ -0.134155 -0.25108001 4.28441,0.56685195 -0.066852599 4.5622803,
+ 0.61060702 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,
+ -0.179079 -0.42669299 4.1382399,-0.051791397 -0.40089901 4.28441,
+ -0.134155 -0.25108001 4.28441,0.76100803 -0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.73873696 -0.146299 4.52539,0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,
+ 0.58423797 -0.042922 4.5622803,0.54372502 -0.018112001 4.5657601,
+ 0.54035403 -0.024729301 4.5657601,0.54372502 -0.018112001 4.5657601,
+ 0.49999901 0 4.5669199,0.54035403 -0.024729301 4.5657601,
+ 0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,0.58423797 -0.042922 4.5622803,
+ 0.54035403 -0.024729301 4.5657601,-0.25412802 0.60139604 3.60235,
+ -0.316722 0.51318003 3.60235,-0.23129298 0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ -0.18205101 0.68204999 3.60235,-0.25412802 0.60139604 3.60235,
+ -0.23129298 0.60015602 3.7905299,0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,
+ 0.54035403 -0.024729301 4.5657601,0.53598796 -0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.54035403 -0.024729301 4.5657601,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.53598796 -0.030737699 4.5657601,0.56685195 -0.066852599 4.5622803,
+ 0.64777798 -0.116499 4.5483901,0.53598796 -0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.53598796 -0.030737699 4.5657601,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.53073698 -0.035989199 4.5657601,0.54292102 -0.084239198 4.5622803,
+ 0.61060702 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.53073698 -0.035989199 4.5657601,
+ -0.316722 0.51318003 3.60235,-0.334326 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ -0.23129298 0.60015602 3.7905299,0.61060702 -0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.56685195 -0.066852599 4.5622803,0.53073698 -0.035989199 4.5657601,
+ 0.56685195 -0.066852599 4.5622803,0.53598796 -0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.53073698 -0.035989199 4.5657601,0.63681199 -0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.61060702 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.56165199 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ -0.134155 -0.25108001 4.28441,-0.051791397 -0.40089901 4.28441,
+ 0.057231201 -0.30187401 4.4043597,0.51478898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,
+ 0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,0.56165199 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ 0.61060702 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.54292102 -0.084239198 4.5622803,
+ 0.56165199 -0.177791 4.5483901,0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,
+ 0.55462404 -0.27461801 4.52539,0.56165199 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ -0.38657099 0.090155305 3.9714798,-0.38657099 -0.090155305 3.9714798,
+ -0.29696501 0.089796198 4.1382399,0.55462404 -0.27461801 4.52539,
+ 0.63681199 -0.24429799 4.52539,0.56165199 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ -0.35027399 0.26677502 3.9714798,-0.38657099 0.090155305 3.9714798,
+ -0.29696501 0.089796198 4.1382399,0.54292102 -0.084239198 4.5622803,
+ 0.51478898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,0.56165199 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ 0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,0.48520898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,
+ 0.43834598 -0.177791 4.5483901,-0.38657099 -0.090155305 3.9714798,
+ -0.29696501 -0.089796198 4.1382399,-0.29696501 0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ 0.44537403 -0.27461801 4.52539,0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,
+ 0.43834598 -0.177791 4.5483901,0.389391 -0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.363186 -0.24429799 4.52539,0.43834598 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ 0.363186 -0.24429799 4.52539,0.44537403 -0.27461801 4.52539,
+ 0.43834598 -0.177791 4.5483901,0.26126098 -0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.389391 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.40808203 -0.107621 4.5564798,
+ 0.32103198 -0.058149998 4.5483901,0.26126098 -0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.37932398 -0.073949799 4.5564798,-0.334326 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ -0.35027399 0.26677502 3.9714798,-0.279168 0.432473 3.9714798,
+ 0.26126098 -0.146299 4.52539,0.40808203 -0.107621 4.5564798,
+ 0.37932398 -0.073949799 4.5564798,0.223448 0.0438014 4.52539,
+ 0.13087601 0 4.4935001,0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,
+ 0.223448 -0.0438014 4.52539,0.32103198 -0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,-0.23129298 0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ -0.334326 0.44595599 3.7905299,-0.279168 0.432473 3.9714798,
+ 0.13087601 0 4.4935001,0.223448 -0.0438014 4.52539,
+ 0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,0.223448 0.0438014 4.52539,
+ 0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,0.40661899 0.0147899 4.5622803,
+ -0.101397 0.75412702 3.60235,-0.18205101 0.68204999 3.60235,
+ -0.10015701 0.73129201 3.7905299,0.32103198 0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.223448 0.0438014 4.52539,0.40661899 0.0147899 4.5622803,
+ -0.013180499 0.81672105 3.60235,-0.101397 0.75412702 3.60235,
+ -0.10015701 0.73129201 3.7905299,-0.18205101 0.68204999 3.60235,
+ -0.23129298 0.60015602 3.7905299,-0.10015701 0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ -0.25700199 -0.264886 4.1382399,-0.134155 -0.25108001 4.28441,
+ -0.17667299 -0.085483603 4.28441,-0.29696501 -0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ -0.25700199 -0.264886 4.1382399,-0.17667299 -0.085483603 4.28441,
+ 0.363186 0.24429799 4.52539,0.389391 0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.42604898 0.120675 4.5564798,0.42604898 0.120675 4.5564798,
+ 0.389391 0.15223899 4.5483901,0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,
+ 0.057231201 -0.30187401 4.4043597,0.16588099 -0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.23898999 -0.261009 4.4935001,0.42604898 0.120675 4.5564798,
+ 0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,0.47434001 0.057631502 4.56485,
+ 0.363186 0.24429799 4.52539,0.42604898 0.120675 4.5564798,
+ 0.46695898 0.137621 4.5564798,0.42604898 0.120675 4.5564798,
+ 0.47434001 0.057631502 4.56485,0.46695898 0.137621 4.5564798,
+ 0.49999901 0.188177 4.5483901,0.44537403 0.27461801 4.52539,
+ 0.46695898 0.137621 4.5564798,-0.35027399 0.26677502 3.9714798,
+ -0.29696501 0.089796198 4.1382399,-0.25700199 0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 0.44537403 0.27461801 4.52539,0.363186 0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.46695898 0.137621 4.5564798,-0.279168 0.432473 3.9714798,
+ -0.35027399 0.26677502 3.9714798,-0.25700199 0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 0.61060702 0.15223899 4.5483901,0.63681199 0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.56165199 0.177791 4.5483901,0.54292102 0.084239198 4.5622803,
+ 0.61060702 0.15223899 4.5483901,0.56165199 0.177791 4.5483901,
+ -0.10015701 0.73129201 3.7905299,-0.23129298 0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ -0.17616201 0.580465 3.9714798,0.63681199 0.24429799 4.52539,
+ 0.55462404 0.27461801 4.52539,0.56165199 0.177791 4.5483901,
+ 0.49999901 0.188177 4.5483901,0.51478898 0.093379898 4.5622803,
+ 0.56165199 0.177791 4.5483901,0.51478898 0.093379898 4.5622803,
+ 0.54292102 0.084239198 4.5622803,0.56165199 0.177791 4.5483901,
+ 0.55462404 0.27461801 4.52539,0.49999901 0.188177 4.5483901,
+ 0.56165199 0.177791 4.5483901,-0.23129298 0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ -0.279168 0.432473 3.9714798,-0.17616201 0.580465 3.9714798,
+ 0.76100803 0.261009 4.4935001,0.61060702 0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,0.73873696 0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.76100803 0.261009 4.4935001,0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,
+ 0.67896599 0.058149998 4.5483901,0.73873696 0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,0.61060702 0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.56685195 0.066852599 4.5622803,0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,
+ 0.58423797 0.042922 4.5622803,0.67896599 0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,-0.013180499 0.81672105 3.60235,
+ -0.10015701 0.73129201 3.7905299,0.054042998 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.081489898 0.86904295 3.60235,-0.013180499 0.81672105 3.60235,
+ 0.054042998 0.83432498 3.7905299,0.181423 0.91043701 3.60235,
+ 0.081489898 0.86904295 3.60235,0.054042998 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,0.56685195 0.066852599 4.5622803,
+ 0.53598796 0.030737699 4.5657601,0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,
+ 0.53598796 0.030737699 4.5657601,0.54035403 0.024729301 4.5657601,
+ 0.53598796 0.030737699 4.5657601,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.54035403 0.024729301 4.5657601,0.58423797 0.042922 4.5622803,
+ 0.64777798 0.116499 4.5483901,0.54035403 0.024729301 4.5657601,
+ 0.58423797 0.042922 4.5622803,0.54035403 0.024729301 4.5657601,
+ 0.54372502 0.018112001 4.5657601,-0.134155 -0.25108001 4.28441,
+ 0.057231201 -0.30187401 4.4043597,-0.0120768 -0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ 0.54035403 0.024729301 4.5657601,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.54372502 0.018112001 4.5657601,-0.17667299 -0.085483603 4.28441,
+ -0.134155 -0.25108001 4.28441,-0.0120768 -0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ 0.67896599 0.058149998 4.5483901,0.58423797 0.042922 4.5622803,
+ 0.54372502 0.018112001 4.5657601,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.59337902 0.0147899 4.5622803,0.54372502 0.018112001 4.5657601,
+ 0.59337902 0.0147899 4.5622803,0.67896599 0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.54372502 0.018112001 4.5657601,0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,
+ 0.51478898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,0.49834702 -0.031516399 4.5663999,
+ 0.48520898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,0.49999901 -0.188177 4.5483901,
+ 0.49834702 -0.031516399 4.5663999,0.54292102 -0.084239198 4.5622803,
+ 0.53073698 -0.035989199 4.5657601,0.49834702 -0.031516399 4.5663999,
+ 0.53073698 -0.035989199 4.5657601,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.49834702 -0.031516399 4.5663999,0.51478898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,
+ 0.54292102 -0.084239198 4.5622803,0.49834702 -0.031516399 4.5663999,
+ -0.25700199 0.264886 4.1382399,-0.29696501 0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ -0.17667299 0.085483603 4.28441,0.40808203 -0.107621 4.5564798,
+ 0.389391 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.434401 -0.0981742 4.5596701,
+ 0.389391 -0.15223899 4.5483901,0.43834598 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ 0.434401 -0.0981742 4.5596701,-0.29696501 -0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ -0.17667299 -0.085483603 4.28441,-0.17667299 0.085483603 4.28441,
+ -0.29696501 0.089796198 4.1382399,-0.29696501 -0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ -0.17667299 0.085483603 4.28441,-0.17616201 0.580465 3.9714798,
+ -0.279168 0.432473 3.9714798,-0.179079 0.42669299 4.1382399,
+ 0.49834702 -0.031516399 4.5663999,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,0.434401 -0.0981742 4.5596701,
+ 0.43834598 -0.177791 4.5483901,0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,
+ 1.4585 0 3.7103499,1.4403799 0 3.8169898,
+ 1.44147 -0.092727304 3.7905299,1.4403799 0 3.8169898,
+ 1.41044 0 3.9209298,1.44147 -0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 0.48520898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,0.49834702 -0.031516399 4.5663999,
+ 0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,1.4403799 -0.214636 3.60235,
+ 1.4585 0 3.7103499,1.44147 -0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 1.41044 -0.31857601 3.60235,1.4403799 -0.214636 3.60235,
+ 1.40529 -0.27461801 3.7905299,0.43834598 -0.177791 4.5483901,
+ 0.48520898 -0.093379898 4.5622803,0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,
+ 1.36904 -0.41850899 3.60235,1.41044 -0.31857601 3.60235,
+ 1.40529 -0.27461801 3.7905299,-0.279168 0.432473 3.9714798,
+ -0.25700199 0.264886 4.1382399,-0.179079 0.42669299 4.1382399,
+ 0.37932398 -0.073949799 4.5564798,0.40808203 -0.107621 4.5564798,
+ 0.42351099 -0.055571499 4.5622803,-0.10015701 0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ -0.17616201 0.580465 3.9714798,-0.045474299 0.704693 3.9714798,
+ 0.434401 -0.0981742 4.5596701,0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,
+ 0.46401 -0.030737699 4.5657601,0.42351099 -0.055571499 4.5622803,
+ 0.40808203 -0.107621 4.5564798,0.46401 -0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.40808203 -0.107621 4.5564798,0.434401 -0.0981742 4.5596701,
+ 0.46401 -0.030737699 4.5657601,1.4403799 -0.214636 3.60235,
+ 1.44147 -0.092727304 3.7905299,1.40529 -0.27461801 3.7905299,
+ 0.054042998 0.83432498 3.7905299,-0.10015701 0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ -0.045474299 0.704693 3.9714798,1.31672 -0.51318003 3.60235,
+ 1.36904 -0.41850899 3.60235,1.3343199 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 0.181423 0.91043701 3.60235,0.054042998 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.225381 0.90529506 3.7905299,0.32103198 -0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.37932398 -0.073949799 4.5564798,0.43170499 -0.019260799 4.5643101,
+ 0.37932398 -0.073949799 4.5564798,0.42351099 -0.055571499 4.5622803,
+ 0.43170499 -0.019260799 4.5643101,0.28536299 0.94038098 3.60235,
+ 0.181423 0.91043701 3.60235,0.225381 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.42351099 -0.055571499 4.5622803,0.46401 -0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.43170499 -0.019260799 4.5643101,0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,
+ 0.32103198 -0.058149998 4.5483901,0.43170499 -0.019260799 4.5643101,
+ 0.26126098 0.146299 4.52539,0.32103198 0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.40182499 0.065597898 4.5596701,1.36904 -0.41850899 3.60235,
+ 1.40529 -0.27461801 3.7905299,1.3343199 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,0.26126098 0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.37460501 0.10709601 4.5527199,0.26126098 0.146299 4.52539,
+ 0.40182499 0.065597898 4.5596701,0.37460501 0.10709601 4.5527199,
+ 0.40182499 0.065597898 4.5596701,0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,
+ 0.37460501 0.10709601 4.5527199,-0.0120768 -0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ 0.057231201 -0.30187401 4.4043597,0.15897401 -0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.389391 0.15223899 4.5483901,0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.37460501 0.10709601 4.5527199,1.44147 -0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 1.41044 0 3.9209298,1.3729 -0.17938601 3.9714798,
+ 0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,0.389391 0.15223899 4.5483901,
+ 0.37460501 0.10709601 4.5527199,0.47434001 0.057631502 4.56485,
+ 0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,0.503712 0.047183101 4.5657601,
+ 1.40529 -0.27461801 3.7905299,1.44147 -0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 1.3729 -0.17938601 3.9714798,1.41044 0 3.9209298,
+ 1.36904 0 4.0208603,1.3729 -0.17938601 3.9714798,
+ 0.49999901 0.188177 4.5483901,0.46695898 0.137621 4.5564798,
+ 0.503712 0.047183101 4.5657601,0.057231201 -0.30187401 4.4043597,
+ 0.23898999 -0.261009 4.4935001,0.15897401 -0.141257 4.4935001,
+ 0.51478898 0.093379898 4.5622803,0.49999901 0.188177 4.5483901,
+ 0.503712 0.047183101 4.5657601,-0.17667299 0.085483603 4.28441,
+ -0.17667299 -0.085483603 4.28441,-0.035884601 0 4.4043597,
+ 0.46695898 0.137621 4.5564798,0.47434001 0.057631502 4.56485,
+ 0.503712 0.047183101 4.5657601,-0.17667299 -0.085483603 4.28441,
+ -0.0120768 -0.15795401 4.4043597,-0.035884601 0 4.4043597,
+ 1.25413 -0.60139604 3.60235,1.31672 -0.51318003 3.60235,
+ 1.2312899 -0.60015602 3.7905299,1.18205 -0.68204999 3.60235,
+ 1.25413 -0.60139604 3.60235,1.2312899 -0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ 0.503712 0.047183101 4.5657601,0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,
+ 0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,0.53598796 0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.56685195 0.066852599 4.5622803,0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,
+ 0.49999901 0 4.5669199,0.53598796 0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,0.54292102 0.084239198 4.5622803,
+ 0.51478898 0.093379898 4.5622803,0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,
+ -0.25700199 0.264886 4.1382399,-0.17667299 0.085483603 4.28441,
+ -0.134155 0.25108001 4.28441,0.51478898 0.093379898 4.5622803,
+ 0.503712 0.047183101 4.5657601,0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,
+ 0.56685195 0.066852599 4.5622803,0.54292102 0.084239198 4.5622803,
+ 0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,-0.179079 0.42669299 4.1382399,
+ -0.25700199 0.264886 4.1382399,-0.134155 0.25108001 4.28441,
+ 0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,0.43170499 -0.019260799 4.5643101,
+ 0.464831 -0.0048643403 4.56627,0.43170499 -0.019260799 4.5643101,
+ 0.46401 -0.030737699 4.5657601,0.464831 -0.0048643403 4.56627,
+ 1.31672 -0.51318003 3.60235,1.3343199 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 1.2312899 -0.60015602 3.7905299,0.46401 -0.030737699 4.5657601,
+ 0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,0.464831 -0.0048643403 4.56627,
+ 0.225381 0.90529506 3.7905299,0.054042998 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.107545 0.80007099 3.9714798,1.40529 -0.27461801 3.7905299,
+ 1.3729 -0.17938601 3.9714798,1.31892 -0.35142699 3.9714798,
+ 0.40661899 0.0147899 4.5622803,0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,
+ 0.45281602 0.0037133903 4.5657601,0.054042998 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ -0.045474299 0.704693 3.9714798,0.107545 0.80007099 3.9714798,
+ 0.26635101 -0.018388501 4.53801,0.464831 -0.0048643403 4.56627,
+ 0.45281602 0.0037133903 4.5657601,0.40661899 0.0147899 4.5622803,
+ 0.45281602 0.0037133903 4.5657601,0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,
+ 0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,0.32103198 0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.40661899 0.0147899 4.5622803,0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,
+ 0.40182499 0.065597898 4.5596701,0.32103198 0.058149998 4.5483901,
+ 0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,0.49999901 0 4.5669199,
+ 0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,
+ 0.50990896 0.0214972 4.56663,0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,
+ 0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,1.3343199 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 1.40529 -0.27461801 3.7905299,1.31892 -0.35142699 3.9714798,
+ 0.464831 -0.0048643403 4.56627,0.49008901 -0.0214972 4.56663,
+ 0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,0.39200198 0.95850004 3.60235,
+ 0.28536299 0.94038098 3.60235,0.40727201 0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 1.3729 -0.17938601 3.9714798,1.36904 0 4.0208603,
+ 1.29696 -0.089796198 4.1382399,0.45281602 0.0037133903 4.5657601,
+ 0.464831 -0.0048643403 4.56627,0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,
+ 0.49999901 0.96456498 3.60235,0.39200198 0.95850004 3.60235,
+ 0.40727201 0.94147601 3.7905299,0.46926099 0.035989199 4.5657601,
+ 0.40182499 0.065597898 4.5596701,0.47850201 0.0099103494 4.56663,
+ 1.36904 0 4.0208603,1.31672 0 4.1155301,
+ 1.29696 -0.089796198 4.1382399,1.31672 0 4.1155301,
+ 1.25413 0 4.2037502,1.29696 -0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ 1.1014001 -0.75412702 3.60235,1.18205 -0.68204999 3.60235,
+ 1.10015 -0.73129201 3.7905299,1.01318 -0.81672105 3.60235,
+ 1.1014001 -0.75412702 3.60235,1.10015 -0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 0.28536299 0.94038098 3.60235,0.225381 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.40727201 0.94147601 3.7905299,-0.17616201 0.580465 3.9714798,
+ -0.179079 0.42669299 4.1382399,-0.067105197 0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ -0.045474299 0.704693 3.9714798,-0.17616201 0.580465 3.9714798,
+ -0.067105197 0.56710398 4.1382399,1.18205 -0.68204999 3.60235,
+ 1.2312899 -0.60015602 3.7905299,1.10015 -0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 0.40727201 0.94147601 3.7905299,0.225381 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.27663201 0.86269407 3.9714798,0.225381 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.107545 0.80007099 3.9714798,0.27663201 0.86269407 3.9714798,
+ 1.2312899 -0.60015602 3.7905299,1.3343199 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 1.23142 -0.50908102 3.9714798,1.3343199 -0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 1.31892 -0.35142699 3.9714798,1.23142 -0.50908102 3.9714798,
+ -0.179079 0.42669299 4.1382399,-0.134155 0.25108001 4.28441,
+ -0.051791397 0.40089901 4.28441,-0.067105197 0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ -0.179079 0.42669299 4.1382399,-0.051791397 0.40089901 4.28441,
+ 1.3729 -0.17938601 3.9714798,1.29696 -0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ 1.257 -0.264886 4.1382399,1.31892 -0.35142699 3.9714798,
+ 1.3729 -0.17938601 3.9714798,1.257 -0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 0.49999901 0.96456498 3.60235,0.40727201 0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.592726 0.94147601 3.7905299,0.60799601 0.95850004 3.60235,
+ 0.49999901 0.96456498 3.60235,0.592726 0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.714635 0.94038098 3.60235,0.60799601 0.95850004 3.60235,
+ 0.592726 0.94147601 3.7905299,0.91850795 -0.86904295 3.60235,
+ 1.01318 -0.81672105 3.60235,0.945955 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ -0.134155 0.25108001 4.28441,-0.17667299 0.085483603 4.28441,
+ -0.0120768 0.15795401 4.4043597,-0.17667299 0.085483603 4.28441,
+ -0.035884601 0 4.4043597,-0.0120768 0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ 1.01318 -0.81672105 3.60235,1.10015 -0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 0.945955 -0.83432498 3.7905299,0.107545 0.80007099 3.9714798,
+ -0.045474299 0.704693 3.9714798,0.073305799 0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ -0.045474299 0.704693 3.9714798,-0.067105197 0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 0.073305799 0.67907797 4.1382399,1.2312899 -0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ 1.23142 -0.50908102 3.9714798,1.1139701 -0.64589297 3.9714798,
+ 1.10015 -0.73129201 3.7905299,1.2312899 -0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ 1.1139701 -0.64589297 3.9714798,1.23142 -0.50908102 3.9714798,
+ 1.31892 -0.35142699 3.9714798,1.17908 -0.42669299 4.1382399,
+ 0.714635 0.94038098 3.60235,0.592726 0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.77461704 0.90529506 3.7905299,0.81857499 0.91043701 3.60235,
+ 0.714635 0.94038098 3.60235,0.77461704 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 1.31892 -0.35142699 3.9714798,1.257 -0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 1.17908 -0.42669299 4.1382399,0.91850795 0.86904295 3.60235,
+ 0.81857499 0.91043701 3.60235,0.77461704 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.91850795 -0.86904295 3.60235,0.945955 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.77461704 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.81857499 -0.91043701 3.60235,
+ 0.91850795 -0.86904295 3.60235,0.77461704 -0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.714635 -0.94038098 3.60235,0.81857499 -0.91043701 3.60235,
+ 0.77461704 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.40727201 0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.27663201 0.86269407 3.9714798,0.45486299 0.88999806 3.9714798,
+ 0.592726 0.94147601 3.7905299,0.40727201 0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.45486299 0.88999806 3.9714798,-0.067105197 0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ -0.051791397 0.40089901 4.28441,0.065243696 0.52552904 4.28441,
+ 0.073305799 0.67907797 4.1382399,-0.067105197 0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 0.065243696 0.52552904 4.28441,1.257 -0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 1.29696 -0.089796198 4.1382399,1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,
+ 1.25413 0 4.2037502,1.18205 0 4.28441,
+ 1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,1.18205 0 4.28441,
+ 1.1014001 0 4.35648,1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,
+ 0.107545 0.80007099 3.9714798,0.073305799 0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 0.23511299 0.757001 4.1382399,1.29696 -0.089796198 4.1382399,
+ 1.25413 0 4.2037502,1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,
+ 0.27663201 0.86269407 3.9714798,0.107545 0.80007099 3.9714798,
+ 0.23511299 0.757001 4.1382399,-0.051791397 0.40089901 4.28441,
+ -0.134155 0.25108001 4.28441,0.057231201 0.30187401 4.4043597,
+ -0.134155 0.25108001 4.28441,-0.0120768 0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ 0.057231201 0.30187401 4.4043597,1.10015 -0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 1.1139701 -0.64589297 3.9714798,0.97138103 -0.756262 3.9714798,
+ 0.945955 -0.83432498 3.7905299,1.10015 -0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 0.97138103 -0.756262 3.9714798,0.60799601 -0.95850004 3.60235,
+ 0.714635 -0.94038098 3.60235,0.592726 -0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 1.01318 0.81672105 3.60235,0.91850795 0.86904295 3.60235,
+ 0.945955 0.83432498 3.7905299,0.49999901 -0.96456498 3.60235,
+ 0.60799601 -0.95850004 3.60235,0.592726 -0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.91850795 0.86904295 3.60235,0.77461704 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.945955 0.83432498 3.7905299,0.714635 -0.94038098 3.60235,
+ 0.77461704 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.592726 -0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.592726 0.94147601 3.7905299,0.45486299 0.88999806 3.9714798,
+ 0.63494303 0.88086598 3.9714798,0.77461704 0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.592726 0.94147601 3.7905299,0.63494303 0.88086598 3.9714798,
+ 1.1139701 -0.64589297 3.9714798,1.23142 -0.50908102 3.9714798,
+ 1.0671001 -0.56710398 4.1382399,1.23142 -0.50908102 3.9714798,
+ 1.17908 -0.42669299 4.1382399,1.0671001 -0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 0.057231201 0.30187401 4.4043597,-0.0120768 0.15795401 4.4043597,
+ 0.15897401 0.141257 4.4935001,0.27663201 0.86269407 3.9714798,
+ 0.23511299 0.757001 4.1382399,0.41020301 0.79696394 4.1382399,
+ 1.1014001 0 4.35648,1.01318 0 4.4190797,
+ 1.0298999 -0.079869303 4.4043597,1.01318 0 4.4190797,
+ 0.91850795 0 4.4713997,1.0298999 -0.079869303 4.4043597,
+ 1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,1.1014001 0 4.35648,
+ 1.0298999 -0.079869303 4.4043597,0.45486299 0.88999806 3.9714798,
+ 0.27663201 0.86269407 3.9714798,0.41020301 0.79696394 4.1382399,
+ 1.17908 -0.42669299 4.1382399,1.257 -0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 1.09768 -0.32857999 4.28441,1.257 -0.264886 4.1382399,
+ 1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,1.09768 -0.32857999 4.28441,
+ 0.23511299 0.757001 4.1382399,0.073305799 0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 0.209596 0.61713804 4.28441,0.073305799 0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 0.065243696 0.52552904 4.28441,0.209596 0.61713804 4.28441,
+ 1.1014001 0.75412702 3.60235,1.01318 0.81672105 3.60235,
+ 1.10015 0.73129201 3.7905299,1.18205 0.68204999 3.60235,
+ 1.1014001 0.75412702 3.60235,1.10015 0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 0.77461704 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.945955 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.80949697 -0.83566998 3.9714798,0.945955 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.97138103 -0.756262 3.9714798,0.80949697 -0.83566998 3.9714798,
+ 0.39200198 -0.95850004 3.60235,0.49999901 -0.96456498 3.60235,
+ 0.40727201 -0.94147601 3.7905299,1.01318 0.81672105 3.60235,
+ 0.945955 0.83432498 3.7905299,1.10015 0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 0.28536299 -0.94038098 3.60235,0.39200198 -0.95850004 3.60235,
+ 0.40727201 -0.94147601 3.7905299,0.945955 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.77461704 0.90529506 3.7905299,0.80949697 0.83566998 3.9714798,
+ 0.77461704 0.90529506 3.7905299,0.63494303 0.88086598 3.9714798,
+ 0.80949697 0.83566998 3.9714798,0.49999901 -0.96456498 3.60235,
+ 0.592726 -0.94147601 3.7905299,0.40727201 -0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.209596 0.61713804 4.28441,0.065243696 0.52552904 4.28441,
+ 0.16588099 0.418971 4.4043597,0.45486299 0.88999806 3.9714798,
+ 0.41020301 0.79696394 4.1382399,0.589795 0.79696394 4.1382399,
+ 0.97138103 -0.756262 3.9714798,1.1139701 -0.64589297 3.9714798,
+ 0.926692 -0.67907797 4.1382399,0.80949697 -0.83566998 3.9714798,
+ 0.97138103 -0.756262 3.9714798,0.926692 -0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 1.1139701 -0.64589297 3.9714798,1.0671001 -0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 0.926692 -0.67907797 4.1382399,0.63494303 0.88086598 3.9714798,
+ 0.45486299 0.88999806 3.9714798,0.589795 0.79696394 4.1382399,
+ 0.592726 -0.94147601 3.7905299,0.77461704 -0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.63494303 -0.88086598 3.9714798,0.77461704 -0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.80949697 -0.83566998 3.9714798,0.63494303 -0.88086598 3.9714798,
+ 1.17908 -0.42669299 4.1382399,1.09768 -0.32857999 4.28441,
+ 0.997192 -0.466896 4.28441,0.23511299 0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.209596 0.61713804 4.28441,0.37219501 0.66996902 4.28441,
+ 0.41020301 0.79696394 4.1382399,0.23511299 0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.37219501 0.66996902 4.28441,1.25413 0.60139604 3.60235,
+ 1.18205 0.68204999 3.60235,1.2312899 0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ 1.31672 0.51318003 3.60235,1.25413 0.60139604 3.60235,
+ 1.2312899 0.60015602 3.7905299,1.0671001 -0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 1.17908 -0.42669299 4.1382399,0.997192 -0.466896 4.28441,
+ 1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,1.0298999 -0.079869303 4.4043597,
+ 0.98281301 -0.23251101 4.4043597,1.18205 0.68204999 3.60235,
+ 1.10015 0.73129201 3.7905299,1.2312899 0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ 1.09768 -0.32857999 4.28441,1.16062 -0.16961899 4.28441,
+ 0.98281301 -0.23251101 4.4043597,0.945955 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.80949697 0.83566998 3.9714798,0.97138103 0.756262 3.9714798,
+ 0.28536299 -0.94038098 3.60235,0.40727201 -0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.225381 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.181423 -0.91043701 3.60235,
+ 0.28536299 -0.94038098 3.60235,0.225381 -0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 1.10015 0.73129201 3.7905299,0.945955 0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.97138103 0.756262 3.9714798,0.081489898 -0.86904295 3.60235,
+ 0.181423 -0.91043701 3.60235,0.225381 -0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.16588099 0.418971 4.4043597,0.057231201 0.30187401 4.4043597,
+ 0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,0.057231201 0.30187401 4.4043597,
+ 0.15897401 0.141257 4.4935001,0.23898999 0.261009 4.4935001,
+ 0.37219501 0.66996902 4.28441,0.209596 0.61713804 4.28441,
+ 0.30421901 0.49884 4.4043597,0.63494303 -0.88086598 3.9714798,
+ 0.80949697 -0.83566998 3.9714798,0.76488501 -0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.209596 0.61713804 4.28441,0.16588099 0.418971 4.4043597,
+ 0.30421901 0.49884 4.4043597,0.63494303 0.88086598 3.9714798,
+ 0.589795 0.79696394 4.1382399,0.76488501 0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.80949697 -0.83566998 3.9714798,0.926692 -0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 0.76488501 -0.757001 4.1382399,0.80949697 0.83566998 3.9714798,
+ 0.63494303 0.88086598 3.9714798,0.76488501 0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 1.36904 0.41850899 3.60235,1.31672 0.51318003 3.60235,
+ 1.3343199 0.44595599 3.7905299,1.41044 0.31857601 3.60235,
+ 1.36904 0.41850899 3.60235,1.3343199 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 0.592726 -0.94147601 3.7905299,0.63494303 -0.88086598 3.9714798,
+ 0.45486299 -0.88999806 3.9714798,0.40727201 -0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.592726 -0.94147601 3.7905299,0.45486299 -0.88999806 3.9714798,
+ 1.31672 0.51318003 3.60235,1.2312899 0.60015602 3.7905299,
+ 1.3343199 0.44595599 3.7905299,0.41020301 0.79696394 4.1382399,
+ 0.37219501 0.66996902 4.28441,0.54282499 0.68070499 4.28441,
+ 1.0671001 -0.56710398 4.1382399,0.997192 -0.466896 4.28441,
+ 0.86546001 -0.57587398 4.28441,0.926692 -0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 1.0671001 -0.56710398 4.1382399,0.86546001 -0.57587398 4.28441,
+ 0.76488501 -0.757001 4.1382399,0.926692 -0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 0.86546001 -0.57587398 4.28441,0.589795 0.79696394 4.1382399,
+ 0.41020301 0.79696394 4.1382399,0.54282499 0.68070499 4.28441,
+ 1.2312899 0.60015602 3.7905299,1.10015 0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ 1.1139701 0.64589297 3.9714798,0.081489898 -0.86904295 3.60235,
+ 0.225381 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.054042998 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 1.10015 0.73129201 3.7905299,0.97138103 0.756262 3.9714798,
+ 1.1139701 0.64589297 3.9714798,-0.013180499 -0.81672105 3.60235,
+ 0.081489898 -0.86904295 3.60235,0.054042998 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.97138103 0.756262 3.9714798,0.80949697 0.83566998 3.9714798,
+ 0.926692 0.67907797 4.1382399,1.1139701 0.64589297 3.9714798,
+ 0.97138103 0.756262 3.9714798,0.926692 0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 0.80949697 0.83566998 3.9714798,0.76488501 0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.926692 0.67907797 4.1382399,1.41044 0.31857601 3.60235,
+ 1.3343199 0.44595599 3.7905299,1.40529 0.27461801 3.7905299,
+ 1.4403799 0.214636 3.60235,1.41044 0.31857601 3.60235,
+ 1.40529 0.27461801 3.7905299,1.3343199 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 1.2312899 0.60015602 3.7905299,1.23142 0.50908102 3.9714798,
+ 1.2312899 0.60015602 3.7905299,1.1139701 0.64589297 3.9714798,
+ 1.23142 0.50908102 3.9714798,0.54282499 0.68070499 4.28441,
+ 0.37219501 0.66996902 4.28441,0.45995201 0.53438502 4.4043597,
+ 0.37219501 0.66996902 4.28441,0.30421901 0.49884 4.4043597,
+ 0.45995201 0.53438502 4.4043597,0.45486299 -0.88999806 3.9714798,
+ 0.63494303 -0.88086598 3.9714798,0.589795 -0.79696394 4.1382399,
+ 0.63494303 -0.88086598 3.9714798,0.76488501 -0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.589795 -0.79696394 4.1382399,0.225381 -0.90529506 3.7905299,
+ 0.40727201 -0.94147601 3.7905299,0.27663201 -0.86269407 3.9714798,
+ 0.589795 0.79696394 4.1382399,0.54282499 0.68070499 4.28441,
+ 0.71076399 0.648669 4.28441,0.40727201 -0.94147601 3.7905299,
+ 0.45486299 -0.88999806 3.9714798,0.27663201 -0.86269407 3.9714798,
+ -0.013180499 -0.81672105 3.60235,0.054042998 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ -0.10015701 -0.73129201 3.7905299,-0.101397 -0.75412702 3.60235,
+ -0.013180499 -0.81672105 3.60235,-0.10015701 -0.73129201 3.7905299,
+ -0.18205101 -0.68204999 3.60235,-0.101397 -0.75412702 3.60235,
+ -0.10015701 -0.73129201 3.7905299,0.76488501 0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.589795 0.79696394 4.1382399,0.71076399 0.648669 4.28441,
+ 1.4585 0 3.7103499,1.4403799 0.214636 3.60235,
+ 1.44147 0.092727304 3.7905299,1.4403799 0.214636 3.60235,
+ 1.40529 0.27461801 3.7905299,1.44147 0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 1.4403799 0 3.8169898,1.4585 0 3.7103499,
+ 1.44147 0.092727304 3.7905299,1.41044 0 3.9209298,
+ 1.4403799 0 3.8169898,1.44147 0.092727304 3.7905299,
+ 1.1139701 0.64589297 3.9714798,0.926692 0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 1.0671001 0.56710398 4.1382399,1.23142 0.50908102 3.9714798,
+ 1.1139701 0.64589297 3.9714798,1.0671001 0.56710398 4.1382399,
+ 0.589795 -0.79696394 4.1382399,0.76488501 -0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.71076399 -0.648669 4.28441,0.76488501 -0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.86546001 -0.57587398 4.28441,0.71076399 -0.648669 4.28441,
+ 1.40529 0.27461801 3.7905299,1.3343199 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 1.31892 0.35142699 3.9714798,1.3343199 0.44595599 3.7905299,
+ 1.23142 0.50908102 3.9714798,1.31892 0.35142699 3.9714798,
+ 1.0671001 0.56710398 4.1382399,0.926692 0.67907797 4.1382399,
+ 0.86546001 0.57587398 4.28441,0.76488501 0.757001 4.1382399,
+ 0.71076399 0.648669 4.28441,0.86546001 0.57587398 4.28441,
+ 0.225381 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.27663201 -0.86269407 3.9714798,
+ 0.107545 -0.80007099 3.9714798,0.054042998 -0.83432498 3.7905299,
+ 0.225381 -0.90529506 3.7905299,0.107545 -0.80007099 3.9714798] }
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+ 144,145,146,-1,147,148,149,-1,150,151,152,-1,153,154,155,-1,156,157,158,-1,159,160,161,-1,162,163,164,-1,165,166,167,-1,
+ 168,169,170,-1,171,172,173,-1,174,175,176,-1,177,178,179,-1,180,181,182,-1,183,184,185,-1,186,187,188,-1,189,190,191,-1,
+ 192,193,194,-1,195,196,197,-1,198,199,200,-1,201,202,203,-1,204,205,206,-1,207,208,209,-1,210,211,212,-1,213,214,215,-1,
+ 216,217,218,-1,219,220,221,-1,222,223,224,-1,225,226,227,-1,228,229,230,-1,231,232,233,-1,234,235,236,-1,237,238,239,-1,
+ 240,241,242,-1,243,244,245,-1,246,247,248,-1,249,250,251,-1,252,253,254,-1,255,256,257,-1,258,259,260,-1,261,262,263,-1,
+ 264,265,266,-1,267,268,269,-1,270,271,272,-1,273,274,275,-1,276,277,278,-1,279,280,281,-1,282,283,284,-1,285,286,287,-1,
+ 288,289,290,-1,291,292,293,-1,294,295,296,-1,297,298,299,-1,300,301,302,-1,303,304,305,-1,306,307,308,-1,309,310,311,-1,
+ 312,313,314,-1,315,316,317,-1,318,319,320,-1,321,322,323,-1,324,325,326,-1,327,328,329,-1,330,331,332,-1,333,334,335,-1,
+ 336,337,338,-1,339,340,341,-1,342,343,344,-1,345,346,347,-1,348,349,350,-1,351,352,353,-1,354,355,356,-1,357,358,359,-1,
+ 360,361,362,-1,363,364,365,-1,366,367,368,-1,369,370,371,-1,372,373,374,-1,375,376,377,-1,378,379,380,-1,381,382,383,-1,
+ 384,385,386,-1,387,388,389,-1,390,391,392,-1,393,394,395,-1,396,397,398,-1,399,400,401,-1,402,403,404,-1,405,406,407,-1,
+ 408,409,410,-1,411,412,413,-1,414,415,416,-1,417,418,419,-1,420,421,422,-1,423,424,425,-1,426,427,428,-1,429,430,431,-1,
+ 432,433,434,-1,435,436,437,-1,438,439,440,-1,441,442,443,-1,444,445,446,-1,447,448,449,-1,450,451,452,-1,453,454,455,-1,
+ 456,457,458,-1,459,460,461,-1,462,463,464,-1,465,466,467,-1,468,469,470,-1,471,472,473,-1,474,475,476,-1,477,478,479,-1,
+ 480,481,482,-1,483,484,485,-1,486,487,488,-1,489,490,491,-1,492,493,494,-1,495,496,497,-1,498,499,500,-1,501,502,503,-1,
+ 504,505,506,-1,507,508,509,-1,510,511,512,-1,513,514,515,-1,516,517,518,-1,519,520,521,-1,522,523,524,-1,525,526,527,-1,
+ 528,529,530,-1,531,532,533,-1,534,535,536,-1,537,538,539,-1,540,541,542,-1,543,544,545,-1,546,547,548,-1,549,550,551,-1,
+ 552,553,554,-1,555,556,557,-1,558,559,560,-1,561,562,563,-1,564,565,566,-1,567,568,569,-1,570,571,572,-1,573,574,575,-1,
+ 576,577,578,-1,579,580,581,-1,582,583,584,-1,585,586,587,-1,588,589,590,-1,591,592,593,-1,594,595,596,-1,597,598,599,-1,
+ 600,601,602,-1,603,604,605,-1,606,607,608,-1,609,610,611,-1,612,613,614,-1,615,616,617,-1,618,619,620,-1,621,622,623,-1,
+ 624,625,626,-1,627,628,629,-1,630,631,632,-1,633,634,635,-1,636,637,638,-1,639,640,641,-1,642,643,644,-1,645,646,647,-1,
+ 648,649,650,-1,651,652,653,-1,654,655,656,-1,657,658,659,-1,660,661,662,-1,663,664,665,-1,666,667,668,-1,669,670,671,-1,
+ 672,673,674,-1,675,676,677,-1,678,679,680,-1,681,682,683,-1,684,685,686,-1,687,688,689,-1,690,691,692,-1,693,694,695,-1,
+ 696,697,698,-1,699,700,701,-1,702,703,704,-1,705,706,707,-1,708,709,710,-1,711,712,713,-1,714,715,716,-1,717,718,719,-1,
+ 720,721,722,-1,723,724,725,-1,726,727,728,-1,729,730,731,-1,732,733,734,-1,735,736,737,-1,738,739,740,-1,741,742,743,-1,
+ 744,745,746,-1,747,748,749,-1,750,751,752,-1,753,754,755,-1,756,757,758,-1,759,760,761,-1,762,763,764,-1,765,766,767,-1,
+ 768,769,770,-1,771,772,773,-1,774,775,776,-1,777,778,779,-1,780,781,782,-1,783,784,785,-1,786,787,788,-1,789,790,791,-1,
+ 792,793,794,-1,795,796,797,-1,798,799,800,-1,801,802,803,-1,804,805,806,-1,807,808,809,-1,810,811,812,-1,813,814,815,-1,
+ 816,817,818,-1,819,820,821,-1,822,823,824,-1,825,826,827,-1,828,829,830,-1,831,832,833,-1,834,835,836,-1,837,838,839,-1,
+ 840,841,842,-1,843,844,845,-1,846,847,848,-1,849,850,851,-1,852,853,854,-1,855,856,857,-1,858,859,860,-1,861,862,863,-1,
+ 864,865,866,-1,867,868,869,-1,870,871,872,-1,873,874,875,-1,876,877,878,-1,879,880,881,-1,882,883,884,-1,885,886,887,-1,
+ 888,889,890,-1,891,892,893,-1,894,895,896,-1,897,898,899,-1,900,901,902,-1,903,904,905,-1,906,907,908,-1,909,910,911,-1,
+ 912,913,914,-1,915,916,917,-1,918,919,920,-1,921,922,923,-1,924,925,926,-1,927,928,929,-1,930,931,932,-1,933,934,935,-1,
+ 936,937,938,-1,939,940,941,-1,942,943,944,-1,945,946,947,-1,948,949,950,-1,951,952,953,-1,954,955,956,-1,957,958,959,-1,
+ 960,961,962,-1,963,964,965,-1,966,967,968,-1,969,970,971,-1,972,973,974,-1,975,976,977,-1,978,979,980,-1,981,982,983,-1,
+ 984,985,986,-1,987,988,989,-1,990,991,992,-1,993,994,995,-1,996,997,998,-1,999,1000,1001,-1,1002,1003,1004,-1,1005,1006,1007,-1,
+ 1008,1009,1010,-1,1011,1012,1013,-1,1014,1015,1016,-1,1017,1018,1019,-1,1020,1021,1022,-1,1023,1024,1025,-1,1026,1027,1028,-1,1029,1030,1031,-1,
+ 1032,1033,1034,-1,1035,1036,1037,-1,1038,1039,1040,-1,1041,1042,1043,-1,1044,1045,1046,-1,1047,1048,1049,-1,1050,1051,1052,-1,1053,1054,1055,-1,
+ 1056,1057,1058,-1,1059,1060,1061,-1,1062,1063,1064,-1,1065,1066,1067,-1,1068,1069,1070,-1,1071,1072,1073,-1,1074,1075,1076,-1,1077,1078,1079,-1,
+ 1080,1081,1082,-1,1083,1084,1085,-1,1086,1087,1088,-1,1089,1090,1091,-1,1092,1093,1094,-1,1095,1096,1097,-1,1098,1099,1100,-1,1101,1102,1103,-1,
+ 1104,1105,1106,-1,1107,1108,1109,-1,1110,1111,1112,-1,1113,1114,1115,-1,1116,1117,1118,-1,1119,1120,1121,-1,1122,1123,1124,-1,1125,1126,1127,-1,
+ 1128,1129,1130,-1,1131,1132,1133,-1,1134,1135,1136,-1,1137,1138,1139,-1,1140,1141,1142,-1,1143,1144,1145,-1,1146,1147,1148,-1,1149,1150,1151,-1,
+ 1152,1153,1154,-1,1155,1156,1157,-1,1158,1159,1160,-1,1161,1162,1163,-1,1164,1165,1166,-1,1167,1168,1169,-1,1170,1171,1172,-1,1173,1174,1175,-1,
+ 1176,1177,1178,-1,1179,1180,1181,-1,1182,1183,1184,-1,1185,1186,1187,-1,1188,1189,1190,-1,1191,1192,1193,-1,1194,1195,1196,-1,1197,1198,1199,-1,
+ 1200,1201,1202,-1,1203,1204,1205,-1,1206,1207,1208,-1,1209,1210,1211,-1,1212,1213,1214,-1,1215,1216,1217,-1,1218,1219,1220,-1,1221,1222,1223,-1,
+ 1224,1225,1226,-1,1227,1228,1229,-1,1230,1231,1232,-1,1233,1234,1235,-1,1236,1237,1238,-1,1239,1240,1241,-1,1242,1243,1244,-1,1245,1246,1247,-1,
+ 1248,1249,1250,-1,1251,1252,1253,-1,1254,1255,1256,-1,1257,1258,1259,-1,1260,1261,1262,-1,1263,1264,1265,-1,1266,1267,1268,-1,1269,1270,1271,-1,
+ 1272,1273,1274,-1,1275,1276,1277,-1,1278,1279,1280,-1,1281,1282,1283,-1,1284,1285,1286,-1,1287,1288,1289,-1,1290,1291,1292,-1,1293,1294,1295,-1,
+ 1296,1297,1298,-1,1299,1300,1301,-1,1302,1303,1304,-1,1305,1306,1307,-1,1308,1309,1310,-1,1311,1312,1313,-1,1314,1315,1316,-1,1317,1318,1319,-1,
+ 1320,1321,1322,-1,1323,1324,1325,-1,1326,1327,1328,-1,1329,1330,1331,-1,1332,1333,1334,-1,1335,1336,1337,-1,1338,1339,1340,-1,1341,1342,1343,-1,
+ 1344,1345,1346,-1,1347,1348,1349,-1,1350,1351,1352,-1,1353,1354,1355,-1,1356,1357,1358,-1,1359,1360,1361,-1,1362,1363,1364,-1,1365,1366,1367,-1,
+ 1368,1369,1370,-1,1371,1372,1373,-1,1374,1375,1376,-1,1377,1378,1379,-1,1380,1381,1382,-1,1383,1384,1385,-1,1386,1387,1388,-1,1389,1390,1391,-1,
+ 1392,1393,1394,-1,1395,1396,1397,-1,1398,1399,1400,-1,1401,1402,1403,-1,1404,1405,1406,-1,1407,1408,1409,-1,1410,1411,1412,-1,1413,1414,1415,-1,
+ 1416,1417,1418,-1,1419,1420,1421,-1,1422,1423,1424,-1,1425,1426,1427,-1,1428,1429,1430,-1,1431,1432,1433,-1,1434,1435,1436,-1,1437,1438,1439,-1,
+ 1440,1441,1442,-1,1443,1444,1445,-1,1446,1447,1448,-1,1449,1450,1451,-1,1452,1453,1454,-1,1455,1456,1457,-1,1458,1459,1460,-1,1461,1462,1463,-1,
+ 1464,1465,1466,-1,1467,1468,1469,-1,1470,1471,1472,-1,1473,1474,1475,-1,1476,1477,1478,-1,1479,1480,1481,-1,1482,1483,1484,-1,1485,1486,1487,-1,
+ 1488,1489,1490,-1,1491,1492,1493,-1,1494,1495,1496,-1,1497,1498,1499,-1,1500,1501,1502,-1,1503,1504,1505,-1,1506,1507,1508,-1,1509,1510,1511,-1,
+ 1512,1513,1514,-1,1515,1516,1517,-1,1518,1519,1520,-1,1521,1522,1523,-1,1524,1525,1526,-1,1527,1528,1529,-1,1530,1531,1532,-1,1533,1534,1535,-1,
+ 1536,1537,1538,-1,1539,1540,1541,-1,1542,1543,1544,-1,1545,1546,1547,-1,1548,1549,1550,-1,1551,1552,1553,-1,1554,1555,1556,-1,1557,1558,1559,-1,
+ 1560,1561,1562,-1,1563,1564,1565,-1,1566,1567,1568,-1,1569,1570,1571,-1,1572,1573,1574,-1,1575,1576,1577,-1,1578,1579,1580,-1,1581,1582,1583,-1,
+ 1584,1585,1586,-1,1587,1588,1589,-1,1590,1591,1592,-1,1593,1594,1595,-1,1596,1597,1598,-1,1599,1600,1601,-1,1602,1603,1604,-1,1605,1606,1607,-1,
+ 1608,1609,1610,-1,1611,1612,1613,-1,1614,1615,1616,-1,1617,1618,1619,-1,1620,1621,1622,-1,1623,1624,1625,-1,1626,1627,1628,-1,1629,1630,1631,-1,
+ 1632,1633,1634,-1,1635,1636,1637,-1,1638,1639,1640,-1,1641,1642,1643,-1,1644,1645,1646,-1,1647,1648,1649,-1,1650,1651,1652,-1,1653,1654,1655,-1,
+ 1656,1657,1658,-1,1659,1660,1661,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_105 Normal { vector [
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+ -0.42115945 -0.83151406 0.36222795,-0.44869469 -0.70951262 0.54338284,
+ -0.42115942 -0.83151407 0.36222795,-0.27656473 -0.79101554 0.54571637,
+ -0.44869469 -0.70951262 0.54338284,-0.9697548 -0.21860148 0.1085773,
+ -0.93147479 -0.34780835 0.10669618,-0.95527824 -0.2348993 0.17962683,
+ 0.64412392 0.0035754757 0.7649128,0.70083206 0.15849171 0.69549608,
+ 0.56589161 0.097237436 0.81872557,0.700832 0.15849171 0.69549614,
+ 0.52572789 0.24945765 0.81325338,0.56589161 0.097237436 0.81872557,
+ 0.53545613 -0.0073270418 0.84453126,0.64412389 0.0035754759 0.76491283,
+ 0.56589161 0.097237436 0.81872557,0.43331154 -0.0093111949 0.9011961,
+ 0.53545613 -0.0073270418 0.84453126,0.56589168 0.09723743 0.81872553,
+ -0.93147479 -0.34780835 0.10669618,-0.88091486 -0.4344393 0.18775385,
+ -0.95527824 -0.2348993 0.17962683,0.12020807 -0.56975029 0.81297886,
+ 0.26912123 -0.51687271 0.81266005,0.1264117 -0.41144236 0.90262687,
+ 0.34176369 -0.0055302094 0.93976965,0.36417951 0.173434 0.91503767,
+ 0.22936364 0.065168935 0.9711567,-0.88091485 -0.43443932 0.18775385,
+ -0.77512863 -0.60479583 0.18275014,-0.83149634 -0.43063589 0.35095095,
+ 0.27241901 -0.027396379 0.96178861,0.34176369 -0.0055302094 0.93976965,
+ 0.22936364 0.065168935 0.9711567,0.56985631 -0.12082942 0.81281242,
+ 0.43331154 -0.0093111949 0.9011961,0.44735408 -0.14192632 0.88302392,
+ 0.43331154 -0.0093111949 0.9011961,0.34176371 -0.0055302098 0.93976964,
+ 0.44735408 -0.14192632 0.88302392,0.52576137 -0.22992945 0.81896729,
+ 0.56985631 -0.12082942 0.81281242,0.4473541 -0.14192632 0.88302391,
+ 0.34176371 -0.0055302098 0.93976964,0.37860832 -0.16087532 0.91146852,
+ 0.44735408 -0.14192632 0.88302392,0.63845384 -0.3730737 0.6731959,
+ 0.52576137 -0.22992945 0.81896729,0.51180315 -0.37489828 0.77298694,
+ 0.52358384 -0.5203094 0.67463924,0.63845384 -0.3730737 0.6731959,
+ 0.51180315 -0.37489828 0.77298694,0.52576144 -0.22992948 0.81896724,
+ 0.42213565 -0.38706729 0.81974411,0.51180315 -0.37489828 0.77298694,
+ -0.77512857 -0.6047959 0.18275016,-0.72256867 -0.59274565 0.35573461,
+ -0.83149634 -0.43063589 0.35095095,0.39018043 -0.61057042 0.68917559,
+ 0.52358384 -0.5203094 0.67463924,0.40411692 -0.49343013 0.77020531,
+ 0.52358384 -0.5203094 0.67463924,0.51180315 -0.37489828 0.77298694,
+ 0.40411692 -0.49343013 0.77020531,0.51180314 -0.37489831 0.77298694,
+ 0.42213565 -0.38706729 0.81974411,0.4041169 -0.49343011 0.77020533,
+ 0.42213565 -0.38706729 0.81974411,0.26912121 -0.51687272 0.81266006,
+ 0.4041169 -0.49343011 0.77020533,0.26912122 -0.51687262 0.81266012,
+ 0.39018041 -0.61057043 0.6891756,0.4041169 -0.49343011 0.77020533,
+ 0.52576137 -0.22992945 0.81896729,0.44735408 -0.14192632 0.88302392,
+ 0.38318341 -0.26957944 0.88345764,0.44735408 -0.14192632 0.88302392,
+ 0.37860832 -0.16087532 0.91146852,0.38318341 -0.26957944 0.88345764,
+ 0.42213565 -0.38706729 0.81974411,0.52576137 -0.22992945 0.81896729,
+ 0.38318341 -0.26957944 0.88345764,-0.14113635 -0.71008025 0.68983083,
+ 0.042019458 -0.71881779 0.69392748,-0.056003675 -0.5894031 0.80589551,
+ 0.27241901 -0.027396385 0.96178861,0.15463796 -0.049553966 0.98672768,
+ 0.086176749 -0.13858216 0.98659442,0.15463796 -0.049553966 0.98672768,
+ 0.0069887697 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,0.086176749 -0.13858216 0.98659442,
+ 0.042019458 -0.71881779 0.69392748,0.12020808 -0.56975026 0.81297888,
+ -0.056003675 -0.5894031 0.80589551,0.22474573 -0.088989648 0.9703454,
+ 0.27241898 -0.027396378 0.96178861,0.086176749 -0.13858216 0.98659442,
+ -0.9697548 -0.21860148 0.1085773,-0.95527824 -0.2348993 0.17962683,
+ -0.98217982 -0.068558283 0.17499305,0.38318341 -0.26957944 0.88345764,
+ 0.37860832 -0.16087534 0.91146852,0.21930626 -0.20233317 0.95444542,
+ -0.99237466 -0.077251586 0.096045458,-0.96975479 -0.21860149 0.1085773,
+ -0.98217982 -0.068558283 0.17499305,0.25275662 -0.29674863 0.92089866,
+ 0.38318341 -0.26957944 0.88345764,0.21930626 -0.20233317 0.95444542,
+ -0.99401322 -0.022996907 0.10681231,-0.99237466 -0.077251586 0.096045458,
+ -0.98217982 -0.06855829 0.17499305,0.37860832 -0.16087534 0.91146852,
+ 0.22474573 -0.088989655 0.9703454,0.21930627 -0.20233317 0.95444541,
+ 0.42213565 -0.38706729 0.81974411,0.38318339 -0.26957945 0.88345765,
+ 0.26454071 -0.38192329 0.88552403,0.38318341 -0.26957944 0.88345764,
+ 0.25275662 -0.29674863 0.92089866,0.26454071 -0.38192329 0.88552403,
+ 0.26912118 -0.51687267 0.8126601,0.42213565 -0.38706729 0.81974411,
+ 0.26454069 -0.38192327 0.88552405,0.1264117 -0.41144236 0.90262687,
+ 0.26912119 -0.51687269 0.81266008,0.26454071 -0.38192329 0.88552403,
+ 0.25275663 -0.29674865 0.92089865,0.12539352 -0.17966505 0.9757033,
+ 0.1687033 -0.26112887 0.95044774,-0.72256867 -0.59274565 0.35573461,
+ -0.58363013 -0.72819856 0.35930868,-0.60099051 -0.58910028 0.54015855,
+ 0.26454072 -0.38192324 0.88552405,0.25275662 -0.29674863 0.92089866,
+ 0.1687033 -0.26112887 0.95044774,0.1264117 -0.41144236 0.90262687,
+ 0.26454071 -0.38192329 0.88552403,0.1687033 -0.2611289 0.95044773,
+ -0.58363013 -0.72819856 0.35930868,-0.44869467 -0.70951263 0.54338285,
+ -0.60099051 -0.58910028 0.54015855,-0.27656475 -0.79101556 0.54571634,
+ -0.14113635 -0.71008019 0.68983089,-0.32433625 -0.64933239 0.68787603,
+ -0.01782903 -0.21314363 0.97685819,0.012916265 -0.4099846 0.91200098,
+ 0.012030241 -0.29621955 0.95504411,0.012916265 -0.4099846 0.91200098,
+ 0.12641171 -0.41144234 0.90262688,0.012030241 -0.29621955 0.95504411,
+ -0.44869467 -0.70951263 0.54338285,-0.27656472 -0.79101557 0.54571635,
+ -0.32433625 -0.64933239 0.68787603,0.1264117 -0.41144236 0.90262687,
+ 0.1687033 -0.2611289 0.95044773,0.012030241 -0.29621955 0.95504411,
+ -0.95527824 -0.23489933 0.17962683,-0.88091485 -0.43443932 0.18775385,
+ -0.90527875 -0.24842174 0.34461142,-0.88091478 -0.43443944 0.1877539,
+ -0.83149634 -0.43063589 0.35095095,-0.90527875 -0.24842174 0.34461142,
+ -0.23154998 -0.54285025 0.80727827,-0.056003676 -0.58940307 0.80589553,
+ -0.10692728 -0.45617065 0.8834449,-0.056003675 -0.5894031 0.80589551,
+ 0.012916265 -0.4099846 0.91200098,-0.10692728 -0.45617065 0.8834449,
+ -0.59289783 -0.40698787 0.69486188,-0.48021995 -0.56025158 0.67491256,
+ -0.46650999 -0.43685602 0.76910678,-0.48021995 -0.56025158 0.67491256,
+ -0.33921293 -0.45785561 0.82176811,-0.46650999 -0.43685602 0.76910678,
+ -0.48000343 -0.31188766 0.81995292,-0.59289783 -0.40698787 0.69486188,
+ -0.46651004 -0.43685601 0.76910676,-0.98237109 0.15691866 0.10160499,
+ -0.99401322 -0.022996907 0.10681231,-0.96797789 0.1426063 0.20659682,
+ -0.33921293 -0.45785561 0.82176811,-0.48000343 -0.31188766 0.81995292,
+ -0.46651001 -0.43685604 0.76910676,-0.97441729 0.19916112 0.10414318,
+ -0.98237109 0.15691866 0.10160499,-0.96797789 0.1426063 0.20659682,
+ -0.29946445 -0.28407191 0.91083708,-0.33921293 -0.45785561 0.82176811,
+ -0.24969472 -0.39394262 0.88456869,-0.33921293 -0.45785561 0.82176811,
+ -0.23154998 -0.54285025 0.80727827,-0.24969472 -0.39394262 0.88456869,
+ -0.23154998 -0.54285025 0.80727827,-0.10692728 -0.45617067 0.88344489,
+ -0.24969471 -0.39394262 0.88456869,-0.10692728 -0.45617065 0.8834449,
+ -0.17295332 -0.35886767 0.9172247,-0.24969475 -0.39394262 0.88456868,
+ -0.99401322 -0.022996907 0.10681231,-0.98217982 -0.068558283 0.17499305,
+ -0.96797789 0.1426063 0.20659682,-0.72256867 -0.59274565 0.35573461,
+ -0.60099049 -0.58910032 0.54015853,-0.72430458 -0.43495064 0.5349774,
+ 0.012916265 -0.4099846 0.91200098,-0.01782903 -0.21314363 0.97685819,
+ -0.026928875 -0.31122057 0.9499561,-0.10692728 -0.45617065 0.8834449,
+ 0.012916267 -0.40998463 0.91200097,-0.026928875 -0.31122057 0.9499561,
+ -0.17295332 -0.35886767 0.9172247,-0.10692728 -0.45617067 0.88344489,
+ -0.026928873 -0.31122057 0.9499561,-0.83149634 -0.43063589 0.35095095,
+ -0.72256867 -0.59274565 0.35573461,-0.72430458 -0.43495064 0.5349774,
+ -0.44869469 -0.70951262 0.54338284,-0.32433625 -0.64933239 0.68787603,
+ -0.48021995 -0.56025158 0.67491256,-0.60099049 -0.58910032 0.54015853,
+ -0.44869465 -0.70951266 0.54338283,-0.48021995 -0.56025158 0.67491256,
+ -0.15808486 -0.1987472 0.967217,-0.29946445 -0.28407191 0.91083708,
+ -0.1892643 -0.25223554 0.94897643,-0.29946446 -0.28407188 0.91083709,
+ -0.24969471 -0.39394267 0.88456867,-0.1892643 -0.25223554 0.94897643,
+ 0.12020805 -0.56975022 0.81297891,0.12641168 -0.41144237 0.90262687,
+ 0.012916265 -0.40998463 0.91200097,-0.2496947 -0.39394267 0.88456867,
+ -0.1729533 -0.35886765 0.91722471,-0.18926432 -0.25223551 0.94897643,
+ -0.056003679 -0.5894031 0.80589551,0.12020807 -0.56975029 0.81297886,
+ 0.012916265 -0.40998458 0.91200099,-0.17295331 -0.35886767 0.9172247,
+ -0.026928875 -0.31122057 0.9499561,-0.18926432 -0.25223551 0.94897643,
+ -0.29946445 -0.28407191 0.91083708,-0.15808486 -0.1987472 0.967217,
+ -0.25495644 -0.13909378 0.95689609,-0.36981114 -0.18885871 0.9097099,
+ -0.29946446 -0.28407188 0.91083709,-0.25495644 -0.13909378 0.95689609,
+ -0.32433625 -0.64933239 0.68787603,-0.14113635 -0.71008025 0.68983083,
+ -0.23154998 -0.54285025 0.80727827,-0.20688246 -0.063162362 0.97632483,
+ -0.36981114 -0.18885871 0.9097099,-0.25495645 -0.13909377 0.95689609,
+ -0.14113632 -0.71008023 0.68983086,-0.056003684 -0.58940307 0.80589553,
+ -0.23154998 -0.54285025 0.80727827,-0.58405081 0.0062176551 0.81169328,
+ -0.56137579 -0.16148346 0.81165283,-0.47142588 -0.071885887 0.87897102,
+ -0.56137579 -0.16148346 0.81165283,-0.36981116 -0.18885872 0.90970989,
+ -0.47142588 -0.071885887 0.87897102,-0.58405081 0.0062176551 0.81169328,
+ -0.47142588 -0.071885887 0.87897102,-0.46696399 0.076144051 0.8809919,
+ -0.47142593 -0.071885893 0.878971,-0.40676623 -0.02344343 0.91323143,
+ -0.46696399 0.076144051 0.8809919,-0.54089164 0.18380892 0.82076215,
+ -0.58405081 0.0062176551 0.81169328,-0.46696399 0.076144051 0.8809919,
+ -0.38310719 0.15852315 0.90999961,-0.54089164 0.18380892 0.82076215,
+ -0.46696399 0.076144051 0.8809919,-0.95527824 -0.23489932 0.17962683,
+ -0.90527875 -0.24842174 0.34461142,-0.93964145 -0.052810224 0.3380607,
+ -0.40676623 -0.02344343 0.91323143,-0.47142588 -0.071885887 0.87897102,
+ -0.28391774 -0.12566207 0.95057865,-0.47142583 -0.07188588 0.87897105,
+ -0.36981116 -0.18885872 0.90970989,-0.28391774 -0.12566207 0.95057865,
+ -0.98217981 -0.068558287 0.17499308,-0.95527824 -0.23489932 0.1796268,
+ -0.93964145 -0.052810224 0.3380607,-0.36981116 -0.18885872 0.90970989,
+ -0.20688246 -0.063162362 0.97632483,-0.28391777 -0.12566208 0.95057864,
+ -0.46934643 0.30069247 0.83023971,-0.35354112 0.44566898 0.82242801,
+ -0.46144103 0.43617853 0.77254156,-0.35354112 0.44566898 0.82242801,
+ -0.43049114 0.55916962 0.70852432,-0.46144103 0.43617853 0.77254156,
+ -0.43049114 0.55916962 0.70852432,-0.57835975 0.43779909 0.68835453,
+ -0.46144103 0.43617853 0.77254156,-0.57835975 0.43779909 0.68835453,
+ -0.46934643 0.30069247 0.83023971,-0.46144106 0.43617852 0.77254155,
+ -0.46696403 0.076144047 0.88099187,-0.40676621 -0.023443429 0.91323144,
+ -0.3052713 0.046879954 0.95111077,-0.38310719 0.15852315 0.90999961,
+ -0.46696399 0.076144044 0.8809919,-0.3052713 0.046879954 0.95111077,
+ -0.97441729 0.19916112 0.10414318,-0.96797789 0.1426063 0.20659682,
+ -0.92557895 0.30165203 0.22871306,-0.92599806 0.36124263 0.10968757,
+ -0.97441729 0.19916112 0.10414318,-0.92557895 0.30165203 0.22871306,
+ -0.90159759 0.41960363 0.10514079,-0.92599806 0.36124263 0.10968757,
+ -0.92557895 0.30165203 0.22871306,-0.2016156 -0.039664244 0.97866128,
+ -0.38310719 0.15852315 0.90999961,-0.3052713 0.046879954 0.95111077,
+ -0.31155765 0.27562398 0.9093752,-0.38310719 0.15852315 0.90999961,
+ -0.27697639 0.17584229 0.94464997,-0.38310719 0.15852315 0.90999961,
+ -0.2016156 -0.039664244 0.97866128,-0.27697639 0.17584229 0.94464997,
+ -0.19407469 0.54649669 0.81466335,-0.35354112 0.44566898 0.82242801,
+ -0.23971565 0.41688308 0.87678099,-0.35354112 0.44566898 0.82242801,
+ -0.31155765 0.27562398 0.9093752,-0.23971565 0.41688308 0.87678099,
+ -0.19407469 0.54649669 0.81466335,-0.23971565 0.41688308 0.87678099,
+ -0.10931066 0.46569764 0.87816678,-0.23971564 0.41688308 0.87678099,
+ -0.19084058 0.35883751 0.91368239,-0.10931066 0.46569764 0.87816678,
+ -0.021642248 0.55724069 0.83006893,-0.1940747 0.54649665 0.81466338,
+ -0.10931066 0.46569764 0.87816678,-0.014040521 0.41385616 0.910234,
+ -0.021642248 0.55724069 0.83006893,-0.10931066 0.46569764 0.87816678,
+ -0.90527874 -0.24842179 0.34461141,-0.83149634 -0.43063589 0.35095095,
+ -0.8109416 -0.25431009 0.52697257,-0.23971565 0.41688311 0.87678098,
+ -0.31155765 0.27562398 0.9093752,-0.1707193 0.24263687 0.95497763,
+ -0.19084058 0.35883751 0.91368239,-0.23971568 0.41688308 0.87678098,
+ -0.1707193 0.24263687 0.95497763,-0.31155763 0.27562395 0.90937521,
+ -0.20397332 0.14587026 0.96804791,-0.1707193 0.24263687 0.95497763,
+ -0.03242667 0.20087075 0.97908092,-0.014040521 0.41385616 0.910234,
+ -0.064676264 0.29119835 0.95447394,-0.83149635 -0.43063589 0.35095092,
+ -0.7243046 -0.43495059 0.53497741,-0.8109416 -0.25431009 0.52697257,
+ -0.10931066 0.46569764 0.87816678,-0.19084058 0.35883751 0.91368239,
+ -0.064676264 0.29119835 0.95447394,-0.60099051 -0.58910028 0.54015855,
+ -0.48021995 -0.56025158 0.67491256,-0.59289783 -0.40698787 0.69486188,
+ -0.014040521 0.41385619 0.91023399,-0.10931065 0.46569759 0.8781668,
+ -0.064676257 0.29119832 0.95447395,-0.1908406 0.35883753 0.91368238,
+ -0.1707193 0.24263687 0.95497763,-0.064676257 0.29119832 0.95447395,
+ -0.72430458 -0.43495064 0.5349774,-0.60099049 -0.58910032 0.54015853,
+ -0.59289783 -0.40698787 0.69486188,0.27209115 0.49760354 0.82362438,
+ 0.41788635 0.39559808 0.81784666,0.41011431 0.4839383 0.77305237,
+ 0.54243536 0.4810331 0.68874599,0.38693567 0.62113104 0.68152551,
+ 0.41011431 0.4839383 0.77305237,0.38693567 0.62113104 0.68152551,
+ 0.27209115 0.49760354 0.82362438,0.41011431 0.4839383 0.77305237,
+ -0.96797789 0.1426063 0.20659682,-0.98217982 -0.068558283 0.17499305,
+ -0.92054628 0.12633144 0.3696416,-0.01404052 0.41385616 0.910234,
+ -0.03242667 0.20087075 0.97908092,0.064660869 0.30979138 0.94860333,
+ -0.92557895 0.30165204 0.22871305,-0.96797788 0.14260632 0.20659687,
+ -0.92054628 0.12633144 0.3696416,0.97237816 0.16504871 0.16504436,
+ 0.97325165 0.20139802 0.11054439,0.99396187 -0.015016086 0.10869365,
+ 0.99689354 -0.055446984 0.055936528,0.97237816 0.16504871 0.16504436,
+ 0.99396187 -0.015016086 0.10869365,0.17164793 0.37027215 0.9129269,
+ -0.01404052 0.41385616 0.910234,0.064660869 0.30979138 0.94860333,
+ 0.41788635 0.39559808 0.81784666,0.52572793 0.24945767 0.81325335,
+ 0.5173587 0.37324782 0.77008184,0.52572789 0.24945765 0.81325338,
+ 0.63446055 0.31458001 0.70604478,0.5173587 0.37324782 0.77008184,
+ 0.54243536 0.4810331 0.68874599,0.41011433 0.48393832 0.77305235,
+ 0.5173587 0.37324782 0.77008184,0.63446058 0.31458003 0.70604474,
+ 0.54243539 0.4810331 0.68874596,0.5173587 0.37324779 0.77008185,
+ -0.98217981 -0.068558283 0.17499307,-0.93964145 -0.052810224 0.3380607,
+ -0.92054628 0.12633144 0.3696416,0.41011433 0.48393832 0.77305235,
+ 0.41788633 0.39559806 0.81784668,0.51735873 0.37324781 0.77008183,
+ 0.27209115 0.49760354 0.82362438,0.17164793 0.37027215 0.9129269,
+ 0.29495412 0.37072692 0.8806609,0.41788635 0.39559808 0.81784666,
+ 0.27209114 0.49760354 0.82362439,0.29495412 0.37072692 0.8806609,
+ -0.48021999 -0.56025153 0.67491257,-0.32433625 -0.64933239 0.68787603,
+ -0.3392129 -0.45785562 0.82176812,-0.32433627 -0.64933242 0.687876,
+ -0.23154995 -0.54285026 0.80727828,-0.33921295 -0.45785561 0.8217681,
+ 0.24659622 0.31716305 0.91574991,0.29495412 0.37072692 0.8806609,
+ 0.16714045 0.28164092 0.9448505,-0.84834033 0.51875287 0.10589683,
+ -0.90159759 0.41960363 0.10514079,-0.84456759 0.48689812 0.22279095,
+ 0.13416502 0.17649554 0.9751149,0.24659622 0.31716305 0.91574991,
+ 0.16714045 0.28164092 0.9448505,0.17164793 0.37027215 0.9129269,
+ 0.064660869 0.30979138 0.94860333,0.16714045 0.28164092 0.9448505,
+ -0.90159759 0.41960363 0.10514079,-0.92557895 0.30165203 0.22871306,
+ -0.84456759 0.48689812 0.22279095,0.29495412 0.37072692 0.8806609,
+ 0.17164791 0.37027211 0.91292692,0.16714044 0.28164092 0.9448505,
+ 0.29495412 0.37072692 0.8806609,0.24659619 0.31716305 0.91574992,
+ 0.39530751 0.27108562 0.87763578,0.52572789 0.24945765 0.81325338,
+ 0.41788633 0.39559806 0.81784668,0.39530751 0.27108562 0.87763578,
+ 0.4178864 0.39559807 0.81784664,0.29495413 0.37072689 0.88066091,
+ 0.39530751 0.27108565 0.87763577,0.43331154 -0.0093111949 0.9011961,
+ 0.56589168 0.09723743 0.81872553,0.45732999 0.13562375 0.87889446,
+ 0.56589171 0.097237443 0.81872551,0.52572789 0.24945765 0.81325338,
+ 0.45732999 0.13562375 0.87889446,0.36417951 0.173434 0.91503767,
+ 0.34176369 -0.0055302094 0.93976965,0.45732999 0.13562375 0.87889446,
+ 0.52572791 0.24945766 0.81325337,0.39530751 0.27108565 0.87763577,
+ 0.45732999 0.13562375 0.87889446,0.39530751 0.27108562 0.87763578,
+ 0.36417951 0.173434 0.91503767,0.45733002 0.13562375 0.87889445,
+ 0.34176371 -0.0055302094 0.93976964,0.43331156 -0.0093111948 0.90119609,
+ 0.45732999 0.13562375 0.87889446,0.39530749 0.27108562 0.87763579,
+ 0.24659622 0.31716305 0.91574991,0.23422726 0.17653071 0.95602014,
+ 0.22936364 0.065168935 0.9711567,0.36417951 0.173434 0.91503767,
+ 0.23422726 0.17653071 0.95602014,0.36417951 0.173434 0.91503767,
+ 0.39530754 0.27108562 0.87763577,0.23422726 0.17653071 0.95602014,
+ -0.93964145 -0.052810224 0.3380607,-0.90527874 -0.24842177 0.34461141,
+ -0.85483479 -0.055941417 0.51587599,0.13416502 0.17649554 0.9751149,
+ 0.048963761 0.10377582 0.99339475,0.19171113 -0.05713401 0.97978699,
+ -0.90527873 -0.24842178 0.34461144,-0.8109416 -0.25431009 0.52697257,
+ -0.85483479 -0.055941417 0.51587599,0.27241901 -0.027396383 0.96178861,
+ 0.22936364 0.065168935 0.9711567,0.079070793 0.10178724 0.9916588,
+ 0.15463796 -0.049553962 0.98672768,0.27241898 -0.027396378 0.96178861,
+ 0.079070793 0.10178724 0.9916588,-0.84456759 0.48689812 0.22279095,
+ -0.92557894 0.30165206 0.22871306,-0.85832367 0.30540003 0.41232427,
+ 0.0069887697 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,0.15463796 -0.049553966 0.98672768,
+ 0.079070793 0.10178724 0.9916588,0.22474573 -0.088989648 0.9703454,
+ 0.086176744 -0.13858218 0.98659442,0.074402363 -0.003438314 0.99722238,
+ -0.92557895 0.30165203 0.22871306,-0.92054628 0.12633144 0.3696416,
+ -0.85832367 0.30540003 0.41232427,0.03226661 -0.12865457 0.9911644,
+ 0.22474573 -0.088989648 0.9703454,0.074402363 -0.003438314 0.99722238,
+ 0.086176749 -0.13858216 0.98659442,0.0069887697 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,
+ 0.074402356 -0.0034383131 0.99722238,0.12539352 -0.17966505 0.9757033,
+ 0.25275666 -0.29674865 0.92089864,0.15362981 -0.16180453 0.97479084,
+ 0.21930627 -0.20233317 0.95444541,0.22474571 -0.08898964 0.97034541,
+ 0.15362981 -0.16180453 0.97479084,0.22474568 -0.088989648 0.97034541,
+ 0.03226661 -0.12865457 0.9911644,0.15362981 -0.16180453 0.97479084,
+ -0.8109416 -0.25431009 0.52697257,-0.72430458 -0.43495064 0.5349774,
+ -0.67661365 -0.25315289 0.69145324,-0.020029559 -0.14780089 0.9888143,
+ 0.12539352 -0.17966504 0.9757033,0.15362981 -0.16180453 0.97479084,
+ -0.72430458 -0.43495064 0.5349774,-0.59289783 -0.40698787 0.69486188,
+ -0.67661365 -0.25315289 0.69145324,0.25275662 -0.29674861 0.92089867,
+ 0.2193063 -0.20233318 0.9544454,0.15362981 -0.16180453 0.97479084,
+ 0.03226661 -0.12865457 0.9911644,0.074402363 -0.0034383114 0.99722238,
+ 0.057590639 -0.10284058 0.99302927,0.07440237 -0.0034383128 0.99722238,
+ 0.0069887683 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,0.057590639 -0.10284058 0.99302927,
+ 0.15362982 -0.16180452 0.97479084,0.032266613 -0.12865459 0.9911644,
+ 0.057590639 -0.10284058 0.99302927,-0.74261371 0.66302178 0.094482829,
+ -0.84834033 0.51875287 0.10589683,-0.74585541 0.62998745 0.21636893,
+ -0.71786311 0.68845233 0.10346952,-0.74261371 0.66302178 0.094482829,
+ -0.74585541 0.62998745 0.21636893,0.15362983 -0.16180455 0.97479083,
+ 0.057590639 -0.10284058 0.99302927,0.092224862 -0.05227659 0.99436499,
+ 0.057590636 -0.10284056 0.99302927,0.0069887697 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,
+ 0.092224862 -0.05227659 0.99436499,-0.020029559 -0.14780089 0.9888143,
+ 0.15362982 -0.16180452 0.97479084,0.092224862 -0.05227659 0.99436499,
+ 0.092224862 -0.05227659 0.99436499,0.0069887697 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,
+ -0.0040627854 -0.10165711 0.9948112,0.058982042 -0.0916779 0.99404038,
+ 0.12539352 -0.17966504 0.9757033,-0.0040627854 -0.10165711 0.9948112,
+ -0.84834033 0.51875287 0.10589684,-0.84456759 0.48689812 0.22279095,
+ -0.74585544 0.62998742 0.21636892,0.12539352 -0.17966504 0.9757033,
+ -0.020029557 -0.14780089 0.9888143,-0.0040627868 -0.10165711 0.9948112,
+ -0.020029557 -0.14780089 0.9888143,0.092224862 -0.05227659 0.99436499,
+ -0.0040627854 -0.10165711 0.9948112,0.16870332 -0.2611289 0.95044773,
+ 0.12539353 -0.17966506 0.9757033,0.064224752 -0.19117575 0.97945241,
+ -0.67661365 -0.25315289 0.69145324,-0.59289783 -0.40698787 0.69486188,
+ -0.48000343 -0.31188766 0.81995292,-0.14384671 -0.11467652 0.98293307,
+ -0.01782903 -0.21314363 0.97685819,0.064224752 -0.19117575 0.97945241,
+ 0.12539353 -0.17966505 0.9757033,0.058982042 -0.0916779 0.99404038,
+ 0.064224752 -0.19117575 0.97945241,-0.01782903 -0.21314363 0.97685819,
+ 0.012030241 -0.29621955 0.95504411,0.064224752 -0.19117575 0.97945241,
+ -0.92054628 0.12633144 0.3696416,-0.93964145 -0.052810224 0.3380607,
+ -0.83340629 0.12159731 0.53911785,0.012030241 -0.29621955 0.95504411,
+ 0.1687033 -0.2611289 0.95044773,0.064224752 -0.19117575 0.97945241,
+ -0.85832366 0.30540005 0.41232426,-0.92054625 0.12633145 0.36964167,
+ -0.83340629 0.12159731 0.53911785,0.058982042 -0.091677885 0.99404038,
+ -0.14384671 -0.11467652 0.98293307,0.064224748 -0.19117574 0.97945241,
+ -0.017829032 -0.21314364 0.97685818,-0.14718978 -0.058065025 0.98740246,
+ -0.079182124 -0.17851263 0.98074637,-0.93964145 -0.052810224 0.3380607,
+ -0.85483479 -0.055941417 0.51587599,-0.83340629 0.12159731 0.53911785,
+ -0.026928875 -0.3112206 0.94995609,-0.017829035 -0.21314366 0.97685818,
+ -0.079182124 -0.17851263 0.98074637,-0.15808486 -0.1987472 0.967217,
+ -0.1892643 -0.25223551 0.94897643,-0.079182116 -0.17851263 0.98074637,
+ -0.18926432 -0.25223554 0.94897642,-0.026928873 -0.31122057 0.9499561,
+ -0.079182124 -0.17851263 0.98074637,-0.25495645 -0.13909377 0.95689609,
+ -0.15808486 -0.1987472 0.967217,-0.11574588 -0.097468803 0.98848506,
+ -0.20688246 -0.063162362 0.97632483,-0.25495645 -0.13909377 0.95689609,
+ -0.14846509 -0.063615667 0.98686938,-0.84456759 0.48689812 0.22279095,
+ -0.85832367 0.30540003 0.41232427,-0.78481355 0.46792026 0.40634753,
+ -0.25495642 -0.13909377 0.9568961,-0.11574588 -0.097468803 0.98848506,
+ -0.14846509 -0.063615667 0.98686938,-0.3052713 0.046879954 0.95111077,
+ -0.40676623 -0.02344343 0.91323143,-0.23585048 0.0057767513 0.97177219,
+ -0.28391774 -0.12566207 0.95057865,-0.20688248 -0.063162373 0.97632482,
+ -0.23585048 0.0057767513 0.97177219,-0.74585541 0.62998745 0.21636893,
+ -0.84456759 0.48689812 0.22279094,-0.78481355 0.46792026 0.40634753,
+ -0.40676623 -0.02344343 0.91323143,-0.28391774 -0.12566207 0.95057865,
+ -0.23585048 0.0057767513 0.97177219,-0.3052713 0.046879958 0.95111077,
+ -0.23585045 0.0057767504 0.97177219,-0.077040611 0.098314663 0.99216882,
+ -0.59118606 0.80018681 0.10099564,-0.71786311 0.68845233 0.10346952,
+ -0.60862583 0.76240468 0.21980379,-0.20161561 -0.039664244 0.97866128,
+ -0.3052713 0.046879958 0.95111077,-0.077040611 0.098314663 0.99216882,
+ -0.54494499 0.83223401 0.1020858,-0.59118606 0.80018681 0.10099564,
+ -0.60862583 0.76240468 0.21980379,-0.71786311 0.68845233 0.10346952,
+ -0.74585544 0.62998742 0.21636892,-0.60862575 0.76240473 0.21980381,
+ -0.8109416 -0.25431012 0.52697257,-0.67661362 -0.25315287 0.69145327,
+ -0.72595827 -0.073120995 0.68384056,-0.85483479 -0.055941417 0.51587599,
+ -0.81094164 -0.25431007 0.52697253,-0.72595827 -0.073120995 0.68384056,
+ -0.17071931 0.2426369 0.95497762,-0.20397332 0.14587026 0.96804791,
+ -0.19774455 0.011044742 0.98019136,-0.19774455 0.011044742 0.98019136,
+ -0.20397332 0.14587026 0.96804791,-0.094568355 0.025779027 0.99518454,
+ -0.48000343 -0.31188766 0.81995292,-0.33921296 -0.45785559 0.82176811,
+ -0.29946443 -0.28407189 0.9108371,-0.19774454 0.011044741 0.98019136,
+ -0.094568355 0.025779027 0.99518454,-0.05580595 0.079149301 0.99529949,
+ -0.1707193 0.24263687 0.95497763,-0.19774455 0.011044743 0.98019136,
+ -0.028448904 0.16074994 0.98658508,-0.19774455 0.011044742 0.98019136,
+ -0.05580595 0.079149301 0.99529949,-0.028448904 0.16074994 0.98658508,
+ -0.03242667 0.20087077 0.97908092,-0.064676257 0.29119832 0.95447395,
+ -0.0284489 0.16074994 0.98658508,-0.85832367 0.30540003 0.41232427,
+ -0.83340632 0.1215973 0.53911781,-0.76576108 0.29381303 0.5720873,
+ -0.064676264 0.29119838 0.95447393,-0.17071931 0.24263687 0.95497763,
+ -0.0284489 0.16074994 0.98658508,-0.78481355 0.46792025 0.40634755,
+ -0.85832367 0.30540003 0.41232427,-0.76576108 0.29381303 0.5720873,
+ 0.13416502 0.17649554 0.9751149,0.16714045 0.28164092 0.9448505,
+ 0.06754616 0.19088745 0.9792852,0.048963761 0.10377582 0.99339475,
+ 0.13416502 0.17649554 0.9751149,0.06754616 0.19088745 0.9792852,
+ -0.60862575 0.76240473 0.21980381,-0.74585544 0.62998742 0.21636892,
+ -0.67969237 0.61367617 0.40177088,0.16714044 0.28164092 0.9448505,
+ 0.064660869 0.30979138 0.94860333,0.06754616 0.19088745 0.9792852,
+ -0.03242667 0.20087075 0.97908092,-0.082374951 0.11589066 0.98984025,
+ 0.067546168 0.19088744 0.9792852,-0.082374951 0.11589066 0.98984025,
+ 0.048963761 0.10377581 0.99339475,0.06754616 0.19088745 0.9792852,
+ 0.064660869 0.30979141 0.94860332,-0.03242667 0.20087075 0.97908092,
+ 0.067546168 0.19088744 0.9792852,-0.74585545 0.62998741 0.21636893,
+ -0.78481355 0.46792025 0.40634755,-0.67969237 0.61367617 0.40177088,
+ 0.24659622 0.31716305 0.91574991,0.13416502 0.17649554 0.9751149,
+ 0.1735245 0.15522203 0.97252011,0.23422726 0.17653071 0.95602014,
+ 0.24659621 0.31716303 0.91574992,0.1735245 0.15522203 0.97252011,
+ 0.22936364 0.065168942 0.9711567,0.23422723 0.17653068 0.95602015,
+ 0.1735245 0.15522202 0.97252011,0.13416501 0.17649554 0.9751149,
+ 0.19171113 -0.05713401 0.97978699,0.1735245 0.15522203 0.97252011,
+ 0.11639755 -0.030299791 0.99274042,0.22936365 0.065168931 0.9711567,
+ 0.1735245 0.15522202 0.97252011,-0.54494499 0.83223401 0.1020858,
+ -0.60862575 0.76240473 0.21980381,-0.44467657 0.86717991 0.22419132,
+ -0.4029159 0.90873648 0.10888886,-0.54494496 0.83223403 0.1020858,
+ -0.44467657 0.86717991 0.22419132,-0.33704902 0.93569223 0.10429772,
+ -0.4029159 0.90873648 0.10888886,-0.44467657 0.86717991 0.22419132,
+ 0.1735245 0.15522202 0.97252011,0.19171113 -0.05713401 0.97978699,
+ 0.087903541 0.047364122 0.99500232,0.17352452 0.15522203 0.97252011,
+ 0.087903541 0.047364122 0.99500232,0.073932732 0.077153059 0.99427429,
+ 0.087903541 0.047364122 0.99500232,0.0069887697 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,
+ 0.073932732 0.077153059 0.99427429,0.11639755 -0.030299791 0.99274042,
+ 0.1735245 0.15522203 0.97252011,0.073932732 0.077153074 0.99427429,
+ 0.11639755 -0.030299791 0.99274042,0.073932732 0.077153074 0.99427429,
+ 0.092298567 -0.044500347 0.99473649,-0.67661359 -0.25315289 0.6914533,
+ -0.4800034 -0.31188764 0.81995294,-0.56137579 -0.16148346 0.81165283,
+ 0.073932739 0.077153059 0.99427429,0.0069887683 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,
+ 0.092298567 -0.044500347 0.99473649,-0.72595827 -0.073120995 0.68384056,
+ -0.67661359 -0.25315286 0.6914533,-0.56137579 -0.16148346 0.81165283,
+ 0.22936365 0.065168931 0.9711567,0.11639756 -0.030299795 0.99274041,
+ 0.092298567 -0.044500347 0.99473649,0.0069887683 -0.00065838794 0.99997536,
+ 0.079070793 0.10178724 0.9916588,0.092298567 -0.044500347 0.99473649,
+ 0.079070801 0.10178724 0.9916588,0.22936362 0.065168939 0.9711567,
+ 0.092298567 -0.044500347 0.99473649,-0.017829034 -0.21314363 0.97685819,
+ -0.14384672 -0.11467652 0.98293307,-0.055118382 -0.0729151 0.99581391,
+ -0.14718978 -0.058065025 0.98740246,-0.01782903 -0.21314363 0.97685819,
+ -0.055118382 -0.0729151 0.99581391,0.058982042 -0.091677885 0.99404038,
+ -0.0040627863 -0.10165711 0.9948112,-0.055118382 -0.0729151 0.99581391,
+ -0.0040627859 -0.1016571 0.9948112,0.0069887697 -0.00065838835 0.99997536,
+ -0.055118375 -0.0729151 0.99581391,-0.14384671 -0.11467652 0.98293307,
+ 0.058982045 -0.09167789 0.99404038,-0.055118382 -0.0729151 0.99581391,
+ -0.76576108 0.29381303 0.5720873,-0.83340632 0.1215973 0.53911781,
+ -0.71629745 0.080461361 0.69314063,-0.11574588 -0.097468803 0.98848506,
+ -0.15808488 -0.19874725 0.96721699,-0.071757323 -0.069755859 0.9949799,
+ -0.15808489 -0.19874721 0.96721699,-0.079182124 -0.17851263 0.98074637,
+ -0.071757323 -0.069755859 0.9949799,-0.85483479 -0.055941417 0.51587599,
+ -0.72595827 -0.073120995 0.68384056,-0.71629745 0.080461361 0.69314063,
+ -0.83340632 0.1215973 0.53911781,-0.85483482 -0.055941416 0.51587595,
+ -0.71629745 0.080461361 0.69314063,-0.67969237 0.61367617 0.40177088,
+ -0.78481355 0.46792026 0.40634753,-0.69197115 0.45067533 0.56397488,
+ -0.055118375 -0.0729151 0.99581391,0.0069887692 -0.00065838829 0.99997536,
+ -0.087718042 -0.045211506 0.99511882,-0.071757323 -0.069755859 0.9949799,
+ -0.079182124 -0.17851263 0.98074637,-0.087718042 -0.045211506 0.99511882,
+ 0.99396187 -0.015016086 0.10869365,0.97329304 -0.0022454377 0.22955524,
+ 0.97573426 -0.11895968 0.18382394,0.97329304 -0.0022454377 0.22955524,
+ 0.94048603 0.0097049141 0.33969376,0.97573426 -0.11895968 0.18382394,
+ -0.14718978 -0.058065021 0.98740246,-0.05511839 -0.072915108 0.99581391,
+ -0.087718042 -0.045211506 0.99511882,0.97717988 -0.18050098 0.11197712,
+ 0.99396187 -0.01501609 0.10869365,0.97573426 -0.11895968 0.18382397,
+ 0.92447658 -0.36486418 0.11053141,0.97717988 -0.18050098 0.11197712,
+ 0.93631343 -0.2851025 0.20502127,-0.079182124 -0.17851263 0.98074637,
+ -0.14718978 -0.058065021 0.98740246,-0.087718049 -0.04521151 0.99511882,
+ 0.9055349 -0.41049742 0.10723062,0.92447658 -0.36486418 0.11053141,
+ 0.93631343 -0.2851025 0.20502127,-0.78481356 0.46792026 0.40634753,
+ -0.76576108 0.29381303 0.5720873,-0.69197115 0.45067533 0.56397488,
+ -0.14846509 -0.063615667 0.98686938,-0.11574588 -0.097468803 0.98848506,
+ -0.10512065 -0.035257338 0.99383428,-0.60862583 0.76240468 0.21980377,
+ -0.67969237 0.61367617 0.40177088,-0.54656243 0.73665601 0.39825549,
+ -0.07175733 -0.069755866 0.9949799,-0.087718049 -0.04521151 0.99511882,
+ -0.033353531 -0.057579162 0.99778363,-0.10512065 -0.035257338 0.99383428,
+ -0.11574588 -0.097468803 0.98848506,-0.033353531 -0.057579162 0.99778363,
+ -0.11574588 -0.097468789 0.98848507,-0.071757323 -0.069755859 0.9949799,
+ -0.033353531 -0.057579162 0.99778363,0.97717988 -0.18050098 0.11197712,
+ 0.97573426 -0.11895968 0.18382394,0.93631343 -0.2851025 0.20502127,
+ -0.44467657 0.86717991 0.22419132,-0.60862583 0.76240468 0.21980379,
+ -0.54656243 0.73665601 0.39825549,0.83725916 -0.53577589 0.1092762,
+ 0.9055349 -0.41049742 0.10723062,0.85540548 -0.48009865 0.19438814,
+ -0.33704902 0.93569223 0.10429772,-0.44467657 0.86717991 0.22419132,
+ -0.25634229 0.94122702 0.21995528,-0.20688246 -0.063162355 0.97632483,
+ -0.14846509 -0.063615667 0.98686938,-0.14524838 0.18359272 0.97221223,
+ -0.14846507 -0.063615668 0.98686938,-0.10512065 -0.035257338 0.99383428,
+ -0.14524838 0.18359272 0.97221223,-0.23474359 0.96648858 0.10390027,
+ -0.33704899 0.93569224 0.10429772,-0.25634229 0.94122702 0.21995528,
+ -0.10512065 -0.035257342 0.99383428,-0.033353531 -0.057579162 0.99778363,
+ -0.14524838 0.18359272 0.97221223,-0.23585045 0.0057767504 0.97177219,
+ -0.20688247 -0.063162362 0.97632482,-0.14524838 0.18359272 0.97221223,
+ -0.27697639 0.17584229 0.94464997,-0.20161561 -0.039664244 0.97866128,
+ -0.13615436 -0.03135354 0.99019137,0.9055349 -0.41049742 0.10723063,
+ 0.93631343 -0.2851025 0.20502127,0.85540548 -0.48009865 0.19438814,
+ -0.31155763 0.27562395 0.90937521,-0.27697639 0.17584229 0.94464997,
+ -0.21059318 0.073743164 0.97478842,-0.27697639 0.17584226 0.94464998,
+ -0.13615436 -0.03135354 0.99019137,-0.21059318 0.073743164 0.97478842,
+ -0.13615436 -0.031353536 0.99019137,-0.094568355 0.025779027 0.99518454,
+ -0.21059318 0.073743164 0.97478842,-0.56137579 -0.16148346 0.81165283,
+ -0.4800034 -0.31188764 0.81995294,-0.36981116 -0.18885872 0.90970989,
+ -0.20397332 0.14587026 0.96804791,-0.31155765 0.27562398 0.9093752,
+ -0.21059321 0.073743163 0.97478841,0.97573426 -0.11895968 0.18382394,
+ 0.94048603 0.0097049169 0.33969376,0.90958968 -0.18126626 0.37388389,
+ -0.094568355 0.025779027 0.99518454,-0.20397332 0.14587026 0.96804791,
+ -0.21059318 0.073743164 0.97478842,-0.055805946 0.079149301 0.99529949,
+ -0.094568355 0.025779027 0.99518454,-0.0043588949 0.080950683 0.99670858,
+ 0.93631345 -0.28510247 0.20502124,0.97573426 -0.11895968 0.18382394,
+ 0.90958968 -0.18126626 0.37388389,0.94048603 0.0097049169 0.33969376,
+ 0.90914866 0.0016045861 0.41646866,0.90958968 -0.18126626 0.37388389,
+ -0.032426674 0.20087075 0.97908092,-0.028448902 0.16074993 0.98658508,
+ -0.0043588949 0.080950683 0.99670858,-0.4800034 -0.31188764 0.81995294,
+ -0.29946449 -0.28407195 0.91083706,-0.36981123 -0.18885873 0.90970986,
+ -0.082374951 0.11589066 0.98984025,-0.032426674 0.20087075 0.97908092,
+ -0.0043588949 0.080950683 0.99670858,-0.71629745 0.080461361 0.69314063,
+ -0.72595827 -0.073120995 0.68384056,-0.58405078 0.0062176548 0.81169331,
+ -0.028448902 0.16074993 0.98658508,-0.05580595 0.079149294 0.9952995,
+ -0.0043588949 0.080950683 0.99670858,-0.72595827 -0.073120995 0.68384056,
+ -0.56137579 -0.16148348 0.81165283,-0.58405078 0.0062176548 0.81169331,
+ 0.76523439 -0.63639079 0.097072606,0.83725916 -0.53577589 0.1092762,
+ 0.75908767 -0.62347137 0.18726816,0.71660558 -0.6888266 0.10951876,
+ 0.76523439 -0.63639079 0.097072606,0.75908767 -0.62347137 0.18726816,
+ -0.0043588926 0.080950683 0.99670858,-0.094568355 0.025779027 0.99518454,
+ 0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,0.087903541 0.047364118 0.99500232,
+ 0.19171113 -0.05713401 0.97978699,0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,
+ 0.0069887683 -0.00065838818 0.99997536,0.087903541 0.047364122 0.99500232,
+ 0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,0.048963765 0.10377581 0.99339475,
+ -0.082374951 0.11589066 0.98984025,0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,
+ -0.76576108 0.29381303 0.5720873,-0.71629745 0.080461361 0.69314063,
+ -0.64818191 0.28213051 0.70729243,-0.082374951 0.11589066 0.98984025,
+ -0.0043588949 0.080950683 0.99670858,0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,
+ 0.19171114 -0.057134013 0.97978699,0.048963761 0.10377581 0.99339475,
+ 0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,-0.69197117 0.45067536 0.56397484,
+ -0.7657611 0.29381304 0.57208726,-0.64818191 0.28213051 0.70729243,
+ -0.23585048 0.0057767513 0.97177219,-0.14524836 0.18359269 0.97221224,
+ -0.11584446 0.051010382 0.99195665,-0.14524838 0.18359273 0.97221223,
+ -0.033353531 -0.057579162 0.99778363,-0.11584446 0.051010382 0.99195665,
+ 0.83725914 -0.53577594 0.10927619,0.85540548 -0.48009865 0.19438814,
+ 0.75908767 -0.62347137 0.18726816,-0.033353527 -0.057579162 0.99778364,
+ -0.087718049 -0.04521151 0.99511882,-0.11584446 0.051010382 0.99195665,
+ -0.25634229 0.94122702 0.21995528,-0.44467655 0.86717993 0.22419129,
+ -0.39010797 0.8315651 0.39536724,0.93631345 -0.28510247 0.20502123,
+ 0.90958968 -0.18126626 0.37388389,0.85175432 -0.37228967 0.36866648,
+ -0.077040611 0.098314663 0.99216882,-0.23585048 0.0057767513 0.97177219,
+ -0.11212942 -0.079988363 0.99046901,-0.44467657 0.86717991 0.22419132,
+ -0.54656243 0.73665601 0.39825549,-0.39010797 0.8315651 0.39536724,
+ -0.23585045 0.0057767518 0.97177219,-0.11584447 0.051010382 0.99195665,
+ -0.11212942 -0.079988363 0.99046901,-0.077040611 0.098314663 0.99216882,
+ -0.11212942 -0.079988363 0.99046901,-0.058071271 0.053306543 0.99688823,
+ -0.087718049 -0.04521151 0.99511882,0.0069887688 -0.00065838794 0.99997536,
+ -0.058071271 0.053306543 0.99688823,-0.20161561 -0.039664251 0.97866128,
+ -0.077040608 0.098314654 0.99216882,-0.058071271 0.05330655 0.99688823,
+ -0.13615437 -0.031353538 0.99019137,-0.20161561 -0.039664244 0.97866128,
+ -0.058071271 0.053306543 0.99688823,0.0069887674 -0.00065838771 0.99997536,
+ 0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,-0.058071271 0.053306543 0.99688823,
+ 0.017700297 0.035441036 0.99921501,-0.094568355 0.025779027 0.99518454,
+ -0.058071271 0.053306543 0.99688823,0.85540548 -0.48009865 0.19438814,
+ 0.93631344 -0.28510248 0.20502126,0.85175432 -0.37228967 0.36866648,
+ -0.11584447 0.051010382 0.99195665,-0.087718042 -0.045211506 0.99511882,
+ -0.058071264 0.053306543 0.99688823,-0.066572576 0.99322425 0.095255895,
+ -0.23474359 0.96648858 0.10390027,-0.088108101 0.97357292 0.21069582,
+ 0.90958966 -0.18126627 0.37388391,0.90914866 0.0016045861 0.41646866,
+ 0.82821716 -0.12209398 0.54694552,-0.11212942 -0.079988363 0.99046901,
+ -0.11584447 0.051010382 0.99195665,-0.058071271 0.053306543 0.99688823,
+ -0.020457558 0.9945493 0.10224079,-0.066572576 0.99322425 0.095255895,
+ -0.088108101 0.97357292 0.21069582,-0.094568351 0.025779022 0.99518454,
+ -0.13615438 -0.03135354 0.99019137,-0.058071271 0.053306543 0.99688823,
+ 0.90914867 0.0016045829 0.41646864,0.85514291 -0.003263099 0.51838205,
+ 0.82821716 -0.12209398 0.54694552,0.85514291 -0.003263099 0.51838205,
+ 0.76598026 0.0083165385 0.6428103,0.82821716 -0.12209398 0.54694552,
+ 0.58291185 -0.80614626 0.10169557,0.71660558 -0.6888266 0.10951876,
+ 0.62059853 -0.75984899 0.19361554,0.55727023 -0.82315529 0.1089278,
+ 0.58291185 -0.80614626 0.10169557,0.62059853 -0.75984899 0.19361554,
+ -0.23474356 0.96648859 0.10390025,-0.25634229 0.94122702 0.21995528,
+ -0.088108101 0.97357292 0.21069582,-0.67969237 0.61367617 0.40177088,
+ -0.69197117 0.45067536 0.56397484,-0.58261114 0.59042579 0.55853527,
+ -0.54656243 0.73665601 0.39825549,-0.67969236 0.61367616 0.40177091,
+ -0.58261114 0.59042579 0.55853527,0.71660558 -0.6888266 0.10951877,
+ 0.75908767 -0.62347137 0.18726816,0.62059853 -0.75984899 0.19361554,
+ -0.088108101 0.97357292 0.21069582,-0.25634229 0.94122702 0.21995528,
+ -0.21598629 0.89399852 0.39257682,-0.25634232 0.941227 0.21995532,
+ -0.39010797 0.8315651 0.39536724,-0.21598629 0.89399852 0.39257682,
+ 0.75908767 -0.62347137 0.18726816,0.8554055 -0.48009863 0.19438813,
+ 0.75650081 -0.54401209 0.36298399,0.85540548 -0.48009865 0.19438814,
+ 0.85175432 -0.37228967 0.36866648,0.75650081 -0.54401209 0.36298399,
+ -0.69197117 0.45067536 0.56397484,-0.64818191 0.28213051 0.70729243,
+ -0.57835975 0.43779909 0.68835453,-0.58261114 0.59042579 0.55853527,
+ -0.69197119 0.45067537 0.5639748,-0.57835973 0.43779907 0.68835456,
+ 0.90958969 -0.18126626 0.37388386,0.82821716 -0.12209398 0.54694552,
+ 0.79220648 -0.28803215 0.5380022,0.85175433 -0.37228964 0.36866649,
+ 0.90958968 -0.18126626 0.37388389,0.79220648 -0.28803215 0.5380022,
+ -0.020457558 0.9945493 0.10224079,-0.088108101 0.97357292 0.21069582,
+ 0.1029029 0.971389 0.21404298,0.14500759 0.98428138 0.10081154,
+ -0.020457558 0.9945493 0.10224079,0.1029029 0.971389 0.21404298,
+ 0.2035 0.97377919 0.10169488,0.14500759 0.98428138 0.10081154,
+ 0.1029029 0.971389 0.21404298,0.38855954 -0.91458373 0.11206285,
+ 0.55727023 -0.82315529 0.1089278,0.4395677 -0.88020428 0.17894319,
+ -0.64818191 0.28213051 0.70729243,-0.71629745 0.080461361 0.69314063,
+ -0.54089164 0.18380892 0.82076215,-0.71629745 0.080461361 0.69314063,
+ -0.58405081 0.006217656 0.81169328,-0.54089164 0.18380892 0.82076215,
+ 0.55727023 -0.82315529 0.1089278,0.62059856 -0.75984896 0.19361553,
+ 0.4395677 -0.88020428 0.17894319,-0.39010794 0.83156511 0.39536725,
+ -0.54656243 0.73665601 0.39825549,-0.4418148 0.7050424 0.55472056,
+ -0.5465624 0.73665605 0.39825546,-0.58261114 0.59042579 0.55853527,
+ -0.4418148 0.7050424 0.55472056,0.75908767 -0.62347137 0.18726818,
+ 0.75650081 -0.54401209 0.36298399,0.62144902 -0.69532438 0.3610057,
+ 0.62059853 -0.75984899 0.19361554,0.7590877 -0.62347133 0.18726817,
+ 0.62144902 -0.69532438 0.3610057,0.75650082 -0.5440121 0.36298396,
+ 0.85175432 -0.37228967 0.36866648,0.70634052 -0.4699529 0.52936503,
+ 0.2035 0.97377919 0.10169488,0.10290291 0.97138901 0.21404296,
+ 0.2932332 0.93073357 0.21851617,0.35693132 0.92778126 0.10872887,
+ 0.2035 0.97377919 0.10169488,0.2932332 0.93073357 0.21851617,
+ 0.85175432 -0.37228967 0.36866648,0.79220649 -0.28803212 0.53800221,
+ 0.70634052 -0.4699529 0.52936503,0.42277701 0.90019784 0.1044196,
+ 0.35693132 0.92778126 0.10872887,0.2932332 0.93073357 0.21851617,
+ 0.38855954 -0.91458373 0.11206285,0.4395677 -0.88020428 0.17894319,
+ 0.27952124 -0.94417835 0.17434197,0.34853172 -0.9311856 0.10685979,
+ 0.38855954 -0.91458373 0.11206285,0.27952124 -0.94417835 0.17434197,
+ 0.2057397 -0.97232786 0.11067841,0.34853172 -0.9311856 0.10685979,
+ 0.27952124 -0.94417835 0.17434197,-0.088108101 0.97357292 0.21069582,
+ -0.21598629 0.89399852 0.39257682,-0.030664969 0.920619 0.38925611,
+ 0.1029029 0.971389 0.21404298,-0.088108108 0.97357292 0.21069582,
+ -0.030664969 0.920619 0.38925611,-0.58261114 0.59042579 0.55853527,
+ -0.57835977 0.43779906 0.68835453,-0.43049117 0.55916961 0.70852431,
+ -0.4418148 0.7050424 0.55472056,-0.58261114 0.59042579 0.55853527,
+ -0.43049114 0.55916962 0.70852432,0.79220648 -0.28803215 0.5380022,
+ 0.82821716 -0.12209399 0.54694552,0.70012148 -0.17500002 0.69224628,
+ 0.76598031 0.0083165412 0.64281023,0.71408495 -0.0065281965 0.70002862,
+ 0.70012148 -0.17500002 0.69224628,0.71408501 -0.0065281957 0.70002856,
+ 0.64412389 0.0035754759 0.76491283,0.70012148 -0.175 0.69224628,
+ -0.39010794 0.83156511 0.39536725,-0.4418148 0.7050424 0.55472056,
+ -0.27530931 0.78751484 0.55138477,0.82821713 -0.12209399 0.54694556,
+ 0.76598031 0.0083165412 0.64281023,0.70012148 -0.17500002 0.69224628,
+ -0.2159863 0.89399851 0.39257685,-0.39010798 0.83156507 0.39536729,
+ -0.27530931 0.78751484 0.55138477,-0.57835975 0.43779909 0.68835453,
+ -0.64818197 0.28213054 0.70729237,-0.46934643 0.30069247 0.83023971,
+ -0.64818193 0.28213055 0.7072924,-0.54089158 0.1838089 0.8207622,
+ -0.46934643 0.30069247 0.83023971,0.62059856 -0.75984896 0.19361553,
+ 0.62144902 -0.69532438 0.3610057,0.46460165 -0.80511512 0.36869357,
+ 0.4395677 -0.88020428 0.17894319,0.62059856 -0.75984896 0.19361554,
+ 0.46460165 -0.80511512 0.36869357,0.10215654 -0.98994448 0.097846667,
+ 0.2057397 -0.97232786 0.11067841,0.089113363 -0.97961325 0.18004634,
+ 0.51713346 0.84952135 0.10433821,0.42277701 0.90019784 0.1044196,
+ 0.48045157 0.85062859 0.2135352,0.014557423 -0.99381163 0.11012052,
+ 0.10215654 -0.98994448 0.097846667,0.089113363 -0.97961325 0.18004634,
+ 0.42277701 0.90019784 0.10441962,0.2932332 0.93073357 0.21851617,
+ 0.48045157 0.85062859 0.2135352,0.2057397 -0.97232786 0.11067841,
+ 0.27952124 -0.94417835 0.17434197,0.089113363 -0.97961325 0.18004634,
+ 0.1029029 0.971389 0.21404298,-0.030664969 0.920619 0.38925611,
+ 0.15877092 0.90930637 0.38464753,0.2932332 0.93073356 0.2185162,
+ 0.10290291 0.97138901 0.21404296,0.15877092 0.90930637 0.38464753,
+ 0.62144899 -0.69532441 0.36100569,0.75650081 -0.54401209 0.36298399,
+ 0.57420586 -0.63059276 0.52214979,0.75650081 -0.54401209 0.36298399,
+ 0.70634052 -0.4699529 0.52936503,0.57420586 -0.63059276 0.52214979,
+ -0.46934643 0.30069247 0.83023971,-0.54089164 0.18380892 0.82076215,
+ -0.38310719 0.15852315 0.90999961,-0.21598631 0.89399851 0.39257685,
+ -0.27530931 0.78751484 0.55138477,-0.090289855 0.83207239 0.54726893,
+ 0.64412392 0.0035754757 0.7649128,0.53545613 -0.0073270418 0.84453126,
+ 0.56985635 -0.12082941 0.8128124,0.53545613 -0.0073270413 0.84453126,
+ 0.43331154 -0.009311194 0.9011961,0.56985631 -0.12082942 0.81281242,
+ 0.70012145 -0.17500002 0.69224631,0.64412392 0.0035754753 0.7649128,
+ 0.56985631 -0.12082942 0.81281242,-0.030664969 0.920619 0.38925611,
+ -0.2159863 0.89399853 0.3925768,-0.090289855 0.83207239 0.54726893,
+ 0.70634052 -0.4699529 0.52936503,0.79220649 -0.28803212 0.53800221,
+ 0.63845384 -0.3730737 0.6731959,0.79220648 -0.28803215 0.5380022,
+ 0.70012148 -0.17500002 0.69224628,0.63845384 -0.3730737 0.6731959,
+ -0.27530928 0.78751485 0.55138477,-0.44181477 0.70504241 0.55472057,
+ -0.29370939 0.63988934 0.71012423,-0.44181478 0.70504243 0.55472054,
+ -0.43049117 0.55916961 0.70852431,-0.29370939 0.63988934 0.71012423,
+ 0.65787449 0.74710813 0.095029469,0.51713346 0.84952135 0.10433821,
+ 0.62260498 0.75538702 0.20433669,0.68763356 0.71865539 0.10341431,
+ 0.65787449 0.74710813 0.095029469,0.62260498 0.75538702 0.20433669,
+ 0.27952124 -0.94417835 0.17434197,0.43956765 -0.88020431 0.17894317,
+ 0.3109173 -0.8722757 0.37744608,0.43956767 -0.88020429 0.17894321,
+ 0.46460164 -0.80511511 0.36869362,0.3109173 -0.8722757 0.37744608,
+ -0.15166728 -0.98323144 0.10125699,0.014557423 -0.99381163 0.11012052,
+ -0.1074136 -0.97660149 0.18631117,0.51713346 0.84952135 0.10433821,
+ 0.48045157 0.85062859 0.2135352,0.62260498 0.75538702 0.20433669,
+ -0.18743849 -0.97615626 0.10947957,-0.15166728 -0.98323144 0.10125699,
+ -0.1074136 -0.97660149 0.18631117,0.48045157 0.85062859 0.2135352,
+ 0.2932332 0.93073357 0.21851614,0.34487188 0.85924714 0.37783295,
+ 0.2932332 0.93073357 0.21851617,0.15877092 0.90930637 0.38464753,
+ 0.34487188 0.85924714 0.37783295,0.014557423 -0.99381163 0.11012052,
+ 0.089113363 -0.97961325 0.18004634,-0.1074136 -0.97660149 0.18631117,
+ -0.29370939 0.63988934 0.71012423,-0.43049117 0.55916961 0.70852431,
+ -0.35354112 0.44566898 0.82242801,-0.03066497 0.92061899 0.38925614,
+ -0.090289855 0.83207239 0.54726893,0.10472309 0.83446275 0.54102217,
+ 0.46460169 -0.80511508 0.36869361,0.62144902 -0.69532438 0.3610057,
+ 0.43632041 -0.7214785 0.53767394,0.3109173 -0.8722757 0.37744608,
+ 0.46460165 -0.80511512 0.36869357,0.43632041 -0.7214785 0.53767394,
+ 0.62144902 -0.69532438 0.3610057,0.57420586 -0.63059276 0.52214979,
+ 0.43632037 -0.72147852 0.53767395,0.15877092 0.90930637 0.38464753,
+ -0.030664969 0.920619 0.38925611,0.10472309 0.83446275 0.54102217,
+ 0.08911337 -0.97961325 0.18004634,0.27952124 -0.94417835 0.17434197,
+ 0.13147425 -0.91884702 0.3720681,0.27952127 -0.94417834 0.17434199,
+ 0.31091727 -0.87227571 0.37744606,0.13147425 -0.91884702 0.3720681,
+ 0.70634051 -0.46995291 0.52936503,0.63845377 -0.37307372 0.67319595,
+ 0.52358384 -0.5203094 0.67463924,-0.27530928 0.78751485 0.55138477,
+ -0.29370939 0.63988934 0.71012423,-0.13127455 0.69911212 0.70285791,
+ -0.090289846 0.83207243 0.54726886,-0.27530931 0.78751484 0.55138477,
+ -0.13127455 0.69911212 0.70285791,0.80032543 0.59099207 0.10103257,
+ 0.68763356 0.71865539 0.10341431,0.75683273 0.61972709 0.20770784,
+ 0.83047438 0.54742972 0.10311645,0.80032543 0.59099207 0.10103257,
+ 0.75683273 0.61972709 0.20770784,0.57420586 -0.63059276 0.52214979,
+ 0.70634052 -0.4699529 0.52936503,0.52358388 -0.52030938 0.67463921,
+ 0.70012148 -0.17500002 0.69224628,0.56985631 -0.12082943 0.81281242,
+ 0.52576137 -0.22992945 0.81896729,0.68763356 0.71865539 0.10341431,
+ 0.62260498 0.75538702 0.20433669,0.75683273 0.61972709 0.20770784,
+ 0.63845372 -0.37307369 0.67319601,0.70012148 -0.17500002 0.69224628,
+ 0.5257614 -0.22992943 0.81896728,0.48045157 0.85062859 0.2135352,
+ 0.34487189 0.85924715 0.37783292,0.52347163 0.75601974 0.39295242,
+ -0.18743849 -0.97615626 0.10947957,-0.10741361 -0.97660149 0.18631117,
+ -0.30159256 -0.93389361 0.19205376,-0.37277094 -0.92110938 0.11224674,
+ -0.18743849 -0.97615626 0.10947957,-0.30159256 -0.93389361 0.19205376,
+ 0.62260498 0.75538702 0.20433669,0.48045157 0.85062859 0.2135352,
+ 0.52347163 0.75601974 0.39295242,-0.40597867 -0.90745374 0.10820825,
+ -0.37277094 -0.92110938 0.11224674,-0.30159256 -0.93389361 0.19205376,
+ -0.35354112 0.44566898 0.82242801,-0.46934638 0.30069246 0.83023974,
+ -0.31155763 0.27562395 0.90937521,-0.46934643 0.30069247 0.83023971,
+ -0.38310722 0.15852315 0.9099996,-0.31155763 0.27562395 0.90937521,
+ -0.13127454 0.69911212 0.70285791,-0.29370936 0.63988935 0.71012424,
+ -0.1940747 0.54649665 0.81466338,0.13147424 -0.91884703 0.37206808,
+ 0.3109173 -0.8722757 0.37744608,0.25574509 -0.78649593 0.56215531,
+ -0.29370936 0.63988935 0.71012424,-0.35354112 0.44566898 0.82242801,
+ -0.19407469 0.54649669 0.81466335,0.15877092 0.90930637 0.38464753,
+ 0.10472309 0.83446275 0.54102217,0.30008317 0.79227693 0.53126958,
+ 0.3109173 -0.8722757 0.37744608,0.43632032 -0.72147856 0.53767394,
+ 0.25574509 -0.78649593 0.56215531,0.34487188 0.85924714 0.37783295,
+ 0.15877092 0.90930637 0.38464753,0.30008317 0.79227693 0.53126958,
+ 0.90936823 0.40139324 0.10923773,0.83047438 0.54742972 0.10311645,
+ 0.86359437 0.45750836 0.21187465,0.9335889 0.34245838 0.10551791,
+ 0.90936823 0.40139324 0.10923773,0.86359437 0.45750836 0.21187465,
+ 0.089113371 -0.97961325 0.18004632,0.13147425 -0.91884702 0.3720681,
+ -0.055614316 -0.9281282 0.36808299,-0.1074136 -0.97660149 0.18631117,
+ 0.089113363 -0.97961326 0.18004632,-0.055614316 -0.9281282 0.36808299,
+ 0.83047438 0.54742972 0.10311645,0.75683273 0.61972709 0.20770784,
+ 0.86359437 0.45750836 0.21187465,-0.09028984 0.83207239 0.54726893,
+ -0.13127455 0.69911206 0.70285797,0.047927232 0.71563306 0.69683018,
+ 0.57420584 -0.63059279 0.52214977,0.52358392 -0.52030936 0.67463919,
+ 0.39018041 -0.61057043 0.6891756,0.43632041 -0.7214785 0.53767394,
+ 0.57420588 -0.63059277 0.52214975,0.39018041 -0.61057043 0.6891756,
+ 0.25574509 -0.78649593 0.56215531,0.43632032 -0.72147856 0.53767394,
+ 0.39018041 -0.61057043 0.6891756,0.10472309 0.83446275 0.54102217,
+ -0.090289843 0.83207241 0.54726889,0.047927229 0.71563306 0.69683018,
+ 0.75683273 0.61972709 0.20770784,0.62260498 0.75538702 0.20433669,
+ 0.64272405 0.65467067 0.39788455,-0.40597867 -0.90745374 0.10820825,
+ -0.30159256 -0.93389361 0.19205376,-0.4980702 -0.84810136 0.18069355,
+ 0.62260498 0.75538702 0.20433669,0.52347161 0.75601974 0.39295245,
+ 0.64272405 0.65467067 0.39788455,-0.54033393 -0.83417256 0.1104327,
+ -0.40597867 -0.90745374 0.10820825,-0.4980702 -0.84810136 0.18069355,
+ 0.5234716 0.75601973 0.39295248,0.34487185 0.85924715 0.37783295,
+ 0.463578 0.69275764 0.55243306,0.64272405 0.65467067 0.39788455,
+ 0.5234716 0.75601973 0.39295248,0.46357802 0.69275761 0.55243308,
+ 0.34487183 0.85924718 0.3778329,0.30008317 0.79227693 0.53126958,
+ 0.46357802 0.69275761 0.55243308,0.9335889 0.34245838 0.10551791,
+ 0.86359437 0.45750836 0.21187465,0.94208232 0.26608025 0.20416218,
+ 0.97325165 0.20139802 0.11054439,0.9335889 0.34245838 0.10551792,
+ 0.94208232 0.26608025 0.20416218,0.86359436 0.45750839 0.21187464,
+ 0.75683273 0.61972709 0.20770784,0.76095699 0.51929495 0.38894372,
+ 0.75683273 0.61972709 0.20770784,0.64272405 0.65467067 0.39788455,
+ 0.76095699 0.51929495 0.38894372,0.047927232 0.71563306 0.69683018,
+ -0.13127455 0.69911206 0.70285797,-0.021642248 0.55724073 0.8300689,
+ -0.13127452 0.69911206 0.70285797,-0.1940747 0.54649665 0.81466338,
+ -0.021642249 0.55724073 0.8300689,-0.055614316 -0.9281282 0.36808299,
+ 0.13147425 -0.91884702 0.3720681,0.08626113 -0.8285222 0.55327207,
+ 0.13147425 -0.91884702 0.3720681,0.25574509 -0.78649593 0.56215531,
+ 0.08626113 -0.8285222 0.55327207,-0.30159256 -0.93389361 0.19205376,
+ -0.1074136 -0.97660149 0.18631117,-0.2425145 -0.89887515 0.3649797,
+ 0.10472309 0.83446275 0.54102217,0.047927229 0.71563306 0.69683018,
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+ -0.54033393 -0.83417256 0.11043271,-0.63802914 -0.7498167 0.17519627,
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+ -0.63802914 -0.7498167 0.17519629,0.30008315 0.79227696 0.53126954,
+ 0.10472309 0.83446275 0.54102217,0.23351801 0.68591625 0.68919391,
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+ 0.94208232 0.26608025 0.20416218,0.97156633 0.12674575 0.19998595,
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+ 0.406153 1.1378699 1.5748001,0.307634 1.1254099 1.5748001,
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+ 0.307634 1.1254099 1.5748001,0.21056899 1.10444 1.5748001,
+ 0.181423 0.91043701 1.5748001,0.21056899 1.10444 1.5748001,
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+ 264,265,266,-1,267,268,269,-1,270,271,272,-1,273,274,275,-1,276,277,278,-1,279,280,281,-1,282,283,284,-1,285,286,287,-1,
+ 288,289,290,-1,291,292,293,-1,294,295,296,-1,297,298,299,-1,300,301,302,-1,303,304,305,-1,306,307,308,-1,309,310,311,-1,
+ 312,313,314,-1,315,316,317,-1,318,319,320,-1,321,322,323,-1,324,325,326,-1,327,328,329,-1,330,331,332,-1,333,334,335,-1,
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+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_107 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_68 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
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+ children [
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+ -0.48425099 -0.578618 1.5748001,-0.41859 -0.67804198 1.1811,
+ -0.41859 -0.67804198 1.5748001,-0.41859 -0.67804198 1.1811,
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+ -0.41859 -0.67804198 1.5748001,-0.34292598 -0.77008201 1.1811,
+ -0.34292598 -0.77008201 1.5748001,-0.34292598 -0.77008201 1.1811,
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+ -0.34292598 -0.77008201 1.5748001,-0.25808098 -0.85373404 1.1811,
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+ 0.38636899 -1.13606 1.1811,0.505383 -1.14172 1.5748001,
+ 0.38636899 -1.13606 1.1811,0.505383 -1.14172 1.1811,
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+ 0.85690697 -1.08451 1.1811,0.96798703 -1.04141 1.5748001,
+ 0.85690697 -1.08451 1.1811,0.96798703 -1.04141 1.1811,
+ 1.07397 -0.98696797 1.5748001,0.96798703 -1.04141 1.5748001,
+ 0.96798703 -1.04141 1.1811,1.07397 -0.98696797 1.5748001,
+ 0.96798703 -1.04141 1.1811,1.07397 -0.98696797 1.1811,
+ 1.1736999 -0.92177598 1.5748001,1.07397 -0.98696797 1.5748001,
+ 1.1736999 -0.92177598 1.1811,1.07397 -0.98696797 1.5748001,
+ 1.07397 -0.98696797 1.1811,1.1736999 -0.92177598 1.1811,
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+ 1.2661001 -0.84654703 1.5748001,1.1736999 -0.92177598 1.1811,
+ 1.2661001 -0.84654703 1.1811,1.42494 -0.66934904 1.5748001,
+ 1.35015 -0.76209701 1.5748001,1.35015 -0.76209701 1.1811,
+ 1.35015 -0.76209701 1.5748001,1.2661001 -0.84654703 1.1811,
+ 1.35015 -0.76209701 1.1811,1.42494 -0.66934904 1.5748001,
+ 1.35015 -0.76209701 1.1811,1.42494 -0.66934904 1.1811,
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+ 1.48966 -0.56931001 1.1811,1.5436 -0.46307097 1.5748001,
+ 1.48966 -0.56931001 1.1811,1.5436 -0.46307097 1.1811,
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+ 1.58618 -0.35179002 1.5748001,1.58618 -0.35179002 1.1811,
+ 1.5436 -0.46307097 1.5748001,1.5436 -0.46307097 1.1811,
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+ 1.61693 -0.236677 1.5748001,1.61693 -0.236677 1.1811,
+ 1.61693 -0.236677 1.5748001,1.58618 -0.35179002 1.1811,
+ 1.61693 -0.236677 1.1811,1.63551 -0.11898601 1.5748001,
+ 1.61693 -0.236677 1.1811,1.63551 -0.11898601 1.1811,
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+ 1.63551 -0.11898601 1.1811,1.6417299 0 1.5748001,
+ 1.63551 -0.11898601 1.1811,1.6417299 0 1.1811,
+ 1.6417299 0 1.5748001,1.6417299 0 1.1811,
+ 1.63551 0.11898601 1.1811,1.63551 0.11898601 1.5748001,
+ 1.6417299 0 1.5748001,1.63551 0.11898601 1.1811,
+ 1.61693 0.236677 1.5748001,1.63551 0.11898601 1.5748001,
+ 1.63551 0.11898601 1.1811,1.61693 0.236677 1.5748001,
+ 1.63551 0.11898601 1.1811,1.61693 0.236677 1.1811,
+ 1.58618 0.35179002 1.5748001,1.61693 0.236677 1.5748001,
+ 1.61693 0.236677 1.1811,1.58618 0.35179002 1.5748001,
+ 1.61693 0.236677 1.1811,1.58618 0.35179002 1.1811,
+ 1.5436 0.46307097 1.5748001,1.58618 0.35179002 1.5748001,
+ 1.58618 0.35179002 1.1811,1.5436 0.46307097 1.5748001,
+ 1.58618 0.35179002 1.1811,1.5436 0.46307097 1.1811,
+ 1.48966 0.56931001 1.5748001,1.5436 0.46307097 1.5748001,
+ 1.5436 0.46307097 1.1811,1.48966 0.56931001 1.5748001,
+ 1.5436 0.46307097 1.1811,1.48966 0.56931001 1.1811,
+ 1.48966 0.56931001 1.5748001,1.48966 0.56931001 1.1811,
+ 1.42494 0.66934904 1.1811,1.42494 0.66934904 1.5748001,
+ 1.48966 0.56931001 1.5748001,1.42494 0.66934904 1.1811,
+ 1.35015 0.76209701 1.5748001,1.42494 0.66934904 1.5748001,
+ 1.42494 0.66934904 1.1811,1.35015 0.76209701 1.5748001,
+ 1.42494 0.66934904 1.1811,1.35015 0.76209701 1.1811,
+ 1.2661001 0.84654703 1.5748001,1.35015 0.76209701 1.5748001,
+ 1.35015 0.76209701 1.1811,1.2661001 0.84654703 1.5748001,
+ 1.35015 0.76209701 1.1811,1.2661001 0.84654703 1.1811,
+ 1.1736999 0.92177598 1.5748001,1.2661001 0.84654703 1.5748001,
+ 1.2661001 0.84654703 1.1811,1.1736999 0.92177598 1.5748001,
+ 1.2661001 0.84654703 1.1811,1.1736999 0.92177598 1.1811,
+ 1.1736999 0.92177598 1.5748001,1.1736999 0.92177598 1.1811,
+ 1.07397 0.98696797 1.1811,1.07397 0.98696797 1.5748001,
+ 1.1736999 0.92177598 1.5748001,1.07397 0.98696797 1.1811,
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+ 1.07397 0.98696797 1.1811,0.96798703 1.04141 1.5748001,
+ 1.07397 0.98696797 1.1811,0.96798703 1.04141 1.1811,
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+ 0.96798703 1.04141 1.1811,0.85690697 1.08451 1.5748001,
+ 0.96798703 1.04141 1.1811,0.85690697 1.08451 1.1811,
+ 0.74194003 1.1158 1.5748001,0.85690697 1.08451 1.5748001,
+ 0.85690697 1.08451 1.1811,0.74194003 1.1158 1.5748001,
+ 0.85690697 1.08451 1.1811,0.74194003 1.1158 1.1811,
+ 0.74194003 1.1158 1.5748001,0.74194003 1.1158 1.1811,
+ 0.62433899 1.13494 1.1811,0.62433899 1.13494 1.5748001,
+ 0.74194003 1.1158 1.5748001,0.62433899 1.13494 1.1811,
+ 0.505383 1.14172 1.5748001,0.62433899 1.13494 1.5748001,
+ 0.62433899 1.13494 1.1811,0.505383 1.14172 1.5748001,
+ 0.62433899 1.13494 1.1811,0.505383 1.14172 1.1811,
+ 0.38636899 1.13606 1.5748001,0.505383 1.14172 1.5748001,
+ 0.505383 1.14172 1.1811,0.38636899 1.13606 1.5748001,
+ 0.505383 1.14172 1.1811,0.38636899 1.13606 1.1811,
+ 0.38636899 1.13606 1.5748001,0.38636899 1.13606 1.1811,
+ 0.268592 1.1180299 1.1811,0.268592 1.1180299 1.5748001,
+ 0.38636899 1.13606 1.5748001,0.268592 1.1180299 1.1811,
+ 0.153335 1.0878299 1.5748001,0.268592 1.1180299 1.5748001,
+ 0.268592 1.1180299 1.1811,0.153335 1.0878299 1.5748001,
+ 0.268592 1.1180299 1.1811,0.153335 1.0878299 1.1811,
+ 0.041854 1.0457799 1.5748001,0.153335 1.0878299 1.5748001,
+ 0.153335 1.0878299 1.1811,0.041854 1.0457799 1.5748001,
+ 0.153335 1.0878299 1.1811,0.041854 1.0457799 1.1811,
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+ 0.041854 1.0457799 1.1811,-0.064637805 0.99233699 1.5748001,
+ 0.041854 1.0457799 1.1811,-0.064637805 0.99233699 1.1811,
+ -0.064637805 0.99233699 1.5748001,-0.064637805 0.99233699 1.1811,
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+ -0.16497999 0.928089 1.1811,-0.25808098 0.85373404 1.5748001,
+ -0.16497999 0.928089 1.1811,-0.25808098 0.85373404 1.1811,
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+ -0.25808098 0.85373404 1.1811,-0.41859 0.67804198 1.5748001,
+ -0.34292598 0.77008201 1.5748001,-0.34292598 0.77008201 1.1811,
+ -0.34292598 0.77008201 1.5748001,-0.25808098 0.85373404 1.1811,
+ -0.34292598 0.77008201 1.1811,-0.41859 0.67804198 1.5748001,
+ -0.34292598 0.77008201 1.1811,-0.41859 0.67804198 1.1811,
+ -0.48425099 0.578618 1.5748001,-0.41859 0.67804198 1.5748001,
+ -0.48425099 0.578618 1.1811,-0.41859 0.67804198 1.5748001,
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+ 192,193,194,-1,195,196,197,-1,198,199,200,-1,201,202,203,-1,204,205,206,-1,207,208,209,-1,210,211,212,-1,213,214,215,-1,
+ 216,217,218,-1,219,220,221,-1,222,223,224,-1,225,226,227,-1,228,229,230,-1,231,232,233,-1,234,235,236,-1,237,238,239,-1,
+ 240,241,242,-1,243,244,245,-1,246,247,248,-1,249,250,251,-1,252,253,254,-1,255,256,257,-1,258,259,260,-1,261,262,263,-1,
+ 264,265,266,-1,267,268,269,-1,270,271,272,-1,273,274,275,-1,276,277,278,-1,279,280,281,-1,282,283,284,-1,285,286,287,-1,
+ 288,289,290,-1,291,292,293,-1,294,295,296,-1,297,298,299,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_108 Normal { vector [
+ -0.83445051 -0.55108289 0,-0.83445051 -0.55108289 0,
+ -0.80154049 -0.5979405 0,-0.79827141 -0.6022979 0,
+ -0.83445051 -0.55108289 0,-0.80154049 -0.5979405 0,
+ -0.79827141 -0.6022979 0,-0.80154044 -0.59794057 0,
+ -0.73519079 -0.67786024 0,-0.73228023 -0.68100343 0,
+ -0.79827141 -0.6022979 0,-0.73519079 -0.67786024 0,
+ -0.73228023 -0.68100343 0,-0.73519079 -0.67786024 0,
+ -0.66085607 -0.75051266 0,-0.65824058 -0.75280764 0,
+ -0.73228023 -0.68100342 0,-0.66085607 -0.75051266 0,
+ -0.65824058 -0.75280764 0,-0.66085604 -0.75051269 0,
+ -0.57934635 -0.81508147 0,-0.57697973 -0.81675847 0,
+ -0.65824054 -0.75280767 0,-0.57934635 -0.81508147 0,
+ -0.57697973 -0.81675847 0,-0.57934638 -0.81508145 0,
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+ -0.57697973 -0.81675847 0,-0.49153849 -0.87085585 0,
+ -0.4893863 -0.87206711 0,-0.49153849 -0.87085585 0,
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+ -0.48938628 -0.87206713 0,-0.41681729 -0.90899029 0,
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+ -0.41681729 -0.90899029 0,-0.27478415 -0.96150594 0,
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+ -0.27478415 -0.96150594 0,-0.2879473 -0.95764626 0,
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+ -0.2747841 -0.96150595 0,-0.21943944 -0.97562612 0,
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+ -0.21943944 -0.97562612 0,-0.12640144 -0.99197917 0,
+ -0.21943944 -0.97562612 0,-0.10411551 -0.99456521 0,
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+ -0.10411551 -0.99456521 0,0.038009229 -0.99927739 0,
+ -0.10411551 -0.99456521 0,0.019797437 -0.99980401 0,
+ 0.038009229 -0.99927739 0,0.019797437 -0.99980401 0,
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+ 0.038009225 -0.99927739 0,0.11100881 -0.99381942 0,
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+ 0.11229931 -0.99367443 0,0.21380907 -0.97687547 0,
+ 0.2150003 -0.97661398 0,0.21380911 -0.97687546 0,
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+ 0.21500027 -0.97661399 0,0.2951857 -0.9554399 0,
+ 0.40103949 -0.91606077 0,0.27687704 -0.96090536 0,
+ 0.2951857 -0.9554399 0,0.40103949 -0.91606077 0,
+ 0.29518572 -0.95543989 0,0.40494299 -0.91434193 0,
+ 0.524617 -0.85133836 0,0.40103949 -0.91606077 0,
+ 0.40494299 -0.91434193 0,0.524617 -0.85133836 0,
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+ 0.51624445 -0.85644128 0,0.57410257 -0.81878339 0,
+ 0.67114304 -0.74132787 0,0.57243495 -0.81995014 0,
+ 0.57410253 -0.81878342 0,0.74612455 -0.6658064 0,
+ 0.67114304 -0.74132787 0,0.66739749 -0.74470168 0,
+ 0.67114308 -0.74132784 0,0.57410257 -0.81878339 0,
+ 0.66739749 -0.74470168 0,0.81317411 -0.58202051 0,
+ 0.74612455 -0.6658064 0,0.7417318 -0.6706966 0,
+ 0.74612452 -0.66580643 0,0.66739749 -0.74470168 0,
+ 0.7417318 -0.6706966 0,0.81317411 -0.58202051 0,
+ 0.7417318 -0.6706966 0,0.82168526 -0.56994152 0,
+ 0.87165792 -0.49011475 0,0.81317411 -0.58202051 0,
+ 0.85501654 -0.51860073 0,0.90961825 -0.41544511 0,
+ 0.87165792 -0.49011475 0,0.85501654 -0.51860073 0,
+ 0.81317411 -0.58202051 0,0.82168526 -0.56994152 0,
+ 0.85501654 -0.51860073 0,0.90961825 -0.41544511 0,
+ 0.85501654 -0.51860073 0,0.92396296 -0.38248197 0,
+ 0.95975872 -0.28082592 0,0.9096182 -0.41544521 0,
+ 0.9427786 -0.33341943 0,0.97979581 -0.20000042 0,
+ 0.95975872 -0.28082592 0,0.9427786 -0.33341943 0,
+ 0.90961825 -0.41544511 0,0.92396296 -0.38248197 0,
+ 0.9427786 -0.33341943 0,0.99534766 -0.096348559 0,
+ 0.97979581 -0.20000042 0,0.98021924 -0.19791474 0,
+ 0.97979582 -0.20000038 0,0.9427786 -0.33341943 0,
+ 0.98021924 -0.19791474 0,0.99534766 -0.096348559 0,
+ 0.98021923 -0.19791476 0,0.9978358 -0.065755027 0,
+ 0.9995797 -0.028990227 0,0.99534765 -0.096348574 0,
+ 0.9978358 -0.065755027 0,0.9995797 -0.028990227 0,
+ 0.9978358 -0.065755027 0,0.99916803 0.040782948 0,
+ 0.9995797 -0.028990225 0,0.99916803 0.040782948 0,
+ 0.99467481 0.10306319 0,0.98967657 0.14331881 0,
+ 0.99957969 -0.028990232 0,0.99467481 0.10306319 0,
+ 0.97698322 0.21331617 0,0.98967657 0.14331881 0,
+ 0.99467481 0.10306318 0,0.97698322 0.21331617 0,
+ 0.99467481 0.10306318 0,0.97446671 0.22453202 0,
+ 0.94959346 0.31348406 0,0.97698322 0.21331617 0,
+ 0.97446671 0.22453202 0,0.94959346 0.31348406 0,
+ 0.97446671 0.22453202 0,0.94691529 0.32148317 0,
+ 0.91195471 0.41029087 0,0.94959347 0.31348404 0,
+ 0.94691529 0.32148317 0,0.91195471 0.41029087 0,
+ 0.9469153 0.32148315 0,0.90926838 0.4162103 0,
+ 0.87758194 0.47942668 0,0.91195472 0.41029085 0,
+ 0.90926838 0.4162103 0,0.87758194 0.47942668 0,
+ 0.90926839 0.41621027 0,0.88764706 0.46052437 0,
+ 0.87758193 0.4794267 0,0.88764706 0.46052437 0,
+ 0.78833292 0.6152489 0,0.79646673 0.60468236 0,
+ 0.87758195 0.47942665 0,0.78833292 0.6152489 0,
+ 0.74191403 0.67049503 0,0.79646673 0.60468236 0,
+ 0.78833292 0.6152489 0,0.74191403 0.67049503 0,
+ 0.78833292 0.6152489 0,0.73950156 0.67315485 0,
+ 0.66819277 0.74398818 0,0.74191403 0.67049503 0,
+ 0.73950156 0.67315485 0,0.66819277 0.74398818 0,
+ 0.73950156 0.67315485 0,0.66590029 0.74604076 0,
+ 0.60430496 0.79675311 0,0.66819274 0.74398821 0,
+ 0.66590029 0.74604076 0,0.60430496 0.79675311 0,
+ 0.66590029 0.74604076 0,0.61404348 0.7892722 0,
+ 0.60430496 0.79675311 0,0.61404348 0.7892722 0,
+ 0.47906477 0.87777956 0,0.4870767 0.8733592 0,
+ 0.60430493 0.79675313 0,0.47906477 0.87777956 0,
+ 0.40710423 0.91338171 0,0.4870767 0.8733592 0,
+ 0.47906477 0.87777956 0,0.40710423 0.91338171 0,
+ 0.47906477 0.87777956 0,0.40517462 0.91423931 0,
+ 0.30988783 0.95077312 0,0.4071042 0.91338172 0,
+ 0.40517462 0.91423931 0,0.30988783 0.95077312 0,
+ 0.40517462 0.91423931 0,0.30807096 0.95136338 0,
+ 0.22787108 0.97369131 0,0.30988785 0.95077312 0,
+ 0.30807096 0.95136338 0,0.22787108 0.97369131 0,
+ 0.30807096 0.95136338 0,0.2358206 0.97179661 0,
+ 0.22787108 0.97369131 0,0.2358206 0.97179661 0,
+ 0.086910472 0.99621613 0,0.093138546 0.99565316 0,
+ 0.22787108 0.97369131 0,0.086910472 0.99621613 0,
+ 0.0023464408 0.99999725 0,0.093138546 0.99565316 0,
+ 0.086910472 0.99621613 0,0.0023464408 0.99999725 0,
+ 0.086910479 0.99621613 0,0.00083137351 0.99999965 0,
+ -0.082874096 0.99656003 0,0.0023464417 0.99999725 0,
+ 0.00083137351 0.99999965 0,-0.082874096 0.99656003 0,
+ 0.00083137258 0.99999965 0,-0.074571262 0.99721569 0,
+ -0.082874096 0.99656003 0,-0.074571262 0.99721569 0,
+ -0.22369571 0.97465903 0,-0.21778833 0.97599603 0,
+ -0.082874081 0.99656003 0,-0.22369571 0.97465903 0,
+ -0.30549587 0.9521934 0,-0.21778833 0.97599603 0,
+ -0.22369571 0.97465903 0,-0.30549587 0.9521934 0,
+ -0.22369571 0.97465903 0,-0.30675612 0.95178815 0,
+ -0.40299735 0.91520114 0,-0.30549587 0.9521934 0,
+ -0.30675612 0.95178815 0,-0.40299735 0.91520114 0,
+ -0.30675614 0.95178814 0,-0.40418382 0.91467778 0,
+ -0.47779547 0.87847111 0,-0.40299733 0.91520115 0,
+ -0.40418382 0.91467778 0,-0.47779547 0.87847111 0,
+ -0.40418385 0.91467777 0,-0.4666816 0.8844254 0,
+ -0.47779547 0.87847111 0,-0.4666816 0.8844254 0,
+ -0.60258091 0.7980578 0,-0.59581372 0.80312266 0,
+ -0.47779547 0.87847111 0,-0.60258091 0.7980578 0,
+ -0.66520154 0.74666386 0,-0.59581372 0.80312266 0,
+ -0.60258091 0.7980578 0,-0.66520154 0.74666386 0,
+ -0.60258091 0.7980578 0,-0.66619848 0.74577449 0,
+ -0.73936436 0.67330554 0,-0.66520157 0.74666383 0,
+ -0.66619848 0.74577449 0,-0.78978337 0.61338587 0,
+ -0.73936436 0.67330554 0,-0.74030876 0.67226702 0,
+ -0.73936433 0.67330557 0,-0.66619848 0.74577449 0,
+ -0.74030876 0.67226702 0,-0.78978337 0.61338587 0,
+ -0.74030876 0.67226702 0,-0.77616825 0.63052585 0,
+ -0.83445047 0.55108294 0,-0.78978337 0.61338587 0,
+ -0.83445054 0.55108285 0,-0.78978337 0.61338587 0,
+ -0.77616825 0.63052585 0,-0.83445054 0.55108285 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_69 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_109 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_7
+ geometry DEF FACE_109 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_109 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.48425099 0.578618 1.1811,-0.48425099 -0.578618 1.1811,
+ -0.48425099 -0.578618 1.5748001,-0.48425099 0.578618 1.1811,
+ -0.48425099 -0.578618 1.5748001,-0.48425099 0.578618 1.5748001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_109 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_70 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_110 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_7
+ geometry DEF FACE_110 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_110 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,1.48966 -0.56931001 1.1811,
+ 1.35015 -0.76209701 1.1811,1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 1.58618 -0.35179002 1.1811,1.48966 -0.56931001 1.1811,
+ 1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,1.63551 -0.11898601 1.1811,
+ 1.58618 -0.35179002 1.1811,1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 1.63551 0.11898601 1.1811,1.63551 -0.11898601 1.1811,
+ 1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,1.58618 0.35179002 1.1811,
+ 1.63551 0.11898601 1.1811,1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 1.63551 -0.11898601 1.1811,1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,0.74194003 -1.1158 1.1811,
+ 0.505383 -1.14172 1.1811,0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.96798703 -1.04141 1.1811,0.74194003 -1.1158 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,1.1736999 -0.92177598 1.1811,
+ 0.96798703 -1.04141 1.1811,0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 1.35015 -0.76209701 1.1811,1.1736999 -0.92177598 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 1.35015 -0.76209701 1.1811,1.48966 0.56931001 1.1811,
+ 1.58618 0.35179002 1.1811,1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 1.35015 0.76209701 1.1811,1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,1.35015 0.76209701 1.1811,
+ 1.48966 0.56931001 1.1811,1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 1.1736999 0.92177598 1.1811,1.35015 0.76209701 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ -0.16497999 -0.928089 1.1811,-0.34292598 -0.77008201 1.1811,
+ 0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,0.041854 -1.0457799 1.1811,
+ -0.16497999 -0.928089 1.1811,0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.268592 -1.1180299 1.1811,0.041854 -1.0457799 1.1811,
+ 0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,0.505383 -1.14172 1.1811,
+ 0.268592 -1.1180299 1.1811,0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,0.505383 -1.14172 1.1811,
+ -0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,-0.34292598 -0.77008201 1.1811,
+ -0.48425099 -0.578618 1.1811,-0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,-0.34292598 -0.77008201 1.1811,
+ 0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.96798703 1.04141 1.1811,1.1736999 0.92177598 1.1811,
+ 0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,0.74194003 1.1158 1.1811,
+ 0.96798703 1.04141 1.1811,0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.505383 1.14172 1.1811,0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,0.505383 1.14172 1.1811,
+ 0.74194003 1.1158 1.1811,0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,
+ 0.268592 1.1180299 1.1811,0.505383 1.14172 1.1811,
+ 0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,0.041854 1.0457799 1.1811,
+ 0.268592 1.1180299 1.1811,0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ -0.48425099 0.578618 1.1811,-0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ -0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,-0.48425099 0.578618 1.1811,
+ -0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,-0.48425099 -0.578618 1.1811,
+ -0.16497999 0.928089 1.1811,0.041854 1.0457799 1.1811,
+ 0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,-0.34292598 0.77008201 1.1811,
+ -0.16497999 0.928089 1.1811,0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ -0.34292598 0.77008201 1.1811,0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,
+ -0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,-0.34292598 0.77008201 1.1811,
+ -0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,-0.48425099 0.578618 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1,
+ 96,97,98,-1,99,100,101,-1,102,103,104,-1,105,106,107,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_110 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_71 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_111 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_8 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.271
+ diffuseColor 0.824 0.81999999 0.78100002
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.69999999
+ specularColor 0.32800001 0.25799999 0.17200001
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_111 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_111 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ -0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,-0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_111 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_72 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_112 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_112 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_112 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,-0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ -0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,-0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ -0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,-0.07874 0.07874 1.1811] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_112 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_73 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_113 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_113 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_113 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,-0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,-0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ -0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,0.07874 0.07874 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_113 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_74 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_114 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_114 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_114 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.07874 0.07874 1.1811,0.07874 -0.07874 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_114 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_75 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_115 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_115 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_115 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.92125793 0.07874 -0.98425,0.92125793 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,0.92125793 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_115 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_76 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_116 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_116 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_116 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,0.92125793 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,0.92125793 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.92125793 0.07874 1.1811,1.07874 0.07874 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_116 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_77 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_117 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_117 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_117 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,1.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,1.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 1.07874 0.07874 1.1811,1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_117 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_78 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_118 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_118 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_118 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 -0.98425,1.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811,1.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 1.07874 -0.07874 1.1811,0.92125793 -0.07874 1.1811] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_118 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_79 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_119 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_119 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_119 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,-0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ -0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,0.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ -0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,0.07874 0.07874 -0.98425] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_119 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_80 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_120 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_8
+ geometry DEF FACE_120 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_120 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.07874 -0.07874 -0.98425,0.92125793 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 1.07874 0.07874 -0.98425,0.92125793 -0.07874 -0.98425,
+ 0.92125793 0.07874 -0.98425,1.07874 0.07874 -0.98425] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_120 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_81 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation -0.57735027 0.57735027 0.57735027 4.1887902
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 38.106299 -43 2.8740158
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_82 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_83 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_84 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_121 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_9 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.1
+ diffuseColor 1 1 1
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.1
+ specularColor 0.12 0.12 0.12
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_121 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_121 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.32550981 0 -0.39370079,0.31441833 0.084248138 -0.39370079,
+ 0.28189977 0.16275491 -0.39370079,0.23017019 0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ 0.16275491 0.28189977 -0.39370079,0.084248138 0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ 0 0.32550981 -0.39370079,-0.084248138 0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ -0.16275491 0.28189977 -0.39370079,-0.23017019 0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ -0.28189977 0.16275491 -0.39370079,-0.31441833 0.084248138 -0.39370079,
+ -0.32550981 0 -0.39370079,0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,
+ -0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,-0.38028576 0.10189726 -0.51181102,
+ -0.34095488 0.19685039 -0.51181102,-0.2783885 0.2783885 -0.51181102,
+ -0.19685039 0.34095488 -0.51181102,-0.10189726 0.38028576 -0.51181102,
+ 0 0.39370079 -0.51181102,0.10189726 0.38028576 -0.51181102,
+ 0.19685039 0.34095488 -0.51181102,0.2783885 0.2783885 -0.51181102,
+ 0.34095488 0.19685039 -0.51181102,0.38028576 0.10189726 -0.51181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 15,11,10,-1,15,12,11,-1,15,14,12,-1,16,15,10,-1,17,9,8,-1,17,10,9,-1,17,16,10,-1,18,17,8,-1,
+ 19,8,7,-1,19,18,8,-1,20,7,6,-1,20,19,7,-1,21,6,5,-1,21,20,6,-1,22,5,4,-1,22,21,5,-1,
+ 23,4,3,-1,23,22,4,-1,24,3,2,-1,24,23,3,-1,25,2,1,-1,25,24,2,-1,13,1,0,-1,13,25,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_121 Normal { vector [
+ 0.86045084 0.1132805 0.49678152,0.84685543 0.18247345 0.49953912,
+ 0.77077192 0.39543813 0.49953912,0.64216159 0.58145435 0.49953912,
+ 0.469789 0.72784543 0.49953912,0.26540107 0.82463504 0.49953912,
+ 0.042926496 0.86522713 0.49953912,-0.18247345 0.84685543 0.49953912,
+ -0.4330127 0.75 0.5,-0.61237244 0.61237244 0.5,
+ -0.75 0.4330127 0.5,-0.8365163 0.22414387 0.5,
+ -0.86045084 0.1132805 0.49678152,0.86045084 0.1132805 0.49678152,
+ -0.86045084 0.1132805 0.49678152,-0.8365163 0.22414387 0.5,
+ -0.75 0.4330127 0.5,-0.61237244 0.61237244 0.5,
+ -0.4330127 0.75 0.5,-0.25621265 0.82742539 0.49972222,
+ -0.033328969 0.86554427 0.49972222,0.19182603 0.84467774 0.49972222,
+ 0.4039084 0.76624781 0.49972222,0.58846508 0.63559936 0.49972222,
+ 0.73291884 0.46163587 0.49972222,0.82742539 0.25621265 0.49972222] }
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+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_122 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_122 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,-0.38028576 0.10189726 -0.51181102,
+ -0.34095488 0.19685039 -0.51181102,-0.2783885 0.2783885 -0.51181102,
+ -0.19685039 0.34095488 -0.51181102,-0.10189726 0.38028576 -0.51181102,
+ 0 0.39370079 -0.51181102,0.10189726 0.38028576 -0.51181102,
+ 0.19685039 0.34095488 -0.51181102,0.2783885 0.2783885 -0.51181102,
+ 0.34095488 0.19685039 -0.51181102,0.38028576 0.10189726 -0.51181102,
+ 0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,0.39370079 0 -3.1496063,
+ 0.38028576 0.10189726 -3.1496063,0.34095488 0.19685039 -3.1496063,
+ 0.2783885 0.2783885 -3.1496063,0.19685039 0.34095488 -3.1496063,
+ 0.10189726 0.38028576 -3.1496063,0 0.39370079 -3.1496063,
+ -0.10189726 0.38028576 -3.1496063,-0.19685039 0.34095488 -3.1496063,
+ -0.2783885 0.2783885 -3.1496063,-0.34095488 0.19685039 -3.1496063,
+ -0.38028576 0.10189726 -3.1496063,-0.39370079 0 -3.1496063] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 24,0,1,-1,24,25,0,-1,23,1,2,-1,23,24,1,-1,22,2,3,-1,22,23,2,-1,21,3,4,-1,21,22,3,-1,
+ 20,4,5,-1,20,21,4,-1,19,5,6,-1,19,6,7,-1,19,20,5,-1,18,7,8,-1,18,19,7,-1,17,8,9,-1,
+ 17,18,8,-1,16,9,10,-1,16,17,9,-1,15,16,10,-1,14,10,11,-1,14,15,10,-1,13,11,12,-1,13,14,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_122 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.95364993 0.30091828 0,
+ -0.84327172 0.5374875 0,-0.67542593 0.73742784 0,
+ -0.46155098 0.88711369 0,-0.21622209 0.9763442 0,
+ 0 1 0,0.21622209 0.9763442 0,
+ 0.46155098 0.88711369 0,0.67542593 0.73742784 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.9763442 0.21622209 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.95364993 0.30091828 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.73742784 0.67542593 0,0.5374875 0.84327172 0,
+ 0.30091828 0.95364993 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.30091828 0.95364993 0,-0.5374875 0.84327172 0,
+ -0.73742784 0.67542593 0,-0.88711369 0.46155098 0,
+ -0.9763442 0.21622209 0,-0.99144486 0.13052619 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_123 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_123 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_123 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,0.39370079 0 -3.1496063,
+ 0.38028576 -0.10189726 -0.51181102,0.34095488 -0.19685039 -0.51181102,
+ 0.2783885 -0.2783885 -0.51181102,0.19685039 -0.34095488 -0.51181102,
+ 0.10189726 -0.38028576 -0.51181102,0 -0.39370079 -0.51181102,
+ -0.10189726 -0.38028576 -0.51181102,-0.19685039 -0.34095488 -0.51181102,
+ -0.2783885 -0.2783885 -0.51181102,-0.34095488 -0.19685039 -0.51181102,
+ -0.38028576 -0.10189726 -0.51181102,-0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,
+ -0.39370079 0 -3.1496063,-0.38028576 -0.10189726 -3.1496063,
+ -0.34095488 -0.19685039 -3.1496063,-0.2783885 -0.2783885 -3.1496063,
+ -0.19685039 -0.34095488 -3.1496063,-0.10189726 -0.38028576 -3.1496063,
+ 0 -0.39370079 -3.1496063,0.10189726 -0.38028576 -3.1496063,
+ 0.19685039 -0.34095488 -3.1496063,0.2783885 -0.2783885 -3.1496063,
+ 0.34095488 -0.19685039 -3.1496063,0.38028576 -0.10189726 -3.1496063] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,25,2,3,-1,25,1,2,-1,24,3,4,-1,24,25,3,-1,23,4,5,-1,23,24,4,-1,22,23,5,-1,
+ 21,5,6,-1,21,22,5,-1,20,6,7,-1,20,7,8,-1,20,21,6,-1,19,20,8,-1,18,8,9,-1,18,19,8,-1,
+ 17,9,10,-1,17,18,9,-1,16,10,11,-1,16,11,12,-1,16,17,10,-1,15,16,12,-1,14,12,13,-1,14,15,12,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_123 Normal { vector [
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,
+ 0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,
+ -0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ -0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.30091828 -0.95364993 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ 0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,0.95364993 -0.30091828 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_124 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_124 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_124 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.39370079 0 -3.1496063,0.38028576 0.10189726 -3.1496063,
+ 0.34095488 0.19685039 -3.1496063,0.2783885 0.2783885 -3.1496063,
+ 0.19685039 0.34095488 -3.1496063,0.10189726 0.38028576 -3.1496063,
+ 0 0.39370079 -3.1496063,-0.10189726 0.38028576 -3.1496063,
+ -0.19685039 0.34095488 -3.1496063,-0.2783885 0.2783885 -3.1496063,
+ -0.34095488 0.19685039 -3.1496063,-0.38028576 0.10189726 -3.1496063,
+ -0.39370079 0 -3.1496063,-0.38028576 -0.10189726 -3.1496063,
+ -0.34095488 -0.19685039 -3.1496063,-0.2783885 -0.2783885 -3.1496063,
+ -0.19685039 -0.34095488 -3.1496063,-0.10189726 -0.38028576 -3.1496063,
+ 0 -0.39370079 -3.1496063,0.10189726 -0.38028576 -3.1496063,
+ 0.19685039 -0.34095488 -3.1496063,0.2783885 -0.2783885 -3.1496063,
+ 0.34095488 -0.19685039 -3.1496063,0.38028576 -0.10189726 -3.1496063] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,11,10,-1,22,21,20,-1,8,11,9,-1,0,23,22,-1,1,20,19,-1,1,22,20,-1,1,0,22,-1,5,7,6,-1,
+ 4,8,7,-1,4,7,5,-1,3,2,1,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,13,12,-1,3,14,13,-1,3,15,14,-1,3,16,15,-1,
+ 3,17,16,-1,3,18,17,-1,3,19,18,-1,3,1,19,-1,3,11,8,-1,3,8,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_124 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_125 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_125 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_125 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.32550981 0 -0.39370079,-0.31441833 -0.084248138 -0.39370079,
+ -0.28189977 -0.16275491 -0.39370079,-0.23017019 -0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ -0.16275491 -0.28189977 -0.39370079,-0.084248138 -0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ 0 -0.32550981 -0.39370079,0.084248138 -0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ 0.16275491 -0.28189977 -0.39370079,0.23017019 -0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ 0.28189977 -0.16275491 -0.39370079,0.31441833 -0.084248138 -0.39370079,
+ 0.32550981 0 -0.39370079,0.31441833 0.084248138 -0.39370079,
+ 0.28189977 0.16275491 -0.39370079,0.23017019 0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ 0.16275491 0.28189977 -0.39370079,0.084248138 0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ 0 0.32550981 -0.39370079,-0.084248138 0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ -0.16275491 0.28189977 -0.39370079,-0.23017019 0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ -0.28189977 0.16275491 -0.39370079,-0.31441833 0.084248138 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 16,17,18,-1,15,0,1,-1,15,1,2,-1,15,2,3,-1,15,3,4,-1,15,4,5,-1,15,5,6,-1,15,6,7,-1,
+ 15,7,8,-1,15,8,9,-1,15,9,10,-1,15,10,11,-1,15,11,12,-1,15,12,13,-1,15,13,14,-1,15,18,19,-1,
+ 15,19,20,-1,15,20,21,-1,15,21,22,-1,15,22,23,-1,15,23,0,-1,15,16,18,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_125 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_126 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_126 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ 0.32550981 0 -0.39370079,0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,
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+ -0.28189977 -0.16275491 -0.39370079,-0.23017019 -0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ -0.16275491 -0.28189977 -0.39370079,-0.084248138 -0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ 0 -0.32550981 -0.39370079,0.084248138 -0.31441833 -0.39370079,
+ 0.16275491 -0.28189977 -0.39370079,0.23017019 -0.23017019 -0.39370079,
+ 0.28189977 -0.16275491 -0.39370079,0.31441833 -0.084248138 -0.39370079,
+ -0.39370079 0 -0.51181102,0.38028576 -0.10189726 -0.51181102,
+ 0.34095488 -0.19685039 -0.51181102,0.2783885 -0.2783885 -0.51181102,
+ 0.19685039 -0.34095488 -0.51181102,0.10189726 -0.38028576 -0.51181102,
+ 0 -0.39370079 -0.51181102,-0.10189726 -0.38028576 -0.51181102,
+ -0.19685039 -0.34095488 -0.51181102,-0.2783885 -0.2783885 -0.51181102,
+ -0.34095488 -0.19685039 -0.51181102,-0.38028576 -0.10189726 -0.51181102] }
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+ 19,10,9,-1,19,18,10,-1,20,9,8,-1,20,19,9,-1,21,8,7,-1,21,20,8,-1,22,6,5,-1,22,7,6,-1,
+ 22,21,7,-1,23,22,5,-1,24,5,4,-1,24,23,5,-1,25,4,3,-1,25,24,4,-1,14,3,2,-1,14,25,3,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_126 Normal { vector [
+ 0.86045084 -0.1132805 0.49678152,0.86045084 -0.1132805 0.49678152,
+ -0.86045084 -0.1132805 0.49678152,-0.84685543 -0.18247345 0.49953912,
+ -0.77077192 -0.39543813 0.49953912,-0.61237244 -0.61237244 0.5,
+ -0.4330127 -0.75 0.5,-0.26540107 -0.82463504 0.49953912,
+ -0.042926496 -0.86522713 0.49953912,0.18247345 -0.84685543 0.49953912,
+ 0.39543813 -0.77077192 0.49953912,0.58145435 -0.64216159 0.49953912,
+ 0.72784543 -0.469789 0.49953912,0.82463504 -0.26540107 0.49953912,
+ -0.86045084 -0.1132805 0.49678152,0.84467774 -0.19182603 0.49972222,
+ 0.76624781 -0.4039084 0.49972222,0.63559936 -0.58846508 0.49972222,
+ 0.46163587 -0.73291884 0.49972222,0.25621265 -0.82742539 0.49972222,
+ 0.033328969 -0.86554427 0.49972222,-0.19182603 -0.84467774 0.49972222,
+ -0.4330127 -0.75 0.5,-0.61237244 -0.61237244 0.5,
+ -0.73291884 -0.46163587 0.49972222,-0.82742539 -0.25621265 0.49972222] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_85 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_127 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_127 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_127 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19685039 -2.5590551 -2.9527559,-0.19685039 -2.5590551 -3.1102362,
+ -0.19685039 -3.7401575 -2.9527559,-0.19685039 -3.7401575 -3.1102362] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_127 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_128 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_128 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_128 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19685039 -3.7401575 -3.1102362,-0.19014288 -3.7911061 -3.1102362,
+ -0.17047744 -3.8385827 -3.1102362,-0.13919425 -3.8793517 -3.1102362,
+ -0.098425197 -3.9106349 -3.1102362,-0.050948631 -3.9303004 -3.1102362,
+ 0 -3.9370079 -3.1102362,0.050948631 -3.9303004 -3.1102362,
+ 0.098425197 -3.9106349 -3.1102362,0.13919425 -3.8793517 -3.1102362,
+ 0.17047744 -3.8385827 -3.1102362,0.19014288 -3.7911061 -3.1102362,
+ 0.19685039 -3.7401575 -3.1102362,0.19685039 -3.7401575 -2.9527559,
+ -0.19685039 -3.7401575 -2.9527559,-0.19014288 -3.7911061 -2.9527559,
+ -0.17047744 -3.8385827 -2.9527559,-0.13919425 -3.8793517 -2.9527559,
+ -0.098425197 -3.9106349 -2.9527559,-0.050948631 -3.9303004 -2.9527559,
+ 0 -3.9370079 -2.9527559,0.050948631 -3.9303004 -2.9527559,
+ 0.098425197 -3.9106349 -2.9527559,0.13919425 -3.8793517 -2.9527559,
+ 0.17047744 -3.8385827 -2.9527559,0.19014288 -3.7911061 -2.9527559] }
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+ 11,12,13,-1,11,13,25,-1,10,25,24,-1,10,11,25,-1,9,24,23,-1,9,10,24,-1,8,23,22,-1,8,9,23,-1,
+ 7,22,21,-1,7,8,22,-1,6,21,20,-1,6,7,21,-1,5,20,19,-1,5,6,20,-1,4,19,18,-1,4,5,19,-1,
+ 3,18,17,-1,3,4,18,-1,2,17,16,-1,2,3,17,-1,1,16,15,-1,1,2,16,-1,0,15,14,-1,0,1,15,-1]
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+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.95364993 -0.30091828 0,
+ -0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,-0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ -0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,-0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ 0.04384197 -0.99903848 0,0.30091828 -0.95364993 0,
+ 0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,
+ 0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,
+ -0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,-0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,
+ -0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,-0.30091828 -0.95364993 0,
+ -0.04384197 -0.99903848 0,0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ 0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ 0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,0.95364993 -0.30091828 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_129 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_129 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19685039 -3.7401575 -2.9527559,0.19685039 -3.7401575 -3.1102362,
+ 0.19685039 -2.5590551 -2.9527559,0.19685039 -2.5590551 -3.1102362] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_129 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_130 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_130 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_130 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19685039 -2.5590551 -2.9527559,0.19685039 -2.5590551 -3.1102362,
+ -0.19685039 -2.5590551 -2.9527559,-0.19685039 -2.5590551 -3.1102362] }
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+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_130 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_131 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_131 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_131 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19685039 -2.5590551 -2.9527559,-0.19685039 -3.7401575 -2.9527559,
+ -0.19014288 -3.7911061 -2.9527559,-0.17047744 -3.8385827 -2.9527559,
+ -0.13919425 -3.8793517 -2.9527559,-0.098425197 -3.9106349 -2.9527559,
+ -0.050948631 -3.9303004 -2.9527559,0 -3.9370079 -2.9527559,
+ 0.050948631 -3.9303004 -2.9527559,0.098425197 -3.9106349 -2.9527559,
+ 0.13919425 -3.8793517 -2.9527559,0.17047744 -3.8385827 -2.9527559,
+ 0.19014288 -3.7911061 -2.9527559,0.19685039 -3.7401575 -2.9527559,
+ 0.19685039 -2.5590551 -2.9527559] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,11,9,10,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,4,5,-1,12,5,6,-1,12,6,7,-1,12,7,8,-1,12,8,9,-1,
+ 12,1,3,-1,12,9,11,-1,13,1,12,-1,0,1,13,-1,14,0,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_131 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_132 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_132 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19685039 -3.7401575 -3.1102362,-0.19014288 -3.7911061 -3.1102362,
+ -0.17047744 -3.8385827 -3.1102362,-0.13919425 -3.8793517 -3.1102362,
+ -0.098425197 -3.9106349 -3.1102362,-0.050948631 -3.9303004 -3.1102362,
+ 0 -3.9370079 -3.1102362,0.050948631 -3.9303004 -3.1102362,
+ 0.098425197 -3.9106349 -3.1102362,0.13919425 -3.8793517 -3.1102362,
+ 0.17047744 -3.8385827 -3.1102362,0.19014288 -3.7911061 -3.1102362,
+ 0.19685039 -3.7401575 -3.1102362,0.19685039 -2.5590551 -3.1102362,
+ -0.19685039 -2.5590551 -3.1102362] }
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+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1,0,4,3,-1,0,5,4,-1,11,6,5,-1,11,7,6,-1,11,8,7,-1,11,9,8,-1,
+ 11,10,9,-1,11,5,0,-1,12,11,0,-1,13,0,14,-1,13,12,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_132 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_86 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_133 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_133 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_133 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -3.9370079 -4.2125984,1.9291339 -3.9303004 -4.2635471,
+ 1.9291339 -3.9106349 -4.3110236,1.9291339 -3.8793517 -4.3517927,
+ 1.9291339 -3.8385827 -4.3830759,1.9291339 -3.7911061 -4.4027413,
+ 1.9291339 -3.7401575 -4.4094488,1.7716535 -3.9370079 -4.2125984,
+ 1.7716535 -3.9303004 -4.2635471,1.7716535 -3.9106349 -4.3110236,
+ 1.7716535 -3.8793517 -4.3517927,1.7716535 -3.8385827 -4.3830759,
+ 1.7716535 -3.7911061 -4.4027413,1.7716535 -3.7401575 -4.4094488] }
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+ 12,6,5,-1,12,13,6,-1,11,5,4,-1,11,12,5,-1,10,4,3,-1,10,11,4,-1,9,3,2,-1,9,10,3,-1,
+ 8,2,1,-1,8,9,2,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,8,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_133 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 -0.9763442 -0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.88711369 -0.46155098,0 -0.73742784 -0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.5374875 -0.84327172,0 -0.30091828 -0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 -0.99144486 -0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.95364993 -0.30091828,0 -0.84327172 -0.5374875,
+ 0 -0.67542593 -0.73742784,0 -0.46155098 -0.88711369,
+ 0 -0.21622209 -0.9763442,0 -0.13052619 -0.99144486] }
+DEF SHAPE_134 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_134 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_134 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -2.2244094 -3.7204724,1.7716535 -2.2244094 -3.7204724,
+ 1.9291339 -2.519685 -4.015748,1.7716535 -2.519685 -4.015748] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_134 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_135 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_135 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_135 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -2.519685 -4.015748,1.7716535 -2.519685 -4.015748,
+ 1.9291339 -3.7401575 -4.015748,1.7716535 -3.7401575 -4.015748] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_135 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_136 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_136 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_136 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -3.9370079 -4.2125984,1.7716535 -3.9370079 -4.2125984,
+ 1.9291339 -3.7401575 -4.015748,1.9291339 -3.7911061 -4.0224555,
+ 1.9291339 -3.8385827 -4.042121,1.9291339 -3.8793517 -4.0734042,
+ 1.9291339 -3.9106349 -4.1141732,1.9291339 -3.9303004 -4.1616498,
+ 1.7716535 -3.7401575 -4.015748,1.7716535 -3.7911061 -4.0224555,
+ 1.7716535 -3.8385827 -4.042121,1.7716535 -3.8793517 -4.0734042,
+ 1.7716535 -3.9106349 -4.1141732,1.7716535 -3.9303004 -4.1616498] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 13,1,0,-1,13,0,7,-1,12,7,6,-1,12,13,7,-1,11,6,5,-1,11,12,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,11,5,-1,
+ 9,4,3,-1,9,10,4,-1,8,3,2,-1,8,9,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_136 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209] }
+DEF SHAPE_137 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
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+ coord DEF COORD_137 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -3.7401575 -4.4094488,1.7716535 -3.7401575 -4.4094488,
+ 1.9291339 -2.519685 -4.4094488,1.7716535 -2.519685 -4.4094488] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_137 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_138 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_138 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_138 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -2.519685 -4.4094488,1.7716535 -2.519685 -4.4094488,
+ 1.9291339 -2.2244094 -4.7047244,1.7716535 -2.2244094 -4.7047244] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_138 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_139 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_139 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_139 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -2.2244094 -4.7047244,1.7716535 -2.2244094 -4.7047244,
+ 1.9291339 -1.5354331 -4.7047244,1.7716535 -1.3779528 -4.7047244,
+ 1.8124124 -1.3833188 -4.7047244,1.8503937 -1.3990511 -4.7047244,
+ 1.8830089 -1.4240777 -4.7047244,1.9080355 -1.4566929 -4.7047244,
+ 1.9237678 -1.4946742 -4.7047244] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,7,8,2,-1,6,3,4,-1,6,4,5,-1,6,2,3,-1,6,7,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_139 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_140 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_140 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -2.2244094 -3.7204724,1.7716535 -2.2244094 -3.7204724,
+ 1.7716535 -1.3779528 -3.7204724,1.9291339 -1.5354331 -3.7204724,
+ 1.9237678 -1.4946742 -3.7204724,1.9080355 -1.4566929 -3.7204724,
+ 1.8830089 -1.4240777 -3.7204724,1.8503937 -1.3990511 -3.7204724,
+ 1.8124124 -1.3833188 -3.7204724] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,5,3,4,-1,8,6,7,-1,2,5,6,-1,2,1,3,-1,2,3,5,-1,2,6,8,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_140 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_141 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_141 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9291339 -2.2244094 -4.7047244,1.9291339 -1.5354331 -4.7047244,
+ 1.9291339 -1.5354331 -3.7204724,1.9291339 -2.2244094 -3.7204724,
+ 1.9291339 -2.519685 -4.015748,1.9291339 -3.7401575 -4.015748,
+ 1.9291339 -3.7911061 -4.0224555,1.9291339 -3.8385827 -4.042121,
+ 1.9291339 -3.8793517 -4.0734042,1.9291339 -3.9106349 -4.1141732,
+ 1.9291339 -3.9303004 -4.1616498,1.9291339 -3.9370079 -4.2125984,
+ 1.9291339 -3.9303004 -4.2635471,1.9291339 -3.9106349 -4.3110236,
+ 1.9291339 -3.8793517 -4.3517927,1.9291339 -3.8385827 -4.3830759,
+ 1.9291339 -3.7911061 -4.4027413,1.9291339 -3.7401575 -4.4094488,
+ 1.9291339 -2.519685 -4.4094488] }
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+ 17,13,14,-1,17,14,15,-1,17,15,16,-1,8,9,10,-1,7,10,11,-1,7,11,12,-1,7,8,10,-1,5,6,7,-1,
+ 5,12,13,-1,5,13,17,-1,5,7,12,-1,4,17,18,-1,4,18,0,-1,4,5,17,-1,3,4,0,-1,2,0,1,-1,
+ 2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_141 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_142 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_142 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_142 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7716535 -2.519685 -4.015748,1.7716535 -3.7401575 -4.015748,
+ 1.7716535 -3.7911061 -4.0224555,1.7716535 -3.8385827 -4.042121,
+ 1.7716535 -3.8793517 -4.0734042,1.7716535 -3.9106349 -4.1141732,
+ 1.7716535 -3.9303004 -4.1616498,1.7716535 -3.9370079 -4.2125984,
+ 1.7716535 -3.9303004 -4.2635471,1.7716535 -3.9106349 -4.3110236,
+ 1.7716535 -3.8793517 -4.3517927,1.7716535 -3.8385827 -4.3830759,
+ 1.7716535 -3.7911061 -4.4027413,1.7716535 -3.7401575 -4.4094488,
+ 1.7716535 -2.519685 -4.4094488,1.7716535 -2.2244094 -4.7047244,
+ 1.7716535 -1.3779528 -4.7047244,1.7716535 -1.3779528 -3.7204724,
+ 1.7716535 -2.2244094 -3.7204724] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 13,10,9,-1,13,11,10,-1,13,12,11,-1,3,5,4,-1,1,3,2,-1,1,6,5,-1,1,7,6,-1,1,8,7,-1,
+ 1,9,8,-1,1,13,9,-1,1,5,3,-1,0,14,13,-1,0,13,1,-1,18,15,14,-1,18,16,15,-1,18,14,0,-1,
+ 17,16,18,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_142 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_143 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
+ geometry DEF FACE_143 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_143 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7716535 -1.3779528 -4.7047244,1.8124124 -1.3833188 -4.7047244,
+ 1.8503937 -1.3990511 -4.7047244,1.8830089 -1.4240777 -4.7047244,
+ 1.9080355 -1.4566929 -4.7047244,1.9237678 -1.4946742 -4.7047244,
+ 1.9291339 -1.5354331 -4.7047244,1.7716535 -1.3779528 -3.7204724,
+ 1.9291339 -1.5354331 -3.7204724,1.9237678 -1.4946742 -3.7204724,
+ 1.9080355 -1.4566929 -3.7204724,1.8830089 -1.4240777 -3.7204724,
+ 1.8503937 -1.3990511 -3.7204724,1.8124124 -1.3833188 -3.7204724] }
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+ 1,0,7,-1,1,7,13,-1,2,13,12,-1,2,1,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,2,12,-1,4,11,10,-1,4,3,11,-1,
+ 5,10,9,-1,5,4,10,-1,6,9,8,-1,6,5,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.21622209 0.9763442 0,
+ 0.46155098 0.88711369 0,0.67542593 0.73742784 0,
+ 0.84327172 0.5374875 0,0.95364993 0.30091828 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.9763442 0.21622209 0,
+ 0.88711369 0.46155098 0,0.73742784 0.67542593 0,
+ 0.5374875 0.84327172 0,0.30091828 0.95364993 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_87 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_144 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_10 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 1
+ diffuseColor 0.051269457 0.051269457 0.051269457
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.1
+ specularColor 0.12 0.12 0.12
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_144 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_144 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2795276 0 -3.1496063,1.2795276 0 0,
+ -1.2795276 0 0,-1.2359287 -0.3311661 0,
+ -1.1081034 -0.63976378 0,-0.90476261 -0.90476261 0,
+ -0.63976378 -1.1081034 0,-0.3311661 -1.2359287 0,
+ 0 -1.2795276 0,0.3311661 -1.2359287 0,
+ 0.63976378 -1.1081034 0,0.90476261 -0.90476261 0,
+ 1.1081034 -0.63976378 0,1.2359287 -0.3311661 0,
+ -1.2795276 0 -3.1496063,-1.2359287 -0.3311661 -3.1496063,
+ -1.1081034 -0.63976378 -3.1496063,-0.90476261 -0.90476261 -3.1496063,
+ -0.63976378 -1.1081034 -3.1496063,-0.3311661 -1.2359287 -3.1496063,
+ 0 -1.2795276 -3.1496063,0.3311661 -1.2359287 -3.1496063,
+ 0.63976378 -1.1081034 -3.1496063,0.90476261 -0.90476261 -3.1496063,
+ 1.1081034 -0.63976378 -3.1496063,1.2359287 -0.3311661 -3.1496063] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,15,14,-1,3,16,15,-1,3,15,2,-1,4,16,3,-1,5,17,16,-1,5,18,17,-1,5,16,4,-1,6,19,18,-1,
+ 6,18,5,-1,7,19,6,-1,8,20,19,-1,8,21,20,-1,8,19,7,-1,9,21,8,-1,10,22,21,-1,10,23,22,-1,
+ 10,21,9,-1,11,23,10,-1,12,24,23,-1,12,23,11,-1,13,25,24,-1,13,24,12,-1,1,0,25,-1,1,25,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_144 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.95364993 0.30091828 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.46155098 0.88711369 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.5 0.8660254 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.84327172 0.5374875 0,-0.95364993 0.30091828 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.9763442 0.21622209 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.5374875 0.84327172 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.5 0.8660254 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.88711369 0.46155098 0,-0.9763442 0.21622209 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_145 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_145 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_145 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,
+ 1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,1.7716535 -2.5590551 -5.6692913] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_145 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_146 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_146 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_146 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,
+ 1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.6692913] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_146 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_147 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_147 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_147 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.39370079,1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.39370079,
+ -1.7716535 1.7716535 0,1.7716535 1.7716535 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_147 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_148 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_148 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_148 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.39370079,-1.7716535 1.7716535 0,
+ -1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.39370079,-1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.98425197,
+ -1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.98425197,-1.7716535 1.7716535 -1.3779528,
+ -1.7716535 0 -1.3779528,-1.7716535 0 -5.3149606,
+ -1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,-1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,
+ -1.7716535 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,-1.7716535 -2.5590551 0] }
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+ 10,8,9,-1,3,4,5,-1,2,1,0,-1,6,2,3,-1,6,7,8,-1,6,3,5,-1,11,8,10,-1,11,6,8,-1,
+ 11,2,6,-1,11,1,2,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_149 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_149 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_149 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7716535 1.7716535 -1.3779528,-1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.98425197,
+ 1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.98425197,1.7716535 1.7716535 -1.3779528] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_149 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_150 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_150 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_150 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7716535 0 -1.3779528,-1.6141732 0 -1.3779528,
+ -1.6141732 0 -5.3149606,-1.7716535 0 -5.3149606] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_150 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_151 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_151 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_151 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6141732 0 -5.3149606,1.7716535 0 -5.3149606,
+ 1.6141732 0 -1.3779528,1.7716535 0 -1.3779528] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_152 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_152 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_152 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6141732 0 -1.3779528,1.7716535 0 -1.3779528,
+ 1.7716535 1.7716535 -1.3779528,-1.7716535 1.7716535 -1.3779528,
+ -1.7716535 0 -1.3779528,-1.6141732 0 -1.3779528,
+ 1.5591716 0.41777877 -1.3779528,1.397915 0.80708661 -1.3779528,
+ 1.1413928 1.1413928 -1.3779528,0.80708661 1.397915 -1.3779528,
+ 0.41777877 1.5591716 -1.3779528,0 1.6141732 -1.3779528,
+ -0.41777877 1.5591716 -1.3779528,-0.80708661 1.397915 -1.3779528,
+ -1.1413928 1.1413928 -1.3779528,-1.397915 0.80708661 -1.3779528,
+ -1.5591716 0.41777877 -1.3779528] }
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+ 16,5,4,-1,3,15,16,-1,3,16,4,-1,14,15,3,-1,13,14,3,-1,12,13,3,-1,6,1,0,-1,2,6,7,-1,
+ 2,7,8,-1,2,8,9,-1,2,9,10,-1,2,1,6,-1,2,11,3,-1,11,12,3,-1,2,10,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_152 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_153 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_153 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_153 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.39370079,1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.39370079,
+ 1.7716535 1.7716535 0,1.7716535 -2.5590551 0,
+ 1.7716535 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,
+ 1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,1.7716535 0 -5.3149606,
+ 1.7716535 0 -1.3779528,1.7716535 1.7716535 -1.3779528,
+ 1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.98425197,1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.98425197] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,4,5,-1,3,4,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,3,6,-1,9,11,8,-1,1,8,11,-1,1,3,8,-1,10,11,9,-1,
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_154 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_154 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_154 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.3149606,0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,
+ 1.7716535 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,1.7716535 -2.5590551 0,
+ -1.7716535 -2.5590551 0,-1.7716535 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,
+ -0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,-0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.3149606] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 7,5,6,-1,2,0,1,-1,4,5,7,-1,3,7,0,-1,3,4,7,-1,3,0,2,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_155 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_155 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_155 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7716535 1.7716535 0,-1.7716535 -2.5590551 0,
+ 1.7716535 -2.5590551 0,1.7716535 1.7716535 0,
+ 1.2795276 0 0,1.2359287 0.3311661 0,
+ 1.1081034 0.63976378 0,0.90476261 0.90476261 0,
+ 0.63976378 1.1081034 0,0.3311661 1.2359287 0,
+ 0 1.2795276 0,-0.3311661 1.2359287 0,
+ -0.63976378 1.1081034 0,-0.90476261 0.90476261 0,
+ -1.1081034 0.63976378 0,-1.2359287 0.3311661 0,
+ -1.2795276 0 0,-1.2359287 -0.3311661 0,
+ -1.1081034 -0.63976378 0,-0.90476261 -0.90476261 0,
+ -0.63976378 -1.1081034 0,-0.3311661 -1.2359287 0,
+ 0 -1.2795276 0,0.3311661 -1.2359287 0,
+ 0.63976378 -1.1081034 0,0.90476261 -0.90476261 0,
+ 1.1081034 -0.63976378 0,1.2359287 -0.3311661 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 18,1,19,-1,20,19,1,-1,17,1,18,-1,21,20,1,-1,16,1,17,-1,22,21,1,-1,2,23,22,-1,2,22,1,-1,
+ 24,23,2,-1,0,15,14,-1,0,16,15,-1,0,1,16,-1,25,24,2,-1,13,0,14,-1,26,25,2,-1,12,0,13,-1,
+ 27,26,2,-1,11,0,12,-1,10,0,11,-1,4,27,2,-1,3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,
+ 3,9,8,-1,3,10,9,-1,3,4,2,-1,3,0,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_155 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_156 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_156 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_156 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,-0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,
+ -1.7716535 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,-1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.6692913] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_156 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_157 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_157 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_157 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,-0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,
+ -1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,-1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.3149606] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_157 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_158 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_158 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_158 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,1.7716535 0 -5.3149606,
+ 0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.3149606,
+ -0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.3149606,-0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,
+ -1.7716535 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,-1.7716535 0 -5.3149606,
+ -1.6141732 0 -5.3149606,1.6141732 0 -5.3149606,
+ 1.5591716 0.41777877 -5.3149606,1.397915 0.80708661 -5.3149606,
+ 1.1413928 1.1413928 -5.3149606,0.80708661 1.397915 -5.3149606,
+ 0.41777877 1.5591716 -5.3149606,0 1.6141732 -5.3149606,
+ -0.41777877 1.5591716 -5.3149606,-0.80708661 1.397915 -5.3149606,
+ -1.1413928 1.1413928 -5.3149606,-1.397915 0.80708661 -5.3149606,
+ -1.5591716 0.41777877 -5.3149606] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,1,0,-1,9,0,2,-1,5,2,3,-1,5,3,4,-1,11,10,9,-1,8,5,6,-1,8,2,5,-1,8,9,2,-1,
+ 15,12,11,-1,15,13,12,-1,15,14,13,-1,7,8,6,-1,20,11,9,-1,20,9,8,-1,16,15,11,-1,19,11,20,-1,
+ 18,17,16,-1,18,16,11,-1,18,11,19,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_158 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_159 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_159 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_159 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6141732 0 -1.3779528,-1.6141732 0 -5.3149606,
+ 1.6141732 0 -1.3779528,1.5591716 0.41777877 -1.3779528,
+ 1.397915 0.80708661 -1.3779528,1.1413928 1.1413928 -1.3779528,
+ 0.80708661 1.397915 -1.3779528,0.41777877 1.5591716 -1.3779528,
+ 0 1.6141732 -1.3779528,-0.41777877 1.5591716 -1.3779528,
+ -0.80708661 1.397915 -1.3779528,-1.1413928 1.1413928 -1.3779528,
+ -1.397915 0.80708661 -1.3779528,-1.5591716 0.41777877 -1.3779528,
+ 1.6141732 0 -5.3149606,1.5591716 0.41777877 -5.3149606,
+ 1.397915 0.80708661 -5.3149606,1.1413928 1.1413928 -5.3149606,
+ 0.80708661 1.397915 -5.3149606,0.41777877 1.5591716 -5.3149606,
+ 0 1.6141732 -5.3149606,-0.41777877 1.5591716 -5.3149606,
+ -0.80708661 1.397915 -5.3149606,-1.1413928 1.1413928 -5.3149606,
+ -1.397915 0.80708661 -5.3149606,-1.5591716 0.41777877 -5.3149606] }
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+ 3,2,14,-1,3,14,15,-1,4,15,16,-1,4,16,17,-1,4,3,15,-1,5,4,17,-1,6,17,18,-1,6,5,17,-1,
+ 7,18,19,-1,7,6,18,-1,8,19,20,-1,8,7,19,-1,9,20,21,-1,9,8,20,-1,10,21,22,-1,10,9,21,-1,
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+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.04384197 0.99903848 0,-0.21622209 0.9763442 0,
+ -0.46155098 0.88711369 0,-0.67542593 0.73742784 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.95364993 0.30091828 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.46155098 0.88711369 0,0.21622209 0.9763442 0,
+ -0.04384197 0.99903848 0,-0.30091828 0.95364993 0,
+ -0.5374875 0.84327172 0,-0.73742784 0.67542593 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ 1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.98425197,1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.98425197,
+ 1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.98425197,-1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.98425197,
+ -1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.98425197,-1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.98425197,
+ -1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.98425197,1.7716535 1.7716535 -0.98425197] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,5,4,-1,6,5,3,-1,6,2,7,-1,6,3,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ 1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.39370079,1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.39370079,
+ 1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.98425197,1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.98425197] }
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+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ 1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.39370079,1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.98425197,
+ 1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.39370079,1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.98425197] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ -1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.39370079,-1.7716535 1.1102362 -0.98425197,
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ -1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.98425197,-1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.39370079,
+ -1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.98425197,-1.1811024 1.1102362 -0.39370079] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ -1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.98425197,1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.98425197,
+ 1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.39370079,-1.1811024 1.7027559 -0.39370079] }
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+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0.3311661 1.2359287 -3.1496063,0 1.2795276 -3.1496063,
+ -0.3311661 1.2359287 -3.1496063,-0.63976378 1.1081034 -3.1496063,
+ -0.90476261 0.90476261 -3.1496063,-1.1081034 0.63976378 -3.1496063,
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+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,
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+ -0.5 -0.8660254 0,-0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.95364993 -0.30091828 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ -0.95364993 -0.30091828 0,-0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,
+ -0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,-0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ -0.30091828 -0.95364993 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.30091828 -0.95364993 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_10
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+ 1.2795276 0 -3.1496063,1.2359287 0.3311661 -3.1496063,
+ 1.1081034 0.63976378 -3.1496063,0.90476261 0.90476261 -3.1496063,
+ 0.63976378 1.1081034 -3.1496063,0.3311661 1.2359287 -3.1496063,
+ 0 1.2795276 -3.1496063,-0.3311661 1.2359287 -3.1496063,
+ -0.63976378 1.1081034 -3.1496063,-0.90476261 0.90476261 -3.1496063,
+ -1.1081034 0.63976378 -3.1496063,-1.2359287 0.3311661 -3.1496063,
+ -1.2795276 0 -3.1496063,-1.2359287 -0.3311661 -3.1496063,
+ -1.1081034 -0.63976378 -3.1496063,-0.90476261 -0.90476261 -3.1496063,
+ -0.63976378 -1.1081034 -3.1496063,-0.3311661 -1.2359287 -3.1496063,
+ 0 -1.2795276 -3.1496063,0.3311661 -1.2359287 -3.1496063,
+ 0.63976378 -1.1081034 -3.1496063,0.90476261 -0.90476261 -3.1496063,
+ 1.1081034 -0.63976378 -3.1496063,1.2359287 -0.3311661 -3.1496063] }
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+ 20,12,13,-1,20,13,14,-1,20,14,15,-1,20,15,16,-1,20,16,17,-1,20,17,18,-1,20,18,19,-1,10,11,12,-1,
+ 22,20,21,-1,23,20,22,-1,4,5,6,-1,4,6,7,-1,2,0,1,-1,2,23,0,-1,2,12,20,-1,2,20,23,-1,
+ 3,7,8,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,9,10,-1,3,10,12,-1,3,12,2,-1,3,4,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_168 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_169 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_169 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.3149606,0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,
+ 0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.3149606] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_170 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_10
+ geometry DEF FACE_170 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_170 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.3149606,-0.59055118 -1.5748031 -5.6692913,
+ -0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.6692913,-0.59055118 -2.5590551 -5.3149606] }
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+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_88 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_171 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_9
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+ coord DEF COORD_171 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.98425197 0 -5.3149606,-0.9507144 0.25474315 -5.3149606,
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+ 0 0.98425197 -5.3149606,0.25474315 0.9507144 -5.3149606,
+ 0.49212598 0.85238721 -5.3149606,0.69597124 0.69597124 -5.3149606,
+ 0.85238721 0.49212598 -5.3149606,0.9507144 0.25474315 -5.3149606,
+ 0.98425197 0 -5.3149606,0.97888596 0 -5.3557195,
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+ 0.21398425 0.79860009 -5.4724409,0.41338583 0.71600526 -5.4724409,
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+ -0.96315361 0 -5.3937008,-0.93812705 0 -5.426316,
+ -0.90551181 0 -5.4513426,-0.86753056 0 -5.4670749,
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+ -0.46906353 0.81244186 -5.426316,-0.45275591 0.78419623 -5.4513426,
+ -0.25335433 0.94553123 -5.3557195,-0.2492825 0.93033494 -5.3937008,
+ -0.24280515 0.90616115 -5.426316,-0.2343637 0.87465724 -5.4513426,
+ 0 0.97888596 -5.3557195,0 0.96315361 -5.3937008,
+ 0 0.93812705 -5.426316,0 0.90551181 -5.4513426,
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+ 0.24280515 0.90616115 -5.426316,0.2343637 0.87465724 -5.4513426,
+ 0.48944298 0.84774011 -5.3557195,0.4815768 0.83411549 -5.3937008,
+ 0.46906353 0.81244186 -5.426316,0.45275591 0.78419623 -5.4513426,
+ 0.6921769 0.6921769 -5.3557195,0.68105245 0.68105245 -5.3937008,
+ 0.663356 0.663356 -5.426316,0.64029354 0.64029354 -5.4513426,
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+ 0.81244186 0.46906353 -5.426316,0.78419623 0.45275591 -5.4513426,
+ 0.94553123 0.25335433 -5.3557195,0.93033494 0.2492825 -5.3937008,
+ 0.90616115 0.24280515 -5.426316,0.87465724 0.2343637 -5.4513426] }
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+ -0.9831056 0.12942831 -0.12942831,-0.94555426 0.29819793 -0.13040372,
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+ 0.87946561 0.45775005 -0.13040372,0.9576622 0.25660481 -0.13052619,
+ 0.9831056 0.12942831 -0.12942831,0.94636008 0.12459067 -0.2981271,
+ 0.83852618 0.11039407 -0.53356068,0.67351952 0.088670527 -0.73383172,
+ 0.49892023 0.065684095 -0.86415519,0.25854514 0.045993857 -0.96490361,
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+ -0.83759464 0.48133654 -0.25836091,-0.75223972 0.43005092 -0.49919095,
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0.85238721 0.49212598 -5.3149606,0.9507144 0.25474315 -5.3149606,
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+ 0.85238721 -0.49212598 -5.3149606,0.69597124 -0.69597124 -5.3149606,
+ 0.49212598 -0.85238721 -5.3149606,0.49212598 -2.2244094 -5.3149606] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 35,30,34,-1]
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+ children [
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+ center 0 0 0
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+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
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+ center 0 0 0
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+ children [
+DEF TXFM_92 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
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+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_183 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_11 Appearance {
+ material Material {
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+ -0.88644937 -0.38417816 -0.25809814] }
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+ 0.83327022 0 2.0964567,0.81762862 0 2.1168412,
+ 0.79724409 0 2.1324828,0.77350581 0 2.1423155,
+ 0.7480315 0 2.1456693,0.7480315 0.00067075145 1.943724,
+ 0.7480315 0.0026372952 1.9389764,0.7480315 0.0057656145 1.9348995,
+ 0.7480315 0.0098425197 1.9317712,0.7480315 0.014590176 1.9298046,
+ 0.7480315 0.019685039 1.9291339,0.86614173 0.019685039 2.0472441,
+ 0.86211722 0.019685039 2.0166749,0.85031796 0.019685039 1.988189,
+ 0.83154805 0.019685039 1.9637275,0.80708661 0.019685039 1.9449576,
+ 0.77860067 0.019685039 1.9331584,0.7480315 0.019685039 2.1653543,
+ 0.77860067 0.019685039 2.1613298,0.80708661 0.019685039 2.1495306,
+ 0.83154805 0.019685039 2.1307606,0.85031796 0.019685039 2.1062992,
+ 0.86211722 0.019685039 2.0778133,0.7480315 0.00067075145 2.1507642,
+ 0.7480315 0.0026372952 2.1555118,0.7480315 0.0057656145 2.1595887,
+ 0.7480315 0.0098425197 2.162717,0.7480315 0.014590176 2.1646836,
+ 0.77482446 0.00067075145 2.1472368,0.77710842 0.0057656145 2.1557607,
+ 0.77791809 0.0098425197 2.1587824,0.79979153 0.00067075145 2.1368951,
+ 0.80420381 0.0057656145 2.1445374,0.80576797 0.0098425197 2.1472466,
+ 0.82123123 0.00067075145 2.1204438,0.82747114 0.0057656145 2.1266837,
+ 0.8296832 0.0098425197 2.1288958,0.8376825 0.00067075145 2.0990041,
+ 0.84532479 0.0057656145 2.1034164,0.848034 0.0098425197 2.1049806,
+ 0.8480242 0.00067075145 2.0740371,0.85654807 0.0057656145 2.076321,
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+ 0.8480242 0.00067075145 2.0204511,0.85654807 0.0057656145 2.0181672,
+ 0.85956979 0.0098425197 2.0173575,0.8376825 0.00067075145 1.9954841,
+ 0.84532479 0.0057656145 1.9910718,0.848034 0.0098425197 1.9895076,
+ 0.82123123 0.00067075145 1.9740444,0.82747114 0.0057656145 1.9678045,
+ 0.8296832 0.0098425197 1.9655924,0.79979153 0.00067075145 1.9575931,
+ 0.80420381 0.0057656145 1.9499508,0.80576797 0.0098425197 1.9472416,
+ 0.77482446 0.00067075145 1.9472514,0.77710842 0.0057656145 1.9387275,
+ 0.77791809 0.0098425197 1.9357058] }
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+ 68,23,65,-1,68,65,64,-1,68,67,15,-1,68,64,67,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.53149606 0.039370079 1.0137795,-0.53149606 0.039370079 1.023622,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -1.6417323 -0.19685039 1.9133695,-1.7598425 -0.19685039 1.9133695,
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+ -1.6417323 -0.18350522 1.9679067,-1.6417323 -0.1934656 1.9414426,
+ -1.7598425 -0.14648541 2.0101197,-1.7598425 -0.16754013 1.991245,
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+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
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+ 1,2,3,-1,0,2,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 2.0866142,-1.6417323 0.56368654 2.0892972,
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+ -1.7598425 0.59898479 2.1096766,-1.7598425 0.61149806 2.1259843,
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+ 1,7,0,-1,1,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,2,8,1,-1,3,10,9,-1,3,9,2,-1,4,11,10,-1,4,10,3,-1,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ -1.0137795 0.15748031 1.4173228,-1.0137795 0.039370079 1.4173228,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -1.2559055 0.15748031 1.3385827,-1.2559055 0.039370079 1.3385827,
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+ -1.5287262 0.27048636 1.3385827,-1.5900413 0.3503937 1.3385827,
+ -1.6285856 0.44344777 1.3385827,-1.6417323 0.54330709 1.3385827,
+ -1.7598425 0.54330709 1.3385827,-1.386334 0.056541316 1.3385827,
+ -1.507874 0.10688484 1.3385827,-1.6122428 0.18696981 1.3385827,
+ -1.6923278 0.29133858 1.3385827,-1.7426713 0.41287859 1.3385827] }
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+ 6,7,8,-1,6,8,13,-1,5,13,12,-1,5,6,13,-1,4,12,11,-1,4,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,
+ 9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,1,0,2,-1,1,2,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_206 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_207 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 1.3385827,-1.6417323 0.56368654 1.3412657,
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+ -1.6417323 0.62204724 1.4173228,-1.7598425 0.54330709 1.3385827,
+ -1.7598425 0.56368654 1.3412657,-1.7598425 0.58267717 1.3491319,
+ -1.7598425 0.59898479 1.3616451,-1.7598425 0.61149806 1.3779528,
+ -1.7598425 0.61936424 1.3969434,-1.7598425 0.62204724 1.4173228] }
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+ 1,7,0,-1,1,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,2,8,1,-1,3,10,9,-1,3,9,2,-1,4,11,10,-1,4,10,3,-1,
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
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+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,
+ 0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,
+ 0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,
+ 0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.0433071 1.1653543 1.0137795,1.0433071 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ 1.0433071 1.1653543 1.023622,1.0433071 1.2834646 1.023622] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_209 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_209 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_209 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0433071 1.2834646 1.023622,0.53149606 1.2834646 1.023622,
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_209 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_210 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_210 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_210 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.53149606 1.2834646 1.023622,0.53149606 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ 0.53149606 1.1653543 1.0137795,0.53149606 1.1653543 1.023622] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_211 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_211 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.53149606 1.2834646 1.0137795,0.58044445 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ 0.70992965 1.1927981 1.0137795,0.69468191 1.2227234 1.0137795,
+ 0.67264748 1.2480711 1.0137795,0.64513541 1.2673353 1.0137795,
+ 0.61378014 1.2793715 1.0137795,0.72953361 1.1389366 1.0137795,
+ 0.7480315 1.1259843 1.0137795,0.74326925 1.126569 1.0137795,
+ 0.73878993 1.1282884 1.0137795,0.73485963 1.1310405 1.0137795,
+ 0.73171186 1.1346616 1.0137795,0.82677165 1.1259843 1.0137795,
+ 0.84526954 1.1389366 1.0137795,0.84309129 1.1346616 1.0137795,
+ 0.83994352 1.1310405 1.0137795,0.83601322 1.1282884 1.0137795,
+ 0.8315339 1.126569 1.0137795,0.8648735 1.1927981 1.0137795,
+ 0.9943587 1.2834646 1.0137795,0.96102301 1.2793715 1.0137795,
+ 0.92966774 1.2673353 1.0137795,0.90215567 1.2480711 1.0137795,
+ 0.88012124 1.2227234 1.0137795,1.0433071 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ 1.0433071 1.1653543 1.0137795,0.9943587 1.1653543 1.0137795,
+ 0.97586082 1.152402 1.0137795,0.97803907 1.156677 1.0137795,
+ 0.98118684 1.1602981 1.0137795,0.98511714 1.1630501 1.0137795,
+ 0.98959646 1.1647696 1.0137795,0.95625686 1.0985405 1.0137795,
+ 0.82677165 1.007874 1.0137795,0.86010735 1.0119671 1.0137795,
+ 0.89146262 1.0240033 1.0137795,0.91897469 1.0432674 1.0137795,
+ 0.94100911 1.0686152 1.0137795,0.7480315 1.007874 1.0137795,
+ 0.61854629 1.0985405 1.0137795,0.63379404 1.0686152 1.0137795,
+ 0.65582846 1.0432674 1.0137795,0.68334053 1.0240033 1.0137795,
+ 0.7146958 1.0119671 1.0137795,0.59894233 1.152402 1.0137795,
+ 0.58044445 1.1653543 1.0137795,0.58520669 1.1647696 1.0137795,
+ 0.58968601 1.1630501 1.0137795,0.59361631 1.1602981 1.0137795,
+ 0.59676408 1.156677 1.0137795,0.53149606 1.1653543 1.0137795] }
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+ 46,1,0,-1,46,6,1,-1,46,0,51,-1,47,6,46,-1,48,5,6,-1,48,6,47,-1,49,4,5,-1,49,5,48,-1,
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+ 26,25,20,-1,26,20,27,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_211 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_212 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_212 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_212 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.53149606 1.1653543 0.83661417,0.53149606 1.2834646 0.83661417,
+ 0.53149606 1.1653543 0.82677165,0.53149606 1.2834646 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_212 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_213 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_213 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_213 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.53149606 1.1653543 0.82677165,0.53149606 1.2834646 0.82677165,
+ 1.0433071 1.1653543 0.82677165,1.0433071 1.2834646 0.82677165] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_213 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_214 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_214 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_214 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0433071 1.2834646 0.82677165,1.0433071 1.2834646 0.83661417,
+ 1.0433071 1.1653543 0.83661417,1.0433071 1.1653543 0.82677165] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_215 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_215 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_215 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0728346 1.2834646 0.37401575,-1.0881192 1.2834646 0.37200349,
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+ -1.1239779 1.2834646 0.34448819,-1.1298775 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ -1.1318898 1.2834646 0.31496062,-1.1318898 1.1653543 0.31496062,
+ -1.0728346 1.1653543 0.37401575,-1.0881192 1.1653543 0.37200349,
+ -1.1023622 1.1653543 0.36610386,-1.1145929 1.1653543 0.3567189,
+ -1.1239779 1.1653543 0.34448819,-1.1298775 1.1653543 0.33024522] }
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+ 9,1,0,-1,9,0,8,-1,10,2,1,-1,10,1,9,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,10,-1,12,4,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
+ 13,5,4,-1,13,4,12,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_215 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.97634422 0 -0.21622204,
+ 0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364994 0 -0.30091824] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_216 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_216 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 1.1653543 0.31496062,-1.1318898 1.2834646 0.31496062,
+ -1.1318898 1.1653543 0.23622047,-1.1318898 1.2834646 0.23622047] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_216 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 9.3862189e-08,1 0 9.3862188e-08,
+ 1 0 9.3862188e-08,1 0 9.3862187e-08] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_217 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_217 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0728346 1.2834646 0.17716535,-1.0881192 1.2834646 0.17917761,
+ -1.1023622 1.2834646 0.18507724,-1.1145929 1.2834646 0.1944622,
+ -1.1239779 1.2834646 0.20669291,-1.1298775 1.2834646 0.22093588,
+ -1.1318898 1.2834646 0.23622047,-1.0728346 1.1653543 0.17716535,
+ -1.0881192 1.1653543 0.17917761,-1.1023622 1.1653543 0.18507724,
+ -1.1145929 1.1653543 0.1944622,-1.1239779 1.1653543 0.20669291,
+ -1.1298775 1.1653543 0.22093588,-1.1318898 1.1653543 0.23622047] }
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+ 12,5,6,-1,12,6,13,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,1,2,-1,8,2,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_217 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.95364992 0 0.30091831,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052624,0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 0.95364993,0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 0.67542593,0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ 0.97634419 0 0.21622214,0.99144486 0 0.13052624] }
+DEF SHAPE_218 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_218 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_218 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0728346 1.1653543 0.17716535,-1.0728346 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ -0.89566929 1.1653543 0.17716535,-0.89566929 1.2834646 0.17716535] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_218 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_219 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_219 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_219 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.83661417 1.2834646 0.23622048,-0.8380948 1.2834646 0.22307948,
+ -0.84246246 1.2834646 0.21059742,-0.84949814 1.2834646 0.19940021,
+ -0.85884902 1.2834646 0.19004932,-0.87004623 1.2834646 0.18301365,
+ -0.88252829 1.2834646 0.17864599,-0.89566929 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ -0.83661417 1.1653543 0.23622048,-0.8380948 1.1653543 0.22307948,
+ -0.84246246 1.1653543 0.21059742,-0.84949814 1.1653543 0.19940021,
+ -0.85884902 1.1653543 0.19004932,-0.87004623 1.1653543 0.18301365,
+ -0.88252829 1.1653543 0.17864599,-0.89566929 1.1653543 0.17716535] }
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+ 14,5,6,-1,14,6,7,-1,14,7,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,4,13,-1,11,2,3,-1,
+ 11,3,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1,8,0,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.96588958 0 0.25895428,
+ -0.88404996 0 0.46739242,-0.75788037 0 0.65239355,
+ -0.59370749 0 0.80468094,-0.39976364 0 0.91661826,
+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221,
+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.98259252 0 0.18577388,
+ -0.9166183 0 0.39976356,-0.80468099 0 0.59370742,
+ -0.65239362 0 0.75788031,-0.4673925 0 0.88404991,
+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_220 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_220 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.83661417 1.1653543 0.23622048,-0.83661417 1.2834646 0.23622048,
+ -0.83661418 1.1653543 0.31496064,-0.83661418 1.2834646 0.31496064] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_220 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 -9.3862181e-08,-1 0 -9.386218e-08,
+ -1 0 -9.3862182e-08,-1 0 -9.3862181e-08] }
+DEF SHAPE_221 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_221 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_221 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.8956693 1.2834646 0.37401575,-0.88038471 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ -0.86614174 1.2834646 0.36610386,-0.85391102 1.2834646 0.35671891,
+ -0.84452606 1.2834646 0.34448819,-0.83862643 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ -0.83661418 1.2834646 0.31496064,-0.8956693 1.1653543 0.37401575,
+ -0.88038471 1.1653543 0.37200349,-0.86614174 1.1653543 0.36610386,
+ -0.85391102 1.1653543 0.35671891,-0.84452606 1.1653543 0.34448819,
+ -0.83862643 1.1653543 0.33024522,-0.83661418 1.1653543 0.31496064] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 13,5,6,-1,12,4,5,-1,12,5,13,-1,11,3,4,-1,11,4,12,-1,10,2,3,-1,10,3,11,-1,9,1,2,-1,
+ 9,2,10,-1,8,0,1,-1,8,1,9,-1,7,0,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_221 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,-0.30091826 0 -0.95364994,
+ -0.53748747 0 -0.84327173,-0.7374278 0 -0.67542596,
+ -0.88711366 0 -0.46155104,-0.97634419 0 -0.21622217,
+ -0.99144485 0 -0.13052628,-0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.21622208 0 -0.97634421,-0.46155095 0 -0.8871137,
+ -0.6754259 0 -0.73742787,-0.84327168 0 -0.53748755,
+ -0.95364991 0 -0.30091835,-0.99144485 0 -0.13052628] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_222 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_222 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.89566929 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.8803847 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ 0.86614173 1.2834646 0.36610386,0.85391101 1.2834646 0.3567189,
+ 0.84452606 1.2834646 0.34448819,0.83862642 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ 0.83661417 1.2834646 0.31496062,0.83661417 1.1653543 0.31496062,
+ 0.89566929 1.1653543 0.37401575,0.8803847 1.1653543 0.37200349,
+ 0.86614173 1.1653543 0.36610386,0.85391101 1.1653543 0.3567189,
+ 0.84452606 1.1653543 0.34448819,0.83862642 1.1653543 0.33024522] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,1,0,-1,9,0,8,-1,10,2,1,-1,10,1,9,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,10,-1,12,4,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
+ 13,5,4,-1,13,4,12,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_222 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.97634422 0 -0.21622204,
+ 0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364994 0 -0.30091824] }
+DEF SHAPE_223 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_223 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_223 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.83661417 1.1653543 0.31496062,0.83661417 1.2834646 0.31496062,
+ 0.83661418 1.1653543 0.23622047,0.83661418 1.2834646 0.23622047] }
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+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_223 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 9.3862185e-08,1 0 9.3862185e-08,
+ 1 0 9.3862185e-08,1 0 9.3862185e-08] }
+DEF SHAPE_224 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_224 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_224 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.8956693 1.2834646 0.17716535,0.88038471 1.2834646 0.17917761,
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+ 0.84452606 1.2834646 0.20669291,0.83862643 1.2834646 0.22093588,
+ 0.83661418 1.2834646 0.23622047,0.8956693 1.1653543 0.17716535,
+ 0.88038471 1.1653543 0.17917761,0.86614174 1.1653543 0.18507724,
+ 0.85391102 1.1653543 0.1944622,0.84452606 1.1653543 0.20669291,
+ 0.83862643 1.1653543 0.22093588,0.83661418 1.1653543 0.23622047] }
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+ 12,5,6,-1,12,6,13,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,1,2,-1,8,2,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.95364992 0 0.30091831,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052624,0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 0.95364993,0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 0.67542593,0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ 0.97634419 0 0.21622214,0.99144486 0 0.13052624] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_225 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_225 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.8956693 1.1653543 0.17716535,0.8956693 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ 1.0728346 1.1653543 0.17716535,1.0728346 1.2834646 0.17716535] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_225 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_226 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_226 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_226 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 1.2834646 0.23622048,1.1304091 1.2834646 0.22307948,
+ 1.1260415 1.2834646 0.21059742,1.1190058 1.2834646 0.19940021,
+ 1.1096549 1.2834646 0.19004932,1.0984577 1.2834646 0.18301365,
+ 1.0859757 1.2834646 0.17864599,1.0728346 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ 1.1318898 1.1653543 0.23622048,1.1304091 1.1653543 0.22307948,
+ 1.1260415 1.1653543 0.21059742,1.1190058 1.1653543 0.19940021,
+ 1.1096549 1.1653543 0.19004932,1.0984577 1.1653543 0.18301365,
+ 1.0859757 1.1653543 0.17864599,1.0728346 1.1653543 0.17716535] }
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+ 14,5,6,-1,14,6,7,-1,14,7,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,4,13,-1,11,2,3,-1,
+ 11,3,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1,8,0,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_226 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.96588958 0 0.25895428,
+ -0.88404996 0 0.46739242,-0.75788037 0 0.65239355,
+ -0.59370749 0 0.80468094,-0.39976364 0 0.91661826,
+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221,
+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.98259252 0 0.18577388,
+ -0.9166183 0 0.39976356,-0.80468099 0 0.59370742,
+ -0.65239362 0 0.75788031,-0.4673925 0 0.88404991,
+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_227 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_227 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 1.1653543 0.23622048,1.1318898 1.2834646 0.23622048,
+ 1.1318898 1.1653543 0.31496064,1.1318898 1.2834646 0.31496064] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_227 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 -9.3862182e-08,-1 0 -9.3862182e-08,
+ -1 0 -9.3862182e-08,-1 0 -9.3862182e-08] }
+DEF SHAPE_228 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_228 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_228 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0728346 1.2834646 0.37401575,1.0881192 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ 1.1023622 1.2834646 0.36610386,1.1145929 1.2834646 0.35671891,
+ 1.1239779 1.2834646 0.34448819,1.1298775 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ 1.1318898 1.2834646 0.31496064,1.0728346 1.1653543 0.37401575,
+ 1.0881192 1.1653543 0.37200349,1.1023622 1.1653543 0.36610386,
+ 1.1145929 1.1653543 0.35671891,1.1239779 1.1653543 0.34448819,
+ 1.1298775 1.1653543 0.33024522,1.1318898 1.1653543 0.31496064] }
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+ 13,5,6,-1,12,4,5,-1,12,5,13,-1,11,3,4,-1,11,4,12,-1,10,2,3,-1,10,3,11,-1,9,1,2,-1,
+ 9,2,10,-1,8,0,1,-1,8,1,9,-1,7,0,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_228 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,-0.30091826 0 -0.95364994,
+ -0.53748747 0 -0.84327173,-0.7374278 0 -0.67542596,
+ -0.88711366 0 -0.46155104,-0.97634419 0 -0.21622217,
+ -0.99144485 0 -0.13052628,-0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.21622208 0 -0.97634421,-0.46155095 0 -0.8871137,
+ -0.6754259 0 -0.73742787,-0.84327168 0 -0.53748755,
+ -0.95364991 0 -0.30091835,-0.99144485 0 -0.13052628] }
+DEF SHAPE_229 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_229 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_229 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 1.1653543 0.83661417,-1.0433071 1.2834646 0.83661417,
+ -1.0433071 1.1653543 0.82677165,-1.0433071 1.2834646 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_229 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_230 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_230 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_230 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 1.2834646 0.82677165,-0.53149606 1.2834646 0.82677165,
+ -0.53149606 1.1653543 0.82677165,-1.0433071 1.1653543 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_230 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_231 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_231 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_231 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.53149606 1.2834646 0.82677165,-0.53149606 1.2834646 0.83661417,
+ -0.53149606 1.1653543 0.83661417,-0.53149606 1.1653543 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_231 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_232 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_232 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_232 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.53149606 1.2834646 0.83661417,-0.58044445 1.2834646 0.83661417,
+ -0.61378014 1.2793715 0.83661417,-0.64513541 1.2673353 0.83661417,
+ -0.67264748 1.2480711 0.83661417,-0.69468191 1.2227234 0.83661417,
+ -0.70992965 1.1927981 0.83661417,-0.72953361 1.1389366 0.83661417,
+ -0.73171186 1.1346616 0.83661417,-0.73485963 1.1310405 0.83661417,
+ -0.73878993 1.1282884 0.83661417,-0.74326925 1.126569 0.83661417,
+ -0.7480315 1.1259843 0.83661417,-0.82677165 1.1259843 0.83661417,
+ -0.8315339 1.126569 0.83661417,-0.83601322 1.1282884 0.83661417,
+ -0.83994352 1.1310405 0.83661417,-0.84309129 1.1346616 0.83661417,
+ -0.84526954 1.1389366 0.83661417,-0.8648735 1.1927981 0.83661417,
+ -0.88012124 1.2227234 0.83661417,-0.90215567 1.2480711 0.83661417,
+ -0.92966774 1.2673353 0.83661417,-0.96102301 1.2793715 0.83661417,
+ -0.9943587 1.2834646 0.83661417,-1.0433071 1.2834646 0.83661417,
+ -1.0433071 1.1653543 0.83661417,-0.9943587 1.1653543 0.83661417,
+ -0.98959646 1.1647696 0.83661417,-0.98511714 1.1630501 0.83661417,
+ -0.98118684 1.1602981 0.83661417,-0.97803907 1.156677 0.83661417,
+ -0.97586082 1.152402 0.83661417,-0.95625686 1.0985405 0.83661417,
+ -0.94100911 1.0686152 0.83661417,-0.91897469 1.0432674 0.83661417,
+ -0.89146262 1.0240033 0.83661417,-0.86010735 1.0119671 0.83661417,
+ -0.82677165 1.007874 0.83661417,-0.7480315 1.007874 0.83661417,
+ -0.7146958 1.0119671 0.83661417,-0.68334053 1.0240033 0.83661417,
+ -0.65582846 1.0432674 0.83661417,-0.63379404 1.0686152 0.83661417,
+ -0.61854629 1.0985405 0.83661417,-0.59894233 1.152402 0.83661417,
+ -0.59676408 1.156677 0.83661417,-0.59361631 1.1602981 0.83661417,
+ -0.58968601 1.1630501 0.83661417,-0.58520669 1.1647696 0.83661417,
+ -0.58044445 1.1653543 0.83661417,-0.53149606 1.1653543 0.83661417] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 51,1,0,-1,50,2,1,-1,50,1,51,-1,49,2,50,-1,48,3,2,-1,48,2,49,-1,47,4,3,-1,47,3,48,-1,
+ 5,47,46,-1,5,4,47,-1,6,46,45,-1,6,5,46,-1,7,45,44,-1,7,6,45,-1,8,44,43,-1,8,7,44,-1,
+ 42,9,8,-1,42,8,43,-1,41,10,9,-1,41,9,42,-1,40,10,41,-1,40,11,10,-1,40,12,11,-1,39,13,12,-1,
+ 39,12,40,-1,38,13,39,-1,31,21,20,-1,31,30,21,-1,29,22,21,-1,29,21,30,-1,32,20,19,-1,32,31,20,-1,
+ 28,23,22,-1,28,22,29,-1,27,24,23,-1,27,23,28,-1,37,14,13,-1,37,13,38,-1,33,18,17,-1,33,19,18,-1,
+ 33,32,19,-1,36,15,14,-1,36,16,15,-1,36,14,37,-1,34,17,16,-1,34,33,17,-1,35,16,36,-1,35,34,16,-1,
+ 26,25,24,-1,26,24,27,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_232 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_233 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_233 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_233 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.53149606 1.1653543 1.0137795,-0.53149606 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ -0.53149606 1.1653543 1.023622,-0.53149606 1.2834646 1.023622] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_233 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_234 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_234 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_234 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.53149606 1.1653543 1.023622,-0.53149606 1.2834646 1.023622,
+ -1.0433071 1.1653543 1.023622,-1.0433071 1.2834646 1.023622] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_234 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_235 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_235 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_235 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 1.2834646 1.023622,-1.0433071 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ -1.0433071 1.1653543 1.0137795,-1.0433071 1.1653543 1.023622] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_235 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_236 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_236 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_236 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 1.2834646 1.0137795,-0.9943587 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ -0.8648735 1.1927981 1.0137795,-0.88012124 1.2227234 1.0137795,
+ -0.90215567 1.2480711 1.0137795,-0.92966774 1.2673353 1.0137795,
+ -0.96102301 1.2793715 1.0137795,-0.84526954 1.1389366 1.0137795,
+ -0.82677165 1.1259843 1.0137795,-0.8315339 1.126569 1.0137795,
+ -0.83601322 1.1282884 1.0137795,-0.83994352 1.1310405 1.0137795,
+ -0.84309129 1.1346616 1.0137795,-0.7480315 1.1259843 1.0137795,
+ -0.72953361 1.1389366 1.0137795,-0.73171186 1.1346616 1.0137795,
+ -0.73485963 1.1310405 1.0137795,-0.73878993 1.1282884 1.0137795,
+ -0.74326925 1.126569 1.0137795,-0.70992965 1.1927981 1.0137795,
+ -0.58044445 1.2834646 1.0137795,-0.61378014 1.2793715 1.0137795,
+ -0.64513541 1.2673353 1.0137795,-0.67264748 1.2480711 1.0137795,
+ -0.69468191 1.2227234 1.0137795,-0.53149606 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ -0.53149606 1.1653543 1.0137795,-0.58044445 1.1653543 1.0137795,
+ -0.59894233 1.152402 1.0137795,-0.59676408 1.156677 1.0137795,
+ -0.59361631 1.1602981 1.0137795,-0.58968601 1.1630501 1.0137795,
+ -0.58520669 1.1647696 1.0137795,-0.61854629 1.0985405 1.0137795,
+ -0.7480315 1.007874 1.0137795,-0.7146958 1.0119671 1.0137795,
+ -0.68334053 1.0240033 1.0137795,-0.65582846 1.0432674 1.0137795,
+ -0.63379404 1.0686152 1.0137795,-0.82677165 1.007874 1.0137795,
+ -0.95625686 1.0985405 1.0137795,-0.94100911 1.0686152 1.0137795,
+ -0.91897469 1.0432674 1.0137795,-0.89146262 1.0240033 1.0137795,
+ -0.86010735 1.0119671 1.0137795,-0.97586082 1.152402 1.0137795,
+ -0.9943587 1.1653543 1.0137795,-0.98959646 1.1647696 1.0137795,
+ -0.98511714 1.1630501 1.0137795,-0.98118684 1.1602981 1.0137795,
+ -0.97803907 1.156677 1.0137795,-1.0433071 1.1653543 1.0137795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 46,1,0,-1,46,0,51,-1,47,6,1,-1,47,1,46,-1,48,5,6,-1,48,6,47,-1,49,4,5,-1,49,5,48,-1,
+ 3,49,50,-1,3,4,49,-1,2,50,45,-1,2,3,50,-1,40,2,45,-1,7,2,40,-1,12,40,41,-1,12,7,40,-1,
+ 11,12,41,-1,42,11,41,-1,43,9,10,-1,43,10,11,-1,43,11,42,-1,44,9,43,-1,39,8,9,-1,39,9,44,-1,
+ 34,13,8,-1,34,8,39,-1,29,30,23,-1,29,23,24,-1,31,23,30,-1,31,22,23,-1,28,19,14,-1,28,24,19,-1,
+ 28,29,24,-1,32,22,31,-1,32,21,22,-1,27,20,21,-1,27,21,32,-1,35,18,13,-1,35,13,34,-1,33,14,15,-1,
+ 33,28,14,-1,36,16,17,-1,36,17,18,-1,36,18,35,-1,38,33,15,-1,37,15,16,-1,37,16,36,-1,37,38,15,-1,
+ 26,25,20,-1,26,20,27,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_236 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_237 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_237 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_237 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.5019685 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.48668391 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ 0.47244094 1.2834646 0.36610386,0.46021023 1.2834646 0.3567189,
+ 0.45082527 1.2834646 0.34448819,0.44492564 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ 0.44291338 1.2834646 0.31496062,0.44291338 1.1653543 0.31496062,
+ 0.5019685 1.1653543 0.37401575,0.48668391 1.1653543 0.37200349,
+ 0.47244094 1.1653543 0.36610386,0.46021023 1.1653543 0.3567189,
+ 0.45082527 1.1653543 0.34448819,0.44492564 1.1653543 0.33024522] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,1,0,-1,9,0,8,-1,10,2,1,-1,10,1,9,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,10,-1,12,4,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
+ 13,5,4,-1,13,4,12,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_237 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.97634422 0 -0.21622204,
+ 0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364994 0 -0.30091824] }
+DEF SHAPE_238 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_238 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_238 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44291338 1.1653543 0.31496062,0.44291338 1.2834646 0.31496062,
+ 0.44291339 1.1653543 0.23622047,0.44291339 1.2834646 0.23622047] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_238 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 9.3862184e-08,1 0 9.3862185e-08,
+ 1 0 9.3862185e-08,1 0 9.3862186e-08] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_239 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_239 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.50196851 1.2834646 0.17716535,0.48668392 1.2834646 0.17917761,
+ 0.47244095 1.2834646 0.18507724,0.46021023 1.2834646 0.1944622,
+ 0.45082528 1.2834646 0.20669291,0.44492564 1.2834646 0.22093588,
+ 0.44291339 1.2834646 0.23622047,0.50196851 1.1653543 0.17716535,
+ 0.48668392 1.1653543 0.17917761,0.47244095 1.1653543 0.18507724,
+ 0.46021023 1.1653543 0.1944622,0.45082528 1.1653543 0.20669291,
+ 0.44492564 1.1653543 0.22093588,0.44291339 1.1653543 0.23622047] }
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+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
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+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052624,0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 0.95364993,0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 0.67542593,0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ 0.97634419 0 0.21622214,0.99144486 0 0.13052624] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.73818898 1.2834646 0.23622048,0.73670835 1.2834646 0.22307948,
+ 0.73234069 1.2834646 0.21059742,0.72530501 1.2834646 0.19940021,
+ 0.71595413 1.2834646 0.19004932,0.70475692 1.2834646 0.18301365,
+ 0.69227486 1.2834646 0.17864599,0.67913386 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ 0.73818898 1.1653543 0.23622048,0.73670835 1.1653543 0.22307948,
+ 0.73234069 1.1653543 0.21059742,0.72530501 1.1653543 0.19940021,
+ 0.71595413 1.1653543 0.19004932,0.70475692 1.1653543 0.18301365,
+ 0.69227486 1.1653543 0.17864599,0.67913386 1.1653543 0.17716535] }
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+ 11,3,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1,8,0,9,-1]
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+ -0.9166183 0 0.39976356,-0.80468099 0 0.59370742,
+ -0.65239362 0 0.75788031,-0.4673925 0 0.88404991,
+ -0.25895437 0 0.96588955,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221] }
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+ coord DEF COORD_242 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.73818898 1.1653543 0.23622048,0.73818898 1.2834646 0.23622048,
+ 0.73818897 1.1653543 0.31496064,0.73818897 1.2834646 0.31496064] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 -9.3862181e-08,-1 0 -9.3862181e-08,
+ -1 0 -9.3862181e-08,-1 0 -9.3862181e-08] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_243 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_243 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.67913385 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.69441844 1.2834646 0.37200349,
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+ 0.73027709 1.2834646 0.34448819,0.73617672 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ 0.73818897 1.2834646 0.31496064,0.67913385 1.1653543 0.37401575,
+ 0.69441844 1.1653543 0.37200349,0.70866141 1.1653543 0.36610386,
+ 0.72089213 1.1653543 0.35671891,0.73027709 1.1653543 0.34448819,
+ 0.73617672 1.1653543 0.33024522,0.73818897 1.1653543 0.31496064] }
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+ 9,2,10,-1,8,1,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
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+ -0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,-0.25881903 0 -0.96592583,
+ -0.53748747 0 -0.84327173,-0.7374278 0 -0.67542596,
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+ -0.99144485 0 -0.13052628,-0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.25881903 0 -0.96592583,-0.46155095 0 -0.8871137,
+ -0.6754259 0 -0.73742787,-0.84327168 0 -0.53748755,
+ -0.95364991 0 -0.30091835,-0.99144485 0 -0.13052628] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.10826771 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.092983124 1.2834646 0.37200349,
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+ 0.05712448 1.2834646 0.34448819,0.051224849 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ 0.049212595 1.2834646 0.31496062,0.049212595 1.1653543 0.31496062,
+ 0.10826771 1.1653543 0.37401575,0.092983124 1.1653543 0.37200349,
+ 0.078740154 1.1653543 0.36610386,0.066509438 1.1653543 0.3567189,
+ 0.05712448 1.1653543 0.34448819,0.051224849 1.1653543 0.33024522] }
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+ 9,1,0,-1,9,0,8,-1,10,2,1,-1,10,1,9,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,10,-1,12,4,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
+ 13,5,4,-1,13,4,12,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
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+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.97634422 0 -0.21622204,
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+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364994 0 -0.30091824] }
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+ coord DEF COORD_245 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.049212595 1.1653543 0.31496062,0.049212595 1.2834646 0.31496062,
+ 0.049212602 1.1653543 0.23622047,0.049212602 1.2834646 0.23622047] }
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+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 9.3862186e-08,1 0 9.3862186e-08,
+ 1 0 9.3862186e-08,1 0 9.3862185e-08] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_246 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_246 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10826772 1.2834646 0.17716535,0.092983131 1.2834646 0.17917761,
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+ 0.057124488 1.2834646 0.20669291,0.051224856 1.2834646 0.22093588,
+ 0.049212602 1.2834646 0.23622047,0.10826772 1.1653543 0.17716535,
+ 0.092983131 1.1653543 0.17917761,0.078740161 1.1653543 0.18507724,
+ 0.066509446 1.1653543 0.1944622,0.057124488 1.1653543 0.20669291,
+ 0.051224856 1.1653543 0.22093588,0.049212602 1.1653543 0.23622047] }
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+ 12,5,6,-1,12,6,13,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,1,2,-1,8,2,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_246 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.95364992 0 0.30091831,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052624,0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 0.95364993,0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 0.67542593,0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ 0.97634419 0 0.21622214,0.99144486 0 0.13052624] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_247 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10826772 1.1653543 0.17716535,0.10826772 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ 0.28543307 1.1653543 0.17716535,0.28543307 1.2834646 0.17716535] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_247 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.34448819 1.2834646 0.23622048,0.34300756 1.2834646 0.22307948,
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+ 0.32225334 1.2834646 0.19004932,0.31105613 1.2834646 0.18301365,
+ 0.29857408 1.2834646 0.17864599,0.28543307 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ 0.34448819 1.1653543 0.23622048,0.34300756 1.1653543 0.22307948,
+ 0.3386399 1.1653543 0.21059742,0.33160423 1.1653543 0.19940021,
+ 0.32225334 1.1653543 0.19004932,0.31105613 1.1653543 0.18301365,
+ 0.29857408 1.1653543 0.17864599,0.28543307 1.1653543 0.17716535] }
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+ 14,5,6,-1,14,6,7,-1,14,7,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,4,13,-1,11,2,3,-1,
+ 11,3,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1,8,0,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_248 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.96588958 0 0.25895428,
+ -0.88404996 0 0.46739242,-0.75788037 0 0.65239355,
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+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221,
+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.98259252 0 0.18577388,
+ -0.9166183 0 0.39976356,-0.80468099 0 0.59370742,
+ -0.65239362 0 0.75788031,-0.4673925 0 0.88404991,
+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_249 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.34448819 1.1653543 0.23622048,0.34448819 1.2834646 0.23622048,
+ 0.34448819 1.1653543 0.31496064,0.34448819 1.2834646 0.31496064] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_249 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 -9.3862181e-08,-1 0 -9.3862181e-08,
+ -1 0 -9.3862181e-08,-1 0 -9.3862181e-08] }
+DEF SHAPE_250 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_250 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_250 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.28543307 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.30071766 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ 0.31496062 1.2834646 0.36610386,0.32719134 1.2834646 0.35671891,
+ 0.3365763 1.2834646 0.34448819,0.34247593 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ 0.34448819 1.2834646 0.31496064,0.28543307 1.1653543 0.37401575,
+ 0.30071766 1.1653543 0.37200349,0.31496062 1.1653543 0.36610386,
+ 0.32719134 1.1653543 0.35671891,0.3365763 1.1653543 0.34448819,
+ 0.34247593 1.1653543 0.33024522,0.34448819 1.1653543 0.31496064] }
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+ 13,5,6,-1,12,4,5,-1,12,5,13,-1,11,3,4,-1,11,4,12,-1,10,2,3,-1,10,3,11,-1,9,1,2,-1,
+ 9,2,10,-1,8,0,1,-1,8,1,9,-1,7,0,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_250 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,-0.30091826 0 -0.95364994,
+ -0.53748747 0 -0.84327173,-0.7374278 0 -0.67542596,
+ -0.88711366 0 -0.46155104,-0.97634419 0 -0.21622217,
+ -0.99144485 0 -0.13052628,-0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.21622208 0 -0.97634421,-0.46155095 0 -0.8871137,
+ -0.6754259 0 -0.73742787,-0.84327168 0 -0.53748755,
+ -0.95364991 0 -0.30091835,-0.99144485 0 -0.13052628] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_251 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.28543307 1.2834646 0.37401575,-0.30071766 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ -0.31496063 1.2834646 0.36610386,-0.32719135 1.2834646 0.3567189,
+ -0.33657631 1.2834646 0.34448819,-0.34247594 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ -0.34448819 1.2834646 0.31496062,-0.34448819 1.1653543 0.31496062,
+ -0.28543307 1.1653543 0.37401575,-0.30071766 1.1653543 0.37200349,
+ -0.31496063 1.1653543 0.36610386,-0.32719135 1.1653543 0.3567189,
+ -0.33657631 1.1653543 0.34448819,-0.34247594 1.1653543 0.33024522] }
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+ 9,1,0,-1,9,0,8,-1,10,2,1,-1,10,1,9,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,10,-1,12,4,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
+ 13,5,4,-1,13,4,12,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_251 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.97634422 0 -0.21622204,
+ 0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,0.99144487 0 -0.13052615,
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364994 0 -0.30091824] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_252 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_252 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 1.1653543 0.31496062,-0.34448819 1.2834646 0.31496062,
+ -0.34448819 1.1653543 0.23622047,-0.34448819 1.2834646 0.23622047] }
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+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 9.3862188e-08,1 0 9.3862187e-08,
+ 1 0 9.3862187e-08,1 0 9.3862186e-08] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_253 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_253 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.28543307 1.2834646 0.17716535,-0.30071766 1.2834646 0.17917761,
+ -0.31496063 1.2834646 0.18507724,-0.32719134 1.2834646 0.1944622,
+ -0.3365763 1.2834646 0.20669291,-0.34247593 1.2834646 0.22093588,
+ -0.34448819 1.2834646 0.23622047,-0.28543307 1.1653543 0.17716535,
+ -0.30071766 1.1653543 0.17917761,-0.31496063 1.1653543 0.18507724,
+ -0.32719134 1.1653543 0.1944622,-0.3365763 1.1653543 0.20669291,
+ -0.34247593 1.1653543 0.22093588,-0.34448819 1.1653543 0.23622047] }
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+ 12,5,6,-1,12,6,13,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,1,2,-1,8,2,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
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+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.95364992 0 0.30091831,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052624,0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 0.95364993,0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 0.67542593,0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ 0.97634419 0 0.21622214,0.99144486 0 0.13052624] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_254 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.28543307 1.1653543 0.17716535,-0.28543307 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ -0.10826771 1.1653543 0.17716535,-0.10826771 1.2834646 0.17716535] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_255 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.049212595 1.2834646 0.23622048,-0.050693229 1.2834646 0.22307948,
+ -0.055060888 1.2834646 0.21059742,-0.06209656 1.2834646 0.19940021,
+ -0.071447447 1.2834646 0.19004932,-0.082644656 1.2834646 0.18301365,
+ -0.095126712 1.2834646 0.17864599,-0.10826771 1.2834646 0.17716535,
+ -0.049212595 1.1653543 0.23622048,-0.050693229 1.1653543 0.22307948,
+ -0.055060888 1.1653543 0.21059742,-0.06209656 1.1653543 0.19940021,
+ -0.071447447 1.1653543 0.19004932,-0.082644656 1.1653543 0.18301365,
+ -0.095126712 1.1653543 0.17864599,-0.10826771 1.1653543 0.17716535] }
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+ 14,5,6,-1,14,6,7,-1,14,7,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,4,13,-1,11,2,3,-1,
+ 11,3,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1,8,0,9,-1]
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+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.96588958 0 0.25895428,
+ -0.88404996 0 0.46739242,-0.75788037 0 0.65239355,
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+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221,
+ -0.99371222 0 0.11196439,-0.98259252 0 0.18577388,
+ -0.9166183 0 0.39976356,-0.80468099 0 0.59370742,
+ -0.65239362 0 0.75788031,-0.4673925 0 0.88404991,
+ -0.22252095 0 0.97492791,-0.11196448 0 0.99371221] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.049212595 1.1653543 0.23622048,-0.049212595 1.2834646 0.23622048,
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ -1 0 -9.3862185e-08,-1 0 -9.3862185e-08,
+ -1 0 -9.3862186e-08,-1 0 -9.3862185e-08] }
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+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
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+ 1 0 9.3862184e-08,1 0 9.3862185e-08,
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+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
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+ 0.97634419 0 0.21622214,0.99144486 0 0.13052624] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.44876168 1.1653543 0.21059742,-0.45579735 1.1653543 0.19940021,
+ -0.46514823 1.1653543 0.19004932,-0.47634544 1.1653543 0.18301365,
+ -0.4888275 1.1653543 0.17864599,-0.5019685 1.1653543 0.17716535] }
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+ -0.44291338 1.1653543 0.23622048,-0.44291338 1.2834646 0.23622048,
+ -0.44291339 1.1653543 0.31496064,-0.44291339 1.2834646 0.31496064] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ -1 0 -9.386218e-08,-1 0 -9.3862181e-08,
+ -1 0 -9.3862179e-08,-1 0 -9.386218e-08] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.50196851 1.2834646 0.37401575,-0.48668392 1.2834646 0.37200349,
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+ -0.44291339 1.2834646 0.31496064,-0.50196851 1.1653543 0.37401575,
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+ -0.13052618 0 -0.99144486,-0.30091826 0 -0.95364994,
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+ -0.95364991 0 -0.30091835,-0.99144485 0 -0.13052628] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
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+ -0.4296875 -0.90297766 0,-0.4296875 -0.90297766 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.711141 0.32717594 0.68330216,1.7109494 0.32677165 0.68897638,
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+ 13,3,4,-1,13,14,3,-1,12,4,5,-1,12,5,6,-1,12,6,7,-1,12,13,4,-1]
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+ -0.042417194 -0.11295138 -0.9926947,-0.10110802 -0.2220403 -0.96978105,
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+ 1.7583023 0.50393701 0.6496063,1.7524167 0.45711476 0.6496063,
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+ 2,5,6,-1,2,3,5,-1,1,6,7,-1,1,2,6,-1,0,7,4,-1,0,1,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ 1.6798028 0.51008858 0.6496063,1.6816955 0.51842959 0.64828698,
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+ 7,0,1,-1,7,1,2,-1,13,2,3,-1,13,7,2,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,13,3,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,6,-1,
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+ 0 -0.99117489 -0.13256069,0.035665143 -0.96274357 -0.26805374,
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+ -0.034180033 -0.80768751 -0.58861925,-0.021959376 -0.92093658 -0.3890933] }
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+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 0.61023622,1.7598425 0.54330709 0.31496063,
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+ 1.7204724 0.54330709 0.61023622] }
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+ 1,0,4,-1,2,4,3,-1,2,1,4,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 0.31496063,1.6417323 0.48425197 0.25590551,
+ 1.6417323 0.49953656 0.25791777,1.6417323 0.51377953 0.2638174,
+ 1.6417323 0.52601024 0.27320236,1.6417323 0.5353952 0.28543307,
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
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+ 0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,
+ 0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,
+ 0 -0.96592583 0.25881905,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.7598425 0.48425197 0.25590551,1.7598425 -0.098425197 0.25590551,
+ 1.6417323 -0.098425197 0.25590551,1.6417323 0.48425197 0.25590551] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 1.6417323 -0.19349664 0.18295463,1.6417323 -0.19685039 0.15748031,
+ 1.7598425 -0.19685039 0.15748031,1.7598425 -0.12389951 0.25255175,
+ 1.7598425 -0.1476378 0.24271904,1.7598425 -0.16802232 0.22707744,
+ 1.7598425 -0.18366392 0.20669291,1.7598425 -0.19349664 0.18295463] }
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,
+ 0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,
+ 0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,
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+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.7598425 -0.19685039 0.15748031,1.7598425 -0.19685039 -0.15748031,
+ 1.6417323 -0.19685039 -0.15748031,1.6417323 -0.19685039 0.15748031] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 1.7598425 -0.098425197 -0.25590551,1.7598425 -0.19349664 -0.18295463,
+ 1.7598425 -0.18366392 -0.20669291,1.7598425 -0.16802232 -0.22707744,
+ 1.7598425 -0.1476378 -0.24271904,1.7598425 -0.12389951 -0.25255175] }
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+ 0 -0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 -0.13052619,
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+ 0 -0.67542593 -0.73742784,0 -0.46155098 -0.88711369,
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+ 0 -0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 -0.9763442 -0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.88711369 -0.46155098,0 -0.73742784 -0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.5374875 -0.84327172,0 -0.30091828 -0.95364993] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.6417323 -0.098425197 -0.25590551,1.7598425 -0.098425197 -0.25590551,
+ 1.7598425 0.59448819 -0.25590551,1.6417323 0.59448819 -0.25590551] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_275 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_276 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 0.67322835 -0.019685039,1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.019685039,
+ 1.6417323 0.67322835 -0.17716535,1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.17716535] }
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+ 1,3,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_277 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_277 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2559055 1.2834646 -0.17716535,1.3463299 1.2752855 -0.17716535,
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+ 1.2559055 1.2047244 -0.17716535,1.464171 1.1502267 -0.17716535,
+ 1.3982032 1.1802067 -0.17716535,1.3281027 1.1985501 -0.17716535] }
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+ 0,7,4,-1,1,6,7,-1,1,7,0,-1,2,5,6,-1,2,6,1,-1,3,5,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_278 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ 1.2559055 1.2834646 -0.17716535,1.0295276 1.2834646 -0.17716535,
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_279 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0295276 1.2047244 -0.17716535,1.0295276 1.2834646 -0.17716535,
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+ 0.98216376 1.1809422 -0.15338314,0.97734631 1.1733211 -0.14576207,
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+ 0.97047244 1.2834646 -0.11811024,1.014243 1.2834646 -0.1751531,
+ 1 1.2834646 -0.16925347,0.98776928 1.2834646 -0.15986851,
+ 0.97838433 1.2834646 -0.1476378,0.9724847 1.2834646 -0.13339483] }
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+ 10,11,12,-1,10,12,17,-1,9,10,17,-1,8,9,17,-1,7,17,16,-1,7,8,17,-1,6,16,15,-1,6,7,16,-1,
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+ -0.088702754 0 -0.99605814,-0.11374557 0.0033099906 -0.9935044,
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+ -0.99247586 0.0025546881 -0.12241377,-0.99839641 0 -0.056609206,
+ -0.99412172 0.0029311399 -0.1082285,-0.26239475 0.0034018773 -0.96495462,
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+ -0.86307667 0.0024340629 -0.50506707,-0.9622243 0.0026750718 -0.2722448] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.97047244 1.2834646 -0.11811024,0.97047244 1.2834646 -0.059055118,
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+ 3,1,0,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_280 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_281 Coordinate { point [
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+ 0.96256056 1.2834646 -0.029527559,0.96846019 1.2834646 -0.043770529,
+ 0.97047244 1.2834646 -0.059055118,0.91141732 1.1653543 0,
+ 0.92670191 1.1653543 -0.0020122544,0.94094488 1.1653543 -0.0079118856,
+ 0.9531756 1.1653543 -0.017296844,0.96256056 1.1653543 -0.029527559,
+ 0.96846019 1.1653543 -0.043770529,0.97047244 1.1653543 -0.059055118] }
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+ 12,5,6,-1,12,6,13,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,1,2,-1,8,2,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
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+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
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+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,-0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ -0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,-0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,
+ -0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_282 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_282 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.91141732 1.2834646 0,0.89173228 1.2834646 0,
+ 0.89173228 1.1653543 0,0.91141732 1.1653543 0] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_282 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_283 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_283 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_283 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.8477152 1.2834646 -0.019685039,0.85690204 1.2834646 -0.011364859,
+ 0.86762313 1.2834646 -0.0051454176,0.87940623 1.2834646 -0.001300678,
+ 0.89173228 1.2834646 0,0.8477152 1.1653543 -0.019685039,
+ 0.85690204 1.1653543 -0.011364859,0.86762313 1.1653543 -0.0051454176,
+ 0.87940623 1.1653543 -0.001300678,0.89173228 1.1653543 0] }
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+ 8,3,4,-1,8,4,9,-1,7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1,6,1,2,-1,6,2,7,-1,5,0,1,-1,5,1,6,-1]
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+ 0.67128054 0 -0.74120337,0.61781525 0 -0.78632329,
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+ 0.10494002 0 -0.99447855,0.67128054 0 -0.74120337,
+ 0.56104013 0 -0.8277886,0.3759063 0 -0.92665768,
+ 0.17421394 0 -0.98470783,0.10494002 0 -0.99447855] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_284 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.4980315 1.2834646 0,0.51035755 1.2834646 -0.001300678,
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+ 0.54204858 1.2834646 -0.019685039,0.4980315 1.1653543 0,
+ 0.51035755 1.1653543 -0.001300678,0.52214065 1.1653543 -0.0051454176,
+ 0.53286174 1.1653543 -0.011364859,0.54204858 1.1653543 -0.019685039] }
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+ 8,2,3,-1,8,3,4,-1,8,4,9,-1,7,1,2,-1,7,2,8,-1,6,1,7,-1,5,0,1,-1,5,1,6,-1]
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+ -0.10494002 0 -0.99447855,-0.20872119 0 -0.97797519,
+ -0.44008565 0 -0.8979558,-0.58979221 0 -0.80755505,
+ -0.67128054 0 -0.74120337,-0.10494002 0 -0.99447855,
+ -0.20872119 0 -0.97797519,-0.3759063 0 -0.92665768,
+ -0.58979221 0 -0.80755505,-0.67128054 0 -0.74120337] }
+DEF SHAPE_285 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_285 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_285 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.4980315 1.2834646 0,0.47834646 1.2834646 0,
+ 0.47834646 1.1653543 0,0.4980315 1.1653543 0] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_285 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_286 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_286 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_286 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.41929134 1.2834646 -0.059055118,0.42130359 1.2834646 -0.043770529,
+ 0.42720322 1.2834646 -0.029527559,0.43658818 1.2834646 -0.017296844,
+ 0.4488189 1.2834646 -0.0079118856,0.46306187 1.2834646 -0.0020122544,
+ 0.47834646 1.2834646 0,0.41929134 1.1653543 -0.059055118,
+ 0.42130359 1.1653543 -0.043770529,0.42720322 1.1653543 -0.029527559,
+ 0.43658818 1.1653543 -0.017296844,0.4488189 1.1653543 -0.0079118856,
+ 0.46306187 1.1653543 -0.0020122544,0.47834646 1.1653543 0] }
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+ 12,5,6,-1,12,6,13,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,1,2,-1,8,2,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
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+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ 0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,
+ 0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,
+ 0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,0.13052619 0 -0.99144486] }
+DEF SHAPE_287 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_287 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_287 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.41929134 1.2834646 -0.059055118,0.41929134 1.2834646 -0.078740157,
+ 0.41929134 1.1653543 -0.078740157,0.41929134 1.1653543 -0.059055118] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_287 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_288 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_288 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_288 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.36023622 1.2047244 -0.13779528,0.36023622 1.2440945 -0.13779528,
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+ 0.41591392 1.2834646 -0.098425197,0.41929134 1.2834646 -0.078740157,
+ 0.41891284 1.2834646 -0.085415562,0.4177822 1.2834646 -0.092005399,
+ 0.41929134 1.1653543 -0.078740157,0.41891284 1.1653543 -0.085415562,
+ 0.4177822 1.1653543 -0.092005399,0.41591392 1.1653543 -0.098425197,
+ 0.40670901 1.1821081 -0.11517896,0.3963339 1.1924075 -0.12547841,
+ 0.38466716 1.1994339 -0.1325048,0.37327065 1.203268 -0.13633886,
+ 0.3667002 1.2043696 -0.13744045] }
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+ 20,0,1,-1,20,1,2,-1,19,2,3,-1,19,20,2,-1,18,3,4,-1,18,19,3,-1,17,4,5,-1,17,18,4,-1,
+ 16,5,6,-1,16,6,7,-1,16,17,5,-1,15,7,8,-1,15,16,7,-1,14,8,11,-1,14,15,8,-1,13,11,10,-1,
+ 13,14,11,-1,12,10,9,-1,12,13,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.054810728 0 -0.99849676,0.075653541 0.0034037337 -0.99712835,
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+ 0.52527768 0.00013989053 -0.85093087,0.69059179 -0.00062209951 -0.72324449,
+ 0.79128022 9.1651048e-05 -0.61145368,0.88057114 -0.004253538 -0.4738949,
+ 0.94455296 0 -0.32835912,0.99839641 0 -0.056609206,
+ 0.9955494 0 -0.094241117,0.978516 0 -0.20617088,
+ 0.99839641 0 -0.056609206,0.99127736 0 -0.13179223,
+ 0.97002668 0 -0.24299842,0.90647238 -0.0039210677 -0.4222469,
+ 0.81071108 -0.004412885 -0.58542982,0.61809281 -0.0033014099 -0.7860982,
+ 0.43480502 -0.0030825198 -0.90051935,0.26735928 -0.0013434828 -0.96359598,
+ 0.10156382 0.0017909678 -0.99482741] }
+DEF SHAPE_289 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_289 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.36023622 1.2047244 -0.13779528,-0.36023622 1.2047244 -0.13779528,
+ 0.36023622 1.2440945 -0.13779528,-0.36023622 1.2440945 -0.13779528] }
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+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_289 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_290 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.41929134 1.2834646 -0.078740157,-0.41891284 1.2834646 -0.085415562,
+ -0.4177822 1.2834646 -0.092005399,-0.41591392 1.2834646 -0.098425197,
+ -0.40670901 1.2667108 -0.11517896,-0.3963339 1.2564113 -0.12547841,
+ -0.38466716 1.249385 -0.1325048,-0.37327065 1.2455509 -0.13633886,
+ -0.3667002 1.2444493 -0.13744045,-0.36023622 1.2440945 -0.13779528,
+ -0.36023622 1.2047244 -0.13779528,-0.37067163 1.2037951 -0.13686596,
+ -0.38118161 1.2008852 -0.13395608,-0.39120087 1.1959554 -0.12902631,
+ -0.40016283 1.1891822 -0.12225306,-0.40760002 1.1809422 -0.11401306,
+ -0.41241747 1.1733211 -0.10639199,-0.41591392 1.1653543 -0.098425197,
+ -0.41929134 1.1653543 -0.078740157,-0.41891284 1.1653543 -0.085415562,
+ -0.4177822 1.1653543 -0.092005399] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 19,0,1,-1,19,18,0,-1,20,1,2,-1,20,19,1,-1,17,2,3,-1,17,20,2,-1,16,3,4,-1,16,17,3,-1,
+ 15,16,4,-1,14,4,5,-1,14,15,4,-1,13,5,6,-1,13,14,5,-1,12,6,7,-1,12,13,6,-1,11,7,8,-1,
+ 11,12,7,-1,10,8,9,-1,10,11,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.99839641 0 -0.056609206,-0.99127736 0 -0.13179223,
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+ -0.81071108 0.004412885 -0.58542982,-0.61809281 0.0033014099 -0.7860982,
+ -0.43480502 0.0030825198 -0.90051935,-0.26735928 0.0013434828 -0.96359598,
+ -0.10156382 -0.0017909678 -0.99482741,-0.054810728 0 -0.99849676,
+ -0.075653541 -0.0034037337 -0.99712835,-0.17780451 -0.0032215828 -0.98406056,
+ -0.34633322 -0.00093848144 -0.93811109,-0.52527768 -0.00013989053 -0.85093087,
+ -0.69059179 0.00062209951 -0.72324449,-0.79128022 -9.1651048e-05 -0.61145368,
+ -0.88057114 0.004253538 -0.4738949,-0.94455296 0 -0.32835912,
+ -0.99839641 0 -0.056609206,-0.9955494 0 -0.094241117,
+ -0.978516 0 -0.20617088] }
+DEF SHAPE_291 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_291 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.41929134 1.1653543 -0.078740157,-0.41929134 1.2834646 -0.078740157,
+ -0.41929134 1.1653543 -0.059055118,-0.41929134 1.2834646 -0.059055118] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_291 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_292 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ -0.94094488 1.1653543 -0.0079118856,-0.9531756 1.1653543 -0.017296844,
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+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.9763442 0 -0.21622209] }
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+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 8,9,10,-1,8,10,11,-1,7,8,11,-1,6,11,12,-1,6,7,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,5,6,12,-1,4,13,14,-1,
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+ -1.0295276 1.2047244 -0.17716535,-1.0295276 1.2834646 -0.17716535,
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_301 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2559055 1.2047244 -0.17716535,-1.2559055 1.2834646 -0.17716535,
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+ -1.464171 1.1502267 -0.17716535,-1.5155329 1.2114374 -0.17716535,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,6,2,3,-1,6,1,2,-1,7,3,4,-1,7,6,3,-1,5,7,4,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ -1.6417323 0.67322835 -0.17716535,-1.6417323 0.67322835 -0.019685039,
+ -1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.17716535,-1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.019685039] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.6417323 -0.098425197 -0.25590551,-1.7598425 -0.098425197 -0.25590551,
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.6417323 -0.1476378 -0.24271904,-1.6417323 -0.12389951 -0.25255175,
+ -1.7598425 -0.19685039 -0.15748031,-1.7598425 -0.19349664 -0.18295463,
+ -1.7598425 -0.18366392 -0.20669291,-1.7598425 -0.16802232 -0.22707744,
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+ 6,5,11,-1,7,6,13,-1,0,13,1,-1,0,7,13,-1]
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+ 0 -0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 -0.13052619 -0.99144486,
+ 0 -0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 -0.96592583 -0.25881905,
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+ 0 -0.5 -0.8660254,0 -0.25881905 -0.96592583,
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+ 0 -0.5 -0.8660254,0 -0.25881905 -0.96592583] }
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+ -1.6417323 -0.19685039 -0.15748031,-1.7598425 -0.19685039 -0.15748031,
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -1.6417323 -0.19685039 0.15748031,-1.7598425 -0.19685039 0.15748031,
+ -1.6417323 -0.098425197 0.25590551,-1.6417323 -0.12389951 0.25255175,
+ -1.6417323 -0.1476378 0.24271904,-1.6417323 -0.16802232 0.22707744,
+ -1.6417323 -0.18366392 0.20669291,-1.6417323 -0.19349664 0.18295463,
+ -1.7598425 -0.098425197 0.25590551,-1.7598425 -0.12389951 0.25255175,
+ -1.7598425 -0.1476378 0.24271904,-1.7598425 -0.16802232 0.22707744,
+ -1.7598425 -0.18366392 0.20669291,-1.7598425 -0.19349664 0.18295463] }
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+ 6,5,12,-1,7,13,1,-1,7,6,13,-1,0,7,1,-1]
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+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.25881905 0.96592583,
+ 0 -0.5 0.8660254,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.25881905 0.96592583,
+ 0 -0.5 0.8660254,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_307 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 -0.098425197 0.25590551,-1.7598425 -0.098425197 0.25590551,
+ -1.6417323 0.48425197 0.25590551,-1.7598425 0.48425197 0.25590551] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_308 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7598425 0.48425197 0.25590551,-1.7598425 0.49953656 0.25791777,
+ -1.7598425 0.51377953 0.2638174,-1.7598425 0.52601024 0.27320236,
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+ -1.7598425 0.54330709 0.31496063,-1.6417323 0.54330709 0.31496063,
+ -1.6417323 0.48425197 0.25590551,-1.6417323 0.49953656 0.25791777,
+ -1.6417323 0.51377953 0.2638174,-1.6417323 0.52601024 0.27320236,
+ -1.6417323 0.5353952 0.28543307,-1.6417323 0.54129483 0.29967604] }
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+ 8,1,0,-1,9,1,8,-1,10,2,1,-1,10,1,9,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,10,-1,12,4,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.25881905 0.96592583,
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+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.25881905 0.96592583,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
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+ coord DEF COORD_309 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 0.31496063,-1.7598425 0.54330709 0.31496063,
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+ -1.7598425 0.54330709 0.61023622] }
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+ 1,3,4,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_310 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7204724 0.54330709 0.61023622,-1.7598425 0.54330709 0.61023622,
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+ -1.6798028 0.51008858 0.6496063,-1.7583023 0.50393701 0.6496063,
+ -1.7598459 0.54203039 0.62016081,-1.7598185 0.53793117 0.63008595,
+ -1.7597124 0.53185797 0.63799272,-1.7594606 0.52380779 0.64422434,
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+ 0,10,1,-1,0,11,10,-1,2,12,11,-1,2,13,12,-1,2,11,0,-1,3,14,13,-1,3,13,2,-1,4,9,14,-1,
+ 4,14,3,-1,5,9,4,-1,6,9,5,-1,7,9,6,-1,8,9,7,-1]
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+ -0.00023803244 -0.97284342 -0.23146411,0 -0.99182721 -0.12758838,
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+ -0.052427023 -0.70717297 -0.70509418,-0.02488265 -0.64722261 -0.76189484,
+ -0.016907951 -0.44682601 -0.89446109] }
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+ -1.6798028 0.51008858 0.6496063,-1.7583023 0.50393701 0.6496063,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ -1.6539597 0.39382382 0.6496063,-1.6503445 0.38708333 0.65055175,
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+ 0.42835443 -0.85594569 -0.28960224] }
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+ -1.7109494 0.32677165 0.68897638,-1.7109494 0.32677165 0.84645669,
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+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.6381994 0.36139019 0.84645669,-1.7109494 0.32677165 0.84645669,
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+ 0.42631754 -0.89589577 -0.12499649,0.42627785 -0.8960053 -0.12434508,
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+ 0.17152009 -0.31326859 -0.93404692,0.069636105 -0.12145824 -0.99015085] }
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+ -1.6221988 0.32738681 0.88582677,-1.6900309 0.28740157 0.88582677,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.13779528 0.039370079 0.6496063,-1.1220472 0.039370079 0.6496063,
+ -1.1220472 0.15748031 0.6496063,-0.13779528 0.15748031 0.6496063] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_318 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_318 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.13779528 0.15748031 0.6496063,-0.13779528 0.039370079 0.6496063,
+ -0.13779528 0.15748031 1.1198179,-0.13779528 0.039370079 1.1198179] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ -0.049212598 0.039370079 1.1709612,-0.063455568 0.039370079 1.1768608,
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+ -0.063455568 0.15748031 1.1768608,-0.078740157 0.15748031 1.1788731,
+ -0.094024747 0.15748031 1.1768608,-0.10826772 0.15748031 1.1709612,
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+ -0.13578302 0.15748031 1.1351025,-0.13779528 0.15748031 1.1198179] }
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+ 16,7,8,-1,16,8,17,-1,15,6,7,-1,15,7,16,-1,14,5,6,-1,14,6,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,
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+ -0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
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+ -0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,
+ 0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,
+ 0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619] }
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+ -0.049212598 0.15748031 1.1709612,-0.049212598 0.039370079 1.1709612,
+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 1.0288966,0.19685039 0.039370079 1.0288966] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.5 0 -0.8660254,-0.5 0 -0.8660254,
+ -0.5 0 -0.8660254,-0.5 0 -0.8660254] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 1.0288966,0.19685039 0.039370079 1.0288966,
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+ 0.25590551 0.039370079 1.0629921,0.25456401 0.039370079 1.0528024,
+ 0.25063092 0.039370079 1.0433071,0.24437428 0.039370079 1.0351533,
+ 0.23622047 0.039370079 1.0288966,0.22672516 0.039370079 1.0249636,
+ 0.21653543 0.039370079 1.023622,0.20634571 0.039370079 1.0249636] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,3,10,11,-1,3,11,12,-1,4,12,13,-1,4,3,12,-1,5,13,14,-1,5,4,13,-1,6,14,15,-1,
+ 6,5,14,-1,7,15,16,-1,7,6,15,-1,8,16,17,-1,8,7,16,-1,9,17,1,-1,9,8,17,-1,0,9,1,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_321 Normal { vector [
+ -0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,-0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,
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+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.96592583 0 -0.25881905,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_322 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.25590551 0.15748031 1.0629921,0.25590551 0.039370079 1.0629921,
+ 0.25590551 0.15748031 1.5601936,0.25590551 0.039370079 1.5601936] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_322 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_323 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_323 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.25590551 0.15748031 1.5601936,0.25590551 0.039370079 1.5601936,
+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 1.5942891,0.20634571 0.15748031 1.5982222,
+ 0.21653543 0.15748031 1.5995637,0.22672516 0.15748031 1.5982222,
+ 0.23622047 0.15748031 1.5942891,0.24437428 0.15748031 1.5880324,
+ 0.25063092 0.15748031 1.5798786,0.25456401 0.15748031 1.5703833,
+ 0.19685039 0.039370079 1.5942891,0.20634571 0.039370079 1.5982222,
+ 0.21653543 0.039370079 1.5995637,0.22672516 0.039370079 1.5982222,
+ 0.23622047 0.039370079 1.5942891,0.24437428 0.039370079 1.5880324,
+ 0.25063092 0.039370079 1.5798786,0.25456401 0.039370079 1.5703833] }
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+ 2,10,11,-1,3,11,12,-1,3,2,11,-1,4,12,13,-1,4,3,12,-1,5,13,14,-1,5,4,13,-1,6,14,15,-1,
+ 6,5,14,-1,7,15,16,-1,7,6,15,-1,8,16,17,-1,8,7,16,-1,9,8,17,-1,0,17,1,-1,0,9,17,-1]
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+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
+ -0.38268343 0 0.92387953,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 0.84327172,0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 0.46155098,0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
+ -0.38268343 0 0.92387953,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ -0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.96592583 0 0.25881905] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_324 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 1.5942891,0.19685039 0.039370079 1.5942891,
+ -0.049212598 0.15748031 1.4522245,-0.049212598 0.039370079 1.4522245] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ -0.5 0 0.8660254,-0.5 0 0.8660254,
+ -0.5 0 0.8660254,-0.5 0 0.8660254] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.13779528 0.039370079 1.5033678,-0.13578302 0.039370079 1.4880832,
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+ -0.10826772 0.039370079 1.4522245,-0.094024747 0.039370079 1.4463249,
+ -0.078740157 0.039370079 1.4443127,-0.063455568 0.039370079 1.4463249,
+ -0.049212598 0.039370079 1.4522245,-0.13779528 0.15748031 1.5033678,
+ -0.13578302 0.15748031 1.4880832,-0.12988339 0.15748031 1.4738402,
+ -0.12049843 0.15748031 1.4616095,-0.10826772 0.15748031 1.4522245,
+ -0.094024747 0.15748031 1.4463249,-0.078740157 0.15748031 1.4443127,
+ -0.063455568 0.15748031 1.4463249,-0.049212598 0.15748031 1.4522245] }
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+ 16,7,8,-1,16,8,17,-1,15,6,7,-1,15,7,16,-1,14,5,6,-1,14,6,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,
+ 12,3,4,-1,12,4,13,-1,11,2,3,-1,11,3,12,-1,10,0,1,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,10,-1]
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+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
+ 0.88711369 0 0.46155098,0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 0.84327172,0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ 0.04384197 0 0.99903848,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ -0.38268343 0 0.92387953,0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
+ 0.96592583 0 0.25881905,0.84327172 0 0.5374875,
+ 0.67542593 0 0.73742784,0.46155098 0 0.88711369,
+ 0.21622209 0 0.9763442,-0.04384197 0 0.99903848,
+ -0.30091828 0 0.95364993,-0.38268343 0 0.92387953] }
+DEF SHAPE_326 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.13779528 0.15748031 1.5033678,-0.13779528 0.039370079 1.5033678,
+ -0.13779528 0.15748031 2.0005692,-0.13779528 0.039370079 2.0005692] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_327 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.049212598 0.039370079 2.0517125,-0.063455568 0.039370079 2.0576121,
+ -0.078740157 0.039370079 2.0596244,-0.094024747 0.039370079 2.0576121,
+ -0.10826772 0.039370079 2.0517125,-0.12049843 0.039370079 2.0423275,
+ -0.12988339 0.039370079 2.0300968,-0.13578302 0.039370079 2.0158538,
+ -0.13779528 0.039370079 2.0005692,-0.049212598 0.15748031 2.0517125,
+ -0.063455568 0.15748031 2.0576121,-0.078740157 0.15748031 2.0596244,
+ -0.094024747 0.15748031 2.0576121,-0.10826772 0.15748031 2.0517125,
+ -0.12049843 0.15748031 2.0423275,-0.12988339 0.15748031 2.0300968,
+ -0.13578302 0.15748031 2.0158538,-0.13779528 0.15748031 2.0005692] }
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+ 16,6,7,-1,16,7,8,-1,16,8,17,-1,15,6,16,-1,14,5,6,-1,14,6,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,
+ 12,3,4,-1,12,4,13,-1,11,2,3,-1,11,3,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1]
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+ -0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ -0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.8660254 0 -0.5,0.96592583 0 -0.25881905,
+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,
+ -0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,
+ 0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,0.8660254 0 -0.5,
+ 0.96592583 0 -0.25881905,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_328 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_328 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.049212598 0.15748031 2.0517125,-0.049212598 0.039370079 2.0517125,
+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 1.9096479,0.19685039 0.039370079 1.9096479] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.5 0 -0.8660254,-0.5 0 -0.8660254,
+ -0.5 0 -0.8660254,-0.5 0 -0.8660254] }
+DEF SHAPE_329 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_329 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_329 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 1.9096479,0.19685039 0.039370079 1.9096479,
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+ 0.23622047 0.15748031 1.9096479,0.22672516 0.15748031 1.9057148,
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+ 0.25590551 0.039370079 1.9437434,0.25456401 0.039370079 1.9335537,
+ 0.25063092 0.039370079 1.9240584,0.24437428 0.039370079 1.9159046,
+ 0.23622047 0.039370079 1.9096479,0.22672516 0.039370079 1.9057148,
+ 0.21653543 0.039370079 1.9043733,0.20634571 0.039370079 1.9057148] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,3,10,11,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,13,14,-1,6,5,13,-1,
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+ -0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,-0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,
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+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_330 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_330 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.25590551 0.15748031 1.9437434,0.25590551 0.039370079 1.9437434,
+ 0.25590551 0.15748031 2.4409449,0.25590551 0.039370079 2.4409449] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_330 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_331 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_331 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_331 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.25590551 0.15748031 2.4409449,0.25590551 0.039370079 2.4409449,
+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 2.4750404,0.20634571 0.15748031 2.4789735,
+ 0.21653543 0.15748031 2.480315,0.22672516 0.15748031 2.4789735,
+ 0.23622047 0.15748031 2.4750404,0.24437428 0.15748031 2.4687837,
+ 0.25063092 0.15748031 2.4606299,0.25456401 0.15748031 2.4511346,
+ 0.19685039 0.039370079 2.4750404,0.20634571 0.039370079 2.4789735,
+ 0.21653543 0.039370079 2.480315,0.22672516 0.039370079 2.4789735,
+ 0.23622047 0.039370079 2.4750404,0.24437428 0.039370079 2.4687837,
+ 0.25063092 0.039370079 2.4606299,0.25456401 0.039370079 2.4511346] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,3,10,11,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,13,14,-1,6,5,13,-1,
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+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
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+ -0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.95364993 0 0.30091828,
+ -0.38268343 0 0.92387953,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 0.84327172,0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 0.46155098,0.9763442 0 0.21622209] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_332 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_332 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19685039 0.15748031 2.4750404,0.19685039 0.039370079 2.4750404,
+ -0.049212598 0.15748031 2.3329758,-0.049212598 0.039370079 2.3329758] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_332 Normal { vector [
+ -0.5 0 0.8660254,-0.5 0 0.8660254,
+ -0.5 0 0.8660254,-0.5 0 0.8660254] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_333 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_333 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.13779528 0.039370079 2.3841191,-0.13578302 0.039370079 2.3688345,
+ -0.12988339 0.039370079 2.3545915,-0.12049843 0.039370079 2.3423608,
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+ -0.078740157 0.039370079 2.3250639,-0.063455568 0.039370079 2.3270762,
+ -0.049212598 0.039370079 2.3329758,-0.13779528 0.15748031 2.3841191,
+ -0.13578302 0.15748031 2.3688345,-0.12988339 0.15748031 2.3545915,
+ -0.12049843 0.15748031 2.3423608,-0.10826772 0.15748031 2.3329758,
+ -0.094024747 0.15748031 2.3270762,-0.078740157 0.15748031 2.3250639,
+ -0.063455568 0.15748031 2.3270762,-0.049212598 0.15748031 2.3329758] }
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+ 16,7,8,-1,16,8,17,-1,15,6,7,-1,15,7,16,-1,14,5,6,-1,14,6,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,
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+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.9763442 0 0.21622209,
+ 0.88711369 0 0.46155098,0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 0.84327172,0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ 0.04384197 0 0.99903848,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ -0.38268343 0 0.92387953,0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
+ 0.95364993 0 0.30091828,0.84327172 0 0.5374875,
+ 0.67542593 0 0.73742784,0.46155098 0 0.88711369,
+ 0.21622209 0 0.9763442,-0.04384197 0 0.99903848,
+ -0.30091828 0 0.95364993,-0.38268343 0 0.92387953] }
+DEF SHAPE_334 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_334 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_334 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.13779528 0.15748031 2.6920781,-0.13779528 0.15748031 2.3841191,
+ -0.13779528 0.098425197 2.8543307,-0.13779528 0.039370079 2.8543307,
+ -0.13779528 0.039370079 2.3841191] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,4,0,3,-1,1,0,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_334 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_335 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_335 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_335 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.13779528 0.098425197 2.8543307,-0.13779528 0.039370079 2.8543307,
+ -1.2559055 0.098425197 2.8543307,-1.2559055 0.039370079 2.8543307] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_335 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_336 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_336 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_336 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7598425 0.54330709 2.8543307,-1.7426713 0.41287859 2.8543307,
+ -1.6923278 0.29133858 2.8543307,-1.6122428 0.18696981 2.8543307,
+ -1.507874 0.10688484 2.8543307,-1.386334 0.056541316 2.8543307,
+ -1.2559055 0.039370079 2.8543307,-1.7007874 0.54330709 2.8543307,
+ -1.2559055 0.098425197 2.8543307,-1.3710494 0.11358418 2.8543307,
+ -1.4783465 0.15802807 2.8543307,-1.5704845 0.22872809 2.8543307,
+ -1.6411845 0.32086614 2.8543307,-1.6856284 0.42816318 2.8543307] }
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+ 9,5,6,-1,9,6,8,-1,10,4,5,-1,10,5,9,-1,11,4,10,-1,3,4,11,-1,12,3,11,-1,2,3,12,-1,
+ 13,2,12,-1,1,2,13,-1,7,1,13,-1,0,1,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_336 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_337 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_337 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_337 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7007874 0.54330709 2.8543307,-1.7598425 0.54330709 2.8543307,
+ -1.7007874 0.77952756 2.8543307,-1.7598425 0.77952756 2.8543307] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_337 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_338 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_338 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_338 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2559055 1.2834646 2.8543307,-1.386334 1.2662933 2.8543307,
+ -1.507874 1.2159498 2.8543307,-1.6122428 1.1358648 2.8543307,
+ -1.6923278 1.0314961 2.8543307,-1.7426713 0.90995605 2.8543307,
+ -1.7598425 0.77952756 2.8543307,-1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307,
+ -1.7007874 0.77952756 2.8543307,-1.6856284 0.89467146 2.8543307,
+ -1.6411845 1.0019685 2.8543307,-1.5704845 1.0941066 2.8543307,
+ -1.4783465 1.1648066 2.8543307,-1.3710494 1.2092505 2.8543307] }
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+ 9,6,8,-1,1,7,0,-1,1,13,7,-1,5,9,10,-1,5,6,9,-1,2,12,13,-1,2,13,1,-1,4,10,11,-1,
+ 4,5,10,-1,3,11,12,-1,3,12,2,-1,3,4,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_338 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_339 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_339 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307,-1.2559055 1.2834646 2.8543307,
+ 1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307,1.2559055 1.2834646 2.8543307] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_339 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_340 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_340 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_340 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7598425 0.77952756 2.8543307,1.7426713 0.90995605 2.8543307,
+ 1.6923278 1.0314961 2.8543307,1.6122428 1.1358648 2.8543307,
+ 1.507874 1.2159498 2.8543307,1.386334 1.2662933 2.8543307,
+ 1.2559055 1.2834646 2.8543307,1.7007874 0.77952756 2.8543307,
+ 1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307,1.3710494 1.2092505 2.8543307,
+ 1.4783465 1.1648066 2.8543307,1.5704845 1.0941066 2.8543307,
+ 1.6411845 1.0019685 2.8543307,1.6856284 0.89467146 2.8543307] }
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+ 13,0,1,-1,13,7,0,-1,12,1,2,-1,12,13,1,-1,3,11,12,-1,3,12,2,-1,4,10,11,-1,4,11,3,-1,
+ 9,10,4,-1,5,9,4,-1,6,8,9,-1,6,9,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_340 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_341 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_341 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_341 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7007874 0.77952756 2.8543307,1.7598425 0.77952756 2.8543307,
+ 1.7007874 0.54330709 2.8543307,1.7598425 0.54330709 2.8543307] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_341 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_342 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_342 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_342 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2559055 0.039370079 2.8543307,1.386334 0.056541316 2.8543307,
+ 1.507874 0.10688484 2.8543307,1.6122428 0.18696981 2.8543307,
+ 1.6923278 0.29133858 2.8543307,1.7426713 0.41287859 2.8543307,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 2.8543307,1.2559055 0.098425197 2.8543307,
+ 1.7007874 0.54330709 2.8543307,1.6856284 0.42816318 2.8543307,
+ 1.6411845 0.32086614 2.8543307,1.5704845 0.22872809 2.8543307,
+ 1.4783465 0.15802807 2.8543307,1.3710494 0.11358418 2.8543307] }
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+ 11,3,4,-1,10,4,5,-1,10,11,4,-1,12,2,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,9,10,5,-1,13,1,2,-1,13,2,12,-1,
+ 6,9,5,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,13,-1,8,9,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_342 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_343 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_343 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_343 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2559055 0.098425197 2.8543307,1.2559055 0.039370079 2.8543307,
+ -0.11811024 0.098425197 2.8543307,-0.11811024 0.039370079 2.8543307] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_343 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_344 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_344 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_344 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.11811024 0.098425197 2.8543307,-0.11811024 0.039370079 2.8543307,
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 2.6920781,-0.11811024 0.15748031 2.3841191,
+ -0.11811024 0.039370079 2.3841191] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,4,-1,1,2,4,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_344 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_345 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_345 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_345 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 2.3841191,-0.11811024 0.039370079 2.3841191,
+ -0.059055118 0.15748031 2.3500236,-0.068550431 0.15748031 2.3460905,
+ -0.078740157 0.15748031 2.344749,-0.088929884 0.15748031 2.3460905,
+ -0.098425197 0.15748031 2.3500236,-0.10657901 0.15748031 2.3562802,
+ -0.11283565 0.15748031 2.364434,-0.11676873 0.15748031 2.3739293,
+ -0.059055118 0.039370079 2.3500236,-0.068550431 0.039370079 2.3460905,
+ -0.078740157 0.039370079 2.344749,-0.088929884 0.039370079 2.3460905,
+ -0.098425197 0.039370079 2.3500236,-0.10657901 0.039370079 2.3562802,
+ -0.11283565 0.039370079 2.364434,-0.11676873 0.039370079 2.3739293] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,3,10,11,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,5,13,14,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,14,15,-1,
+ 6,5,14,-1,7,15,16,-1,7,6,15,-1,8,16,17,-1,8,7,16,-1,9,17,1,-1,9,8,17,-1,0,9,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_345 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ 0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.25881905 0 -0.96592583,
+ -0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,-0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ -0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,-0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,
+ 0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.25881905 0 -0.96592583,
+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.95364993 0 -0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_346 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_346 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_346 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.059055118 0.15748031 2.3500236,-0.059055118 0.039370079 2.3500236,
+ 0.18700787 0.15748031 2.4920881,0.18700787 0.039370079 2.4920881] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_346 Normal { vector [
+ 0.5 0 -0.8660254,0.5 0 -0.8660254,
+ 0.5 0 -0.8660254,0.5 0 -0.8660254] }
+DEF SHAPE_347 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_347 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_347 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.27559055 0.039370079 2.4409449,0.2735783 0.039370079 2.4562295,
+ 0.26767867 0.039370079 2.4704724,0.25829371 0.039370079 2.4827032,
+ 0.24606299 0.039370079 2.4920881,0.23182002 0.039370079 2.4979877,
+ 0.21653543 0.039370079 2.5,0.20125084 0.039370079 2.4979877,
+ 0.18700787 0.039370079 2.4920881,0.27559055 0.15748031 2.4409449,
+ 0.2735783 0.15748031 2.4562295,0.26767867 0.15748031 2.4704724,
+ 0.25829371 0.15748031 2.4827032,0.24606299 0.15748031 2.4920881,
+ 0.23182002 0.15748031 2.4979877,0.21653543 0.15748031 2.5,
+ 0.20125084 0.15748031 2.4979877,0.18700787 0.15748031 2.4920881] }
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+ 17,7,8,-1,16,6,7,-1,16,7,17,-1,15,5,6,-1,15,6,16,-1,14,4,5,-1,14,5,15,-1,13,3,4,-1,
+ 13,4,14,-1,12,2,3,-1,12,3,13,-1,11,2,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1]
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+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ -0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,-0.8660254 0 -0.5,
+ -0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,-0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ -0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,-0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,
+ 0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,0.38268343 0 -0.92387953] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_348 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.27559055 0.15748031 2.4409449,0.27559055 0.039370079 2.4409449,
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.26767867 0.039370079 1.9142159,0.2735783 0.039370079 1.9284588,
+ 0.27559055 0.039370079 1.9437434,0.18700787 0.15748031 1.8926002,
+ 0.20125084 0.15748031 1.8867006,0.21653543 0.15748031 1.8846883,
+ 0.23182002 0.15748031 1.8867006,0.24606299 0.15748031 1.8926002,
+ 0.25829371 0.15748031 1.9019851,0.26767867 0.15748031 1.9142159,
+ 0.2735783 0.15748031 1.9284588,0.27559055 0.15748031 1.9437434] }
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+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.38268343 0 0.92387953,
+ 0.30091828 0 0.95364993,0.04384197 0 0.99903848,
+ -0.25881905 0 0.96592583,-0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ -0.73742784 0 0.67542593,-0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ -0.9763442 0 0.21622209,-0.99144486 0 0.13052619] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.18700787 0.15748031 1.8926002,0.18700787 0.039370079 1.8926002,
+ -0.059055118 0.15748031 2.0346647,-0.059055118 0.039370079 2.0346647] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0.5 0 0.8660254,0.5 0 0.8660254,
+ 0.5 0 0.8660254,0.5 0 0.8660254] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.059055118 0.15748031 2.0346647,-0.059055118 0.039370079 2.0346647,
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+ -0.098425197 0.15748031 2.0346647,-0.088929884 0.15748031 2.0385978,
+ -0.078740157 0.15748031 2.0399393,-0.068550431 0.15748031 2.0385978,
+ -0.11811024 0.039370079 2.0005692,-0.11676873 0.039370079 2.010759,
+ -0.11283565 0.039370079 2.0202543,-0.10657901 0.039370079 2.0284081,
+ -0.098425197 0.039370079 2.0346647,-0.088929884 0.039370079 2.0385978,
+ -0.078740157 0.039370079 2.0399393,-0.068550431 0.039370079 2.0385978] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,3,10,11,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,13,14,-1,6,5,13,-1,
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+ -0.88711369 0 0.46155098,-0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ -0.5374875 0 0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ -0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.95364993 0 0.30091828,
+ -0.84327172 0 0.5374875,-0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ -0.46155098 0 0.88711369,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.30091828 0 0.95364993] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_352 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_352 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 2.0005692,-0.11811024 0.039370079 2.0005692,
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 1.5033678,-0.11811024 0.039370079 1.5033678] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_352 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_353 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_353 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 1.5033678,-0.11811024 0.039370079 1.5033678,
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+ -0.078740157 0.15748031 1.4639977,-0.088929884 0.15748031 1.4653392,
+ -0.098425197 0.15748031 1.4692723,-0.10657901 0.15748031 1.4755289,
+ -0.11283565 0.15748031 1.4836827,-0.11676873 0.15748031 1.493178,
+ -0.059055118 0.039370079 1.4692723,-0.068550431 0.039370079 1.4653392,
+ -0.078740157 0.039370079 1.4639977,-0.088929884 0.039370079 1.4653392,
+ -0.098425197 0.039370079 1.4692723,-0.10657901 0.039370079 1.4755289,
+ -0.11283565 0.039370079 1.4836827,-0.11676873 0.039370079 1.493178] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,3,10,11,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,13,14,-1,6,5,13,-1,
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+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
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+ 0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
+ 0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ -0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,-0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ -0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,-0.9763442 0 -0.21622209] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_354 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.059055118 0.15748031 1.4692723,-0.059055118 0.039370079 1.4692723,
+ 0.18700787 0.15748031 1.6113368,0.18700787 0.039370079 1.6113368] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.5 0 -0.8660254,0.5 0 -0.8660254,
+ 0.5 0 -0.8660254,0.5 0 -0.8660254] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_355 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.27559055 0.039370079 1.5601936,0.2735783 0.039370079 1.5754782,
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+ 0.21653543 0.039370079 1.6192487,0.20125084 0.039370079 1.6172365,
+ 0.18700787 0.039370079 1.6113368,0.27559055 0.15748031 1.5601936,
+ 0.2735783 0.15748031 1.5754782,0.26767867 0.15748031 1.5897211,
+ 0.25829371 0.15748031 1.6019519,0.24606299 0.15748031 1.6113368,
+ 0.23182002 0.15748031 1.6172365,0.21653543 0.15748031 1.6192487,
+ 0.20125084 0.15748031 1.6172365,0.18700787 0.15748031 1.6113368] }
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+ 17,7,8,-1,16,6,7,-1,16,7,17,-1,15,5,6,-1,15,6,16,-1,14,4,5,-1,14,5,15,-1,13,3,4,-1,
+ 13,4,14,-1,12,2,3,-1,12,3,13,-1,11,2,12,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,1,-1,9,1,10,-1]
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+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,
+ -0.8660254 0 -0.5,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.38268343 0 -0.92387953,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ -0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,-0.8660254 0 -0.5,
+ -0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,-0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ -0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,-0.04384197 0 -0.99903848,
+ 0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,0.38268343 0 -0.92387953] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_356 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_356 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.27559055 0.15748031 1.5601936,0.27559055 0.039370079 1.5601936,
+ 0.27559055 0.15748031 1.0629921,0.27559055 0.039370079 1.0629921] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_357 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18700787 0.039370079 1.0118489,0.20125084 0.039370079 1.0059493,
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+ 0.24606299 0.039370079 1.0118489,0.25829371 0.039370079 1.0212339,
+ 0.26767867 0.039370079 1.0334646,0.2735783 0.039370079 1.0477075,
+ 0.27559055 0.039370079 1.0629921,0.18700787 0.15748031 1.0118489,
+ 0.20125084 0.15748031 1.0059493,0.21653543 0.15748031 1.003937,
+ 0.23182002 0.15748031 1.0059493,0.24606299 0.15748031 1.0118489,
+ 0.25829371 0.15748031 1.0212339,0.26767867 0.15748031 1.0334646,
+ 0.2735783 0.15748031 1.0477075,0.27559055 0.15748031 1.0629921] }
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+ 16,7,8,-1,16,8,17,-1,15,6,7,-1,15,7,16,-1,14,5,6,-1,14,6,15,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,14,-1,
+ 12,3,4,-1,12,4,13,-1,11,2,3,-1,11,3,12,-1,10,0,1,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,0,10,-1]
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+ 0.38268343 0 0.92387953,0.25881905 0 0.96592583,
+ 0.04384197 0 0.99903848,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ -0.46155098 0 0.88711369,-0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ -0.84327172 0 0.5374875,-0.95364993 0 0.30091828,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.38268343 0 0.92387953,
+ 0.25881905 0 0.96592583,-0.04384197 0 0.99903848,
+ -0.30091828 0 0.95364993,-0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ -0.73742784 0 0.67542593,-0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ -0.9763442 0 0.21622209,-0.99144486 0 0.13052619] }
+DEF SHAPE_358 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_358 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_358 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18700787 0.15748031 1.0118489,0.18700787 0.039370079 1.0118489,
+ -0.059055118 0.15748031 1.1539134,-0.059055118 0.039370079 1.1539134] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.5 0 0.8660254,0.5 0 0.8660254,
+ 0.5 0 0.8660254,0.5 0 0.8660254] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_359 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.059055118 0.15748031 1.1539134,-0.059055118 0.039370079 1.1539134,
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 1.1198179,-0.11676873 0.15748031 1.1300077,
+ -0.11283565 0.15748031 1.139503,-0.10657901 0.15748031 1.1476568,
+ -0.098425197 0.15748031 1.1539134,-0.088929884 0.15748031 1.1578465,
+ -0.078740157 0.15748031 1.159188,-0.068550431 0.15748031 1.1578465,
+ -0.11811024 0.039370079 1.1198179,-0.11676873 0.039370079 1.1300077,
+ -0.11283565 0.039370079 1.139503,-0.10657901 0.039370079 1.1476568,
+ -0.098425197 0.039370079 1.1539134,-0.088929884 0.039370079 1.1578465,
+ -0.078740157 0.039370079 1.159188,-0.068550431 0.039370079 1.1578465] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,3,10,11,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,13,14,-1,6,5,13,-1,
+ 7,14,15,-1,7,6,14,-1,8,15,16,-1,8,7,15,-1,9,16,17,-1,9,8,16,-1,0,17,1,-1,0,9,17,-1]
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+ 0.38268343 0 0.92387953,0.38268343 0 0.92387953,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.9763442 0 0.21622209,
+ -0.88711369 0 0.46155098,-0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ -0.5374875 0 0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ -0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.95364993 0 0.30091828,
+ -0.84327172 0 0.5374875,-0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ -0.46155098 0 0.88711369,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.04384197 0 0.99903848,0.30091828 0 0.95364993] }
+DEF SHAPE_360 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_360 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 1.1198179,-0.11811024 0.039370079 1.1198179,
+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 0.6496063,-0.11811024 0.039370079 0.6496063] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_361 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_361 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1220472 0.15748031 0.6496063,-0.11811024 0.15748031 0.6496063,
+ 1.1220472 0.039370079 0.6496063,-0.11811024 0.039370079 0.6496063] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_362 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2007874 0.039370079 0.72834646,1.2007874 0.039370079 0.80708661,
+ 1.2007874 0.12874184 0.80708661,1.2007874 0.13420597 0.72834646] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_363 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6900309 0.28740157 0.88582677,1.6139985 0.18873425 0.88582677,
+ 1.5160871 0.11173086 0.88582677,1.402279 0.061096216 0.88582677,
+ 1.2795276 0.039924025 0.88582677,1.6221988 0.32738681 0.88582677,
+ 1.2795276 0.11876691 0.88582677,1.3820578 0.13725542 0.88582677,
+ 1.4770142 0.18012215 0.88582677,1.5586959 0.24479351 0.88582677] }
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+ 3,4,6,-1,7,3,6,-1,2,3,7,-1,8,2,7,-1,1,2,8,-1,9,1,8,-1,0,9,5,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_363 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_364 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0137795 0.15748031 2.1653543,1.0137795 0.15748031 1.4173228,
+ 1.0137795 0.039370079 2.1653543,1.0137795 0.039370079 1.4173228] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_364 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_365 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_365 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2559055 0.15748031 2.2440945,1.2559055 0.039370079 2.2440945,
+ 1.0925197 0.15748031 2.2440945,1.0925197 0.039370079 2.2440945] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_365 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_366 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2559055 0.15748031 2.2440945,1.2559055 0.039370079 2.2440945,
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+ 1.5287262 0.27048636 2.2440945,1.5900413 0.3503937 2.2440945,
+ 1.6285856 0.44344777 2.2440945,1.6417323 0.54330709 2.2440945,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 2.2440945,1.386334 0.056541316 2.2440945,
+ 1.507874 0.10688484 2.2440945,1.6122428 0.18696981 2.2440945,
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+ 7,8,13,-1,7,13,6,-1,0,9,1,-1,0,2,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 1.7598425 0.61149806 2.2047244,1.7598425 0.59898479 2.221032,
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+ 1.6417323 0.59898479 2.221032,1.6417323 0.58267717 2.2335453,
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+ 0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,0 -0.99903848 -0.04384197,
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+ 0 -0.21622209 -0.9763442,0 -0.13052619 -0.99144486] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.6417323 -0.023883965 2.0841741,1.6417323 -0.046781075 2.0769547,
+ 1.6417323 -0.067745248 2.0652542,1.7598425 -0.067745248 2.0652542,
+ 1.7598425 -0.023883965 2.0841741,1.7598425 -0.046781075 2.0769547] }
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+ 3,4,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,5,7,-1,2,3,6,-1,0,6,1,-1,0,2,6,-1]
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+ 0 -0.20221757 0.97934062,0 -0.39607977 0.91821611] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_370 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7598425 -0.067745248 2.0652542,1.7598425 -0.14648541 2.0101197,
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 -0.57357644 0.81915204,0 -0.57357644 0.81915204,
+ 0 -0.57357644 0.81915204,0 -0.57357644 0.81915204] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_371 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 -0.14648541 2.0101197,1.7598425 -0.14648541 2.0101197,
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+ 1.6417323 -0.1934656 1.9414426,1.6417323 -0.19685039 1.9133695,
+ 1.7598425 -0.19685039 1.9133695,1.7598425 -0.16754013 1.991245,
+ 1.7598425 -0.18350522 1.9679067,1.7598425 -0.1934656 1.9414426] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.6417323 -0.16754013 1.5914322,1.6417323 -0.14648541 1.5725574,
+ 1.7598425 -0.14648541 1.5725574,1.7598425 -0.1934656 1.6412345,
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+ 0 -0.90483813 -0.42575576,0 -0.7777112 -0.62862174] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.7598425 -0.14648541 1.5725574,1.7598425 -0.067745248 1.517423,
+ 1.6417323 -0.067745248 1.517423,1.6417323 -0.14648541 1.5725574] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,2,1,3,-1]
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+ 0 -0.57357644 -0.81915204,0 -0.57357644 -0.81915204,
+ 0 -0.57357644 -0.81915204,0 -0.57357644 -0.81915204] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_375 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_375 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 -0.067745248 1.517423,1.7598425 -0.067745248 1.517423,
+ 1.6417323 -0.046781075 1.5057225,1.6417323 -0.023883965 1.4985031,
+ 1.6417323 0 1.496063,1.7598425 0 1.496063,
+ 1.7598425 -0.046781075 1.5057225,1.7598425 -0.023883965 1.4985031] }
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+ 4,5,7,-1,3,4,7,-1,2,7,6,-1,2,3,7,-1,0,6,1,-1,0,2,6,-1]
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+ 0 -0.48735173 -0.87320575,0 -0.48735173 -0.87320575,
+ 0 -0.36459883 -0.9311647,0 -0.20221757 -0.97934062,
+ 0 -0.10163508 -0.99482175,0 -0.10163508 -0.99482175,
+ 0 -0.42710175 -0.90420357,0 -0.20221757 -0.97934062] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.7598425 0 1.496063,1.7598425 0.54330709 1.496063,
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_377 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 1.3385827,1.7598425 0.56368654 1.3412657,
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+ 1.7598425 0.61149806 1.3779528,1.7598425 0.61936424 1.3969434,
+ 1.7598425 0.62204724 1.4173228,1.7598425 0.61936424 1.4377023,
+ 1.7598425 0.61149806 1.4566929,1.7598425 0.59898479 1.4730005,
+ 1.7598425 0.58267717 1.4855138,1.7598425 0.56368654 1.49338,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 1.496063,1.6417323 0.54330709 1.3385827,
+ 1.6417323 0.56368654 1.3412657,1.6417323 0.58267717 1.3491319,
+ 1.6417323 0.59898479 1.3616451,1.6417323 0.61149806 1.3779528,
+ 1.6417323 0.61936424 1.3969434,1.6417323 0.62204724 1.4173228,
+ 1.6417323 0.61936424 1.4377023,1.6417323 0.61149806 1.4566929,
+ 1.6417323 0.59898479 1.4730005,1.6417323 0.58267717 1.4855138,
+ 1.6417323 0.56368654 1.49338,1.6417323 0.54330709 1.496063] }
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+ 16,3,4,-1,16,4,17,-1,15,2,3,-1,15,3,16,-1,14,1,2,-1,14,2,15,-1,13,0,1,-1,13,1,14,-1]
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
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+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828,
+ 0 -0.99903848 0.04384197,0 -0.9763442 -0.21622209,
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+ 0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,
+ 0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,
+ 0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,0 -0.99903848 -0.04384197,
+ 0 -0.95364993 -0.30091828,0 -0.84327172 -0.5374875,
+ 0 -0.67542593 -0.73742784,0 -0.46155098 -0.88711369,
+ 0 -0.21622209 -0.9763442,0 -0.13052619 -0.99144486] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.2559055 0.039370079 1.3385827,1.386334 0.056541316 1.3385827,
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+ 1.6923278 0.29133858 1.3385827,1.7426713 0.41287859 1.3385827,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 1.3385827,1.2559055 0.15748031 1.3385827,
+ 1.3557648 0.17062704 1.3385827,1.4488189 0.2091713 1.3385827,
+ 1.5287262 0.27048636 1.3385827,1.5900413 0.3503937 1.3385827,
+ 1.6285856 0.44344777 1.3385827,1.6417323 0.54330709 1.3385827] }
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+ 8,0,1,-1,8,7,0,-1,9,1,2,-1,9,8,1,-1,10,9,2,-1,3,10,2,-1,11,10,3,-1,4,11,3,-1,
+ 12,11,4,-1,5,12,4,-1,6,13,12,-1,6,12,5,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_378 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.67913386 1.1653543 0.37401575,-0.50196851 1.1653543 0.37401575,
+ -0.67913386 1.2834646 0.37401575,-0.50196851 1.2834646 0.37401575] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ coord DEF COORD_380 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.28543307 1.1653543 0.37401575,-0.10826772 1.1653543 0.37401575,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_381 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10826771 1.1653543 0.37401575,0.28543307 1.1653543 0.37401575,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.5019685 1.1653543 0.37401575,0.67913385 1.1653543 0.37401575,
+ 0.5019685 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.67913385 1.2834646 0.37401575] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.89566929 1.1653543 0.37401575,1.0728346 1.1653543 0.37401575,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_384 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0728346 1.1653543 0.37401575,-0.8956693 1.1653543 0.37401575,
+ -1.0728346 1.2834646 0.37401575,-0.8956693 1.2834646 0.37401575] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.0433071 1.1653543 0.83661417,1.0433071 1.2834646 0.83661417,
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+ 0.8315339 1.126569 0.83661417,0.82677165 1.1259843 0.83661417,
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+ 0.73878993 1.1282884 0.83661417,0.73485963 1.1310405 0.83661417,
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+ 0.98959646 1.1647696 0.83661417,0.9943587 1.1653543 0.83661417] }
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 1.7027977 0.31041896 0.87838959,1.6980268 0.3015005 0.88318794,
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+ 0.99913992 -0.041461518 0.00060874881,0.99825855 -0.058976884 0.0012619243] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.2559055 0.039370079 2.8543307,1.2559055 0.039370079 2.2440945,
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+ 1.6122428 0.18696981 2.2440945,1.6923278 0.29133858 2.2440945,
+ 1.7426713 0.41287859 2.2440945,1.7598425 0.54330709 2.2440945,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 2.8543307,1.386334 0.056541316 2.8543307,
+ 1.507874 0.10688484 2.8543307,1.6122428 0.18696981 2.8543307,
+ 1.6923278 0.29133858 2.8543307,1.7426713 0.41287859 2.8543307] }
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+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ 0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,0.95364993 -0.30091828 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_391 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.57983 1.1655657 -0.019685039,1.57983 1.1655657 -0.098425197,
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+ 1.7426713 0.90995605 2.8543307,1.6923278 1.0314961 2.8543307,
+ 1.6122428 1.1358648 2.8543307,1.507874 1.2159498 2.8543307,
+ 1.386334 1.2662933 2.8543307,1.7598425 0.77952756 0.059055118,
+ 1.6361698 1.110211 0.059055118,1.7035493 1.0109743 0.059055118,
+ 1.745567 0.89862469 0.059055118,1.6237605 1.1239277 0.05684414,
+ 1.6116494 1.1364161 0.050462653,1.60058 1.1471525 0.04028783,
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+ 1.5810419 1.1645632 -0.0042120023] }
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+ normal DEF NORM_391 Normal { vector [
+ 0.60973162 0.79260676 0.0013726983,0.64677638 0.7626797 0,
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+ 0.80550597 0.59258761 0.00024322231,0.90169189 0.43237915 -8.6398648e-05,
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+ 0.70778586 0.70642705 -1.0902347e-05,0.68696289 0.7266925 6.7806868e-05,
+ 0.66880494 0.74343789 0.0002495855,0.65493752 0.75568289 0.00045674777,
+ 0.64205866 0.76665521 0.00068879493] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.7598425 -0.19685039 -0.15748031,1.7598425 -0.19349664 -0.18295463,
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+ 1.7598425 -0.098425197 -0.25590551,1.7598425 -0.19685039 0.15748031,
+ 1.7598425 -0.098425197 0.25590551,1.7598425 -0.12389951 0.25255175,
+ 1.7598425 -0.1476378 0.24271904,1.7598425 -0.16802232 0.22707744,
+ 1.7598425 -0.18366392 0.20669291,1.7598425 -0.19349664 0.18295463,
+ 1.7598425 0.48425197 0.25590551,1.7598425 0.49953656 0.25791777,
+ 1.7598425 0.51377953 0.2638174,1.7598425 0.52601024 0.27320236,
+ 1.7598425 0.5353952 0.28543307,1.7598425 0.54129483 0.29967604,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 0.31496063,1.7598425 0.54330709 0.61023622,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 1.3385827,1.7598425 0.56368654 1.3412657,
+ 1.7598425 0.58267717 1.3491319,1.7598425 0.59898479 1.3616451,
+ 1.7598425 0.61149806 1.3779528,1.7598425 0.61936424 1.3969434,
+ 1.7598425 0.62204724 1.4173228,1.7598425 0.61936424 1.4377023,
+ 1.7598425 0.61149806 1.4566929,1.7598425 0.59898479 1.4730005,
+ 1.7598425 0.58267717 1.4855138,1.7598425 0.56368654 1.49338,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 1.496063,1.7598425 0 1.496063,
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+ 1.7598425 -0.023883965 1.4985031,1.7598425 -0.14648541 1.5725574,
+ 1.7598425 -0.19685039 1.6693077,1.7598425 -0.1934656 1.6412345,
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+ 1.7598425 -0.19685039 1.9133695,1.7598425 -0.14648541 2.0101197,
+ 1.7598425 -0.16754013 1.991245,1.7598425 -0.18350522 1.9679067,
+ 1.7598425 -0.1934656 1.9414426,1.7598425 -0.067745248 2.0652542,
+ 1.7598425 0 2.0866142,1.7598425 -0.023883965 2.0841741,
+ 1.7598425 -0.046781075 2.0769547,1.7598425 0.54330709 2.0866142,
+ 1.7598425 0.56368654 2.0892972,1.7598425 0.58267717 2.0971634,
+ 1.7598425 0.59898479 2.1096766,1.7598425 0.61149806 2.1259843,
+ 1.7598425 0.61936424 2.1449749,1.7598425 0.62204724 2.1653543,
+ 1.7598425 0.61936424 2.1857338,1.7598425 0.61149806 2.2047244,
+ 1.7598425 0.59898479 2.221032,1.7598425 0.58267717 2.2335453,
+ 1.7598425 0.56368654 2.2414115,1.7598425 0.54330709 2.2440945,
+ 1.7598425 0.54330709 2.8543307,1.7598425 0.77952756 2.8543307,
+ 1.7598425 0.77952756 0.059055118,1.7598425 0.7519685 0.059055118,
+ 1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.019685039,1.7598425 0.67591135 0.000694413,
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+ 1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.17716535,1.7598425 0.59448819 -0.25590551,
+ 1.7598425 0.61486764 -0.25322251,1.7598425 0.63385827 -0.24535633,
+ 1.7598425 0.65016589 -0.23284305,1.7598425 0.66267917 -0.21653543,
+ 1.7598425 0.67054534 -0.19754481] }
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+ 28,27,68,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
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+ -1.2675822 0.039506982 0.8849098] }
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+ -0.023397825 -0.99972619 0.00030053162] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.6923278 0.29133858 2.2440945,-1.7426713 0.41287859 2.2440945,
+ -1.7598425 0.54330709 2.2440945,-1.2559055 0.039370079 2.8543307,
+ -1.7598425 0.54330709 2.8543307,-1.7426713 0.41287859 2.8543307,
+ -1.6923278 0.29133858 2.8543307,-1.6122428 0.18696981 2.8543307,
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+ -0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,-0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
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+ -0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,-0.30091828 -0.95364993 0] }
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+ -1.386334 1.2662933 2.8543307,-1.507874 1.2159498 2.8543307,
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+ -0.090084183 0.99593415 0,-0.15888726 0.98729668 0.00031862813,
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+ -0.95765454 0.28791955 0.00034140402] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.7598425 -0.18350522 1.6147704,-1.7598425 -0.16754013 1.5914322,
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+ -1.7598425 0 1.496063,-1.7598425 0.54330709 1.496063,
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+ -1.7598425 0.58267717 1.3491319,-1.7598425 0.59898479 1.3616451,
+ -1.7598425 0.61149806 1.3779528,-1.7598425 0.61936424 1.3969434,
+ -1.7598425 0.54330709 0.61023622,-1.7598425 0.54330709 0.31496063,
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+ -1.7598425 0.65016589 -0.23284305,-1.7598425 0.63385827 -0.24535633,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ 1 1.2834646 -0.16925347,0.98776928 1.2834646 -0.15986851,
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+ -1 1.2834646 -0.16925347,-0.98776928 1.2834646 -0.15986851,
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+ -0.28543307 1.2834646 0.37401575,-0.30071766 1.2834646 0.37200349,
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+ 0.34448819 1.2834646 0.31496064,0.34448819 1.2834646 0.23622048,
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+ 0.049212595 1.2834646 0.31496062,0.10826771 1.2834646 0.37401575,
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+ 0.5019685 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.48668391 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ 0.47244094 1.2834646 0.36610386,0.46021023 1.2834646 0.3567189,
+ 0.45082527 1.2834646 0.34448819,0.44492564 1.2834646 0.33024522,
+ 0.67913385 1.2834646 0.37401575,0.69441844 1.2834646 0.37200349,
+ 0.70866141 1.2834646 0.36610386,0.72089213 1.2834646 0.35671891,
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+ 0.83862643 1.2834646 0.22093588,0.83661418 1.2834646 0.23622047,
+ 0.83661417 1.2834646 0.31496062,0.89566929 1.2834646 0.37401575,
+ 0.8803847 1.2834646 0.37200349,0.86614173 1.2834646 0.36610386,
+ 0.85391101 1.2834646 0.3567189,0.84452606 1.2834646 0.34448819,
+ 0.83862642 1.2834646 0.33024522,1.0728346 1.2834646 0.37401575,
+ 1.0881192 1.2834646 0.37200349,1.1023622 1.2834646 0.36610386,
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+ 0.53149606 1.2834646 0.83661417,0.58044445 1.2834646 0.83661417,
+ 0.58044445 1.2834646 1.0137795,0.53149606 1.2834646 1.0137795,
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+ 1.0433071 1.2834646 1.0137795,0.9943587 1.2834646 1.0137795,
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+ 266,265,193,-1,264,263,262,-1,264,262,265,-1,260,225,219,-1,260,226,225,-1,260,227,226,-1,260,228,227,-1,260,229,228,-1,
+ 260,230,229,-1,271,230,260,-1,269,271,270,-1,268,230,271,-1,268,271,269,-1,267,230,268,-1,33,192,34,-1,33,266,192,-1,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ 0.55173803 0.83401746 0.00014657681,0.71211809 0.7020597 -2.3606911e-05,
+ 0.027788509 0.99961382 0] }
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+ -1.5900413 0.3503937 2.2440945,-1.6285856 0.44344777 2.2440945,
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 2.2440945,-1.2559055 0.15748031 2.6920781,
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 2.6920781,-1.6285856 0.44344777 2.6920781,
+ -1.5900413 0.3503937 2.6920781,-1.5287262 0.27048636 2.6920781,
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+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.9763442 0.21622209 0,
+ 0.88711369 0.46155098 0,0.73742784 0.67542593 0,
+ 0.5374875 0.84327172 0,0.30091828 0.95364993 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.4957363 1.0817584 -0.13779528,-1.4227503 1.1274142 -0.13779528,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_418 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_419 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_419 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_419 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.23622047 0.049212598 2.3695095,0.23622047 0.039370079 2.3695095,
+ 0.098425197 0.049212598 2.3695095,0.098425197 0.039370079 2.3695095] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_419 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_420 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_420 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_420 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.23622047 0.049212598 2.0151788,0.23622047 0.039370079 2.0151788,
+ 0.23622047 0.049212598 2.3695095,0.23622047 0.039370079 2.3695095] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_420 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_421 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_421 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_421 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.098425197 0.049212598 2.0151788,0.098425197 0.039370079 2.0151788,
+ 0.23622047 0.049212598 2.0151788,0.23622047 0.039370079 2.0151788] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_421 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_422 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_422 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_422 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.098425197 0.049212598 2.3695095,0.098425197 0.049212598 2.0151788,
+ 0.23622047 0.049212598 2.0151788,0.23622047 0.049212598 2.3695095] }
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_422 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_423 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_423 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_423 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5039102 1.075088 -0.019685039,-1.57983 1.1655657 -0.019685039,
+ -1.5039102 1.075088 -0.098425197,-1.57983 1.1655657 -0.098425197] }
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+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_423 Normal { vector [
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_424 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_424 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_424 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,-1.6417323 0.7519685 0.059055118,
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+ -1.745567 0.89862469 0.059055118,-1.7035493 1.0109743 0.059055118,
+ -1.6361698 1.110211 0.059055118,-1.5590091 1.0182544 0.059055118,
+ -1.6041968 0.94552594 0.059055118,-1.6322314 0.86462218 0.059055118] }
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1,3,9,0,-1,4,8,9,-1,4,9,3,-1,5,7,8,-1,5,8,4,-1,6,7,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_424 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_425 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_425 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_425 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5039102 1.075088 -0.098425197,1.57983 1.1655657 -0.098425197,
+ 1.5039102 1.075088 -0.019685039,1.57983 1.1655657 -0.019685039] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_425 Normal { vector [
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_426 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_426 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_426 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,1.6322314 0.86462218 0.059055118,
+ 1.6041968 0.94552594 0.059055118,1.5590091 1.0182544 0.059055118,
+ 1.6361698 1.110211 0.059055118,1.7035493 1.0109743 0.059055118,
+ 1.745567 0.89862469 0.059055118,1.7598425 0.77952756 0.059055118,
+ 1.7598425 0.7519685 0.059055118,1.6417323 0.7519685 0.059055118] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,7,8,-1,0,8,9,-1,1,6,7,-1,1,7,0,-1,2,5,6,-1,2,6,1,-1,3,5,2,-1,4,5,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_426 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_427 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_427 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 0.039370079 1.0137795,-0.9943587 0.039370079 1.0137795,
+ -0.96102301 0.043463187 1.0137795,-0.92966774 0.055499347 1.0137795,
+ -0.90215567 0.074763508 1.0137795,-0.88012124 0.10011121 1.0137795,
+ -0.8648735 0.13003659 1.0137795,-0.84526954 0.18389803 1.0137795,
+ -0.84309129 0.18817309 1.0137795,-0.83994352 0.19179419 1.0137795,
+ -0.83601322 0.19454621 1.0137795,-0.8315339 0.19626566 1.0137795,
+ -0.82677165 0.19685039 1.0137795,-0.7480315 0.19685039 1.0137795,
+ -0.74326925 0.19626566 1.0137795,-0.73878993 0.19454621 1.0137795,
+ -0.73485963 0.19179419 1.0137795,-0.73171186 0.18817309 1.0137795,
+ -0.72953361 0.18389803 1.0137795,-0.70992965 0.13003659 1.0137795,
+ -0.69468191 0.10011121 1.0137795,-0.67264748 0.074763508 1.0137795,
+ -0.64513541 0.055499347 1.0137795,-0.61378014 0.043463187 1.0137795,
+ -0.58044445 0.039370079 1.0137795,-0.53149606 0.039370079 1.0137795,
+ -0.53149606 0.15748031 1.0137795,-0.58044445 0.15748031 1.0137795,
+ -0.58520669 0.15806504 1.0137795,-0.58968601 0.1597845 1.0137795,
+ -0.59361631 0.16253652 1.0137795,-0.59676408 0.16615762 1.0137795,
+ -0.59894233 0.17043267 1.0137795,-0.61854629 0.22429411 1.0137795,
+ -0.63379404 0.25421949 1.0137795,-0.65582846 0.2795672 1.0137795,
+ -0.68334053 0.29883136 1.0137795,-0.7146958 0.31086752 1.0137795,
+ -0.7480315 0.31496063 1.0137795,-0.82677165 0.31496063 1.0137795,
+ -0.86010735 0.31086752 1.0137795,-0.89146262 0.29883136 1.0137795,
+ -0.91897469 0.2795672 1.0137795,-0.94100911 0.25421949 1.0137795,
+ -0.95625686 0.22429411 1.0137795,-0.97586082 0.17043267 1.0137795,
+ -0.97803907 0.16615762 1.0137795,-0.98118684 0.16253652 1.0137795,
+ -0.98511714 0.1597845 1.0137795,-0.98959646 0.15806504 1.0137795,
+ -0.9943587 0.15748031 1.0137795,-1.0433071 0.15748031 1.0137795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 51,0,1,-1,50,1,2,-1,50,51,1,-1,49,50,2,-1,48,2,3,-1,48,49,2,-1,47,3,4,-1,47,48,3,-1,
+ 5,46,47,-1,5,47,4,-1,6,45,46,-1,6,46,5,-1,44,45,6,-1,7,44,6,-1,8,43,44,-1,8,44,7,-1,
+ 42,8,9,-1,42,9,10,-1,42,43,8,-1,41,42,10,-1,40,10,11,-1,40,41,10,-1,39,40,11,-1,39,11,12,-1,
+ 38,12,13,-1,38,39,12,-1,31,21,30,-1,31,20,21,-1,29,30,21,-1,29,21,22,-1,32,18,19,-1,32,19,20,-1,
+ 32,20,31,-1,28,22,23,-1,28,29,22,-1,27,28,23,-1,27,23,24,-1,37,13,14,-1,37,38,13,-1,33,17,18,-1,
+ 33,18,32,-1,36,14,15,-1,36,15,16,-1,36,37,14,-1,34,17,33,-1,35,16,17,-1,35,17,34,-1,35,36,16,-1,
+ 26,27,24,-1,26,24,25,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_427 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_428 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_428 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_428 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 0.039370079 0.83661417,-0.9943587 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ -0.96102301 0.043463187 0.83661417,-0.92966774 0.055499347 0.83661417,
+ -0.90215567 0.074763508 0.83661417,-0.88012124 0.10011121 0.83661417,
+ -0.8648735 0.13003659 0.83661417,-0.84526954 0.18389803 0.83661417,
+ -0.84309129 0.18817309 0.83661417,-0.83994352 0.19179419 0.83661417,
+ -0.83601322 0.19454621 0.83661417,-0.8315339 0.19626566 0.83661417,
+ -0.82677165 0.19685039 0.83661417,-0.7480315 0.19685039 0.83661417,
+ -0.74326925 0.19626566 0.83661417,-0.73878993 0.19454621 0.83661417,
+ -0.73485963 0.19179419 0.83661417,-0.73171186 0.18817309 0.83661417,
+ -0.72953361 0.18389803 0.83661417,-0.70992965 0.13003659 0.83661417,
+ -0.69468191 0.10011121 0.83661417,-0.67264748 0.074763508 0.83661417,
+ -0.64513541 0.055499347 0.83661417,-0.61378014 0.043463187 0.83661417,
+ -0.58044445 0.039370079 0.83661417,-0.53149606 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ -0.53149606 0.15748031 0.83661417,-0.58044445 0.15748031 0.83661417,
+ -0.58520669 0.15806504 0.83661417,-0.58968601 0.1597845 0.83661417,
+ -0.59361631 0.16253652 0.83661417,-0.59676408 0.16615762 0.83661417,
+ -0.59894233 0.17043267 0.83661417,-0.61854629 0.22429411 0.83661417,
+ -0.63379404 0.25421949 0.83661417,-0.65582846 0.2795672 0.83661417,
+ -0.68334053 0.29883136 0.83661417,-0.7146958 0.31086752 0.83661417,
+ -0.7480315 0.31496063 0.83661417,-0.82677165 0.31496063 0.83661417,
+ -0.86010735 0.31086752 0.83661417,-0.89146262 0.29883136 0.83661417,
+ -0.91897469 0.2795672 0.83661417,-0.94100911 0.25421949 0.83661417,
+ -0.95625686 0.22429411 0.83661417,-0.97586082 0.17043267 0.83661417,
+ -0.97803907 0.16615762 0.83661417,-0.98118684 0.16253652 0.83661417,
+ -0.98511714 0.1597845 0.83661417,-0.98959646 0.15806504 0.83661417,
+ -0.9943587 0.15748031 0.83661417,-1.0433071 0.15748031 0.83661417] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 51,1,0,-1,50,2,1,-1,50,1,51,-1,49,2,50,-1,48,3,2,-1,48,2,49,-1,47,4,3,-1,47,3,48,-1,
+ 5,47,46,-1,5,4,47,-1,6,46,45,-1,6,5,46,-1,44,6,45,-1,7,6,44,-1,8,44,43,-1,8,7,44,-1,
+ 42,9,8,-1,42,10,9,-1,42,8,43,-1,41,10,42,-1,40,11,10,-1,40,10,41,-1,39,11,40,-1,39,12,11,-1,
+ 38,13,12,-1,38,12,39,-1,31,30,21,-1,31,21,20,-1,29,21,30,-1,29,22,21,-1,32,19,18,-1,32,20,19,-1,
+ 32,31,20,-1,28,23,22,-1,28,22,29,-1,27,23,28,-1,27,24,23,-1,37,14,13,-1,37,13,38,-1,33,18,17,-1,
+ 33,32,18,-1,36,15,14,-1,36,16,15,-1,36,14,37,-1,34,33,17,-1,35,17,16,-1,35,34,17,-1,35,16,36,-1,
+ 26,24,27,-1,26,25,24,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_428 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_429 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_429 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_429 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 0.039370079 0.82677165,-1.0433071 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ -1.0433071 0.15748031 0.83661417,-1.0433071 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_429 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_430 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_430 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_430 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 0.039370079 0.82677165,-0.53149606 0.039370079 0.82677165,
+ -0.53149606 0.15748031 0.82677165,-1.0433071 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_430 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_431 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_431 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.53149606 0.039370079 0.82677165,-0.53149606 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ -0.53149606 0.15748031 0.83661417,-0.53149606 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_431 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_432 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_432 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_432 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.53149606 0.039370079 1.023622,-0.53149606 0.039370079 1.0137795,
+ -0.53149606 0.15748031 1.0137795,-0.53149606 0.15748031 1.023622] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_432 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_433 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_433 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_433 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 0.039370079 1.023622,-0.53149606 0.039370079 1.023622,
+ -0.53149606 0.15748031 1.023622,-1.0433071 0.15748031 1.023622] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_433 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_434 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_434 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_434 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0433071 0.039370079 1.023622,-1.0433071 0.039370079 1.0137795,
+ -1.0433071 0.15748031 1.0137795,-1.0433071 0.15748031 1.023622] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_434 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_435 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_435 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_435 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0433071 0.039370079 0.82677165,1.0433071 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ 1.0433071 0.15748031 0.83661417,1.0433071 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_435 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_436 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_436 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_436 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0433071 0.039370079 0.83661417,0.9943587 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ 0.8648735 0.13003659 0.83661417,0.88012124 0.10011121 0.83661417,
+ 0.90215567 0.074763508 0.83661417,0.92966774 0.055499347 0.83661417,
+ 0.96102301 0.043463187 0.83661417,0.84526954 0.18389803 0.83661417,
+ 0.82677165 0.19685039 0.83661417,0.8315339 0.19626566 0.83661417,
+ 0.83601322 0.19454621 0.83661417,0.83994352 0.19179419 0.83661417,
+ 0.84309129 0.18817309 0.83661417,0.7480315 0.19685039 0.83661417,
+ 0.72953361 0.18389803 0.83661417,0.73171186 0.18817309 0.83661417,
+ 0.73485963 0.19179419 0.83661417,0.73878993 0.19454621 0.83661417,
+ 0.74326925 0.19626566 0.83661417,0.70992965 0.13003659 0.83661417,
+ 0.58044445 0.039370079 0.83661417,0.61378014 0.043463187 0.83661417,
+ 0.64513541 0.055499347 0.83661417,0.67264748 0.074763508 0.83661417,
+ 0.69468191 0.10011121 0.83661417,0.53149606 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ 0.53149606 0.15748031 0.83661417,0.58044445 0.15748031 0.83661417,
+ 0.59894233 0.17043267 0.83661417,0.59676408 0.16615762 0.83661417,
+ 0.59361631 0.16253652 0.83661417,0.58968601 0.1597845 0.83661417,
+ 0.58520669 0.15806504 0.83661417,0.61854629 0.22429411 0.83661417,
+ 0.7480315 0.31496063 0.83661417,0.7146958 0.31086752 0.83661417,
+ 0.68334053 0.29883136 0.83661417,0.65582846 0.2795672 0.83661417,
+ 0.63379404 0.25421949 0.83661417,0.82677165 0.31496063 0.83661417,
+ 0.95625686 0.22429411 0.83661417,0.94100911 0.25421949 0.83661417,
+ 0.91897469 0.2795672 0.83661417,0.89146262 0.29883136 0.83661417,
+ 0.86010735 0.31086752 0.83661417,0.97586082 0.17043267 0.83661417,
+ 0.9943587 0.15748031 0.83661417,0.98959646 0.15806504 0.83661417,
+ 0.98511714 0.1597845 0.83661417,0.98118684 0.16253652 0.83661417,
+ 0.97803907 0.16615762 0.83661417,1.0433071 0.15748031 0.83661417] }
+ coordIndex [
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+ 34,8,13,-1,34,39,8,-1,29,24,23,-1,29,23,30,-1,31,23,22,-1,31,30,23,-1,28,14,19,-1,28,19,24,-1,
+ 28,24,29,-1,32,31,22,-1,32,22,21,-1,27,21,20,-1,27,20,25,-1,27,32,21,-1,35,34,13,-1,35,13,18,-1,
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+ 37,16,38,-1,26,27,25,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.0433071 0.039370079 1.0137795,0.9943587 0.039370079 1.0137795,
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+ 0.90215567 0.074763508 1.0137795,0.92966774 0.055499347 1.0137795,
+ 0.96102301 0.043463187 1.0137795,0.84526954 0.18389803 1.0137795,
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+ 0.83601322 0.19454621 1.0137795,0.83994352 0.19179419 1.0137795,
+ 0.84309129 0.18817309 1.0137795,0.7480315 0.19685039 1.0137795,
+ 0.72953361 0.18389803 1.0137795,0.73171186 0.18817309 1.0137795,
+ 0.73485963 0.19179419 1.0137795,0.73878993 0.19454621 1.0137795,
+ 0.74326925 0.19626566 1.0137795,0.70992965 0.13003659 1.0137795,
+ 0.58044445 0.039370079 1.0137795,0.61378014 0.043463187 1.0137795,
+ 0.64513541 0.055499347 1.0137795,0.67264748 0.074763508 1.0137795,
+ 0.69468191 0.10011121 1.0137795,0.53149606 0.039370079 1.0137795,
+ 0.53149606 0.15748031 1.0137795,0.58044445 0.15748031 1.0137795,
+ 0.59894233 0.17043267 1.0137795,0.59676408 0.16615762 1.0137795,
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+ 0.58520669 0.15806504 1.0137795,0.61854629 0.22429411 1.0137795,
+ 0.7480315 0.31496063 1.0137795,0.7146958 0.31086752 1.0137795,
+ 0.68334053 0.29883136 1.0137795,0.65582846 0.2795672 1.0137795,
+ 0.63379404 0.25421949 1.0137795,0.82677165 0.31496063 1.0137795,
+ 0.95625686 0.22429411 1.0137795,0.94100911 0.25421949 1.0137795,
+ 0.91897469 0.2795672 1.0137795,0.89146262 0.29883136 1.0137795,
+ 0.86010735 0.31086752 1.0137795,0.97586082 0.17043267 1.0137795,
+ 0.9943587 0.15748031 1.0137795,0.98959646 0.15806504 1.0137795,
+ 0.98511714 0.1597845 1.0137795,0.98118684 0.16253652 1.0137795,
+ 0.97803907 0.16615762 1.0137795,1.0433071 0.15748031 1.0137795] }
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+ 28,29,24,-1,32,22,31,-1,32,21,22,-1,27,20,21,-1,27,25,20,-1,27,21,32,-1,35,13,34,-1,35,18,13,-1,
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+ 37,38,16,-1,26,25,27,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_438 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_438 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0433071 0.039370079 1.023622,1.0433071 0.039370079 1.0137795,
+ 1.0433071 0.15748031 1.0137795,1.0433071 0.15748031 1.023622] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_438 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_439 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_439 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_439 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0433071 0.039370079 1.023622,0.53149606 0.039370079 1.023622,
+ 0.53149606 0.15748031 1.023622,1.0433071 0.15748031 1.023622] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_439 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_440 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_440 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_440 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.53149606 0.039370079 1.023622,0.53149606 0.039370079 1.0137795,
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_440 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_441 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.53149606 0.039370079 0.82677165,0.53149606 0.039370079 0.83661417,
+ 0.53149606 0.15748031 0.83661417,0.53149606 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_442 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_442 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_442 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0433071 0.039370079 0.82677165,0.53149606 0.039370079 0.82677165,
+ 0.53149606 0.15748031 0.82677165,1.0433071 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_443 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118,-0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.17716535,
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+ -0.8477152 1.1600797 -0.039370079,-0.8477152 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ -0.8477152 1.1456693 -0.053780528,-0.8477152 1.136174 -0.057713615,
+ -0.8477152 1.2834646 -0.019685039,-0.8477152 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ -0.8477152 1.2623662 -0.098425197,-0.8477152 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ -0.8477152 1.2047244 -0.15606699,-0.8477152 1.1667432 -0.17179934] }
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+ 7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1,6,12,13,-1,6,13,7,-1,5,11,12,-1,5,12,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,11,5,-1,
+ 9,3,2,-1,9,4,3,-1,9,10,4,-1,8,9,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_444 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54204858 1.1653543 -0.019685039,-0.54204858 1.2834646 -0.019685039,
+ -0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535,-0.54204858 1.1667432 -0.17179934,
+ -0.54204858 1.2047244 -0.15606699,-0.54204858 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ -0.54204858 1.2623662 -0.098425197,-0.54204858 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ -0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118,-0.54204858 1.136174 -0.057713615,
+ -0.54204858 1.1456693 -0.053780528,-0.54204858 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ -0.54204858 1.1600797 -0.039370079,-0.54204858 1.1640128 -0.029874766] }
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+ 9,2,3,-1,9,8,2,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,9,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,5,11,4,-1,12,11,5,-1,6,12,5,-1,
+ 7,13,12,-1,7,0,13,-1,7,12,6,-1,1,0,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_444 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_445 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_445 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_445 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.8477152 1.2834646 -0.019685039,-0.54204858 1.2834646 -0.019685039,
+ -0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535,-0.54204858 1.1667432 -0.17179934,
+ -0.54204858 1.2047244 -0.15606699,-0.54204858 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ -0.54204858 1.2623662 -0.098425197,-0.54204858 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ -0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.17716535,-0.8477152 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ -0.8477152 1.2623662 -0.098425197,-0.8477152 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ -0.8477152 1.2047244 -0.15606699,-0.8477152 1.1667432 -0.17179934] }
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+ 2,8,13,-1,3,13,12,-1,3,2,13,-1,4,12,11,-1,4,3,12,-1,5,11,10,-1,5,4,11,-1,6,10,9,-1,
+ 6,5,10,-1,7,9,0,-1,7,6,9,-1,1,7,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,
+ 0 0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 0.30091828 -0.95364993,
+ 0 0.5374875 -0.84327172,0 0.73742784 -0.67542593,
+ 0 0.88711369 -0.46155098,0 0.9763442 -0.21622209,
+ 0 0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 0.95364993 -0.30091828,
+ 0 0.84327172 -0.5374875,0 0.67542593 -0.73742784,
+ 0 0.46155098 -0.88711369,0 0.21622209 -0.9763442] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_446 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_446 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118,-0.54204858 1.136174 -0.057713615,
+ -0.54204858 1.1456693 -0.053780528,-0.54204858 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ -0.54204858 1.1600797 -0.039370079,-0.54204858 1.1640128 -0.029874766,
+ -0.54204858 1.1653543 -0.019685039,-0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118,
+ -0.8477152 1.1653543 -0.019685039,-0.8477152 1.1640128 -0.029874766,
+ -0.8477152 1.1600797 -0.039370079,-0.8477152 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ -0.8477152 1.1456693 -0.053780528,-0.8477152 1.136174 -0.057713615] }
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+ 0,13,7,-1,1,12,13,-1,1,13,0,-1,2,11,12,-1,2,12,1,-1,3,10,11,-1,3,11,2,-1,4,9,10,-1,
+ 4,10,3,-1,5,8,9,-1,5,9,4,-1,6,8,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_447 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.059055118,-0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118,
+ -0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.17716535,-0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_447 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_448 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_448 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_448 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.17716535,-0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.17716535,
+ -0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.059055118,-0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118] }
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+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_448 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_449 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_449 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.17716535,-0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.17716535,
+ -0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.17716535,-0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.17716535,
+ -0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.17716535,-0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.17716535,
+ -0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.17716535,-0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.17716535,
+ -0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.17716535,-0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535,
+ -0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.17716535,-0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.17716535,
+ -0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.17716535,-0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.17716535,
+ -0.58141866 0.86094288 -0.17716535,-0.60040929 0.85307671 -0.17716535] }
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+ 6,4,5,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,7,4,6,-1,7,0,4,-1,1,0,7,-1,10,7,8,-1,10,11,12,-1,
+ 10,12,13,-1,10,13,14,-1,10,14,15,-1,10,15,1,-1,10,1,7,-1,9,10,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_449 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118,-0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118,
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+ -0.60040929 0.85307671 -0.059055118,-0.58141866 0.86094288 -0.059055118,
+ -0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.059055118,-0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.059055118,
+ -0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.059055118,-0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.059055118,
+ -0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.059055118,-0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.059055118,
+ -0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.059055118,-0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.059055118,
+ -0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.059055118,-0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.059055118] }
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+ 9,12,13,-1,9,13,14,-1,9,14,15,-1,10,11,12,-1,10,12,9,-1,3,10,9,-1,8,4,5,-1,8,5,6,-1,
+ 8,6,7,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,0,10,-1,2,10,3,-1,2,4,8,-1,1,0,2,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_450 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.059055118,-0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.059055118,
+ -0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.17716535,-0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.17716535] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_451 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_452 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_452 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_452 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118,0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535,
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+ 0.54204858 1.1600797 -0.039370079,0.54204858 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ 0.54204858 1.1456693 -0.053780528,0.54204858 1.136174 -0.057713615,
+ 0.54204858 1.2834646 -0.019685039,0.54204858 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ 0.54204858 1.2623662 -0.098425197,0.54204858 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ 0.54204858 1.2047244 -0.15606699,0.54204858 1.1667432 -0.17179934] }
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+ 7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1,6,12,13,-1,6,13,7,-1,5,11,12,-1,5,12,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,11,5,-1,
+ 9,3,2,-1,9,4,3,-1,9,10,4,-1,8,9,2,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ 0.8477152 1.1653543 -0.019685039,0.8477152 1.2834646 -0.019685039,
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+ 0.8477152 1.2047244 -0.15606699,0.8477152 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ 0.8477152 1.2623662 -0.098425197,0.8477152 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ 0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118,0.8477152 1.136174 -0.057713615,
+ 0.8477152 1.1456693 -0.053780528,0.8477152 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ 0.8477152 1.1600797 -0.039370079,0.8477152 1.1640128 -0.029874766] }
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+ 7,13,12,-1,7,12,6,-1,1,0,13,-1,1,13,7,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.8477152 1.2834646 -0.019685039,0.54204858 1.2834646 -0.019685039,
+ 0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.17716535,0.8477152 1.1667432 -0.17179934,
+ 0.8477152 1.2047244 -0.15606699,0.8477152 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ 0.8477152 1.2623662 -0.098425197,0.8477152 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ 0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535,0.54204858 1.2780986 -0.060443944,
+ 0.54204858 1.2623662 -0.098425197,0.54204858 1.2373397 -0.13104044,
+ 0.54204858 1.2047244 -0.15606699,0.54204858 1.1667432 -0.17179934] }
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+ 0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,
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+ 0 0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 0.96592583 -0.25881905,
+ 0 0.84327172 -0.5374875,0 0.67542593 -0.73742784,
+ 0 0.46155098 -0.88711369,0 0.21622209 -0.9763442] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118,0.8477152 1.136174 -0.057713615,
+ 0.8477152 1.1456693 -0.053780528,0.8477152 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ 0.8477152 1.1600797 -0.039370079,0.8477152 1.1640128 -0.029874766,
+ 0.8477152 1.1653543 -0.019685039,0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118,
+ 0.54204858 1.1653543 -0.019685039,0.54204858 1.1640128 -0.029874766,
+ 0.54204858 1.1600797 -0.039370079,0.54204858 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
+ 0.54204858 1.1456693 -0.053780528,0.54204858 1.136174 -0.057713615] }
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+ 0,13,7,-1,1,12,13,-1,1,13,0,-1,2,11,12,-1,2,12,1,-1,3,10,11,-1,3,11,2,-1,4,9,10,-1,
+ 4,10,3,-1,5,8,9,-1,5,9,4,-1,6,8,5,-1]
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
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+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.059055118,0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118,
+ 0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.17716535,0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.17716535] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_456 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_457 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_457 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535,0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.17716535,
+ 0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.059055118,0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118] }
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+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_458 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.17716535,0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.17716535,
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+ 0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.17716535,0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.17716535,
+ 0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.17716535,0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.17716535,
+ 0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.17716535,0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.17716535,
+ 0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.17716535,0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.17716535,
+ 0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.17716535,0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.17716535,
+ 0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.17716535,0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.17716535] }
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+ 6,3,4,-1,6,4,5,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,6,7,-1,0,3,6,-1,11,12,13,-1,11,13,14,-1,11,14,15,-1,
+ 10,1,0,-1,10,15,1,-1,10,0,7,-1,10,11,15,-1,9,7,8,-1,9,10,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.54204858 1.1259843 -0.059055118,0.8477152 1.1259843 -0.059055118,
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+ 0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.059055118,0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.059055118,
+ 0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.059055118,0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.059055118,
+ 0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.059055118,0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.059055118,
+ 0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.059055118,0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.059055118,
+ 0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.059055118,0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.059055118,
+ 0.58141866 0.86094288 -0.059055118,0.60040929 0.85307671 -0.059055118] }
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+ 9,10,11,-1,9,11,12,-1,9,12,13,-1,9,13,14,-1,9,14,15,-1,5,3,4,-1,8,6,7,-1,2,5,6,-1,
+ 2,9,3,-1,2,3,5,-1,2,10,9,-1,2,6,8,-1,1,0,10,-1,1,10,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ 0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.059055118,0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.059055118,
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_460 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_461 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_461 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.17716535,0.60040929 0.85307671 -0.17716535,
+ 0.58141866 0.86094288 -0.17716535,0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.17716535,
+ 0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.17716535,0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.17716535,
+ 0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.17716535,0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.059055118,
+ 0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.059055118,0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.059055118,
+ 0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.059055118,0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.059055118,
+ 0.58141866 0.86094288 -0.059055118,0.60040929 0.85307671 -0.059055118] }
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+ 9,6,5,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1]
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+ -0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,-0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ -0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,-0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ -0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,-0.95364993 -0.30091828 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,
+ -0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,-0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,
+ -0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,-0.30091828 -0.95364993 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_462 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_462 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.17716535,0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.17716535,
+ 0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.17716535,0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.17716535,
+ 0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.17716535,0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.17716535,
+ 0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.17716535,0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.059055118,
+ 0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.059055118,0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.059055118,
+ 0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.059055118,0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.059055118,
+ 0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.059055118,0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.059055118] }
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+ 9,6,5,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1]
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+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,
+ 0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,
+ 0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,0.30091828 -0.95364993 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ 0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ 0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,0.95364993 -0.30091828 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.17716535,-0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.17716535,
+ -0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.17716535,-0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.17716535,
+ -0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.17716535,-0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.17716535,
+ -0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.17716535,-0.76897504 0.8503937 -0.059055118,
+ -0.8477152 0.92913386 -0.059055118,-0.84503219 0.90875441 -0.059055118,
+ -0.83716602 0.88976378 -0.059055118,-0.82465274 0.87345616 -0.059055118,
+ -0.80834512 0.86094288 -0.059055118,-0.78935449 0.85307671 -0.059055118] }
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+ 9,6,5,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,-0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ -0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,-0.67542593 -0.73742784 0,
+ -0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,-0.95364993 -0.30091828 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.9763442 -0.21622209 0,
+ -0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,-0.73742784 -0.67542593 0,
+ -0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,-0.30091828 -0.95364993 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_464 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.17716535,-0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.17716535,
+ -0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.17716535,-0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.17716535,
+ -0.58141866 0.86094288 -0.17716535,-0.60040929 0.85307671 -0.17716535,
+ -0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.17716535,-0.54204858 0.92913386 -0.059055118,
+ -0.62078874 0.8503937 -0.059055118,-0.60040929 0.85307671 -0.059055118,
+ -0.58141866 0.86094288 -0.059055118,-0.56511104 0.87345616 -0.059055118,
+ -0.55259776 0.88976378 -0.059055118,-0.54473159 0.90875441 -0.059055118] }
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+ 9,6,5,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,2,1,-1,
+ 12,11,2,-1,13,12,1,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,13,1,-1]
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+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.84327172 -0.5374875 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.5374875 -0.84327172 0,0.30091828 -0.95364993 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.21622209 -0.9763442 0,
+ 0.46155098 -0.88711369 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.88711369 -0.46155098 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_465 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 0.67322835 -0.17716535,1.6417323 0.67054534 -0.19754481,
+ 1.6417323 0.66267917 -0.21653543,1.6417323 0.65016589 -0.23284305,
+ 1.6417323 0.63385827 -0.24535633,1.6417323 0.61486764 -0.25322251,
+ 1.6417323 0.59448819 -0.25590551,1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.17716535,
+ 1.7598425 0.59448819 -0.25590551,1.7598425 0.61486764 -0.25322251,
+ 1.7598425 0.63385827 -0.24535633,1.7598425 0.65016589 -0.23284305,
+ 1.7598425 0.66267917 -0.21653543,1.7598425 0.67054534 -0.19754481] }
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+ 9,6,5,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,1,0,-1,13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,13,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 0.96592583 -0.25881905,
+ 0 0.88711369 -0.46155098,0 0.73742784 -0.67542593,
+ 0 0.5374875 -0.84327172,0 0.30091828 -0.95364993,
+ 0 0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,
+ 0 0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 0.21622209 -0.9763442,
+ 0 0.46155098 -0.88711369,0 0.67542593 -0.73742784,
+ 0 0.84327172 -0.5374875,0 0.96592583 -0.25881905] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_466 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.59448819 -0.25590551,-1.6417323 0.61486764 -0.25322251,
+ -1.6417323 0.63385827 -0.24535633,-1.6417323 0.65016589 -0.23284305,
+ -1.6417323 0.66267917 -0.21653543,-1.6417323 0.67054534 -0.19754481,
+ -1.6417323 0.67322835 -0.17716535,-1.7598425 0.59448819 -0.25590551,
+ -1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.17716535,-1.7598425 0.67054534 -0.19754481,
+ -1.7598425 0.66267917 -0.21653543,-1.7598425 0.65016589 -0.23284305,
+ -1.7598425 0.63385827 -0.24535633,-1.7598425 0.61486764 -0.25322251] }
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+ 1,0,7,-1,1,7,13,-1,2,13,12,-1,2,1,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,2,12,-1,4,11,10,-1,4,3,11,-1,
+ 5,10,9,-1,5,4,10,-1,6,9,8,-1,6,5,9,-1]
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+ 0 0.13052619 -0.99144486,0 0.21622209 -0.9763442,
+ 0 0.46155098 -0.88711369,0 0.67542593 -0.73742784,
+ 0 0.84327172 -0.5374875,0 0.95364993 -0.30091828,
+ 0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 0.13052619 -0.99144486,
+ 0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 0.9763442 -0.21622209,
+ 0 0.88711369 -0.46155098,0 0.73742784 -0.67542593,
+ 0 0.5374875 -0.84327172,0 0.30091828 -0.95364993] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_467 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.7519685 0.059055118,-1.7598425 0.7519685 0.059055118,
+ -1.7598425 0.73158905 0.056372112,-1.7598425 0.71259843 0.048505937,
+ -1.7598425 0.6962908 0.03599266,-1.7598425 0.68377753 0.019685039,
+ -1.7598425 0.67591135 0.000694413,-1.7598425 0.67322835 -0.019685039,
+ -1.6417323 0.67322835 -0.019685039,-1.6417323 0.67591135 0.000694413,
+ -1.6417323 0.68377753 0.019685039,-1.6417323 0.6962908 0.03599266,
+ -1.6417323 0.71259843 0.048505937,-1.6417323 0.73158905 0.056372112] }
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+ 0,2,1,-1,13,2,0,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,2,13,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,3,12,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,
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+ 0 0.99144486 -0.13052619,0 0.95364993 -0.30091828,
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+ 0 0.46155098 -0.88711369,0 0.25881905 -0.96592583] }
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+ -0.748527 -0.62650102 -0.21726438] }
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+ 0 0.46155098 -0.88711369,0 0.21622209 -0.9763442] }
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+ 0.31334771 -0.26053379 -0.91320061,0.15157655 -0.12431417 -0.98059703] }
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+ 2,13,12,-1,2,12,3,-1,1,0,13,-1,1,13,2,-1]
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+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,-0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
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+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442] }
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+ -1.0243287 0.15748031 1.3779528,-1.0164625 0.15748031 1.3969434] }
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+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
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+ -0.13052619 0 0.99144486,-0.25881905 0 0.96592583,
+ -0.5374875 0 0.84327172,-0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ -0.88711369 0 0.46155098,-0.9763442 0 0.21622209] }
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+ 1.1614173 0.039370079 0.66015548,1.1777249 0.039370079 0.67266876,
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+ 7,8,9,-1,7,9,15,-1,6,7,15,-1,5,15,14,-1,5,6,15,-1,0,14,13,-1,0,5,14,-1,1,13,12,-1,
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+ 0.86031261 -0.0033001152 -0.50975614,0.96210218 -0.0037897359 -0.27266285] }
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+ -1.1777249 0.039370079 0.67266876,-1.1614173 0.039370079 0.66015548,
+ -1.1424267 0.039370079 0.65228931] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,12,2,3,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,1,2,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,5,6,-1,13,12,4,-1,14,6,10,-1,
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+ -0.99666761 0 -0.081570004,-0.99363597 -0.0039204586 -0.11257078,
+ -0.98973335 -0.0023190693 -0.14290735,-0.95677692 -0.00030305982 -0.29082267,
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+ -0.19383713 -0.00019458746 -0.9810337,-0.42375278 0.00028656045 -0.90577784,
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+ -0.71254743 -0.0024658718 -0.70161961,-0.51469862 -0.0021517247 -0.85736847,
+ -0.28421261 -0.0016009197 -0.95875995] }
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+ -1.2795276 0.039924025 0.88582677,-1.2675822 0.039506982 0.8849098,
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+ -1.261143 0.11813214 0.88364109,-1.2437839 0.11917756 0.8772191,
+ -1.2284473 0.12142621 0.86701007,-1.2155728 0.12430342 0.85302163,
+ -1.2067881 0.1267926 0.83723597,-1.202222 0.12824933 0.82218356] }
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+ 13,4,12,-1,14,6,5,-1,14,5,13,-1,15,7,6,-1,15,6,14,-1,8,7,15,-1]
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+ -0.72935408 0.0028511321 -0.68413047,-0.87474733 0.0031275718 -0.48456922,
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+ -0.92207693 -0.00040965816 -0.38700641,-0.98578401 0.0010390457 -0.1680143] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_478 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2007874 0.039370079 0.80708661,1.2032984 0.039370079 0.82681286,
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+ 1.2378412 0.039370079 0.87388674,1.2559055 0.039370079 0.88219994,
+ 1.2675822 0.039506982 0.8849098,1.2795276 0.039924025 0.88582677,
+ 1.2795276 0.11876691 0.88582677,1.2007874 0.12874184 0.80708661,
+ 1.2029507 0.12801582 0.8253762,1.2093992 0.1260081 0.84288594,
+ 1.2200388 0.12320315 0.85867299,1.2334612 0.1205243 0.8710772,
+ 1.2493107 0.11866449 0.87979806,1.2642773 0.11811085 0.88435125] }
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+ 14,5,4,-1,14,4,13,-1,15,6,5,-1,15,5,14,-1,8,7,6,-1,8,6,15,-1]
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+ 0.99252722 0.00095359197 -0.1220197,0.95980362 0.0011572828 -0.28067004,
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+ 0.40435489 -0.0001921174 -0.91460215,0.20428464 -0.0021131283 -0.97890925] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_479 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0137795 0.15748031 2.1653543,1.0137795 0.039370079 2.1653543,
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+ 1.036842 0.039370079 2.221032,1.0531496 0.039370079 2.2335453,
+ 1.0721402 0.039370079 2.2414115,1.0925197 0.039370079 2.2440945,
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+ 1.0531496 0.15748031 2.2335453,1.036842 0.15748031 2.221032,
+ 1.0243287 0.15748031 2.2047244,1.0164625 0.15748031 2.1857338] }
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+ 2,13,12,-1,2,12,3,-1,1,0,13,-1,1,13,2,-1]
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+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
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+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.25881905 0 -0.96592583,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.9763442 0 -0.21622209] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_480 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_480 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0925197 0.15748031 1.3385827,1.0925197 0.039370079 1.3385827,
+ 1.0721402 0.039370079 1.3412657,1.0531496 0.039370079 1.3491319,
+ 1.036842 0.039370079 1.3616451,1.0243287 0.039370079 1.3779528,
+ 1.0164625 0.039370079 1.3969434,1.0137795 0.039370079 1.4173228,
+ 1.0137795 0.15748031 1.4173228,1.0164625 0.15748031 1.3969434,
+ 1.0243287 0.15748031 1.3779528,1.036842 0.15748031 1.3616451,
+ 1.0531496 0.15748031 1.3491319,1.0721402 0.15748031 1.3412657] }
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+ 13,1,0,-1,13,2,1,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,2,13,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,3,12,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,
+ 9,6,5,-1,9,5,10,-1,8,7,6,-1,8,6,9,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_480 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 0.95364993,0.5374875 0 0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 0.67542593,0.88711369 0 0.46155098,
+ 0.9763442 0 0.21622209,0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.95364993 0 0.30091828,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.21622209 0 0.9763442] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_481 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2007874 0.12874184 0.80708661,-1.2007874 0.13420597 0.72834646,
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+ -1.2437839 0.11917756 0.8772191,-1.2284473 0.12142621 0.86701007,
+ -1.2155728 0.12430342 0.85302163,-1.2067881 0.1267926 0.83723597,
+ -1.202222 0.12824933 0.82218356,-1.2773403 0.15807619 0.92519685,
+ -1.2559055 0.15748031 0.92281054,-1.1849883 0.15748031 0.6810344,
+ -1.1778988 0.15748031 0.8038558,-1.1804054 0.15748031 0.83417392,
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+ -1.210326 0.15748031 0.89563789,-1.224885 0.15748031 0.90858253,
+ -1.239627 0.15748031 0.91726281,-1.1997917 0.13633942 0.71618077,
+ -1.1971591 0.14047514 0.70475177,-1.1933184 0.14601574 0.69487397,
+ -1.1894814 0.15135545 0.68769435] }
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+ 4,16,5,-1,3,10,18,-1,3,18,4,-1,2,9,10,-1,2,10,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_481 Normal { vector [
+ -0.78040222 0.62466302 0.027721762,-0.77951244 0.6248615 0.043685862,
+ -0.058903653 0.70812808 -0.70362276,-0.18984772 0.70951138 -0.67863941,
+ -0.40235607 0.69464241 -0.59630656,-0.56645754 0.67017769 -0.47957035,
+ -0.67199908 0.65121623 -0.3526112,-0.73856685 0.63545188 -0.22521083,
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+ -0.11026746 0.70847826 -0.69706503,-0.78146507 0.62231633 0.045107908,
+ -0.78225507 0.62250205 0.023836971,-0.76939836 0.62368592 -0.13799292,
+ -0.71804145 0.63794738 -0.27827975,-0.63736104 0.65570424 -0.40475037,
+ -0.52516233 0.67671743 -0.51600198,-0.43012483 0.68944365 -0.58280364,
+ -0.29207246 0.70174959 -0.64980088,-0.78156305 0.62219149 0.045132652,
+ -0.78154804 0.62221092 0.045124709,-0.78153517 0.62222736 0.045120765,
+ -0.78149287 0.62228108 0.045112538] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_482 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_482 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2773403 0.15807619 0.92519685,-1.370377 0.17485279 0.92519685,
+ -1.4565412 0.21375039 0.92519685,-1.5306597 0.27243366 0.92519685,
+ -1.5882828 0.34737943 0.92519685,-1.6221988 0.32738681 0.88582677,
+ -1.5586959 0.24479351 0.88582677,-1.4770142 0.18012215 0.88582677,
+ -1.3820578 0.13725542 0.88582677,-1.2795276 0.11876691 0.88582677] }
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+ 8,1,0,-1,8,0,9,-1,7,2,1,-1,7,1,8,-1,3,2,7,-1,6,3,7,-1,5,4,3,-1,5,3,6,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_482 Normal { vector [
+ 0.12595694 0.69850952 -0.70442835,0.23929113 0.66574777 -0.70676705,
+ 0.36770609 0.60398032 -0.70710678,0.50354353 0.49643118 -0.70710678,
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+ 0.50354353 0.49643118 -0.70710678,0.36770609 0.60398032 -0.70710678,
+ 0.18370864 0.68309731 -0.70684454,0.12595694 0.69850952 -0.70442835] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_483 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7204724 0.54330709 0.61023622,-1.7055687 0.54066228 0.62513661,
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+ -1.6862739 0.52664846 0.64411739,-1.683258 0.52193382 0.64692042,
+ -1.6809056 0.51613751 0.64893682,-1.6798028 0.51008858 0.6496063,
+ -1.6748369 0.47058231 0.6496063,-1.6661972 0.43171377 0.6496063,
+ -1.6539597 0.39382382 0.6496063,-1.6503445 0.38708333 0.65055175,
+ -1.6449909 0.38135889 0.65335704,-1.6391938 0.37745649 0.65717,
+ -1.6327288 0.37478972 0.66201523,-1.6181523 0.41049295 0.68897638,
+ -1.6311921 0.4537399 0.68897638,-1.6390882 0.49821447 0.68897638,
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 0.68897638] }
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+ 13,15,14,-1,12,15,13,-1,11,15,12,-1,10,15,11,-1,9,16,15,-1,9,15,10,-1,8,17,16,-1,8,16,9,-1,
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+ 0,18,1,-1]
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+ 0.7071065 0.00089698497 -0.7071065,0.70702219 0.0046167823 -0.7071763,
+ 0.70671531 0.011152311 -0.70741013,0.70612044 0.016804562 -0.70789231,
+ 0.70476376 0.024850395 -0.7090067,0.70273906 0.033056215 -0.71067932,
+ 0.69963562 0.042358661 -0.71324312,0.7028063 0.06214587 -0.70866155,
+ 0.69663281 0.12192771 -0.70699106,0.68024326 0.19225647 -0.70732352,
+ 0.67201095 0.22374406 -0.70593192,0.65665956 0.25938716 -0.70817832,
+ 0.65188078 0.26716165 -0.70970142,0.64804251 0.27210119 -0.71133806,
+ 0.64656348 0.27373511 -0.71205671,0.66838676 0.22408017 -0.70925821,
+ 0.68574481 0.16021223 -0.70999021,0.69904961 0.083979665 -0.71012468,
+ 0.70258523 0.031598839 -0.71089768] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.5882828 0.34737943 0.92519685,-1.6221988 0.32738681 0.88582677,
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+ -1.5955653 0.36035063 0.92334398,-1.6020563 0.37298126 0.91801864,
+ -1.607557 0.38458616 0.90956639,-1.6118779 0.39448739 0.89833967,
+ -1.6150363 0.40223467 0.88485019,-1.6170901 0.40757128 0.86966307,
+ -1.6178853 0.40973976 0.85825133] }
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+ 18,3,2,-1,18,2,11,-1,17,4,3,-1,17,3,18,-1,16,5,4,-1,16,4,17,-1,15,6,5,-1,15,7,6,-1,
+ 15,5,16,-1,14,8,7,-1,14,7,15,-1,13,9,8,-1,13,8,14,-1,12,10,9,-1,12,9,13,-1,0,1,10,-1,
+ 0,10,12,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.65295773 0.2754305 -0.70553826,0.64614356 0.29225545 -0.70504273,
+ 0.92550893 -0.37336747 -0.063481849,0.92300811 -0.36178836 -0.13101605,
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+ 0.87683935 -0.216518 -0.42926998,0.85310162 -0.15396275 -0.49851088,
+ 0.80714675 -0.03911456 -0.58905363,0.74569975 0.097133322 -0.65916386,
+ 0.67078753 0.24605863 -0.69964222,0.92487355 -0.37759694 -0.045049716,
+ 0.70562258 0.1783008 -0.68578831,0.77734608 0.027470959 -0.62847309,
+ 0.83440233 -0.10602299 -0.54086216,0.87724841 -0.22123975 -0.42601431,
+ 0.90393685 -0.30371876 -0.30108652,0.91673974 -0.34670261 -0.19845795,
+ 0.92462267 -0.37063436 -0.087767273] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_485 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_485 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6327288 0.37478972 0.66201523,-1.6181523 0.41049295 0.68897638,
+ -1.6181523 0.41049295 0.84645669,-1.6381994 0.36139019 0.84645669,
+ -1.6381994 0.36139019 0.68897638,-1.6357175 0.3674691 0.6701492,
+ -1.637539 0.36300769 0.67902364] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,2,3,-1,1,5,0,-1,1,6,5,-1,1,4,6,-1,1,2,4,-1]
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+ 0.92581348 -0.37798069 0,0.92581348 -0.37798069 0,
+ 0.92581348 -0.37798069 0,0.92581348 -0.37798069 0,
+ 0.92581348 -0.37798069 0,0.92581348 -0.37798069 0,
+ 0.92581348 -0.37798069 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.2559055 0.15748031 0.92281054,1.236397 0.15748031 0.91556091,
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+ 1.1935417 0.15748031 0.87175985,1.1853301 0.15748031 0.85268705,
+ 1.1801128 0.15748031 0.83253308,1.1779287 0.15748031 0.80782049,
+ 1.1801534 0.15748031 0.76362835,1.1849883 0.15748031 0.6810344,
+ 1.2773403 0.15807619 0.92519685,1.2795276 0.11876691 0.88582677,
+ 1.2007874 0.12874184 0.80708661,1.2029507 0.12801582 0.8253762,
+ 1.2093992 0.1260081 0.84288594,1.2200388 0.12320315 0.85867299,
+ 1.2334612 0.1205243 0.8710772,1.2493107 0.11866449 0.87979806,
+ 1.2642773 0.11811085 0.88435125,1.2007874 0.13420597 0.72834646,
+ 1.1929444 0.146549 0.69400179,1.1982454 0.1388385 0.70850137,
+ 1.2001372 0.13575533 0.71824867] }
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+ 18,1,0,-1,18,0,10,-1,18,10,11,-1,17,2,1,-1,17,1,18,-1,16,3,2,-1,16,2,17,-1,15,4,3,-1,
+ 15,3,16,-1,14,5,4,-1,14,6,5,-1,14,4,15,-1,13,7,6,-1,13,6,14,-1,12,8,7,-1,12,7,13,-1,
+ 20,9,8,-1,21,20,8,-1,22,21,8,-1,19,8,12,-1,19,22,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_486 Normal { vector [
+ 0.15224451 0.70701997 -0.69061159,0.29953962 0.6998277 -0.64847298,
+ 0.44986968 0.68446003 -0.57370004,0.58071587 0.66544673 -0.46898798,
+ 0.67438633 0.64780272 -0.35433701,0.73000303 0.63611369 -0.24990988,
+ 0.76247453 0.62935674 -0.1501422,0.78248385 0.62250762 -0.014257732,
+ 0.78071259 0.62338262 0.043381642,0.78109289 0.62273843 0.045724622,
+ 0.050303424 0.70577263 -0.70665023,0.037745841 0.70819644 -0.70500571,
+ 0.78101946 0.62393163 0.026794065,0.77230782 0.62565975 -0.10995688,
+ 0.72136797 0.64028423 -0.26394007,0.62944789 0.6605123 -0.40929068,
+ 0.50622658 0.67970163 -0.53079218,0.35586851 0.69529827 -0.62443408,
+ 0.14504671 0.70719643 -0.6919788,0.77947575 0.62491119 0.043629741,
+ 0.7810527 0.62278998 0.045709146,0.78093892 0.62293759 0.04564155,
+ 0.78074297 0.62319588 0.045467693] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_487 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_487 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2795276 0.11876691 0.88582677,1.3820578 0.13725542 0.88582677,
+ 1.4770142 0.18012215 0.88582677,1.5586959 0.24479351 0.88582677,
+ 1.6221988 0.32738681 0.88582677,1.5882828 0.34737943 0.92519685,
+ 1.5306597 0.27243366 0.92519685,1.4565412 0.21375039 0.92519685,
+ 1.370377 0.17485279 0.92519685,1.2773403 0.15807619 0.92519685] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,2,7,6,-1,2,6,3,-1,1,8,7,-1,1,7,2,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,8,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_487 Normal { vector [
+ -0.12595694 0.69850952 -0.70442835,-0.23572093 0.66693811 -0.70684454,
+ -0.39083041 0.58959511 -0.70684454,-0.5224755 0.47685443 -0.70684454,
+ -0.5626847 0.43262758 -0.70442835,-0.5626847 0.43262758 -0.70442835,
+ -0.4815413 0.51826472 -0.70676705,-0.34105487 0.61980797 -0.70676705,
+ -0.18009245 0.68413965 -0.70676705,-0.12595694 0.69850952 -0.70442835] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_488 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6798028 0.51008858 0.6496063,1.6816955 0.51842959 0.64828698,
+ 1.6859993 0.52624619 0.64437119,1.6927985 0.53335985 0.63779694,
+ 1.7043915 0.54017641 0.62630655,1.712351 0.54251968 0.61835724,
+ 1.7204724 0.54330709 0.61023622,1.6417323 0.54330709 0.68897638,
+ 1.6390882 0.49821447 0.68897638,1.6311921 0.4537399 0.68897638,
+ 1.6181523 0.41049295 0.68897638,1.6327288 0.37478972 0.66201523,
+ 1.6408167 0.37838347 0.65604545,1.6484781 0.38474793 0.65141653,
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+ -0.69663281 0.12192771 -0.70699106] }
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+ 1.2559055 1.2047244 -0.17716535] }
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+ -0.060361137 -0.70581745 -0.70581745] }
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+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
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+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ 2,11,3,-1,1,12,2,-1,13,12,1,-1,0,13,1,-1]
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+ 0.060361137 -0.70581745 -0.70581745,0.10437747 -0.69697401 -0.70945935,
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+ 0.16090928 -0.67740291 -0.71779768,0.069624516 -0.69607229 -0.71458785] }
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+ 0.40016283 1.2596367 -0.12225306,0.40760002 1.2678767 -0.11401306,
+ 0.41241747 1.2754978 -0.10639199] }
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+ 0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,
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+ 0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 0.70710678 -0.70710678] }
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+ 0.41591392 1.1653543 -0.098425197,0.40670901 1.1821081 -0.11517896,
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+ 0.37327065 1.203268 -0.13633886,0.3667002 1.2043696 -0.13744045,
+ 0.36023622 1.2047244 -0.13779528,-0.41591392 1.1653543 -0.098425197,
+ -0.36023622 1.2047244 -0.13779528,-0.37067163 1.2037951 -0.13686596,
+ -0.38118161 1.2008852 -0.13395608,-0.39120087 1.1959554 -0.12902631,
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+ -0.41241747 1.1733211 -0.10639199] }
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+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 0 1,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.11811024 0.15748031 2.6920781,1.2559055 0.15748031 2.6920781,
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 0.93969262 0.34202014,0 0.93969262 0.34202014,
+ 0 0.93969262 0.34202014,0 0.93969262 0.34202014] }
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+ 1.2559055 0.15748031 2.6920781,1.3557648 0.17062704 2.6920781,
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+ 1.6417323 0.54330709 2.6920781,1.7007874 0.54330709 2.8543307,
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+ 1.5704845 0.22872809 2.8543307,1.4783465 0.15802807 2.8543307,
+ 1.3710494 0.11358418 2.8543307,1.2559055 0.098425197 2.8543307] }
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+ 9,4,10,-1,8,5,9,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,8,-1]
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+ -0.12277691 0.93258318 0.33943252,-0.2866169 0.89504855 0.34167066,
+ -0.50850628 0.7903686 0.34167066,-0.66446302 0.66446302 0.34202014,
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+ -0.20692124 0.91671663 0.34178095,-0.12277691 0.93258318 0.33943252] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.6417323 0.54330709 2.6920781,1.6417323 0.77952756 2.6920781,
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ -0.93969262 0 0.34202014,-0.93969262 0 0.34202014,
+ -0.93969262 0 0.34202014,-0.93969262 0 0.34202014] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.6417323 0.77952756 2.6920781,1.6285856 0.87938688 2.6920781,
+ 1.5900413 0.97244094 2.6920781,1.5287262 1.0523483 2.6920781,
+ 1.4488189 1.1136633 2.6920781,1.3557648 1.1522076 2.6920781,
+ 1.2559055 1.1653543 2.6920781,1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307,
+ 1.3710494 1.2092505 2.8543307,1.4783465 1.1648066 2.8543307,
+ 1.5704845 1.0941066 2.8543307,1.6411845 1.0019685 2.8543307,
+ 1.6856284 0.89467146 2.8543307,1.7007874 0.77952756 2.8543307] }
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+ 12,1,0,-1,12,0,13,-1,11,2,1,-1,11,1,12,-1,10,3,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,4,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
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+ -0.93258318 -0.12277691 0.33943252,-0.89504855 -0.2866169 0.34167066,
+ -0.7903686 -0.50850628 0.34167066,-0.63182634 -0.69574179 0.34167066,
+ -0.43022615 -0.83556365 0.34167066,-0.24321035 -0.90767337 0.34202014,
+ -0.12277691 -0.93258318 0.33943252,-0.12277691 -0.93258318 0.33943252,
+ -0.24321035 -0.90767337 0.34202014,-0.50190114 -0.79453196 0.34178095,
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+ -0.91671663 -0.20692124 0.34178095,-0.93258318 -0.12277691 0.33943252] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 1.2559055 1.1653543 2.6920781,-1.2559055 1.1653543 2.6920781,
+ -1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307,1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 -0.93969262 0.34202014,0 -0.93969262 0.34202014,
+ 0 -0.93969262 0.34202014,0 -0.93969262 0.34202014] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -1.2559055 1.1653543 2.6920781,-1.3557648 1.1522076 2.6920781,
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+ -1.6417323 0.77952756 2.6920781,-1.7007874 0.77952756 2.8543307,
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+ -1.3710494 1.2092505 2.8543307,-1.2559055 1.2244094 2.8543307] }
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+ 8,5,4,-1,8,4,9,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.12277691 -0.93258318 0.33943252,0.2866169 -0.89504855 0.34167066,
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+ 0.63755736 -0.69043928 0.34178095,0.43713429 -0.83192512 0.34178095,
+ 0.20692124 -0.91671663 0.34178095,0.12277691 -0.93258318 0.33943252] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0.93969262 0 0.34202014,0.93969262 0 0.34202014,
+ 0.93969262 0 0.34202014,0.93969262 0 0.34202014] }
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+ 0.12277691 0.93258318 0.33943252,0.12277691 0.93258318 0.33943252,
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+ 0.89736051 0.27915927 0.34178095,0.93258318 0.12277691 0.33943252] }
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+ -1.2559055 0.15748031 2.6920781,-0.13779528 0.15748031 2.6920781,
+ -0.13779528 0.098425197 2.8543307,-1.2559055 0.098425197 2.8543307] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 0.93969262 0.34202014,0 0.93969262 0.34202014,
+ 0 0.93969262 0.34202014,0 0.93969262 0.34202014] }
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+ -0.8648735 1.1927981 1.0137795,-0.88012124 1.2227234 1.0137795,
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+ -0.96102301 1.2793715 1.0137795,-0.9943587 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ -0.8648735 1.1927981 0.83661417,-0.88012124 1.2227234 0.83661417,
+ -0.90215567 1.2480711 0.83661417,-0.92966774 1.2673353 0.83661417,
+ -0.96102301 1.2793715 0.83661417,-0.9943587 1.2834646 0.83661417] }
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+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
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+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.85121168 0.52482251 0,
+ 0.698961 0.71515979 0,0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ 0.28139875 0.95959092 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.80547647 0.59262776 0,
+ 0.63818075 0.76988657 0,0.43297163 0.90140755 0,
+ 0.2020403 0.97937721 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0] }
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+ -0.84526954 1.1389366 1.0137795,-0.8648735 1.1927981 1.0137795,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_508 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_508 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.84526954 1.1389366 0.83661417,-0.84526954 1.1389366 1.0137795,
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+ -0.83601322 1.1282884 0.83661417,-0.83994352 1.1310405 0.83661417,
+ -0.84309129 1.1346616 0.83661417,-0.82677165 1.1259843 1.0137795,
+ -0.8315339 1.126569 1.0137795,-0.83601322 1.1282884 1.0137795,
+ -0.83994352 1.1310405 1.0137795,-0.84309129 1.1346616 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
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+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ 0.12186934 0.99254615 0,0.2020403 0.97937721 0,
+ 0.43297163 0.90140755 0,0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ 0.80547647 0.59262776 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ 0.28139875 0.95959092 0,0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ 0.698961 0.71515979 0,0.85121168 0.52482251 0] }
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+ -0.7480315 1.1259843 1.0137795,-0.82677165 1.1259843 1.0137795,
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.7480315 1.1259843 0.83661417,-0.7480315 1.1259843 1.0137795,
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+ -0.74326925 1.126569 0.83661417,-0.72953361 1.1389366 1.0137795,
+ -0.73171186 1.1346616 1.0137795,-0.73485963 1.1310405 1.0137795,
+ -0.73878993 1.1282884 1.0137795,-0.74326925 1.126569 1.0137795] }
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+ 11,0,1,-1,11,6,0,-1,10,5,6,-1,10,6,11,-1,9,4,5,-1,9,5,10,-1,8,2,3,-1,8,3,4,-1,
+ 8,4,9,-1,7,2,8,-1]
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ -0.89100652 0.4539905 0,-0.82903757 0.5591929 0,
+ -0.698961 0.71515979 0,-0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ -0.28139875 0.95959092 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ -0.82903757 0.5591929 0,-0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ -0.43297163 0.90140755 0,-0.2020403 0.97937721 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.70992965 1.1927981 1.0137795,-0.72953361 1.1389366 1.0137795,
+ -0.70992965 1.1927981 0.83661417,-0.72953361 1.1389366 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_512 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ -0.58044445 1.2834646 1.0137795,-0.61378014 1.2793715 1.0137795,
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+ -0.69468191 1.2227234 1.0137795,-0.70992965 1.1927981 1.0137795,
+ -0.58044445 1.2834646 0.83661417,-0.61378014 1.2793715 0.83661417,
+ -0.64513541 1.2673353 0.83661417,-0.67264748 1.2480711 0.83661417,
+ -0.69468191 1.2227234 0.83661417,-0.70992965 1.1927981 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.2020403 0.97937721 0,
+ -0.43297163 0.90140755 0,-0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ -0.80547647 0.59262776 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.28139875 0.95959092 0,
+ -0.50518606 0.86301045 0,-0.698961 0.71515979 0,
+ -0.85121168 0.52482251 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.58044445 1.1653543 0.83661417,-0.58044445 1.1653543 1.0137795,
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+ -0.59361631 1.1602981 0.83661417,-0.58968601 1.1630501 0.83661417,
+ -0.58520669 1.1647696 0.83661417,-0.59894233 1.152402 1.0137795,
+ -0.59676408 1.156677 1.0137795,-0.59361631 1.1602981 1.0137795,
+ -0.58968601 1.1630501 1.0137795,-0.58520669 1.1647696 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ 0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,
+ 0.698961 -0.71515979 0,0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ 0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_514 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.61854629 1.0985405 1.0137795,-0.59894233 1.152402 1.0137795,
+ -0.61854629 1.0985405 0.83661417,-0.59894233 1.152402 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.7480315 1.007874 1.0137795,-0.7146958 1.0119671 1.0137795,
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+ -0.63379404 1.0686152 1.0137795,-0.61854629 1.0985405 1.0137795,
+ -0.7480315 1.007874 0.83661417,-0.7146958 1.0119671 0.83661417,
+ -0.68334053 1.0240033 0.83661417,-0.65582846 1.0432674 0.83661417,
+ -0.63379404 1.0686152 0.83661417,-0.61854629 1.0985405 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_515 Normal { vector [
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,
+ 0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,0.698961 -0.71515979 0,
+ 0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_516 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.82677165 1.007874 1.0137795,-0.7480315 1.007874 1.0137795,
+ -0.82677165 1.007874 0.83661417,-0.7480315 1.007874 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_516 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_517 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_517 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.95625686 1.0985405 1.0137795,-0.94100911 1.0686152 1.0137795,
+ -0.91897469 1.0432674 1.0137795,-0.89146262 1.0240033 1.0137795,
+ -0.86010735 1.0119671 1.0137795,-0.82677165 1.007874 1.0137795,
+ -0.95625686 1.0985405 0.83661417,-0.94100911 1.0686152 0.83661417,
+ -0.91897469 1.0432674 0.83661417,-0.89146262 1.0240033 0.83661417,
+ -0.86010735 1.0119671 0.83661417,-0.82677165 1.007874 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,
+ -0.698961 -0.71515979 0,-0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ -0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,-0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,
+ -0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,-0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,
+ -0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,-0.12186934 -0.99254615 0] }
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+ -0.97586082 1.152402 1.0137795,-0.95625686 1.0985405 1.0137795,
+ -0.97586082 1.152402 0.83661417,-0.95625686 1.0985405 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.97586082 1.152402 0.83661417,-0.97586082 1.152402 1.0137795,
+ -0.9943587 1.1653543 0.83661417,-0.98959646 1.1647696 0.83661417,
+ -0.98511714 1.1630501 0.83661417,-0.98118684 1.1602981 0.83661417,
+ -0.97803907 1.156677 0.83661417,-0.9943587 1.1653543 1.0137795,
+ -0.98959646 1.1647696 1.0137795,-0.98511714 1.1630501 1.0137795,
+ -0.98118684 1.1602981 1.0137795,-0.97803907 1.156677 1.0137795] }
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+ 11,0,1,-1,11,6,0,-1,10,5,6,-1,10,6,11,-1,9,4,5,-1,9,5,10,-1,8,3,4,-1,8,4,9,-1,
+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_519 Normal { vector [
+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ -0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,-0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,
+ -0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,-0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ -0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,-0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ -0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,-0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ -0.698961 -0.71515979 0,-0.85121168 -0.52482251 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_520 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.82677165 1.007874 1.0137795,0.86010735 1.0119671 1.0137795,
+ 0.89146262 1.0240033 1.0137795,0.91897469 1.0432674 1.0137795,
+ 0.94100911 1.0686152 1.0137795,0.95625686 1.0985405 1.0137795,
+ 0.82677165 1.007874 0.83661417,0.86010735 1.0119671 0.83661417,
+ 0.89146262 1.0240033 0.83661417,0.91897469 1.0432674 0.83661417,
+ 0.94100911 1.0686152 0.83661417,0.95625686 1.0985405 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_520 Normal { vector [
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,
+ 0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,0.698961 -0.71515979 0,
+ 0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_521 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.7480315 1.007874 1.0137795,0.82677165 1.007874 1.0137795,
+ 0.7480315 1.007874 0.83661417,0.82677165 1.007874 0.83661417] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_521 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ 0.61854629 1.0985405 1.0137795,0.63379404 1.0686152 1.0137795,
+ 0.65582846 1.0432674 1.0137795,0.68334053 1.0240033 1.0137795,
+ 0.7146958 1.0119671 1.0137795,0.7480315 1.007874 1.0137795,
+ 0.61854629 1.0985405 0.83661417,0.63379404 1.0686152 0.83661417,
+ 0.65582846 1.0432674 0.83661417,0.68334053 1.0240033 0.83661417,
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+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
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+ 0.59894233 1.152402 1.0137795,0.61854629 1.0985405 1.0137795,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0.58968601 1.1630501 0.83661417,0.59361631 1.1602981 0.83661417,
+ 0.59676408 1.156677 0.83661417,0.58044445 1.1653543 1.0137795,
+ 0.58520669 1.1647696 1.0137795,0.58968601 1.1630501 1.0137795,
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+ 0.61378014 1.2793715 1.0137795,0.58044445 1.2834646 1.0137795,
+ 0.70992965 1.1927981 0.83661417,0.69468191 1.2227234 0.83661417,
+ 0.67264748 1.2480711 0.83661417,0.64513541 1.2673353 0.83661417,
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+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.85121168 0.52482251 0,
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+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.80547647 0.59262776 0,
+ 0.63818075 0.76988657 0,0.43297163 0.90140755 0,
+ 0.2020403 0.97937721 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0] }
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+ 0.72953361 1.1389366 1.0137795,0.70992965 1.1927981 1.0137795,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0.73878993 1.1282884 0.83661417,0.73485963 1.1310405 0.83661417,
+ 0.73171186 1.1346616 0.83661417,0.7480315 1.1259843 1.0137795,
+ 0.74326925 1.126569 1.0137795,0.73878993 1.1282884 1.0137795,
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
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+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ 0.12186934 0.99254615 0,0.2020403 0.97937721 0,
+ 0.43297163 0.90140755 0,0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ 0.80547647 0.59262776 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ 0.28139875 0.95959092 0,0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ 0.698961 0.71515979 0,0.85121168 0.52482251 0] }
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+ 0.82677165 1.1259843 1.0137795,0.7480315 1.1259843 1.0137795,
+ 0.82677165 1.1259843 0.83661417,0.7480315 1.1259843 0.83661417] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.8315339 1.126569 0.83661417,0.84526954 1.1389366 1.0137795,
+ 0.84309129 1.1346616 1.0137795,0.83994352 1.1310405 1.0137795,
+ 0.83601322 1.1282884 1.0137795,0.8315339 1.126569 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ -0.89100652 0.4539905 0,-0.85121168 0.52482251 0,
+ -0.698961 0.71515979 0,-0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ -0.28139875 0.95959092 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ -0.80547647 0.59262776 0,-0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ -0.43297163 0.90140755 0,-0.2020403 0.97937721 0] }
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+ 0.8648735 1.1927981 1.0137795,0.84526954 1.1389366 1.0137795,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.9943587 1.2834646 1.0137795,0.96102301 1.2793715 1.0137795,
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+ 0.88012124 1.2227234 1.0137795,0.8648735 1.1927981 1.0137795,
+ 0.9943587 1.2834646 0.83661417,0.96102301 1.2793715 0.83661417,
+ 0.92966774 1.2673353 0.83661417,0.90215567 1.2480711 0.83661417,
+ 0.88012124 1.2227234 0.83661417,0.8648735 1.1927981 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.2020403 0.97937721 0,
+ -0.43297163 0.90140755 0,-0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ -0.80547647 0.59262776 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.28139875 0.95959092 0,
+ -0.50518606 0.86301045 0,-0.698961 0.71515979 0,
+ -0.85121168 0.52482251 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.9943587 1.1653543 0.83661417,0.9943587 1.1653543 1.0137795,
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+ 0.98118684 1.1602981 0.83661417,0.98511714 1.1630501 0.83661417,
+ 0.98959646 1.1647696 0.83661417,0.97586082 1.152402 1.0137795,
+ 0.97803907 1.156677 1.0137795,0.98118684 1.1602981 1.0137795,
+ 0.98511714 1.1630501 1.0137795,0.98959646 1.1647696 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
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+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ 0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,
+ 0.698961 -0.71515979 0,0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ 0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_533 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.95625686 1.0985405 1.0137795,0.97586082 1.152402 1.0137795,
+ 0.95625686 1.0985405 0.83661417,0.97586082 1.152402 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
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+ 0.58044445 0.039370079 1.0137795,0.61378014 0.043463187 1.0137795,
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+ 0.69468191 0.10011121 1.0137795,0.70992965 0.13003659 1.0137795,
+ 0.58044445 0.039370079 0.83661417,0.61378014 0.043463187 0.83661417,
+ 0.64513541 0.055499347 0.83661417,0.67264748 0.074763508 0.83661417,
+ 0.69468191 0.10011121 0.83661417,0.70992965 0.13003659 0.83661417] }
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+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,
+ 0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,0.698961 -0.71515979 0,
+ 0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.58044445 0.15748031 0.83661417,0.58044445 0.15748031 1.0137795,
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+ 0.59361631 0.16253652 0.83661417,0.58968601 0.1597845 0.83661417,
+ 0.58520669 0.15806504 0.83661417,0.59894233 0.17043267 1.0137795,
+ 0.59676408 0.16615762 1.0137795,0.59361631 0.16253652 1.0137795,
+ 0.58968601 0.1597845 1.0137795,0.58520669 0.15806504 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ -0.89100652 0.4539905 0,-0.85121168 0.52482251 0,
+ -0.698961 0.71515979 0,-0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ -0.28139875 0.95959092 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ -0.80547647 0.59262776 0,-0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ -0.43297163 0.90140755 0,-0.2020403 0.97937721 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_536 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.61854629 0.22429411 1.0137795,0.59894233 0.17043267 1.0137795,
+ 0.61854629 0.22429411 0.83661417,0.59894233 0.17043267 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.7480315 0.31496063 1.0137795,0.7146958 0.31086752 1.0137795,
+ 0.68334053 0.29883136 1.0137795,0.65582846 0.2795672 1.0137795,
+ 0.63379404 0.25421949 1.0137795,0.61854629 0.22429411 1.0137795,
+ 0.7480315 0.31496063 0.83661417,0.7146958 0.31086752 0.83661417,
+ 0.68334053 0.29883136 0.83661417,0.65582846 0.2795672 0.83661417,
+ 0.63379404 0.25421949 0.83661417,0.61854629 0.22429411 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.2020403 0.97937721 0,
+ -0.43297163 0.90140755 0,-0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ -0.80547647 0.59262776 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.28139875 0.95959092 0,
+ -0.50518606 0.86301045 0,-0.698961 0.71515979 0,
+ -0.85121168 0.52482251 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_538 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.82677165 0.31496063 1.0137795,0.7480315 0.31496063 1.0137795,
+ 0.82677165 0.31496063 0.83661417,0.7480315 0.31496063 0.83661417] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.95625686 0.22429411 1.0137795,0.94100911 0.25421949 1.0137795,
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+ 0.86010735 0.31086752 1.0137795,0.82677165 0.31496063 1.0137795,
+ 0.95625686 0.22429411 0.83661417,0.94100911 0.25421949 0.83661417,
+ 0.91897469 0.2795672 0.83661417,0.89146262 0.29883136 0.83661417,
+ 0.86010735 0.31086752 0.83661417,0.82677165 0.31496063 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_539 Normal { vector [
+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.85121168 0.52482251 0,
+ 0.698961 0.71515979 0,0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ 0.28139875 0.95959092 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.80547647 0.59262776 0,
+ 0.63818075 0.76988657 0,0.43297163 0.90140755 0,
+ 0.2020403 0.97937721 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.97586082 0.17043267 1.0137795,0.95625686 0.22429411 1.0137795,
+ 0.97586082 0.17043267 0.83661417,0.95625686 0.22429411 0.83661417] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.97586082 0.17043267 0.83661417,0.97586082 0.17043267 1.0137795,
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+ 0.98511714 0.1597845 0.83661417,0.98118684 0.16253652 0.83661417,
+ 0.97803907 0.16615762 0.83661417,0.9943587 0.15748031 1.0137795,
+ 0.98959646 0.15806504 1.0137795,0.98511714 0.1597845 1.0137795,
+ 0.98118684 0.16253652 1.0137795,0.97803907 0.16615762 1.0137795] }
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+ 0.28139875 0.95959092 0,0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
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+ -0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,-0.12186934 -0.99254615 0] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0.84309129 0.18817309 0.83661417,0.82677165 0.19685039 1.0137795,
+ 0.8315339 0.19626566 1.0137795,0.83601322 0.19454621 1.0137795,
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+ -0.698961 -0.71515979 0,-0.85121168 -0.52482251 0] }
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+ 0.7480315 0.19685039 1.0137795,0.82677165 0.19685039 1.0137795,
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ 0.73485963 0.19179419 0.83661417,0.73878993 0.19454621 0.83661417,
+ 0.74326925 0.19626566 0.83661417,0.72953361 0.18389803 1.0137795,
+ 0.73171186 0.18817309 1.0137795,0.73485963 0.19179419 1.0137795,
+ 0.73878993 0.19454621 1.0137795,0.74326925 0.19626566 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
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+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ 0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,
+ 0.698961 -0.71515979 0,0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ 0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
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+ -0.82677165 0.31496063 1.0137795,-0.86010735 0.31086752 1.0137795,
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+ -0.94100911 0.25421949 1.0137795,-0.95625686 0.22429411 1.0137795,
+ -0.82677165 0.31496063 0.83661417,-0.86010735 0.31086752 0.83661417,
+ -0.89146262 0.29883136 0.83661417,-0.91897469 0.2795672 0.83661417,
+ -0.94100911 0.25421949 0.83661417,-0.95625686 0.22429411 0.83661417] }
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+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.2020403 0.97937721 0,
+ -0.43297163 0.90140755 0,-0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
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+ -0.12186934 0.99254615 0,-0.28139875 0.95959092 0,
+ -0.50518606 0.86301045 0,-0.698961 0.71515979 0,
+ -0.85121168 0.52482251 0,-0.89100652 0.4539905 0] }
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+ -0.7480315 0.31496063 1.0137795,-0.82677165 0.31496063 1.0137795,
+ -0.7480315 0.31496063 0.83661417,-0.82677165 0.31496063 0.83661417] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_549 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.61854629 0.22429411 0.83661417,-0.63379404 0.25421949 0.83661417,
+ -0.65582846 0.2795672 0.83661417,-0.68334053 0.29883136 0.83661417,
+ -0.7146958 0.31086752 0.83661417,-0.7480315 0.31496063 0.83661417] }
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+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
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+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.85121168 0.52482251 0,
+ 0.698961 0.71515979 0,0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ 0.28139875 0.95959092 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.80547647 0.59262776 0,
+ 0.63818075 0.76988657 0,0.43297163 0.90140755 0,
+ 0.2020403 0.97937721 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0] }
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+ -0.59894233 0.17043267 1.0137795,-0.61854629 0.22429411 1.0137795,
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_552 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.59894233 0.17043267 0.83661417,-0.59894233 0.17043267 1.0137795,
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+ -0.58968601 0.1597845 0.83661417,-0.59361631 0.16253652 0.83661417,
+ -0.59676408 0.16615762 0.83661417,-0.58044445 0.15748031 1.0137795,
+ -0.58520669 0.15806504 1.0137795,-0.58968601 0.1597845 1.0137795,
+ -0.59361631 0.16253652 1.0137795,-0.59676408 0.16615762 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
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+ 0.89100652 0.4539905 0,0.89100652 0.4539905 0,
+ 0.12186934 0.99254615 0,0.2020403 0.97937721 0,
+ 0.43297163 0.90140755 0,0.63818075 0.76988657 0,
+ 0.80547647 0.59262776 0,0.12186934 0.99254615 0,
+ 0.28139875 0.95959092 0,0.50518606 0.86301045 0,
+ 0.698961 0.71515979 0,0.85121168 0.52482251 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.70992965 0.13003659 1.0137795,-0.69468191 0.10011121 1.0137795,
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+ -0.61378014 0.043463187 1.0137795,-0.58044445 0.039370079 1.0137795,
+ -0.70992965 0.13003659 0.83661417,-0.69468191 0.10011121 0.83661417,
+ -0.67264748 0.074763508 0.83661417,-0.64513541 0.055499347 0.83661417,
+ -0.61378014 0.043463187 0.83661417,-0.58044445 0.039370079 0.83661417] }
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+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,
+ -0.698961 -0.71515979 0,-0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ -0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,-0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,
+ -0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,-0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,
+ -0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,-0.12186934 -0.99254615 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_554 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.72953361 0.18389803 1.0137795,-0.70992965 0.13003659 1.0137795,
+ -0.72953361 0.18389803 0.83661417,-0.70992965 0.13003659 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
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+ -0.72953361 0.18389803 0.83661417,-0.72953361 0.18389803 1.0137795,
+ -0.7480315 0.19685039 0.83661417,-0.74326925 0.19626566 0.83661417,
+ -0.73878993 0.19454621 0.83661417,-0.73485963 0.19179419 0.83661417,
+ -0.73171186 0.18817309 0.83661417,-0.7480315 0.19685039 1.0137795,
+ -0.74326925 0.19626566 1.0137795,-0.73878993 0.19454621 1.0137795,
+ -0.73485963 0.19179419 1.0137795,-0.73171186 0.18817309 1.0137795] }
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+ 11,0,1,-1,11,6,0,-1,10,5,6,-1,10,6,11,-1,9,4,5,-1,9,5,10,-1,8,3,4,-1,8,4,9,-1,
+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_555 Normal { vector [
+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ -0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,-0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,
+ -0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,-0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ -0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,-0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ -0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,-0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ -0.698961 -0.71515979 0,-0.85121168 -0.52482251 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_556 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.82677165 0.19685039 1.0137795,-0.7480315 0.19685039 1.0137795,
+ -0.82677165 0.19685039 0.83661417,-0.7480315 0.19685039 0.83661417] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_557 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.82677165 0.19685039 0.83661417,-0.82677165 0.19685039 1.0137795,
+ -0.84526954 0.18389803 0.83661417,-0.84309129 0.18817309 0.83661417,
+ -0.83994352 0.19179419 0.83661417,-0.83601322 0.19454621 0.83661417,
+ -0.8315339 0.19626566 0.83661417,-0.84526954 0.18389803 1.0137795,
+ -0.84309129 0.18817309 1.0137795,-0.83994352 0.19179419 1.0137795,
+ -0.83601322 0.19454621 1.0137795,-0.8315339 0.19626566 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_557 Normal { vector [
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,
+ 0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,
+ 0.698961 -0.71515979 0,0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,
+ 0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ -0.8648735 0.13003659 1.0137795,-0.84526954 0.18389803 1.0137795,
+ -0.8648735 0.13003659 0.83661417,-0.84526954 0.18389803 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
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+ coord DEF COORD_559 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.9943587 0.039370079 1.0137795,-0.96102301 0.043463187 1.0137795,
+ -0.92966774 0.055499347 1.0137795,-0.90215567 0.074763508 1.0137795,
+ -0.88012124 0.10011121 1.0137795,-0.8648735 0.13003659 1.0137795,
+ -0.9943587 0.039370079 0.83661417,-0.96102301 0.043463187 0.83661417,
+ -0.92966774 0.055499347 0.83661417,-0.90215567 0.074763508 0.83661417,
+ -0.88012124 0.10011121 0.83661417,-0.8648735 0.13003659 0.83661417] }
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+ 1,0,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,2,7,8,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,9,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,
+ 5,10,11,-1,5,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_559 Normal { vector [
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.2020403 -0.97937721 0,
+ 0.43297163 -0.90140755 0,0.63818075 -0.76988657 0,
+ 0.80547647 -0.59262776 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.12186934 -0.99254615 0,0.28139875 -0.95959092 0,
+ 0.50518606 -0.86301045 0,0.698961 -0.71515979 0,
+ 0.85121168 -0.52482251 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_560 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_560 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.9943587 0.15748031 0.83661417,-0.9943587 0.15748031 1.0137795,
+ -0.97586082 0.17043267 0.83661417,-0.97803907 0.16615762 0.83661417,
+ -0.98118684 0.16253652 0.83661417,-0.98511714 0.1597845 0.83661417,
+ -0.98959646 0.15806504 0.83661417,-0.97586082 0.17043267 1.0137795,
+ -0.97803907 0.16615762 1.0137795,-0.98118684 0.16253652 1.0137795,
+ -0.98511714 0.1597845 1.0137795,-0.98959646 0.15806504 1.0137795] }
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+ 7,2,3,-1,7,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+] }
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+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
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+ children [
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+ appearance DEF APP_12 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 1
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+ 0.58552242 -0.74040439 0.33009822,0.24310482 -0.96853602 0.053273141,
+ 0.59119671 -0.556853 0.58343911,0.41442486 -0.88036824 0.23065949,
+ 0.48013552 -0.74040439 0.47039475,0.22103312 -0.96853602 0.11437806,
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+ 0.1314716 -0.86137639 0.49065868,0.067257799 -0.96374192 0.25822064] }
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+ 1.3612164 -0.16929134 0.5706988,1.3502987 -0.16929134 0.57522103,
+ 1.3385827 -0.16929134 0.57676348,1.3385827 -0.16812188 0.47670416,
+ 1.3385827 -0.16468298 0.46774551,1.3385827 -0.15917893 0.45988492,
+ 1.3385827 -0.15193673 0.45358937,1.3385827 -0.14338662 0.44923287,
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+ 1.3797143 -0.14338662 0.60273808,1.3967515 -0.14338662 0.58966492,
+ 1.4098247 -0.14338662 0.57262766,1.4180428 -0.14338662 0.55278734,
+ 1.4208459 -0.14338662 0.53149606,1.4180428 -0.14338662 0.51020478,
+ 1.4098247 -0.14338662 0.49036447,1.3967515 -0.14338662 0.4733272,
+ 1.3797143 -0.14338662 0.46025405,1.359874 -0.14338662 0.45203592,
+ 1.3385827 -0.16812188 0.58628797,1.3385827 -0.16468298 0.59524662,
+ 1.3385827 -0.15917893 0.60310721,1.3385827 -0.15193673 0.60940276,
+ 1.3527639 -0.16812188 0.58442098,1.3550825 -0.16468298 0.59307437,
+ 1.3659786 -0.16812188 0.57894724,1.357117 -0.15917893 0.60066712,
+ 1.370458 -0.16468298 0.58670566,1.3587464 -0.15193673 0.60674815,
+ 1.3773264 -0.16812188 0.57023979,1.3743882 -0.15917893 0.59351313,
+ 1.3836611 -0.16468298 0.57657451,1.377536 -0.15193673 0.59896524,
+ 1.3860339 -0.16812188 0.55889201,1.3892194 -0.15917893 0.58213279,
+ 1.3937923 -0.16468298 0.56337134,1.393671 -0.15193673 0.58658441,
+ 1.3915076 -0.16812188 0.54567725,1.4005997 -0.15917893 0.56730164,
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+ 1.3933746 -0.16812188 0.53149606,1.4077537 -0.15917893 0.55003039,
+ 1.4023332 -0.16468298 0.53149606,1.4138348 -0.15193673 0.5516598,
+ 1.3915076 -0.16812188 0.51731487,1.4101938 -0.15917893 0.53149606,
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+ 1.370458 -0.16468298 0.47628647,1.393671 -0.15193673 0.47640771,
+ 1.3527639 -0.16812188 0.47857115,1.3743882 -0.15917893 0.46947899,
+ 1.3550825 -0.16468298 0.46991776,1.377536 -0.15193673 0.46402689,
+ 1.357117 -0.15917893 0.46232501,1.3587464 -0.15193673 0.45624397] }
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+ 67,26,25,-1,67,25,63,-1,67,63,61,-1,67,61,65,-1,68,3,2,-1,68,64,3,-1,69,62,66,-1,69,65,62,-1,
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+ 0.016042339 -0.99241842 -0.12185366,0.031542107 -0.99254615 -0.11771675,
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+ 0.12186711 -0.99252799 -0.0060490403,0.1192802 -0.99252799 0.025698606,
+ 0.10856454 -0.99252799 0.055694934,0.09045038 -0.99252799 0.081895745,
+ 0.066172179 -0.99252799 0.1025155,0.037384454 -0.99252799 0.11614899,
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+ 0.89037415 -0.45366829 -0.037669039,0.85028592 -0.45366829 -0.26683129,
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+ 0.41256473 -0.45366829 -0.78992115,0.23060946 -0.4539905 -0.86064621,
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+ 1.4012201 0.0039767336 0.59413347,1.382874 0.0039767336 0.60821091,
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+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
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+ 0.67542593 0 0.73742784,0.46155098 0 0.88711369,
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+ -1.2530184 0.0039767336 0.50856918,-1.25 0.0039767336 0.53149606,
+ -1.2530184 0.0039767336 0.55442295,-1.2618678 0.0039767336 0.5757874,
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+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.70710678 0 -0.70710678,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.25881905 0 -0.96592583,
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ 0.25881905 0 -0.96592583,0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,
+ 0.70710678 0 -0.70710678,0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,
+ 0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,0.99903848 0 0.04384197,
+ 0.95364993 0 0.30091828,0.84327172 0 0.5374875,
+ 0.67542593 0 0.73742784,0.46155098 0 0.88711369,
+ 0.21622209 0 0.9763442,0.13052619 0 0.99144486] }
+DEF SHAPE_570 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_570 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_570 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2972441 0.58267717 2.5787402,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,
+ -1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_570 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_571 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_571 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_571 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,1.2972441 0.74015748 2.5787402,
+ 1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102,1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_571 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_572 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_572 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_572 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.58267717 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 2.7755906,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.1988189 0.74015748 2.7755906,
+ 1.1988189 0.74015748 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,0,1,-1,8,10,9,-1,2,0,11,-1,4,2,11,-1,5,11,10,-1,5,4,11,-1,3,2,4,-1,7,6,5,-1,
+ 7,10,8,-1,7,5,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_572 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_573 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_573 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_573 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.74015748 2.7755906,
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,1.2972441 0.74015748 2.5787402,
+ 1.257874 0.77952756 2.6574803,1.2185039 0.77952756 2.7362205] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,1,0,-1,4,0,2,-1,4,5,0,-1,3,4,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_573 Normal { vector [
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_574 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_574 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 2.7755906,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ -1.2185039 0.54330709 2.7362205,-1.257874 0.54330709 2.6574803,
+ -1.2972441 0.58267717 2.5787402,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,3,2,1,-1,5,4,3,-1,5,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_574 Normal { vector [
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_575 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_575 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551,-1.2008312 0.58267717 2.0743397,
+ -1.2067308 0.58267717 2.0885827,-1.2161157 0.58267717 2.1008134,
+ -1.2283465 0.58267717 2.1101984,-1.2425894 0.58267717 2.116098,
+ -1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ -1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397,-1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,
+ -1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,-1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,
+ -1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098,-1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 13,5,6,-1,12,4,5,-1,12,5,13,-1,11,3,4,-1,11,4,12,-1,10,2,3,-1,10,3,11,-1,9,1,2,-1,
+ 9,2,10,-1,8,0,1,-1,8,1,9,-1,7,0,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_575 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ -0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,-0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,
+ -0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,-0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ -0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,-0.13052619 0 -0.99144486] }
+DEF SHAPE_576 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_576 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_576 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ -1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,-1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,0,-1,1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_576 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_577 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_577 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_577 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102,
+ 1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102,1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_577 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_578 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_578 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_578 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102,
+ 1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551,1.2008312 0.74015748 2.0743397,
+ 1.2067308 0.74015748 2.0885827,1.2161157 0.74015748 2.1008134,
+ 1.2283465 0.74015748 2.1101984,1.2425894 0.74015748 2.116098,
+ 1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098,
+ 1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,
+ 1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,8,2,-1,3,13,8,-1,4,12,13,-1,4,13,3,-1,5,11,12,-1,5,12,4,-1,6,10,11,-1,6,11,5,-1,
+ 7,9,10,-1,7,10,6,-1,1,0,9,-1,1,9,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_578 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,
+ 0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,
+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364993 0 -0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_579 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_579 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_579 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2972441 0.74015748 2.5787402,-1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,-1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_579 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_580 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_580 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_580 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803,1.257874 0.54330709 2.6574803,
+ 1.1594488 0.54330709 2.0590551,1.1628026 0.54330709 2.0845294,
+ 1.1726353 0.54330709 2.1082677,1.1882769 0.54330709 2.1286522,
+ 1.2086614 0.54330709 2.1442938,1.2323997 0.54330709 2.1541266,
+ 1.1594488 0.54330709 1.7401575,1.1791339 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 1.1683679 0.54330709 1.6992163,1.1617044 0.54330709 1.7192068,
+ -1.1791339 0.54330709 1.6811024,-1.1594488 0.54330709 1.7401575,
+ -1.1617044 0.54330709 1.7192068,-1.1683679 0.54330709 1.6992163,
+ -1.1594488 0.54330709 2.0590551,-1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803,
+ -1.2323997 0.54330709 2.1541266,-1.2086614 0.54330709 2.1442938,
+ -1.1882769 0.54330709 2.1286522,-1.1726353 0.54330709 2.1082677,
+ -1.1628026 0.54330709 2.0845294,-1.257874 0.54330709 2.6574803,
+ -1.2185039 0.54330709 2.7362205,1.2185039 0.54330709 2.7362205] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 23,17,18,-1,23,18,19,-1,23,19,20,-1,24,20,21,-1,24,21,22,-1,24,23,20,-1,9,15,12,-1,10,15,9,-1,
+ 11,14,15,-1,11,15,10,-1,8,13,14,-1,8,16,13,-1,8,14,11,-1,2,16,8,-1,3,22,16,-1,3,16,2,-1,
+ 1,5,6,-1,1,6,7,-1,1,7,0,-1,25,3,4,-1,25,4,5,-1,25,24,22,-1,25,22,3,-1,25,5,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_580 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_581 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_581 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_581 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.58267717 2.5787402,1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,
+ 1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_581 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_582 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_582 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_582 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,-1.257874 0.77952756 2.6574803,
+ -1.1594488 0.77952756 2.0590551,-1.1628026 0.77952756 2.0845294,
+ -1.1726353 0.77952756 2.1082677,-1.1882769 0.77952756 2.1286522,
+ -1.2086614 0.77952756 2.1442938,-1.2323997 0.77952756 2.1541266,
+ -1.1594488 0.77952756 1.7401575,-1.1791339 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -1.1683679 0.77952756 1.6992163,-1.1617044 0.77952756 1.7192068,
+ 1.1791339 0.77952756 1.6811024,1.1594488 0.77952756 1.7401575,
+ 1.1617044 0.77952756 1.7192068,1.1683679 0.77952756 1.6992163,
+ 1.1594488 0.77952756 2.0590551,1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,
+ 1.2323997 0.77952756 2.1541266,1.2086614 0.77952756 2.1442938,
+ 1.1882769 0.77952756 2.1286522,1.1726353 0.77952756 2.1082677,
+ 1.1628026 0.77952756 2.0845294,1.257874 0.77952756 2.6574803,
+ 1.2185039 0.77952756 2.7362205,-1.2185039 0.77952756 2.7362205] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 7,0,1,-1,6,7,1,-1,5,1,25,-1,5,6,1,-1,4,5,25,-1,3,4,25,-1,20,24,23,-1,19,20,23,-1,
+ 21,24,20,-1,18,19,23,-1,22,25,24,-1,22,3,25,-1,22,24,21,-1,17,18,23,-1,16,2,3,-1,16,8,2,-1,
+ 16,3,22,-1,13,8,16,-1,14,11,8,-1,14,8,13,-1,15,10,11,-1,15,11,14,-1,12,9,10,-1,12,10,15,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_582 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_583 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_583 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_583 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3169291 0.54330709 1.6811024,1.3169291 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 1.3070687 0.49606299 1.6811024,1.3125122 0.51130913 1.6811024,
+ 1.3158197 0.5271564 1.6811024,-1.3070687 0.49606299 1.6811024,
+ -1.3169291 0.54330709 1.6811024,-1.3158197 0.5271564 1.6811024,
+ -1.3125122 0.51130913 1.6811024,-1.3169291 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -1.3070687 0.82677165 1.6811024,-1.3125122 0.81152552 1.6811024,
+ -1.3158197 0.79567825 1.6811024,1.3070687 0.82677165 1.6811024,
+ 1.3158197 0.79567825 1.6811024,1.3125122 0.81152552 1.6811024,
+ 1.1791339 0.77952756 1.6811024,1.2114142 0.75623543 1.6811024,
+ 1.2375382 0.74357481 1.6811024,1.2475493 0.74106742 1.6811024,
+ 1.257874 0.74015748 1.6811024,-1.1791339 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -1.257874 0.74015748 1.6811024,-1.2430415 0.74200932 1.6811024,
+ -1.2271497 0.7476728 1.6811024,-1.2092944 0.7575593 1.6811024,
+ -1.257874 0.58267717 1.6811024,-1.1791339 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -1.2114142 0.56659921 1.6811024,-1.2375382 0.57925983 1.6811024,
+ -1.2475493 0.58176723 1.6811024,1.1791339 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 1.257874 0.58267717 1.6811024,1.2430415 0.58082533 1.6811024,
+ 1.2271497 0.57516185 1.6811024,1.2092944 0.56527534 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 32,3,4,-1,32,4,0,-1,33,2,3,-1,33,3,32,-1,34,2,33,-1,35,2,34,-1,31,2,35,-1,1,32,0,-1,
+ 20,1,14,-1,20,32,1,-1,15,19,20,-1,15,20,14,-1,18,19,15,-1,13,18,15,-1,17,18,13,-1,16,17,13,-1,
+ 5,27,28,-1,5,31,27,-1,5,2,31,-1,29,5,28,-1,8,5,29,-1,30,8,29,-1,26,8,30,-1,7,8,26,-1,
+ 6,7,26,-1,9,26,22,-1,9,6,26,-1,12,9,22,-1,11,12,22,-1,11,22,23,-1,10,11,23,-1,10,23,24,-1,
+ 10,24,25,-1,10,25,21,-1,10,21,13,-1,21,16,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_583 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_584 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_584 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_584 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.078740157 0.92913386 1.023622,0.078740157 0.92913386 1.023622,
+ 0.078740157 1.1062992 1.023622,0.53055528 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ 0.58070866 0.96850394 1.023622,0.99409449 0.96850394 1.023622,
+ 1.0442479 1.1062992 1.023622,1.2559055 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ 1.5826772 0.77952756 1.023622,1.5715427 0.86410229 1.023622,
+ 1.5388981 0.94291339 1.023622,1.486968 1.01059 1.023622,
+ 1.4192913 1.0625201 1.023622,1.3404802 1.0951647 1.023622,
+ 1.5826772 0.54330709 1.023622,1.2559055 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ 1.3404802 0.22766991 1.023622,1.4192913 0.26031453 1.023622,
+ 1.486968 0.31224463 1.023622,1.5388981 0.37992126 1.023622,
+ 1.5715427 0.45873236 1.023622,1.0442479 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ 0.99409449 0.35433071 1.023622,0.58070866 0.35433071 1.023622,
+ 0.53055528 0.21653543 1.023622,0.078740157 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ 0.078740157 0.39370079 1.023622,-0.078740157 0.39370079 1.023622,
+ -0.078740157 0.21653543 1.023622,-0.53055528 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ -0.58070866 0.35433071 1.023622,-0.99409449 0.35433071 1.023622,
+ -1.0442479 0.21653543 1.023622,-1.2559055 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ -1.5826772 0.54330709 1.023622,-1.5715427 0.45873236 1.023622,
+ -1.5388981 0.37992126 1.023622,-1.486968 0.31224463 1.023622,
+ -1.4192913 0.26031453 1.023622,-1.3404802 0.22766991 1.023622,
+ -1.5826772 0.77952756 1.023622,-1.2559055 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ -1.3404802 1.0951647 1.023622,-1.4192913 1.0625201 1.023622,
+ -1.486968 1.01059 1.023622,-1.5388981 0.94291339 1.023622,
+ -1.5715427 0.86410229 1.023622,-1.0442479 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ -0.99409449 0.96850394 1.023622,-0.58070866 0.96850394 1.023622,
+ -0.53055528 1.1062992 1.023622,-0.078740157 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ 1.1988189 0.42519685 1.023622,1.2293881 0.42922136 1.023622,
+ 1.257874 0.44102062 1.023622,1.2823354 0.45979054 1.023622,
+ 1.3011054 0.48425197 1.023622,1.3129046 0.51273791 1.023622,
+ 1.3169291 0.54330709 1.023622,1.3169291 0.77952756 1.023622,
+ 1.3129046 0.81009674 1.023622,1.3011054 0.83858268 1.023622,
+ 1.2823354 0.86304411 1.023622,1.257874 0.88181402 1.023622,
+ 1.2293881 0.89361329 1.023622,1.1988189 0.8976378 1.023622,
+ -1.1988189 0.8976378 1.023622,-1.2293881 0.89361329 1.023622,
+ -1.257874 0.88181402 1.023622,-1.2823354 0.86304411 1.023622,
+ -1.3011054 0.83858268 1.023622,-1.3129046 0.81009674 1.023622,
+ -1.3169291 0.77952756 1.023622,-1.3169291 0.54330709 1.023622,
+ -1.3129046 0.51273791 1.023622,-1.3011054 0.48425197 1.023622,
+ -1.2823354 0.45979054 1.023622,-1.257874 0.44102062 1.023622,
+ -1.2293881 0.42922136 1.023622,-1.1988189 0.42519685 1.023622] }
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+ 55,17,18,-1,56,18,19,-1,56,55,18,-1,54,16,17,-1,54,17,55,-1,57,56,19,-1,57,19,20,-1,53,15,16,-1,
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+ normal DEF NORM_584 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.078740157 0.21653543 1.023622,-0.078740157 0.20125084 1.0216098,
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+ -0.078740157 0.15748031 0.96456693,-0.53055528 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ -0.50906098 0.15748031 0.96456693,-0.50971092 0.15926602 0.97897946,
+ -0.51152925 0.16426184 0.9920438,-0.51418998 0.17157214 1.0028528,
+ -0.51768366 0.18117095 1.0118624,-0.52174808 0.19233784 1.018437,
+ -0.52605771 0.20417846 1.0223148,-0.52833603 0.21043809 1.0233064] }
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+ 0,7,15,-1,1,14,13,-1,1,15,14,-1,1,0,15,-1,2,13,12,-1,2,1,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,2,12,-1,
+ 4,11,10,-1,4,3,11,-1,5,9,8,-1,5,10,9,-1,5,4,10,-1,6,5,8,-1]
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+ 0.00076886779 -0.10815236 0.99413403,0.00060628498 -0.2586291 0.96597651,
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+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.05169331 0.99866301,
+ 0.00013246626 -0.9919207 0.1268594,2.5496623e-05 -0.97086664 0.23962045,
+ -9.2295314e-06 -0.90230399 0.43110036,-3.417565e-05 -0.77299985 0.6344062,
+ -7.3170051e-05 -0.60325884 0.79754546,-1.1324326e-05 -0.40173033 0.91575801,
+ -0.00017881898 -0.25985011 0.96564895,0.00071587783 -0.11905616 0.99288726] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_586 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.078740157 1.1653543 0.96456693,-0.078740157 1.1633421 0.97985152,
+ -0.078740157 1.1574424 0.99409449,-0.078740157 1.1480575 1.0063252,
+ -0.078740157 1.1358268 1.0157102,-0.078740157 1.1215838 1.0216098,
+ -0.078740157 1.1062992 1.023622,-0.50906098 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ -0.53055528 1.1062992 1.023622,-0.52530955 1.1207117 1.0218363,
+ -0.52004367 1.1351796 1.0160784,-0.51578193 1.1468887 1.0074622,
+ -0.51269433 1.1553718 0.99742101,-0.51052853 1.1613223 0.98601388,
+ -0.50941004 1.1643953 0.97516656] }
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+ 9,6,5,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,5,4,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,2,1,-1,13,12,2,-1,14,1,0,-1,14,13,1,-1,7,14,0,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_586 Normal { vector [
+ 0.00059469174 0.99347477 0.11405054,0.00062549279 0.96489533 0.262634,
+ 0.00051346057 0.87219936 0.4891503,0.00035397465 0.72454152 0.68923107,
+ 0.00015641893 0.53032101 0.84779691,6.7886553e-05 0.29638283 0.95506922,
+ 0.00012702193 0.12683447 0.99192389,0 0.99593181 0.090110143,
+ 0 0.12295916 0.99241173,-1.7591429e-06 0.21113608 0.97745668,
+ -7.896519e-05 0.44806471 0.89400112,-2.2296689e-05 0.6539812 0.7565108,
+ -1.321514e-06 0.81635356 0.57755247,4.6306572e-05 0.92557745 0.37855831,
+ 0.00023065509 0.98672393 0.16240637] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_587 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_587 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2007874 0.15748031 0.75984252,-1.2559055 0.15748031 0.81496063,
+ -1.2007874 0.15748031 0.6496063,1.2007874 0.15748031 0.6496063,
+ 1.2007874 0.15748031 0.75984252,1.2559055 0.15748031 0.81496063,
+ 1.2559055 0.15748031 0.96456693,1.0657422 0.15748031 0.96456693,
+ 1.0657422 0.15748031 0.82677165,0.50906098 0.15748031 0.82677165,
+ 0.50906098 0.15748031 0.96456693,0.078740157 0.15748031 0.96456693,
+ -0.078740157 0.15748031 0.96456693,-0.50906098 0.15748031 0.96456693,
+ -0.50906098 0.15748031 0.82677165,-1.0657422 0.15748031 0.82677165,
+ -1.0657422 0.15748031 0.96456693,-1.2559055 0.15748031 0.96456693] }
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+ 15,1,0,-1,15,16,17,-1,15,17,1,-1,2,15,0,-1,14,15,2,-1,12,13,14,-1,11,12,14,-1,9,10,11,-1,
+ 9,11,14,-1,6,7,8,-1,5,6,8,-1,5,8,4,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,4,8,-1,2,3,14,-1,14,3,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_587 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_588 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_588 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_588 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693,1.2559055 1.1653543 -0.019685039,
+ -1.2559055 1.1653543 -0.019685039,-1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ -1.0657422 1.1653543 0.96456693,-1.0657422 1.1653543 0.82677165,
+ -0.50906098 1.1653543 0.82677165,-0.50906098 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ -0.078740157 1.1653543 0.96456693,0.078740157 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ 0.50906098 1.1653543 0.96456693,0.50906098 1.1653543 0.82677165,
+ 1.0657422 1.1653543 0.82677165,1.0657422 1.1653543 0.96456693] }
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+ 5,2,3,-1,4,5,3,-1,6,2,5,-1,8,6,7,-1,11,1,2,-1,11,8,9,-1,11,2,6,-1,11,6,8,-1,
+ 10,11,9,-1,12,1,11,-1,0,12,13,-1,0,1,12,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_588 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_589 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_589 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_589 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.059055118,-1.4493805 1.0669291 -0.059055118,
+ -1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.25590551,-1.7598425 1.0669291 -0.25590551,
+ -1.7598425 1.0669291 0.0098425197,-1.5133208 1.0669291 0.0098425197,
+ -1.5133208 1.0669291 -0.019685039,-1.5116918 1.0669291 -0.028862473,
+ -1.5069458 1.0669291 -0.037425356,-1.4995636 1.0669291 -0.044783745,
+ -1.4881977 1.0669291 -0.051580004,-1.469198 1.0669291 -0.057356698] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,11,1,2,-1,10,11,2,-1,3,8,9,-1,3,9,10,-1,3,10,2,-1,4,5,6,-1,4,6,7,-1,
+ 4,7,8,-1,4,8,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_589 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_590 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_590 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.059055118,1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.25590551,
+ 1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.25590551,1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.059055118] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_590 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_591 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_591 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_591 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.230315 0.68307087 -0.15748031,-1.230315 0.68307087 -0.15748031,
+ -1.230315 0.68307087 -0.25590551,-1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.25590551,
+ -1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.059055118,1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.059055118,
+ 1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.25590551,1.230315 0.68307087 -0.25590551] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,4,-1,6,7,0,-1,5,6,0,-1,4,5,0,-1,4,0,1,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_592 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_592 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.230315 0.047244094 -0.15748031,1.230315 0.047244094 -0.25590551,
+ 1.230315 0.68307087 -0.15748031,1.230315 0.68307087 -0.25590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_592 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_593 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_593 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_593 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5452756 0.70472441 -0.059055118,1.6417323 0.70472441 -0.059055118,
+ 1.5452756 0.70472441 -0.25590551,1.7598425 0.70472441 -0.25590551,
+ 1.7598425 0.70472441 0.0098425197,1.6417323 0.70472441 0.0098425197] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1,4,5,1,-1,4,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_593 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_594 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_594 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_594 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.230315 0.68307087 -0.25590551,1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.25590551,
+ 1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.25590551,1.7598425 1.0669291 -0.25590551,
+ 1.7598425 0.70472441 -0.25590551,1.5452756 0.70472441 -0.25590551,
+ 1.5452756 0.047244094 -0.25590551,1.230315 0.047244094 -0.25590551] }
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+ 1,6,7,-1,1,7,0,-1,5,6,1,-1,2,5,1,-1,3,4,5,-1,3,5,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_595 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_595 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_595 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 0.70472441 0.0098425197,1.6417323 0.75393701 0.059055118,
+ 1.7598425 0.70472441 0.0098425197,1.7598425 0.75393701 0.059055118] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_595 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_596 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_596 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_596 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 0.75393701 0.059055118,1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,
+ 1.7598425 0.75393701 0.059055118,1.7598425 1.0177165 0.059055118,
+ 1.559432 1.0177165 0.059055118,1.6322817 0.86439971 0.059055118,
+ 1.6043928 0.94511407 0.059055118] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,5,1,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,4,6,-1,3,5,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_596 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_597 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_597 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_597 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.559432 1.0177165 0.059055118,1.5133208 1.0669291 0.0098425197,
+ 1.7598425 1.0177165 0.059055118,1.7598425 1.0669291 0.0098425197] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_597 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_598 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_598 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_598 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.4493805 1.0669291 -0.059055118,1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.059055118,
+ 1.4738733 1.0669291 -0.05644322,1.4868542 1.0669291 -0.05217705,
+ 1.4989491 1.0669291 -0.045154827,1.5063674 1.0669291 -0.0379743,
+ 1.511432 1.0669291 -0.029431024,1.5133208 1.0669291 -0.019685039,
+ 1.5133208 1.0669291 0.0098425197,1.7598425 1.0669291 0.0098425197,
+ 1.7598425 1.0669291 -0.25590551,1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.25590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,9,10,-1,4,5,10,-1,6,9,5,-1,3,10,11,-1,3,4,10,-1,7,9,6,-1,2,3,11,-1,0,2,11,-1,
+ 8,9,7,-1,1,0,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_598 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_599 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_599 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_599 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.7598425 0.70472441 -0.25590551,1.7598425 1.0669291 -0.25590551,
+ 1.7598425 1.0669291 0.0098425197,1.7598425 1.0177165 0.059055118,
+ 1.7598425 0.75393701 0.059055118,1.7598425 0.70472441 0.0098425197] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,5,0,-1,3,4,5,-1,3,5,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_599 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_600 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_600 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_600 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5452756 0.047244094 -0.25590551,1.230315 0.047244094 -0.25590551,
+ 1.5452756 0.047244094 0.84645669,1.2874016 0.047244094 0.84645669,
+ 1.2007874 0.047244094 0.75984252,1.2007874 0.047244094 0.6496063,
+ -1.2007874 0.047244094 0.6496063,-1.2007874 0.047244094 0.75984252,
+ -1.2874016 0.047244094 0.84645669,-1.5452756 0.047244094 0.84645669,
+ -1.5452756 0.047244094 -0.25590551,-1.230315 0.047244094 -0.25590551,
+ -1.230315 0.047244094 -0.15748031,1.230315 0.047244094 -0.15748031,
+ 1.3385827 0.047244094 0.63582677,1.3655855 0.047244094 0.63227179,
+ 1.390748 0.047244094 0.62184911,1.4123556 0.047244094 0.60526901,
+ 1.4289357 0.047244094 0.58366142,1.4393584 0.047244094 0.55849884,
+ 1.4429134 0.047244094 0.53149606,1.4393584 0.047244094 0.50449329,
+ 1.4289357 0.047244094 0.47933071,1.4123556 0.047244094 0.45772311,
+ 1.390748 0.047244094 0.44114302,1.3655855 0.047244094 0.43072034,
+ 1.3385827 0.047244094 0.42716535,1.3115799 0.047244094 0.43072034,
+ 1.2864173 0.047244094 0.44114302,1.2648097 0.047244094 0.45772311,
+ 1.2482296 0.047244094 0.47933071,1.237807 0.047244094 0.50449329,
+ 1.234252 0.047244094 0.53149606,1.237807 0.047244094 0.55849884,
+ 1.2482296 0.047244094 0.58366142,1.2648097 0.047244094 0.60526901,
+ 1.2864173 0.047244094 0.62184911,1.3115799 0.047244094 0.63227179,
+ -1.3385827 0.047244094 0.63582677,-1.3115799 0.047244094 0.63227179,
+ -1.2864173 0.047244094 0.62184911,-1.2648097 0.047244094 0.60526901,
+ -1.2482296 0.047244094 0.58366142,-1.237807 0.047244094 0.55849884,
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+ -1.4289357 0.047244094 0.47933071,-1.4393584 0.047244094 0.50449329,
+ -1.4429134 0.047244094 0.53149606,-1.4393584 0.047244094 0.55849884,
+ -1.4289357 0.047244094 0.58366142,-1.4123556 0.047244094 0.60526901,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_603 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.059055118,-1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.059055118,
+ 1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.059055118,1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.059055118,
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+ -1.2559055 1.1259843 -0.059055118,-1.4493805 1.0669291 -0.059055118,
+ -1.3892255 1.0993056 -0.059055118,-1.3238871 1.1192491 -0.059055118] }
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+ 0,9,10,-1,0,10,11,-1,8,0,11,-1,1,0,8,-1,5,1,8,-1,3,5,6,-1,3,6,7,-1,4,3,7,-1,
+ 2,1,5,-1,2,5,3,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
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+ coord DEF COORD_604 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.25590551,-1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.059055118,
+ -1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.25590551,-1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.059055118] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ -1.230315 0.047244094 -0.15748031,-1.230315 0.047244094 -0.25590551,
+ -1.230315 0.68307087 -0.25590551,-1.230315 0.68307087 -0.15748031] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_605 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_606 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_606 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.70472441 -0.059055118,-1.5452756 0.70472441 -0.059055118,
+ -1.6417323 0.70472441 0.0098425197,-1.7598425 0.70472441 0.0098425197,
+ -1.7598425 0.70472441 -0.25590551,-1.5452756 0.70472441 -0.25590551] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,5,1,0,-1,4,5,0,-1,4,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_607 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 0.047244094 -0.25590551,-1.230315 0.047244094 -0.25590551,
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+ -1.7598425 1.0669291 -0.25590551,-1.3661417 1.0669291 -0.25590551,
+ -1.3661417 0.68307087 -0.25590551,-1.230315 0.68307087 -0.25590551] }
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+ 4,2,3,-1,6,1,0,-1,6,0,2,-1,7,1,6,-1,5,2,4,-1,5,6,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ -1.6417323 0.75393701 0.059055118,-1.6417323 0.70472441 0.0098425197,
+ -1.7598425 0.75393701 0.059055118,-1.7598425 0.70472441 0.0098425197] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_609 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,-1.6417323 0.75393701 0.059055118,
+ -1.559432 1.0177165 0.059055118,-1.6043928 0.94511407 0.059055118,
+ -1.6322817 0.86439971 0.059055118,-1.7598425 1.0177165 0.059055118,
+ -1.7598425 0.75393701 0.059055118] }
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+ 5,3,2,-1,4,3,5,-1,6,1,0,-1,6,0,4,-1,6,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_609 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_610 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_610 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_610 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5133208 1.0669291 0.0098425197,-1.559432 1.0177165 0.059055118,
+ -1.7598425 1.0669291 0.0098425197,-1.7598425 1.0177165 0.059055118] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_611 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_611 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7598425 0.70472441 -0.25590551,-1.7598425 1.0669291 -0.25590551,
+ -1.7598425 0.70472441 0.0098425197,-1.7598425 0.75393701 0.059055118,
+ -1.7598425 1.0177165 0.059055118,-1.7598425 1.0669291 0.0098425197] }
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+ 5,0,2,-1,5,2,3,-1,5,3,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_611 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_612 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_612 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_612 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 0.28810666 -0.059055118,-1.5452756 0.28810666 0.84645669,
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+ -1.5452756 0.047244094 -0.25590551,-1.5452756 0.047244094 0.84645669] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,5,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,4,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_612 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_613 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_613 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_613 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5452756 0.28810666 -0.059055118,1.5452756 0.70472441 -0.059055118,
+ 1.6417323 0.70472441 -0.059055118,1.6417323 0.54330709 -0.059055118,
+ 1.63059 0.45125352 -0.059055118,1.5978066 0.36451679 -0.059055118] }
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+ 1,3,4,-1,1,4,5,-1,1,5,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_613 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_614 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_614 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_614 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 -0.059055118,-1.6417323 0.70472441 -0.059055118,
+ -1.5452756 0.70472441 -0.059055118,-1.5452756 0.28810666 -0.059055118,
+ -1.5978066 0.36451679 -0.059055118,-1.63059 0.45125352 -0.059055118] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_614 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_615 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_615 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_615 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.6417323 0.77952756 0.96456693,1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,
+ 1.6417323 0.54330709 0.96456693,1.6417323 0.54330709 -0.059055118,
+ 1.6417323 0.70472441 -0.059055118,1.6417323 0.70472441 0.0098425197,
+ 1.6417323 0.75393701 0.059055118] }
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+ 5,3,4,-1,6,3,5,-1,2,3,6,-1,0,6,1,-1,0,2,6,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_615 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_616 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2874016 0.15876802 0.84645669,1.2559055 0.15748031 0.81496063,
+ 1.5452756 0.28810666 0.84645669,1.4714024 0.22327055 0.84645669,
+ 1.3835438 0.17920439 0.84645669,1.5452756 0.28810666 -0.059055118,
+ 1.6417323 0.54330709 -0.059055118,1.63059 0.45125352 -0.059055118,
+ 1.5978066 0.36451679 -0.059055118,1.6417323 0.54330709 0.96456693,
+ 1.6285856 0.44344777 0.96456693,1.5900413 0.3503937 0.96456693,
+ 1.5287262 0.27048636 0.96456693,1.4488189 0.2091713 0.96456693,
+ 1.3557648 0.17062704 0.96456693,1.2559055 0.15748031 0.96456693] }
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+ 7,6,9,-1,7,9,10,-1,12,2,11,-1,8,10,11,-1,8,7,10,-1,8,11,2,-1,3,2,12,-1,13,3,12,-1,
+ 5,8,2,-1,4,3,13,-1,14,4,13,-1,0,4,14,-1,15,0,14,-1,1,0,15,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_616 Normal { vector [
+ 0.14764209 -0.98904034 0.0010130037,0.040850425 -0.99916527 0,
+ 0.80889171 -0.58795722 -0.00072086457,0.57587839 -0.81751235 -0.0061347277,
+ 0.3485973 -0.93724986 -0.0065290654,0.82404691 -0.56652157 0,
+ 0.99275398 -0.12016463 0,0.97966248 -0.20065249 5.3221627e-05,
+ 0.88536741 -0.46489196 -0.00014551486,0.99208575 -0.12556124 0.00049258688,
+ 0.95727852 -0.28916676 0.00064782926,0.8764914 -0.48141549 0.0013998554,
+ 0.69175396 -0.72209206 0.0077148726,0.48312498 -0.87551339 0.0081585846,
+ 0.2420954 -0.97021472 0.0085567224,0.1051396 -0.99430877 0.017196728] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_617 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 0.28810666 -0.059055118,-1.5452756 0.28810666 0.84645669,
+ -1.2874016 0.15876802 0.84645669,-1.3835438 0.17920439 0.84645669,
+ -1.4714024 0.22327055 0.84645669,-1.2559055 0.15748031 0.81496063,
+ -1.2559055 0.15748031 0.96456693,-1.3557648 0.17062704 0.96456693,
+ -1.4488189 0.2091713 0.96456693,-1.5287262 0.27048636 0.96456693,
+ -1.5900413 0.3503937 0.96456693,-1.6285856 0.44344777 0.96456693,
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 0.96456693,-1.6417323 0.54330709 -0.059055118,
+ -1.5978066 0.36451679 -0.059055118,-1.63059 0.45125352 -0.059055118] }
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+ 2,5,6,-1,7,2,6,-1,3,2,7,-1,8,3,7,-1,4,3,8,-1,9,4,8,-1,1,4,9,-1,10,1,9,-1,
+ 14,0,1,-1,14,10,11,-1,14,1,10,-1,15,11,12,-1,15,14,11,-1,13,15,12,-1]
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+ -0.82404691 -0.56652157 0,-0.80889171 -0.58795722 -0.00072086457,
+ -0.14764209 -0.98904034 0.0010130037,-0.3485973 -0.93724986 -0.0065290654,
+ -0.57587839 -0.81751235 -0.0061347277,-0.040850425 -0.99916527 0,
+ -0.1051396 -0.99430877 0.017196728,-0.2420954 -0.97021472 0.0085567224,
+ -0.48312498 -0.87551339 0.0081585846,-0.69175396 -0.72209206 0.0077148726,
+ -0.8764914 -0.48141549 0.0013998554,-0.95727852 -0.28916676 0.00064782926,
+ -0.99208575 -0.12556124 0.00049258688,-0.99275398 -0.12016463 0,
+ -0.88536741 -0.46489196 -0.00014551486,-0.97966248 -0.20065249 5.3221627e-05] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_618 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_618 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6417323 0.54330709 0.96456693,-1.6417323 0.54330709 -0.059055118,
+ -1.6417323 0.77952756 0.96456693,-1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,
+ -1.6417323 0.75393701 0.059055118,-1.6417323 0.70472441 0.0098425197,
+ -1.6417323 0.70472441 -0.059055118] }
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+ 1,4,5,-1,1,5,6,-1,2,3,4,-1,0,2,4,-1,0,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_618 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_619 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_619 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_619 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693,-1.2559055 1.1653543 -0.019685039,
+ -1.348918 1.1539751 -0.019685039,-1.436444 1.1205087 -0.019685039,
+ -1.5133208 1.0669291 -0.019685039,-1.5133208 1.0669291 0.0098425197,
+ -1.559432 1.0177165 0.059055118,-1.6043928 0.94511407 0.059055118,
+ -1.6322817 0.86439971 0.059055118,-1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,
+ -1.6417323 0.77952756 0.96456693,-1.6285856 0.87938688 0.96456693,
+ -1.5900413 0.97244094 0.96456693,-1.5287262 1.0523483 0.96456693,
+ -1.4488189 1.1136633 0.96456693,-1.3557648 1.1522076 0.96456693] }
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+ 8,9,10,-1,8,10,11,-1,7,11,12,-1,7,8,11,-1,6,12,13,-1,6,7,12,-1,5,13,14,-1,5,6,13,-1,
+ 3,4,5,-1,3,14,15,-1,3,5,14,-1,2,15,0,-1,2,3,15,-1,1,2,0,-1]
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+ -0.12614605 0.99201158 0.00045196602,-0.12143528 0.99259935 0,
+ -0.20253531 0.97927496 4.2773115e-05,-0.4397087 0.89814043 -0.00018017793,
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+ -0.7974502 0.60338471 0.00024948726,-0.91119059 0.41198508 -9.8657817e-05,
+ -0.98238947 0.18684453 0.00021422373,-0.99385753 0.11066715 0,
+ -0.99260067 0.1214202 0.0010209838,-0.96021421 0.27926149 0.001296656,
+ -0.86136404 0.5079855 0.0016488694,-0.71128187 0.70290441 0.0018664835,
+ -0.52247217 0.85265591 0.00085465555,-0.29055655 0.95685764 0.00059647072] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_620 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_620 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5133208 1.0669291 0.0098425197,1.5133208 1.0669291 -0.019685039,
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+ 1.2559055 1.1653543 -0.019685039,1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ 1.3557648 1.1522076 0.96456693,1.4488189 1.1136633 0.96456693,
+ 1.5287262 1.0523483 0.96456693,1.5900413 0.97244094 0.96456693,
+ 1.6285856 0.87938688 0.96456693,1.6417323 0.77952756 0.96456693,
+ 1.6417323 0.77952756 0.059055118,1.6322817 0.86439971 0.059055118,
+ 1.6043928 0.94511407 0.059055118,1.559432 1.0177165 0.059055118] }
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+ 3,4,5,-1,3,5,6,-1,2,6,7,-1,2,3,6,-1,0,7,8,-1,0,2,7,-1,1,2,0,-1,15,8,9,-1,
+ 15,0,8,-1,14,9,10,-1,14,15,9,-1,13,10,11,-1,13,14,10,-1,12,13,11,-1]
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+ 0.29055655 0.95685764 0.00059647072,0.52247217 0.85265591 0.00085465555,
+ 0.71128187 0.70290441 0.0018664835,0.86136404 0.5079855 0.0016488694,
+ 0.96021421 0.27926149 0.001296656,0.99260067 0.1214202 0.0010209838,
+ 0.99385753 0.11066715 0,0.98238947 0.18684453 0.00021422373,
+ 0.91119059 0.41198508 -9.8657817e-05,0.7974502 0.60338471 0.00024948726] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_621 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.50906098 1.1653543 0.82677165,0.50906098 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ 0.50971092 1.1635686 0.97897946,0.51152925 1.1585728 0.9920438,
+ 0.51418998 1.1512625 1.0028528,0.51768366 1.1416637 1.0118624,
+ 0.52174808 1.1304968 1.018437,0.52605771 1.1186562 1.0223148,
+ 0.52833603 1.1123966 1.0233064,0.53055528 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ 0.58070866 0.96850394 1.023622,0.58070866 0.96850394 0.82677165] }
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+ 4,1,3,-1,4,5,1,-1]
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+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
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+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ 1.0442479 1.1062992 1.023622,0.99409449 0.96850394 1.023622,
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+ 1.0590212 1.1468887 1.0074622,1.0621088 1.1553718 0.99742101,
+ 1.0642746 1.1613223 0.98601388,1.0653931 1.1643953 0.97516656,
+ 1.0657422 1.1653543 0.96456693,1.0657422 1.1653543 0.82677165,
+ 0.99409449 0.96850394 0.82677165] }
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+ 1,0,10,-1]
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ 0.58070866 0.96850394 0.82677165,0.58070866 0.96850394 1.023622,
+ 0.99409449 0.96850394 0.82677165,0.99409449 0.96850394 1.023622] }
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_624 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.58070866 0.96850394 0.82677165,0.50906098 1.1653543 0.82677165,
+ 0.99409449 0.96850394 0.82677165,1.0657422 1.1653543 0.82677165] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_625 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0657422 1.1653543 0.82677165,-1.0657422 1.1653543 0.96456693,
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+ -1.0606132 1.1512625 1.0028528,-1.0571195 1.1416637 1.0118624,
+ -1.0530551 1.1304968 1.018437,-1.0487454 1.1186562 1.0223148,
+ -1.0464671 1.1123966 1.0233064,-1.0442479 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ -0.99409449 0.96850394 1.023622,-0.99409449 0.96850394 0.82677165] }
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+ 4,1,3,-1,4,5,1,-1]
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+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
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+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_626 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.53055528 1.1062992 1.023622,-0.58070866 0.96850394 1.023622,
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+ -0.51578193 1.1468887 1.0074622,-0.51269433 1.1553718 0.99742101,
+ -0.51052853 1.1613223 0.98601388,-0.50941004 1.1643953 0.97516656,
+ -0.50906098 1.1653543 0.96456693,-0.50906098 1.1653543 0.82677165,
+ -0.58070866 0.96850394 0.82677165] }
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+ 1,0,10,-1]
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_627 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_627 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.58070866 0.96850394 1.023622,-0.99409449 0.96850394 1.023622,
+ -0.58070866 0.96850394 0.82677165,-0.99409449 0.96850394 0.82677165] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_627 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ -0.99409449 0.96850394 0.82677165,-1.0657422 1.1653543 0.82677165,
+ -0.58070866 0.96850394 0.82677165,-0.50906098 1.1653543 0.82677165] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_629 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.50906098 0.15748031 0.82677165,-0.50906098 0.15748031 0.96456693,
+ -0.50971092 0.15926602 0.97897946,-0.51152925 0.16426184 0.9920438,
+ -0.51418998 0.17157214 1.0028528,-0.51768366 0.18117095 1.0118624,
+ -0.52174808 0.19233784 1.018437,-0.52605771 0.20417846 1.0223148,
+ -0.52833603 0.21043809 1.0233064,-0.53055528 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ -0.58070866 0.35433071 1.023622,-0.58070866 0.35433071 0.82677165] }
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+ 9,10,11,-1,1,11,0,-1,1,9,11,-1,8,9,1,-1,7,8,1,-1,6,7,1,-1,3,1,2,-1,5,6,1,-1,
+ 4,1,3,-1,4,5,1,-1]
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+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
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+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_630 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_630 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0442479 0.21653543 1.023622,-0.99409449 0.35433071 1.023622,
+ -1.0494936 0.2021229 1.0218363,-1.0547595 0.18765502 1.0160784,
+ -1.0590212 0.17594598 1.0074622,-1.0621088 0.16746287 0.99742101,
+ -1.0642746 0.16151239 0.98601388,-1.0653931 0.15843935 0.97516656,
+ -1.0657422 0.15748031 0.96456693,-1.0657422 0.15748031 0.82677165,
+ -0.99409449 0.35433071 0.82677165] }
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+ 6,7,8,-1,5,6,8,-1,4,5,8,-1,10,8,9,-1,3,4,8,-1,2,3,8,-1,0,8,10,-1,0,2,8,-1,
+ 1,0,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_631 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_631 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_631 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.58070866 0.35433071 0.82677165,-0.58070866 0.35433071 1.023622,
+ -0.99409449 0.35433071 0.82677165,-0.99409449 0.35433071 1.023622] }
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_631 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_632 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_632 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.58070866 0.35433071 0.82677165,-0.50906098 0.15748031 0.82677165,
+ -0.99409449 0.35433071 0.82677165,-1.0657422 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_633 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_633 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_633 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0657422 0.15748031 0.82677165,1.0657422 0.15748031 0.96456693,
+ 1.0650922 0.15926602 0.97897946,1.0632739 0.16426184 0.9920438,
+ 1.0606132 0.17157214 1.0028528,1.0571195 0.18117095 1.0118624,
+ 1.0530551 0.19233784 1.018437,1.0487454 0.20417846 1.0223148,
+ 1.0464671 0.21043809 1.0233064,1.0442479 0.21653543 1.023622,
+ 0.99409449 0.35433071 1.023622,0.99409449 0.35433071 0.82677165] }
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+ 9,10,11,-1,1,11,0,-1,1,9,11,-1,8,9,1,-1,7,8,1,-1,6,7,1,-1,3,1,2,-1,5,6,1,-1,
+ 4,1,3,-1,4,5,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_633 Normal { vector [
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_634 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_634 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.53055528 0.21653543 1.023622,0.58070866 0.35433071 1.023622,
+ 0.52530955 0.2021229 1.0218363,0.52004367 0.18765502 1.0160784,
+ 0.51578193 0.17594598 1.0074622,0.51269433 0.16746287 0.99742101,
+ 0.51052853 0.16151239 0.98601388,0.50941004 0.15843935 0.97516656,
+ 0.50906098 0.15748031 0.96456693,0.50906098 0.15748031 0.82677165,
+ 0.58070866 0.35433071 0.82677165] }
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+ 6,7,8,-1,5,6,8,-1,4,5,8,-1,10,8,9,-1,3,4,8,-1,2,3,8,-1,0,8,10,-1,0,2,8,-1,
+ 1,0,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_635 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_635 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.58070866 0.35433071 1.023622,0.99409449 0.35433071 1.023622,
+ 0.58070866 0.35433071 0.82677165,0.99409449 0.35433071 0.82677165] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_635 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_636 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.99409449 0.35433071 0.82677165,1.0657422 0.15748031 0.82677165,
+ 0.58070866 0.35433071 0.82677165,0.50906098 0.15748031 0.82677165] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_636 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_637 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_637 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_637 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0657422 0.15748031 0.96456693,1.0650922 0.15926602 0.97897946,
+ 1.0632739 0.16426184 0.9920438,1.0606132 0.17157214 1.0028528,
+ 1.0571195 0.18117095 1.0118624,1.0530551 0.19233784 1.018437,
+ 1.0487454 0.20417846 1.0223148,1.0464671 0.21043809 1.0233064,
+ 1.0442479 0.21653543 1.023622,1.2559055 0.15748031 0.96456693,
+ 1.2559055 0.21653543 1.023622,1.2559055 0.20125084 1.0216098,
+ 1.2559055 0.18700787 1.0157102,1.2559055 0.17477716 1.0063252,
+ 1.2559055 0.1653922 0.99409449,1.2559055 0.15949257 0.97985152] }
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+ 10,8,7,-1,11,6,5,-1,11,7,6,-1,11,10,7,-1,12,5,4,-1,12,11,5,-1,13,4,3,-1,13,12,4,-1,
+ 14,3,2,-1,14,13,3,-1,15,1,0,-1,15,2,1,-1,15,14,2,-1,9,15,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_637 Normal { vector [
+ 0.00029946413 -0.9919202 0.12686299,5.7573448e-05 -0.97086597 0.23962316,
+ -2.0760995e-05 -0.90224228 0.43122948,-7.6264779e-05 -0.77286857 0.63456612,
+ -0.00016158044 -0.60305763 0.7976976,-2.4704797e-05 -0.40146879 0.91587271,
+ -0.00038718521 -0.25992082 0.96562986,0.0015378435 -0.11885007 0.99291102,
+ 0 -0.05169331 0.99866301,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0.0016478667 -0.10806208 0.99414278,0.0013126586 -0.25797779 0.96614995,
+ 0.0012031549 -0.50152773 0.86514073,0.0011469029 -0.69986385 0.71427535,
+ 0.00092836033 -0.85494457 0.51871854,0.00038323231 -0.96823463 0.2500431] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_638 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_638 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2559055 0.21653543 1.023622,1.2559055 0.20125084 1.0216098,
+ 1.2559055 0.18700787 1.0157102,1.2559055 0.17477716 1.0063252,
+ 1.2559055 0.1653922 0.99409449,1.2559055 0.15949257 0.97985152,
+ 1.2559055 0.15748031 0.96456693,1.6417323 0.54330709 0.96456693,
+ 1.6285856 0.44344777 0.96456693,1.5900413 0.3503937 0.96456693,
+ 1.5287262 0.27048636 0.96456693,1.4488189 0.2091713 0.96456693,
+ 1.3557648 0.17062704 0.96456693,1.5826772 0.54330709 1.023622,
+ 1.5979618 0.54330709 1.0216098,1.6122047 0.54330709 1.0157102,
+ 1.6244354 0.54330709 1.0063252,1.6338204 0.54330709 0.99409449,
+ 1.63972 0.54330709 0.97985152,1.3404802 0.22766991 1.023622,
+ 1.4192913 0.26031453 1.023622,1.486968 0.31224463 1.023622,
+ 1.5388981 0.37992126 1.023622,1.5715427 0.45873236 1.023622,
+ 1.5863065 0.45477642 1.0216098,1.6000641 0.45109006 1.0157102,
+ 1.6118781 0.44792452 1.0063252,1.6209433 0.44549552 0.99409449,
+ 1.5521349 0.37227897 1.0216098,1.5644697 0.36515748 1.0157102,
+ 1.5750618 0.35904212 1.0063252,1.5831894 0.35434964 0.99409449,
+ 1.4977758 0.3014368 1.0216098,1.5078471 0.2913655 1.0157102,
+ 1.5164955 0.28271708 1.0063252,1.5231317 0.27608091 0.99409449,
+ 1.4269336 0.24707769 1.0216098,1.4340551 0.23474292 1.0157102,
+ 1.4401705 0.22415081 1.0063252,1.444863 0.21602319 0.99409449,
+ 1.3444362 0.21290613 1.0216098,1.3481225 0.19914848 1.0157102,
+ 1.3512881 0.18733451 1.0063252,1.3537171 0.17826934 0.99409449] }
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+ normal DEF NORM_638 Normal { vector [
+ 0.017181563 -0.13050692 0.99129851,0.039735761 -0.30182307 0.95253551,
+ 0.065684095 -0.49892023 0.86415519,0.092869167 -0.70541136 0.70268779,
+ 0.1132805 -0.86045084 0.49678152,0.13606896 -0.95694211 0.25641186,
+ 0.12942831 -0.9831056 0.12942831,0.9831056 -0.12942831 0.12942831,
+ 0.93141227 -0.27326428 0.24041176,0.81490183 -0.51871435 0.25859317,
+ 0.65288157 -0.7119517 0.25859317,0.44636852 -0.85667072 0.25859317,
+ 0.23422016 -0.9437968 0.23321346,0.13050692 -0.017181563 0.99129851,
+ 0.30182307 -0.039735761 0.95253551,0.53697602 -0.070694234 0.84063017,
+ 0.7344678 -0.09669452 0.6717196,0.86045084 -0.1132805 0.49678152,
+ 0.95694211 -0.13606896 0.25641186,0.033782664 -0.12607862 0.99144486,
+ 0.060149113 -0.11598893 0.99142758,0.088119726 -0.096468968 0.99142758,
+ 0.11008513 -0.070374804 0.99142758,0.12454841 -0.039484714 0.99142758,
+ 0.25019324 -0.073318329 0.96541585,0.48281549 -0.1353848 0.86519371,
+ 0.68259335 -0.18806212 0.70618621,0.88615212 -0.21280735 0.41163995,
+ 0.22269193 -0.13557484 0.96541585,0.43132378 -0.25573352 0.86519371,
+ 0.61066049 -0.35832221 0.70618621,0.82025118 -0.42653492 0.38112461,
+ 0.18001454 -0.18859216 0.96541585,0.35043808 -0.35865442 0.86519371,
+ 0.49711212 -0.50416324 0.70618621,0.68190644 -0.62429772 0.38112461,
+ 0.12506945 -0.22875722 0.96541585,0.2456706 -0.43713361 0.86519371,
+ 0.34968639 -0.61564638 0.70618621,0.4970909 -0.77951566 0.38112461,
+ 0.056297064 -0.2101035 0.97605694,0.11401374 -0.4719479 0.87422311,
+ 0.19343427 -0.66113787 0.72489993,0.2523162 -0.87982577 0.40279418] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ 1.5826772 0.54330709 1.023622,1.5979618 0.54330709 1.0216098,
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+ 1.6338204 0.54330709 0.99409449,1.63972 0.54330709 0.97985152,
+ 1.6417323 0.54330709 0.96456693,1.6417323 0.77952756 0.96456693,
+ 1.5826772 0.77952756 1.023622,1.5979618 0.77952756 1.0216098,
+ 1.6122047 0.77952756 1.0157102,1.6244354 0.77952756 1.0063252,
+ 1.6338204 0.77952756 0.99409449,1.63972 0.77952756 0.97985152] }
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+ 9,0,1,-1,9,8,0,-1,10,1,2,-1,10,9,1,-1,11,2,3,-1,11,10,2,-1,12,3,4,-1,12,11,3,-1,
+ 13,4,5,-1,13,5,6,-1,13,12,4,-1,7,13,6,-1]
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+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ 0.5374875 0 0.84327172,0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ 0.88711369 0 0.46155098,0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.96592583 0 0.25881905] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_640 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5826772 0.77952756 1.023622,1.5979618 0.77952756 1.0216098,
+ 1.6122047 0.77952756 1.0157102,1.6244354 0.77952756 1.0063252,
+ 1.6338204 0.77952756 0.99409449,1.63972 0.77952756 0.97985152,
+ 1.6417323 0.77952756 0.96456693,1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ 1.3557648 1.1522076 0.96456693,1.4488189 1.1136633 0.96456693,
+ 1.5287262 1.0523483 0.96456693,1.5900413 0.97244094 0.96456693,
+ 1.6285856 0.87938688 0.96456693,1.2559055 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ 1.2559055 1.1215838 1.0216098,1.2559055 1.1358268 1.0157102,
+ 1.2559055 1.1480575 1.0063252,1.2559055 1.1574424 0.99409449,
+ 1.2559055 1.1633421 0.97985152,1.5715427 0.86410229 1.023622,
+ 1.5388981 0.94291339 1.023622,1.486968 1.01059 1.023622,
+ 1.4192913 1.0625201 1.023622,1.3404802 1.0951647 1.023622,
+ 1.3481225 1.1236862 1.0157102,1.3512881 1.1355001 1.0063252,
+ 1.3537171 1.1445653 0.99409449,1.4340551 1.0880917 1.0157102,
+ 1.4401705 1.0986838 1.0063252,1.444863 1.1068115 0.99409449,
+ 1.5078471 1.0314691 1.0157102,1.5164955 1.0401176 1.0063252,
+ 1.5231317 1.0467537 0.99409449,1.5644697 0.95767717 1.0157102,
+ 1.5750618 0.96379252 1.0063252,1.5831894 0.968485 0.99409449,
+ 1.6000641 0.87174458 1.0157102,1.6118781 0.87491012 1.0063252,
+ 1.6209433 0.87733913 0.99409449] }
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+ 26,17,16,-1,26,18,17,-1,26,16,25,-1,26,8,18,-1,27,23,22,-1,27,24,23,-1,28,25,24,-1,28,24,27,-1,
+ 29,9,8,-1,29,26,25,-1,29,25,28,-1,29,8,26,-1,30,22,21,-1,30,27,22,-1,31,28,27,-1,31,27,30,-1,
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+ 38,5,12,-1,38,11,35,-1,38,35,34,-1,38,34,37,-1]
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+ 0.13050692 0.017181563 0.99129851,0.25855206 0.045409344 0.96492944,
+ 0.53697602 0.070694234 0.84063017,0.7344678 0.09669452 0.6717196,
+ 0.86045084 0.1132805 0.49678152,0.95694211 0.13606896 0.25641186,
+ 0.9831056 0.12942831 0.12942831,0.12942831 0.9831056 0.12942831,
+ 0.27326428 0.93141227 0.24041176,0.51871435 0.81490183 0.25859317,
+ 0.7119517 0.65288157 0.25859317,0.85667072 0.44636852 0.25859317,
+ 0.9437968 0.23422016 0.23321346,0.017181563 0.13050692 0.99129851,
+ 0.045409344 0.25855206 0.96492944,0.070694234 0.53697602 0.84063017,
+ 0.09669452 0.7344678 0.6717196,0.1132805 0.86045084 0.49678152,
+ 0.13606896 0.95694211 0.25641186,0.22443111 0.0656353 0.97227706,
+ 0.23013837 0.11898933 0.96585603,0.19149989 0.17449906 0.96585603,
+ 0.13981101 0.21811697 0.96585603,0.075903693 0.22944733 0.97035692,
+ 0.1172452 0.39863608 0.90958388,0.18806212 0.68259335 0.70618621,
+ 0.21280735 0.88615212 0.41163995,0.19504859 0.3330036 0.92253165,
+ 0.35832221 0.61066049 0.70618621,0.42653492 0.82025118 0.38112461,
+ 0.27459015 0.27117449 0.92253165,0.50416324 0.49711212 0.70618621,
+ 0.62429772 0.68190644 0.38112461,0.33541884 0.19086528 0.92253165,
+ 0.61564638 0.34968639 0.70618621,0.77951566 0.4970909 0.38112461,
+ 0.34419111 0.099161144 0.93364851,0.65310906 0.17500005 0.73676559,
+ 0.87982577 0.2523162 0.40279418] }
+DEF SHAPE_641 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_641 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_641 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0442479 1.1062992 1.023622,1.0494936 1.1207117 1.0218363,
+ 1.0547595 1.1351796 1.0160784,1.0590212 1.1468887 1.0074622,
+ 1.0621088 1.1553718 0.99742101,1.0642746 1.1613223 0.98601388,
+ 1.0653931 1.1643953 0.97516656,1.0657422 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ 1.2559055 1.1062992 1.023622,1.2559055 1.1215838 1.0216098,
+ 1.2559055 1.1358268 1.0157102,1.2559055 1.1480575 1.0063252,
+ 1.2559055 1.1574424 0.99409449,1.2559055 1.1633421 0.97985152,
+ 1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693] }
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+ 1,0,8,-1,1,8,9,-1,2,9,10,-1,2,1,9,-1,3,10,11,-1,3,2,10,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,
+ 5,12,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,13,14,-1,6,5,13,-1,7,6,14,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_641 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.12295916 0.99241173,-3.7903894e-06 0.21074437 0.97754121,
+ -0.00017248564 0.44773542 0.89416607,-4.9322247e-05 0.65375924 0.75670262,
+ -2.95365e-06 0.8162317 0.57772468,0.00010424621 0.92553096 0.37867194,
+ 0.00052134798 0.98671639 0.16245149,0 0.99593181 0.090110143,
+ 0.00027301054 0.12680909 0.9919271,0.0001475889 0.2959893 0.95519124,
+ 0.00034459875 0.53000623 0.84799367,0.00078839418 0.72432696 0.68945619,
+ 0.0011529158 0.87208388 0.48935505,0.0014117635 0.96485894 0.26276461,
+ 0.0013449129 0.9934729 0.11406044] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_642 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_642 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0657422 1.1653543 0.96456693,-1.0650922 1.1635686 0.97897946,
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+ -1.0571195 1.1416637 1.0118624,-1.0530551 1.1304968 1.018437,
+ -1.0487454 1.1186562 1.0223148,-1.0464671 1.1123966 1.0233064,
+ -1.0442479 1.1062992 1.023622,-1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693,
+ -1.2559055 1.1062992 1.023622,-1.2559055 1.1215838 1.0216098,
+ -1.2559055 1.1358268 1.0157102,-1.2559055 1.1480575 1.0063252,
+ -1.2559055 1.1574424 0.99409449,-1.2559055 1.1633421 0.97985152] }
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+ 10,8,7,-1,11,6,5,-1,11,7,6,-1,11,10,7,-1,12,5,4,-1,12,11,5,-1,13,4,3,-1,13,12,4,-1,
+ 14,3,2,-1,14,13,3,-1,15,1,0,-1,15,2,1,-1,15,14,2,-1,9,15,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_642 Normal { vector [
+ -0.00029946413 0.9919202 0.12686299,-5.7573448e-05 0.97086597 0.23962316,
+ 2.0760995e-05 0.90224228 0.43122948,7.6264779e-05 0.77286857 0.63456612,
+ 0.00016158044 0.60305763 0.7976976,2.4704797e-05 0.40146879 0.91587271,
+ 0.00038718521 0.25992082 0.96562986,-0.0015378435 0.11885007 0.99291102,
+ 0 0.05169331 0.99866301,0 0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ -0.0016478667 0.10806208 0.99414278,-0.0013126586 0.25797779 0.96614995,
+ -0.0012031549 0.50152773 0.86514073,-0.0011469029 0.69986385 0.71427535,
+ -0.00092836033 0.85494457 0.51871854,-0.00038323231 0.96823463 0.2500431] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_643 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_643 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2559055 1.1062992 1.023622,-1.2559055 1.1215838 1.0216098,
+ -1.2559055 1.1358268 1.0157102,-1.2559055 1.1480575 1.0063252,
+ -1.2559055 1.1574424 0.99409449,-1.2559055 1.1633421 0.97985152,
+ -1.2559055 1.1653543 0.96456693,-1.6417323 0.77952756 0.96456693,
+ -1.6285856 0.87938688 0.96456693,-1.5900413 0.97244094 0.96456693,
+ -1.5287262 1.0523483 0.96456693,-1.4488189 1.1136633 0.96456693,
+ -1.3557648 1.1522076 0.96456693,-1.5826772 0.77952756 1.023622,
+ -1.5979618 0.77952756 1.0216098,-1.6122047 0.77952756 1.0157102,
+ -1.6244354 0.77952756 1.0063252,-1.6338204 0.77952756 0.99409449,
+ -1.63972 0.77952756 0.97985152,-1.3404802 1.0951647 1.023622,
+ -1.4192913 1.0625201 1.023622,-1.486968 1.01059 1.023622,
+ -1.5388981 0.94291339 1.023622,-1.5715427 0.86410229 1.023622,
+ -1.5863065 0.86805823 1.0216098,-1.6118781 0.87491012 1.0063252,
+ -1.6209433 0.87733913 0.99409449,-1.6266419 0.87886607 0.97985152,
+ -1.5521349 0.95055568 1.0216098,-1.5750618 0.96379252 1.0063252,
+ -1.5831894 0.968485 0.99409449,-1.5882986 0.97143482 0.97985152,
+ -1.4977758 1.0213978 1.0216098,-1.5164955 1.0401176 1.0063252,
+ -1.5231317 1.0467537 0.99409449,-1.5273034 1.0509254 0.97985152,
+ -1.4269336 1.075757 1.0216098,-1.4401705 1.0986838 1.0063252,
+ -1.444863 1.1068115 0.99409449,-1.4478128 1.1119207 0.97985152,
+ -1.3444362 1.1099285 1.0216098,-1.3512881 1.1355001 1.0063252,
+ -1.3537171 1.1445653 0.99409449,-1.355244 1.1502639 0.97985152] }
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+ 1,19,0,-1,6,12,5,-1,24,14,13,-1,24,15,14,-1,24,13,23,-1,25,16,15,-1,25,15,24,-1,26,17,16,-1,
+ 26,16,25,-1,27,8,7,-1,27,18,17,-1,27,7,18,-1,27,17,26,-1,28,23,22,-1,28,24,23,-1,29,24,28,-1,
+ 29,25,24,-1,30,26,25,-1,30,25,29,-1,31,9,8,-1,31,8,27,-1,31,26,30,-1,31,27,26,-1,32,22,21,-1,
+ 32,28,22,-1,33,29,28,-1,33,28,32,-1,34,29,33,-1,34,30,29,-1,35,10,9,-1,35,9,31,-1,35,31,30,-1,
+ 35,30,34,-1,36,21,20,-1,36,32,21,-1,37,33,32,-1,37,32,36,-1,38,33,37,-1,38,34,33,-1,39,11,10,-1,
+ 39,10,35,-1,39,35,34,-1,39,34,38,-1,40,1,2,-1,40,20,19,-1,40,36,20,-1,40,19,1,-1,41,2,3,-1,
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+ 43,12,11,-1,43,42,4,-1,43,11,39,-1,43,5,12,-1,43,39,38,-1,43,38,42,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_643 Normal { vector [
+ -0.017181563 0.13050692 0.99129851,-0.028624679 0.21742602 0.97565699,
+ -0.076542362 0.49853317 0.86348477,-0.09669452 0.7344678 0.6717196,
+ -0.11602926 0.88132974 0.45803396,-0.12749352 0.96840942 0.2143096,
+ -0.12942831 0.9831056 0.12942831,-0.9831056 0.12942831 0.12942831,
+ -0.9455522 0.29820448 0.13040368,-0.83615229 0.53277033 0.13040368,
+ -0.66976999 0.73102876 0.13040368,-0.45774396 0.87946879 0.13040368,
+ -0.21452344 0.96797447 0.13040368,-0.13050692 0.017181563 0.99129851,
+ -0.25866892 0.03405441 0.96536557,-0.49853317 0.076542362 0.86348477,
+ -0.7344678 0.09669452 0.6717196,-0.88132974 0.11602926 0.45803396,
+ -0.95820914 0.12615063 0.25675137,-0.028079438 0.12760444 0.99142758,
+ -0.060149113 0.11598893 0.99142758,-0.088119726 0.096468968 0.99142758,
+ -0.11008513 0.070374804 0.99142758,-0.12454841 0.039484714 0.99142758,
+ -0.37046243 0.11102709 0.92218793,-0.61214041 0.17373568 0.77142727,
+ -0.83599509 0.22778249 0.49922675,-0.94322189 0.20902283 0.25815096,
+ -0.3272441 0.20504005 0.92242608,-0.53000261 0.3041288 0.79158253,
+ -0.7485548 0.43639244 0.49922675,-0.8569833 0.44602434 0.25815096,
+ -0.26302525 0.28275049 0.92242608,-0.43322888 0.43094063 0.79158253,
+ -0.61010174 0.61526296 0.49922675,-0.71234271 0.65263002 0.25815096,
+ -0.18088167 0.34119194 0.92242608,-0.30693133 0.52838457 0.79158253,
+ -0.43007126 0.75220434 0.49922675,-0.51915714 0.81476006 0.25815096,
+ -0.092513516 0.34248217 0.9349584,-0.16174097 0.56458453 0.8093727,
+ -0.21835644 0.81491734 0.53687075,-0.26701743 0.92323329 0.27630053] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ coord DEF COORD_644 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5826772 0.77952756 1.023622,-1.5979618 0.77952756 1.0216098,
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+ -1.6122047 0.54330709 1.0157102,-1.6244354 0.54330709 1.0063252,
+ -1.6338204 0.54330709 0.99409449,-1.63972 0.54330709 0.97985152] }
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+ -0.13052619 0 0.99144486,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
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+ -0.84327172 0 0.5374875,-0.96592583 0 0.25881905] }
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+ -1.2559055 0.18700787 1.0157102,-1.2559055 0.17477716 1.0063252,
+ -1.2559055 0.1653922 0.99409449,-1.2559055 0.15949257 0.97985152,
+ -1.2559055 0.15748031 0.96456693] }
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+ 1,0,8,-1,1,8,9,-1,2,9,10,-1,2,1,9,-1,3,10,11,-1,3,2,10,-1,4,11,12,-1,4,3,11,-1,
+ 5,12,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,13,14,-1,6,5,13,-1,7,6,14,-1]
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+ 0 -0.12295916 0.99241173,3.7903894e-06 -0.21074437 0.97754121,
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+ -0.0013449129 -0.9934729 0.11406044] }
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+ 0.078740157 0.18700787 1.0157102,0.078740157 0.20125084 1.0216098,
+ 0.078740157 0.21653543 1.023622,0.50906098 0.15748031 0.96456693,
+ 0.53055528 0.21653543 1.023622,0.52530955 0.2021229 1.0218363,
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+ -0.00023065509 -0.98672393 0.16240637] }
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+ 0.078740157 1.1653543 0.96456693,0.53055528 1.1062992 1.023622,
+ 0.50906098 1.1653543 0.96456693,0.50971092 1.1635686 0.97897946,
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+ 0.00017881898 0.25985011 0.96564895,-0.00071587783 0.11905616 0.99288726] }
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+ 1 0 0] }
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+ 0.078740157 1.1062992 1.023622,0.078740157 1.1215838 1.0216098,
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+ 0.078740157 1.1653543 0.96456693,0.078740157 0.92913386 1.023622,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ -0.078740157 0.21653543 1.023622,-0.078740157 0.20125084 1.0216098,
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+ -0.078740157 0.15748031 0.96456693,-0.078740157 0.39370079 1.023622,
+ -0.078740157 0.33464567 0.96456693] }
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+ 0,8,7,-1,0,6,8,-1,4,5,6,-1,3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1,3,6,0,-1,3,4,6,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 0.078740157 0.39370079 1.023622] }
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+ 0.078740157 0.15748031 0.96456693,0.078740157 0.33464567 0.96456693,
+ -0.078740157 0.33464567 0.96456693,-0.078740157 0.15748031 0.96456693] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
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+ 0.078740157 0.33464567 0.96456693,-0.078740157 0.33464567 0.96456693,
+ -0.078740157 0.39370079 1.023622,0.078740157 0.39370079 1.023622] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678] }
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+ -0.078740157 0.98818898 0.96456693,0.078740157 0.98818898 0.96456693,
+ 0.078740157 0.92913386 1.023622,-0.078740157 0.92913386 1.023622] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678] }
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+ 1.4493805 1.0669291 -0.059055118,1.4738733 1.0669291 -0.05644322,
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+ 1.2559055 1.1600797 -0.039370079,1.2559055 1.1538231 -0.047523889,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 1.2007874 0.15748031 0.75984252,1.2007874 0.047244094 0.75984252,
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+ 1.2874016 0.047244094 0.84645669] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,4,-1,0,1,4,-1]
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+ -0.13052619 0 0.99144486,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
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+ -0.8660254 0 0.5,-0.96592583 0 0.25881905,
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+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.5 0 -0.8660254,-0.25881905 0 -0.96592583] }
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 1.2530184 -0.12602398 0.55442295,1.2618678 -0.12602398 0.5757874,
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+ 1.3156558 -0.12602398 0.61706036,1.3385827 -0.12602398 0.62007874,
+ 1.3385827 0.0039767336 0.62007874,1.3156558 0.0039767336 0.61706036,
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+ 1.25 0.0039767336 0.53149606,1.2530184 0.0039767336 0.50856918,
+ 1.2618678 0.0039767336 0.48720472,1.2759453 0.0039767336 0.46885865,
+ 1.2942913 0.0039767336 0.45478121,1.3156558 0.0039767336 0.44593177] }
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+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
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+ -0.13052619 0 0.99144486,-0.25881905 0 0.96592583,
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+ -0.88711369 0 0.46155098,-0.9763442 0 0.21622209,
+ -0.99903848 0 -0.04384197,-0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
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+ -0.16579104 -0.76790196 0.61874059,-0.21518003 -0.55568667 0.80306281] }
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+ 0.99102061 -0.13370727 -0.00071284496,0.99764889 -0.068532381 0,
+ 0.76900428 -0.63924289 0.00097005954,0.57651742 -0.81708485 0.00012901216,
+ 0.37654657 -0.92639761 -0.00037570654,0.22936309 -0.97334093 -1.2858013e-05,
+ 0.11792202 -0.99302216 -0.0011799772,0.050133127 -0.99874254 0,
+ 0.10831144 -0.99411625 -0.0012339352,0.24969873 -0.9683229 -0.0011387739,
+ 0.48572466 -0.87411155 -0.00074306242,0.6845998 -0.72891909 -0.0002579176,
+ 0.85492888 -0.51874516 0.00026840384,0.96479382 -0.26300544 -0.0010074939,
+ 0.99401592 -0.10923062 -0.0010058633] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_680 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_680 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3169291 0.54330709 1.6811024,1.3169291 0.54330709 1.023622,
+ 1.3169291 0.77952756 1.6811024,1.3169291 0.77952756 1.023622] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_680 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_681 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_681 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_681 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.8976378 1.5826772,1.1988189 0.8976378 1.023622,
+ 1.216578 0.89629504 1.5845421,1.2345098 0.89211612 1.5903462,
+ 1.251934 0.88502074 1.6002009,1.2681493 0.87514826 1.6139126,
+ 1.2825223 0.86285682 1.6309841,1.2967062 0.84561914 1.6549253,
+ 1.3070687 0.82677165 1.6811024,1.3169291 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 1.3158197 0.79567825 1.6811024,1.3125122 0.81152552 1.6811024,
+ 1.3169291 0.77952756 1.023622,1.3129046 0.81009674 1.023622,
+ 1.3011054 0.83858268 1.023622,1.2823354 0.86304411 1.023622,
+ 1.257874 0.88181402 1.023622,1.2293881 0.89361329 1.023622] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,17,2,3,-1,17,1,2,-1,16,3,4,-1,16,4,5,-1,16,17,3,-1,15,5,6,-1,15,6,7,-1,
+ 15,16,5,-1,14,7,8,-1,14,15,7,-1,13,11,10,-1,13,8,11,-1,13,14,8,-1,12,10,9,-1,12,13,10,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_681 Normal { vector [
+ 0.075394607 0.99715378 0,0.1104225 0.99388411 -0.0011168309,
+ 0.14278451 0.98975358 -0.00066450756,0.34036395 0.94029353 -0.00067377239,
+ 0.45053655 0.89275793 -0.00032369866,0.59732964 0.80199563 -0.00056030317,
+ 0.71884606 0.69516929 -6.8051921e-06,0.81392675 0.58096741 -0.00032206118,
+ 0.91509935 0.40322813 -0.00049988642,0.99764889 0.068532381 0,
+ 0.99102061 0.13370727 -0.00071284496,0.96260297 0.27091607 -1.4135873e-05,
+ 0.99401592 0.10923062 -0.0010058633,0.96479382 0.26300544 -0.0010074939,
+ 0.86958928 0.49377502 -0.00084559597,0.71368989 0.70046126 -0.00087421713,
+ 0.48272539 0.87577125 -0.00095549022,0.25192419 0.9677465 -0.00095309421] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_682 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_682 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.8976378 1.023622,-1.1988189 0.8976378 1.023622,
+ 1.1988189 0.8976378 1.5826772,-1.1988189 0.8976378 1.5826772] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_682 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_683 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_683 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_683 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3070687 0.82677165 1.6811024,-1.3125122 0.81152552 1.6811024,
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+ -1.2849399 0.86035573 1.6344578,-1.2612904 0.87976396 1.6075019,
+ -1.2407056 0.88996093 1.5933395,-1.2226465 0.89520933 1.58605,
+ -1.2106465 0.8970441 1.5835017,-1.1988189 0.8976378 1.5826772,
+ -1.1988189 0.8976378 1.023622,-1.2293881 0.89361329 1.023622,
+ -1.257874 0.88181402 1.023622,-1.2823354 0.86304411 1.023622,
+ -1.3011054 0.83858268 1.023622,-1.3129046 0.81009674 1.023622,
+ -1.3169291 0.77952756 1.023622] }
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+ 16,3,2,-1,15,1,0,-1,15,2,1,-1,15,16,2,-1,14,0,4,-1,14,15,0,-1,13,4,5,-1,13,14,4,-1,
+ 12,5,6,-1,12,13,5,-1,11,6,7,-1,11,7,8,-1,11,12,6,-1,10,8,9,-1,10,11,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_683 Normal { vector [
+ -0.89109682 0.45381295 0.00051012449,-0.96260297 0.27091607 -1.4135873e-05,
+ -0.99102061 0.13370727 -0.00071284496,-0.99764889 0.068532381 0,
+ -0.76900428 0.63924289 0.00097005954,-0.57651742 0.81708485 0.00012901216,
+ -0.37654657 0.92639761 -0.00037570654,-0.22936309 0.97334093 -1.2858013e-05,
+ -0.11792202 0.99302216 -0.0011799772,-0.050133127 0.99874254 0,
+ -0.10831144 0.99411625 -0.0012339352,-0.24969873 0.9683229 -0.0011387739,
+ -0.48572466 0.87411155 -0.00074306242,-0.6845998 0.72891909 -0.0002579176,
+ -0.85492888 0.51874516 0.00026840384,-0.96479382 0.26300544 -0.0010074939,
+ -0.99401592 0.10923062 -0.0010058633] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_684 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_684 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3169291 0.77952756 1.6811024,-1.3169291 0.77952756 1.023622,
+ -1.3169291 0.54330709 1.6811024,-1.3169291 0.54330709 1.023622] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_684 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_685 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_685 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_685 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3070687 0.82677165 1.6811024,-1.3070687 0.82677165 1.6811024,
+ -1.2849399 0.86035573 1.6344578,-1.2612904 0.87976396 1.6075019,
+ -1.2407056 0.88996093 1.5933395,-1.2226465 0.89520933 1.58605,
+ -1.2106465 0.8970441 1.5835017,-1.1988189 0.8976378 1.5826772,
+ 1.1988189 0.8976378 1.5826772,1.216578 0.89629504 1.5845421,
+ 1.2345098 0.89211612 1.5903462,1.251934 0.88502074 1.6002009,
+ 1.2681493 0.87514826 1.6139126,1.2825223 0.86285682 1.6309841,
+ 1.2967062 0.84561914 1.6549253] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 8,10,9,-1,8,11,10,-1,8,12,11,-1,8,13,12,-1,8,14,13,-1,8,0,14,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,0,8,-1,
+ 5,7,6,-1,2,1,7,-1,4,7,5,-1,3,2,7,-1,3,7,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_685 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473,0 0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473,0 0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473,0 0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473,0 0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473,0 0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473,0 0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473,0 0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 0.81153434 0.58430473] }
+DEF SHAPE_686 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_686 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_686 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3070687 0.49606299 1.6811024,1.3070687 0.49606299 1.6811024,
+ 1.2849399 0.46247891 1.6344578,1.2612904 0.44307068 1.6075019,
+ 1.2407056 0.43287371 1.5933395,1.2226465 0.42762532 1.58605,
+ 1.2106465 0.42579055 1.5835017,1.1988189 0.42519685 1.5826772,
+ -1.1988189 0.42519685 1.5826772,-1.216578 0.42653961 1.5845421,
+ -1.2345098 0.43071853 1.5903462,-1.251934 0.43781391 1.6002009,
+ -1.2681493 0.44768638 1.6139126,-1.2825223 0.45997783 1.6309841,
+ -1.2967062 0.47721551 1.6549253] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 8,10,9,-1,8,11,10,-1,8,12,11,-1,8,13,12,-1,8,14,13,-1,8,0,14,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,0,8,-1,
+ 5,7,6,-1,2,1,7,-1,4,7,5,-1,3,2,7,-1,3,7,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_686 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,0 -0.81153434 0.58430473,
+ 0 -0.81153434 0.58430473] }
+DEF SHAPE_687 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_687 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_687 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,
+ 1.1988189 0.58267717 2.7755906,1.2185039 0.54330709 2.7362205,
+ 1.257874 0.54330709 2.6574803,1.2972441 0.58267717 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,4,0,3,-1,1,4,5,-1,1,0,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_687 Normal { vector [
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136] }
+DEF SHAPE_688 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_688 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_688 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.77952756 2.6574803,-1.2972441 0.74015748 2.5787402,
+ -1.2185039 0.77952756 2.7362205,-1.1988189 0.74015748 2.7755906,
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,4,3,-1,0,5,4,-1,0,4,2,-1,1,5,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_688 Normal { vector [
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136] }
+DEF SHAPE_689 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_689 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_689 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551,
+ -1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102,-1.2425894 0.74015748 2.116098,
+ -1.2283465 0.74015748 2.1101984,-1.2161157 0.74015748 2.1008134,
+ -1.2067308 0.74015748 2.0885827,-1.2008312 0.74015748 2.0743397,
+ -1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,-1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397,
+ -1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,-1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,
+ -1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,-1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098] }
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+ 3,8,2,-1,3,13,8,-1,4,12,13,-1,4,13,3,-1,5,11,12,-1,5,12,4,-1,6,10,11,-1,6,11,5,-1,
+ 7,9,10,-1,7,10,6,-1,1,0,9,-1,1,9,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_689 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,
+ -0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,-0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ -0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993] }
+DEF SHAPE_690 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_690 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_690 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102,-1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_690 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_691 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_691 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_691 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.58267717 1.6811024,-1.2425894 0.58267717 1.6831146,
+ -1.2283465 0.58267717 1.6890142,-1.2161157 0.58267717 1.6983992,
+ -1.2067308 0.58267717 1.7106299,-1.2008312 0.58267717 1.7248729,
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575,-1.257874 0.74015748 1.6811024,
+ -1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575,-1.2008312 0.74015748 1.7248729,
+ -1.2067308 0.74015748 1.7106299,-1.2161157 0.74015748 1.6983992,
+ -1.2283465 0.74015748 1.6890142,-1.2425894 0.74015748 1.6831146] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,5,6,-1,9,6,8,-1,10,4,5,-1,10,5,9,-1,11,3,4,-1,11,4,10,-1,12,2,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
+ 13,1,2,-1,13,2,12,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_691 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13052619 0 0.99144486,-0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ -0.46155098 0 0.88711369,-0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ -0.84327172 0 0.5374875,-0.95364993 0 0.30091828,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ -0.99144486 0 0.13052619,-0.9763442 0 0.21622209,
+ -0.88711369 0 0.46155098,-0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ -0.5374875 0 0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993] }
+DEF SHAPE_692 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_692 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_692 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551,
+ -1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575,-1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,4,5,-1,1,5,0,-1,2,4,1,-1,3,4,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_692 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_693 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_693 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_693 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102,
+ 1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102,1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_693 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_694 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_694 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_694 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102,1.2425894 0.58267717 2.116098,
+ 1.2283465 0.58267717 2.1101984,1.2161157 0.58267717 2.1008134,
+ 1.2067308 0.58267717 2.0885827,1.2008312 0.58267717 2.0743397,
+ 1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551,1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ 1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098,1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,
+ 1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,
+ 1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397,1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 12,5,6,-1,12,6,13,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,5,12,-1,10,3,4,-1,10,4,11,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,1,2,-1,8,2,9,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_694 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,
+ 0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619] }
+DEF SHAPE_695 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_695 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_695 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575,
+ 1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ 1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,3,1,5,-1,3,2,1,-1,4,3,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_695 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_696 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_696 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_696 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575,1.2008312 0.58267717 1.7248729,
+ 1.2067308 0.58267717 1.7106299,1.2161157 0.58267717 1.6983992,
+ 1.2283465 0.58267717 1.6890142,1.2425894 0.58267717 1.6831146,
+ 1.257874 0.58267717 1.6811024,1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575,
+ 1.257874 0.74015748 1.6811024,1.2425894 0.74015748 1.6831146,
+ 1.2283465 0.74015748 1.6890142,1.2161157 0.74015748 1.6983992,
+ 1.2067308 0.74015748 1.7106299,1.2008312 0.74015748 1.7248729] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,5,6,-1,9,6,8,-1,10,4,5,-1,10,5,9,-1,11,3,4,-1,11,4,10,-1,12,2,3,-1,12,3,11,-1,
+ 13,1,2,-1,13,2,12,-1,7,0,1,-1,7,1,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_696 Normal { vector [
+ 0.99144486 0 0.13052619,0.9763442 0 0.21622209,
+ 0.88711369 0 0.46155098,0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ 0.5374875 0 0.84327172,0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.99144486 0 0.13052619,
+ 0.13052619 0 0.99144486,0.21622209 0 0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 0.88711369,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.95364993 0 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_697 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_697 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_697 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.257874 0.74015748 1.6811024,1.2425894 0.74015748 1.6831146,
+ 1.2283465 0.74015748 1.6890142,1.2161157 0.74015748 1.6983992,
+ 1.2067308 0.74015748 1.7106299,1.2008312 0.74015748 1.7248729,
+ 1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575,1.1594488 0.77952756 1.7401575,
+ 1.1617044 0.77952756 1.7192068,1.1683679 0.77952756 1.6992163,
+ 1.1791339 0.77952756 1.6811024,1.2114142 0.75623543 1.6811024,
+ 1.2375382 0.74357481 1.6811024,1.2475493 0.74106742 1.6811024] }
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+ 1,0,13,-1,12,1,13,-1,2,1,12,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,12,-1,10,4,3,-1,10,3,11,-1,9,5,4,-1,
+ 9,4,10,-1,8,6,5,-1,8,5,9,-1,7,6,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.073041 0.82877037 0.55480148,0.20331251 0.74731391 0.63260252,
+ 0.36631727 0.70344068 0.60908363,0.5135065 0.70862011 0.48390973,
+ 0.60857621 0.70937277 0.35556333,0.67652128 0.70898941 0.19913053,
+ 0.70278541 0.70656978 0.082775684,0.70506656 0.70506656 0.075909795,
+ 0.69424486 0.70696957 0.13497447,0.64657034 0.70634033 0.28814952,
+ 0.56616026 0.70551516 0.42627563,0.44823131 0.6996298 0.55642325,
+ 0.30124598 0.6854922 0.6628358,0.12599449 0.7497662 0.64959683] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_698 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_698 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575,1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551,
+ 1.1594488 0.77952756 2.0590551,1.1594488 0.77952756 1.7401575] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,3,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_699 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_699 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551,1.2008312 0.74015748 2.0743397,
+ 1.2067308 0.74015748 2.0885827,1.2161157 0.74015748 2.1008134,
+ 1.2283465 0.74015748 2.1101984,1.2425894 0.74015748 2.116098,
+ 1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102,1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,
+ 1.2323997 0.77952756 2.1541266,1.2086614 0.77952756 2.1442938,
+ 1.1882769 0.77952756 2.1286522,1.1726353 0.77952756 2.1082677,
+ 1.1628026 0.77952756 2.0845294,1.1594488 0.77952756 2.0590551] }
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+ 12,1,0,-1,12,0,13,-1,11,2,1,-1,11,1,12,-1,10,3,2,-1,10,2,11,-1,9,4,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,
+ 8,5,4,-1,8,4,9,-1,7,6,5,-1,7,5,8,-1]
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+ 0.70406259 0.70406259 -0.092691599,0.67145998 0.70647458 -0.22368541,
+ 0.59068649 0.70647458 -0.38985014,0.4696587 0.70647458 -0.52944724,
+ 0.31662444 0.70647458 -0.63296338,0.14201274 0.70647458 -0.69334411,
+ 0.092691599 0.70406259 -0.70406259,0.092691599 0.70406259 -0.70406259,
+ 0.20371654 0.70694367 -0.67729626,0.37207224 0.70694367 -0.60149223,
+ 0.51507183 0.70694367 -0.48469749,0.62297013 0.70694367 -0.33487143,
+ 0.68841404 0.70694367 -0.16222443,0.70406259 0.70406259 -0.092691599] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_700 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_700 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.257874 0.77952756 2.6574803,1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,
+ 1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102,1.2972441 0.74015748 2.5787402] }
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+ 1,0,3,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_701 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_701 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102,
+ 1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_701 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 0.70710678 -0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_702 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_702 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_702 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1791339 0.54330709 1.6811024,1.1683679 0.54330709 1.6992163,
+ 1.1617044 0.54330709 1.7192068,1.1594488 0.54330709 1.7401575,
+ 1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575,1.2008312 0.58267717 1.7248729,
+ 1.2067308 0.58267717 1.7106299,1.2161157 0.58267717 1.6983992,
+ 1.2283465 0.58267717 1.6890142,1.2425894 0.58267717 1.6831146,
+ 1.257874 0.58267717 1.6811024,1.2430415 0.58082533 1.6811024,
+ 1.2271497 0.57516185 1.6811024,1.2092944 0.56527534 1.6811024] }
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+ 2,4,3,-1,2,5,4,-1,1,6,5,-1,1,5,2,-1,0,7,6,-1,0,6,1,-1,13,8,7,-1,13,7,0,-1,
+ 12,9,8,-1,12,8,13,-1,11,9,12,-1,10,9,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_702 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56883102 -0.70590591 0.42205227,0.64657034 -0.70634033 0.28814952,
+ 0.69424486 -0.70696957 0.13497447,0.70506656 -0.70506656 0.075909795,
+ 0.70278541 -0.70656978 0.082775684,0.67652128 -0.70898941 0.19913053,
+ 0.60857621 -0.70937277 0.35556333,0.5149809 -0.70949005 0.48105981,
+ 0.38024592 -0.71372729 0.58822308,0.23411456 -0.71491695 0.65885061,
+ 0.090222326 -0.72264431 0.6853066,0.1724915 -0.70518432 0.68772215,
+ 0.32288678 -0.70624409 0.63005033,0.46696691 -0.70514271 0.53358753] }
+DEF SHAPE_703 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_703 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_703 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1594488 0.54330709 1.7401575,1.1594488 0.54330709 2.0590551,
+ 1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_704 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_704 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1594488 0.54330709 2.0590551,1.1628026 0.54330709 2.0845294,
+ 1.1726353 0.54330709 2.1082677,1.1882769 0.54330709 2.1286522,
+ 1.2086614 0.54330709 2.1442938,1.2323997 0.54330709 2.1541266,
+ 1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803,1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102,
+ 1.2425894 0.58267717 2.116098,1.2283465 0.58267717 2.1101984,
+ 1.2161157 0.58267717 2.1008134,1.2067308 0.58267717 2.0885827,
+ 1.2008312 0.58267717 2.0743397,1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551] }
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+ 5,7,6,-1,5,8,7,-1,4,9,8,-1,4,8,5,-1,3,10,9,-1,3,9,4,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,10,3,-1,
+ 1,12,11,-1,1,11,2,-1,0,13,12,-1,0,12,1,-1]
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+ 0.70406259 -0.70406259 -0.092691599,0.67729626 -0.70694367 -0.20371654,
+ 0.60149223 -0.70694367 -0.37207224,0.48469749 -0.70694367 -0.51507183,
+ 0.33487143 -0.70694367 -0.62297013,0.16222443 -0.70694367 -0.68841404,
+ 0.092691599 -0.70406259 -0.70406259,0.092691599 -0.70406259 -0.70406259,
+ 0.22368541 -0.70647458 -0.67145998,0.38985014 -0.70647458 -0.59068649,
+ 0.52944724 -0.70647458 -0.4696587,0.63296338 -0.70647458 -0.31662444,
+ 0.69334411 -0.70647458 -0.14201274,0.70406259 -0.70406259 -0.092691599] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_705 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_705 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.58267717 2.5787402,1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,
+ 1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803,1.257874 0.54330709 2.6574803] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_706 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_706 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_706 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803,
+ 1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_706 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_707 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_707 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_707 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.58267717 2.7755906,
+ 1.2185039 0.54330709 2.7362205,-1.2185039 0.54330709 2.7362205] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_707 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_708 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_708 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_708 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.74015748 2.7755906,-1.1988189 0.74015748 2.7755906,
+ -1.2185039 0.77952756 2.7362205,1.2185039 0.77952756 2.7362205] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678,
+ 0 0.70710678 0.70710678,0 0.70710678 0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_709 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_709 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_709 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.58267717 1.6811024,-1.2425894 0.58267717 1.6831146,
+ -1.2283465 0.58267717 1.6890142,-1.2161157 0.58267717 1.6983992,
+ -1.2067308 0.58267717 1.7106299,-1.2008312 0.58267717 1.7248729,
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575,-1.1594488 0.54330709 1.7401575,
+ -1.1617044 0.54330709 1.7192068,-1.1683679 0.54330709 1.6992163,
+ -1.1791339 0.54330709 1.6811024,-1.2114142 0.56659921 1.6811024,
+ -1.2375382 0.57925983 1.6811024,-1.2475493 0.58176723 1.6811024] }
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+ 1,0,13,-1,12,1,13,-1,2,1,12,-1,11,3,2,-1,11,2,12,-1,10,4,3,-1,10,3,11,-1,9,5,4,-1,
+ 9,4,10,-1,8,6,5,-1,8,5,9,-1,7,6,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_709 Normal { vector [
+ -0.073041 -0.82877037 0.55480148,-0.20331251 -0.74731391 0.63260252,
+ -0.36631727 -0.70344068 0.60908363,-0.5135065 -0.70862011 0.48390973,
+ -0.60857621 -0.70937277 0.35556333,-0.67652128 -0.70898941 0.19913053,
+ -0.70278541 -0.70656978 0.082775684,-0.70506656 -0.70506656 0.075909795,
+ -0.69424486 -0.70696957 0.13497447,-0.64657034 -0.70634033 0.28814952,
+ -0.56616026 -0.70551516 0.42627563,-0.44823131 -0.6996298 0.55642325,
+ -0.30124598 -0.6854922 0.6628358,-0.12599449 -0.7497662 0.64959683] }
+DEF SHAPE_710 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_710 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_710 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.58267717 1.7401575,-1.1594488 0.54330709 1.7401575,
+ -1.1594488 0.54330709 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_710 Normal { vector [
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_711 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_711 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_711 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803,-1.2323997 0.54330709 2.1541266,
+ -1.2086614 0.54330709 2.1442938,-1.1882769 0.54330709 2.1286522,
+ -1.1726353 0.54330709 2.1082677,-1.1628026 0.54330709 2.0845294,
+ -1.1594488 0.54330709 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.58267717 2.0590551,
+ -1.2008312 0.58267717 2.0743397,-1.2067308 0.58267717 2.0885827,
+ -1.2161157 0.58267717 2.1008134,-1.2283465 0.58267717 2.1101984,
+ -1.2425894 0.58267717 2.116098,-1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,8,7,-1,5,8,6,-1,4,9,8,-1,4,8,5,-1,3,10,9,-1,3,9,4,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,10,3,-1,
+ 1,12,11,-1,1,11,2,-1,0,13,12,-1,0,12,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_711 Normal { vector [
+ -0.092691599 -0.70406259 -0.70406259,-0.20371654 -0.70694367 -0.67729626,
+ -0.37207224 -0.70694367 -0.60149223,-0.51507183 -0.70694367 -0.48469749,
+ -0.62297013 -0.70694367 -0.33487143,-0.6830127 -0.70710678 -0.1830127,
+ -0.70406259 -0.70406259 -0.092691599,-0.70406259 -0.70406259 -0.092691599,
+ -0.6830127 -0.70710678 -0.1830127,-0.59068649 -0.70647458 -0.38985014,
+ -0.4696587 -0.70647458 -0.52944724,-0.31662444 -0.70647458 -0.63296338,
+ -0.14201274 -0.70647458 -0.69334411,-0.092691599 -0.70406259 -0.70406259] }
+DEF SHAPE_712 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_712 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_712 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.58267717 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,
+ -1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_712 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 -0.70710678 -0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_713 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_713 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_713 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.54330709 2.6574803,-1.257874 0.54330709 2.1574803,
+ -1.2972441 0.58267717 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.58267717 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,3,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_713 Normal { vector [
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_714 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_714 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_714 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1791339 0.77952756 1.6811024,-1.1683679 0.77952756 1.6992163,
+ -1.1617044 0.77952756 1.7192068,-1.1594488 0.77952756 1.7401575,
+ -1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575,-1.2008312 0.74015748 1.7248729,
+ -1.2067308 0.74015748 1.7106299,-1.2161157 0.74015748 1.6983992,
+ -1.2283465 0.74015748 1.6890142,-1.2425894 0.74015748 1.6831146,
+ -1.257874 0.74015748 1.6811024,-1.2430415 0.74200932 1.6811024,
+ -1.2271497 0.7476728 1.6811024,-1.2092944 0.7575593 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,4,3,-1,2,5,4,-1,1,6,5,-1,1,5,2,-1,0,7,6,-1,0,6,1,-1,13,8,7,-1,13,7,0,-1,
+ 12,9,8,-1,12,8,13,-1,11,9,12,-1,10,9,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_714 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56883102 0.70590591 0.42205227,-0.64657034 0.70634033 0.28814952,
+ -0.69424486 0.70696957 0.13497447,-0.70506656 0.70506656 0.075909795,
+ -0.70278541 0.70656978 0.082775684,-0.67652128 0.70898941 0.19913053,
+ -0.60857621 0.70937277 0.35556333,-0.5149809 0.70949005 0.48105981,
+ -0.38024592 0.71372729 0.58822308,-0.23411456 0.71491695 0.65885061,
+ -0.090222326 0.72264431 0.6853066,-0.1724915 0.70518432 0.68772215,
+ -0.32288678 0.70624409 0.63005033,-0.46696691 0.70514271 0.53358753] }
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+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_715 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_715 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1594488 0.77952756 1.7401575,-1.1988189 0.74015748 1.7401575,
+ -1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551,-1.1594488 0.77952756 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_715 Normal { vector [
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_716 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_716 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_716 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1594488 0.77952756 2.0590551,-1.1628026 0.77952756 2.0845294,
+ -1.1726353 0.77952756 2.1082677,-1.1882769 0.77952756 2.1286522,
+ -1.2086614 0.77952756 2.1442938,-1.2323997 0.77952756 2.1541266,
+ -1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,-1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102,
+ -1.2425894 0.74015748 2.116098,-1.2283465 0.74015748 2.1101984,
+ -1.2161157 0.74015748 2.1008134,-1.2067308 0.74015748 2.0885827,
+ -1.2008312 0.74015748 2.0743397,-1.1988189 0.74015748 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,7,6,-1,5,8,7,-1,4,9,8,-1,4,8,5,-1,3,10,9,-1,3,9,4,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,10,3,-1,
+ 1,12,11,-1,1,11,2,-1,0,13,12,-1,0,12,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_716 Normal { vector [
+ -0.70406259 0.70406259 -0.092691599,-0.67729626 0.70694367 -0.20371654,
+ -0.60149223 0.70694367 -0.37207224,-0.48469749 0.70694367 -0.51507183,
+ -0.33487143 0.70694367 -0.62297013,-0.16222443 0.70694367 -0.68841404,
+ -0.092691599 0.70406259 -0.70406259,-0.092691599 0.70406259 -0.70406259,
+ -0.22368541 0.70647458 -0.67145998,-0.38985014 0.70647458 -0.59068649,
+ -0.52944724 0.70647458 -0.4696587,-0.63296338 0.70647458 -0.31662444,
+ -0.69334411 0.70647458 -0.14201274,-0.70406259 0.70406259 -0.092691599] }
+DEF SHAPE_717 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_717 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_717 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,-1.257874 0.74015748 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_717 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,0 0.70710678 -0.70710678,
+ 0 0.70710678 -0.70710678] }
+DEF SHAPE_718 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_718 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_718 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2972441 0.74015748 2.5787402,-1.2972441 0.74015748 2.1181102,
+ -1.257874 0.77952756 2.1574803,-1.257874 0.77952756 2.6574803] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_718 Normal { vector [
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_719 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_719 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_719 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ 1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_719 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_720 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_720 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_720 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ 1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_720 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_721 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_721 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_721 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ 1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ 1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098,
+ 1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,
+ 1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397,
+ 1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,0,1,-1,2,0,11,-1,7,2,11,-1,8,2,7,-1,6,7,11,-1,9,2,8,-1,5,6,11,-1,3,2,9,-1,
+ 4,5,11,-1,10,4,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_721 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_722 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_722 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_722 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ 1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,
+ 1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098,1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,
+ 1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,
+ 1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397,1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,3,1,2,-1,8,1,3,-1,9,8,3,-1,7,1,8,-1,10,9,3,-1,6,1,7,-1,4,10,3,-1,
+ 5,1,6,-1,11,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_722 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_723 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_723 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_723 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,-1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ -1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_723 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_724 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_724 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_724 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,-1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_724 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_725 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_725 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_725 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,-1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397,
+ -1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,-1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,
+ -1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,-1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098,
+ -1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,0,1,-1,11,1,2,-1,11,2,3,-1,8,3,4,-1,8,4,5,-1,8,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,11,3,-1,
+ 10,8,9,-1,10,11,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_725 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_726 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_12
+ geometry DEF FACE_726 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_726 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,-1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397,
+ -1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,-1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,
+ -1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,-1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,7,6,-1,5,8,7,-1,5,9,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,10,9,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,0,11,-1,2,9,5,-1,
+ 4,3,2,-1,4,2,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_726 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_94 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_727 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_727 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_727 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 0.047244094 0.22637795,-1.5452756 0.047244094 0.16732283,
+ -1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.22637795,-1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.16732283] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_727 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_728 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_728 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_728 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 0.047244094 0.16732283,-1.4271654 0.047244094 0.16732283,
+ -1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.16732283,-1.515748 -0.19685039 0.16732283,
+ -1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.16732283,-1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.16732283] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,0,1,-1,5,2,0,-1,4,3,2,-1,4,2,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_728 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_729 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_729 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_729 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4271654 0.047244094 0.16732283,-1.4271654 0.047244094 0.22637795,
+ -1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.16732283,-1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_729 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_730 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_730 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_730 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.22637795,-1.515748 -0.19685039 0.22637795,
+ -1.5452756 0.047244094 0.22637795,-1.4271654 0.047244094 0.22637795,
+ -1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.22637795,-1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,1,5,-1,2,0,4,-1,3,2,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_730 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_731 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_731 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_731 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.515748 -0.19685039 0.16732283,-1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.16732283,
+ -1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.22637795,-1.515748 -0.19685039 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_731 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_732 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_732 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_732 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 0.047244094 0.16732283,-1.4271654 0.047244094 0.16732283,
+ -1.4271654 0.047244094 0.22637795,-1.5452756 0.047244094 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_732 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_733 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_733 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_733 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.16732283,-1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.16732283,
+ -1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.22637795,-1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_733 Normal { vector [
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_734 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_734 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_734 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.22637795,-1.515748 -0.19685039 0.22637795,
+ -1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.16732283,-1.515748 -0.19685039 0.16732283] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_734 Normal { vector [
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_95 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_735 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_735 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_735 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.16732283,1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.22637795,
+ 1.5452756 0.047244094 0.22637795,1.5452756 0.047244094 0.16732283] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_735 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_736 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_736 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_736 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.16732283,1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.16732283,
+ 1.515748 -0.19685039 0.16732283,1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.16732283,
+ 1.5452756 0.047244094 0.16732283,1.4271654 0.047244094 0.16732283] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,5,4,-1,3,0,4,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_736 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_737 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_737 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_737 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.22637795,1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.16732283,
+ 1.4271654 0.047244094 0.16732283,1.4271654 0.047244094 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_737 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_738 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_738 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_738 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.22637795,1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.22637795,
+ 1.4271654 0.047244094 0.22637795,1.5452756 0.047244094 0.22637795,
+ 1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.22637795,1.515748 -0.19685039 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,1,0,-1,4,0,5,-1,3,2,1,-1,3,1,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_738 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_739 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_739 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_739 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.515748 -0.19685039 0.16732283,1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.16732283,
+ 1.515748 -0.19685039 0.22637795,1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_739 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_740 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_740 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_740 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.4271654 0.047244094 0.22637795,1.5452756 0.047244094 0.22637795,
+ 1.4271654 0.047244094 0.16732283,1.5452756 0.047244094 0.16732283] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_740 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_741 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_741 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_741 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.16732283,1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.16732283,
+ 1.4566929 -0.19685039 0.22637795,1.4271654 -0.11572409 0.22637795] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,0,-1,1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_741 Normal { vector [
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_742 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_742 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_742 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.22637795,1.515748 -0.19685039 0.22637795,
+ 1.515748 -0.19685039 0.16732283,1.5452756 -0.11572409 0.16732283] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_742 Normal { vector [
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_96 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_743 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_13 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.14826217
+ diffuseColor 1 0.62396038 0.2158605
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.1
+ specularColor 0.12 0.12 0.12
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_743 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_743 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.7992126 1.6811024,-1.1318898 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -1.1318898 0.7992126 2.6181102,-1.1318898 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_743 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_744 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_744 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_744 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.7992126 2.6181102,-1.1318898 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ -1.0334646 0.7992126 2.6181102,-1.0334646 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_744 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_745 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_745 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_745 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0334646 0.7992126 2.6181102,-1.0334646 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ -1.0334646 0.7992126 1.6811024,-1.0334646 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_745 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_746 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_746 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_746 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0334646 0.7992126 1.6811024,-1.0334646 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -1.1318898 0.7992126 1.6811024,-1.1318898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_746 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_747 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_747 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_747 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.7992126 1.6811024,-1.1318898 0.7992126 2.6181102,
+ -1.0334646 0.7992126 2.6181102,-1.0334646 0.7992126 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_747 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_748 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_748 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_748 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.77952756 2.6181102,-1.0334646 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ -1.0334646 0.77952756 1.6811024,-1.1318898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_748 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_97 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_749 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_749 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_749 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.54133858 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.54133858 0.7992126 2.6181102,-0.54133858 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_749 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_750 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_750 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_750 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.7992126 2.6181102,-0.54133858 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ -0.44291339 0.7992126 2.6181102,-0.44291339 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_750 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_751 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_751 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_751 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.44291339 0.7992126 2.6181102,-0.44291339 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ -0.44291339 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.44291339 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_751 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_752 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_752 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_752 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.44291339 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.44291339 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.54133858 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.54133858 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_752 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_753 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_753 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_753 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.54133858 0.7992126 2.6181102,
+ -0.44291339 0.7992126 2.6181102,-0.44291339 0.7992126 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_753 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_754 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_754 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_754 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.77952756 2.6181102,-0.44291339 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ -0.44291339 0.77952756 1.6811024,-0.54133858 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_754 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_98 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_755 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_755 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_755 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54133858 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.54133858 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.44291339 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.44291339 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_755 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_756 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_756 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_756 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44291339 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.44291339 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.44291339 0.7992126 2.6181102,0.44291339 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_756 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_757 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_757 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_757 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44291339 0.7992126 2.6181102,0.44291339 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ 0.54133858 0.7992126 2.6181102,0.54133858 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_757 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_758 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_758 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_758 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54133858 0.7992126 2.6181102,0.54133858 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ 0.54133858 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.54133858 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_758 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_759 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_759 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_759 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54133858 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.44291339 0.7992126 1.6811024,
+ 0.44291339 0.7992126 2.6181102,0.54133858 0.7992126 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_759 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_760 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_760 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_760 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44291339 0.77952756 1.6811024,0.44291339 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ 0.54133858 0.77952756 2.6181102,0.54133858 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,3,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_760 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_99 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_761 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_761 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_761 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 0.7992126 1.6811024,1.1318898 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 1.0334646 0.7992126 1.6811024,1.0334646 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_761 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_762 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_762 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_762 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0334646 0.7992126 1.6811024,1.0334646 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 1.0334646 0.7992126 2.6181102,1.0334646 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_762 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_763 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_763 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_763 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0334646 0.7992126 2.6181102,1.0334646 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ 1.1318898 0.7992126 2.6181102,1.1318898 0.77952756 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_763 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_764 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_764 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_764 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 0.7992126 2.6181102,1.1318898 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ 1.1318898 0.7992126 1.6811024,1.1318898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_764 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_765 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_765 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_765 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 0.7992126 1.6811024,1.0334646 0.7992126 1.6811024,
+ 1.0334646 0.7992126 2.6181102,1.1318898 0.7992126 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_765 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_766 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_766 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_766 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0334646 0.77952756 1.6811024,1.0334646 0.77952756 2.6181102,
+ 1.1318898 0.77952756 2.6181102,1.1318898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_766 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_100 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_767 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_767 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_767 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.52362205 2.6181102,-1.1318898 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ -1.1318898 0.52362205 1.6811024,-1.1318898 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_767 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_768 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_768 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_768 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.52362205 1.6811024,-1.1318898 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -1.0334646 0.52362205 1.6811024,-1.0334646 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_768 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_769 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_769 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_769 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0334646 0.52362205 1.6811024,-1.0334646 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -1.0334646 0.52362205 2.6181102,-1.0334646 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_769 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_770 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_770 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_770 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0334646 0.52362205 2.6181102,-1.0334646 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ -1.1318898 0.52362205 2.6181102,-1.1318898 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_770 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_771 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_771 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_771 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.52362205 2.6181102,-1.1318898 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ -1.0334646 0.52362205 1.6811024,-1.0334646 0.52362205 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_771 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_772 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_772 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_772 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1318898 0.54330709 1.6811024,-1.0334646 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -1.0334646 0.54330709 2.6181102,-1.1318898 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_772 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_101 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_773 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_773 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_773 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.52362205 2.6181102,-0.54133858 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ -0.54133858 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.54133858 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_773 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_774 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_774 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_774 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.54133858 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.44291339 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.44291339 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_774 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_775 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_775 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_775 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.44291339 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.44291339 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.44291339 0.52362205 2.6181102,-0.44291339 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_775 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_776 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_776 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_776 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.44291339 0.52362205 2.6181102,-0.44291339 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ -0.54133858 0.52362205 2.6181102,-0.54133858 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_776 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_777 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_777 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_777 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.52362205 2.6181102,-0.54133858 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ -0.44291339 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.44291339 0.52362205 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_777 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_778 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_778 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_778 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.54133858 0.54330709 1.6811024,-0.44291339 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.44291339 0.54330709 2.6181102,-0.54133858 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_778 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_102 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_779 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_779 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_779 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44291339 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.44291339 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.54133858 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.54133858 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_779 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_780 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_780 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_780 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54133858 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.54133858 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.54133858 0.52362205 2.6181102,0.54133858 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_780 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_781 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_781 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_781 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54133858 0.52362205 2.6181102,0.54133858 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ 0.44291339 0.52362205 2.6181102,0.44291339 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_781 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_782 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_782 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_782 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44291339 0.52362205 2.6181102,0.44291339 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ 0.44291339 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.44291339 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_782 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_783 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_783 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_783 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44291339 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.54133858 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ 0.54133858 0.52362205 2.6181102,0.44291339 0.52362205 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_783 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_784 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_784 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_784 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.54133858 0.54330709 1.6811024,0.54133858 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ 0.44291339 0.54330709 2.6181102,0.44291339 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_784 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_103 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_785 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_785 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_785 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0334646 0.52362205 1.6811024,1.0334646 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 1.1318898 0.52362205 1.6811024,1.1318898 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_785 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_786 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_786 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_786 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 0.52362205 1.6811024,1.1318898 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 1.1318898 0.52362205 2.6181102,1.1318898 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_786 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_787 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_787 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_787 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 0.52362205 2.6181102,1.1318898 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ 1.0334646 0.52362205 2.6181102,1.0334646 0.54330709 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_787 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_788 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_788 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_788 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0334646 0.52362205 2.6181102,1.0334646 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ 1.0334646 0.52362205 1.6811024,1.0334646 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_788 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_789 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_789 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_789 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0334646 0.52362205 1.6811024,1.1318898 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ 1.1318898 0.52362205 2.6181102,1.0334646 0.52362205 2.6181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_789 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_790 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_790 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_790 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1318898 0.54330709 1.6811024,1.1318898 0.54330709 2.6181102,
+ 1.0334646 0.54330709 2.6181102,1.0334646 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_790 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_104 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_791 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_791 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_791 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.1476378 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.1476378 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.049212598 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.049212598 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_791 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_792 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_792 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_792 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.049212598 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.049212598 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.049212598 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.049212598 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_792 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_793 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_793 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_793 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.049212598 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.049212598 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.1476378 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.1476378 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_793 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_794 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_794 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_794 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.1476378 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.1476378 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.1476378 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.1476378 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_794 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_795 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_795 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_795 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.1476378 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.049212598 0.7992126 1.6811024,
+ 0.049212598 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.1476378 0.7992126 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_795 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_796 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_796 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_796 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.049212598 0.77952756 1.6811024,0.049212598 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.1476378 0.77952756 2.4212598,0.1476378 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_796 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_105 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_797 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_797 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_797 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.93503937 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.93503937 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.93503937 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_797 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_798 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_798 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_798 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.93503937 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.83661417 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.83661417 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_798 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_799 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_799 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_799 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.83661417 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.83661417 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.83661417 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.83661417 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_799 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_800 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_800 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_800 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.83661417 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.83661417 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.93503937 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.93503937 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_800 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_801 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_801 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_801 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.93503937 0.7992126 2.4212598,
+ -0.83661417 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.83661417 0.7992126 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_801 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_802 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_802 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_802 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.77952756 2.4212598,-0.83661417 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.83661417 0.77952756 1.6811024,-0.93503937 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_802 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_106 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_803 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_803 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_803 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.73818898 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.73818898 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.73818898 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_803 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_804 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_804 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_804 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.73818898 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.63976378 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.63976378 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_804 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_805 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_805 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_805 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.63976378 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.63976378 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.63976378 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.63976378 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_805 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_806 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_806 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_806 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.63976378 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.63976378 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.73818898 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.73818898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_806 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_807 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_807 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_807 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.73818898 0.7992126 2.4212598,
+ -0.63976378 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.63976378 0.7992126 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_807 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_808 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_808 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_808 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.77952756 2.4212598,-0.63976378 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.63976378 0.77952756 1.6811024,-0.73818898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_808 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_107 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_809 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_809 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_809 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.34448819 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.34448819 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.34448819 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_809 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_810 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_810 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_810 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.34448819 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.24606299 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.24606299 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_810 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_811 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_811 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_811 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.24606299 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.24606299 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.24606299 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.24606299 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_811 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_812 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_812 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_812 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.24606299 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.24606299 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.34448819 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.34448819 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_812 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_813 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_813 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_813 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.34448819 0.7992126 2.4212598,
+ -0.24606299 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.24606299 0.7992126 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_813 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_814 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_814 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_814 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.77952756 2.4212598,-0.24606299 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.24606299 0.77952756 1.6811024,-0.34448819 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_814 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_108 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_815 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_815 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_815 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.1476378 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.1476378 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.1476378 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_815 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_816 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_816 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_816 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.1476378 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.049212598 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.049212598 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_816 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_817 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_817 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_817 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.049212598 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.049212598 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.049212598 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.049212598 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_817 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_818 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_818 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_818 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.049212598 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.049212598 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ -0.1476378 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.1476378 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_818 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_819 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_819 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_819 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.7992126 1.6811024,-0.1476378 0.7992126 2.4212598,
+ -0.049212598 0.7992126 2.4212598,-0.049212598 0.7992126 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_819 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_820 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_820 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_820 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.77952756 2.4212598,-0.049212598 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ -0.049212598 0.77952756 1.6811024,-0.1476378 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_820 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_109 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_821 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_821 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_821 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.34448819 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.34448819 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.24606299 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.24606299 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_821 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_822 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_822 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_822 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24606299 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.24606299 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.24606299 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.24606299 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_822 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_823 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_823 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_823 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24606299 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.24606299 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.34448819 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.34448819 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_823 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_824 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_824 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_824 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.34448819 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.34448819 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.34448819 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.34448819 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_824 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_825 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_825 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_825 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.34448819 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.24606299 0.7992126 1.6811024,
+ 0.24606299 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.34448819 0.7992126 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_825 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_826 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_826 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_826 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24606299 0.77952756 1.6811024,0.24606299 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.34448819 0.77952756 2.4212598,0.34448819 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_826 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_110 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_827 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_827 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_827 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.73818898 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.73818898 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.63976378 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.63976378 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_827 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_828 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_828 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_828 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.63976378 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.63976378 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.63976378 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.63976378 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_828 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_829 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_829 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_829 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.63976378 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.63976378 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.73818898 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.73818898 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_829 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_830 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_830 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_830 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.73818898 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.73818898 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.73818898 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.73818898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_830 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_831 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_831 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_831 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.73818898 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.63976378 0.7992126 1.6811024,
+ 0.63976378 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.73818898 0.7992126 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_831 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_832 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_832 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_832 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.63976378 0.77952756 1.6811024,0.63976378 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.73818898 0.77952756 2.4212598,0.73818898 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_832 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_111 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_833 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_833 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_833 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.93503937 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.93503937 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.83661417 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.83661417 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_833 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_834 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_834 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_834 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.83661417 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.83661417 0.77952756 1.6811024,
+ 0.83661417 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.83661417 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_834 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_835 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_835 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_835 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.83661417 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.83661417 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.93503937 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.93503937 0.77952756 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_835 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_836 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_836 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_836 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.93503937 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.93503937 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.93503937 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.93503937 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_836 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_837 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_837 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_837 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.93503937 0.7992126 1.6811024,0.83661417 0.7992126 1.6811024,
+ 0.83661417 0.7992126 2.4212598,0.93503937 0.7992126 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_837 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_838 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_838 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_838 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.83661417 0.77952756 1.6811024,0.83661417 0.77952756 2.4212598,
+ 0.93503937 0.77952756 2.4212598,0.93503937 0.77952756 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_838 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_112 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_839 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_839 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_839 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.93503937 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.93503937 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.93503937 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_839 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_840 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_840 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_840 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.93503937 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.83661417 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.83661417 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_840 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_841 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_841 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_841 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.83661417 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.83661417 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.83661417 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.83661417 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_841 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_842 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_842 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_842 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.83661417 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.83661417 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.93503937 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.93503937 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_842 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_843 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_843 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_843 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.93503937 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ -0.83661417 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.83661417 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_843 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_844 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_844 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_844 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.93503937 0.54330709 1.6811024,-0.83661417 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.83661417 0.54330709 2.4212598,-0.93503937 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_844 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_113 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_845 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_845 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_845 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.1476378 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.1476378 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.1476378 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_845 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_846 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_846 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_846 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.1476378 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.049212598 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.049212598 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_846 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_847 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_847 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_847 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.049212598 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.049212598 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.049212598 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.049212598 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_847 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_848 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_848 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_848 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.049212598 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.049212598 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.1476378 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.1476378 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_848 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_849 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_849 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_849 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.1476378 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ -0.049212598 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.049212598 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_849 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_850 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_850 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_850 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.1476378 0.54330709 1.6811024,-0.049212598 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.049212598 0.54330709 2.4212598,-0.1476378 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_850 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_114 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_851 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_851 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_851 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.34448819 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.34448819 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.34448819 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_851 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_852 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_852 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_852 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.34448819 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.24606299 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.24606299 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_852 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_853 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_853 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_853 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.24606299 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.24606299 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.24606299 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.24606299 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_853 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_854 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_854 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_854 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.24606299 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.24606299 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.34448819 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.34448819 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_854 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_855 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_855 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_855 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.34448819 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ -0.24606299 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.24606299 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_855 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_856 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_856 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_856 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34448819 0.54330709 1.6811024,-0.24606299 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.24606299 0.54330709 2.4212598,-0.34448819 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_856 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_115 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_857 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_857 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_857 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.73818898 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.73818898 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.73818898 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_857 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_858 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_858 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_858 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.73818898 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.63976378 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.63976378 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_858 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_859 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_859 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_859 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.63976378 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.63976378 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.63976378 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.63976378 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_859 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_860 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_860 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_860 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.63976378 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.63976378 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ -0.73818898 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.73818898 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_860 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_861 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_861 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_861 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.52362205 2.4212598,-0.73818898 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ -0.63976378 0.52362205 1.6811024,-0.63976378 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_861 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_862 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_862 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_862 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.73818898 0.54330709 1.6811024,-0.63976378 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ -0.63976378 0.54330709 2.4212598,-0.73818898 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_862 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_116 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_863 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_863 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_863 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.049212598 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.049212598 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.1476378 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.1476378 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_863 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_864 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_864 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_864 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.1476378 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.1476378 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.1476378 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.1476378 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_864 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_865 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_865 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_865 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.1476378 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.1476378 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.049212598 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.049212598 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_865 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_866 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_866 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_866 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.049212598 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.049212598 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.049212598 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.049212598 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_866 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_867 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_867 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_867 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.049212598 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.1476378 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ 0.1476378 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.049212598 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_867 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_868 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_868 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_868 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.1476378 0.54330709 1.6811024,0.1476378 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.049212598 0.54330709 2.4212598,0.049212598 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_868 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_117 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_869 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_869 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_869 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.83661417 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.83661417 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.93503937 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.93503937 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_869 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_870 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_870 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_870 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.93503937 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.93503937 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.93503937 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.93503937 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_870 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_871 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_871 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_871 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.93503937 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.93503937 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.83661417 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.83661417 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_871 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_872 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_872 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_872 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.83661417 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.83661417 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.83661417 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.83661417 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_872 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_873 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_873 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_873 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.83661417 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.93503937 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ 0.93503937 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.83661417 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_873 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_874 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_874 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_874 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.93503937 0.54330709 1.6811024,0.93503937 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.83661417 0.54330709 2.4212598,0.83661417 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_874 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_118 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_875 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_875 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_875 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.63976378 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.63976378 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.73818898 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.73818898 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_875 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_876 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_876 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_876 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.73818898 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.73818898 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.73818898 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.73818898 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_876 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_877 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_877 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_877 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.73818898 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.73818898 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.63976378 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.63976378 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_877 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_878 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_878 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_878 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.63976378 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.63976378 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.63976378 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.63976378 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_878 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_879 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_879 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_879 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.63976378 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.73818898 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ 0.73818898 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.63976378 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_879 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_880 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_880 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_880 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.73818898 0.54330709 1.6811024,0.73818898 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.63976378 0.54330709 2.4212598,0.63976378 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_880 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_119 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_881 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_881 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_881 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24606299 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.24606299 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.34448819 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.34448819 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_881 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_882 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_882 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_882 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.34448819 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.34448819 0.54330709 1.6811024,
+ 0.34448819 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.34448819 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_882 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_883 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_883 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_883 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.34448819 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.34448819 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.24606299 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.24606299 0.54330709 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_883 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_884 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_884 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_884 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24606299 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.24606299 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.24606299 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.24606299 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_884 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_885 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_885 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_885 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24606299 0.52362205 1.6811024,0.34448819 0.52362205 1.6811024,
+ 0.34448819 0.52362205 2.4212598,0.24606299 0.52362205 2.4212598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_885 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_886 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_886 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_886 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.34448819 0.54330709 1.6811024,0.34448819 0.54330709 2.4212598,
+ 0.24606299 0.54330709 2.4212598,0.24606299 0.54330709 1.6811024] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_886 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_120 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_887 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_887 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_887 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_887 Normal { vector [
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ 0.89442719 0 0.4472136,0.89442719 0 0.4472136] }
+DEF SHAPE_888 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_888 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_888 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_888 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_889 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_889 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_889 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ 1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_889 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_890 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_890 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_890 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ 1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098,1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,
+ 1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,
+ 1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397,1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ 1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098,
+ 1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,
+ 1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,0,1,-1,9,2,0,-1,10,3,2,-1,10,2,9,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,3,10,-1,12,5,4,-1,12,4,11,-1,
+ 13,6,5,-1,13,5,12,-1,8,7,6,-1,8,6,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_890 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ 0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ 0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,
+ 0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ 0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,
+ 0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ 0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,0.95364993 0 -0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_891 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_891 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_891 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_891 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_892 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_892 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_892 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_892 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_893 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_893 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_893 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ 1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_893 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_894 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_894 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_894 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,
+ 1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,
+ 1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098,
+ 1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,
+ 1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397,
+ 1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,0,1,-1,2,0,11,-1,7,2,11,-1,8,2,7,-1,6,7,11,-1,9,2,8,-1,5,6,11,-1,3,2,9,-1,
+ 4,5,11,-1,10,4,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_894 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_895 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_895 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_895 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,
+ 1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ 1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ 1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098,1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,
+ 1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,
+ 1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397,1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,3,1,2,-1,8,1,3,-1,9,8,3,-1,7,1,8,-1,10,9,3,-1,6,1,7,-1,4,10,3,-1,
+ 5,1,6,-1,11,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_895 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_121 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_896 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_896 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_896 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ -1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397,-1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,
+ -1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,-1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,
+ -1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098,-1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,
+ -1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,-1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397,
+ -1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,-1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,
+ -1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,-1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,0,1,-1,9,2,0,-1,10,3,2,-1,10,2,9,-1,11,4,3,-1,11,3,10,-1,12,5,4,-1,12,4,11,-1,
+ 13,6,5,-1,13,5,12,-1,8,7,6,-1,8,6,13,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_896 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,-0.99144486 0 -0.13052619,
+ -0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,-0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,
+ -0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,-0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,
+ -0.21622209 0 -0.9763442,-0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,
+ -0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,-0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,
+ -0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,-0.30091828 0 -0.95364993] }
+DEF SHAPE_897 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_897 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_897 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,-1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_897 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_898 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_898 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_898 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_898 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_899 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_899 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_899 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_899 Normal { vector [
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136,
+ -0.89442719 0 0.4472136,-0.89442719 0 0.4472136] }
+DEF SHAPE_900 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_900 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_900 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_900 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_901 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_901 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_901 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_901 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_902 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_902 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_902 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_902 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_903 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_903 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_903 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1988189 0.68110236 2.0590551,-1.2008312 0.68110236 2.0743397,
+ -1.2067308 0.68110236 2.0885827,-1.2161157 0.68110236 2.1008134,
+ -1.2283465 0.68110236 2.1101984,-1.2425894 0.68110236 2.116098,
+ -1.257874 0.68110236 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.68110236 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.68110236 2.5787402,-1.1988189 0.68110236 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.68110236 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.68110236 2.0590551] }
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+ 11,0,1,-1,11,1,2,-1,11,2,3,-1,8,3,4,-1,8,4,5,-1,8,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,11,3,-1,
+ 10,8,9,-1,10,11,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_903 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_904 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_11
+ geometry DEF FACE_904 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_904 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.257874 0.64173228 2.1181102,-1.2972441 0.64173228 2.1181102,
+ -1.2972441 0.64173228 2.5787402,-1.1988189 0.64173228 2.7755906,
+ -1.1594488 0.64173228 2.7755906,-1.1594488 0.64173228 2.0590551,
+ -1.1988189 0.64173228 2.0590551,-1.2008312 0.64173228 2.0743397,
+ -1.2067308 0.64173228 2.0885827,-1.2161157 0.64173228 2.1008134,
+ -1.2283465 0.64173228 2.1101984,-1.2425894 0.64173228 2.116098] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,7,6,-1,5,8,7,-1,5,9,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,10,9,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,0,11,-1,2,9,5,-1,
+ 4,3,2,-1,4,2,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_904 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_122 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_905 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_905 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_905 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.89566929 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.89566929 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.89566929 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.89566929 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.89566929 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.89566929 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.89566929 0 -0.13779528,0.97440945 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.97440945 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.97440945 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.97440945 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.97440945 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.97440945 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.97440945 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_905 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_906 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_906 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_906 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.97440945 0 -0.13779528,0.89566929 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.97440945 0 -0.39370079,0.89566929 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_906 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_907 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_907 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_907 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.97440945 0 -0.39370079,0.89566929 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.97440945 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.89566929 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_907 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_908 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_908 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_908 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.97440945 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.89566929 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ 0.97440945 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.89566929 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_908 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_909 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_909 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_909 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.97440945 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.97440945 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.97440945 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.97440945 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.97440945 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.97440945 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.97440945 0 -0.13779528,0.97440945 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.97440945 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_909 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_910 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_910 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_910 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.89566929 0 -0.13779528,0.89566929 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.89566929 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.89566929 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ 0.89566929 0.035016423 -0.092160985,0.89566929 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ 0.89566929 0.013837475 -0.10438866,0.89566929 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ 0.89566929 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_910 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_123 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_911 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_911 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_911 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.6988189 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.6988189 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.6988189 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.6988189 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.6988189 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.6988189 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.6988189 0 -0.13779528,0.77755906 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.77755906 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.77755906 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.77755906 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.77755906 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.77755906 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.77755906 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_911 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_912 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_912 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_912 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.77755906 0 -0.13779528,0.6988189 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.77755906 0 -0.39370079,0.6988189 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_912 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_913 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_913 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_913 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.77755906 0 -0.39370079,0.6988189 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.77755906 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.6988189 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_913 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_914 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_914 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_914 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.77755906 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.6988189 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ 0.77755906 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.6988189 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_914 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_915 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_915 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_915 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.77755906 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.77755906 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.77755906 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.77755906 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.77755906 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.77755906 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.77755906 0 -0.13779528,0.77755906 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.77755906 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_915 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_916 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_916 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_916 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.6988189 0 -0.13779528,0.6988189 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.6988189 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.6988189 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ 0.6988189 0.035016423 -0.092160985,0.6988189 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ 0.6988189 0.013837475 -0.10438866,0.6988189 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ 0.6988189 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_916 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_124 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_917 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_917 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_917 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.5019685 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.5019685 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.5019685 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.5019685 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.5019685 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.5019685 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.5019685 0 -0.13779528,0.58070866 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.58070866 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.58070866 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.58070866 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.58070866 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.58070866 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.58070866 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_917 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_918 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_918 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_918 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.58070866 0 -0.13779528,0.5019685 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.58070866 0 -0.39370079,0.5019685 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_918 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_919 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_919 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_919 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.58070866 0 -0.39370079,0.5019685 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.58070866 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.5019685 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_919 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_920 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_920 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_920 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.58070866 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.5019685 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ 0.58070866 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.5019685 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_920 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_921 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_921 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_921 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.58070866 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.58070866 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.58070866 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.58070866 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.58070866 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.58070866 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.58070866 0 -0.13779528,0.58070866 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.58070866 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_921 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_922 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_922 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_922 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.5019685 0 -0.13779528,0.5019685 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.5019685 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.5019685 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ 0.5019685 0.035016423 -0.092160985,0.5019685 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ 0.5019685 0.013837475 -0.10438866,0.5019685 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ 0.5019685 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_922 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_125 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_923 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_923 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_923 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.30511811 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.30511811 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.30511811 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.30511811 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.30511811 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.30511811 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.30511811 0 -0.13779528,0.38385827 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.38385827 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.38385827 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.38385827 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.38385827 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.38385827 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.38385827 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_923 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_924 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_924 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_924 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.38385827 0 -0.13779528,0.30511811 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.38385827 0 -0.39370079,0.30511811 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_924 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_925 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_925 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_925 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.38385827 0 -0.39370079,0.30511811 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.38385827 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.30511811 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_925 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_926 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_926 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_926 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.38385827 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.30511811 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ 0.38385827 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.30511811 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_926 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_927 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_927 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_927 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.38385827 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.38385827 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.38385827 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.38385827 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.38385827 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.38385827 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.38385827 0 -0.13779528,0.38385827 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.38385827 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_927 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_928 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_928 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.30511811 0 -0.13779528,0.30511811 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.30511811 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.30511811 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ 0.30511811 0.035016423 -0.092160985,0.30511811 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ 0.30511811 0.013837475 -0.10438866,0.30511811 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ 0.30511811 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_928 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_126 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_929 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_929 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_929 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10826772 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.10826772 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.10826772 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.10826772 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.10826772 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.10826772 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.10826772 0 -0.13779528,0.18700787 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.18700787 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.18700787 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.18700787 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.18700787 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.18700787 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.18700787 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_930 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_930 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18700787 0 -0.13779528,0.10826772 0 -0.13779528,
+ 0.18700787 0 -0.39370079,0.10826772 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_930 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_931 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_931 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_931 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18700787 0 -0.39370079,0.10826772 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.18700787 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.10826772 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_931 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_932 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_932 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_932 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18700787 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.10826772 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ 0.18700787 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.10826772 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_932 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_933 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_933 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_933 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18700787 0.047244094 -0.090551181,0.18700787 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 0.18700787 0.023622047 -0.09688069,0.18700787 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 0.18700787 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,0.18700787 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 0.18700787 0 -0.13779528,0.18700787 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.18700787 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_933 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_934 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_934 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_934 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10826772 0 -0.13779528,0.10826772 0 -0.39370079,
+ 0.10826772 0.047244094 -0.39370079,0.10826772 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ 0.10826772 0.035016423 -0.092160985,0.10826772 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ 0.10826772 0.013837475 -0.10438866,0.10826772 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ 0.10826772 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_934 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_127 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_935 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_935 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_935 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.088582677 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.088582677 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.088582677 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.088582677 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.088582677 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.088582677 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.088582677 0 -0.13779528,-0.0098425197 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.0098425197 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.0098425197 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.0098425197 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.0098425197 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.0098425197 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.0098425197 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_935 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_936 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_936 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_936 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.0098425197 0 -0.13779528,-0.088582677 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.0098425197 0 -0.39370079,-0.088582677 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_936 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_937 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_937 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.0098425197 0 -0.39370079,-0.088582677 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.0098425197 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.088582677 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_937 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_938 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_938 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_938 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.0098425197 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.088582677 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ -0.0098425197 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.088582677 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_938 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_939 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_939 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_939 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.0098425197 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.0098425197 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.0098425197 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.0098425197 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.0098425197 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.0098425197 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.0098425197 0 -0.13779528,-0.0098425197 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.0098425197 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_939 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_940 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_940 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_940 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.088582677 0 -0.13779528,-0.088582677 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.088582677 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.088582677 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ -0.088582677 0.035016423 -0.092160985,-0.088582677 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ -0.088582677 0.013837475 -0.10438866,-0.088582677 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ -0.088582677 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_940 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_128 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_941 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_941 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_941 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.28543307 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.28543307 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.28543307 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.28543307 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.28543307 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.28543307 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.28543307 0 -0.13779528,-0.20669291 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.20669291 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.20669291 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.20669291 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.20669291 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.20669291 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.20669291 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_941 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_942 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_942 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_942 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.20669291 0 -0.13779528,-0.28543307 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.20669291 0 -0.39370079,-0.28543307 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_942 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_943 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_943 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_943 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.20669291 0 -0.39370079,-0.28543307 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.20669291 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.28543307 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_943 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_944 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_944 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_944 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.20669291 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.28543307 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ -0.20669291 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.28543307 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_944 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_945 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_945 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_945 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.20669291 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.20669291 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.20669291 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.20669291 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.20669291 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.20669291 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.20669291 0 -0.13779528,-0.20669291 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.20669291 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_945 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_946 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_946 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_946 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.28543307 0 -0.13779528,-0.28543307 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.28543307 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.28543307 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ -0.28543307 0.035016423 -0.092160985,-0.28543307 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ -0.28543307 0.013837475 -0.10438866,-0.28543307 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ -0.28543307 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_946 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_129 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_947 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_947 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_947 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.48228346 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.48228346 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.48228346 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.48228346 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.48228346 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.48228346 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.48228346 0 -0.13779528,-0.40354331 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.40354331 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.40354331 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.40354331 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.40354331 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.40354331 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.40354331 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_947 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_948 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_948 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_948 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.40354331 0 -0.13779528,-0.48228346 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.40354331 0 -0.39370079,-0.48228346 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_948 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_949 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_949 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_949 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.40354331 0 -0.39370079,-0.48228346 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.40354331 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.48228346 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_949 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_950 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_950 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_950 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.40354331 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.48228346 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ -0.40354331 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.48228346 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_950 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_951 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_951 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_951 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.40354331 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.40354331 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
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+ -0.40354331 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.40354331 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.40354331 0 -0.13779528,-0.40354331 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.40354331 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_951 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_952 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_952 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.48228346 0 -0.13779528,-0.48228346 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.48228346 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.48228346 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ -0.48228346 0.035016423 -0.092160985,-0.48228346 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ -0.48228346 0.013837475 -0.10438866,-0.48228346 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ -0.48228346 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_952 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_130 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_953 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_953 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_953 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.67913386 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.67913386 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.67913386 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.67913386 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.67913386 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.67913386 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.67913386 0 -0.13779528,-0.6003937 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.6003937 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.6003937 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.6003937 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.6003937 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.6003937 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.6003937 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_954 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_954 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6003937 0 -0.13779528,-0.67913386 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.6003937 0 -0.39370079,-0.67913386 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_954 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_955 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_955 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_955 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6003937 0 -0.39370079,-0.67913386 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.6003937 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.67913386 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_955 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_956 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_956 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_956 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6003937 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.67913386 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ -0.6003937 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.67913386 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_956 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_957 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_957 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_957 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6003937 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.6003937 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.6003937 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.6003937 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.6003937 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.6003937 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.6003937 0 -0.13779528,-0.6003937 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.6003937 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_957 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_958 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_958 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.67913386 0 -0.13779528,-0.67913386 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.67913386 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.67913386 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ -0.67913386 0.035016423 -0.092160985,-0.67913386 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ -0.67913386 0.013837475 -0.10438866,-0.67913386 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ -0.67913386 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_958 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_131 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_959 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_959 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_959 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.87598425 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.87598425 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.87598425 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.87598425 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.87598425 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.87598425 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.87598425 0 -0.13779528,-0.79724409 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.79724409 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.79724409 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.79724409 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.79724409 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.79724409 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.79724409 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_959 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_960 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_960 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_960 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.79724409 0 -0.13779528,-0.87598425 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.79724409 0 -0.39370079,-0.87598425 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_960 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_961 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_961 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_961 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.79724409 0 -0.39370079,-0.87598425 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.79724409 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.87598425 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_961 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_962 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_962 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_962 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.79724409 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.87598425 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ -0.79724409 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.87598425 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_962 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_963 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_963 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_963 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.79724409 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.79724409 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.79724409 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.79724409 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.79724409 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.79724409 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.79724409 0 -0.13779528,-0.79724409 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.79724409 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_963 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_964 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_964 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_964 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.87598425 0 -0.13779528,-0.87598425 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.87598425 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-0.87598425 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ -0.87598425 0.035016423 -0.092160985,-0.87598425 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ -0.87598425 0.013837475 -0.10438866,-0.87598425 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ -0.87598425 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_964 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_132 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_965 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_965 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_965 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0728346 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-1.0728346 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -1.0728346 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-1.0728346 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -1.0728346 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-1.0728346 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -1.0728346 0 -0.13779528,-0.99409449 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.99409449 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.99409449 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.99409449 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.99409449 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.99409449 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.99409449 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_965 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_966 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_966 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_966 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.99409449 0 -0.13779528,-1.0728346 0 -0.13779528,
+ -0.99409449 0 -0.39370079,-1.0728346 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_966 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_967 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_967 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_967 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.99409449 0 -0.39370079,-1.0728346 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.99409449 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-1.0728346 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_967 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_968 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_968 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_968 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.99409449 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-1.0728346 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ -0.99409449 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-1.0728346 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_968 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_969 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_969 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_969 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.99409449 0.047244094 -0.090551181,-0.99409449 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ -0.99409449 0.023622047 -0.09688069,-0.99409449 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ -0.99409449 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,-0.99409449 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ -0.99409449 0 -0.13779528,-0.99409449 0 -0.39370079,
+ -0.99409449 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_969 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_970 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_970 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_970 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0728346 0 -0.13779528,-1.0728346 0 -0.39370079,
+ -1.0728346 0.047244094 -0.39370079,-1.0728346 0.047244094 -0.090551181,
+ -1.0728346 0.035016423 -0.092160985,-1.0728346 0.023622047 -0.09688069,
+ -1.0728346 0.013837475 -0.10438866,-1.0728346 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,
+ -1.0728346 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_970 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_133 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_971 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_971 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_971 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.79724409 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.79724409 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.79724409 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.79724409 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.79724409 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.79724409 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.79724409 0 0.41338583,0.87598425 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.87598425 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.87598425 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.87598425 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.87598425 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.87598425 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.87598425 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_971 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_972 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_972 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_972 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.87598425 0 0.41338583,0.79724409 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.87598425 0 0.15748031,0.79724409 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_972 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_973 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_973 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_973 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.87598425 0 0.15748031,0.79724409 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.87598425 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.79724409 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_973 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_974 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_974 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_974 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.87598425 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.79724409 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ 0.87598425 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.79724409 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_974 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_975 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_975 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_975 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.87598425 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.87598425 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.87598425 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.87598425 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.87598425 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.87598425 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.87598425 0 0.41338583,0.87598425 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.87598425 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_975 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_976 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_976 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_976 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.79724409 0 0.41338583,0.79724409 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.79724409 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.79724409 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ 0.79724409 0.035016423 0.45902012,0.79724409 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ 0.79724409 0.013837475 0.44679245,0.79724409 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ 0.79724409 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_976 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_134 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_977 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_977 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_977 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.6003937 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.6003937 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.6003937 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.6003937 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.6003937 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.6003937 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.6003937 0 0.41338583,0.67913386 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.67913386 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.67913386 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.67913386 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.67913386 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.67913386 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.67913386 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_978 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_978 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_978 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.67913386 0 0.41338583,0.6003937 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.67913386 0 0.15748031,0.6003937 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_978 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_979 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_979 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_979 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.67913386 0 0.15748031,0.6003937 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.67913386 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.6003937 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_979 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_980 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_980 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_980 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.67913386 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.6003937 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ 0.67913386 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.6003937 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_980 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_981 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_981 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_981 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.67913386 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.67913386 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.67913386 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.67913386 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.67913386 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.67913386 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.67913386 0 0.41338583,0.67913386 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.67913386 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_981 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_982 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_982 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_982 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.6003937 0 0.41338583,0.6003937 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.6003937 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.6003937 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ 0.6003937 0.035016423 0.45902012,0.6003937 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ 0.6003937 0.013837475 0.44679245,0.6003937 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ 0.6003937 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_982 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_135 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_983 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_983 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_983 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.40354331 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.40354331 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.40354331 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.40354331 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.40354331 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.40354331 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.40354331 0 0.41338583,0.48228346 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.48228346 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.48228346 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.48228346 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.48228346 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.48228346 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.48228346 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_983 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_984 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_984 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_984 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.48228346 0 0.41338583,0.40354331 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.48228346 0 0.15748031,0.40354331 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_984 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_985 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_985 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_985 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.48228346 0 0.15748031,0.40354331 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.48228346 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.40354331 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_985 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_986 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_986 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_986 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.48228346 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.40354331 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ 0.48228346 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.40354331 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_986 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_987 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_987 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_987 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.48228346 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.48228346 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.48228346 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.48228346 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.48228346 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.48228346 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.48228346 0 0.41338583,0.48228346 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.48228346 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_987 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_988 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_988 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_988 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.40354331 0 0.41338583,0.40354331 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.40354331 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.40354331 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ 0.40354331 0.035016423 0.45902012,0.40354331 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ 0.40354331 0.013837475 0.44679245,0.40354331 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ 0.40354331 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_988 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_136 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_989 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_989 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_989 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20669291 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.20669291 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.20669291 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.20669291 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.20669291 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.20669291 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.20669291 0 0.41338583,0.28543307 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.28543307 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.28543307 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.28543307 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.28543307 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.28543307 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.28543307 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_989 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_990 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_990 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_990 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.28543307 0 0.41338583,0.20669291 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.28543307 0 0.15748031,0.20669291 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_990 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_991 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_991 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_991 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.28543307 0 0.15748031,0.20669291 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.28543307 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.20669291 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_991 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_992 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_992 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_992 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.28543307 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.20669291 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ 0.28543307 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.20669291 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_992 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_993 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_993 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_993 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.28543307 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.28543307 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.28543307 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.28543307 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.28543307 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.28543307 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.28543307 0 0.41338583,0.28543307 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.28543307 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_993 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_994 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_994 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_994 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20669291 0 0.41338583,0.20669291 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.20669291 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.20669291 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ 0.20669291 0.035016423 0.45902012,0.20669291 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ 0.20669291 0.013837475 0.44679245,0.20669291 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ 0.20669291 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_994 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_137 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_995 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_995 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_995 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.0098425197 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.0098425197 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.0098425197 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.0098425197 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.0098425197 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.0098425197 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.0098425197 0 0.41338583,0.088582677 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.088582677 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.088582677 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.088582677 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.088582677 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.088582677 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.088582677 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_995 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_996 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_996 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_996 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.088582677 0 0.41338583,0.0098425197 0 0.41338583,
+ 0.088582677 0 0.15748031,0.0098425197 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_996 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_997 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_997 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_997 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.088582677 0 0.15748031,0.0098425197 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.088582677 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.0098425197 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_997 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_998 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_998 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_998 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.088582677 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.0098425197 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ 0.088582677 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.0098425197 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_998 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_999 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_999 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_999 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.088582677 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.088582677 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.088582677 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.088582677 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.088582677 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.088582677 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.088582677 0 0.41338583,0.088582677 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.088582677 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_999 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1000 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1000 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1000 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.0098425197 0 0.41338583,0.0098425197 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.0098425197 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.0098425197 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ 0.0098425197 0.035016423 0.45902012,0.0098425197 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ 0.0098425197 0.013837475 0.44679245,0.0098425197 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ 0.0098425197 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1000 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_138 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1001 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1001 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1001 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.18700787 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.18700787 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.18700787 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.18700787 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.18700787 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.18700787 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.18700787 0 0.41338583,-0.10826772 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.10826772 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.10826772 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.10826772 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.10826772 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.10826772 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.10826772 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1001 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1002 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1002 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.10826772 0 0.41338583,-0.18700787 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.10826772 0 0.15748031,-0.18700787 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1002 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1003 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1003 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.10826772 0 0.15748031,-0.18700787 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.10826772 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.18700787 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1003 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1004 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1004 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.10826772 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.18700787 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ -0.10826772 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.18700787 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1004 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1005 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1005 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1005 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.10826772 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.10826772 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.10826772 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.10826772 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.10826772 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.10826772 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.10826772 0 0.41338583,-0.10826772 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.10826772 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1005 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1006 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1006 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1006 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.18700787 0 0.41338583,-0.18700787 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.18700787 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.18700787 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ -0.18700787 0.035016423 0.45902012,-0.18700787 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ -0.18700787 0.013837475 0.44679245,-0.18700787 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ -0.18700787 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1006 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_139 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1007 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1007 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1007 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.38385827 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.38385827 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.38385827 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.38385827 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.38385827 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.38385827 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.38385827 0 0.41338583,-0.30511811 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.30511811 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.30511811 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.30511811 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.30511811 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.30511811 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.30511811 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1007 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_1008 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1008 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1008 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.30511811 0 0.41338583,-0.38385827 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.30511811 0 0.15748031,-0.38385827 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1008 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1009 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1009 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1009 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.30511811 0 0.15748031,-0.38385827 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.30511811 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.38385827 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1009 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1010 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1010 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1010 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.30511811 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.38385827 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ -0.30511811 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.38385827 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1010 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1011 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1011 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1011 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.30511811 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.30511811 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.30511811 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.30511811 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.30511811 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.30511811 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.30511811 0 0.41338583,-0.30511811 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.30511811 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1011 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1012 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1012 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1012 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.38385827 0 0.41338583,-0.38385827 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.38385827 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.38385827 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ -0.38385827 0.035016423 0.45902012,-0.38385827 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ -0.38385827 0.013837475 0.44679245,-0.38385827 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ -0.38385827 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1012 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_140 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1013 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1013 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1013 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.58070866 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.58070866 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.58070866 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.58070866 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.58070866 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.58070866 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.58070866 0 0.41338583,-0.5019685 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.5019685 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.5019685 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.5019685 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.5019685 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.5019685 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.5019685 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1013 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_1014 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1014 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1014 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.5019685 0 0.41338583,-0.58070866 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.5019685 0 0.15748031,-0.58070866 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1014 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1015 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1015 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1015 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.5019685 0 0.15748031,-0.58070866 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.5019685 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.58070866 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1015 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1016 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1016 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1016 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.5019685 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.58070866 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ -0.5019685 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.58070866 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1016 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1017 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1017 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1017 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.5019685 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.5019685 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.5019685 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.5019685 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.5019685 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.5019685 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.5019685 0 0.41338583,-0.5019685 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.5019685 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1017 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1018 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1018 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1018 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.58070866 0 0.41338583,-0.58070866 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.58070866 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.58070866 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ -0.58070866 0.035016423 0.45902012,-0.58070866 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ -0.58070866 0.013837475 0.44679245,-0.58070866 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ -0.58070866 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1018 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_141 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1019 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1019 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1019 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.77755906 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.77755906 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.77755906 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.77755906 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.77755906 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.77755906 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.77755906 0 0.41338583,-0.6988189 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.6988189 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.6988189 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.6988189 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.6988189 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.6988189 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.6988189 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1019 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_1020 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1020 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1020 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6988189 0 0.41338583,-0.77755906 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.6988189 0 0.15748031,-0.77755906 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1020 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1021 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1021 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1021 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6988189 0 0.15748031,-0.77755906 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.6988189 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.77755906 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1021 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1022 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1022 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1022 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6988189 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.77755906 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ -0.6988189 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.77755906 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1022 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1023 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1023 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1023 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.6988189 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.6988189 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.6988189 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.6988189 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.6988189 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.6988189 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.6988189 0 0.41338583,-0.6988189 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.6988189 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1023 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1024 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1024 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1024 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.77755906 0 0.41338583,-0.77755906 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.77755906 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.77755906 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ -0.77755906 0.035016423 0.45902012,-0.77755906 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ -0.77755906 0.013837475 0.44679245,-0.77755906 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ -0.77755906 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1024 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_142 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1025 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1025 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1025 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.97440945 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.97440945 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.97440945 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.97440945 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.97440945 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.97440945 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.97440945 0 0.41338583,-0.89566929 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.89566929 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.89566929 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.89566929 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.89566929 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.89566929 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.89566929 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1025 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_1026 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1026 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1026 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.89566929 0 0.41338583,-0.97440945 0 0.41338583,
+ -0.89566929 0 0.15748031,-0.97440945 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1026 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1027 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1027 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1027 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.89566929 0 0.15748031,-0.97440945 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.89566929 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.97440945 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1027 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1028 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1028 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1028 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.89566929 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.97440945 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ -0.89566929 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.97440945 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1028 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1029 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1029 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1029 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.89566929 0.047244094 0.46062992,-0.89566929 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -0.89566929 0.023622047 0.45430041,-0.89566929 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -0.89566929 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-0.89566929 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -0.89566929 0 0.41338583,-0.89566929 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.89566929 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1029 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1030 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1030 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1030 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.97440945 0 0.41338583,-0.97440945 0 0.15748031,
+ -0.97440945 0.047244094 0.15748031,-0.97440945 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ -0.97440945 0.035016423 0.45902012,-0.97440945 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ -0.97440945 0.013837475 0.44679245,-0.97440945 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ -0.97440945 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1030 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_143 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1031 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1031 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1031 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1712598 0.047244094 0.46062992,-1.1712598 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -1.1712598 0.023622047 0.45430041,-1.1712598 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -1.1712598 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-1.1712598 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -1.1712598 0 0.41338583,-1.0925197 0 0.41338583,
+ -1.0925197 0.047244094 0.46062992,-1.0925197 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -1.0925197 0.023622047 0.45430041,-1.0925197 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -1.0925197 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-1.0925197 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1031 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_1032 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1032 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1032 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0925197 0 0.41338583,-1.1712598 0 0.41338583,
+ -1.0925197 0 0.15748031,-1.1712598 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1032 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1033 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1033 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1033 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0925197 0 0.15748031,-1.1712598 0 0.15748031,
+ -1.0925197 0.047244094 0.15748031,-1.1712598 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1033 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1034 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1034 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1034 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0925197 0.047244094 0.15748031,-1.1712598 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ -1.0925197 0.047244094 0.46062992,-1.1712598 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1034 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1035 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1035 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1035 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0925197 0.047244094 0.46062992,-1.0925197 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ -1.0925197 0.023622047 0.45430041,-1.0925197 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ -1.0925197 0.0063295085 0.43700787,-1.0925197 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ -1.0925197 0 0.41338583,-1.0925197 0 0.15748031,
+ -1.0925197 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1035 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1036 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1036 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1036 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1712598 0 0.41338583,-1.1712598 0 0.15748031,
+ -1.1712598 0.047244094 0.15748031,-1.1712598 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ -1.1712598 0.035016423 0.45902012,-1.1712598 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ -1.1712598 0.013837475 0.44679245,-1.1712598 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ -1.1712598 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1036 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_144 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1037 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1037 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1037 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.99409449 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.99409449 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 0.99409449 0.023622047 0.45430041,0.99409449 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 0.99409449 0.0063295085 0.43700787,0.99409449 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 0.99409449 0 0.41338583,1.0728346 0 0.41338583,
+ 1.0728346 0.047244094 0.46062992,1.0728346 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 1.0728346 0.023622047 0.45430041,1.0728346 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 1.0728346 0.0063295085 0.43700787,1.0728346 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1037 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_1038 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1038 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1038 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0728346 0 0.41338583,0.99409449 0 0.41338583,
+ 1.0728346 0 0.15748031,0.99409449 0 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1038 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1039 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1039 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1039 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0728346 0 0.15748031,0.99409449 0 0.15748031,
+ 1.0728346 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.99409449 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1039 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1040 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1040 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1040 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0728346 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.99409449 0.047244094 0.15748031,
+ 1.0728346 0.047244094 0.46062992,0.99409449 0.047244094 0.46062992] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1040 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1041 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1041 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1041 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0728346 0.047244094 0.46062992,1.0728346 0.035016423 0.45902012,
+ 1.0728346 0.023622047 0.45430041,1.0728346 0.013837475 0.44679245,
+ 1.0728346 0.0063295085 0.43700787,1.0728346 0.0016098035 0.4256135,
+ 1.0728346 0 0.41338583,1.0728346 0 0.15748031,
+ 1.0728346 0.047244094 0.15748031] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1041 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1042 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1042 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1042 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.99409449 0 0.41338583,0.99409449 0 0.15748031,
+ 0.99409449 0.047244094 0.15748031,0.99409449 0.047244094 0.46062992,
+ 0.99409449 0.035016423 0.45902012,0.99409449 0.023622047 0.45430041,
+ 0.99409449 0.013837475 0.44679245,0.99409449 0.0063295085 0.43700787,
+ 0.99409449 0.0016098035 0.4256135] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1042 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_145 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_1043 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1043 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1043 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0925197 0.047244094 -0.090551181,1.0925197 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 1.0925197 0.023622047 -0.09688069,1.0925197 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 1.0925197 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,1.0925197 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 1.0925197 0 -0.13779528,1.1712598 0 -0.13779528,
+ 1.1712598 0.047244094 -0.090551181,1.1712598 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 1.1712598 0.023622047 -0.09688069,1.1712598 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 1.1712598 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,1.1712598 0.0016098035 -0.1255676] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,13,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,5,13,-1,3,12,11,-1,3,4,12,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 1,10,9,-1,1,2,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,1,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1043 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.30091828 0.95364993,
+ 0 -0.5374875 0.84327172,0 -0.73742784 0.67542593,
+ 0 -0.88711369 0.46155098,0 -0.9763442 0.21622209,
+ 0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,0 -0.99144486 0.13052619,
+ 0 -0.13052619 0.99144486,0 -0.21622209 0.9763442,
+ 0 -0.46155098 0.88711369,0 -0.67542593 0.73742784,
+ 0 -0.84327172 0.5374875,0 -0.95364993 0.30091828] }
+DEF SHAPE_1044 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1044 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1044 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1712598 0 -0.13779528,1.0925197 0 -0.13779528,
+ 1.1712598 0 -0.39370079,1.0925197 0 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1044 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1045 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1045 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1045 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1712598 0 -0.39370079,1.0925197 0 -0.39370079,
+ 1.1712598 0.047244094 -0.39370079,1.0925197 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1045 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1046 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1046 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1046 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1712598 0.047244094 -0.39370079,1.0925197 0.047244094 -0.39370079,
+ 1.1712598 0.047244094 -0.090551181,1.0925197 0.047244094 -0.090551181] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1046 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1047 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_13
+ geometry DEF FACE_1047 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1047 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1712598 0.047244094 -0.090551181,1.1712598 0.035016423 -0.092160985,
+ 1.1712598 0.023622047 -0.09688069,1.1712598 0.013837475 -0.10438866,
+ 1.1712598 0.0063295085 -0.11417323,1.1712598 0.0016098035 -0.1255676,
+ 1.1712598 0 -0.13779528,1.1712598 0 -0.39370079,
+ 1.1712598 0.047244094 -0.39370079] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,8,0,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1047 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 2.1182402 3.8818898 3.1615473,2.0570866 3.8818898 3.2084721,
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+ -0.52924296 3.8818898 0.79111377,-0.55328646 3.8818898 0.79309377,
+ -0.57741096 3.8818898 0.78913377,-0.59197896 3.8818898 0.78319377,
+ -0.60424296 3.8818898 0.77461377,-0.61638515 3.8818898 0.76289799,
+ -0.62502539 3.8818898 0.74903874,-0.62981848 3.8818898 0.73347536,
+ -0.63066039 3.8818898 0.72032873,-0.62874296 3.8818898 0.70661377,
+ -0.62479852 3.8818898 0.69300265,-0.62153573 3.8818898 0.68698957,
+ -0.61752074 3.8818898 0.68205821,-0.612307 3.8818898 0.67793055,
+ -0.60624296 3.8818898 0.67511377,-0.59283092 3.8818898 0.67238923,
+ -0.57894666 3.8818898 0.67281747,-0.56511796 3.8818898 0.67580127,
+ -0.54767832 3.8818898 0.68272273,-0.53786104 3.8818898 0.68818757,
+ 0.48625704 3.8818898 -1.6843862,0.53344497 3.8818725 -1.6466853,
+ 0.55284963 3.8818314 -1.6223122,0.56251861 3.8817758 -1.6014811,
+ 0.56522724 3.8817381 -1.590221,0.56625704 3.8816929 -1.5783862,
+ 0.56107185 3.8818241 -1.5515714,0.55121185 3.8818301 -1.5294394,
+ 0.54240243 3.8817813 -1.5178608,0.53125704 3.8816929 -1.5083862,
+ 0.47697695 3.8817749 -1.4839719,0.41818297 3.8818241 -1.4720714,
+ 0.29333111 3.8818241 -1.4728677,0.16925704 3.8816929 -1.4848862,
+ 0.14552041 3.8818387 -1.4875858,0.1373022 3.8818353 -1.4881254,
+ 0.13063487 3.8818114 -1.4876681,0.1237319 3.881761 -1.4856283,
+ 0.11825704 3.8816929 -1.4818862,0.12306304 3.8817682 -1.4660378,
+ 0.13346834 3.881824 -1.4484522,0.15168466 3.8818372 -1.4266781,
+ 0.18225704 3.8816929 -1.3873862,0.21249778 3.8818241 -1.3362751,
+ 0.23067678 3.8818301 -1.2823996,0.23445951 3.8817813 -1.2478652,
+ 0.23075704 3.8816929 -1.2133862,0.22589073 3.8817619 -1.1971319,
+ 0.21815563 3.8818093 -1.1839416,0.20812745 3.8818352 -1.1731067,
+ 0.18078154 3.8818163 -1.1540394,0.15125704 3.8816929 -1.1353862,
+ 0.15450028 3.8817812 -1.1249441,0.16026569 3.881838 -1.1155807,
+ 0.16972522 3.8818762 -1.1045629,0.18575704 3.8818898 -1.0858862,
+ 0.22036815 3.8818898 -1.0369418,0.24112515 3.8818898 -0.98421829,
+ 0.24722618 3.8818898 -0.94936441,0.24725704 3.8818898 -0.91338623,
+ 0.22353482 3.8818898 -0.86773809,0.20639028 3.8818898 -0.84831743,
+ 0.18222441 3.8818898 -0.8312272,0.14675704 3.8818898 -0.81188623,
+ 0.14225704 3.8816929 -0.80338623,0.20731954 3.8818406 -0.69857373,
+ 0.23811248 3.8817967 -0.63605996,0.25325704 3.8816929 -0.57538623,
+ 0.25283297 3.8817959 -0.54591924,0.24620147 3.8818505 -0.52107781,
+ 0.23526891 3.8818765 -0.50125834,0.22148015 3.8818868 -0.48633515,
+ 0.20821593 3.8818894 -0.4771264,0.19275704 3.8818898 -0.47038623,
+ 0.15705235 3.8818898 -0.46434048,0.12095954 3.8818898 -0.46616523,
+ 0.038361727 3.8818898 -0.49102048,-0.036242961 3.8818898 -0.52638623,
+ -0.08064351 3.8818898 -0.54508582,-0.10476148 3.8818898 -0.55083068,
+ -0.12112548 3.8818898 -0.5507508,-0.13101531 3.8818898 -0.54854597,
+ -0.14074296 3.8818898 -0.54438623,-0.15381703 3.8818825 -0.52764549,
+ -0.16433555 3.8818314 -0.50679364,-0.16783787 3.8817758 -0.49499966,
+ -0.16974296 3.8816929 -0.48238623,0.011944539 3.8818406 -0.34557373,
+ 0.11056219 3.8817967 -0.26070226,0.18575704 3.8816929 -0.17538623,
+ 0.2419628 3.8818387 -0.07275249,0.25920148 3.8818241 -0.013164013,
+ 0.26162509 3.8817749 0.03312071,0.25841242 3.881738 0.0564063,
+ 0.25175704 3.8816929 0.079613765,0.23944504 3.8817682 0.10607039,
+ 0.22224604 3.8818169 0.12805177,0.20008691 3.8818396 0.14756393,
+ 0.17016254 3.8818273 0.16751164,0.11425704 3.8816929 0.20061377,
+ 0.13130775 3.881794 0.23352092,0.16119454 3.8818652 0.27361377,
+ 0.19192675 3.881888 0.31392074,0.20925704 3.8818898 0.34511377,
+ 0.23596074 3.8818898 0.40313228,0.24914824 3.8818898 0.46222378,
+ 0.24755033 3.8818898 0.50165014,0.24355279 3.8818898 0.51832634,
+ 0.23725704 3.8818898 0.53461377,0.21903019 3.8818898 0.56437997,
+ 0.19910889 3.8818898 0.58507673,0.17921395 3.8818898 0.59842339,
+ 0.15273852 3.8818898 0.6106508,0.095257039 3.8818898 0.63411377,
+ 0.12500091 3.8818898 0.68409938,0.18415046 3.8818898 0.75546407,
+ 0.21217201 3.8818898 0.79717502,0.22825704 3.8818898 0.83711377,
+ 0.23270843 3.8818898 0.85178043,0.23386815 3.8818898 0.8669471,
+ 0.23219454 3.8818898 0.88211377,0.22814593 3.8818898 0.89678043,
+ 0.22218065 3.8818898 0.9104471,0.21475704 3.8818898 0.92261377,
+ 0.19227898 3.8818898 0.9419182,0.16642254 3.8818898 0.95500927,
+ 0.13812935 3.8818898 0.96282858,0.098242102 3.8818898 0.96668133,
+ 0.062915016 3.8818898 0.96549237,0.028757039 3.8818898 0.96161377,
+ -0.017742961 3.8818898 0.95398877,-0.064242961 3.8818898 0.94711377,
+ -0.072242961 3.8818898 0.95511377,-0.042867961 3.8818898 1.0478013,
+ -0.020242961 3.8818898 1.1446138,0.075632039 3.8818652 1.2073638,
+ 0.13016242 3.8817935 1.2393777,0.16325704 3.8816929 1.2656138,
+ 0.19707746 3.8818093 1.3114386,0.22347957 3.8818396 1.3715708,
+ 0.23586866 3.8817975 1.4272612,0.23740044 3.8817518 1.4554047,
+ 0.23525704 3.8816929 1.4811138,0.23138378 3.8817381 1.494483,
+ 0.22460426 3.8817758 1.5069008,0.21542891 3.8818067 1.5184575,
+ 0.19304439 3.8818492 1.5385032,0.15817696 3.8818794 1.562227,
+ 0.12572765 3.881889 1.5837603,0.10925704 3.8818898 1.5986138,
+ 0.10971189 3.8818898 1.6096743,0.12044454 3.8818898 1.6306763,
+ 0.14175704 3.8818898 1.6616138,0.18606954 3.8818898 1.7235513,
+ 0.20933694 3.8818898 1.7637815,0.22475704 3.8818898 1.8016138,
+ 0.24318297 3.8818898 1.8913175,0.23950597 3.8818898 1.9733175,
+ 0.22701399 3.8818898 2.0214865,0.20625704 3.8818898 2.0666138,
+ 0.16168297 3.8818898 2.1202804,0.10633111 3.8818898 2.1629471,
+ 0.046757039 3.8818898 2.1956138,-0.061395961 3.8818898 2.2271543,
+ -0.17262696 3.8818898 2.2330178,-0.24721096 3.8818898 2.2255818,
+ -0.32124296 3.8818898 2.2111138,-0.46024296 3.8818898 2.1586138,
+ -0.57634996 3.8818725 2.0813957,-0.63978874 3.8818156 2.0230032,
+ -0.69574296 3.8816929 1.9531138,-0.72938542 3.8818093 1.8862947,
+ -0.74006428 3.8818405 1.8342992,-0.7380834 3.881819 1.7855543,
+ -0.72963453 3.88177 1.7467626,-0.71574296 3.8816929 1.7056138,
+ -0.69102074 3.8817749 1.6746716,-0.66313185 3.8818241 1.6519101,
+ -0.63249296 3.8818406 1.6359263,-0.58228984 3.8818036 1.6215903,
+ -0.52824296 3.8816929 1.6146138,-0.43813751 3.8818093 1.6231391,
+ -0.35390634 3.8818396 1.6512753,-0.29201166 3.8817975 1.6872136,
+ -0.24374296 3.8816929 1.7311138,-0.21907629 3.8818314 1.771299,
+ -0.19840963 3.8818825 1.8275952,-0.18974296 3.8818898 1.8861138,
+ -0.19170696 3.8818898 1.8971658,-0.19729496 3.8818898 1.9105698,
+ -0.20605096 3.8818898 1.9245978,-0.21751896 3.8818898 1.9375218,
+ -0.23124296 3.8818898 1.9476138,-0.25511565 3.8818898 1.9576323,
+ -0.28039111 3.8818898 1.9625952,-0.30655546 3.8818898 1.9631138,
+ -0.34193578 3.8818898 1.9579478,-0.36384577 3.8818898 1.951902,
+ -0.38524296 3.8818898 1.9441138,-0.41596175 3.8818898 1.9241988,
+ -0.42883555 3.8818898 1.9108175,-0.4362962 3.8818898 1.8987434,
+ -0.44124296 3.8818898 1.8846138,-0.44313185 3.8818825 1.8714286,
+ -0.44213978 3.8818521 1.861372,-0.43873385 3.8817934 1.8532867,
+ -0.43224296 3.8816929 1.8466138,-0.42203029 3.881738 1.8414859,
+ -0.40957891 3.8817813 1.838575,-0.39443887 3.8818177 1.8388462,
+ -0.3791852 3.8818371 1.8421176,-0.34272272 3.8818141 1.8552135,
+ -0.32328284 3.8817599 1.8610109,-0.30774296 3.8816929 1.8626138,
+ -0.30149296 3.8818406 1.8545513,-0.30020198 3.881808 1.8491184,
+ -0.29974296 3.8816929 1.8431138,-0.31230949 3.8817959 1.8082219,
+ -0.33241408 3.8818547 1.7783208,-0.35826802 3.8818818 1.753379,
+ -0.38146601 3.8818888 1.7372308,-0.40624296 3.8818898 1.7241138,
+ -0.46463046 3.8818898 1.7078193,-0.51908372 3.8818898 1.7059825,
+ -0.56135242 3.8818898 1.7147946,-0.58041845 3.8818898 1.7226898,
+ -0.59824296 3.8818898 1.7331138,-0.62303926 3.8818898 1.7587434,
+ -0.63642065 3.8818898 1.7829696,-0.64201822 3.8818898 1.8030025,
+ -0.64374296 3.8818898 1.8251138,-0.64093062 3.8818898 1.8508629,
+ -0.63467026 3.8818898 1.8702629,-0.62448428 3.8818898 1.8908741,
+ -0.60224296 3.8818898 1.9261138,-0.51754385 3.8818859 2.0111046,
+ -0.4159961 3.8818588 2.0726551,-0.31832825 3.8817999 2.1095206,
+ -0.21224296 3.8816929 2.1346138,-0.12105046 3.8818169 2.1392983,
+ -0.029722961 3.8818346 2.1218698,0.026237039 3.8817874 2.0986458,
+ 0.074757039 3.8816929 2.0666138,0.11066576 3.8817938 2.0299621,
+ 0.13632423 3.8818382 1.9863418,0.15066548 3.8818262 1.9378239,
+ 0.1532983 3.881777 1.8975891,0.14775704 3.8816929 1.8566138,
+ 0.12331954 3.8818652 1.7913638,0.090257039 3.8818898 1.7336138,
+ 0.068501252 3.8818898 1.6970354,0.041044076 3.8818898 1.6667365,
+ 0.0091007891 3.8818898 1.6414966,-0.21899125 3.8818898 1.520397,
+ -0.25474159 3.8818898 1.4854107,-0.26876594 3.8818898 1.4644194,
+ -0.27974296 3.8818898 1.4406138,-0.30174296 3.8818898 1.3981138,
+ -0.30540263 3.8818898 1.3749859,-0.30418041 3.8818898 1.3522955,
+ -0.29874296 3.8818898 1.3331138,-0.26899296 3.8818406 1.3211138,
+ -0.25955546 3.881779 1.3181138,-0.25374296 3.8816929 1.3171138,
+ -0.24433419 3.8817487 1.3188426,-0.23517125 3.881794 1.3240202,
+ -0.22402304 3.8818317 1.3354144,-0.20764696 3.8818195 1.3638451,
+ -0.19874296 3.8816929 1.3856138,-0.18337205 3.881779 1.4115373,
+ -0.15963613 3.881828 1.4380109,-0.11925532 3.8818357 1.4706872,
+ -0.080316202 3.8817891 1.4932227,-0.041742961 3.8816929 1.5071138,
+ -0.0042429609 3.8818314 1.5112728,0.042590372 3.8818825 1.5101056,
+ 0.082757039 3.8818898 1.5021138,0.10207433 3.8818898 1.4900223,
+ 0.12663791 3.8818898 1.4689847,0.1353587 3.8818898 1.4584276,
+ 0.13875704 3.8818898 1.4496138,0.13383111 3.8818898 1.4071693,
+ 0.11868297 3.8818898 1.3640582,0.10710195 3.8818898 1.3442318,
+ 0.092757039 3.8818898 1.3266138,0.019834539 3.8818898 1.2789993,
+ -0.066182961 3.8818898 1.2491778,-0.12780296 3.8818898 1.2429018,
+ -0.19074296 3.8818898 1.2501138,-0.21253926 3.8818825 1.2485027,
+ -0.23145926 3.8818398 1.2422267,-0.24197291 3.8817825 1.2359235,
+ -0.25124296 3.8816929 1.2276138,-0.25665037 3.8818241 1.2158545,
+ -0.25903131 3.8818342 1.2043891,-0.25878408 3.8817868 1.1953446,
+ -0.25624296 3.8816929 1.1861138,-0.24665389 3.8817938 1.1729389,
+ -0.23447747 3.8818382 1.1626877,-0.21999613 3.8818262 1.1549836,
+ -0.20717603 3.881777 1.1504693,-0.19324296 3.8816929 1.1471138,
+ -0.17835995 3.881779 1.1424826,-0.12590647 3.8817983 1.1376643,
+ -0.11608687 3.8817536 1.1347938,-0.10674296 3.8816929 1.1301138,
+ -0.10439944 3.8817453 1.1191112,-0.10444306 3.8817863 1.1067536,
+ -0.10907016 3.8818312 1.0824189,-0.11969261 3.8818348 1.051055,
+ -0.13574296 3.8816929 1.0081138,-0.14596287 3.8817749 0.97973414,
+ -0.16366889 3.8818241 0.95107673,-0.18743046 3.8818406 0.92361377,
+ -0.22605975 3.8818114 0.89139909,-0.25287168 3.8817635 0.87522293,
+ -0.28074296 3.8816929 0.86311377,-0.30805546 3.8818406 0.85036377,
+ -0.32250063 3.8817975 0.84170349,-0.33424296 3.8816929 0.83161377,
+ -0.34422924 3.881856 0.81229689,-0.34728 3.8818825 0.80150265,
+ -0.34793509 3.8818889 0.79282904,-0.34674296 3.8818898 0.78361377,
+ -0.34406761 3.8818898 0.77746789,-0.3395533 3.8818898 0.77212612,
+ -0.32224296 3.8818898 0.76111377,-0.25954789 3.8818898 0.77727796,
+ -0.17618046 3.8818898 0.81111377,-0.025242961 3.8818898 0.86411377,
+ 0.041766641 3.8818898 0.87332364,0.075164446 3.8818898 0.87378043,
+ 0.096345321 3.8818898 0.86903724,0.10845052 3.8818898 0.86334821,
+ 0.11975704 3.8818898 0.85511377,0.12439185 3.8818894 0.84571318,
+ 0.12594601 3.8818869 0.83566383,0.1254024 3.8818829 0.82915611,
+ 0.12372404 3.8818757 0.8222276,0.11670585 3.8818423 0.80627086,
+ 0.10175704 3.8816929 0.77911377,0.052720002 3.8817749 0.71305589,
+ -0.0065392572 3.8818241 0.6656508,-0.073992961 3.8818406 0.63280127,
+ -0.18610234 3.8818036 0.60185595,-0.30524296 3.8816929 0.58061377,
+ -0.47130546 3.8818406 0.52536377,-0.61824296 3.8816929 0.44911377,
+ -0.66718046 3.8818652 0.41417627,-0.71124296 3.8818898 0.37061377,
+ -0.73124296 3.8818898 0.33792627,-0.7394787 3.8818898 0.31738268,
+ -0.74374296 3.8818898 0.29661377,-0.74290345 3.8818725 0.2646412,
+ -0.73907629 3.8818314 0.24920636,-0.73374296 3.8817758 0.23870867,
+ -0.73010754 3.8817381 0.23395896,-0.72574296 3.8816929 0.22961377,
+ -0.68782598 3.8817559 0.21144061,-0.64541001 3.8818015 0.20178412,
+ -0.5999748 3.8818297 0.19959505,-0.53725547 3.8818401 0.20647871,
+ -0.44795246 3.8817996 0.23189918,-0.37124296 3.8816929 0.26861377,
+ -0.27607559 3.8817979 0.31960091,-0.16855546 3.8818652 0.39792627,
+ 0.027757039 3.8818898 0.55161377,0.070627409 3.8818898 0.54691006,
+ 0.10662991 3.8818898 0.53397156,0.12652323 3.8818898 0.52160682,
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 0.50561377,0.15341235 3.8818877 0.48936353,
+ 0.15861273 3.8818733 0.47078585,0.15992095 3.8818342 0.45085355,
+ 0.15825735 3.881778 0.43486526,0.15425704 3.8816929 0.41911377,
+ 0.13541676 3.881738 0.36743755,0.10878482 3.8817749 0.32374571,
+ 0.075694539 3.8818036 0.28666845,0.023832399 3.8818292 0.24515392,
+ -0.14741496 3.8818213 0.14834737,-0.23495623 3.881766 0.088899154,
+ -0.26714335 3.8817311 0.057711672,-0.29274296 3.8816929 0.024613765,
+ -0.31301352 3.8818679 -0.019295161,-0.32774296 3.8818898 -0.067386235,
+ -0.32633299 3.8818898 -0.10107559,-0.31786908 3.8818898 -0.12998837,
+ -0.30449754 3.8818898 -0.15309648,-0.29362628 3.8818898 -0.16522829,
+ -0.28074296 3.8818898 -0.17538623,-0.25834979 3.8818898 -0.19093444,
+ -0.23174158 3.8818898 -0.20111189,-0.2027263 3.8818898 -0.20479939,
+ -0.18617104 3.8818898 -0.20362281,-0.16974296 3.8818898 -0.19988623,
+ -0.14033546 3.8818898 -0.18921673,-0.11810481 3.8818898 -0.17381292,
+ -0.10388671 3.8818898 -0.15773906,-0.093242961 3.8818898 -0.13838623,
+ -0.090926066 3.8818872 -0.12989125,-0.091470286 3.8818668 -0.12024484,
+ -0.094491284 3.8818085 -0.11080939,-0.099242961 3.8816929 -0.10238623,
+ -0.10731132 3.8817413 -0.094049121,-0.1119114 3.8817628 -0.090898542,
+ -0.11691274 3.8817823 -0.08841707,-0.12825282 3.8818145 -0.085409751,
+ -0.14162545 3.8818352 -0.084905338,-0.15879898 3.8818394 -0.086825177,
+ -0.19270644 3.8817799 -0.091640414,-0.20375955 3.8817389 -0.091544827,
+ -0.21324296 3.8816929 -0.089886235,-0.21957548 3.8818044 -0.081174099,
+ -0.22370606 3.881863 -0.070306438,-0.22520424 3.8818858 -0.058316374,
+ -0.22473709 3.8818893 -0.051525623,-0.22324296 3.8818898 -0.044886235,
+ -0.21068933 3.8818898 -0.014016412,-0.19138797 3.8818898 0.01386362,
+ -0.16719193 3.8818898 0.038204816,-0.13882023 3.8818898 0.059180168,
+ -0.10924296 3.8818898 0.075113765,-0.036224442 3.8818898 0.099521172,
+ 0.034115558 3.8818898 0.10612317,0.076362687 3.8818898 0.10053161,
+ 0.11625704 3.8818898 0.086113765,0.13499116 3.8818859 0.071095798,
+ 0.14777871 3.8818632 0.054124454,0.1558774 3.8818126 0.036125437,
+ 0.15920422 3.881762 0.023835747,0.16125704 3.8816929 0.010613765,
+ 0.15162479 3.8817682 -0.04777711,0.12982904 3.8818169 -0.10065323,
+ 0.095160571 3.8818398 -0.15304397,0.046002289 3.8818273 -0.20724836,
+ -0.057742961 3.8816929 -0.29888623,-0.14311796 3.8818652 -0.35919873,
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+ -0.39724355 3.8818898 -0.5154971,-0.39218928 3.8818898 -0.52024008,
+ -0.38624296 3.8818898 -0.52388623,-0.37307143 3.8818898 -0.53099066,
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+ 0.10658414 3.8818898 -1.8088871,0.082510671 3.8818898 -1.8509336,
+ 0.051257039 3.8818898 -1.8903862,0.019548002 3.8818869 -1.91853,
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+ -0.24574296 3.8818898 -2.3313862,-0.23018046 3.8818898 -2.2210112,
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+ -0.17843782 3.8818898 -2.0779538,-0.12396512 3.8818898 -2.0592354,
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+ 0.07186815 3.8818898 -2.0396085,0.095270928 3.8818898 -2.0478307,
+ 0.11625704 3.8818898 -2.0608862,0.12993528 3.8818898 -2.07362,
+ 0.13984963 3.8818898 -2.0889233,0.14656954 3.8818898 -2.1061987,
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+ 0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.5543862,0.22925704 3.8818898 -2.5388862,
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+ 0.11275704 3.8818898 -1.9383862,0.16900704 3.8818898 -1.8601362,
+ 0.21025704 3.8818898 -1.7713862,0.21325506 3.8818898 -1.7665857,
+ 0.21719257 3.8818898 -1.7626222,0.22468344 3.8818898 -1.7582523,
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+ 0.37325704 3.8818898 -1.7285112,0.43316447 3.8818898 -1.7095877] }
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+ 842,815,843,-1,841,815,842,-1,881,880,877,-1,840,815,841,-1,130,129,233,-1,830,832,831,-1,830,833,832,-1,123,0,233,-1,
+ 123,233,124,-1,839,815,840,-1,228,227,226,-1,228,226,96,-1,829,834,833,-1,829,833,830,-1,800,96,801,-1,131,130,233,-1,
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+ 816,828,827,-1,816,836,835,-1,816,837,836,-1,816,838,837,-1,816,839,838,-1,816,815,839,-1,883,882,891,-1,890,883,891,-1,
+ 884,883,890,-1,885,884,890,-1,885,890,889,-1,886,885,889,-1,886,889,888,-1,887,886,888,-1,231,230,229,-1,102,232,231,-1,
+ 102,101,232,-1,221,120,119,-1,221,121,120,-1,221,122,121,-1,221,123,122,-1,900,902,901,-1,222,119,118,-1,222,221,119,-1,
+ 103,102,231,-1,117,222,118,-1,818,817,816,-1,818,816,827,-1,819,818,827,-1,819,825,824,-1,819,826,825,-1,819,827,826,-1,
+ 820,823,822,-1,820,824,823,-1,820,819,824,-1,104,103,231,-1,104,231,229,-1,903,902,900,-1,903,899,898,-1,903,900,899,-1,
+ 821,820,822,-1,781,799,798,-1,105,104,229,-1,780,799,781,-1,780,800,799,-1,779,800,780,-1,778,228,96,-1,778,800,779,-1,
+ 778,96,800,-1,777,228,778,-1,223,222,117,-1,223,117,116,-1,906,905,904,-1,907,906,904,-1,908,907,904,-1,909,903,898,-1,
+ 909,908,904,-1,909,898,897,-1,909,904,903,-1,767,774,773,-1,769,771,770,-1,769,772,771,-1,766,774,767,-1,766,775,774,-1,
+ 768,767,773,-1,768,773,772,-1,768,772,769,-1,765,775,766,-1,765,776,775,-1,764,777,776,-1,764,776,765,-1,763,228,777,-1,
+ 763,777,764,-1,782,781,798,-1,782,797,796,-1,782,798,797,-1,762,229,228,-1,762,228,763,-1,761,229,762,-1,910,909,897,-1,
+ 910,896,895,-1,910,897,896,-1,224,116,115,-1,224,223,116,-1,313,310,309,-1,313,311,310,-1,313,312,311,-1,308,313,309,-1,
+ 219,218,217,-1,314,308,307,-1,314,313,308,-1,760,229,761,-1,911,910,895,-1,911,895,894,-1,315,314,307,-1,783,796,795,-1,
+ 783,782,796,-1,794,783,795,-1,316,315,307,-1,199,198,220,-1,197,220,198,-1,200,199,220,-1,200,220,219,-1,306,316,307,-1,
+ 784,783,794,-1,201,200,219,-1,196,220,197,-1,785,784,794,-1,785,794,793,-1,225,224,115,-1,225,115,114,-1,786,785,793,-1,
+ 786,793,792,-1,202,201,219,-1,317,316,306,-1,3,892,0,-1,3,893,892,-1,787,792,791,-1,787,786,792,-1,788,787,791,-1,
+ 788,790,789,-1,788,791,790,-1,195,220,196,-1,203,219,217,-1,203,202,219,-1,204,203,217,-1,318,306,305,-1,318,317,306,-1,
+ 319,318,305,-1,304,319,305,-1,320,319,304,-1,326,325,324,-1,327,326,324,-1,4,294,911,-1,4,911,894,-1,4,894,893,-1,
+ 4,295,294,-1,4,893,3,-1,328,327,324,-1,214,113,112,-1,214,114,113,-1,214,225,114,-1,210,205,204,-1,210,206,205,-1,
+ 209,207,206,-1,209,206,210,-1,211,217,216,-1,211,210,204,-1,211,204,217,-1,727,726,229,-1,727,760,759,-1,727,229,760,-1,
+ 725,106,105,-1,725,105,229,-1,725,229,726,-1,728,727,759,-1,724,107,106,-1,724,106,725,-1,729,759,758,-1,729,728,759,-1,
+ 723,108,107,-1,723,107,724,-1,329,324,323,-1,329,328,324,-1,730,758,757,-1,730,729,758,-1,212,211,216,-1,208,207,209,-1,
+ 722,108,723,-1,721,109,108,-1,721,108,722,-1,213,212,216,-1,720,109,721,-1,720,110,109,-1,719,110,720,-1,159,213,216,-1,
+ 718,110,719,-1,14,295,4,-1,14,296,295,-1,14,297,296,-1,14,298,297,-1,14,299,298,-1,736,731,730,-1,736,730,757,-1,
+ 737,736,757,-1,330,322,321,-1,330,323,322,-1,330,329,323,-1,738,737,757,-1,735,731,736,-1,735,732,731,-1,734,733,732,-1,
+ 734,732,735,-1,160,216,215,-1,160,159,216,-1,739,738,757,-1,756,739,757,-1,161,160,215,-1,331,321,320,-1,331,330,321,-1,
+ 740,739,756,-1,162,161,215,-1,355,357,356,-1,354,357,355,-1,181,183,182,-1,741,740,756,-1,741,756,755,-1,163,162,215,-1,
+ 353,357,354,-1,336,338,337,-1,352,358,357,-1,352,359,358,-1,352,360,359,-1,352,357,353,-1,180,184,183,-1,180,183,181,-1,
+ 164,163,215,-1,137,188,187,-1,137,189,188,-1,137,190,189,-1,137,191,190,-1,137,192,191,-1,137,193,192,-1,137,194,193,-1,
+ 137,195,194,-1,179,184,180,-1,179,185,184,-1,351,360,352,-1,742,755,754,-1,742,741,755,-1,753,742,754,-1,178,185,179,-1,
+ 178,186,185,-1,743,742,753,-1,631,630,214,-1,629,214,630,-1,339,338,336,-1,339,335,334,-1,339,336,335,-1,628,214,629,-1,
+ 628,215,214,-1,627,215,628,-1,632,214,112,-1,632,112,111,-1,632,631,214,-1,752,743,753,-1,663,716,715,-1,662,717,716,-1,
+ 662,716,663,-1,664,663,715,-1,744,743,752,-1,665,715,714,-1,665,664,715,-1,661,717,662,-1,661,718,717,-1,626,215,627,-1,
+ 633,632,111,-1,10,303,302,-1,10,14,13,-1,10,299,14,-1,10,300,299,-1,10,301,300,-1,10,302,301,-1,666,713,712,-1,
+ 666,714,713,-1,666,665,714,-1,745,752,751,-1,745,744,752,-1,660,110,718,-1,660,111,110,-1,660,718,661,-1,660,633,111,-1,
+ 625,215,626,-1,625,164,215,-1,746,751,750,-1,746,745,751,-1,747,750,749,-1,747,746,750,-1,748,747,749,-1,667,712,711,-1,
+ 667,666,712,-1,634,633,660,-1,340,339,334,-1,340,334,333,-1,659,634,660,-1,624,165,164,-1,624,164,625,-1,668,667,711,-1,
+ 669,668,711,-1,11,10,13,-1,710,669,711,-1,623,166,165,-1,623,165,624,-1,361,350,349,-1,361,351,350,-1,635,634,659,-1,
+ 635,659,658,-1,670,669,710,-1,12,11,13,-1,9,304,303,-1,9,320,304,-1,9,331,320,-1,9,303,10,-1,685,687,686,-1,
+ 688,687,685,-1,671,670,710,-1,684,688,685,-1,689,688,684,-1,690,689,684,-1,691,690,684,-1,672,671,710,-1,622,166,623,-1,
+ 622,167,166,-1,683,691,684,-1,692,691,683,-1,636,635,658,-1,636,658,657,-1,656,636,657,-1,693,692,683,-1,693,683,682,-1,
+ 138,171,170,-1,138,172,171,-1,138,173,172,-1,138,174,173,-1,709,673,672,-1,709,674,673,-1,709,672,710,-1,362,361,349,-1,
+ 362,348,347,-1,362,349,348,-1,694,693,682,-1,694,682,681,-1,637,636,656,-1,637,656,655,-1,695,694,681,-1,695,681,680,-1,
+ 708,675,674,-1,708,676,675,-1,708,674,709,-1,696,695,680,-1,696,679,678,-1,696,680,679,-1,28,332,331,-1,28,333,332,-1,
+ 28,331,9,-1,6,4,3,-1,6,5,4,-1,363,345,344,-1,363,346,345,-1,363,347,346,-1,363,362,347,-1,707,676,708,-1,
+ 707,677,676,-1,638,655,654,-1,638,637,655,-1,697,696,678,-1,697,678,677,-1,286,622,621,-1,285,622,286,-1,287,286,621,-1,
+ 284,167,622,-1,284,622,285,-1,284,168,167,-1,288,287,621,-1,283,168,284,-1,289,288,621,-1,282,168,283,-1,282,169,168,-1,
+ 290,621,620,-1,290,289,621,-1,7,6,3,-1,27,340,333,-1,27,333,28,-1,27,341,340,-1,281,138,170,-1,281,170,169,-1,
+ 281,169,282,-1,291,290,620,-1,280,138,281,-1,292,291,620,-1,698,707,706,-1,698,677,707,-1,698,697,677,-1,279,138,280,-1,
+ 279,139,138,-1,293,292,620,-1,265,293,620,-1,364,363,344,-1,278,139,279,-1,699,698,706,-1,699,706,705,-1,704,699,705,-1,
+ 277,139,278,-1,700,699,704,-1,700,703,702,-1,700,704,703,-1,266,265,620,-1,701,700,702,-1,276,139,277,-1,639,638,654,-1,
+ 653,639,654,-1,619,266,620,-1,619,267,266,-1,652,639,653,-1,374,373,372,-1,134,133,132,-1,134,132,139,-1,141,140,158,-1,
+ 21,342,341,-1,21,343,342,-1,21,341,27,-1,153,151,154,-1,651,639,652,-1,599,268,267,-1,598,269,268,-1,598,268,599,-1,
+ 375,372,371,-1,375,374,372,-1,597,269,598,-1,597,270,269,-1,600,599,267,-1,600,267,619,-1,596,270,597,-1,596,271,270,-1,
+ 595,271,596,-1,594,271,595,-1,594,272,271,-1,594,273,272,-1,22,27,26,-1,22,21,27,-1,23,22,26,-1,593,273,594,-1,
+ 593,274,273,-1,24,23,26,-1,376,375,371,-1,376,371,370,-1,25,24,26,-1,601,619,618,-1,601,600,619,-1,592,274,593,-1,
+ 20,344,343,-1,20,343,21,-1,377,376,370,-1,377,370,369,-1,640,650,649,-1,640,651,650,-1,640,639,651,-1,152,151,153,-1,
+ 641,640,649,-1,46,364,344,-1,46,344,20,-1,602,618,617,-1,602,601,618,-1,30,8,7,-1,30,9,8,-1,30,29,28,-1,
+ 30,7,3,-1,30,28,9,-1,378,377,369,-1,19,46,20,-1,642,649,648,-1,642,641,649,-1,643,646,645,-1,643,647,646,-1,
+ 643,648,647,-1,643,642,648,-1,644,643,645,-1,616,602,617,-1,45,364,46,-1,45,365,364,-1,45,366,365,-1,16,15,32,-1,
+ 31,16,32,-1,388,386,385,-1,388,387,386,-1,603,602,616,-1,603,616,615,-1,614,603,615,-1,604,603,614,-1,571,591,590,-1,
+ 571,592,591,-1,572,571,590,-1,572,588,587,-1,572,589,588,-1,572,590,589,-1,570,592,571,-1,570,274,592,-1,570,275,274,-1,
+ 573,572,587,-1,573,585,584,-1,573,586,585,-1,573,587,586,-1,404,406,405,-1,569,276,275,-1,569,275,570,-1,389,388,385,-1,
+ 389,384,383,-1,389,385,384,-1,574,573,584,-1,605,614,613,-1,605,604,614,-1,575,574,584,-1,576,584,583,-1,576,575,584,-1,
+ 606,613,612,-1,606,605,613,-1,607,606,612,-1,607,610,609,-1,607,611,610,-1,607,612,611,-1,582,576,583,-1,608,607,609,-1,
+ 450,135,134,-1,451,450,134,-1,449,135,450,-1,449,156,135,-1,452,451,134,-1,452,134,139,-1,407,404,403,-1,407,406,404,-1,
+ 390,383,382,-1,390,389,383,-1,577,576,582,-1,577,582,581,-1,580,577,581,-1,448,156,449,-1,578,577,580,-1,579,578,580,-1,
+ 402,407,403,-1,534,276,569,-1,534,139,276,-1,534,567,566,-1,534,568,567,-1,534,569,568,-1,453,139,534,-1,453,452,139,-1,
+ 147,146,148,-1,447,156,448,-1,447,157,156,-1,533,453,534,-1,535,534,566,-1,535,566,565,-1,536,535,565,-1,39,367,366,-1,
+ 39,368,367,-1,39,366,45,-1,537,565,564,-1,537,536,565,-1,391,390,382,-1,538,564,563,-1,538,537,564,-1,454,533,532,-1,
+ 454,453,533,-1,539,538,563,-1,539,563,562,-1,446,157,447,-1,531,454,532,-1,540,539,562,-1,40,45,44,-1,40,39,45,-1,
+ 1,220,195,-1,1,221,220,-1,1,154,150,-1,1,136,155,-1,1,137,136,-1,1,145,144,-1,1,150,149,-1,1,155,154,-1,
+ 1,149,145,-1,1,195,137,-1,1,123,221,-1,1,0,123,-1,408,407,402,-1,408,402,401,-1,41,40,44,-1,42,41,44,-1,
+ 499,501,500,-1,43,42,44,-1,17,16,31,-1,541,562,561,-1,541,540,562,-1,445,142,157,-1,445,157,446,-1,47,46,19,-1,
+ 503,502,501,-1,38,378,369,-1,38,369,368,-1,38,368,39,-1,455,531,530,-1,455,454,531,-1,542,541,561,-1,542,561,560,-1,
+ 529,455,530,-1,143,1,144,-1,543,542,560,-1,64,378,38,-1,64,379,378,-1,444,142,445,-1,18,47,19,-1,48,47,18,-1,
+ 37,64,38,-1,544,543,560,-1,409,408,401,-1,409,401,400,-1,456,529,528,-1,456,455,529,-1,527,456,528,-1,545,544,560,-1,
+ 545,560,559,-1,410,409,400,-1,410,400,399,-1,63,379,64,-1,63,380,379,-1,63,381,380,-1,34,33,50,-1,443,143,142,-1,
+ 443,142,444,-1,49,34,50,-1,457,456,527,-1,546,545,559,-1,480,497,496,-1,479,497,480,-1,479,498,497,-1,479,499,498,-1,
+ 478,505,504,-1,478,506,505,-1,478,507,506,-1,478,501,499,-1,478,499,479,-1,478,503,501,-1,478,504,503,-1,481,480,496,-1,
+ 481,496,495,-1,477,508,507,-1,477,507,478,-1,411,410,399,-1,411,398,397,-1,411,399,398,-1,482,481,495,-1,482,495,494,-1,
+ 476,508,477,-1,483,482,494,-1,483,494,493,-1,475,508,476,-1,484,493,492,-1,484,483,493,-1,547,546,559,-1,458,457,527,-1,
+ 509,508,475,-1,509,475,474,-1,491,484,492,-1,442,143,443,-1,548,558,557,-1,548,559,558,-1,548,547,559,-1,473,509,474,-1,
+ 412,411,397,-1,485,484,491,-1,490,485,491,-1,490,486,485,-1,489,486,490,-1,549,548,557,-1,549,556,555,-1,549,557,556,-1,
+ 488,486,489,-1,487,486,488,-1,472,509,473,-1,551,549,555,-1,551,550,549,-1,552,554,553,-1,552,555,554,-1,552,551,555,-1,
+ 526,458,527,-1,526,459,458,-1,526,460,459,-1,510,471,470,-1,510,472,471,-1,510,509,472,-1,57,381,63,-1,57,391,382,-1,
+ 57,382,381,-1,57,392,391,-1,57,393,392,-1,441,143,442,-1,525,460,526,-1,424,423,422,-1,58,63,62,-1,58,57,63,-1,
+ 425,422,421,-1,425,424,422,-1,59,58,62,-1,524,460,525,-1,60,59,62,-1,61,60,62,-1,35,34,49,-1,511,510,470,-1,
+ 511,468,467,-1,511,469,468,-1,511,470,469,-1,65,64,37,-1,426,421,420,-1,426,425,421,-1,56,393,57,-1,56,394,393,-1,
+ 523,460,524,-1,523,461,460,-1,440,143,441,-1,82,394,56,-1,82,395,394,-1,82,396,395,-1,36,65,37,-1,66,65,36,-1,
+ 427,426,420,-1,427,420,419,-1,55,82,56,-1,522,461,523,-1,512,511,467,-1,512,467,466,-1,428,418,417,-1,428,419,418,-1,
+ 428,427,419,-1,439,1,143,-1,439,143,440,-1,521,461,522,-1,81,412,397,-1,81,413,412,-1,81,396,82,-1,81,397,396,-1,
+ 52,51,68,-1,513,465,464,-1,513,466,465,-1,513,512,466,-1,429,428,417,-1,67,52,68,-1,520,461,521,-1,438,1,439,-1,
+ 519,461,520,-1,514,464,463,-1,514,513,464,-1,518,461,519,-1,518,462,461,-1,515,514,463,-1,515,463,462,-1,517,462,518,-1,
+ 516,515,462,-1,516,462,517,-1,75,414,413,-1,75,415,414,-1,75,413,81,-1,76,75,81,-1,76,81,80,-1,77,76,80,-1,
+ 78,77,80,-1,79,78,80,-1,53,52,67,-1,83,82,55,-1,74,429,417,-1,74,416,415,-1,74,417,416,-1,74,430,429,-1,
+ 74,431,430,-1,74,432,431,-1,74,415,75,-1,54,83,55,-1,84,83,54,-1,70,69,86,-1,85,70,86,-1,71,70,85,-1,
+ 72,74,73,-1,262,74,72,-1,261,432,74,-1,261,433,432,-1,261,74,262,-1,263,262,72,-1,260,434,433,-1,260,433,261,-1,
+ 264,263,72,-1,259,434,260,-1,259,435,434,-1,259,436,435,-1,241,264,72,-1,258,437,436,-1,258,436,259,-1,242,241,72,-1,
+ 257,438,437,-1,257,437,258,-1,243,242,72,-1,244,72,71,-1,244,71,85,-1,244,243,72,-1,256,1,438,-1,256,438,257,-1,
+ 255,1,256,-1,245,54,53,-1,245,84,54,-1,245,85,84,-1,245,244,85,-1,254,1,255,-1,2,1,254,-1,2,247,246,-1,
+ 2,248,247,-1,2,249,248,-1,2,250,249,-1,2,251,250,-1,2,252,251,-1,2,253,252,-1,2,254,253,-1,2,246,3,-1,
+ 246,245,3,-1,245,53,3,-1,53,67,3,-1,67,66,3,-1,66,36,3,-1,36,35,3,-1,35,49,3,-1,49,48,3,-1,
+ 48,18,3,-1,18,17,3,-1,17,31,3,-1,31,30,3,-1,90,99,91,-1,96,239,97,-1,239,238,97,-1,98,91,99,-1,
+ 135,156,136,-1,156,155,136,-1,137,174,138,-1,137,175,174,-1,137,176,175,-1,137,177,176,-1,137,178,177,-1,137,186,178,-1,
+ 137,187,186,-1,141,158,142,-1,158,157,142,-1,148,146,149,-1,146,145,149,-1,150,154,151,-1,232,131,233,-1,360,351,361,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00020201978 -0.99999995 0.00022227008,
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+ 2.2602684e-06 -1 -2.6943534e-05,7.2012506e-05 -0.99999973 -0.00073044325,
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+ 0 -1 0,2.279663e-06 -1 3.144825e-05,
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+ -0.00044204926 -0.99999818 -0.0018534611,-0.00071502198 -0.99999628 -0.0026315133,
+ -0.001041123 -0.9999936 -0.0034223844,0.00031932822 -0.99999993 0.00020098487,
+ -0.0012939738 -0.99999627 0.0024040486,0.00065702824 -0.99999937 -0.00090620097,
+ 0.0023923294 -0.99998812 -0.0042463403,0.00028849755 -0.99999995 0.00014459193,
+ 5.5613428e-06 -1 6.6701525e-06,-0.00049960727 -0.99999976 -0.00047442022,
+ 0.00061965615 -0.99999979 0.000198868,-0.00055394017 -0.99999985 5.4979852e-05,
+ -0.0017583662 -0.99999776 -0.0011808601,0.0018469063 -0.99999659 -0.0018464183,
+ 0.005461295 -0.99998508 -8.4458299e-05,0.009901641 -0.99995073 0.00070770687,
+ 0.012984766 -0.99991536 0.00081295828,0.0045588775 -0.99998961 6.6454773e-05,
+ -0.0018510491 -0.9999982 0.00042127019,-0.0042022562 -0.99999044 0.0012106727,
+ 0.00073434931 -0.99999962 0.00047536942,0.0012405248 -0.99999896 0.00073412292,
+ -0.00022827885 -0.99999995 -0.00020861431,-0.0016390696 -0.99999731 -0.0016411581,
+ 0.00019303611 -0.99999994 0.00030361054,-0.0041638089 -0.99999098 0.00083326229,
+ -0.0033212416 -0.99999431 0.00059728393,-0.00038563396 -0.99999974 0.0006163352,
+ 0.0019367139 -0.99999662 0.0017339013,0.0079609566 -0.9999504 0.0059844078,
+ 0.0062821559 -0.99997029 0.0044679486,0.0031990576 -0.99999231 0.0022699174,
+ 0.00049287422 -0.99999901 0.0013200443,-6.0667552e-05 -0.99999976 0.00069449828,
+ -0.0017568554 -0.99999828 0.00059010569,7.3058974e-05 -0.99999994 0.00035031743,
+ 0 -1 0,2.1548348e-05 -0.99999998 -0.00021777032,
+ -0.00063815637 -0.99999973 -0.00035266692,-0.00028887846 -0.9999999 -0.00032685283,
+ 0.0020401428 -0.99999675 -0.0015308273,-0.017742452 -0.99931307 -0.032536024,
+ 0.0033685561 -0.99999183 -0.0022347082,0.0010084292 -0.99999931 -0.00060547644,
+ -3.9875958e-05 -0.99999984 -0.00057067078,0.00017626531 -0.99999998 -1.2600207e-05,
+ -0.00014888852 -0.99999584 0.0028816248,-1.7627396e-07 -0.99999988 0.00049548137,
+ 0.00018934583 -0.99999998 -3.665001e-05,-0.0011520552 -0.99999905 -0.00075577244,
+ -0.00048603933 -0.99999965 -0.00068731786,-0.00046177243 -0.99999969 -0.00063870037,
+ -2.7224701e-05 -0.99999989 -0.00046308113,6.9104217e-06 -0.99999991 -0.00041341787,
+ 0.00012118486 -0.99999994 -0.00031634418,0.00091422517 -0.99999936 -0.00066991436,
+ -0.00013813248 -0.99999598 -0.002830888,3.3952028e-05 -0.99999997 -0.00024262129,
+ -3.1315761e-05 -0.99999993 -0.00035985303,-0.00017517549 -0.99999984 -0.00053994257,
+ -0.00027961155 -0.99999975 -0.00065387881,-0.00026317896 -0.99999891 -0.001450532,
+ -0.00099251373 -0.99999269 -0.0036924279,-0.002238466 -0.99997845 -0.0061713095,
+ 0.0010844646 -0.99999891 -0.0010030558,0.00049100916 -0.99999977 -0.00046511311,
+ -0.00026275651 -0.99999982 -0.00054566779,0.00072782525 -0.99999962 -0.00047007733,
+ 0.00020589464 -0.99999997 -9.0992257e-05,-3.805273e-05 -0.99999982 -0.00059548492,
+ 0.00015773898 -0.99999996 -0.00021951644,0.00049230667 -0.9999985 -0.0016596622,
+ 0.0001945451 -0.99999996 0.00020985283,-4.2001653e-05 -0.99999982 0.00059593742,
+ -0.0012275852 -0.99999922 0.0002507362,9.0693798e-05 -0.99999995 0.00031816699,
+ 0.0017754281 -0.99999817 0.00071399395,0.003231175 -0.9999938 0.0013984267,
+ 0.0023246321 -0.99999692 0.00086481018,0.00082989251 -0.99999958 0.00039177813,
+ -0.00021763914 -0.99999993 0.00029295224,-0.0011372226 -0.9999993 0.00032707738,
+ 2.9200469e-05 -0.99999996 0.0002820868,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.00019913863 -0.99999996 -0.00020066311,
+ -0.0004336522 -0.9999997 -0.00064701462,-0.0011261606 -0.99999921 -0.00056086095,
+ -0.00053913924 -0.99999981 -0.00029208158,-0.00011062631 -0.99999999 -9.6378283e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00010176253 -0.99999999 -6.7763584e-05,-0.00042979499 -0.99999989 -0.00019692752,
+ -0.0013020346 -0.99999905 -0.00045955179,0.00042248325 -0.99999982 -0.00043585997,
+ 0.00022488818 -0.99999997 -0.00011053714,0.00010653947 -0.99999999 -3.2915023e-05,
+ 0.00013976221 -0.99999942 -0.0010708121,0.0002422908 -0.99999978 -0.00061001284,
+ 0.00032344605 -0.9999999 -0.00029931185,0.0001106045 -0.99999981 0.00061322386,
+ -0.0039880533 -0.99999203 0.00020643918,-0.0014015408 -0.99999898 0.00025683613,
+ -0.00078391496 -0.99999968 0.00014473372,-0.00049315668 -0.99999988 8.7097119e-06,
+ -0.00020766259 -0.99999998 -7.9784011e-06,-4.4510812e-05 -1 1.8304391e-06,
+ -3.0342106e-05 -1 1.0587207e-05,-0.00016606959 -0.99999999 4.3715527e-05,
+ -0.00038944017 -0.99999992 0.00013145223,-0.00069433262 -0.99999973 0.00023344825,
+ -0.0016331907 -0.99999861 0.0003435638,0.00011952401 -0.99999992 0.00037947782,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,1.7541778e-05 -0.99999999 9.872762e-05,
+ 0.00011393268 -0.99999992 0.00039598893,9.1514837e-05 -0.99999977 0.00067617565,
+ -0.00037283977 -0.99999989 0.0002904101,-0.00039906661 -0.99999988 -0.00028339125,
+ -0.00014392887 -0.99999999 -8.3375025e-05,-0.0002648874 -0.9999999 0.00034758714,
+ -0.00053252958 -0.99999884 0.0014279564,-0.00038533014 -0.99999992 -0.00011838065,
+ 2.555437e-05 -0.99999967 -0.00081801388,0.00037317921 -0.99999929 -0.0011298228,
+ -0.00017794434 -0.99999998 2.0150749e-05,-6.7120669e-05 -0.99999997 -0.00023811348,
+ 0.00012215322 -0.99999981 -0.0006087817,0.00070032686 -0.99999975 7.7158441e-05,
+ 0.00013747947 -0.99999995 -0.00028797237,-0.00070659986 -0.99999938 -0.00086238416,
+ 0.00041193146 -0.99999985 -0.000359103,0.0010836362 -0.99999835 0.001455559,
+ 0.00017020002 -0.99999997 0.00017308117,-0.00032143445 -0.99999994 -8.1735087e-05,
+ -0.00022191696 -0.99999979 -0.00061163607,-0.00055950409 -0.99999983 0.00015764277,
+ 2.8416231e-05 -0.99999995 -0.00032843161,-0.00022952946 -0.99999994 -0.00025122985,
+ 0.00084403776 -0.99999912 -0.0010254407,-0.0006341904 -0.99999939 -0.00089906774,
+ -6.7023511e-05 -0.9999998 -0.0006289681,4.6072664e-05 -0.99999981 -0.00061012368,
+ -0.00022401666 -0.99999985 -0.00050806772,7.2057906e-05 -0.99999997 -0.00022557617,
+ -5.5676685e-05 -0.99999998 -0.0002105317,1.7991139e-05 -1 -2.3554584e-05,
+ 2.2951079e-05 -1 -1.8333917e-05,-2.8601575e-06 -1 -3.2424352e-05,
+ 6.4632081e-05 -0.99999997 0.00025074133,5.2021222e-05 -0.9999998 0.00063169647,
+ -0.00034205257 -0.9999999 0.00028371784,-0.0018713065 -0.999998 0.00069895787,
+ -0.00092956254 -0.99999936 -0.00063772741,0.0012231895 -0.99999836 -0.0013390291,
+ 0.0016557381 -0.99999833 -0.00077081357,0.0010878014 -0.9999993 -0.0004735903,
+ -0.00043910903 -0.99999974 -0.00056896135,-0.0019189284 -0.99999792 -0.00068553849,
+ 0.00074644361 -0.99999929 0.00093250108,-0.002240953 -0.99979657 -0.020045112,
+ 0.0014078961 -0.99996906 -0.00773886,0.0094808437 -0.99985199 0.014356933,
+ -0.002280695 -0.9999974 -8.7807601e-05,-0.0015546119 -0.99999835 -0.00093779998,
+ -0.00082076782 -0.99999928 -0.00087807037,0.00014911831 -0.99999984 -0.00054907961,
+ 0.00078115382 -0.99999944 -0.00072017371,0.0007383771 -0.9999991 -0.0011183358,
+ 0.0004993685 -0.99999886 -0.0014235385,-0.0010003416 -0.99999939 -0.00046128089,
+ -0.00015273281 -0.99999983 -0.00056070271,-0.00064838502 -0.99999975 0.00027891044,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00014288617 -0.99999998 -0.00010959358,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00017122721 -0.99999998 -5.3412951e-05,
+ -0.00018768895 -0.99999998 4.2651288e-06,-0.00019160172 -0.99999998 3.8502264e-05,
+ -0.00019208419 -0.99999998 7.8954915e-05,-4.0668199e-05 -0.99999989 0.00047693289,
+ -2.1630309e-06 -1 2.4814449e-05,-3.7383095e-05 -0.99999999 -0.00011949361,
+ -0.0001940824 -0.99999991 -0.00036495754,-0.00044394684 -0.99999965 -0.00071198051,
+ 0.00020720246 -0.99999943 -0.0010504957,0.00055054553 -0.99999963 -0.0006680373,
+ -0.00023170998 -0.99999997 -9.2862553e-05,-0.0009570349 -0.99999939 0.00054454446,
+ -0.00038127562 -0.99999977 -0.00056214367,0.00035740028 -0.99999876 -0.0015362676,
+ -6.8160143e-05 -0.99999994 -0.00033978307,-0.00028342286 -0.99999976 0.00063579108,
+ -0.00038407032 -0.99999856 0.0016545287,-0.00064001426 -0.99999958 -0.00064930506,
+ -0.0004931912 -0.99999894 -0.0013698511,-4.6075724e-05 -0.99999999 -9.7180243e-05,
+ 2.0085506e-05 -1 -1.4780307e-05,1.7717629e-05 -1 -1.8949561e-05,
+ 0.00060188826 -0.99999982 -5.0185985e-05,0.0001002608 -0.99999968 -0.00079806051,
+ 0.00020335509 -0.99999996 -0.00018082113,0.00035456878 -0.99999993 -0.00011413888,
+ 0.0003228787 -0.99999993 -0.00016058329,0.00091190645 -0.99999957 0.00016056757,
+ 0.00083557 -0.99999965 -4.4450701e-05,-0.0011436685 -0.99999801 -0.0016349831,
+ -5.8729493e-05 -1 -5.2314067e-05,-0.000172447 -0.99999921 0.0012456566,
+ -0.010267983 -0.99994478 -0.002239276,0.0012020576 -0.99999886 -0.00091104496,
+ 0.0039419333 -0.99999217 -0.00035605195,0.0022096227 -0.99999753 -0.00024729165,
+ 0.0012241494 -0.99999923 -0.00020365879,-0.0011212877 -0.99999845 -0.0013539199,
+ 0.00024432618 -0.99999963 -0.00082332214,0.0022209159 -0.99999711 0.00092079174,
+ 0.00081446036 -0.99999967 7.6065979e-05,-6.295892e-05 -0.99999993 -0.00035823252,
+ -0.0013293616 -0.99999852 -0.0010915105,0.00071580003 -0.99999952 -0.00066972123,
+ 0.0011472294 -0.99999934 -2.544439e-05,0.00045735181 -0.99999988 0.0001489161,
+ 0.00026609669 -0.99999987 0.00042511677,0.00011558102 -0.99999999 6.2175242e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,7.8090881e-05 -1 1.0296445e-05,
+ 5.2786418e-05 -1 -2.2418065e-05,0.00063137101 -0.99999979 0.00013309283,
+ 0.00016953523 -0.99999996 -0.0002268024,0.00014580593 -0.99999989 -0.00044052668,
+ 0.00064207025 -0.99999979 -0.00013295124,-0.00068395837 -0.99999874 -0.0014292711,
+ 0.00037792916 -0.99999977 -0.00055941049,0.0020913138 -0.99999758 -0.00067727961,
+ 0.0042131465 -0.999991 -0.00049328313,6.8885534e-05 -1 1.319199e-05,
+ -0.0025119109 -0.99999681 0.00027783201,-0.0095700767 -0.99995007 -0.002875814,
+ 0.0033673808 -0.99999325 0.0014701318,-0.0012196865 -0.99999897 0.00076259915,
+ -0.0003754087 -0.99999993 -6.3577364e-06,0.00075433372 -0.9999997 -0.00017125981,
+ 0.0015338934 -0.99999882 6.9362153e-05,-0.0019315153 -0.99999795 -0.00060647535,
+ -0.0056391879 -0.99998159 -0.0022390523,7.8302905e-05 -1 3.2391489e-05,
+ 0.0025979409 -0.99999623 0.00089068846,-0.00074075692 -0.99999929 -0.00093867519,
+ -0.0074883043 -0.99995918 -0.0050552149,-0.0099342575 -0.999927 -0.0068780746,
+ -0.0062725963 -0.99997202 -0.0040757564,-0.0033197714 -0.99999265 -0.0019176503,
+ 0.00010216733 -0.99999987 -0.00049559639,0.0024699339 -0.99999648 0.00097420086,
+ -0.00052573395 -0.99999986 -3.3882508e-05,-0.0028431874 -0.99999555 -0.00090878442,
+ -0.0011615017 -0.99999928 -0.00031097571,3.6634489e-05 -1 -9.6408121e-06,
+ 0.0010788243 -0.99999941 0.00013244207,0.0021017208 -0.99999778 0.00012535352,
+ -0.00064366929 -0.99999971 0.00041557922,-0.002693678 -0.9999963 0.00036787121,
+ 0.00019267193 -0.99999998 -4.9082789e-05,-0.00060156283 -0.99999904 -0.0012471471,
+ 0.00048382097 -0.99999115 -0.0041799752,0.00029831881 -0.99999844 -0.0017437789,
+ 2.7718573e-05 -0.99999998 -0.00021503987,6.7921642e-06 -1 -3.5986554e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00021435733 -0.99999947 0.0010105875,0.00022475832 -0.9999997 0.00074108323,
+ -6.784401e-05 -0.99999995 0.00032353321,-0.00060528565 -0.99999974 0.00040146403,
+ -0.00018954388 -0.99999804 0.0019687872,0.001365379 -0.99999661 0.0022150228,
+ 0.00068164603 -0.99999936 0.0009076582,0.00045284836 -0.99999979 0.00045752546,
+ 3.9181675e-05 -1 5.3799407e-05,0.00022099208 -0.99999995 0.0002181484,
+ 0.00050987166 -0.99999978 0.00042607825,0.00095545126 -0.99999932 0.00067443042,
+ 0.0011958797 -0.99999881 0.00097384471,0.0025056154 -0.99999453 0.0021599833,
+ -0.00052874782 -0.99999931 0.0010478608,-0.0013034252 -0.99999915 8.7452639e-05,
+ -0.00035431031 -0.99999991 0.00024610928,1.3411186e-05 -0.99999996 0.00028367642,
+ 0.00031470884 -0.9999998 0.00055581137,-0.00024469258 -0.99999974 0.00067505555,
+ -0.00018946582 -0.99999991 0.00037714521,-0.00054303533 -0.99999953 0.0008091057,
+ -0.00031807169 -0.99999995 5.2207462e-05,-9.0244468e-05 -0.99999999 -0.00014527837,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -6.5954519e-05 -0.99999994 0.00033195252,-0.0001744576 -0.99999925 0.0012131409,
+ -0.00034543958 -0.99999961 0.00081791834,-0.0017781387 -0.99998555 0.0050729879,
+ -0.0023308383 -0.9999723 0.0070680586,-0.00025541413 -0.99999916 -0.0012704273,
+ -0.00016820472 -0.99999996 -0.00023423487,0.00014751508 -0.99999996 -0.00025479046,
+ 0.00033493912 -0.99999994 0.00010215316,-0.00015077913 -0.99999994 -0.00030378648,
+ -0.00098224656 -0.99999932 -0.00062309057,0.00018570948 -0.99999998 -7.8983815e-05,
+ 0.00062252986 -0.99999978 0.0002470377,-7.4497945e-05 -0.99999998 0.00019062835,
+ -0.00050290889 -0.9999998 0.00038367774,0.0004036225 -0.99999829 0.0018044721,
+ 0.0017487992 -0.99999575 0.0023343314,0.0021726054 -0.99999579 0.001926043,
+ 0.00023231065 -0.99999994 0.0002575963,0.00097004177 -0.99999915 0.00087282309,
+ 0.002305467 -0.99999576 0.00177986,0.0038741658 -0.99998908 0.0026144947,
+ 0.0034869182 -0.99998992 0.0028271758,-0.00031860586 -0.99999947 0.00097457416,
+ -0.0015865787 -0.99999874 -0.00010355285,-0.00038906206 -0.99999989 0.00024678473,
+ -0.00037935328 -0.99999989 -0.00027990212,-0.00012647968 -0.99999999 7.6355108e-05,
+ 0.00022851431 -0.99999995 0.00019691683,0.00074060205 -0.99999969 0.0002615903,
+ -0.00020198317 -0.99999998 -7.3559077e-05,-0.0017047167 -0.99999826 -0.00076163649,
+ -0.0010393669 -0.99999912 -0.00082121332,3.9221508e-05 -0.99999999 -0.0001480605,
+ 4.8508368e-05 -0.99999999 -0.00010338221,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -1.3617184e-05 -1 2.3639688e-06,-0.00024273256 -0.99999997 2.0429994e-05,
+ -2.2626985e-05 -0.99999999 0.00015190099,-0.0014124702 -0.99999899 0.00016830909,
+ -0.00065662083 -0.99999894 0.0013004366,-0.00095936854 -0.99999892 0.0011108759,
+ -0.00013771348 -0.99999927 0.0012011173,-0.00040159545 -0.99999991 9.5549423e-05,
+ -0.00027315043 -0.99999996 4.3068208e-05,-0.00089865944 -0.99999039 -0.0042906456,
+ -1.6528735e-05 -0.99999603 -0.0028173821,0.00026506883 -0.99999991 0.0003231474,
+ -0.00097355281 -0.99999897 0.0010518138,-0.0037884073 -0.99999248 0.00082569816,
+ -0.0012652515 -0.99999901 0.00061173097,-0.001126544 -0.99999929 0.00037697471,
+ -0.00062186848 -0.99999976 0.00032040758,-0.00013841818 -0.9999996 0.00088561264,
+ 0.00046585823 -0.99999516 0.003074783,0.0031451311 -0.99994835 0.0096647339,
+ 0.0081216312 -0.99979227 0.018693958,0.0024014251 -0.9999474 0.0099713068,
+ 0.00038378979 -0.99998798 0.0048872588,-0.0019360682 -0.99999729 0.0012909826,
+ -0.0025776587 -0.99999645 0.00066814799,-2.6794077e-06 -0.99999901 0.0014051022,
+ -0.00055170636 -0.9999998 0.00029914284,-0.00039472471 -0.99999985 0.00036666093,
+ -0.00056799915 -0.99999977 0.00038280792,-0.00072460374 -0.99999959 0.00054751904,
+ -0.00061058661 -0.99999948 0.00081980486,-0.00046041463 -0.99999936 0.0010347575,
+ 0.00014299159 -0.99999982 0.00057943057,-0.00083854808 -0.99999935 0.00077371655,
+ 0.0018475333 -0.9999929 0.0032830593,0.0021856047 -0.99999316 0.0029844234,
+ 0.003255508 -0.99998655 0.0040386806,0.0043301909 -0.99997825 0.0049746904,
+ 0.0022520711 -0.9999897 0.0039400212,-0.0021678204 -0.99999764 0.00014251034,
+ -0.0014838367 -0.99999889 -0.00011473075,0.00019176898 -0.99999998 -8.2852281e-05,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 2.4885975e-07 -1 1.3329967e-05,2.8288647e-05 -0.99999991 0.00042587744,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 9.6781451e-05 -1 -2.0381705e-05,3.8968912e-05 -0.99999999 -9.4699528e-05,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-5.3181923e-05 -0.99999999 0.00016321887,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 2.3596e-05 -1 8.1991398e-06,0.00029378567 -0.99999996 5.096769e-05,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,1.9279635e-05 -1 2.7297623e-05,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 0 1,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.54767832 3.8818898 0.68272273,-0.53786104 3.8818898 0.68818757,
+ 0.48625704 3.8818898 -1.6843862,0.53344497 3.8818725 -1.6466853,
+ 0.55284963 3.8818314 -1.6223122,0.56251861 3.8817758 -1.6014811,
+ 0.56522724 3.8817381 -1.590221,0.56625704 3.8816929 -1.5783862,
+ 0.56107185 3.8818241 -1.5515714,0.55121185 3.8818301 -1.5294394,
+ 0.54240243 3.8817813 -1.5178608,0.53125704 3.8816929 -1.5083862,
+ 0.47697695 3.8817749 -1.4839719,0.41818297 3.8818241 -1.4720714,
+ 0.29333111 3.8818241 -1.4728677,0.16925704 3.8816929 -1.4848862,
+ 0.14552041 3.8818387 -1.4875858,0.1373022 3.8818353 -1.4881254,
+ 0.13063487 3.8818114 -1.4876681,0.1237319 3.881761 -1.4856283,
+ 0.11825704 3.8816929 -1.4818862,0.12306304 3.8817682 -1.4660378,
+ 0.13346834 3.881824 -1.4484522,0.15168466 3.8818372 -1.4266781,
+ 0.18225704 3.8816929 -1.3873862,0.21249778 3.8818241 -1.3362751,
+ 0.23067678 3.8818301 -1.2823996,0.23445951 3.8817813 -1.2478652,
+ 0.23075704 3.8816929 -1.2133862,0.22589073 3.8817619 -1.1971319,
+ 0.21815563 3.8818093 -1.1839416,0.20812745 3.8818352 -1.1731067,
+ 0.18078154 3.8818163 -1.1540394,0.15125704 3.8816929 -1.1353862,
+ 0.15450028 3.8817812 -1.1249441,0.16026569 3.881838 -1.1155807,
+ 0.16972522 3.8818762 -1.1045629,0.18575704 3.8818898 -1.0858862,
+ 0.22036815 3.8818898 -1.0369418,0.24112515 3.8818898 -0.98421829,
+ 0.24722618 3.8818898 -0.94936441,0.24725704 3.8818898 -0.91338623,
+ 0.22353482 3.8818898 -0.86773809,0.20639028 3.8818898 -0.84831743,
+ 0.18222441 3.8818898 -0.8312272,0.14675704 3.8818898 -0.81188623,
+ 0.14225704 3.8816929 -0.80338623,0.20731954 3.8818406 -0.69857373,
+ 0.23811248 3.8817967 -0.63605996,0.25325704 3.8816929 -0.57538623,
+ 0.25283297 3.8817959 -0.54591924,0.24620147 3.8818505 -0.52107781,
+ 0.23526891 3.8818765 -0.50125834,0.22148015 3.8818868 -0.48633515,
+ 0.20821593 3.8818894 -0.4771264,0.19275704 3.8818898 -0.47038623,
+ 0.15705235 3.8818898 -0.46434048,0.12095954 3.8818898 -0.46616523,
+ 0.038361727 3.8818898 -0.49102048,-0.036242961 3.8818898 -0.52638623,
+ -0.08064351 3.8818898 -0.54508582,-0.10476148 3.8818898 -0.55083068,
+ -0.12112548 3.8818898 -0.5507508,-0.13101531 3.8818898 -0.54854597,
+ -0.14074296 3.8818898 -0.54438623,-0.15381703 3.8818825 -0.52764549,
+ -0.16433555 3.8818314 -0.50679364,-0.16783787 3.8817758 -0.49499966,
+ -0.16974296 3.8816929 -0.48238623,0.011944539 3.8818406 -0.34557373,
+ 0.11056219 3.8817967 -0.26070226,0.18575704 3.8816929 -0.17538623,
+ 0.2419628 3.8818387 -0.07275249,0.25920148 3.8818241 -0.013164013,
+ 0.26162509 3.8817749 0.03312071,0.25841242 3.881738 0.0564063,
+ 0.25175704 3.8816929 0.079613765,0.23944504 3.8817682 0.10607039,
+ 0.22224604 3.8818169 0.12805177,0.20008691 3.8818396 0.14756393,
+ 0.17016254 3.8818273 0.16751164,0.11425704 3.8816929 0.20061377,
+ 0.13130775 3.881794 0.23352092,0.16119454 3.8818652 0.27361377,
+ 0.19192675 3.881888 0.31392074,0.20925704 3.8818898 0.34511377,
+ 0.23596074 3.8818898 0.40313228,0.24914824 3.8818898 0.46222378,
+ 0.24755033 3.8818898 0.50165014,0.24355279 3.8818898 0.51832634,
+ 0.23725704 3.8818898 0.53461377,0.21903019 3.8818898 0.56437997,
+ 0.19910889 3.8818898 0.58507673,0.17921395 3.8818898 0.59842339,
+ 0.15273852 3.8818898 0.6106508,0.095257039 3.8818898 0.63411377,
+ 0.12500091 3.8818898 0.68409938,0.18415046 3.8818898 0.75546407,
+ 0.21217201 3.8818898 0.79717502,0.22825704 3.8818898 0.83711377,
+ 0.23270843 3.8818898 0.85178043,0.23386815 3.8818898 0.8669471,
+ 0.23219454 3.8818898 0.88211377,0.22814593 3.8818898 0.89678043,
+ 0.22218065 3.8818898 0.9104471,0.21475704 3.8818898 0.92261377,
+ 0.19227898 3.8818898 0.9419182,0.16642254 3.8818898 0.95500927,
+ 0.13812935 3.8818898 0.96282858,0.098242102 3.8818898 0.96668133,
+ 0.062915016 3.8818898 0.96549237,0.028757039 3.8818898 0.96161377,
+ -0.017742961 3.8818898 0.95398877,-0.064242961 3.8818898 0.94711377,
+ -0.072242961 3.8818898 0.95511377,-0.042867961 3.8818898 1.0478013,
+ -0.020242961 3.8818898 1.1446138,0.075632039 3.8818652 1.2073638,
+ 0.13016242 3.8817935 1.2393777,0.16325704 3.8816929 1.2656138,
+ 0.19707746 3.8818093 1.3114386,0.22347957 3.8818396 1.3715708,
+ 0.23586866 3.8817975 1.4272612,0.23740044 3.8817518 1.4554047,
+ 0.23525704 3.8816929 1.4811138,0.23138378 3.8817381 1.494483,
+ 0.22460426 3.8817758 1.5069008,0.21542891 3.8818067 1.5184575,
+ 0.19304439 3.8818492 1.5385032,0.15817696 3.8818794 1.562227,
+ 0.12572765 3.881889 1.5837603,0.10925704 3.8818898 1.5986138,
+ 0.10971189 3.8818898 1.6096743,0.12044454 3.8818898 1.6306763,
+ 0.14175704 3.8818898 1.6616138,0.18606954 3.8818898 1.7235513,
+ 0.20933694 3.8818898 1.7637815,0.22475704 3.8818898 1.8016138,
+ 0.24318297 3.8818898 1.8913175,0.23950597 3.8818898 1.9733175,
+ 0.22701399 3.8818898 2.0214865,0.20625704 3.8818898 2.0666138,
+ 0.16168297 3.8818898 2.1202804,0.10633111 3.8818898 2.1629471,
+ 0.046757039 3.8818898 2.1956138,-0.061395961 3.8818898 2.2271543,
+ -0.17262696 3.8818898 2.2330178,-0.24721096 3.8818898 2.2255818,
+ -0.32124296 3.8818898 2.2111138,-0.46024296 3.8818898 2.1586138,
+ -0.57634996 3.8818725 2.0813957,-0.63978874 3.8818156 2.0230032,
+ -0.69574296 3.8816929 1.9531138,-0.72938542 3.8818093 1.8862947,
+ -0.74006428 3.8818405 1.8342992,-0.7380834 3.881819 1.7855543,
+ -0.72963453 3.88177 1.7467626,-0.71574296 3.8816929 1.7056138,
+ -0.69102074 3.8817749 1.6746716,-0.66313185 3.8818241 1.6519101,
+ -0.63249296 3.8818406 1.6359263,-0.58228984 3.8818036 1.6215903,
+ -0.52824296 3.8816929 1.6146138,-0.43813751 3.8818093 1.6231391,
+ -0.35390634 3.8818396 1.6512753,-0.29201166 3.8817975 1.6872136,
+ -0.24374296 3.8816929 1.7311138,-0.21907629 3.8818314 1.771299,
+ -0.19840963 3.8818825 1.8275952,-0.18974296 3.8818898 1.8861138,
+ -0.19170696 3.8818898 1.8971658,-0.19729496 3.8818898 1.9105698,
+ -0.20605096 3.8818898 1.9245978,-0.21751896 3.8818898 1.9375218,
+ -0.23124296 3.8818898 1.9476138,-0.25511565 3.8818898 1.9576323,
+ -0.28039111 3.8818898 1.9625952,-0.30655546 3.8818898 1.9631138,
+ -0.34193578 3.8818898 1.9579478,-0.36384577 3.8818898 1.951902,
+ -0.38524296 3.8818898 1.9441138,-0.41596175 3.8818898 1.9241988,
+ -0.42883555 3.8818898 1.9108175,-0.4362962 3.8818898 1.8987434,
+ -0.44124296 3.8818898 1.8846138,-0.44313185 3.8818825 1.8714286,
+ -0.44213978 3.8818521 1.861372,-0.43873385 3.8817934 1.8532867,
+ -0.43224296 3.8816929 1.8466138,-0.42203029 3.881738 1.8414859,
+ -0.40957891 3.8817813 1.838575,-0.39443887 3.8818177 1.8388462,
+ -0.3791852 3.8818371 1.8421176,-0.34272272 3.8818141 1.8552135,
+ -0.32328284 3.8817599 1.8610109,-0.30774296 3.8816929 1.8626138,
+ -0.30149296 3.8818406 1.8545513,-0.30020198 3.881808 1.8491184,
+ -0.29974296 3.8816929 1.8431138,-0.31230949 3.8817959 1.8082219,
+ -0.33241408 3.8818547 1.7783208,-0.35826802 3.8818818 1.753379,
+ -0.38146601 3.8818888 1.7372308,-0.40624296 3.8818898 1.7241138,
+ -0.46463046 3.8818898 1.7078193,-0.51908372 3.8818898 1.7059825,
+ -0.56135242 3.8818898 1.7147946,-0.58041845 3.8818898 1.7226898,
+ -0.59824296 3.8818898 1.7331138,-0.62303926 3.8818898 1.7587434,
+ -0.63642065 3.8818898 1.7829696,-0.64201822 3.8818898 1.8030025,
+ -0.64374296 3.8818898 1.8251138,-0.64093062 3.8818898 1.8508629,
+ -0.63467026 3.8818898 1.8702629,-0.62448428 3.8818898 1.8908741,
+ -0.60224296 3.8818898 1.9261138,-0.51754385 3.8818859 2.0111046,
+ -0.4159961 3.8818588 2.0726551,-0.31832825 3.8817999 2.1095206,
+ -0.21224296 3.8816929 2.1346138,-0.12105046 3.8818169 2.1392983,
+ -0.029722961 3.8818346 2.1218698,0.026237039 3.8817874 2.0986458,
+ 0.074757039 3.8816929 2.0666138,0.11066576 3.8817938 2.0299621,
+ 0.13632423 3.8818382 1.9863418,0.15066548 3.8818262 1.9378239,
+ 0.1532983 3.881777 1.8975891,0.14775704 3.8816929 1.8566138,
+ 0.12331954 3.8818652 1.7913638,0.090257039 3.8818898 1.7336138,
+ 0.068501252 3.8818898 1.6970354,0.041044076 3.8818898 1.6667365,
+ 0.0091007891 3.8818898 1.6414966,-0.21899125 3.8818898 1.520397,
+ -0.25474159 3.8818898 1.4854107,-0.26876594 3.8818898 1.4644194,
+ -0.27974296 3.8818898 1.4406138,-0.30174296 3.8818898 1.3981138,
+ -0.30540263 3.8818898 1.3749859,-0.30418041 3.8818898 1.3522955,
+ -0.29874296 3.8818898 1.3331138,-0.26899296 3.8818406 1.3211138,
+ -0.25955546 3.881779 1.3181138,-0.25374296 3.8816929 1.3171138,
+ -0.24433419 3.8817487 1.3188426,-0.23517125 3.881794 1.3240202,
+ -0.22402304 3.8818317 1.3354144,-0.20764696 3.8818195 1.3638451,
+ -0.19874296 3.8816929 1.3856138,-0.18337205 3.881779 1.4115373,
+ -0.15963613 3.881828 1.4380109,-0.11925532 3.8818357 1.4706872,
+ -0.080316202 3.8817891 1.4932227,-0.041742961 3.8816929 1.5071138,
+ -0.0042429609 3.8818314 1.5112728,0.042590372 3.8818825 1.5101056,
+ 0.082757039 3.8818898 1.5021138,0.10207433 3.8818898 1.4900223,
+ 0.12663791 3.8818898 1.4689847,0.1353587 3.8818898 1.4584276,
+ 0.13875704 3.8818898 1.4496138,0.13383111 3.8818898 1.4071693,
+ 0.11868297 3.8818898 1.3640582,0.10710195 3.8818898 1.3442318,
+ 0.092757039 3.8818898 1.3266138,0.019834539 3.8818898 1.2789993,
+ -0.066182961 3.8818898 1.2491778,-0.12780296 3.8818898 1.2429018,
+ -0.19074296 3.8818898 1.2501138,-0.21253926 3.8818825 1.2485027,
+ -0.23145926 3.8818398 1.2422267,-0.24197291 3.8817825 1.2359235,
+ -0.25124296 3.8816929 1.2276138,-0.25665037 3.8818241 1.2158545,
+ -0.25903131 3.8818342 1.2043891,-0.25878408 3.8817868 1.1953446,
+ -0.25624296 3.8816929 1.1861138,-0.24665389 3.8817938 1.1729389,
+ -0.23447747 3.8818382 1.1626877,-0.21999613 3.8818262 1.1549836,
+ -0.20717603 3.881777 1.1504693,-0.19324296 3.8816929 1.1471138,
+ -0.17835995 3.881779 1.1424826,-0.12590647 3.8817983 1.1376643,
+ -0.11608687 3.8817536 1.1347938,-0.10674296 3.8816929 1.1301138,
+ -0.10439944 3.8817453 1.1191112,-0.10444306 3.8817863 1.1067536,
+ -0.10907016 3.8818312 1.0824189,-0.11969261 3.8818348 1.051055,
+ -0.13574296 3.8816929 1.0081138,-0.14596287 3.8817749 0.97973414,
+ -0.16366889 3.8818241 0.95107673,-0.18743046 3.8818406 0.92361377,
+ -0.22605975 3.8818114 0.89139909,-0.25287168 3.8817635 0.87522293,
+ -0.28074296 3.8816929 0.86311377,-0.30805546 3.8818406 0.85036377,
+ -0.32250063 3.8817975 0.84170349,-0.33424296 3.8816929 0.83161377,
+ -0.34422924 3.881856 0.81229689,-0.34728 3.8818825 0.80150265,
+ -0.34793509 3.8818889 0.79282904,-0.34674296 3.8818898 0.78361377,
+ -0.34406761 3.8818898 0.77746789,-0.3395533 3.8818898 0.77212612,
+ -0.32224296 3.8818898 0.76111377,-0.25954789 3.8818898 0.77727796,
+ -0.17618046 3.8818898 0.81111377,-0.025242961 3.8818898 0.86411377,
+ 0.041766641 3.8818898 0.87332364,0.075164446 3.8818898 0.87378043,
+ 0.096345321 3.8818898 0.86903724,0.10845052 3.8818898 0.86334821,
+ 0.11975704 3.8818898 0.85511377,0.12439185 3.8818894 0.84571318,
+ 0.12594601 3.8818869 0.83566383,0.1254024 3.8818829 0.82915611,
+ 0.12372404 3.8818757 0.8222276,0.11670585 3.8818423 0.80627086,
+ 0.10175704 3.8816929 0.77911377,0.052720002 3.8817749 0.71305589,
+ -0.0065392572 3.8818241 0.6656508,-0.073992961 3.8818406 0.63280127,
+ -0.18610234 3.8818036 0.60185595,-0.30524296 3.8816929 0.58061377,
+ -0.47130546 3.8818406 0.52536377,-0.61824296 3.8816929 0.44911377,
+ -0.66718046 3.8818652 0.41417627,-0.71124296 3.8818898 0.37061377,
+ -0.73124296 3.8818898 0.33792627,-0.7394787 3.8818898 0.31738268,
+ -0.74374296 3.8818898 0.29661377,-0.74290345 3.8818725 0.2646412,
+ -0.73907629 3.8818314 0.24920636,-0.73374296 3.8817758 0.23870867,
+ -0.73010754 3.8817381 0.23395896,-0.72574296 3.8816929 0.22961377,
+ -0.68782598 3.8817559 0.21144061,-0.64541001 3.8818015 0.20178412,
+ -0.5999748 3.8818297 0.19959505,-0.53725547 3.8818401 0.20647871,
+ -0.44795246 3.8817996 0.23189918,-0.37124296 3.8816929 0.26861377,
+ -0.27607559 3.8817979 0.31960091,-0.16855546 3.8818652 0.39792627,
+ 0.027757039 3.8818898 0.55161377,0.070627409 3.8818898 0.54691006,
+ 0.10662991 3.8818898 0.53397156,0.12652323 3.8818898 0.52160682,
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 0.50561377,0.15341235 3.8818877 0.48936353,
+ 0.15861273 3.8818733 0.47078585,0.15992095 3.8818342 0.45085355,
+ 0.15825735 3.881778 0.43486526,0.15425704 3.8816929 0.41911377,
+ 0.13541676 3.881738 0.36743755,0.10878482 3.8817749 0.32374571,
+ 0.075694539 3.8818036 0.28666845,0.023832399 3.8818292 0.24515392,
+ -0.14741496 3.8818213 0.14834737,-0.23495623 3.881766 0.088899154,
+ -0.26714335 3.8817311 0.057711672,-0.29274296 3.8816929 0.024613765,
+ -0.31301352 3.8818679 -0.019295161,-0.32774296 3.8818898 -0.067386235,
+ -0.32633299 3.8818898 -0.10107559,-0.31786908 3.8818898 -0.12998837,
+ -0.30449754 3.8818898 -0.15309648,-0.29362628 3.8818898 -0.16522829,
+ -0.28074296 3.8818898 -0.17538623,-0.25834979 3.8818898 -0.19093444,
+ -0.23174158 3.8818898 -0.20111189,-0.2027263 3.8818898 -0.20479939,
+ -0.18617104 3.8818898 -0.20362281,-0.16974296 3.8818898 -0.19988623,
+ -0.14033546 3.8818898 -0.18921673,-0.11810481 3.8818898 -0.17381292,
+ -0.10388671 3.8818898 -0.15773906,-0.093242961 3.8818898 -0.13838623,
+ -0.090926066 3.8818872 -0.12989125,-0.091470286 3.8818668 -0.12024484,
+ -0.094491284 3.8818085 -0.11080939,-0.099242961 3.8816929 -0.10238623,
+ -0.10731132 3.8817413 -0.094049121,-0.1119114 3.8817628 -0.090898542,
+ -0.11691274 3.8817823 -0.08841707,-0.12825282 3.8818145 -0.085409751,
+ -0.14162545 3.8818352 -0.084905338,-0.15879898 3.8818394 -0.086825177,
+ -0.19270644 3.8817799 -0.091640414,-0.20375955 3.8817389 -0.091544827,
+ -0.21324296 3.8816929 -0.089886235,-0.21957548 3.8818044 -0.081174099,
+ -0.22370606 3.881863 -0.070306438,-0.22520424 3.8818858 -0.058316374,
+ -0.22473709 3.8818893 -0.051525623,-0.22324296 3.8818898 -0.044886235,
+ -0.21068933 3.8818898 -0.014016412,-0.19138797 3.8818898 0.01386362,
+ -0.16719193 3.8818898 0.038204816,-0.13882023 3.8818898 0.059180168,
+ -0.10924296 3.8818898 0.075113765,-0.036224442 3.8818898 0.099521172,
+ 0.034115558 3.8818898 0.10612317,0.076362687 3.8818898 0.10053161,
+ 0.11625704 3.8818898 0.086113765,0.13499116 3.8818859 0.071095798,
+ 0.14777871 3.8818632 0.054124454,0.1558774 3.8818126 0.036125437,
+ 0.15920422 3.881762 0.023835747,0.16125704 3.8816929 0.010613765,
+ 0.15162479 3.8817682 -0.04777711,0.12982904 3.8818169 -0.10065323,
+ 0.095160571 3.8818398 -0.15304397,0.046002289 3.8818273 -0.20724836,
+ -0.057742961 3.8816929 -0.29888623,-0.14311796 3.8818652 -0.35919873,
+ -0.19217512 3.8818874 -0.38938708,-0.23824296 3.8818898 -0.40938623,
+ -0.30405546 3.8818898 -0.41757373,-0.34120305 3.8818898 -0.42159798,
+ -0.37024296 3.8818898 -0.42988623,-0.38265037 3.8818898 -0.43590681,
+ -0.39232237 3.8818898 -0.44415703,-0.3992604 3.8818898 -0.45381413,
+ -0.40403475 3.8818898 -0.46553121,-0.40567348 3.8818898 -0.47359721,
+ -0.40624296 3.8818898 -0.48238623,-0.40632214 3.8818898 -0.49394924,
+ -0.40387244 3.8818898 -0.5042238,-0.40101234 3.8818898 -0.51024315,
+ -0.39724355 3.8818898 -0.5154971,-0.39218928 3.8818898 -0.52024008,
+ -0.38624296 3.8818898 -0.52388623,-0.37307143 3.8818898 -0.53099066,
+ -0.35916535 3.8818898 -0.53457593,-0.34129481 3.8818898 -0.53526203,
+ -0.31899052 3.8818898 -0.53250183,-0.27724296 3.8818898 -0.52488623,
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+ 0.024294586 3.8818898 -0.57944592,0.065186905 3.8818898 -0.5625497,
+ 0.10375704 3.8818898 -0.55338623,0.12703945 3.8818898 -0.55479364,
+ 0.1439007 3.8818898 -0.55942727,0.15350723 3.8818898 -0.5649,
+ 0.15991513 3.8818898 -0.57118519,0.16476032 3.8818898 -0.5799743,
+ 0.16698467 3.8818898 -0.59102129,0.16578759 3.8818898 -0.60650986,
+ 0.16025704 3.8818898 -0.62488623,0.13741994 3.8818898 -0.67287582,
+ 0.10710195 3.8818898 -0.7124279,0.070717977 3.8818898 -0.74516748,
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+ 0.10175704 3.8818898 -1.2328862,0.12206166 3.8818898 -1.2430479,
+ 0.13217632 3.8818898 -1.2516818,0.13838173 3.8818898 -1.260497,
+ 0.14185313 3.8818898 -1.2700243,0.14287336 3.8818898 -1.2807087,
+ 0.14094659 3.8818898 -1.2946031,0.13562376 3.8818898 -1.3104031,
+ 0.11875704 3.8818898 -1.3423862,0.072070102 3.8818898 -1.4164185,
+ 0.012426539 3.8818898 -1.4721347,-0.057672773 3.8818898 -1.5130887,
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+ -0.051377001 3.8818898 -1.7098218,-0.0026184318 3.8818898 -1.73534,
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+ 0.10658414 3.8818898 -1.8088871,0.082510671 3.8818898 -1.8509336,
+ 0.051257039 3.8818898 -1.8903862,0.019548002 3.8818869 -1.91853,
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+ -0.10674296 3.8816929 -1.9668862,-0.15924296 3.8818406 -1.9771987,
+ -0.18938032 3.8817944 -1.9826784,-0.21324296 3.8816929 -1.9833862,
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+ -0.22754386 3.8818882 -1.9149968,-0.23076345 3.8818896 -1.9068461,
+ -0.23574296 3.8818898 -1.8993862,-0.24530081 3.8818898 -1.8966336,
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+ -0.32471338 3.8818898 -2.1402917,-0.31974296 3.8818898 -2.1438862,
+ -0.31559214 3.8818898 -2.1796072,-0.31693046 3.8818898 -2.2290112,
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+ -0.27974487 3.8818898 -2.3421251,-0.26840724 3.8818898 -2.3430219,
+ -0.26119996 3.8818898 -2.3419012,-0.25269755 3.8818898 -2.3381058,
+ -0.24574296 3.8818898 -2.3313862,-0.23018046 3.8818898 -2.2210112,
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+ -0.17843782 3.8818898 -2.0779538,-0.12396512 3.8818898 -2.0592354,
+ -0.029242961 3.8818898 -2.0383862,0.038345516 3.8818898 -2.0347237,
+ 0.07186815 3.8818898 -2.0396085,0.095270928 3.8818898 -2.0478307,
+ 0.11625704 3.8818898 -2.0608862,0.12993528 3.8818898 -2.07362,
+ 0.13984963 3.8818898 -2.0889233,0.14656954 3.8818898 -2.1061987,
+ 0.15190548 3.8818898 -2.1345034,0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.1638862,
+ 0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.5543862,0.22925704 3.8818898 -2.5388862,
+ 0.22825704 3.8818898 -2.0688862,0.22598447 3.8818898 -2.0448246,
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+ 0.13650205 3.8818898 -1.9568607,0.1181554 3.8818898 -1.9469433,
+ 0.11275704 3.8818898 -1.9383862,0.16900704 3.8818898 -1.8601362,
+ 0.21025704 3.8818898 -1.7713862,0.21325506 3.8818898 -1.7665857,
+ 0.21719257 3.8818898 -1.7626222,0.22468344 3.8818898 -1.7582523,
+ 0.23471657 3.8818898 -1.7552861,0.25425704 3.8818898 -1.7523862,
+ 0.37325704 3.8818898 -1.7285112,0.43316447 3.8818898 -1.7095877] }
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+ 90,856,857,-1,0,234,97,-1,97,234,238,-1,90,855,856,-1,99,854,90,-1,90,854,855,-1,99,853,854,-1,100,853,99,-1,
+ 100,852,853,-1,0,233,234,-1,94,95,100,-1,857,870,89,-1,858,870,857,-1,869,870,858,-1,859,868,858,-1,860,868,859,-1,
+ 858,868,869,-1,870,871,89,-1,871,872,89,-1,100,809,852,-1,808,809,100,-1,100,807,808,-1,100,806,807,-1,234,237,238,-1,
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+ 815,842,843,-1,815,841,842,-1,880,881,877,-1,815,840,841,-1,129,130,233,-1,832,830,831,-1,833,830,832,-1,0,123,233,-1,
+ 233,123,124,-1,815,839,840,-1,227,228,226,-1,226,228,96,-1,834,829,833,-1,833,829,830,-1,96,800,801,-1,130,131,233,-1,
+ 835,828,834,-1,834,828,829,-1,881,882,877,-1,101,232,131,-1,882,891,877,-1,876,891,892,-1,877,891,876,-1,835,816,828,-1,
+ 828,816,827,-1,836,816,835,-1,837,816,836,-1,838,816,837,-1,839,816,838,-1,815,816,839,-1,882,883,891,-1,883,890,891,-1,
+ 883,884,890,-1,884,885,890,-1,890,885,889,-1,885,886,889,-1,889,886,888,-1,886,887,888,-1,230,231,229,-1,232,102,231,-1,
+ 101,102,232,-1,120,221,119,-1,121,221,120,-1,122,221,121,-1,123,221,122,-1,902,900,901,-1,119,222,118,-1,221,222,119,-1,
+ 102,103,231,-1,222,117,118,-1,817,818,816,-1,816,818,827,-1,818,819,827,-1,825,819,824,-1,826,819,825,-1,827,819,826,-1,
+ 823,820,822,-1,824,820,823,-1,819,820,824,-1,103,104,231,-1,231,104,229,-1,902,903,900,-1,899,903,898,-1,900,903,899,-1,
+ 820,821,822,-1,799,781,798,-1,104,105,229,-1,799,780,781,-1,800,780,799,-1,800,779,780,-1,228,778,96,-1,800,778,779,-1,
+ 96,778,800,-1,228,777,778,-1,222,223,117,-1,117,223,116,-1,905,906,904,-1,906,907,904,-1,907,908,904,-1,903,909,898,-1,
+ 908,909,904,-1,898,909,897,-1,904,909,903,-1,774,767,773,-1,771,769,770,-1,772,769,771,-1,774,766,767,-1,775,766,774,-1,
+ 767,768,773,-1,773,768,772,-1,772,768,769,-1,775,765,766,-1,776,765,775,-1,777,764,776,-1,776,764,765,-1,228,763,777,-1,
+ 777,763,764,-1,781,782,798,-1,797,782,796,-1,798,782,797,-1,229,762,228,-1,228,762,763,-1,229,761,762,-1,909,910,897,-1,
+ 896,910,895,-1,897,910,896,-1,116,224,115,-1,223,224,116,-1,310,313,309,-1,311,313,310,-1,312,313,311,-1,313,308,309,-1,
+ 218,219,217,-1,308,314,307,-1,313,314,308,-1,229,760,761,-1,910,911,895,-1,895,911,894,-1,314,315,307,-1,796,783,795,-1,
+ 782,783,796,-1,783,794,795,-1,315,316,307,-1,198,199,220,-1,220,197,198,-1,199,200,220,-1,220,200,219,-1,316,306,307,-1,
+ 783,784,794,-1,200,201,219,-1,220,196,197,-1,784,785,794,-1,794,785,793,-1,224,225,115,-1,115,225,114,-1,785,786,793,-1,
+ 793,786,792,-1,201,202,219,-1,316,317,306,-1,892,3,0,-1,893,3,892,-1,792,787,791,-1,786,787,792,-1,787,788,791,-1,
+ 790,788,789,-1,791,788,790,-1,220,195,196,-1,219,203,217,-1,202,203,219,-1,203,204,217,-1,306,318,305,-1,317,318,306,-1,
+ 318,319,305,-1,319,304,305,-1,319,320,304,-1,325,326,324,-1,326,327,324,-1,294,4,911,-1,911,4,894,-1,894,4,893,-1,
+ 295,4,294,-1,893,4,3,-1,327,328,324,-1,113,214,112,-1,114,214,113,-1,225,214,114,-1,205,210,204,-1,206,210,205,-1,
+ 207,209,206,-1,206,209,210,-1,217,211,216,-1,210,211,204,-1,204,211,217,-1,726,727,229,-1,760,727,759,-1,229,727,760,-1,
+ 106,725,105,-1,105,725,229,-1,229,725,726,-1,727,728,759,-1,107,724,106,-1,106,724,725,-1,759,729,758,-1,728,729,759,-1,
+ 108,723,107,-1,107,723,724,-1,324,329,323,-1,328,329,324,-1,758,730,757,-1,729,730,758,-1,211,212,216,-1,207,208,209,-1,
+ 108,722,723,-1,109,721,108,-1,108,721,722,-1,212,213,216,-1,109,720,721,-1,110,720,109,-1,110,719,720,-1,213,159,216,-1,
+ 110,718,719,-1,295,14,4,-1,296,14,295,-1,297,14,296,-1,298,14,297,-1,299,14,298,-1,731,736,730,-1,730,736,757,-1,
+ 736,737,757,-1,322,330,321,-1,323,330,322,-1,329,330,323,-1,737,738,757,-1,731,735,736,-1,732,735,731,-1,733,734,732,-1,
+ 732,734,735,-1,216,160,215,-1,159,160,216,-1,738,739,757,-1,739,756,757,-1,160,161,215,-1,321,331,320,-1,330,331,321,-1,
+ 739,740,756,-1,161,162,215,-1,357,355,356,-1,357,354,355,-1,183,181,182,-1,740,741,756,-1,756,741,755,-1,162,163,215,-1,
+ 357,353,354,-1,338,336,337,-1,358,352,357,-1,359,352,358,-1,360,352,359,-1,357,352,353,-1,184,180,183,-1,183,180,181,-1,
+ 163,164,215,-1,188,137,187,-1,189,137,188,-1,190,137,189,-1,191,137,190,-1,192,137,191,-1,193,137,192,-1,194,137,193,-1,
+ 195,137,194,-1,184,179,180,-1,185,179,184,-1,360,351,352,-1,755,742,754,-1,741,742,755,-1,742,753,754,-1,185,178,179,-1,
+ 186,178,185,-1,742,743,753,-1,630,631,214,-1,214,629,630,-1,338,339,336,-1,335,339,334,-1,336,339,335,-1,214,628,629,-1,
+ 215,628,214,-1,215,627,628,-1,214,632,112,-1,112,632,111,-1,631,632,214,-1,743,752,753,-1,716,663,715,-1,717,662,716,-1,
+ 716,662,663,-1,663,664,715,-1,743,744,752,-1,715,665,714,-1,664,665,715,-1,717,661,662,-1,718,661,717,-1,215,626,627,-1,
+ 632,633,111,-1,303,10,302,-1,14,10,13,-1,299,10,14,-1,300,10,299,-1,301,10,300,-1,302,10,301,-1,713,666,712,-1,
+ 714,666,713,-1,665,666,714,-1,752,745,751,-1,744,745,752,-1,110,660,718,-1,111,660,110,-1,718,660,661,-1,633,660,111,-1,
+ 215,625,626,-1,164,625,215,-1,751,746,750,-1,745,746,751,-1,750,747,749,-1,746,747,750,-1,747,748,749,-1,712,667,711,-1,
+ 666,667,712,-1,633,634,660,-1,339,340,334,-1,334,340,333,-1,634,659,660,-1,165,624,164,-1,164,624,625,-1,667,668,711,-1,
+ 668,669,711,-1,10,11,13,-1,669,710,711,-1,166,623,165,-1,165,623,624,-1,350,361,349,-1,351,361,350,-1,634,635,659,-1,
+ 659,635,658,-1,669,670,710,-1,11,12,13,-1,304,9,303,-1,320,9,304,-1,331,9,320,-1,303,9,10,-1,687,685,686,-1,
+ 687,688,685,-1,670,671,710,-1,688,684,685,-1,688,689,684,-1,689,690,684,-1,690,691,684,-1,671,672,710,-1,166,622,623,-1,
+ 167,622,166,-1,691,683,684,-1,691,692,683,-1,635,636,658,-1,658,636,657,-1,636,656,657,-1,692,693,683,-1,683,693,682,-1,
+ 171,138,170,-1,172,138,171,-1,173,138,172,-1,174,138,173,-1,673,709,672,-1,674,709,673,-1,672,709,710,-1,361,362,349,-1,
+ 348,362,347,-1,349,362,348,-1,693,694,682,-1,682,694,681,-1,636,637,656,-1,656,637,655,-1,694,695,681,-1,681,695,680,-1,
+ 675,708,674,-1,676,708,675,-1,674,708,709,-1,695,696,680,-1,679,696,678,-1,680,696,679,-1,332,28,331,-1,333,28,332,-1,
+ 331,28,9,-1,4,6,3,-1,5,6,4,-1,345,363,344,-1,346,363,345,-1,347,363,346,-1,362,363,347,-1,676,707,708,-1,
+ 677,707,676,-1,655,638,654,-1,637,638,655,-1,696,697,678,-1,678,697,677,-1,622,286,621,-1,622,285,286,-1,286,287,621,-1,
+ 167,284,622,-1,622,284,285,-1,168,284,167,-1,287,288,621,-1,168,283,284,-1,288,289,621,-1,168,282,283,-1,169,282,168,-1,
+ 621,290,620,-1,289,290,621,-1,6,7,3,-1,340,27,333,-1,333,27,28,-1,341,27,340,-1,138,281,170,-1,170,281,169,-1,
+ 169,281,282,-1,290,291,620,-1,138,280,281,-1,291,292,620,-1,707,698,706,-1,677,698,707,-1,697,698,677,-1,138,279,280,-1,
+ 139,279,138,-1,292,293,620,-1,293,265,620,-1,363,364,344,-1,139,278,279,-1,698,699,706,-1,706,699,705,-1,699,704,705,-1,
+ 139,277,278,-1,699,700,704,-1,703,700,702,-1,704,700,703,-1,265,266,620,-1,700,701,702,-1,139,276,277,-1,638,639,654,-1,
+ 639,653,654,-1,266,619,620,-1,267,619,266,-1,639,652,653,-1,373,374,372,-1,133,134,132,-1,132,134,139,-1,140,141,158,-1,
+ 342,21,341,-1,343,21,342,-1,341,21,27,-1,151,153,154,-1,639,651,652,-1,268,599,267,-1,269,598,268,-1,268,598,599,-1,
+ 372,375,371,-1,374,375,372,-1,269,597,598,-1,270,597,269,-1,599,600,267,-1,267,600,619,-1,270,596,597,-1,271,596,270,-1,
+ 271,595,596,-1,271,594,595,-1,272,594,271,-1,273,594,272,-1,27,22,26,-1,21,22,27,-1,22,23,26,-1,273,593,594,-1,
+ 274,593,273,-1,23,24,26,-1,375,376,371,-1,371,376,370,-1,24,25,26,-1,619,601,618,-1,600,601,619,-1,274,592,593,-1,
+ 344,20,343,-1,343,20,21,-1,376,377,370,-1,370,377,369,-1,650,640,649,-1,651,640,650,-1,639,640,651,-1,151,152,153,-1,
+ 640,641,649,-1,364,46,344,-1,344,46,20,-1,618,602,617,-1,601,602,618,-1,8,30,7,-1,9,30,8,-1,29,30,28,-1,
+ 7,30,3,-1,28,30,9,-1,377,378,369,-1,46,19,20,-1,649,642,648,-1,641,642,649,-1,646,643,645,-1,647,643,646,-1,
+ 648,643,647,-1,642,643,648,-1,643,644,645,-1,602,616,617,-1,364,45,46,-1,365,45,364,-1,366,45,365,-1,15,16,32,-1,
+ 16,31,32,-1,386,388,385,-1,387,388,386,-1,602,603,616,-1,616,603,615,-1,603,614,615,-1,603,604,614,-1,591,571,590,-1,
+ 592,571,591,-1,571,572,590,-1,588,572,587,-1,589,572,588,-1,590,572,589,-1,592,570,571,-1,274,570,592,-1,275,570,274,-1,
+ 572,573,587,-1,585,573,584,-1,586,573,585,-1,587,573,586,-1,406,404,405,-1,276,569,275,-1,275,569,570,-1,388,389,385,-1,
+ 384,389,383,-1,385,389,384,-1,573,574,584,-1,614,605,613,-1,604,605,614,-1,574,575,584,-1,584,576,583,-1,575,576,584,-1,
+ 613,606,612,-1,605,606,613,-1,606,607,612,-1,610,607,609,-1,611,607,610,-1,612,607,611,-1,576,582,583,-1,607,608,609,-1,
+ 135,450,134,-1,450,451,134,-1,135,449,450,-1,156,449,135,-1,451,452,134,-1,134,452,139,-1,404,407,403,-1,406,407,404,-1,
+ 383,390,382,-1,389,390,383,-1,576,577,582,-1,582,577,581,-1,577,580,581,-1,156,448,449,-1,577,578,580,-1,578,579,580,-1,
+ 407,402,403,-1,276,534,569,-1,139,534,276,-1,567,534,566,-1,568,534,567,-1,569,534,568,-1,139,453,534,-1,452,453,139,-1,
+ 146,147,148,-1,156,447,448,-1,157,447,156,-1,453,533,534,-1,534,535,566,-1,566,535,565,-1,535,536,565,-1,367,39,366,-1,
+ 368,39,367,-1,366,39,45,-1,565,537,564,-1,536,537,565,-1,390,391,382,-1,564,538,563,-1,537,538,564,-1,533,454,532,-1,
+ 453,454,533,-1,538,539,563,-1,563,539,562,-1,157,446,447,-1,454,531,532,-1,539,540,562,-1,45,40,44,-1,39,40,45,-1,
+ 220,1,195,-1,221,1,220,-1,154,1,150,-1,136,1,155,-1,137,1,136,-1,145,1,144,-1,150,1,149,-1,155,1,154,-1,
+ 149,1,145,-1,195,1,137,-1,123,1,221,-1,0,1,123,-1,407,408,402,-1,402,408,401,-1,40,41,44,-1,41,42,44,-1,
+ 501,499,500,-1,42,43,44,-1,16,17,31,-1,562,541,561,-1,540,541,562,-1,142,445,157,-1,157,445,446,-1,46,47,19,-1,
+ 502,503,501,-1,378,38,369,-1,369,38,368,-1,368,38,39,-1,531,455,530,-1,454,455,531,-1,541,542,561,-1,561,542,560,-1,
+ 455,529,530,-1,1,143,144,-1,542,543,560,-1,378,64,38,-1,379,64,378,-1,142,444,445,-1,47,18,19,-1,47,48,18,-1,
+ 64,37,38,-1,543,544,560,-1,408,409,401,-1,401,409,400,-1,529,456,528,-1,455,456,529,-1,456,527,528,-1,544,545,560,-1,
+ 560,545,559,-1,409,410,400,-1,400,410,399,-1,379,63,64,-1,380,63,379,-1,381,63,380,-1,33,34,50,-1,143,443,142,-1,
+ 142,443,444,-1,34,49,50,-1,456,457,527,-1,545,546,559,-1,497,480,496,-1,497,479,480,-1,498,479,497,-1,499,479,498,-1,
+ 505,478,504,-1,506,478,505,-1,507,478,506,-1,501,478,499,-1,499,478,479,-1,503,478,501,-1,504,478,503,-1,480,481,496,-1,
+ 496,481,495,-1,508,477,507,-1,507,477,478,-1,410,411,399,-1,398,411,397,-1,399,411,398,-1,481,482,495,-1,495,482,494,-1,
+ 508,476,477,-1,482,483,494,-1,494,483,493,-1,508,475,476,-1,493,484,492,-1,483,484,493,-1,546,547,559,-1,457,458,527,-1,
+ 508,509,475,-1,475,509,474,-1,484,491,492,-1,143,442,443,-1,558,548,557,-1,559,548,558,-1,547,548,559,-1,509,473,474,-1,
+ 411,412,397,-1,484,485,491,-1,485,490,491,-1,486,490,485,-1,486,489,490,-1,548,549,557,-1,556,549,555,-1,557,549,556,-1,
+ 486,488,489,-1,486,487,488,-1,509,472,473,-1,549,551,555,-1,550,551,549,-1,554,552,553,-1,555,552,554,-1,551,552,555,-1,
+ 458,526,527,-1,459,526,458,-1,460,526,459,-1,471,510,470,-1,472,510,471,-1,509,510,472,-1,381,57,63,-1,391,57,382,-1,
+ 382,57,381,-1,392,57,391,-1,393,57,392,-1,143,441,442,-1,460,525,526,-1,423,424,422,-1,63,58,62,-1,57,58,63,-1,
+ 422,425,421,-1,424,425,422,-1,58,59,62,-1,460,524,525,-1,59,60,62,-1,60,61,62,-1,34,35,49,-1,510,511,470,-1,
+ 468,511,467,-1,469,511,468,-1,470,511,469,-1,64,65,37,-1,421,426,420,-1,425,426,421,-1,393,56,57,-1,394,56,393,-1,
+ 460,523,524,-1,461,523,460,-1,143,440,441,-1,394,82,56,-1,395,82,394,-1,396,82,395,-1,65,36,37,-1,65,66,36,-1,
+ 426,427,420,-1,420,427,419,-1,82,55,56,-1,461,522,523,-1,511,512,467,-1,467,512,466,-1,418,428,417,-1,419,428,418,-1,
+ 427,428,419,-1,1,439,143,-1,143,439,440,-1,461,521,522,-1,412,81,397,-1,413,81,412,-1,396,81,82,-1,397,81,396,-1,
+ 51,52,68,-1,465,513,464,-1,466,513,465,-1,512,513,466,-1,428,429,417,-1,52,67,68,-1,461,520,521,-1,1,438,439,-1,
+ 461,519,520,-1,464,514,463,-1,513,514,464,-1,461,518,519,-1,462,518,461,-1,514,515,463,-1,463,515,462,-1,462,517,518,-1,
+ 515,516,462,-1,462,516,517,-1,414,75,413,-1,415,75,414,-1,413,75,81,-1,75,76,81,-1,81,76,80,-1,76,77,80,-1,
+ 77,78,80,-1,78,79,80,-1,52,53,67,-1,82,83,55,-1,429,74,417,-1,416,74,415,-1,417,74,416,-1,430,74,429,-1,
+ 431,74,430,-1,432,74,431,-1,415,74,75,-1,83,54,55,-1,83,84,54,-1,69,70,86,-1,70,85,86,-1,70,71,85,-1,
+ 74,72,73,-1,74,262,72,-1,432,261,74,-1,433,261,432,-1,74,261,262,-1,262,263,72,-1,434,260,433,-1,433,260,261,-1,
+ 263,264,72,-1,434,259,260,-1,435,259,434,-1,436,259,435,-1,264,241,72,-1,437,258,436,-1,436,258,259,-1,241,242,72,-1,
+ 438,257,437,-1,437,257,258,-1,242,243,72,-1,72,244,71,-1,71,244,85,-1,243,244,72,-1,1,256,438,-1,438,256,257,-1,
+ 1,255,256,-1,54,245,53,-1,84,245,54,-1,85,245,84,-1,244,245,85,-1,1,254,255,-1,1,2,254,-1,247,2,246,-1,
+ 248,2,247,-1,249,2,248,-1,250,2,249,-1,251,2,250,-1,252,2,251,-1,253,2,252,-1,254,2,253,-1,246,2,3,-1,
+ 245,246,3,-1,53,245,3,-1,67,53,3,-1,66,67,3,-1,36,66,3,-1,35,36,3,-1,49,35,3,-1,48,49,3,-1,
+ 18,48,3,-1,17,18,3,-1,31,17,3,-1,30,31,3,-1,99,90,91,-1,239,96,97,-1,238,239,97,-1,91,98,99,-1,
+ 156,135,136,-1,155,156,136,-1,174,137,138,-1,175,137,174,-1,176,137,175,-1,177,137,176,-1,178,137,177,-1,186,137,178,-1,
+ 187,137,186,-1,158,141,142,-1,157,158,142,-1,146,148,149,-1,145,146,149,-1,154,150,151,-1,131,232,233,-1,351,360,361,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,-2.279663e-06 1 -3.144825e-05,
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+ -0.00049287422 0.99999901 -0.0013200443,6.0667552e-05 0.99999976 -0.00069449828,
+ 0.0017568554 0.99999828 -0.00059010569,-7.3058974e-05 0.99999994 -0.00035031743,
+ 0 1 0,-2.1548348e-05 0.99999998 0.00021777032,
+ 0.00063815637 0.99999973 0.00035266692,0.00028887846 0.9999999 0.00032685283,
+ -0.0020401428 0.99999675 0.0015308273,0.017742452 0.99931307 0.032536024,
+ -0.0033685561 0.99999183 0.0022347082,-0.0010084292 0.99999931 0.00060547644,
+ 3.9875958e-05 0.99999984 0.00057067078,-0.00017626531 0.99999998 1.2600207e-05,
+ 0.00014888852 0.99999584 -0.0028816248,1.7627396e-07 0.99999988 -0.00049548137,
+ -0.00018934583 0.99999998 3.665001e-05,0.0011520552 0.99999905 0.00075577244,
+ 0.00048603933 0.99999965 0.00068731786,0.00046177243 0.99999969 0.00063870037,
+ 2.7224701e-05 0.99999989 0.00046308113,-6.9104217e-06 0.99999991 0.00041341787,
+ -0.00012118486 0.99999994 0.00031634418,-0.00091422517 0.99999936 0.00066991436,
+ 0.00013813248 0.99999598 0.002830888,-3.3952028e-05 0.99999997 0.00024262129,
+ 3.1315761e-05 0.99999993 0.00035985303,0.00017517549 0.99999984 0.00053994257,
+ 0.00027961155 0.99999975 0.00065387881,0.00026317896 0.99999891 0.001450532,
+ 0.00099251373 0.99999269 0.0036924279,0.002238466 0.99997845 0.0061713095,
+ -0.0010844646 0.99999891 0.0010030558,-0.00049100916 0.99999977 0.00046511311,
+ 0.00026275651 0.99999982 0.00054566779,-0.00072782525 0.99999962 0.00047007733,
+ -0.00020589464 0.99999997 9.0992257e-05,3.805273e-05 0.99999982 0.00059548492,
+ -0.00015773898 0.99999996 0.00021951644,-0.00049230667 0.9999985 0.0016596622,
+ -0.0001945451 0.99999996 -0.00020985283,4.2001653e-05 0.99999982 -0.00059593742,
+ 0.0012275852 0.99999922 -0.0002507362,-9.0693798e-05 0.99999995 -0.00031816699,
+ -0.0017754281 0.99999817 -0.00071399395,-0.003231175 0.9999938 -0.0013984267,
+ -0.0023246321 0.99999692 -0.00086481018,-0.00082989251 0.99999958 -0.00039177813,
+ 0.00021763914 0.99999993 -0.00029295224,0.0011372226 0.9999993 -0.00032707738,
+ -2.9200469e-05 0.99999996 -0.0002820868,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.00019913863 0.99999996 0.00020066311,
+ 0.0004336522 0.9999997 0.00064701462,0.0011261606 0.99999921 0.00056086095,
+ 0.00053913924 0.99999981 0.00029208158,0.00011062631 0.99999999 9.6378283e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00010176253 0.99999999 6.7763584e-05,0.00042979499 0.99999989 0.00019692752,
+ 0.0013020346 0.99999905 0.00045955179,-0.00042248325 0.99999982 0.00043585997,
+ -0.00022488818 0.99999997 0.00011053714,-0.00010653947 0.99999999 3.2915023e-05,
+ -0.00013976221 0.99999942 0.0010708121,-0.0002422908 0.99999978 0.00061001284,
+ -0.00032344605 0.9999999 0.00029931185,-0.0001106045 0.99999981 -0.00061322386,
+ 0.0039880533 0.99999203 -0.00020643918,0.0014015408 0.99999898 -0.00025683613,
+ 0.00078391496 0.99999968 -0.00014473372,0.00049315668 0.99999988 -8.7097119e-06,
+ 0.00020766259 0.99999998 7.9784011e-06,4.4510812e-05 1 -1.8304391e-06,
+ 3.0342106e-05 1 -1.0587207e-05,0.00016606959 0.99999999 -4.3715527e-05,
+ 0.00038944017 0.99999992 -0.00013145223,0.00069433262 0.99999973 -0.00023344825,
+ 0.0016331907 0.99999861 -0.0003435638,-0.00011952401 0.99999992 -0.00037947782,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-1.7541778e-05 0.99999999 -9.872762e-05,
+ -0.00011393268 0.99999992 -0.00039598893,-9.1514837e-05 0.99999977 -0.00067617565,
+ 0.00037283977 0.99999989 -0.0002904101,0.00039906661 0.99999988 0.00028339125,
+ 0.00014392887 0.99999999 8.3375025e-05,0.0002648874 0.9999999 -0.00034758714,
+ 0.00053252958 0.99999884 -0.0014279564,0.00038533014 0.99999992 0.00011838065,
+ -2.555437e-05 0.99999967 0.00081801388,-0.00037317921 0.99999929 0.0011298228,
+ 0.00017794434 0.99999998 -2.0150749e-05,6.7120669e-05 0.99999997 0.00023811348,
+ -0.00012215322 0.99999981 0.0006087817,-0.00070032686 0.99999975 -7.7158441e-05,
+ -0.00013747947 0.99999995 0.00028797237,0.00070659986 0.99999938 0.00086238416,
+ -0.00041193146 0.99999985 0.000359103,-0.0010836362 0.99999835 -0.001455559,
+ -0.00017020002 0.99999997 -0.00017308117,0.00032143445 0.99999994 8.1735087e-05,
+ 0.00022191696 0.99999979 0.00061163607,0.00055950409 0.99999983 -0.00015764277,
+ -2.8416231e-05 0.99999995 0.00032843161,0.00022952946 0.99999994 0.00025122985,
+ -0.00084403776 0.99999912 0.0010254407,0.0006341904 0.99999939 0.00089906774,
+ 6.7023511e-05 0.9999998 0.0006289681,-4.6072664e-05 0.99999981 0.00061012368,
+ 0.00022401666 0.99999985 0.00050806772,-7.2057906e-05 0.99999997 0.00022557617,
+ 5.5676685e-05 0.99999998 0.0002105317,-1.7991139e-05 1 2.3554584e-05,
+ -2.2951079e-05 1 1.8333917e-05,2.8601575e-06 1 3.2424352e-05,
+ -6.4632081e-05 0.99999997 -0.00025074133,-5.2021222e-05 0.9999998 -0.00063169647,
+ 0.00034205257 0.9999999 -0.00028371784,0.0018713065 0.999998 -0.00069895787,
+ 0.00092956254 0.99999936 0.00063772741,-0.0012231895 0.99999836 0.0013390291,
+ -0.0016557381 0.99999833 0.00077081357,-0.0010878014 0.9999993 0.0004735903,
+ 0.00043910903 0.99999974 0.00056896135,0.0019189284 0.99999792 0.00068553849,
+ -0.00074644361 0.99999929 -0.00093250108,0.002240953 0.99979657 0.020045112,
+ -0.0014078961 0.99996906 0.00773886,-0.0094808437 0.99985199 -0.014356933,
+ 0.002280695 0.9999974 8.7807601e-05,0.0015546119 0.99999835 0.00093779998,
+ 0.00082076782 0.99999928 0.00087807037,-0.00014911831 0.99999984 0.00054907961,
+ -0.00078115382 0.99999944 0.00072017371,-0.0007383771 0.9999991 0.0011183358,
+ -0.0004993685 0.99999886 0.0014235385,0.0010003416 0.99999939 0.00046128089,
+ 0.00015273281 0.99999983 0.00056070271,0.00064838502 0.99999975 -0.00027891044,
+ 0 1 0,0.00014288617 0.99999998 0.00010959358,
+ 0 1 0,0.00017122721 0.99999998 5.3412951e-05,
+ 0.00018768895 0.99999998 -4.2651288e-06,0.00019160172 0.99999998 -3.8502264e-05,
+ 0.00019208419 0.99999998 -7.8954915e-05,4.0668199e-05 0.99999989 -0.00047693289,
+ 2.1630309e-06 1 -2.4814449e-05,3.7383095e-05 0.99999999 0.00011949361,
+ 0.0001940824 0.99999991 0.00036495754,0.00044394684 0.99999965 0.00071198051,
+ -0.00020720246 0.99999943 0.0010504957,-0.00055054553 0.99999963 0.0006680373,
+ 0.00023170998 0.99999997 9.2862553e-05,0.0009570349 0.99999939 -0.00054454446,
+ 0.00038127562 0.99999977 0.00056214367,-0.00035740028 0.99999876 0.0015362676,
+ 6.8160143e-05 0.99999994 0.00033978307,0.00028342286 0.99999976 -0.00063579108,
+ 0.00038407032 0.99999856 -0.0016545287,0.00064001426 0.99999958 0.00064930506,
+ 0.0004931912 0.99999894 0.0013698511,4.6075724e-05 0.99999999 9.7180243e-05,
+ -2.0085506e-05 1 1.4780307e-05,-1.7717629e-05 1 1.8949561e-05,
+ -0.00060188826 0.99999982 5.0185985e-05,-0.0001002608 0.99999968 0.00079806051,
+ -0.00020335509 0.99999996 0.00018082113,-0.00035456878 0.99999993 0.00011413888,
+ -0.0003228787 0.99999993 0.00016058329,-0.00091190645 0.99999957 -0.00016056757,
+ -0.00083557 0.99999965 4.4450701e-05,0.0011436685 0.99999801 0.0016349831,
+ 5.8729493e-05 1 5.2314067e-05,0.000172447 0.99999921 -0.0012456566,
+ 0.010267983 0.99994478 0.002239276,-0.0012020576 0.99999886 0.00091104496,
+ -0.0039419333 0.99999217 0.00035605195,-0.0022096227 0.99999753 0.00024729165,
+ -0.0012241494 0.99999923 0.00020365879,0.0011212877 0.99999845 0.0013539199,
+ -0.00024432618 0.99999963 0.00082332214,-0.0022209159 0.99999711 -0.00092079174,
+ -0.00081446036 0.99999967 -7.6065979e-05,6.295892e-05 0.99999993 0.00035823252,
+ 0.0013293616 0.99999852 0.0010915105,-0.00071580003 0.99999952 0.00066972123,
+ -0.0011472294 0.99999934 2.544439e-05,-0.00045735181 0.99999988 -0.0001489161,
+ -0.00026609669 0.99999987 -0.00042511677,-0.00011558102 0.99999999 -6.2175242e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-7.8090881e-05 1 -1.0296445e-05,
+ -5.2786418e-05 1 2.2418065e-05,-0.00063137101 0.99999979 -0.00013309283,
+ -0.00016953523 0.99999996 0.0002268024,-0.00014580593 0.99999989 0.00044052668,
+ -0.00064207025 0.99999979 0.00013295124,0.00068395837 0.99999874 0.0014292711,
+ -0.00037792916 0.99999977 0.00055941049,-0.0020913138 0.99999758 0.00067727961,
+ -0.0042131465 0.999991 0.00049328313,-6.8885534e-05 1 -1.319199e-05,
+ 0.0025119109 0.99999681 -0.00027783201,0.0095700767 0.99995007 0.002875814,
+ -0.0033673808 0.99999325 -0.0014701318,0.0012196865 0.99999897 -0.00076259915,
+ 0.0003754087 0.99999993 6.3577364e-06,-0.00075433372 0.9999997 0.00017125981,
+ -0.0015338934 0.99999882 -6.9362153e-05,0.0019315153 0.99999795 0.00060647535,
+ 0.0056391879 0.99998159 0.0022390523,-7.8302905e-05 1 -3.2391489e-05,
+ -0.0025979409 0.99999623 -0.00089068846,0.00074075692 0.99999929 0.00093867519,
+ 0.0074883043 0.99995918 0.0050552149,0.0099342575 0.999927 0.0068780746,
+ 0.0062725963 0.99997202 0.0040757564,0.0033197714 0.99999265 0.0019176503,
+ -0.00010216733 0.99999987 0.00049559639,-0.0024699339 0.99999648 -0.00097420086,
+ 0.00052573395 0.99999986 3.3882508e-05,0.0028431874 0.99999555 0.00090878442,
+ 0.0011615017 0.99999928 0.00031097571,-3.6634489e-05 1 9.6408121e-06,
+ -0.0010788243 0.99999941 -0.00013244207,-0.0021017208 0.99999778 -0.00012535352,
+ 0.00064366929 0.99999971 -0.00041557922,0.002693678 0.9999963 -0.00036787121,
+ -0.00019267193 0.99999998 4.9082789e-05,0.00060156283 0.99999904 0.0012471471,
+ -0.00048382097 0.99999115 0.0041799752,-0.00029831881 0.99999844 0.0017437789,
+ -2.7718573e-05 0.99999998 0.00021503987,-6.7921642e-06 1 3.5986554e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00021435733 0.99999947 -0.0010105875,-0.00022475832 0.9999997 -0.00074108323,
+ 6.784401e-05 0.99999995 -0.00032353321,0.00060528565 0.99999974 -0.00040146403,
+ 0.00018954388 0.99999804 -0.0019687872,-0.001365379 0.99999661 -0.0022150228,
+ -0.00068164603 0.99999936 -0.0009076582,-0.00045284836 0.99999979 -0.00045752546,
+ -3.9181675e-05 1 -5.3799407e-05,-0.00022099208 0.99999995 -0.0002181484,
+ -0.00050987166 0.99999978 -0.00042607825,-0.00095545126 0.99999932 -0.00067443042,
+ -0.0011958797 0.99999881 -0.00097384471,-0.0025056154 0.99999453 -0.0021599833,
+ 0.00052874782 0.99999931 -0.0010478608,0.0013034252 0.99999915 -8.7452639e-05,
+ 0.00035431031 0.99999991 -0.00024610928,-1.3411186e-05 0.99999996 -0.00028367642,
+ -0.00031470884 0.9999998 -0.00055581137,0.00024469258 0.99999974 -0.00067505555,
+ 0.00018946582 0.99999991 -0.00037714521,0.00054303533 0.99999953 -0.0008091057,
+ 0.00031807169 0.99999995 -5.2207462e-05,9.0244468e-05 0.99999999 0.00014527837,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 6.5954519e-05 0.99999994 -0.00033195252,0.0001744576 0.99999925 -0.0012131409,
+ 0.00034543958 0.99999961 -0.00081791834,0.0017781387 0.99998555 -0.0050729879,
+ 0.0023308383 0.9999723 -0.0070680586,0.00025541413 0.99999916 0.0012704273,
+ 0.00016820472 0.99999996 0.00023423487,-0.00014751508 0.99999996 0.00025479046,
+ -0.00033493912 0.99999994 -0.00010215316,0.00015077913 0.99999994 0.00030378648,
+ 0.00098224656 0.99999932 0.00062309057,-0.00018570948 0.99999998 7.8983815e-05,
+ -0.00062252986 0.99999978 -0.0002470377,7.4497945e-05 0.99999998 -0.00019062835,
+ 0.00050290889 0.9999998 -0.00038367774,-0.0004036225 0.99999829 -0.0018044721,
+ -0.0017487992 0.99999575 -0.0023343314,-0.0021726054 0.99999579 -0.001926043,
+ -0.00023231065 0.99999994 -0.0002575963,-0.00097004177 0.99999915 -0.00087282309,
+ -0.002305467 0.99999576 -0.00177986,-0.0038741658 0.99998908 -0.0026144947,
+ -0.0034869182 0.99998992 -0.0028271758,0.00031860586 0.99999947 -0.00097457416,
+ 0.0015865787 0.99999874 0.00010355285,0.00038906206 0.99999989 -0.00024678473,
+ 0.00037935328 0.99999989 0.00027990212,0.00012647968 0.99999999 -7.6355108e-05,
+ -0.00022851431 0.99999995 -0.00019691683,-0.00074060205 0.99999969 -0.0002615903,
+ 0.00020198317 0.99999998 7.3559077e-05,0.0017047167 0.99999826 0.00076163649,
+ 0.0010393669 0.99999912 0.00082121332,-3.9221508e-05 0.99999999 0.0001480605,
+ -4.8508368e-05 0.99999999 0.00010338221,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 1.3617184e-05 1 -2.3639688e-06,0.00024273256 0.99999997 -2.0429994e-05,
+ 2.2626985e-05 0.99999999 -0.00015190099,0.0014124702 0.99999899 -0.00016830909,
+ 0.00065662083 0.99999894 -0.0013004366,0.00095936854 0.99999892 -0.0011108759,
+ 0.00013771348 0.99999927 -0.0012011173,0.00040159545 0.99999991 -9.5549423e-05,
+ 0.00027315043 0.99999996 -4.3068208e-05,0.00089865944 0.99999039 0.0042906456,
+ 1.6528735e-05 0.99999603 0.0028173821,-0.00026506883 0.99999991 -0.0003231474,
+ 0.00097355281 0.99999897 -0.0010518138,0.0037884073 0.99999248 -0.00082569816,
+ 0.0012652515 0.99999901 -0.00061173097,0.001126544 0.99999929 -0.00037697471,
+ 0.00062186848 0.99999976 -0.00032040758,0.00013841818 0.9999996 -0.00088561264,
+ -0.00046585823 0.99999516 -0.003074783,-0.0031451311 0.99994835 -0.0096647339,
+ -0.0081216312 0.99979227 -0.018693958,-0.0024014251 0.9999474 -0.0099713068,
+ -0.00038378979 0.99998798 -0.0048872588,0.0019360682 0.99999729 -0.0012909826,
+ 0.0025776587 0.99999645 -0.00066814799,2.6794077e-06 0.99999901 -0.0014051022,
+ 0.00055170636 0.9999998 -0.00029914284,0.00039472471 0.99999985 -0.00036666093,
+ 0.00056799915 0.99999977 -0.00038280792,0.00072460374 0.99999959 -0.00054751904,
+ 0.00061058661 0.99999948 -0.00081980486,0.00046041463 0.99999936 -0.0010347575,
+ -0.00014299159 0.99999982 -0.00057943057,0.00083854808 0.99999935 -0.00077371655,
+ -0.0018475333 0.9999929 -0.0032830593,-0.0021856047 0.99999316 -0.0029844234,
+ -0.003255508 0.99998655 -0.0040386806,-0.0043301909 0.99997825 -0.0049746904,
+ -0.0022520711 0.9999897 -0.0039400212,0.0021678204 0.99999764 -0.00014251034,
+ 0.0014838367 0.99999889 0.00011473075,-0.00019176898 0.99999998 8.2852281e-05,
+ 0.00018053525 0.99999981 0.0005958411,9.3889148e-05 0.99999958 -0.0009102542,
+ 0.00081303276 0.99999932 -0.00083102282,0.0011104362 0.99999938 5.9974511e-05,
+ 0.00019286271 0.99999998 1.5921844e-06,2.0945828e-05 1 -6.5383367e-07,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.00045654888 0.99999663 -0.0025558623,0.00020839156 0.99998851 0.0047889746,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -2.4885975e-07 1 -1.3329967e-05,-2.8288647e-05 0.99999991 -0.00042587744,
+ 1.3777431e-05 0.99999984 -0.00055869834,0.00010922298 0.99999969 -0.00077930965,
+ -0.00026604041 0.99999996 3.2344875e-05,-0.0049585364 0.99998743 0.00074742267,
+ -0.0073074047 0.99997309 0.00064281249,0.0023736123 0.99999634 0.0012948375,
+ 0.0024136987 0.99999038 0.0036632613,-0.015183468 0.99987293 0.0048557759,
+ -0.0029939838 0.99999442 0.0014840798,-0.0021851715 0.99999658 0.0014359511,
+ -0.0091543078 0.9999365 0.0065726238,0.0028597061 0.99999282 0.0024845328,
+ -0.0033026109 0.99999432 0.00067137676,-0.011452851 0.99993428 0.00051009234,
+ -0.0081649467 0.99996667 3.6744128e-05,0.00023989303 0.99999996 0.00014776487,
+ 0.00011531414 0.99999996 0.00025134895,0.00077740077 0.99999966 -0.00028550432,
+ 0.0010572743 0.99999944 -4.2188476e-05,-0.00033104234 0.99999982 0.00049647138,
+ -0.00043167133 0.9999999 0.00013993135,-8.1456901e-05 1 -4.4531818e-06,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -9.6781451e-05 1 2.0381705e-05,-3.8968912e-05 0.99999999 9.4699528e-05,
+ -0.00049229406 0.99999979 0.00042569432,0.00024923543 0.99999983 0.00052106548,
+ 3.5710444e-05 0.99999998 0.00018249626,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-1.9279635e-05 1 -2.7297623e-05,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 0 1,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 2.4849048 3.8209679 3.606952,2.4549264 3.8466402 3.5769736,
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+ -2.4849048 3.8209679 3.606952,-2.4549264 3.8466402 3.5769736,
+ -2.4210645 3.8655409 3.5431118,-2.3814131 3.8780093 3.5034603,
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+ 0 0.66587908 0.74605968,0 0.80032545 0.59956583,
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+ 0,1,8,-1,0,8,11,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ appearance USE APP_15
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+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
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+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,
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+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,
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+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598] }
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+ 9,61,59,-1,9,55,53,-1,9,59,57,-1,9,62,63,-1,9,63,61,-1,9,67,65,-1,9,53,71,-1,9,57,67,-1,
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+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,
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+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.82874016,
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+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598] }
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.82874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,
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+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.82874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,
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+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.67125984,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ coord DEF COORD_1077 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1077 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1078 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1078 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1078 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1078 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1079 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1079 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1079 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1079 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1080 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1080 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1080 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1080 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1081 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1081 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1081 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1081 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1082 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1082 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1082 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1082 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1083 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1083 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1083 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1083 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1084 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1084 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1084 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1084 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1085 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1085 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1085 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1085 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1086 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1086 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1086 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1086 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1087 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1087 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1087 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1087 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1088 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1088 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1088 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1088 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1089 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1089 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1089 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1089 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1090 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1090 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1090 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1090 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1091 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1091 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1091 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1091 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1092 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1092 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1092 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1092 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1093 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1093 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1093 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1093 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1094 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1094 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1094 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1094 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1095 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1095 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1095 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1095 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1096 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1096 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1096 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1096 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1097 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1097 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1097 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1097 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1098 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1098 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1098 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1098 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1099 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1099 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1099 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1099 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1100 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1100 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1100 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1100 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1101 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1101 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1101 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1101 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1102 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1102 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1102 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1102 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1103 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1103 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1103 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.82874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1103 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1104 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1104 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1104 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.82874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1104 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1105 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1105 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1105 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.67125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1105 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1106 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1106 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1106 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.67125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1106 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1107 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1107 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1107 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1107 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1108 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1108 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1108 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1108 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1109 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1109 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1109 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1109 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1110 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1110 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1110 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1110 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1111 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1111 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1111 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1111 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1112 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1112 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1112 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1112 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1113 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1113 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1113 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1113 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1114 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1114 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1114 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1114 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1115 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1115 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1115 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1115 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1116 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1116 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1116 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1116 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1117 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1117 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1117 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1117 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1118 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1118 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1118 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1118 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1119 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1119 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1119 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 3.4645669,1.5748031 0 3.4645669,
+ 1.5748031 0 3.6614173,1.8484024 0.39370079 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1119 Normal { vector [
+ -0.82117842 0.57067154 0,-0.82117842 0.57067154 0,
+ -0.82117842 0.57067154 0,-0.82117842 0.57067154 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1120 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1120 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1120 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 3.4645669,1.5748031 0 3.4645669,
+ 1.5748031 0 3.6614173,1.8484024 0.39370079 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1120 Normal { vector [
+ 0.82117842 -0.57067154 0,0.82117842 -0.57067154 0,
+ 0.82117842 -0.57067154 0,0.82117842 -0.57067154 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1121 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1121 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1121 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5531845 0.39370079 3.4645669,-1.1811024 0 3.4645669,
+ 1.5748031 0 3.4645669,1.8484024 0.39370079 3.4645669] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1121 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1122 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1122 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1122 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5531845 0.39370079 3.4645669,-1.1811024 0 3.4645669,
+ 1.5748031 0 3.4645669,1.8484024 0.39370079 3.4645669] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1122 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1123 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1123 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1123 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,-3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,
+ -3.0511811 0.39370079 3.6614173,-3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1123 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1124 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1124 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1124 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,-3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,
+ -3.0511811 0.39370079 3.6614173,-3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1124 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1125 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1125 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1125 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,
+ -2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173,-3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ -3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.6614173,
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.6614173,1.5748031 0 -3.6614173,
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.6614173,3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173,
+ 3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,4,-1,2,4,5,-1,1,2,5,-1,8,5,6,-1,8,6,7,-1,11,8,9,-1,11,5,8,-1,10,11,9,-1,
+ 0,1,5,-1,0,5,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1125 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1126 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1126 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1126 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,
+ -2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173,-3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ -3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.6614173,
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.6614173,1.5748031 0 -3.6614173,
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.6614173,3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173,
+ 3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,2,4,-1,4,2,5,-1,2,1,5,-1,5,8,6,-1,6,8,7,-1,8,11,9,-1,5,11,8,-1,11,10,9,-1,
+ 1,0,5,-1,5,0,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1126 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1127 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1127 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1127 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.4645669,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.4645669,
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.4645669,1.5748031 0 -3.4645669] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1127 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1128 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1128 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1128 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.4645669,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.4645669,
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.4645669,1.5748031 0 -3.4645669] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,3,-1,2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1128 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1129 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1129 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1129 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.4645669,1.5748031 0 -3.4645669,
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.6614173,1.5748031 0 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1129 Normal { vector [
+ -0.82117842 0.57067154 0,-0.82117842 0.57067154 0,
+ -0.82117842 0.57067154 0,-0.82117842 0.57067154 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1130 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1130 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1130 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.4645669,1.5748031 0 -3.4645669,
+ 1.8484024 0.39370079 -3.6614173,1.5748031 0 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1130 Normal { vector [
+ 0.82117842 -0.57067154 0,0.82117842 -0.57067154 0,
+ 0.82117842 -0.57067154 0,0.82117842 -0.57067154 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1131 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1131 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1131 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ 3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173,3.0511811 0.39370079 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1131 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1132 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1132 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1132 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ 3.0511811 0.39370079 -3.6614173,3.0511811 0.39370079 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1132 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1133 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1133 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1133 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1133 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1134 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1134 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1134 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1134 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1135 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1135 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1135 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1135 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1136 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1136 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1136 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1136 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1137 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1137 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1137 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1137 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1138 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1138 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1138 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1138 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1139 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1139 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1139 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1139 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1140 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1140 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1140 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1140 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1141 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1141 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1141 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1141 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1142 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1142 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1142 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1142 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1143 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1143 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1143 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1143 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1144 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1144 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1144 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1144 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1145 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1145 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1145 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1145 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1146 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1146 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1146 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1146 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1147 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1147 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1147 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1147 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1148 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1148 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1148 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1148 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1149 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1149 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1149 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1149 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1150 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1150 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1150 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1150 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1151 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1151 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1151 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1151 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1152 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1152 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1152 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1152 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1153 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1153 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1153 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1153 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1154 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1154 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1154 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1154 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1155 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1155 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1155 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1155 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1156 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1156 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1156 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1156 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1157 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1157 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1157 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1157 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1158 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1158 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1158 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1158 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1159 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1159 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1159 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1159 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1160 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1160 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1160 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1160 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1161 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1161 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1161 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1161 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1162 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1162 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1162 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1162 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1163 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1163 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1163 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1163 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1164 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1164 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1164 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1164 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1165 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1165 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1165 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1165 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1166 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1166 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1166 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1166 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1167 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1167 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1167 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1167 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1168 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1168 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1168 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1168 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1169 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1169 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1169 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1169 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1170 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1170 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1170 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1170 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1171 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1171 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1171 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1171 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1172 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1172 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1172 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1172 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1173 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1173 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1173 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1173 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1174 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1174 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1174 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1174 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1175 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1175 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1175 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1175 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1176 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1176 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1176 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1176 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1177 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1177 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1177 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1177 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1178 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1178 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1178 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1178 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1179 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1179 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1179 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1179 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1180 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1180 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1180 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1180 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1181 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1181 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1181 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1181 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1182 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1182 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1182 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1182 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1183 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1183 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1183 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1183 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1184 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1184 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1184 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1184 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1185 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1185 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1185 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1185 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1186 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1186 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1186 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1186 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1187 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1187 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1187 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1187 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1188 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1188 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1188 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1188 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1189 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1189 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1189 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1189 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1190 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1190 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1190 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1190 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1191 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1191 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1191 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1191 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1192 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1192 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1192 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1192 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1193 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1193 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1193 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1193 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1194 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1194 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1194 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1194 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1195 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1195 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1195 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1195 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1196 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1196 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1196 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1196 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1197 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1197 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1197 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1197 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1198 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1198 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1198 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1198 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1199 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1199 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1199 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1199 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1200 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1200 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1200 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1200 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1201 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1201 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1201 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1201 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1202 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1202 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1202 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1202 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1203 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1203 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1203 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1203 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1204 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1204 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1204 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1204 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1205 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1205 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1205 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1205 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1206 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1206 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1206 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1206 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1207 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1207 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1207 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1207 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1208 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1208 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1208 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1208 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1209 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1209 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1209 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1209 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1210 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1210 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1210 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1210 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1211 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1211 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1211 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1211 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1212 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1212 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1212 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1212 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1213 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1213 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1213 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1213 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1214 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1214 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1214 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1214 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1215 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1215 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1215 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1215 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1216 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1216 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1216 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1216 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1217 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1217 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1217 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1217 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1218 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1218 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1218 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1218 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1219 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1219 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1219 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1219 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1220 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1220 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1220 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1220 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1221 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1221 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1221 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1221 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1222 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1222 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1222 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1222 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1223 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1223 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1223 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1223 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1224 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1224 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1224 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1224 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1225 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1225 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1225 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1225 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1226 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1226 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1226 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1226 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1227 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1227 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1227 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1227 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1228 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1228 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1228 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1228 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1229 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1229 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1229 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1229 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1230 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1230 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1230 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1230 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1231 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1231 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1231 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1231 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1232 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1232 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1232 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402] }
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+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1232 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1233 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1233 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1233 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.82874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016] }
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+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1233 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1234 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1234 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1234 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.82874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016] }
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+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1234 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1235 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1235 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1235 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984] }
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+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1235 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1236 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1236 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1236 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.17125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1236 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1237 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1237 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1237 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598] }
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+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1237 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1238 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1238 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1238 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_1238 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1239 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1239 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1239 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1239 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1240 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1240 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1240 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1240 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1241 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1241 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1241 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,
+ 2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173,2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1241 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1242 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1242 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1242 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,
+ 2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173,2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173] }
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+ 0,3,1,-1,1,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1242 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1243 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1243 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1243 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,
+ -2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173,-2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1243 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1244 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1244 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1244 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,
+ -2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173,-2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,3,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1244 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1245 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1245 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1245 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5531845 0.39370079 3.4645669,-1.1811024 0 3.4645669,
+ -1.5531845 0.39370079 3.6614173,-1.1811024 0 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1245 Normal { vector [
+ 0.72677936 0.68687099 0,0.72677936 0.68687099 0,
+ 0.72677936 0.68687099 0,0.72677936 0.68687099 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1246 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1246 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1246 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5531845 0.39370079 3.4645669,-1.1811024 0 3.4645669,
+ -1.5531845 0.39370079 3.6614173,-1.1811024 0 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,1,-1,3,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1246 Normal { vector [
+ -0.72677936 -0.68687099 0,-0.72677936 -0.68687099 0,
+ -0.72677936 -0.68687099 0,-0.72677936 -0.68687099 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1247 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1247 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1247 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1811024 0 3.4645669,1.5748031 0 3.4645669,
+ -1.1811024 0 3.6614173,1.5748031 0 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1247 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1248 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1248 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1248 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1811024 0 3.4645669,1.5748031 0 3.4645669,
+ -1.1811024 0 3.6614173,1.5748031 0 3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,0,3,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1248 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1249 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1249 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1249 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173,-2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ -3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,-3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1249 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1250 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1250 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1250 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173,-2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ -3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,-3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,3,-1,3,0,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1250 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1251 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1251 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1251 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,
+ 2.4058414 3.8714272 -3.5278886,2.4609714 3.842263 -3.5830187,
+ 2.4978662 3.8059424 -3.6199134,2.5216683 3.7666228 -3.6437155,
+ 2.5344232 3.7288926 -3.6564705,2.5381778 3.7066723 -3.660225,
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,
+ -2.5362703 3.7198355 -3.6583176,-2.5263425 3.7554614 -3.6483897,
+ -2.5091105 3.7899087 -3.6311578,-2.4849048 3.8209679 -3.606952,
+ -2.4549264 3.8466402 -3.5769736,-2.4210645 3.8655409 -3.5431118,
+ -2.3814131 3.8780093 -3.5034603] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 7,9,8,-1,7,10,9,-1,6,11,10,-1,6,10,7,-1,5,12,11,-1,5,11,6,-1,4,13,12,-1,4,12,5,-1,
+ 3,14,13,-1,3,15,14,-1,3,13,4,-1,2,16,15,-1,2,15,3,-1,1,0,16,-1,1,16,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1251 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.99505956 0.099279729,-0.0003299683 -0.99030872 0.13888317,
+ -0.00029645854 -0.94957644 0.31353548,-0.00022748322 -0.81633776 0.57757476,
+ -0.0001545564 -0.62244276 0.78266531,-0.00010131115 -0.43436025 0.90073923,
+ -3.3699868e-05 -0.26654624 0.96382213,4.6185088e-05 -0.10176694 0.99480827,
+ 0 -0.055031155 0.99848464,8.8998461e-05 -0.075845046 0.99711961,
+ 8.9307375e-05 -0.17821919 0.98399081,3.6900317e-05 -0.3471262 0.93781843,
+ 1.5657774e-05 -0.52823163 0.84910032,-3.212737e-05 -0.69929207 0.71483607,
+ -2.6078847e-05 -0.81991423 0.57248639,-0.00015911695 -0.90466594 0.42612148,
+ -0.00017129122 -0.98252388 0.18613651] }
+DEF SHAPE_1252 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1252 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1252 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,
+ 2.4058414 3.8714272 -3.5278886,2.4609714 3.842263 -3.5830187,
+ 2.4978662 3.8059424 -3.6199134,2.5216683 3.7666228 -3.6437155,
+ 2.5344232 3.7288926 -3.6564705,2.5381778 3.7066723 -3.660225,
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,
+ -2.5362703 3.7198355 -3.6583176,-2.5263425 3.7554614 -3.6483897,
+ -2.5091105 3.7899087 -3.6311578,-2.4849048 3.8209679 -3.606952,
+ -2.4549264 3.8466402 -3.5769736,-2.4210645 3.8655409 -3.5431118,
+ -2.3814131 3.8780093 -3.5034603] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,7,8,-1,10,7,9,-1,11,6,10,-1,10,6,7,-1,12,5,11,-1,11,5,6,-1,13,4,12,-1,12,4,5,-1,
+ 14,3,13,-1,15,3,14,-1,13,3,4,-1,16,2,15,-1,15,2,3,-1,0,1,16,-1,16,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1252 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0.99505956 -0.099279729,0.0003299683 0.99030872 -0.13888317,
+ 0.00029645854 0.94957644 -0.31353548,0.00022748322 0.81633776 -0.57757476,
+ 0.0001545564 0.62244276 -0.78266531,0.00010131115 0.43436025 -0.90073923,
+ 3.3699868e-05 0.26654624 -0.96382213,-4.6185088e-05 0.10176694 -0.99480827,
+ 0 0.055031155 -0.99848464,-8.8998461e-05 0.075845046 -0.99711961,
+ -8.9307375e-05 0.17821919 -0.98399081,-3.6900317e-05 0.3471262 -0.93781843,
+ -1.5657774e-05 0.52823163 -0.84910032,3.212737e-05 0.69929207 -0.71483607,
+ 2.6078847e-05 0.81991423 -0.57248639,0.00015911695 0.90466594 -0.42612148,
+ 0.00017129122 0.98252388 -0.18613651] }
+DEF SHAPE_1253 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1253 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1253 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5748031 0 -3.4645669,-1.1811024 0 -3.4645669,
+ 1.5748031 0 -3.6614173,-1.1811024 0 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1253 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1254 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1254 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1254 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5748031 0 -3.4645669,-1.1811024 0 -3.4645669,
+ 1.5748031 0 -3.6614173,-1.1811024 0 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,2,1,-1,2,0,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1254 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1255 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1255 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1255 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.4645669,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.4645669,
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.6614173,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1255 Normal { vector [
+ 0.72677936 0.68687099 0,0.72677936 0.68687099 0,
+ 0.72677936 0.68687099 0,0.72677936 0.68687099 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1256 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1256 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1256 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.4645669,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.4645669,
+ -1.1811024 0 -3.6614173,-1.5531845 0.39370079 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,2,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1256 Normal { vector [
+ -0.72677936 -0.68687099 0,-0.72677936 -0.68687099 0,
+ -0.72677936 -0.68687099 0,-0.72677936 -0.68687099 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1257 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1257 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1257 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ 2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173,2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,1,-1,0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1257 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1258 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1258 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1258 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.0511811 1.496063 3.6614173,3.0511811 1.496063 -3.6614173,
+ 2.5393701 1.496063 3.6614173,2.5393701 1.496063 -3.6614173] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,2,1,-1,2,0,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1258 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1259 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1259 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1259 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1259 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1260 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1260 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1260 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 2.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1260 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1261 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1261 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1261 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1261 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1262 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1262 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1262 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.39370079 1.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1262 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1263 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1263 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1263 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1263 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1264 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1264 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1264 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.39370079 0.67125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984] }
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+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1264 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1265 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1265 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1265 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1265 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1266 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1266 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1266 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.32874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1266 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1267 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1267 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1267 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1267 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1268 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1268 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1268 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1268 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1269 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1269 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1269 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1269 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1270 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1270 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1270 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1270 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1271 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1271 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1271 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1271 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1272 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1272 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1272 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1272 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1273 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1273 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1273 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1273 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1274 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1274 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1274 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1274 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1275 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1275 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1275 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1275 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1276 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1276 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1276 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1276 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1277 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1277 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1277 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1277 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1278 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1278 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1278 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1278 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1279 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1279 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1279 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1279 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1280 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1280 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1280 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1280 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1281 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1281 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1281 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1281 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1282 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1282 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1282 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1282 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1283 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1283 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1283 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1283 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1284 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1284 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1284 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1284 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1285 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1285 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1285 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1285 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1286 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1286 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1286 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1286 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1287 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1287 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1287 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1287 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1288 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1288 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1288 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1288 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1289 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1289 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1289 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1289 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1290 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1290 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1290 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1290 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1291 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1291 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1291 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1291 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1292 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1292 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1292 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1292 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1293 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1293 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1293 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1293 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1294 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1294 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1294 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1294 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1295 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1295 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1295 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1295 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1296 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1296 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1296 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1296 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1297 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1297 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1297 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1297 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1298 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1298 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1298 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1298 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1299 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1299 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1299 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1299 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1300 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1300 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1300 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1300 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1301 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1301 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1301 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1301 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1302 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1302 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1302 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1302 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1303 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1303 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1303 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1303 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1304 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1304 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1304 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1304 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1305 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1305 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1305 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1,2,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1305 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1306 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1306 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1306 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1,0,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1306 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1307 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1307 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1307 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.6712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1307 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1308 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1308 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1308 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.6712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1308 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1309 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1309 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1309 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1309 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1310 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1310 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1310 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1310 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1311 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1311 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1311 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.67125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1311 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1312 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1312 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1312 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.67125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.67125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1312 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1313 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1313 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1313 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1313 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1314 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1314 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1314 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1314 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1315 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1315 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1315 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1315 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1316 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1316 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1316 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1316 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1317 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1317 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1317 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1317 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1318 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1318 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1318 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1318 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1319 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1319 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1319 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1319 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1320 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1320 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1320 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1320 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1321 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1321 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1321 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1321 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1322 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1322 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1322 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1322 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1323 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1323 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1323 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1323 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1324 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1324 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1324 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1324 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1325 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1325 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1325 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1325 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1326 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1326 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1326 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1326 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1327 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1327 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1327 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1327 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1328 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1328 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1328 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1328 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1329 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1329 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1329 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1329 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1330 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1330 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1330 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1330 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1331 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1331 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1331 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1331 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1332 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1332 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1332 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1332 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1333 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1333 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1333 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1333 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1334 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1334 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1334 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.82874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1334 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1335 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1335 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1335 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1335 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1336 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1336 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1336 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.82874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.82874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1336 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1337 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1337 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1337 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984] }
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+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1337 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1338 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1338 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1338 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.17125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1338 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1339 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1339 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1339 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1339 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1340 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1340 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1340 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.17125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1340 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1341 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1341 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016] }
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+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1341 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1342 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1342 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1342 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.17125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.17125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016] }
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+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1342 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1343 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1343 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1343 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598] }
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+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1343 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1344 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1344 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598] }
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+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1344 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1345 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1345 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1345 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1345 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1346 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1346 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1346 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1346 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1347 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1347 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1347 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1347 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1348 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1348 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1348 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1348 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1349 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1349 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1349 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1349 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1350 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1350 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1350 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.1712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1350 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1351 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1351 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1351 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1351 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1352 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1352 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1352 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1352 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1353 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1353 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1353 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1353 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1354 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1354 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1354 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1354 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1355 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1355 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1355 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,2.3425197 3.8818898 3.4645669,
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,2.5362703 3.7198355 3.6583176,
+ 2.5263425 3.7554614 3.6483897,2.5091105 3.7899087 3.6311578,
+ 2.4849048 3.8209679 3.606952,2.4549264 3.8466402 3.5769736,
+ 2.4210645 3.8655409 3.5431118,2.3814131 3.8780093 3.5034603,
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,2.4058414 3.8714272 -3.5278886,
+ 2.4609714 3.842263 -3.5830187,2.4978662 3.8059424 -3.6199134,
+ 2.5216683 3.7666228 -3.6437155,2.5344232 3.7288926 -3.6564705,
+ 2.5381778 3.7066723 -3.660225] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,9,1,-1,11,8,9,-1,11,9,0,-1,12,6,7,-1,12,7,8,-1,12,8,11,-1,13,5,6,-1,13,6,12,-1,
+ 14,4,5,-1,14,5,13,-1,15,3,4,-1,15,4,14,-1,16,2,3,-1,16,3,15,-1,10,2,16,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1355 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13890804 -0.99030526 0.00022384084,-0.099279729 -0.99505956 0,
+ -0.99711968 -0.075844129 -6.1717577e-05,-0.98398915 -0.17822838 -6.1913445e-05,
+ -0.93780783 -0.34715481 -2.5553858e-05,-0.84907035 -0.5282798 -1.0819284e-05,
+ -0.71477599 -0.69935348 2.2122863e-05,-0.5724809 -0.81991806 1.7912158e-05,
+ -0.42601045 -0.90471824 0.00010881595,-0.18599759 -0.98255019 0.00011637507,
+ -0.99848464 -0.055031155 0,-0.31334916 -0.94963797 0.00020206304,
+ -0.57733397 -0.81650809 0.00015610943,-0.78261428 -0.62250693 0.00010662744,
+ -0.90071764 -0.43440503 7.0082441e-05,-0.96381769 -0.26656231 2.334963e-05,
+ -0.9948079 -0.10177053 -3.2025353e-05] }
+DEF SHAPE_1356 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1356 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1356 Coordinate { point [
+ 2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,2.3425197 3.8818898 3.4645669,
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,2.5362703 3.7198355 3.6583176,
+ 2.5263425 3.7554614 3.6483897,2.5091105 3.7899087 3.6311578,
+ 2.4849048 3.8209679 3.606952,2.4549264 3.8466402 3.5769736,
+ 2.4210645 3.8655409 3.5431118,2.3814131 3.8780093 3.5034603,
+ 2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,2.4058414 3.8714272 -3.5278886,
+ 2.4609714 3.842263 -3.5830187,2.4978662 3.8059424 -3.6199134,
+ 2.5216683 3.7666228 -3.6437155,2.5344232 3.7288926 -3.6564705,
+ 2.5381778 3.7066723 -3.660225] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,0,1,-1,8,11,9,-1,9,11,0,-1,6,12,7,-1,7,12,8,-1,8,12,11,-1,5,13,6,-1,6,13,12,-1,
+ 4,14,5,-1,5,14,13,-1,3,15,4,-1,4,15,14,-1,2,16,3,-1,3,16,15,-1,2,10,16,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1356 Normal { vector [
+ 0.13890804 0.99030526 -0.00022384084,0.099279729 0.99505956 0,
+ 0.99711968 0.075844129 6.1717577e-05,0.98398915 0.17822838 6.1913445e-05,
+ 0.93780783 0.34715481 2.5553858e-05,0.84907035 0.5282798 1.0819284e-05,
+ 0.71477599 0.69935348 -2.2122863e-05,0.5724809 0.81991806 -1.7912158e-05,
+ 0.42601045 0.90471824 -0.00010881595,0.18599759 0.98255019 -0.00011637507,
+ 0.99848464 0.055031155 0,0.31334916 0.94963797 -0.00020206304,
+ 0.57733397 0.81650809 -0.00015610943,0.78261428 0.62250693 -0.00010662744,
+ 0.90071764 0.43440503 -7.0082441e-05,0.96381769 0.26656231 -2.334963e-05,
+ 0.9948079 0.10177053 3.2025353e-05] }
+DEF SHAPE_1357 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1357 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1357 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,
+ -2.5362703 3.7198355 3.6583176,-2.5263425 3.7554614 3.6483897,
+ -2.5091105 3.7899087 3.6311578,-2.4849048 3.8209679 3.606952,
+ -2.4549264 3.8466402 3.5769736,-2.4210645 3.8655409 3.5431118,
+ -2.3814131 3.8780093 3.5034603,-2.3425197 3.8818898 3.4645669,
+ -2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,-2.5362703 3.7198355 -3.6583176,
+ -2.5263425 3.7554614 -3.6483897,-2.5091105 3.7899087 -3.6311578,
+ -2.4849048 3.8209679 -3.606952,-2.4549264 3.8466402 -3.5769736,
+ -2.4210645 3.8655409 -3.5431118,-2.3814131 3.8780093 -3.5034603] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,1,0,-1,11,2,1,-1,12,3,2,-1,12,2,11,-1,13,4,3,-1,13,3,12,-1,14,5,4,-1,14,4,13,-1,
+ 15,6,5,-1,15,5,14,-1,16,7,6,-1,16,6,15,-1,17,8,7,-1,17,7,16,-1,10,9,8,-1,10,8,17,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1357 Normal { vector [
+ 0.99605551 -0.088732262 0,0.99605551 -0.088732262 0,
+ 0.97737575 -0.21151038 0,0.92046322 -0.39082921 0,
+ 0.82709339 -0.56206452 0,0.69973419 -0.71440329 0,
+ 0.54496859 -0.83845646 0,0.36145484 -0.93238962 0,
+ 0.17001158 -0.98544206 0,0.099279729 -0.99505956 0,
+ 0.099279729 -0.99505956 0,0.98845896 -0.15148892 0,
+ 0.94361876 -0.33103419 0,0.86246486 -0.50611695 0,
+ 0.74601481 -0.66592935 0,0.59949873 -0.80037571 0,
+ 0.42420392 -0.90556669 0,0.23711552 -0.97148146 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_1358 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1358 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5393701 3.6850394 -3.6614173,-2.5393701 3.6850394 3.6614173,
+ -2.5362703 3.7198355 3.6583176,-2.5263425 3.7554614 3.6483897,
+ -2.5091105 3.7899087 3.6311578,-2.4849048 3.8209679 3.606952,
+ -2.4549264 3.8466402 3.5769736,-2.4210645 3.8655409 3.5431118,
+ -2.3814131 3.8780093 3.5034603,-2.3425197 3.8818898 3.4645669,
+ -2.3425197 3.8818898 -3.4645669,-2.5362703 3.7198355 -3.6583176,
+ -2.5263425 3.7554614 -3.6483897,-2.5091105 3.7899087 -3.6311578,
+ -2.4849048 3.8209679 -3.606952,-2.4549264 3.8466402 -3.5769736,
+ -2.4210645 3.8655409 -3.5431118,-2.3814131 3.8780093 -3.5034603] }
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+ 1,11,0,-1,2,11,1,-1,3,12,2,-1,2,12,11,-1,4,13,3,-1,3,13,12,-1,5,14,4,-1,4,14,13,-1,
+ 6,15,5,-1,5,15,14,-1,7,16,6,-1,6,16,15,-1,8,17,7,-1,7,17,16,-1,9,10,8,-1,8,10,17,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1358 Normal { vector [
+ -0.99605551 0.088732262 0,-0.99605551 0.088732262 0,
+ -0.97737575 0.21151038 0,-0.92046322 0.39082921 0,
+ -0.82709339 0.56206452 0,-0.69973419 0.71440329 0,
+ -0.54496859 0.83845646 0,-0.36145484 0.93238962 0,
+ -0.17001158 0.98544206 0,-0.099279729 0.99505956 0,
+ -0.099279729 0.99505956 0,-0.98845896 0.15148892 0,
+ -0.94361876 0.33103419 0,-0.86246486 0.50611695 0,
+ -0.74601481 0.66592935 0,-0.59949873 0.80037571 0,
+ -0.42420392 0.90556669 0,-0.23711552 0.97148146 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1359 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1359 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1359 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1360 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1360 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1360 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1360 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1361 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1361 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1361 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1361 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1362 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1362 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1362 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1362 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1363 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1363 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1363 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1363 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1364 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1364 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1364 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1364 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1365 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1365 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1365 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1365 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1366 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1366 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1366 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.6712598,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1366 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1367 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1367 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1367 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1367 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1368 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1368 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1368 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1368 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1369 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1369 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1369 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1369 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1370 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1370 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1370 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.6712598,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.6712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1370 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1371 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1371 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1371 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1371 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1372 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1372 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1372 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.67125984,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1372 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1373 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1373 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1373 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1373 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1374 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1374 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1374 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.67125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1374 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1375 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1375 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1375 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1375 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1376 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1376 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1376 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.67125984,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.67125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1376 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1377 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1377 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1377 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1377 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1378 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1378 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1378 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1378 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1379 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1379 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1379 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1379 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1380 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1380 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1380 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.32874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1380 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1381 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1381 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1381 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1381 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1382 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1382 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1382 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.32874016,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.32874016,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1382 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1383 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1383 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1383 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1383 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1384 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1384 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1384 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1384 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1385 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1385 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1385 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1385 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1386 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1386 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1386 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1386 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1387 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1387 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1387 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1387 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1388 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1388 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1388 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1388 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1389 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1389 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1389 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1389 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1390 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1390 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1390 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,-2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1390 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1391 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1391 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1391 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1391 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1392 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1392 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1392 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1392 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1393 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1393 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1393 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1393 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1394 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1394 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1394 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.3287402,
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.3287402,-3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1394 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1395 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1395 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1395 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1395 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1396 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1396 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1396 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1396 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1397 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1397 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1397 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1397 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1398 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1398 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1398 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402,2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1398 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1399 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1399 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1399 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1399 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1400 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1400 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1400 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016,2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1400 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1401 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1401 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1401 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1401 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1402 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1402 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1402 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1402 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1403 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1403 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1403 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1403 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1404 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1404 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1404 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1404 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1405 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1405 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1405 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,0,1,-1,4,5,0,-1,2,3,4,-1,2,4,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1405 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1406 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1406 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1406 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,
+ 2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598,2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ 2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,4,1,-1,5,4,0,-1,3,2,4,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1406 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1407 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1407 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1407 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1407 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1408 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1408 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1408 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1408 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1409 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1409 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1409 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1409 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1410 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1410 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1410 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.6712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.6712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.6712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.6712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.6712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.6712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1410 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1411 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1411 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1411 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.67125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.67125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1411 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1412 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1412 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1412 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.67125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.67125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.67125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.67125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.67125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.67125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1412 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1413 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1413 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1413 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1413 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1414 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1414 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1414 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.32874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.32874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 0.32874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.32874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.32874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.32874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1414 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1415 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1415 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1415 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1415 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1416 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1416 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1416 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 1.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1416 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1417 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1417 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1417 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1417 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1418 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1418 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1418 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.3287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.3287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 2.3287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.3287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.3287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.3287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1418 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1419 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1419 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1419 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.5873153,1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.5873153,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.8523062,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.8523062] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1419 Normal { vector [
+ 0.55510044 0 -0.83178332,0.55510044 0 -0.83178332,
+ 0.55510044 0 -0.83178332,0.55510044 0 -0.83178332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1420 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1420 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1420 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.5873153,1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.5873153,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.8523062,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.8523062] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1420 Normal { vector [
+ -0.55510044 0 0.83178332,-0.55510044 0 0.83178332,
+ -0.55510044 0 0.83178332,-0.55510044 0 0.83178332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1421 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1421 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1421 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.8523062,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.8523062,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.7373388,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.7373388] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1421 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1422 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1422 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1422 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.8523062,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.8523062,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.7373388,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.7373388] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1422 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1423 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1423 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1423 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.7373388,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.7373388,
+ 1.105944 3.8818898 -1.6089838,1.105944 3.8814961 -1.6089838] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1423 Normal { vector [
+ -0.53490155 0 0.84491439,-0.53490155 0 0.84491439,
+ -0.53490155 0 0.84491439,-0.53490155 0 0.84491439] }
+DEF SHAPE_1424 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1424 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1424 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.7373388,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.7373388,
+ 1.105944 3.8818898 -1.6089838,1.105944 3.8814961 -1.6089838] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1424 Normal { vector [
+ 0.53490155 0 -0.84491439,0.53490155 0 -0.84491439,
+ 0.53490155 0 -0.84491439,0.53490155 0 -0.84491439] }
+DEF SHAPE_1425 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1425 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1425 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.105944 3.8818898 -1.6089838,1.105944 3.8814961 -1.6089838,
+ 1.2163569 3.8818898 -1.5388716,1.2163569 3.8814961 -1.5388716] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1425 Normal { vector [
+ -0.53605589 0 0.8441825,-0.53605589 0 0.8441825,
+ -0.53605589 0 0.8441825,-0.53605589 0 0.8441825] }
+DEF SHAPE_1426 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1426 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1426 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.105944 3.8818898 -1.6089838,1.105944 3.8814961 -1.6089838,
+ 1.2163569 3.8818898 -1.5388716,1.2163569 3.8814961 -1.5388716] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1426 Normal { vector [
+ 0.53605589 0 -0.8441825,0.53605589 0 -0.8441825,
+ 0.53605589 0 -0.8441825,0.53605589 0 -0.8441825] }
+DEF SHAPE_1427 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1427 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1427 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2163569 3.8818898 -1.5388716,1.2163569 3.8814961 -1.5388716,
+ 1.1138109 3.8818898 -1.473728,1.1138109 3.8814961 -1.473728] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1427 Normal { vector [
+ -0.53621375 0 -0.84408223,-0.53621375 0 -0.84408223,
+ -0.53621375 0 -0.84408223,-0.53621375 0 -0.84408223] }
+DEF SHAPE_1428 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1428 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1428 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2163569 3.8818898 -1.5388716,1.2163569 3.8814961 -1.5388716,
+ 1.1138109 3.8818898 -1.473728,1.1138109 3.8814961 -1.473728] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1428 Normal { vector [
+ 0.53621375 0 0.84408223,0.53621375 0 0.84408223,
+ 0.53621375 0 0.84408223,0.53621375 0 0.84408223] }
+DEF SHAPE_1429 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1429 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1429 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1138109 3.8818898 -1.473728,1.1138109 3.8814961 -1.473728,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.3401284,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.3401284] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1429 Normal { vector [
+ -0.53565753 0 -0.84443532,-0.53565753 0 -0.84443532,
+ -0.53565753 0 -0.84443532,-0.53565753 0 -0.84443532] }
+DEF SHAPE_1430 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1430 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1430 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.1138109 3.8818898 -1.473728,1.1138109 3.8814961 -1.473728,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.3401284,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.3401284] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1430 Normal { vector [
+ 0.53565753 0 0.84443532,0.53565753 0 0.84443532,
+ 0.53565753 0 0.84443532,0.53565753 0 0.84443532] }
+DEF SHAPE_1431 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1431 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1431 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.3401284,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.3401284,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.225161,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.225161] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1431 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1432 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1432 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1432 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.3401284,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.3401284,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.225161,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.225161] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1432 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1433 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1433 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1433 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.225161,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.225161,
+ 1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.4901519] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1433 Normal { vector [
+ 0.55510044 0 0.83178332,0.55510044 0 0.83178332,
+ 0.55510044 0 0.83178332,0.55510044 0 0.83178332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1434 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1434 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1434 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -1.225161,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.225161,
+ 1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.4901519] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1434 Normal { vector [
+ -0.55510044 0 -0.83178332,-0.55510044 0 -0.83178332,
+ -0.55510044 0 -0.83178332,-0.55510044 0 -0.83178332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1435 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1435 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1435 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.4901519,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.4901519] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1435 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1436 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1436 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1436 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.4901519,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.4901519] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1436 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1437 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1437 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1437 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.4901519,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.5873153,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.5873153] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1437 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1438 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1438 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1438 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.4901519,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.4901519,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.5873153,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.5873153] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1438 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1439 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1439 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1439 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.5873153,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.5873153,
+ 1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.5873153,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.5873153] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1439 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1440 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1440 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1440 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -1.5873153,1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.5873153,
+ 1.3002707 3.8818898 -1.5873153,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.5873153] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1440 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1441 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1441 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1441 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 -0.60891911,1.3550631 3.8818898 -0.60891911,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.6413529,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.6413529] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1441 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1442 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1442 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1442 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 -0.60891911,1.3550631 3.8818898 -0.60891911,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.6413529,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.6413529] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1442 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314,
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1443 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1443 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1443 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.6413529,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.6413529,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.6696462,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.6696462] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1443 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943,
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1444 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1444 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1444 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.6413529,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.6413529,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.6696462,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.6696462] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1444 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1445 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1445 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1445 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.6696462,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.6696462,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.83733576,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.83733576] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1445 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122,
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1446 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1446 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1446 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.6696462,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.6696462,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.83733576,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.83733576] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1446 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1447 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1447 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1447 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.83733576,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.83733576,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.95451143,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.95451143] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1447 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1448 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1448 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1448 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.83733576,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.83733576,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.95451143,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.95451143] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1448 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1449 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1449 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1449 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.95451143,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.95451143,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.69987172,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.69987172] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1449 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1450 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1450 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1450 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.95451143,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.95451143,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.69987172,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.69987172] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1450 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525,
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1451 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1451 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1451 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.69987172,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.69987172,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.91917931,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.91917931] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1451 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1452 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1452 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1452 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.69987172,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.69987172,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.91917931,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.91917931] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1452 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363,
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1453 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1453 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1453 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.91917931,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.91917931,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.80048546,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.80048546] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1453 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1454 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1454 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1454 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.91917931,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.91917931,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.80048546,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.80048546] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1454 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1455 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1455 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1455 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.80048546,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.80048546,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.68068748,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.68068748] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1455 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509,
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1456 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1456 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1456 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.80048546,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.80048546,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.68068748,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.68068748] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1456 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1457 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1457 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1457 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.68068748,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.68068748,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 -0.63569424] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1457 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747,-0.56586563 0 0.82449747,
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1458 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1458 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1458 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.68068748,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.68068748,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 -0.63569424] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1458 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1459 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1459 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1459 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.47973604,1.0776507 3.8816929 -0.59994807,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.47973604] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1459 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,-0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1460 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1460 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1460 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.47973604,1.0776507 3.8816929 -0.59994807,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.47973604] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1460 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332,0.56741322 0 0.8234332,
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1461 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1461 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1461 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.47973604,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.47973604,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.36269839,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.36269839] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1461 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1462 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1462 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1462 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.47973604,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.47973604,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.36269839,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.36269839] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1462 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1463 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1463 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1463 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.36269839,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.36269839,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 -0.58200597,1.2214635 3.8814961 -0.58200597] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1463 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716,
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1464 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1464 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1464 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.36269839,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.36269839,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 -0.58200597,1.2214635 3.8814961 -0.58200597] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1464 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1465 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1465 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1465 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 -0.58200597,1.2214635 3.8814961 -0.58200597,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.32736627,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.32736627] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1465 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466,
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1466 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1466 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1466 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 -0.58200597,1.2214635 3.8814961 -0.58200597,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.32736627,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.32736627] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1466 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1467 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1467 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1467 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.32736627,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.32736627,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.4459221,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.4459221] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1467 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1468 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1468 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1468 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.32736627,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.32736627,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.4459221,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.4459221] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1468 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1469 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1469 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1469 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.4459221,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.4459221,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 -0.60891911,1.3550631 3.8814961 -0.60891911] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1469 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1470 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1470 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1470 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.4459221,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.4459221,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 -0.60891911,1.3550631 3.8814961 -0.60891911] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1470 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991,
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1471 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1471 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1471 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 0.027059083,1.3550631 3.8818898 0.027059083,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.0053747006,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.0053747006] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1471 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1472 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1472 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1472 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 0.027059083,1.3550631 3.8818898 0.027059083,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.0053747006,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.0053747006] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1472 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314,
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1473 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1473 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1473 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.0053747006,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.0053747006,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.033668001,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.033668001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1473 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943,
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1474 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1474 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1474 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 -0.0053747006,1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.0053747006,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.033668001,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.033668001] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1474 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1475 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1475 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1475 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.033668001,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.033668001,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.20135756,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.20135756] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1475 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122,
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1476 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1476 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1476 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 -0.033668001,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.033668001,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.20135756,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.20135756] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1476 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1477 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1477 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1477 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.20135756,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.20135756,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.31853323,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.31853323] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1477 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1478 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1478 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1478 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.20135756,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.20135756,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.31853323,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.31853323] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1478 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1479 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1479 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1479 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.31853323,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.31853323,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.063893528,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.063893528] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1479 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1480 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1480 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1480 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 -0.31853323,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.31853323,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.063893528,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.063893528] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1480 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525,
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1481 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1481 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1481 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.063893528,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.063893528,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.28320111,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.28320111] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1481 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1482 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1482 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1482 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 -0.063893528,1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.063893528,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.28320111,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.28320111] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1482 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363,
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1483 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1483 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1483 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.28320111,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.28320111,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.16450727,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.16450727] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1483 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1484 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1484 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1484 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.28320111,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.28320111,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.16450727,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.16450727] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1484 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1485 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1485 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1485 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.16450727,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.16450727,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.04470929,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.04470929] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1485 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509,
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1486 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1486 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1486 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 -0.16450727,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.16450727,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.04470929,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.04470929] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1486 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1487 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1487 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1487 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.04470929,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.04470929,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.00028395951] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1487 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747,-0.56586563 0 0.82449747,
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1488 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1488 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1488 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 -0.04470929,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.04470929,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.00028395951] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1488 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1489 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1489 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1489 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.15624215,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.03603013,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.15624215] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1489 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,-0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1490 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1490 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1490 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.15624215,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.03603013,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.15624215] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1490 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332,0.56741322 0 0.8234332,
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1491 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1491 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1491 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.15624215,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.15624215,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.27327981,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.27327981] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1491 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1492 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1492 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1492 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.15624215,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.15624215,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.27327981,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.27327981] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1492 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1493 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1493 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1493 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.27327981,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.27327981,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.053972223,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.053972223] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1493 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716,
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1494 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1494 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1494 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.27327981,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.27327981,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.053972223,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.053972223] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1494 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1495 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1495 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1495 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.053972223,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.053972223,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.30861193,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.30861193] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1495 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466,
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1496 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1496 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1496 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.053972223,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.053972223,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.30861193,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.30861193] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1496 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1497 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1497 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1497 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.30861193,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.30861193,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.1900561,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.1900561] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1497 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1498 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1498 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1498 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.30861193,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.30861193,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.1900561,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.1900561] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1498 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1499 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1499 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1499 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.1900561,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.1900561,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 0.027059083,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.027059083] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1499 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1500 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1500 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1500 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.1900561,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.1900561,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 0.027059083,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.027059083] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1500 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991,
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1501 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1501 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1501 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 0.66303728,1.3550631 3.8818898 0.66303728,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 0.63060349,1.3077235 3.8814961 0.63060349] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1501 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1502 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1502 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1502 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 0.66303728,1.3550631 3.8818898 0.66303728,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 0.63060349,1.3077235 3.8814961 0.63060349] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1502 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314,
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1503 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1503 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1503 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 0.63060349,1.3077235 3.8814961 0.63060349,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 0.60231019,1.3487143 3.8814961 0.60231019] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1503 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943,
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1504 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1504 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1504 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 0.63060349,1.3077235 3.8814961 0.63060349,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 0.60231019,1.3487143 3.8814961 0.60231019] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1504 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1505 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1505 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1505 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 0.60231019,1.3487143 3.8814961 0.60231019,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.43462063,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.43462063] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1505 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122,
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1506 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1506 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1506 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 0.60231019,1.3487143 3.8814961 0.60231019,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.43462063,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.43462063] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1506 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1507 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1507 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1507 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.43462063,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.43462063,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.31744496,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.31744496] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1507 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1508 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1508 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1508 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.43462063,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.43462063,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.31744496,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.31744496] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1508 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1509 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1509 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1509 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.31744496,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.31744496,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 0.57208467,1.2225676 3.8814961 0.57208467] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1509 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1510 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1510 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1510 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.31744496,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.31744496,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 0.57208467,1.2225676 3.8814961 0.57208467] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1510 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525,
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1511 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1511 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1511 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 0.57208467,1.2225676 3.8814961 0.57208467,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.35277708,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.35277708] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1511 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1512 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1512 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1512 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 0.57208467,1.2225676 3.8814961 0.57208467,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.35277708,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.35277708] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1512 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363,
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1513 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1513 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1513 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.35277708,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.35277708,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.47147093,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.47147093] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1513 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1514 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1514 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1514 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.35277708,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.35277708,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.47147093,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.47147093] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1514 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1515 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1515 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1515 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.47147093,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.47147093,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 0.59126891,1.0777887 3.8814961 0.59126891] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1515 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509,
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1516 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1516 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1516 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.47147093,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.47147093,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 0.59126891,1.0777887 3.8814961 0.59126891] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1516 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1517 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1517 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1517 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 0.59126891,1.0777887 3.8814961 0.59126891,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.63626215] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1517 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747,-0.56586563 0 0.82449747,
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1518 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1518 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1518 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 0.59126891,1.0777887 3.8814961 0.59126891,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.63626215] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1518 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1519 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1519 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1519 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.79222035,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.67200832,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.79222035] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1519 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,-0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1520 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1520 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1520 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.79222035,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.67200832,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.79222035] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1520 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332,0.56741322 0 0.8234332,
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1521 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1521 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1521 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.79222035,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.79222035,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.909258,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.909258] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1521 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1522 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1522 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1522 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.79222035,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.79222035,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.909258,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.909258] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1522 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1523 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1523 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1523 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.909258,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.909258,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.68995042,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.68995042] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1523 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716,
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1524 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1524 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1524 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.909258,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.909258,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.68995042,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.68995042] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1524 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1525 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1525 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1525 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.68995042,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.68995042,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.94459012,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.94459012] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1525 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466,
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1526 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1526 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1526 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 0.68995042,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.68995042,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.94459012,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.94459012] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1526 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1527 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1527 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1527 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.94459012,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.94459012,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.82603429,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.82603429] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1527 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1528 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1528 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1528 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.94459012,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.94459012,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.82603429,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.82603429] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1528 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1529 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1529 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1529 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.82603429,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.82603429,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 0.66303728,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.66303728] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1529 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1530 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1530 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1530 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.82603429,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.82603429,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 0.66303728,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.66303728] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1530 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991,
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1531 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1531 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1531 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 1.2990155,1.3550631 3.8818898 1.2990155,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 1.2665817,1.3077235 3.8814961 1.2665817] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1531 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,
+ 0.56520113 0 -0.82495314,0.56520113 0 -0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1532 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1532 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1532 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3550631 3.8814961 1.2990155,1.3550631 3.8818898 1.2990155,
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 1.2665817,1.3077235 3.8814961 1.2665817] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1532 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314,
+ -0.56520113 0 0.82495314,-0.56520113 0 0.82495314] }
+DEF SHAPE_1533 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1533 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1533 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 1.2665817,1.3077235 3.8814961 1.2665817,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 1.2382884,1.3487143 3.8814961 1.2382884] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1533 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943,
+ 0.56805668 0 0.82298943,0.56805668 0 0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1534 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1534 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1534 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3077235 3.8818898 1.2665817,1.3077235 3.8814961 1.2665817,
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 1.2382884,1.3487143 3.8814961 1.2382884] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1534 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,
+ -0.56805668 0 -0.82298943,-0.56805668 0 -0.82298943] }
+DEF SHAPE_1535 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1535 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1535 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 1.2382884,1.3487143 3.8814961 1.2382884,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.0705988,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.0705988] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1535 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122,
+ 0.56724191 0 0.82355122,0.56724191 0 0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1536 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1536 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1536 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.3487143 3.8818898 1.2382884,1.3487143 3.8814961 1.2382884,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.0705988,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.0705988] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1536 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,
+ -0.56724191 0 -0.82355122,-0.56724191 0 -0.82355122] }
+DEF SHAPE_1537 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1537 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1537 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.0705988,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.0705988,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.95342316,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.95342316] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1537 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1538 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1538 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1538 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.0705988,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.0705988,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.95342316,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.95342316] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1538 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1539 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1539 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1539 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.95342316,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.95342316,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 1.2080629,1.2225676 3.8814961 1.2080629] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1539 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,
+ -0.56733767 0 -0.82348525,-0.56733767 0 -0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1540 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1540 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1540 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 0.95342316,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.95342316,
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 1.2080629,1.2225676 3.8814961 1.2080629] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1540 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525,
+ 0.56733767 0 0.82348525,0.56733767 0 0.82348525] }
+DEF SHAPE_1541 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1541 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1541 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 1.2080629,1.2225676 3.8814961 1.2080629,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.98875528,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.98875528] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1541 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,
+ 0.56607516 0 -0.82435363,0.56607516 0 -0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1542 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1542 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1542 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2225676 3.8818898 1.2080629,1.2225676 3.8814961 1.2080629,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.98875528,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.98875528] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1542 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363,
+ -0.56607516 0 0.82435363,-0.56607516 0 0.82435363] }
+DEF SHAPE_1543 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1543 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1543 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.98875528,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.98875528,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.1074491,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.1074491] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1543 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1544 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1544 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1544 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 0.98875528,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.98875528,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.1074491,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.1074491] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1544 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1545 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1545 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1545 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.1074491,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.1074491,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 1.2272471,1.0777887 3.8814961 1.2272471] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1545 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509,
+ -0.56578167 0 0.82455509,-0.56578167 0 0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1546 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1546 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1546 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.1074491,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.1074491,
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 1.2272471,1.0777887 3.8814961 1.2272471] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1546 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,
+ 0.56578167 0 -0.82455509,0.56578167 0 -0.82455509] }
+DEF SHAPE_1547 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1547 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1547 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 1.2272471,1.0777887 3.8814961 1.2272471,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 1.2722403] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1547 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747,-0.56586563 0 0.82449747,
+ -0.56586563 0 0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1548 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1548 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1548 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.0777887 3.8818898 1.2272471,1.0777887 3.8814961 1.2272471,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 1.2722403] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1548 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,0.56586563 0 -0.82449747,
+ 0.56586563 0 -0.82449747] }
+DEF SHAPE_1549 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1549 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1549 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.4281985,1.0776507 3.8816929 1.3079865,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 1.4281985] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1549 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,-0.56741322 0 -0.8234332,
+ -0.56741322 0 -0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1550 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1550 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1550 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.4281985,1.0776507 3.8816929 1.3079865,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 1.4281985] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1550 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332,0.56741322 0 0.8234332,
+ 0.56741322 0 0.8234332] }
+DEF SHAPE_1551 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1551 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1551 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.4281985,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.4281985,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.5452362,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.5452362] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1551 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1552 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1552 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1552 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.4281985,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.4281985,
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.5452362,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.5452362] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1552 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1553 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1553 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1553 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.5452362,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.5452362,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 1.3259286,1.2214635 3.8814961 1.3259286] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1553 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716,
+ 0.56740748 0 0.82343716,0.56740748 0 0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1554 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1554 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1554 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.90319834 3.8818898 1.5452362,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.5452362,
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 1.3259286,1.2214635 3.8814961 1.3259286] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1554 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,
+ -0.56740748 0 -0.82343716,-0.56740748 0 -0.82343716] }
+DEF SHAPE_1555 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1555 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1555 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 1.3259286,1.2214635 3.8814961 1.3259286,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.5805683,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.5805683] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1555 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466,
+ -0.56619015 0 0.82427466,-0.56619015 0 0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1556 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1556 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1556 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.2214635 3.8818898 1.3259286,1.2214635 3.8814961 1.3259286,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.5805683,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.5805683] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1556 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,
+ 0.56619015 0 -0.82427466,0.56619015 0 -0.82427466] }
+DEF SHAPE_1557 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1557 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1557 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.5805683,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.5805683,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.4620125,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.4620125] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1557 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1558 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1558 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1558 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.5805683,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.5805683,
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.4620125,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.4620125] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1558 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1559 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1559 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1559 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.4620125,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.4620125,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 1.2990155,1.3550631 3.8814961 1.2990155] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1559 Normal { vector [
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,
+ 0.56648811 0 -0.82406991,0.56648811 0 -0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1560 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1560 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1560 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8818898 1.4620125,1.5921747 3.8814961 1.4620125,
+ 1.3550631 3.8818898 1.2990155,1.3550631 3.8814961 1.2990155] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1560 Normal { vector [
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991,
+ -0.56648811 0 0.82406991,-0.56648811 0 0.82406991] }
+DEF SHAPE_1561 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1561 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1561 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.6652361,-1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.6652361,
+ -1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.3384139] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1561 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1562 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1562 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1562 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.6652361,-1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.6652361,
+ -1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.3384139] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1562 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1563 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1563 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1563 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.3384139,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.3384139] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1563 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1564 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1564 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1564 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.3384139,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.3384139] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1564 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1565 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1565 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1565 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.3384139,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.2412506] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1565 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1566 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1566 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1566 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.3384139,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.3384139,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.2412506] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1566 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1567 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1567 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1567 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.2412506,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.2412506] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1567 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1568 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1568 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1568 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.2412506,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.2412506] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1568 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1569 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1569 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1569 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.2412506,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.6652361,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.6652361] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1569 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1570 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1570 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1570 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.2412506,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.2412506,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.6652361,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.6652361] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1570 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1571 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1571 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1571 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.6652361,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.6652361,
+ -1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.6652361,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.6652361] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1571 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1572 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1572 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1572 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.6652361,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.6652361,
+ -1.1484551 3.8818898 -2.6652361,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.6652361] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1572 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1573 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1573 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1573 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.6924986,-1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.6924986,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.9861968,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.9861968] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1573 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1574 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1574 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1574 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.6924986,-1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.6924986,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.9861968,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.9861968] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1574 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1575 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1575 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1575 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.9861968,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.9861968,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.06459,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.06459] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1575 Normal { vector [
+ 0.346837 0 0.93792542,0.346837 0 0.93792542,
+ 0.346837 0 0.93792542,0.346837 0 0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1576 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1576 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1576 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.9861968,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.9861968,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.06459,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.06459] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1576 Normal { vector [
+ -0.346837 0 -0.93792542,-0.346837 0 -0.93792542,
+ -0.346837 0 -0.93792542,-0.346837 0 -0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1577 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1577 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1577 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.06459,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.06459,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.167688,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.167688] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1577 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1578 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1578 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1578 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.06459,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.06459,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.167688,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.167688] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1578 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1579 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1579 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1579 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.167688,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.167688,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.8941401,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.8941401] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1579 Normal { vector [
+ -0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,
+ -0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 -0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1580 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1580 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1580 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -2.167688,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.167688,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.8941401,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.8941401] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1580 Normal { vector [
+ 0.36901403 0 0.92942383,0.36901403 0 0.92942383,
+ 0.36901403 0 0.92942383,0.36901403 0 0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1581 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1581 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1581 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.8941401,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.8941401,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.7845553,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.7845553] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1581 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1582 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1582 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1582 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.8941401,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.8941401,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.7845553,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.7845553] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1582 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1583 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1583 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1583 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.7845553,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.7845553,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.5110074,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.5110074] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1583 Normal { vector [
+ -0.36901403 0 0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 0.92942383,
+ -0.36901403 0 0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1584 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1584 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1584 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 -1.7845553,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.7845553,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.5110074,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.5110074] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1584 Normal { vector [
+ 0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,
+ 0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,0.36901403 0 -0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1585 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1585 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1585 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.5110074,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.5110074,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.6141054,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.6141054] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1585 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1586 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1586 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1586 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.5110074,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.5110074,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.6141054,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.6141054] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1586 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1587 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1587 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1587 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.6141054,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.6141054,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.6924986,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.6924986] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1587 Normal { vector [
+ 0.346837 0 -0.93792542,0.346837 0 -0.93792542,
+ 0.346837 0 -0.93792542,0.346837 0 -0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1588 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1588 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1588 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.6141054,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.6141054,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 -1.6924986,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.6924986] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1588 Normal { vector [
+ -0.346837 0 0.93792542,-0.346837 0 0.93792542,
+ -0.346837 0 0.93792542,-0.346837 0 0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1589 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1589 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1589 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 1.381396,-1.2809505 3.8818898 1.381396,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 1.0876978,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.0876978] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1589 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1590 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1590 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1590 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 1.381396,-1.2809505 3.8818898 1.381396,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 1.0876978,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.0876978] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1590 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1591 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1591 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1591 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 1.0876978,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.0876978,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.0093046,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.0093046] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1591 Normal { vector [
+ 0.346837 0 0.93792542,0.346837 0 0.93792542,
+ 0.346837 0 0.93792542,0.346837 0 0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1592 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1592 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1592 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 1.0876978,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.0876978,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.0093046,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.0093046] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1592 Normal { vector [
+ -0.346837 0 -0.93792542,-0.346837 0 -0.93792542,
+ -0.346837 0 -0.93792542,-0.346837 0 -0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1593 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1593 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1593 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.0093046,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.0093046,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.90620659,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.90620659] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1593 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1594 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1594 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1594 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.0093046,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.0093046,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.90620659,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.90620659] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1594 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1595 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1595 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1595 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.90620659,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.90620659,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.1797545,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.1797545] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1595 Normal { vector [
+ -0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,
+ -0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 -0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1596 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1596 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1596 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.90620659,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.90620659,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.1797545,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.1797545] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1596 Normal { vector [
+ 0.36901403 0 0.92942383,0.36901403 0 0.92942383,
+ 0.36901403 0 0.92942383,0.36901403 0 0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1597 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1597 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1597 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.1797545,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.1797545,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.2893393,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.2893393] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1597 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1598 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1598 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1598 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.1797545,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.1797545,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.2893393,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.2893393] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1598 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1599 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1599 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1599 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.2893393,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.2893393,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.5628872,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.5628872] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1599 Normal { vector [
+ -0.36901403 0 0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 0.92942383,
+ -0.36901403 0 0.92942383,-0.36901403 0 0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1600 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1600 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1600 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.2893393,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.2893393,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.5628872,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.5628872] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1600 Normal { vector [
+ 0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,
+ 0.36901403 0 -0.92942383,0.36901403 0 -0.92942383] }
+DEF SHAPE_1601 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1601 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1601 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.5628872,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.5628872,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.4597892,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.4597892] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1601 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1602 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1602 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1602 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.5628872,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.5628872,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.4597892,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.4597892] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1602 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1603 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1603 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1603 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.4597892,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.4597892,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 1.381396,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.381396] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1603 Normal { vector [
+ 0.346837 0 -0.93792542,0.346837 0 -0.93792542,
+ 0.346837 0 -0.93792542,0.346837 0 -0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1604 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1604 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1604 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.4597892,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.4597892,
+ -1.2809505 3.8818898 1.381396,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.381396] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1604 Normal { vector [
+ -0.346837 0 0.93792542,-0.346837 0 0.93792542,
+ -0.346837 0 0.93792542,-0.346837 0 0.93792542] }
+DEF SHAPE_1605 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1605 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1605 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5844479 3.8814961 2.0026065,-1.5844479 3.8818898 2.0026065,
+ -1.6747105 3.8818898 1.9765215,-1.6747105 3.8814961 1.9765215] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1605 Normal { vector [
+ 0.27763004 0 -0.96068807,0.27763004 0 -0.96068807,
+ 0.27763004 0 -0.96068807,0.27763004 0 -0.96068807] }
+DEF SHAPE_1606 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1606 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1606 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5844479 3.8814961 2.0026065,-1.5844479 3.8818898 2.0026065,
+ -1.6747105 3.8818898 1.9765215,-1.6747105 3.8814961 1.9765215] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1606 Normal { vector [
+ -0.27763004 0 0.96068807,-0.27763004 0 0.96068807,
+ -0.27763004 0 0.96068807,-0.27763004 0 0.96068807] }
+DEF SHAPE_1607 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1607 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1607 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6747105 3.8818898 1.9765215,-1.6747105 3.8814961 1.9765215,
+ -1.5954892 3.8818898 1.9548529,-1.5954892 3.8814961 1.9548529] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1607 Normal { vector [
+ 0.26382829 0 0.96456966,0.26382829 0 0.96456966,
+ 0.26382829 0 0.96456966,0.26382829 0 0.96456966] }
+DEF SHAPE_1608 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1608 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1608 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6747105 3.8818898 1.9765215,-1.6747105 3.8814961 1.9765215,
+ -1.5954892 3.8818898 1.9548529,-1.5954892 3.8814961 1.9548529] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1608 Normal { vector [
+ -0.26382829 0 -0.96456966,-0.26382829 0 -0.96456966,
+ -0.26382829 0 -0.96456966,-0.26382829 0 -0.96456966] }
+DEF SHAPE_1609 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1609 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1609 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5954892 3.8818898 1.9548529,-1.5954892 3.8814961 1.9548529,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.8109021,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.8109021] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1609 Normal { vector [
+ 0.2637164 0 0.96460026,0.2637164 0 0.96460026,
+ 0.2637164 0 0.96460026,0.2637164 0 0.96460026] }
+DEF SHAPE_1610 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1610 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1610 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5954892 3.8818898 1.9548529,-1.5954892 3.8814961 1.9548529,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.8109021,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.8109021] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1610 Normal { vector [
+ -0.2637164 0 -0.96460026,-0.2637164 0 -0.96460026,
+ -0.2637164 0 -0.96460026,-0.2637164 0 -0.96460026] }
+DEF SHAPE_1611 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1611 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1611 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.8109021,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.8109021,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.7040777,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.7040777] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1611 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1612 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1612 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1612 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.8109021,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.8109021,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.7040777,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.7040777] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1612 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1613 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1613 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1613 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.7040777,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.7040777,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.5304534,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.5304534] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1613 Normal { vector [
+ 0.24436341 0 -0.96968372,0.24436341 0 -0.96968372,
+ 0.24436341 0 -0.96968372,0.24436341 0 -0.96968372] }
+DEF SHAPE_1614 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1614 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1614 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 1.7040777,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.7040777,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.5304534,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.5304534] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1614 Normal { vector [
+ -0.24436341 0 0.96968372,-0.24436341 0 0.96968372,
+ -0.24436341 0 0.96968372,-0.24436341 0 0.96968372] }
+DEF SHAPE_1615 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1615 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1615 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.5304534,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.5304534,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.6307911,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.6307911] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1615 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1616 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1616 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1616 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.5304534,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.5304534,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.6307911,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.6307911] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1616 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1617 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1617 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1617 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.6307911,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.6307911,
+ -1.3074496 3.8818898 1.732509,-1.3074496 3.8814961 1.732509] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1617 Normal { vector [
+ -0.2202517 0 0.97544307,-0.2202517 0 0.97544307,
+ -0.2202517 0 0.97544307,-0.2202517 0 0.97544307] }
+DEF SHAPE_1618 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1618 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1618 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.6307911,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.6307911,
+ -1.3074496 3.8818898 1.732509,-1.3074496 3.8814961 1.732509] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1618 Normal { vector [
+ 0.2202517 0 -0.97544307,0.2202517 0 -0.97544307,
+ 0.2202517 0 -0.97544307,0.2202517 0 -0.97544307] }
+DEF SHAPE_1619 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1619 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1619 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3074496 3.8818898 1.732509,-1.3074496 3.8814961 1.732509,
+ -1.165293 3.8816929 1.7645287] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1619 Normal { vector [
+ -0.21973757 0 0.97555902,-0.21973757 0 0.97555902,
+ -0.21973757 0 0.97555902] }
+DEF SHAPE_1620 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1620 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1620 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3074496 3.8818898 1.732509,-1.3074496 3.8814961 1.732509,
+ -1.165293 3.8816929 1.7645287] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1620 Normal { vector [
+ 0.21973757 0 -0.97555902,0.21973757 0 -0.97555902,
+ 0.21973757 0 -0.97555902] }
+DEF SHAPE_1621 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1621 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1621 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.9177266,-1.4127559 3.8816929 1.8193211,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 1.9177266] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1621 Normal { vector [
+ -0.27416244 0 -0.9616834,-0.27416244 0 -0.9616834,
+ -0.27416244 0 -0.9616834] }
+DEF SHAPE_1622 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1622 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1622 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.9177266,-1.4127559 3.8816929 1.8193211,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 1.9177266] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1622 Normal { vector [
+ 0.27416244 0 0.9616834,0.27416244 0 0.9616834,
+ 0.27416244 0 0.9616834] }
+DEF SHAPE_1623 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1623 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1623 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.9177266,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.9177266,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.0346262,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.0346262] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1623 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1624 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1624 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1624 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 1.9177266,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.9177266,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.0346262,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.0346262] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1624 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1625 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1625 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1625 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.0346262,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.0346262,
+ -1.2877133 3.8818898 2.1707101,-1.2877133 3.8814961 2.1707101] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1625 Normal { vector [
+ -0.27799646 0 0.9605821,-0.27799646 0 0.9605821,
+ -0.27799646 0 0.9605821,-0.27799646 0 0.9605821] }
+DEF SHAPE_1626 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1626 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1626 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.0346262,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.0346262,
+ -1.2877133 3.8818898 2.1707101,-1.2877133 3.8814961 2.1707101] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1626 Normal { vector [
+ 0.27799646 0 -0.9605821,0.27799646 0 -0.9605821,
+ 0.27799646 0 -0.9605821,0.27799646 0 -0.9605821] }
+DEF SHAPE_1627 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1627 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1627 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2877133 3.8818898 2.1707101,-1.2877133 3.8814961 2.1707101,
+ -1.165293 3.8818898 2.2061802,-1.165293 3.8814961 2.2061802] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.27829471 0 0.96049573,-0.27829471 0 0.96049573,
+ -0.27829471 0 0.96049573,-0.27829471 0 0.96049573] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1628 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ -1.2877133 3.8818898 2.1707101,-1.2877133 3.8814961 2.1707101,
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1628 Normal { vector [
+ 0.27829471 0 -0.96049573,0.27829471 0 -0.96049573,
+ 0.27829471 0 -0.96049573,0.27829471 0 -0.96049573] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1629 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1629 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.165293 3.8818898 2.2061802,-1.165293 3.8814961 2.2061802,
+ -1.3048273 3.8818898 2.2376479,-1.3048273 3.8814961 2.2376479] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1629 Normal { vector [
+ -0.21999433 0 -0.97550115,-0.21999433 0 -0.97550115,
+ -0.21999433 0 -0.97550115,-0.21999433 0 -0.97550115] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1630 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1630 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.165293 3.8818898 2.2061802,-1.165293 3.8814961 2.2061802,
+ -1.3048273 3.8818898 2.2376479,-1.3048273 3.8814961 2.2376479] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1630 Normal { vector [
+ 0.21999433 0 0.97550115,0.21999433 0 0.97550115,
+ 0.21999433 0 0.97550115,0.21999433 0 0.97550115] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1631 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1631 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3048273 3.8818898 2.2376479,-1.3048273 3.8814961 2.2376479,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.3399179,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.3399179] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
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+ -0.22016967 0 -0.97546159,-0.22016967 0 -0.97546159,
+ -0.22016967 0 -0.97546159,-0.22016967 0 -0.97546159] }
+DEF SHAPE_1632 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1632 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1632 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3048273 3.8818898 2.2376479,-1.3048273 3.8814961 2.2376479,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.3399179,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.3399179] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
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+ 0.22016967 0 0.97546159,0.22016967 0 0.97546159,
+ 0.22016967 0 0.97546159,0.22016967 0 0.97546159] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1633 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1633 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.3399179,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.3399179,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.4402556,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.4402556] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1633 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1634 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1634 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.3399179,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.3399179,
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.4402556,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.4402556] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1634 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1635 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1635 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1635 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.4402556,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.4402556,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.2667693,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.2667693] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
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+ 0.24418075 0 0.96972974,0.24418075 0 0.96972974,
+ 0.24418075 0 0.96972974,0.24418075 0 0.96972974] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1636 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1636 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7579342 3.8818898 2.4402556,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.4402556,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.2667693,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.2667693] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_1636 Normal { vector [
+ -0.24418075 0 -0.96972974,-0.24418075 0 -0.96972974,
+ -0.24418075 0 -0.96972974,-0.24418075 0 -0.96972974] }
+DEF SHAPE_1637 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1637 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1637 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.2667693,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.2667693,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.1518019,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.1518019] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1637 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1638 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1638 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1638 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.2667693,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.2667693,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.1518019,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.1518019] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1638 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1639 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1639 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1639 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.1518019,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.1518019,
+ -1.5844479 3.8818898 2.0026065,-1.5844479 3.8814961 2.0026065] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_1639 Normal { vector [
+ 0.27801436 0 -0.96057692,0.27801436 0 -0.96057692,
+ 0.27801436 0 -0.96057692,0.27801436 0 -0.96057692] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1640 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1640 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 2.1518019,-1.0689578 3.8814961 2.1518019,
+ -1.5844479 3.8818898 2.0026065,-1.5844479 3.8814961 2.0026065] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1640 Normal { vector [
+ -0.27801436 0 0.96057692,-0.27801436 0 0.96057692,
+ -0.27801436 0 0.96057692,-0.27801436 0 0.96057692] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1641 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1641 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2694952 3.8818898 0.42632461,-1.2130509 3.8818898 0.43334724,
+ -1.1860906 3.8818898 0.4422722,-1.1608448 3.8818898 0.45524109,
+ -1.1350222 3.8818898 0.47387389,-1.1052341 3.8818898 0.50441248,
+ -1.0802546 3.8818898 0.54529458,-1.0656098 3.8818898 0.59074049,
+ -1.0614636 3.8818825 0.61880168,-1.0601248 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.2694952 3.8814961 0.42632461,-1.213203 3.8814961 0.43320042,
+ -1.170362 3.8814961 0.4497884,-1.1351593 3.8814961 0.47371024,
+ -1.1053787 3.8814961 0.50414147,-1.0827093 3.8814961 0.54016323,
+ -1.0681505 3.8814961 0.58016199,-1.0619615 3.8814961 0.61338884] }
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+ 11,10,0,-1,1,11,0,-1,2,11,1,-1,12,11,2,-1,13,12,3,-1,4,13,3,-1,14,13,4,-1,5,14,4,-1,
+ 15,14,5,-1,16,15,6,-1,17,16,7,-1,9,17,8,-1,3,12,2,-1,6,15,5,-1,7,16,6,-1,8,17,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1641 Normal { vector [
+ 0.12079256 0.15936405 -0.97980215,0.18019238 0.2818314 -0.94239152,
+ 0.25288111 -0.73887115 -0.62459633,0.48585816 -0.44050612 -0.7549147,
+ 0.67608505 0.13008126 -0.72525021,0.68898224 0.52794106 -0.49656995,
+ 0.71436854 0.62912308 -0.30640126,0.80730618 0.55899037 -0.18917319,
+ 0.99291456 0.06961423 -0.096304396,0 0 1,
+ 0.12124396 0 -0.99262274,0.17310281 -0.57205224 -0.80174288,
+ 0.22295755 -0.87455912 -0.43062313,0.50671442 -0.58804329 -0.63043286,
+ 0.75850702 0.1051251 -0.6431297,0.87830692 0.10068227 -0.46737569,
+ 0.95651638 -0.060802726 -0.28527083,0.89456818 -0.43166115 -0.11582931] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1642 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1642 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2694952 3.8818898 0.42632461,-1.2130509 3.8818898 0.43334724,
+ -1.1860906 3.8818898 0.4422722,-1.1608448 3.8818898 0.45524109,
+ -1.1350222 3.8818898 0.47387389,-1.1052341 3.8818898 0.50441248,
+ -1.0802546 3.8818898 0.54529458,-1.0656098 3.8818898 0.59074049,
+ -1.0614636 3.8818825 0.61880168,-1.0601248 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.2694952 3.8814961 0.42632461,-1.213203 3.8814961 0.43320042,
+ -1.170362 3.8814961 0.4497884,-1.1351593 3.8814961 0.47371024,
+ -1.1053787 3.8814961 0.50414147,-1.0827093 3.8814961 0.54016323,
+ -1.0681505 3.8814961 0.58016199,-1.0619615 3.8814961 0.61338884] }
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+ 10,11,0,-1,11,1,0,-1,11,2,1,-1,11,12,2,-1,12,13,3,-1,13,4,3,-1,13,14,4,-1,14,5,4,-1,
+ 14,15,5,-1,15,16,6,-1,16,17,7,-1,17,9,8,-1,12,3,2,-1,15,6,5,-1,16,7,6,-1,17,8,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1642 Normal { vector [
+ -0.12079256 -0.15936405 0.97980215,-0.18019238 -0.2818314 0.94239152,
+ -0.25288111 0.73887115 0.62459633,-0.48585816 0.44050612 0.7549147,
+ -0.67608505 -0.13008126 0.72525021,-0.68898224 -0.52794106 0.49656995,
+ -0.71436854 -0.62912308 0.30640126,-0.80730618 -0.55899037 0.18917319,
+ -0.99291456 -0.06961423 0.096304396,0 0 1,
+ -0.12124396 0 0.99262274,-0.17310281 0.57205224 0.80174288,
+ -0.22295755 0.87455912 0.43062313,-0.50671442 0.58804329 0.63043286,
+ -0.75850702 -0.1051251 0.6431297,-0.87830692 -0.10068227 0.46737569,
+ -0.95651638 0.060802726 0.28527083,-0.89456818 0.43166115 0.11582931] }
+DEF SHAPE_1643 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1643 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1643 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4468459 3.8814961 0.55495561,-1.4468459 3.8818898 0.55495561,
+ -1.5819636 3.8816929 0.4528237,-1.5518326 3.8818898 0.45560891,
+ -1.523009 3.8818898 0.46487854,-1.4972023 3.8818898 0.48065752,
+ -1.4756766 3.8818898 0.50192194,-1.4591309 3.8818898 0.52727381,
+ -1.5518326 3.8814961 0.45560891,-1.523009 3.8814961 0.46487854,
+ -1.4972023 3.8814961 0.48065752,-1.4756766 3.8814961 0.50192194,
+ -1.4591309 3.8814961 0.52727381] }
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+ 3,8,2,-1,4,9,8,-1,4,8,3,-1,5,10,9,-1,5,9,4,-1,6,11,10,-1,6,10,5,-1,7,12,11,-1,
+ 7,11,6,-1,1,0,12,-1,1,12,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1643 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.91403221 0 -0.40564161,
+ 0 0 1,0.20033138 0 -0.9797282,
+ 0.38032244 0 -0.92485396,0.58548888 0 -0.81068044,
+ 0.75147003 0 -0.65976723,0.86544826 0 -0.50099831,
+ 0.23606942 0 -0.97173619,0.45260776 0 -0.89170971,
+ 0.64622202 0 -0.76314946,0.79658109 0 -0.60453169,
+ 0.89105485 0 -0.45389563] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1644 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1644 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4468459 3.8814961 0.55495561,-1.4468459 3.8818898 0.55495561,
+ -1.5819636 3.8816929 0.4528237,-1.5518326 3.8818898 0.45560891,
+ -1.523009 3.8818898 0.46487854,-1.4972023 3.8818898 0.48065752,
+ -1.4756766 3.8818898 0.50192194,-1.4591309 3.8818898 0.52727381,
+ -1.5518326 3.8814961 0.45560891,-1.523009 3.8814961 0.46487854,
+ -1.4972023 3.8814961 0.48065752,-1.4756766 3.8814961 0.50192194,
+ -1.4591309 3.8814961 0.52727381] }
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+ 8,3,2,-1,9,4,8,-1,8,4,3,-1,10,5,9,-1,9,5,4,-1,11,6,10,-1,10,6,5,-1,12,7,11,-1,
+ 11,7,6,-1,0,1,12,-1,12,1,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1644 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.91403221 0 0.40564161,
+ 0 0 1,-0.20033138 0 0.9797282,
+ -0.38032244 0 0.92485396,-0.58548888 0 0.81068044,
+ -0.75147003 0 0.65976723,-0.86544826 0 0.50099831,
+ -0.23606942 0 0.97173619,-0.45260776 0 0.89170971,
+ -0.64622202 0 0.76314946,-0.79658109 0 0.60453169,
+ -0.89105485 0 0.45389563] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1645 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1645 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 0.23199794,-1.0689578 3.8818898 0.23199794,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.14366763,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.14366763] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1645 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1646 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1646 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 0.23199794,-1.0689578 3.8818898 0.23199794,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.14366763,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.14366763] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1646 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1647 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1647 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1647 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.14366763,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.14366763,
+ -1.2562456 3.8816929 0.11316607] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1647 Normal { vector [
+ 0.16074151 0 -0.98699654,0.16074151 0 -0.98699654,
+ 0.16074151 0 -0.98699654] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1648 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1648 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.14366763,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.14366763,
+ -1.2562456 3.8816929 0.11316607] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1648 Normal { vector [
+ -0.16074151 0 0.98699654,-0.16074151 0 0.98699654,
+ -0.16074151 0 0.98699654] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1649 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1649 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -0.10365722,-1.6776088 3.8816929 -0.10365722,
+ -1.7491011 3.8814961 -0.10365722] }
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+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1649 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1650 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1650 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -0.10365722,-1.6776088 3.8816929 -0.10365722,
+ -1.7491011 3.8814961 -0.10365722] }
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+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1650 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1651 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1651 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -0.10365722,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -0.10365722,
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.7491011 3.8814961 0.3379943] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1651 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1652 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1652 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1652 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -0.10365722,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -0.10365722,
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.7491011 3.8814961 0.3379943] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1652 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1653 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1653 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.7491011 3.8814961 0.3379943,
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.6607708 3.8814961 0.3379943] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1653 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1654 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1654 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.7491011 3.8814961 0.3379943,
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.6607708 3.8814961 0.3379943] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1654 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1655 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1655 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1655 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.6607708 3.8814961 0.3379943,
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 -0.015326917,-1.6607708 3.8814961 -0.015326917] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1655 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1656 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1656 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1656 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 0.3379943,-1.6607708 3.8814961 0.3379943,
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 -0.015326917,-1.6607708 3.8814961 -0.015326917] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1656 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1657 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1657 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1657 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 -0.015326917,-1.6607708 3.8814961 -0.015326917,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.23199794,-1.2826358 3.8818898 0.19370697,
+ -1.4828381 3.8818898 0.10924158,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.23199794,
+ -1.2823562 3.8814961 0.19361357,-1.4826244 3.8814961 0.10930174] }
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+ 6,5,2,-1,3,6,2,-1,7,6,3,-1,4,7,3,-1,1,7,4,-1,0,1,4,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_1657 Normal { vector [
+ -0.57351048 0 0.81919822,-0.57090999 -0.092578762 0.81577629,
+ -0.1739301 -0.17668012 0.96877885,-0.30521751 -0.29556903 0.90525202,
+ -0.51249241 -0.085483502 0.85442618,-0.17703085 0 0.9842053,
+ -0.23897704 -0.27503469 0.93126038,-0.43861931 -0.24373912 0.86498806] }
+DEF SHAPE_1658 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1658 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1658 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6607708 3.8818898 -0.015326917,-1.6607708 3.8814961 -0.015326917,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 0.23199794,-1.2826358 3.8818898 0.19370697,
+ -1.4828381 3.8818898 0.10924158,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.23199794,
+ -1.2823562 3.8814961 0.19361357,-1.4826244 3.8814961 0.10930174] }
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+ 5,6,2,-1,6,3,2,-1,6,7,3,-1,7,4,3,-1,7,1,4,-1,1,0,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1658 Normal { vector [
+ 0.57351048 0 -0.81919822,0.57090999 0.092578762 -0.81577629,
+ 0.1739301 0.17668012 -0.96877885,0.30521751 0.29556903 -0.90525202,
+ 0.51249241 0.085483502 -0.85442618,0.17703085 0 -0.9842053,
+ 0.23897704 0.27503469 -0.93126038,0.43861931 0.24373912 -0.86498806] }
+DEF SHAPE_1659 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1659 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1659 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.0752906,-1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.0752906,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.1636209] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1659 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1660 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1660 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1660 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.0752906,-1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.0752906,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.1636209] }
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+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1660 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1661 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1661 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1661 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.1636209,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.1636209] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1661 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1662 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1662 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1662 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.1636209,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.1636209] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1662 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1663 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1663 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1663 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.1636209,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1663 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1664 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1664 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1664 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.1636209,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.1636209,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1664 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1665 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1665 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1665 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1665 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1666 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1666 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1666 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1667 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1667 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1667 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0134594,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0134594] }
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1667 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1668 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1668 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1668 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0134594,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0134594] }
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+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1668 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1669 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1669 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1669 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0134594,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0134594,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.68663723] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1669 Normal { vector [
+ -0.61050786 0 0.7920102,-0.61050786 0 0.7920102,
+ -0.61050786 0 0.7920102,-0.61050786 0 0.7920102] }
+DEF SHAPE_1670 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1670 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1670 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.7491011 3.8818898 -1.0134594,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0134594,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.68663723] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1670 Normal { vector [
+ 0.61050786 0 -0.7920102,0.61050786 0 -0.7920102,
+ 0.61050786 0 -0.7920102,0.61050786 0 -0.7920102] }
+DEF SHAPE_1671 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1671 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1671 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.68663723,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.68663723] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1671 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1672 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1672 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1672 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.68663723,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.68663723] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1672 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1673 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1673 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1673 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.68663723,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1673 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1674 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1674 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1674 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.68663723,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.68663723,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1674 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1675 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1675 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1675 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1675 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1676 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1676 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1676 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1676 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1677 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1677 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1677 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1677 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1678 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1678 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1678 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1678 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1679 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1679 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1679 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1679 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1680 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1680 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1680 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.2367854 3.8818898 -1.0752906,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.0752906] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1680 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1681 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1681 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1681 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.490443,-1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.490443,
+ -1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.2342851] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1681 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1682 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1682 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1682 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.490443,-1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.490443,
+ -1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.2342851] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1682 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1683 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1683 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1683 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.2342851,
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.2342851] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1683 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1684 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1684 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1684 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.2342851,
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.2342851] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1684 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1685 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1685 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1685 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.2342851,
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.490443,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.490443] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1685 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1686 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1686 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1686 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.2342851,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.2342851,
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.490443,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.490443] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1686 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1687 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1687 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1687 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.490443,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.490443,
+ -1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.490443,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.490443] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1687 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1688 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1688 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1688 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2721175 3.8818898 -1.490443,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.490443,
+ -1.3516148 3.8818898 -1.490443,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.490443] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1688 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1689 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1689 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1689 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9094488 3.8814961 2.6574803,1.9094488 3.8818898 2.6574803,
+ 1.8330259 3.8814961 2.6675416,1.761811 3.8814961 2.6970397,
+ 1.7006574 3.8814961 2.7439645,1.6537327 3.8814961 2.8051181,
+ 1.6242345 3.8814961 2.876333,1.6141732 3.8814961 2.9527559,
+ 1.6242345 3.8814961 3.0291789,1.6537327 3.8814961 3.1003937,
+ 1.7006574 3.8814961 3.1615473,1.761811 3.8814961 3.2084721,
+ 1.8330259 3.8814961 3.2379702,1.9094488 3.8814961 3.2480315,
+ 1.9094488 3.8818898 3.2480315,1.8330259 3.8818898 3.2379702,
+ 1.761811 3.8818898 3.2084721,1.7006574 3.8818898 3.1615473,
+ 1.6537327 3.8818898 3.1003937,1.6242345 3.8818898 3.0291789,
+ 1.6141732 3.8818898 2.9527559,1.6242345 3.8818898 2.876333,
+ 1.6537327 3.8818898 2.8051181,1.7006574 3.8818898 2.7439645,
+ 1.761811 3.8818898 2.6970397,1.8330259 3.8818898 2.6675416] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 25,1,0,-1,25,0,2,-1,24,2,3,-1,24,25,2,-1,23,3,4,-1,23,24,3,-1,22,4,5,-1,22,23,4,-1,
+ 21,5,6,-1,21,22,5,-1,20,6,7,-1,20,21,6,-1,19,7,8,-1,19,20,7,-1,18,8,9,-1,18,19,8,-1,
+ 17,9,10,-1,17,18,9,-1,16,10,11,-1,16,17,10,-1,15,11,12,-1,15,16,11,-1,14,12,13,-1,14,15,12,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1689 Normal { vector [
+ -0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,-0.13052619 0 -0.99144486,
+ -0.30091828 0 -0.95364993,-0.5374875 0 -0.84327172,
+ -0.73742784 0 -0.67542593,-0.88711369 0 -0.46155098,
+ -0.9763442 0 -0.21622209,-0.99903848 0 0.04384197,
+ -0.95364993 0 0.30091828,-0.84327172 0 0.5374875,
+ -0.67542593 0 0.73742784,-0.46155098 0 0.88711369,
+ -0.21622209 0 0.9763442,-0.13052619 0 0.99144486,
+ -0.13052619 0 0.99144486,-0.30091828 0 0.95364993,
+ -0.5374875 0 0.84327172,-0.73742784 0 0.67542593,
+ -0.88711369 0 0.46155098,-0.9763442 0 0.21622209,
+ -0.99903848 0 -0.04384197,-0.95364993 0 -0.30091828,
+ -0.84327172 0 -0.5374875,-0.67542593 0 -0.73742784,
+ -0.46155098 0 -0.88711369,-0.21622209 0 -0.9763442] }
+DEF SHAPE_1690 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1690 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1690 Coordinate { point [
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+ 1.9094488 3.8818898 3.2480315,1.8330259 3.8818898 3.2379702,
+ 1.761811 3.8818898 3.2084721,1.7006574 3.8818898 3.1615473,
+ 1.6537327 3.8818898 3.1003937,1.6242345 3.8818898 3.0291789,
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+ 1.761811 3.8818898 2.6970397,1.8330259 3.8818898 2.6675416] }
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+ 0.84327172 0 0.5374875,0.67542593 0 0.73742784,
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1692 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.69411377,-0.52924296 3.8818898 0.69411377,
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+ 0 0 1,-0.48078562 -0.7249445 0.49325516,
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+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.69411377,-0.55187259 3.8814961 0.68074339,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ -0.60624296 3.8814961 0.67511377,-0.60624296 3.8818898 0.67511377,
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+ -0.53786104 3.8818898 0.68818757,-0.52924296 3.8818898 0.69411377,
+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.69411377,-0.55187259 3.8814961 0.68074339,
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+ -0.5990612 3.8814961 0.67320918] }
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+ 12,1,0,-1,2,1,12,-1,5,4,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.1476921 0.70826855 0.69032072,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.62874296 3.8814961 0.70661377,-0.62874296 3.8818898 0.70661377,
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+ -0.61752074 3.8818898 0.68205821,-0.612307 3.8818898 0.67793055,
+ -0.60624296 3.8818898 0.67511377,-0.60624296 3.8814961 0.67511377,
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+ -0.62599252 3.8814961 0.69598909] }
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+ 1,2,10,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1696 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1696 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.62874296 3.8814961 0.70661377,-0.62874296 3.8818898 0.70661377,
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+ -0.60624296 3.8818898 0.67511377,-0.60624296 3.8814961 0.67511377,
+ -0.6147096 3.8814961 0.67958741,-0.62137425 3.8814961 0.68674896,
+ -0.62599252 3.8814961 0.69598909] }
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+ 2,1,10,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1697 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ -0.60424296 3.8814961 0.77461377,-0.60424296 3.8818898 0.77461377,
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+ -0.61104803 3.8814961 0.76874259] }
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+ 2,3,10,-1,3,4,9,-1,4,5,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.67193376 0.5225319 0.524848,-0.81757315 0.45424449 0.3538871,
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+ -0.86659516 0.15754145 0.47349078,0 0 1,
+ -0.60081596 0.50616664 0.61872087] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1698 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.60424296 3.8814961 0.77461377,-0.60424296 3.8818898 0.77461377,
+ -0.61638515 3.8818898 0.76289799,-0.62502539 3.8818898 0.74903874,
+ -0.62981848 3.8818898 0.73347536,-0.63066039 3.8818898 0.72032873,
+ -0.62874296 3.8818898 0.70661377,-0.62874296 3.8814961 0.70661377,
+ -0.63069757 3.8814961 0.72396826,-0.62869348 3.8814961 0.73873347,
+ -0.62405752 3.8814961 0.75105569,-0.6169286 3.8814961 0.76222019,
+ -0.61104803 3.8814961 0.76874259] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,4,3,9,-1,5,4,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.67193376 -0.5225319 -0.524848,0.81757315 -0.45424449 -0.3538871,
+ 0.94396703 -0.2853327 -0.16586589,0.98401709 0.16481176 0.067434762,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.89271987 0.45026902 -0.017579556,0.96444413 0.0548487 -0.25853266,
+ 0.86659516 -0.15754145 -0.47349078,0 0 1,
+ 0.60081596 -0.50616664 -0.61872087] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1699 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.79111377,-0.52924296 3.8818898 0.79111377,
+ -0.55328646 3.8818898 0.79309377,-0.57741096 3.8818898 0.78913377,
+ -0.59197896 3.8818898 0.78319377,-0.60424296 3.8818898 0.77461377,
+ -0.60424296 3.8814961 0.77461377,-0.59219379 3.8814961 0.78307836,
+ -0.5778987 3.8814961 0.78898598,-0.5622499 3.8814961 0.79233663,
+ -0.54613958 3.8814961 0.7931303,-0.53755807 3.8814961 0.7924952] }
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+ 7,5,6,-1,4,5,7,-1,8,4,7,-1,3,4,8,-1,9,3,8,-1,10,2,9,-1,1,11,0,-1,1,2,10,-1,
+ 1,10,11,-1,2,3,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.058276711 0.80013629 0.59698052,
+ -0.029394362 0.73150866 0.68119824,-0.18630565 0.61767737 0.76404507,
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+ -0.32307988 -0.016986606 0.94621924,-0.12755023 0.45843511 0.87952725,
+ 0.02831131 0.65220173 0.75751658,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.79111377,-0.52924296 3.8818898 0.79111377,
+ -0.55328646 3.8818898 0.79309377,-0.57741096 3.8818898 0.78913377,
+ -0.59197896 3.8818898 0.78319377,-0.60424296 3.8818898 0.77461377,
+ -0.60424296 3.8814961 0.77461377,-0.59219379 3.8814961 0.78307836,
+ -0.5778987 3.8814961 0.78898598,-0.5622499 3.8814961 0.79233663,
+ -0.54613958 3.8814961 0.7931303,-0.53755807 3.8814961 0.7924952] }
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+ 10,1,11,-1,3,2,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.058276711 -0.80013629 -0.59698052,
+ 0.029394362 -0.73150866 -0.68119824,0.18630565 -0.61767737 -0.76404507,
+ 0.44441826 -0.043746277 -0.89475062,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.51100707 -0.0026766776 -0.85957234,
+ 0.32307988 0.016986606 -0.94621924,0.12755023 -0.45843511 -0.87952725,
+ -0.02831131 -0.65220173 -0.75751658,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.49774296 3.8814961 0.75511377,-0.49774296 3.8818898 0.75511377,
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+ -0.52013152 3.8818898 0.78616753,-0.52924296 3.8818898 0.79111377,
+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.79111377,-0.51729364 3.8814961 0.78413444,
+ -0.50839518 3.8814961 0.77522837,-0.50255726 3.8814961 0.76598917] }
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+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,3,7,-1,9,2,8,-1,1,9,0,-1,1,2,9,-1,2,3,8,-1,3,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.76307026 0.44965393 0.46425761,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.53832618 -0.4772722 0.69456186,
+ 0 0 1,0.87304414 0.2038586 0.44298487] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.49774296 3.8814961 0.75511377,-0.49774296 3.8818898 0.75511377,
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+ -0.52013152 3.8818898 0.78616753,-0.52924296 3.8818898 0.79111377,
+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.79111377,-0.51729364 3.8814961 0.78413444,
+ -0.50839518 3.8814961 0.77522837,-0.50255726 3.8814961 0.76598917] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,3,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.76307026 -0.44965393 -0.46425761,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.53832618 0.4772722 -0.69456186,
+ 0 0 1,-0.87304414 -0.2038586 -0.44298487] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1703 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.49724296 3.8818898 0.74611377,-0.49724296 3.8814961 0.74611377,
+ -0.49774296 3.8818898 0.75511377,-0.49774296 3.8814961 0.75511377] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1703 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.49724296 3.8818898 0.74611377,-0.49724296 3.8814961 0.74611377,
+ -0.49774296 3.8818898 0.75511377,-0.49774296 3.8814961 0.75511377] }
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+ 2,0,3,-1,3,0,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1705 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.48625704 3.8814961 -1.6843862,0.48625704 3.8818898 -1.6843862,
+ 0.53344497 3.8818725 -1.6466853,0.55284963 3.8818314 -1.6223122,
+ 0.56251861 3.8817758 -1.6014811,0.56522724 3.8817381 -1.590221,
+ 0.56625704 3.8816929 -1.5783862,0.53344497 3.8815133 -1.6466853,
+ 0.55284963 3.8815544 -1.6223122,0.56251861 3.88161 -1.6014811,
+ 0.56522724 3.8816477 -1.590221] }
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+ 1,2,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.62419638 0 -0.78126748,0.62419638 0 -0.78126748,
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+ 0 0 1,0.65804213 0 -0.75298111,
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ 0.48625704 3.8814961 -1.6843862,0.48625704 3.8818898 -1.6843862,
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+ 2,1,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.25425704 3.8814961 -1.7523862,0.25425704 3.8818898 -1.7523862,
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.25425704 3.8814961 -1.7523862,0.25425704 3.8818898 -1.7523862,
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+ 0.48625704 3.8818898 -1.6843862,0.48625704 3.8814961 -1.6843862,
+ 0.37325704 3.8814961 -1.7285112,0.43316447 3.8814961 -1.7095877] }
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+ -0.21840311 0 0.97585864,-0.34257348 0 0.93949104] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.21025704 3.8814961 -1.7713862,0.21025704 3.8818898 -1.7713862,
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+ 0.22468344 3.8818898 -1.7582523,0.23471657 3.8818898 -1.7552861,
+ 0.25425704 3.8818898 -1.7523862,0.25425704 3.8814961 -1.7523862,
+ 0.21325506 3.8814961 -1.7665857,0.21719257 3.8814961 -1.7626222,
+ 0.22468344 3.8814961 -1.7582523,0.23471657 3.8814961 -1.7552861] }
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+ 1,8,0,-1,1,2,8,-1]
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.21025704 3.8814961 -1.7713862,0.21025704 3.8818898 -1.7713862,
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+ 0.22468344 3.8818898 -1.7582523,0.23471657 3.8818898 -1.7552861,
+ 0.25425704 3.8818898 -1.7523862,0.25425704 3.8814961 -1.7523862,
+ 0.21325506 3.8814961 -1.7665857,0.21719257 3.8814961 -1.7626222,
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+ 8,1,0,-1,2,1,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.21765123 0 0.97602661] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.11275704 3.8814961 -1.9383862,0.11275704 3.8818898 -1.9383862,
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+ 0.21025704 3.8814961 -1.7713862,0.16900704 3.8814961 -1.8601362] }
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+ 2,3,4,-1,2,4,5,-1,1,5,0,-1,1,2,5,-1]
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+ 0.81197695 0 -0.5836895,0.81197695 0 -0.5836895,
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+ 0.90683466 0 -0.42148653,0.84726968 0 -0.53116295] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.11275704 3.8814961 -1.9383862,0.11275704 3.8818898 -1.9383862,
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+ 0.21025704 3.8814961 -1.7713862,0.16900704 3.8814961 -1.8601362] }
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+ 3,2,4,-1,4,2,5,-1,5,1,0,-1,2,1,5,-1]
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+ -0.81197695 0 0.5836895,-0.81197695 0 0.5836895,
+ -0.87897692 0 0.47686431,-0.90683466 0 0.42148653,
+ -0.90683466 0 0.42148653,-0.84726968 0 0.53116295] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1713 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.22825704 3.8814961 -2.0688862,0.22825704 3.8818898 -2.0688862,
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+ 0.11275704 3.8814961 -1.9383862,0.22598447 3.8814961 -2.0448246,
+ 0.21970148 3.8814961 -2.0246015,0.21021016 3.8814961 -2.0077847,
+ 0.19831259 3.8814961 -1.9939418,0.18481086 3.8814961 -1.9826406,
+ 0.13650205 3.8814961 -1.9568607,0.1181554 3.8814961 -1.9469433] }
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+ 0 0 1,0.99556942 0 0.094029393,
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+ 0.47210833 0 0.88154054,0.68004388 0 0.73317141] }
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+ 0.22825704 3.8814961 -2.0688862,0.22825704 3.8818898 -2.0688862,
+ 0.22598447 3.8818898 -2.0448246,0.21970148 3.8818898 -2.0246015,
+ 0.21021016 3.8818898 -2.0077847,0.19831259 3.8818898 -1.9939418,
+ 0.18481086 3.8818898 -1.9826406,0.13650205 3.8818898 -1.9568607,
+ 0.1181554 3.8818898 -1.9469433,0.11275704 3.8818898 -1.9383862,
+ 0.11275704 3.8814961 -1.9383862,0.22598447 3.8814961 -2.0448246,
+ 0.21970148 3.8814961 -2.0246015,0.21021016 3.8814961 -2.0077847,
+ 0.19831259 3.8814961 -1.9939418,0.18481086 3.8814961 -1.9826406,
+ 0.13650205 3.8814961 -1.9568607,0.1181554 3.8814961 -1.9469433] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.99556942 0 -0.094029393,
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+ 0 0 1,-0.98768136 0 -0.15647853,
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+ -0.47210833 0 -0.88154054,-0.68004388 0 -0.73317141] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1715 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1715 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.22925704 3.8814961 -2.5388862,0.22925704 3.8818898 -2.5388862,
+ 0.22825704 3.8818898 -2.0688862,0.22825704 3.8814961 -2.0688862] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.99999774 0 0.0021276548,0.99999774 0 0.0021276548,
+ 0.99999774 0 0.0021276548,0.99999774 0 0.0021276548] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1716 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1716 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.22925704 3.8814961 -2.5388862,0.22925704 3.8818898 -2.5388862,
+ 0.22825704 3.8818898 -2.0688862,0.22825704 3.8814961 -2.0688862] }
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+ 2,1,3,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.99999774 0 -0.0021276548,-0.99999774 0 -0.0021276548,
+ -0.99999774 0 -0.0021276548,-0.99999774 0 -0.0021276548] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1717 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.5543862,0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.5543862,
+ 0.22925704 3.8818898 -2.5388862,0.22925704 3.8814961 -2.5388862] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.19983371 0 -0.97982983,0.19983371 0 -0.97982983,
+ 0.19983371 0 -0.97982983,0.19983371 0 -0.97982983] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1718 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.5543862,0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.5543862,
+ 0.22925704 3.8818898 -2.5388862,0.22925704 3.8814961 -2.5388862] }
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+ 2,1,3,-1,3,1,0,-1]
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+ -0.19983371 0 0.97982983,-0.19983371 0 0.97982983,
+ -0.19983371 0 0.97982983,-0.19983371 0 0.97982983] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1719 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.1638862,0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.1638862,
+ 0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.5543862,0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.5543862] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1719 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1720 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1720 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.1638862,0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.1638862,
+ 0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.5543862,0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.5543862] }
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+ 2,1,3,-1,3,1,0,-1]
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 -2.0608862,0.11625704 3.8818898 -2.0608862,
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+ 0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.1638862,0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.1638862,
+ 0.15066445 3.8814961 -2.1248492,0.14274864 3.8814961 -2.095288,
+ 0.1318152 3.8814961 -2.075984,0.12471501 3.8814961 -2.0679569] }
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+ 3,4,9,-1,4,5,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.48592089 -0.68475441 -0.54313192,
+ -0.59920366 -0.61716865 -0.50995866,-0.88228367 0.042461407 -0.46879906,
+ -0.96218494 0.093801867 -0.25573687,-0.97903861 0.18072106 -0.093932411,
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+ -0.74871546 0.44557432 -0.49080412,-0.59519857 -0.50478915 -0.62524121] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 -2.0608862,0.11625704 3.8818898 -2.0608862,
+ 0.12993528 3.8818898 -2.07362,0.13984963 3.8818898 -2.0889233,
+ 0.14656954 3.8818898 -2.1061987,0.15190548 3.8818898 -2.1345034,
+ 0.15325704 3.8818898 -2.1638862,0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.1638862,
+ 0.15066445 3.8814961 -2.1248492,0.14274864 3.8814961 -2.095288,
+ 0.1318152 3.8814961 -2.075984,0.12471501 3.8814961 -2.0679569] }
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+ 6,5,7,-1,5,8,7,-1,4,9,8,-1,3,10,9,-1,2,11,10,-1,11,1,0,-1,2,1,11,-1,3,2,10,-1,
+ 4,3,9,-1,5,4,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.48592089 0.68475441 0.54313192,
+ 0.59920366 0.61716865 0.50995866,0.88228367 -0.042461407 0.46879906,
+ 0.96218494 -0.093801867 0.25573687,0.97903861 -0.18072106 0.093932411,
+ 0 0 1,0.75398618 -0.65545074 0.043464557,
+ 0.74474388 -0.65614661 0.12177101,0.60351555 -0.76245303 0.23331172,
+ 0.74871546 -0.44557432 0.49080412,0.59519857 0.50478915 0.62524121] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.029242961 3.8814961 -2.0383862,-0.029242961 3.8818898 -2.0383862,
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+ 0.095270928 3.8818898 -2.0478307,0.11625704 3.8818898 -2.0608862,
+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 -2.0608862,0.095270928 3.8814961 -2.0478307,
+ 0.07186815 3.8814961 -2.0396085,0.021145928 3.8814961 -2.0343307] }
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+ 0.08022569 0 -0.99677672,0.030105952 -0.88730816 -0.46019328,
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+ -0.087345203 0.85487502 -0.51142889,0.013921965 -0.27119651 -0.96242331] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1724 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.029242961 3.8814961 -2.0383862,-0.029242961 3.8818898 -2.0383862,
+ 0.038345516 3.8818898 -2.0347237,0.07186815 3.8818898 -2.0396085,
+ 0.095270928 3.8818898 -2.0478307,0.11625704 3.8818898 -2.0608862,
+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 -2.0608862,0.095270928 3.8814961 -2.0478307,
+ 0.07186815 3.8814961 -2.0396085,0.021145928 3.8814961 -2.0343307] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,6,4,7,-1,7,3,8,-1,4,3,7,-1,3,2,8,-1,2,9,8,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1]
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+ -0.08022569 0 0.99677672,-0.030105952 0.88730816 0.46019328,
+ 0.040820498 0.29853615 0.95352496,0.25663318 0 0.96650888,
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+ 0.087345203 -0.85487502 0.51142889,-0.013921965 0.27119651 0.96242331] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.22474296 3.8814961 -2.1068862,-0.22474296 3.8818898 -2.1068862,
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+ -0.12396512 3.8818898 -2.0592354,-0.029242961 3.8818898 -2.0383862,
+ -0.029242961 3.8814961 -2.0383862,-0.13230176 3.8814961 -2.0616894,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.99330409 -0.0038366467 -0.11546542,
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+ -0.31974296 3.8814961 -2.1438862,-0.31974296 3.8818898 -2.1438862,
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+ -0.31693046 3.8814961 -2.2290112,-0.31559335 3.8814961 -2.1795706] }
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+ 4,3,5,-1,5,3,6,-1,6,2,7,-1,3,2,6,-1,7,1,0,-1,2,1,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.99330409 0.0038366467 0.11546542,
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+ 0.99998483 -0.0014824704 -0.0053051101,0.99834401 -2.1917965e-06 0.057526028] }
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+ 3,4,5,-1,6,3,5,-1,0,2,6,-1,1,2,0,-1,2,3,6,-1]
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+ -0.34774296 3.8814961 -2.1418862,-0.34774296 3.8818898 -2.1418862,
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+ -0.32820681 3.8814961 -2.1396301] }
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+ 4,3,5,-1,3,6,5,-1,2,0,6,-1,2,1,0,-1,3,2,6,-1]
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+ -0.10984848 -0.48762304 0.86611609,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0.12894714 0.93446202 -0.3318936,0.29721421 0 -0.95481083] }
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+ -0.34774296 3.8814961 -2.1418862,-0.43450222 3.8815034 -2.1743307,
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+ -0.069646895 -0.97774749 0.19788671,-0.23308439 0.8030973 0.54836703,
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+ -0.12894714 -0.93446202 0.3318936,-0.29721421 0 0.95481083] }
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+ -0.31324296 3.8814961 -2.0148862,-0.31324296 3.8818898 -2.0148862,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ -0.27624296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,-0.27624296 3.8818898 -1.9003862,
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+ -0.28564792 3.8814961 -1.9077216] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0.51900638 0.84465225 -0.13112955,0.82672522 0.26545978 -0.49604084,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ -0.24902074 3.8814961 -1.896201,-0.24221518 3.8814961 -1.8972381] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.13855446 -0.45479624 0.87975169,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 -1.7738862,0.11625704 3.8818898 -1.7738862,
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+ 0.051257039 3.8818898 -1.8903862,0.051257039 3.8814961 -1.8903862,
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+ 0.051257039 3.8818898 -1.8903862,0.051257039 3.8814961 -1.8903862,
+ 0.092569539 3.8814961 -1.8358862,0.10821329 3.8814961 -1.804796] }
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+ 4,3,5,-1,3,6,5,-1,2,7,6,-1,7,1,0,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,2,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.80992401 0.54463493 -0.21770597,
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+ -0.04661493 3.8814961 -1.7127972,-0.070958242 3.8814961 -1.6959434] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.22367865 0.93869535 -0.26233358,
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+ -0.092242961 3.8814961 -1.6763862,-0.092242961 3.8818898 -1.6763862,
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+ -0.04661493 3.8814961 -1.7127972,-0.070958242 3.8814961 -1.6959434] }
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+ 0 0 1,0.22367865 -0.93869535 0.26233358,
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+ 0.26472443 0.82508657 0.4991524,0.30234189 -0.87659113 0.3744027] }
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+ -0.59224296 3.8814961 -1.9443862,-0.59224296 3.8818898 -1.9443862,
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+ 0.13813775 0 -0.99041303,0.035353176 0.97345432 -0.22613458,
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+ 0.30274282 -0.67209346 -0.67574933,0.10584221 0.85427344 -0.50893449] }
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+ -0.59224296 3.8814961 -1.9443862,-0.59224296 3.8818898 -1.9443862,
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+ -0.092242961 3.8814961 -1.6763862,-0.29103583 3.8814961 -1.8382683,
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+ -0.13813775 0 0.99041303,-0.035353176 -0.97345432 0.22613458,
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+ -0.30274282 0.67209346 0.67574933,-0.10584221 -0.85427344 0.50893449] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.69574296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,-0.69574296 3.8818898 -1.9003862,
+ -0.67704836 3.8818898 -1.917458,-0.65517881 3.8818898 -1.9297676,
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+ -0.59224296 3.8818898 -1.9443862,-0.59224296 3.8814961 -1.9443862,
+ -0.63007629 3.8814961 -1.9383122,-0.66590963 3.8814961 -1.9244603,
+ -0.68182629 3.8814961 -1.9138538] }
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+ 2,3,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.53202115 0.62785219 -0.56811541,
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+ -0.61953648 0.28682374 -0.73068919] }
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+ -0.69574296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,-0.69574296 3.8818898 -1.9003862,
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+ -0.63007629 3.8814961 -1.9383122,-0.66590963 3.8814961 -1.9244603,
+ -0.68182629 3.8814961 -1.9138538] }
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+ 3,2,9,-1]
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+ 0.14420205 0.83953113 0.52382559,0.31690288 0.70494491 0.63452757,
+ 0.61953648 -0.28682374 0.73068919] }
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+ -0.70124296 3.8814961 -1.8073862,-0.70124296 3.8818898 -1.8073862,
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+ -0.71030546 3.8814961 -1.8551987,-0.70959481 3.8814961 -1.8390529,
+ -0.70649528 3.8814961 -1.8229904] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.54964661 0.81907248 0.16434377,
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+ -0.70635725 0.68154837 0.19118382] }
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+ -0.70124296 3.8814961 -1.8073862,-0.70124296 3.8818898 -1.8073862,
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+ -0.69574296 3.8818898 -1.9003862,-0.69574296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,
+ -0.70361565 3.8814961 -1.8862404,-0.70839111 3.8814961 -1.8710529,
+ -0.71030546 3.8814961 -1.8551987,-0.70959481 3.8814961 -1.8390529,
+ -0.70649528 3.8814961 -1.8229904] }
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+ 0 0 1,0.54964661 -0.81907248 -0.16434377,
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+ 0.81637033 -0.57748121 0.007411388,0 0 1,
+ 0.70635725 -0.68154837 -0.19118382] }
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+ -0.36374296 3.8814961 -1.5943862,-0.36374296 3.8818898 -1.5943862,
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+ -0.70124296 3.8814961 -1.8073862,-0.65336926 3.8814961 -1.7473423,
+ -0.59076265 3.8814961 -1.6963906,-0.4781849 3.8814961 -1.6352236] }
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+ -0.33608271 0 0.94183248,-0.22198855 0.7567965 0.6148009,
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+ -0.44655849 0.5249872 0.72455086,-0.38524665 -0.083434255 0.91903414] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.44916614 -0.26388584 -0.85358892] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,4,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ 0.32177564 0 -0.94681595] }
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+ 0,3,1,-1,4,3,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ 6,4,5,-1,7,3,6,-1,2,3,7,-1,0,2,7,-1,1,2,0,-1,3,4,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.59279708 -0.21757177 0.7754058,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.26374296 3.8814961 -1.2273862,-0.26374296 3.8818898 -1.2273862,
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+ 4,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,2,7,-1,2,0,7,-1,2,1,0,-1,4,3,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.26374296 3.8814961 -1.2273862,-0.26561812 3.8815151 -1.2183015,
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+ 1,4,0,-1,3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.26374296 3.8814961 -1.2273862,-0.26561812 3.8815151 -1.2183015,
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+ 4,1,0,-1,4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ -0.29624296 3.8814961 -1.0013862,-0.29624296 3.8818898 -1.0013862,
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+ 0 0 1,-0.35660475 0.92128371 0.15514307,
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+ -0.51636876 0.83574173 0.18681294,-0.34024099 0.92794602 0.15215863] }
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+ -0.29624296 3.8814961 -1.0013862,-0.29624296 3.8818898 -1.0013862,
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+ -0.31555623 3.8815003 -1.0445983,-0.30660851 3.8814966 -1.0221668] }
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+ 4,3,8,-1,5,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.35660475 -0.92128371 -0.15514307,
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+ 0.51636876 -0.83574173 -0.18681294,0.34024099 -0.92794602 -0.15215863] }
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+ 0.16025704 3.8814961 -0.62488623,0.16025704 3.8818898 -0.62488623,
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+ 0.85973084 0.22499231 -0.45852083] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.046392439 -0.44806238 -0.89279776,
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+ 0.16025704 3.8814961 -0.62488623,0.16655797 3.8814961 -0.60181216,
+ 0.16669066 3.8814961 -0.58797827,0.16367059 3.8814961 -0.57734123,
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+ 0.13802409 3.8814961 -0.55729533,0.12231628 3.8814961 -0.55415304] }
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+ -0.16774296 3.8814961 -0.64488623,-0.16774296 3.8818898 -0.64488623,
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+ 0.065186905 3.8818898 -0.5625497,0.10375704 3.8818898 -0.55338623,
+ 0.10375704 3.8814961 -0.55338623,0.045436604 3.8814961 -0.56988318,
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+ 2,3,10,-1,5,6,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.01737371 0.47067327 -0.88213651,
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+ -0.16774296 3.8814961 -0.64488623,-0.16774296 3.8818898 -0.64488623,
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+ -0.045605086 3.8818898 -0.61707623,0.024294586 3.8818898 -0.57944592,
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+ 0.10375704 3.8814961 -0.55338623,0.045436604 3.8814961 -0.56988318,
+ -0.097825946 3.8814961 -0.63924488,-0.13136881 3.8814961 -0.64581269] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,6,5,9,-1]
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+ -0.092473437 -0.93248601 0.34916831,-0.1939865 0.88093814 0.43164479,
+ -0.084632104 0.97398412 0.21021975,-0.045802128 -0.11670773 0.99210961] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.27724296 3.8814961 -0.52488623,-0.27724296 3.8818898 -0.52488623,
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+ -0.26030923 3.8814961 -0.53894834] }
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+ 1,2,12,-1,2,3,11,-1,3,4,10,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.624959 -0.22951524 -0.74615615,
+ -0.72219862 -0.21856003 -0.65624741,-0.43937711 0.84745336 -0.29794388,
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+ -0.68867082 -0.057586032 -0.72278375] }
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+ -0.27724296 3.8814961 -0.52488623,-0.27724296 3.8818898 -0.52488623,
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+ -0.1883356 3.8814961 -0.63314237,-0.20479973 3.8814961 -0.61777246,
+ -0.22254959 3.8814961 -0.59378198,-0.24635314 3.8814961 -0.55627267,
+ -0.26030923 3.8814961 -0.53894834] }
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+ 2,1,12,-1,3,2,11,-1,4,3,10,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.624959 0.22951524 0.74615615,
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+ 0.44450653 -0.84414091 0.29973333,0.81044555 -0.10000363 0.57721511,
+ 0.68867082 0.057586032 0.72278375] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.38624296 3.8814961 -0.52388623,-0.38624296 3.8818898 -0.52388623,
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+ -0.22917456 -0.37264604 -0.89922964,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.38624296 3.8814961 -0.52388623,-0.38624296 3.8818898 -0.52388623,
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+ -0.27724296 3.8818898 -0.52488623,-0.27724296 3.8814961 -0.52488623,
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+ -0.36987028 3.8814961 -0.53212003,-0.37820679 3.8814961 -0.52872796] }
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+ 4,3,9,-1,5,4,8,-1]
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+ -0.12312192 0.38626623 0.91413314,0.034179211 0.57542687 0.81713873,
+ 0.22917456 0.37264604 0.89922964,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 -0.48238623,-0.40624296 3.8818898 -0.48238623,
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+ -0.39218928 3.8818898 -0.52024008,-0.38624296 3.8818898 -0.52388623,
+ -0.38624296 3.8814961 -0.52388623,-0.39485096 3.8814961 -0.51798623,
+ -0.40137608 3.8814961 -0.50961045,-0.40519171 3.8814961 -0.50003792,
+ -0.40655921 3.8814961 -0.49119344] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 -0.48238623,-0.40624296 3.8818898 -0.48238623,
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+ -0.38624296 3.8814961 -0.52388623,-0.39485096 3.8814961 -0.51798623,
+ -0.40137608 3.8814961 -0.50961045,-0.40519171 3.8814961 -0.50003792,
+ -0.40655921 3.8814961 -0.49119344] }
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+ 12,1,0,-1,2,1,12,-1,3,2,11,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 3,4,5,-1,3,5,6,-1,2,6,7,-1,2,3,6,-1,1,7,0,-1,1,2,7,-1]
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+ -0.12345477 0 0.9923502,-0.12345477 0 0.9923502,
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.23824296 3.8814961 -0.40938623,-0.23824296 3.8818898 -0.40938623,
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+ 0.12345477 0 -0.9923502,0.12345477 0 -0.9923502,
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+ 0 0 1,0.27440367 0.0035378364 -0.96160809,
+ 0.15615544 -4.6632731e-07 -0.98773249,0.1199839 0 -0.99277584] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.23824296 3.8814961 -0.40938623,-0.19222548 3.8814984 -0.38941365,
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+ -0.14311796 3.8818652 -0.35919873,-0.19217512 3.8818874 -0.38938708,
+ -0.23824296 3.8818898 -0.40938623] }
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+ 1,6,0,-1,5,6,1,-1,2,5,1,-1,4,5,2,-1,3,4,2,-1]
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+ -0.39817238 -0.0055224526 0.91729399] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.23824296 3.8814961 -0.40938623,-0.19222548 3.8814984 -0.38941365,
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+ -0.14311796 3.8818652 -0.35919873,-0.19217512 3.8818874 -0.38938708,
+ -0.23824296 3.8818898 -0.40938623] }
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+ 6,1,0,-1,6,5,1,-1,5,2,1,-1,5,4,2,-1,4,3,2,-1]
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+ 0.39813893 0 -0.91732513,0.44495749 5.0789252e-06 -0.89555169,
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+ 0.55845137 0 -0.82953726,0.48533997 5.0704935e-06 -0.87432552,
+ 0.39817238 0.0055224526 -0.91729399] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 0.086113765,0.11625704 3.8818898 0.086113765,
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+ 0 0 1,-0.50360703 -0.57678419 -0.64319511,
+ -0.59134362 -0.57686227 -0.56350922,-0.86494896 -0.058166281 -0.49847766,
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+ -0.74281328 0.42888007 -0.51409174,-0.64799577 -0.19734648 -0.73563296] }
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+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 0.086113765,0.11625704 3.8818898 0.086113765,
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+ 0.16125704 3.8816929 0.010613765,0.15490754 3.8815636 0.038891765,
+ 0.14385343 3.8815117 0.060283622,0.13155604 3.881498 0.074486291] }
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+ 0 0 1,0.50360703 0.57678419 0.64319511,
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+ 0.74281328 -0.42888007 0.51409174,0.64799577 0.19734648 0.73563296] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.10924296 3.8814961 0.075113765,-0.10924296 3.8818898 0.075113765,
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+ 0.076362687 3.8818898 0.10053161,0.11625704 3.8818898 0.086113765,
+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 0.086113765,0.080108891 3.8814961 0.099604506,
+ 0.041905187 3.8814961 0.10570636,0.0027570391 3.8814961 0.10536377,
+ -0.048989189 3.8814961 0.096514657,-0.08000985 3.8814961 0.087013414] }
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+ 3,4,8,-1,4,5,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.094119593 -0.95716271 -0.27382666,
+ 0.072106181 -0.93285773 -0.35295489,0.0031092053 -0.93723602 -0.34868178,
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+ 0.10896536 -0.91132345 -0.39700896,0.088888306 -0.96408879 -0.25026321] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.10924296 3.8814961 0.075113765,-0.10924296 3.8818898 0.075113765,
+ -0.036224442 3.8818898 0.099521172,0.034115558 3.8818898 0.10612317,
+ 0.076362687 3.8818898 0.10053161,0.11625704 3.8818898 0.086113765,
+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 0.086113765,0.080108891 3.8814961 0.099604506,
+ 0.041905187 3.8814961 0.10570636,0.0027570391 3.8814961 0.10536377,
+ -0.048989189 3.8814961 0.096514657,-0.08000985 3.8814961 0.087013414] }
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+ 4,3,8,-1,5,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.094119593 0.95716271 0.27382666,
+ -0.072106181 0.93285773 0.35295489,-0.0031092053 0.93723602 0.34868178,
+ 0.17962028 0.53140037 0.8278588,0.30393679 0.47096979 0.82813639,
+ 0 0 1,0.28403648 0.094738047 0.95412157,
+ 0.093827632 -0.11755995 0.9886233,-0.055541299 0.82183711 0.56700875,
+ -0.10896536 0.91132345 0.39700896,-0.088888306 0.96408879 0.25026321] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1797 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.22324296 3.8814961 -0.044886235,-0.22324296 3.8818898 -0.044886235,
+ -0.21068933 3.8818898 -0.014016412,-0.19138797 3.8818898 0.01386362,
+ -0.16719193 3.8818898 0.038204816,-0.13882023 3.8818898 0.059180168,
+ -0.10924296 3.8818898 0.075113765,-0.10924296 3.8814961 0.075113765,
+ -0.15690963 3.8814961 0.04655821,-0.19436613 3.8814961 0.01023721,
+ -0.21178669 3.8814961 -0.016043929] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,8,5,7,-1,9,3,4,-1,9,4,8,-1,10,2,9,-1,1,10,0,-1,1,2,10,-1,2,3,9,-1,
+ 4,5,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.88043534 -0.31544387 -0.35401803,
+ 0.80686679 -0.36101912 -0.46758014,0.76574512 0.082557704 -0.63782335,
+ 0.44317432 0.75150972 -0.48870202,0.32067596 0.79341706 -0.51735509,
+ 0 0 1,0.19028865 0.92446448 -0.33038714,
+ 0.24783164 0.91172275 -0.32762953,0.49494492 0.75843117 -0.42404208,
+ 0.89969314 -0.051613919 -0.43346078] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1798 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.22324296 3.8814961 -0.044886235,-0.22324296 3.8818898 -0.044886235,
+ -0.21068933 3.8818898 -0.014016412,-0.19138797 3.8818898 0.01386362,
+ -0.16719193 3.8818898 0.038204816,-0.13882023 3.8818898 0.059180168,
+ -0.10924296 3.8818898 0.075113765,-0.10924296 3.8814961 0.075113765,
+ -0.15690963 3.8814961 0.04655821,-0.19436613 3.8814961 0.01023721,
+ -0.21178669 3.8814961 -0.016043929] }
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+ 6,5,7,-1,5,8,7,-1,3,9,4,-1,4,9,8,-1,2,10,9,-1,10,1,0,-1,2,1,10,-1,3,2,9,-1,
+ 5,4,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.88043534 0.31544387 0.35401803,
+ -0.80686679 0.36101912 0.46758014,-0.76574512 -0.082557704 0.63782335,
+ -0.44317432 -0.75150972 0.48870202,-0.32067596 -0.79341706 0.51735509,
+ 0 0 1,-0.19028865 -0.92446448 0.33038714,
+ -0.24783164 -0.91172275 0.32762953,-0.49494492 -0.75843117 0.42404208,
+ -0.89969314 0.051613919 0.43346078] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1799 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.22324296 3.8814961 -0.044886235,-0.22514087 3.8814981 -0.055688778,
+ -0.2240721 3.881518 -0.068727834,-0.22002065 3.8815746 -0.080314911,
+ -0.21692711 3.8816248 -0.085487614,-0.21324296 3.8816929 -0.089886235,
+ -0.21957548 3.8818044 -0.081174099,-0.22370606 3.881863 -0.070306438,
+ -0.22520424 3.8818858 -0.058316374,-0.22473709 3.8818893 -0.051525623,
+ -0.22324296 3.8818898 -0.044886235] }
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+ 9,10,0,-1,1,9,0,-1,8,9,1,-1,2,8,1,-1,3,7,2,-1,4,6,3,-1,5,6,4,-1,6,7,3,-1,
+ 7,8,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.22324296 3.8814961 -0.044886235,-0.22514087 3.8814981 -0.055688778,
+ -0.2240721 3.881518 -0.068727834,-0.22002065 3.8815746 -0.080314911,
+ -0.21692711 3.8816248 -0.085487614,-0.21324296 3.8816929 -0.089886235,
+ -0.21957548 3.8818044 -0.081174099,-0.22370606 3.881863 -0.070306438,
+ -0.22520424 3.8818858 -0.058316374,-0.22473709 3.8818893 -0.051525623,
+ -0.22324296 3.8818898 -0.044886235] }
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+ 10,9,0,-1,9,1,0,-1,9,8,1,-1,8,2,1,-1,7,3,2,-1,6,4,3,-1,6,5,4,-1,7,6,3,-1,
+ 8,7,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1801 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.093242961 3.8814961 -0.13838623,-0.093242961 3.8818898 -0.13838623,
+ -0.090926066 3.8818872 -0.12989125,-0.091470286 3.8818668 -0.12024484,
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+ -0.093354072 3.8815544 -0.11360846,-0.091521006 3.88152 -0.11999126,
+ -0.090798516 3.8815034 -0.12616401,-0.091325527 3.8814969 -0.13259359] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1802 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.093242961 3.8814961 -0.13838623,-0.093242961 3.8818898 -0.13838623,
+ -0.090926066 3.8818872 -0.12989125,-0.091470286 3.8818668 -0.12024484,
+ -0.094491284 3.8818085 -0.11080939,-0.099242961 3.8816929 -0.10238623,
+ -0.093354072 3.8815544 -0.11360846,-0.091521006 3.88152 -0.11999126,
+ -0.090798516 3.8815034 -0.12616401,-0.091325527 3.8814969 -0.13259359] }
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+ 4,6,5,-1,6,3,7,-1,3,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,3,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.16974296 3.8814961 -0.19988623,-0.16974296 3.8818898 -0.19988623,
+ -0.14033546 3.8818898 -0.18921673,-0.11810481 3.8818898 -0.17381292,
+ -0.10388671 3.8818898 -0.15773906,-0.093242961 3.8818898 -0.13838623,
+ -0.093242961 3.8814961 -0.13838623,-0.10554548 3.8814961 -0.16002002,
+ -0.12233955 3.8814961 -0.17745029,-0.14297949 3.8814961 -0.19054789,
+ -0.15591968 3.8814961 -0.19592192] }
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+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,3,7,-1,9,2,8,-1,1,10,0,-1,1,2,9,-1,1,9,10,-1,2,3,8,-1,
+ 3,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.19094244 0.8223015 -0.53606084,
+ 0.40862868 0.51430088 -0.7540008,0.64712717 0.29142423 -0.70448445,
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+ 0.80360427 -0.38963282 -0.44989603,0.69323562 -0.47207143 -0.54458511,
+ 0.60382851 -0.14199226 -0.78436556,0.29994245 0.69980049 -0.64831612,
+ 0.14387625 0.89959465 -0.41234583] }
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+ -0.16974296 3.8814961 -0.19988623,-0.16974296 3.8818898 -0.19988623,
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+ 4,3,7,-1]
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+ -0.14387625 -0.89959465 0.41234583] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.28074296 3.8814961 -0.17538623,-0.28074296 3.8818898 -0.17538623,
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+ -0.24770955 3.8814961 -0.19587653,-0.26541387 3.8814961 -0.18689406] }
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+ -0.35483406 -0.042830168 -0.93394773,-0.50017556 0.39756916 -0.76926145] }
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+ -0.28074296 3.8814961 -0.17538623,-0.28074296 3.8818898 -0.17538623,
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+ -0.2027263 3.8818898 -0.20479939,-0.18617104 3.8818898 -0.20362281,
+ -0.16974296 3.8818898 -0.19988623,-0.16974296 3.8814961 -0.19988623,
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+ -0.24770955 3.8814961 -0.19587653,-0.26541387 3.8814961 -0.18689406] }
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+ 4,3,9,-1,5,4,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.4001232 -0.72711104 0.55786285,
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+ 0 0 1,-0.12167363 0.77759796 0.61687676,
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+ 0.35483406 0.042830168 0.93394773,0.50017556 -0.39756916 0.76926145] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.32774296 3.8814961 -0.067386235,-0.32774296 3.8818898 -0.067386235,
+ -0.32633299 3.8818898 -0.10107559,-0.31786908 3.8818898 -0.12998837,
+ -0.30449754 3.8818898 -0.15309648,-0.29362628 3.8818898 -0.16522829,
+ -0.28074296 3.8818898 -0.17538623,-0.28074296 3.8814961 -0.17538623,
+ -0.29644666 3.8814961 -0.16245568,-0.30903926 3.8814961 -0.14660846,
+ -0.31849296 3.8814961 -0.12851123,-0.32478 3.8814961 -0.10883068,
+ -0.32787259 3.8814961 -0.088233457] }
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+ 1,2,12,-1,2,3,11,-1,3,4,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.53659806 0.84374393 -0.012597536,
+ -0.57363062 0.8142209 -0.089399328,-0.64446707 0.71549744 -0.26967685,
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+ -0.75343793 0.65605513 -0.043851518] }
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+ -0.32774296 3.8814961 -0.067386235,-0.32774296 3.8818898 -0.067386235,
+ -0.32633299 3.8818898 -0.10107559,-0.31786908 3.8818898 -0.12998837,
+ -0.30449754 3.8818898 -0.15309648,-0.29362628 3.8818898 -0.16522829,
+ -0.28074296 3.8818898 -0.17538623,-0.28074296 3.8814961 -0.17538623,
+ -0.29644666 3.8814961 -0.16245568,-0.30903926 3.8814961 -0.14660846,
+ -0.31849296 3.8814961 -0.12851123,-0.32478 3.8814961 -0.10883068,
+ -0.32787259 3.8814961 -0.088233457] }
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+ 2,1,12,-1,3,2,11,-1,4,3,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.53659806 -0.84374393 0.012597536,
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+ 0.75343793 -0.65605513 0.043851518] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.32774296 3.8814961 -0.067386235,-0.31301497 3.8815179 -0.019298965,
+ -0.29274296 3.8816929 0.024613765,-0.31301352 3.8818679 -0.019295161,
+ -0.32774296 3.8818898 -0.067386235] }
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+ 1,4,0,-1,3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ -0.95615877 0 0.29284878,-0.94297894 4.3906193e-07 0.33285239,
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+ -0.95615792 0.0003629836 0.29285132] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.32774296 3.8814961 -0.067386235,-0.31301497 3.8815179 -0.019298965,
+ -0.29274296 3.8816929 0.024613765,-0.31301352 3.8818679 -0.019295161,
+ -0.32774296 3.8818898 -0.067386235] }
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+ 4,1,0,-1,4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1]
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+ 0.95615877 0 -0.29284878,0.94297894 -4.3906193e-07 -0.33285239,
+ 0.90792173 0.0008006085 -0.41913899,0.93464858 -6.9101082e-07 -0.35557283,
+ 0.95615792 -0.0003629836 -0.29285132] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1811 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1811 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14425704 3.8814961 0.50561377,0.14425704 3.8818898 0.50561377,
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+ 0.15992095 3.8818342 0.45085355,0.15825735 3.881778 0.43486526,
+ 0.15425704 3.8816929 0.41911377,0.15972004 3.8815636 0.44677527,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.92314084 0.3515972 -0.15553264,-0.90696292 -0.0031160835 -0.42119895] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1812 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14425704 3.8814961 0.50561377,0.14425704 3.8818898 0.50561377,
+ 0.15341235 3.8818877 0.48936353,0.15861273 3.8818733 0.47078585,
+ 0.15992095 3.8818342 0.45085355,0.15825735 3.881778 0.43486526,
+ 0.15425704 3.8816929 0.41911377,0.15972004 3.8815636 0.44677527,
+ 0.15850075 3.8815117 0.47144207,0.15329053 3.881498 0.48966055] }
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+ 5,7,6,-1,3,8,4,-1,4,8,7,-1,3,2,8,-1,2,9,8,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1,5,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0.17554433 -0.98368805 -0.039268289,0.44452922 -0.89519792 -0.031850675,
+ 0.92314084 -0.3515972 0.15553264,0.90696292 0.0031160835 0.42119895] }
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+ 0.027757039 3.8814961 0.55161377,0.027757039 3.8818898 0.55161377,
+ 0.070627409 3.8818898 0.54691006,0.10662991 3.8818898 0.53397156,
+ 0.12652323 3.8818898 0.52160682,0.14425704 3.8818898 0.50561377,
+ 0.14425704 3.8814961 0.50561377,0.12026349 3.8814961 0.52601939,
+ 0.092740286 3.8814961 0.54016694,0.062763596 3.8814961 0.54852994,
+ 0.045381151 3.8814961 0.55085649] }
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+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,3,7,-1,9,2,8,-1,1,10,0,-1,1,2,9,-1,1,9,10,-1,2,3,8,-1,
+ 3,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.045278708 -0.89046338 -0.45279665,
+ -0.13966404 -0.7992177 -0.58458961,-0.33983252 -0.60676072 -0.71857866,
+ -0.58178522 0.3478981 -0.7351822,0 0 1,
+ -0.46416869 0.70809167 -0.5321218,-0.36684208 0.74409788 -0.5583415,
+ -0.35449993 -0.0036727401 -0.93504883,-0.10788798 -0.76709288 -0.63239916,
+ -0.039053173 -0.89551289 -0.44331875] }
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+ 0.027757039 3.8814961 0.55161377,0.027757039 3.8818898 0.55161377,
+ 0.070627409 3.8818898 0.54691006,0.10662991 3.8818898 0.53397156,
+ 0.12652323 3.8818898 0.52160682,0.14425704 3.8818898 0.50561377,
+ 0.14425704 3.8814961 0.50561377,0.12026349 3.8814961 0.52601939,
+ 0.092740286 3.8814961 0.54016694,0.062763596 3.8814961 0.54852994,
+ 0.045381151 3.8814961 0.55085649] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,10,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1,9,1,10,-1,3,2,8,-1,
+ 4,3,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.045278708 0.89046338 0.45279665,
+ 0.13966404 0.7992177 0.58458961,0.33983252 0.60676072 0.71857866,
+ 0.58178522 -0.3478981 0.7351822,0 0 1,
+ 0.46416869 -0.70809167 0.5321218,0.36684208 -0.74409788 0.5583415,
+ 0.35449993 0.0036727401 0.93504883,0.10788798 0.76709288 0.63239916,
+ 0.039053173 0.89551289 0.44331875] }
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+ 0.027757039 3.8814961 0.55161377,-0.16855546 3.8815207 0.39792627,
+ -0.27590186 3.8815877 0.31971177,-0.37124296 3.8816929 0.26861377,
+ -0.27607559 3.8817979 0.31960091,-0.16855546 3.8818652 0.39792627,
+ 0.027757039 3.8818898 0.55161377] }
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+ 5,0,1,-1,5,6,0,-1,2,5,1,-1,4,5,2,-1,3,4,2,-1]
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+ 0.61643668 0 -0.78740448,0.60694174 0 -0.79474633,
+ 0.56235679 -4.4249877e-05 -0.82689469,0.47101374 -0.074280151 -0.8789929,
+ 0.53785078 -8.4239867e-05 -0.84304005,0.60860544 0.0065486869 -0.79344599,
+ 0.61643668 0 -0.78740448] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1816 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1816 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.027757039 3.8814961 0.55161377,-0.16855546 3.8815207 0.39792627,
+ -0.27590186 3.8815877 0.31971177,-0.37124296 3.8816929 0.26861377,
+ -0.27607559 3.8817979 0.31960091,-0.16855546 3.8818652 0.39792627,
+ 0.027757039 3.8818898 0.55161377] }
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+ 0,5,1,-1,6,5,0,-1,5,2,1,-1,5,4,2,-1,4,3,2,-1]
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+ -0.61643668 0 0.78740448,-0.60694174 0 0.79474633,
+ -0.56235679 4.4249877e-05 0.82689469,-0.47101374 0.074280151 0.8789929,
+ -0.53785078 8.4239867e-05 0.84304005,-0.60860544 -0.0065486869 0.79344599,
+ -0.61643668 0 0.78740448] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1817 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.74374296 3.8814961 0.29661377,-0.74374296 3.8818898 0.29661377,
+ -0.74290345 3.8818725 0.2646412,-0.73907629 3.8818314 0.24920636,
+ -0.73374296 3.8817758 0.23870867,-0.73010754 3.8817381 0.23395896,
+ -0.72574296 3.8816929 0.22961377,-0.73307121 3.881617 0.23772895,
+ -0.73899253 3.8815553 0.24898544,-0.74280223 3.8815145 0.26395564,
+ -0.74405883 3.8814984 0.28043643] }
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+ 7,5,6,-1,8,4,7,-1,3,4,8,-1,9,3,8,-1,2,3,9,-1,10,2,9,-1,1,10,0,-1,1,2,10,-1,
+ 4,5,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.61776025 0.78633567 -0.0069629027,
+ -0.70132731 0.70997678 -0.063819941,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.98331229 -0.0099718496 -0.18165213,
+ -0.73101785 0.68207345 -0.01971598] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1818 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.74374296 3.8814961 0.29661377,-0.74374296 3.8818898 0.29661377,
+ -0.74290345 3.8818725 0.2646412,-0.73907629 3.8818314 0.24920636,
+ -0.73374296 3.8817758 0.23870867,-0.73010754 3.8817381 0.23395896,
+ -0.72574296 3.8816929 0.22961377,-0.73307121 3.881617 0.23772895,
+ -0.73899253 3.8815553 0.24898544,-0.74280223 3.8815145 0.26395564,
+ -0.74405883 3.8814984 0.28043643] }
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+ 5,7,6,-1,4,8,7,-1,4,3,8,-1,3,9,8,-1,3,2,9,-1,2,10,9,-1,10,1,0,-1,2,1,10,-1,
+ 5,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.61776025 -0.78633567 0.0069629027,
+ 0.70132731 -0.70997678 0.063819941,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.98331229 0.0099718496 0.18165213,
+ 0.73101785 -0.68207345 0.01971598] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1819 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.71124296 3.8814961 0.37061377,-0.71124296 3.8818898 0.37061377,
+ -0.73124296 3.8818898 0.33792627,-0.7394787 3.8818898 0.31738268,
+ -0.74374296 3.8818898 0.29661377,-0.74374296 3.8814961 0.29661377,
+ -0.73676148 3.8814961 0.32535451,-0.72489111 3.8814961 0.34953969] }
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+ 3,4,5,-1,6,3,5,-1,7,2,6,-1,1,7,0,-1,1,2,7,-1,2,3,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.60333137 0.70242501 0.3776114,
+ -0.7796315 0.47858561 0.40389421,-0.88171976 -0.40304609 0.24520218,
+ 0 0 1,-0.64862451 -0.74671283 0.14733018,
+ -0.69038146 -0.67718826 0.25453781,-0.83779522 0.24235677 0.48924673] }
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+ -0.71124296 3.8814961 0.37061377,-0.71124296 3.8818898 0.37061377,
+ -0.73124296 3.8818898 0.33792627,-0.7394787 3.8818898 0.31738268,
+ -0.74374296 3.8818898 0.29661377,-0.74374296 3.8814961 0.29661377,
+ -0.73676148 3.8814961 0.32535451,-0.72489111 3.8814961 0.34953969] }
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+ 4,3,5,-1,3,6,5,-1,2,7,6,-1,7,1,0,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,2,6,-1]
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+ 0.69038146 0.67718826 -0.25453781,0.83779522 -0.24235677 -0.48924673] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.71124296 3.8814961 0.37061377,-0.66718046 3.8815207 0.41417627,
+ -0.61824296 3.8816929 0.44911377,-0.66718046 3.8818652 0.41417627,
+ -0.71124296 3.8818898 0.37061377] }
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,4,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ -0.70306049 0 0.71113005,-0.64502092 0 0.76416491,
+ -0.58104153 0 0.81387391,-0.66684912 0 0.74519276,
+ -0.70306049 0 0.71113005] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1822 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.71124296 3.8814961 0.37061377,-0.66718046 3.8815207 0.41417627,
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+ 0,3,1,-1,4,3,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
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+ 0.70306049 0 -0.71113005,0.64502092 0 -0.76416491,
+ 0.58104153 0 -0.81387391,0.66684912 0 -0.74519276,
+ 0.70306049 0 -0.71113005] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.11975704 3.8814961 0.85511377,0.11975704 3.8818898 0.85511377,
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+ 0.11930436 3.8815298 0.81134147,0.12496659 3.8815049 0.82688221,
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.11975704 3.8814961 0.85511377,0.11975704 3.8818898 0.85511377,
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+ 0.11930436 3.8815298 0.81134147,0.12496659 3.8815049 0.82688221,
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+ 2,1,11,-1,6,5,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.025242961 3.8814961 0.86411377,-0.025242961 3.8818898 0.86411377,
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+ 0.11975704 3.8818898 0.85511377,0.11975704 3.8814961 0.85511377,
+ 0.104592 3.8814961 0.86546199,0.088100438 3.8814961 0.8715405,
+ 0.070594444 3.8814961 0.87417258,0.022286446 3.8814961 0.8707509] }
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+ 2,3,10,-1,3,4,9,-1]
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+ 0.13830083 0 -0.99039027,0.13545187 -0.15223394 -0.9790187,
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+ 0.007968222 0.77307526 -0.63426426,0.092471463 0.61700005 -0.78151134] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.025242961 3.8814961 0.86411377,-0.025242961 3.8818898 0.86411377,
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+ 0.096345321 3.8818898 0.86903724,0.10845052 3.8818898 0.86334821,
+ 0.11975704 3.8818898 0.85511377,0.11975704 3.8814961 0.85511377,
+ 0.104592 3.8814961 0.86546199,0.088100438 3.8814961 0.8715405,
+ 0.070594444 3.8814961 0.87417258,0.022286446 3.8814961 0.8707509] }
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+ 3,2,10,-1,4,3,9,-1]
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+ -0.13830083 0 0.99039027,-0.13545187 0.15223394 0.9790187,
+ -0.075082461 -0.51628497 0.85311925,0.073171087 0.64297822 0.76238114,
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+ -0.007968222 -0.77307526 0.63426426,-0.092471463 -0.61700005 0.78151134] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1827 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.32224296 3.8814961 0.76111377,-0.32224296 3.8818898 0.76111377,
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+ -0.025242961 3.8818898 0.86411377,-0.025242961 3.8814961 0.86411377,
+ -0.17618046 3.8814961 0.81111377,-0.25961009 3.8814961 0.77725667] }
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+ 3,4,5,-1,3,5,6,-1,2,6,7,-1,2,3,6,-1,1,7,0,-1,1,2,7,-1]
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+ 0.249582 0 -0.96835367,0.24961489 0.0064635406 -0.96832362,
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+ 0.35509784 -0.0024639429 -0.93482589,0.30213086 -4.1055293e-06 -0.95326646] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.32224296 3.8814961 0.76111377,-0.32224296 3.8818898 0.76111377,
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+ -0.17618046 3.8814961 0.81111377,-0.25961009 3.8814961 0.77725667] }
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+ 4,3,5,-1,5,3,6,-1,6,2,7,-1,3,2,6,-1,7,1,0,-1,2,1,7,-1]
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+ -0.249582 0 0.96835367,-0.24961489 -0.0064635406 0.96832362,
+ -0.34320814 3.6797204e-06 0.93925938,-0.34119919 0 0.93999102,
+ -0.33130741 0 0.94352287,-0.33130741 0 0.94352287,
+ -0.35509784 0.0024639429 0.93482589,-0.30213086 4.1055293e-06 0.95326646] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.34674296 3.8814961 0.78361377,-0.34674296 3.8818898 0.78361377,
+ -0.34406761 3.8818898 0.77746789,-0.3395533 3.8818898 0.77212612,
+ -0.32224296 3.8818898 0.76111377,-0.32224296 3.8814961 0.76111377,
+ -0.33786796 3.8814961 0.77067627,-0.34354181 3.8814961 0.77666581] }
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+ 6,4,5,-1,7,3,6,-1,2,3,7,-1,0,2,7,-1,1,2,0,-1,3,4,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.4871472 0.39318299 -0.7798043,0 0 1,
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1830 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34674296 3.8814961 0.78361377,-0.34674296 3.8818898 0.78361377,
+ -0.34406761 3.8818898 0.77746789,-0.3395533 3.8818898 0.77212612,
+ -0.32224296 3.8818898 0.76111377,-0.32224296 3.8814961 0.76111377,
+ -0.33786796 3.8814961 0.77067627,-0.34354181 3.8814961 0.77666581] }
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+ 4,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,2,7,-1,2,0,7,-1,2,1,0,-1,4,3,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.4871472 -0.39318299 0.7798043,0 0 1,
+ 0.54950124 -0.24535333 0.7986552,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.34674296 3.8814961 0.78361377,-0.34793896 3.8814976 0.79460577,
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+ -0.34728 3.8818825 0.80150265,-0.34793509 3.8818889 0.79282904,
+ -0.34674296 3.8818898 0.78361377] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.78055463 0.53531259 0.32276136,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1832 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.34674296 3.8814961 0.78361377,-0.34793896 3.8814976 0.79460577,
+ -0.34607733 3.8815128 0.80678874,-0.34087986 3.8815695 0.81977044,
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+ -0.34728 3.8818825 0.80150265,-0.34793509 3.8818889 0.79282904,
+ -0.34674296 3.8818898 0.78361377] }
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+ 8,7,0,-1,7,1,0,-1,7,6,1,-1,6,2,1,-1,5,3,2,-1,5,4,3,-1,6,5,2,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0.78055463 -0.53531259 -0.32276136,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.19074296 3.8814961 1.2501138,-0.19074296 3.8818898 1.2501138,
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+ -0.24197291 3.8817825 1.2359235,-0.25124296 3.8816929 1.2276138,
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+ -0.20846408 3.8815 1.2492146,-0.19956799 3.8814966 1.2500997] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.043006464 0.73388825 0.67790743,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.32722272 -0.0018569697 0.94494542,
+ -0.1138201 0.55076973 0.82686014,0 0 1] }
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+ -0.19074296 3.8814961 1.2501138,-0.19074296 3.8818898 1.2501138,
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+ -0.24197291 3.8817825 1.2359235,-0.25124296 3.8816929 1.2276138,
+ -0.23866977 3.8815815 1.2381898,-0.22412317 3.8815228 1.245304,
+ -0.20846408 3.8815 1.2492146,-0.19956799 3.8814966 1.2500997] }
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+ 4,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,2,8,7,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,8,-1,8,1,9,-1,3,2,7,-1,4,3,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.043006464 -0.73388825 -0.67790743,
+ 0.15862679 -0.61421593 -0.77303062,0.35006072 -0.48588334 -0.80085883,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.32722272 0.0018569697 -0.94494542,
+ 0.1138201 -0.55076973 -0.82686014,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1835 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.092757039 3.8814961 1.3266138,0.092757039 3.8818898 1.3266138,
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+ -0.12780296 3.8818898 1.2429018,-0.19074296 3.8818898 1.2501138,
+ -0.19074296 3.8814961 1.2501138,-0.12195775 3.8814961 1.2429514,
+ -0.054952154 3.8814961 1.2516678,0.0079202347 3.8814961 1.2733442,
+ 0.05291555 3.8814961 1.2975845] }
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+ 3,4,7,-1]
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+ -0.5888834 0 0.80821801,-0.13333137 -0.97146347 0.19616695,
+ -0.11568738 -0.96125047 0.25022783,-0.14528643 -0.70331524 0.69587321,
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+ -0.13684992 -0.86053255 0.49066877,-0.23164427 -0.80635585 0.54417935,
+ -0.19897608 -0.92929681 0.31115264] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.092757039 3.8814961 1.3266138,0.092757039 3.8818898 1.3266138,
+ 0.019834539 3.8818898 1.2789993,-0.066182961 3.8818898 1.2491778,
+ -0.12780296 3.8818898 1.2429018,-0.19074296 3.8818898 1.2501138,
+ -0.19074296 3.8814961 1.2501138,-0.12195775 3.8814961 1.2429514,
+ -0.054952154 3.8814961 1.2516678,0.0079202347 3.8814961 1.2733442,
+ 0.05291555 3.8814961 1.2975845] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,2,10,9,-1,10,1,0,-1,2,1,10,-1,3,2,8,-1,8,2,9,-1,
+ 4,3,7,-1]
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+ 0.5888834 0 -0.80821801,0.13333137 0.97146347 -0.19616695,
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+ -0.041367032 -0.15127015 -0.9876265,-0.11384041 0 -0.99349905,
+ -0.081922417 -0.65550883 -0.7507309,0.027519339 -0.71962064 -0.69382189,
+ 0.13684992 0.86053255 -0.49066877,0.23164427 0.80635585 -0.54417935,
+ 0.19897608 0.92929681 -0.31115264] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1837 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.13875704 3.8814961 1.4496138,0.13875704 3.8818898 1.4496138,
+ 0.13383111 3.8818898 1.4071693,0.11868297 3.8818898 1.3640582,
+ 0.10710195 3.8818898 1.3442318,0.092757039 3.8818898 1.3266138,
+ 0.092757039 3.8814961 1.3266138,0.11460335 3.8814961 1.3563144,
+ 0.1293091 3.8814961 1.3905224,0.13642547 3.8814961 1.4206942] }
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+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,3,7,-1,9,2,8,-1,1,9,0,-1,1,2,9,-1,2,3,8,-1,3,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.54178856 -0.83870695 0.055098159,
+ -0.47928623 -0.87040438 0.11260963,-0.66018183 -0.69632657 0.28158349,
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+ -0.9049353 -0.29020746 0.31124225,-0.83692539 -0.53433943 0.11847897] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.13875704 3.8814961 1.4496138,0.13875704 3.8818898 1.4496138,
+ 0.13383111 3.8818898 1.4071693,0.11868297 3.8818898 1.3640582,
+ 0.10710195 3.8818898 1.3442318,0.092757039 3.8818898 1.3266138,
+ 0.092757039 3.8814961 1.3266138,0.11460335 3.8814961 1.3563144,
+ 0.1293091 3.8814961 1.3905224,0.13642547 3.8814961 1.4206942] }
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+ -0.25374296 3.8816929 1.3171138] }
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+ 0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,1,2,0,-1]
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+ -0.032613098 -0.99404723 -0.10395425] }
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+ -0.29874296 3.8814961 1.3331138,-0.29874296 3.8818898 1.3331138,
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+ 2,0,3,-1,3,0,4,-1,2,1,0,-1]
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+ 0.98093025 0 0.1943601,0.99984271 0 -0.017735428] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.27974296 3.8814961 1.4406138,-0.27974296 3.8818898 1.4406138,
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+ 0,2,3,-1,1,2,0,-1]
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+ -0.88807058 0 0.45970712,-0.88807058 0 0.45970712,
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+ -0.27974296 3.8814961 1.4406138,-0.27974296 3.8818898 1.4406138,
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+ 2,0,3,-1,2,1,0,-1]
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+ 0.88807058 0 -0.45970712,0.88807058 0 -0.45970712,
+ 0.88807058 0 -0.45970712,0.88807058 0 -0.45970712] }
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+ -0.27974296 3.8818898 1.4406138,-0.27974296 3.8814961 1.4406138,
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+ -0.45999697 0.77624852 0.43109282,-0.68038472 -0.59883777 0.42245704] }
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+ -0.27974296 3.8818898 1.4406138,-0.27974296 3.8814961 1.4406138,
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+ 15,1,0,-1,2,1,15,-1,3,2,14,-1,4,3,13,-1,5,4,12,-1,6,5,11,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.48228673 0.83076249 -0.27790859,
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+ 0.45999697 -0.77624852 -0.43109282,0.68038472 0.59883777 -0.42245704] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.090257039 3.8814961 1.7336138,0.12331954 3.8815207 1.7913638,
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+ 0.090257039 3.8818898 1.7336138] }
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+ 3,0,1,-1,3,4,0,-1,2,3,1,-1]
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+ -0.86783827 0 0.4968468,-0.9059007 0 0.42349017,
+ -0.93647655 0 0.3507302,-0.89293741 0 0.45018084,
+ -0.86783827 0 0.4968468] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.090257039 3.8814961 1.7336138,0.12331954 3.8815207 1.7913638,
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+ 0.090257039 3.8818898 1.7336138] }
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+ 0,3,1,-1,4,3,0,-1,3,2,1,-1]
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+ 0.86783827 0 -0.4968468,0.9059007 0 -0.42349017,
+ 0.93647655 0 -0.3507302,0.89293741 0 -0.45018084,
+ 0.86783827 0 -0.4968468] }
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+ -0.60224296 3.8814961 1.9261138,-0.60224296 3.8818898 1.9261138,
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+ -0.36335407 3.8815544 2.0945582,-0.49513185 3.8815034 2.0275027,
+ -0.55210407 3.881497 1.9815582] }
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+ 0.043152488 0.99295664 -0.11034028,0.13284006 0.96651907 -0.21953222,
+ 0.20476023 -0.95588667 -0.21060369] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.60224296 3.8814961 1.9261138,-0.60224296 3.8818898 1.9261138,
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+ -0.31832825 3.8817999 2.1095206,-0.21224296 3.8816929 2.1346138,
+ -0.36335407 3.8815544 2.0945582,-0.49513185 3.8815034 2.0275027,
+ -0.55210407 3.881497 1.9815582] }
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+ 4,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,2,8,7,-1,8,1,0,-1,2,1,8,-1,3,2,7,-1,4,3,6,-1]
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+ -0.74170302 0 0.67072843,-0.12460075 0.9849656 0.1196554,
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+ -0.20476023 0.95588667 0.21060369] }
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+ -0.64374296 3.8814961 1.8251138,-0.64374296 3.8818898 1.8251138,
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+ -0.60224296 3.8814961 1.9261138,-0.63011796 3.8814961 1.8803013,
+ -0.64055208 3.8814961 1.8524444] }
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+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,3,7,-1,2,3,8,-1,0,2,8,-1,1,2,0,-1,3,4,7,-1]
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+ 0.96354555 0.24434485 -0.10897504,0 0 1,
+ 0.98158932 0.094330448 -0.16608484,0.8673663 0.36008031 -0.34353729,
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+ 0.60861524 0.69854892 -0.3763202,0.56804101 0.76938824 -0.29218341,
+ 0.7484573 0.6324513 -0.19954202] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.64374296 3.8814961 1.8251138,-0.64374296 3.8818898 1.8251138,
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+ -0.62448428 3.8818898 1.8908741,-0.60224296 3.8818898 1.9261138,
+ -0.60224296 3.8814961 1.9261138,-0.63011796 3.8814961 1.8803013,
+ -0.64055208 3.8814961 1.8524444] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,2,8,-1,2,0,8,-1,2,1,0,-1,4,3,7,-1]
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+ -0.96354555 -0.24434485 0.10897504,0 0 1,
+ -0.98158932 -0.094330448 0.16608484,-0.8673663 -0.36008031 0.34353729,
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+ -0.60861524 -0.69854892 0.3763202,-0.56804101 -0.76938824 0.29218341,
+ -0.7484573 -0.6324513 0.19954202] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.59824296 3.8814961 1.7331138,-0.59824296 3.8818898 1.7331138,
+ -0.62303926 3.8818898 1.7587434,-0.63642065 3.8818898 1.7829696,
+ -0.64201822 3.8818898 1.8030025,-0.64374296 3.8818898 1.8251138,
+ -0.64374296 3.8814961 1.8251138,-0.64042897 3.8814961 1.7955325,
+ -0.63143862 3.8814961 1.7721206,-0.61888738 3.8814961 1.7533922,
+ -0.60925287 3.8814961 1.7429037] }
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+ 3,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.33581785 -0.88132704 0.3323989,
+ 0.5157385 -0.76713355 0.38147073,0.8156916 -0.47009237 0.33713554,
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+ 0.87145891 0.17398139 0.4585737,0.46401155 -0.79164719 0.39747705,
+ 0.33225371 -0.88045143 0.33824953] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.59824296 3.8814961 1.7331138,-0.59824296 3.8818898 1.7331138,
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+ -0.63143862 3.8814961 1.7721206,-0.61888738 3.8814961 1.7533922,
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+ 4,3,7,-1]
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+ -0.87145891 -0.17398139 -0.4585737,-0.46401155 0.79164719 -0.39747705,
+ -0.33225371 0.88045143 -0.33824953] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 1.7241138,-0.40624296 3.8818898 1.7241138,
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+ -0.56135242 3.8818898 1.7147946,-0.58041845 3.8818898 1.7226898,
+ -0.59824296 3.8818898 1.7331138,-0.59824296 3.8814961 1.7331138,
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+ -0.50505546 3.8814961 1.7051763,-0.47135407 3.8814961 1.7068915,
+ -0.43806935 3.8814961 1.7133568] }
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+ 0 0 1,-0.092141478 -0.94714692 0.30728271,
+ -0.051909788 -0.93350931 0.35477562,0.036208598 -0.89282043 0.44895503,
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+ -0.1208373 -0.88721641 0.44524756] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 1.7241138,-0.40624296 3.8818898 1.7241138,
+ -0.46463046 3.8818898 1.7078193,-0.51908372 3.8818898 1.7059825,
+ -0.56135242 3.8818898 1.7147946,-0.58041845 3.8818898 1.7226898,
+ -0.59824296 3.8818898 1.7331138,-0.59824296 3.8814961 1.7331138,
+ -0.56954157 3.8814961 1.717829,-0.53813185 3.8814961 1.7086693,
+ -0.50505546 3.8814961 1.7051763,-0.47135407 3.8814961 1.7068915,
+ -0.43806935 3.8814961 1.7133568] }
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+ 10,2,11,-1,4,3,9,-1,5,4,8,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.092141478 0.94714692 -0.30728271,
+ 0.051909788 0.93350931 -0.35477562,-0.036208598 0.89282043 -0.44895503,
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+ -0.24265676 -0.76692179 -0.59409483,-0.19022108 0.26226452 -0.94606197,
+ 0.0002818744 0.81476077 -0.57979721,0.11706701 0.25958689 -0.95859792,
+ 0.1208373 0.88721641 -0.44524756] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 1.7241138,-0.35963185 3.8815034 1.752299,
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+ -0.29974296 3.8816929 1.8431138,-0.31230949 3.8817959 1.8082219,
+ -0.33241408 3.8818547 1.7783208,-0.35826802 3.8818818 1.753379,
+ -0.38146601 3.8818888 1.7372308,-0.40624296 3.8818898 1.7241138] }
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+ -0.17404454 0.93770967 0.300681,-0.27116016 0.89786736 0.34685209,
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+ -0.23615922 0.89041779 0.38908224,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 1.7241138,-0.35963185 3.8815034 1.752299,
+ -0.32818027 3.8815393 1.7835131,-0.31079338 3.8815975 1.81126,
+ -0.29974296 3.8816929 1.8431138,-0.31230949 3.8817959 1.8082219,
+ -0.33241408 3.8818547 1.7783208,-0.35826802 3.8818818 1.753379,
+ -0.38146601 3.8818888 1.7372308,-0.40624296 3.8818898 1.7241138] }
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+ 0.17404454 -0.93770967 -0.300681,0.27116016 -0.89786736 -0.34685209,
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+ 0.40537256 0.90284478 -0.14333313,0.59705253 0.72954359 -0.33360819,
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+ 0.23615922 -0.89041779 -0.38908224,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.44124296 3.8814961 1.8846138,-0.44124296 3.8818898 1.8846138,
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+ -0.43896724 3.8815887 1.8536563,-0.44153575 3.8815452 1.8592455,
+ -0.44285619 3.8815178 1.8653379,-0.44310723 3.8815022 1.8721994] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1864 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ -0.44124296 3.8814961 1.8846138,-0.44124296 3.8818898 1.8846138,
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+ -0.43896724 3.8815887 1.8536563,-0.44153575 3.8815452 1.8592455,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.38524296 3.8814961 1.9441138,-0.38524296 3.8818898 1.9441138,
+ -0.41596175 3.8818898 1.9241988,-0.42883555 3.8818898 1.9108175,
+ -0.4362962 3.8818898 1.8987434,-0.44124296 3.8818898 1.8846138,
+ -0.44124296 3.8814961 1.8846138,-0.4362962 3.8814961 1.8987434,
+ -0.42883555 3.8814961 1.9108175,-0.41943046 3.8814961 1.9211138,
+ -0.40292265 3.8814961 1.9338325] }
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+ 2,3,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,-0.27871299 0.85015245 0.44672125,
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+ 0 0 1,-0.68427036 -0.0052576857 0.72920946,
+ -0.39758128 0.69306994 0.60131786] }
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+ -0.38524296 3.8814961 1.9441138,-0.38524296 3.8818898 1.9441138,
+ -0.41596175 3.8818898 1.9241988,-0.42883555 3.8818898 1.9108175,
+ -0.4362962 3.8818898 1.8987434,-0.44124296 3.8818898 1.8846138,
+ -0.44124296 3.8814961 1.8846138,-0.4362962 3.8814961 1.8987434,
+ -0.42883555 3.8814961 1.9108175,-0.41943046 3.8814961 1.9211138,
+ -0.40292265 3.8814961 1.9338325] }
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+ 3,2,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.27871299 -0.85015245 -0.44672125,
+ 0.38667183 -0.77163865 -0.50503336,0.75993026 -0.27039521 -0.59109426,
+ 0.91857963 0 -0.39523597,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.88756192 0 -0.46068844,
+ 0 0 1,0.68427036 0.0052576857 -0.72920946,
+ 0.39758128 -0.69306994 -0.60131786] }
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+ -0.23124296 3.8814961 1.9476138,-0.23124296 3.8818898 1.9476138,
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+ -0.30655546 3.8818898 1.9631138,-0.34193578 3.8818898 1.9579478,
+ -0.36384577 3.8818898 1.951902,-0.38524296 3.8818898 1.9441138,
+ -0.38524296 3.8814961 1.9441138,-0.33309481 3.8814961 1.959799,
+ -0.28556931 3.8814961 1.963035,-0.25758855 3.8814961 1.958346] }
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+ 6,7,8,-1,9,5,6,-1,9,6,8,-1,10,4,9,-1,11,3,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,0,2,11,-1,1,2,0,-1,
+ 3,4,10,-1,4,5,9,-1]
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+ 0.35912863 -0.34009287 0.86911649,0 0 1,
+ 0.32178519 -0.062619626 0.94473969,0.12658786 0.082481241 0.98852029,
+ -0.050998536 -0.70679206 0.7055807,-0.18387654 0.2887436 0.93958318,
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+ -0.12033858 -0.91834769 0.37703601,-0.079527809 -0.90667529 0.41426471,
+ 0.0091472362 -0.88169491 0.4717313,0.22780281 -0.39590026 0.88958915] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.23124296 3.8814961 1.9476138,-0.23124296 3.8818898 1.9476138,
+ -0.25511565 3.8818898 1.9576323,-0.28039111 3.8818898 1.9625952,
+ -0.30655546 3.8818898 1.9631138,-0.34193578 3.8818898 1.9579478,
+ -0.36384577 3.8818898 1.951902,-0.38524296 3.8818898 1.9441138,
+ -0.38524296 3.8814961 1.9441138,-0.33309481 3.8814961 1.959799,
+ -0.28556931 3.8814961 1.963035,-0.25758855 3.8814961 1.958346] }
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+ 4,3,10,-1,5,4,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.35912863 0.34009287 -0.86911649,0 0 1,
+ -0.32178519 0.062619626 -0.94473969,-0.12658786 -0.082481241 -0.98852029,
+ 0.050998536 0.70679206 -0.7055807,0.18387654 -0.2887436 -0.93958318,
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+ 0.12033858 0.91834769 -0.37703601,0.079527809 0.90667529 -0.41426471,
+ -0.0091472362 0.88169491 -0.4717313,-0.22780281 0.39590026 -0.88958915] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1869 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.18974296 3.8814961 1.8861138,-0.18974296 3.8818898 1.8861138,
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+ -0.20605096 3.8818898 1.9245978,-0.21751896 3.8818898 1.9375218,
+ -0.23124296 3.8818898 1.9476138,-0.23124296 3.8814961 1.9476138,
+ -0.2177201 3.8814961 1.9377084,-0.20637528 3.8814961 1.9250335,
+ -0.19764318 3.8814961 1.9112363,-0.19179957 3.8814961 1.897464] }
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+ 8,6,7,-1,5,6,8,-1,9,5,8,-1,4,5,9,-1,10,4,9,-1,3,4,10,-1,11,3,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,
+ 0,2,11,-1,1,2,0,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.89769996 0.026357633 0.43981822,
+ 0.81391241 0.055185289 0.57836076,0.69807092 0.044940872 0.71461689,
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+ 0.87170133 -0.032924877 0.48893021,0.9423086 -0.05672702 0.32990384] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.18974296 3.8814961 1.8861138,-0.18974296 3.8818898 1.8861138,
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+ -0.20605096 3.8818898 1.9245978,-0.21751896 3.8818898 1.9375218,
+ -0.23124296 3.8818898 1.9476138,-0.23124296 3.8814961 1.9476138,
+ -0.2177201 3.8814961 1.9377084,-0.20637528 3.8814961 1.9250335,
+ -0.19764318 3.8814961 1.9112363,-0.19179957 3.8814961 1.897464] }
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+ 6,8,7,-1,6,5,8,-1,5,9,8,-1,5,4,9,-1,4,10,9,-1,4,3,10,-1,3,11,10,-1,3,2,11,-1,
+ 2,0,11,-1,2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.89769996 -0.026357633 -0.43981822,
+ -0.81391241 -0.055185289 -0.57836076,-0.69807092 -0.044940872 -0.71461689,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.87170133 0.032924877 -0.48893021,-0.9423086 0.05672702 -0.32990384] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.18974296 3.8814961 1.8861138,-0.19840963 3.8815034 1.8275952,
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+ -0.21907629 3.8818314 1.771299,-0.19840963 3.8818825 1.8275952,
+ -0.18974296 3.8818898 1.8861138] }
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+ 5,0,1,-1,5,6,0,-1,4,1,2,-1,4,5,1,-1,3,4,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.98921018 0 -0.14650328,0.96172325 0 -0.27402261,
+ 0.90507051 0 -0.42526154,0 0 1,
+ 0.92058156 0 -0.39055038,0.97698784 0 -0.21329501,
+ 0.98921018 0 -0.14650328] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1872 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1872 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.18974296 3.8814961 1.8861138,-0.19840963 3.8815034 1.8275952,
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+ -0.21907629 3.8818314 1.771299,-0.19840963 3.8818825 1.8275952,
+ -0.18974296 3.8818898 1.8861138] }
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+ 0,5,1,-1,6,5,0,-1,1,4,2,-1,5,4,1,-1,4,3,2,-1]
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+ -0.98921018 0 0.14650328,-0.96172325 0 0.27402261,
+ -0.90507051 0 0.42526154,0 0 1,
+ -0.92058156 0 0.39055038,-0.97698784 0 0.21329501,
+ -0.98921018 0 0.14650328] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1873 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.46024296 3.8814961 2.1586138,-0.46024296 3.8818898 2.1586138,
+ -0.57634996 3.8818725 2.0813957,-0.63978874 3.8818156 2.0230032,
+ -0.69574296 3.8816929 1.9531138,-0.62768741 3.8815544 2.0355027,
+ -0.54896518 3.8815034 2.1022249] }
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+ 5,3,4,-1,6,2,5,-1,1,6,0,-1,1,2,6,-1,2,3,5,-1]
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+ -0.53639667 0 0.843966,-0.1606464 0.95581003 0.24621111,
+ -0.29555231 0.87590319 0.38136915,-0.46177387 -0.77532111 0.430862,
+ -0.13320923 -0.98514439 0.10837822,-0.22666736 -0.94565008 0.23316909,
+ -0.42852121 0.66817475 0.60820397] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ -0.46024296 3.8814961 2.1586138,-0.46024296 3.8818898 2.1586138,
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+ -0.69574296 3.8816929 1.9531138,-0.62768741 3.8815544 2.0355027,
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+ 3,5,4,-1,2,6,5,-1,6,1,0,-1,2,1,6,-1,3,2,5,-1]
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+ 0.53639667 0 -0.843966,0.1606464 -0.95581003 -0.24621111,
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+ 0.13320923 0.98514439 -0.10837822,0.22666736 0.94565008 -0.23316909,
+ 0.42852121 -0.66817475 -0.60820397] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1875 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ -0.32124296 3.8814961 2.2111138,-0.32124296 3.8818898 2.2111138,
+ -0.46024296 3.8818898 2.1586138,-0.46024296 3.8814961 2.1586138] }
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
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+ -0.35333513 0 0.93549681,-0.35333513 0 0.93549681,
+ -0.35333513 0 0.93549681,-0.35333513 0 0.93549681] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1876 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1876 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.32124296 3.8814961 2.2111138,-0.32124296 3.8818898 2.2111138,
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+ 2,1,3,-1,3,1,0,-1]
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+ 0.35333513 0 -0.93549681,0.35333513 0 -0.93549681,
+ 0.35333513 0 -0.93549681,0.35333513 0 -0.93549681] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1877 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1877 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.046757039 3.8814961 2.1956138,0.046757039 3.8818898 2.1956138,
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+ -0.24721096 3.8818898 2.2255818,-0.32124296 3.8818898 2.2111138,
+ -0.32124296 3.8814961 2.2111138,-0.19750222 3.8814961 2.2314286,
+ -0.073650368 3.8814961 2.2289656,-0.012793887 3.8814961 2.2166577] }
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+ 0.33318626 0 0.94286103,0.051284774 0.98519966 0.16355886,
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+ -0.067786438 -0.89675958 0.43729539,-0.19180065 0 0.98143391,
+ -0.046100302 -0.96393267 0.26212321,-0.020128105 -0.96635068 0.25643951,
+ 0.0395356 -0.82275269 0.56702288,0.069206537 0.96736429 0.2437556] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1878 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.046757039 3.8814961 2.1956138,0.046757039 3.8818898 2.1956138,
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+ -0.24721096 3.8818898 2.2255818,-0.32124296 3.8818898 2.2111138,
+ -0.32124296 3.8814961 2.2111138,-0.19750222 3.8814961 2.2314286,
+ -0.073650368 3.8814961 2.2289656,-0.012793887 3.8814961 2.2166577] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,3,7,-1]
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+ -0.33318626 0 -0.94286103,-0.051284774 -0.98519966 -0.16355886,
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+ 0.067786438 0.89675958 -0.43729539,0.19180065 0 -0.98143391,
+ 0.046100302 0.96393267 -0.26212321,0.020128105 0.96635068 -0.25643951,
+ -0.0395356 0.82275269 -0.56702288,-0.069206537 -0.96736429 -0.2437556] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1879 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1879 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20625704 3.8814961 2.0666138,0.20625704 3.8818898 2.0666138,
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+ 0.046757039 3.8818898 2.1956138,0.046757039 3.8814961 2.1956138,
+ 0.1255746 3.8814961 2.1498854,0.17003747 3.8814961 2.1121269] }
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+ 3,4,5,-1,6,3,5,-1,7,2,6,-1,1,7,0,-1,1,2,7,-1,2,3,6,-1]
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+ 0.78246746 0 0.62269148,0.39548308 0.86011693 0.32216764,
+ 0.33734566 0.86847389 0.36325062,0.45996136 -0.49656866 0.73610808,
+ 0.48079881 0 0.87683094,0.19039862 -0.92237553 0.3361127,
+ 0.37957448 -0.75302381 0.53747404,0.65520236 0.45993299 0.59930919] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1880 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1880 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20625704 3.8814961 2.0666138,0.20625704 3.8818898 2.0666138,
+ 0.16168297 3.8818898 2.1202804,0.10633111 3.8818898 2.1629471,
+ 0.046757039 3.8818898 2.1956138,0.046757039 3.8814961 2.1956138,
+ 0.1255746 3.8814961 2.1498854,0.17003747 3.8814961 2.1121269] }
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+ 4,3,5,-1,3,6,5,-1,2,7,6,-1,7,1,0,-1,2,1,7,-1,3,2,6,-1]
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+ -0.78246746 0 -0.62269148,-0.39548308 -0.86011693 -0.32216764,
+ -0.33734566 -0.86847389 -0.36325062,-0.45996136 0.49656866 -0.73610808,
+ -0.48079881 0 -0.87683094,-0.19039862 0.92237553 -0.3361127,
+ -0.37957448 0.75302381 -0.53747404,-0.65520236 -0.45993299 -0.59930919] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1881 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.22475704 3.8814961 1.8016138,0.22475704 3.8818898 1.8016138,
+ 0.24318297 3.8818898 1.8913175,0.23950597 3.8818898 1.9733175,
+ 0.22701399 3.8818898 2.0214865,0.20625704 3.8818898 2.0666138,
+ 0.20625704 3.8814961 2.0666138,0.23196706 3.8814961 2.0060808,
+ 0.24338946 3.8814961 1.9409438,0.24147128 3.8814961 1.874216,
+ 0.23495884 3.8814961 1.8374325] }
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+ 3,4,7,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.20578618 0.97758222 -0.044553872,
+ 0.31823588 0.94775052 -0.022245687,0.51148837 0.85624661 0.072259255,
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+ 0.99801019 0.013859372 0.061510789,0.3236381 0.94511096 -0.04498513,
+ 0.19714386 0.97932346 -0.045385757] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1882 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1882 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.22475704 3.8814961 1.8016138,0.22475704 3.8818898 1.8016138,
+ 0.24318297 3.8818898 1.8913175,0.23950597 3.8818898 1.9733175,
+ 0.22701399 3.8818898 2.0214865,0.20625704 3.8818898 2.0666138,
+ 0.20625704 3.8814961 2.0666138,0.23196706 3.8814961 2.0060808,
+ 0.24338946 3.8814961 1.9409438,0.24147128 3.8814961 1.874216,
+ 0.23495884 3.8814961 1.8374325] }
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+ 4,3,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,-0.20578618 -0.97758222 0.044553872,
+ -0.31823588 -0.94775052 0.022245687,-0.51148837 -0.85624661 -0.072259255,
+ -0.73886181 0.6114639 -0.28318745,-0.90850256 0 -0.41787929,
+ -0.39079811 0.90428952 -0.17186418,-0.37711434 0.91988905 -0.10765175,
+ -0.99801019 -0.013859372 -0.061510789,-0.3236381 -0.94511096 0.04498513,
+ -0.19714386 -0.97932346 0.045385757] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1883 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1883 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14175704 3.8814961 1.6616138,0.14175704 3.8818898 1.6616138,
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+ 0.22475704 3.8818898 1.8016138,0.22475704 3.8814961 1.8016138,
+ 0.20933694 3.8814961 1.7637815,0.18606954 3.8814961 1.7235513] }
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+ 6,4,5,-1,3,4,6,-1,7,3,6,-1,2,3,7,-1,1,7,0,-1,1,2,7,-1]
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+ 0.81328963 0 -0.58185908,0.81328963 0 -0.58185908,
+ 0.83404908 0 -0.55169025,0.88585607 0 -0.46396015,
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+ 0.90611306 0 -0.4230356,0.83404908 0 -0.55169025] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1884 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1884 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14175704 3.8814961 1.6616138,0.14175704 3.8818898 1.6616138,
+ 0.18606954 3.8818898 1.7235513,0.20933694 3.8818898 1.7637815,
+ 0.22475704 3.8818898 1.8016138,0.22475704 3.8814961 1.8016138,
+ 0.20933694 3.8814961 1.7637815,0.18606954 3.8814961 1.7235513] }
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+ 4,6,5,-1,4,3,6,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,2,7,-1,7,1,0,-1,2,1,7,-1]
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+ -0.81328963 0 0.58185908,-0.81328963 0 0.58185908,
+ -0.83404908 0 0.55169025,-0.88585607 0 0.46396015,
+ -0.9260328 0 0.37744306,-0.9260328 0 0.37744306,
+ -0.90611306 0 0.4230356,-0.83404908 0 0.55169025] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1885 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10925704 3.8814961 1.5986138,0.10925704 3.8818898 1.5986138,
+ 0.10971189 3.8818898 1.6096743,0.12044454 3.8818898 1.6306763,
+ 0.14175704 3.8818898 1.6616138,0.14175704 3.8814961 1.6616138,
+ 0.12326596 3.8814961 1.6351776,0.11112389 3.8814961 1.6132884,
+ 0.10829709 3.8814961 1.6040933] }
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+ 6,4,5,-1,7,3,6,-1,8,2,7,-1,1,8,0,-1,1,2,8,-1,2,3,7,-1,3,4,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.62583505 -0.750426 -0.21258247,0.81837043 -0.30060349 -0.48980341,
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+ 0.83567556 -0.041309605 -0.54766767,0.8963024 0.032196005 -0.44227302,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1886 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10925704 3.8814961 1.5986138,0.10925704 3.8818898 1.5986138,
+ 0.10971189 3.8818898 1.6096743,0.12044454 3.8818898 1.6306763,
+ 0.14175704 3.8818898 1.6616138,0.14175704 3.8814961 1.6616138,
+ 0.12326596 3.8814961 1.6351776,0.11112389 3.8814961 1.6132884,
+ 0.10829709 3.8814961 1.6040933] }
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+ 4,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,2,8,7,-1,8,1,0,-1,2,1,8,-1,3,2,7,-1,4,3,6,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.62583505 0.750426 0.21258247,-0.81837043 0.30060349 0.48980341,
+ -0.78378536 0.30001134 0.54375887,0 0 1,
+ -0.83567556 0.041309605 0.54766767,-0.8963024 -0.032196005 0.44227302,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1887 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1887 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.10925704 3.8814961 1.5986138,0.13104352 3.8814976 1.5799313,
+ 0.18827297 3.8815306 1.5420689,0.21597894 3.8815806 1.5178519,
+ 0.22850866 3.881629 1.5004685,0.23270745 3.8816588 1.4910556,
+ 0.23525704 3.8816929 1.4811138,0.23138378 3.8817381 1.494483,
+ 0.22460426 3.8817758 1.5069008,0.21542891 3.8818067 1.5184575,
+ 0.19304439 3.8818492 1.5385032,0.15817696 3.8818794 1.562227,
+ 0.12572765 3.881889 1.5837603,0.10925704 3.8818898 1.5986138] }
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+ 12,13,0,-1,1,12,0,-1,2,11,1,-1,3,9,10,-1,3,10,2,-1,8,9,3,-1,4,8,3,-1,5,7,4,-1,
+ 6,7,5,-1,7,8,4,-1,10,11,2,-1,11,12,1,-1]
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+ 0.51582294 0.62261438 0.58845392,0.56770198 -0.15392725 0.80871557,
+ 0.53990853 -0.36686997 0.75756531,0.43836923 -0.78167214 0.44364522,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.60144326 -0.24881895 0.75918057,0.54004984 -0.23062267 0.80941915,
+ 0.60547053 0.17163134 0.77714099,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0.10925704 3.8814961 1.5986138,0.13104352 3.8814976 1.5799313,
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+ 0.22850866 3.881629 1.5004685,0.23270745 3.8816588 1.4910556,
+ 0.23525704 3.8816929 1.4811138,0.23138378 3.8817381 1.494483,
+ 0.22460426 3.8817758 1.5069008,0.21542891 3.8818067 1.5184575,
+ 0.19304439 3.8818492 1.5385032,0.15817696 3.8818794 1.562227,
+ 0.12572765 3.881889 1.5837603,0.10925704 3.8818898 1.5986138] }
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+ 13,12,0,-1,12,1,0,-1,11,2,1,-1,9,3,10,-1,10,3,2,-1,9,8,3,-1,8,4,3,-1,7,5,4,-1,
+ 7,6,5,-1,8,7,4,-1,11,10,2,-1,12,11,1,-1]
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+ -0.51582294 -0.62261438 -0.58845392,-0.56770198 0.15392725 -0.80871557,
+ -0.53990853 0.36686997 -0.75756531,-0.43836923 0.78167214 -0.44364522,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.60144326 0.24881895 -0.75918057,-0.54004984 0.23062267 -0.80941915,
+ -0.60547053 -0.17163134 -0.77714099,0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1889 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.020242961 3.8814961 1.1446138,-0.020242961 3.8818898 1.1446138,
+ 0.075632039 3.8818652 1.2073638,0.13016242 3.8817935 1.2393777,
+ 0.16325704 3.8816929 1.2656138,0.13012516 3.8815922 1.2393529,
+ 0.075632039 3.8815207 1.2073638] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,5,-1,2,5,6,-1,2,3,5,-1,1,6,0,-1,1,2,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0.5476314 0 -0.83671969,0.5476314 0 -0.83671969,
+ 0.5284943 0.0021351959 -0.84893417,0.55360312 7.8574803e-06 -0.83278064,
+ 0 0 1,0.52981053 3.8768671e-06 -0.84811603,
+ 0.5392654 0 -0.84213587] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1890 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.020242961 3.8814961 1.1446138,-0.020242961 3.8818898 1.1446138,
+ 0.075632039 3.8818652 1.2073638,0.13016242 3.8817935 1.2393777,
+ 0.16325704 3.8816929 1.2656138,0.13012516 3.8815922 1.2393529,
+ 0.075632039 3.8815207 1.2073638] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,5,-1,5,2,6,-1,3,2,5,-1,6,1,0,-1,2,1,6,-1]
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+ -0.5476314 0 0.83671969,-0.5476314 0 0.83671969,
+ -0.5284943 -0.0021351959 0.84893417,-0.55360312 -7.8574803e-06 0.83278064,
+ 0 0 1,-0.52981053 -3.8768671e-06 0.84811603,
+ -0.5392654 0 0.84213587] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1891 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.072242961 3.8814961 0.95511377,-0.072242961 3.8818898 0.95511377,
+ -0.042867961 3.8818898 1.0478013,-0.020242961 3.8818898 1.1446138,
+ -0.020242961 3.8814961 1.1446138,-0.042867961 3.8814961 1.0478013] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,3,4,-1,2,4,5,-1,1,5,0,-1,1,2,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1891 Normal { vector [
+ 0.95327128 0 -0.30211565,0.95327128 0 -0.30211565,
+ 0.96767109 0 -0.25221552,0.97376232 0 -0.22756744,
+ 0.97376232 0 -0.22756744,0.96084647 0 -0.27708131] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1892 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1892 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.072242961 3.8814961 0.95511377,-0.072242961 3.8818898 0.95511377,
+ -0.042867961 3.8818898 1.0478013,-0.020242961 3.8818898 1.1446138,
+ -0.020242961 3.8814961 1.1446138,-0.042867961 3.8814961 1.0478013] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,2,4,-1,4,2,5,-1,5,1,0,-1,2,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -0.95327128 0 0.30211565,-0.95327128 0 0.30211565,
+ -0.96767109 0 0.25221552,-0.97376232 0 0.22756744,
+ -0.97376232 0 0.22756744,-0.96084647 0 0.27708131] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1893 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1893 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.064242961 3.8814961 0.94711377,-0.064242961 3.8818898 0.94711377,
+ -0.072242961 3.8818898 0.95511377,-0.072242961 3.8814961 0.95511377,
+ -0.069555461 3.8816929 0.95017627] }
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+ 4,0,1,-1,4,1,2,-1,4,2,3,-1,4,3,0,-1]
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+ 0.14966014 0.96884414 0.19733948,0.14966014 -0.96884414 0.19733948,
+ 0.18990528 -0.9714651 0.14209696,0.18990528 0.9714651 0.14209696,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1894 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.064242961 3.8814961 0.94711377,-0.064242961 3.8818898 0.94711377,
+ -0.072242961 3.8818898 0.95511377,-0.072242961 3.8814961 0.95511377,
+ -0.069555461 3.8816929 0.95017627] }
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+ 0,4,1,-1,1,4,2,-1,2,4,3,-1,3,4,0,-1]
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+ -0.14966014 -0.96884414 -0.19733948,-0.14966014 0.96884414 -0.19733948,
+ -0.18990528 0.9714651 -0.14209696,-0.18990528 -0.9714651 -0.14209696,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1895 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1895 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.028757039 3.8814961 0.96161377,0.028757039 3.8818898 0.96161377,
+ -0.017742961 3.8818898 0.95398877,-0.064242961 3.8818898 0.94711377,
+ -0.064242961 3.8814961 0.94711377,-0.017742961 3.8814961 0.95398877] }
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+ 2,3,4,-1,2,4,5,-1,1,5,0,-1,1,2,5,-1]
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+ -0.16181738 0 0.98682072,-0.16181738 0 0.98682072,
+ -0.15145814 0 0.98846367,-0.14625953 0 0.98924625,
+ -0.14625953 0 0.98924625,-0.15664422 0 0.9876551] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1896 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1896 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.028757039 3.8814961 0.96161377,0.028757039 3.8818898 0.96161377,
+ -0.017742961 3.8818898 0.95398877,-0.064242961 3.8818898 0.94711377,
+ -0.064242961 3.8814961 0.94711377,-0.017742961 3.8814961 0.95398877] }
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+ 3,2,4,-1,4,2,5,-1,5,1,0,-1,2,1,5,-1]
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+ 0.16181738 0 -0.98682072,0.16181738 0 -0.98682072,
+ 0.15145814 0 -0.98846367,0.14625953 0 -0.98924625,
+ 0.14625953 0 -0.98924625,0.15664422 0 -0.9876551] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1897 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1897 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.21475704 3.8814961 0.92261377,0.21475704 3.8818898 0.92261377,
+ 0.19227898 3.8818898 0.9419182,0.16642254 3.8818898 0.95500927,
+ 0.13812935 3.8818898 0.96282858,0.098242102 3.8818898 0.96668133,
+ 0.062915016 3.8818898 0.96549237,0.028757039 3.8818898 0.96161377,
+ 0.028757039 3.8814961 0.96161377,0.09486815 3.8814961 0.96672488,
+ 0.14840919 3.8814961 0.96059322,0.18153399 3.8814961 0.94824633,
+ 0.19907701 3.8814961 0.93708564] }
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+ 2,3,11,-1,3,4,10,-1,5,6,9,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0.43996427 0.74791853 0.49704055,
+ 0.35674551 0.76262666 0.53956762,0.35516377 0.071984452 0.9320284,
+ 0.099889477 -0.72362199 0.68292994,0.034753911 -0.18928967 0.98130606,
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+ -0.038924451 -0.89999736 0.43415394,0.0088803112 -0.88278984 0.46968419,
+ 0.11519556 -0.85624117 0.50356831,0.35340395 -0.57365703 0.73893387,
+ 0.5646941 0.43723796 0.69995967] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1898 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1898 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.21475704 3.8814961 0.92261377,0.21475704 3.8818898 0.92261377,
+ 0.19227898 3.8818898 0.9419182,0.16642254 3.8818898 0.95500927,
+ 0.13812935 3.8818898 0.96282858,0.098242102 3.8818898 0.96668133,
+ 0.062915016 3.8818898 0.96549237,0.028757039 3.8818898 0.96161377,
+ 0.028757039 3.8814961 0.96161377,0.09486815 3.8814961 0.96672488,
+ 0.14840919 3.8814961 0.96059322,0.18153399 3.8814961 0.94824633,
+ 0.19907701 3.8814961 0.93708564] }
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+ 3,2,11,-1,4,3,10,-1,6,5,9,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_1898 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.43996427 -0.74791853 -0.49704055,
+ -0.35674551 -0.76262666 -0.53956762,-0.35516377 -0.071984452 -0.9320284,
+ -0.099889477 0.72362199 -0.68292994,-0.034753911 0.18928967 -0.98130606,
+ 0.043000116 0.81854542 -0.57283015,0 0 1,
+ 0.038924451 0.89999736 -0.43415394,-0.0088803112 0.88278984 -0.46968419,
+ -0.11519556 0.85624117 -0.50356831,-0.35340395 0.57365703 -0.73893387,
+ -0.5646941 -0.43723796 -0.69995967] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1899 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1899 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.22825704 3.8814961 0.83711377,0.22825704 3.8818898 0.83711377,
+ 0.23270843 3.8818898 0.85178043,0.23386815 3.8818898 0.8669471,
+ 0.23219454 3.8818898 0.88211377,0.22814593 3.8818898 0.89678043,
+ 0.22218065 3.8818898 0.9104471,0.21475704 3.8818898 0.92261377,
+ 0.21475704 3.8814961 0.92261377,0.22709154 3.8814961 0.89960977,
+ 0.23321315 3.8814961 0.87577584,0.23332273 3.8814961 0.85581376,
+ 0.23148494 3.8814961 0.84632653] }
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+ 6,7,8,-1,9,6,8,-1,5,6,9,-1,4,5,9,-1,10,4,9,-1,11,3,10,-1,12,2,11,-1,1,12,0,-1,
+ 1,2,12,-1,2,3,11,-1,3,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.84405242 0.51186744 -0.15989757,0.99124279 -0.13147907 0.012287531,
+ 0.82522903 -0.53463012 0.18211995,0 0 1,
+ 0.67776795 -0.64279703 0.356991,0 0 1,
+ 0.5306638 -0.79342497 0.29811532,0.61008314 -0.75789831 0.23105998,
+ 0.72570477 -0.6810925 0.097291283,0.88742869 -0.45735186 -0.057442116,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1900 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1900 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.22825704 3.8814961 0.83711377,0.22825704 3.8818898 0.83711377,
+ 0.23270843 3.8818898 0.85178043,0.23386815 3.8818898 0.8669471,
+ 0.23219454 3.8818898 0.88211377,0.22814593 3.8818898 0.89678043,
+ 0.22218065 3.8818898 0.9104471,0.21475704 3.8818898 0.92261377,
+ 0.21475704 3.8814961 0.92261377,0.22709154 3.8814961 0.89960977,
+ 0.23321315 3.8814961 0.87577584,0.23332273 3.8814961 0.85581376,
+ 0.23148494 3.8814961 0.84632653] }
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+ 7,6,8,-1,6,9,8,-1,6,5,9,-1,5,4,9,-1,4,10,9,-1,3,11,10,-1,2,12,11,-1,12,1,0,-1,
+ 2,1,12,-1,3,2,11,-1,4,3,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1900 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.84405242 -0.51186744 0.15989757,-0.99124279 0.13147907 -0.012287531,
+ -0.82522903 0.53463012 -0.18211995,0 0 1,
+ -0.67776795 0.64279703 -0.356991,0 0 1,
+ -0.5306638 0.79342497 -0.29811532,-0.61008314 0.75789831 -0.23105998,
+ -0.72570477 0.6810925 -0.097291283,-0.88742869 0.45735186 0.057442116,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1901 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1901 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.095257039 3.8814961 0.63411377,0.095257039 3.8818898 0.63411377,
+ 0.12500091 3.8818898 0.68409938,0.18415046 3.8818898 0.75546407,
+ 0.21217201 3.8818898 0.79717502,0.22825704 3.8818898 0.83711377,
+ 0.22825704 3.8814961 0.83711377,0.21169985 3.8814961 0.79630604,
+ 0.18779097 3.8814961 0.76015862,0.13700398 3.8814961 0.69932474,
+ 0.11175802 3.8814961 0.66515634] }
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+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,4,7,-1,9,3,8,-1,10,2,9,-1,1,10,0,-1,1,2,10,-1,2,3,9,-1,
+ 3,4,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1901 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.30341487 -0.93699133 -0.17316659,
+ 0.43961608 -0.83823456 -0.32264613,0.71040624 -0.42158872 -0.56354762,
+ 0.85181581 0.26096121 -0.45421258,0.92759692 0 -0.3735826,
+ 0.91786151 -0.14089595 -0.37105064,0.8845745 -0.034186602 -0.46514431,
+ 0.79930954 0.10326713 -0.59197987,0.71632848 -0.38481554 -0.58205713,
+ 0.50255119 -0.80633222 -0.31188244] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1902 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1902 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.095257039 3.8814961 0.63411377,0.095257039 3.8818898 0.63411377,
+ 0.12500091 3.8818898 0.68409938,0.18415046 3.8818898 0.75546407,
+ 0.21217201 3.8818898 0.79717502,0.22825704 3.8818898 0.83711377,
+ 0.22825704 3.8814961 0.83711377,0.21169985 3.8814961 0.79630604,
+ 0.18779097 3.8814961 0.76015862,0.13700398 3.8814961 0.69932474,
+ 0.11175802 3.8814961 0.66515634] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,4,8,7,-1,3,9,8,-1,2,10,9,-1,10,1,0,-1,2,1,10,-1,3,2,9,-1,
+ 4,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1902 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.30341487 0.93699133 0.17316659,
+ -0.43961608 0.83823456 0.32264613,-0.71040624 0.42158872 0.56354762,
+ -0.85181581 -0.26096121 0.45421258,-0.92759692 0 0.3735826,
+ -0.91786151 0.14089595 0.37105064,-0.8845745 0.034186602 0.46514431,
+ -0.79930954 -0.10326713 0.59197987,-0.71632848 0.38481554 0.58205713,
+ -0.50255119 0.80633222 0.31188244] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1903 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1903 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.23725704 3.8814961 0.53461377,0.23725704 3.8818898 0.53461377,
+ 0.21903019 3.8818898 0.56437997,0.19910889 3.8818898 0.58507673,
+ 0.17921395 3.8818898 0.59842339,0.15273852 3.8818898 0.6106508,
+ 0.095257039 3.8818898 0.63411377,0.095257039 3.8814961 0.63411377,
+ 0.16928722 3.8814961 0.60348551,0.19910889 3.8814961 0.58507673,
+ 0.21903019 3.8814961 0.56437997] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,8,5,7,-1,9,4,8,-1,3,4,9,-1,2,9,10,-1,2,3,9,-1,1,10,0,-1,1,2,10,-1,
+ 4,5,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1903 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.85281755 0 0.52220899,
+ 0.77476853 0 0.63224499,0.64985793 0 0.76005571,
+ 0.4376047 -0.48356483 0.75806806,0.38205632 -0.16018189 0.91015094,
+ 0.37791265 0 0.92584125,0.35053657 -0.38830577 0.85225744,
+ 0.33975317 -0.60182629 0.72275369,0.51871122 -0.57237521 0.63507896,
+ 0.8182025 0 0.57493014] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1904 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1904 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.23725704 3.8814961 0.53461377,0.23725704 3.8818898 0.53461377,
+ 0.21903019 3.8818898 0.56437997,0.19910889 3.8818898 0.58507673,
+ 0.17921395 3.8818898 0.59842339,0.15273852 3.8818898 0.6106508,
+ 0.095257039 3.8818898 0.63411377,0.095257039 3.8814961 0.63411377,
+ 0.16928722 3.8814961 0.60348551,0.19910889 3.8814961 0.58507673,
+ 0.21903019 3.8814961 0.56437997] }
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+ 6,5,7,-1,5,8,7,-1,4,9,8,-1,4,3,9,-1,9,2,10,-1,3,2,9,-1,10,1,0,-1,2,1,10,-1,
+ 5,4,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0 1,-0.85281755 0 -0.52220899,
+ -0.77476853 0 -0.63224499,-0.64985793 0 -0.76005571,
+ -0.4376047 0.48356483 -0.75806806,-0.38205632 0.16018189 -0.91015094,
+ -0.37791265 0 -0.92584125,-0.35053657 0.38830577 -0.85225744,
+ -0.33975317 0.60182629 -0.72275369,-0.51871122 0.57237521 -0.63507896,
+ -0.8182025 0 -0.57493014] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1905 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20925704 3.8814961 0.34511377,0.20925704 3.8818898 0.34511377,
+ 0.23596074 3.8818898 0.40313228,0.24914824 3.8818898 0.46222378,
+ 0.24755033 3.8818898 0.50165014,0.24355279 3.8818898 0.51832634,
+ 0.23725704 3.8818898 0.53461377,0.23725704 3.8814961 0.53461377,
+ 0.24337289 3.8814961 0.5189024,0.24743991 3.8814961 0.50227812,
+ 0.24955334 3.8814961 0.46892858,0.24519454 3.8814961 0.43555127,
+ 0.23001485 3.8814961 0.38759033] }
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+ 8,6,7,-1,5,6,8,-1,9,5,8,-1,4,5,9,-1,10,4,9,-1,11,3,10,-1,12,2,11,-1,1,12,0,-1,
+ 1,2,12,-1,2,3,11,-1,3,4,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1905 Normal { vector [
+ 0.89845535 0 -0.4390649,0.47900829 0.84815888 -0.2262246,
+ 0.41956354 0.89686875 -0.13997458,0.37280341 0.92681474 -0.045078302,
+ 0.81343644 0.57741407 0.07010105,0.95993485 0.035305855 0.27799026,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.94708548 0.002425106 0.32097229,0.98474118 -0.087586216 0.15037772,
+ 0.97933966 0.20213399 -0.0059732271,0.71087123 0.68353346 -0.16566262,
+ 0.87544922 0.31166422 -0.3693969] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ coord DEF COORD_1906 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20925704 3.8814961 0.34511377,0.20925704 3.8818898 0.34511377,
+ 0.23596074 3.8818898 0.40313228,0.24914824 3.8818898 0.46222378,
+ 0.24755033 3.8818898 0.50165014,0.24355279 3.8818898 0.51832634,
+ 0.23725704 3.8818898 0.53461377,0.23725704 3.8814961 0.53461377,
+ 0.24337289 3.8814961 0.5189024,0.24743991 3.8814961 0.50227812,
+ 0.24955334 3.8814961 0.46892858,0.24519454 3.8814961 0.43555127,
+ 0.23001485 3.8814961 0.38759033] }
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+ 6,8,7,-1,6,5,8,-1,5,9,8,-1,5,4,9,-1,4,10,9,-1,3,11,10,-1,2,12,11,-1,12,1,0,-1,
+ 2,1,12,-1,3,2,11,-1,4,3,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1906 Normal { vector [
+ -0.89845535 0 0.4390649,-0.47900829 -0.84815888 0.2262246,
+ -0.41956354 -0.89686875 0.13997458,-0.37280341 -0.92681474 0.045078302,
+ -0.81343644 -0.57741407 -0.07010105,-0.95993485 -0.035305855 -0.27799026,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.94708548 -0.002425106 -0.32097229,-0.98474118 0.087586216 -0.15037772,
+ -0.97933966 -0.20213399 0.0059732271,-0.71087123 -0.68353346 0.16566262,
+ -0.87544922 -0.31166422 0.3693969] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1907 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1907 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20925704 3.8814961 0.34511377,0.19190649 3.8814979 0.3138906,
+ 0.16119454 3.8815207 0.27361377,0.13128749 3.8815919 0.23348941,
+ 0.11425704 3.8816929 0.20061377,0.13130775 3.881794 0.23352092,
+ 0.16119454 3.8818652 0.27361377,0.19192675 3.881888 0.31392074,
+ 0.20925704 3.8818898 0.34511377] }
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+ 7,0,1,-1,7,8,0,-1,6,1,2,-1,6,7,1,-1,5,2,3,-1,5,6,2,-1,4,5,3,-1]
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+ 0.87411979 -0.0039151683 -0.48569463,0.81838619 3.2711085e-06 -0.57466864,
+ 0.79921519 0.0028906558 -0.60103804,0.84113168 6.3611613e-06 -0.54083037,
+ 0 0 1,0.82211623 3.2120998e-06 -0.56931968,
+ 0.79728704 0.0020153338 -0.60359697,0.84358517 3.5055919e-06 -0.5369954,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1908 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1908 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20925704 3.8814961 0.34511377,0.19190649 3.8814979 0.3138906,
+ 0.16119454 3.8815207 0.27361377,0.13128749 3.8815919 0.23348941,
+ 0.11425704 3.8816929 0.20061377,0.13130775 3.881794 0.23352092,
+ 0.16119454 3.8818652 0.27361377,0.19192675 3.881888 0.31392074,
+ 0.20925704 3.8818898 0.34511377] }
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+ 0,7,1,-1,8,7,0,-1,1,6,2,-1,7,6,1,-1,2,5,3,-1,6,5,2,-1,5,4,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1908 Normal { vector [
+ -0.87411979 0.0039151683 0.48569463,-0.81838619 -3.2711085e-06 0.57466864,
+ -0.79921519 -0.0028906558 0.60103804,-0.84113168 -6.3611613e-06 0.54083037,
+ 0 0 1,-0.82211623 -3.2120998e-06 0.56931968,
+ -0.79728704 -0.0020153338 0.60359697,-0.84358517 -3.5055919e-06 0.5369954,
+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1909 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1909 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.14074296 3.8814961 -0.54438623,-0.14074296 3.8818898 -0.54438623,
+ -0.15381703 3.8818825 -0.52764549,-0.16433555 3.8818314 -0.50679364,
+ -0.16783787 3.8817758 -0.49499966,-0.16974296 3.8816929 -0.48238623,
+ -0.16514846 3.8815636 -0.50450373,-0.15620696 3.8815087 -0.52378623,
+ -0.14875096 3.8814976 -0.53486623] }
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+ 6,4,5,-1,7,3,6,-1,8,2,7,-1,1,8,0,-1,1,2,8,-1,2,3,7,-1,3,4,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1909 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.62974643 -0.58988054 0.50543088,
+ 0.66991109 -0.60627968 0.42853713,0.86267984 -0.32555046 0.38704056,
+ 0.41294561 0.90561534 0.096627016,0.21387232 0.97609393 0.038720354,
+ 0.51817685 0.83737148 0.174074,0.87786649 -0.11035129 0.46601827,
+ 0.73700847 -0.37293163 0.56368477] }
+DEF SHAPE_1910 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1910 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1910 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.14074296 3.8814961 -0.54438623,-0.14074296 3.8818898 -0.54438623,
+ -0.15381703 3.8818825 -0.52764549,-0.16433555 3.8818314 -0.50679364,
+ -0.16783787 3.8817758 -0.49499966,-0.16974296 3.8816929 -0.48238623,
+ -0.16514846 3.8815636 -0.50450373,-0.15620696 3.8815087 -0.52378623,
+ -0.14875096 3.8814976 -0.53486623] }
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+ 4,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,2,8,7,-1,8,1,0,-1,2,1,8,-1,3,2,7,-1,4,3,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1910 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.62974643 0.58988054 -0.50543088,
+ -0.66991109 0.60627968 -0.42853713,-0.86267984 0.32555046 -0.38704056,
+ -0.41294561 -0.90561534 -0.096627016,-0.21387232 -0.97609393 -0.038720354,
+ -0.51817685 -0.83737148 -0.174074,-0.87786649 0.11035129 -0.46601827,
+ -0.73700847 0.37293163 -0.56368477] }
+DEF SHAPE_1911 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1911 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1911 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.036242961 3.8814961 -0.52638623,-0.036242961 3.8818898 -0.52638623,
+ -0.08064351 3.8818898 -0.54508582,-0.10476148 3.8818898 -0.55083068,
+ -0.12112548 3.8818898 -0.5507508,-0.13101531 3.8818898 -0.54854597,
+ -0.14074296 3.8818898 -0.54438623,-0.14074296 3.8814961 -0.54438623,
+ -0.12781128 3.8814961 -0.54946535,-0.11463168 3.8814961 -0.55126065,
+ -0.10135483 3.8814961 -0.55038555,-0.067268822 3.8814961 -0.53993422] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,8,5,7,-1,4,5,8,-1,9,4,8,-1,10,3,9,-1,11,2,10,-1,1,11,0,-1,1,2,11,-1,
+ 2,3,10,-1,3,4,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1911 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.3278551 -0.55177685 0.76684636,
+ -0.3192378 0.13040749 0.93865921,-0.10153208 -0.54144406 0.83458347,
+ 0.098165917 -0.30030837 0.94877728,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.21880274 0.44654125 0.86759799,0.023348615 0.0025447723 0.99972415,
+ -0.16151213 0.71871789 0.6762828,-0.34675881 0.29800961 0.88935291] }
+DEF SHAPE_1912 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1912 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1912 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.036242961 3.8814961 -0.52638623,-0.036242961 3.8818898 -0.52638623,
+ -0.08064351 3.8818898 -0.54508582,-0.10476148 3.8818898 -0.55083068,
+ -0.12112548 3.8818898 -0.5507508,-0.13101531 3.8818898 -0.54854597,
+ -0.14074296 3.8818898 -0.54438623,-0.14074296 3.8814961 -0.54438623,
+ -0.12781128 3.8814961 -0.54946535,-0.11463168 3.8814961 -0.55126065,
+ -0.10135483 3.8814961 -0.55038555,-0.067268822 3.8814961 -0.53993422] }
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+ 6,5,7,-1,5,8,7,-1,5,4,8,-1,4,9,8,-1,3,10,9,-1,2,11,10,-1,11,1,0,-1,2,1,11,-1,
+ 3,2,10,-1,4,3,9,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1912 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.3278551 0.55177685 -0.76684636,
+ 0.3192378 -0.13040749 -0.93865921,0.10153208 0.54144406 -0.83458347,
+ -0.098165917 0.30030837 -0.94877728,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.21880274 -0.44654125 -0.86759799,-0.023348615 -0.0025447723 -0.99972415,
+ 0.16151213 -0.71871789 -0.6762828,0.34675881 -0.29800961 -0.88935291] }
+DEF SHAPE_1913 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1913 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1913 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19275704 3.8814961 -0.47038623,0.19275704 3.8818898 -0.47038623,
+ 0.15705235 3.8818898 -0.46434048,0.12095954 3.8818898 -0.46616523,
+ 0.038361727 3.8818898 -0.49102048,-0.036242961 3.8818898 -0.52638623,
+ -0.036242961 3.8814961 -0.52638623,0.060157588 3.8814961 -0.48233411,
+ 0.11294222 3.8814961 -0.46746031,0.15305102 3.8814961 -0.46418716,
+ 0.17300212 3.8814961 -0.46594989] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,9,3,8,-1,10,2,9,-1,1,10,0,-1,1,2,10,-1,2,3,9,-1,3,4,7,-1,
+ 3,7,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1913 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.092001705 0.86867123 0.48677097,
+ 0.039286678 0.79723984 0.60238293,-0.076701871 0.92900376 0.36203431,
+ -0.34141737 0.44037757 0.83036244,-0.42835033 0 0.90361275,
+ -0.21792167 -0.85576135 0.46923624,-0.23209255 0.73065223 0.64209062,
+ -0.1588483 0.55997736 0.81313749,-0.031669405 -0.40666661 0.91302755,
+ 0.10451293 0.75814929 0.64365107] }
+DEF SHAPE_1914 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1914 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1914 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19275704 3.8814961 -0.47038623,0.19275704 3.8818898 -0.47038623,
+ 0.15705235 3.8818898 -0.46434048,0.12095954 3.8818898 -0.46616523,
+ 0.038361727 3.8818898 -0.49102048,-0.036242961 3.8818898 -0.52638623,
+ -0.036242961 3.8814961 -0.52638623,0.060157588 3.8814961 -0.48233411,
+ 0.11294222 3.8814961 -0.46746031,0.15305102 3.8814961 -0.46418716,
+ 0.17300212 3.8814961 -0.46594989] }
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+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,9,8,-1,2,10,9,-1,10,1,0,-1,2,1,10,-1,3,2,9,-1,4,3,7,-1,
+ 7,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1914 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.092001705 -0.86867123 -0.48677097,
+ -0.039286678 -0.79723984 -0.60238293,0.076701871 -0.92900376 -0.36203431,
+ 0.34141737 -0.44037757 -0.83036244,0.42835033 0 -0.90361275,
+ 0.21792167 0.85576135 -0.46923624,0.23209255 -0.73065223 -0.64209062,
+ 0.1588483 -0.55997736 -0.81313749,0.031669405 0.40666661 -0.91302755,
+ -0.10451293 -0.75814929 -0.64365107] }
+DEF SHAPE_1915 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1915 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1915 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19275704 3.8814961 -0.47038623,0.21118735 3.8814967 -0.47886873,
+ 0.22639454 3.8815014 -0.49086123,0.23832798 3.881514 -0.50575623,
+ 0.24693704 3.8815386 -0.52294623,0.2521711 3.8815791 -0.54182373,
+ 0.25391817 3.8816279 -0.55840577,0.25325704 3.8816929 -0.57538623,
+ 0.25283297 3.8817959 -0.54591924,0.24620147 3.8818505 -0.52107781,
+ 0.23526891 3.8818765 -0.50125834,0.22148015 3.8818868 -0.48633515,
+ 0.20821593 3.8818894 -0.4771264,0.19275704 3.8818898 -0.47038623] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 12,13,0,-1,1,12,0,-1,11,12,1,-1,2,11,1,-1,3,10,2,-1,4,9,3,-1,6,8,5,-1,7,8,6,-1,
+ 8,9,5,-1,5,9,4,-1,9,10,3,-1,10,11,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1915 Normal { vector [
+ 0.3704335 -0.42744522 0.82466333,0.46255222 -0.50094004 0.73150839,
+ 0.67981856 -0.30433593 0.66725285,0.85341694 -0.0045688219 0.52120884,
+ 0 0 1,0.79188053 0.58221743 0.18425007,
+ 0.29494072 0.95543005 0.012782691,0.13600827 0.99070656 -0.001504515,
+ 0.35248745 0.93450527 0.049522808,0.69579252 0.6608572 0.28131926,
+ 0.67998434 0.5325206 0.50402688,0.63055794 0.23889054 0.73846326,
+ 0.45629961 -0.12620677 0.88083058,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1916 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1916 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1916 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.19275704 3.8814961 -0.47038623,0.21118735 3.8814967 -0.47886873,
+ 0.22639454 3.8815014 -0.49086123,0.23832798 3.881514 -0.50575623,
+ 0.24693704 3.8815386 -0.52294623,0.2521711 3.8815791 -0.54182373,
+ 0.25391817 3.8816279 -0.55840577,0.25325704 3.8816929 -0.57538623,
+ 0.25283297 3.8817959 -0.54591924,0.24620147 3.8818505 -0.52107781,
+ 0.23526891 3.8818765 -0.50125834,0.22148015 3.8818868 -0.48633515,
+ 0.20821593 3.8818894 -0.4771264,0.19275704 3.8818898 -0.47038623] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 13,12,0,-1,12,1,0,-1,12,11,1,-1,11,2,1,-1,10,3,2,-1,9,4,3,-1,8,6,5,-1,8,7,6,-1,
+ 9,8,5,-1,9,5,4,-1,10,9,3,-1,11,10,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1916 Normal { vector [
+ -0.3704335 0.42744522 -0.82466333,-0.46255222 0.50094004 -0.73150839,
+ -0.67981856 0.30433593 -0.66725285,-0.85341694 0.0045688219 -0.52120884,
+ 0 0 1,-0.79188053 -0.58221743 -0.18425007,
+ -0.29494072 -0.95543005 -0.012782691,-0.13600827 -0.99070656 0.001504515,
+ -0.35248745 -0.93450527 -0.049522808,-0.69579252 -0.6608572 -0.28131926,
+ -0.67998434 -0.5325206 -0.50402688,-0.63055794 -0.23889054 -0.73846326,
+ -0.45629961 0.12620677 -0.88083058,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1917 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1917 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1917 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14675704 3.8814961 -0.81188623,0.14675704 3.8818898 -0.81188623,
+ 0.14225704 3.8816929 -0.80338623] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1917 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1918 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1918 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1918 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14675704 3.8814961 -0.81188623,0.14675704 3.8818898 -0.81188623,
+ 0.14225704 3.8816929 -0.80338623] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1918 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1919 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1919 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1919 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24725704 3.8814961 -0.91338623,0.24725704 3.8818898 -0.91338623,
+ 0.22353482 3.8818898 -0.86773809,0.20639028 3.8818898 -0.84831743,
+ 0.18222441 3.8818898 -0.8312272,0.14675704 3.8818898 -0.81188623,
+ 0.14675704 3.8814961 -0.81188623,0.20607391 3.8814961 -0.84803987,
+ 0.21742983 3.8814961 -0.85965826,0.2273985 3.8814961 -0.87367859] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,3,4,7,-1,8,3,7,-1,9,2,8,-1,1,9,0,-1,1,2,9,-1,2,3,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1919 Normal { vector [
+ 0.8943847 0 0.44729856,0.64910254 0.68471052 0.33141725,
+ 0.49819112 0.80577049 0.32021793,0.54269767 0.593981 0.59385672,
+ 0.19770255 -0.92517261 0.32398973,0.47875917 0 0.87794627,
+ 0.15409564 -0.95235683 0.26319387,0.18025484 -0.94765186 0.2635605,
+ 0.64727502 0.52503433 0.55260654,0.72660904 0.56456846 0.39153769] }
+DEF SHAPE_1920 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1920 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1920 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.24725704 3.8814961 -0.91338623,0.24725704 3.8818898 -0.91338623,
+ 0.22353482 3.8818898 -0.86773809,0.20639028 3.8818898 -0.84831743,
+ 0.18222441 3.8818898 -0.8312272,0.14675704 3.8818898 -0.81188623,
+ 0.14675704 3.8814961 -0.81188623,0.20607391 3.8814961 -0.84803987,
+ 0.21742983 3.8814961 -0.85965826,0.2273985 3.8814961 -0.87367859] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,4,3,7,-1,3,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1,3,2,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1920 Normal { vector [
+ -0.8943847 0 -0.44729856,-0.64910254 -0.68471052 -0.33141725,
+ -0.49819112 -0.80577049 -0.32021793,-0.54269767 -0.593981 -0.59385672,
+ -0.19770255 0.92517261 -0.32398973,-0.47875917 0 -0.87794627,
+ -0.15409564 0.95235683 -0.26319387,-0.18025484 0.94765186 -0.2635605,
+ -0.64727502 -0.52503433 -0.55260654,-0.72660904 -0.56456846 -0.39153769] }
+DEF SHAPE_1921 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1921 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1921 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18575704 3.8814961 -1.0858862,0.18575704 3.8818898 -1.0858862,
+ 0.22036815 3.8818898 -1.0369418,0.24112515 3.8818898 -0.98421829,
+ 0.24722618 3.8818898 -0.94936441,0.24725704 3.8818898 -0.91338623,
+ 0.24725704 3.8814961 -0.91338623,0.24504428 3.8814961 -0.96602502,
+ 0.23057558 3.8814961 -1.0154861,0.21070868 3.8814961 -1.0533864] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,5,6,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,3,7,-1,9,2,8,-1,1,9,0,-1,1,2,9,-1,2,3,8,-1,3,4,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1921 Normal { vector [
+ 0.79319214 0 -0.60897145,0.3075596 0.92456176 -0.22492808,
+ 0.33856513 0.92307393 -0.18250526,0.72231671 0.65636039 -0.2178293,
+ 0.67947251 -0.73226247 -0.045921436,0 0 1,
+ 0.40834294 -0.91277005 -0.010338496,0.40394474 -0.91231202 -0.06719691,
+ 0.89857614 -0.26014416 -0.35339203,0.58575958 0.7105642 -0.38985157] }
+DEF SHAPE_1922 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1922 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1922 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18575704 3.8814961 -1.0858862,0.18575704 3.8818898 -1.0858862,
+ 0.22036815 3.8818898 -1.0369418,0.24112515 3.8818898 -0.98421829,
+ 0.24722618 3.8818898 -0.94936441,0.24725704 3.8818898 -0.91338623,
+ 0.24725704 3.8814961 -0.91338623,0.24504428 3.8814961 -0.96602502,
+ 0.23057558 3.8814961 -1.0154861,0.21070868 3.8814961 -1.0533864] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,4,6,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,2,9,8,-1,9,1,0,-1,2,1,9,-1,3,2,8,-1,4,3,7,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1922 Normal { vector [
+ -0.79319214 0 0.60897145,-0.3075596 -0.92456176 0.22492808,
+ -0.33856513 -0.92307393 0.18250526,-0.72231671 -0.65636039 0.2178293,
+ -0.67947251 0.73226247 0.045921436,0 0 1,
+ -0.40834294 0.91277005 0.010338496,-0.40394474 0.91231202 0.06719691,
+ -0.89857614 0.26014416 0.35339203,-0.58575958 -0.7105642 0.38985157] }
+DEF SHAPE_1923 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1923 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1923 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18575704 3.8814961 -1.0858862,0.17303482 3.8815034 -1.1010529,
+ 0.16209946 3.8815371 -1.113217,0.15566856 3.8815887 -1.1226578,
+ 0.15290107 3.8816343 -1.1287998,0.15125704 3.8816929 -1.1353862,
+ 0.15450028 3.8817812 -1.1249441,0.16026569 3.881838 -1.1155807,
+ 0.16972522 3.8818762 -1.1045629,0.18575704 3.8818898 -1.0858862] }
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+ 1,9,0,-1,2,8,1,-1,3,7,2,-1,4,6,3,-1,5,6,4,-1,6,7,3,-1,7,8,2,-1,8,9,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1923 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.7208378 0.30721327 -0.62129935,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.72883135 0.25846415 -0.6340356,0.72469199 0.30926898 -0.61577124] }
+DEF SHAPE_1924 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1924 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1924 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.18575704 3.8814961 -1.0858862,0.17303482 3.8815034 -1.1010529,
+ 0.16209946 3.8815371 -1.113217,0.15566856 3.8815887 -1.1226578,
+ 0.15290107 3.8816343 -1.1287998,0.15125704 3.8816929 -1.1353862,
+ 0.15450028 3.8817812 -1.1249441,0.16026569 3.881838 -1.1155807,
+ 0.16972522 3.8818762 -1.1045629,0.18575704 3.8818898 -1.0858862] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,1,0,-1,8,2,1,-1,7,3,2,-1,6,4,3,-1,6,5,4,-1,7,6,3,-1,8,7,2,-1,9,8,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1924 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.7208378 -0.30721327 0.62129935,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.72883135 -0.25846415 0.6340356,-0.72469199 -0.30926898 0.61577124] }
+DEF SHAPE_1925 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1925 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1925 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1925 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1926 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1926 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1926 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 2.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 2.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 2.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 2.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 2.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 2.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1926 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1927 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1927 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1927 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1927 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1928 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1928 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1928 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 1.8287402,-2.7165354 0.039370079 1.8287402,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 1.8287402,-2.5590551 0.39370079 1.8287402,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 1.8287402,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 1.8287402] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1928 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1929 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1929 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1929 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1929 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1930 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1930 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1930 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 0.82874016,-2.7165354 0.039370079 0.82874016,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 0.82874016,-2.5590551 0.39370079 0.82874016,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 0.82874016,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 0.82874016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1930 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1931 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1931 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1931 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1931 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1932 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1932 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1932 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -0.17125984,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -0.17125984,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -0.17125984,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -0.17125984,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -0.17125984,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -0.17125984] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1932 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1933 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1933 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1933 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1933 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1934 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1934 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1934 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -1.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -1.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -1.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -1.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -1.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -1.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1934 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1935 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1935 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1935 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,1,-1,2,3,1,-1,5,1,4,-1,0,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1935 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1936 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_16
+ geometry DEF FACE_1936 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1936 Coordinate { point [
+ -3.2480315 0.039370079 -2.1712598,-2.7165354 0.039370079 -2.1712598,
+ -2.7165354 0.39370079 -2.1712598,-2.5590551 0.39370079 -2.1712598,
+ -2.5590551 -0.11811024 -2.1712598,-3.2480315 -0.11811024 -2.1712598] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,1,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,5,4,-1,1,0,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1936 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1937 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1937 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1937 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.4901519,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.4901519,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.5873153,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.5873153,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.8523062,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.7373388,
+ 1.105944 3.8814961 -1.6089838,1.2163569 3.8814961 -1.5388716,
+ 1.1138109 3.8814961 -1.473728,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.3401284,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.225161] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,5,4,-1,10,9,8,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,6,4,-1,1,8,7,-1,1,10,8,-1,1,7,3,-1,0,3,2,-1,
+ 0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1937 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1938 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1938 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1938 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.4901519,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.4901519,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -1.5873153,1.3002707 3.8814961 -1.5873153,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.8523062,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.7373388,
+ 1.105944 3.8814961 -1.6089838,1.2163569 3.8814961 -1.5388716,
+ 1.1138109 3.8814961 -1.473728,0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.3401284,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -1.225161] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,4,-1,9,10,8,-1,7,3,6,-1,6,3,4,-1,8,1,7,-1,10,1,8,-1,7,1,3,-1,3,0,2,-1,
+ 1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1938 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1939 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1939 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1939 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.32736627,1.2214635 3.8814961 -0.58200597,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.4459221,1.3550631 3.8814961 -0.60891911,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.6413529,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.6696462,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.83733576,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.95451143,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.69987172,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.91917931,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.80048546,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.68068748,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 -0.63569424,1.0776507 3.8816929 -0.59994807,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 -0.62062183,1.1319229 3.8814961 -0.63299002,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.47973604,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.36269839] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,10,9,-1,8,12,11,-1,8,11,9,-1,17,16,13,-1,1,13,14,-1,1,14,15,-1,1,15,12,-1,1,17,13,-1,
+ 1,12,8,-1,4,1,8,-1,5,8,7,-1,5,4,8,-1,3,1,4,-1,6,5,7,-1,0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1939 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00056656778 -0.99999971 -0.00051744907,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0001717254 -0.99999995 0.00025002259,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,5.6897417e-05 -0.99999991 0.00042939128,
+ -0.00052562889 -0.99999968 0.0005965615,-0.00045311389 -0.99999968 -0.00066253716,
+ -0.0013094312 -0.9999919 0.0038067705,0.0032473458 -0.99997846 -0.0057031435,
+ 0.0011283899 -0.99999936 0,-0.00034910501 -0.99999935 -0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1940 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1940 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1940 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.32736627,1.2214635 3.8814961 -0.58200597,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.4459221,1.3550631 3.8814961 -0.60891911,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.6413529,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.6696462,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.83733576,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.95451143,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.69987172,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.91917931,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.80048546,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.68068748,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 -0.63569424,1.0776507 3.8816929 -0.59994807,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 -0.62062183,1.1319229 3.8814961 -0.63299002,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.47973604,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.36269839] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 10,11,9,-1,12,8,11,-1,11,8,9,-1,16,17,13,-1,13,1,14,-1,14,1,15,-1,15,1,12,-1,17,1,13,-1,
+ 12,1,8,-1,1,4,8,-1,8,5,7,-1,4,5,8,-1,1,3,4,-1,5,6,7,-1,3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1940 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0.00056656778 0.99999971 0.00051744907,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0001717254 0.99999995 -0.00025002259,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-5.6897417e-05 0.99999991 -0.00042939128,
+ 0.00052562889 0.99999968 -0.0005965615,0.00045311389 0.99999968 0.00066253716,
+ 0.0013094312 0.9999919 -0.0038067705,-0.0032473458 0.99997846 0.0057031435,
+ -0.0011283899 0.99999936 0,0.00034910501 0.99999935 0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1941 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1941 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1941 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.30861193,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.053972223,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.1900561,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.027059083,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.0053747006,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.033668001,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.20135756,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.31853323,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.063893528,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.28320111,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.16450727,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.04470929,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.00028395951,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.03603013,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 0.015356367,1.1319229 3.8814961 0.0029881764,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.15624215,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.27327981] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,10,9,-1,8,12,11,-1,8,11,9,-1,17,16,13,-1,1,13,14,-1,1,14,15,-1,1,15,12,-1,1,17,13,-1,
+ 1,12,8,-1,4,1,8,-1,5,8,7,-1,5,4,8,-1,3,1,4,-1,6,5,7,-1,0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1941 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00056656777 -0.99999971 -0.00051744908,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00017172539 -0.99999995 0.00025002259,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,5.6897421e-05 -0.99999991 0.00042939128,
+ -0.00052562889 -0.99999968 0.00059656151,-0.00045311389 -0.99999968 -0.00066253717,
+ -0.0013094312 -0.9999919 0.0038067705,0.0032473457 -0.99997846 -0.0057031435,
+ 0.0011283899 -0.99999936 0,-0.00034910501 -0.99999935 -0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1942 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1942 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1942 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.30861193,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.053972223,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.1900561,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.027059083,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 -0.0053747006,1.3487143 3.8814961 -0.033668001,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.20135756,1.5921747 3.8814961 -0.31853323,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 -0.063893528,0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.28320111,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 -0.16450727,1.0777887 3.8814961 -0.04470929,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.00028395951,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.03603013,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 0.015356367,1.1319229 3.8814961 0.0029881764,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.15624215,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.27327981] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 10,11,9,-1,12,8,11,-1,11,8,9,-1,16,17,13,-1,13,1,14,-1,14,1,15,-1,15,1,12,-1,17,1,13,-1,
+ 12,1,8,-1,1,4,8,-1,8,5,7,-1,4,5,8,-1,1,3,4,-1,5,6,7,-1,3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1942 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0.00056656777 0.99999971 0.00051744908,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00017172539 0.99999995 -0.00025002259,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-5.6897421e-05 0.99999991 -0.00042939128,
+ 0.00052562889 0.99999968 -0.00059656151,0.00045311389 0.99999968 0.00066253717,
+ 0.0013094312 0.9999919 -0.0038067705,-0.0032473457 0.99997846 0.0057031435,
+ -0.0011283899 0.99999936 0,0.00034910501 0.99999935 0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1943 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1943 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1943 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.94459012,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.68995042,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.82603429,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.66303728,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 0.63060349,1.3487143 3.8814961 0.60231019,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.43462063,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.31744496,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 0.57208467,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.35277708,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.47147093,1.0777887 3.8814961 0.59126891,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.63626215,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.67200832,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 0.65133456,1.1319229 3.8814961 0.63896637,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.79222035,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.909258] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,10,9,-1,8,12,11,-1,8,11,9,-1,17,16,13,-1,1,13,14,-1,1,14,15,-1,1,15,12,-1,1,17,13,-1,
+ 1,12,8,-1,4,1,8,-1,5,8,7,-1,5,4,8,-1,3,1,4,-1,6,5,7,-1,0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1943 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00056656778 -0.99999971 -0.00051744907,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0001717254 -0.99999995 0.00025002259,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,5.6897417e-05 -0.99999991 0.00042939128,
+ -0.00052562889 -0.99999968 0.0005965615,-0.00045311389 -0.99999968 -0.00066253716,
+ -0.0013094312 -0.9999919 0.0038067705,0.0032473458 -0.99997846 -0.0057031435,
+ 0.0011283899 -0.99999936 0,-0.00034910501 -0.99999935 -0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1944 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1944 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1944 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.94459012,1.2214635 3.8814961 0.68995042,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.82603429,1.3550631 3.8814961 0.66303728,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 0.63060349,1.3487143 3.8814961 0.60231019,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 0.43462063,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.31744496,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 0.57208467,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.35277708,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.47147093,1.0777887 3.8814961 0.59126891,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 0.63626215,1.0776507 3.8816929 0.67200832,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 0.65133456,1.1319229 3.8814961 0.63896637,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 0.79222035,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.909258] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 10,11,9,-1,12,8,11,-1,11,8,9,-1,16,17,13,-1,13,1,14,-1,14,1,15,-1,15,1,12,-1,17,1,13,-1,
+ 12,1,8,-1,1,4,8,-1,8,5,7,-1,4,5,8,-1,1,3,4,-1,5,6,7,-1,3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1944 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0.00056656778 0.99999971 0.00051744907,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0001717254 0.99999995 -0.00025002259,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-5.6897417e-05 0.99999991 -0.00042939128,
+ 0.00052562889 0.99999968 -0.0005965615,0.00045311389 0.99999968 0.00066253716,
+ 0.0013094312 0.9999919 -0.0038067705,-0.0032473458 0.99997846 0.0057031435,
+ -0.0011283899 0.99999936 0,0.00034910501 0.99999935 0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1945 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1945 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1945 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 1.5805683,1.2214635 3.8814961 1.3259286,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 1.4620125,1.3550631 3.8814961 1.2990155,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 1.2665817,1.3487143 3.8814961 1.2382884,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 1.0705988,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.95342316,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 1.2080629,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.98875528,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 1.1074491,1.0777887 3.8814961 1.2272471,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 1.2722403,1.0776507 3.8816929 1.3079865,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 1.2873128,1.1319229 3.8814961 1.2749446,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 1.4281985,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.5452362] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,10,9,-1,8,12,11,-1,8,11,9,-1,17,16,13,-1,1,13,14,-1,1,14,15,-1,1,15,12,-1,1,17,13,-1,
+ 1,12,8,-1,4,1,8,-1,5,8,7,-1,5,4,8,-1,3,1,4,-1,6,5,7,-1,0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1945 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00056656778 -0.99999971 -0.00051744906,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0001717254 -0.99999995 0.00025002259,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,5.6897417e-05 -0.99999991 0.00042939128,
+ -0.00052562889 -0.99999968 0.0005965615,-0.00045311389 -0.99999968 -0.00066253716,
+ -0.0013094312 -0.9999919 0.0038067705,0.0032473458 -0.99997846 -0.0057031435,
+ 0.0011283899 -0.99999936 0,-0.00034910501 -0.99999935 -0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1946 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1946 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1946 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 1.5805683,1.2214635 3.8814961 1.3259286,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 1.4620125,1.3550631 3.8814961 1.2990155,
+ 1.3077235 3.8814961 1.2665817,1.3487143 3.8814961 1.2382884,
+ 1.5921747 3.8814961 1.0705988,1.5921747 3.8814961 0.95342316,
+ 1.2225676 3.8814961 1.2080629,0.90319834 3.8814961 0.98875528,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 1.1074491,1.0777887 3.8814961 1.2272471,
+ 1.1433464 3.8816929 1.2722403,1.0776507 3.8816929 1.3079865,
+ 1.1091997 3.8814961 1.2873128,1.1319229 3.8814961 1.2749446,
+ 0.90319834 3.8814961 1.4281985,0.90319834 3.8814961 1.5452362] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 10,11,9,-1,12,8,11,-1,11,8,9,-1,16,17,13,-1,13,1,14,-1,14,1,15,-1,15,1,12,-1,17,1,13,-1,
+ 12,1,8,-1,1,4,8,-1,8,5,7,-1,4,5,8,-1,1,3,4,-1,5,6,7,-1,3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1946 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0.00056656778 0.99999971 0.00051744906,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0001717254 0.99999995 -0.00025002259,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-5.6897417e-05 0.99999991 -0.00042939128,
+ 0.00052562889 0.99999968 -0.0005965615,0.00045311389 0.99999968 0.00066253716,
+ 0.0013094312 0.9999919 -0.0038067705,-0.0032473458 0.99997846 0.0057031435,
+ -0.0011283899 0.99999936 0,0.00034910501 0.99999935 0.0010864186] }
+DEF SHAPE_1947 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1947 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1947 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.6652361,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.6652361,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.2412506,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.2412506,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.3384139,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.3384139] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,2,3,-1,5,3,4,-1,1,5,0,-1,1,2,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1947 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1948 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1948 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1948 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.6652361,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.6652361,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.2412506,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.2412506,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 -2.3384139,-1.1484551 3.8814961 -2.3384139] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,5,3,-1,3,5,4,-1,5,1,0,-1,2,1,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1948 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1949 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1949 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1949 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.6924986,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.6141054,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.5110074,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.7845553,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.8941401,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.167688,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.06459,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.9861968,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 -1.8393477,-1.6147596 3.8814961 -1.8205537,
+ -1.551186 3.8814961 -1.7922842,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.721758,
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.9569374,-1.5415249 3.8814961 -1.8899996] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 8,3,4,-1,9,3,8,-1,10,3,9,-1,13,8,4,-1,11,3,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,2,11,0,-1,1,2,0,-1,
+ 12,13,4,-1,7,11,12,-1,7,0,11,-1,5,6,7,-1,5,7,12,-1,5,12,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1949 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1950 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1950 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1950 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.6924986,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.6141054,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.5110074,-1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.7845553,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 -1.8941401,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.167688,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -2.06459,-1.2809505 3.8814961 -1.9861968,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 -1.8393477,-1.6147596 3.8814961 -1.8205537,
+ -1.551186 3.8814961 -1.7922842,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.721758,
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.9569374,-1.5415249 3.8814961 -1.8899996] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,8,4,-1,3,9,8,-1,3,10,9,-1,8,13,4,-1,3,11,10,-1,3,2,11,-1,11,2,0,-1,2,1,0,-1,
+ 13,12,4,-1,11,7,12,-1,0,7,11,-1,6,5,7,-1,7,5,12,-1,12,5,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1950 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1951 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1951 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1951 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4087534 3.8816929 -0.19198753,-1.5637841 3.8814961 -0.20553889,
+ -1.6380162 3.8814961 -0.22880175,-1.6725233 3.8814961 -0.24742896,
+ -1.7031387 3.8814961 -0.27146642,-1.7279651 3.8814961 -0.30115088,
+ -1.74709 3.8814961 -0.34116148,-1.755306 3.8815068 -0.37648086,
+ -1.7579342 3.8816929 -0.41281329,-1.1265105 3.8816929 -0.25892534,
+ -1.1826916 3.8814961 -0.22761479,-1.2939211 3.8814961 -0.1991021,
+ -1.0601248 3.8816929 -0.41281329,-1.0666655 3.8814961 -0.35552545,
+ -1.0832232 3.8814961 -0.3118623,-1.1023496 3.8814961 -0.28332462,
+ -1.4087534 3.8816929 -0.63363905,-1.2537524 3.8814961 -0.61994998,
+ -1.1795168 3.8814961 -0.59665156,-1.1293585 3.8814961 -0.56690216,
+ -1.0983378 3.8814961 -0.53607821,-1.0781518 3.8814961 -0.50300618,
+ -1.0646303 3.8814961 -0.46082512,-1.0611207 3.8814961 -0.43693821,
+ -1.7513167 3.8814961 -0.46915755,-1.7350831 3.8814961 -0.51215953,
+ -1.7136651 3.8814961 -0.54392102,-1.688508 3.8814961 -0.56752468,
+ -1.6591741 3.8814961 -0.58571603,-1.6078464 3.8814961 -0.60733108,
+ -1.5505523 3.8814961 -0.62276861,-1.4799127 3.8814961 -0.6313777,
+ -1.4090295 3.8816929 -0.28031783,-1.5229504 3.8814961 -0.28681349,
+ -1.5857652 3.8814961 -0.29987121,-1.6103218 3.8814961 -0.30884202,
+ -1.6312354 3.8816929 -0.32020449,-1.65449 3.8814961 -0.34230943,
+ -1.6694913 3.8814961 -0.36697703,-1.6763691 3.8814961 -0.38892867,
+ -1.6784369 3.8816929 -0.41184718,-1.6752411 3.8814961 -0.43966789,
+ -1.666299 3.8814961 -0.46322555,-1.6537904 3.8814961 -0.4821648,
+ -1.637825 3.8814961 -0.49831383,-1.6194906 3.8814961 -0.51171031,
+ -1.6005526 3.8814961 -0.52108093,-1.5771922 3.8814961 -0.52886604,
+ -1.5164261 3.8814961 -0.53996794,-1.4090295 3.8816929 -0.54530875,
+ -1.2605396 3.8814961 -0.53370286,-1.2129969 3.8814961 -0.51934684,
+ -1.1888922 3.8814961 -0.50525713,-1.1620112 3.8814961 -0.47886203,
+ -1.148948 3.8814961 -0.45703439,-1.1418209 3.8814961 -0.43545013,
+ -1.139622 3.8816929 -0.41281329,-1.1430009 3.8814961 -0.38509168,
+ -1.1521851 3.8814961 -0.36169348,-1.1649869 3.8814961 -0.34301973,
+ -1.1808078 3.8814961 -0.32681307,-1.1990015 3.8814961 -0.31332641,
+ -1.2173858 3.8814961 -0.30435193,-1.2426306 3.8814961 -0.29608282,
+ -1.3019149 3.8814961 -0.28552778] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 44,26,27,-1,43,25,26,-1,43,26,44,-1,45,27,28,-1,45,44,27,-1,42,24,25,-1,42,25,43,-1,46,28,29,-1,
+ 46,45,28,-1,41,8,24,-1,41,24,42,-1,47,29,30,-1,47,46,29,-1,40,7,8,-1,40,8,41,-1,39,6,7,-1,
+ 39,7,40,-1,48,47,30,-1,48,30,31,-1,38,6,39,-1,5,6,38,-1,37,5,38,-1,4,5,37,-1,49,48,31,-1,
+ 49,31,16,-1,36,4,37,-1,3,4,36,-1,35,3,36,-1,17,49,16,-1,2,3,35,-1,2,35,34,-1,50,49,17,-1,
+ 18,50,17,-1,1,2,34,-1,1,34,33,-1,51,50,18,-1,52,18,19,-1,52,51,18,-1,53,52,19,-1,20,53,19,-1,
+ 0,33,32,-1,0,1,33,-1,21,54,53,-1,21,53,20,-1,22,55,54,-1,22,54,21,-1,23,56,55,-1,23,55,22,-1,
+ 11,0,32,-1,11,64,63,-1,11,32,64,-1,12,57,56,-1,12,56,23,-1,13,58,57,-1,13,57,12,-1,10,11,63,-1,
+ 10,62,61,-1,10,63,62,-1,14,59,58,-1,14,58,13,-1,15,60,59,-1,15,59,14,-1,9,61,60,-1,9,60,15,-1,
+ 9,10,61,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1951 Normal { vector [
+ 0.00047959257 -0.99999986 0.00024095544,0.00063279429 -0.99999975 0.00031792658,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00086664896 -0.99999731 -0.0021521957,
+ 0.0020420743 -0.99999784 0.00038812202,0 -1 0,
+ -6.1494013e-05 -0.99999999 -9.1043926e-05,-0.00039840066 -0.99999159 -0.0040823875,
+ -0.00060690687 -0.99999845 0.0016522503,0.0010690136 -0.99999824 0.0015416787,
+ 0.00090726474 -0.99999957 -0.00017264162,-0.0010124727 -0.99999949 4.7912341e-05,
+ 0.00066989224 -0.99999828 -0.0017295578,0.00055639976 -0.99999881 -0.0014365379,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.0010899953 -0.99999747 0.0019664764,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.0010369395 -0.99999946 -4.1953455e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,5.156346e-05 -0.99998459 0.0055510223,
+ -0.00056416303 -0.99999878 0.0014553917,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.001604635 -0.99999866 0.00032843826,
+ -0.00057660937 -0.99999983 5.3332459e-05,0.0011571439 -0.99999929 0.0002767084,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.0016155683 -0.99999736 -0.0016363075,
+ 0.00083031267 -0.99999905 -0.001095795,0.0016689992 -0.99999795 0.0011461194,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00048621408 -0.99999685 -0.0024641523,
+ -0.00039041788 -0.99999769 -0.0021137733,-0.00068499358 -0.99999364 0.0034990536,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.00084976848 -0.99999958 0.00033943733,2.3919183e-05 -0.99999999 0.00013772489,
+ -0.0007193288 -0.99999974 -5.6607294e-05,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,5.2215834e-05 -0.99999599 0.0028317319,
+ 4.9217147e-05 -0.99999644 0.0026691092,0.00065928164 -0.99999375 -0.0034748305,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00085690865 -0.99999582 0.0027605628,0.002165935 -0.99999765 4.1132292e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0011727256 -0.99999931 0.00010846917] }
+DEF SHAPE_1952 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1952 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1952 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4087534 3.8816929 -0.19198753,-1.5637841 3.8814961 -0.20553889,
+ -1.6380162 3.8814961 -0.22880175,-1.6725233 3.8814961 -0.24742896,
+ -1.7031387 3.8814961 -0.27146642,-1.7279651 3.8814961 -0.30115088,
+ -1.74709 3.8814961 -0.34116148,-1.755306 3.8815068 -0.37648086,
+ -1.7579342 3.8816929 -0.41281329,-1.1265105 3.8816929 -0.25892534,
+ -1.1826916 3.8814961 -0.22761479,-1.2939211 3.8814961 -0.1991021,
+ -1.0601248 3.8816929 -0.41281329,-1.0666655 3.8814961 -0.35552545,
+ -1.0832232 3.8814961 -0.3118623,-1.1023496 3.8814961 -0.28332462,
+ -1.4087534 3.8816929 -0.63363905,-1.2537524 3.8814961 -0.61994998,
+ -1.1795168 3.8814961 -0.59665156,-1.1293585 3.8814961 -0.56690216,
+ -1.0983378 3.8814961 -0.53607821,-1.0781518 3.8814961 -0.50300618,
+ -1.0646303 3.8814961 -0.46082512,-1.0611207 3.8814961 -0.43693821,
+ -1.7513167 3.8814961 -0.46915755,-1.7350831 3.8814961 -0.51215953,
+ -1.7136651 3.8814961 -0.54392102,-1.688508 3.8814961 -0.56752468,
+ -1.6591741 3.8814961 -0.58571603,-1.6078464 3.8814961 -0.60733108,
+ -1.5505523 3.8814961 -0.62276861,-1.4799127 3.8814961 -0.6313777,
+ -1.4090295 3.8816929 -0.28031783,-1.5229504 3.8814961 -0.28681349,
+ -1.5857652 3.8814961 -0.29987121,-1.6103218 3.8814961 -0.30884202,
+ -1.6312354 3.8816929 -0.32020449,-1.65449 3.8814961 -0.34230943,
+ -1.6694913 3.8814961 -0.36697703,-1.6763691 3.8814961 -0.38892867,
+ -1.6784369 3.8816929 -0.41184718,-1.6752411 3.8814961 -0.43966789,
+ -1.666299 3.8814961 -0.46322555,-1.6537904 3.8814961 -0.4821648,
+ -1.637825 3.8814961 -0.49831383,-1.6194906 3.8814961 -0.51171031,
+ -1.6005526 3.8814961 -0.52108093,-1.5771922 3.8814961 -0.52886604,
+ -1.5164261 3.8814961 -0.53996794,-1.4090295 3.8816929 -0.54530875,
+ -1.2605396 3.8814961 -0.53370286,-1.2129969 3.8814961 -0.51934684,
+ -1.1888922 3.8814961 -0.50525713,-1.1620112 3.8814961 -0.47886203,
+ -1.148948 3.8814961 -0.45703439,-1.1418209 3.8814961 -0.43545013,
+ -1.139622 3.8816929 -0.41281329,-1.1430009 3.8814961 -0.38509168,
+ -1.1521851 3.8814961 -0.36169348,-1.1649869 3.8814961 -0.34301973,
+ -1.1808078 3.8814961 -0.32681307,-1.1990015 3.8814961 -0.31332641,
+ -1.2173858 3.8814961 -0.30435193,-1.2426306 3.8814961 -0.29608282,
+ -1.3019149 3.8814961 -0.28552778] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 26,44,27,-1,25,43,26,-1,26,43,44,-1,27,45,28,-1,44,45,27,-1,24,42,25,-1,25,42,43,-1,28,46,29,-1,
+ 45,46,28,-1,8,41,24,-1,24,41,42,-1,29,47,30,-1,46,47,29,-1,7,40,8,-1,8,40,41,-1,6,39,7,-1,
+ 7,39,40,-1,47,48,30,-1,30,48,31,-1,6,38,39,-1,6,5,38,-1,5,37,38,-1,5,4,37,-1,48,49,31,-1,
+ 31,49,16,-1,4,36,37,-1,4,3,36,-1,3,35,36,-1,49,17,16,-1,3,2,35,-1,35,2,34,-1,49,50,17,-1,
+ 50,18,17,-1,2,1,34,-1,34,1,33,-1,50,51,18,-1,18,52,19,-1,51,52,18,-1,52,53,19,-1,53,20,19,-1,
+ 33,0,32,-1,1,0,33,-1,54,21,53,-1,53,21,20,-1,55,22,54,-1,54,22,21,-1,56,23,55,-1,55,23,22,-1,
+ 0,11,32,-1,64,11,63,-1,32,11,64,-1,57,12,56,-1,56,12,23,-1,58,13,57,-1,57,13,12,-1,11,10,63,-1,
+ 62,10,61,-1,63,10,62,-1,59,14,58,-1,58,14,13,-1,60,15,59,-1,59,15,14,-1,61,9,60,-1,60,9,15,-1,
+ 10,9,61,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1952 Normal { vector [
+ -0.00047959257 0.99999986 -0.00024095544,-0.00063279429 0.99999975 -0.00031792658,
+ 0 1 0,0.00086664896 0.99999731 0.0021521957,
+ -0.0020420743 0.99999784 -0.00038812202,0 1 0,
+ 6.1494013e-05 0.99999999 9.1043926e-05,0.00039840066 0.99999159 0.0040823875,
+ 0.00060690687 0.99999845 -0.0016522503,-0.0010690136 0.99999824 -0.0015416787,
+ -0.00090726474 0.99999957 0.00017264162,0.0010124727 0.99999949 -4.7912341e-05,
+ -0.00066989224 0.99999828 0.0017295578,-0.00055639976 0.99999881 0.0014365379,
+ 0 1 0,0.0010899953 0.99999747 -0.0019664764,
+ 0 1 0,0.0010369395 0.99999946 4.1953455e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-5.156346e-05 0.99998459 -0.0055510223,
+ 0.00056416303 0.99999878 -0.0014553917,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.001604635 0.99999866 -0.00032843826,
+ 0.00057660937 0.99999983 -5.3332459e-05,-0.0011571439 0.99999929 -0.0002767084,
+ 0 1 0,0.0016155683 0.99999736 0.0016363075,
+ -0.00083031267 0.99999905 0.001095795,-0.0016689992 0.99999795 -0.0011461194,
+ 0 1 0,0.00048621408 0.99999685 0.0024641523,
+ 0.00039041788 0.99999769 0.0021137733,0.00068499358 0.99999364 -0.0034990536,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.00084976848 0.99999958 -0.00033943733,-2.3919183e-05 0.99999999 -0.00013772489,
+ 0.0007193288 0.99999974 5.6607294e-05,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-5.2215834e-05 0.99999599 -0.0028317319,
+ -4.9217147e-05 0.99999644 -0.0026691092,-0.00065928164 0.99999375 0.0034748305,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00085690865 0.99999582 -0.0027605628,-0.002165935 0.99999765 -4.1132292e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0011727256 0.99999931 -0.00010846917] }
+DEF SHAPE_1953 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1953 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1953 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 1.381396,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.4597892,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 1.5628872,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.2893393,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 1.1797545,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.90620659,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 1.0093046,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.0876978,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 1.2345469,-1.6147596 3.8814961 1.2533409,
+ -1.551186 3.8814961 1.2816104,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.3521366,
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 1.1169572,-1.5415249 3.8814961 1.183895] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 8,3,4,-1,9,3,8,-1,10,3,9,-1,13,8,4,-1,11,3,10,-1,2,3,11,-1,2,11,0,-1,1,2,0,-1,
+ 12,13,4,-1,7,11,12,-1,7,0,11,-1,5,6,7,-1,5,7,12,-1,5,12,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1953 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1954 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1954 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1954 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2809505 3.8814961 1.381396,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.4597892,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 1.5628872,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.2893393,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 1.1797545,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.90620659,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 1.0093046,-1.2809505 3.8814961 1.0876978,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 1.2345469,-1.6147596 3.8814961 1.2533409,
+ -1.551186 3.8814961 1.2816104,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.3521366,
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 1.1169572,-1.5415249 3.8814961 1.183895] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,8,4,-1,3,9,8,-1,3,10,9,-1,8,13,4,-1,3,11,10,-1,3,2,11,-1,11,2,0,-1,2,1,0,-1,
+ 13,12,4,-1,11,7,12,-1,0,7,11,-1,6,5,7,-1,7,5,12,-1,12,5,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1954 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1955 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1955 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1955 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 2.2667693,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.4402556,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 2.1518019,-1.5844479 3.8814961 2.0026065,
+ -1.6747105 3.8814961 1.9765215,-1.5954892 3.8814961 1.9548529,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 1.8109021,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.7040777,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 1.5304534,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.6307911,
+ -1.3074496 3.8814961 1.732509,-1.165293 3.8816929 1.7645287,
+ -1.4127559 3.8816929 1.8193211,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.9177266,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 2.0346262,-1.2877133 3.8814961 2.1707101,
+ -1.165293 3.8814961 2.2061802,-1.3048273 3.8814961 2.2376479,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 2.3399179] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,14,13,-1,5,4,13,-1,3,14,4,-1,10,9,8,-1,7,11,10,-1,7,10,8,-1,6,11,7,-1,17,1,18,-1,
+ 2,16,15,-1,0,17,16,-1,0,1,17,-1,0,16,2,-1,2,15,3,-1,5,11,6,-1,5,12,11,-1,12,5,13,-1,
+ 14,3,15,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1955 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00032773531 -0.99999814 -0.0018989616,
+ -0.0010162534 -0.99999721 -0.0021337406,-0.00018600147 -0.99999982 0.00056586362,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 4.7480008e-05 -0.99999992 0.0003982789,-0.00065115883 -0.999999 -0.0012582153,
+ -6.6457895e-05 -0.99999881 -0.0015420308,0.00016244116 -0.99999973 -0.00071075557,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1956 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1956 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1956 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 2.2667693,-1.7579342 3.8814961 2.4402556,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 2.1518019,-1.5844479 3.8814961 2.0026065,
+ -1.6747105 3.8814961 1.9765215,-1.5954892 3.8814961 1.9548529,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 1.8109021,-1.0689578 3.8814961 1.7040777,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 1.5304534,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.6307911,
+ -1.3074496 3.8814961 1.732509,-1.165293 3.8816929 1.7645287,
+ -1.4127559 3.8816929 1.8193211,-1.7579342 3.8814961 1.9177266,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 2.0346262,-1.2877133 3.8814961 2.1707101,
+ -1.165293 3.8814961 2.2061802,-1.3048273 3.8814961 2.2376479,
+ -1.7579342 3.8814961 2.3399179] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 14,4,13,-1,4,5,13,-1,14,3,4,-1,9,10,8,-1,11,7,10,-1,10,7,8,-1,11,6,7,-1,1,17,18,-1,
+ 16,2,15,-1,17,0,16,-1,1,0,17,-1,16,0,2,-1,15,2,3,-1,11,5,6,-1,12,5,11,-1,5,12,13,-1,
+ 3,14,15,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1956 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0.00032773531 0.99999814 0.0018989616,
+ 0.0010162534 0.99999721 0.0021337406,0.00018600147 0.99999982 -0.00056586362,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -4.7480008e-05 0.99999992 -0.0003982789,0.00065115883 0.999999 0.0012582153,
+ 6.6457895e-05 0.99999881 0.0015420308,-0.00016244116 0.99999973 0.00071075557,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1957 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1957 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1957 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4468459 3.8816929 0.73713687,-1.468851 3.8814961 0.78203288,
+ -1.4900039 3.8814961 0.80713249,-1.5146911 3.8814961 0.82485649,
+ -1.5407034 3.8814961 0.83562648,-1.5622388 3.8814961 0.84001118,
+ -1.5841719 3.8816929 0.84147704,-1.2718415 3.8816929 0.86797613,
+ -1.3233079 3.8814961 0.86222441,-1.3627389 3.8814961 0.84790959,
+ -1.3947788 3.8814961 0.82595368,-1.4204198 3.8814961 0.79676205,
+ -1.4361637 3.8814961 0.7680822,-1.0601248 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.0657112 3.8814961 0.70398357,-1.084566 3.8814961 0.75783675,
+ -1.1138669 3.8814961 0.80001548,-1.1484562 3.8814961 0.83071798,
+ -1.1890278 3.8814961 0.85290355,-1.2297193 3.8814961 0.86433371,
+ -1.2694952 3.8814961 0.42632461,-1.213203 3.8814961 0.43320042,
+ -1.170362 3.8814961 0.4497884,-1.1351593 3.8814961 0.47371024,
+ -1.1053787 3.8814961 0.50414147,-1.0827093 3.8814961 0.54016323,
+ -1.0681505 3.8814961 0.58016199,-1.0619615 3.8814961 0.61338884,
+ -1.3295095 3.8814961 0.43497581,-1.370159 3.8814961 0.45262228,
+ -1.4014434 3.8814961 0.47745188,-1.4266183 3.8814961 0.51044522,
+ -1.4376124 3.8814961 0.53152413,-1.4468459 3.8814961 0.55495561,
+ -1.5819636 3.8816929 0.4528237,-1.5518326 3.8814961 0.45560891,
+ -1.523009 3.8814961 0.46487854,-1.4972023 3.8814961 0.48065752,
+ -1.4756766 3.8814961 0.50192194,-1.4591309 3.8814961 0.52727381,
+ -1.7579342 3.8816929 0.6482545,-1.7535243 3.8814961 0.5994544,
+ -1.7385051 3.8814961 0.55286698,-1.7149004 3.8814961 0.51567099,
+ -1.6864182 3.8814961 0.48804729,-1.65256 3.8814961 0.46739179,
+ -1.6180536 3.8814961 0.45629074,-1.6274829 3.8814961 0.83640206,
+ -1.6680005 3.8814961 0.82034028,-1.7027397 3.8814961 0.7940007,
+ -1.7299439 3.8814961 0.75991442,-1.7477747 3.8814961 0.72011062,
+ -1.7555487 3.8814961 0.68457017,-1.5837578 3.8816929 0.75314673,
+ -1.6100379 3.8814961 0.74959863,-1.6298479 3.8814961 0.74119737,
+ -1.6460188 3.8814961 0.72956848,-1.6593764 3.8814961 0.71482346,
+ -1.6691547 3.8814961 0.69749872,-1.6752798 3.8814961 0.67856092,
+ -1.6776859 3.8814961 0.66293185,-1.6784369 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.6760272 3.8814961 0.62014562,-1.6678119 3.8814961 0.59433261,
+ -1.6544105 3.8814961 0.57397642,-1.6380874 3.8814961 0.55927156,
+ -1.61892 3.8814961 0.54851984,-1.5996247 3.8814961 0.54294737,
+ -1.5796174 3.8816929 0.541154,-1.5532052 3.8814961 0.54435826,
+ -1.5331819 3.8814961 0.55241794,-1.5168033 3.8814961 0.56386053,
+ -1.5031782 3.8814961 0.57845569,-1.4933348 3.8814961 0.59581302,
+ -1.4872778 3.8814961 0.61482167,-1.4848389 3.8814961 0.63048842,
+ -1.4841102 3.8816929 0.64632227,-1.4863774 3.8814961 0.67373347,
+ -1.4931805 3.8814961 0.69750301,-1.5042819 3.8814961 0.71679344,
+ -1.519867 3.8814961 0.73269642,-1.5389578 3.8814961 0.74418826,
+ -1.5601878 3.8814961 0.75102496,-1.5719105 3.8815125 0.75254937,
+ -1.2734976 3.8816929 0.77964583,-1.3079752 3.8814961 0.77600872,
+ -1.3404716 3.8814961 0.76404889,-1.3659341 3.8814961 0.74603635,
+ -1.3842982 3.8814961 0.72481843,-1.3966658 3.8814961 0.69961597,
+ -1.4027985 3.8814961 0.67469337,-1.4046129 3.8816929 0.64908259,
+ -1.4010902 3.8814961 0.61371795,-1.3907728 3.8814961 0.58344915,
+ -1.374959 3.8814961 0.55940849,-1.3537603 3.8814961 0.53993191,
+ -1.3287777 3.8814961 0.525639,-1.3011955 3.8814961 0.5173677,
+ -1.2860316 3.8814961 0.51528919,-1.2707373 3.8816929 0.51465491,
+ -1.2360758 3.8814961 0.51835718,-1.2201218 3.8814961 0.52284304,
+ -1.206478 3.8814961 0.52870963,-1.1828559 3.8814961 0.54418713,
+ -1.1634388 3.8814961 0.56470188,-1.1496805 3.8814961 0.58935146,
+ -1.142105 3.8814961 0.61656237,-1.1401713 3.8814961 0.63145357,
+ -1.139622 3.8816929 0.64646029,-1.1437948 3.8814961 0.68163481,
+ -1.1559452 3.8814961 0.71491592,-1.1735122 3.8814961 0.74151636,
+ -1.190967 3.8814961 0.75687322,-1.2099775 3.8814961 0.76700602,
+ -1.2373583 3.8814961 0.77567808,-1.2553134 3.8814961 0.77871223] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 64,42,43,-1,65,64,43,-1,65,43,44,-1,63,42,64,-1,63,41,42,-1,66,65,44,-1,66,44,45,-1,66,45,46,-1,
+ 67,46,34,-1,67,66,46,-1,62,40,41,-1,62,41,63,-1,68,34,35,-1,68,67,34,-1,61,40,62,-1,60,40,61,-1,
+ 60,52,40,-1,69,35,36,-1,69,36,37,-1,69,68,35,-1,59,51,52,-1,59,52,60,-1,70,69,37,-1,38,70,37,-1,
+ 58,51,59,-1,50,51,58,-1,71,70,38,-1,57,50,58,-1,39,71,38,-1,72,71,39,-1,56,50,57,-1,49,50,56,-1,
+ 33,73,72,-1,33,72,39,-1,55,49,56,-1,74,73,33,-1,48,49,55,-1,48,55,54,-1,94,32,31,-1,95,31,30,-1,
+ 95,94,31,-1,93,32,94,-1,93,33,32,-1,96,95,30,-1,96,29,28,-1,96,30,29,-1,47,48,54,-1,47,54,53,-1,
+ 92,33,93,-1,92,74,33,-1,92,75,74,-1,97,96,28,-1,98,28,20,-1,98,97,28,-1,99,98,20,-1,91,75,92,-1,
+ 91,76,75,-1,91,77,76,-1,6,47,53,-1,90,77,91,-1,5,6,53,-1,5,83,82,-1,5,53,83,-1,100,20,21,-1,
+ 100,99,20,-1,0,77,90,-1,0,78,77,-1,0,79,78,-1,4,5,82,-1,101,21,22,-1,101,100,21,-1,89,0,90,-1,
+ 3,4,82,-1,3,82,81,-1,1,79,0,-1,1,80,79,-1,2,3,81,-1,2,80,1,-1,2,81,80,-1,102,101,22,-1,
+ 23,102,22,-1,88,12,0,-1,88,0,89,-1,103,102,23,-1,87,11,12,-1,87,12,88,-1,24,103,23,-1,104,103,24,-1,
+ 10,87,86,-1,10,11,87,-1,25,105,104,-1,25,104,24,-1,9,86,85,-1,9,10,86,-1,26,106,105,-1,26,105,25,-1,
+ 8,9,85,-1,8,85,84,-1,27,107,106,-1,27,106,26,-1,13,108,107,-1,13,109,108,-1,13,107,27,-1,7,8,84,-1,
+ 7,84,115,-1,19,115,114,-1,19,7,115,-1,14,110,109,-1,14,109,13,-1,18,114,113,-1,18,19,114,-1,15,111,110,-1,
+ 15,110,14,-1,17,113,112,-1,17,18,113,-1,16,112,111,-1,16,17,112,-1,16,111,15,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1957 Normal { vector [
+ 0.00016880032 -0.99999991 0.00039550893,0.0018529918 -0.99999778 -0.0010063404,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -1.0862604e-06 -1 2.5017494e-07,-0.0058451109 -0.99998289 0.00024239991,
+ 8.4951938e-07 -1 0,-0.0017121561 -0.9999984 0.00051180075,
+ 0.0030722246 -0.99999525 0.00024072446,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.001346821 -0.99999779 -0.001614598,0.00070853174 -0.99999975 2.2119208e-06,
+ 0.00036400137 -0.99999913 -0.0012717718,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.0018707311 -0.99999809 0.00055920228,
+ -4.146931e-05 -0.99999977 0.00067523971,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.0005424275 -0.9999971 0.0023483942,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.0022392922 -0.99999738 -0.00047622175,-0.004602173 -0.99998941 2.5304246e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00082078813 -0.99999966 -7.090446e-06,-0.00040895379 -0.99999874 0.0015317007,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.0020958864 -0.9999977 -0.00044572418,0.0034585122 -0.99999396 0.00035267687,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00060437681 -0.99999745 -0.0021747756,0.0001427632 -0.99999984 0.00054473683,
+ 0.0021282677 -0.99999764 0.00042771994,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00082847273 -0.99998323 -0.0057323895,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00047091482 -0.99999277 0.0037744764,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.0051125057 -0.99998675 -0.00060697889,
+ -0.0025786882 -0.99999667 -3.9883003e-05,-0.001904393 -0.99999819 -2.9454089e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.00050030297 -0.99998288 0.005829519,
+ 0 -1 0,0.00047665484 -0.99999903 -0.0013060753,
+ 0.0031338155 -0.99999424 0.0013030526,0.0028011343 -0.99999575 -0.00080622692,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00020320208 -0.99999998 -4.4297243e-06,-0.0082858503 -0.99996541 0.00072856126,
+ 0.0018502542 -0.99999823 0.00032905272,0.0017607532 -0.9999984 0.0003131357,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0023682934 -0.99999626 -0.0013662614,-0.0030744045 -0.99999463 0.0011347127,
+ -0.00055243427 -0.99999984 0.00013593876,0.00041141168 -0.99999992 3.9427397e-06,
+ 0.0002905546 -0.99999891 0.0014509772,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.0022296415 -0.99999743 0.00041443778,-0.0001367475 -0.99999751 0.0022266429,
+ -0.0019113606 -0.99999793 0.00069406312,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.00067513748 -0.99998099 0.0061281179,
+ 0 -1 0,0.00044323525 -0.99999531 -0.0030316358,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.0049464481 -0.99998747 0.00077488306] }
+DEF SHAPE_1958 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1958 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1958 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.4468459 3.8816929 0.73713687,-1.468851 3.8814961 0.78203288,
+ -1.4900039 3.8814961 0.80713249,-1.5146911 3.8814961 0.82485649,
+ -1.5407034 3.8814961 0.83562648,-1.5622388 3.8814961 0.84001118,
+ -1.5841719 3.8816929 0.84147704,-1.2718415 3.8816929 0.86797613,
+ -1.3233079 3.8814961 0.86222441,-1.3627389 3.8814961 0.84790959,
+ -1.3947788 3.8814961 0.82595368,-1.4204198 3.8814961 0.79676205,
+ -1.4361637 3.8814961 0.7680822,-1.0601248 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.0657112 3.8814961 0.70398357,-1.084566 3.8814961 0.75783675,
+ -1.1138669 3.8814961 0.80001548,-1.1484562 3.8814961 0.83071798,
+ -1.1890278 3.8814961 0.85290355,-1.2297193 3.8814961 0.86433371,
+ -1.2694952 3.8814961 0.42632461,-1.213203 3.8814961 0.43320042,
+ -1.170362 3.8814961 0.4497884,-1.1351593 3.8814961 0.47371024,
+ -1.1053787 3.8814961 0.50414147,-1.0827093 3.8814961 0.54016323,
+ -1.0681505 3.8814961 0.58016199,-1.0619615 3.8814961 0.61338884,
+ -1.3295095 3.8814961 0.43497581,-1.370159 3.8814961 0.45262228,
+ -1.4014434 3.8814961 0.47745188,-1.4266183 3.8814961 0.51044522,
+ -1.4376124 3.8814961 0.53152413,-1.4468459 3.8814961 0.55495561,
+ -1.5819636 3.8816929 0.4528237,-1.5518326 3.8814961 0.45560891,
+ -1.523009 3.8814961 0.46487854,-1.4972023 3.8814961 0.48065752,
+ -1.4756766 3.8814961 0.50192194,-1.4591309 3.8814961 0.52727381,
+ -1.7579342 3.8816929 0.6482545,-1.7535243 3.8814961 0.5994544,
+ -1.7385051 3.8814961 0.55286698,-1.7149004 3.8814961 0.51567099,
+ -1.6864182 3.8814961 0.48804729,-1.65256 3.8814961 0.46739179,
+ -1.6180536 3.8814961 0.45629074,-1.6274829 3.8814961 0.83640206,
+ -1.6680005 3.8814961 0.82034028,-1.7027397 3.8814961 0.7940007,
+ -1.7299439 3.8814961 0.75991442,-1.7477747 3.8814961 0.72011062,
+ -1.7555487 3.8814961 0.68457017,-1.5837578 3.8816929 0.75314673,
+ -1.6100379 3.8814961 0.74959863,-1.6298479 3.8814961 0.74119737,
+ -1.6460188 3.8814961 0.72956848,-1.6593764 3.8814961 0.71482346,
+ -1.6691547 3.8814961 0.69749872,-1.6752798 3.8814961 0.67856092,
+ -1.6776859 3.8814961 0.66293185,-1.6784369 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.6760272 3.8814961 0.62014562,-1.6678119 3.8814961 0.59433261,
+ -1.6544105 3.8814961 0.57397642,-1.6380874 3.8814961 0.55927156,
+ -1.61892 3.8814961 0.54851984,-1.5996247 3.8814961 0.54294737,
+ -1.5796174 3.8816929 0.541154,-1.5532052 3.8814961 0.54435826,
+ -1.5331819 3.8814961 0.55241794,-1.5168033 3.8814961 0.56386053,
+ -1.5031782 3.8814961 0.57845569,-1.4933348 3.8814961 0.59581302,
+ -1.4872778 3.8814961 0.61482167,-1.4848389 3.8814961 0.63048842,
+ -1.4841102 3.8816929 0.64632227,-1.4863774 3.8814961 0.67373347,
+ -1.4931805 3.8814961 0.69750301,-1.5042819 3.8814961 0.71679344,
+ -1.519867 3.8814961 0.73269642,-1.5389578 3.8814961 0.74418826,
+ -1.5601878 3.8814961 0.75102496,-1.5719105 3.8815125 0.75254937,
+ -1.2734976 3.8816929 0.77964583,-1.3079752 3.8814961 0.77600872,
+ -1.3404716 3.8814961 0.76404889,-1.3659341 3.8814961 0.74603635,
+ -1.3842982 3.8814961 0.72481843,-1.3966658 3.8814961 0.69961597,
+ -1.4027985 3.8814961 0.67469337,-1.4046129 3.8816929 0.64908259,
+ -1.4010902 3.8814961 0.61371795,-1.3907728 3.8814961 0.58344915,
+ -1.374959 3.8814961 0.55940849,-1.3537603 3.8814961 0.53993191,
+ -1.3287777 3.8814961 0.525639,-1.3011955 3.8814961 0.5173677,
+ -1.2860316 3.8814961 0.51528919,-1.2707373 3.8816929 0.51465491,
+ -1.2360758 3.8814961 0.51835718,-1.2201218 3.8814961 0.52284304,
+ -1.206478 3.8814961 0.52870963,-1.1828559 3.8814961 0.54418713,
+ -1.1634388 3.8814961 0.56470188,-1.1496805 3.8814961 0.58935146,
+ -1.142105 3.8814961 0.61656237,-1.1401713 3.8814961 0.63145357,
+ -1.139622 3.8816929 0.64646029,-1.1437948 3.8814961 0.68163481,
+ -1.1559452 3.8814961 0.71491592,-1.1735122 3.8814961 0.74151636,
+ -1.190967 3.8814961 0.75687322,-1.2099775 3.8814961 0.76700602,
+ -1.2373583 3.8814961 0.77567808,-1.2553134 3.8814961 0.77871223] }
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+ 42,64,43,-1,64,65,43,-1,43,65,44,-1,42,63,64,-1,41,63,42,-1,65,66,44,-1,44,66,45,-1,45,66,46,-1,
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+ 94,95,31,-1,32,93,94,-1,33,93,32,-1,95,96,30,-1,29,96,28,-1,30,96,29,-1,48,47,54,-1,54,47,53,-1,
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+ 76,91,75,-1,77,91,76,-1,47,6,53,-1,77,90,91,-1,6,5,53,-1,83,5,82,-1,53,5,83,-1,20,100,21,-1,
+ 99,100,20,-1,77,0,90,-1,78,0,77,-1,79,0,78,-1,5,4,82,-1,21,101,22,-1,100,101,21,-1,0,89,90,-1,
+ 4,3,82,-1,82,3,81,-1,79,1,0,-1,80,1,79,-1,3,2,81,-1,80,2,1,-1,81,2,80,-1,101,102,22,-1,
+ 102,23,22,-1,12,88,0,-1,0,88,89,-1,102,103,23,-1,11,87,12,-1,12,87,88,-1,103,24,23,-1,103,104,24,-1,
+ 87,10,86,-1,11,10,87,-1,105,25,104,-1,104,25,24,-1,86,9,85,-1,10,9,86,-1,106,26,105,-1,105,26,25,-1,
+ 9,8,85,-1,85,8,84,-1,107,27,106,-1,106,27,26,-1,108,13,107,-1,109,13,108,-1,107,13,27,-1,8,7,84,-1,
+ 84,7,115,-1,115,19,114,-1,7,19,115,-1,110,14,109,-1,109,14,13,-1,114,18,113,-1,19,18,114,-1,111,15,110,-1,
+ 110,15,14,-1,113,17,112,-1,18,17,113,-1,112,16,111,-1,17,16,112,-1,111,16,15,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1958 Normal { vector [
+ -0.00016880032 0.99999991 -0.00039550893,-0.0018529918 0.99999778 0.0010063404,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 1.0862604e-06 1 -2.5017494e-07,0.0058451109 0.99998289 -0.00024239991,
+ -8.4951938e-07 1 0,0.0017121561 0.9999984 -0.00051180075,
+ -0.0030722246 0.99999525 -0.00024072446,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.001346821 0.99999779 0.001614598,-0.00070853174 0.99999975 -2.2119208e-06,
+ -0.00036400137 0.99999913 0.0012717718,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0.0018707311 0.99999809 -0.00055920228,
+ 4.146931e-05 0.99999977 -0.00067523971,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.0005424275 0.9999971 -0.0023483942,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0022392922 0.99999738 0.00047622175,0.004602173 0.99998941 -2.5304246e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00082078813 0.99999966 7.090446e-06,0.00040895379 0.99999874 -0.0015317007,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0020958864 0.9999977 0.00044572418,-0.0034585122 0.99999396 -0.00035267687,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00060437681 0.99999745 0.0021747756,-0.0001427632 0.99999984 -0.00054473683,
+ -0.0021282677 0.99999764 -0.00042771994,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00082847273 0.99998323 0.0057323895,0 1 0,
+ 0.00047091482 0.99999277 -0.0037744764,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.0051125057 0.99998675 0.00060697889,
+ 0.0025786882 0.99999667 3.9883003e-05,0.001904393 0.99999819 2.9454089e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.00050030297 0.99998288 -0.005829519,
+ 0 1 0,-0.00047665484 0.99999903 0.0013060753,
+ -0.0031338155 0.99999424 -0.0013030526,-0.0028011343 0.99999575 0.00080622692,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00020320208 0.99999998 4.4297243e-06,0.0082858503 0.99996541 -0.00072856126,
+ -0.0018502542 0.99999823 -0.00032905272,-0.0017607532 0.9999984 -0.0003131357,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0023682934 0.99999626 0.0013662614,0.0030744045 0.99999463 -0.0011347127,
+ 0.00055243427 0.99999984 -0.00013593876,-0.00041141168 0.99999992 -3.9427397e-06,
+ -0.0002905546 0.99999891 -0.0014509772,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0022296415 0.99999743 -0.00041443778,0.0001367475 0.99999751 -0.0022266429,
+ 0.0019113606 0.99999793 -0.00069406312,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.00067513748 0.99998099 -0.0061281179,
+ 0 1 0,-0.00044323525 0.99999531 0.0030316358,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0.0049464481 0.99998747 -0.00077488306] }
+DEF SHAPE_1959 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1959 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1959 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2694952 3.8818898 0.42632461,-1.2694952 3.8814961 0.42632461,
+ -1.3086415 3.8818898 0.42965573,-1.3463225 3.8818898 0.44064684,
+ -1.3806378 3.8818898 0.45969502,-1.4094917 3.8818898 0.48629153,
+ -1.4314295 3.8818898 0.5188332,-1.4468459 3.8818898 0.55495561,
+ -1.4468459 3.8814961 0.55495561,-1.4223471 3.8814961 0.50327948,
+ -1.3952659 3.8814961 0.47156188,-1.3600722 3.8814961 0.44704313,
+ -1.3198934 3.8814961 0.4319718,-1.2948559 3.8814961 0.42771423] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,8,7,-1,9,8,6,-1,10,9,5,-1,11,10,4,-1,12,11,3,-1,13,12,2,-1,0,1,13,-1,0,13,2,-1,
+ 2,12,3,-1,3,11,4,-1,4,10,5,-1,5,9,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1959 Normal { vector [
+ -0.047156862 0.76325066 -0.64437929,0 0 1,
+ -0.10511576 0.8104483 -0.57630221,-0.31848902 0.52090068 -0.79197678,
+ -0.49075905 0.53461308 -0.6880003,-0.57880601 0.64720267 -0.49609708,
+ -0.69433499 -0.62492985 -0.35687757,0 0 1,
+ -0.35962785 -0.91866058 -0.16349482,-0.41776302 -0.86907656 -0.26491507,
+ -0.40361021 -0.79995877 -0.44403239,-0.28001453 -0.80450911 -0.52379094,
+ -0.24710543 -0.48547161 -0.83860373,-0.086881261 0.49155402 -0.86650233] }
+DEF SHAPE_1960 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1960 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1960 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2694952 3.8818898 0.42632461,-1.2694952 3.8814961 0.42632461,
+ -1.3086415 3.8818898 0.42965573,-1.3463225 3.8818898 0.44064684,
+ -1.3806378 3.8818898 0.45969502,-1.4094917 3.8818898 0.48629153,
+ -1.4314295 3.8818898 0.5188332,-1.4468459 3.8818898 0.55495561,
+ -1.4468459 3.8814961 0.55495561,-1.4223471 3.8814961 0.50327948,
+ -1.3952659 3.8814961 0.47156188,-1.3600722 3.8814961 0.44704313,
+ -1.3198934 3.8814961 0.4319718,-1.2948559 3.8814961 0.42771423] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 8,6,7,-1,8,9,6,-1,9,10,5,-1,10,11,4,-1,11,12,3,-1,12,13,2,-1,1,0,13,-1,13,0,2,-1,
+ 12,2,3,-1,11,3,4,-1,10,4,5,-1,9,5,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1960 Normal { vector [
+ 0.047156862 -0.76325066 0.64437929,0 0 1,
+ 0.10511576 -0.8104483 0.57630221,0.31848902 -0.52090068 0.79197678,
+ 0.49075905 -0.53461308 0.6880003,0.57880601 -0.64720267 0.49609708,
+ 0.69433499 0.62492985 0.35687757,0 0 1,
+ 0.35962785 0.91866058 0.16349482,0.41776302 0.86907656 0.26491507,
+ 0.40361021 0.79995877 0.44403239,0.28001453 0.80450911 0.52379094,
+ 0.24710543 0.48547161 0.83860373,0.086881261 -0.49155402 0.86650233] }
+DEF SHAPE_1961 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1961 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1961 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 0.23199794,-1.2823562 3.8814961 0.19361357,
+ -1.4826244 3.8814961 0.10930174,-1.6607708 3.8814961 -0.015326917,
+ -1.6607708 3.8814961 0.3379943,-1.7491011 3.8814961 0.3379943,
+ -1.7491011 3.8814961 -0.10365722,-1.6776088 3.8816929 -0.10365722,
+ -1.5478598 3.8815034 -0.011875601,-1.4061511 3.8814961 0.060408056,
+ -1.2562456 3.8816929 0.11316607,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.14366763] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,4,5,-1,3,5,6,-1,7,3,6,-1,8,2,3,-1,8,3,7,-1,9,1,2,-1,9,2,8,-1,10,1,9,-1,
+ 11,0,1,-1,11,1,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1961 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0.00025454023 -0.99999944 -0.0010308635,
+ 1.3099067e-05 -1 -4.4038855e-05,0.00019638027 -0.9999999 -0.00041073971,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.00038361633 -0.99999985 -0.00038361633,0.0011528551 -0.99999634 -0.0024483263,
+ 5.2347478e-05 -0.99999977 -0.00067559167,0.00061389178 -0.99999964 -0.00059161795,
+ 0.00055936736 -0.99999728 -0.0022653841,-0.00028323477 -0.99999923 -0.0012101452] }
+DEF SHAPE_1962 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1962 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1962 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 0.23199794,-1.2823562 3.8814961 0.19361357,
+ -1.4826244 3.8814961 0.10930174,-1.6607708 3.8814961 -0.015326917,
+ -1.6607708 3.8814961 0.3379943,-1.7491011 3.8814961 0.3379943,
+ -1.7491011 3.8814961 -0.10365722,-1.6776088 3.8816929 -0.10365722,
+ -1.5478598 3.8815034 -0.011875601,-1.4061511 3.8814961 0.060408056,
+ -1.2562456 3.8816929 0.11316607,-1.0689578 3.8814961 0.14366763] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,3,5,-1,5,3,6,-1,3,7,6,-1,2,8,3,-1,3,8,7,-1,1,9,2,-1,2,9,8,-1,1,10,9,-1,
+ 0,11,1,-1,1,11,10,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1962 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,-0.00025454023 0.99999944 0.0010308635,
+ -1.3099067e-05 1 4.4038855e-05,-0.00019638027 0.9999999 0.00041073971,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.00038361633 0.99999985 0.00038361633,-0.0011528551 0.99999634 0.0024483263,
+ -5.2347478e-05 0.99999977 0.00067559167,-0.00061389178 0.99999964 0.00059161795,
+ -0.00055936736 0.99999728 0.0022653841,0.00028323477 0.99999923 0.0012101452] }
+DEF SHAPE_1963 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1963 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1963 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.0752906,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -0.98696027,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.68663723,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.68663723,
+ -1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0134594,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.0752906,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.1636209,
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.1636209,-1.5732686 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.79566995,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,5,6,-1,11,6,7,-1,12,4,5,-1,12,5,11,-1,8,13,11,-1,3,12,13,-1,3,4,12,-1,0,13,8,-1,
+ 0,3,13,-1,9,0,8,-1,10,0,9,-1,1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1,7,8,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1963 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1964 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1964 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1964 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.0752906,-1.0689578 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.0689578 3.8814961 -0.98696027,-1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -0.68663723,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.68663723,
+ -1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0134594,-1.7491011 3.8814961 -1.0752906,
+ -1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.0752906,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -1.1636209,
+ -1.2367854 3.8814961 -1.1636209,-1.5732686 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.79566995,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,11,6,-1,6,11,7,-1,4,12,5,-1,5,12,11,-1,13,8,11,-1,12,3,13,-1,4,3,12,-1,13,0,8,-1,
+ 3,0,13,-1,0,9,8,-1,0,10,9,-1,2,1,3,-1,3,1,0,-1,8,7,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1964 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1965 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1965 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1965 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.490443,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.490443,
+ -1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.2342851,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.2342851] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1965 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1966 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1966 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1966 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.490443,-1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.490443,
+ -1.2721175 3.8814961 -1.2342851,-1.3516148 3.8814961 -1.2342851] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,1,3,-1,3,1,0,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1966 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1967 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_17 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 1
+ diffuseColor 0 0 0
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.1
+ specularColor 0.12 0.12 0.12
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_1967 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1967 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9094488 3.8814961 2.6574803,1.8330259 3.8814961 2.6675416,
+ 1.761811 3.8814961 2.6970397,1.7006574 3.8814961 2.7439645,
+ 1.6537327 3.8814961 2.8051181,1.6242345 3.8814961 2.876333,
+ 1.6141732 3.8814961 2.9527559,1.6242345 3.8814961 3.0291789,
+ 1.6537327 3.8814961 3.1003937,1.7006574 3.8814961 3.1615473,
+ 1.761811 3.8814961 3.2084721,1.8330259 3.8814961 3.2379702,
+ 1.9094488 3.8814961 3.2480315,1.9858718 3.8814961 3.2379702,
+ 2.0570866 3.8814961 3.2084721,2.1182402 3.8814961 3.1615473,
+ 2.165165 3.8814961 3.1003937,2.1946631 3.8814961 3.0291789,
+ 2.2047244 3.8814961 2.9527559,2.1946631 3.8814961 2.876333,
+ 2.165165 3.8814961 2.8051181,2.1182402 3.8814961 2.7439645,
+ 2.0570866 3.8814961 2.6970397,1.9858718 3.8814961 2.6675416] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 20,22,21,-1,11,10,9,-1,15,1,0,-1,15,2,1,-1,15,3,2,-1,15,4,3,-1,15,5,4,-1,15,6,5,-1,
+ 15,7,6,-1,15,8,7,-1,15,9,8,-1,15,12,11,-1,15,13,12,-1,15,14,13,-1,15,17,16,-1,15,18,17,-1,
+ 15,19,18,-1,15,20,19,-1,15,23,22,-1,15,0,23,-1,15,11,9,-1,15,22,20,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1967 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1968 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_17
+ geometry DEF FACE_1968 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1968 Coordinate { point [
+ 1.9094488 3.8814961 2.6574803,1.8330259 3.8814961 2.6675416,
+ 1.761811 3.8814961 2.6970397,1.7006574 3.8814961 2.7439645,
+ 1.6537327 3.8814961 2.8051181,1.6242345 3.8814961 2.876333,
+ 1.6141732 3.8814961 2.9527559,1.6242345 3.8814961 3.0291789,
+ 1.6537327 3.8814961 3.1003937,1.7006574 3.8814961 3.1615473,
+ 1.761811 3.8814961 3.2084721,1.8330259 3.8814961 3.2379702,
+ 1.9094488 3.8814961 3.2480315,1.9858718 3.8814961 3.2379702,
+ 2.0570866 3.8814961 3.2084721,2.1182402 3.8814961 3.1615473,
+ 2.165165 3.8814961 3.1003937,2.1946631 3.8814961 3.0291789,
+ 2.2047244 3.8814961 2.9527559,2.1946631 3.8814961 2.876333,
+ 2.165165 3.8814961 2.8051181,2.1182402 3.8814961 2.7439645,
+ 2.0570866 3.8814961 2.6970397,1.9858718 3.8814961 2.6675416] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 22,20,21,-1,10,11,9,-1,1,15,0,-1,2,15,1,-1,3,15,2,-1,4,15,3,-1,5,15,4,-1,6,15,5,-1,
+ 7,15,6,-1,8,15,7,-1,9,15,8,-1,12,15,11,-1,13,15,12,-1,14,15,13,-1,17,15,16,-1,18,15,17,-1,
+ 19,15,18,-1,20,15,19,-1,23,15,22,-1,0,15,23,-1,11,15,9,-1,22,15,20,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1968 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1969 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1969 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1969 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.79111377,-0.51729364 3.8814961 0.78413444,
+ -0.50839518 3.8814961 0.77522837,-0.50255726 3.8814961 0.76598917,
+ -0.49774296 3.8814961 0.75511377,-0.49724296 3.8814961 0.74611377,
+ -0.49913096 3.8814961 0.73345777,-0.50382696 3.8814961 0.72226577,
+ -0.51492846 3.8814961 0.70748777,-0.52924296 3.8814961 0.69411377,
+ -0.55187259 3.8814961 0.68074339,-0.57615959 3.8814961 0.67322889,
+ -0.59145504 3.8814961 0.67230003,-0.5990612 3.8814961 0.67320918,
+ -0.60624296 3.8814961 0.67511377,-0.6147096 3.8814961 0.67958741,
+ -0.62137425 3.8814961 0.68674896,-0.62599252 3.8814961 0.69598909,
+ -0.62874296 3.8814961 0.70661377,-0.63069757 3.8814961 0.72396826,
+ -0.62869348 3.8814961 0.73873347,-0.62405752 3.8814961 0.75105569,
+ -0.6169286 3.8814961 0.76222019,-0.61104803 3.8814961 0.76874259,
+ -0.60424296 3.8814961 0.77461377,-0.59219379 3.8814961 0.78307836,
+ -0.5778987 3.8814961 0.78898598,-0.5622499 3.8814961 0.79233663,
+ -0.54613958 3.8814961 0.7931303,-0.53755807 3.8814961 0.7924952] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 14,16,15,-1,17,16,14,-1,13,17,14,-1,12,18,17,-1,12,17,13,-1,11,19,18,-1,11,18,12,-1,20,19,11,-1,
+ 10,21,20,-1,10,20,11,-1,22,21,10,-1,23,22,10,-1,24,10,9,-1,24,23,10,-1,25,24,9,-1,26,25,9,-1,
+ 27,9,8,-1,27,26,9,-1,28,8,7,-1,28,27,8,-1,3,5,4,-1,3,6,5,-1,3,7,6,-1,2,29,28,-1,
+ 2,28,7,-1,2,7,3,-1,1,0,29,-1,1,29,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1969 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1970 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1970 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1970 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.52924296 3.8814961 0.79111377,-0.51729364 3.8814961 0.78413444,
+ -0.50839518 3.8814961 0.77522837,-0.50255726 3.8814961 0.76598917,
+ -0.49774296 3.8814961 0.75511377,-0.49724296 3.8814961 0.74611377,
+ -0.49913096 3.8814961 0.73345777,-0.50382696 3.8814961 0.72226577,
+ -0.51492846 3.8814961 0.70748777,-0.52924296 3.8814961 0.69411377,
+ -0.55187259 3.8814961 0.68074339,-0.57615959 3.8814961 0.67322889,
+ -0.59145504 3.8814961 0.67230003,-0.5990612 3.8814961 0.67320918,
+ -0.60624296 3.8814961 0.67511377,-0.6147096 3.8814961 0.67958741,
+ -0.62137425 3.8814961 0.68674896,-0.62599252 3.8814961 0.69598909,
+ -0.62874296 3.8814961 0.70661377,-0.63069757 3.8814961 0.72396826,
+ -0.62869348 3.8814961 0.73873347,-0.62405752 3.8814961 0.75105569,
+ -0.6169286 3.8814961 0.76222019,-0.61104803 3.8814961 0.76874259,
+ -0.60424296 3.8814961 0.77461377,-0.59219379 3.8814961 0.78307836,
+ -0.5778987 3.8814961 0.78898598,-0.5622499 3.8814961 0.79233663,
+ -0.54613958 3.8814961 0.7931303,-0.53755807 3.8814961 0.7924952] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 16,14,15,-1,16,17,14,-1,17,13,14,-1,18,12,17,-1,17,12,13,-1,19,11,18,-1,18,11,12,-1,19,20,11,-1,
+ 21,10,20,-1,20,10,11,-1,21,22,10,-1,22,23,10,-1,10,24,9,-1,23,24,10,-1,24,25,9,-1,25,26,9,-1,
+ 9,27,8,-1,26,27,9,-1,8,28,7,-1,27,28,8,-1,5,3,4,-1,6,3,5,-1,7,3,6,-1,29,2,28,-1,
+ 28,2,7,-1,7,2,3,-1,0,1,29,-1,29,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1970 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1971 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1971 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1971 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.48625704 3.8814961 -1.6843862,0.53344497 3.8815133 -1.6466853,
+ 0.55284963 3.8815544 -1.6223122,0.56251861 3.88161 -1.6014811,
+ 0.56522724 3.8816477 -1.590221,0.56625704 3.8816929 -1.5783862,
+ 0.53125704 3.8816929 -1.5083862,0.54148852 3.8816109 -1.5169048,
+ 0.54977556 3.8815617 -1.527201,0.55625704 3.8815453 -1.5388862,
+ 0.56233043 3.8815744 -1.5559548,0.56476795 3.8816223 -1.5671159,
+ 0.16925704 3.8816929 -1.4848862,0.335482 3.8815471 -1.4700769,
+ 0.41818297 3.8815617 -1.4720714,0.47697695 3.8816109 -1.4839719,
+ 0.11825704 3.8816929 -1.4818862,0.1281137 3.8815893 -1.4871607,
+ 0.13457131 3.8815578 -1.4880668,0.14244454 3.8815453 -1.4878862,
+ 0.18225704 3.8816929 -1.3873862,0.15899778 3.8815617 -1.4185529,
+ 0.12667954 3.8815908 -1.4588986,0.12143948 3.8816346 -1.4700035,
+ 0.23075704 3.8816929 -1.2133862,0.23445611 3.8816109 -1.2447126,
+ 0.23184963 3.8815617 -1.276164,0.22413204 3.8815453 -1.3069487,
+ 0.20558516 3.8815822 -1.350144,0.15125704 3.8816929 -1.1353862,
+ 0.19494428 3.8815471 -1.1629336,0.21370148 3.8815617 -1.1786085,
+ 0.22342111 3.8816045 -1.1920942,0.22779302 3.8816437 -1.2019815,
+ 0.18575704 3.8814961 -1.0858862,0.17303482 3.8815034 -1.1010529,
+ 0.16209946 3.8815371 -1.113217,0.15566856 3.8815887 -1.1226578,
+ 0.15290107 3.8816343 -1.1287998,0.24725704 3.8814961 -0.91338623,
+ 0.24504428 3.8814961 -0.96602502,0.23057558 3.8814961 -1.0154861,
+ 0.21070868 3.8814961 -1.0533864,0.14675704 3.8814961 -0.81188623,
+ 0.20607391 3.8814961 -0.84803987,0.21742983 3.8814961 -0.85965826,
+ 0.2273985 3.8814961 -0.87367859,0.14225704 3.8816929 -0.80338623,
+ 0.25325704 3.8816929 -0.57538623,0.23665308 3.8815843 -0.63989057,
+ 0.1912534 3.881554 -0.72431844,0.19275704 3.8814961 -0.47038623,
+ 0.21118735 3.8814967 -0.47886873,0.22639454 3.8815014 -0.49086123,
+ 0.23832798 3.881514 -0.50575623,0.24693704 3.8815386 -0.52294623,
+ 0.2521711 3.8815791 -0.54182373,0.25391817 3.8816279 -0.55840577,
+ -0.036242961 3.8814961 -0.52638623,0.060157588 3.8814961 -0.48233411,
+ 0.11294222 3.8814961 -0.46746031,0.15305102 3.8814961 -0.46418716,
+ 0.17300212 3.8814961 -0.46594989,-0.14074296 3.8814961 -0.54438623,
+ -0.12781128 3.8814961 -0.54946535,-0.11463168 3.8814961 -0.55126065,
+ -0.10135483 3.8814961 -0.55038555,-0.067268822 3.8814961 -0.53993422,
+ -0.16974296 3.8816929 -0.48238623,-0.16514846 3.8815636 -0.50450373,
+ -0.15620696 3.8815087 -0.52378623,-0.14875096 3.8814976 -0.53486623,
+ 0.18575704 3.8816929 -0.17538623,0.11065721 3.8815892 -0.26060923,
+ 0.011944539 3.8815453 -0.34557373,0.25175704 3.8816929 0.079613765,
+ 0.26124023 3.8816176 0.037777828,0.26052754 3.8815689 -0.0039737349,
+ 0.2517756 3.8815468 -0.044881547,0.2220078 3.8815752 -0.11516768,
+ 0.11425704 3.8816929 0.20061377,0.18525841 3.8815471 0.15801569,
+ 0.21788667 3.8815617 0.13242858,0.23775241 3.8816109 0.10871562,
+ 0.245595 3.8816478 0.094923372,0.20925704 3.8814961 0.34511377,
+ 0.19190649 3.8814979 0.3138906,0.16119454 3.8815207 0.27361377,
+ 0.13128749 3.8815919 0.23348941,0.23725704 3.8814961 0.53461377,
+ 0.24337289 3.8814961 0.5189024,0.24743991 3.8814961 0.50227812,
+ 0.24955334 3.8814961 0.46892858,0.24519454 3.8814961 0.43555127,
+ 0.23001485 3.8814961 0.38759033,0.095257039 3.8814961 0.63411377,
+ 0.16928722 3.8814961 0.60348551,0.19910889 3.8814961 0.58507673,
+ 0.21903019 3.8814961 0.56437997,0.22825704 3.8814961 0.83711377,
+ 0.21169985 3.8814961 0.79630604,0.18779097 3.8814961 0.76015862,
+ 0.13700398 3.8814961 0.69932474,0.11175802 3.8814961 0.66515634,
+ 0.21475704 3.8814961 0.92261377,0.22709154 3.8814961 0.89960977,
+ 0.23321315 3.8814961 0.87577584,0.23332273 3.8814961 0.85581376,
+ 0.23148494 3.8814961 0.84632653,0.028757039 3.8814961 0.96161377,
+ 0.09486815 3.8814961 0.96672488,0.14840919 3.8814961 0.96059322,
+ 0.18153399 3.8814961 0.94824633,0.19907701 3.8814961 0.93708564,
+ -0.064242961 3.8814961 0.94711377,-0.017742961 3.8814961 0.95398877,
+ -0.072242961 3.8814961 0.95511377,-0.020242961 3.8814961 1.1446138,
+ -0.042867961 3.8814961 1.0478013,0.16325704 3.8816929 1.2656138,
+ 0.13012516 3.8815922 1.2393529,0.075632039 3.8815207 1.2073638,
+ 0.23525704 3.8816929 1.4811138,0.23666519 3.8815996 1.4352734,
+ 0.22818199 3.881552 1.3874934,0.21200362 3.8815501 1.3412968,
+ 0.19032624 3.881594 1.3002066,0.1771005 3.8816368 1.281373,
+ 0.10925704 3.8814961 1.5986138,0.13104352 3.8814976 1.5799313,
+ 0.18827297 3.8815306 1.5420689,0.21597894 3.8815806 1.5178519,
+ 0.22850866 3.881629 1.5004685,0.23270745 3.8816588 1.4910556,
+ 0.14175704 3.8814961 1.6616138,0.12326596 3.8814961 1.6351776,
+ 0.11112389 3.8814961 1.6132884,0.10829709 3.8814961 1.6040933,
+ 0.22475704 3.8814961 1.8016138,0.20933694 3.8814961 1.7637815,
+ 0.18606954 3.8814961 1.7235513,0.20625704 3.8814961 2.0666138,
+ 0.23196706 3.8814961 2.0060808,0.24338946 3.8814961 1.9409438,
+ 0.24147128 3.8814961 1.874216,0.23495884 3.8814961 1.8374325,
+ 0.046757039 3.8814961 2.1956138,0.1255746 3.8814961 2.1498854,
+ 0.17003747 3.8814961 2.1121269,-0.32124296 3.8814961 2.2111138,
+ -0.19750222 3.8814961 2.2314286,-0.073650368 3.8814961 2.2289656,
+ -0.012793887 3.8814961 2.2166577,-0.46024296 3.8814961 2.1586138,
+ -0.69574296 3.8816929 1.9531138,-0.62768741 3.8815544 2.0355027,
+ -0.54896518 3.8815034 2.1022249,-0.71574296 3.8816929 1.7056138,
+ -0.73889111 3.8815617 1.7915582,-0.73912462 3.8815469 1.8439658,
+ -0.72521507 3.8815906 1.8976169,-0.71252733 3.8816344 1.9249122,
+ -0.52824296 3.8816929 1.6146138,-0.59952074 3.8815617 1.6253175,
+ -0.65179044 3.8815516 1.6451138,-0.68662607 3.8816005 1.67039,
+ -0.70175126 3.8816411 1.6865146,-0.24374296 3.8816929 1.7311138,
+ -0.29518718 3.8815843 1.6849429,-0.3615695 3.8815454 1.6478414,
+ -0.4378104 3.8815762 1.62321,-0.48272404 3.8816237 1.6161497,
+ -0.18974296 3.8814961 1.8861138,-0.19840963 3.8815034 1.8275952,
+ -0.21907629 3.8815544 1.771299,-0.23124296 3.8814961 1.9476138,
+ -0.2177201 3.8814961 1.9377084,-0.20637528 3.8814961 1.9250335,
+ -0.19764318 3.8814961 1.9112363,-0.19179957 3.8814961 1.897464,
+ -0.38524296 3.8814961 1.9441138,-0.33309481 3.8814961 1.959799,
+ -0.28556931 3.8814961 1.963035,-0.25758855 3.8814961 1.958346,
+ -0.44124296 3.8814961 1.8846138,-0.4362962 3.8814961 1.8987434,
+ -0.42883555 3.8814961 1.9108175,-0.41943046 3.8814961 1.9211138,
+ -0.40292265 3.8814961 1.9338325,-0.43224296 3.8816929 1.8466138,
+ -0.43896724 3.8815887 1.8536563,-0.44153575 3.8815452 1.8592455,
+ -0.44285619 3.8815178 1.8653379,-0.44310723 3.8815022 1.8721994,
+ -0.30774296 3.8816929 1.8626138,-0.32487077 3.8816203 1.8606603,
+ -0.38492691 3.881554 1.84061,-0.40334203 3.8815874 1.8382482,
+ -0.41647783 3.8816269 1.8397808,-0.42440751 3.8816575 1.842437,
+ -0.29974296 3.8816929 1.8431138,-0.30034282 3.8815686 1.8499735,
+ -0.3020086 3.8815477 1.8559326,-0.40624296 3.8814961 1.7241138,
+ -0.35963185 3.8815034 1.752299,-0.32818027 3.8815393 1.7835131,
+ -0.31079338 3.8815975 1.81126,-0.59824296 3.8814961 1.7331138,
+ -0.56954157 3.8814961 1.717829,-0.53813185 3.8814961 1.7086693,
+ -0.50505546 3.8814961 1.7051763,-0.47135407 3.8814961 1.7068915,
+ -0.43806935 3.8814961 1.7133568,-0.64374296 3.8814961 1.8251138,
+ -0.64042897 3.8814961 1.7955325,-0.63143862 3.8814961 1.7721206,
+ -0.61888738 3.8814961 1.7533922,-0.60925287 3.8814961 1.7429037,
+ -0.60224296 3.8814961 1.9261138,-0.63011796 3.8814961 1.8803013,
+ -0.64055208 3.8814961 1.8524444,-0.21224296 3.8816929 2.1346138,
+ -0.36335407 3.8815544 2.0945582,-0.49513185 3.8815034 2.0275027,
+ -0.55210407 3.881497 1.9815582,0.074757039 3.8816929 2.0666138,
+ 0.014730951 3.8815843 2.1043962,-0.055326085 3.8815454 2.1290465,
+ -0.13003323 3.8815762 2.1398329,-0.17171817 3.8816237 2.1395559,
+ 0.14775704 3.8816929 1.8566138,0.1533698 3.881592 1.9086438,
+ 0.14598759 3.8815476 1.9590331,0.12667736 3.8815597 2.0057105,
+ 0.1038149 3.8816088 2.0384529,0.090257039 3.8814961 1.7336138,
+ 0.12331954 3.8815207 1.7913638,-0.27974296 3.8814961 1.4406138,
+ -0.26211217 3.8814961 1.4752443,-0.23803 3.8814961 1.5039494,
+ -0.20871171 3.8814961 1.5279497,0.020171991 3.8814961 1.6494231,
+ 0.059922334 3.8814961 1.6862983,0.076446682 3.8814961 1.7084702,
+ -0.30174296 3.8814961 1.3981138,-0.29874296 3.8814961 1.3331138,
+ -0.30418041 3.8814961 1.3522955,-0.30540263 3.8814961 1.3749859,
+ -0.25374296 3.8816929 1.3171138,-0.19874296 3.8816929 1.3856138,
+ -0.2137361 3.8815471 1.3514931,-0.22692815 3.8815617 1.331873,
+ -0.23677697 3.881599 1.3228514,-0.24488972 3.8816402 1.3186423,
+ -0.041742961 3.8816929 1.5071138,-0.087676496 3.8815843 1.4895766,
+ -0.13311954 3.8815454 1.4606816,-0.17168134 3.8815762 1.4256224,
+ -0.18782951 3.8816237 1.4053187,0.082757039 3.8814961 1.5021138,
+ 0.042590372 3.8815034 1.5101056,-0.0042429609 3.8815544 1.5112728,
+ 0.13875704 3.8814961 1.4496138,0.13721387 3.8814961 1.4551858,
+ 0.13261346 3.8814961 1.462228,0.11480601 3.8814961 1.4799585,
+ 0.092757039 3.8814961 1.3266138,0.11460335 3.8814961 1.3563144,
+ 0.1293091 3.8814961 1.3905224,0.13642547 3.8814961 1.4206942,
+ -0.19074296 3.8814961 1.2501138,-0.12195775 3.8814961 1.2429514,
+ -0.054952154 3.8814961 1.2516678,0.0079202347 3.8814961 1.2733442,
+ 0.05291555 3.8814961 1.2975845,-0.25124296 3.8816929 1.2276138,
+ -0.23866977 3.8815815 1.2381898,-0.22412317 3.8815228 1.245304,
+ -0.20846408 3.8815 1.2492146,-0.19956799 3.8814966 1.2500997,
+ -0.25624296 3.8816929 1.1861138,-0.2589103 3.8815917 1.1963237,
+ -0.25870058 3.8815461 1.2072857,-0.25575094 3.8815768 1.218372,
+ -0.19324296 3.8816929 1.1471138,-0.21924296 3.8815617 1.1546693,
+ -0.23692849 3.8815516 1.1643927,-0.24766049 3.881599 1.1740366,
+ -0.10674296 3.8816929 1.1301138,-0.11890196 3.8816176 1.1357939,
+ -0.13178996 3.8815689 1.1386998,-0.16310446 3.8815586 1.1407201,
+ -0.18001476 3.8816144 1.1428149,-0.13574296 3.8816929 1.0081138,
+ -0.11172655 3.8815476 1.0734501,-0.10442918 3.8816 1.1069205,
+ -0.10440644 3.8816408 1.1191872,-0.28074296 3.8816929 0.86311377,
+ -0.22751904 3.8815765 0.89040032,-0.18125196 3.8815462 0.93001717,
+ -0.14802377 3.881602 0.97570514,-0.14056732 3.8816421 0.99205742,
+ -0.33424296 3.8816929 0.83161377,-0.32250063 3.8815883 0.84170349,
+ -0.30805546 3.8815453 0.85036377,-0.34674296 3.8814961 0.78361377,
+ -0.34793896 3.8814976 0.79460577,-0.34607733 3.8815128 0.80678874,
+ -0.34087986 3.8815695 0.81977044,-0.32224296 3.8814961 0.76111377,
+ -0.33786796 3.8814961 0.77067627,-0.34354181 3.8814961 0.77666581,
+ -0.025242961 3.8814961 0.86411377,-0.17618046 3.8814961 0.81111377,
+ -0.25961009 3.8814961 0.77725667,0.11975704 3.8814961 0.85511377,
+ 0.104592 3.8814961 0.86546199,0.088100438 3.8814961 0.8715405,
+ 0.070594444 3.8814961 0.87417258,0.022286446 3.8814961 0.8707509,
+ 0.10175704 3.8816929 0.77911377,0.11930436 3.8815298 0.81134147,
+ 0.12496659 3.8815049 0.82688221,0.12588966 3.8814982 0.83756028,
+ 0.12418723 3.8814963 0.84633515,-0.30524296 3.8816929 0.58061377,
+ -0.097948036 3.8815471 0.62437783,-0.0065392572 3.8815617 0.6656508,
+ 0.052720002 3.8816109 0.71305589,-0.61824296 3.8816929 0.44911377,
+ -0.47130546 3.8815453 0.52536377,-0.71124296 3.8814961 0.37061377,
+ -0.66718046 3.8815207 0.41417627,-0.74374296 3.8814961 0.29661377,
+ -0.73676148 3.8814961 0.32535451,-0.72489111 3.8814961 0.34953969,
+ -0.72574296 3.8816929 0.22961377,-0.73307121 3.881617 0.23772895,
+ -0.73899253 3.8815553 0.24898544,-0.74280223 3.8815145 0.26395564,
+ -0.74405883 3.8814984 0.28043643,-0.37124296 3.8816929 0.26861377,
+ -0.4834837 3.8815617 0.21972488,-0.58762754 3.8815516 0.20013307,
+ -0.65571493 3.8815934 0.20334525,-0.69254812 3.8816364 0.213116,
+ 0.027757039 3.8814961 0.55161377,-0.16855546 3.8815207 0.39792627,
+ -0.27590186 3.8815877 0.31971177,0.14425704 3.8814961 0.50561377,
+ 0.12026349 3.8814961 0.52601939,0.092740286 3.8814961 0.54016694,
+ 0.062763596 3.8814961 0.54852994,0.045381151 3.8814961 0.55085649,
+ 0.15425704 3.8816929 0.41911377,0.15972004 3.8815636 0.44677527,
+ 0.15850075 3.8815117 0.47144207,0.15329053 3.881498 0.48966055,
+ -0.29274296 3.8816929 0.024613765,-0.24530039 3.8816299 0.079757598,
+ -0.18737569 3.8815843 0.12408942,0.028351967 3.8815582 0.2482853,
+ 0.090167492 3.8815931 0.30138609,0.12682237 3.8816338 0.35114794,
+ 0.14242282 3.8816615 0.38320091,-0.32774296 3.8814961 -0.067386235,
+ -0.31301497 3.8815179 -0.019298965,-0.28074296 3.8814961 -0.17538623,
+ -0.29644666 3.8814961 -0.16245568,-0.30903926 3.8814961 -0.14660846,
+ -0.31849296 3.8814961 -0.12851123,-0.32478 3.8814961 -0.10883068,
+ -0.32787259 3.8814961 -0.088233457,-0.16974296 3.8814961 -0.19988623,
+ -0.19634125 3.8814961 -0.20463624,-0.22276945 3.8814961 -0.2030277,
+ -0.24770955 3.8814961 -0.19587653,-0.26541387 3.8814961 -0.18689406,
+ -0.093242961 3.8814961 -0.13838623,-0.10554548 3.8814961 -0.16002002,
+ -0.12233955 3.8814961 -0.17745029,-0.14297949 3.8814961 -0.19054789,
+ -0.15591968 3.8814961 -0.19592192,-0.099242961 3.8816929 -0.10238623,
+ -0.093354072 3.8815544 -0.11360846,-0.091521006 3.88152 -0.11999126,
+ -0.090798516 3.8815034 -0.12616401,-0.091325527 3.8814969 -0.13259359,
+ -0.21324296 3.8816929 -0.089886235,-0.19956552 3.8816299 -0.091768534,
+ -0.18006961 3.881573 -0.090304661,-0.14999256 3.8815457 -0.085604585,
+ -0.13364691 3.881561 -0.084901265,-0.12208395 3.881587 -0.086662304,
+ -0.11240201 3.8816209 -0.090615398,-0.10552831 3.881654 -0.095543662,
+ -0.22324296 3.8814961 -0.044886235,-0.22514087 3.8814981 -0.055688778,
+ -0.2240721 3.881518 -0.068727834,-0.22002065 3.8815746 -0.080314911,
+ -0.21692711 3.8816248 -0.085487614,-0.10924296 3.8814961 0.075113765,
+ -0.15690963 3.8814961 0.04655821,-0.19436613 3.8814961 0.01023721,
+ -0.21178669 3.8814961 -0.016043929,0.11625704 3.8814961 0.086113765,
+ 0.080108891 3.8814961 0.099604506,0.041905187 3.8814961 0.10570636,
+ 0.0027570391 3.8814961 0.10536377,-0.048989189 3.8814961 0.096514657,
+ -0.08000985 3.8814961 0.087013414,0.16125704 3.8816929 0.010613765,
+ 0.15490754 3.8815636 0.038891765,0.14385343 3.8815117 0.060283622,
+ 0.13155604 3.881498 0.074486291,-0.057742961 3.8816929 -0.29888623,
+ 0.071936051 3.8815471 -0.18039789,0.12359037 3.8815617 -0.11173809,
+ 0.14975704 3.8816109 -0.053909383,0.15755912 3.8816478 -0.022555795,
+ -0.23824296 3.8814961 -0.40938623,-0.19222548 3.8814984 -0.38941365,
+ -0.14311796 3.8815207 -0.35919873,-0.37024296 3.8814961 -0.42988623,
+ -0.34117389 3.8814961 -0.42159256,-0.30405546 3.8814961 -0.41757373,
+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 -0.48238623,-0.40493046 3.8814961 -0.46922651,
+ -0.40124296 3.8814961 -0.45777512,-0.39555546 3.8814961 -0.44807373,
+ -0.38661846 3.8814961 -0.43880073,-0.3787699 3.8814961 -0.43358242,
+ -0.38624296 3.8814961 -0.52388623,-0.39485096 3.8814961 -0.51798623,
+ -0.40137608 3.8814961 -0.50961045,-0.40519171 3.8814961 -0.50003792,
+ -0.40655921 3.8814961 -0.49119344,-0.27724296 3.8814961 -0.52488623,
+ -0.3279645 3.8814961 -0.53393425,-0.35242815 3.8814961 -0.53525661,
+ -0.36987028 3.8814961 -0.53212003,-0.37820679 3.8814961 -0.52872796,
+ -0.16774296 3.8814961 -0.64488623,-0.1883356 3.8814961 -0.63314237,
+ -0.20479973 3.8814961 -0.61777246,-0.22254959 3.8814961 -0.59378198,
+ -0.24635314 3.8814961 -0.55627267,-0.26030923 3.8814961 -0.53894834,
+ 0.10375704 3.8814961 -0.55338623,0.045436604 3.8814961 -0.56988318,
+ -0.097825946 3.8814961 -0.63924488,-0.13136881 3.8814961 -0.64581269,
+ 0.16025704 3.8814961 -0.62488623,0.16655797 3.8814961 -0.60181216,
+ 0.16669066 3.8814961 -0.58797827,0.16367059 3.8814961 -0.57734123,
+ 0.15859784 3.8814961 -0.56959751,0.15035739 3.8814961 -0.56274401,
+ 0.13802409 3.8814961 -0.55729533,0.12231628 3.8814961 -0.55415304,
+ -0.29624296 3.8814961 -1.0013862,-0.26324139 3.8814961 -0.94965342,
+ -0.22129646 3.8814961 -0.90840664,-0.15548614 3.8814961 -0.86509632,
+ 0.068990701 3.8814961 -0.74648395,0.11640226 3.8814961 -0.70194454,
+ 0.14115607 3.8814961 -0.66660476,-0.31124296 3.8816929 -1.1688862,
+ -0.32270129 3.88161 -1.1410274,-0.32690963 3.8815544 -1.1120159,
+ -0.32511796 3.8815207 -1.0826987,-0.31555623 3.8815003 -1.0445983,
+ -0.30660851 3.8814966 -1.0221668,-0.27074296 3.8816929 -1.2103862,
+ -0.29343046 3.8815453 -1.1907612,-0.30377183 3.8815862 -1.1795737,
+ -0.26374296 3.8814961 -1.2273862,-0.26561812 3.8815151 -1.2183015,
+ -0.28524296 3.8814961 -1.2483862,-0.27243046 3.8814961 -1.2395737,
+ -0.26706999 3.8814961 -1.2337768,-0.30974296 3.8816929 -1.2953862,
+ -0.30572444 3.8815544 -1.2768677,-0.29859594 3.8815058 -1.2626742,
+ -0.29256563 3.8814973 -1.2551176,-0.29624296 3.8816929 -1.3383862,
+ -0.30338643 3.8815843 -1.3292773,-0.30804984 3.8815454 -1.3190045,
+ -0.3102332 3.8815762 -1.3079984,-0.31037365 3.8816237 -1.3017021,
+ -0.00024296091 3.8814961 -1.2403862,-0.15049296 3.8815207 -1.2914487,
+ 0.10175704 3.8814961 -1.2328862,0.079281477 3.8814961 -1.2283589,
+ 0.060528924 3.8814961 -1.2283979,0.038950608 3.8814961 -1.231375,
+ 0.11875704 3.8814961 -1.3423862,0.13968297 3.8814961 -1.2992196,
+ 0.14285859 3.8814961 -1.2812953,0.14184563 3.8814961 -1.2699907,
+ 0.13836867 3.8814961 -1.260472,0.13245364 3.8814961 -1.2519894,
+ 0.1268054 3.8814961 -1.2465897,0.11997638 3.8814961 -1.2416868,
+ -0.36374296 3.8814961 -1.5943862,-0.11191854 3.8814961 -1.5349788,
+ -0.0023355535 3.8814961 -1.4823862,0.059847634 3.8814961 -1.4302577,
+ 0.091903311 3.8814961 -1.3900002,-0.70124296 3.8814961 -1.8073862,
+ -0.65336926 3.8814961 -1.7473423,-0.59076265 3.8814961 -1.6963906,
+ -0.4781849 3.8814961 -1.6352236,-0.69574296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,
+ -0.70361565 3.8814961 -1.8862404,-0.70839111 3.8814961 -1.8710529,
+ -0.71030546 3.8814961 -1.8551987,-0.70959481 3.8814961 -1.8390529,
+ -0.70649528 3.8814961 -1.8229904,-0.59224296 3.8814961 -1.9443862,
+ -0.63007629 3.8814961 -1.9383122,-0.66590963 3.8814961 -1.9244603,
+ -0.68182629 3.8814961 -1.9138538,-0.092242961 3.8814961 -1.6763862,
+ -0.29103583 3.8814961 -1.8382683,-0.40083555 3.8814961 -1.8995714,
+ -0.4917337 3.8814961 -1.9303677,0.11625704 3.8814961 -1.7738862,
+ 0.019428191 3.8814961 -1.7442205,-0.04661493 3.8814961 -1.7127972,
+ -0.070958242 3.8814961 -1.6959434,0.051257039 3.8814961 -1.8903862,
+ 0.092569539 3.8814961 -1.8358862,0.10821329 3.8814961 -1.804796,
+ -0.10674296 3.8816929 -1.9668862,-0.019492961 3.8815207 -1.9398862,
+ 0.020244001 3.8814987 -1.9180452,-0.21324296 3.8816929 -1.9833862,
+ -0.18936666 3.8815913 -1.9826768,-0.15924296 3.8815453 -1.9771987,
+ -0.23574296 3.8814961 -1.8993862,-0.22994029 3.8814964 -1.9085403,
+ -0.22589316 3.8815005 -1.9221856,-0.22096184 3.8815968 -1.9682559,
+ -0.21795233 3.8816395 -1.9761965,-0.27624296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,
+ -0.26296518 3.8814961 -1.8969048,-0.24902074 3.8814961 -1.896201,
+ -0.24221518 3.8814961 -1.8972381,-0.31324296 3.8814961 -2.0148862,
+ -0.30653926 3.8814961 -1.9730899,-0.29928 3.8814961 -1.9311825,
+ -0.29270999 3.8814961 -1.916738,-0.28564792 3.8814961 -1.9077216,
+ -0.56424296 3.8816929 -2.1313862,-0.48250222 3.8815544 -2.0931825,
+ -0.3495859 3.8814982 -2.0403046,-0.32703583 3.8814963 -2.0274246,
+ -0.31878672 3.8814961 -2.0209996,-0.59924296 3.8816929 -2.2258862,
+ -0.60461032 3.8816577 -2.2206048,-0.60831815 3.8816263 -2.2145326,
+ -0.6102243 3.8816017 -2.2084351,-0.61045675 3.8815699 -2.1973089,
+ -0.60645859 3.8815487 -2.1830024,-0.59268281 3.8815565 -2.1596793,
+ -0.57793635 3.8816054 -2.1429231,-0.34774296 3.8814961 -2.1418862,
+ -0.43450222 3.8815034 -2.1743307,-0.54370935 3.8815887 -2.2215076,
+ -0.57122719 3.8816343 -2.2262648,-0.31974296 3.8814961 -2.1438862,
+ -0.32820681 3.8814961 -2.1396301,-0.31524296 3.8814961 -2.3163862,
+ -0.31693046 3.8814961 -2.2290112,-0.31559335 3.8814961 -2.1795706,
+ -0.24574296 3.8814961 -2.3313862,-0.25227451 3.8814961 -2.3378183,
+ -0.25744252 3.8814961 -2.3406295,-0.26807717 3.8814961 -2.3430028,
+ -0.27961698 3.8814961 -2.3421509,-0.29338388 3.8814961 -2.3374147,
+ -0.30436069 3.8814961 -2.330294,-0.31077123 3.8814961 -2.32375,
+ -0.22474296 3.8814961 -2.1068862,-0.23018046 3.8814961 -2.2210112,
+ -0.029242961 3.8814961 -2.0383862,-0.13230176 3.8814961 -2.0616894,
+ -0.20610299 3.8814961 -2.0917105,-0.21685769 3.8814961 -2.0991767,
+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 -2.0608862,0.095270928 3.8814961 -2.0478307,
+ 0.07186815 3.8814961 -2.0396085,0.021145928 3.8814961 -2.0343307,
+ 0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.1638862,0.15066445 3.8814961 -2.1248492,
+ 0.14274864 3.8814961 -2.095288,0.1318152 3.8814961 -2.075984,
+ 0.12471501 3.8814961 -2.0679569,0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.5543862,
+ 0.22925704 3.8814961 -2.5388862,0.22825704 3.8814961 -2.0688862,
+ 0.22598447 3.8814961 -2.0448246,0.21970148 3.8814961 -2.0246015,
+ 0.21021016 3.8814961 -2.0077847,0.19831259 3.8814961 -1.9939418,
+ 0.18481086 3.8814961 -1.9826406,0.13650205 3.8814961 -1.9568607,
+ 0.1181554 3.8814961 -1.9469433,0.11275704 3.8814961 -1.9383862,
+ 0.16900704 3.8814961 -1.8601362,0.21025704 3.8814961 -1.7713862,
+ 0.21325506 3.8814961 -1.7665857,0.21719257 3.8814961 -1.7626222,
+ 0.22468344 3.8814961 -1.7582523,0.23471657 3.8814961 -1.7552861,
+ 0.25425704 3.8814961 -1.7523862,0.37325704 3.8814961 -1.7285112,
+ 0.43316447 3.8814961 -1.7095877,0.14425704 3.8814961 -1.5738862,
+ 0.27386472 3.8814961 -1.5518423,0.35759457 3.8814961 -1.5499849,
+ 0.44025704 3.8814961 -1.5613862,0.45388728 3.8814961 -1.5678645,
+ 0.46190343 3.8814961 -1.5751729,0.46509709 3.8814961 -1.5805158,
+ 0.46724836 3.8814961 -1.5868569,0.46875704 3.8814961 -1.6023862,
+ 0.45048158 3.8814961 -1.6196825,0.42838667 3.8814961 -1.6327566,
+ 0.37712741 3.8814961 -1.6503492,0.32375704 3.8814961 -1.6633862,
+ 0.26450704 3.8814961 -1.6715737,0.23310944 3.8814961 -1.6727221,
+ 0.22005973 3.8814961 -1.6708836,0.20825704 3.8814961 -1.6673862,
+ 0.17063204 3.8814961 -1.6221362,0.14980675 3.8814961 -1.5914289,
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+ 250,249,244,-1,250,244,247,-1,252,248,253,-1,251,247,246,-1,251,246,248,-1,251,250,247,-1,251,248,252,-1,139,138,236,-1,
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+ 136,242,241,-1,136,135,242,-1,137,136,241,-1,128,137,241,-1,283,276,275,-1,260,241,261,-1,260,128,241,-1,287,276,283,-1,
+ 287,281,280,-1,287,282,281,-1,287,283,282,-1,259,129,128,-1,259,128,260,-1,286,277,276,-1,286,276,287,-1,285,278,277,-1,
+ 285,279,278,-1,285,270,279,-1,285,277,286,-1,265,129,259,-1,130,129,265,-1,284,270,285,-1,264,130,265,-1,292,270,284,-1,
+ 291,270,292,-1,291,271,270,-1,131,130,264,-1,131,264,263,-1,132,131,263,-1,290,271,291,-1,133,132,263,-1,289,271,290,-1,
+ 122,133,263,-1,122,263,262,-1,288,271,289,-1,288,272,271,-1,123,122,262,-1,123,262,269,-1,117,272,288,-1,117,273,272,-1,
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+ 125,124,268,-1,126,125,267,-1,120,266,274,-1,120,274,121,-1,310,306,305,-1,310,307,306,-1,310,305,311,-1,127,126,267,-1,
+ 127,267,266,-1,119,266,120,-1,119,127,266,-1,118,117,295,-1,118,294,293,-1,118,295,294,-1,309,308,307,-1,309,307,310,-1,
+ 314,304,303,-1,314,308,309,-1,314,297,304,-1,314,303,308,-1,116,118,293,-1,116,300,299,-1,116,301,300,-1,116,293,301,-1,
+ 114,116,299,-1,313,298,297,-1,313,297,314,-1,313,299,298,-1,706,329,332,-1,705,332,331,-1,705,706,332,-1,707,329,706,-1,
+ 336,338,337,-1,336,339,338,-1,704,335,334,-1,704,331,335,-1,704,705,331,-1,703,334,333,-1,703,333,340,-1,703,704,334,-1,
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+ 315,113,112,-1,315,111,316,-1,104,113,315,-1,342,697,343,-1,342,695,696,-1,342,696,697,-1,689,326,325,-1,690,326,689,-1,
+ 105,315,324,-1,105,104,315,-1,691,326,690,-1,106,105,324,-1,341,695,342,-1,107,106,324,-1,108,107,324,-1,99,108,324,-1,
+ 99,324,323,-1,348,694,695,-1,348,695,341,-1,100,99,323,-1,100,322,321,-1,100,323,322,-1,101,321,320,-1,101,100,321,-1,
+ 347,694,348,-1,347,692,693,-1,347,693,694,-1,102,320,328,-1,102,101,320,-1,103,102,328,-1,95,328,327,-1,95,103,328,-1,
+ 346,327,326,-1,346,326,691,-1,346,95,327,-1,346,692,347,-1,346,691,692,-1,353,95,346,-1,352,95,353,-1,351,95,352,-1,
+ 96,95,351,-1,350,96,351,-1,97,96,350,-1,349,97,350,-1,98,97,349,-1,89,349,357,-1,89,98,349,-1,90,89,357,-1,
+ 91,357,356,-1,91,90,357,-1,92,356,355,-1,92,91,356,-1,403,359,358,-1,402,359,403,-1,402,360,359,-1,404,403,358,-1,
+ 93,92,355,-1,93,355,354,-1,401,360,402,-1,396,404,358,-1,396,358,366,-1,397,366,365,-1,397,396,366,-1,410,360,401,-1,
+ 94,93,354,-1,94,354,364,-1,398,397,365,-1,398,372,371,-1,398,365,372,-1,409,360,410,-1,409,361,360,-1,399,398,371,-1,
+ 399,371,370,-1,85,94,364,-1,85,364,363,-1,400,399,370,-1,400,369,368,-1,400,370,369,-1,388,400,368,-1,86,85,363,-1,
+ 87,86,363,-1,87,363,362,-1,367,388,368,-1,408,361,409,-1,88,87,362,-1,88,362,361,-1,80,88,361,-1,377,388,367,-1,
+ 407,361,408,-1,407,80,361,-1,376,388,377,-1,375,388,376,-1,375,389,388,-1,406,80,407,-1,395,394,393,-1,374,389,375,-1,
+ 405,81,80,-1,405,80,406,-1,373,390,389,-1,373,389,374,-1,382,390,373,-1,378,384,383,-1,378,385,384,-1,378,386,385,-1,
+ 378,387,386,-1,378,395,393,-1,378,393,392,-1,378,383,395,-1,381,390,382,-1,379,378,392,-1,379,392,391,-1,380,390,381,-1,
+ 380,391,390,-1,380,379,391,-1,428,430,429,-1,428,431,430,-1,414,81,405,-1,423,431,428,-1,427,423,428,-1,82,81,414,-1,
+ 82,414,413,-1,83,82,413,-1,432,434,433,-1,432,435,434,-1,432,436,435,-1,432,426,436,-1,441,426,432,-1,84,413,412,-1,
+ 84,83,413,-1,440,427,426,-1,440,426,441,-1,440,423,427,-1,75,84,412,-1,439,423,440,-1,438,424,423,-1,438,425,424,-1,
+ 438,423,439,-1,76,412,411,-1,76,75,412,-1,437,420,425,-1,437,425,438,-1,77,411,419,-1,77,76,411,-1,78,419,418,-1,
+ 78,77,419,-1,68,421,420,-1,68,422,421,-1,68,437,447,-1,68,420,437,-1,79,418,417,-1,79,78,418,-1,69,447,446,-1,
+ 69,68,447,-1,74,415,422,-1,72,417,416,-1,72,79,417,-1,70,69,446,-1,445,70,446,-1,73,72,416,-1,73,416,415,-1,
+ 73,415,74,-1,71,70,445,-1,63,71,445,-1,444,63,445,-1,443,63,444,-1,443,64,63,-1,442,64,443,-1,451,64,442,-1,
+ 451,65,64,-1,450,65,451,-1,450,66,65,-1,450,67,66,-1,449,67,450,-1,449,59,58,-1,449,58,67,-1,448,59,449,-1,
+ 448,60,59,-1,459,60,448,-1,459,61,60,-1,458,61,459,-1,458,62,61,-1,457,52,51,-1,457,62,458,-1,457,51,62,-1,
+ 53,52,457,-1,456,53,457,-1,54,53,456,-1,55,54,456,-1,56,456,455,-1,56,55,456,-1,639,462,461,-1,667,639,461,-1,
+ 667,461,460,-1,640,463,462,-1,640,462,639,-1,57,56,455,-1,666,667,460,-1,666,472,471,-1,666,460,472,-1,48,57,455,-1,
+ 48,454,453,-1,48,455,454,-1,641,463,640,-1,665,666,471,-1,665,471,470,-1,664,665,470,-1,664,470,469,-1,642,463,641,-1,
+ 642,464,463,-1,49,453,452,-1,49,452,466,-1,49,48,453,-1,663,664,469,-1,663,469,468,-1,662,663,468,-1,662,468,467,-1,
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+ 47,464,644,-1,47,50,465,-1,47,465,464,-1,660,661,473,-1,660,473,477,-1,482,484,483,-1,482,478,484,-1,645,47,644,-1,
+ 645,43,47,-1,659,660,477,-1,659,477,476,-1,658,659,476,-1,646,43,645,-1,485,478,482,-1,485,479,478,-1,485,482,481,-1,
+ 485,487,486,-1,485,488,487,-1,485,489,488,-1,485,481,489,-1,647,43,646,-1,44,43,647,-1,45,44,647,-1,45,647,648,-1,
+ 46,648,649,-1,46,45,648,-1,491,656,657,-1,491,657,658,-1,491,479,485,-1,491,658,476,-1,491,480,479,-1,491,476,480,-1,
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+ 36,653,654,-1,36,35,653,-1,37,36,654,-1,38,37,654,-1,29,38,654,-1,494,655,495,-1,494,654,655,-1,493,654,494,-1,
+ 493,29,654,-1,520,708,521,-1,716,504,715,-1,492,29,493,-1,519,724,708,-1,519,708,520,-1,503,30,29,-1,503,29,492,-1,
+ 502,30,503,-1,501,30,502,-1,717,504,716,-1,31,30,501,-1,32,31,501,-1,505,504,717,-1,33,32,501,-1,526,722,723,-1,
+ 526,723,724,-1,526,724,519,-1,24,33,501,-1,24,501,500,-1,718,505,717,-1,25,24,500,-1,25,500,499,-1,525,721,722,-1,
+ 525,722,526,-1,26,25,499,-1,26,499,498,-1,27,26,498,-1,27,498,497,-1,524,720,721,-1,524,721,525,-1,28,27,497,-1,
+ 28,497,496,-1,20,28,496,-1,21,496,508,-1,21,20,496,-1,523,505,718,-1,523,718,719,-1,22,508,507,-1,22,21,508,-1,
+ 23,22,507,-1,670,506,505,-1,669,670,505,-1,16,507,506,-1,16,23,507,-1,671,506,670,-1,668,505,523,-1,668,669,505,-1,
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+ 542,547,546,-1,542,552,551,-1,542,553,552,-1,619,17,16,-1,619,18,17,-1,619,19,18,-1,619,12,19,-1,619,674,675,-1,
+ 619,16,674,-1,638,619,675,-1,568,554,569,-1,568,555,554,-1,637,638,675,-1,543,542,551,-1,543,551,550,-1,676,637,675,-1,
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+ 620,12,619,-1,635,636,679,-1,584,557,571,-1,584,558,557,-1,584,549,558,-1,584,571,575,-1,589,549,584,-1,589,537,549,-1,
+ 588,538,537,-1,588,537,589,-1,527,682,528,-1,527,679,680,-1,527,680,681,-1,527,681,682,-1,621,14,13,-1,621,13,620,-1,
+ 587,539,538,-1,587,534,539,-1,587,538,588,-1,612,635,679,-1,612,679,527,-1,612,613,635,-1,611,612,527,-1,611,527,533,-1,
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+ 616,631,632,-1,616,632,633,-1,616,633,615,-1,586,534,587,-1,586,535,534,-1,623,15,622,-1,582,573,583,-1,610,533,532,-1,
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+ 7,624,625,-1,7,6,624,-1,8,7,625,-1,576,585,574,-1,576,573,582,-1,576,574,573,-1,576,578,577,-1,576,579,578,-1,
+ 576,580,579,-1,576,581,580,-1,576,582,581,-1,9,8,625,-1,617,630,631,-1,617,631,616,-1,592,608,609,-1,592,609,536,-1,
+ 592,536,593,-1,10,625,626,-1,10,9,625,-1,11,10,626,-1,618,629,630,-1,618,630,617,-1,591,607,608,-1,591,608,592,-1,
+ 5,11,626,-1,4,5,626,-1,3,626,627,-1,3,4,626,-1,0,629,618,-1,0,627,628,-1,0,628,629,-1,2,3,627,-1,
+ 590,606,607,-1,590,607,591,-1,1,627,0,-1,1,2,627,-1,598,605,606,-1,598,606,590,-1,604,605,598,-1,604,598,597,-1,
+ 603,604,597,-1,602,603,597,-1,601,602,597,-1,601,596,595,-1,601,597,596,-1,594,601,595,-1,600,601,594,-1,600,594,599,-1,
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+ -0.0007762116 -0.99999666 0.0024635775,0.00061904794 -0.99999979 -0.00017342952,
+ 0.0013567445 -0.99999744 -0.0018117984,0.0022825704 -0.99998548 -0.0048820057,
+ -0.00017203826 -0.99999851 0.0017158702,-0.00044297286 -0.99999939 0.0010119062,
+ 0.00038489133 -0.99999961 0.00079807391,0.0013689495 -0.99999861 0.00095170524,
+ 0.00063438049 -0.99999972 0.00039269582,-0.0084698803 -0.999964 -0.00050102736,
+ -0.0030562688 -0.99999526 0.00037473704,0.0038347216 -0.99999243 0.00065305417,
+ 0.0022341798 -0.99999676 -0.0012217631,0.0015993034 -0.9999987 -0.00019634884,
+ 0.00066783732 -0.99999894 -0.0012958115,-0.00049841073 -0.99999081 -0.0042575799,
+ 0.0015127485 -0.99999838 0.00097278048,0.0008373948 -0.99999788 0.0018829577,
+ 0.00076930824 -0.99999938 0.00080484612,0.00058017046 -0.99999975 -0.00040259366,
+ 0.00071125143 -0.99999851 -0.0015702519,0.00052024474 -0.99999929 0.0010763963,
+ -0.00075273405 -0.99999874 0.0013981651,0.0013737098 -0.99999886 -0.00062678681,
+ 0.0025080687 -0.99999486 -0.0019988477,0.0031566554 -0.99999032 -0.0030650333,
+ -0.0020143713 -0.99999694 0.0014391338,-0.0027900881 -0.99999569 0.00091482568,
+ -0.00046095835 -0.99999937 0.0010233731,-0.0010481499 -0.99998365 -0.0056220709,
+ -0.0016099236 -0.99996959 -0.0076306097,-0.0014702023 -0.9999987 -0.00066362375,
+ -0.0014306403 -0.99999828 0.0011808145,-0.00069396319 -0.99999973 0.00025293435,
+ -0.0018316264 -0.99999828 -0.00027750396,-0.00145486 -0.99999888 0.00035662824,
+ -0.00040598507 -0.99999974 -0.00060060465,-0.00019595848 -0.99999927 -0.0011921513,
+ -0.0008572932 -0.99999914 -0.00099683648,0.00044627178 -0.99999979 -0.00047268282,
+ 0.0020517687 -0.99999789 8.6891236e-05,0.0012796307 -0.99999917 0.00016130996,
+ 0.0005953349 -0.99999939 -0.00092498462,1.505961e-05 -1 -6.9135736e-06,
+ 0.00011296137 -0.99999999 -7.4003533e-05,0.00029746416 -0.99999994 -0.00020153666,
+ 0.00076254273 -0.99999948 -0.00067134709,0.0011928462 -0.99999838 -0.0013473472,
+ 0.0014970712 -0.99999752 -0.001651427,0.0021580333 -0.99999216 -0.003320961,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-1.0240744e-05 -1 1.6960179e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.00090918522 -0.99999923 -0.00084254065,-0.00051906174 -0.99999566 0.0029003643,
+ -0.0002285827 -0.99999963 0.00083178709,-0.00029194151 -0.99999988 0.00039241943,
+ 0.00097049655 -0.99999925 -0.00074544195,-0.00015199712 -0.99999997 0.00021196003,
+ -0.00015961108 -0.99999991 0.00039719137,0.00099836424 -0.99999918 0.00080152068,
+ -6.3719943e-05 -1 2.9917928e-06,-0.0010009126 -0.99999888 0.001110914,
+ -0.00072695235 -0.99999964 0.00044366971,-0.00015447467 -0.99999988 -0.0004578183,
+ 0.00055072314 -0.99999954 0.00077910998,-0.00036326467 -0.99999935 0.0010785114,
+ 0.0009652929 -0.9999995 -0.00024188637,0.0016223867 -0.99999808 -0.0010976676,
+ 0.0019571937 -0.99999667 -0.0016811337,-0.0017233508 -0.99999789 0.0011173738,
+ -0.0016507525 -0.99999834 0.00076549695,-0.0011407897 -0.99999925 0.00044553165,
+ -0.00021674967 -0.99999957 -0.00090164123,3.9172899e-06 -1 -2.9217859e-05,
+ -1.9703435e-05 -1 -6.2048399e-06,-6.4915744e-05 -0.99999998 -0.00020852736,
+ -0.00040264334 -0.99999977 -0.00054802317,-0.0015905653 -0.99999843 -0.00078428158,
+ -0.0020808556 -0.99999731 0.0010274308,-0.00032141068 -0.99999984 0.00046433774,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-1.778591e-05 -1 -2.5852928e-05,
+ -0.00024187972 -0.99999995 -0.00017801295,-0.0017406863 -0.99999848 1.7442974e-05,
+ -0.0014273445 -0.99999766 0.0016241349,-0.0012801124 -0.99999884 0.00081950587,
+ 0 -1 0,7.8643079e-07 -1 -4.318317e-06,
+ -2.3318337e-06 -1 -3.3176784e-07,-2.4313834e-06 -1 1.4268403e-07,
+ -2.4603698e-06 -1 6.6649627e-07,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00029297999 -0.99999995 -0.00015131934,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0015470114 -0.99999785 0.0013786795,-0.00090733403 -0.99999959 6.2223301e-05,
+ -0.0016012671 -0.99999871 0.00014994499,0.0018855879 -0.99999767 -0.0010478031,
+ 0.0015164589 -0.99999883 -0.00021111478,0.00052855511 -0.99999986 -7.2742763e-05,
+ 0.0016439426 -0.99999804 0.0011078133,0.0011106803 -0.9999988 0.0010783373,
+ 0.00069379246 -0.99999973 0.00022574453,0.00047993431 -0.99999973 -0.000557406,
+ 0.00015500608 -0.99999881 -0.0015368037,0.0004337804 -0.99999815 -0.0018760419,
+ -5.0505631e-05 -1 -2.6965155e-05,0.00028332911 -0.99999996 -3.5424174e-05,
+ 0.00071547532 -0.99999973 -0.00013489398,0.0015132373 -0.99999865 -0.00063801187,
+ 0.0022172088 -0.99999636 -0.0015352954,0.0026046858 -0.99999374 -0.0023960416,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00084932204 -0.99999847 0.0015307056,-0.00024683542 -0.99999996 0.00012233076,
+ -4.540604e-05 -0.99999998 0.00017922935,-0.00087521987 -0.9999996 -0.00020302461,
+ -0.00058360593 -0.99999982 -0.00012500985,-0.00078056957 -0.99999965 -0.00030320013,
+ -0.0015730736 -0.99999864 -0.0004899202,-0.0021486029 -0.99999757 0.0004946437,
+ -0.00039908382 -0.99999958 -0.00082699801,-0.00046514984 -0.99999868 -0.0015590494,
+ -0.0014328107 -0.99999874 -0.00068881049,0.00061406317 -0.99999917 -0.0011326034,
+ -0.0002046363 -0.99999876 -0.00156463,-0.00018187101 -0.99999973 -0.00070711528,
+ -1.4225212e-05 -0.99999976 -0.00069801732,0.00025127292 -0.99999993 -0.00029126963,
+ -0.0017149648 -0.99999826 0.00074078998,-0.0011535619 -0.99999932 0.00015761198,
+ -0.00025898126 -0.99999997 2.3878851e-05,-0.0013202558 -0.99999846 -0.0011541434,
+ -0.00076706335 -0.99999927 -0.00093728958,-0.00057883383 -0.99999979 0.00029262237,
+ -0.00069823392 -0.9999992 0.001051201,-0.000528821 -0.9999976 0.0021244397,
+ 0.00026059252 -0.9999981 -0.0019329971,0.00045396405 -0.99999931 -0.0010845453,
+ -0.00059668019 -0.99999977 -0.00033576843,-0.0014797697 -0.9999989 3.7625291e-05,
+ -0.0023201445 -0.99999706 0.00070536102,0.00088357298 -0.99999945 -0.00055994139,
+ 0.0013279441 -0.99999911 -0.0001037776,0.00033976548 -0.99999977 -0.00058379767,
+ -0.00026634653 -0.99999946 -0.0010077486,-0.00082293763 -0.99999851 -0.0015155155,
+ -0.00051644197 -0.99999981 -0.00033050384,-0.001450857 -0.99999834 -0.0010991559,
+ -0.0011586038 -0.99999929 -0.00026082632,-0.0027141391 -0.99999608 0.00068294428,
+ -0.00029605267 -0.9999999 -0.00032604355,-0.00034866264 -0.9999999 -0.00026443259,
+ -0.00038633822 -0.9999999 -0.00020425291,-0.00041872798 -0.9999999 -0.0001316761,
+ 0.00043635957 -0.99999922 -0.0011734396,0.00085577131 -0.99999853 -0.0014826563,
+ -3.7561032e-05 -0.99999809 -0.0019519502,-0.00050812648 -0.99999827 -0.0017900478,
+ 0.00039029732 -0.99999776 -0.0020779082,6.241545e-05 -0.99999926 -0.0012175508,
+ 0.00059863037 -0.99999972 -0.00045132666,0.00046324003 -0.99999976 -0.00052156728,
+ 0.00095263093 -0.99999939 -0.00055403816,-0.0034903318 -0.99992977 -0.011325682,
+ 0.014173094 -0.99989876 -0.0012660791,0.01395895 -0.99990156 -0.0014236521,
+ -0.00090619953 -0.99996895 -0.0078277399,0.00090254249 -0.99999343 -0.0035103646,
+ -0.00064392325 -0.99999942 -0.00086643858,0.001195074 -0.99999894 -0.00082938787,
+ 0.00068329715 -0.99999957 -0.00063186766,-0.00099129175 -0.99999671 -0.0023654926,
+ -0.0017249823 -0.99998909 -0.0043408032,-0.005161046 -0.99994357 -0.0092851485,
+ -0.0012162209 -0.99999915 -0.0004704425,-0.0009104262 -0.99999753 -0.002025782,
+ -0.0015468576 -0.99999868 0.00050670502,0.00032076405 -0.99999984 -0.00045886489,
+ 0.00079178087 -0.99999964 -0.000320658,0.0017915958 -0.99999837 0.00023486464,
+ 0.00022013509 -0.99999998 -1.5150626e-05,-0.00017112834 -0.99999982 -0.00057832067,
+ -0.00025484865 -0.99999977 -0.00062669599,0.00069603434 -0.99999838 -0.0016573529,
+ -0.0006303885 -0.99999822 -0.0017810808,-0.00026610728 -0.99999923 -0.001212215,
+ 1.8974652e-05 -0.99999967 -0.00081003272,-0.00059239472 -0.99999981 -0.00013972999,
+ -0.00066022872 -0.99999977 -0.00015329663,-0.00099066474 -0.99999856 -0.0013797283,
+ -0.0018284914 -0.99999833 -5.0857182e-06,-0.0010457244 -0.99999943 -0.00019641703,
+ -0.001495448 -0.9999988 0.00041353292,-0.0010735328 -0.99999847 0.0013801557,
+ -0.00066736195 -0.99999961 0.00057796083,0.00053267884 -0.99999879 -0.0014611362,
+ 0.00064038975 -0.99999963 -0.00056841058,0.00022697942 -0.99999997 -8.9054087e-05,
+ -0.00040328033 -0.9999999 0.000172521,-0.00091835805 -0.99999854 -0.001438312,
+ -7.2433879e-05 -0.99999928 -0.0012005284,-9.9999688e-05 -0.99999981 -0.00060872976,
+ -0.00036532737 -0.9999995 -0.00093024762,-0.0013076335 -0.9999976 -0.0017566611,
+ -0.0014681444 -0.99999866 0.0007311243,-0.0011788352 -0.99999896 -0.0008307779,
+ -0.00061446001 -0.99999976 -0.00033167934,-0.00077763533 -0.9999997 5.66122e-05,
+ -0.0014306013 -0.99999898 4.8626262e-05,1.7034352e-05 -0.99999999 0.00016219666,
+ -0.00025201284 -0.9999994 0.0010682886,0.0012072041 -0.99999837 -0.0013453301,
+ 0.00058575943 -0.99999937 -0.00095484708,0.00055028783 -0.99999969 -0.00055754444,
+ 0.0004314846 -0.99999967 -0.00068882798,5.5976871e-05 -0.9999998 -0.00063670737,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.0017126107 -0.99999828 0.00071494199,0.0048647092 -0.99998722 0.0013790024,
+ 0.00084761538 -0.99999635 -0.0025637444,0.00055077096 -0.99999979 -0.00035027125,
+ 0.00049207794 -0.99999168 -0.0040504643,0.0016093431 -0.99999871 -1.4040709e-06,
+ 0.0012946679 -0.9999984 0.0012313503,-3.503045e-05 -0.9999971 -0.0024082302,
+ -0.0065231518 -0.99997445 0.0029242485,-0.0064015231 -0.99997622 0.0025645652,
+ 1.6167563e-06 -0.99999904 -0.0013839592,0.0009851213 -0.99999898 -0.0010317138,
+ 0.00035243076 -0.99999988 -0.00033726735,0.00020251206 -0.99999957 -0.00090646602,
+ 0.00043603785 -0.99999828 -0.0018048499,-5.1267262e-05 -1 1.9663601e-05,
+ -0.00037480316 -0.99999993 -8.8838483e-05,-0.0022468462 -0.99999748 -2.5112178e-05,
+ 0.0012845624 -0.99999848 0.0011805286,0.0020508021 -0.99999712 -0.0012449782,
+ 0.00088620487 -0.9999996 -0.00012035588,0.00032570465 -0.99999995 1.727757e-05,
+ 0.0012937616 -0.99999872 -0.00093735083,0.00051953283 -0.99999934 -0.0010229038,
+ 0.00054794365 -0.99999984 -0.00017134528,0.00084762639 -0.99999959 0.00030891151,
+ -0.00025912272 -0.99999937 -0.0010916653,0.00068904525 -0.99999918 -0.0010751293,
+ -0.00077617667 -0.99999938 -0.00080283209,0.00016605044 -0.99999998 -7.9413913e-05,
+ 0.00071775545 -0.99999969 -0.00031415736,-0.03292 -0.99904848 0.028608,
+ -0.0032896377 -0.99999429 0.00076948421,-0.0014511071 -0.99999892 -0.00025154596,
+ -0.00096267339 -0.99999939 -0.00054283391,-0.0001884265 -0.99999978 -0.00064360819,
+ -0.039312446 -0.99902338 -0.020169703,-0.016995288 -0.99981591 -0.0089050037,
+ 0.0019230538 -0.9999977 -0.00095245111,-4.2357802e-06 -0.99999888 0.0014945511,
+ 0.00075968224 -0.99999785 -0.0019296037,0.001403548 -0.99999844 -0.0010703064,
+ -0.0021123458 -0.99999777 -1.9894718e-05,-0.0019446577 -0.99999783 -0.00074129651,
+ -0.00075481828 -0.99999933 -0.00087336792,0.0046074574 -0.99998888 -0.0010029565,
+ 0.0012450632 -0.99999889 -0.00081606642,-0.00046372368 -0.99999961 -0.00074822743,
+ -0.0047932519 -0.99998726 -0.0015816914,-0.0018658108 -0.99999826 8.5820128e-05,
+ -0.00098256474 -0.99999932 -0.00062884188,-0.0012250847 -0.99999884 0.00090331787,
+ -0.0028442696 -0.99998903 0.003721765,-0.00049168674 -0.99999884 0.0014413753,
+ -0.001502542 -0.99999887 4.1801541e-05,-0.00041765849 -0.99999984 0.00038289335,
+ -0.00083024893 -0.99999747 0.0020905528,-0.000515937 -0.99999537 0.0029998661,
+ -0.034410764 -0.99896666 0.029690097,-0.0016707372 -0.99999821 0.00088653274,
+ 0.0016121615 -0.99999718 0.0017414755,0.00019910323 -0.99999997 0.00013658289,
+ 0.001463021 -0.9999987 0.00068153894,0.0023979506 -0.99999593 0.0015474555,
+ -0.00029493152 -0.99999876 0.0015451599,0.00026893072 -0.99999917 0.001258692,
+ 0.00069521484 -0.99999959 0.00057184713,0 -1 0,
+ -0.00018464289 -0.99999997 0.000151974,-0.00070385736 -0.99999954 0.00065389796,
+ -0.00011188101 -0.99999859 0.0016763061,8.0141059e-07 -1 -1.9331851e-06,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0017931139 -0.9999981 0.00076973105,-0.0013878375 -0.99999802 -0.0014269924,
+ -0.00048455567 -0.99999929 -0.0010851201,-6.725517e-05 -0.99999999 -0.00012157317,
+ -2.6783141e-06 -1 -2.4596657e-05,-0.00018259798 -0.99999973 0.00070694,
+ -0.00046044478 -0.99999975 -0.00053245133,-0.00027587875 -0.99999973 0.00068219464,
+ -0.0008254328 -0.99999868 0.0013966282,-0.00092987603 -0.999998 0.0017718002,
+ -0.00010908147 -0.99999954 0.00094898591,5.4922216e-05 -0.99999998 0.00020780408,
+ 0.00056797828 -0.99999898 0.0013079906,2.9971498e-06 -1 -5.1748578e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -7.467631e-05 -0.99999655 -0.0026275972,0.010291933 -0.99994703 -6.5773402e-05,
+ 0.010220214 -0.99994777 -0.00011483213,0.00099137387 -0.99999349 -0.003470197,
+ 3.6221117e-05 -0.9999999 -0.00043971365,8.7138893e-05 -0.99999999 7.9598027e-05,
+ 0.0009028984 -0.99999959 3.5804309e-05,-7.5152068e-05 -0.99999965 -0.00083690982,
+ -0.00084930357 -0.99999923 -0.00090137051,-0.001602679 -0.99999854 -0.0005969778,
+ -0.00078880026 -0.99999957 0.00048347173,-0.00056710114 -0.99999958 0.00072221103,
+ -0.00059302385 -0.99999969 -0.00052424394,5.259749e-06 -1 -1.6867471e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0019560262 -0.99999804 -0.00031013523,-0.00080436112 -0.99999768 -0.0019989845,
+ -0.00012774106 -0.99999962 -0.00086099675,1.9388427e-05 -0.99999997 -0.00022284983,
+ -0.0011782172 -0.99999812 0.0015413779,-0.0014673231 -0.99999866 0.00072373487,
+ -0.00061795482 -0.99999953 0.00075285445,0.00020585264 -0.99999993 0.00032650582,
+ -0.00034607184 -0.9999999 0.00028528036,-0.0012642968 -0.99999861 0.0010855948,
+ -0.001834496 -0.99999743 0.0013292557,6.7692004e-05 -1 2.055132e-05,
+ 0.00030029569 -0.99999837 0.0017792008,0.0011180142 -0.99999837 0.0014196973,
+ 0.0020462957 -0.99999791 -4.4293765e-05,0.00097706606 -0.99999932 0.00063458655,
+ 0.0013031901 -0.99999898 -0.00058159315,0.00078401005 -0.99999931 -0.00087586542,
+ 0.00020842777 -0.99999998 1.4901003e-05,-0.0010841863 -0.99999907 0.00082286607,
+ -7.0120439e-05 -0.9999993 0.001183599,-0.0006912777 -0.99999851 0.0015792907,
+ 0.0006256757 -0.99999844 0.0016537852,0.00094384433 -0.9999984 0.0015216181,
+ 0.0011894083 -0.99999594 0.0025899087,-0.00024257357 -0.99999976 0.00065029002,
+ -0.0006169456 -0.99999972 0.00042281951,-0.00035058903 -0.99999974 0.00063734633,
+ -0.00023525742 -0.99999975 0.00067424204,-8.5596554e-05 -0.99998512 0.0054537191,
+ -0.017196078 -0.99984954 0.0022764992,-0.0092954589 -0.99995444 0.0021725761,
+ -0.0057456263 -0.99998197 0.0017456308,0 0 1,
+ 0.00060726003 -0.9999992 0.0011106186,-0.0013933122 -0.99999835 0.0011635016,
+ -0.0010152114 -0.99999936 0.00049713246,-0.00040522003 -0.99999979 0.00049701609,
+ 0.00036151504 -0.99999918 0.0012295285,0.0049760692 -0.9999779 0.0044099144,
+ 0.0018012825 -0.99998962 -0.004184429,0.0087578409 -0.99994375 0.0059827521,
+ -0.00029542237 -0.99999752 0.0022061189,-2.6016783e-05 -1 4.1290468e-06,
+ 0.00052461679 -0.99999928 -0.0010775638,0.0016312589 -0.99999597 -0.0023230055,
+ 0.0022553014 -0.99999676 -0.0011796671,-0.00051520485 -0.99999939 0.00097933354,
+ -0.0009976049 -0.99999912 0.00087059816,-0.0016268836 -0.9999983 0.00086434788,
+ -0.0019250864 -0.99999764 0.0010084711,-0.00035000464 -0.99999878 0.0015254924,
+ 0.00047153353 -0.99999829 0.0017894207,0.0010984419 -0.99999907 0.00080532689,
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+ 0 -1 0,0.00098253099 -0.9999995 -0.00016733902,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-2.5171267e-05 -0.99999999 0.00013304493,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-1.4958545e-05 -1 -1.9165636e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -1.3047152e-05 -1 1.2457878e-05,-0.00017442555 -0.99999998 9.4476173e-05,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-1.4702512e-05 -1 -2.030764e-06,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00028484595 -0.99999858 0.0016613091,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.2177201 3.8814961 1.9377084,-0.20637528 3.8814961 1.9250335,
+ -0.19764318 3.8814961 1.9112363,-0.19179957 3.8814961 1.897464,
+ -0.38524296 3.8814961 1.9441138,-0.33309481 3.8814961 1.959799,
+ -0.28556931 3.8814961 1.963035,-0.25758855 3.8814961 1.958346,
+ -0.44124296 3.8814961 1.8846138,-0.4362962 3.8814961 1.8987434,
+ -0.42883555 3.8814961 1.9108175,-0.41943046 3.8814961 1.9211138,
+ -0.40292265 3.8814961 1.9338325,-0.43224296 3.8816929 1.8466138,
+ -0.43896724 3.8815887 1.8536563,-0.44153575 3.8815452 1.8592455,
+ -0.44285619 3.8815178 1.8653379,-0.44310723 3.8815022 1.8721994,
+ -0.30774296 3.8816929 1.8626138,-0.32487077 3.8816203 1.8606603,
+ -0.38492691 3.881554 1.84061,-0.40334203 3.8815874 1.8382482,
+ -0.41647783 3.8816269 1.8397808,-0.42440751 3.8816575 1.842437,
+ -0.29974296 3.8816929 1.8431138,-0.30034282 3.8815686 1.8499735,
+ -0.3020086 3.8815477 1.8559326,-0.40624296 3.8814961 1.7241138,
+ -0.35963185 3.8815034 1.752299,-0.32818027 3.8815393 1.7835131,
+ -0.31079338 3.8815975 1.81126,-0.59824296 3.8814961 1.7331138,
+ -0.56954157 3.8814961 1.717829,-0.53813185 3.8814961 1.7086693,
+ -0.50505546 3.8814961 1.7051763,-0.47135407 3.8814961 1.7068915,
+ -0.43806935 3.8814961 1.7133568,-0.64374296 3.8814961 1.8251138,
+ -0.64042897 3.8814961 1.7955325,-0.63143862 3.8814961 1.7721206,
+ -0.61888738 3.8814961 1.7533922,-0.60925287 3.8814961 1.7429037,
+ -0.60224296 3.8814961 1.9261138,-0.63011796 3.8814961 1.8803013,
+ -0.64055208 3.8814961 1.8524444,-0.21224296 3.8816929 2.1346138,
+ -0.36335407 3.8815544 2.0945582,-0.49513185 3.8815034 2.0275027,
+ -0.55210407 3.881497 1.9815582,0.074757039 3.8816929 2.0666138,
+ 0.014730951 3.8815843 2.1043962,-0.055326085 3.8815454 2.1290465,
+ -0.13003323 3.8815762 2.1398329,-0.17171817 3.8816237 2.1395559,
+ 0.14775704 3.8816929 1.8566138,0.1533698 3.881592 1.9086438,
+ 0.14598759 3.8815476 1.9590331,0.12667736 3.8815597 2.0057105,
+ 0.1038149 3.8816088 2.0384529,0.090257039 3.8814961 1.7336138,
+ 0.12331954 3.8815207 1.7913638,-0.27974296 3.8814961 1.4406138,
+ -0.26211217 3.8814961 1.4752443,-0.23803 3.8814961 1.5039494,
+ -0.20871171 3.8814961 1.5279497,0.020171991 3.8814961 1.6494231,
+ 0.059922334 3.8814961 1.6862983,0.076446682 3.8814961 1.7084702,
+ -0.30174296 3.8814961 1.3981138,-0.29874296 3.8814961 1.3331138,
+ -0.30418041 3.8814961 1.3522955,-0.30540263 3.8814961 1.3749859,
+ -0.25374296 3.8816929 1.3171138,-0.19874296 3.8816929 1.3856138,
+ -0.2137361 3.8815471 1.3514931,-0.22692815 3.8815617 1.331873,
+ -0.23677697 3.881599 1.3228514,-0.24488972 3.8816402 1.3186423,
+ -0.041742961 3.8816929 1.5071138,-0.087676496 3.8815843 1.4895766,
+ -0.13311954 3.8815454 1.4606816,-0.17168134 3.8815762 1.4256224,
+ -0.18782951 3.8816237 1.4053187,0.082757039 3.8814961 1.5021138,
+ 0.042590372 3.8815034 1.5101056,-0.0042429609 3.8815544 1.5112728,
+ 0.13875704 3.8814961 1.4496138,0.13721387 3.8814961 1.4551858,
+ 0.13261346 3.8814961 1.462228,0.11480601 3.8814961 1.4799585,
+ 0.092757039 3.8814961 1.3266138,0.11460335 3.8814961 1.3563144,
+ 0.1293091 3.8814961 1.3905224,0.13642547 3.8814961 1.4206942,
+ -0.19074296 3.8814961 1.2501138,-0.12195775 3.8814961 1.2429514,
+ -0.054952154 3.8814961 1.2516678,0.0079202347 3.8814961 1.2733442,
+ 0.05291555 3.8814961 1.2975845,-0.25124296 3.8816929 1.2276138,
+ -0.23866977 3.8815815 1.2381898,-0.22412317 3.8815228 1.245304,
+ -0.20846408 3.8815 1.2492146,-0.19956799 3.8814966 1.2500997,
+ -0.25624296 3.8816929 1.1861138,-0.2589103 3.8815917 1.1963237,
+ -0.25870058 3.8815461 1.2072857,-0.25575094 3.8815768 1.218372,
+ -0.19324296 3.8816929 1.1471138,-0.21924296 3.8815617 1.1546693,
+ -0.23692849 3.8815516 1.1643927,-0.24766049 3.881599 1.1740366,
+ -0.10674296 3.8816929 1.1301138,-0.11890196 3.8816176 1.1357939,
+ -0.13178996 3.8815689 1.1386998,-0.16310446 3.8815586 1.1407201,
+ -0.18001476 3.8816144 1.1428149,-0.13574296 3.8816929 1.0081138,
+ -0.11172655 3.8815476 1.0734501,-0.10442918 3.8816 1.1069205,
+ -0.10440644 3.8816408 1.1191872,-0.28074296 3.8816929 0.86311377,
+ -0.22751904 3.8815765 0.89040032,-0.18125196 3.8815462 0.93001717,
+ -0.14802377 3.881602 0.97570514,-0.14056732 3.8816421 0.99205742,
+ -0.33424296 3.8816929 0.83161377,-0.32250063 3.8815883 0.84170349,
+ -0.30805546 3.8815453 0.85036377,-0.34674296 3.8814961 0.78361377,
+ -0.34793896 3.8814976 0.79460577,-0.34607733 3.8815128 0.80678874,
+ -0.34087986 3.8815695 0.81977044,-0.32224296 3.8814961 0.76111377,
+ -0.33786796 3.8814961 0.77067627,-0.34354181 3.8814961 0.77666581,
+ -0.025242961 3.8814961 0.86411377,-0.17618046 3.8814961 0.81111377,
+ -0.25961009 3.8814961 0.77725667,0.11975704 3.8814961 0.85511377,
+ 0.104592 3.8814961 0.86546199,0.088100438 3.8814961 0.8715405,
+ 0.070594444 3.8814961 0.87417258,0.022286446 3.8814961 0.8707509,
+ 0.10175704 3.8816929 0.77911377,0.11930436 3.8815298 0.81134147,
+ 0.12496659 3.8815049 0.82688221,0.12588966 3.8814982 0.83756028,
+ 0.12418723 3.8814963 0.84633515,-0.30524296 3.8816929 0.58061377,
+ -0.097948036 3.8815471 0.62437783,-0.0065392572 3.8815617 0.6656508,
+ 0.052720002 3.8816109 0.71305589,-0.61824296 3.8816929 0.44911377,
+ -0.47130546 3.8815453 0.52536377,-0.71124296 3.8814961 0.37061377,
+ -0.66718046 3.8815207 0.41417627,-0.74374296 3.8814961 0.29661377,
+ -0.73676148 3.8814961 0.32535451,-0.72489111 3.8814961 0.34953969,
+ -0.72574296 3.8816929 0.22961377,-0.73307121 3.881617 0.23772895,
+ -0.73899253 3.8815553 0.24898544,-0.74280223 3.8815145 0.26395564,
+ -0.74405883 3.8814984 0.28043643,-0.37124296 3.8816929 0.26861377,
+ -0.4834837 3.8815617 0.21972488,-0.58762754 3.8815516 0.20013307,
+ -0.65571493 3.8815934 0.20334525,-0.69254812 3.8816364 0.213116,
+ 0.027757039 3.8814961 0.55161377,-0.16855546 3.8815207 0.39792627,
+ -0.27590186 3.8815877 0.31971177,0.14425704 3.8814961 0.50561377,
+ 0.12026349 3.8814961 0.52601939,0.092740286 3.8814961 0.54016694,
+ 0.062763596 3.8814961 0.54852994,0.045381151 3.8814961 0.55085649,
+ 0.15425704 3.8816929 0.41911377,0.15972004 3.8815636 0.44677527,
+ 0.15850075 3.8815117 0.47144207,0.15329053 3.881498 0.48966055,
+ -0.29274296 3.8816929 0.024613765,-0.24530039 3.8816299 0.079757598,
+ -0.18737569 3.8815843 0.12408942,0.028351967 3.8815582 0.2482853,
+ 0.090167492 3.8815931 0.30138609,0.12682237 3.8816338 0.35114794,
+ 0.14242282 3.8816615 0.38320091,-0.32774296 3.8814961 -0.067386235,
+ -0.31301497 3.8815179 -0.019298965,-0.28074296 3.8814961 -0.17538623,
+ -0.29644666 3.8814961 -0.16245568,-0.30903926 3.8814961 -0.14660846,
+ -0.31849296 3.8814961 -0.12851123,-0.32478 3.8814961 -0.10883068,
+ -0.32787259 3.8814961 -0.088233457,-0.16974296 3.8814961 -0.19988623,
+ -0.19634125 3.8814961 -0.20463624,-0.22276945 3.8814961 -0.2030277,
+ -0.24770955 3.8814961 -0.19587653,-0.26541387 3.8814961 -0.18689406,
+ -0.093242961 3.8814961 -0.13838623,-0.10554548 3.8814961 -0.16002002,
+ -0.12233955 3.8814961 -0.17745029,-0.14297949 3.8814961 -0.19054789,
+ -0.15591968 3.8814961 -0.19592192,-0.099242961 3.8816929 -0.10238623,
+ -0.093354072 3.8815544 -0.11360846,-0.091521006 3.88152 -0.11999126,
+ -0.090798516 3.8815034 -0.12616401,-0.091325527 3.8814969 -0.13259359,
+ -0.21324296 3.8816929 -0.089886235,-0.19956552 3.8816299 -0.091768534,
+ -0.18006961 3.881573 -0.090304661,-0.14999256 3.8815457 -0.085604585,
+ -0.13364691 3.881561 -0.084901265,-0.12208395 3.881587 -0.086662304,
+ -0.11240201 3.8816209 -0.090615398,-0.10552831 3.881654 -0.095543662,
+ -0.22324296 3.8814961 -0.044886235,-0.22514087 3.8814981 -0.055688778,
+ -0.2240721 3.881518 -0.068727834,-0.22002065 3.8815746 -0.080314911,
+ -0.21692711 3.8816248 -0.085487614,-0.10924296 3.8814961 0.075113765,
+ -0.15690963 3.8814961 0.04655821,-0.19436613 3.8814961 0.01023721,
+ -0.21178669 3.8814961 -0.016043929,0.11625704 3.8814961 0.086113765,
+ 0.080108891 3.8814961 0.099604506,0.041905187 3.8814961 0.10570636,
+ 0.0027570391 3.8814961 0.10536377,-0.048989189 3.8814961 0.096514657,
+ -0.08000985 3.8814961 0.087013414,0.16125704 3.8816929 0.010613765,
+ 0.15490754 3.8815636 0.038891765,0.14385343 3.8815117 0.060283622,
+ 0.13155604 3.881498 0.074486291,-0.057742961 3.8816929 -0.29888623,
+ 0.071936051 3.8815471 -0.18039789,0.12359037 3.8815617 -0.11173809,
+ 0.14975704 3.8816109 -0.053909383,0.15755912 3.8816478 -0.022555795,
+ -0.23824296 3.8814961 -0.40938623,-0.19222548 3.8814984 -0.38941365,
+ -0.14311796 3.8815207 -0.35919873,-0.37024296 3.8814961 -0.42988623,
+ -0.34117389 3.8814961 -0.42159256,-0.30405546 3.8814961 -0.41757373,
+ -0.40624296 3.8814961 -0.48238623,-0.40493046 3.8814961 -0.46922651,
+ -0.40124296 3.8814961 -0.45777512,-0.39555546 3.8814961 -0.44807373,
+ -0.38661846 3.8814961 -0.43880073,-0.3787699 3.8814961 -0.43358242,
+ -0.38624296 3.8814961 -0.52388623,-0.39485096 3.8814961 -0.51798623,
+ -0.40137608 3.8814961 -0.50961045,-0.40519171 3.8814961 -0.50003792,
+ -0.40655921 3.8814961 -0.49119344,-0.27724296 3.8814961 -0.52488623,
+ -0.3279645 3.8814961 -0.53393425,-0.35242815 3.8814961 -0.53525661,
+ -0.36987028 3.8814961 -0.53212003,-0.37820679 3.8814961 -0.52872796,
+ -0.16774296 3.8814961 -0.64488623,-0.1883356 3.8814961 -0.63314237,
+ -0.20479973 3.8814961 -0.61777246,-0.22254959 3.8814961 -0.59378198,
+ -0.24635314 3.8814961 -0.55627267,-0.26030923 3.8814961 -0.53894834,
+ 0.10375704 3.8814961 -0.55338623,0.045436604 3.8814961 -0.56988318,
+ -0.097825946 3.8814961 -0.63924488,-0.13136881 3.8814961 -0.64581269,
+ 0.16025704 3.8814961 -0.62488623,0.16655797 3.8814961 -0.60181216,
+ 0.16669066 3.8814961 -0.58797827,0.16367059 3.8814961 -0.57734123,
+ 0.15859784 3.8814961 -0.56959751,0.15035739 3.8814961 -0.56274401,
+ 0.13802409 3.8814961 -0.55729533,0.12231628 3.8814961 -0.55415304,
+ -0.29624296 3.8814961 -1.0013862,-0.26324139 3.8814961 -0.94965342,
+ -0.22129646 3.8814961 -0.90840664,-0.15548614 3.8814961 -0.86509632,
+ 0.068990701 3.8814961 -0.74648395,0.11640226 3.8814961 -0.70194454,
+ 0.14115607 3.8814961 -0.66660476,-0.31124296 3.8816929 -1.1688862,
+ -0.32270129 3.88161 -1.1410274,-0.32690963 3.8815544 -1.1120159,
+ -0.32511796 3.8815207 -1.0826987,-0.31555623 3.8815003 -1.0445983,
+ -0.30660851 3.8814966 -1.0221668,-0.27074296 3.8816929 -1.2103862,
+ -0.29343046 3.8815453 -1.1907612,-0.30377183 3.8815862 -1.1795737,
+ -0.26374296 3.8814961 -1.2273862,-0.26561812 3.8815151 -1.2183015,
+ -0.28524296 3.8814961 -1.2483862,-0.27243046 3.8814961 -1.2395737,
+ -0.26706999 3.8814961 -1.2337768,-0.30974296 3.8816929 -1.2953862,
+ -0.30572444 3.8815544 -1.2768677,-0.29859594 3.8815058 -1.2626742,
+ -0.29256563 3.8814973 -1.2551176,-0.29624296 3.8816929 -1.3383862,
+ -0.30338643 3.8815843 -1.3292773,-0.30804984 3.8815454 -1.3190045,
+ -0.3102332 3.8815762 -1.3079984,-0.31037365 3.8816237 -1.3017021,
+ -0.00024296091 3.8814961 -1.2403862,-0.15049296 3.8815207 -1.2914487,
+ 0.10175704 3.8814961 -1.2328862,0.079281477 3.8814961 -1.2283589,
+ 0.060528924 3.8814961 -1.2283979,0.038950608 3.8814961 -1.231375,
+ 0.11875704 3.8814961 -1.3423862,0.13968297 3.8814961 -1.2992196,
+ 0.14285859 3.8814961 -1.2812953,0.14184563 3.8814961 -1.2699907,
+ 0.13836867 3.8814961 -1.260472,0.13245364 3.8814961 -1.2519894,
+ 0.1268054 3.8814961 -1.2465897,0.11997638 3.8814961 -1.2416868,
+ -0.36374296 3.8814961 -1.5943862,-0.11191854 3.8814961 -1.5349788,
+ -0.0023355535 3.8814961 -1.4823862,0.059847634 3.8814961 -1.4302577,
+ 0.091903311 3.8814961 -1.3900002,-0.70124296 3.8814961 -1.8073862,
+ -0.65336926 3.8814961 -1.7473423,-0.59076265 3.8814961 -1.6963906,
+ -0.4781849 3.8814961 -1.6352236,-0.69574296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,
+ -0.70361565 3.8814961 -1.8862404,-0.70839111 3.8814961 -1.8710529,
+ -0.71030546 3.8814961 -1.8551987,-0.70959481 3.8814961 -1.8390529,
+ -0.70649528 3.8814961 -1.8229904,-0.59224296 3.8814961 -1.9443862,
+ -0.63007629 3.8814961 -1.9383122,-0.66590963 3.8814961 -1.9244603,
+ -0.68182629 3.8814961 -1.9138538,-0.092242961 3.8814961 -1.6763862,
+ -0.29103583 3.8814961 -1.8382683,-0.40083555 3.8814961 -1.8995714,
+ -0.4917337 3.8814961 -1.9303677,0.11625704 3.8814961 -1.7738862,
+ 0.019428191 3.8814961 -1.7442205,-0.04661493 3.8814961 -1.7127972,
+ -0.070958242 3.8814961 -1.6959434,0.051257039 3.8814961 -1.8903862,
+ 0.092569539 3.8814961 -1.8358862,0.10821329 3.8814961 -1.804796,
+ -0.10674296 3.8816929 -1.9668862,-0.019492961 3.8815207 -1.9398862,
+ 0.020244001 3.8814987 -1.9180452,-0.21324296 3.8816929 -1.9833862,
+ -0.18936666 3.8815913 -1.9826768,-0.15924296 3.8815453 -1.9771987,
+ -0.23574296 3.8814961 -1.8993862,-0.22994029 3.8814964 -1.9085403,
+ -0.22589316 3.8815005 -1.9221856,-0.22096184 3.8815968 -1.9682559,
+ -0.21795233 3.8816395 -1.9761965,-0.27624296 3.8814961 -1.9003862,
+ -0.26296518 3.8814961 -1.8969048,-0.24902074 3.8814961 -1.896201,
+ -0.24221518 3.8814961 -1.8972381,-0.31324296 3.8814961 -2.0148862,
+ -0.30653926 3.8814961 -1.9730899,-0.29928 3.8814961 -1.9311825,
+ -0.29270999 3.8814961 -1.916738,-0.28564792 3.8814961 -1.9077216,
+ -0.56424296 3.8816929 -2.1313862,-0.48250222 3.8815544 -2.0931825,
+ -0.3495859 3.8814982 -2.0403046,-0.32703583 3.8814963 -2.0274246,
+ -0.31878672 3.8814961 -2.0209996,-0.59924296 3.8816929 -2.2258862,
+ -0.60461032 3.8816577 -2.2206048,-0.60831815 3.8816263 -2.2145326,
+ -0.6102243 3.8816017 -2.2084351,-0.61045675 3.8815699 -2.1973089,
+ -0.60645859 3.8815487 -2.1830024,-0.59268281 3.8815565 -2.1596793,
+ -0.57793635 3.8816054 -2.1429231,-0.34774296 3.8814961 -2.1418862,
+ -0.43450222 3.8815034 -2.1743307,-0.54370935 3.8815887 -2.2215076,
+ -0.57122719 3.8816343 -2.2262648,-0.31974296 3.8814961 -2.1438862,
+ -0.32820681 3.8814961 -2.1396301,-0.31524296 3.8814961 -2.3163862,
+ -0.31693046 3.8814961 -2.2290112,-0.31559335 3.8814961 -2.1795706,
+ -0.24574296 3.8814961 -2.3313862,-0.25227451 3.8814961 -2.3378183,
+ -0.25744252 3.8814961 -2.3406295,-0.26807717 3.8814961 -2.3430028,
+ -0.27961698 3.8814961 -2.3421509,-0.29338388 3.8814961 -2.3374147,
+ -0.30436069 3.8814961 -2.330294,-0.31077123 3.8814961 -2.32375,
+ -0.22474296 3.8814961 -2.1068862,-0.23018046 3.8814961 -2.2210112,
+ -0.029242961 3.8814961 -2.0383862,-0.13230176 3.8814961 -2.0616894,
+ -0.20610299 3.8814961 -2.0917105,-0.21685769 3.8814961 -2.0991767,
+ 0.11625704 3.8814961 -2.0608862,0.095270928 3.8814961 -2.0478307,
+ 0.07186815 3.8814961 -2.0396085,0.021145928 3.8814961 -2.0343307,
+ 0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.1638862,0.15066445 3.8814961 -2.1248492,
+ 0.14274864 3.8814961 -2.095288,0.1318152 3.8814961 -2.075984,
+ 0.12471501 3.8814961 -2.0679569,0.15325704 3.8814961 -2.5543862,
+ 0.22925704 3.8814961 -2.5388862,0.22825704 3.8814961 -2.0688862,
+ 0.22598447 3.8814961 -2.0448246,0.21970148 3.8814961 -2.0246015,
+ 0.21021016 3.8814961 -2.0077847,0.19831259 3.8814961 -1.9939418,
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+ 0.14575704 3.8816929 -0.96038623,0.14523852 3.8815617 -0.98436772,
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+ 219,220,160,-1,160,220,159,-1,220,213,159,-1,159,213,158,-1,153,222,223,-1,149,222,153,-1,213,214,158,-1,158,215,157,-1,
+ 214,215,158,-1,215,216,157,-1,157,216,166,-1,216,165,166,-1,216,217,165,-1,149,221,222,-1,150,221,149,-1,150,229,221,-1,
+ 207,164,217,-1,217,164,165,-1,191,189,190,-1,192,189,191,-1,151,228,150,-1,150,228,229,-1,192,199,189,-1,193,199,192,-1,
+ 193,198,199,-1,184,198,193,-1,184,197,198,-1,185,197,184,-1,185,196,197,-1,186,196,185,-1,187,196,186,-1,188,196,187,-1,
+ 208,163,207,-1,209,163,208,-1,207,163,164,-1,188,195,196,-1,181,195,180,-1,180,195,188,-1,152,227,151,-1,151,227,228,-1,
+ 181,194,195,-1,182,194,181,-1,183,194,182,-1,175,194,183,-1,175,202,194,-1,175,176,202,-1,210,162,209,-1,209,162,163,-1,
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+ 202,172,201,-1,212,170,211,-1,211,170,171,-1,172,173,201,-1,201,173,200,-1,146,147,226,-1,204,169,203,-1,203,169,212,-1,
+ 212,169,170,-1,147,225,226,-1,200,174,206,-1,173,174,200,-1,205,168,204,-1,204,168,169,-1,206,167,205,-1,174,167,206,-1,
+ 205,167,168,-1,147,148,225,-1,148,234,225,-1,234,141,233,-1,148,141,234,-1,233,142,232,-1,141,142,233,-1,232,143,231,-1,
+ 142,143,232,-1,143,144,231,-1,231,144,230,-1,144,145,230,-1,239,257,238,-1,240,257,239,-1,240,256,257,-1,257,258,238,-1,
+ 238,258,237,-1,258,249,237,-1,237,249,244,-1,240,255,256,-1,241,255,240,-1,145,138,230,-1,230,138,236,-1,246,248,245,-1,
+ 249,250,244,-1,244,250,247,-1,248,252,253,-1,247,251,246,-1,246,251,248,-1,250,251,247,-1,248,251,252,-1,138,139,236,-1,
+ 241,254,255,-1,139,140,236,-1,236,140,235,-1,140,134,235,-1,243,134,242,-1,235,134,243,-1,241,261,254,-1,134,135,242,-1,
+ 242,136,241,-1,135,136,242,-1,136,137,241,-1,137,128,241,-1,276,283,275,-1,241,260,261,-1,128,260,241,-1,276,287,283,-1,
+ 281,287,280,-1,282,287,281,-1,283,287,282,-1,129,259,128,-1,128,259,260,-1,277,286,276,-1,276,286,287,-1,278,285,277,-1,
+ 279,285,278,-1,270,285,279,-1,277,285,286,-1,129,265,259,-1,129,130,265,-1,270,284,285,-1,130,264,265,-1,270,292,284,-1,
+ 270,291,292,-1,271,291,270,-1,130,131,264,-1,264,131,263,-1,131,132,263,-1,271,290,291,-1,132,133,263,-1,271,289,290,-1,
+ 133,122,263,-1,263,122,262,-1,271,288,289,-1,272,288,271,-1,122,123,262,-1,262,123,269,-1,272,117,288,-1,273,117,272,-1,
+ 296,117,295,-1,288,117,296,-1,303,308,302,-1,123,124,269,-1,269,124,268,-1,273,121,117,-1,274,121,273,-1,268,125,267,-1,
+ 124,125,268,-1,125,126,267,-1,266,120,274,-1,274,120,121,-1,306,310,305,-1,307,310,306,-1,305,310,311,-1,126,127,267,-1,
+ 267,127,266,-1,266,119,120,-1,127,119,266,-1,117,118,295,-1,294,118,293,-1,295,118,294,-1,308,309,307,-1,307,309,310,-1,
+ 304,314,303,-1,308,314,309,-1,297,314,304,-1,303,314,308,-1,118,116,293,-1,300,116,299,-1,301,116,300,-1,293,116,301,-1,
+ 116,114,299,-1,298,313,297,-1,297,313,314,-1,299,313,298,-1,329,706,332,-1,332,705,331,-1,706,705,332,-1,329,707,706,-1,
+ 338,336,337,-1,339,336,338,-1,335,704,334,-1,331,704,335,-1,705,704,331,-1,334,703,333,-1,333,703,340,-1,704,703,334,-1,
+ 330,688,329,-1,329,688,707,-1,339,702,336,-1,340,702,339,-1,703,702,340,-1,702,345,336,-1,701,345,702,-1,114,312,299,-1,
+ 299,312,313,-1,115,312,114,-1,701,344,345,-1,699,344,700,-1,700,344,701,-1,109,319,115,-1,115,319,312,-1,110,318,109,-1,
+ 109,318,319,-1,699,343,344,-1,697,343,698,-1,698,343,699,-1,110,317,318,-1,111,316,110,-1,110,316,317,-1,112,315,111,-1,
+ 113,315,112,-1,111,315,316,-1,113,104,315,-1,697,342,343,-1,695,342,696,-1,696,342,697,-1,326,689,325,-1,326,690,689,-1,
+ 315,105,324,-1,104,105,315,-1,326,691,690,-1,105,106,324,-1,695,341,342,-1,106,107,324,-1,107,108,324,-1,108,99,324,-1,
+ 324,99,323,-1,694,348,695,-1,695,348,341,-1,99,100,323,-1,322,100,321,-1,323,100,322,-1,321,101,320,-1,100,101,321,-1,
+ 694,347,348,-1,692,347,693,-1,693,347,694,-1,320,102,328,-1,101,102,320,-1,102,103,328,-1,328,95,327,-1,103,95,328,-1,
+ 327,346,326,-1,326,346,691,-1,95,346,327,-1,692,346,347,-1,691,346,692,-1,95,353,346,-1,95,352,353,-1,95,351,352,-1,
+ 95,96,351,-1,96,350,351,-1,96,97,350,-1,97,349,350,-1,97,98,349,-1,349,89,357,-1,98,89,349,-1,89,90,357,-1,
+ 357,91,356,-1,90,91,357,-1,356,92,355,-1,91,92,356,-1,359,403,358,-1,359,402,403,-1,360,402,359,-1,403,404,358,-1,
+ 92,93,355,-1,355,93,354,-1,360,401,402,-1,404,396,358,-1,358,396,366,-1,366,397,365,-1,396,397,366,-1,360,410,401,-1,
+ 93,94,354,-1,354,94,364,-1,397,398,365,-1,372,398,371,-1,365,398,372,-1,360,409,410,-1,361,409,360,-1,398,399,371,-1,
+ 371,399,370,-1,94,85,364,-1,364,85,363,-1,399,400,370,-1,369,400,368,-1,370,400,369,-1,400,388,368,-1,85,86,363,-1,
+ 86,87,363,-1,363,87,362,-1,388,367,368,-1,361,408,409,-1,87,88,362,-1,362,88,361,-1,88,80,361,-1,388,377,367,-1,
+ 361,407,408,-1,80,407,361,-1,388,376,377,-1,388,375,376,-1,389,375,388,-1,80,406,407,-1,394,395,393,-1,389,374,375,-1,
+ 81,405,80,-1,80,405,406,-1,390,373,389,-1,389,373,374,-1,390,382,373,-1,384,378,383,-1,385,378,384,-1,386,378,385,-1,
+ 387,378,386,-1,395,378,393,-1,393,378,392,-1,383,378,395,-1,390,381,382,-1,378,379,392,-1,392,379,391,-1,390,380,381,-1,
+ 391,380,390,-1,379,380,391,-1,430,428,429,-1,431,428,430,-1,81,414,405,-1,431,423,428,-1,423,427,428,-1,81,82,414,-1,
+ 414,82,413,-1,82,83,413,-1,434,432,433,-1,435,432,434,-1,436,432,435,-1,426,432,436,-1,426,441,432,-1,413,84,412,-1,
+ 83,84,413,-1,427,440,426,-1,426,440,441,-1,423,440,427,-1,84,75,412,-1,423,439,440,-1,424,438,423,-1,425,438,424,-1,
+ 423,438,439,-1,412,76,411,-1,75,76,412,-1,420,437,425,-1,425,437,438,-1,411,77,419,-1,76,77,411,-1,419,78,418,-1,
+ 77,78,419,-1,421,68,420,-1,422,68,421,-1,437,68,447,-1,420,68,437,-1,418,79,417,-1,78,79,418,-1,447,69,446,-1,
+ 68,69,447,-1,415,74,422,-1,417,72,416,-1,79,72,417,-1,69,70,446,-1,70,445,446,-1,72,73,416,-1,416,73,415,-1,
+ 415,73,74,-1,70,71,445,-1,71,63,445,-1,63,444,445,-1,63,443,444,-1,64,443,63,-1,64,442,443,-1,64,451,442,-1,
+ 65,451,64,-1,65,450,451,-1,66,450,65,-1,67,450,66,-1,67,449,450,-1,59,449,58,-1,58,449,67,-1,59,448,449,-1,
+ 60,448,59,-1,60,459,448,-1,61,459,60,-1,61,458,459,-1,62,458,61,-1,52,457,51,-1,62,457,458,-1,51,457,62,-1,
+ 52,53,457,-1,53,456,457,-1,53,54,456,-1,54,55,456,-1,456,56,455,-1,55,56,456,-1,462,639,461,-1,639,667,461,-1,
+ 461,667,460,-1,463,640,462,-1,462,640,639,-1,56,57,455,-1,667,666,460,-1,472,666,471,-1,460,666,472,-1,57,48,455,-1,
+ 454,48,453,-1,455,48,454,-1,463,641,640,-1,666,665,471,-1,471,665,470,-1,665,664,470,-1,470,664,469,-1,463,642,641,-1,
+ 464,642,463,-1,453,49,452,-1,452,49,466,-1,48,49,453,-1,664,663,469,-1,469,663,468,-1,663,662,468,-1,468,662,467,-1,
+ 475,662,474,-1,467,662,475,-1,464,643,642,-1,49,50,466,-1,466,50,465,-1,662,661,474,-1,661,473,474,-1,464,644,643,-1,
+ 464,47,644,-1,50,47,465,-1,465,47,464,-1,661,660,473,-1,473,660,477,-1,484,482,483,-1,478,482,484,-1,47,645,644,-1,
+ 43,645,47,-1,660,659,477,-1,477,659,476,-1,659,658,476,-1,43,646,645,-1,478,485,482,-1,479,485,478,-1,482,485,481,-1,
+ 487,485,486,-1,488,485,487,-1,489,485,488,-1,481,485,489,-1,43,647,646,-1,43,44,647,-1,44,45,647,-1,647,45,648,-1,
+ 648,46,649,-1,45,46,648,-1,656,491,657,-1,657,491,658,-1,479,491,485,-1,658,491,476,-1,480,491,479,-1,476,491,480,-1,
+ 649,39,650,-1,46,39,649,-1,650,40,651,-1,39,40,650,-1,511,713,510,-1,510,712,509,-1,713,712,510,-1,512,714,511,-1,
+ 511,714,713,-1,518,711,517,-1,509,711,518,-1,712,711,509,-1,655,490,656,-1,656,490,491,-1,514,710,513,-1,515,710,514,-1,
+ 516,710,515,-1,517,710,516,-1,711,710,517,-1,651,41,652,-1,40,41,651,-1,513,709,522,-1,710,709,513,-1,709,521,522,-1,
+ 652,42,653,-1,41,42,652,-1,504,715,512,-1,512,715,714,-1,709,708,521,-1,655,495,490,-1,42,34,653,-1,34,35,653,-1,
+ 653,36,654,-1,35,36,653,-1,36,37,654,-1,37,38,654,-1,38,29,654,-1,655,494,495,-1,654,494,655,-1,654,493,494,-1,
+ 29,493,654,-1,708,520,521,-1,504,716,715,-1,29,492,493,-1,724,519,708,-1,708,519,520,-1,30,503,29,-1,29,503,492,-1,
+ 30,502,503,-1,30,501,502,-1,504,717,716,-1,30,31,501,-1,31,32,501,-1,504,505,717,-1,32,33,501,-1,722,526,723,-1,
+ 723,526,724,-1,724,526,519,-1,33,24,501,-1,501,24,500,-1,505,718,717,-1,24,25,500,-1,500,25,499,-1,721,525,722,-1,
+ 722,525,526,-1,25,26,499,-1,499,26,498,-1,26,27,498,-1,498,27,497,-1,720,524,721,-1,721,524,525,-1,27,28,497,-1,
+ 497,28,496,-1,28,20,496,-1,496,21,508,-1,20,21,496,-1,505,523,718,-1,718,523,719,-1,508,22,507,-1,21,22,508,-1,
+ 22,23,507,-1,506,670,505,-1,670,669,505,-1,507,16,506,-1,23,16,507,-1,506,671,670,-1,505,668,523,-1,669,668,505,-1,
+ 668,687,523,-1,506,672,671,-1,687,530,523,-1,687,686,530,-1,545,546,553,-1,16,673,506,-1,506,673,672,-1,16,674,673,-1,
+ 560,570,559,-1,561,570,560,-1,562,570,561,-1,563,570,562,-1,564,570,563,-1,565,570,564,-1,686,529,530,-1,685,529,686,-1,
+ 566,569,565,-1,554,569,566,-1,565,569,570,-1,548,541,547,-1,540,541,548,-1,685,684,529,-1,541,542,547,-1,546,542,553,-1,
+ 547,542,546,-1,552,542,551,-1,553,542,552,-1,17,619,16,-1,18,619,17,-1,19,619,18,-1,12,619,19,-1,674,619,675,-1,
+ 16,619,674,-1,619,638,675,-1,554,568,569,-1,555,568,554,-1,638,637,675,-1,542,543,551,-1,551,543,550,-1,637,676,675,-1,
+ 550,544,549,-1,543,544,550,-1,684,528,529,-1,683,528,684,-1,683,682,528,-1,544,537,549,-1,637,636,676,-1,676,636,677,-1,
+ 677,636,678,-1,678,636,679,-1,555,567,568,-1,556,567,555,-1,557,572,556,-1,556,572,567,-1,557,571,572,-1,13,620,12,-1,
+ 12,620,619,-1,636,635,679,-1,557,584,571,-1,558,584,557,-1,549,584,558,-1,571,584,575,-1,549,589,584,-1,537,589,549,-1,
+ 538,588,537,-1,537,588,589,-1,682,527,528,-1,679,527,680,-1,680,527,681,-1,681,527,682,-1,14,621,13,-1,13,621,620,-1,
+ 539,587,538,-1,534,587,539,-1,538,587,588,-1,635,612,679,-1,679,612,527,-1,613,612,635,-1,612,611,527,-1,527,611,533,-1,
+ 635,614,613,-1,634,614,635,-1,633,615,634,-1,634,615,614,-1,575,585,574,-1,584,585,575,-1,15,622,14,-1,14,622,621,-1,
+ 631,616,632,-1,632,616,633,-1,633,616,615,-1,534,586,587,-1,535,586,534,-1,15,623,622,-1,573,582,583,-1,533,610,532,-1,
+ 611,610,533,-1,623,6,624,-1,15,6,623,-1,532,609,531,-1,531,609,536,-1,610,609,532,-1,535,593,586,-1,536,593,535,-1,
+ 624,7,625,-1,6,7,624,-1,7,8,625,-1,585,576,574,-1,573,576,582,-1,574,576,573,-1,578,576,577,-1,579,576,578,-1,
+ 580,576,579,-1,581,576,580,-1,582,576,581,-1,8,9,625,-1,630,617,631,-1,631,617,616,-1,608,592,609,-1,609,592,536,-1,
+ 536,592,593,-1,625,10,626,-1,9,10,625,-1,10,11,626,-1,629,618,630,-1,630,618,617,-1,607,591,608,-1,608,591,592,-1,
+ 11,5,626,-1,5,4,626,-1,626,3,627,-1,4,3,626,-1,629,0,618,-1,627,0,628,-1,628,0,629,-1,3,2,627,-1,
+ 606,590,607,-1,607,590,591,-1,627,1,0,-1,2,1,627,-1,605,598,606,-1,606,598,590,-1,605,604,598,-1,598,604,597,-1,
+ 604,603,597,-1,603,602,597,-1,602,601,597,-1,596,601,595,-1,597,601,596,-1,601,594,595,-1,601,600,594,-1,594,600,599,-1,
+ 74,68,422,-1,523,524,720,-1,523,720,719,-1,689,688,330,-1,689,330,325,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1972 Normal { vector [
+ -0.00011403108 0.99999999 -2.4335901e-05,-0.00052495502 0.99999979 -0.00037645209,
+ -0.0010414289 0.99999838 -0.0014679625,-0.0013127368 0.99999773 -0.0016761738,
+ -0.0016615745 0.9999931 -0.0033219487,-0.002078739 0.99999728 0.0010581592,
+ -0.00098497182 0.99999784 -0.001832124,0.0016053223 0.99999073 -0.0039948999,
+ 0.0007762116 0.99999666 -0.0024635775,-0.00061904794 0.99999979 0.00017342952,
+ -0.0013567445 0.99999744 0.0018117984,-0.0022825704 0.99998548 0.0048820057,
+ 0.00017203826 0.99999851 -0.0017158702,0.00044297286 0.99999939 -0.0010119062,
+ -0.00038489133 0.99999961 -0.00079807391,-0.0013689495 0.99999861 -0.00095170524,
+ -0.00063438049 0.99999972 -0.00039269582,0.0084698803 0.999964 0.00050102736,
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+ -0.0022341798 0.99999676 0.0012217631,-0.0015993034 0.9999987 0.00019634884,
+ -0.00066783732 0.99999894 0.0012958115,0.00049841073 0.99999081 0.0042575799,
+ -0.0015127485 0.99999838 -0.00097278048,-0.0008373948 0.99999788 -0.0018829577,
+ -0.00076930824 0.99999938 -0.00080484612,-0.00058017046 0.99999975 0.00040259366,
+ -0.00071125143 0.99999851 0.0015702519,-0.00052024474 0.99999929 -0.0010763963,
+ 0.00075273405 0.99999874 -0.0013981651,-0.0013737098 0.99999886 0.00062678681,
+ -0.0025080687 0.99999486 0.0019988477,-0.0031566554 0.99999032 0.0030650333,
+ 0.0020143713 0.99999694 -0.0014391338,0.0027900881 0.99999569 -0.00091482568,
+ 0.00046095835 0.99999937 -0.0010233731,0.0010481499 0.99998365 0.0056220709,
+ 0.0016099236 0.99996959 0.0076306097,0.0014702023 0.9999987 0.00066362375,
+ 0.0014306403 0.99999828 -0.0011808145,0.00069396319 0.99999973 -0.00025293435,
+ 0.0018316264 0.99999828 0.00027750396,0.00145486 0.99999888 -0.00035662824,
+ 0.00040598507 0.99999974 0.00060060465,0.00019595848 0.99999927 0.0011921513,
+ 0.0008572932 0.99999914 0.00099683648,-0.00044627178 0.99999979 0.00047268282,
+ -0.0020517687 0.99999789 -8.6891236e-05,-0.0012796307 0.99999917 -0.00016130996,
+ -0.0005953349 0.99999939 0.00092498462,-1.505961e-05 1 6.9135736e-06,
+ -0.00011296137 0.99999999 7.4003533e-05,-0.00029746416 0.99999994 0.00020153666,
+ -0.00076254273 0.99999948 0.00067134709,-0.0011928462 0.99999838 0.0013473472,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,1.0240744e-05 1 -1.6960179e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.00090918522 0.99999923 0.00084254065,0.00051906174 0.99999566 -0.0029003643,
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+ -0.00097049655 0.99999925 0.00074544195,0.00015199712 0.99999997 -0.00021196003,
+ 0.00015961108 0.99999991 -0.00039719137,-0.00099836424 0.99999918 -0.00080152068,
+ 6.3719943e-05 1 -2.9917928e-06,0.0010009126 0.99999888 -0.001110914,
+ 0.00072695235 0.99999964 -0.00044366971,0.00015447467 0.99999988 0.0004578183,
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+ -0.0019571937 0.99999667 0.0016811337,0.0017233508 0.99999789 -0.0011173738,
+ 0.0016507525 0.99999834 -0.00076549695,0.0011407897 0.99999925 -0.00044553165,
+ 0.00021674967 0.99999957 0.00090164123,-3.9172899e-06 1 2.9217859e-05,
+ 1.9703435e-05 1 6.2048399e-06,6.4915744e-05 0.99999998 0.00020852736,
+ 0.00040264334 0.99999977 0.00054802317,0.0015905653 0.99999843 0.00078428158,
+ 0.0020808556 0.99999731 -0.0010274308,0.00032141068 0.99999984 -0.00046433774,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,1.778591e-05 1 2.5852928e-05,
+ 0.00024187972 0.99999995 0.00017801295,0.0017406863 0.99999848 -1.7442974e-05,
+ 0.0014273445 0.99999766 -0.0016241349,0.0012801124 0.99999884 -0.00081950587,
+ 0 1 0,-7.8643079e-07 1 4.318317e-06,
+ 2.3318337e-06 1 3.3176784e-07,2.4313834e-06 1 -1.4268403e-07,
+ 2.4603698e-06 1 -6.6649627e-07,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00029297999 0.99999995 0.00015131934,0 1 0,
+ 0.0015470114 0.99999785 -0.0013786795,0.00090733403 0.99999959 -6.2223301e-05,
+ 0.0016012671 0.99999871 -0.00014994499,-0.0018855879 0.99999767 0.0010478031,
+ -0.0015164589 0.99999883 0.00021111478,-0.00052855511 0.99999986 7.2742763e-05,
+ -0.0016439426 0.99999804 -0.0011078133,-0.0011106803 0.9999988 -0.0010783373,
+ -0.00069379246 0.99999973 -0.00022574453,-0.00047993431 0.99999973 0.000557406,
+ -0.00015500608 0.99999881 0.0015368037,-0.0004337804 0.99999815 0.0018760419,
+ 5.0505631e-05 1 2.6965155e-05,-0.00028332911 0.99999996 3.5424174e-05,
+ -0.00071547532 0.99999973 0.00013489398,-0.0015132373 0.99999865 0.00063801187,
+ -0.0022172088 0.99999636 0.0015352954,-0.0026046858 0.99999374 0.0023960416,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00084932204 0.99999847 -0.0015307056,0.00024683542 0.99999996 -0.00012233076,
+ 4.540604e-05 0.99999998 -0.00017922935,0.00087521987 0.9999996 0.00020302461,
+ 0.00058360593 0.99999982 0.00012500985,0.00078056957 0.99999965 0.00030320013,
+ 0.0015730736 0.99999864 0.0004899202,0.0021486029 0.99999757 -0.0004946437,
+ 0.00039908382 0.99999958 0.00082699801,0.00046514984 0.99999868 0.0015590494,
+ 0.0014328107 0.99999874 0.00068881049,-0.00061406317 0.99999917 0.0011326034,
+ 0.0002046363 0.99999876 0.00156463,0.00018187101 0.99999973 0.00070711528,
+ 1.4225212e-05 0.99999976 0.00069801732,-0.00025127292 0.99999993 0.00029126963,
+ 0.0017149648 0.99999826 -0.00074078998,0.0011535619 0.99999932 -0.00015761198,
+ 0.00025898126 0.99999997 -2.3878851e-05,0.0013202558 0.99999846 0.0011541434,
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+ 0.00069823392 0.9999992 -0.001051201,0.000528821 0.9999976 -0.0021244397,
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+ 0.00026634653 0.99999946 0.0010077486,0.00082293763 0.99999851 0.0015155155,
+ 0.00051644197 0.99999981 0.00033050384,0.001450857 0.99999834 0.0010991559,
+ 0.0011586038 0.99999929 0.00026082632,0.0027141391 0.99999608 -0.00068294428,
+ 0.00029605267 0.9999999 0.00032604355,0.00034866264 0.9999999 0.00026443259,
+ 0.00038633822 0.9999999 0.00020425291,0.00041872798 0.9999999 0.0001316761,
+ -0.00043635957 0.99999922 0.0011734396,-0.00085577131 0.99999853 0.0014826563,
+ 3.7561032e-05 0.99999809 0.0019519502,0.00050812648 0.99999827 0.0017900478,
+ -0.00039029732 0.99999776 0.0020779082,-6.241545e-05 0.99999926 0.0012175508,
+ -0.00059863037 0.99999972 0.00045132666,-0.00046324003 0.99999976 0.00052156728,
+ -0.00095263093 0.99999939 0.00055403816,0.0034903318 0.99992977 0.011325682,
+ -0.014173094 0.99989876 0.0012660791,-0.01395895 0.99990156 0.0014236521,
+ 0.00090619953 0.99996895 0.0078277399,-0.00090254249 0.99999343 0.0035103646,
+ 0.00064392325 0.99999942 0.00086643858,-0.001195074 0.99999894 0.00082938787,
+ -0.00068329715 0.99999957 0.00063186766,0.00099129175 0.99999671 0.0023654926,
+ 0.0017249823 0.99998909 0.0043408032,0.005161046 0.99994357 0.0092851485,
+ 0.0012162209 0.99999915 0.0004704425,0.0009104262 0.99999753 0.002025782,
+ 0.0015468576 0.99999868 -0.00050670502,-0.00032076405 0.99999984 0.00045886489,
+ -0.00079178087 0.99999964 0.000320658,-0.0017915958 0.99999837 -0.00023486464,
+ -0.00022013509 0.99999998 1.5150626e-05,0.00017112834 0.99999982 0.00057832067,
+ 0.00025484865 0.99999977 0.00062669599,-0.00069603434 0.99999838 0.0016573529,
+ 0.0006303885 0.99999822 0.0017810808,0.00026610728 0.99999923 0.001212215,
+ -1.8974652e-05 0.99999967 0.00081003272,0.00059239472 0.99999981 0.00013972999,
+ 0.00066022872 0.99999977 0.00015329663,0.00099066474 0.99999856 0.0013797283,
+ 0.0018284914 0.99999833 5.0857182e-06,0.0010457244 0.99999943 0.00019641703,
+ 0.001495448 0.9999988 -0.00041353292,0.0010735328 0.99999847 -0.0013801557,
+ 0.00066736195 0.99999961 -0.00057796083,-0.00053267884 0.99999879 0.0014611362,
+ -0.00064038975 0.99999963 0.00056841058,-0.00022697942 0.99999997 8.9054087e-05,
+ 0.00040328033 0.9999999 -0.000172521,0.00091835805 0.99999854 0.001438312,
+ 7.2433879e-05 0.99999928 0.0012005284,9.9999688e-05 0.99999981 0.00060872976,
+ 0.00036532737 0.9999995 0.00093024762,0.0013076335 0.9999976 0.0017566611,
+ 0.0014681444 0.99999866 -0.0007311243,0.0011788352 0.99999896 0.0008307779,
+ 0.00061446001 0.99999976 0.00033167934,0.00077763533 0.9999997 -5.66122e-05,
+ 0.0014306013 0.99999898 -4.8626262e-05,-1.7034352e-05 0.99999999 -0.00016219666,
+ 0.00025201284 0.9999994 -0.0010682886,-0.0012072041 0.99999837 0.0013453301,
+ -0.00058575943 0.99999937 0.00095484708,-0.00055028783 0.99999969 0.00055754444,
+ -0.0004314846 0.99999967 0.00068882798,-5.5976871e-05 0.9999998 0.00063670737,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0017126107 0.99999828 -0.00071494199,-0.0048647092 0.99998722 -0.0013790024,
+ -0.00084761538 0.99999635 0.0025637444,-0.00055077096 0.99999979 0.00035027125,
+ -0.00049207794 0.99999168 0.0040504643,-0.0016093431 0.99999871 1.4040709e-06,
+ -0.0012946679 0.9999984 -0.0012313503,3.503045e-05 0.9999971 0.0024082302,
+ 0.0065231518 0.99997445 -0.0029242485,0.0064015231 0.99997622 -0.0025645652,
+ -1.6167563e-06 0.99999904 0.0013839592,-0.0009851213 0.99999898 0.0010317138,
+ -0.00035243076 0.99999988 0.00033726735,-0.00020251206 0.99999957 0.00090646602,
+ -0.00043603785 0.99999828 0.0018048499,5.1267262e-05 1 -1.9663601e-05,
+ 0.00037480316 0.99999993 8.8838483e-05,0.0022468462 0.99999748 2.5112178e-05,
+ -0.0012845624 0.99999848 -0.0011805286,-0.0020508021 0.99999712 0.0012449782,
+ -0.00088620487 0.9999996 0.00012035588,-0.00032570465 0.99999995 -1.727757e-05,
+ -0.0012937616 0.99999872 0.00093735083,-0.00051953283 0.99999934 0.0010229038,
+ -0.00054794365 0.99999984 0.00017134528,-0.00084762639 0.99999959 -0.00030891151,
+ 0.00025912272 0.99999937 0.0010916653,-0.00068904525 0.99999918 0.0010751293,
+ 0.00077617667 0.99999938 0.00080283209,-0.00016605044 0.99999998 7.9413913e-05,
+ -0.00071775545 0.99999969 0.00031415736,0.03292 0.99904848 -0.028608,
+ 0.0032896377 0.99999429 -0.00076948421,0.0014511071 0.99999892 0.00025154596,
+ 0.00096267339 0.99999939 0.00054283391,0.0001884265 0.99999978 0.00064360819,
+ 0.039312446 0.99902338 0.020169703,0.016995288 0.99981591 0.0089050037,
+ -0.0019230538 0.9999977 0.00095245111,4.2357802e-06 0.99999888 -0.0014945511,
+ -0.00075968224 0.99999785 0.0019296037,-0.001403548 0.99999844 0.0010703064,
+ 0.0021123458 0.99999777 1.9894718e-05,0.0019446577 0.99999783 0.00074129651,
+ 0.00075481828 0.99999933 0.00087336792,-0.0046074574 0.99998888 0.0010029565,
+ -0.0012450632 0.99999889 0.00081606642,0.00046372368 0.99999961 0.00074822743,
+ 0.0047932519 0.99998726 0.0015816914,0.0018658108 0.99999826 -8.5820128e-05,
+ 0.00098256474 0.99999932 0.00062884188,0.0012250847 0.99999884 -0.00090331787,
+ 0.0028442696 0.99998903 -0.003721765,0.00049168674 0.99999884 -0.0014413753,
+ 0.001502542 0.99999887 -4.1801541e-05,0.00041765849 0.99999984 -0.00038289335,
+ 0.00083024893 0.99999747 -0.0020905528,0.000515937 0.99999537 -0.0029998661,
+ 0.034410764 0.99896666 -0.029690097,0.0016707372 0.99999821 -0.00088653274,
+ -0.0016121615 0.99999718 -0.0017414755,-0.00019910323 0.99999997 -0.00013658289,
+ -0.001463021 0.9999987 -0.00068153894,-0.0023979506 0.99999593 -0.0015474555,
+ 0.00029493152 0.99999876 -0.0015451599,-0.00026893072 0.99999917 -0.001258692,
+ -0.00069521484 0.99999959 -0.00057184713,0 1 0,
+ 0.00018464289 0.99999997 -0.000151974,0.00070385736 0.99999954 -0.00065389796,
+ 0.00011188101 0.99999859 -0.0016763061,-8.0141059e-07 1 1.9331851e-06,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0017931139 0.9999981 -0.00076973105,0.0013878375 0.99999802 0.0014269924,
+ 0.00048455567 0.99999929 0.0010851201,6.725517e-05 0.99999999 0.00012157317,
+ 2.6783141e-06 1 2.4596657e-05,0.00018259798 0.99999973 -0.00070694,
+ 0.00046044478 0.99999975 0.00053245133,0.00027587875 0.99999973 -0.00068219464,
+ 0.0008254328 0.99999868 -0.0013966282,0.00092987603 0.999998 -0.0017718002,
+ 0.00010908147 0.99999954 -0.00094898591,-5.4922216e-05 0.99999998 -0.00020780408,
+ -0.00056797828 0.99999898 -0.0013079906,-2.9971498e-06 1 5.1748578e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 7.467631e-05 0.99999655 0.0026275972,-0.010291933 0.99994703 6.5773402e-05,
+ -0.010220214 0.99994777 0.00011483213,-0.00099137387 0.99999349 0.003470197,
+ -3.6221117e-05 0.9999999 0.00043971365,-8.7138893e-05 0.99999999 -7.9598027e-05,
+ -0.0009028984 0.99999959 -3.5804309e-05,7.5152068e-05 0.99999965 0.00083690982,
+ 0.00084930357 0.99999923 0.00090137051,0.001602679 0.99999854 0.0005969778,
+ 0.00078880026 0.99999957 -0.00048347173,0.00056710114 0.99999958 -0.00072221103,
+ 0.00059302385 0.99999969 0.00052424394,-5.259749e-06 1 1.6867471e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0019560262 0.99999804 0.00031013523,0.00080436112 0.99999768 0.0019989845,
+ 0.00012774106 0.99999962 0.00086099675,-1.9388427e-05 0.99999997 0.00022284983,
+ 0.0011782172 0.99999812 -0.0015413779,0.0014673231 0.99999866 -0.00072373487,
+ 0.00061795482 0.99999953 -0.00075285445,-0.00020585264 0.99999993 -0.00032650582,
+ 0.00034607184 0.9999999 -0.00028528036,0.0012642968 0.99999861 -0.0010855948,
+ 0.001834496 0.99999743 -0.0013292557,-6.7692004e-05 1 -2.055132e-05,
+ -0.00030029569 0.99999837 -0.0017792008,-0.0011180142 0.99999837 -0.0014196973,
+ -0.0020462957 0.99999791 4.4293765e-05,-0.00097706606 0.99999932 -0.00063458655,
+ -0.0013031901 0.99999898 0.00058159315,-0.00078401005 0.99999931 0.00087586542,
+ -0.00020842777 0.99999998 -1.4901003e-05,0.0010841863 0.99999907 -0.00082286607,
+ 7.0120439e-05 0.9999993 -0.001183599,0.0006912777 0.99999851 -0.0015792907,
+ -0.0006256757 0.99999844 -0.0016537852,-0.00094384433 0.9999984 -0.0015216181,
+ -0.0011894083 0.99999594 -0.0025899087,0.00024257357 0.99999976 -0.00065029002,
+ 0.0006169456 0.99999972 -0.00042281951,0.00035058903 0.99999974 -0.00063734633,
+ 0.00023525742 0.99999975 -0.00067424204,8.5596554e-05 0.99998512 -0.0054537191,
+ 0.017196078 0.99984954 -0.0022764992,0.0092954589 0.99995444 -0.0021725761,
+ 0.0057456263 0.99998197 -0.0017456308,0 0 1,
+ -0.00060726003 0.9999992 -0.0011106186,0.0013933122 0.99999835 -0.0011635016,
+ 0.0010152114 0.99999936 -0.00049713246,0.00040522003 0.99999979 -0.00049701609,
+ -0.00036151504 0.99999918 -0.0012295285,-0.0049760692 0.9999779 -0.0044099144,
+ -0.0018012825 0.99998962 0.004184429,-0.0087578409 0.99994375 -0.0059827521,
+ 0.00029542237 0.99999752 -0.0022061189,2.6016783e-05 1 -4.1290468e-06,
+ -0.00052461679 0.99999928 0.0010775638,-0.0016312589 0.99999597 0.0023230055,
+ -0.0022553014 0.99999676 0.0011796671,0.00051520485 0.99999939 -0.00097933354,
+ 0.0009976049 0.99999912 -0.00087059816,0.0016268836 0.9999983 -0.00086434788,
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+ -0.00047153353 0.99999829 -0.0017894207,-0.0010984419 0.99999907 -0.00080532689,
+ 4.4784283e-05 0.9999999 -0.0004428603,0.00040225646 0.9999997 -0.00065822267,
+ 0.00041660814 0.99999923 -0.0011729517,0.0006226361 0.99999975 0.00033778158,
+ -0.0010445477 0.99999891 0.0010429962,-0.0015271052 0.99999832 0.001015946,
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+ -0.0004749483 0.99999976 0.00050583281,-0.00058264192 0.99999959 0.00069418409,
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+ -0.0011787038 0.99999904 0.00072807761,-0.0012084236 0.99999765 0.0018001504,
+ -0.00038744905 0.99999986 0.00036701162,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.00098253099 0.9999995 0.00016733902,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,2.5171267e-05 0.99999999 -0.00013304493,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0010721863 0.99999934 0.00042034984,-0.001777255 0.99999819 -0.00067843742,
+ -0.0022356061 0.99999747 -0.00026378381,-0.0019118283 0.99999642 0.0018694806,
+ -0.00081484972 0.99999942 0.00070748084,-5.8262802e-05 1 3.021858e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0011965159 0.99999927 0.00018620691,-0.0018923676 0.99999788 0.00080912425,
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+ -0.00086130319 0.99999901 0.0011123073,-0.00075964937 0.99999861 0.0014840259,
+ -0.00091450808 0.99999953 0.00031293946,0.00085465044 0.99999962 -0.00019751771,
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+ -0.00092214143 0.99999675 0.0023766598,0.00038516624 0.99999835 0.0017776677,
+ -0.0001560454 0.99999998 0.00011123237,0.005571744 0.99998295 0.0017492685,
+ 0.0024300209 0.99999293 0.0028683511,-0.007782191 0.99994282 0.0073339638,
+ -0.0059067866 0.99996334 0.0061993958,0.00021128607 0.99999836 0.0017968407,
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+ -0.00083773523 0.99999965 4.9777185e-05,-0.0011369103 0.99999744 0.0019572548,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,1.4958545e-05 1 1.9165636e-05,
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+ 0.00046136425 0.99999894 -0.0013805472,0.0011366561 0.99999931 -0.00028789472,
+ 0.00012512042 0.99999999 -6.9296322e-06,-0.00043844261 0.99999909 -0.0012795482,
+ 0.0014159345 0.99999861 -0.00087679353,-0.0010537675 0.99999902 -0.00091847157,
+ 1.6212396e-05 1 4.884683e-05,0.00014716074 0.99999996 0.00025546699,
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+ -3.6448538e-05 0.99999999 0.00011588093,6.6411045e-05 0.99999997 0.00021794241,
+ 1.0134227e-05 1 4.2245587e-05,-0.0013871643 0.99999877 -0.00073445445,
+ -0.0014086201 0.99999881 0.00063334617,-0.00067178851 0.9999993 0.00097806285,
+ -6.4092636e-05 1 3.7241253e-05,-5.2951269e-05 1 7.9413258e-05,
+ 0.00092109291 0.99999945 -0.0005001771,0.00069325252 0.99999976 -5.8177223e-05,
+ 0.0003336485 0.99999994 -1.2932786e-05,1.5205428e-05 1 -8.7648174e-07,
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+ 0.0010061064 0.99999941 -0.00040290141,0.00031539292 0.99999968 -0.00073071753,
+ 0.00022251541 0.99999809 0.0019395378,5.5847763e-07 1 -1.7646717e-06,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 1.1733977e-06 1 -2.4470605e-08,0 1 0,
+ 0.00099501026 0.99999887 -0.0011303631,-1.4793495e-05 0.999999 -0.0014143378,
+ 0.0013626953 0.9999984 -0.0011558571,-0.0010732113 0.9999983 -0.0014967124,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 1.3047152e-05 1 -1.2457878e-05,0.00017442555 0.99999998 -9.4476173e-05,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,1.4702512e-05 1 2.030764e-06,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0.00028484595 0.99999858 -0.0016613091,
+ 0.0005630113 0.99999863 -0.0015546961,-9.4005621e-05 0.99999975 -0.00069711755,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.0010935229 0.99999832 0.0014718513,
+ -8.2256989e-05 0.99999923 0.0012355745,-0.00044142271 0.99999982 0.00039777052,
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+ -0.0002202014 0.99999977 0.00064322832,4.4231069e-05 0.99999958 0.00091432381,
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+ 0.0016340647 0.99999822 -0.00094094014,0.00094881175 0.99999832 -0.0015695563,
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+ -0.0006229136 0.99999972 -0.00040447322,-0.00015709616 0.99999996 -0.00023734368,
+ 4.5820472e-05 0.99999999 9.756267e-05,0.00035059731 0.99999992 0.0001849856,
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+ -0.0002763345 0.99999939 0.0010675533,-0.00043029602 0.99999986 0.00031311321,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.0013301621 0.9999988 -0.00079187664,
+ 0.00025241777 0.99999869 -0.0016011586,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.00035982643 0.99999965 -0.00075064283,-8.5764388e-05 0.99999988 -0.00047745541,
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+ 0.00086801493 0.99999857 -0.0014525476,-0.0001346624 0.9999997 -0.00075815992,
+ 0.00045659247 0.99999988 0.00020233265,-0.00010866619 0.99999999 0.00010731955,
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+ 0.00051841649 0.9999993 0.0010668258,0.0012595537 0.99999889 0.00080031388,
+ 0.0002835946 0.99999792 0.0020214611,1.0642448e-06 1 3.704176e-05,
+ 0 1 0,-5.9740769e-06 0.99999997 -0.00024919532,
+ -0.00022181352 0.99999811 -0.0019332841,0.001420779 0.99999684 -0.0020738833,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1973 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1973 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1973 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.721758,-1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.721758,
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 -1.7922842,-1.551186 3.8814961 -1.7922842] }
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+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1973 Normal { vector [
+ 0.34680591 0 -0.93793692,0.34680591 0 -0.93793692,
+ 0.34680591 0 -0.93793692,0.34680591 0 -0.93793692] }
+DEF SHAPE_1974 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1974 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1974 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.721758,-1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.721758,
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 -1.7922842,-1.551186 3.8814961 -1.7922842] }
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+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1974 Normal { vector [
+ -0.34680591 0 0.93793692,-0.34680591 0 0.93793692,
+ -0.34680591 0 0.93793692,-0.34680591 0 0.93793692] }
+DEF SHAPE_1975 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1975 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1975 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 -1.7922842,-1.551186 3.8814961 -1.7922842,
+ -1.6147596 3.8818898 -1.8205537,-1.6784369 3.8818898 -1.8393477,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 -1.8393477,-1.6147596 3.8814961 -1.8205537] }
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+ 2,4,3,-1,2,5,4,-1,0,1,5,-1,0,5,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1975 Normal { vector [
+ 0.40631336 0 -0.9137338,0.40631336 0 -0.9137338,
+ 0.3260801 0 -0.94534214,0.28307267 0 -0.95909846,
+ 0.28307267 0 -0.95909846,0.3671984 0 -0.93014264] }
+DEF SHAPE_1976 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1976 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1976 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 -1.7922842,-1.551186 3.8814961 -1.7922842,
+ -1.6147596 3.8818898 -1.8205537,-1.6784369 3.8818898 -1.8393477,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 -1.8393477,-1.6147596 3.8814961 -1.8205537] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,2,3,-1,5,2,4,-1,1,0,5,-1,5,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1976 Normal { vector [
+ -0.40631336 0 0.9137338,-0.40631336 0 0.9137338,
+ -0.3260801 0 0.94534214,-0.28307267 0 0.95909846,
+ -0.28307267 0 0.95909846,-0.3671984 0 0.93014264] }
+DEF SHAPE_1977 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1977 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1977 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6784369 3.8818898 -1.8393477,-1.6784369 3.8814961 -1.8393477,
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 -1.8899996,-1.5415249 3.8814961 -1.8899996] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1977 Normal { vector [
+ 0.34697562 0 0.93787415,0.34697562 0 0.93787415,
+ 0.34697562 0 0.93787415,0.34697562 0 0.93787415] }
+DEF SHAPE_1978 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1978 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1978 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6784369 3.8818898 -1.8393477,-1.6784369 3.8814961 -1.8393477,
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 -1.8899996,-1.5415249 3.8814961 -1.8899996] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1978 Normal { vector [
+ -0.34697562 0 -0.93787415,-0.34697562 0 -0.93787415,
+ -0.34697562 0 -0.93787415,-0.34697562 0 -0.93787415] }
+DEF SHAPE_1979 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1979 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1979 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 -1.8899996,-1.5415249 3.8814961 -1.8899996,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.9569374,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.9569374] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1979 Normal { vector [
+ 0.34673218 0 0.93796417,0.34673218 0 0.93796417,
+ 0.34673218 0 0.93796417,0.34673218 0 0.93796417] }
+DEF SHAPE_1980 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1980 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1980 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 -1.8899996,-1.5415249 3.8814961 -1.8899996,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.9569374,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.9569374] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1980 Normal { vector [
+ -0.34673218 0 -0.93796417,-0.34673218 0 -0.93796417,
+ -0.34673218 0 -0.93796417,-0.34673218 0 -0.93796417] }
+DEF SHAPE_1981 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1981 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1981 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.9569374,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.9569374,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.721758,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.721758] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1981 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1982 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1982 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1982 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.9569374,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.9569374,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 -1.721758,-1.3604478 3.8814961 -1.721758] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1982 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1983 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1983 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1983 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 1.3521366,-1.3604478 3.8818898 1.3521366,
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 1.2816104,-1.551186 3.8814961 1.2816104] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1983 Normal { vector [
+ 0.34680591 0 -0.93793692,0.34680591 0 -0.93793692,
+ 0.34680591 0 -0.93793692,0.34680591 0 -0.93793692] }
+DEF SHAPE_1984 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1984 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1984 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8814961 1.3521366,-1.3604478 3.8818898 1.3521366,
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 1.2816104,-1.551186 3.8814961 1.2816104] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1984 Normal { vector [
+ -0.34680591 0 0.93793692,-0.34680591 0 0.93793692,
+ -0.34680591 0 0.93793692,-0.34680591 0 0.93793692] }
+DEF SHAPE_1985 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1985 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1985 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 1.2816104,-1.551186 3.8814961 1.2816104,
+ -1.6147596 3.8818898 1.2533409,-1.6784369 3.8818898 1.2345469,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 1.2345469,-1.6147596 3.8814961 1.2533409] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,4,3,-1,2,5,4,-1,0,1,5,-1,0,5,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1985 Normal { vector [
+ 0.40631336 0 -0.9137338,0.40631336 0 -0.9137338,
+ 0.3260801 0 -0.94534214,0.28307267 0 -0.95909846,
+ 0.28307267 0 -0.95909846,0.3671984 0 -0.93014264] }
+DEF SHAPE_1986 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1986 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1986 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 1.2816104,-1.551186 3.8814961 1.2816104,
+ -1.6147596 3.8818898 1.2533409,-1.6784369 3.8818898 1.2345469,
+ -1.6784369 3.8814961 1.2345469,-1.6147596 3.8814961 1.2533409] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,2,3,-1,5,2,4,-1,1,0,5,-1,5,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1986 Normal { vector [
+ -0.40631336 0 0.9137338,-0.40631336 0 0.9137338,
+ -0.3260801 0 0.94534214,-0.28307267 0 0.95909846,
+ -0.28307267 0 0.95909846,-0.3671984 0 0.93014264] }
+DEF SHAPE_1987 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1987 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1987 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6784369 3.8818898 1.2345469,-1.6784369 3.8814961 1.2345469,
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 1.183895,-1.5415249 3.8814961 1.183895] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1987 Normal { vector [
+ 0.34697562 0 0.93787415,0.34697562 0 0.93787415,
+ 0.34697562 0 0.93787415,0.34697562 0 0.93787415] }
+DEF SHAPE_1988 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1988 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1988 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6784369 3.8818898 1.2345469,-1.6784369 3.8814961 1.2345469,
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 1.183895,-1.5415249 3.8814961 1.183895] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1988 Normal { vector [
+ -0.34697562 0 -0.93787415,-0.34697562 0 -0.93787415,
+ -0.34697562 0 -0.93787415,-0.34697562 0 -0.93787415] }
+DEF SHAPE_1989 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1989 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1989 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 1.183895,-1.5415249 3.8814961 1.183895,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.1169572,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.1169572] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1989 Normal { vector [
+ 0.34673218 0 0.93796417,0.34673218 0 0.93796417,
+ 0.34673218 0 0.93796417,0.34673218 0 0.93796417] }
+DEF SHAPE_1990 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1990 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1990 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5415249 3.8818898 1.183895,-1.5415249 3.8814961 1.183895,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.1169572,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.1169572] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1990 Normal { vector [
+ -0.34673218 0 -0.93796417,-0.34673218 0 -0.93796417,
+ -0.34673218 0 -0.93796417,-0.34673218 0 -0.93796417] }
+DEF SHAPE_1991 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1991 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1991 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.1169572,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.1169572,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.3521366,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.3521366] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1991 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1992 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1992 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1992 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.1169572,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.1169572,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.3521366,-1.3604478 3.8814961 1.3521366] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1992 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1993 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1993 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1993 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.98696027,-1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.79566995,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.79566995] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1993 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1994 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1994 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1994 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.98696027,-1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.79566995,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.79566995] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1994 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_1995 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1995 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1995 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.79566995,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.79566995,
+ -1.5732686 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.5732686 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1995 Normal { vector [
+ 0.61051937 0 -0.79200132,0.61051937 0 -0.79200132,
+ 0.61051937 0 -0.79200132,0.61051937 0 -0.79200132] }
+DEF SHAPE_1996 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1996 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1996 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.79566995,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.79566995,
+ -1.5732686 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.5732686 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1996 Normal { vector [
+ -0.61051937 0 0.79200132,-0.61051937 0 0.79200132,
+ -0.61051937 0 0.79200132,-0.61051937 0 0.79200132] }
+DEF SHAPE_1997 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1997 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1997 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5732686 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.5732686 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1997 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1998 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1998 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1998 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5732686 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.5732686 3.8814961 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.3251157 3.8814961 -0.98696027] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,0,2,-1,1,0,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1998 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+DEF SHAPE_1999 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_1999 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_1999 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.46875704 3.8814961 -1.6023862,0.46875704 3.8818898 -1.6023862,
+ 0.46723817 3.8818898 -1.5868145,0.46415523 3.8818898 -1.5786397,
+ 0.45886965 3.8818898 -1.5717906,0.45103299 3.8818898 -1.566138,
+ 0.44025704 3.8818898 -1.5613862,0.44025704 3.8814961 -1.5613862,
+ 0.45388728 3.8814961 -1.5678645,0.46190343 3.8814961 -1.5751729,
+ 0.46509709 3.8814961 -1.5805158,0.46724836 3.8814961 -1.5868569] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,7,6,-1,8,7,5,-1,4,8,5,-1,9,8,4,-1,10,9,3,-1,2,11,10,-1,2,10,3,-1,1,0,11,-1,
+ 1,11,2,-1,3,9,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_1999 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.48624681 0.46870842 -0.7374798,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2000 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2000 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2000 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.46875704 3.8814961 -1.6023862,0.46875704 3.8818898 -1.6023862,
+ 0.46723817 3.8818898 -1.5868145,0.46415523 3.8818898 -1.5786397,
+ 0.45886965 3.8818898 -1.5717906,0.45103299 3.8818898 -1.566138,
+ 0.44025704 3.8818898 -1.5613862,0.44025704 3.8814961 -1.5613862,
+ 0.45388728 3.8814961 -1.5678645,0.46190343 3.8814961 -1.5751729,
+ 0.46509709 3.8814961 -1.5805158,0.46724836 3.8814961 -1.5868569] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 7,5,6,-1,7,8,5,-1,8,4,5,-1,8,9,4,-1,9,10,3,-1,11,2,10,-1,10,2,3,-1,0,1,11,-1,
+ 11,1,2,-1,9,3,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2000 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.48624681 -0.46870842 0.7374798,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2001 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2001 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2001 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44025704 3.8818898 -1.5613862,0.44025704 3.8814961 -1.5613862,
+ 0.34084963 3.8818898 -1.5494048,0.24066445 3.8818898 -1.5555344,
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 -1.5738862,0.14425704 3.8814961 -1.5738862,
+ 0.27386472 3.8814961 -1.5518423,0.35759457 3.8814961 -1.5499849] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,6,5,3,-1,7,6,2,-1,0,1,7,-1,0,7,2,-1,2,6,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2001 Normal { vector [
+ -0.05746957 -0.89244243 -0.44748604,-0.1366327 0 -0.99062178,
+ -0.0061593577 -0.89949884 -0.43687972,0.1172842 0.55682655 -0.82230688,
+ 0.18699938 0 -0.98236003,0.059124504 0.94184592 -0.33080289,
+ 0.056920313 0.80226567 -0.59424731,-0.069133278 -0.51620261 -0.85367175] }
+DEF SHAPE_2002 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2002 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2002 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.44025704 3.8818898 -1.5613862,0.44025704 3.8814961 -1.5613862,
+ 0.34084963 3.8818898 -1.5494048,0.24066445 3.8818898 -1.5555344,
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 -1.5738862,0.14425704 3.8814961 -1.5738862,
+ 0.27386472 3.8814961 -1.5518423,0.35759457 3.8814961 -1.5499849] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,3,4,-1,5,6,3,-1,6,7,2,-1,1,0,7,-1,7,0,2,-1,6,2,3,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2002 Normal { vector [
+ 0.05746957 0.89244243 0.44748604,0.1366327 0 0.99062178,
+ 0.0061593577 0.89949884 0.43687972,-0.1172842 -0.55682655 0.82230688,
+ -0.18699938 0 0.98236003,-0.059124504 -0.94184592 0.33080289,
+ -0.056920313 -0.80226567 0.59424731,0.069133278 0.51620261 0.85367175] }
+DEF SHAPE_2003 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2003 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2003 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 -1.5738862,0.14425704 3.8814961 -1.5738862,
+ 0.14509037 3.8818898 -1.580951,0.14978738 3.8818898 -1.5913934,
+ 0.17063204 3.8818898 -1.6221362,0.20825704 3.8818898 -1.6673862,
+ 0.20825704 3.8814961 -1.6673862,0.17063204 3.8814961 -1.6221362,
+ 0.14980675 3.8814961 -1.5914289,0.14509166 3.8814961 -1.580955] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,6,5,-1,4,7,6,-1,8,7,4,-1,3,8,4,-1,9,8,3,-1,2,9,3,-1,1,9,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2003 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.86287869 -0.0047843809 0.50538844,
+ 0.79253382 -0.0018934861 0.60982502,0.76891724 0 0.63934832,
+ 0.76891724 0 0.63934832,0.79251535 0 0.60985196,
+ 0.84038574 -0.0031778358 0.54197944,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2004 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2004 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2004 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 -1.5738862,0.14425704 3.8814961 -1.5738862,
+ 0.14509037 3.8818898 -1.580951,0.14978738 3.8818898 -1.5913934,
+ 0.17063204 3.8818898 -1.6221362,0.20825704 3.8818898 -1.6673862,
+ 0.20825704 3.8814961 -1.6673862,0.17063204 3.8814961 -1.6221362,
+ 0.14980675 3.8814961 -1.5914289,0.14509166 3.8814961 -1.580955] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,4,5,-1,7,4,6,-1,7,8,4,-1,8,3,4,-1,8,9,3,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2004 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.86287869 0.0047843809 -0.50538844,
+ -0.79253382 0.0018934861 -0.60982502,-0.76891724 0 -0.63934832,
+ -0.76891724 0 -0.63934832,-0.79251535 0 -0.60985196,
+ -0.84038574 0.0031778358 -0.54197944,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2005 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2005 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2005 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20825704 3.8818898 -1.6673862,0.20825704 3.8814961 -1.6673862,
+ 0.22961103 3.8818898 -1.6724047,0.27614494 3.8818898 -1.6700062,
+ 0.32375704 3.8818898 -1.6633862,0.32375704 3.8814961 -1.6633862,
+ 0.26450704 3.8814961 -1.6715737,0.23310944 3.8814961 -1.6727221,
+ 0.22005973 3.8814961 -1.6708836] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,6,5,3,-1,8,7,2,-1,0,1,8,-1,0,8,2,-1,2,6,3,-1,2,7,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2005 Normal { vector [
+ 0.16352359 -0.75358738 0.63668367,0 0 1,
+ 0.015393436 -0.85255396 0.52241247,-0.091258366 -0.57422905 0.8135926,
+ -0.13771399 0 0.99047204,-0.13703454 0.056570262 0.98894961,
+ -0.058945257 -0.72226735 0.68909747,0.01290893 -0.55557354 0.83136719,
+ 0.17863816 -0.57672176 0.79717025] }
+DEF SHAPE_2006 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2006 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2006 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.20825704 3.8818898 -1.6673862,0.20825704 3.8814961 -1.6673862,
+ 0.22961103 3.8818898 -1.6724047,0.27614494 3.8818898 -1.6700062,
+ 0.32375704 3.8818898 -1.6633862,0.32375704 3.8814961 -1.6633862,
+ 0.26450704 3.8814961 -1.6715737,0.23310944 3.8814961 -1.6727221,
+ 0.22005973 3.8814961 -1.6708836] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,3,4,-1,5,6,3,-1,7,8,2,-1,1,0,8,-1,8,0,2,-1,6,2,3,-1,7,2,6,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2006 Normal { vector [
+ -0.16352359 0.75358738 -0.63668367,0 0 1,
+ -0.015393436 0.85255396 -0.52241247,0.091258366 0.57422905 -0.8135926,
+ 0.13771399 0 -0.99047204,0.13703454 -0.056570262 -0.98894961,
+ 0.058945257 0.72226735 -0.68909747,-0.01290893 0.55557354 -0.83136719,
+ -0.17863816 0.57672176 -0.79717025] }
+DEF SHAPE_2007 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2007 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2007 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.32375704 3.8818898 -1.6633862,0.32375704 3.8814961 -1.6633862,
+ 0.39488187 3.8818898 -1.6453972,0.42838667 3.8818898 -1.6327566,
+ 0.45048158 3.8818898 -1.6196825,0.46875704 3.8818898 -1.6023862,
+ 0.46875704 3.8814961 -1.6023862,0.45048158 3.8814961 -1.6196825,
+ 0.42838667 3.8814961 -1.6327566,0.37712741 3.8814961 -1.6503492] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,6,5,-1,4,7,6,-1,3,8,7,-1,3,7,4,-1,2,8,3,-1,9,8,2,-1,0,1,9,-1,0,9,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2007 Normal { vector [
+ -0.20276868 -0.54487753 0.81362973,-0.23729759 0 0.971437,
+ -0.27439828 0.37127277 0.88705249,-0.44667407 0 0.89469675,
+ -0.63072753 0 0.77600437,0 0 1,
+ -0.68738223 0 0.72629586,-0.57097891 0 0.82096473,
+ -0.2302336 0.79010358 0.56809226,-0.25103037 0.33688546 0.90746457] }
+DEF SHAPE_2008 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2008 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2008 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.32375704 3.8818898 -1.6633862,0.32375704 3.8814961 -1.6633862,
+ 0.39488187 3.8818898 -1.6453972,0.42838667 3.8818898 -1.6327566,
+ 0.45048158 3.8818898 -1.6196825,0.46875704 3.8818898 -1.6023862,
+ 0.46875704 3.8814961 -1.6023862,0.45048158 3.8814961 -1.6196825,
+ 0.42838667 3.8814961 -1.6327566,0.37712741 3.8814961 -1.6503492] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,4,5,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,3,7,-1,7,3,4,-1,8,2,3,-1,8,9,2,-1,1,0,9,-1,9,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2008 Normal { vector [
+ 0.20276868 0.54487753 -0.81362973,0.23729759 0 -0.971437,
+ 0.27439828 -0.37127277 -0.88705249,0.44667407 0 -0.89469675,
+ 0.63072753 0 -0.77600437,0 0 1,
+ 0.68738223 0 -0.72629586,0.57097891 0 -0.82096473,
+ 0.2302336 -0.79010358 -0.56809226,0.25103037 -0.33688546 -0.90746457] }
+DEF SHAPE_2009 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2009 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2009 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.22024296 3.8816929 -1.1478862,-0.20194145 3.8817959 -1.165913,
+ -0.18028124 3.8818547 -1.1784291,-0.15592135 3.8818818 -1.1850891,
+ -0.13530275 3.8818888 -1.1859882,-0.11374296 3.8818898 -1.1828862,
+ -0.11374296 3.8814961 -1.1828862,-0.14395478 3.8814989 -1.1860922,
+ -0.16933806 3.8815154 -1.1822503,-0.1901535 3.8815523 -1.1736397,
+ -0.20626578 3.8816083 -1.1624192] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 4,6,5,-1,7,6,4,-1,8,7,3,-1,9,8,2,-1,10,9,1,-1,0,10,1,-1,1,9,2,-1,2,8,3,-1,
+ 3,7,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2009 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.29313325 -0.86560765 0.40595109,
+ 0.25325852 -0.74209008 0.62061456,0.14841764 -0.34225357 0.92781178,
+ -0.066418844 0.45969585 0.88558922,0 0 1,
+ -0.077276358 0.76908684 0.63445551,0.012128861 0.76838487 0.63987309,
+ 0.22234671 0.50541497 0.83373716,0.47024543 0.14452035 0.87062225,
+ 0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2010 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2010 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2010 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.22024296 3.8816929 -1.1478862,-0.20194145 3.8817959 -1.165913,
+ -0.18028124 3.8818547 -1.1784291,-0.15592135 3.8818818 -1.1850891,
+ -0.13530275 3.8818888 -1.1859882,-0.11374296 3.8818898 -1.1828862,
+ -0.11374296 3.8814961 -1.1828862,-0.14395478 3.8814989 -1.1860922,
+ -0.16933806 3.8815154 -1.1822503,-0.1901535 3.8815523 -1.1736397,
+ -0.20626578 3.8816083 -1.1624192] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,4,5,-1,6,7,4,-1,7,8,3,-1,8,9,2,-1,9,10,1,-1,10,0,1,-1,9,1,2,-1,8,2,3,-1,
+ 7,3,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2010 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.29313325 0.86560765 -0.40595109,
+ -0.25325852 0.74209008 -0.62061456,-0.14841764 0.34225357 -0.92781178,
+ 0.066418844 -0.45969585 -0.88558922,0 0 1,
+ 0.077276358 -0.76908684 -0.63445551,-0.012128861 -0.76838487 -0.63987309,
+ -0.22234671 -0.50541497 -0.83373716,-0.47024543 -0.14452035 -0.87062225,
+ 0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2011 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2011 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2011 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.11374296 3.8818898 -1.1828862,-0.11374296 3.8814961 -1.1828862,
+ -0.020205924 3.8818825 -1.1500714,0.059886669 3.8818314 -1.098701,
+ 0.12875704 3.8816929 -1.0288862,0.059886669 3.8815544 -1.098701,
+ -0.020205924 3.8815034 -1.1500714] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,2,6,5,-1,2,5,3,-1,0,1,6,-1,0,6,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2011 Normal { vector [
+ -0.33104102 0 0.94361636,-0.33104102 0 0.94361636,
+ -0.46436038 0 0.88564634,-0.63107173 0 0.77572448,
+ -0.71190566 0 0.70227511,-0.59513337 0 0.80362695,
+ -0.40025842 0 0.91640231] }
+DEF SHAPE_2012 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2012 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2012 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.11374296 3.8818898 -1.1828862,-0.11374296 3.8814961 -1.1828862,
+ -0.020205924 3.8818825 -1.1500714,0.059886669 3.8818314 -1.098701,
+ 0.12875704 3.8816929 -1.0288862,0.059886669 3.8815544 -1.098701,
+ -0.020205924 3.8815034 -1.1500714] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,3,4,-1,6,2,5,-1,5,2,3,-1,1,0,6,-1,6,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2012 Normal { vector [
+ 0.33104102 0 -0.94361636,0.33104102 0 -0.94361636,
+ 0.46436038 0 -0.88564634,0.63107173 0 -0.77572448,
+ 0.71190566 0 -0.70227511,0.59513337 0 -0.80362695,
+ 0.40025842 0 -0.91640231] }
+DEF SHAPE_2013 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2013 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2013 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.11675704 3.8814961 -1.6708862,0.11675704 3.8818898 -1.6708862,
+ 0.11579735 3.8818898 -1.6596729,0.11217634 3.8818898 -1.6484144,
+ 0.10411992 3.8818898 -1.6337143,0.083607333 3.8818898 -1.609273,
+ 0.062257039 3.8818898 -1.5908862,0.062257039 3.8814961 -1.5908862,
+ 0.086275558 3.8814961 -1.6119603,0.10807185 3.8814961 -1.6401455,
+ 0.11473389 3.8814961 -1.6554811,0.1164104 3.8814961 -1.6632106] }
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+ 5,7,6,-1,8,7,5,-1,9,8,4,-1,10,9,3,-1,2,10,3,-1,11,10,2,-1,1,0,11,-1,1,11,2,-1,
+ 3,9,4,-1,4,8,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2013 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.91010865 -0.091261445 -0.404195,
+ -0.74973822 0.35118178 -0.56086001,-0.69540099 -0.049145003 -0.71693949,
+ 0 0 1,-0.61919414 0.33136143 -0.71189762,
+ -0.61124254 0.56901733 -0.55009258,-0.56359485 0.74660413 -0.35347295,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2014 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2014 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2014 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.11675704 3.8814961 -1.6708862,0.11675704 3.8818898 -1.6708862,
+ 0.11579735 3.8818898 -1.6596729,0.11217634 3.8818898 -1.6484144,
+ 0.10411992 3.8818898 -1.6337143,0.083607333 3.8818898 -1.609273,
+ 0.062257039 3.8818898 -1.5908862,0.062257039 3.8814961 -1.5908862,
+ 0.086275558 3.8814961 -1.6119603,0.10807185 3.8814961 -1.6401455,
+ 0.11473389 3.8814961 -1.6554811,0.1164104 3.8814961 -1.6632106] }
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+ 7,5,6,-1,7,8,5,-1,8,9,4,-1,9,10,3,-1,10,2,3,-1,10,11,2,-1,0,1,11,-1,11,1,2,-1,
+ 9,3,4,-1,8,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2014 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.91010865 0.091261445 0.404195,
+ 0.74973822 -0.35118178 0.56086001,0.69540099 0.049145003 0.71693949,
+ 0 0 1,0.61919414 -0.33136143 0.71189762,
+ 0.61124254 -0.56901733 0.55009258,0.56359485 -0.74660413 0.35347295,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2015 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2015 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2015 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.062257039 3.8818898 -1.5908862,0.062257039 3.8814961 -1.5908862,
+ 0.045332208 3.8818898 -1.588287,0.021398024 3.8818898 -1.5891282,
+ 0.0050605007 3.8818898 -1.5930695,-0.0013116871 3.8818898 -1.5963044,
+ -0.0057675368 3.8818898 -1.6002244,-0.0084859064 3.8818898 -1.6054406,
+ -0.0087429609 3.8818898 -1.6113862,-0.0087429609 3.8814961 -1.6113862,
+ -0.0074399737 3.8814961 -1.60274,-0.00069881114 3.8814961 -1.5959109,
+ 0.0087759869 3.8814961 -1.5917793,0.033242941 3.8814961 -1.588164,
+ 0.050434551 3.8814961 -1.5886771] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 7,9,8,-1,10,9,7,-1,6,10,7,-1,11,6,5,-1,11,10,6,-1,4,11,5,-1,12,11,4,-1,13,12,3,-1,
+ 14,13,2,-1,0,1,14,-1,0,14,2,-1,2,13,3,-1,3,12,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2015 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.032239373 -0.56560246 -0.82404762,0.12862997 -0.012290085 -0.9916165,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.45899058 0.56552578 -0.68520671,
+ 0.17822876 0.61678096 -0.76669144,0.055823823 0.36698074 -0.92855201,
+ -0.113936 -0.13993305 -0.98358392] }
+DEF SHAPE_2016 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2016 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2016 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.062257039 3.8818898 -1.5908862,0.062257039 3.8814961 -1.5908862,
+ 0.045332208 3.8818898 -1.588287,0.021398024 3.8818898 -1.5891282,
+ 0.0050605007 3.8818898 -1.5930695,-0.0013116871 3.8818898 -1.5963044,
+ -0.0057675368 3.8818898 -1.6002244,-0.0084859064 3.8818898 -1.6054406,
+ -0.0087429609 3.8818898 -1.6113862,-0.0087429609 3.8814961 -1.6113862,
+ -0.0074399737 3.8814961 -1.60274,-0.00069881114 3.8814961 -1.5959109,
+ 0.0087759869 3.8814961 -1.5917793,0.033242941 3.8814961 -1.588164,
+ 0.050434551 3.8814961 -1.5886771] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 9,7,8,-1,9,10,7,-1,10,6,7,-1,6,11,5,-1,10,11,6,-1,11,4,5,-1,11,12,4,-1,12,13,3,-1,
+ 13,14,2,-1,1,0,14,-1,14,0,2,-1,13,2,3,-1,12,3,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2016 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.032239373 0.56560246 0.82404762,-0.12862997 0.012290085 0.9916165,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.45899058 -0.56552578 0.68520671,
+ -0.17822876 -0.61678096 0.76669144,-0.055823823 -0.36698074 0.92855201,
+ 0.113936 0.13993305 0.98358392] }
+DEF SHAPE_2017 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2017 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2017 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.0087429609 3.8818898 -1.6113862,-0.0087429609 3.8814961 -1.6113862,
+ -0.0044156034 3.8818898 -1.6215819,0.0030500991 3.8818898 -1.6319426,
+ 0.016884539 3.8818898 -1.6453747,0.036175221 3.8818898 -1.6589602,
+ 0.057528517 3.8818898 -1.6697291,0.078988429 3.8818898 -1.676434,
+ 0.096776874 3.8818898 -1.6779628,0.10777175 3.8818898 -1.6759184,
+ 0.11675704 3.8818898 -1.6708862,0.11675704 3.8814961 -1.6708862,
+ 0.11037492 3.8814961 -1.6748872,0.10255595 3.8814961 -1.6772817,
+ 0.090074378 3.8814961 -1.6779343,0.067650734 3.8814961 -1.6734403,
+ 0.034978972 3.8814961 -1.6582358,0.013416679 3.8814961 -1.6424034,
+ 0.00087294891 3.8814961 -1.6292961,-0.0051565186 3.8814961 -1.6202605] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 12,11,10,-1,9,12,10,-1,13,12,9,-1,8,13,9,-1,14,13,8,-1,15,14,7,-1,16,6,5,-1,16,15,6,-1,
+ 4,16,5,-1,17,16,4,-1,3,17,4,-1,18,17,3,-1,2,18,3,-1,19,18,2,-1,0,1,19,-1,0,19,2,-1,
+ 6,15,7,-1,7,14,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2017 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0.72490045 -0.18021604 0.66486203,
+ 0.61594379 0.051598148 0.78609851,0.51392928 0.01648863 0.85767407,
+ 0.32170899 0.58673848 0.74312938,0.19759338 -0.21038848 0.95744114,
+ -0.024537984 -0.49819163 0.86671967,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0.089378648 0.47207448 0.87701604,0.21264465 0.7580537 0.61655238,
+ 0.36119456 0.6976929 0.61867852,0.62859928 0.31470736 0.7112118,
+ 0.76656164 0.18779251 0.6140987,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2018 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2018 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2018 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.0087429609 3.8818898 -1.6113862,-0.0087429609 3.8814961 -1.6113862,
+ -0.0044156034 3.8818898 -1.6215819,0.0030500991 3.8818898 -1.6319426,
+ 0.016884539 3.8818898 -1.6453747,0.036175221 3.8818898 -1.6589602,
+ 0.057528517 3.8818898 -1.6697291,0.078988429 3.8818898 -1.676434,
+ 0.096776874 3.8818898 -1.6779628,0.10777175 3.8818898 -1.6759184,
+ 0.11675704 3.8818898 -1.6708862,0.11675704 3.8814961 -1.6708862,
+ 0.11037492 3.8814961 -1.6748872,0.10255595 3.8814961 -1.6772817,
+ 0.090074378 3.8814961 -1.6779343,0.067650734 3.8814961 -1.6734403,
+ 0.034978972 3.8814961 -1.6582358,0.013416679 3.8814961 -1.6424034,
+ 0.00087294891 3.8814961 -1.6292961,-0.0051565186 3.8814961 -1.6202605] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 11,12,10,-1,12,9,10,-1,12,13,9,-1,13,8,9,-1,13,14,8,-1,14,15,7,-1,6,16,5,-1,15,16,6,-1,
+ 16,4,5,-1,16,17,4,-1,17,3,4,-1,17,18,3,-1,18,2,3,-1,18,19,2,-1,1,0,19,-1,19,0,2,-1,
+ 15,6,7,-1,14,7,8,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2018 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,-0.72490045 0.18021604 -0.66486203,
+ -0.61594379 -0.051598148 -0.78609851,-0.51392928 -0.01648863 -0.85767407,
+ -0.32170899 -0.58673848 -0.74312938,-0.19759338 0.21038848 -0.95744114,
+ 0.024537984 0.49819163 -0.86671967,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ -0.089378648 -0.47207448 -0.87701604,-0.21264465 -0.7580537 -0.61655238,
+ -0.36119456 -0.6976929 -0.61867852,-0.62859928 -0.31470736 -0.7112118,
+ -0.76656164 -0.18779251 -0.6140987,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2019 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2019 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2019 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.13924296 3.8816929 0.53111377,-0.15333642 3.8817267 0.53331756,
+ -0.23106276 3.8818137 0.52229947,-0.35616133 3.8818694 0.48459331,
+ -0.51174296 3.8818898 0.42461377,-0.51174296 3.8814961 0.42461377,
+ -0.16826422 3.8816343 0.53310759,-0.15195627 3.8816619 0.53323799] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,5,4,-1,2,5,3,-1,6,5,2,-1,7,6,1,-1,0,7,1,-1,1,6,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2019 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0.0060541684 -0.9975242 -0.070062893,
+ 0.0085823332 0.99953637 -0.029212922,0.024992187 0.99716076 -0.071033842,
+ 0.35971276 0 -0.93306309,0.013072039 0.99913731 -0.039417669,
+ 0.0074443904 0.99960697 -0.027027489,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2020 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2020 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2020 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.13924296 3.8816929 0.53111377,-0.15333642 3.8817267 0.53331756,
+ -0.23106276 3.8818137 0.52229947,-0.35616133 3.8818694 0.48459331,
+ -0.51174296 3.8818898 0.42461377,-0.51174296 3.8814961 0.42461377,
+ -0.16826422 3.8816343 0.53310759,-0.15195627 3.8816619 0.53323799] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,3,4,-1,5,2,3,-1,5,6,2,-1,6,7,1,-1,7,0,1,-1,6,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2020 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,-0.0060541684 0.9975242 0.070062893,
+ -0.0085823332 -0.99953637 0.029212922,-0.024992187 -0.99716076 0.071033842,
+ -0.35971276 0 0.93306309,-0.013072039 -0.99913731 0.039417669,
+ -0.0074443904 -0.99960697 0.027027489,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2021 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2021 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2021 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.51174296 3.8818898 0.42461377,-0.51174296 3.8814961 0.42461377,
+ -0.58143046 3.8818898 0.37873877,-0.61477939 3.8818898 0.34733551,
+ -0.63724296 3.8818898 0.31261377,-0.63724296 3.8814961 0.31261377,
+ -0.61629216 3.8814961 0.34551845,-0.59464586 3.8814961 0.36781853,
+ -0.56642512 3.8814961 0.38969476] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,5,4,-1,7,6,3,-1,8,7,2,-1,0,1,8,-1,0,8,2,-1,2,7,3,-1,3,6,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2021 Normal { vector [
+ 0.33430538 -0.78956691 -0.51461055,0.53820514 0 -0.84281387,
+ 0.31237006 -0.85524216 -0.4135043,0.4744472 -0.77599636 -0.41560738,
+ 0.78920753 -0.34706919 -0.50665023,0 0 1,
+ 0.80238418 -0.13850038 -0.58051467,0.57879753 -0.5087928 -0.63727804,
+ 0.44143458 -0.61213563 -0.6560682] }
+DEF SHAPE_2022 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2022 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2022 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.51174296 3.8818898 0.42461377,-0.51174296 3.8814961 0.42461377,
+ -0.58143046 3.8818898 0.37873877,-0.61477939 3.8818898 0.34733551,
+ -0.63724296 3.8818898 0.31261377,-0.63724296 3.8814961 0.31261377,
+ -0.61629216 3.8814961 0.34551845,-0.59464586 3.8814961 0.36781853,
+ -0.56642512 3.8814961 0.38969476] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 5,6,4,-1,6,7,3,-1,7,8,2,-1,1,0,8,-1,8,0,2,-1,7,2,3,-1,6,3,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2022 Normal { vector [
+ -0.33430538 0.78956691 0.51461055,-0.53820514 0 0.84281387,
+ -0.31237006 0.85524216 0.4135043,-0.4744472 0.77599636 0.41560738,
+ -0.78920753 0.34706919 0.50665023,0 0 1,
+ -0.80238418 0.13850038 0.58051467,-0.57879753 0.5087928 0.63727804,
+ -0.44143458 0.61213563 0.6560682] }
+DEF SHAPE_2023 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2023 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2023 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.63724296 3.8818898 0.31261377,-0.63724296 3.8814961 0.31261377,
+ -0.63765999 3.8818898 0.30289965,-0.63529018 3.8818898 0.29369811,
+ -0.62993812 3.8818898 0.28515162,-0.62174296 3.8818898 0.27811377,
+ -0.62174296 3.8814961 0.27811377,-0.62960108 3.8814961 0.28476693,
+ -0.63520297 3.8814961 0.29349531,-0.63764514 3.8814961 0.30275869] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 7,6,5,-1,4,7,5,-1,8,7,4,-1,3,8,4,-1,9,8,3,-1,2,9,3,-1,1,9,2,-1,0,1,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2023 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2024 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2024 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2024 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.63724296 3.8818898 0.31261377,-0.63724296 3.8814961 0.31261377,
+ -0.63765999 3.8818898 0.30289965,-0.63529018 3.8818898 0.29369811,
+ -0.62993812 3.8818898 0.28515162,-0.62174296 3.8818898 0.27811377,
+ -0.62174296 3.8814961 0.27811377,-0.62960108 3.8814961 0.28476693,
+ -0.63520297 3.8814961 0.29349531,-0.63764514 3.8814961 0.30275869] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 6,7,5,-1,7,4,5,-1,7,8,4,-1,8,3,4,-1,8,9,3,-1,9,2,3,-1,9,1,2,-1,1,0,2,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2024 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+DEF SHAPE_2025 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2025 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2025 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.62174296 3.8818898 0.27811377,-0.62174296 3.8814961 0.27811377,
+ -0.59404953 3.8818893 0.27051381,-0.56586074 3.8818859 0.26949836,
+ -0.53057187 3.8818732 0.27540344,-0.48971595 3.8818394 0.28917485,
+ -0.41874296 3.8816929 0.32061377,-0.50607081 3.8815298 0.28297316,
+ -0.55255778 3.8815034 0.27091006,-0.58746981 3.881497 0.26973414,
+ -0.60472444 3.8814962 0.27257152] }
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+ 7,6,5,-1,8,7,4,-1,9,8,3,-1,10,9,2,-1,0,1,10,-1,0,10,2,-1,2,9,3,-1,3,8,4,-1,
+ 4,7,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2025 Normal { vector [
+ 0.17054877 -0.79637564 0.58025767,0 0 1,
+ 0.10019513 -0.76235881 0.63935122,-0.058663752 -0.26459371 0.96257402,
+ -0.24823624 -0.012330021 0.96862105,-0.24697008 0.74977378 0.61387708,
+ -0.13527148 0.94114385 0.30975777,-0.1658476 0.87132694 0.46182674,
+ -0.093431035 0.81242289 0.57553426,0.026834777 0.60180216 0.79819425,
+ 0.19958155 -0.60111815 0.7738373] }
+DEF SHAPE_2026 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_14
+ geometry DEF FACE_2026 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2026 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.62174296 3.8818898 0.27811377,-0.62174296 3.8814961 0.27811377,
+ -0.59404953 3.8818893 0.27051381,-0.56586074 3.8818859 0.26949836,
+ -0.53057187 3.8818732 0.27540344,-0.48971595 3.8818394 0.28917485,
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+ 7,4,5,-1]
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+ -0.24346807 -0.51867462 0.81957302,-0.11277103 0.26506163 0.95761424] }
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ appearance USE APP_14
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -0.21294199 0 0.97706484,0.012192233 0 0.99992567] }
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+ -0.59474296 3.8818898 -1.8593862,-0.59474296 3.8814961 -1.8593862,
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+ -0.35474296 3.8814961 -1.7878862,-0.45424913 3.8814961 -1.8385666,
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+ 0.21294199 0 -0.97706484,-0.012192233 0 -0.99992567] }
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+ -0.35474296 3.8818898 -1.7878862,-0.35474296 3.8814961 -1.7878862,
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+ -0.21629464 3.8814961 -1.6841006,-0.26330546 3.8814961 -1.7239487] }
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+ -0.18274296 3.8818898 -1.6438862,-0.18274296 3.8814961 -1.6438862,
+ -0.21629464 3.8814961 -1.6841006,-0.26330546 3.8814961 -1.7239487] }
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+ 5,6,4,-1,6,3,4,-1,6,7,3,-1,7,2,3,-1,1,0,7,-1,7,0,2,-1]
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+ 0.57304873 0 -0.8195213,0.57304873 0 -0.8195213,
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+ 0.72544112 1.391076e-06 -0.68828423,0.5997949 -0.0018831124 -0.80015157] }
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+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1,4,1,5,-1,4,2,1,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
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+ -1.6784369 3.8818898 -1.8393477,-1.5415249 3.8818898 -1.8899996,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ -1.6784369 3.8816929 -0.41184718,-1.6752411 3.8818898 -0.43966789,
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+ 0.00071044811 -0.99999975 1.5793886e-05,-0.026718351 -0.99959155 -0.010141912,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0.037282735 -0.99922892 -0.012310809] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
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+ -1.6784369 3.8816929 -0.41184718,-1.6752411 3.8818898 -0.43966789,
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+ -1.5164261 3.8818898 -0.53996794,-1.4090295 3.8816929 -0.54530875,
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+ -1.1620112 3.8818898 -0.47886203,-1.148948 3.8818898 -0.45703439,
+ -1.1418209 3.8818898 -0.43545013] }
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+ -0.00071044811 0.99999975 -1.5793886e-05,0.026718351 0.99959155 0.010141912,
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+ 0 1 0,-0.0014563364 0.99999892 0.00021139759,
+ 0.0022940076 0.99999737 5.3754501e-05,-0.026228055 0.99960297 -0.01029499,
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+ -0.037282735 0.99922892 0.012310809] }
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+ geometry DEF FACE_2039 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2039 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6784369 3.8818898 1.2345469,-1.5415249 3.8818898 1.183895,
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 1.2816104,-1.6147596 3.8818898 1.2533409,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.3521366,-1.3604478 3.8818898 1.1169572] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 1,3,0,-1,2,3,1,-1,4,1,5,-1,4,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2039 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2040 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2040 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2040 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.6784369 3.8818898 1.2345469,-1.5415249 3.8818898 1.183895,
+ -1.551186 3.8818898 1.2816104,-1.6147596 3.8818898 1.2533409,
+ -1.3604478 3.8818898 1.3521366,-1.3604478 3.8818898 1.1169572] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1,1,4,5,-1,2,4,1,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_2040 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2041 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2041 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5796174 3.8816929 0.541154,-1.5532052 3.8818898 0.54435826,
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+ -1.5031782 3.8818898 0.57845569,-1.4933348 3.8818898 0.59581302,
+ -1.4872778 3.8818898 0.61482167,-1.4848389 3.8818898 0.63048842,
+ -1.4841102 3.8816929 0.64632227,-1.6784369 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.6760272 3.8818898 0.62014562,-1.6678119 3.8818898 0.59433261,
+ -1.6544105 3.8818898 0.57397642,-1.6380874 3.8818898 0.55927156,
+ -1.61892 3.8818898 0.54851984,-1.5996247 3.8818898 0.54294737,
+ -1.5837578 3.8816929 0.75314673,-1.6100379 3.8818898 0.74959863,
+ -1.6298479 3.8818898 0.74119737,-1.6460188 3.8818898 0.72956848,
+ -1.6593764 3.8818898 0.71482346,-1.6691547 3.8818898 0.69749872,
+ -1.6752798 3.8818898 0.67856092,-1.6776859 3.8818898 0.66293185,
+ -1.4863774 3.8818898 0.67373347,-1.4931805 3.8818898 0.69750301,
+ -1.5042819 3.8818898 0.71679344,-1.519867 3.8818898 0.73269642,
+ -1.5389578 3.8818898 0.74418826,-1.5601878 3.8818898 0.75102496,
+ -1.5719105 3.8818733 0.75254937] }
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+ 11,12,13,-1,15,13,14,-1,10,11,13,-1,10,13,15,-1,19,20,21,-1,5,0,1,-1,5,1,2,-1,5,2,3,-1,
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+ 29,30,24,-1,25,29,24,-1,28,29,25,-1,26,28,25,-1,27,28,26,-1]
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+ -4.8720637e-05 -0.99999871 0.0016029491,0.0059059974 -0.99995895 -0.0068719448,
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+ 0 -1 0,0.0041139105 -0.99998413 -0.003849083,
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+ -0.00018629746 -0.99999454 0.0032995356,0.00017965256 -0.99999447 -0.0033209036,
+ 8.8757081e-05 -0.99999865 -0.0016406875,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.00089150563 -0.99999892 0.001168962,
+ -0.00015574839 -0.99999895 -0.0014420772,-0.010984442 -0.99960416 0.02590107,
+ -0.0079928282 -0.99986498 0.014357773,-0.0045726579 -0.99998109 0.0041130921,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.0035671324 -0.99999154 0.0020463254,
+ 0.00048480916 -0.99999933 -0.0010555801,-0.00017374082 -0.99997742 0.0067178504,
+ -3.7711659e-05 -0.99999895 0.0014461345,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0.00047150053 -0.99999979 0.0004502652,
+ 0.00089648073 -0.99999878 -0.0012794426] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2042 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2042 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5796174 3.8816929 0.541154,-1.5532052 3.8818898 0.54435826,
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+ -1.5031782 3.8818898 0.57845569,-1.4933348 3.8818898 0.59581302,
+ -1.4872778 3.8818898 0.61482167,-1.4848389 3.8818898 0.63048842,
+ -1.4841102 3.8816929 0.64632227,-1.6784369 3.8816929 0.64715037,
+ -1.6760272 3.8818898 0.62014562,-1.6678119 3.8818898 0.59433261,
+ -1.6544105 3.8818898 0.57397642,-1.6380874 3.8818898 0.55927156,
+ -1.61892 3.8818898 0.54851984,-1.5996247 3.8818898 0.54294737,
+ -1.5837578 3.8816929 0.75314673,-1.6100379 3.8818898 0.74959863,
+ -1.6298479 3.8818898 0.74119737,-1.6460188 3.8818898 0.72956848,
+ -1.6593764 3.8818898 0.71482346,-1.6691547 3.8818898 0.69749872,
+ -1.6752798 3.8818898 0.67856092,-1.6776859 3.8818898 0.66293185,
+ -1.4863774 3.8818898 0.67373347,-1.4931805 3.8818898 0.69750301,
+ -1.5042819 3.8818898 0.71679344,-1.519867 3.8818898 0.73269642,
+ -1.5389578 3.8818898 0.74418826,-1.5601878 3.8818898 0.75102496,
+ -1.5719105 3.8818733 0.75254937] }
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+ 12,11,13,-1,13,15,14,-1,11,10,13,-1,13,10,15,-1,20,19,21,-1,0,5,1,-1,1,5,2,-1,2,5,3,-1,
+ 3,5,4,-1,0,6,5,-1,9,7,10,-1,15,7,0,-1,0,7,6,-1,10,7,15,-1,23,8,9,-1,9,8,7,-1,
+ 17,16,18,-1,18,16,19,-1,21,16,22,-1,19,16,21,-1,16,30,22,-1,22,24,23,-1,23,24,8,-1,30,24,22,-1,
+ 30,29,24,-1,29,25,24,-1,29,28,25,-1,28,26,25,-1,28,27,26,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_2042 Normal { vector [
+ 4.8720637e-05 0.99999871 -0.0016029491,-0.0059059974 0.99995895 0.0068719448,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.0041139105 0.99998413 0.003849083,
+ -0.0026497442 0.99999628 0.00064922176,0.00045398533 0.99999792 0.0019886964,
+ 0.00018629746 0.99999454 -0.0032995356,-0.00017965256 0.99999447 0.0033209036,
+ -8.8757081e-05 0.99999865 0.0016406875,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0.00089150563 0.99999892 -0.001168962,
+ 0.00015574839 0.99999895 0.0014420772,0.010984442 0.99960416 -0.02590107,
+ 0.0079928282 0.99986498 -0.014357773,0.0045726579 0.99998109 -0.0041130921,
+ 0 1 0,0.0035671324 0.99999154 -0.0020463254,
+ -0.00048480916 0.99999933 0.0010555801,0.00017374082 0.99997742 -0.0067178504,
+ 3.7711659e-05 0.99999895 -0.0014461345,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,-0.00047150053 0.99999979 -0.0004502652,
+ -0.00089648073 0.99999878 0.0012794426] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2043 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2043 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2707373 3.8816929 0.51465491,-1.2360758 3.8818898 0.51835718,
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+ -1.1828559 3.8818898 0.54418713,-1.1634388 3.8818898 0.56470188,
+ -1.1496805 3.8818898 0.58935146,-1.142105 3.8818898 0.61656237,
+ -1.1401713 3.8818898 0.63145357,-1.139622 3.8816929 0.64646029,
+ -1.4046129 3.8816929 0.64908259,-1.4010902 3.8818898 0.61371795,
+ -1.3907728 3.8818898 0.58344915,-1.374959 3.8818898 0.55940849,
+ -1.3537603 3.8818898 0.53993191,-1.3287777 3.8818898 0.525639,
+ -1.3011955 3.8818898 0.5173677,-1.2860316 3.8818898 0.51528919,
+ -1.2734976 3.8816929 0.77964583,-1.3079206 3.8818825 0.77591275,
+ -1.3371712 3.8818898 0.76564863,-1.3608812 3.8818898 0.75036182,
+ -1.373607 3.8818898 0.73842604,-1.3862209 3.8818898 0.7215847,
+ -1.3955042 3.8818898 0.70274687,-1.4024104 3.8818687 0.67641709,
+ -1.1437948 3.8818898 0.68163481,-1.1559452 3.8818898 0.71491592,
+ -1.1735122 3.8818898 0.74151636,-1.190967 3.8818898 0.75687322,
+ -1.2099775 3.8818898 0.76700602,-1.2373583 3.8818898 0.77567808,
+ -1.2553134 3.8818898 0.77871223] }
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+ 12,13,14,-1,11,14,15,-1,11,12,14,-1,16,11,15,-1,17,11,16,-1,10,17,0,-1,10,11,17,-1,3,1,2,-1,
+ 21,22,23,-1,21,23,24,-1,21,24,25,-1,20,21,25,-1,6,4,5,-1,19,25,10,-1,19,20,25,-1,7,3,4,-1,
+ 7,1,3,-1,7,4,6,-1,8,0,1,-1,8,1,7,-1,18,10,0,-1,18,19,10,-1,9,0,8,-1,9,18,0,-1,
+ 32,18,9,-1,26,32,9,-1,31,32,26,-1,27,30,31,-1,27,31,26,-1,28,29,30,-1,28,30,27,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2043 Normal { vector [
+ 0.00028008329 -0.99999954 -0.00091497292,0.0033027603 -0.99999062 -0.0028007065,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.0072277369 -0.99995143 -0.0066999919,0.0016645677 -0.99999848 0.00052538448,
+ -0.0018592912 -0.99999826 -0.00016053946,-0.0022412007 -0.99999406 -0.0026198574,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,-0.0065981743 -0.99995335 -0.0070537497,
+ 1.918723e-05 -0.99999978 0.00066925165,-0.0051419662 -0.99997368 0.0051175887,
+ -0.00038890992 -0.99999979 0.0005207685,-0.00067187174 -0.99999958 0.000623071,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.0012667728 -0.99999877 0.00092112803,-0.0032143799 -0.99998988 0.0031471738,
+ 0.0027721367 -0.99999109 0.0031845195,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0.0062785449 -0.9999579 0.0066911281] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2044 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2044 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.2707373 3.8816929 0.51465491,-1.2360758 3.8818898 0.51835718,
+ -1.2201218 3.8818898 0.52284304,-1.206478 3.8818898 0.52870963,
+ -1.1828559 3.8818898 0.54418713,-1.1634388 3.8818898 0.56470188,
+ -1.1496805 3.8818898 0.58935146,-1.142105 3.8818898 0.61656237,
+ -1.1401713 3.8818898 0.63145357,-1.139622 3.8816929 0.64646029,
+ -1.4046129 3.8816929 0.64908259,-1.4010902 3.8818898 0.61371795,
+ -1.3907728 3.8818898 0.58344915,-1.374959 3.8818898 0.55940849,
+ -1.3537603 3.8818898 0.53993191,-1.3287777 3.8818898 0.525639,
+ -1.3011955 3.8818898 0.5173677,-1.2860316 3.8818898 0.51528919,
+ -1.2734976 3.8816929 0.77964583,-1.3079206 3.8818825 0.77591275,
+ -1.3371712 3.8818898 0.76564863,-1.3608812 3.8818898 0.75036182,
+ -1.373607 3.8818898 0.73842604,-1.3862209 3.8818898 0.7215847,
+ -1.3955042 3.8818898 0.70274687,-1.4024104 3.8818687 0.67641709,
+ -1.1437948 3.8818898 0.68163481,-1.1559452 3.8818898 0.71491592,
+ -1.1735122 3.8818898 0.74151636,-1.190967 3.8818898 0.75687322,
+ -1.2099775 3.8818898 0.76700602,-1.2373583 3.8818898 0.77567808,
+ -1.2553134 3.8818898 0.77871223] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 13,12,14,-1,14,11,15,-1,12,11,14,-1,11,16,15,-1,11,17,16,-1,17,10,0,-1,11,10,17,-1,1,3,2,-1,
+ 22,21,23,-1,23,21,24,-1,24,21,25,-1,21,20,25,-1,4,6,5,-1,25,19,10,-1,20,19,25,-1,3,7,4,-1,
+ 1,7,3,-1,4,7,6,-1,0,8,1,-1,1,8,7,-1,10,18,0,-1,19,18,10,-1,0,9,8,-1,18,9,0,-1,
+ 18,32,9,-1,32,26,9,-1,32,31,26,-1,30,27,31,-1,31,27,26,-1,29,28,30,-1,30,28,27,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2044 Normal { vector [
+ -0.00028008329 0.99999954 0.00091497292,-0.0033027603 0.99999062 0.0028007065,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0072277369 0.99995143 0.0066999919,-0.0016645677 0.99999848 -0.00052538448,
+ 0.0018592912 0.99999826 0.00016053946,0.0022412007 0.99999406 0.0026198574,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0.0065981743 0.99995335 0.0070537497,
+ -1.918723e-05 0.99999978 -0.00066925165,0.0051419662 0.99997368 -0.0051175887,
+ 0.00038890992 0.99999979 -0.0005207685,0.00067187174 0.99999958 -0.000623071,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.0012667728 0.99999877 -0.00092112803,0.0032143799 0.99998988 -0.0031471738,
+ -0.0027721367 0.99999109 -0.0031845195,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ -0.0062785449 0.9999579 -0.0066911281] }
+DEF SHAPE_2045 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2045 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2045 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5732686 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.79566995] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 2,0,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2045 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2046 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2046 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2046 Coordinate { point [
+ -1.5732686 3.8818898 -0.98696027,-1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.98696027,
+ -1.3251157 3.8818898 -0.79566995] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,2,1,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2046 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2047 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2047 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2047 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 -1.5738862,0.14509037 3.8818898 -1.580951,
+ 0.14978738 3.8818898 -1.5913934,0.17063204 3.8818898 -1.6221362,
+ 0.20825704 3.8818898 -1.6673862,0.44025704 3.8818898 -1.5613862,
+ 0.34084963 3.8818898 -1.5494048,0.24066445 3.8818898 -1.5555344,
+ 0.46875704 3.8818898 -1.6023862,0.46723817 3.8818898 -1.5868145,
+ 0.46415523 3.8818898 -1.5786397,0.45886965 3.8818898 -1.5717906,
+ 0.45103299 3.8818898 -1.566138,0.32375704 3.8818898 -1.6633862,
+ 0.39488187 3.8818898 -1.6453972,0.42838667 3.8818898 -1.6327566,
+ 0.45048158 3.8818898 -1.6196825,0.22961103 3.8818898 -1.6724047,
+ 0.27614494 3.8818898 -1.6700062] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,7,2,3,-1,7,3,4,-1,7,4,17,-1,7,17,18,-1,7,18,13,-1,7,0,2,-1,6,13,14,-1,
+ 6,7,13,-1,5,14,15,-1,5,15,16,-1,5,6,14,-1,9,16,8,-1,12,5,16,-1,10,16,9,-1,11,16,10,-1,
+ 11,12,16,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2047 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2048 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2048 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.14425704 3.8818898 -1.5738862,0.14509037 3.8818898 -1.580951,
+ 0.14978738 3.8818898 -1.5913934,0.17063204 3.8818898 -1.6221362,
+ 0.20825704 3.8818898 -1.6673862,0.44025704 3.8818898 -1.5613862,
+ 0.34084963 3.8818898 -1.5494048,0.24066445 3.8818898 -1.5555344,
+ 0.46875704 3.8818898 -1.6023862,0.46723817 3.8818898 -1.5868145,
+ 0.46415523 3.8818898 -1.5786397,0.45886965 3.8818898 -1.5717906,
+ 0.45103299 3.8818898 -1.566138,0.32375704 3.8818898 -1.6633862,
+ 0.39488187 3.8818898 -1.6453972,0.42838667 3.8818898 -1.6327566,
+ 0.45048158 3.8818898 -1.6196825,0.22961103 3.8818898 -1.6724047,
+ 0.27614494 3.8818898 -1.6700062] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,2,7,3,-1,3,7,4,-1,4,7,17,-1,17,7,18,-1,18,7,13,-1,0,7,2,-1,13,6,14,-1,
+ 7,6,13,-1,14,5,15,-1,15,5,16,-1,6,5,14,-1,16,9,8,-1,5,12,16,-1,16,10,9,-1,16,11,10,-1,
+ 12,11,16,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2048 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2049 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2049 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19974296 3.8816929 -1.0023862,-0.21476842 3.8817749 -1.0217057,
+ -0.22628 3.8818241 -1.0457751,-0.23343046 3.8818406 -1.0725112,
+ -0.23537259 3.8818241 -1.0998307,-0.23125916 3.8817749 -1.1256501,
+ -0.22666686 3.881738 -1.1373463,-0.22024296 3.8816929 -1.1478862,
+ 0.014257039 3.8816929 -0.89638623,-0.067113331 3.8818241 -0.91686772,
+ -0.13937259 3.8818241 -0.95123809,-0.1712175 3.8817749 -0.97453438,
+ 0.14575704 3.8816929 -0.96038623,0.13846592 3.8817559 -0.94126062,
+ 0.12755407 3.8818015 -0.92539733,0.11360801 3.8818297 -0.91273716,
+ 0.097214233 3.8818404 -0.90322093,0.078959265 3.8818337 -0.89678945,
+ 0.059429613 3.8818096 -0.89338353,0.036864518 3.8817621 -0.89308125,
+ 0.12875704 3.8816929 -1.0288862,0.13927556 3.8818241 -1.0075714,
+ 0.14523852 3.8818241 -0.98436772,-0.11374296 3.8818898 -1.1828862,
+ -0.020205924 3.8818825 -1.1500714,0.059886669 3.8818314 -1.098701,
+ -0.20194145 3.8817959 -1.165913,-0.18028124 3.8818547 -1.1784291,
+ -0.15592135 3.8818818 -1.1850891,-0.13530275 3.8818888 -1.1859882] }
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+ 5,6,7,-1,5,7,26,-1,4,26,27,-1,4,27,28,-1,4,5,26,-1,3,28,29,-1,3,4,28,-1,23,3,29,-1,
+ 2,3,23,-1,1,2,23,-1,0,1,23,-1,11,23,24,-1,11,0,23,-1,10,11,24,-1,9,24,25,-1,9,10,24,-1,
+ 8,25,20,-1,8,9,25,-1,19,8,20,-1,18,19,20,-1,17,20,21,-1,17,18,20,-1,16,17,21,-1,13,22,12,-1,
+ 15,21,22,-1,15,16,21,-1,14,22,13,-1,14,15,22,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2049 Normal { vector [
+ 0.00077915232 -0.99999944 -0.00071935282,-0.0018670598 -0.99999648 -0.0018826686,
+ -0.00068425552 -0.99999922 -0.0010401844,0.00030829994 -0.99999993 -0.00020936801,
+ 0.0021242868 -0.99999714 0.001101456,0.0074433558 -0.99995942 0.005074893,
+ -0.0051849853 -0.99998593 0.0011198446,0.015435489 -0.99981661 0.011335006,
+ -0.00086835039 -0.9999994 -0.00066508724,-0.00053757937 -0.99999973 -0.00050115862,
+ 0.00047689304 -0.99999989 -7.5253089e-06,0.00088570311 -0.9999996 -0.00015026704,
+ -0.021760012 -0.99975072 -0.0050004381,-0.012905382 -0.99991021 -0.0036095303,
+ -0.0051945017 -0.99998462 -0.0019410194,-0.00099031667 -0.99999946 -0.00031407985,
+ -5.4172305e-05 -0.99999999 0.00013425804,0.002895526 -0.99999394 0.0019318204,
+ 0.0018615269 -0.99999662 0.001813419,0.0024391513 -0.99999469 0.0021598354,
+ 0.00053838346 -0.99999979 0.00035058932,0.0021421285 -0.99999688 0.0012879442,
+ -0.0039634674 -0.99999143 -0.0011949916,0.00013842153 -0.99999977 -0.00066072333,
+ 9.2702052e-05 -0.99999996 -0.00026319882,-0.00091672295 -0.99999932 -0.0007227285,
+ 0.0058100375 -0.9999762 0.0037200929,0.0024070704 -0.99999626 0.0012983205,
+ 0.00092030607 -0.99999954 0.00026573631,0.00020284841 -0.99999995 -0.00024944928] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2050 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2050 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.19974296 3.8816929 -1.0023862,-0.21476842 3.8817749 -1.0217057,
+ -0.22628 3.8818241 -1.0457751,-0.23343046 3.8818406 -1.0725112,
+ -0.23537259 3.8818241 -1.0998307,-0.23125916 3.8817749 -1.1256501,
+ -0.22666686 3.881738 -1.1373463,-0.22024296 3.8816929 -1.1478862,
+ 0.014257039 3.8816929 -0.89638623,-0.067113331 3.8818241 -0.91686772,
+ -0.13937259 3.8818241 -0.95123809,-0.1712175 3.8817749 -0.97453438,
+ 0.14575704 3.8816929 -0.96038623,0.13846592 3.8817559 -0.94126062,
+ 0.12755407 3.8818015 -0.92539733,0.11360801 3.8818297 -0.91273716,
+ 0.097214233 3.8818404 -0.90322093,0.078959265 3.8818337 -0.89678945,
+ 0.059429613 3.8818096 -0.89338353,0.036864518 3.8817621 -0.89308125,
+ 0.12875704 3.8816929 -1.0288862,0.13927556 3.8818241 -1.0075714,
+ 0.14523852 3.8818241 -0.98436772,-0.11374296 3.8818898 -1.1828862,
+ -0.020205924 3.8818825 -1.1500714,0.059886669 3.8818314 -1.098701,
+ -0.20194145 3.8817959 -1.165913,-0.18028124 3.8818547 -1.1784291,
+ -0.15592135 3.8818818 -1.1850891,-0.13530275 3.8818888 -1.1859882] }
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+ 6,5,7,-1,7,5,26,-1,26,4,27,-1,27,4,28,-1,5,4,26,-1,28,3,29,-1,4,3,28,-1,3,23,29,-1,
+ 3,2,23,-1,2,1,23,-1,1,0,23,-1,23,11,24,-1,0,11,23,-1,11,10,24,-1,24,9,25,-1,10,9,24,-1,
+ 25,8,20,-1,9,8,25,-1,8,19,20,-1,19,18,20,-1,20,17,21,-1,18,17,20,-1,17,16,21,-1,22,13,12,-1,
+ 21,15,22,-1,16,15,21,-1,22,14,13,-1,15,14,22,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2050 Normal { vector [
+ -0.00077915232 0.99999944 0.00071935282,0.0018670598 0.99999648 0.0018826686,
+ 0.00068425552 0.99999922 0.0010401844,-0.00030829994 0.99999993 0.00020936801,
+ -0.0021242868 0.99999714 -0.001101456,-0.0074433558 0.99995942 -0.005074893,
+ 0.0051849853 0.99998593 -0.0011198446,-0.015435489 0.99981661 -0.011335006,
+ 0.00086835039 0.9999994 0.00066508724,0.00053757937 0.99999973 0.00050115862,
+ -0.00047689304 0.99999989 7.5253089e-06,-0.00088570311 0.9999996 0.00015026704,
+ 0.021760012 0.99975072 0.0050004381,0.012905382 0.99991021 0.0036095303,
+ 0.0051945017 0.99998462 0.0019410194,0.00099031667 0.99999946 0.00031407985,
+ 5.4172305e-05 0.99999999 -0.00013425804,-0.002895526 0.99999394 -0.0019318204,
+ -0.0018615269 0.99999662 -0.001813419,-0.0024391513 0.99999469 -0.0021598354,
+ -0.00053838346 0.99999979 -0.00035058932,-0.0021421285 0.99999688 -0.0012879442,
+ 0.0039634674 0.99999143 0.0011949916,-0.00013842153 0.99999977 0.00066072333,
+ -9.2702052e-05 0.99999996 0.00026319882,0.00091672295 0.99999932 0.0007227285,
+ -0.0058100375 0.9999762 -0.0037200929,-0.0024070704 0.99999626 -0.0012983205,
+ -0.00092030607 0.99999954 -0.00026573631,-0.00020284841 0.99999995 0.00024944928] }
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+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2051 IndexedFaceSet {
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+ -0.0087429609 3.8818898 -1.6113862,-0.0044156034 3.8818898 -1.6215819,
+ 0.0030500991 3.8818898 -1.6319426,0.016884539 3.8818898 -1.6453747,
+ 0.036175221 3.8818898 -1.6589602,0.057528517 3.8818898 -1.6697291,
+ 0.078988429 3.8818898 -1.676434,0.096776874 3.8818898 -1.6779628,
+ 0.10777175 3.8818898 -1.6759184,0.11675704 3.8818898 -1.6708862,
+ 0.062257039 3.8818898 -1.5908862,0.045332208 3.8818898 -1.588287,
+ 0.021398024 3.8818898 -1.5891282,0.0050605007 3.8818898 -1.5930695,
+ -0.0013116871 3.8818898 -1.5963044,-0.0057675368 3.8818898 -1.6002244,
+ -0.0084859064 3.8818898 -1.6054406,0.11579735 3.8818898 -1.6596729,
+ 0.11217634 3.8818898 -1.6484144,0.10411992 3.8818898 -1.6337143,
+ 0.083607333 3.8818898 -1.609273] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 15,16,0,-1,14,0,1,-1,14,15,0,-1,13,1,2,-1,13,14,1,-1,12,2,3,-1,12,13,2,-1,17,7,8,-1,
+ 17,8,9,-1,11,3,4,-1,11,12,3,-1,18,6,7,-1,18,7,17,-1,19,5,6,-1,19,6,18,-1,10,11,4,-1,
+ 20,4,5,-1,20,5,19,-1,20,10,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2051 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 0 1,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2052 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2052 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2052 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.0087429609 3.8818898 -1.6113862,-0.0044156034 3.8818898 -1.6215819,
+ 0.0030500991 3.8818898 -1.6319426,0.016884539 3.8818898 -1.6453747,
+ 0.036175221 3.8818898 -1.6589602,0.057528517 3.8818898 -1.6697291,
+ 0.078988429 3.8818898 -1.676434,0.096776874 3.8818898 -1.6779628,
+ 0.10777175 3.8818898 -1.6759184,0.11675704 3.8818898 -1.6708862,
+ 0.062257039 3.8818898 -1.5908862,0.045332208 3.8818898 -1.588287,
+ 0.021398024 3.8818898 -1.5891282,0.0050605007 3.8818898 -1.5930695,
+ -0.0013116871 3.8818898 -1.5963044,-0.0057675368 3.8818898 -1.6002244,
+ -0.0084859064 3.8818898 -1.6054406,0.11579735 3.8818898 -1.6596729,
+ 0.11217634 3.8818898 -1.6484144,0.10411992 3.8818898 -1.6337143,
+ 0.083607333 3.8818898 -1.609273] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 16,15,0,-1,0,14,1,-1,15,14,0,-1,1,13,2,-1,14,13,1,-1,2,12,3,-1,13,12,2,-1,7,17,8,-1,
+ 8,17,9,-1,3,11,4,-1,12,11,3,-1,6,18,7,-1,7,18,17,-1,5,19,6,-1,6,19,18,-1,11,10,4,-1,
+ 4,20,5,-1,5,20,19,-1,10,20,4,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2052 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0 1,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2053 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2053 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2053 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.51174296 3.8818898 0.42461377,-0.58143046 3.8818898 0.37873877,
+ -0.61477939 3.8818898 0.34733551,-0.63724296 3.8818898 0.31261377,
+ -0.13924296 3.8816929 0.53111377,-0.15333642 3.8817267 0.53331756,
+ -0.23106276 3.8818137 0.52229947,-0.35616133 3.8818694 0.48459331,
+ -0.41874296 3.8816929 0.32061377,-0.26857222 3.8818402 0.41081843,
+ -0.16051539 3.8817705 0.49996021,-0.14736979 3.8817353 0.51637735,
+ -0.62174296 3.8818898 0.27811377,-0.59404953 3.8818893 0.27051381,
+ -0.56586074 3.8818859 0.26949836,-0.53057187 3.8818732 0.27540344,
+ -0.48971595 3.8818394 0.28917485,-0.63765999 3.8818898 0.30289965,
+ -0.63529018 3.8818898 0.29369811,-0.62993812 3.8818898 0.28515162] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 17,18,19,-1,3,19,12,-1,3,17,19,-1,13,3,12,-1,2,13,14,-1,2,3,13,-1,1,14,15,-1,1,2,14,-1,
+ 16,1,15,-1,0,16,8,-1,0,1,16,-1,7,0,8,-1,9,7,8,-1,6,7,9,-1,10,6,9,-1,5,10,11,-1,
+ 5,6,10,-1,4,5,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2053 Normal { vector [
+ -0.00088583199 -0.99999931 0.00076669392,-0.00032270778 -0.99999994 0.00010810839,
+ -4.5683439e-05 -1 9.5697031e-06,-9.4728614e-06 -1 9.5295158e-07,
+ -0.0026177882 -0.99999555 -0.001430794,-0.0011331011 -0.99999873 -0.0011203268,
+ -0.0005490727 -0.99999983 -0.0001787646,-0.00020472252 -0.99999963 0.00084088603,
+ -0.00053127416 -0.99999945 0.00090835886,-5.9411728e-05 -0.99999992 0.00039341041,
+ -0.00071835579 -0.9999997 -0.00029025042,-0.0019141917 -0.99999747 -0.0011829766,
+ -1.6523018e-05 -1 -7.4233849e-06,-5.407248e-05 -1 -9.811946e-06,
+ -0.00017495851 -0.99999998 1.177445e-06,-0.00057881354 -0.99999982 -0.00012476202,
+ -0.0010693995 -0.99999942 0.00010974951,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2054 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2054 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2054 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.51174296 3.8818898 0.42461377,-0.58143046 3.8818898 0.37873877,
+ -0.61477939 3.8818898 0.34733551,-0.63724296 3.8818898 0.31261377,
+ -0.13924296 3.8816929 0.53111377,-0.15333642 3.8817267 0.53331756,
+ -0.23106276 3.8818137 0.52229947,-0.35616133 3.8818694 0.48459331,
+ -0.41874296 3.8816929 0.32061377,-0.26857222 3.8818402 0.41081843,
+ -0.16051539 3.8817705 0.49996021,-0.14736979 3.8817353 0.51637735,
+ -0.62174296 3.8818898 0.27811377,-0.59404953 3.8818893 0.27051381,
+ -0.56586074 3.8818859 0.26949836,-0.53057187 3.8818732 0.27540344,
+ -0.48971595 3.8818394 0.28917485,-0.63765999 3.8818898 0.30289965,
+ -0.63529018 3.8818898 0.29369811,-0.62993812 3.8818898 0.28515162] }
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+ 18,17,19,-1,19,3,12,-1,17,3,19,-1,3,13,12,-1,13,2,14,-1,3,2,13,-1,14,1,15,-1,2,1,14,-1,
+ 1,16,15,-1,16,0,8,-1,1,0,16,-1,0,7,8,-1,7,9,8,-1,7,6,9,-1,6,10,9,-1,10,5,11,-1,
+ 6,5,10,-1,5,4,11,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2054 Normal { vector [
+ 0.00088583199 0.99999931 -0.00076669392,0.00032270778 0.99999994 -0.00010810839,
+ 4.5683439e-05 1 -9.5697031e-06,9.4728614e-06 1 -9.5295158e-07,
+ 0.0026177882 0.99999555 0.001430794,0.0011331011 0.99999873 0.0011203268,
+ 0.0005490727 0.99999983 0.0001787646,0.00020472252 0.99999963 -0.00084088603,
+ 0.00053127416 0.99999945 -0.00090835886,5.9411728e-05 0.99999992 -0.00039341041,
+ 0.00071835579 0.9999997 0.00029025042,0.0019141917 0.99999747 0.0011829766,
+ 1.6523018e-05 1 7.4233849e-06,5.407248e-05 1 9.811946e-06,
+ 0.00017495851 0.99999998 -1.177445e-06,0.00057881354 0.99999982 0.00012476202,
+ 0.0010693995 0.99999942 -0.00010974951,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2055 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2055 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2055 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.59474296 3.8818898 -1.8593862,-0.55193046 3.8818898 -1.8631524,
+ -0.50940963 3.8818898 -1.8571825,-0.42774296 3.8818898 -1.8264233,
+ -0.35474296 3.8818898 -1.7878862,-0.60224296 3.8818898 -1.8283862,
+ -0.60374181 3.8818898 -1.8362986,-0.60299296 3.8818898 -1.8446362,
+ -0.59988949 3.8818898 -1.8527602,-0.18274296 3.8818898 -1.6438862,
+ -0.26807135 3.8818898 -1.649372,-0.36468593 3.8818898 -1.6746195,
+ -0.48978908 3.8818898 -1.7311942,-0.55677054 3.8818898 -1.7777924,
+ -0.58300405 3.8818898 -1.8031067,-0.26330546 3.8818898 -1.7239487,
+ -0.21633198 3.8818898 -1.6841377] }
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+ 7,8,0,-1,5,6,7,-1,5,7,0,-1,1,5,0,-1,14,5,1,-1,13,1,2,-1,13,14,1,-1,12,2,3,-1,
+ 12,13,2,-1,4,12,3,-1,11,12,4,-1,15,11,4,-1,10,11,15,-1,16,10,15,-1,9,10,16,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2055 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
+DEF SHAPE_2056 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_15
+ geometry DEF FACE_2056 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2056 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.59474296 3.8818898 -1.8593862,-0.55193046 3.8818898 -1.8631524,
+ -0.50940963 3.8818898 -1.8571825,-0.42774296 3.8818898 -1.8264233,
+ -0.35474296 3.8818898 -1.7878862,-0.60224296 3.8818898 -1.8283862,
+ -0.60374181 3.8818898 -1.8362986,-0.60299296 3.8818898 -1.8446362,
+ -0.59988949 3.8818898 -1.8527602,-0.18274296 3.8818898 -1.6438862,
+ -0.26807135 3.8818898 -1.649372,-0.36468593 3.8818898 -1.6746195,
+ -0.48978908 3.8818898 -1.7311942,-0.55677054 3.8818898 -1.7777924,
+ -0.58300405 3.8818898 -1.8031067,-0.26330546 3.8818898 -1.7239487,
+ -0.21633198 3.8818898 -1.6841377] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 8,7,0,-1,6,5,7,-1,7,5,0,-1,5,1,0,-1,5,14,1,-1,1,13,2,-1,14,13,1,-1,2,12,3,-1,
+ 13,12,2,-1,12,4,3,-1,12,11,4,-1,11,15,4,-1,11,10,15,-1,10,16,15,-1,10,9,16,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2056 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0] }
+] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_148 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 1.5707963
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 54.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_149 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 4.712389
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 51.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_150 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 4.712389
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 50.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_151 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 4.712389
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 49.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_152 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 4.712389
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 48.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_153 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 1.5707963
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 53.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_154 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 1.5707963
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 52.75 -41.890748 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_155 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation -1 0 0 4.712389
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 44.956693 -36.771654 4.448819
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_156 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_157 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2057 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_18 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.16666666
+ diffuseColor 0.60000002 0.60000002 0.60000002
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.050000001
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 -1.900314e-08,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ -6.4173228 -3.4094488 -1.269685,-6.4173228 -3.4094488 -0.82677165,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ -3.6771654 -2.7086614 -2.3720472,-3.6771654 -2.7086614 -1.269685,
+ -6.984252 -2.7086614 -1.269685,-6.984252 -2.7086614 -2.3720472] }
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+ -3.6771654 -2.7086614 -2.3720472,-3.6771654 -2.7086614 -1.269685,
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+ 2,0,1,-1,2,3,0,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -2.6141732 -1.9752379 -2.3720472,-2.6141732 -2.2874016 -2.3720472,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ -3.6771654 -2.2874016 -1.269685,-3.6771654 -2.2874016 -2.3720472,
+ -2.6141732 -2.2874016 -1.269685,-2.6141732 -2.2874016 -2.3720472] }
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+ 1,0,2,-1,1,2,3,-1]
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ -2.6141732 -1.9752379 -2.6445293,-2.6141732 -1.9752379 -2.3720472,
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+ -0.0034906514 0.99999391 0,-0.0034906514 0.99999391 0,
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+ -2.9685039 -0.74793468 -2.6457661,-2.9685039 -1.8818898 -2.6457661,
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+ 1,3,2,-1,5,1,0,-1,4,1,5,-1,3,1,4,-1]
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+ -0.0034906514 0 0.99999391,-0.0034906514 0 0.99999391,
+ -0.0034906514 0 0.99999391,-0.0034906514 0 0.99999391,
+ -0.0034906514 0 0.99999391,-0.0034906514 0 0.99999391] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ -2.9685039 -0.74793468 -2.3720472,-2.9685039 -0.74793468 -2.6457661,
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+ 3,1,0,-1,2,1,3,-1]
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+ -0.0034906514 -0.99999391 0,-0.0034906514 -0.99999391 0,
+ -0.0034906514 -0.99999391 0,-0.0034906514 -0.99999391 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ -2.9685039 -0.082677165 -2.3720472,-2.9685039 -0.74793468 -2.3720472,
+ -6.984252 -0.73391702 -2.3720472,-6.984252 -0.011811024 -2.3720472,
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+ 4,1,0,-1,2,4,3,-1,2,1,4,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ coord DEF COORD_2097 Coordinate { point [
+ -6.984252 -0.011811024 -2.3720472,-6.2362205 -0.011811024 -2.3720472,
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+ 0,3,2,-1,0,1,3,-1]
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ coord DEF COORD_2098 Coordinate { point [
+ -2.9685039 -0.74793468 2.3720472,-2.9685039 -0.082677165 2.3720472,
+ -6.2362205 -0.011811024 2.3720472,-6.984252 -0.011811024 2.3720472,
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+ 2,1,0,-1,4,2,0,-1,3,2,4,-1]
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+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ coord DEF COORD_2099 Coordinate { point [
+ -6.2362205 -0.011811024 2.3720472,-2.9685039 -0.082677165 2.3720472,
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+ -5.1707701 -0.034917177 1.4364318,-5.222772 -0.033789425 1.459441,
+ -5.4147341 -0.029626392 1.4919205,-5.6365705 -0.02481548 1.4923421,
+ -5.6365705 -0.02481548 1.3186815,-5.3860833 -0.030247734 1.3215413,
+ -5.2123135 -0.034016234 1.3551114,-5.173287 -0.034862593 1.3729965,
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+ -5.1487949 -0.035393748 1.3988637,-5.7026572 -0.023382275 1.3301618,
+ -5.7272222 -0.02284954 1.3406487,-5.7475572 -0.022408541 1.3550286,
+ -5.7603975 -0.022130076 1.3698984,-5.7675585 -0.021974778 1.3838339,
+ -5.7710647 -0.021898738 1.3980191,-5.7711507 -0.021896875 1.4122801,
+ -5.7678218 -0.021969067 1.4264729,-5.7608566 -0.022120119 1.4404254,
+ -5.749779 -0.022360357 1.453891,-5.7340803 -0.02270081 1.4663059,
+ -5.7136286 -0.023144341 1.476836,-5.6792683 -0.023889504 1.486918,
+ -5.1478942 -0.03541328 1.003937,-5.1499106 -0.035369551 1.0135568,
+ -5.1527261 -0.035308491 1.0183067,-5.1569029 -0.035217911 1.0234671,
+ -5.1707701 -0.034917177 1.0348569,-5.222772 -0.033789425 1.0578662,
+ -5.4147341 -0.029626392 1.0903457,-5.6365705 -0.02481548 1.0907673,
+ -5.6365705 -0.02481548 0.91710674,-5.3860833 -0.030247734 0.9199665,
+ -5.2123135 -0.034016234 0.95353656,-5.173287 -0.034862593 0.97142166,
+ -5.1586428 -0.035180178 0.98260099,-5.1515118 -0.035334825 0.99138395,
+ -5.1487949 -0.035393748 0.99728894,-5.7026572 -0.023382275 0.92858699,
+ -5.7272222 -0.02284954 0.93907388,-5.7475572 -0.022408541 0.95345384,
+ -5.7603975 -0.022130076 0.96832361,-5.7675585 -0.021974778 0.98225914,
+ -5.7710647 -0.021898738 0.99644433,-5.7711507 -0.021896875 1.0107053,
+ -5.7678218 -0.021969067 1.0248981,-5.7608566 -0.022120119 1.0388506,
+ -5.749779 -0.022360357 1.0523162,-5.7340803 -0.02270081 1.0647311,
+ -5.7136286 -0.023144341 1.0752612,-5.6792683 -0.023889504 1.0853432,
+ -5.1478942 -0.03541328 0.2007874,-5.1499106 -0.035369551 0.21040716,
+ -5.1527261 -0.035308491 0.21515713,-5.1569029 -0.035217911 0.22031745,
+ -5.1707701 -0.034917177 0.23170734,-5.222772 -0.033789425 0.25471662,
+ -5.4147341 -0.029626392 0.28719609,-5.6365705 -0.02481548 0.28761767,
+ -5.6365705 -0.02481548 0.11395713,-5.3860833 -0.030247734 0.11681689,
+ -5.2123135 -0.034016234 0.15038695,-5.173287 -0.034862593 0.16827205,
+ -5.1586428 -0.035180178 0.17945138,-5.1515118 -0.035334825 0.18823435,
+ -5.1487949 -0.035393748 0.19413934,-5.7026572 -0.023382275 0.12543738,
+ -5.7272222 -0.02284954 0.13592428,-5.7475572 -0.022408541 0.15030424,
+ -5.7603975 -0.022130076 0.165174,-5.7675585 -0.021974778 0.17910953,
+ -5.7710647 -0.021898738 0.19329472,-5.7711507 -0.021896875 0.20755571,
+ -5.7678218 -0.021969067 0.22174845,-5.7608566 -0.022120119 0.23570101,
+ -5.749779 -0.022360357 0.2491666,-5.7340803 -0.02270081 0.26158147,
+ -5.7136286 -0.023144341 0.27211159,-5.6792683 -0.023889504 0.28219361,
+ -5.1478942 -0.03541328 -0.2007874,-5.1499106 -0.035369551 -0.19116764,
+ -5.1527261 -0.035308491 -0.18641767,-5.1569029 -0.035217911 -0.18125736,
+ -5.1707701 -0.034917177 -0.16986746,-5.222772 -0.033789425 -0.14685818,
+ -5.4147341 -0.029626392 -0.11437872,-5.6365705 -0.02481548 -0.11395713,
+ -5.6365705 -0.02481548 -0.28761767,-5.3860833 -0.030247734 -0.28475791,
+ -5.2123135 -0.034016234 -0.25118785,-5.173287 -0.034862593 -0.23330275,
+ -5.1586428 -0.035180178 -0.22212342,-5.1515118 -0.035334825 -0.21334046,
+ -5.1487949 -0.035393748 -0.20743547,-5.7026572 -0.023382275 -0.27613742,
+ -5.7272222 -0.02284954 -0.26565053,-5.7475572 -0.022408541 -0.25127057,
+ -5.7603975 -0.022130076 -0.2364008,-5.7675585 -0.021974778 -0.22246527,
+ -5.7710647 -0.021898738 -0.20828008,-5.7711507 -0.021896875 -0.19401909,
+ -5.7678218 -0.021969067 -0.17982635,-5.7608566 -0.022120119 -0.1658738,
+ -5.749779 -0.022360357 -0.15240821,-5.7340803 -0.02270081 -0.13999334,
+ -5.7136286 -0.023144341 -0.12946321,-5.6792683 -0.023889504 -0.11938119,
+ -5.1478942 -0.03541328 -0.6023622,-5.1499106 -0.035369551 -0.59274244,
+ -5.1527261 -0.035308491 -0.58799248,-5.1569029 -0.035217911 -0.58283216,
+ -5.1707701 -0.034917177 -0.57144226,-5.222772 -0.033789425 -0.54843299,
+ -5.4147341 -0.029626392 -0.51595352,-5.6365705 -0.02481548 -0.51553194,
+ -5.6365705 -0.02481548 -0.68919247,-5.3860833 -0.030247734 -0.68633272,
+ -5.2123135 -0.034016234 -0.65276265,-5.173287 -0.034862593 -0.63487755,
+ -5.1586428 -0.035180178 -0.62369823,-5.1515118 -0.035334825 -0.61491526,
+ -5.1487949 -0.035393748 -0.60901027,-5.7026572 -0.023382275 -0.67771222,
+ -5.7272222 -0.02284954 -0.66722533,-5.7475572 -0.022408541 -0.65284537,
+ -5.7603975 -0.022130076 -0.6379756,-5.7675585 -0.021974778 -0.62404007,
+ -5.7710647 -0.021898738 -0.60985488,-5.7711507 -0.021896875 -0.59559389,
+ -5.7678218 -0.021969067 -0.58140115,-5.7608566 -0.022120119 -0.5674486,
+ -5.749779 -0.022360357 -0.55398301,-5.7340803 -0.02270081 -0.54156814,
+ -5.7136286 -0.023144341 -0.53103801,-5.6792683 -0.023889504 -0.520956,
+ -5.1478942 -0.03541328 -1.003937,-5.1499106 -0.035369551 -0.99431724,
+ -5.1527261 -0.035308491 -0.98956728,-5.1569029 -0.035217911 -0.98440696,
+ -5.1707701 -0.034917177 -0.97301707,-5.222772 -0.033789425 -0.95000779,
+ -5.4147341 -0.029626392 -0.91752832,-5.6365705 -0.02481548 -0.91710674,
+ -5.6365705 -0.02481548 -1.0907673,-5.3860833 -0.030247734 -1.0879075,
+ -5.2123135 -0.034016234 -1.0543375,-5.173287 -0.034862593 -1.0364524,
+ -5.1586428 -0.035180178 -1.025273,-5.1515118 -0.035334825 -1.0164901,
+ -5.1487949 -0.035393748 -1.0105851,-5.7026572 -0.023382275 -1.079287,
+ -5.7272222 -0.02284954 -1.0688001,-5.7475572 -0.022408541 -1.0544202,
+ -5.7603975 -0.022130076 -1.0395504,-5.7675585 -0.021974778 -1.0256149,
+ -5.7710647 -0.021898738 -1.0114297,-5.7711507 -0.021896875 -0.9971687,
+ -5.7678218 -0.021969067 -0.98297596,-5.7608566 -0.022120119 -0.9690234,
+ -5.749779 -0.022360357 -0.95555781,-5.7340803 -0.02270081 -0.94314294,
+ -5.7136286 -0.023144341 -0.93261282,-5.6792683 -0.023889504 -0.9225308,
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+ -0.2899363 -0.69045285 0.66273056,-0.24204181 -0.56302349 0.7902027] }
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+ -2.9685039 -0.79486786 1.0482142,-2.9685039 -0.80280333 1.0303264,
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+ 0.22520097 0.84084967 -0.49219545,0.23973338 0.89503594 -0.37608319,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 1,2,3,-1,1,3,0,-1]
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -0.99805627 0 0.062319156,-0.99805627 0 0.062319156,
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+ -0.11215966 0 0.9936902,0.14884804 0 0.98886008,
+ 0.39971199 0 0.91664078,0.62333622 0 0.78195393,
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+ -0.3939134 -5.3976378 1.7562015,-0.3939134 -4.1181102 1.7562015,
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+ -2.0569662e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,-2.0569662e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,
+ -2.0569662e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,-2.0569662e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,
+ -2.0569663e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,-2.0569663e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,
+ -2.0569663e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,-2.0569662e-07 -1 6.9816403e-06,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0.49381228 0 0.86956853,0.70204693 0 0.71213068,
+ 0.88380015 0 0.46786462,0.98362496 0 0.18022744] }
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+ -0.49381228 0 -0.86956853,-0.70204693 0 -0.71213068,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.061306119 0 0.99811901,0.19911505 0 0.97997612,
+ 0.48477878 0 0.8746368,0.66242675 0 0.74912669,
+ 0.80873426 0 0.58817421,0.94824174 0 0.31754937] }
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+ -1.5246348 -4.1181102 1.1689522,-1.5442355 -4.1181102 1.1821657,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
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+ -0.98386258 0 0.17892577,-0.98386258 0 0.17892577,
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+ -0.40814383 -4.1181102 -1.2990619,-0.4234353 -4.1181102 -1.3170884,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -4.445192 -5.2526271 -2.6316373,-4.3358574 -5.2526271 -2.7342379,
+ -4.2044504 -5.2526271 -2.8064399,-4.0592202 -5.2526271 -2.8437108,
+ -3.9092837 -5.2526271 -2.8437108,-3.7640535 -5.2526271 -2.8064399,
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+ 0.84407987 0 -0.53621747,0.742755 0 -0.6695633,
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+ 0.1668867 0 -0.98597608,0.40674024 0 -0.91354386,
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+ -0.68860542 0 0.72513625,-0.55683509 0 0.83062307,
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+ 0.084095123 0 0.99645773,-0.16819025 0 0.98575455,
+ -0.40975139 0 0.91219724,-0.62518577 0 0.78047598] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ -3.4748418 -5.496063 -2.0925197,-3.5319796 -5.496063 -1.9676023,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ 0 -1 0] }
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+ -4.3358574 -5.2526271 2.7342379,-4.445192 -5.2526271 2.6316373] }
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+ -0.84407987 0 0.53621747,-0.742755 0 0.6695633,
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+ -0.84407987 0 0.53621747,0.84407987 0 0.53621747,
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+ -0.1668867 0 0.98597608,-0.40674024 0 0.91354386,
+ -0.62106019 0 0.78376287,-0.79639238 0 0.60478027] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ -3.4429134 -4.8779528 1.808072,-3.4429134 -5.3263848 2.0455444,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ -3.4429134 -5.2526271 2.5050789,-3.5233119 -5.2526271 2.6316373,
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+ -4.4936622 -5.496063 2.0925197,-4.4365244 -5.496063 1.9676023,
+ -4.349369 -5.496063 1.8614279,-4.2379807 -5.496063 1.7810431,
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+ -3.4687495 -5.496063 2.1137796,-3.4510552 -5.496063 2.25,
+ -3.4687495 -5.496063 2.3862204,-3.520658 -5.496063 2.5133997,
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+ -4.5255906 -5.381926 2.0925197,-4.5255906 -5.1884107 1.9568184,
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+ 0.79074023 -0.34984565 0.50233247,0.77394762 -0.2569633 0.5787702,
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+ -0.61573015 -0.25760866 -0.74465708] }
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+ -4.5255906 -4.8779528 1.808072,-4.3976327 -4.8779528 1.6865604,
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+ -3.8960218 -4.8779528 1.5567733,-3.7251872 -4.8779528 1.6009751,
+ -3.5708712 -4.8779528 1.6865604,-3.4429134 -4.8779528 1.808072,
+ -4.5255906 -4.7992126 1.808072,-3.4429134 -4.7992126 1.808072,
+ -3.5708712 -4.7992126 1.6865604,-3.7251872 -4.7992126 1.6009751,
+ -3.8960218 -4.7992126 1.5567733,-4.0724822 -4.7992126 1.5567733,
+ -4.2433168 -4.7992126 1.6009751,-4.3976327 -4.7992126 1.6865604] }
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+ 4,3,12,-1,5,11,10,-1,5,4,11,-1,6,10,9,-1,6,5,10,-1,7,6,9,-1]
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+ -0.68860542 0 -0.72513625,-0.55683509 0 -0.83062307,
+ -0.33101838 0 -0.94362431,-0.084095123 0 -0.99645773,
+ 0.16819025 0 -0.98575455,0.40975139 0 -0.91219724,
+ 0.62518577 0 -0.78047598,0.68860542 0 -0.72513625,
+ -0.68860542 0 -0.72513625,0.68860542 0 -0.72513625,
+ 0.55683509 0 -0.83062307,0.33101838 0 -0.94362431,
+ 0.084095123 0 -0.99645773,-0.16819025 0 -0.98575455,
+ -0.40975139 0 -0.91219724,-0.62518577 0 -0.78047598] }
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+ -3.4429134 -4.7992126 1.808072,-3.4429134 -4.7992126 1.9949211,
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+ -4.0592202 -4.7992126 1.6562892,-3.9092837 -4.7992126 1.6562892,
+ -3.7640535 -4.7992126 1.6935601,-3.6326465 -4.7992126 1.7657621,
+ -3.5233119 -4.7992126 1.8683627,-4.5255906 -4.7992126 1.808072,
+ -3.5708712 -4.7992126 1.6865604,-3.7251872 -4.7992126 1.6009751,
+ -3.8960218 -4.7992126 1.5567733,-4.0724822 -4.7992126 1.5567733,
+ -4.2433168 -4.7992126 1.6009751,-4.3976327 -4.7992126 1.6865604] }
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+ 10,0,12,-1,9,12,13,-1,9,10,12,-1,1,0,10,-1,8,13,14,-1,8,9,13,-1,7,8,14,-1,6,14,15,-1,
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+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2168 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ appearance USE APP_18
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+ -3.4429134 -4.1181102 1.9949211,-3.4429134 -4.7992126 1.9949211,
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+ -4.3358574 -4.7992126 1.7657621,-4.2044504 -4.7992126 1.6935601,
+ -4.0592202 -4.7992126 1.6562892,-3.9092837 -4.7992126 1.6562892,
+ -3.7640535 -4.7992126 1.6935601,-3.6326465 -4.7992126 1.7657621,
+ -3.5233119 -4.7992126 1.8683627,-4.5255906 -4.1181102 1.9949211,
+ -3.5233119 -4.1181102 1.8683627,-3.6326465 -4.1181102 1.7657621,
+ -3.7640535 -4.1181102 1.6935601,-3.9092837 -4.1181102 1.6562892,
+ -4.0592202 -4.1181102 1.6562892,-4.2044504 -4.1181102 1.6935601,
+ -4.3358574 -4.1181102 1.7657621,-4.445192 -4.1181102 1.8683627] }
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+ 2,11,19,-1,3,19,18,-1,3,2,19,-1,4,18,17,-1,4,3,18,-1,5,17,16,-1,5,4,17,-1,6,16,15,-1,
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+ 10,9,12,-1,1,10,0,-1]
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+ 0.84407987 0 -0.53621747,0.84407987 0 -0.53621747,
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+ -0.55300276 0 -0.83317942,-0.32853514 0 -0.94449175,
+ -0.083443348 0 -0.99651252,0.1668867 0 -0.98597608,
+ 0.40674024 0 -0.91354386,0.62106019 0 -0.78376287,
+ 0.79639238 0 -0.60478027,-0.84407987 0 -0.53621747,
+ 0.742755 0 -0.6695633,0.55300276 0 -0.83317942,
+ 0.32853514 0 -0.94449175,0.083443348 0 -0.99651252,
+ -0.1668867 0 -0.98597608,-0.40674024 0 -0.91354386,
+ -0.62106019 0 -0.78376287,-0.79639238 0 -0.60478027] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
+ geometry DEF FACE_2170 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2170 Coordinate { point [
+ -4.5255906 -5.2526271 2.5050789,-4.5255906 -5.381926 2.4074803,
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+ -4.5255906 -5.4650189 2.2638206,-4.5255906 -5.4641783 2.2291397,
+ -4.5255906 -5.4559693 2.1968644,-4.5255906 -5.4394844 2.1625482,
+ -4.5255906 -5.415061 2.1280676,-4.5255906 -5.381926 2.0925197,
+ -4.5255906 -5.1884107 1.9568184,-4.5255906 -4.8779528 1.808072,
+ -4.5255906 -4.7992126 1.808072,-4.5255906 -4.7992126 1.9949211,
+ -4.5255906 -4.1181102 1.9949211,-4.5255906 -4.1181102 2.5050789] }
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+ 10,9,0,-1,13,10,0,-1,11,10,13,-1,15,13,0,-1,12,11,13,-1,14,13,15,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
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+ appearance USE APP_18
+ geometry DEF FACE_2171 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2171 Coordinate { point [
+ -4.5255906 -5.381926 2.0925197,-4.4936622 -5.496063 2.0925197,
+ -4.5147881 -5.496063 2.1968004,-4.5147881 -5.496063 2.3031996,
+ -4.4936622 -5.496063 2.4074803,-4.5255906 -5.381926 2.4074803,
+ -4.5255906 -5.4307728 2.3510596,-4.5255906 -5.4558468 2.3034709,
+ -4.5255906 -5.4650189 2.2638206,-4.5255906 -5.4641783 2.2291397,
+ -4.5255906 -5.4559693 2.1968644,-4.5255906 -5.4394844 2.1625482,
+ -4.5255906 -5.415061 2.1280676] }
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+ 6,3,4,-1,6,7,3,-1,5,6,4,-1]
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+ -0.93403169 -0.26128379 -0.24354791,-0.93674232 -0.28105154 -0.2086237,
+ -0.94837838 -0.29845283 -0.10725834,-0.94784611 -0.29453037 0.12181795,
+ -0.93756828 -0.27876099 0.20798565,-0.93785898 -0.26235443 0.22713585,
+ -0.94022469 -0.27626698 0.19913335,-0.96060093 -0.25871167 0.10155848,
+ -0.95125367 -0.30808236 0.014202381,-0.95765156 -0.28533529 -0.038565082,
+ -0.96114874 -0.25880913 -0.095973632,-0.94031711 -0.28555562 -0.18509921,
+ -0.93633802 -0.27123772 -0.22293767] }
+DEF SHAPE_2172 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_18
+ geometry DEF FACE_2172 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2172 Coordinate { point [
+ -4.4936622 -5.496063 2.0925197,-4.5147881 -5.496063 2.1968004,
+ -4.5147881 -5.496063 2.3031996,-4.4936622 -5.496063 2.4074803,
+ -4.4365244 -5.496063 1.9676023,-4.349369 -5.496063 1.8614279,
+ -4.2379807 -5.496063 1.7810431,-4.1097522 -5.496063 1.7317834,
+ -3.9731941 -5.496063 1.7169179,-3.83737 -5.496063 1.7374334,
+ -3.7112946 -5.496063 1.7919683,-3.6033355 -5.496063 1.876903,
+ -3.520658 -5.496063 1.9866003,-3.4687495 -5.496063 2.1137796,
+ -3.4510552 -5.496063 2.25,-3.4687495 -5.496063 2.3862204,
+ -3.520658 -5.496063 2.5133997,-3.6033355 -5.496063 2.623097,
+ -3.7112946 -5.496063 2.7080317,-3.83737 -5.496063 2.7625666,
+ -3.9731941 -5.496063 2.7830821,-4.1097522 -5.496063 2.7682166,
+ -4.2379807 -5.496063 2.7189569,-4.349369 -5.496063 2.6385721,
+ -4.4365244 -5.496063 2.5323977] }
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+ 20,16,17,-1,20,17,19,-1,21,15,20,-1,3,1,0,-1,3,2,1,-1,3,0,4,-1,23,6,7,-1,23,10,11,-1,
+ 23,21,22,-1,23,24,3,-1,23,7,10,-1,23,11,15,-1,23,15,21,-1,23,4,6,-1,23,3,4,-1]
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+ normal DEF NORM_2172 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0] }
+] }
+] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_158 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 1.5707963
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 54.5 -44 0.31496063
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_159 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF TXFM_160 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2173 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_19 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.271
+ diffuseColor 0.824 0.81999999 0.78100002
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.69999999
+ specularColor 0.32800001 0.25799999 0.17200001
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_2173 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2173 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,-0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,-0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,-0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0,-0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.62999998 0.303 0,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0,-0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,-0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,-0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.62999998 -0.303 0,-0.62999998 -0.303 0,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2173 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_161 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2174 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2174 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2174 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2174 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_162 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2175 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2175 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2175 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,-0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,-0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,-0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,-0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,-0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,-0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.303 0,-0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.303 0,-0.47199998 -0.303 0,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,-0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,-0.62999998 -0.303 0,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ -0.47199998 -0.303 0,-0.62999998 -0.303 0] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2175 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.88126358 -0.47262512,0 -0.8320511 -0.55469899,
+ 0 -0.8821884 -0.47089661,0 -0.88126358 -0.47262512,
+ 0 -0.83205109 -0.554699,0 -0.8320511 -0.55469899,
+ 0 -0.80205828 -0.59724577,0 -0.8821884 -0.47089661,
+ 0 -0.80410583 -0.59448618,0 -0.80205828 -0.59724577,
+ 0 -0.88126358 -0.47262512,0 -0.8821884 -0.47089661,
+ 0 -0.49625227 -0.86817837,0 -0.80410583 -0.59448618,
+ 0 -0.49873528 -0.86675436,0 -0.49625227 -0.86817837,
+ 0 -0.80205828 -0.59724577,0 -0.80410583 -0.59448618,
+ 0 -0.43028746 -0.90269192,0 -0.49873528 -0.86675436,
+ 0 -0.43090009 -0.90239964,0 -0.43028746 -0.90269192,
+ 0 -0.49625227 -0.86817837,0 -0.49873528 -0.86675436,
+ 0 -0.55470143 -0.83204947,0 -0.43090009 -0.90239964,
+ 0 -0.55470141 -0.83204949,0 -0.55470143 -0.83204947,
+ 0 -0.43028746 -0.90269192,0 -0.43090006 -0.90239965,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_163 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2176 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2176 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2176 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,-0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,-0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,-0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,-0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,-0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,-0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,-0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2176 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.83205429 0.5546942,0 -0.90900396 0.41678747,
+ 0 -0.90883793 0.4171494,0 -0.83205428 0.55469421,
+ 0 -0.90900396 0.41678747,0 -0.83205429 0.5546942,
+ 0 -0.90883793 0.4171494,0 -0.94868331 0.31622773,
+ 0 -0.9486833 0.31622776,0 -0.90900395 0.4167875,
+ 0 -0.94868331 0.31622773,0 -0.90883793 0.4171494,
+ 0 -0.55469725 0.83205226,0 -0.55470332 0.83204821,
+ 0 -0.55470351 0.83204808,0 -0.55469717 0.83205231,
+ 0 -0.55470332 0.83204821,0 -0.55469725 0.83205226,
+ 0 -0.55470351 0.83204808,0 -0.55469996 0.83205045,
+ 0 -0.55469967 0.83205064,0 -0.55470332 0.83204821,
+ 0 -0.55469996 0.83205045,0 -0.55470351 0.83204808,
+ 0 -0.55469967 0.83205064,0 -0.55469124 0.83205626,
+ 0 -0.5546912 0.83205629,0 -0.55469996 0.83205045,
+ 0 -0.55469124 0.83205626,0 -0.55469967 0.83205064,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_164 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2177 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2177 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2177 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,-0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2177 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_165 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2178 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2178 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2178 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2178 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_166 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2179 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2179 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2179 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,-0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,-0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,-0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,-0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,-0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,-0.47199998 0.303 0,
+ -0.62999998 0.303 0,-0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.47199998 0.303 0,-0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.62999998 0.303 0,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 0.303 0,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0,-0.62999998 0.303 0] }
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+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.83205109 -0.554699,0 0.88232715 -0.47063658,
+ 0 0.89799985 -0.43999575,0 0.83205109 -0.554699,
+ 0 0.88232715 -0.47063658,0 0.83205109 -0.554699,
+ 0 0.89799985 -0.43999575,0 0.80268032 -0.59640951,
+ 0 0.81628561 -0.57764852,0 0.88232715 -0.47063658,
+ 0 0.80268032 -0.59640951,0 0.89799984 -0.43999578,
+ 0 0.81628561 -0.57764852,0 0.49623913 -0.86818588,
+ 0 0.52292325 -0.85237977,0 0.80268029 -0.59640954,
+ 0 0.49623913 -0.86818588,0 0.81628561 -0.57764852,
+ 0 0.52292325 -0.85237977,0 0.4314792 -0.90212289,
+ 0 0.4636686 -0.88600871,0 0.49623913 -0.86818588,
+ 0 0.4314792 -0.90212289,0 0.52292321 -0.8523798,
+ 0 0.4636686 -0.88600871,0 0.55470135 -0.83204952,
+ 0 0.55470139 -0.8320495,0 0.4314792 -0.90212289,
+ 0 0.55470135 -0.83204952,0 0.4636686 -0.88600871,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_167 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2180 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2180 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2180 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,-0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,-0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,-0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,-0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,-0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,-0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998] }
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+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2180 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.9084169 0.41806547,0 0.83205429 0.5546942,
+ 0 0.90874001 0.41736267,0 0.9084169 0.41806547,
+ 0 0.83205428 0.55469421,0 0.83205429 0.5546942,
+ 0 0.94868331 0.31622773,0 0.90874001 0.41736267,
+ 0 0.9486833 0.31622776,0 0.94868331 0.31622773,
+ 0 0.9084169 0.41806547,0 0.90874 0.4173627,
+ 0 0.55470329 0.83204823,0 0.55469725 0.83205226,
+ 0 0.55470335 0.83204819,0 0.55470329 0.83204823,
+ 0 0.5546972 0.83205229,0 0.55469725 0.83205226,
+ 0 0.5547 0.83205042,0 0.55470335 0.83204819,
+ 0 0.55469996 0.83205045,0 0.5547 0.83205042,
+ 0 0.55470329 0.83204823,0 0.55470335 0.83204819,
+ 0 0.55469124 0.83205626,0 0.55469996 0.83205045,
+ 0 0.55469124 0.83205626,0 0.55469124 0.83205626,
+ 0 0.5547 0.83205042,0 0.55470003 0.8320504,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_168 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2181 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2181 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2181 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,-0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2181 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_169 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2182 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2182 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2182 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
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+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ -0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,-0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,-0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,-0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ -0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,-0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ -0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,-0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,-0.47199998 0.296 0.022,
+ -0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,-0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ -0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,-0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 0.303 0,
+ -0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,-0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 0.303 0,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ -0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.287 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ -0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 0.287 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0,
+ -0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ -0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,-0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,-0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,-0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,-0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,-0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ -0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,-0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.303 0,-0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,
+ -0.47199998 -0.303 0,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,-0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,-0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ -0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999] }
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+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
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+ 120,121,122,-1,123,124,125,-1,126,127,128,-1,129,130,131,-1,132,133,134,-1,135,136,137,-1,138,139,140,-1,141,142,143,-1,
+ 144,145,146,-1,147,148,149,-1,150,151,152,-1,153,154,155,-1,156,157,158,-1,159,160,161,-1,162,163,164,-1,165,166,167,-1,
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+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
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+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_170 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2183 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_20 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.45300004
+ diffuseColor 0.37900001 0.27000001 0.215
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.15000001
+ specularColor 0.223 0.223 0.223
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_2183 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2183 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,-0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,-0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,-0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.287 0.016] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2183 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -0.96768671 -0.25215557,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.96723032 -0.25390059,0 -0.96768671 -0.25215557,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.88561198 -0.46442591,0 -0.96723032 -0.25390059,
+ 0 -0.88551339 -0.46461386,0 -0.88561198 -0.46442591,
+ 0 -0.96768671 -0.25215557,0 -0.96723032 -0.25390059,
+ 0 -0.76739467 -0.64117504,0 -0.88551339 -0.46461386,
+ 0 -0.76738685 -0.64118439,0 -0.76739467 -0.64117504,
+ 0 -0.88561198 -0.46442591,0 -0.88551337 -0.46461389,
+ 0 -0.62935528 -0.77711771,0 -0.76738685 -0.64118439,
+ 0 -0.62926672 -0.77718942,0 -0.62935528 -0.77711771,
+ 0 -0.76739467 -0.64117504,0 -0.76738685 -0.64118439,
+ 0 -0.4335416 -0.90113355,0 -0.62926672 -0.77718942,
+ 0 -0.43345545 -0.90117499,0 -0.4335416 -0.90113355,
+ 0 -0.62935532 -0.77711768,0 -0.62926672 -0.77718942,
+ 0 -0.15823973 -0.98740072,0 -0.43345545 -0.90117499,
+ 0 -0.15834527 -0.9873838,0 -0.15823973 -0.98740072,
+ 0 -0.4335416 -0.90113355,0 -0.43345545 -0.90117499,
+ 0 0 -1,0 -0.15834527 -0.9873838,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 -0.15823973 -0.98740072,0 -0.15834527 -0.9873838] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_171 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2184 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_20
+ geometry DEF FACE_2184 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2184 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,-0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2184 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_172 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2185 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_20
+ geometry DEF FACE_2185 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2185 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,0.47199998 0.296 0.022,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.022,0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.022,-0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.022,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,-0.47199998 0.296 0.022,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,-0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ -0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,0.47199998 0.287 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.287 0.016,0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.287 0.016,-0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ -0.47199998 0.287 0.016,0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,
+ -0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,0.47199998 0.287 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,-0.47199998 0.287 0.016] }
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+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2185 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 0.96622356 -0.25770532,
+ 0 0.98438146 -0.1760487,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.96622356 -0.25770532,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.98438146 -0.1760487,0 0.88524648 -0.4651222,
+ 0 0.88791461 -0.4600083,0 0.96622356 -0.25770534,
+ 0 0.88524648 -0.4651222,0 0.98438146 -0.1760487,
+ 0 0.88791461 -0.4600083,0 0.76729565 -0.64129352,
+ 0 0.76014757 -0.64975047,0 0.88524649 -0.46512218,
+ 0 0.76729565 -0.64129352,0 0.88791465 -0.46000823,
+ 0 0.76014757 -0.64975047,0 0.62897538 -0.77742522,
+ 0 0.6291432 -0.77728942,0 0.76729565 -0.64129352,
+ 0 0.62897538 -0.77742522,0 0.76014757 -0.64975047,
+ 0 0.6291432 -0.77728942,0 0.43313357 -0.90132975,
+ 0 0.4281454 -0.90370986,0 0.62897538 -0.77742522,
+ 0 0.43313357 -0.90132975,0 0.6291432 -0.77728942,
+ 0 0.4281454 -0.90370986,0 0.15839199 -0.98737631,
+ 0 0.11666716 -0.99317107,0 0.43313357 -0.90132975,
+ 0 0.15839199 -0.98737631,0 0.42814537 -0.90370988,
+ 0 0.11666716 -0.99317107,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.15839199 -0.98737631,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0.11666716 -0.99317107] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_173 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2186 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_20
+ geometry DEF FACE_2186 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2186 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2186 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_174 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2187 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_20
+ geometry DEF FACE_2187 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2187 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ -0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ 0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ -0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,-0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,-0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,
+ -0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
+ 0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,-0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,-0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
+ 0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,-0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ -0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ -0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,-0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
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+ 0 0.98985888 0.14205423,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.98985917 0.14205218,0 0.98985888 0.14205423,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.90813728 0.41867251,0 0.98985917 0.14205218,
+ 0 0.90808258 0.41879116,0 0.90813728 0.41867251,
+ 0 0.98985888 0.14205423,0 0.98985917 0.14205217,
+ 0 0.78649505 0.61759658,0 0.90808258 0.41879116,
+ 0 0.78636969 0.61775619,0 0.78649505 0.61759658,
+ 0 0.90813728 0.41867251,0 0.90808255 0.41879121,
+ 0 0.6642032 0.74755208,0 0.78636969 0.61775619,
+ 0 0.66390982 0.74781265,0 0.6642032 0.74755208,
+ 0 0.78649505 0.61759658,0 0.78636969 0.61775619,
+ 0 0.44650254 0.89478237,0 0.66390982 0.74781265,
+ 0 0.44878575 0.89363938,0 0.44650254 0.89478237,
+ 0 0.6642032 0.74755208,0 0.66390982 0.74781265,
+ 0 0.071087554 0.99747008,0 0.44878575 0.89363938,
+ 0 0.070405793 0.99751843,0 0.071087554 0.99747008,
+ 0 0.44650256 0.89478235,0 0.44878566 0.89363943,
+ 0 0 1,0 0.070405793 0.99751843,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0.071087554 0.99747008,0 0.070405793 0.99751843] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_175 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2188 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_20
+ geometry DEF FACE_2188 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2188 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2188 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_176 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2189 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_20
+ geometry DEF FACE_2189 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2189 Coordinate { point [
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,-0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,
+ -0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,-0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,-0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ -0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,-0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002] }
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+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2189 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -0.9898291 0.1422616,
+ 0 -0.98344676 0.18119731,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.9898291 0.1422616,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.98344676 0.18119731,0 -0.90791495 0.41915444,
+ 0 -0.88319265 0.46901038,0 -0.9898291 0.1422616,
+ 0 -0.90791495 0.41915444,0 -0.98344676 0.1811973,
+ 0 -0.88319265 0.46901038,0 -0.78605098 0.61816168,
+ 0 -0.76001026 0.64991107,0 -0.90791495 0.41915444,
+ 0 -0.78605098 0.61816168,0 -0.88319267 0.46901036,
+ 0 -0.76001026 0.64991107,0 -0.66325161 0.74839649,
+ 0 -0.63551809 0.77208598,0 -0.78605098 0.61816168,
+ 0 -0.66325161 0.74839649,0 -0.76001026 0.64991107,
+ 0 -0.63551809 0.77208598,0 -0.45319702 0.89141038,
+ 0 -0.4413113 0.89735407,0 -0.66325161 0.74839649,
+ 0 -0.45319702 0.89141038,0 -0.63551806 0.772086,
+ 0 -0.4413113 0.89735407,0 -0.068885868 0.99762455,
+ 0 -0.11667213 0.99317049,0 -0.45319702 0.89141038,
+ 0 -0.068885868 0.99762455,0 -0.44131126 0.8973541,
+ 0 -0.11667213 0.99317049,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.068885868 0.99762455,
+ 0 0 1,0 -0.11667213 0.99317049] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_177 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2190 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_20
+ geometry DEF FACE_2190 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2190 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ -0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,-0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2190 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_178 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2191 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2191 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2191 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,0.47199998 0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,0.47199998 0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.022,0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.303 0,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,0.47199998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 0.303 0,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.022,0.47199998 0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0,0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 0.287 0.016,0.47199998 0.28999999 0.017000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 0.29300001 0.61099999,0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ 0.47199998 0.287 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.028000001,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,0.47199998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,0.47199998 0.287 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.031,0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.028000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.025000001,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.022,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.031,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,0.47199998 0.28299999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.59799998,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.60200001,0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,0.47199998 -0.287 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.59799998,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.60200001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29800002 0.605,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 0.29800002 0.605,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 0.28299999 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,0.47199998 0.296 0.60799999,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.61299998,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.287 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 -0.28299999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 -0.303 0,0.47199998 -0.303 0,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,
+ 0.47199998 -0.28999999 0.017000001,0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.61099999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29300001 0.019,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,0.47199998 -0.296 0.60799999] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1,90,91,92,-1,93,94,95,-1,
+ 96,97,98,-1,99,100,101,-1,102,103,104,-1,105,106,107,-1,108,109,110,-1,111,112,113,-1,114,115,116,-1,117,118,119,-1,
+ 120,121,122,-1,123,124,125,-1,126,127,128,-1,129,130,131,-1,132,133,134,-1,135,136,137,-1,138,139,140,-1,141,142,143,-1,
+ 144,145,146,-1,147,148,149,-1,150,151,152,-1,153,154,155,-1,156,157,158,-1,159,160,161,-1,162,163,164,-1,165,166,167,-1,
+ 168,169,170,-1,171,172,173,-1,174,175,176,-1,177,178,179,-1,180,181,182,-1,183,184,185,-1,186,187,188,-1,189,190,191,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2191 Normal { vector [
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_179 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2192 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2192 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2192 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2192 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_180 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2193 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2193 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2193 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,0.47199998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.62999998 -0.303 0,0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.303 0,0.62999998 -0.303 0,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,0.47199998 -0.303 0,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,
+ 0.62999998 -0.303 0,0.47199998 -0.303 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2193 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.88330769 -0.46879369,0 -0.83205109 -0.554699,
+ 0 -0.88226492 -0.47075323,0 -0.88330769 -0.46879369,
+ 0 -0.83205105 -0.55469907,0 -0.83205109 -0.554699,
+ 0 -0.80631468 -0.5914868,0 -0.88226492 -0.47075323,
+ 0 -0.80396866 -0.59467166,0 -0.80631468 -0.5914868,
+ 0 -0.88330769 -0.46879369,0 -0.88226492 -0.47075323,
+ 0 -0.50164438 -0.86507394,0 -0.80396866 -0.59467166,
+ 0 -0.49863933 -0.86680957,0 -0.50164438 -0.86507394,
+ 0 -0.80631468 -0.5914868,0 -0.80396866 -0.59467166,
+ 0 -0.43173333 -0.90200129,0 -0.49863933 -0.86680957,
+ 0 -0.43098593 -0.90235865,0 -0.43173333 -0.90200129,
+ 0 -0.50164438 -0.86507394,0 -0.49863933 -0.86680957,
+ 0 -0.55470142 -0.83204948,0 -0.43098593 -0.90235865,
+ 0 -0.55470139 -0.8320495,0 -0.55470142 -0.83204948,
+ 0 -0.43173333 -0.90200129,0 -0.43098595 -0.90235864,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_181 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2194 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2194 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2194 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,0.47199998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,0.47199998 -0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.47199998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,0.47199998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,0.47199998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 -0.303 0.62999998] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2194 Normal { vector [
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -0.83205428 0.55469421,0 -0.90899982 0.41679651,
+ 0 -0.90591879 0.42345146,0 -0.83205428 0.55469421,
+ 0 -0.90899982 0.41679651,0 -0.83205428 0.55469421,
+ 0 -0.90591879 0.42345146,0 -0.9486833 0.31622776,
+ 0 -0.9486833 0.31622776,0 -0.90899982 0.41679651,
+ 0 -0.9486833 0.31622776,0 -0.90591879 0.42345146,
+ 0 -0.55469721 0.83205228,0 -0.55470336 0.83204819,
+ 0 -0.55470343 0.83204814,0 -0.55469717 0.83205231,
+ 0 -0.55470336 0.83204819,0 -0.55469721 0.83205228,
+ 0 -0.55470343 0.83204814,0 -0.55469996 0.83205045,
+ 0 -0.55469987 0.83205051,0 -0.55470336 0.83204819,
+ 0 -0.55469996 0.83205045,0 -0.55470343 0.83204814,
+ 0 -0.55469987 0.83205051,0 -0.5546912 0.83205629,
+ 0 -0.5546912 0.83205629,0 -0.55469996 0.83205045,
+ 0 -0.5546912 0.83205629,0 -0.55469978 0.83205057,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_182 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2195 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2195 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2195 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0,0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,0.47199998 -0.29899999 0,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2195 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_183 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2196 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2196 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2196 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2196 Normal { vector [
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_184 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2197 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2197 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2197 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,0.47199998 0.31299999 0.009,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.47199998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,0.47199998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,
+ 0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,0.62999998 0.303 0,
+ 0.47199998 0.303 0,0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.62999998 0.303 0,0.47199998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.47199998 0.303 0,0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0,0.62999998 0.303 0,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0,0.47199998 0.303 0] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2197 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.83205109 -0.554699,0 0.88231854 -0.47065272,
+ 0 0.89706127 -0.44190618,0 0.83205109 -0.554699,
+ 0 0.88231854 -0.47065272,0 0.83205109 -0.554699,
+ 0 0.89706127 -0.44190618,0 0.80270405 -0.59637758,
+ 0 0.82009107 -0.57223302,0 0.88231856 -0.4706527,
+ 0 0.80270405 -0.59637758,0 0.89706127 -0.44190618,
+ 0 0.82009107 -0.57223302,0 0.49627255 -0.86816678,
+ 0 0.53034841 -0.84777979,0 0.80270401 -0.59637763,
+ 0 0.49627255 -0.86816678,0 0.8200911 -0.57223298,
+ 0 0.53034841 -0.84777979,0 0.43147073 -0.90212693,
+ 0 0.45986208 -0.88799035,0 0.49627255 -0.86816678,
+ 0 0.43147073 -0.90212693,0 0.53034841 -0.84777979,
+ 0 0.45986208 -0.88799035,0 0.55470139 -0.8320495,
+ 0 0.55470139 -0.8320495,0 0.43147073 -0.90212693,
+ 0 0.55470139 -0.8320495,0 0.45986211 -0.88799034,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1,
+ 0 0 -1,0 0 -1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_185 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2198 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2198 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2198 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,0.47199998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,0.47199998 0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,0.47199998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,0.47199998 0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998,
+ 0.47199998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998,0.47199998 0.303 0.62999998] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2198 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 0.90917972 0.41640393,0 0.83205429 0.5546942,
+ 0 0.9087245 0.41739643,0 0.90917972 0.41640393,
+ 0 0.83205428 0.55469421,0 0.83205429 0.5546942,
+ 0 0.9486833 0.31622776,0 0.9087245 0.41739643,
+ 0 0.9486833 0.31622775,0 0.9486833 0.31622776,
+ 0 0.90917975 0.41640386,0 0.9087245 0.41739643,
+ 0 0.55470329 0.83204823,0 0.55469718 0.8320523,
+ 0 0.55470332 0.83204821,0 0.55470329 0.83204823,
+ 0 0.55469725 0.83205226,0 0.55469718 0.8320523,
+ 0 0.5547 0.83205042,0 0.55470332 0.83204821,
+ 0 0.5547 0.83205042,0 0.5547 0.83205042,
+ 0 0.55470329 0.83204823,0 0.55470336 0.83204819,
+ 0 0.5546912 0.83205629,0 0.5547 0.83205042,
+ 0 0.55469121 0.83205628,0 0.5546912 0.83205629,
+ 0 0.5547 0.83205042,0 0.55470003 0.8320504,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_186 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2199 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2199 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2199 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.47199998 0.31499999 0.016,0.47199998 0.31499999 0.61400002] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2199 Normal { vector [
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_187 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2200 Shape {
+ appearance USE APP_19
+ geometry DEF FACE_2200 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2200 Coordinate { point [
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61799996,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.62999998 -0.312 0.62399999,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.621,0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.62800003,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 -0.303 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0,0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.62999998 0.31299999 0.009,0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.62999998 0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0,0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.62999998 0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.62999998 0.303 0,0.62999998 0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61799996,0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 0.31299999 0.621,
+ 0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.312 0.62399999,0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 0.30899998 0.62599999,
+ 0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.30599999 0.62800003,0.62999998 0.303 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.012,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31299999 0.009,0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 -0.312 0.0060000002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 -0.30899998 0.0030000001,0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 -0.30599999 0.002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.303 0,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 -0.303 0,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,
+ 0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.61400002,
+ 0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,0.62999998 0.29899999 0,
+ 0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.29899999 0,0.62999998 0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,0.62999998 -0.31499999 0.016,
+ 0.62999998 -0.29899999 0,0.62999998 -0.29899999 0.62999998,
+ 0.62999998 0.31499999 0.61400002,0.62999998 0.29899999 0.62999998] }
+ coordIndex [
+ 0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,6,7,8,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,16,17,-1,18,19,20,-1,21,22,23,-1,
+ 24,25,26,-1,27,28,29,-1,30,31,32,-1,33,34,35,-1,36,37,38,-1,39,40,41,-1,42,43,44,-1,45,46,47,-1,
+ 48,49,50,-1,51,52,53,-1,54,55,56,-1,57,58,59,-1,60,61,62,-1,63,64,65,-1,66,67,68,-1,69,70,71,-1,
+ 72,73,74,-1,75,76,77,-1,78,79,80,-1,81,82,83,-1,84,85,86,-1,87,88,89,-1]
+ normalPerVertex TRUE
+ normal DEF NORM_2200 Normal { vector [
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0] }
+] }
+] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_188 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 4.712389
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 50.75 -44 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_189 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 1.5707963
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 53.25 -44 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_190 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 1.5707963
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 52 -44 0.31496063
+ children [
+] }
+DEF TXFM_191 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_2201 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_21 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 1
+ diffuseColor 0.07 0.30000001 0.12
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.02
+ specularColor 0.0099999998 0.029999999 0.0099999998
+ transparency 0
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_2201 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_2201 Coordinate { point [
+ 60.906784 -37.285655 0.31003937,60.946154 -37.275106 0.31003937,
+ 60.985524 -37.285655 0.31003937,61.014345 -37.314476 0.31003937,
+ 61.024894 -37.353846 0.31003937,61.014345 -37.393216 0.31003937,
+ 60.985524 -37.422037 0.31003937,60.946154 -37.432586 0.31003937,
+ 60.906784 -37.422037 0.31003937,60.877963 -37.393216 0.31003937,
+ 60.867414 -37.353846 0.31003937,60.877963 -37.314476 0.31003937,
+ 60.882586 -36.646154 0.31003937,60.872037 -36.685524 0.31003937,
+ 60.843216 -36.714345 0.31003937,60.803846 -36.724894 0.31003937,
+ 60.764476 -36.714345 0.31003937,60.735655 -36.685524 0.31003937,
+ 60.725106 -36.646154 0.31003937,60.735655 -36.606784 0.31003937,
+ 60.764476 -36.577963 0.31003937,60.803846 -36.567414 0.31003937,
+ 60.843216 -36.577963 0.31003937,60.872037 -36.606784 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -35.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -35.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -35.574803 0.31003937,44.605788 -35.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -35.629563 0.31003937,44.538721 -35.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.649606 0.31003937,44.461279 -35.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.629563 0.31003937,44.394212 -35.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.574803 0.31003937,44.355491 -35.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -35.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -35.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.425197 0.31003937,44.394212 -35.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.370437 0.31003937,44.461279 -35.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.350394 0.31003937,44.538721 -35.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -35.370437 0.31003937,44.605788 -35.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -35.425197 0.31003937,44.644509 -35.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -36.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -36.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.574803 0.31003937,44.605788 -36.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.629563 0.31003937,44.538721 -36.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.649606 0.31003937,44.461279 -36.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.629563 0.31003937,44.394212 -36.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.574803 0.31003937,44.355491 -36.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -36.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -36.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.425197 0.31003937,44.394212 -36.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.370437 0.31003937,44.461279 -36.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.350394 0.31003937,44.538721 -36.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.370437 0.31003937,44.605788 -36.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.425197 0.31003937,44.644509 -36.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -37.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -37.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.574803 0.31003937,44.605788 -37.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.629563 0.31003937,44.538721 -37.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.649606 0.31003937,44.461279 -37.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.629563 0.31003937,44.394212 -37.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.574803 0.31003937,44.355491 -37.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -37.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -37.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.425197 0.31003937,44.394212 -37.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.370437 0.31003937,44.461279 -37.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.350394 0.31003937,44.538721 -37.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.370437 0.31003937,44.605788 -37.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.425197 0.31003937,44.644509 -37.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -38.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -38.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.574803 0.31003937,44.605788 -38.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.629563 0.31003937,44.538721 -38.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.649606 0.31003937,44.461279 -38.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.629563 0.31003937,44.394212 -38.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.574803 0.31003937,44.355491 -38.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -38.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -38.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.425197 0.31003937,44.394212 -38.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.370437 0.31003937,44.461279 -38.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.350394 0.31003937,44.538721 -38.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.370437 0.31003937,44.605788 -38.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.425197 0.31003937,44.644509 -38.461279 0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -42.740792 0.31003937,43.735751 -42.791142 0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -42.85363 0.31003937,43.805808 -42.924625 0.31003937,
+ 43.814961 -43 0.31003937,43.805808 -43.075375 0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -43.14637 0.31003937,43.735751 -43.208858 0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -43.259208 0.31003937,43.611687 -43.294493 0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -43.312664 0.31003937,43.462036 -43.312664 0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -43.294493 0.31003937,43.321082 -43.259208 0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -43.208858 0.31003937,43.221116 -43.14637 0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -43.075375 0.31003937,43.185039 -43 0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -42.924625 0.31003937,43.221116 -42.85363 0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -42.791142 0.31003937,43.321082 -42.740792 0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -42.705507 0.31003937,43.462036 -42.687336 0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -42.687336 0.31003937,43.611687 -42.705507 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -35 0.31003937,43.644509 -35.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.074803 0.31003937,43.605788 -35.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.129563 0.31003937,43.538721 -35.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.149606 0.31003937,43.461279 -35.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.129563 0.31003937,43.394212 -35.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.074803 0.31003937,43.355491 -35.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -35 0.31003937,43.355491 -34.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -34.925197 0.31003937,43.394212 -34.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -34.870437 0.31003937,43.461279 -34.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -34.850394 0.31003937,43.538721 -34.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -34.870437 0.31003937,43.605788 -34.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -34.925197 0.31003937,43.644509 -34.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -36 0.31003937,43.644509 -36.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.074803 0.31003937,43.605788 -36.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.129563 0.31003937,43.538721 -36.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.149606 0.31003937,43.461279 -36.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.129563 0.31003937,43.394212 -36.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.074803 0.31003937,43.355491 -36.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -36 0.31003937,43.355491 -35.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.925197 0.31003937,43.394212 -35.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.870437 0.31003937,43.461279 -35.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.850394 0.31003937,43.538721 -35.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.870437 0.31003937,43.605788 -35.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.925197 0.31003937,43.644509 -35.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -37 0.31003937,43.644509 -37.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.074803 0.31003937,43.605788 -37.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.129563 0.31003937,43.538721 -37.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.149606 0.31003937,43.461279 -37.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.129563 0.31003937,43.394212 -37.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.074803 0.31003937,43.355491 -37.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -37 0.31003937,43.355491 -36.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.925197 0.31003937,43.394212 -36.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.870437 0.31003937,43.461279 -36.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.850394 0.31003937,43.538721 -36.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.870437 0.31003937,43.605788 -36.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.925197 0.31003937,43.644509 -36.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -38 0.31003937,43.644509 -38.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -38.074803 0.31003937,43.605788 -38.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -38.129563 0.31003937,43.538721 -38.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -38.149606 0.31003937,43.461279 -38.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -38.129563 0.31003937,43.394212 -38.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -38.074803 0.31003937,43.355491 -38.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -38 0.31003937,43.355491 -37.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.925197 0.31003937,43.394212 -37.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.870437 0.31003937,43.461279 -37.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.850394 0.31003937,43.538721 -37.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.870437 0.31003937,43.605788 -37.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.925197 0.31003937,43.644509 -37.961279 0.31003937,
+ 61.174894 -36.353846 0.31003937,61.164345 -36.393216 0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.422037 0.31003937,61.096154 -36.432586 0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.422037 0.31003937,61.027963 -36.393216 0.31003937,
+ 61.017414 -36.353846 0.31003937,61.027963 -36.314476 0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.285655 0.31003937,61.096154 -36.275106 0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.285655 0.31003937,61.164345 -36.314476 0.31003937,
+ 58.617414 -37.496154 0.31003937,58.627963 -37.456784 0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.427963 0.31003937,58.696154 -37.417414 0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.427963 0.31003937,58.764345 -37.456784 0.31003937,
+ 58.774894 -37.496154 0.31003937,58.764345 -37.535524 0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.564345 0.31003937,58.696154 -37.574894 0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.564345 0.31003937,58.627963 -37.535524 0.31003937,
+ 58.482586 -37.203846 0.31003937,58.472037 -37.243216 0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.272037 0.31003937,58.403846 -37.282586 0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.272037 0.31003937,58.335655 -37.243216 0.31003937,
+ 58.325106 -37.203846 0.31003937,58.335655 -37.164476 0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.135655 0.31003937,58.403846 -37.125106 0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.135655 0.31003937,58.472037 -37.164476 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.725116 0.31003937,55.518191 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -37.793307 0.31003937,55.518191 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.861498 0.31003937,55.45 -37.872047 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.861498 0.31003937,55.381809 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -37.793307 0.31003937,55.381809 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.725116 0.31003937,55.45 -37.714567 0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.253937 0.31003937,55.481654 -36.293307 0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.332677 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.361498 0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.372047 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.361498 0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.332677 0.31003937,55.324174 -36.293307 0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.253937 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.225116 0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.214567 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.225116 0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -34.793307 0.31003937,55.315137 -34.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.725116 0.31003937,55.383328 -34.714567 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.725116 0.31003937,55.451519 -34.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -34.793307 0.31003937,55.451519 -34.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.861498 0.31003937,55.383328 -34.872047 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.861498 0.31003937,55.315137 -34.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -35.206693 0.31003937,55.315137 -35.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.138502 0.31003937,55.383328 -35.127953 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.138502 0.31003937,55.451519 -35.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -35.206693 0.31003937,55.451519 -35.246063 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.274884 0.31003937,55.383328 -35.285433 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.274884 0.31003937,55.315137 -35.246063 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -34.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -34.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -34.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.431809 0.31003937,53.568191 -34.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -34.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -34.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -34.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.568191 0.31003937,53.431809 -34.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -35.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -35.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -35.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.431809 0.31003937,53.568191 -35.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -35.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -35.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -35.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.568191 0.31003937,53.431809 -35.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -37.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -37.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -37.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.431809 0.31003937,53.568191 -37.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -37.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -37.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -37.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.568191 0.31003937,53.431809 -37.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -38.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -38.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -38.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.431809 0.31003937,53.568191 -38.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -38.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -38.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -38.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.568191 0.31003937,53.431809 -38.53937 0.31003937,
+ 48.822835 -45 0.31003937,48.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,48.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,48.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,49 -44.822835 0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,49.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,49.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,49.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 49.177165 -45 0.31003937,49.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,49.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,49.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,49 -45.177165 0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,48.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,48.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,48.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -37.793307 0.31003937,47.618191 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.861498 0.31003937,47.55 -37.872047 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.861498 0.31003937,47.481809 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -37.793307 0.31003937,47.481809 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.725116 0.31003937,47.55 -37.714567 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.725116 0.31003937,47.618191 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 47.822835 -45 0.31003937,47.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,47.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,47.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,48 -44.822835 0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,48.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,48.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,48.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 48.177165 -45 0.31003937,48.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,48.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,48.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,48 -45.177165 0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,47.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,47.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,47.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -38.206693 0.31003937,47.481809 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.138502 0.31003937,47.55 -38.127953 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.138502 0.31003937,47.618191 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -38.206693 0.31003937,47.618191 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.274884 0.31003937,47.55 -38.285433 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.274884 0.31003937,47.481809 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 46.734252 -41.496063 0.31003937,46.730699 -41.534404 0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.57144 0.31003937,46.702998 -41.605909 0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.636637 0.31003937,46.651337 -41.662578 0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.682849 0.31003937,46.582693 -41.696759 0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.703834 0.31003937,46.506338 -41.703834 0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.696759 0.31003937,46.432582 -41.682849 0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.662578 0.31003937,46.371388 -41.636637 0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.605909 0.31003937,46.33102 -41.57144 0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.534404 0.31003937,46.316929 -41.496063 0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.457722 0.31003937,46.33102 -41.420686 0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.386217 0.31003937,46.371388 -41.355489 0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.329548 0.31003937,46.432582 -41.309277 0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.295367 0.31003937,46.506338 -41.288292 0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.288292 0.31003937,46.582693 -41.295367 0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.309277 0.31003937,46.651337 -41.329548 0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.355489 0.31003937,46.702998 -41.386217 0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.420686 0.31003937,46.730699 -41.457722 0.31003937,
+ 60.575106 -37.646154 0.31003937,60.585655 -37.606784 0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.577963 0.31003937,60.653846 -37.567414 0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.577963 0.31003937,60.722037 -37.606784 0.31003937,
+ 60.732586 -37.646154 0.31003937,60.722037 -37.685524 0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.714345 0.31003937,60.653846 -37.724894 0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.714345 0.31003937,60.585655 -37.685524 0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -35.3615 0.31003937,60.128634 -35.323878 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.290793 0.31003937,60.177 -35.266237 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.253171 0.31003937,60.251101 -35.253171 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.266237 0.31003937,60.316265 -35.290793 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.323878 0.31003937,60.342 -35.3615 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.399122 0.31003937,60.316265 -35.432207 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.456763 0.31003937,60.251101 -35.469829 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.469829 0.31003937,60.177 -35.456763 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.432207 0.31003937,60.128634 -35.399122 0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -34.991 0.31003937,60.019 -35.227 0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -35.267358 0.31003937,59.991393 -35.302849 0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -35.329191 0.31003937,59.92149 -35.343207 0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -35.343207 0.31003937,59.842 -35.329191 0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -35.302849 0.31003937,59.790116 -35.267358 0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.227 0.31003937,59.783 -35.117 0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -35.117 0.31003937,59.463642 -35.109884 0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -35.089393 0.31003937,59.401809 -35.058 0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -35.01949 0.31003937,59.387793 -34.97851 0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -34.94 0.31003937,59.428151 -34.908607 0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -34.888116 0.31003937,59.504 -34.881 0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -34.881 0.31003937,59.88051 -34.874793 0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -34.874793 0.31003937,59.96 -34.888809 0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -34.915151 0.31003937,60.011884 -34.950642 0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -38.0385 0.31003937,60.128634 -38.000878 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -37.967793 0.31003937,60.177 -37.943237 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -37.930171 0.31003937,60.251101 -37.930171 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -37.943237 0.31003937,60.316265 -37.967793 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.000878 0.31003937,60.342 -38.0385 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.076122 0.31003937,60.316265 -38.109207 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -38.133763 0.31003937,60.251101 -38.146829 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -38.146829 0.31003937,60.177 -38.133763 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -38.109207 0.31003937,60.128634 -38.076122 0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.38051 0.31003937,59.401809 -38.342 0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.310607 0.31003937,59.463642 -38.290116 0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.283 0.31003937,59.783 -38.283 0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.173 0.31003937,59.790116 -38.132642 0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -38.097151 0.31003937,59.842 -38.070809 0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.056793 0.31003937,59.92149 -38.056793 0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.070809 0.31003937,59.991393 -38.097151 0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.132642 0.31003937,60.019 -38.173 0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.409 0.31003937,60.011884 -38.449358 0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.484849 0.31003937,59.96 -38.511191 0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.525207 0.31003937,59.88051 -38.525207 0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -38.519 0.31003937,59.504 -38.519 0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.511884 0.31003937,59.428151 -38.491393 0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.46 0.31003937,59.387793 -38.42149 0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -47 0.31003937,60.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,60.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,60.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,60.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,60.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,61.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,61.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,61.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,61.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,61.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,61.531496 -47 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,61.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,61.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,61.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,61.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,61.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,60.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,60.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,60.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,60.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,60.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,
+ 40.822835 -43 0.31003937,40.831987 -42.924625 0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -42.85363 0.31003937,40.902044 -42.791142 0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -42.740792 0.31003937,41.026109 -42.705507 0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -42.687336 0.31003937,41.17576 -42.687336 0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -42.705507 0.31003937,41.316713 -42.740792 0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -42.791142 0.31003937,41.416679 -42.85363 0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -42.924625 0.31003937,41.452756 -43 0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -43.075375 0.31003937,41.416679 -43.14637 0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -43.208858 0.31003937,41.316713 -43.259208 0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -43.294493 0.31003937,41.17576 -43.312664 0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -43.312664 0.31003937,41.026109 -43.294493 0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -43.259208 0.31003937,40.902044 -43.208858 0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -43.14637 0.31003937,40.831987 -43.075375 0.31003937,
+ 42.003937 -44.850394 0.31003937,42.013089 -44.775019 0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.704024 0.31003937,42.083146 -44.641536 0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -44.591186 0.31003937,42.207211 -44.5559 0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -44.537729 0.31003937,42.356862 -44.537729 0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -44.5559 0.31003937,42.497816 -44.591186 0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -44.641536 0.31003937,42.597781 -44.704024 0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.775019 0.31003937,42.633858 -44.850394 0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.925769 0.31003937,42.597781 -44.996763 0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -45.059251 0.31003937,42.497816 -45.109601 0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -45.144887 0.31003937,42.356862 -45.163058 0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -45.163058 0.31003937,42.207211 -45.144887 0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -45.109601 0.31003937,42.083146 -45.059251 0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.996763 0.31003937,42.013089 -44.925769 0.31003937,
+ 45.765748 -43.503937 0.31003937,45.769301 -43.465596 0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.42856 0.31003937,45.797002 -43.394091 0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.363363 0.31003937,45.848663 -43.337422 0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.317151 0.31003937,45.917307 -43.303241 0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.296166 0.31003937,45.993662 -43.296166 0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.303241 0.31003937,46.067418 -43.317151 0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.337422 0.31003937,46.128612 -43.363363 0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.394091 0.31003937,46.16898 -43.42856 0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.465596 0.31003937,46.183071 -43.503937 0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.542278 0.31003937,46.16898 -43.579314 0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.613783 0.31003937,46.128612 -43.644511 0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.670452 0.31003937,46.067418 -43.690723 0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.704633 0.31003937,45.993662 -43.711708 0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.711708 0.31003937,45.917307 -43.704633 0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.690723 0.31003937,45.848663 -43.670452 0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.644511 0.31003937,45.797002 -43.613783 0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.579314 0.31003937,45.769301 -43.542278 0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.706693 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.667323 0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.638502 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.627953 0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.638502 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.667323 0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.706693 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.746063 0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.774884 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.785433 0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.774884 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.746063 0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -38.206693 0.31003937,55.381809 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.138502 0.31003937,55.45 -38.127953 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.138502 0.31003937,55.518191 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -38.206693 0.31003937,55.518191 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.274884 0.31003937,55.45 -38.285433 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.274884 0.31003937,55.381809 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 62 -48.5 0.31003937,62.086824 -48.492404 0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -48.469846 0.31003937,62.25 -48.433013 0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -48.383022 0.31003937,62.383022 -48.321394 0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -48.25 0.31003937,62.469846 -48.17101 0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -48.086824 0.31003937,62.5 -48 0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -31 0.31003937,62.492404 -30.913176 0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -30.82899 0.31003937,62.433013 -30.75 0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -30.678606 0.31003937,62.321394 -30.616978 0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -30.566987 0.31003937,62.17101 -30.530154 0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -30.507596 0.31003937,62 -30.5 0.31003937,
+ 39 -30.5 0.31003937,38.913176 -30.507596 0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -30.530154 0.31003937,38.75 -30.566987 0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -30.616978 0.31003937,38.616978 -30.678606 0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -30.75 0.31003937,38.530154 -30.82899 0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -30.913176 0.31003937,38.5 -31 0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -48 0.31003937,38.507596 -48.086824 0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -48.17101 0.31003937,38.566987 -48.25 0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -48.321394 0.31003937,38.678606 -48.383022 0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -48.433013 0.31003937,38.82899 -48.469846 0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -48.492404 0.31003937,39 -48.5 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,61.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,60.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,60.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,60.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,60.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,60.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -32 0.31003937,60.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,60.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,60.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,60.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,60.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,61.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,61.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,61.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,61.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,61.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,61.531496 -32 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,61.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,61.439143 -32.299402 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -32.361509 0.31003937,61.331382 -32.41554 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,61.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -35.01949 0.31003937,61.850191 -35.058 0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -35.089393 0.31003937,61.788358 -35.109884 0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -35.117 0.31003937,61.236 -35.117 0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -35.109884 0.31003937,61.160151 -35.089393 0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -35.058 0.31003937,61.119793 -35.01949 0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -34.97851 0.31003937,61.133809 -34.94 0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -34.908607 0.31003937,61.195642 -34.888116 0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -34.881 0.31003937,61.748 -34.881 0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -34.888116 0.31003937,61.823849 -34.908607 0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -34.94 0.31003937,61.864207 -34.97851 0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.38051 0.31003937,61.864207 -38.42149 0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.46 0.31003937,61.823849 -38.491393 0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.511884 0.31003937,61.748 -38.519 0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.519 0.31003937,61.195642 -38.511884 0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.491393 0.31003937,61.133809 -38.46 0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.42149 0.31003937,61.119793 -38.38051 0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.342 0.31003937,61.160151 -38.310607 0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.290116 0.31003937,61.236 -38.283 0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.283 0.31003937,61.788358 -38.290116 0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.310607 0.31003937,61.850191 -38.342 0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -47 0.31003937,39.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,39.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,39.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,39.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,39.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,40.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,40.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,40.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,40.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,40.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,40.531496 -47 0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,40.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,40.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,40.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,40.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,40.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,39.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,39.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,39.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,39.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,39.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -34.5 0.31003937,40.400909 -34.305344 0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.129742 0.31003937,40.629742 -33.990383 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -33.900909 0.31003937,41 -33.870079 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -33.900909 0.31003937,41.370258 -33.990383 0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.129742 0.31003937,41.599091 -34.305344 0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -34.5 0.31003937,41.599091 -34.694656 0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.870258 0.31003937,41.370258 -35.009617 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -35.099091 0.31003937,41 -35.129921 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -35.099091 0.31003937,40.629742 -35.009617 0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.870258 0.31003937,40.400909 -34.694656 0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -32.41554 0.31003937,40.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,40.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,39.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,39.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,39.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,39.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,39.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,39.468504 -32 0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,39.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,39.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,39.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,39.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,39.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,40.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,40.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,40.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,40.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,40.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -32 0.31003937,40.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,40.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -32.299402 0.31003937,40.389614 -32.361509 0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -39 0.31003937,40.400909 -38.805344 0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -38.629742 0.31003937,40.629742 -38.490383 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -38.400909 0.31003937,41 -38.370079 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -38.400909 0.31003937,41.370258 -38.490383 0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -38.629742 0.31003937,41.599091 -38.805344 0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -39 0.31003937,41.599091 -39.194656 0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -39.370258 0.31003937,41.370258 -39.509617 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -39.599091 0.31003937,41 -39.629921 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -39.599091 0.31003937,40.629742 -39.509617 0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -39.370258 0.31003937,40.400909 -39.194656 0.31003937,
+ 60.906784 -37.285655 -0.31003937,60.946154 -37.275106 -0.31003937,
+ 60.985524 -37.285655 -0.31003937,61.014345 -37.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 61.024894 -37.353846 -0.31003937,61.014345 -37.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 60.985524 -37.422037 -0.31003937,60.946154 -37.432586 -0.31003937,
+ 60.906784 -37.422037 -0.31003937,60.877963 -37.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 60.867414 -37.353846 -0.31003937,60.877963 -37.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 60.882586 -36.646154 -0.31003937,60.872037 -36.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.843216 -36.714345 -0.31003937,60.803846 -36.724894 -0.31003937,
+ 60.764476 -36.714345 -0.31003937,60.735655 -36.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.725106 -36.646154 -0.31003937,60.735655 -36.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 60.764476 -36.577963 -0.31003937,60.803846 -36.567414 -0.31003937,
+ 60.843216 -36.577963 -0.31003937,60.872037 -36.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -35.5 -0.31003937,44.644509 -35.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -35.574803 -0.31003937,44.605788 -35.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -35.629563 -0.31003937,44.538721 -35.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.649606 -0.31003937,44.461279 -35.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.629563 -0.31003937,44.394212 -35.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.574803 -0.31003937,44.355491 -35.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -35.5 -0.31003937,44.355491 -35.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.425197 -0.31003937,44.394212 -35.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.370437 -0.31003937,44.461279 -35.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.350394 -0.31003937,44.538721 -35.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -35.370437 -0.31003937,44.605788 -35.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -35.425197 -0.31003937,44.644509 -35.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -36.5 -0.31003937,44.644509 -36.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.574803 -0.31003937,44.605788 -36.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.629563 -0.31003937,44.538721 -36.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.649606 -0.31003937,44.461279 -36.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.629563 -0.31003937,44.394212 -36.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.574803 -0.31003937,44.355491 -36.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -36.5 -0.31003937,44.355491 -36.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.425197 -0.31003937,44.394212 -36.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.370437 -0.31003937,44.461279 -36.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.350394 -0.31003937,44.538721 -36.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.370437 -0.31003937,44.605788 -36.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.425197 -0.31003937,44.644509 -36.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -37.5 -0.31003937,44.644509 -37.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.574803 -0.31003937,44.605788 -37.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.629563 -0.31003937,44.538721 -37.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.649606 -0.31003937,44.461279 -37.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.629563 -0.31003937,44.394212 -37.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.574803 -0.31003937,44.355491 -37.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -37.5 -0.31003937,44.355491 -37.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.425197 -0.31003937,44.394212 -37.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.370437 -0.31003937,44.461279 -37.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.350394 -0.31003937,44.538721 -37.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.370437 -0.31003937,44.605788 -37.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.425197 -0.31003937,44.644509 -37.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -38.5 -0.31003937,44.644509 -38.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.574803 -0.31003937,44.605788 -38.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.629563 -0.31003937,44.538721 -38.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.649606 -0.31003937,44.461279 -38.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.629563 -0.31003937,44.394212 -38.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.574803 -0.31003937,44.355491 -38.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -38.5 -0.31003937,44.355491 -38.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.425197 -0.31003937,44.394212 -38.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.370437 -0.31003937,44.461279 -38.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.350394 -0.31003937,44.538721 -38.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.370437 -0.31003937,44.605788 -38.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.425197 -0.31003937,44.644509 -38.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -42.740792 -0.31003937,43.735751 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -42.85363 -0.31003937,43.805808 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 43.814961 -43 -0.31003937,43.805808 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -43.14637 -0.31003937,43.735751 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -43.259208 -0.31003937,43.611687 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -43.312664 -0.31003937,43.462036 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -43.294493 -0.31003937,43.321082 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -43.208858 -0.31003937,43.221116 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -43.075375 -0.31003937,43.185039 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -42.924625 -0.31003937,43.221116 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -42.791142 -0.31003937,43.321082 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -42.705507 -0.31003937,43.462036 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -42.687336 -0.31003937,43.611687 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -35 -0.31003937,43.644509 -35.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.074803 -0.31003937,43.605788 -35.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.129563 -0.31003937,43.538721 -35.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.149606 -0.31003937,43.461279 -35.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.129563 -0.31003937,43.394212 -35.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.074803 -0.31003937,43.355491 -35.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -35 -0.31003937,43.355491 -34.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -34.925197 -0.31003937,43.394212 -34.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -34.870437 -0.31003937,43.461279 -34.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -34.850394 -0.31003937,43.538721 -34.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -34.870437 -0.31003937,43.605788 -34.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -34.925197 -0.31003937,43.644509 -34.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -36 -0.31003937,43.644509 -36.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.074803 -0.31003937,43.605788 -36.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.129563 -0.31003937,43.538721 -36.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.149606 -0.31003937,43.461279 -36.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.129563 -0.31003937,43.394212 -36.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.074803 -0.31003937,43.355491 -36.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -36 -0.31003937,43.355491 -35.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.925197 -0.31003937,43.394212 -35.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.870437 -0.31003937,43.461279 -35.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.850394 -0.31003937,43.538721 -35.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.870437 -0.31003937,43.605788 -35.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.925197 -0.31003937,43.644509 -35.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -37 -0.31003937,43.644509 -37.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.074803 -0.31003937,43.605788 -37.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.129563 -0.31003937,43.538721 -37.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.149606 -0.31003937,43.461279 -37.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.129563 -0.31003937,43.394212 -37.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.074803 -0.31003937,43.355491 -37.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -37 -0.31003937,43.355491 -36.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.925197 -0.31003937,43.394212 -36.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.870437 -0.31003937,43.461279 -36.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.850394 -0.31003937,43.538721 -36.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.870437 -0.31003937,43.605788 -36.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.925197 -0.31003937,43.644509 -36.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -38 -0.31003937,43.644509 -38.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -38.074803 -0.31003937,43.605788 -38.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -38.129563 -0.31003937,43.538721 -38.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -38.149606 -0.31003937,43.461279 -38.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -38.129563 -0.31003937,43.394212 -38.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -38.074803 -0.31003937,43.355491 -38.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -38 -0.31003937,43.355491 -37.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.925197 -0.31003937,43.394212 -37.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.870437 -0.31003937,43.461279 -37.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.850394 -0.31003937,43.538721 -37.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.870437 -0.31003937,43.605788 -37.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.925197 -0.31003937,43.644509 -37.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 61.174894 -36.353846 -0.31003937,61.164345 -36.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.422037 -0.31003937,61.096154 -36.432586 -0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.422037 -0.31003937,61.027963 -36.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 61.017414 -36.353846 -0.31003937,61.027963 -36.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.285655 -0.31003937,61.096154 -36.275106 -0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.285655 -0.31003937,61.164345 -36.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 58.617414 -37.496154 -0.31003937,58.627963 -37.456784 -0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.427963 -0.31003937,58.696154 -37.417414 -0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.427963 -0.31003937,58.764345 -37.456784 -0.31003937,
+ 58.774894 -37.496154 -0.31003937,58.764345 -37.535524 -0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.564345 -0.31003937,58.696154 -37.574894 -0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.564345 -0.31003937,58.627963 -37.535524 -0.31003937,
+ 58.482586 -37.203846 -0.31003937,58.472037 -37.243216 -0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.272037 -0.31003937,58.403846 -37.282586 -0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.272037 -0.31003937,58.335655 -37.243216 -0.31003937,
+ 58.325106 -37.203846 -0.31003937,58.335655 -37.164476 -0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.135655 -0.31003937,58.403846 -37.125106 -0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.135655 -0.31003937,58.472037 -37.164476 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,55.518191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,55.518191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,55.45 -37.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,55.381809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,55.381809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,55.45 -37.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.253937 -0.31003937,55.481654 -36.293307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.332677 -0.31003937,55.442284 -36.361498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.372047 -0.31003937,55.363544 -36.361498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.332677 -0.31003937,55.324174 -36.293307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.253937 -0.31003937,55.363544 -36.225116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.214567 -0.31003937,55.442284 -36.225116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -34.793307 -0.31003937,55.315137 -34.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.725116 -0.31003937,55.383328 -34.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.725116 -0.31003937,55.451519 -34.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -34.793307 -0.31003937,55.451519 -34.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.861498 -0.31003937,55.383328 -34.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.861498 -0.31003937,55.315137 -34.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -35.206693 -0.31003937,55.315137 -35.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.138502 -0.31003937,55.383328 -35.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.138502 -0.31003937,55.451519 -35.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -35.206693 -0.31003937,55.451519 -35.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.274884 -0.31003937,55.383328 -35.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.274884 -0.31003937,55.315137 -35.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -34.5 -0.31003937,53.431809 -34.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.431809 -0.31003937,53.5 -34.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.431809 -0.31003937,53.568191 -34.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -34.5 -0.31003937,53.568191 -34.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.568191 -0.31003937,53.5 -34.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.568191 -0.31003937,53.431809 -34.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -35.5 -0.31003937,53.431809 -35.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.431809 -0.31003937,53.5 -35.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.431809 -0.31003937,53.568191 -35.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -35.5 -0.31003937,53.568191 -35.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.568191 -0.31003937,53.5 -35.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.568191 -0.31003937,53.431809 -35.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -37.5 -0.31003937,53.431809 -37.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.431809 -0.31003937,53.5 -37.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.431809 -0.31003937,53.568191 -37.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -37.5 -0.31003937,53.568191 -37.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.568191 -0.31003937,53.5 -37.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.568191 -0.31003937,53.431809 -37.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -38.5 -0.31003937,53.431809 -38.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.431809 -0.31003937,53.5 -38.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.431809 -0.31003937,53.568191 -38.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -38.5 -0.31003937,53.568191 -38.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.568191 -0.31003937,53.5 -38.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.568191 -0.31003937,53.431809 -38.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 48.822835 -45 -0.31003937,48.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,48.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,48.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,49 -44.822835 -0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,49.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,49.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,49.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 49.177165 -45 -0.31003937,49.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,49.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,49.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,49 -45.177165 -0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,48.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,48.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,48.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,47.618191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,47.55 -37.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,47.481809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,47.481809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,47.55 -37.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,47.618191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 47.822835 -45 -0.31003937,47.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,47.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,47.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,48 -44.822835 -0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,48.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,48.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,48.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 48.177165 -45 -0.31003937,48.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,48.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,48.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,48 -45.177165 -0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,47.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,47.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,47.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,47.481809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,47.55 -38.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,47.618191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,47.618191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,47.55 -38.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,47.481809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 46.734252 -41.496063 -0.31003937,46.730699 -41.534404 -0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.57144 -0.31003937,46.702998 -41.605909 -0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.636637 -0.31003937,46.651337 -41.662578 -0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.682849 -0.31003937,46.582693 -41.696759 -0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.703834 -0.31003937,46.506338 -41.703834 -0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.696759 -0.31003937,46.432582 -41.682849 -0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.662578 -0.31003937,46.371388 -41.636637 -0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.605909 -0.31003937,46.33102 -41.57144 -0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.534404 -0.31003937,46.316929 -41.496063 -0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.457722 -0.31003937,46.33102 -41.420686 -0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.386217 -0.31003937,46.371388 -41.355489 -0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.329548 -0.31003937,46.432582 -41.309277 -0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.295367 -0.31003937,46.506338 -41.288292 -0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.288292 -0.31003937,46.582693 -41.295367 -0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.309277 -0.31003937,46.651337 -41.329548 -0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.355489 -0.31003937,46.702998 -41.386217 -0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.420686 -0.31003937,46.730699 -41.457722 -0.31003937,
+ 60.575106 -37.646154 -0.31003937,60.585655 -37.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.577963 -0.31003937,60.653846 -37.567414 -0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.577963 -0.31003937,60.722037 -37.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 60.732586 -37.646154 -0.31003937,60.722037 -37.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.714345 -0.31003937,60.653846 -37.724894 -0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.714345 -0.31003937,60.585655 -37.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -35.3615 -0.31003937,60.128634 -35.323878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.290793 -0.31003937,60.177 -35.266237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.253171 -0.31003937,60.251101 -35.253171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.266237 -0.31003937,60.316265 -35.290793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.323878 -0.31003937,60.342 -35.3615 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.399122 -0.31003937,60.316265 -35.432207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.456763 -0.31003937,60.251101 -35.469829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.469829 -0.31003937,60.177 -35.456763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.432207 -0.31003937,60.128634 -35.399122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -34.991 -0.31003937,60.019 -35.227 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -35.267358 -0.31003937,59.991393 -35.302849 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -35.329191 -0.31003937,59.92149 -35.343207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -35.343207 -0.31003937,59.842 -35.329191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -35.302849 -0.31003937,59.790116 -35.267358 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.227 -0.31003937,59.783 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -35.117 -0.31003937,59.463642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,59.401809 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,59.387793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -34.94 -0.31003937,59.428151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,59.504 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -34.881 -0.31003937,59.88051 -34.874793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -34.874793 -0.31003937,59.96 -34.888809 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -34.915151 -0.31003937,60.011884 -34.950642 -0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -38.0385 -0.31003937,60.128634 -38.000878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -37.967793 -0.31003937,60.177 -37.943237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -37.930171 -0.31003937,60.251101 -37.930171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -37.943237 -0.31003937,60.316265 -37.967793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.000878 -0.31003937,60.342 -38.0385 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.076122 -0.31003937,60.316265 -38.109207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -38.133763 -0.31003937,60.251101 -38.146829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -38.146829 -0.31003937,60.177 -38.133763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -38.109207 -0.31003937,60.128634 -38.076122 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,59.401809 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,59.463642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.283 -0.31003937,59.783 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.173 -0.31003937,59.790116 -38.132642 -0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -38.097151 -0.31003937,59.842 -38.070809 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.056793 -0.31003937,59.92149 -38.056793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.070809 -0.31003937,59.991393 -38.097151 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.132642 -0.31003937,60.019 -38.173 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.409 -0.31003937,60.011884 -38.449358 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.484849 -0.31003937,59.96 -38.511191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.525207 -0.31003937,59.88051 -38.525207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -38.519 -0.31003937,59.504 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,59.428151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.46 -0.31003937,59.387793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -47 -0.31003937,60.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,60.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,60.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,60.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,60.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,61.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,61.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,61.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,61.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,61.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,61.531496 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,61.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,61.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,61.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,61.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,61.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,60.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,60.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,60.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,60.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,60.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.822835 -43 -0.31003937,40.831987 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -42.85363 -0.31003937,40.902044 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -42.740792 -0.31003937,41.026109 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -42.687336 -0.31003937,41.17576 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -42.705507 -0.31003937,41.316713 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -42.791142 -0.31003937,41.416679 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -42.924625 -0.31003937,41.452756 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -43.075375 -0.31003937,41.416679 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -43.208858 -0.31003937,41.316713 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -43.294493 -0.31003937,41.17576 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -43.312664 -0.31003937,41.026109 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -43.259208 -0.31003937,40.902044 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -43.14637 -0.31003937,40.831987 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 42.003937 -44.850394 -0.31003937,42.013089 -44.775019 -0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.704024 -0.31003937,42.083146 -44.641536 -0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -44.591186 -0.31003937,42.207211 -44.5559 -0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -44.537729 -0.31003937,42.356862 -44.537729 -0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -44.5559 -0.31003937,42.497816 -44.591186 -0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -44.641536 -0.31003937,42.597781 -44.704024 -0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.775019 -0.31003937,42.633858 -44.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.925769 -0.31003937,42.597781 -44.996763 -0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -45.059251 -0.31003937,42.497816 -45.109601 -0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -45.144887 -0.31003937,42.356862 -45.163058 -0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -45.163058 -0.31003937,42.207211 -45.144887 -0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -45.109601 -0.31003937,42.083146 -45.059251 -0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.996763 -0.31003937,42.013089 -44.925769 -0.31003937,
+ 45.765748 -43.503937 -0.31003937,45.769301 -43.465596 -0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.42856 -0.31003937,45.797002 -43.394091 -0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.363363 -0.31003937,45.848663 -43.337422 -0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.317151 -0.31003937,45.917307 -43.303241 -0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.296166 -0.31003937,45.993662 -43.296166 -0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.303241 -0.31003937,46.067418 -43.317151 -0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.337422 -0.31003937,46.128612 -43.363363 -0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.394091 -0.31003937,46.16898 -43.42856 -0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.465596 -0.31003937,46.183071 -43.503937 -0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.542278 -0.31003937,46.16898 -43.579314 -0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.613783 -0.31003937,46.128612 -43.644511 -0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.670452 -0.31003937,46.067418 -43.690723 -0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.704633 -0.31003937,45.993662 -43.711708 -0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.711708 -0.31003937,45.917307 -43.704633 -0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.690723 -0.31003937,45.848663 -43.670452 -0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.644511 -0.31003937,45.797002 -43.613783 -0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.579314 -0.31003937,45.769301 -43.542278 -0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.706693 -0.31003937,55.334723 -36.667323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.638502 -0.31003937,55.402914 -36.627953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.638502 -0.31003937,55.471105 -36.667323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.706693 -0.31003937,55.471105 -36.746063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.774884 -0.31003937,55.402914 -36.785433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.774884 -0.31003937,55.334723 -36.746063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,55.381809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,55.45 -38.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,55.518191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,55.518191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,55.45 -38.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,55.381809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 62 -48.5 -0.31003937,62.086824 -48.492404 -0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -48.469846 -0.31003937,62.25 -48.433013 -0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -48.383022 -0.31003937,62.383022 -48.321394 -0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -48.25 -0.31003937,62.469846 -48.17101 -0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -48.086824 -0.31003937,62.5 -48 -0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -31 -0.31003937,62.492404 -30.913176 -0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -30.82899 -0.31003937,62.433013 -30.75 -0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -30.678606 -0.31003937,62.321394 -30.616978 -0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -30.566987 -0.31003937,62.17101 -30.530154 -0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -30.507596 -0.31003937,62 -30.5 -0.31003937,
+ 39 -30.5 -0.31003937,38.913176 -30.507596 -0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -30.530154 -0.31003937,38.75 -30.566987 -0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -30.616978 -0.31003937,38.616978 -30.678606 -0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -30.75 -0.31003937,38.530154 -30.82899 -0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -30.913176 -0.31003937,38.5 -31 -0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -48 -0.31003937,38.507596 -48.086824 -0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -48.17101 -0.31003937,38.566987 -48.25 -0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -48.321394 -0.31003937,38.678606 -48.383022 -0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -48.433013 -0.31003937,38.82899 -48.469846 -0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -48.492404 -0.31003937,39 -48.5 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,61.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,60.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,60.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,60.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,60.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,60.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -32 -0.31003937,60.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,60.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,60.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,60.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,60.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,61.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,61.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,61.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,61.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,61.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,61.531496 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,61.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,61.439143 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -32.361509 -0.31003937,61.331382 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,61.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -35.01949 -0.31003937,61.850191 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -35.089393 -0.31003937,61.788358 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -35.117 -0.31003937,61.236 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,61.160151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -35.058 -0.31003937,61.119793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,61.133809 -34.94 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,61.195642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -34.881 -0.31003937,61.748 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -34.888116 -0.31003937,61.823849 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -34.94 -0.31003937,61.864207 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.38051 -0.31003937,61.864207 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.46 -0.31003937,61.823849 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.511884 -0.31003937,61.748 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.519 -0.31003937,61.195642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,61.133809 -38.46 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,61.119793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.342 -0.31003937,61.160151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,61.236 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.283 -0.31003937,61.788358 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.310607 -0.31003937,61.850191 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -47 -0.31003937,39.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,39.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,39.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,39.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,39.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,40.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,40.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,40.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,40.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,40.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,40.531496 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,40.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,40.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,40.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,40.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,40.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,39.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,39.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,39.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,39.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,39.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -34.5 -0.31003937,40.400909 -34.305344 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.129742 -0.31003937,40.629742 -33.990383 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -33.900909 -0.31003937,41 -33.870079 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -33.900909 -0.31003937,41.370258 -33.990383 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.129742 -0.31003937,41.599091 -34.305344 -0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -34.5 -0.31003937,41.599091 -34.694656 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.870258 -0.31003937,41.370258 -35.009617 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -35.099091 -0.31003937,41 -35.129921 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -35.099091 -0.31003937,40.629742 -35.009617 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.870258 -0.31003937,40.400909 -34.694656 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -32.41554 -0.31003937,40.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,40.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,39.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,39.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,39.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,39.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,39.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,39.468504 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,39.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,39.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,39.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,39.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,39.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,40.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,40.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,40.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,40.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,40.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -32 -0.31003937,40.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,40.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -32.299402 -0.31003937,40.389614 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -39 -0.31003937,40.400909 -38.805344 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -38.629742 -0.31003937,40.629742 -38.490383 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -38.400909 -0.31003937,41 -38.370079 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -38.400909 -0.31003937,41.370258 -38.490383 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -38.629742 -0.31003937,41.599091 -38.805344 -0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -39 -0.31003937,41.599091 -39.194656 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -39.370258 -0.31003937,41.370258 -39.509617 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -39.599091 -0.31003937,41 -39.629921 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -39.599091 -0.31003937,40.629742 -39.509617 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -39.370258 -0.31003937,40.400909 -39.194656 -0.31003937] }
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+ 922,977,921,-1,921,977,978,-1,921,978,920,-1,920,978,979,-1,920,979,919,-1,919,979,980,-1,919,980,918,-1,918,980,660,-1,
+ 918,660,661,-1,140,141,158,-1,158,141,230,-1,158,230,206,-1,206,230,231,-1,206,231,205,-1,205,231,232,-1,205,232,204,-1,
+ 204,232,233,-1,204,233,203,-1,203,233,234,-1,203,234,202,-1,202,234,235,-1,202,235,201,-1,201,235,236,-1,201,236,200,-1,
+ 200,236,237,-1,200,237,199,-1,199,237,238,-1,199,238,198,-1,198,238,239,-1,198,239,197,-1,197,239,240,-1,197,240,196,-1,
+ 196,240,241,-1,196,241,195,-1,195,241,218,-1,195,218,194,-1,194,218,120,-1,194,120,170,-1,170,120,146,-1,170,146,147,-1,
+ 158,206,182,-1,182,206,207,-1,182,207,181,-1,181,207,208,-1,181,208,180,-1,180,208,209,-1,180,209,179,-1,179,209,210,-1,
+ 179,210,178,-1,178,210,211,-1,178,211,177,-1,177,211,212,-1,177,212,176,-1,176,212,213,-1,176,213,175,-1,175,213,214,-1,
+ 175,214,174,-1,174,214,215,-1,174,215,173,-1,173,215,216,-1,173,216,172,-1,172,216,217,-1,172,217,171,-1,171,217,194,-1,
+ 171,194,170,-1,170,147,193,-1,193,147,148,-1,193,148,192,-1,192,148,149,-1,192,149,191,-1,191,149,150,-1,191,150,190,-1,
+ 190,150,151,-1,190,151,189,-1,189,151,152,-1,189,152,188,-1,188,152,153,-1,188,153,187,-1,187,153,154,-1,187,154,186,-1,
+ 186,154,155,-1,186,155,185,-1,185,155,156,-1,185,156,184,-1,184,156,157,-1,184,157,183,-1,183,157,158,-1,183,158,182,-1,
+ 123,124,36,-1,36,124,108,-1,36,108,84,-1,84,108,109,-1,84,109,83,-1,83,109,110,-1,83,110,82,-1,82,110,111,-1,
+ 82,111,81,-1,81,111,112,-1,81,112,80,-1,80,112,113,-1,80,113,79,-1,79,113,114,-1,79,114,78,-1,78,114,115,-1,
+ 78,115,77,-1,77,115,116,-1,77,116,76,-1,76,116,117,-1,76,117,75,-1,75,117,118,-1,75,118,74,-1,74,118,119,-1,
+ 74,119,73,-1,73,119,96,-1,73,96,72,-1,72,96,719,-1,72,719,48,-1,48,719,24,-1,48,24,25,-1,36,84,60,-1,
+ 60,84,85,-1,60,85,59,-1,59,85,86,-1,59,86,58,-1,58,86,87,-1,58,87,57,-1,57,87,88,-1,57,88,56,-1,
+ 56,88,89,-1,56,89,55,-1,55,89,90,-1,55,90,54,-1,54,90,91,-1,54,91,53,-1,53,91,92,-1,53,92,52,-1,
+ 52,92,93,-1,52,93,51,-1,51,93,94,-1,51,94,50,-1,50,94,95,-1,50,95,49,-1,49,95,72,-1,49,72,48,-1,
+ 48,25,71,-1,71,25,26,-1,71,26,70,-1,70,26,27,-1,70,27,69,-1,69,27,28,-1,69,28,68,-1,68,28,29,-1,
+ 68,29,67,-1,67,29,30,-1,67,30,66,-1,66,30,31,-1,66,31,65,-1,65,31,32,-1,65,32,64,-1,64,32,33,-1,
+ 64,33,63,-1,63,33,34,-1,63,34,62,-1,62,34,35,-1,62,35,61,-1,61,35,36,-1,61,36,60,-1,441,414,454,-1,
+ 454,414,442,-1,454,442,408,-1,408,442,443,-1,408,443,407,-1,407,443,444,-1,407,444,406,-1,406,444,445,-1,406,445,405,-1,
+ 405,445,446,-1,405,446,404,-1,404,446,447,-1,404,447,403,-1,403,447,448,-1,403,448,402,-1,402,448,414,-1,402,414,415,-1,
+ 742,743,631,-1,631,743,344,-1,631,344,630,-1,630,344,356,-1,630,356,368,-1,368,356,357,-1,368,357,367,-1,367,357,358,-1,
+ 367,358,366,-1,366,358,359,-1,366,359,365,-1,365,359,360,-1,365,360,364,-1,364,360,361,-1,364,361,363,-1,363,361,350,-1,
+ 363,350,362,-1,362,350,326,-1,362,326,388,-1,388,326,327,-1,388,327,387,-1,387,327,386,-1,326,350,338,-1,338,350,351,-1,
+ 338,351,349,-1,349,351,352,-1,349,352,348,-1,348,352,353,-1,348,353,347,-1,347,353,354,-1,347,354,346,-1,346,354,355,-1,
+ 346,355,345,-1,345,355,356,-1,345,356,344,-1,326,339,337,-1,337,339,340,-1,337,340,336,-1,336,340,341,-1,336,341,335,-1,
+ 335,341,342,-1,335,342,334,-1,334,342,343,-1,334,343,333,-1,333,343,344,-1,333,344,332,-1,332,344,743,-1,332,743,732,-1,
+ 218,219,120,-1,120,219,220,-1,120,220,145,-1,145,220,221,-1,145,221,222,-1,225,143,224,-1,224,143,144,-1,224,144,223,-1,
+ 223,144,145,-1,223,145,222,-1,225,226,143,-1,143,226,227,-1,143,227,142,-1,142,227,228,-1,142,228,229,-1,230,141,142,-1,
+ 230,142,229,-1,730,731,732,-1,732,731,720,-1,732,720,332,-1,332,720,314,-1,332,314,302,-1,302,314,315,-1,302,315,313,-1,
+ 313,315,316,-1,313,316,312,-1,312,316,317,-1,312,317,311,-1,311,317,318,-1,311,318,310,-1,310,318,319,-1,310,319,309,-1,
+ 309,319,320,-1,309,320,308,-1,308,320,290,-1,308,290,802,-1,802,290,291,-1,802,291,801,-1,801,291,278,-1,801,278,279,-1,
+ 278,291,726,-1,726,291,292,-1,726,292,725,-1,725,292,293,-1,725,293,724,-1,724,293,294,-1,724,294,723,-1,723,294,295,-1,
+ 723,295,722,-1,722,295,296,-1,722,296,721,-1,721,296,297,-1,721,297,720,-1,720,297,325,-1,720,325,314,-1,730,732,286,-1,
+ 286,732,733,-1,286,733,285,-1,285,733,734,-1,285,734,284,-1,284,734,735,-1,284,735,283,-1,283,735,736,-1,283,736,282,-1,
+ 282,736,737,-1,282,737,281,-1,281,737,738,-1,281,738,280,-1,280,738,631,-1,280,631,632,-1,286,287,729,-1,729,287,288,-1,
+ 729,288,728,-1,728,288,289,-1,728,289,727,-1,727,289,278,-1,727,278,726,-1,297,298,324,-1,324,298,299,-1,324,299,323,-1,
+ 323,299,300,-1,323,300,322,-1,322,300,301,-1,322,301,321,-1,321,301,290,-1,321,290,320,-1,851,852,606,-1,851,606,607,-1,
+ 851,607,608,-1,851,608,609,-1,851,609,610,-1,851,610,611,-1,851,611,612,-1,851,612,613,-1,851,613,744,-1,851,744,850,-1,
+ 853,854,605,-1,853,605,606,-1,853,606,852,-1,857,604,856,-1,856,604,605,-1,856,605,855,-1,855,605,854,-1,843,844,763,-1,
+ 763,844,845,-1,763,845,744,-1,744,845,826,-1,744,826,846,-1,846,826,827,-1,846,827,865,-1,865,827,828,-1,865,828,864,-1,
+ 864,828,829,-1,864,829,863,-1,863,829,830,-1,863,830,862,-1,862,830,831,-1,862,831,861,-1,861,831,832,-1,861,832,860,-1,
+ 860,832,242,-1,860,242,243,-1,242,832,253,-1,253,832,833,-1,253,833,252,-1,252,833,834,-1,252,834,835,-1,248,249,785,-1,
+ 785,249,250,-1,785,250,784,-1,784,250,251,-1,784,251,835,-1,835,251,252,-1,785,786,2,-1,785,2,248,-1,787,788,22,-1,
+ 787,22,23,-1,787,23,12,-1,787,12,786,-1,788,789,19,-1,788,19,20,-1,788,20,21,-1,788,21,22,-1,789,790,492,-1,
+ 789,492,493,-1,789,493,18,-1,789,18,19,-1,790,791,490,-1,790,490,491,-1,790,491,492,-1,763,745,762,-1,762,745,746,-1,
+ 762,746,761,-1,761,746,747,-1,761,747,760,-1,760,747,748,-1,760,748,759,-1,759,748,749,-1,759,749,758,-1,758,749,750,-1,
+ 758,750,757,-1,757,750,751,-1,757,751,756,-1,756,751,752,-1,756,752,755,-1,755,752,753,-1,755,753,754,-1,763,764,953,-1,
+ 763,953,954,-1,763,954,955,-1,763,955,956,-1,763,956,957,-1,763,957,958,-1,763,958,959,-1,763,959,960,-1,763,960,961,-1,
+ 763,961,962,-1,763,962,963,-1,763,963,964,-1,763,964,912,-1,763,912,913,-1,763,913,914,-1,763,914,915,-1,763,915,916,-1,
+ 763,916,917,-1,763,917,918,-1,763,918,163,-1,763,163,164,-1,763,164,165,-1,763,165,166,-1,763,166,167,-1,763,167,168,-1,
+ 763,168,169,-1,763,169,146,-1,763,146,41,-1,763,41,42,-1,763,42,43,-1,763,43,44,-1,763,44,45,-1,763,45,46,-1,
+ 763,46,47,-1,763,47,24,-1,763,24,328,-1,763,328,329,-1,763,329,330,-1,763,330,331,-1,763,331,332,-1,763,332,304,-1,
+ 763,304,305,-1,763,305,306,-1,763,306,307,-1,763,307,308,-1,763,308,802,-1,763,802,803,-1,763,803,804,-1,763,804,805,-1,
+ 763,805,806,-1,763,806,807,-1,763,807,808,-1,763,808,809,-1,763,809,810,-1,763,810,811,-1,763,811,812,-1,763,812,813,-1,
+ 763,813,814,-1,763,814,815,-1,763,815,816,-1,763,816,817,-1,763,817,841,-1,763,841,842,-1,763,842,843,-1,796,797,504,-1,
+ 796,504,505,-1,796,505,506,-1,796,506,507,-1,796,507,508,-1,796,508,509,-1,797,502,503,-1,797,503,504,-1,797,798,539,-1,
+ 797,539,540,-1,797,540,541,-1,797,541,542,-1,797,542,543,-1,797,543,544,-1,797,544,545,-1,797,545,518,-1,798,799,275,-1,
+ 798,275,276,-1,798,276,277,-1,798,277,266,-1,798,266,535,-1,798,535,536,-1,798,536,537,-1,798,537,538,-1,798,538,539,-1,
+ 535,266,255,-1,535,255,256,-1,535,256,257,-1,535,257,258,-1,535,258,259,-1,535,259,260,-1,264,265,633,-1,633,265,254,-1,
+ 633,254,266,-1,266,254,255,-1,270,271,633,-1,633,271,272,-1,633,272,280,-1,280,272,273,-1,280,273,799,-1,799,273,274,-1,
+ 799,274,275,-1,280,799,800,-1,280,800,801,-1,280,801,279,-1,303,304,332,-1,303,332,302,-1,327,328,402,-1,327,402,416,-1,
+ 327,416,417,-1,327,417,418,-1,327,418,419,-1,327,419,420,-1,327,420,421,-1,327,421,422,-1,327,422,423,-1,327,423,424,-1,
+ 327,424,425,-1,327,425,426,-1,327,426,427,-1,327,427,428,-1,327,428,376,-1,327,376,377,-1,327,377,378,-1,327,378,379,-1,
+ 327,379,380,-1,327,380,381,-1,327,381,382,-1,327,382,383,-1,327,383,384,-1,327,384,385,-1,327,385,386,-1,428,429,744,-1,
+ 428,744,396,-1,428,396,397,-1,428,397,398,-1,428,398,399,-1,428,399,400,-1,428,400,401,-1,428,401,374,-1,428,374,375,-1,
+ 428,375,376,-1,328,24,410,-1,328,410,411,-1,328,411,412,-1,328,412,413,-1,328,413,402,-1,408,409,479,-1,408,479,480,-1,
+ 408,480,481,-1,408,481,482,-1,408,482,483,-1,408,483,484,-1,408,484,485,-1,408,485,486,-1,408,486,487,-1,408,487,454,-1,
+ 409,410,24,-1,409,24,473,-1,409,473,474,-1,409,474,475,-1,409,475,476,-1,409,476,477,-1,409,477,478,-1,409,478,479,-1,
+ 703,704,438,-1,703,438,439,-1,703,439,440,-1,703,440,469,-1,703,469,470,-1,703,470,471,-1,703,471,702,-1,471,472,699,-1,
+ 471,699,700,-1,471,700,701,-1,471,701,702,-1,472,473,24,-1,472,24,687,-1,472,687,688,-1,472,688,689,-1,472,689,690,-1,
+ 472,690,691,-1,472,691,692,-1,472,692,693,-1,472,693,694,-1,472,694,695,-1,472,695,696,-1,472,696,697,-1,472,697,698,-1,
+ 472,698,699,-1,24,719,686,-1,24,686,687,-1,36,37,146,-1,36,146,120,-1,36,120,121,-1,36,121,122,-1,36,122,123,-1,
+ 146,37,38,-1,146,38,39,-1,146,39,40,-1,146,40,41,-1,158,159,662,-1,158,662,663,-1,158,663,664,-1,158,664,665,-1,
+ 158,665,666,-1,158,666,667,-1,158,667,668,-1,158,668,669,-1,158,669,670,-1,158,670,671,-1,158,671,672,-1,158,672,673,-1,
+ 158,673,137,-1,158,137,138,-1,158,138,139,-1,158,139,140,-1,159,160,918,-1,159,918,661,-1,159,661,662,-1,918,160,161,-1,
+ 918,161,162,-1,918,162,163,-1,911,912,964,-1,911,964,965,-1,911,965,966,-1,911,966,910,-1,937,938,871,-1,871,938,939,-1,
+ 871,939,870,-1,870,939,940,-1,870,940,869,-1,869,940,941,-1,869,941,868,-1,868,941,942,-1,868,942,867,-1,867,942,943,-1,
+ 867,943,866,-1,866,943,764,-1,866,764,783,-1,783,764,765,-1,783,765,782,-1,782,765,766,-1,782,766,781,-1,781,766,767,-1,
+ 781,767,780,-1,780,767,768,-1,780,768,779,-1,779,768,769,-1,779,769,778,-1,778,769,770,-1,778,770,777,-1,777,770,771,-1,
+ 777,771,776,-1,776,771,772,-1,776,772,775,-1,775,772,773,-1,775,773,774,-1,764,943,944,-1,764,944,945,-1,764,945,946,-1,
+ 764,946,947,-1,764,947,948,-1,764,948,949,-1,764,949,950,-1,764,950,951,-1,764,951,952,-1,764,952,953,-1,744,846,847,-1,
+ 744,847,848,-1,744,848,849,-1,744,849,850,-1,744,613,614,-1,744,614,615,-1,744,615,616,-1,744,616,617,-1,744,617,618,-1,
+ 744,618,619,-1,744,619,620,-1,744,620,621,-1,744,621,622,-1,744,622,623,-1,744,623,624,-1,744,624,625,-1,744,625,626,-1,
+ 744,626,627,-1,744,627,628,-1,744,628,388,-1,744,388,389,-1,744,389,390,-1,744,390,391,-1,744,391,392,-1,744,392,393,-1,
+ 744,393,394,-1,744,394,395,-1,744,395,396,-1,592,555,556,-1,592,556,557,-1,592,557,558,-1,592,558,559,-1,592,559,560,-1,
+ 592,560,561,-1,592,561,562,-1,592,562,563,-1,592,563,546,-1,592,546,579,-1,592,579,580,-1,592,580,581,-1,592,581,582,-1,
+ 592,582,583,-1,592,583,584,-1,592,584,585,-1,592,585,586,-1,592,586,587,-1,592,587,633,-1,633,587,588,-1,633,588,589,-1,
+ 633,589,590,-1,633,590,591,-1,633,261,262,-1,633,262,263,-1,633,263,264,-1,633,266,267,-1,633,267,268,-1,633,268,269,-1,
+ 633,269,270,-1,631,738,739,-1,631,739,740,-1,631,740,741,-1,631,741,742,-1,369,370,629,-1,369,629,630,-1,369,630,368,-1,
+ 629,370,371,-1,629,371,372,-1,629,372,373,-1,629,373,388,-1,629,388,628,-1,744,429,430,-1,744,430,431,-1,744,431,432,-1,
+ 744,432,433,-1,744,433,434,-1,744,434,435,-1,744,435,436,-1,744,436,673,-1,744,673,674,-1,744,674,675,-1,744,675,676,-1,
+ 744,676,677,-1,744,677,678,-1,744,678,679,-1,744,679,680,-1,744,680,887,-1,744,887,888,-1,744,888,889,-1,744,889,890,-1,
+ 744,890,891,-1,744,891,892,-1,744,892,893,-1,744,893,894,-1,744,894,895,-1,744,895,896,-1,744,896,897,-1,744,897,898,-1,
+ 744,898,783,-1,414,448,449,-1,414,449,450,-1,414,450,451,-1,414,451,452,-1,414,452,453,-1,414,453,442,-1,441,454,455,-1,
+ 441,455,456,-1,441,456,457,-1,441,457,458,-1,441,458,459,-1,441,459,460,-1,441,460,440,-1,440,460,461,-1,440,461,462,-1,
+ 440,462,463,-1,440,463,464,-1,440,464,465,-1,440,465,466,-1,440,466,467,-1,440,467,468,-1,440,468,469,-1,438,704,705,-1,
+ 438,705,706,-1,438,706,707,-1,438,707,708,-1,438,708,709,-1,438,709,710,-1,438,710,711,-1,438,711,712,-1,438,712,713,-1,
+ 438,713,714,-1,438,714,715,-1,438,715,124,-1,438,124,437,-1,719,96,97,-1,719,97,98,-1,719,98,99,-1,719,99,100,-1,
+ 719,100,101,-1,719,101,102,-1,719,102,103,-1,719,103,104,-1,719,104,105,-1,719,105,106,-1,719,106,107,-1,719,107,124,-1,
+ 719,124,718,-1,124,715,716,-1,124,716,717,-1,124,717,718,-1,437,124,125,-1,437,125,126,-1,437,126,127,-1,437,127,128,-1,
+ 437,128,129,-1,437,129,130,-1,437,130,131,-1,437,131,132,-1,437,132,673,-1,437,673,436,-1,673,132,133,-1,673,133,134,-1,
+ 673,134,135,-1,673,135,136,-1,673,136,137,-1,685,660,647,-1,685,647,648,-1,685,648,649,-1,685,649,650,-1,685,650,651,-1,
+ 685,651,684,-1,684,651,652,-1,684,652,653,-1,684,653,654,-1,684,654,655,-1,684,655,656,-1,684,656,657,-1,684,657,658,-1,
+ 684,658,887,-1,684,887,683,-1,987,988,885,-1,987,885,886,-1,987,886,887,-1,987,887,634,-1,987,634,986,-1,887,658,659,-1,
+ 887,659,634,-1,887,680,681,-1,887,681,682,-1,887,682,683,-1,783,898,899,-1,783,899,900,-1,783,900,901,-1,783,901,902,-1,
+ 783,902,903,-1,783,903,904,-1,783,904,905,-1,783,905,906,-1,783,906,907,-1,783,907,866,-1,841,817,818,-1,841,818,819,-1,
+ 841,819,820,-1,841,820,821,-1,841,821,822,-1,841,822,823,-1,841,823,824,-1,841,824,840,-1,837,838,825,-1,825,838,839,-1,
+ 825,839,824,-1,824,839,840,-1,836,837,825,-1,836,825,784,-1,836,784,835,-1,243,244,859,-1,243,859,860,-1,4,5,603,-1,
+ 603,5,6,-1,603,6,602,-1,602,6,7,-1,602,7,8,-1,601,602,8,-1,601,8,9,-1,601,9,10,-1,600,14,15,-1,
+ 600,15,16,-1,600,16,17,-1,18,493,494,-1,18,494,17,-1,970,882,989,-1,989,882,883,-1,989,883,988,-1,988,883,884,-1,
+ 988,884,885,-1,871,872,937,-1,937,872,873,-1,937,873,936,-1,936,873,874,-1,936,874,935,-1,935,874,875,-1,935,875,934,-1,
+ 934,875,876,-1,934,876,933,-1,933,876,877,-1,933,877,932,-1,932,877,878,-1,932,878,931,-1,931,878,879,-1,931,879,930,-1,
+ 930,879,880,-1,930,880,929,-1,929,880,881,-1,929,881,928,-1,928,908,969,-1,969,908,909,-1,969,909,968,-1,968,909,910,-1,
+ 968,910,967,-1,967,910,966,-1,981,660,980,-1,124,107,108,-1,388,373,362,-1,280,632,633,-1,416,402,415,-1,763,744,745,-1,
+ 325,297,324,-1,730,286,729,-1,339,326,338,-1,597,488,596,-1,547,500,546,-1,530,528,529,-1,993,992,1238,-1,993,1238,994,-1,
+ 994,1238,1237,-1,994,1237,1593,-1,1593,1237,1236,-1,1593,1236,1594,-1,1594,1236,1235,-1,1594,1235,1847,-1,1847,1235,1234,-1,1847,1234,1848,-1,
+ 1848,1234,1849,-1,1591,1590,1004,-1,1591,1004,1000,-1,1000,1004,1003,-1,1000,1003,1001,-1,1001,1003,1002,-1,1001,1002,990,-1,990,1002,1776,-1,
+ 990,1776,991,-1,991,1776,992,-1,1514,1513,1564,-1,1514,1564,1515,-1,1515,1564,1563,-1,1515,1563,1516,-1,1516,1563,1562,-1,1516,1562,1517,-1,
+ 1517,1562,1561,-1,1517,1561,1518,-1,1518,1561,1560,-1,1518,1560,1520,-1,1520,1560,1559,-1,1520,1559,1558,-1,1565,1564,1513,-1,1565,1513,1566,-1,
+ 1566,1513,1512,-1,1566,1512,1567,-1,1567,1512,1511,-1,1567,1511,1568,-1,1568,1511,1510,-1,1568,1510,1569,-1,1569,1510,1509,-1,1569,1509,1536,-1,
+ 1536,1509,1508,-1,1536,1508,1490,-1,1490,1508,1787,-1,1490,1787,1491,-1,1491,1787,1492,-1,1537,1490,1507,-1,1537,1507,1538,-1,1538,1507,1506,-1,
+ 1538,1506,1539,-1,1539,1506,1505,-1,1539,1505,1540,-1,1540,1505,1504,-1,1540,1504,1541,-1,1541,1504,1503,-1,1541,1503,1542,-1,1542,1503,1502,-1,
+ 1542,1502,1543,-1,1543,1502,1501,-1,1543,1501,1544,-1,1544,1501,1500,-1,1544,1500,1545,-1,1545,1500,1499,-1,1545,1499,1582,-1,1582,1499,1786,-1,
+ 1582,1786,1583,-1,1583,1786,1785,-1,1583,1785,1584,-1,1584,1785,1784,-1,1584,1784,1585,-1,1585,1784,1783,-1,1585,1783,1586,-1,1586,1783,1782,-1,
+ 1586,1782,1478,-1,1478,1782,1781,-1,1478,1781,1479,-1,1479,1781,1480,-1,1590,1589,1007,-1,1007,1589,1484,-1,1484,1589,1485,-1,1485,1589,1486,-1,
+ 1486,1589,1588,-1,1487,1486,1588,-1,1487,1588,1488,-1,1488,1588,1587,-1,1488,1587,1489,-1,1489,1587,1478,-1,1623,1251,1250,-1,1623,1250,1581,-1,
+ 1581,1250,1525,-1,1581,1525,1554,-1,1554,1525,1524,-1,1554,1524,1555,-1,1555,1524,1523,-1,1555,1523,1556,-1,1556,1523,1522,-1,1556,1522,1557,-1,
+ 1557,1522,1521,-1,1557,1521,1558,-1,1558,1521,1520,-1,1973,1972,1634,-1,1634,1972,1635,-1,1635,1972,1636,-1,1636,1972,1637,-1,1637,1972,1650,-1,
+ 1650,1972,1971,-1,1631,1630,1974,-1,1631,1974,1632,-1,1632,1974,1973,-1,1632,1973,1633,-1,1633,1973,1634,-1,1628,1627,1975,-1,1628,1975,1629,-1,
+ 1629,1975,1974,-1,1629,1974,1630,-1,1976,1975,1624,-1,1624,1975,1625,-1,1625,1975,1626,-1,1626,1975,1627,-1,1872,1871,1918,-1,1872,1918,1960,-1,
+ 1960,1918,1898,-1,1960,1898,1961,-1,1961,1898,1917,-1,1961,1917,1962,-1,1962,1917,1916,-1,1962,1916,1963,-1,1963,1916,1915,-1,1963,1915,1964,-1,
+ 1964,1915,1914,-1,1964,1914,1965,-1,1965,1914,1913,-1,1965,1913,1966,-1,1966,1913,1912,-1,1966,1912,1967,-1,1967,1912,1911,-1,1967,1911,1968,-1,
+ 1968,1911,1910,-1,1968,1910,1969,-1,1969,1910,1909,-1,1969,1909,1970,-1,1970,1909,1908,-1,1970,1908,1650,-1,1650,1908,1651,-1,1131,1130,1148,-1,
+ 1131,1148,1220,-1,1220,1148,1196,-1,1220,1196,1221,-1,1221,1196,1195,-1,1221,1195,1222,-1,1222,1195,1194,-1,1222,1194,1223,-1,1223,1194,1193,-1,
+ 1223,1193,1224,-1,1224,1193,1192,-1,1224,1192,1225,-1,1225,1192,1191,-1,1225,1191,1226,-1,1226,1191,1190,-1,1226,1190,1227,-1,1227,1190,1189,-1,
+ 1227,1189,1228,-1,1228,1189,1188,-1,1228,1188,1229,-1,1229,1188,1187,-1,1229,1187,1230,-1,1230,1187,1186,-1,1230,1186,1231,-1,1231,1186,1185,-1,
+ 1231,1185,1208,-1,1208,1185,1184,-1,1208,1184,1110,-1,1110,1184,1160,-1,1110,1160,1136,-1,1136,1160,1137,-1,1196,1148,1172,-1,1196,1172,1197,-1,
+ 1197,1172,1171,-1,1197,1171,1198,-1,1198,1171,1170,-1,1198,1170,1199,-1,1199,1170,1169,-1,1199,1169,1200,-1,1200,1169,1168,-1,1200,1168,1201,-1,
+ 1201,1168,1167,-1,1201,1167,1202,-1,1202,1167,1166,-1,1202,1166,1203,-1,1203,1166,1165,-1,1203,1165,1204,-1,1204,1165,1164,-1,1204,1164,1205,-1,
+ 1205,1164,1163,-1,1205,1163,1206,-1,1206,1163,1162,-1,1206,1162,1207,-1,1207,1162,1161,-1,1207,1161,1184,-1,1184,1161,1160,-1,1137,1160,1183,-1,
+ 1137,1183,1138,-1,1138,1183,1182,-1,1138,1182,1139,-1,1139,1182,1181,-1,1139,1181,1140,-1,1140,1181,1180,-1,1140,1180,1141,-1,1141,1180,1179,-1,
+ 1141,1179,1142,-1,1142,1179,1178,-1,1142,1178,1143,-1,1143,1178,1177,-1,1143,1177,1144,-1,1144,1177,1176,-1,1144,1176,1145,-1,1145,1176,1175,-1,
+ 1145,1175,1146,-1,1146,1175,1174,-1,1146,1174,1147,-1,1147,1174,1173,-1,1147,1173,1148,-1,1148,1173,1172,-1,1114,1113,1026,-1,1114,1026,1098,-1,
+ 1098,1026,1074,-1,1098,1074,1099,-1,1099,1074,1073,-1,1099,1073,1100,-1,1100,1073,1072,-1,1100,1072,1101,-1,1101,1072,1071,-1,1101,1071,1102,-1,
+ 1102,1071,1070,-1,1102,1070,1103,-1,1103,1070,1069,-1,1103,1069,1104,-1,1104,1069,1068,-1,1104,1068,1105,-1,1105,1068,1067,-1,1105,1067,1106,-1,
+ 1106,1067,1066,-1,1106,1066,1107,-1,1107,1066,1065,-1,1107,1065,1108,-1,1108,1065,1064,-1,1108,1064,1109,-1,1109,1064,1063,-1,1109,1063,1086,-1,
+ 1086,1063,1062,-1,1086,1062,1709,-1,1709,1062,1038,-1,1709,1038,1014,-1,1014,1038,1015,-1,1074,1026,1050,-1,1074,1050,1075,-1,1075,1050,1049,-1,
+ 1075,1049,1076,-1,1076,1049,1048,-1,1076,1048,1077,-1,1077,1048,1047,-1,1077,1047,1078,-1,1078,1047,1046,-1,1078,1046,1079,-1,1079,1046,1045,-1,
+ 1079,1045,1080,-1,1080,1045,1044,-1,1080,1044,1081,-1,1081,1044,1043,-1,1081,1043,1082,-1,1082,1043,1042,-1,1082,1042,1083,-1,1083,1042,1041,-1,
+ 1083,1041,1084,-1,1084,1041,1040,-1,1084,1040,1085,-1,1085,1040,1039,-1,1085,1039,1062,-1,1062,1039,1038,-1,1015,1038,1061,-1,1015,1061,1016,-1,
+ 1016,1061,1060,-1,1016,1060,1017,-1,1017,1060,1059,-1,1017,1059,1018,-1,1018,1059,1058,-1,1018,1058,1019,-1,1019,1058,1057,-1,1019,1057,1020,-1,
+ 1020,1057,1056,-1,1020,1056,1021,-1,1021,1056,1055,-1,1021,1055,1022,-1,1022,1055,1054,-1,1022,1054,1023,-1,1023,1054,1053,-1,1023,1053,1024,-1,
+ 1024,1053,1052,-1,1024,1052,1025,-1,1025,1052,1051,-1,1025,1051,1026,-1,1026,1051,1050,-1,1404,1431,1444,-1,1404,1444,1432,-1,1432,1444,1398,-1,
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+ 1210,1110,1135,-1,1210,1135,1211,-1,1211,1135,1212,-1,1133,1215,1214,-1,1133,1214,1134,-1,1134,1214,1213,-1,1134,1213,1135,-1,1135,1213,1212,-1,
+ 1216,1215,1133,-1,1216,1133,1217,-1,1217,1133,1132,-1,1217,1132,1218,-1,1218,1132,1219,-1,1131,1220,1132,-1,1132,1220,1219,-1,1721,1720,1722,-1,
+ 1721,1722,1710,-1,1710,1722,1322,-1,1710,1322,1304,-1,1304,1322,1292,-1,1304,1292,1305,-1,1305,1292,1303,-1,1305,1303,1306,-1,1306,1303,1302,-1,
+ 1306,1302,1307,-1,1307,1302,1301,-1,1307,1301,1308,-1,1308,1301,1300,-1,1308,1300,1309,-1,1309,1300,1299,-1,1309,1299,1310,-1,1310,1299,1298,-1,
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+ 1723,1275,1724,-1,1724,1275,1274,-1,1724,1274,1725,-1,1725,1274,1273,-1,1725,1273,1726,-1,1726,1273,1272,-1,1726,1272,1727,-1,1727,1272,1271,-1,
+ 1727,1271,1728,-1,1728,1271,1270,-1,1728,1270,1621,-1,1621,1270,1622,-1,1277,1276,1719,-1,1277,1719,1278,-1,1278,1719,1718,-1,1278,1718,1279,-1,
+ 1279,1718,1717,-1,1279,1717,1268,-1,1268,1717,1716,-1,1288,1287,1314,-1,1288,1314,1289,-1,1289,1314,1313,-1,1289,1313,1290,-1,1290,1313,1312,-1,
+ 1290,1312,1291,-1,1291,1312,1311,-1,1291,1311,1280,-1,1280,1311,1310,-1,1842,1841,1596,-1,1596,1841,1597,-1,1597,1841,1598,-1,1598,1841,1599,-1,
+ 1599,1841,1600,-1,1600,1841,1601,-1,1601,1841,1602,-1,1602,1841,1603,-1,1603,1841,1734,-1,1734,1841,1840,-1,1844,1843,1595,-1,1595,1843,1596,-1,
+ 1596,1843,1842,-1,1594,1847,1846,-1,1594,1846,1595,-1,1595,1846,1845,-1,1595,1845,1844,-1,1834,1833,1753,-1,1834,1753,1835,-1,1835,1753,1734,-1,
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+ 1822,1232,1243,-1,1822,1243,1823,-1,1823,1243,1242,-1,1823,1242,1824,-1,1824,1242,1825,-1,1239,1238,1775,-1,1239,1775,1240,-1,1240,1775,1774,-1,
+ 1240,1774,1241,-1,1241,1774,1825,-1,1241,1825,1242,-1,1776,1775,992,-1,992,1775,1238,-1,1778,1777,1012,-1,1012,1777,1013,-1,1013,1777,1002,-1,
+ 1002,1777,1776,-1,1779,1778,1009,-1,1009,1778,1010,-1,1010,1778,1011,-1,1011,1778,1012,-1,1780,1779,1482,-1,1482,1779,1483,-1,1483,1779,1008,-1,
+ 1008,1779,1009,-1,1781,1780,1480,-1,1480,1780,1481,-1,1481,1780,1482,-1,1735,1753,1752,-1,1735,1752,1736,-1,1736,1752,1751,-1,1736,1751,1737,-1,
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+ 1953,1753,1954,-1,1954,1753,1902,-1,1902,1753,1903,-1,1903,1753,1904,-1,1904,1753,1905,-1,1905,1753,1906,-1,1906,1753,1907,-1,1907,1753,1908,-1,
+ 1908,1753,1153,-1,1153,1753,1154,-1,1154,1753,1155,-1,1155,1753,1156,-1,1156,1753,1157,-1,1157,1753,1158,-1,1158,1753,1159,-1,1159,1753,1136,-1,
+ 1136,1753,1031,-1,1031,1753,1032,-1,1032,1753,1033,-1,1033,1753,1034,-1,1034,1753,1035,-1,1035,1753,1036,-1,1036,1753,1037,-1,1037,1753,1014,-1,
+ 1014,1753,1318,-1,1318,1753,1319,-1,1319,1753,1320,-1,1320,1753,1321,-1,1321,1753,1322,-1,1322,1753,1294,-1,1294,1753,1295,-1,1295,1753,1296,-1,
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+ 1805,1753,1806,-1,1806,1753,1807,-1,1807,1753,1831,-1,1831,1753,1832,-1,1832,1753,1833,-1,1787,1786,1494,-1,1494,1786,1495,-1,1495,1786,1496,-1,
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+ 1267,1788,1256,-1,1256,1788,1525,-1,1525,1788,1526,-1,1526,1788,1527,-1,1527,1788,1528,-1,1528,1788,1529,-1,1256,1525,1245,-1,1245,1525,1246,-1,
+ 1246,1525,1247,-1,1247,1525,1248,-1,1248,1525,1249,-1,1249,1525,1250,-1,1255,1254,1623,-1,1255,1623,1244,-1,1244,1623,1256,-1,1244,1256,1245,-1,
+ 1261,1260,1623,-1,1261,1623,1262,-1,1262,1623,1270,-1,1262,1270,1263,-1,1263,1270,1789,-1,1263,1789,1264,-1,1264,1789,1265,-1,1789,1270,1790,-1,
+ 1790,1270,1791,-1,1791,1270,1269,-1,1294,1293,1322,-1,1322,1293,1292,-1,1318,1317,1392,-1,1392,1317,1406,-1,1406,1317,1407,-1,1407,1317,1408,-1,
+ 1408,1317,1409,-1,1409,1317,1410,-1,1410,1317,1411,-1,1411,1317,1412,-1,1412,1317,1413,-1,1413,1317,1414,-1,1414,1317,1415,-1,1415,1317,1416,-1,
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+ 1371,1317,1372,-1,1372,1317,1373,-1,1373,1317,1374,-1,1374,1317,1375,-1,1375,1317,1376,-1,1419,1418,1734,-1,1734,1418,1386,-1,1386,1418,1387,-1,
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+ 1400,1318,1401,-1,1401,1318,1402,-1,1402,1318,1403,-1,1403,1318,1392,-1,1399,1398,1469,-1,1469,1398,1470,-1,1470,1398,1471,-1,1471,1398,1472,-1,
+ 1472,1398,1473,-1,1473,1398,1474,-1,1474,1398,1475,-1,1475,1398,1476,-1,1476,1398,1477,-1,1477,1398,1444,-1,1400,1399,1014,-1,1014,1399,1463,-1,
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+ 1429,1693,1430,-1,1430,1693,1459,-1,1459,1693,1460,-1,1460,1693,1461,-1,1461,1693,1692,-1,1462,1461,1689,-1,1689,1461,1690,-1,1690,1461,1691,-1,
+ 1691,1461,1692,-1,1463,1462,1014,-1,1014,1462,1677,-1,1677,1462,1678,-1,1678,1462,1679,-1,1679,1462,1680,-1,1680,1462,1681,-1,1681,1462,1682,-1,
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+ 1676,1014,1677,-1,1027,1026,1136,-1,1136,1026,1110,-1,1110,1026,1111,-1,1111,1026,1112,-1,1112,1026,1113,-1,1027,1136,1028,-1,1028,1136,1029,-1,
+ 1029,1136,1030,-1,1030,1136,1031,-1,1149,1148,1652,-1,1652,1148,1653,-1,1653,1148,1654,-1,1654,1148,1655,-1,1655,1148,1656,-1,1656,1148,1657,-1,
+ 1657,1148,1658,-1,1658,1148,1659,-1,1659,1148,1660,-1,1660,1148,1661,-1,1661,1148,1662,-1,1662,1148,1663,-1,1663,1148,1127,-1,1127,1148,1128,-1,
+ 1128,1148,1129,-1,1129,1148,1130,-1,1150,1149,1908,-1,1908,1149,1651,-1,1651,1149,1652,-1,1150,1908,1151,-1,1151,1908,1152,-1,1152,1908,1153,-1,
+ 1902,1901,1954,-1,1954,1901,1955,-1,1955,1901,1956,-1,1956,1901,1900,-1,1928,1927,1861,-1,1928,1861,1929,-1,1929,1861,1860,-1,1929,1860,1930,-1,
+ 1930,1860,1859,-1,1930,1859,1931,-1,1931,1859,1858,-1,1931,1858,1932,-1,1932,1858,1857,-1,1932,1857,1933,-1,1933,1857,1856,-1,1933,1856,1754,-1,
+ 1754,1856,1773,-1,1754,1773,1755,-1,1755,1773,1772,-1,1755,1772,1756,-1,1756,1772,1771,-1,1756,1771,1757,-1,1757,1771,1770,-1,1757,1770,1758,-1,
+ 1758,1770,1769,-1,1758,1769,1759,-1,1759,1769,1768,-1,1759,1768,1760,-1,1760,1768,1767,-1,1760,1767,1761,-1,1761,1767,1766,-1,1761,1766,1762,-1,
+ 1762,1766,1765,-1,1762,1765,1763,-1,1763,1765,1764,-1,1933,1754,1934,-1,1934,1754,1935,-1,1935,1754,1936,-1,1936,1754,1937,-1,1937,1754,1938,-1,
+ 1938,1754,1939,-1,1939,1754,1940,-1,1940,1754,1941,-1,1941,1754,1942,-1,1942,1754,1943,-1,1836,1734,1837,-1,1837,1734,1838,-1,1838,1734,1839,-1,
+ 1839,1734,1840,-1,1603,1734,1604,-1,1604,1734,1605,-1,1605,1734,1606,-1,1606,1734,1607,-1,1607,1734,1608,-1,1608,1734,1609,-1,1609,1734,1610,-1,
+ 1610,1734,1611,-1,1611,1734,1612,-1,1612,1734,1613,-1,1613,1734,1614,-1,1614,1734,1615,-1,1615,1734,1616,-1,1616,1734,1617,-1,1617,1734,1618,-1,
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+ 1574,1582,1575,-1,1575,1582,1576,-1,1576,1582,1577,-1,1577,1582,1623,-1,1577,1623,1578,-1,1578,1623,1579,-1,1579,1623,1580,-1,1580,1623,1581,-1,
+ 1251,1623,1252,-1,1252,1623,1253,-1,1253,1623,1254,-1,1256,1623,1257,-1,1257,1623,1258,-1,1258,1623,1259,-1,1259,1623,1260,-1,1728,1621,1729,-1,
+ 1729,1621,1730,-1,1730,1621,1731,-1,1731,1621,1732,-1,1360,1359,1619,-1,1619,1359,1620,-1,1620,1359,1358,-1,1360,1619,1361,-1,1361,1619,1362,-1,
+ 1362,1619,1363,-1,1363,1619,1378,-1,1378,1619,1618,-1,1419,1734,1420,-1,1420,1734,1421,-1,1421,1734,1422,-1,1422,1734,1423,-1,1423,1734,1424,-1,
+ 1424,1734,1425,-1,1425,1734,1426,-1,1426,1734,1663,-1,1663,1734,1664,-1,1664,1734,1665,-1,1665,1734,1666,-1,1666,1734,1667,-1,1667,1734,1668,-1,
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+ 1882,1734,1883,-1,1883,1734,1884,-1,1884,1734,1885,-1,1885,1734,1886,-1,1886,1734,1887,-1,1887,1734,1888,-1,1888,1734,1773,-1,1438,1404,1439,-1,
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+ 1697,1428,1698,-1,1698,1428,1699,-1,1699,1428,1700,-1,1700,1428,1701,-1,1701,1428,1702,-1,1702,1428,1703,-1,1703,1428,1704,-1,1704,1428,1705,-1,
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+ 1706,1114,1707,-1,1707,1114,1708,-1,1114,1427,1115,-1,1115,1427,1116,-1,1116,1427,1117,-1,1117,1427,1118,-1,1118,1427,1119,-1,1119,1427,1120,-1,
+ 1120,1427,1121,-1,1121,1427,1122,-1,1122,1427,1663,-1,1663,1427,1426,-1,1122,1663,1123,-1,1123,1663,1124,-1,1124,1663,1125,-1,1125,1663,1126,-1,
+ 1126,1663,1127,-1,1650,1675,1637,-1,1637,1675,1638,-1,1638,1675,1639,-1,1639,1675,1640,-1,1640,1675,1641,-1,1641,1675,1674,-1,1641,1674,1642,-1,
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+ 1978,1977,1875,-1,1875,1977,1876,-1,1876,1977,1877,-1,1877,1977,1624,-1,1624,1977,1976,-1,1648,1877,1649,-1,1649,1877,1624,-1,1670,1877,1671,-1,
+ 1671,1877,1672,-1,1672,1877,1673,-1,1888,1773,1889,-1,1889,1773,1890,-1,1890,1773,1891,-1,1891,1773,1892,-1,1892,1773,1893,-1,1893,1773,1894,-1,
+ 1894,1773,1895,-1,1895,1773,1896,-1,1896,1773,1897,-1,1897,1773,1856,-1,1807,1831,1808,-1,1808,1831,1809,-1,1809,1831,1810,-1,1810,1831,1811,-1,
+ 1811,1831,1812,-1,1812,1831,1813,-1,1813,1831,1814,-1,1814,1831,1830,-1,1828,1827,1815,-1,1828,1815,1829,-1,1829,1815,1814,-1,1829,1814,1830,-1,
+ 1827,1826,1815,-1,1815,1826,1774,-1,1774,1826,1825,-1,1234,1233,1849,-1,1849,1233,1850,-1,995,994,1593,-1,995,1593,996,-1,996,1593,1592,-1,
+ 996,1592,997,-1,997,1592,998,-1,1592,1591,998,-1,998,1591,999,-1,999,1591,1000,-1,1004,1590,1005,-1,1005,1590,1006,-1,1006,1590,1007,-1,
+ 1483,1008,1484,-1,1484,1008,1007,-1,1872,1960,1979,-1,1872,1979,1873,-1,1873,1979,1978,-1,1873,1978,1874,-1,1874,1978,1875,-1,1862,1861,1927,-1,
+ 1862,1927,1863,-1,1863,1927,1926,-1,1863,1926,1864,-1,1864,1926,1925,-1,1864,1925,1865,-1,1865,1925,1924,-1,1865,1924,1866,-1,1866,1924,1923,-1,
+ 1866,1923,1867,-1,1867,1923,1922,-1,1867,1922,1868,-1,1868,1922,1921,-1,1868,1921,1869,-1,1869,1921,1920,-1,1869,1920,1870,-1,1870,1920,1919,-1,
+ 1870,1919,1871,-1,1871,1919,1918,-1,1898,1918,1959,-1,1898,1959,1899,-1,1899,1959,1958,-1,1899,1958,1900,-1,1900,1958,1957,-1,1900,1957,1956,-1,
+ 1650,1971,1970,-1,1097,1114,1098,-1,1363,1378,1352,-1,1622,1270,1623,-1,1392,1406,1405,-1,1734,1753,1735,-1,1287,1315,1314,-1,1276,1720,1719,-1,
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+ 44.461279 -35.644509 0.31003937,44.5 -35.649606 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -35.644509 -0.31003937,44.461279 -35.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.649606 0.31003937,44.5 -35.649606 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.629563 0.31003937,44.461279 -35.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.629563 -0.31003937,44.425197 -35.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -35.644509 0.31003937,44.461279 -35.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -35.605788 0.31003937,44.425197 -35.629563 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -35.605788 -0.31003937,44.394212 -35.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.629563 0.31003937,44.425197 -35.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.574803 0.31003937,44.394212 -35.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.574803 -0.31003937,44.370437 -35.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -35.605788 0.31003937,44.394212 -35.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -35.538721 0.31003937,44.370437 -35.574803 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -35.538721 -0.31003937,44.355491 -35.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.574803 0.31003937,44.370437 -35.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -35.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -35.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -35.5 -0.31003937,44.350394 -35.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -35.538721 0.31003937,44.355491 -35.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -35.461279 0.31003937,44.350394 -35.5 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -35.461279 -0.31003937,44.355491 -35.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -35.5 0.31003937,44.350394 -35.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.425197 0.31003937,44.355491 -35.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.425197 -0.31003937,44.370437 -35.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -35.461279 0.31003937,44.355491 -35.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -35.394212 0.31003937,44.370437 -35.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -35.394212 -0.31003937,44.394212 -35.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -35.425197 0.31003937,44.370437 -35.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.370437 0.31003937,44.394212 -35.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.370437 -0.31003937,44.425197 -35.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -35.394212 0.31003937,44.394212 -35.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -35.355491 0.31003937,44.425197 -35.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -35.355491 -0.31003937,44.461279 -35.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -35.370437 0.31003937,44.425197 -35.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.350394 0.31003937,44.461279 -35.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.350394 -0.31003937,44.5 -35.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -35.355491 0.31003937,44.461279 -35.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -35.355491 0.31003937,44.5 -35.350394 0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -35.355491 -0.31003937,44.538721 -35.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -35.350394 0.31003937,44.5 -35.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -35.370437 0.31003937,44.538721 -35.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -35.370437 -0.31003937,44.574803 -35.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -35.355491 0.31003937,44.538721 -35.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -35.394212 0.31003937,44.574803 -35.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -35.394212 -0.31003937,44.605788 -35.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -35.370437 0.31003937,44.574803 -35.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -35.425197 0.31003937,44.605788 -35.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -35.425197 -0.31003937,44.629563 -35.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -35.394212 0.31003937,44.605788 -35.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -35.461279 0.31003937,44.629563 -35.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -35.461279 -0.31003937,44.644509 -35.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -35.425197 0.31003937,44.629563 -35.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -35.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -35.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -35.5 -0.31003937,44.649606 -35.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -35.461279 0.31003937,44.644509 -35.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -36.538721 0.31003937,44.649606 -36.5 0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -36.538721 -0.31003937,44.644509 -36.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -36.5 0.31003937,44.649606 -36.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.574803 0.31003937,44.644509 -36.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.574803 -0.31003937,44.629563 -36.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -36.538721 0.31003937,44.644509 -36.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -36.605788 0.31003937,44.629563 -36.574803 0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -36.605788 -0.31003937,44.605788 -36.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.574803 0.31003937,44.629563 -36.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.629563 0.31003937,44.605788 -36.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.629563 -0.31003937,44.574803 -36.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -36.605788 0.31003937,44.605788 -36.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -36.644509 0.31003937,44.574803 -36.629563 0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -36.644509 -0.31003937,44.538721 -36.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.629563 0.31003937,44.574803 -36.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.649606 0.31003937,44.538721 -36.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.649606 -0.31003937,44.5 -36.649606 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -36.644509 0.31003937,44.538721 -36.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -36.644509 0.31003937,44.5 -36.649606 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -36.644509 -0.31003937,44.461279 -36.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.649606 0.31003937,44.5 -36.649606 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.629563 0.31003937,44.461279 -36.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.629563 -0.31003937,44.425197 -36.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -36.644509 0.31003937,44.461279 -36.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -36.605788 0.31003937,44.425197 -36.629563 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -36.605788 -0.31003937,44.394212 -36.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.629563 0.31003937,44.425197 -36.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.574803 0.31003937,44.394212 -36.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.574803 -0.31003937,44.370437 -36.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -36.605788 0.31003937,44.394212 -36.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -36.538721 0.31003937,44.370437 -36.574803 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -36.538721 -0.31003937,44.355491 -36.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.574803 0.31003937,44.370437 -36.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -36.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -36.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -36.5 -0.31003937,44.350394 -36.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -36.538721 0.31003937,44.355491 -36.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -36.461279 0.31003937,44.350394 -36.5 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -36.461279 -0.31003937,44.355491 -36.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -36.5 0.31003937,44.350394 -36.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.425197 0.31003937,44.355491 -36.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.425197 -0.31003937,44.370437 -36.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -36.461279 0.31003937,44.355491 -36.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -36.394212 0.31003937,44.370437 -36.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -36.394212 -0.31003937,44.394212 -36.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -36.425197 0.31003937,44.370437 -36.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.370437 0.31003937,44.394212 -36.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.370437 -0.31003937,44.425197 -36.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -36.394212 0.31003937,44.394212 -36.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -36.355491 0.31003937,44.425197 -36.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -36.355491 -0.31003937,44.461279 -36.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -36.370437 0.31003937,44.425197 -36.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.350394 0.31003937,44.461279 -36.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.350394 -0.31003937,44.5 -36.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -36.355491 0.31003937,44.461279 -36.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -36.355491 0.31003937,44.5 -36.350394 0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -36.355491 -0.31003937,44.538721 -36.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -36.350394 0.31003937,44.5 -36.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.370437 0.31003937,44.538721 -36.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.370437 -0.31003937,44.574803 -36.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -36.355491 0.31003937,44.538721 -36.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -36.394212 0.31003937,44.574803 -36.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -36.394212 -0.31003937,44.605788 -36.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -36.370437 0.31003937,44.574803 -36.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.425197 0.31003937,44.605788 -36.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.425197 -0.31003937,44.629563 -36.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -36.394212 0.31003937,44.605788 -36.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -36.461279 0.31003937,44.629563 -36.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -36.461279 -0.31003937,44.644509 -36.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -36.425197 0.31003937,44.629563 -36.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -36.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -36.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -36.5 -0.31003937,44.649606 -36.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -36.461279 0.31003937,44.644509 -36.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -37.538721 0.31003937,44.649606 -37.5 0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -37.538721 -0.31003937,44.644509 -37.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -37.5 0.31003937,44.649606 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.574803 0.31003937,44.644509 -37.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.574803 -0.31003937,44.629563 -37.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -37.538721 0.31003937,44.644509 -37.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -37.605788 0.31003937,44.629563 -37.574803 0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -37.605788 -0.31003937,44.605788 -37.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.574803 0.31003937,44.629563 -37.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.629563 0.31003937,44.605788 -37.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.629563 -0.31003937,44.574803 -37.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -37.605788 0.31003937,44.605788 -37.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -37.644509 0.31003937,44.574803 -37.629563 0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -37.644509 -0.31003937,44.538721 -37.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.629563 0.31003937,44.574803 -37.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.649606 0.31003937,44.538721 -37.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.649606 -0.31003937,44.5 -37.649606 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -37.644509 0.31003937,44.538721 -37.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -37.644509 0.31003937,44.5 -37.649606 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -37.644509 -0.31003937,44.461279 -37.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.649606 0.31003937,44.5 -37.649606 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.629563 0.31003937,44.461279 -37.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.629563 -0.31003937,44.425197 -37.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -37.644509 0.31003937,44.461279 -37.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -37.605788 0.31003937,44.425197 -37.629563 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -37.605788 -0.31003937,44.394212 -37.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.629563 0.31003937,44.425197 -37.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.574803 0.31003937,44.394212 -37.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.574803 -0.31003937,44.370437 -37.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -37.605788 0.31003937,44.394212 -37.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -37.538721 0.31003937,44.370437 -37.574803 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -37.538721 -0.31003937,44.355491 -37.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.574803 0.31003937,44.370437 -37.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -37.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -37.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -37.5 -0.31003937,44.350394 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -37.538721 0.31003937,44.355491 -37.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -37.461279 0.31003937,44.350394 -37.5 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -37.461279 -0.31003937,44.355491 -37.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -37.5 0.31003937,44.350394 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.425197 0.31003937,44.355491 -37.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.425197 -0.31003937,44.370437 -37.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -37.461279 0.31003937,44.355491 -37.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -37.394212 0.31003937,44.370437 -37.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -37.394212 -0.31003937,44.394212 -37.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -37.425197 0.31003937,44.370437 -37.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.370437 0.31003937,44.394212 -37.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.370437 -0.31003937,44.425197 -37.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -37.394212 0.31003937,44.394212 -37.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -37.355491 0.31003937,44.425197 -37.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -37.355491 -0.31003937,44.461279 -37.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -37.370437 0.31003937,44.425197 -37.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.350394 0.31003937,44.461279 -37.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.350394 -0.31003937,44.5 -37.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -37.355491 0.31003937,44.461279 -37.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -37.355491 0.31003937,44.5 -37.350394 0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -37.355491 -0.31003937,44.538721 -37.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -37.350394 0.31003937,44.5 -37.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.370437 0.31003937,44.538721 -37.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.370437 -0.31003937,44.574803 -37.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -37.355491 0.31003937,44.538721 -37.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -37.394212 0.31003937,44.574803 -37.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -37.394212 -0.31003937,44.605788 -37.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -37.370437 0.31003937,44.574803 -37.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.425197 0.31003937,44.605788 -37.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.425197 -0.31003937,44.629563 -37.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -37.394212 0.31003937,44.605788 -37.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -37.461279 0.31003937,44.629563 -37.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -37.461279 -0.31003937,44.644509 -37.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -37.425197 0.31003937,44.629563 -37.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -37.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -37.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -37.5 -0.31003937,44.649606 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -37.461279 0.31003937,44.644509 -37.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -38.538721 0.31003937,44.649606 -38.5 0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -38.538721 -0.31003937,44.644509 -38.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -38.5 0.31003937,44.649606 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.574803 0.31003937,44.644509 -38.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.574803 -0.31003937,44.629563 -38.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -38.538721 0.31003937,44.644509 -38.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -38.605788 0.31003937,44.629563 -38.574803 0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -38.605788 -0.31003937,44.605788 -38.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.574803 0.31003937,44.629563 -38.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.629563 0.31003937,44.605788 -38.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.629563 -0.31003937,44.574803 -38.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -38.605788 0.31003937,44.605788 -38.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -38.644509 0.31003937,44.574803 -38.629563 0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -38.644509 -0.31003937,44.538721 -38.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.629563 0.31003937,44.574803 -38.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.649606 0.31003937,44.538721 -38.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.649606 -0.31003937,44.5 -38.649606 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -38.644509 0.31003937,44.538721 -38.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -38.644509 0.31003937,44.5 -38.649606 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -38.644509 -0.31003937,44.461279 -38.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.649606 0.31003937,44.5 -38.649606 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.629563 0.31003937,44.461279 -38.644509 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.629563 -0.31003937,44.425197 -38.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -38.644509 0.31003937,44.461279 -38.644509 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -38.605788 0.31003937,44.425197 -38.629563 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -38.605788 -0.31003937,44.394212 -38.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.629563 0.31003937,44.425197 -38.629563 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.574803 0.31003937,44.394212 -38.605788 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.574803 -0.31003937,44.370437 -38.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -38.605788 0.31003937,44.394212 -38.605788 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -38.538721 0.31003937,44.370437 -38.574803 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -38.538721 -0.31003937,44.355491 -38.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.574803 0.31003937,44.370437 -38.574803 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -38.5 0.31003937,44.355491 -38.538721 0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -38.5 -0.31003937,44.350394 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -38.538721 0.31003937,44.355491 -38.538721 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -38.461279 0.31003937,44.350394 -38.5 0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -38.461279 -0.31003937,44.355491 -38.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.350394 -38.5 0.31003937,44.350394 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.425197 0.31003937,44.355491 -38.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.425197 -0.31003937,44.370437 -38.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.355491 -38.461279 0.31003937,44.355491 -38.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -38.394212 0.31003937,44.370437 -38.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -38.394212 -0.31003937,44.394212 -38.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.370437 -38.425197 0.31003937,44.370437 -38.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.370437 0.31003937,44.394212 -38.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.370437 -0.31003937,44.425197 -38.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.394212 -38.394212 0.31003937,44.394212 -38.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -38.355491 0.31003937,44.425197 -38.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -38.355491 -0.31003937,44.461279 -38.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.425197 -38.370437 0.31003937,44.425197 -38.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.350394 0.31003937,44.461279 -38.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.350394 -0.31003937,44.5 -38.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.461279 -38.355491 0.31003937,44.461279 -38.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -38.355491 0.31003937,44.5 -38.350394 0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -38.355491 -0.31003937,44.538721 -38.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.5 -38.350394 0.31003937,44.5 -38.350394 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.370437 0.31003937,44.538721 -38.355491 0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.370437 -0.31003937,44.574803 -38.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.538721 -38.355491 0.31003937,44.538721 -38.355491 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -38.394212 0.31003937,44.574803 -38.370437 0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -38.394212 -0.31003937,44.605788 -38.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.574803 -38.370437 0.31003937,44.574803 -38.370437 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.425197 0.31003937,44.605788 -38.394212 0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.425197 -0.31003937,44.629563 -38.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.605788 -38.394212 0.31003937,44.605788 -38.394212 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -38.461279 0.31003937,44.629563 -38.425197 0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -38.461279 -0.31003937,44.644509 -38.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 44.629563 -38.425197 0.31003937,44.629563 -38.425197 -0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -38.5 0.31003937,44.644509 -38.461279 0.31003937,
+ 44.649606 -38.5 -0.31003937,44.649606 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 44.644509 -38.461279 0.31003937,44.644509 -38.461279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.735751 -42.791142 0.31003937,43.678918 -42.740792 0.31003937,
+ 43.735751 -42.791142 -0.31003937,43.735751 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -42.740792 0.31003937,43.678918 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -42.85363 0.31003937,43.735751 -42.791142 0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -42.85363 -0.31003937,43.778884 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 43.735751 -42.791142 0.31003937,43.735751 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 43.805808 -42.924625 0.31003937,43.778884 -42.85363 0.31003937,
+ 43.805808 -42.924625 -0.31003937,43.805808 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -42.85363 0.31003937,43.778884 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 43.814961 -43 0.31003937,43.805808 -42.924625 0.31003937,
+ 43.814961 -43 -0.31003937,43.814961 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 43.805808 -42.924625 0.31003937,43.805808 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 43.805808 -43.075375 0.31003937,43.814961 -43 0.31003937,
+ 43.805808 -43.075375 -0.31003937,43.805808 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 43.814961 -43 0.31003937,43.814961 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -43.14637 0.31003937,43.805808 -43.075375 0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -43.14637 -0.31003937,43.778884 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 43.805808 -43.075375 0.31003937,43.805808 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 43.735751 -43.208858 0.31003937,43.778884 -43.14637 0.31003937,
+ 43.735751 -43.208858 -0.31003937,43.735751 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 43.778884 -43.14637 0.31003937,43.778884 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -43.259208 0.31003937,43.735751 -43.208858 0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -43.259208 -0.31003937,43.678918 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 43.735751 -43.208858 0.31003937,43.735751 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 43.611687 -43.294493 0.31003937,43.678918 -43.259208 0.31003937,
+ 43.611687 -43.294493 -0.31003937,43.611687 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -43.259208 0.31003937,43.678918 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -43.312664 0.31003937,43.611687 -43.294493 0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -43.312664 -0.31003937,43.537964 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 43.611687 -43.294493 0.31003937,43.611687 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 43.462036 -43.312664 0.31003937,43.537964 -43.312664 0.31003937,
+ 43.462036 -43.312664 -0.31003937,43.462036 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -43.312664 0.31003937,43.537964 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -43.294493 0.31003937,43.462036 -43.312664 0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -43.294493 -0.31003937,43.388313 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 43.462036 -43.312664 0.31003937,43.462036 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 43.321082 -43.259208 0.31003937,43.388313 -43.294493 0.31003937,
+ 43.321082 -43.259208 -0.31003937,43.321082 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -43.294493 0.31003937,43.388313 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -43.208858 0.31003937,43.321082 -43.259208 0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -43.208858 -0.31003937,43.264249 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 43.321082 -43.259208 0.31003937,43.321082 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 43.221116 -43.14637 0.31003937,43.264249 -43.208858 0.31003937,
+ 43.221116 -43.14637 -0.31003937,43.221116 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -43.208858 0.31003937,43.264249 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -43.075375 0.31003937,43.221116 -43.14637 0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -43.075375 -0.31003937,43.194192 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 43.221116 -43.14637 0.31003937,43.221116 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 43.185039 -43 0.31003937,43.194192 -43.075375 0.31003937,
+ 43.185039 -43 -0.31003937,43.185039 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -43.075375 0.31003937,43.194192 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -42.924625 0.31003937,43.185039 -43 0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -42.924625 -0.31003937,43.194192 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 43.185039 -43 0.31003937,43.185039 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 43.221116 -42.85363 0.31003937,43.194192 -42.924625 0.31003937,
+ 43.221116 -42.85363 -0.31003937,43.221116 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 43.194192 -42.924625 0.31003937,43.194192 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -42.791142 0.31003937,43.221116 -42.85363 0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -42.791142 -0.31003937,43.264249 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 43.221116 -42.85363 0.31003937,43.221116 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 43.321082 -42.740792 0.31003937,43.264249 -42.791142 0.31003937,
+ 43.321082 -42.740792 -0.31003937,43.321082 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 43.264249 -42.791142 0.31003937,43.264249 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -42.705507 0.31003937,43.321082 -42.740792 0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -42.705507 -0.31003937,43.388313 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 43.321082 -42.740792 0.31003937,43.321082 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 43.462036 -42.687336 0.31003937,43.388313 -42.705507 0.31003937,
+ 43.462036 -42.687336 -0.31003937,43.462036 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 43.388313 -42.705507 0.31003937,43.388313 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -42.687336 0.31003937,43.462036 -42.687336 0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -42.687336 -0.31003937,43.537964 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 43.462036 -42.687336 0.31003937,43.462036 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 43.611687 -42.705507 0.31003937,43.537964 -42.687336 0.31003937,
+ 43.611687 -42.705507 -0.31003937,43.611687 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 43.537964 -42.687336 0.31003937,43.537964 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -42.740792 0.31003937,43.611687 -42.705507 0.31003937,
+ 43.678918 -42.740792 -0.31003937,43.678918 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 43.611687 -42.705507 0.31003937,43.611687 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -35.038721 0.31003937,43.649606 -35 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -35.038721 -0.31003937,43.644509 -35.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -35 0.31003937,43.649606 -35 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.074803 0.31003937,43.644509 -35.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.074803 -0.31003937,43.629563 -35.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -35.038721 0.31003937,43.644509 -35.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -35.105788 0.31003937,43.629563 -35.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -35.105788 -0.31003937,43.605788 -35.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.074803 0.31003937,43.629563 -35.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.129563 0.31003937,43.605788 -35.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.129563 -0.31003937,43.574803 -35.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -35.105788 0.31003937,43.605788 -35.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -35.144509 0.31003937,43.574803 -35.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -35.144509 -0.31003937,43.538721 -35.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.129563 0.31003937,43.574803 -35.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.149606 0.31003937,43.538721 -35.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.149606 -0.31003937,43.5 -35.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -35.144509 0.31003937,43.538721 -35.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -35.144509 0.31003937,43.5 -35.149606 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -35.144509 -0.31003937,43.461279 -35.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.149606 0.31003937,43.5 -35.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.129563 0.31003937,43.461279 -35.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.129563 -0.31003937,43.425197 -35.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -35.144509 0.31003937,43.461279 -35.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -35.105788 0.31003937,43.425197 -35.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -35.105788 -0.31003937,43.394212 -35.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.129563 0.31003937,43.425197 -35.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.074803 0.31003937,43.394212 -35.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.074803 -0.31003937,43.370437 -35.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -35.105788 0.31003937,43.394212 -35.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -35.038721 0.31003937,43.370437 -35.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -35.038721 -0.31003937,43.355491 -35.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.074803 0.31003937,43.370437 -35.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -35 0.31003937,43.355491 -35.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -35 -0.31003937,43.350394 -35 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -35.038721 0.31003937,43.355491 -35.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -34.961279 0.31003937,43.350394 -35 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -34.961279 -0.31003937,43.355491 -34.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -35 0.31003937,43.350394 -35 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -34.925197 0.31003937,43.355491 -34.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -34.925197 -0.31003937,43.370437 -34.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -34.961279 0.31003937,43.355491 -34.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -34.894212 0.31003937,43.370437 -34.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -34.894212 -0.31003937,43.394212 -34.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -34.925197 0.31003937,43.370437 -34.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -34.870437 0.31003937,43.394212 -34.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -34.870437 -0.31003937,43.425197 -34.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -34.894212 0.31003937,43.394212 -34.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -34.855491 0.31003937,43.425197 -34.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -34.855491 -0.31003937,43.461279 -34.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -34.870437 0.31003937,43.425197 -34.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -34.850394 0.31003937,43.461279 -34.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -34.850394 -0.31003937,43.5 -34.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -34.855491 0.31003937,43.461279 -34.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -34.855491 0.31003937,43.5 -34.850394 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -34.855491 -0.31003937,43.538721 -34.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -34.850394 0.31003937,43.5 -34.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -34.870437 0.31003937,43.538721 -34.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -34.870437 -0.31003937,43.574803 -34.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -34.855491 0.31003937,43.538721 -34.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -34.894212 0.31003937,43.574803 -34.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -34.894212 -0.31003937,43.605788 -34.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -34.870437 0.31003937,43.574803 -34.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -34.925197 0.31003937,43.605788 -34.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -34.925197 -0.31003937,43.629563 -34.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -34.894212 0.31003937,43.605788 -34.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -34.961279 0.31003937,43.629563 -34.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -34.961279 -0.31003937,43.644509 -34.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -34.925197 0.31003937,43.629563 -34.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -35 0.31003937,43.644509 -34.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -35 -0.31003937,43.649606 -35 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -34.961279 0.31003937,43.644509 -34.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -36.038721 0.31003937,43.649606 -36 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -36.038721 -0.31003937,43.644509 -36.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -36 0.31003937,43.649606 -36 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.074803 0.31003937,43.644509 -36.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.074803 -0.31003937,43.629563 -36.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -36.038721 0.31003937,43.644509 -36.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -36.105788 0.31003937,43.629563 -36.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -36.105788 -0.31003937,43.605788 -36.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.074803 0.31003937,43.629563 -36.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.129563 0.31003937,43.605788 -36.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.129563 -0.31003937,43.574803 -36.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -36.105788 0.31003937,43.605788 -36.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -36.144509 0.31003937,43.574803 -36.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -36.144509 -0.31003937,43.538721 -36.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.129563 0.31003937,43.574803 -36.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.149606 0.31003937,43.538721 -36.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.149606 -0.31003937,43.5 -36.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -36.144509 0.31003937,43.538721 -36.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -36.144509 0.31003937,43.5 -36.149606 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -36.144509 -0.31003937,43.461279 -36.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.149606 0.31003937,43.5 -36.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.129563 0.31003937,43.461279 -36.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.129563 -0.31003937,43.425197 -36.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -36.144509 0.31003937,43.461279 -36.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -36.105788 0.31003937,43.425197 -36.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -36.105788 -0.31003937,43.394212 -36.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.129563 0.31003937,43.425197 -36.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.074803 0.31003937,43.394212 -36.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.074803 -0.31003937,43.370437 -36.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -36.105788 0.31003937,43.394212 -36.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -36.038721 0.31003937,43.370437 -36.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -36.038721 -0.31003937,43.355491 -36.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.074803 0.31003937,43.370437 -36.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -36 0.31003937,43.355491 -36.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -36 -0.31003937,43.350394 -36 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -36.038721 0.31003937,43.355491 -36.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -35.961279 0.31003937,43.350394 -36 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -35.961279 -0.31003937,43.355491 -35.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -36 0.31003937,43.350394 -36 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.925197 0.31003937,43.355491 -35.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.925197 -0.31003937,43.370437 -35.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -35.961279 0.31003937,43.355491 -35.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -35.894212 0.31003937,43.370437 -35.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -35.894212 -0.31003937,43.394212 -35.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -35.925197 0.31003937,43.370437 -35.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.870437 0.31003937,43.394212 -35.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.870437 -0.31003937,43.425197 -35.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -35.894212 0.31003937,43.394212 -35.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -35.855491 0.31003937,43.425197 -35.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -35.855491 -0.31003937,43.461279 -35.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -35.870437 0.31003937,43.425197 -35.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.850394 0.31003937,43.461279 -35.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.850394 -0.31003937,43.5 -35.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -35.855491 0.31003937,43.461279 -35.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -35.855491 0.31003937,43.5 -35.850394 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -35.855491 -0.31003937,43.538721 -35.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -35.850394 0.31003937,43.5 -35.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.870437 0.31003937,43.538721 -35.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.870437 -0.31003937,43.574803 -35.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -35.855491 0.31003937,43.538721 -35.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -35.894212 0.31003937,43.574803 -35.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -35.894212 -0.31003937,43.605788 -35.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -35.870437 0.31003937,43.574803 -35.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.925197 0.31003937,43.605788 -35.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.925197 -0.31003937,43.629563 -35.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -35.894212 0.31003937,43.605788 -35.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -35.961279 0.31003937,43.629563 -35.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -35.961279 -0.31003937,43.644509 -35.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -35.925197 0.31003937,43.629563 -35.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -36 0.31003937,43.644509 -35.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -36 -0.31003937,43.649606 -36 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -35.961279 0.31003937,43.644509 -35.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -37.038721 0.31003937,43.649606 -37 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -37.038721 -0.31003937,43.644509 -37.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -37 0.31003937,43.649606 -37 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.074803 0.31003937,43.644509 -37.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.074803 -0.31003937,43.629563 -37.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -37.038721 0.31003937,43.644509 -37.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -37.105788 0.31003937,43.629563 -37.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -37.105788 -0.31003937,43.605788 -37.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.074803 0.31003937,43.629563 -37.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.129563 0.31003937,43.605788 -37.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.129563 -0.31003937,43.574803 -37.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -37.105788 0.31003937,43.605788 -37.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -37.144509 0.31003937,43.574803 -37.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -37.144509 -0.31003937,43.538721 -37.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.129563 0.31003937,43.574803 -37.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.149606 0.31003937,43.538721 -37.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.149606 -0.31003937,43.5 -37.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -37.144509 0.31003937,43.538721 -37.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -37.144509 0.31003937,43.5 -37.149606 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -37.144509 -0.31003937,43.461279 -37.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.149606 0.31003937,43.5 -37.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.129563 0.31003937,43.461279 -37.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.129563 -0.31003937,43.425197 -37.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -37.144509 0.31003937,43.461279 -37.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -37.105788 0.31003937,43.425197 -37.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -37.105788 -0.31003937,43.394212 -37.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.129563 0.31003937,43.425197 -37.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.074803 0.31003937,43.394212 -37.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.074803 -0.31003937,43.370437 -37.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -37.105788 0.31003937,43.394212 -37.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -37.038721 0.31003937,43.370437 -37.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -37.038721 -0.31003937,43.355491 -37.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.074803 0.31003937,43.370437 -37.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -37 0.31003937,43.355491 -37.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -37 -0.31003937,43.350394 -37 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -37.038721 0.31003937,43.355491 -37.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -36.961279 0.31003937,43.350394 -37 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -36.961279 -0.31003937,43.355491 -36.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -37 0.31003937,43.350394 -37 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.925197 0.31003937,43.355491 -36.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.925197 -0.31003937,43.370437 -36.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -36.961279 0.31003937,43.355491 -36.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -36.894212 0.31003937,43.370437 -36.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -36.894212 -0.31003937,43.394212 -36.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -36.925197 0.31003937,43.370437 -36.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.870437 0.31003937,43.394212 -36.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.870437 -0.31003937,43.425197 -36.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -36.894212 0.31003937,43.394212 -36.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -36.855491 0.31003937,43.425197 -36.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -36.855491 -0.31003937,43.461279 -36.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -36.870437 0.31003937,43.425197 -36.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.850394 0.31003937,43.461279 -36.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.850394 -0.31003937,43.5 -36.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -36.855491 0.31003937,43.461279 -36.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -36.855491 0.31003937,43.5 -36.850394 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -36.855491 -0.31003937,43.538721 -36.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -36.850394 0.31003937,43.5 -36.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.870437 0.31003937,43.538721 -36.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.870437 -0.31003937,43.574803 -36.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -36.855491 0.31003937,43.538721 -36.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -36.894212 0.31003937,43.574803 -36.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -36.894212 -0.31003937,43.605788 -36.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -36.870437 0.31003937,43.574803 -36.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.925197 0.31003937,43.605788 -36.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.925197 -0.31003937,43.629563 -36.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -36.894212 0.31003937,43.605788 -36.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -36.961279 0.31003937,43.629563 -36.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -36.961279 -0.31003937,43.644509 -36.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -36.925197 0.31003937,43.629563 -36.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -37 0.31003937,43.644509 -36.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -37 -0.31003937,43.649606 -37 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -36.961279 0.31003937,43.644509 -36.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -38.038721 0.31003937,43.649606 -38 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -38.038721 -0.31003937,43.644509 -38.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -38 0.31003937,43.649606 -38 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -38.074803 0.31003937,43.644509 -38.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -38.074803 -0.31003937,43.629563 -38.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -38.038721 0.31003937,43.644509 -38.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -38.105788 0.31003937,43.629563 -38.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -38.105788 -0.31003937,43.605788 -38.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -38.074803 0.31003937,43.629563 -38.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -38.129563 0.31003937,43.605788 -38.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -38.129563 -0.31003937,43.574803 -38.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -38.105788 0.31003937,43.605788 -38.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -38.144509 0.31003937,43.574803 -38.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -38.144509 -0.31003937,43.538721 -38.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -38.129563 0.31003937,43.574803 -38.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -38.149606 0.31003937,43.538721 -38.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -38.149606 -0.31003937,43.5 -38.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -38.144509 0.31003937,43.538721 -38.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -38.144509 0.31003937,43.5 -38.149606 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -38.144509 -0.31003937,43.461279 -38.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -38.149606 0.31003937,43.5 -38.149606 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -38.129563 0.31003937,43.461279 -38.144509 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -38.129563 -0.31003937,43.425197 -38.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -38.144509 0.31003937,43.461279 -38.144509 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -38.105788 0.31003937,43.425197 -38.129563 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -38.105788 -0.31003937,43.394212 -38.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -38.129563 0.31003937,43.425197 -38.129563 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -38.074803 0.31003937,43.394212 -38.105788 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -38.074803 -0.31003937,43.370437 -38.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -38.105788 0.31003937,43.394212 -38.105788 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -38.038721 0.31003937,43.370437 -38.074803 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -38.038721 -0.31003937,43.355491 -38.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -38.074803 0.31003937,43.370437 -38.074803 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -38 0.31003937,43.355491 -38.038721 0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -38 -0.31003937,43.350394 -38 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -38.038721 0.31003937,43.355491 -38.038721 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -37.961279 0.31003937,43.350394 -38 0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -37.961279 -0.31003937,43.355491 -37.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.350394 -38 0.31003937,43.350394 -38 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.925197 0.31003937,43.355491 -37.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.925197 -0.31003937,43.370437 -37.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.355491 -37.961279 0.31003937,43.355491 -37.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -37.894212 0.31003937,43.370437 -37.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -37.894212 -0.31003937,43.394212 -37.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.370437 -37.925197 0.31003937,43.370437 -37.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.870437 0.31003937,43.394212 -37.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.870437 -0.31003937,43.425197 -37.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.394212 -37.894212 0.31003937,43.394212 -37.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -37.855491 0.31003937,43.425197 -37.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -37.855491 -0.31003937,43.461279 -37.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.425197 -37.870437 0.31003937,43.425197 -37.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.850394 0.31003937,43.461279 -37.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.850394 -0.31003937,43.5 -37.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.461279 -37.855491 0.31003937,43.461279 -37.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -37.855491 0.31003937,43.5 -37.850394 0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -37.855491 -0.31003937,43.538721 -37.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.5 -37.850394 0.31003937,43.5 -37.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.870437 0.31003937,43.538721 -37.855491 0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.870437 -0.31003937,43.574803 -37.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.538721 -37.855491 0.31003937,43.538721 -37.855491 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -37.894212 0.31003937,43.574803 -37.870437 0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -37.894212 -0.31003937,43.605788 -37.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.574803 -37.870437 0.31003937,43.574803 -37.870437 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.925197 0.31003937,43.605788 -37.894212 0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.925197 -0.31003937,43.629563 -37.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.605788 -37.894212 0.31003937,43.605788 -37.894212 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -37.961279 0.31003937,43.629563 -37.925197 0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -37.961279 -0.31003937,43.644509 -37.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 43.629563 -37.925197 0.31003937,43.629563 -37.925197 -0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -38 0.31003937,43.644509 -37.961279 0.31003937,
+ 43.649606 -38 -0.31003937,43.649606 -38 -0.31003937,
+ 43.644509 -37.961279 0.31003937,43.644509 -37.961279 -0.31003937,
+ 61.164345 -36.393216 0.31003937,61.174894 -36.353846 0.31003937,
+ 61.164345 -36.393216 -0.31003937,61.164345 -36.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 61.174894 -36.353846 0.31003937,61.174894 -36.353846 -0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.422037 0.31003937,61.164345 -36.393216 0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.422037 -0.31003937,61.135524 -36.422037 -0.31003937,
+ 61.164345 -36.393216 0.31003937,61.164345 -36.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 61.096154 -36.432586 0.31003937,61.135524 -36.422037 0.31003937,
+ 61.096154 -36.432586 -0.31003937,61.096154 -36.432586 -0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.422037 0.31003937,61.135524 -36.422037 -0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.422037 0.31003937,61.096154 -36.432586 0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.422037 -0.31003937,61.056784 -36.422037 -0.31003937,
+ 61.096154 -36.432586 0.31003937,61.096154 -36.432586 -0.31003937,
+ 61.027963 -36.393216 0.31003937,61.056784 -36.422037 0.31003937,
+ 61.027963 -36.393216 -0.31003937,61.027963 -36.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.422037 0.31003937,61.056784 -36.422037 -0.31003937,
+ 61.017414 -36.353846 0.31003937,61.027963 -36.393216 0.31003937,
+ 61.017414 -36.353846 -0.31003937,61.017414 -36.353846 -0.31003937,
+ 61.027963 -36.393216 0.31003937,61.027963 -36.393216 -0.31003937,
+ 61.027963 -36.314476 0.31003937,61.017414 -36.353846 0.31003937,
+ 61.027963 -36.314476 -0.31003937,61.027963 -36.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 61.017414 -36.353846 0.31003937,61.017414 -36.353846 -0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.285655 0.31003937,61.027963 -36.314476 0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.285655 -0.31003937,61.056784 -36.285655 -0.31003937,
+ 61.027963 -36.314476 0.31003937,61.027963 -36.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 61.096154 -36.275106 0.31003937,61.056784 -36.285655 0.31003937,
+ 61.096154 -36.275106 -0.31003937,61.096154 -36.275106 -0.31003937,
+ 61.056784 -36.285655 0.31003937,61.056784 -36.285655 -0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.285655 0.31003937,61.096154 -36.275106 0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.285655 -0.31003937,61.135524 -36.285655 -0.31003937,
+ 61.096154 -36.275106 0.31003937,61.096154 -36.275106 -0.31003937,
+ 61.164345 -36.314476 0.31003937,61.135524 -36.285655 0.31003937,
+ 61.164345 -36.314476 -0.31003937,61.164345 -36.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 61.135524 -36.285655 0.31003937,61.135524 -36.285655 -0.31003937,
+ 61.174894 -36.353846 0.31003937,61.164345 -36.314476 0.31003937,
+ 61.174894 -36.353846 -0.31003937,61.174894 -36.353846 -0.31003937,
+ 61.164345 -36.314476 0.31003937,61.164345 -36.314476 -0.31003937,
+ 58.627963 -37.456784 0.31003937,58.617414 -37.496154 0.31003937,
+ 58.627963 -37.456784 -0.31003937,58.627963 -37.456784 -0.31003937,
+ 58.617414 -37.496154 0.31003937,58.617414 -37.496154 -0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.427963 0.31003937,58.627963 -37.456784 0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.427963 -0.31003937,58.656784 -37.427963 -0.31003937,
+ 58.627963 -37.456784 0.31003937,58.627963 -37.456784 -0.31003937,
+ 58.696154 -37.417414 0.31003937,58.656784 -37.427963 0.31003937,
+ 58.696154 -37.417414 -0.31003937,58.696154 -37.417414 -0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.427963 0.31003937,58.656784 -37.427963 -0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.427963 0.31003937,58.696154 -37.417414 0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.427963 -0.31003937,58.735524 -37.427963 -0.31003937,
+ 58.696154 -37.417414 0.31003937,58.696154 -37.417414 -0.31003937,
+ 58.764345 -37.456784 0.31003937,58.735524 -37.427963 0.31003937,
+ 58.764345 -37.456784 -0.31003937,58.764345 -37.456784 -0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.427963 0.31003937,58.735524 -37.427963 -0.31003937,
+ 58.774894 -37.496154 0.31003937,58.764345 -37.456784 0.31003937,
+ 58.774894 -37.496154 -0.31003937,58.774894 -37.496154 -0.31003937,
+ 58.764345 -37.456784 0.31003937,58.764345 -37.456784 -0.31003937,
+ 58.764345 -37.535524 0.31003937,58.774894 -37.496154 0.31003937,
+ 58.764345 -37.535524 -0.31003937,58.764345 -37.535524 -0.31003937,
+ 58.774894 -37.496154 0.31003937,58.774894 -37.496154 -0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.564345 0.31003937,58.764345 -37.535524 0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.564345 -0.31003937,58.735524 -37.564345 -0.31003937,
+ 58.764345 -37.535524 0.31003937,58.764345 -37.535524 -0.31003937,
+ 58.696154 -37.574894 0.31003937,58.735524 -37.564345 0.31003937,
+ 58.696154 -37.574894 -0.31003937,58.696154 -37.574894 -0.31003937,
+ 58.735524 -37.564345 0.31003937,58.735524 -37.564345 -0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.564345 0.31003937,58.696154 -37.574894 0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.564345 -0.31003937,58.656784 -37.564345 -0.31003937,
+ 58.696154 -37.574894 0.31003937,58.696154 -37.574894 -0.31003937,
+ 58.627963 -37.535524 0.31003937,58.656784 -37.564345 0.31003937,
+ 58.627963 -37.535524 -0.31003937,58.627963 -37.535524 -0.31003937,
+ 58.656784 -37.564345 0.31003937,58.656784 -37.564345 -0.31003937,
+ 58.617414 -37.496154 0.31003937,58.627963 -37.535524 0.31003937,
+ 58.617414 -37.496154 -0.31003937,58.617414 -37.496154 -0.31003937,
+ 58.627963 -37.535524 0.31003937,58.627963 -37.535524 -0.31003937,
+ 58.472037 -37.243216 0.31003937,58.482586 -37.203846 0.31003937,
+ 58.472037 -37.243216 -0.31003937,58.472037 -37.243216 -0.31003937,
+ 58.482586 -37.203846 0.31003937,58.482586 -37.203846 -0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.272037 0.31003937,58.472037 -37.243216 0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.272037 -0.31003937,58.443216 -37.272037 -0.31003937,
+ 58.472037 -37.243216 0.31003937,58.472037 -37.243216 -0.31003937,
+ 58.403846 -37.282586 0.31003937,58.443216 -37.272037 0.31003937,
+ 58.403846 -37.282586 -0.31003937,58.403846 -37.282586 -0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.272037 0.31003937,58.443216 -37.272037 -0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.272037 0.31003937,58.403846 -37.282586 0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.272037 -0.31003937,58.364476 -37.272037 -0.31003937,
+ 58.403846 -37.282586 0.31003937,58.403846 -37.282586 -0.31003937,
+ 58.335655 -37.243216 0.31003937,58.364476 -37.272037 0.31003937,
+ 58.335655 -37.243216 -0.31003937,58.335655 -37.243216 -0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.272037 0.31003937,58.364476 -37.272037 -0.31003937,
+ 58.325106 -37.203846 0.31003937,58.335655 -37.243216 0.31003937,
+ 58.325106 -37.203846 -0.31003937,58.325106 -37.203846 -0.31003937,
+ 58.335655 -37.243216 0.31003937,58.335655 -37.243216 -0.31003937,
+ 58.335655 -37.164476 0.31003937,58.325106 -37.203846 0.31003937,
+ 58.335655 -37.164476 -0.31003937,58.335655 -37.164476 -0.31003937,
+ 58.325106 -37.203846 0.31003937,58.325106 -37.203846 -0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.135655 0.31003937,58.335655 -37.164476 0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.135655 -0.31003937,58.364476 -37.135655 -0.31003937,
+ 58.335655 -37.164476 0.31003937,58.335655 -37.164476 -0.31003937,
+ 58.403846 -37.125106 0.31003937,58.364476 -37.135655 0.31003937,
+ 58.403846 -37.125106 -0.31003937,58.403846 -37.125106 -0.31003937,
+ 58.364476 -37.135655 0.31003937,58.364476 -37.135655 -0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.135655 0.31003937,58.403846 -37.125106 0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.135655 -0.31003937,58.443216 -37.135655 -0.31003937,
+ 58.403846 -37.125106 0.31003937,58.403846 -37.125106 -0.31003937,
+ 58.472037 -37.164476 0.31003937,58.443216 -37.135655 0.31003937,
+ 58.472037 -37.164476 -0.31003937,58.472037 -37.164476 -0.31003937,
+ 58.443216 -37.135655 0.31003937,58.443216 -37.135655 -0.31003937,
+ 58.482586 -37.203846 0.31003937,58.472037 -37.164476 0.31003937,
+ 58.482586 -37.203846 -0.31003937,58.482586 -37.203846 -0.31003937,
+ 58.472037 -37.164476 0.31003937,58.472037 -37.164476 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -37.753937 0.31003937,55.48937 -37.725116 0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,55.518191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.725116 0.31003937,55.48937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -37.793307 0.31003937,55.518191 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,55.52874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -37.753937 0.31003937,55.518191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -37.832677 0.31003937,55.52874 -37.793307 0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,55.518191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -37.793307 0.31003937,55.52874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.861498 0.31003937,55.518191 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,55.48937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -37.832677 0.31003937,55.518191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -37.872047 0.31003937,55.48937 -37.861498 0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -37.872047 -0.31003937,55.45 -37.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.861498 0.31003937,55.48937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.861498 0.31003937,55.45 -37.872047 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,55.41063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -37.872047 0.31003937,55.45 -37.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -37.832677 0.31003937,55.41063 -37.861498 0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,55.381809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.861498 0.31003937,55.41063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -37.793307 0.31003937,55.381809 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,55.37126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -37.832677 0.31003937,55.381809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -37.753937 0.31003937,55.37126 -37.793307 0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,55.381809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -37.793307 0.31003937,55.37126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.725116 0.31003937,55.381809 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,55.41063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -37.753937 0.31003937,55.381809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -37.714567 0.31003937,55.41063 -37.725116 0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -37.714567 -0.31003937,55.45 -37.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -37.725116 0.31003937,55.41063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.725116 0.31003937,55.45 -37.714567 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,55.48937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -37.714567 0.31003937,55.45 -37.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.293307 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.253937 0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.293307 -0.31003937,55.481654 -36.293307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.253937 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.253937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.332677 0.31003937,55.481654 -36.293307 0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.332677 -0.31003937,55.471105 -36.332677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.293307 0.31003937,55.481654 -36.293307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.361498 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.332677 0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.361498 -0.31003937,55.442284 -36.361498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.332677 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.332677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.372047 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.361498 0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.372047 -0.31003937,55.402914 -36.372047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.361498 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.361498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.361498 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.372047 0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.361498 -0.31003937,55.363544 -36.361498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.372047 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.372047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.332677 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.361498 0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.332677 -0.31003937,55.334723 -36.332677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.361498 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.361498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.293307 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.332677 0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.293307 -0.31003937,55.324174 -36.293307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.332677 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.332677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.253937 0.31003937,55.324174 -36.293307 0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.253937 -0.31003937,55.334723 -36.253937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.293307 0.31003937,55.324174 -36.293307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.225116 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.253937 0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.225116 -0.31003937,55.363544 -36.225116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.253937 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.253937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.214567 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.225116 0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.214567 -0.31003937,55.402914 -36.214567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.225116 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.225116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.225116 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.214567 0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.225116 -0.31003937,55.442284 -36.225116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.214567 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.214567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.253937 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.225116 0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.253937 -0.31003937,55.471105 -36.253937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.225116 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.225116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -34.753937 0.31003937,55.304588 -34.793307 0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -34.753937 -0.31003937,55.315137 -34.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -34.793307 0.31003937,55.304588 -34.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.725116 0.31003937,55.315137 -34.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.725116 -0.31003937,55.343958 -34.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -34.753937 0.31003937,55.315137 -34.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -34.714567 0.31003937,55.343958 -34.725116 0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -34.714567 -0.31003937,55.383328 -34.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.725116 0.31003937,55.343958 -34.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.725116 0.31003937,55.383328 -34.714567 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.725116 -0.31003937,55.422698 -34.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -34.714567 0.31003937,55.383328 -34.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -34.753937 0.31003937,55.422698 -34.725116 0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -34.753937 -0.31003937,55.451519 -34.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.725116 0.31003937,55.422698 -34.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -34.793307 0.31003937,55.451519 -34.753937 0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -34.793307 -0.31003937,55.462068 -34.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -34.753937 0.31003937,55.451519 -34.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -34.832677 0.31003937,55.462068 -34.793307 0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -34.832677 -0.31003937,55.451519 -34.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -34.793307 0.31003937,55.462068 -34.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.861498 0.31003937,55.451519 -34.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.861498 -0.31003937,55.422698 -34.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -34.832677 0.31003937,55.451519 -34.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -34.872047 0.31003937,55.422698 -34.861498 0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -34.872047 -0.31003937,55.383328 -34.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -34.861498 0.31003937,55.422698 -34.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.861498 0.31003937,55.383328 -34.872047 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.861498 -0.31003937,55.343958 -34.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -34.872047 0.31003937,55.383328 -34.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -34.832677 0.31003937,55.343958 -34.861498 0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -34.832677 -0.31003937,55.315137 -34.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -34.861498 0.31003937,55.343958 -34.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -34.793307 0.31003937,55.315137 -34.832677 0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -34.793307 -0.31003937,55.304588 -34.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -34.832677 0.31003937,55.315137 -34.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -35.167323 0.31003937,55.304588 -35.206693 0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -35.167323 -0.31003937,55.315137 -35.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -35.206693 0.31003937,55.304588 -35.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.138502 0.31003937,55.315137 -35.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.138502 -0.31003937,55.343958 -35.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -35.167323 0.31003937,55.315137 -35.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -35.127953 0.31003937,55.343958 -35.138502 0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -35.127953 -0.31003937,55.383328 -35.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.138502 0.31003937,55.343958 -35.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.138502 0.31003937,55.383328 -35.127953 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.138502 -0.31003937,55.422698 -35.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -35.127953 0.31003937,55.383328 -35.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -35.167323 0.31003937,55.422698 -35.138502 0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -35.167323 -0.31003937,55.451519 -35.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.138502 0.31003937,55.422698 -35.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -35.206693 0.31003937,55.451519 -35.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -35.206693 -0.31003937,55.462068 -35.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -35.167323 0.31003937,55.451519 -35.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -35.246063 0.31003937,55.462068 -35.206693 0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -35.246063 -0.31003937,55.451519 -35.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.462068 -35.206693 0.31003937,55.462068 -35.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.274884 0.31003937,55.451519 -35.246063 0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.274884 -0.31003937,55.422698 -35.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.451519 -35.246063 0.31003937,55.451519 -35.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -35.285433 0.31003937,55.422698 -35.274884 0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -35.285433 -0.31003937,55.383328 -35.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.422698 -35.274884 0.31003937,55.422698 -35.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.274884 0.31003937,55.383328 -35.285433 0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.274884 -0.31003937,55.343958 -35.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.383328 -35.285433 0.31003937,55.383328 -35.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -35.246063 0.31003937,55.343958 -35.274884 0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -35.246063 -0.31003937,55.315137 -35.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.343958 -35.274884 0.31003937,55.343958 -35.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -35.206693 0.31003937,55.315137 -35.246063 0.31003937,
+ 55.304588 -35.206693 -0.31003937,55.304588 -35.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.315137 -35.246063 0.31003937,55.315137 -35.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -34.46063 0.31003937,53.42126 -34.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -34.46063 -0.31003937,53.431809 -34.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -34.5 0.31003937,53.42126 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.431809 0.31003937,53.431809 -34.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.431809 -0.31003937,53.46063 -34.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -34.46063 0.31003937,53.431809 -34.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -34.42126 0.31003937,53.46063 -34.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -34.42126 -0.31003937,53.5 -34.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.431809 0.31003937,53.46063 -34.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -34.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.431809 -0.31003937,53.53937 -34.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -34.42126 0.31003937,53.5 -34.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -34.46063 0.31003937,53.53937 -34.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -34.46063 -0.31003937,53.568191 -34.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.431809 0.31003937,53.53937 -34.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -34.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -34.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -34.5 -0.31003937,53.57874 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -34.46063 0.31003937,53.568191 -34.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -34.53937 0.31003937,53.57874 -34.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -34.53937 -0.31003937,53.568191 -34.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -34.5 0.31003937,53.57874 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.568191 0.31003937,53.568191 -34.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.568191 -0.31003937,53.53937 -34.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -34.53937 0.31003937,53.568191 -34.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -34.57874 0.31003937,53.53937 -34.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -34.57874 -0.31003937,53.5 -34.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -34.568191 0.31003937,53.53937 -34.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -34.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.568191 -0.31003937,53.46063 -34.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -34.57874 0.31003937,53.5 -34.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -34.53937 0.31003937,53.46063 -34.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -34.53937 -0.31003937,53.431809 -34.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -34.568191 0.31003937,53.46063 -34.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -34.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -34.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -34.5 -0.31003937,53.42126 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -34.53937 0.31003937,53.431809 -34.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -35.46063 0.31003937,53.42126 -35.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -35.46063 -0.31003937,53.431809 -35.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -35.5 0.31003937,53.42126 -35.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.431809 0.31003937,53.431809 -35.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.431809 -0.31003937,53.46063 -35.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -35.46063 0.31003937,53.431809 -35.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -35.42126 0.31003937,53.46063 -35.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -35.42126 -0.31003937,53.5 -35.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.431809 0.31003937,53.46063 -35.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -35.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.431809 -0.31003937,53.53937 -35.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -35.42126 0.31003937,53.5 -35.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -35.46063 0.31003937,53.53937 -35.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -35.46063 -0.31003937,53.568191 -35.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.431809 0.31003937,53.53937 -35.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -35.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -35.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -35.5 -0.31003937,53.57874 -35.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -35.46063 0.31003937,53.568191 -35.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -35.53937 0.31003937,53.57874 -35.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -35.53937 -0.31003937,53.568191 -35.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -35.5 0.31003937,53.57874 -35.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.568191 0.31003937,53.568191 -35.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.568191 -0.31003937,53.53937 -35.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -35.53937 0.31003937,53.568191 -35.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -35.57874 0.31003937,53.53937 -35.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -35.57874 -0.31003937,53.5 -35.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -35.568191 0.31003937,53.53937 -35.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -35.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.568191 -0.31003937,53.46063 -35.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -35.57874 0.31003937,53.5 -35.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -35.53937 0.31003937,53.46063 -35.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -35.53937 -0.31003937,53.431809 -35.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -35.568191 0.31003937,53.46063 -35.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -35.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -35.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -35.5 -0.31003937,53.42126 -35.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -35.53937 0.31003937,53.431809 -35.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -37.46063 0.31003937,53.42126 -37.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -37.46063 -0.31003937,53.431809 -37.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -37.5 0.31003937,53.42126 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.431809 0.31003937,53.431809 -37.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.431809 -0.31003937,53.46063 -37.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -37.46063 0.31003937,53.431809 -37.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -37.42126 0.31003937,53.46063 -37.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -37.42126 -0.31003937,53.5 -37.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.431809 0.31003937,53.46063 -37.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -37.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.431809 -0.31003937,53.53937 -37.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -37.42126 0.31003937,53.5 -37.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -37.46063 0.31003937,53.53937 -37.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -37.46063 -0.31003937,53.568191 -37.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.431809 0.31003937,53.53937 -37.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -37.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -37.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -37.5 -0.31003937,53.57874 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -37.46063 0.31003937,53.568191 -37.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -37.53937 0.31003937,53.57874 -37.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -37.53937 -0.31003937,53.568191 -37.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -37.5 0.31003937,53.57874 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.568191 0.31003937,53.568191 -37.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.568191 -0.31003937,53.53937 -37.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -37.53937 0.31003937,53.568191 -37.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -37.57874 0.31003937,53.53937 -37.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -37.57874 -0.31003937,53.5 -37.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -37.568191 0.31003937,53.53937 -37.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -37.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.568191 -0.31003937,53.46063 -37.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -37.57874 0.31003937,53.5 -37.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -37.53937 0.31003937,53.46063 -37.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -37.53937 -0.31003937,53.431809 -37.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -37.568191 0.31003937,53.46063 -37.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -37.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -37.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -37.5 -0.31003937,53.42126 -37.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -37.53937 0.31003937,53.431809 -37.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -38.46063 0.31003937,53.42126 -38.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -38.46063 -0.31003937,53.431809 -38.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -38.5 0.31003937,53.42126 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.431809 0.31003937,53.431809 -38.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.431809 -0.31003937,53.46063 -38.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -38.46063 0.31003937,53.431809 -38.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -38.42126 0.31003937,53.46063 -38.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -38.42126 -0.31003937,53.5 -38.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.431809 0.31003937,53.46063 -38.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.431809 0.31003937,53.5 -38.42126 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.431809 -0.31003937,53.53937 -38.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -38.42126 0.31003937,53.5 -38.42126 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -38.46063 0.31003937,53.53937 -38.431809 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -38.46063 -0.31003937,53.568191 -38.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.431809 0.31003937,53.53937 -38.431809 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -38.5 0.31003937,53.568191 -38.46063 0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -38.5 -0.31003937,53.57874 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -38.46063 0.31003937,53.568191 -38.46063 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -38.53937 0.31003937,53.57874 -38.5 0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -38.53937 -0.31003937,53.568191 -38.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.57874 -38.5 0.31003937,53.57874 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.568191 0.31003937,53.568191 -38.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.568191 -0.31003937,53.53937 -38.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.568191 -38.53937 0.31003937,53.568191 -38.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -38.57874 0.31003937,53.53937 -38.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -38.57874 -0.31003937,53.5 -38.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.53937 -38.568191 0.31003937,53.53937 -38.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.568191 0.31003937,53.5 -38.57874 0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.568191 -0.31003937,53.46063 -38.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.5 -38.57874 0.31003937,53.5 -38.57874 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -38.53937 0.31003937,53.46063 -38.568191 0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -38.53937 -0.31003937,53.431809 -38.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 53.46063 -38.568191 0.31003937,53.46063 -38.568191 -0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -38.5 0.31003937,53.431809 -38.53937 0.31003937,
+ 53.42126 -38.5 -0.31003937,53.42126 -38.5 -0.31003937,
+ 53.431809 -38.53937 0.31003937,53.431809 -38.53937 -0.31003937,
+ 48.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,48.822835 -45 0.31003937,
+ 48.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,48.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 48.822835 -45 0.31003937,48.822835 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,48.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,48.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 48.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,48.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 48.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,48.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,
+ 48.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,48.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,48.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,48.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,48.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 48.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,48.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 48.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,48.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,
+ 48.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,48.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,48.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,48.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,48.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 48.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,48.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 49 -44.822835 0.31003937,48.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,
+ 49 -44.822835 -0.31003937,49 -44.822835 -0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,48.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,49 -44.822835 0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,49.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 49 -44.822835 0.31003937,49 -44.822835 -0.31003937,
+ 49.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,49.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,
+ 49.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,49.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,49.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,49.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,49.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 49.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,49.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 49.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,49.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,
+ 49.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,49.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,49.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,49.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,49.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 49.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,49.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 49.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,49.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,
+ 49.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,49.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,49.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 49.177165 -45 0.31003937,49.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 49.177165 -45 -0.31003937,49.177165 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 49.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,49.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 49.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,49.177165 -45 0.31003937,
+ 49.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,49.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 49.177165 -45 0.31003937,49.177165 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,49.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,49.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 49.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,49.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 49.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,49.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,
+ 49.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,49.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 49.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,49.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,49.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,49.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 49.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,49.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 49.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,49.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,
+ 49.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,49.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 49.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,49.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,49.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,49.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 49.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,49.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 49 -45.177165 0.31003937,49.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,
+ 49 -45.177165 -0.31003937,49 -45.177165 -0.31003937,
+ 49.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,49.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,49 -45.177165 0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,48.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 49 -45.177165 0.31003937,49 -45.177165 -0.31003937,
+ 48.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,48.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,
+ 48.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,48.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 48.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,48.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,48.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,48.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 48.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,48.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 48.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,48.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,
+ 48.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,48.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 48.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,48.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,48.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,48.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 48.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,48.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 48.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,48.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,
+ 48.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,48.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 48.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,48.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 48.822835 -45 0.31003937,48.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 48.822835 -45 -0.31003937,48.822835 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 48.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,48.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -37.832677 0.31003937,47.62874 -37.793307 0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,47.618191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -37.793307 0.31003937,47.62874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.861498 0.31003937,47.618191 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,47.58937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -37.832677 0.31003937,47.618191 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -37.872047 0.31003937,47.58937 -37.861498 0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -37.872047 -0.31003937,47.55 -37.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.861498 0.31003937,47.58937 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.861498 0.31003937,47.55 -37.872047 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,47.51063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -37.872047 0.31003937,47.55 -37.872047 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -37.832677 0.31003937,47.51063 -37.861498 0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,47.481809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.861498 0.31003937,47.51063 -37.861498 -0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -37.793307 0.31003937,47.481809 -37.832677 0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,47.47126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -37.832677 0.31003937,47.481809 -37.832677 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -37.753937 0.31003937,47.47126 -37.793307 0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,47.481809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -37.793307 0.31003937,47.47126 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.725116 0.31003937,47.481809 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,47.51063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -37.753937 0.31003937,47.481809 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -37.714567 0.31003937,47.51063 -37.725116 0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -37.714567 -0.31003937,47.55 -37.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -37.725116 0.31003937,47.51063 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.725116 0.31003937,47.55 -37.714567 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,47.58937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -37.714567 0.31003937,47.55 -37.714567 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -37.753937 0.31003937,47.58937 -37.725116 0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,47.618191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -37.725116 0.31003937,47.58937 -37.725116 -0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -37.793307 0.31003937,47.618191 -37.753937 0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,47.62874 -37.793307 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -37.753937 0.31003937,47.618191 -37.753937 -0.31003937,
+ 47.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,47.822835 -45 0.31003937,
+ 47.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,47.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 47.822835 -45 0.31003937,47.822835 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,47.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,47.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 47.827277 -44.960577 0.31003937,47.827277 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 47.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,47.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,
+ 47.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,47.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -44.923131 0.31003937,47.84038 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,47.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,47.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 47.861487 -44.889539 0.31003937,47.861487 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 47.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,47.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,
+ 47.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,47.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -44.861487 0.31003937,47.889539 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,47.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,47.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 47.923131 -44.84038 0.31003937,47.923131 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 48 -44.822835 0.31003937,47.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,
+ 48 -44.822835 -0.31003937,48 -44.822835 -0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -44.827277 0.31003937,47.960577 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,48 -44.822835 0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,48.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 48 -44.822835 0.31003937,48 -44.822835 -0.31003937,
+ 48.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,48.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,
+ 48.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,48.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -44.827277 0.31003937,48.039423 -44.827277 -0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,48.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,48.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 48.076869 -44.84038 0.31003937,48.076869 -44.84038 -0.31003937,
+ 48.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,48.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,
+ 48.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,48.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -44.861487 0.31003937,48.110461 -44.861487 -0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,48.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,48.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 48.138513 -44.889539 0.31003937,48.138513 -44.889539 -0.31003937,
+ 48.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,48.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,
+ 48.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,48.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -44.923131 0.31003937,48.15962 -44.923131 -0.31003937,
+ 48.177165 -45 0.31003937,48.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,
+ 48.177165 -45 -0.31003937,48.177165 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 48.172723 -44.960577 0.31003937,48.172723 -44.960577 -0.31003937,
+ 48.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,48.177165 -45 0.31003937,
+ 48.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,48.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 48.177165 -45 0.31003937,48.177165 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,48.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,48.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 48.172723 -45.039423 0.31003937,48.172723 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 48.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,48.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,
+ 48.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,48.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 48.15962 -45.076869 0.31003937,48.15962 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,48.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,48.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 48.138513 -45.110461 0.31003937,48.138513 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 48.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,48.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,
+ 48.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,48.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 48.110461 -45.138513 0.31003937,48.110461 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,48.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,48.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 48.076869 -45.15962 0.31003937,48.076869 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 48 -45.177165 0.31003937,48.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,
+ 48 -45.177165 -0.31003937,48 -45.177165 -0.31003937,
+ 48.039423 -45.172723 0.31003937,48.039423 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,48 -45.177165 0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,47.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 48 -45.177165 0.31003937,48 -45.177165 -0.31003937,
+ 47.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,47.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,
+ 47.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,47.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 47.960577 -45.172723 0.31003937,47.960577 -45.172723 -0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,47.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,47.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 47.923131 -45.15962 0.31003937,47.923131 -45.15962 -0.31003937,
+ 47.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,47.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,
+ 47.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,47.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 47.889539 -45.138513 0.31003937,47.889539 -45.138513 -0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,47.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,47.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 47.861487 -45.110461 0.31003937,47.861487 -45.110461 -0.31003937,
+ 47.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,47.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,
+ 47.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,47.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 47.84038 -45.076869 0.31003937,47.84038 -45.076869 -0.31003937,
+ 47.822835 -45 0.31003937,47.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,
+ 47.822835 -45 -0.31003937,47.822835 -45 -0.31003937,
+ 47.827277 -45.039423 0.31003937,47.827277 -45.039423 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -38.167323 0.31003937,47.47126 -38.206693 0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,47.481809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -38.206693 0.31003937,47.47126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.138502 0.31003937,47.481809 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,47.51063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -38.167323 0.31003937,47.481809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -38.127953 0.31003937,47.51063 -38.138502 0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -38.127953 -0.31003937,47.55 -38.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.138502 0.31003937,47.51063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.138502 0.31003937,47.55 -38.127953 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,47.58937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -38.127953 0.31003937,47.55 -38.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -38.167323 0.31003937,47.58937 -38.138502 0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,47.618191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.138502 0.31003937,47.58937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -38.206693 0.31003937,47.618191 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,47.62874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -38.167323 0.31003937,47.618191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -38.246063 0.31003937,47.62874 -38.206693 0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,47.618191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 47.62874 -38.206693 0.31003937,47.62874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.274884 0.31003937,47.618191 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,47.58937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 47.618191 -38.246063 0.31003937,47.618191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -38.285433 0.31003937,47.58937 -38.274884 0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -38.285433 -0.31003937,47.55 -38.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 47.58937 -38.274884 0.31003937,47.58937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.274884 0.31003937,47.55 -38.285433 0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,47.51063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 47.55 -38.285433 0.31003937,47.55 -38.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -38.246063 0.31003937,47.51063 -38.274884 0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,47.481809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 47.51063 -38.274884 0.31003937,47.51063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -38.206693 0.31003937,47.481809 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 47.47126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,47.47126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 47.481809 -38.246063 0.31003937,47.481809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 46.730699 -41.534404 0.31003937,46.734252 -41.496063 0.31003937,
+ 46.730699 -41.534404 -0.31003937,46.730699 -41.534404 -0.31003937,
+ 46.734252 -41.496063 0.31003937,46.734252 -41.496063 -0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.57144 0.31003937,46.730699 -41.534404 0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.57144 -0.31003937,46.720162 -41.57144 -0.31003937,
+ 46.730699 -41.534404 0.31003937,46.730699 -41.534404 -0.31003937,
+ 46.702998 -41.605909 0.31003937,46.720162 -41.57144 0.31003937,
+ 46.702998 -41.605909 -0.31003937,46.702998 -41.605909 -0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.57144 0.31003937,46.720162 -41.57144 -0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.636637 0.31003937,46.702998 -41.605909 0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.636637 -0.31003937,46.679793 -41.636637 -0.31003937,
+ 46.702998 -41.605909 0.31003937,46.702998 -41.605909 -0.31003937,
+ 46.651337 -41.662578 0.31003937,46.679793 -41.636637 0.31003937,
+ 46.651337 -41.662578 -0.31003937,46.651337 -41.662578 -0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.636637 0.31003937,46.679793 -41.636637 -0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.682849 0.31003937,46.651337 -41.662578 0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.682849 -0.31003937,46.618599 -41.682849 -0.31003937,
+ 46.651337 -41.662578 0.31003937,46.651337 -41.662578 -0.31003937,
+ 46.582693 -41.696759 0.31003937,46.618599 -41.682849 0.31003937,
+ 46.582693 -41.696759 -0.31003937,46.582693 -41.696759 -0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.682849 0.31003937,46.618599 -41.682849 -0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.703834 0.31003937,46.582693 -41.696759 0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.703834 -0.31003937,46.544843 -41.703834 -0.31003937,
+ 46.582693 -41.696759 0.31003937,46.582693 -41.696759 -0.31003937,
+ 46.506338 -41.703834 0.31003937,46.544843 -41.703834 0.31003937,
+ 46.506338 -41.703834 -0.31003937,46.506338 -41.703834 -0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.703834 0.31003937,46.544843 -41.703834 -0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.696759 0.31003937,46.506338 -41.703834 0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.696759 -0.31003937,46.468488 -41.696759 -0.31003937,
+ 46.506338 -41.703834 0.31003937,46.506338 -41.703834 -0.31003937,
+ 46.432582 -41.682849 0.31003937,46.468488 -41.696759 0.31003937,
+ 46.432582 -41.682849 -0.31003937,46.432582 -41.682849 -0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.696759 0.31003937,46.468488 -41.696759 -0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.662578 0.31003937,46.432582 -41.682849 0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.662578 -0.31003937,46.399844 -41.662578 -0.31003937,
+ 46.432582 -41.682849 0.31003937,46.432582 -41.682849 -0.31003937,
+ 46.371388 -41.636637 0.31003937,46.399844 -41.662578 0.31003937,
+ 46.371388 -41.636637 -0.31003937,46.371388 -41.636637 -0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.662578 0.31003937,46.399844 -41.662578 -0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.605909 0.31003937,46.371388 -41.636637 0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.605909 -0.31003937,46.348183 -41.605909 -0.31003937,
+ 46.371388 -41.636637 0.31003937,46.371388 -41.636637 -0.31003937,
+ 46.33102 -41.57144 0.31003937,46.348183 -41.605909 0.31003937,
+ 46.33102 -41.57144 -0.31003937,46.33102 -41.57144 -0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.605909 0.31003937,46.348183 -41.605909 -0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.534404 0.31003937,46.33102 -41.57144 0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.534404 -0.31003937,46.320482 -41.534404 -0.31003937,
+ 46.33102 -41.57144 0.31003937,46.33102 -41.57144 -0.31003937,
+ 46.316929 -41.496063 0.31003937,46.320482 -41.534404 0.31003937,
+ 46.316929 -41.496063 -0.31003937,46.316929 -41.496063 -0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.534404 0.31003937,46.320482 -41.534404 -0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.457722 0.31003937,46.316929 -41.496063 0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.457722 -0.31003937,46.320482 -41.457722 -0.31003937,
+ 46.316929 -41.496063 0.31003937,46.316929 -41.496063 -0.31003937,
+ 46.33102 -41.420686 0.31003937,46.320482 -41.457722 0.31003937,
+ 46.33102 -41.420686 -0.31003937,46.33102 -41.420686 -0.31003937,
+ 46.320482 -41.457722 0.31003937,46.320482 -41.457722 -0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.386217 0.31003937,46.33102 -41.420686 0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.386217 -0.31003937,46.348183 -41.386217 -0.31003937,
+ 46.33102 -41.420686 0.31003937,46.33102 -41.420686 -0.31003937,
+ 46.371388 -41.355489 0.31003937,46.348183 -41.386217 0.31003937,
+ 46.371388 -41.355489 -0.31003937,46.371388 -41.355489 -0.31003937,
+ 46.348183 -41.386217 0.31003937,46.348183 -41.386217 -0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.329548 0.31003937,46.371388 -41.355489 0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.329548 -0.31003937,46.399844 -41.329548 -0.31003937,
+ 46.371388 -41.355489 0.31003937,46.371388 -41.355489 -0.31003937,
+ 46.432582 -41.309277 0.31003937,46.399844 -41.329548 0.31003937,
+ 46.432582 -41.309277 -0.31003937,46.432582 -41.309277 -0.31003937,
+ 46.399844 -41.329548 0.31003937,46.399844 -41.329548 -0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.295367 0.31003937,46.432582 -41.309277 0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.295367 -0.31003937,46.468488 -41.295367 -0.31003937,
+ 46.432582 -41.309277 0.31003937,46.432582 -41.309277 -0.31003937,
+ 46.506338 -41.288292 0.31003937,46.468488 -41.295367 0.31003937,
+ 46.506338 -41.288292 -0.31003937,46.506338 -41.288292 -0.31003937,
+ 46.468488 -41.295367 0.31003937,46.468488 -41.295367 -0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.288292 0.31003937,46.506338 -41.288292 0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.288292 -0.31003937,46.544843 -41.288292 -0.31003937,
+ 46.506338 -41.288292 0.31003937,46.506338 -41.288292 -0.31003937,
+ 46.582693 -41.295367 0.31003937,46.544843 -41.288292 0.31003937,
+ 46.582693 -41.295367 -0.31003937,46.582693 -41.295367 -0.31003937,
+ 46.544843 -41.288292 0.31003937,46.544843 -41.288292 -0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.309277 0.31003937,46.582693 -41.295367 0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.309277 -0.31003937,46.618599 -41.309277 -0.31003937,
+ 46.582693 -41.295367 0.31003937,46.582693 -41.295367 -0.31003937,
+ 46.651337 -41.329548 0.31003937,46.618599 -41.309277 0.31003937,
+ 46.651337 -41.329548 -0.31003937,46.651337 -41.329548 -0.31003937,
+ 46.618599 -41.309277 0.31003937,46.618599 -41.309277 -0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.355489 0.31003937,46.651337 -41.329548 0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.355489 -0.31003937,46.679793 -41.355489 -0.31003937,
+ 46.651337 -41.329548 0.31003937,46.651337 -41.329548 -0.31003937,
+ 46.702998 -41.386217 0.31003937,46.679793 -41.355489 0.31003937,
+ 46.702998 -41.386217 -0.31003937,46.702998 -41.386217 -0.31003937,
+ 46.679793 -41.355489 0.31003937,46.679793 -41.355489 -0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.420686 0.31003937,46.702998 -41.386217 0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.420686 -0.31003937,46.720162 -41.420686 -0.31003937,
+ 46.702998 -41.386217 0.31003937,46.702998 -41.386217 -0.31003937,
+ 46.730699 -41.457722 0.31003937,46.720162 -41.420686 0.31003937,
+ 46.730699 -41.457722 -0.31003937,46.730699 -41.457722 -0.31003937,
+ 46.720162 -41.420686 0.31003937,46.720162 -41.420686 -0.31003937,
+ 46.734252 -41.496063 0.31003937,46.730699 -41.457722 0.31003937,
+ 46.734252 -41.496063 -0.31003937,46.734252 -41.496063 -0.31003937,
+ 46.730699 -41.457722 0.31003937,46.730699 -41.457722 -0.31003937,
+ 60.585655 -37.606784 0.31003937,60.575106 -37.646154 0.31003937,
+ 60.585655 -37.606784 -0.31003937,60.585655 -37.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 60.575106 -37.646154 0.31003937,60.575106 -37.646154 -0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.577963 0.31003937,60.585655 -37.606784 0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.577963 -0.31003937,60.614476 -37.577963 -0.31003937,
+ 60.585655 -37.606784 0.31003937,60.585655 -37.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 60.653846 -37.567414 0.31003937,60.614476 -37.577963 0.31003937,
+ 60.653846 -37.567414 -0.31003937,60.653846 -37.567414 -0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.577963 0.31003937,60.614476 -37.577963 -0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.577963 0.31003937,60.653846 -37.567414 0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.577963 -0.31003937,60.693216 -37.577963 -0.31003937,
+ 60.653846 -37.567414 0.31003937,60.653846 -37.567414 -0.31003937,
+ 60.722037 -37.606784 0.31003937,60.693216 -37.577963 0.31003937,
+ 60.722037 -37.606784 -0.31003937,60.722037 -37.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.577963 0.31003937,60.693216 -37.577963 -0.31003937,
+ 60.732586 -37.646154 0.31003937,60.722037 -37.606784 0.31003937,
+ 60.732586 -37.646154 -0.31003937,60.732586 -37.646154 -0.31003937,
+ 60.722037 -37.606784 0.31003937,60.722037 -37.606784 -0.31003937,
+ 60.722037 -37.685524 0.31003937,60.732586 -37.646154 0.31003937,
+ 60.722037 -37.685524 -0.31003937,60.722037 -37.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.732586 -37.646154 0.31003937,60.732586 -37.646154 -0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.714345 0.31003937,60.722037 -37.685524 0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.714345 -0.31003937,60.693216 -37.714345 -0.31003937,
+ 60.722037 -37.685524 0.31003937,60.722037 -37.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.653846 -37.724894 0.31003937,60.693216 -37.714345 0.31003937,
+ 60.653846 -37.724894 -0.31003937,60.653846 -37.724894 -0.31003937,
+ 60.693216 -37.714345 0.31003937,60.693216 -37.714345 -0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.714345 0.31003937,60.653846 -37.724894 0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.714345 -0.31003937,60.614476 -37.714345 -0.31003937,
+ 60.653846 -37.724894 0.31003937,60.653846 -37.724894 -0.31003937,
+ 60.585655 -37.685524 0.31003937,60.614476 -37.714345 0.31003937,
+ 60.585655 -37.685524 -0.31003937,60.585655 -37.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.614476 -37.714345 0.31003937,60.614476 -37.714345 -0.31003937,
+ 60.575106 -37.646154 0.31003937,60.585655 -37.685524 0.31003937,
+ 60.575106 -37.646154 -0.31003937,60.575106 -37.646154 -0.31003937,
+ 60.585655 -37.685524 0.31003937,60.585655 -37.685524 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -35.323878 0.31003937,60.122 -35.3615 0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -35.323878 -0.31003937,60.128634 -35.323878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -35.3615 0.31003937,60.122 -35.3615 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.290793 0.31003937,60.128634 -35.323878 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.290793 -0.31003937,60.147735 -35.290793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -35.323878 0.31003937,60.128634 -35.323878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -35.266237 0.31003937,60.147735 -35.290793 0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -35.266237 -0.31003937,60.177 -35.266237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.290793 0.31003937,60.147735 -35.290793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.253171 0.31003937,60.177 -35.266237 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.253171 -0.31003937,60.212899 -35.253171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -35.266237 0.31003937,60.177 -35.266237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -35.253171 0.31003937,60.212899 -35.253171 0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -35.253171 -0.31003937,60.251101 -35.253171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.253171 0.31003937,60.212899 -35.253171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.266237 0.31003937,60.251101 -35.253171 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.266237 -0.31003937,60.287 -35.266237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -35.253171 0.31003937,60.251101 -35.253171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -35.290793 0.31003937,60.287 -35.266237 0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -35.290793 -0.31003937,60.316265 -35.290793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.266237 0.31003937,60.287 -35.266237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.323878 0.31003937,60.316265 -35.290793 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.323878 -0.31003937,60.335366 -35.323878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -35.290793 0.31003937,60.316265 -35.290793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.342 -35.3615 0.31003937,60.335366 -35.323878 0.31003937,
+ 60.342 -35.3615 -0.31003937,60.342 -35.3615 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.323878 0.31003937,60.335366 -35.323878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.399122 0.31003937,60.342 -35.3615 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.399122 -0.31003937,60.335366 -35.399122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.342 -35.3615 0.31003937,60.342 -35.3615 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -35.432207 0.31003937,60.335366 -35.399122 0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -35.432207 -0.31003937,60.316265 -35.432207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -35.399122 0.31003937,60.335366 -35.399122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.456763 0.31003937,60.316265 -35.432207 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.456763 -0.31003937,60.287 -35.456763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -35.432207 0.31003937,60.316265 -35.432207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -35.469829 0.31003937,60.287 -35.456763 0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -35.469829 -0.31003937,60.251101 -35.469829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -35.456763 0.31003937,60.287 -35.456763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.469829 0.31003937,60.251101 -35.469829 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.469829 -0.31003937,60.212899 -35.469829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -35.469829 0.31003937,60.251101 -35.469829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -35.456763 0.31003937,60.212899 -35.469829 0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -35.456763 -0.31003937,60.177 -35.456763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -35.469829 0.31003937,60.212899 -35.469829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.432207 0.31003937,60.177 -35.456763 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.432207 -0.31003937,60.147735 -35.432207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -35.456763 0.31003937,60.177 -35.456763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -35.399122 0.31003937,60.147735 -35.432207 0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -35.399122 -0.31003937,60.128634 -35.399122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -35.432207 0.31003937,60.147735 -35.432207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -35.3615 0.31003937,60.128634 -35.399122 0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -35.3615 -0.31003937,60.122 -35.3615 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -35.399122 0.31003937,60.128634 -35.399122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -35.227 0.31003937,60.019 -34.991 0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -35.227 -0.31003937,60.019 -35.227 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -34.991 0.31003937,60.019 -34.991 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -35.267358 0.31003937,60.019 -35.227 0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -35.267358 -0.31003937,60.011884 -35.267358 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -35.227 0.31003937,60.019 -35.227 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -35.302849 0.31003937,60.011884 -35.267358 0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -35.302849 -0.31003937,59.991393 -35.302849 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -35.267358 0.31003937,60.011884 -35.267358 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -35.329191 0.31003937,59.991393 -35.302849 0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -35.329191 -0.31003937,59.96 -35.329191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -35.302849 0.31003937,59.991393 -35.302849 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -35.343207 0.31003937,59.96 -35.329191 0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -35.343207 -0.31003937,59.92149 -35.343207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -35.329191 0.31003937,59.96 -35.329191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -35.343207 0.31003937,59.92149 -35.343207 0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -35.343207 -0.31003937,59.88051 -35.343207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -35.343207 0.31003937,59.92149 -35.343207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.842 -35.329191 0.31003937,59.88051 -35.343207 0.31003937,
+ 59.842 -35.329191 -0.31003937,59.842 -35.329191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -35.343207 0.31003937,59.88051 -35.343207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -35.302849 0.31003937,59.842 -35.329191 0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -35.302849 -0.31003937,59.810607 -35.302849 -0.31003937,
+ 59.842 -35.329191 0.31003937,59.842 -35.329191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.790116 -35.267358 0.31003937,59.810607 -35.302849 0.31003937,
+ 59.790116 -35.267358 -0.31003937,59.790116 -35.267358 -0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -35.302849 0.31003937,59.810607 -35.302849 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.227 0.31003937,59.790116 -35.267358 0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.227 -0.31003937,59.783 -35.227 -0.31003937,
+ 59.790116 -35.267358 0.31003937,59.790116 -35.267358 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.117 0.31003937,59.783 -35.227 0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.117 -0.31003937,59.783 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.227 0.31003937,59.783 -35.227 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -35.117 0.31003937,59.783 -35.117 0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -35.117 -0.31003937,59.504 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -35.117 0.31003937,59.783 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -35.109884 0.31003937,59.504 -35.117 0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,59.463642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -35.117 0.31003937,59.504 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -35.089393 0.31003937,59.463642 -35.109884 0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,59.428151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -35.109884 0.31003937,59.463642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -35.058 0.31003937,59.428151 -35.089393 0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -35.058 -0.31003937,59.401809 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -35.089393 0.31003937,59.428151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -35.01949 0.31003937,59.401809 -35.058 0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,59.387793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -35.058 0.31003937,59.401809 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -34.97851 0.31003937,59.387793 -35.01949 0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,59.387793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -35.01949 0.31003937,59.387793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -34.94 0.31003937,59.387793 -34.97851 0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -34.94 -0.31003937,59.401809 -34.94 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -34.97851 0.31003937,59.387793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -34.908607 0.31003937,59.401809 -34.94 0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,59.428151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -34.94 0.31003937,59.401809 -34.94 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -34.888116 0.31003937,59.428151 -34.908607 0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,59.463642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -34.908607 0.31003937,59.428151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -34.881 0.31003937,59.463642 -34.888116 0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -34.881 -0.31003937,59.504 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -34.888116 0.31003937,59.463642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -34.881 0.31003937,59.504 -34.881 0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -34.881 -0.31003937,59.863454 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -34.881 0.31003937,59.504 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -34.874793 0.31003937,59.863454 -34.881 0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -34.874793 -0.31003937,59.88051 -34.874793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -34.881 0.31003937,59.863454 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -34.874793 0.31003937,59.88051 -34.874793 0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -34.874793 -0.31003937,59.92149 -34.874793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -34.874793 0.31003937,59.88051 -34.874793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -34.888809 0.31003937,59.92149 -34.874793 0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -34.888809 -0.31003937,59.96 -34.888809 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -34.874793 0.31003937,59.92149 -34.874793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -34.915151 0.31003937,59.96 -34.888809 0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -34.915151 -0.31003937,59.991393 -34.915151 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -34.888809 0.31003937,59.96 -34.888809 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -34.950642 0.31003937,59.991393 -34.915151 0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -34.950642 -0.31003937,60.011884 -34.950642 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -34.915151 0.31003937,59.991393 -34.915151 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -34.991 0.31003937,60.011884 -34.950642 0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -34.991 -0.31003937,60.019 -34.991 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -34.950642 0.31003937,60.011884 -34.950642 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -38.000878 0.31003937,60.122 -38.0385 0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -38.000878 -0.31003937,60.128634 -38.000878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -38.0385 0.31003937,60.122 -38.0385 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -37.967793 0.31003937,60.128634 -38.000878 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -37.967793 -0.31003937,60.147735 -37.967793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -38.000878 0.31003937,60.128634 -38.000878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -37.943237 0.31003937,60.147735 -37.967793 0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -37.943237 -0.31003937,60.177 -37.943237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -37.967793 0.31003937,60.147735 -37.967793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -37.930171 0.31003937,60.177 -37.943237 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -37.930171 -0.31003937,60.212899 -37.930171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -37.943237 0.31003937,60.177 -37.943237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -37.930171 0.31003937,60.212899 -37.930171 0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -37.930171 -0.31003937,60.251101 -37.930171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -37.930171 0.31003937,60.212899 -37.930171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -37.943237 0.31003937,60.251101 -37.930171 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -37.943237 -0.31003937,60.287 -37.943237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -37.930171 0.31003937,60.251101 -37.930171 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -37.967793 0.31003937,60.287 -37.943237 0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -37.967793 -0.31003937,60.316265 -37.967793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -37.943237 0.31003937,60.287 -37.943237 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.000878 0.31003937,60.316265 -37.967793 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.000878 -0.31003937,60.335366 -38.000878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -37.967793 0.31003937,60.316265 -37.967793 -0.31003937,
+ 60.342 -38.0385 0.31003937,60.335366 -38.000878 0.31003937,
+ 60.342 -38.0385 -0.31003937,60.342 -38.0385 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.000878 0.31003937,60.335366 -38.000878 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.076122 0.31003937,60.342 -38.0385 0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.076122 -0.31003937,60.335366 -38.076122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.342 -38.0385 0.31003937,60.342 -38.0385 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -38.109207 0.31003937,60.335366 -38.076122 0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -38.109207 -0.31003937,60.316265 -38.109207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.335366 -38.076122 0.31003937,60.335366 -38.076122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -38.133763 0.31003937,60.316265 -38.109207 0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -38.133763 -0.31003937,60.287 -38.133763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.316265 -38.109207 0.31003937,60.316265 -38.109207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -38.146829 0.31003937,60.287 -38.133763 0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -38.146829 -0.31003937,60.251101 -38.146829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.287 -38.133763 0.31003937,60.287 -38.133763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -38.146829 0.31003937,60.251101 -38.146829 0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -38.146829 -0.31003937,60.212899 -38.146829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.251101 -38.146829 0.31003937,60.251101 -38.146829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -38.133763 0.31003937,60.212899 -38.146829 0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -38.133763 -0.31003937,60.177 -38.133763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.212899 -38.146829 0.31003937,60.212899 -38.146829 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -38.109207 0.31003937,60.177 -38.133763 0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -38.109207 -0.31003937,60.147735 -38.109207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.177 -38.133763 0.31003937,60.177 -38.133763 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -38.076122 0.31003937,60.147735 -38.109207 0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -38.076122 -0.31003937,60.128634 -38.076122 -0.31003937,
+ 60.147735 -38.109207 0.31003937,60.147735 -38.109207 -0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -38.0385 0.31003937,60.128634 -38.076122 0.31003937,
+ 60.122 -38.0385 -0.31003937,60.122 -38.0385 -0.31003937,
+ 60.128634 -38.076122 0.31003937,60.128634 -38.076122 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.342 0.31003937,59.387793 -38.38051 0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.342 -0.31003937,59.401809 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.38051 0.31003937,59.387793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.310607 0.31003937,59.401809 -38.342 0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,59.428151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.342 0.31003937,59.401809 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.290116 0.31003937,59.428151 -38.310607 0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,59.463642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.310607 0.31003937,59.428151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.283 0.31003937,59.463642 -38.290116 0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.283 -0.31003937,59.504 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.290116 0.31003937,59.463642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.283 0.31003937,59.504 -38.283 0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.283 -0.31003937,59.783 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.283 0.31003937,59.504 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.173 0.31003937,59.783 -38.283 0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.173 -0.31003937,59.783 -38.173 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.283 0.31003937,59.783 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 59.790116 -38.132642 0.31003937,59.783 -38.173 0.31003937,
+ 59.790116 -38.132642 -0.31003937,59.790116 -38.132642 -0.31003937,
+ 59.783 -38.173 0.31003937,59.783 -38.173 -0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -38.097151 0.31003937,59.790116 -38.132642 0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -38.097151 -0.31003937,59.810607 -38.097151 -0.31003937,
+ 59.790116 -38.132642 0.31003937,59.790116 -38.132642 -0.31003937,
+ 59.842 -38.070809 0.31003937,59.810607 -38.097151 0.31003937,
+ 59.842 -38.070809 -0.31003937,59.842 -38.070809 -0.31003937,
+ 59.810607 -38.097151 0.31003937,59.810607 -38.097151 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.056793 0.31003937,59.842 -38.070809 0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.056793 -0.31003937,59.88051 -38.056793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.842 -38.070809 0.31003937,59.842 -38.070809 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.056793 0.31003937,59.88051 -38.056793 0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.056793 -0.31003937,59.92149 -38.056793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.056793 0.31003937,59.88051 -38.056793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.070809 0.31003937,59.92149 -38.056793 0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.070809 -0.31003937,59.96 -38.070809 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.056793 0.31003937,59.92149 -38.056793 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.097151 0.31003937,59.96 -38.070809 0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.097151 -0.31003937,59.991393 -38.097151 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.070809 0.31003937,59.96 -38.070809 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.132642 0.31003937,59.991393 -38.097151 0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.132642 -0.31003937,60.011884 -38.132642 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.097151 0.31003937,59.991393 -38.097151 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.173 0.31003937,60.011884 -38.132642 0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.173 -0.31003937,60.019 -38.173 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.132642 0.31003937,60.011884 -38.132642 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.409 0.31003937,60.019 -38.173 0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.409 -0.31003937,60.019 -38.409 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.173 0.31003937,60.019 -38.173 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.449358 0.31003937,60.019 -38.409 0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.449358 -0.31003937,60.011884 -38.449358 -0.31003937,
+ 60.019 -38.409 0.31003937,60.019 -38.409 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.484849 0.31003937,60.011884 -38.449358 0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.484849 -0.31003937,59.991393 -38.484849 -0.31003937,
+ 60.011884 -38.449358 0.31003937,60.011884 -38.449358 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.511191 0.31003937,59.991393 -38.484849 0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.511191 -0.31003937,59.96 -38.511191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.991393 -38.484849 0.31003937,59.991393 -38.484849 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.525207 0.31003937,59.96 -38.511191 0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.525207 -0.31003937,59.92149 -38.525207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.96 -38.511191 0.31003937,59.96 -38.511191 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.525207 0.31003937,59.92149 -38.525207 0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.525207 -0.31003937,59.88051 -38.525207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.92149 -38.525207 0.31003937,59.92149 -38.525207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -38.519 0.31003937,59.88051 -38.525207 0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -38.519 -0.31003937,59.863454 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 59.88051 -38.525207 0.31003937,59.88051 -38.525207 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.519 0.31003937,59.863454 -38.519 0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.519 -0.31003937,59.504 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 59.863454 -38.519 0.31003937,59.863454 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.511884 0.31003937,59.504 -38.519 0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,59.463642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,
+ 59.504 -38.519 0.31003937,59.504 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.491393 0.31003937,59.463642 -38.511884 0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,59.428151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 59.463642 -38.511884 0.31003937,59.463642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.46 0.31003937,59.428151 -38.491393 0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.46 -0.31003937,59.401809 -38.46 -0.31003937,
+ 59.428151 -38.491393 0.31003937,59.428151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.42149 0.31003937,59.401809 -38.46 0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,59.387793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 59.401809 -38.46 0.31003937,59.401809 -38.46 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.38051 0.31003937,59.387793 -38.42149 0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,59.387793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,
+ 59.387793 -38.42149 0.31003937,59.387793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,60.468504 -47 0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,60.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -47 0.31003937,60.468504 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,60.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,60.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,60.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,60.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,60.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,60.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,60.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,60.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,60.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,60.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,60.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,60.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,60.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,60.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,60.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,60.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,60.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,60.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,60.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,60.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,60.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,60.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,60.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,60.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,60.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,60.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,60.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,60.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,61.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,60.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,61.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,61.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,61.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,61.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,61.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,61.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,61.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,61.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,61.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,61.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,61.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,61.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,61.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,61.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,61.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,61.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,61.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,61.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,61.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,61.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,61.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,61.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,61.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,61.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,61.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,61.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,61.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 61.531496 -47 0.31003937,61.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,
+ 61.531496 -47 -0.31003937,61.531496 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,61.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,61.531496 -47 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,61.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 61.531496 -47 0.31003937,61.531496 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,61.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,61.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,61.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,61.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,61.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,61.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,61.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,61.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,61.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,61.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,61.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,61.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,61.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,61.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,61.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,61.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,61.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,61.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,61.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,61.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,61.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,61.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,61.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,61.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,61.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,61.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,61.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,61.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,60.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,61.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,60.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,60.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,60.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,60.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,60.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,60.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,60.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,60.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,60.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,60.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,60.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,60.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,60.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,60.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,60.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,60.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,60.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,60.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,60.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,60.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,60.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,60.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,60.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,60.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,60.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,60.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,60.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -47 0.31003937,60.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -47 -0.31003937,60.468504 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,60.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.831987 -42.924625 0.31003937,40.822835 -43 0.31003937,
+ 40.831987 -42.924625 -0.31003937,40.831987 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 40.822835 -43 0.31003937,40.822835 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -42.85363 0.31003937,40.831987 -42.924625 0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -42.85363 -0.31003937,40.858911 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 40.831987 -42.924625 0.31003937,40.831987 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 40.902044 -42.791142 0.31003937,40.858911 -42.85363 0.31003937,
+ 40.902044 -42.791142 -0.31003937,40.902044 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -42.85363 0.31003937,40.858911 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -42.740792 0.31003937,40.902044 -42.791142 0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -42.740792 -0.31003937,40.958877 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 40.902044 -42.791142 0.31003937,40.902044 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 41.026109 -42.705507 0.31003937,40.958877 -42.740792 0.31003937,
+ 41.026109 -42.705507 -0.31003937,41.026109 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -42.740792 0.31003937,40.958877 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -42.687336 0.31003937,41.026109 -42.705507 0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -42.687336 -0.31003937,41.099831 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 41.026109 -42.705507 0.31003937,41.026109 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 41.17576 -42.687336 0.31003937,41.099831 -42.687336 0.31003937,
+ 41.17576 -42.687336 -0.31003937,41.17576 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -42.687336 0.31003937,41.099831 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -42.705507 0.31003937,41.17576 -42.687336 0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -42.705507 -0.31003937,41.249482 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 41.17576 -42.687336 0.31003937,41.17576 -42.687336 -0.31003937,
+ 41.316713 -42.740792 0.31003937,41.249482 -42.705507 0.31003937,
+ 41.316713 -42.740792 -0.31003937,41.316713 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -42.705507 0.31003937,41.249482 -42.705507 -0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -42.791142 0.31003937,41.316713 -42.740792 0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -42.791142 -0.31003937,41.373547 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 41.316713 -42.740792 0.31003937,41.316713 -42.740792 -0.31003937,
+ 41.416679 -42.85363 0.31003937,41.373547 -42.791142 0.31003937,
+ 41.416679 -42.85363 -0.31003937,41.416679 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -42.791142 0.31003937,41.373547 -42.791142 -0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -42.924625 0.31003937,41.416679 -42.85363 0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -42.924625 -0.31003937,41.443604 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 41.416679 -42.85363 0.31003937,41.416679 -42.85363 -0.31003937,
+ 41.452756 -43 0.31003937,41.443604 -42.924625 0.31003937,
+ 41.452756 -43 -0.31003937,41.452756 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -42.924625 0.31003937,41.443604 -42.924625 -0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -43.075375 0.31003937,41.452756 -43 0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -43.075375 -0.31003937,41.443604 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 41.452756 -43 0.31003937,41.452756 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 41.416679 -43.14637 0.31003937,41.443604 -43.075375 0.31003937,
+ 41.416679 -43.14637 -0.31003937,41.416679 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 41.443604 -43.075375 0.31003937,41.443604 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -43.208858 0.31003937,41.416679 -43.14637 0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -43.208858 -0.31003937,41.373547 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 41.416679 -43.14637 0.31003937,41.416679 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 41.316713 -43.259208 0.31003937,41.373547 -43.208858 0.31003937,
+ 41.316713 -43.259208 -0.31003937,41.316713 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 41.373547 -43.208858 0.31003937,41.373547 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -43.294493 0.31003937,41.316713 -43.259208 0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -43.294493 -0.31003937,41.249482 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 41.316713 -43.259208 0.31003937,41.316713 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 41.17576 -43.312664 0.31003937,41.249482 -43.294493 0.31003937,
+ 41.17576 -43.312664 -0.31003937,41.17576 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 41.249482 -43.294493 0.31003937,41.249482 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -43.312664 0.31003937,41.17576 -43.312664 0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -43.312664 -0.31003937,41.099831 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 41.17576 -43.312664 0.31003937,41.17576 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 41.026109 -43.294493 0.31003937,41.099831 -43.312664 0.31003937,
+ 41.026109 -43.294493 -0.31003937,41.026109 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 41.099831 -43.312664 0.31003937,41.099831 -43.312664 -0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -43.259208 0.31003937,41.026109 -43.294493 0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -43.259208 -0.31003937,40.958877 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 41.026109 -43.294493 0.31003937,41.026109 -43.294493 -0.31003937,
+ 40.902044 -43.208858 0.31003937,40.958877 -43.259208 0.31003937,
+ 40.902044 -43.208858 -0.31003937,40.902044 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 40.958877 -43.259208 0.31003937,40.958877 -43.259208 -0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -43.14637 0.31003937,40.902044 -43.208858 0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -43.14637 -0.31003937,40.858911 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 40.902044 -43.208858 0.31003937,40.902044 -43.208858 -0.31003937,
+ 40.831987 -43.075375 0.31003937,40.858911 -43.14637 0.31003937,
+ 40.831987 -43.075375 -0.31003937,40.831987 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 40.858911 -43.14637 0.31003937,40.858911 -43.14637 -0.31003937,
+ 40.822835 -43 0.31003937,40.831987 -43.075375 0.31003937,
+ 40.822835 -43 -0.31003937,40.822835 -43 -0.31003937,
+ 40.831987 -43.075375 0.31003937,40.831987 -43.075375 -0.31003937,
+ 42.013089 -44.775019 0.31003937,42.003937 -44.850394 0.31003937,
+ 42.013089 -44.775019 -0.31003937,42.013089 -44.775019 -0.31003937,
+ 42.003937 -44.850394 0.31003937,42.003937 -44.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.704024 0.31003937,42.013089 -44.775019 0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.704024 -0.31003937,42.040014 -44.704024 -0.31003937,
+ 42.013089 -44.775019 0.31003937,42.013089 -44.775019 -0.31003937,
+ 42.083146 -44.641536 0.31003937,42.040014 -44.704024 0.31003937,
+ 42.083146 -44.641536 -0.31003937,42.083146 -44.641536 -0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.704024 0.31003937,42.040014 -44.704024 -0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -44.591186 0.31003937,42.083146 -44.641536 0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -44.591186 -0.31003937,42.13998 -44.591186 -0.31003937,
+ 42.083146 -44.641536 0.31003937,42.083146 -44.641536 -0.31003937,
+ 42.207211 -44.5559 0.31003937,42.13998 -44.591186 0.31003937,
+ 42.207211 -44.5559 -0.31003937,42.207211 -44.5559 -0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -44.591186 0.31003937,42.13998 -44.591186 -0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -44.537729 0.31003937,42.207211 -44.5559 0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -44.537729 -0.31003937,42.280933 -44.537729 -0.31003937,
+ 42.207211 -44.5559 0.31003937,42.207211 -44.5559 -0.31003937,
+ 42.356862 -44.537729 0.31003937,42.280933 -44.537729 0.31003937,
+ 42.356862 -44.537729 -0.31003937,42.356862 -44.537729 -0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -44.537729 0.31003937,42.280933 -44.537729 -0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -44.5559 0.31003937,42.356862 -44.537729 0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -44.5559 -0.31003937,42.430584 -44.5559 -0.31003937,
+ 42.356862 -44.537729 0.31003937,42.356862 -44.537729 -0.31003937,
+ 42.497816 -44.591186 0.31003937,42.430584 -44.5559 0.31003937,
+ 42.497816 -44.591186 -0.31003937,42.497816 -44.591186 -0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -44.5559 0.31003937,42.430584 -44.5559 -0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -44.641536 0.31003937,42.497816 -44.591186 0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -44.641536 -0.31003937,42.554649 -44.641536 -0.31003937,
+ 42.497816 -44.591186 0.31003937,42.497816 -44.591186 -0.31003937,
+ 42.597781 -44.704024 0.31003937,42.554649 -44.641536 0.31003937,
+ 42.597781 -44.704024 -0.31003937,42.597781 -44.704024 -0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -44.641536 0.31003937,42.554649 -44.641536 -0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.775019 0.31003937,42.597781 -44.704024 0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.775019 -0.31003937,42.624706 -44.775019 -0.31003937,
+ 42.597781 -44.704024 0.31003937,42.597781 -44.704024 -0.31003937,
+ 42.633858 -44.850394 0.31003937,42.624706 -44.775019 0.31003937,
+ 42.633858 -44.850394 -0.31003937,42.633858 -44.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.775019 0.31003937,42.624706 -44.775019 -0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.925769 0.31003937,42.633858 -44.850394 0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.925769 -0.31003937,42.624706 -44.925769 -0.31003937,
+ 42.633858 -44.850394 0.31003937,42.633858 -44.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 42.597781 -44.996763 0.31003937,42.624706 -44.925769 0.31003937,
+ 42.597781 -44.996763 -0.31003937,42.597781 -44.996763 -0.31003937,
+ 42.624706 -44.925769 0.31003937,42.624706 -44.925769 -0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -45.059251 0.31003937,42.597781 -44.996763 0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -45.059251 -0.31003937,42.554649 -45.059251 -0.31003937,
+ 42.597781 -44.996763 0.31003937,42.597781 -44.996763 -0.31003937,
+ 42.497816 -45.109601 0.31003937,42.554649 -45.059251 0.31003937,
+ 42.497816 -45.109601 -0.31003937,42.497816 -45.109601 -0.31003937,
+ 42.554649 -45.059251 0.31003937,42.554649 -45.059251 -0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -45.144887 0.31003937,42.497816 -45.109601 0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -45.144887 -0.31003937,42.430584 -45.144887 -0.31003937,
+ 42.497816 -45.109601 0.31003937,42.497816 -45.109601 -0.31003937,
+ 42.356862 -45.163058 0.31003937,42.430584 -45.144887 0.31003937,
+ 42.356862 -45.163058 -0.31003937,42.356862 -45.163058 -0.31003937,
+ 42.430584 -45.144887 0.31003937,42.430584 -45.144887 -0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -45.163058 0.31003937,42.356862 -45.163058 0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -45.163058 -0.31003937,42.280933 -45.163058 -0.31003937,
+ 42.356862 -45.163058 0.31003937,42.356862 -45.163058 -0.31003937,
+ 42.207211 -45.144887 0.31003937,42.280933 -45.163058 0.31003937,
+ 42.207211 -45.144887 -0.31003937,42.207211 -45.144887 -0.31003937,
+ 42.280933 -45.163058 0.31003937,42.280933 -45.163058 -0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -45.109601 0.31003937,42.207211 -45.144887 0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -45.109601 -0.31003937,42.13998 -45.109601 -0.31003937,
+ 42.207211 -45.144887 0.31003937,42.207211 -45.144887 -0.31003937,
+ 42.083146 -45.059251 0.31003937,42.13998 -45.109601 0.31003937,
+ 42.083146 -45.059251 -0.31003937,42.083146 -45.059251 -0.31003937,
+ 42.13998 -45.109601 0.31003937,42.13998 -45.109601 -0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.996763 0.31003937,42.083146 -45.059251 0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.996763 -0.31003937,42.040014 -44.996763 -0.31003937,
+ 42.083146 -45.059251 0.31003937,42.083146 -45.059251 -0.31003937,
+ 42.013089 -44.925769 0.31003937,42.040014 -44.996763 0.31003937,
+ 42.013089 -44.925769 -0.31003937,42.013089 -44.925769 -0.31003937,
+ 42.040014 -44.996763 0.31003937,42.040014 -44.996763 -0.31003937,
+ 42.003937 -44.850394 0.31003937,42.013089 -44.925769 0.31003937,
+ 42.003937 -44.850394 -0.31003937,42.003937 -44.850394 -0.31003937,
+ 42.013089 -44.925769 0.31003937,42.013089 -44.925769 -0.31003937,
+ 45.769301 -43.465596 0.31003937,45.765748 -43.503937 0.31003937,
+ 45.769301 -43.465596 -0.31003937,45.769301 -43.465596 -0.31003937,
+ 45.765748 -43.503937 0.31003937,45.765748 -43.503937 -0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.42856 0.31003937,45.769301 -43.465596 0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.42856 -0.31003937,45.779838 -43.42856 -0.31003937,
+ 45.769301 -43.465596 0.31003937,45.769301 -43.465596 -0.31003937,
+ 45.797002 -43.394091 0.31003937,45.779838 -43.42856 0.31003937,
+ 45.797002 -43.394091 -0.31003937,45.797002 -43.394091 -0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.42856 0.31003937,45.779838 -43.42856 -0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.363363 0.31003937,45.797002 -43.394091 0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.363363 -0.31003937,45.820207 -43.363363 -0.31003937,
+ 45.797002 -43.394091 0.31003937,45.797002 -43.394091 -0.31003937,
+ 45.848663 -43.337422 0.31003937,45.820207 -43.363363 0.31003937,
+ 45.848663 -43.337422 -0.31003937,45.848663 -43.337422 -0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.363363 0.31003937,45.820207 -43.363363 -0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.317151 0.31003937,45.848663 -43.337422 0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.317151 -0.31003937,45.881401 -43.317151 -0.31003937,
+ 45.848663 -43.337422 0.31003937,45.848663 -43.337422 -0.31003937,
+ 45.917307 -43.303241 0.31003937,45.881401 -43.317151 0.31003937,
+ 45.917307 -43.303241 -0.31003937,45.917307 -43.303241 -0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.317151 0.31003937,45.881401 -43.317151 -0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.296166 0.31003937,45.917307 -43.303241 0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.296166 -0.31003937,45.955157 -43.296166 -0.31003937,
+ 45.917307 -43.303241 0.31003937,45.917307 -43.303241 -0.31003937,
+ 45.993662 -43.296166 0.31003937,45.955157 -43.296166 0.31003937,
+ 45.993662 -43.296166 -0.31003937,45.993662 -43.296166 -0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.296166 0.31003937,45.955157 -43.296166 -0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.303241 0.31003937,45.993662 -43.296166 0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.303241 -0.31003937,46.031512 -43.303241 -0.31003937,
+ 45.993662 -43.296166 0.31003937,45.993662 -43.296166 -0.31003937,
+ 46.067418 -43.317151 0.31003937,46.031512 -43.303241 0.31003937,
+ 46.067418 -43.317151 -0.31003937,46.067418 -43.317151 -0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.303241 0.31003937,46.031512 -43.303241 -0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.337422 0.31003937,46.067418 -43.317151 0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.337422 -0.31003937,46.100156 -43.337422 -0.31003937,
+ 46.067418 -43.317151 0.31003937,46.067418 -43.317151 -0.31003937,
+ 46.128612 -43.363363 0.31003937,46.100156 -43.337422 0.31003937,
+ 46.128612 -43.363363 -0.31003937,46.128612 -43.363363 -0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.337422 0.31003937,46.100156 -43.337422 -0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.394091 0.31003937,46.128612 -43.363363 0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.394091 -0.31003937,46.151817 -43.394091 -0.31003937,
+ 46.128612 -43.363363 0.31003937,46.128612 -43.363363 -0.31003937,
+ 46.16898 -43.42856 0.31003937,46.151817 -43.394091 0.31003937,
+ 46.16898 -43.42856 -0.31003937,46.16898 -43.42856 -0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.394091 0.31003937,46.151817 -43.394091 -0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.465596 0.31003937,46.16898 -43.42856 0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.465596 -0.31003937,46.179518 -43.465596 -0.31003937,
+ 46.16898 -43.42856 0.31003937,46.16898 -43.42856 -0.31003937,
+ 46.183071 -43.503937 0.31003937,46.179518 -43.465596 0.31003937,
+ 46.183071 -43.503937 -0.31003937,46.183071 -43.503937 -0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.465596 0.31003937,46.179518 -43.465596 -0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.542278 0.31003937,46.183071 -43.503937 0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.542278 -0.31003937,46.179518 -43.542278 -0.31003937,
+ 46.183071 -43.503937 0.31003937,46.183071 -43.503937 -0.31003937,
+ 46.16898 -43.579314 0.31003937,46.179518 -43.542278 0.31003937,
+ 46.16898 -43.579314 -0.31003937,46.16898 -43.579314 -0.31003937,
+ 46.179518 -43.542278 0.31003937,46.179518 -43.542278 -0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.613783 0.31003937,46.16898 -43.579314 0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.613783 -0.31003937,46.151817 -43.613783 -0.31003937,
+ 46.16898 -43.579314 0.31003937,46.16898 -43.579314 -0.31003937,
+ 46.128612 -43.644511 0.31003937,46.151817 -43.613783 0.31003937,
+ 46.128612 -43.644511 -0.31003937,46.128612 -43.644511 -0.31003937,
+ 46.151817 -43.613783 0.31003937,46.151817 -43.613783 -0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.670452 0.31003937,46.128612 -43.644511 0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.670452 -0.31003937,46.100156 -43.670452 -0.31003937,
+ 46.128612 -43.644511 0.31003937,46.128612 -43.644511 -0.31003937,
+ 46.067418 -43.690723 0.31003937,46.100156 -43.670452 0.31003937,
+ 46.067418 -43.690723 -0.31003937,46.067418 -43.690723 -0.31003937,
+ 46.100156 -43.670452 0.31003937,46.100156 -43.670452 -0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.704633 0.31003937,46.067418 -43.690723 0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.704633 -0.31003937,46.031512 -43.704633 -0.31003937,
+ 46.067418 -43.690723 0.31003937,46.067418 -43.690723 -0.31003937,
+ 45.993662 -43.711708 0.31003937,46.031512 -43.704633 0.31003937,
+ 45.993662 -43.711708 -0.31003937,45.993662 -43.711708 -0.31003937,
+ 46.031512 -43.704633 0.31003937,46.031512 -43.704633 -0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.711708 0.31003937,45.993662 -43.711708 0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.711708 -0.31003937,45.955157 -43.711708 -0.31003937,
+ 45.993662 -43.711708 0.31003937,45.993662 -43.711708 -0.31003937,
+ 45.917307 -43.704633 0.31003937,45.955157 -43.711708 0.31003937,
+ 45.917307 -43.704633 -0.31003937,45.917307 -43.704633 -0.31003937,
+ 45.955157 -43.711708 0.31003937,45.955157 -43.711708 -0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.690723 0.31003937,45.917307 -43.704633 0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.690723 -0.31003937,45.881401 -43.690723 -0.31003937,
+ 45.917307 -43.704633 0.31003937,45.917307 -43.704633 -0.31003937,
+ 45.848663 -43.670452 0.31003937,45.881401 -43.690723 0.31003937,
+ 45.848663 -43.670452 -0.31003937,45.848663 -43.670452 -0.31003937,
+ 45.881401 -43.690723 0.31003937,45.881401 -43.690723 -0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.644511 0.31003937,45.848663 -43.670452 0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.644511 -0.31003937,45.820207 -43.644511 -0.31003937,
+ 45.848663 -43.670452 0.31003937,45.848663 -43.670452 -0.31003937,
+ 45.797002 -43.613783 0.31003937,45.820207 -43.644511 0.31003937,
+ 45.797002 -43.613783 -0.31003937,45.797002 -43.613783 -0.31003937,
+ 45.820207 -43.644511 0.31003937,45.820207 -43.644511 -0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.579314 0.31003937,45.797002 -43.613783 0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.579314 -0.31003937,45.779838 -43.579314 -0.31003937,
+ 45.797002 -43.613783 0.31003937,45.797002 -43.613783 -0.31003937,
+ 45.769301 -43.542278 0.31003937,45.779838 -43.579314 0.31003937,
+ 45.769301 -43.542278 -0.31003937,45.769301 -43.542278 -0.31003937,
+ 45.779838 -43.579314 0.31003937,45.779838 -43.579314 -0.31003937,
+ 45.765748 -43.503937 0.31003937,45.769301 -43.542278 0.31003937,
+ 45.765748 -43.503937 -0.31003937,45.765748 -43.503937 -0.31003937,
+ 45.769301 -43.542278 0.31003937,45.769301 -43.542278 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.667323 0.31003937,55.324174 -36.706693 0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.667323 -0.31003937,55.334723 -36.667323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.706693 0.31003937,55.324174 -36.706693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.638502 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.667323 0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.638502 -0.31003937,55.363544 -36.638502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.667323 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.667323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.627953 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.638502 0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.627953 -0.31003937,55.402914 -36.627953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.638502 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.638502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.638502 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.627953 0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.638502 -0.31003937,55.442284 -36.638502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.627953 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.627953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.667323 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.638502 0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.667323 -0.31003937,55.471105 -36.667323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.638502 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.638502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.706693 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.667323 0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.706693 -0.31003937,55.481654 -36.706693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.667323 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.667323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.746063 0.31003937,55.481654 -36.706693 0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.746063 -0.31003937,55.471105 -36.746063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.481654 -36.706693 0.31003937,55.481654 -36.706693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.774884 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.746063 0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.774884 -0.31003937,55.442284 -36.774884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.471105 -36.746063 0.31003937,55.471105 -36.746063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.785433 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.774884 0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.785433 -0.31003937,55.402914 -36.785433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.442284 -36.774884 0.31003937,55.442284 -36.774884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.774884 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.785433 0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.774884 -0.31003937,55.363544 -36.774884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.402914 -36.785433 0.31003937,55.402914 -36.785433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.746063 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.774884 0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.746063 -0.31003937,55.334723 -36.746063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.363544 -36.774884 0.31003937,55.363544 -36.774884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.706693 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.746063 0.31003937,
+ 55.324174 -36.706693 -0.31003937,55.324174 -36.706693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.334723 -36.746063 0.31003937,55.334723 -36.746063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -38.167323 0.31003937,55.37126 -38.206693 0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,55.381809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -38.206693 0.31003937,55.37126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.138502 0.31003937,55.381809 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,55.41063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -38.167323 0.31003937,55.381809 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -38.127953 0.31003937,55.41063 -38.138502 0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -38.127953 -0.31003937,55.45 -38.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.138502 0.31003937,55.41063 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.138502 0.31003937,55.45 -38.127953 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,55.48937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -38.127953 0.31003937,55.45 -38.127953 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -38.167323 0.31003937,55.48937 -38.138502 0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,55.518191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.138502 0.31003937,55.48937 -38.138502 -0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -38.206693 0.31003937,55.518191 -38.167323 0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,55.52874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -38.167323 0.31003937,55.518191 -38.167323 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -38.246063 0.31003937,55.52874 -38.206693 0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,55.518191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.52874 -38.206693 0.31003937,55.52874 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.274884 0.31003937,55.518191 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,55.48937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.518191 -38.246063 0.31003937,55.518191 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -38.285433 0.31003937,55.48937 -38.274884 0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -38.285433 -0.31003937,55.45 -38.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.48937 -38.274884 0.31003937,55.48937 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.274884 0.31003937,55.45 -38.285433 0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,55.41063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.45 -38.285433 0.31003937,55.45 -38.285433 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -38.246063 0.31003937,55.41063 -38.274884 0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,55.381809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 55.41063 -38.274884 0.31003937,55.41063 -38.274884 -0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -38.206693 0.31003937,55.381809 -38.246063 0.31003937,
+ 55.37126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,55.37126 -38.206693 -0.31003937,
+ 55.381809 -38.246063 0.31003937,55.381809 -38.246063 -0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -48.492404 0.31003937,62 -48.5 0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -48.492404 -0.31003937,62.086824 -48.492404 -0.31003937,
+ 62 -48.5 0.31003937,62 -48.5 -0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -48.469846 0.31003937,62.086824 -48.492404 0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -48.469846 -0.31003937,62.17101 -48.469846 -0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -48.492404 0.31003937,62.086824 -48.492404 -0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -48.433013 0.31003937,62.17101 -48.469846 0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -48.433013 -0.31003937,62.25 -48.433013 -0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -48.469846 0.31003937,62.17101 -48.469846 -0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -48.383022 0.31003937,62.25 -48.433013 0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -48.383022 -0.31003937,62.321394 -48.383022 -0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -48.433013 0.31003937,62.25 -48.433013 -0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -48.321394 0.31003937,62.321394 -48.383022 0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -48.321394 -0.31003937,62.383022 -48.321394 -0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -48.383022 0.31003937,62.321394 -48.383022 -0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -48.25 0.31003937,62.383022 -48.321394 0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -48.25 -0.31003937,62.433013 -48.25 -0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -48.321394 0.31003937,62.383022 -48.321394 -0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -48.17101 0.31003937,62.433013 -48.25 0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -48.17101 -0.31003937,62.469846 -48.17101 -0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -48.25 0.31003937,62.433013 -48.25 -0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -48.086824 0.31003937,62.469846 -48.17101 0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -48.086824 -0.31003937,62.492404 -48.086824 -0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -48.17101 0.31003937,62.469846 -48.17101 -0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -48 0.31003937,62.492404 -48.086824 0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -48 -0.31003937,62.5 -48 -0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -48.086824 0.31003937,62.492404 -48.086824 -0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -31 0.31003937,62.5 -48 0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -31 -0.31003937,62.5 -31 -0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -48 0.31003937,62.5 -48 -0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -30.913176 0.31003937,62.5 -31 0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -30.913176 -0.31003937,62.492404 -30.913176 -0.31003937,
+ 62.5 -31 0.31003937,62.5 -31 -0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -30.82899 0.31003937,62.492404 -30.913176 0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -30.82899 -0.31003937,62.469846 -30.82899 -0.31003937,
+ 62.492404 -30.913176 0.31003937,62.492404 -30.913176 -0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -30.75 0.31003937,62.469846 -30.82899 0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -30.75 -0.31003937,62.433013 -30.75 -0.31003937,
+ 62.469846 -30.82899 0.31003937,62.469846 -30.82899 -0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -30.678606 0.31003937,62.433013 -30.75 0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -30.678606 -0.31003937,62.383022 -30.678606 -0.31003937,
+ 62.433013 -30.75 0.31003937,62.433013 -30.75 -0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -30.616978 0.31003937,62.383022 -30.678606 0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -30.616978 -0.31003937,62.321394 -30.616978 -0.31003937,
+ 62.383022 -30.678606 0.31003937,62.383022 -30.678606 -0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -30.566987 0.31003937,62.321394 -30.616978 0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -30.566987 -0.31003937,62.25 -30.566987 -0.31003937,
+ 62.321394 -30.616978 0.31003937,62.321394 -30.616978 -0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -30.530154 0.31003937,62.25 -30.566987 0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -30.530154 -0.31003937,62.17101 -30.530154 -0.31003937,
+ 62.25 -30.566987 0.31003937,62.25 -30.566987 -0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -30.507596 0.31003937,62.17101 -30.530154 0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -30.507596 -0.31003937,62.086824 -30.507596 -0.31003937,
+ 62.17101 -30.530154 0.31003937,62.17101 -30.530154 -0.31003937,
+ 62 -30.5 0.31003937,62.086824 -30.507596 0.31003937,
+ 62 -30.5 -0.31003937,62 -30.5 -0.31003937,
+ 62.086824 -30.507596 0.31003937,62.086824 -30.507596 -0.31003937,
+ 39 -30.5 0.31003937,62 -30.5 0.31003937,
+ 39 -30.5 -0.31003937,39 -30.5 -0.31003937,
+ 62 -30.5 0.31003937,62 -30.5 -0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -30.507596 0.31003937,39 -30.5 0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -30.507596 -0.31003937,38.913176 -30.507596 -0.31003937,
+ 39 -30.5 0.31003937,39 -30.5 -0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -30.530154 0.31003937,38.913176 -30.507596 0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -30.530154 -0.31003937,38.82899 -30.530154 -0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -30.507596 0.31003937,38.913176 -30.507596 -0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -30.566987 0.31003937,38.82899 -30.530154 0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -30.566987 -0.31003937,38.75 -30.566987 -0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -30.530154 0.31003937,38.82899 -30.530154 -0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -30.616978 0.31003937,38.75 -30.566987 0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -30.616978 -0.31003937,38.678606 -30.616978 -0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -30.566987 0.31003937,38.75 -30.566987 -0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -30.678606 0.31003937,38.678606 -30.616978 0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -30.678606 -0.31003937,38.616978 -30.678606 -0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -30.616978 0.31003937,38.678606 -30.616978 -0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -30.75 0.31003937,38.616978 -30.678606 0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -30.75 -0.31003937,38.566987 -30.75 -0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -30.678606 0.31003937,38.616978 -30.678606 -0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -30.82899 0.31003937,38.566987 -30.75 0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -30.82899 -0.31003937,38.530154 -30.82899 -0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -30.75 0.31003937,38.566987 -30.75 -0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -30.913176 0.31003937,38.530154 -30.82899 0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -30.913176 -0.31003937,38.507596 -30.913176 -0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -30.82899 0.31003937,38.530154 -30.82899 -0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -31 0.31003937,38.507596 -30.913176 0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -31 -0.31003937,38.5 -31 -0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -30.913176 0.31003937,38.507596 -30.913176 -0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -48 0.31003937,38.5 -31 0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -48 -0.31003937,38.5 -48 -0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -31 0.31003937,38.5 -31 -0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -48.086824 0.31003937,38.5 -48 0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -48.086824 -0.31003937,38.507596 -48.086824 -0.31003937,
+ 38.5 -48 0.31003937,38.5 -48 -0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -48.17101 0.31003937,38.507596 -48.086824 0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -48.17101 -0.31003937,38.530154 -48.17101 -0.31003937,
+ 38.507596 -48.086824 0.31003937,38.507596 -48.086824 -0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -48.25 0.31003937,38.530154 -48.17101 0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -48.25 -0.31003937,38.566987 -48.25 -0.31003937,
+ 38.530154 -48.17101 0.31003937,38.530154 -48.17101 -0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -48.321394 0.31003937,38.566987 -48.25 0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -48.321394 -0.31003937,38.616978 -48.321394 -0.31003937,
+ 38.566987 -48.25 0.31003937,38.566987 -48.25 -0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -48.383022 0.31003937,38.616978 -48.321394 0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -48.383022 -0.31003937,38.678606 -48.383022 -0.31003937,
+ 38.616978 -48.321394 0.31003937,38.616978 -48.321394 -0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -48.433013 0.31003937,38.678606 -48.383022 0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -48.433013 -0.31003937,38.75 -48.433013 -0.31003937,
+ 38.678606 -48.383022 0.31003937,38.678606 -48.383022 -0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -48.469846 0.31003937,38.75 -48.433013 0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -48.469846 -0.31003937,38.82899 -48.469846 -0.31003937,
+ 38.75 -48.433013 0.31003937,38.75 -48.433013 -0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -48.492404 0.31003937,38.82899 -48.469846 0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -48.492404 -0.31003937,38.913176 -48.492404 -0.31003937,
+ 38.82899 -48.469846 0.31003937,38.82899 -48.469846 -0.31003937,
+ 39 -48.5 0.31003937,38.913176 -48.492404 0.31003937,
+ 39 -48.5 -0.31003937,39 -48.5 -0.31003937,
+ 38.913176 -48.492404 0.31003937,38.913176 -48.492404 -0.31003937,
+ 62 -48.5 0.31003937,39 -48.5 0.31003937,
+ 62 -48.5 -0.31003937,62 -48.5 -0.31003937,
+ 39 -48.5 0.31003937,39 -48.5 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,61.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,61.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,61.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,61.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,60.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,61.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,60.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,60.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,60.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,60.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,60.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,60.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,60.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,60.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,60.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,60.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,60.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,60.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,60.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,60.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,60.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,60.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,60.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,60.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,60.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,60.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,60.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,60.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,60.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,60.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,60.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,60.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,60.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -32 0.31003937,60.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -32 -0.31003937,60.468504 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,60.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,60.468504 -32 0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,60.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 60.468504 -32 0.31003937,60.468504 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,60.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,60.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 60.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,60.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,60.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,60.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 60.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,60.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,60.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,60.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 60.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,60.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,60.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,60.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 60.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,60.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,60.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,60.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 60.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,60.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,60.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,60.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 60.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,60.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,60.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,60.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 60.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,60.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,60.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,60.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 60.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,60.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,60.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,60.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 60.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,60.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,60.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,61.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 60.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,60.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,61.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,61.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 61.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,61.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,61.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,61.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,61.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,61.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,61.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,61.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,61.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,61.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,61.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,61.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,61.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,61.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,61.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,61.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,61.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,61.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,61.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,61.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,61.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,61.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,61.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,61.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,61.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,61.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 61.531496 -32 0.31003937,61.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,
+ 61.531496 -32 -0.31003937,61.531496 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,61.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,61.531496 -32 0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,61.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 61.531496 -32 0.31003937,61.531496 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,61.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,61.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 61.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,61.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,61.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,61.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,61.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -32.299402 0.31003937,61.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -32.299402 -0.31003937,61.439143 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 61.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,61.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -32.361509 0.31003937,61.439143 -32.299402 0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -32.361509 -0.31003937,61.389614 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 61.439143 -32.299402 0.31003937,61.439143 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -32.41554 0.31003937,61.389614 -32.361509 0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -32.41554 -0.31003937,61.331382 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 61.389614 -32.361509 0.31003937,61.389614 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,61.331382 -32.41554 0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,61.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 61.331382 -32.41554 0.31003937,61.331382 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,61.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,61.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 61.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,61.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,61.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,
+ 61.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,61.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 61.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,61.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -35.058 0.31003937,61.864207 -35.01949 0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -35.058 -0.31003937,61.850191 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -35.01949 0.31003937,61.864207 -35.01949 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -35.089393 0.31003937,61.850191 -35.058 0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -35.089393 -0.31003937,61.823849 -35.089393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -35.058 0.31003937,61.850191 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -35.109884 0.31003937,61.823849 -35.089393 0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -35.109884 -0.31003937,61.788358 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -35.089393 0.31003937,61.823849 -35.089393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -35.117 0.31003937,61.788358 -35.109884 0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -35.117 -0.31003937,61.748 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -35.109884 0.31003937,61.788358 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -35.117 0.31003937,61.748 -35.117 0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -35.117 -0.31003937,61.236 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -35.117 0.31003937,61.748 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -35.109884 0.31003937,61.236 -35.117 0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,61.195642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -35.117 0.31003937,61.236 -35.117 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -35.089393 0.31003937,61.195642 -35.109884 0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,61.160151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -35.109884 0.31003937,61.195642 -35.109884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -35.058 0.31003937,61.160151 -35.089393 0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -35.058 -0.31003937,61.133809 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -35.089393 0.31003937,61.160151 -35.089393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -35.01949 0.31003937,61.133809 -35.058 0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,61.119793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -35.058 0.31003937,61.133809 -35.058 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -34.97851 0.31003937,61.119793 -35.01949 0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,61.119793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -35.01949 0.31003937,61.119793 -35.01949 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -34.94 0.31003937,61.119793 -34.97851 0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -34.94 -0.31003937,61.133809 -34.94 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -34.97851 0.31003937,61.119793 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -34.908607 0.31003937,61.133809 -34.94 0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,61.160151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -34.94 0.31003937,61.133809 -34.94 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -34.888116 0.31003937,61.160151 -34.908607 0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,61.195642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -34.908607 0.31003937,61.160151 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -34.881 0.31003937,61.195642 -34.888116 0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -34.881 -0.31003937,61.236 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -34.888116 0.31003937,61.195642 -34.888116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -34.881 0.31003937,61.236 -34.881 0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -34.881 -0.31003937,61.748 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -34.881 0.31003937,61.236 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -34.888116 0.31003937,61.748 -34.881 0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -34.888116 -0.31003937,61.788358 -34.888116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -34.881 0.31003937,61.748 -34.881 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -34.908607 0.31003937,61.788358 -34.888116 0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -34.908607 -0.31003937,61.823849 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -34.888116 0.31003937,61.788358 -34.888116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -34.94 0.31003937,61.823849 -34.908607 0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -34.94 -0.31003937,61.850191 -34.94 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -34.908607 0.31003937,61.823849 -34.908607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -34.97851 0.31003937,61.850191 -34.94 0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -34.97851 -0.31003937,61.864207 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -34.94 0.31003937,61.850191 -34.94 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -35.01949 0.31003937,61.864207 -34.97851 0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -35.01949 -0.31003937,61.864207 -35.01949 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -34.97851 0.31003937,61.864207 -34.97851 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.42149 0.31003937,61.864207 -38.38051 0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.42149 -0.31003937,61.864207 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.38051 0.31003937,61.864207 -38.38051 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.46 0.31003937,61.864207 -38.42149 0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.46 -0.31003937,61.850191 -38.46 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.42149 0.31003937,61.864207 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.491393 0.31003937,61.850191 -38.46 0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.491393 -0.31003937,61.823849 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.46 0.31003937,61.850191 -38.46 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.511884 0.31003937,61.823849 -38.491393 0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.511884 -0.31003937,61.788358 -38.511884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.491393 0.31003937,61.823849 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.519 0.31003937,61.788358 -38.511884 0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.519 -0.31003937,61.748 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.511884 0.31003937,61.788358 -38.511884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.519 0.31003937,61.748 -38.519 0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.519 -0.31003937,61.236 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.519 0.31003937,61.748 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.511884 0.31003937,61.236 -38.519 0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,61.195642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.519 0.31003937,61.236 -38.519 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.491393 0.31003937,61.195642 -38.511884 0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,61.160151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.511884 0.31003937,61.195642 -38.511884 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.46 0.31003937,61.160151 -38.491393 0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.46 -0.31003937,61.133809 -38.46 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.491393 0.31003937,61.160151 -38.491393 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.42149 0.31003937,61.133809 -38.46 0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,61.119793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.46 0.31003937,61.133809 -38.46 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.38051 0.31003937,61.119793 -38.42149 0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,61.119793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.42149 0.31003937,61.119793 -38.42149 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.342 0.31003937,61.119793 -38.38051 0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.342 -0.31003937,61.133809 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 61.119793 -38.38051 0.31003937,61.119793 -38.38051 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.310607 0.31003937,61.133809 -38.342 0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,61.160151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.133809 -38.342 0.31003937,61.133809 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.290116 0.31003937,61.160151 -38.310607 0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,61.195642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.160151 -38.310607 0.31003937,61.160151 -38.310607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.283 0.31003937,61.195642 -38.290116 0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.283 -0.31003937,61.236 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 61.195642 -38.290116 0.31003937,61.195642 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.283 0.31003937,61.236 -38.283 0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.283 -0.31003937,61.748 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 61.236 -38.283 0.31003937,61.236 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.290116 0.31003937,61.748 -38.283 0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.290116 -0.31003937,61.788358 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.748 -38.283 0.31003937,61.748 -38.283 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.310607 0.31003937,61.788358 -38.290116 0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.310607 -0.31003937,61.823849 -38.310607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.788358 -38.290116 0.31003937,61.788358 -38.290116 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.342 0.31003937,61.823849 -38.310607 0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.342 -0.31003937,61.850191 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 61.823849 -38.310607 0.31003937,61.823849 -38.310607 -0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.38051 0.31003937,61.850191 -38.342 0.31003937,
+ 61.864207 -38.38051 -0.31003937,61.864207 -38.38051 -0.31003937,
+ 61.850191 -38.342 0.31003937,61.850191 -38.342 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,39.468504 -47 0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,39.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -47 0.31003937,39.468504 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,39.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,39.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -46.920785 0.31003937,39.47444 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,39.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,39.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -46.843339 0.31003937,39.492117 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,39.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,39.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -46.769393 0.31003937,39.521139 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,39.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,39.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -46.700598 0.31003937,39.560857 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,39.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,39.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -46.638491 0.31003937,39.610386 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,39.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,39.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -46.58446 0.31003937,39.668618 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,39.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,39.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -46.539711 0.31003937,39.734252 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,39.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,39.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -46.505244 0.31003937,39.805823 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,39.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,39.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -46.48183 0.31003937,39.881731 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,39.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,40.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -46.46999 0.31003937,39.960281 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,40.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,40.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -46.46999 0.31003937,40.039719 -46.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,40.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,40.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -46.48183 0.31003937,40.118269 -46.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,40.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,40.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -46.505244 0.31003937,40.194177 -46.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,40.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,40.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -46.539711 0.31003937,40.265748 -46.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,40.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,40.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -46.58446 0.31003937,40.331382 -46.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,40.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,40.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -46.638491 0.31003937,40.389614 -46.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,40.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,40.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -46.700598 0.31003937,40.439143 -46.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,40.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,40.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -46.769393 0.31003937,40.478861 -46.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,40.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,40.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -46.843339 0.31003937,40.507883 -46.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -47 0.31003937,40.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -47 -0.31003937,40.531496 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -46.920785 0.31003937,40.52556 -46.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,40.531496 -47 0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,40.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -47 0.31003937,40.531496 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,40.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,40.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -47.079215 0.31003937,40.52556 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,40.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,40.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -47.156661 0.31003937,40.507883 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,40.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,40.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -47.230607 0.31003937,40.478861 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,40.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,40.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -47.299402 0.31003937,40.439143 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,40.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,40.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -47.361509 0.31003937,40.389614 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,40.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,40.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -47.41554 0.31003937,40.331382 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,40.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,40.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -47.460289 0.31003937,40.265748 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,40.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,40.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -47.494756 0.31003937,40.194177 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,40.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,40.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -47.51817 0.31003937,40.118269 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,40.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,39.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -47.53001 0.31003937,40.039719 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,39.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,39.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -47.53001 0.31003937,39.960281 -47.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,39.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,39.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -47.51817 0.31003937,39.881731 -47.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,39.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,39.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -47.494756 0.31003937,39.805823 -47.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,39.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,39.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -47.460289 0.31003937,39.734252 -47.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,39.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,39.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -47.41554 0.31003937,39.668618 -47.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,39.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,39.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -47.361509 0.31003937,39.610386 -47.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,39.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,39.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -47.299402 0.31003937,39.560857 -47.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,39.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,39.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -47.230607 0.31003937,39.521139 -47.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,39.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,39.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -47.156661 0.31003937,39.492117 -47.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -47 0.31003937,39.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -47 -0.31003937,39.468504 -47 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -47.079215 0.31003937,39.47444 -47.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -34.305344 0.31003937,40.370079 -34.5 0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -34.305344 -0.31003937,40.400909 -34.305344 -0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -34.5 0.31003937,40.370079 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.129742 0.31003937,40.400909 -34.305344 0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.129742 -0.31003937,40.490383 -34.129742 -0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -34.305344 0.31003937,40.400909 -34.305344 -0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -33.990383 0.31003937,40.490383 -34.129742 0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -33.990383 -0.31003937,40.629742 -33.990383 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.129742 0.31003937,40.490383 -34.129742 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -33.900909 0.31003937,40.629742 -33.990383 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -33.900909 -0.31003937,40.805344 -33.900909 -0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -33.990383 0.31003937,40.629742 -33.990383 -0.31003937,
+ 41 -33.870079 0.31003937,40.805344 -33.900909 0.31003937,
+ 41 -33.870079 -0.31003937,41 -33.870079 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -33.900909 0.31003937,40.805344 -33.900909 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -33.900909 0.31003937,41 -33.870079 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -33.900909 -0.31003937,41.194656 -33.900909 -0.31003937,
+ 41 -33.870079 0.31003937,41 -33.870079 -0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -33.990383 0.31003937,41.194656 -33.900909 0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -33.990383 -0.31003937,41.370258 -33.990383 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -33.900909 0.31003937,41.194656 -33.900909 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.129742 0.31003937,41.370258 -33.990383 0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.129742 -0.31003937,41.509617 -34.129742 -0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -33.990383 0.31003937,41.370258 -33.990383 -0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -34.305344 0.31003937,41.509617 -34.129742 0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -34.305344 -0.31003937,41.599091 -34.305344 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.129742 0.31003937,41.509617 -34.129742 -0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -34.5 0.31003937,41.599091 -34.305344 0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -34.5 -0.31003937,41.629921 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -34.305344 0.31003937,41.599091 -34.305344 -0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -34.694656 0.31003937,41.629921 -34.5 0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -34.694656 -0.31003937,41.599091 -34.694656 -0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -34.5 0.31003937,41.629921 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.870258 0.31003937,41.599091 -34.694656 0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.870258 -0.31003937,41.509617 -34.870258 -0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -34.694656 0.31003937,41.599091 -34.694656 -0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -35.009617 0.31003937,41.509617 -34.870258 0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -35.009617 -0.31003937,41.370258 -35.009617 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -34.870258 0.31003937,41.509617 -34.870258 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -35.099091 0.31003937,41.370258 -35.009617 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -35.099091 -0.31003937,41.194656 -35.099091 -0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -35.009617 0.31003937,41.370258 -35.009617 -0.31003937,
+ 41 -35.129921 0.31003937,41.194656 -35.099091 0.31003937,
+ 41 -35.129921 -0.31003937,41 -35.129921 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -35.099091 0.31003937,41.194656 -35.099091 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -35.099091 0.31003937,41 -35.129921 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -35.099091 -0.31003937,40.805344 -35.099091 -0.31003937,
+ 41 -35.129921 0.31003937,41 -35.129921 -0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -35.009617 0.31003937,40.805344 -35.099091 0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -35.009617 -0.31003937,40.629742 -35.009617 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -35.099091 0.31003937,40.805344 -35.099091 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.870258 0.31003937,40.629742 -35.009617 0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.870258 -0.31003937,40.490383 -34.870258 -0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -35.009617 0.31003937,40.629742 -35.009617 -0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -34.694656 0.31003937,40.490383 -34.870258 0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -34.694656 -0.31003937,40.400909 -34.694656 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -34.870258 0.31003937,40.490383 -34.870258 -0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -34.5 0.31003937,40.400909 -34.694656 0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -34.5 -0.31003937,40.370079 -34.5 -0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -34.694656 0.31003937,40.400909 -34.694656 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,40.331382 -32.41554 0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,40.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -32.41554 0.31003937,40.331382 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,40.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,40.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -32.460289 0.31003937,40.265748 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,40.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,40.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -32.494756 0.31003937,40.194177 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,40.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,40.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -32.51817 0.31003937,40.118269 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,40.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,39.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -32.53001 0.31003937,40.039719 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,39.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,39.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -32.53001 0.31003937,39.960281 -32.53001 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,39.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,39.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -32.51817 0.31003937,39.881731 -32.51817 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,39.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,39.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -32.494756 0.31003937,39.805823 -32.494756 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,39.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,39.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -32.460289 0.31003937,39.734252 -32.460289 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,39.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,39.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -32.41554 0.31003937,39.668618 -32.41554 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,39.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,39.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -32.361509 0.31003937,39.610386 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,39.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,39.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -32.299402 0.31003937,39.560857 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,39.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,39.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -32.230607 0.31003937,39.521139 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,39.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,39.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -32.156661 0.31003937,39.492117 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -32 0.31003937,39.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -32 -0.31003937,39.468504 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -32.079215 0.31003937,39.47444 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,39.468504 -32 0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,39.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 39.468504 -32 0.31003937,39.468504 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,39.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,39.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 39.47444 -31.920785 0.31003937,39.47444 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,39.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,39.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 39.492117 -31.843339 0.31003937,39.492117 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,39.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,39.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 39.521139 -31.769393 0.31003937,39.521139 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,39.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,39.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 39.560857 -31.700598 0.31003937,39.560857 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,39.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,39.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 39.610386 -31.638491 0.31003937,39.610386 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,39.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,39.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 39.668618 -31.58446 0.31003937,39.668618 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,39.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,39.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 39.734252 -31.539711 0.31003937,39.734252 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,39.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,39.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 39.805823 -31.505244 0.31003937,39.805823 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,39.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,39.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 39.881731 -31.48183 0.31003937,39.881731 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,39.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,40.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 39.960281 -31.46999 0.31003937,39.960281 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,40.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,40.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 40.039719 -31.46999 0.31003937,40.039719 -31.46999 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,40.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,40.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 40.118269 -31.48183 0.31003937,40.118269 -31.48183 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,40.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,40.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 40.194177 -31.505244 0.31003937,40.194177 -31.505244 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,40.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,40.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 40.265748 -31.539711 0.31003937,40.265748 -31.539711 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,40.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,40.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 40.331382 -31.58446 0.31003937,40.331382 -31.58446 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,40.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,40.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -31.638491 0.31003937,40.389614 -31.638491 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,40.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,40.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -31.700598 0.31003937,40.439143 -31.700598 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,40.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,40.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -31.769393 0.31003937,40.478861 -31.769393 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,40.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,40.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -31.843339 0.31003937,40.507883 -31.843339 -0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -32 0.31003937,40.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -32 -0.31003937,40.531496 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -31.920785 0.31003937,40.52556 -31.920785 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,40.531496 -32 0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,40.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.531496 -32 0.31003937,40.531496 -32 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,40.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,40.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 40.52556 -32.079215 0.31003937,40.52556 -32.079215 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,40.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,40.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 40.507883 -32.156661 0.31003937,40.507883 -32.156661 -0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -32.299402 0.31003937,40.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,
+ 40.439143 -32.299402 -0.31003937,40.439143 -32.299402 -0.31003937,
+ 40.478861 -32.230607 0.31003937,40.478861 -32.230607 -0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -32.361509 0.31003937,40.439143 -32.299402 0.31003937,
+ 40.389614 -32.361509 -0.31003937,40.389614 -32.361509 -0.31003937,
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+ 40.629742 -38.490383 -0.31003937,40.629742 -38.490383 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -38.629742 0.31003937,40.490383 -38.629742 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -38.400909 0.31003937,40.629742 -38.490383 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -38.400909 -0.31003937,40.805344 -38.400909 -0.31003937,
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+ 41 -38.370079 0.31003937,40.805344 -38.400909 0.31003937,
+ 41 -38.370079 -0.31003937,41 -38.370079 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -38.400909 0.31003937,40.805344 -38.400909 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -38.400909 0.31003937,41 -38.370079 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -38.400909 -0.31003937,41.194656 -38.400909 -0.31003937,
+ 41 -38.370079 0.31003937,41 -38.370079 -0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -38.490383 0.31003937,41.194656 -38.400909 0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -38.490383 -0.31003937,41.370258 -38.490383 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -38.400909 0.31003937,41.194656 -38.400909 -0.31003937,
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+ 41.509617 -38.629742 -0.31003937,41.509617 -38.629742 -0.31003937,
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+ 41.599091 -38.805344 -0.31003937,41.599091 -38.805344 -0.31003937,
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+ 41.599091 -38.805344 0.31003937,41.599091 -38.805344 -0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -39.194656 0.31003937,41.629921 -39 0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -39.194656 -0.31003937,41.599091 -39.194656 -0.31003937,
+ 41.629921 -39 0.31003937,41.629921 -39 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -39.370258 0.31003937,41.599091 -39.194656 0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -39.370258 -0.31003937,41.509617 -39.370258 -0.31003937,
+ 41.599091 -39.194656 0.31003937,41.599091 -39.194656 -0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -39.509617 0.31003937,41.509617 -39.370258 0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -39.509617 -0.31003937,41.370258 -39.509617 -0.31003937,
+ 41.509617 -39.370258 0.31003937,41.509617 -39.370258 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -39.599091 0.31003937,41.370258 -39.509617 0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -39.599091 -0.31003937,41.194656 -39.599091 -0.31003937,
+ 41.370258 -39.509617 0.31003937,41.370258 -39.509617 -0.31003937,
+ 41 -39.629921 0.31003937,41.194656 -39.599091 0.31003937,
+ 41 -39.629921 -0.31003937,41 -39.629921 -0.31003937,
+ 41.194656 -39.599091 0.31003937,41.194656 -39.599091 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -39.599091 0.31003937,41 -39.629921 0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -39.599091 -0.31003937,40.805344 -39.599091 -0.31003937,
+ 41 -39.629921 0.31003937,41 -39.629921 -0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -39.509617 0.31003937,40.805344 -39.599091 0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -39.509617 -0.31003937,40.629742 -39.509617 -0.31003937,
+ 40.805344 -39.599091 0.31003937,40.805344 -39.599091 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -39.370258 0.31003937,40.629742 -39.509617 0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -39.370258 -0.31003937,40.490383 -39.370258 -0.31003937,
+ 40.629742 -39.509617 0.31003937,40.629742 -39.509617 -0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -39.194656 0.31003937,40.490383 -39.370258 0.31003937,
+ 40.400909 -39.194656 -0.31003937,40.400909 -39.194656 -0.31003937,
+ 40.490383 -39.370258 0.31003937,40.490383 -39.370258 -0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -39 0.31003937,40.400909 -39.194656 0.31003937,
+ 40.370079 -39 -0.31003937,40.370079 -39 -0.31003937,
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+ 312,313,314,-1,315,316,317,-1,318,319,320,-1,321,322,323,-1,324,325,326,-1,327,328,329,-1,330,331,332,-1,333,334,335,-1,
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+ 384,385,386,-1,387,388,389,-1,390,391,392,-1,393,394,395,-1,396,397,398,-1,399,400,401,-1,402,403,404,-1,405,406,407,-1,
+ 408,409,410,-1,411,412,413,-1,414,415,416,-1,417,418,419,-1,420,421,422,-1,423,424,425,-1,426,427,428,-1,429,430,431,-1,
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+ 480,481,482,-1,483,484,485,-1,486,487,488,-1,489,490,491,-1,492,493,494,-1,495,496,497,-1,498,499,500,-1,501,502,503,-1,
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+ 576,577,578,-1,579,580,581,-1,582,583,584,-1,585,586,587,-1,588,589,590,-1,591,592,593,-1,594,595,596,-1,597,598,599,-1,
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+ 768,769,770,-1,771,772,773,-1,774,775,776,-1,777,778,779,-1,780,781,782,-1,783,784,785,-1,786,787,788,-1,789,790,791,-1,
+ 792,793,794,-1,795,796,797,-1,798,799,800,-1,801,802,803,-1,804,805,806,-1,807,808,809,-1,810,811,812,-1,813,814,815,-1,
+ 816,817,818,-1,819,820,821,-1,822,823,824,-1,825,826,827,-1,828,829,830,-1,831,832,833,-1,834,835,836,-1,837,838,839,-1,
+ 840,841,842,-1,843,844,845,-1,846,847,848,-1,849,850,851,-1,852,853,854,-1,855,856,857,-1,858,859,860,-1,861,862,863,-1,
+ 864,865,866,-1,867,868,869,-1,870,871,872,-1,873,874,875,-1,876,877,878,-1,879,880,881,-1,882,883,884,-1,885,886,887,-1,
+ 888,889,890,-1,891,892,893,-1,894,895,896,-1,897,898,899,-1,900,901,902,-1,903,904,905,-1,906,907,908,-1,909,910,911,-1,
+ 912,913,914,-1,915,916,917,-1,918,919,920,-1,921,922,923,-1,924,925,926,-1,927,928,929,-1,930,931,932,-1,933,934,935,-1,
+ 936,937,938,-1,939,940,941,-1,942,943,944,-1,945,946,947,-1,948,949,950,-1,951,952,953,-1,954,955,956,-1,957,958,959,-1,
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+ 1032,1033,1034,-1,1035,1036,1037,-1,1038,1039,1040,-1,1041,1042,1043,-1,1044,1045,1046,-1,1047,1048,1049,-1,1050,1051,1052,-1,1053,1054,1055,-1,
+ 1056,1057,1058,-1,1059,1060,1061,-1,1062,1063,1064,-1,1065,1066,1067,-1,1068,1069,1070,-1,1071,1072,1073,-1,1074,1075,1076,-1,1077,1078,1079,-1,
+ 1080,1081,1082,-1,1083,1084,1085,-1,1086,1087,1088,-1,1089,1090,1091,-1,1092,1093,1094,-1,1095,1096,1097,-1,1098,1099,1100,-1,1101,1102,1103,-1,
+ 1104,1105,1106,-1,1107,1108,1109,-1,1110,1111,1112,-1,1113,1114,1115,-1,1116,1117,1118,-1,1119,1120,1121,-1,1122,1123,1124,-1,1125,1126,1127,-1,
+ 1128,1129,1130,-1,1131,1132,1133,-1,1134,1135,1136,-1,1137,1138,1139,-1,1140,1141,1142,-1,1143,1144,1145,-1,1146,1147,1148,-1,1149,1150,1151,-1,
+ 1152,1153,1154,-1,1155,1156,1157,-1,1158,1159,1160,-1,1161,1162,1163,-1,1164,1165,1166,-1,1167,1168,1169,-1,1170,1171,1172,-1,1173,1174,1175,-1,
+ 1176,1177,1178,-1,1179,1180,1181,-1,1182,1183,1184,-1,1185,1186,1187,-1,1188,1189,1190,-1,1191,1192,1193,-1,1194,1195,1196,-1,1197,1198,1199,-1,
+ 1200,1201,1202,-1,1203,1204,1205,-1,1206,1207,1208,-1,1209,1210,1211,-1,1212,1213,1214,-1,1215,1216,1217,-1,1218,1219,1220,-1,1221,1222,1223,-1,
+ 1224,1225,1226,-1,1227,1228,1229,-1,1230,1231,1232,-1,1233,1234,1235,-1,1236,1237,1238,-1,1239,1240,1241,-1,1242,1243,1244,-1,1245,1246,1247,-1,
+ 1248,1249,1250,-1,1251,1252,1253,-1,1254,1255,1256,-1,1257,1258,1259,-1,1260,1261,1262,-1,1263,1264,1265,-1,1266,1267,1268,-1,1269,1270,1271,-1,
+ 1272,1273,1274,-1,1275,1276,1277,-1,1278,1279,1280,-1,1281,1282,1283,-1,1284,1285,1286,-1,1287,1288,1289,-1,1290,1291,1292,-1,1293,1294,1295,-1,
+ 1296,1297,1298,-1,1299,1300,1301,-1,1302,1303,1304,-1,1305,1306,1307,-1,1308,1309,1310,-1,1311,1312,1313,-1,1314,1315,1316,-1,1317,1318,1319,-1,
+ 1320,1321,1322,-1,1323,1324,1325,-1,1326,1327,1328,-1,1329,1330,1331,-1,1332,1333,1334,-1,1335,1336,1337,-1,1338,1339,1340,-1,1341,1342,1343,-1,
+ 1344,1345,1346,-1,1347,1348,1349,-1,1350,1351,1352,-1,1353,1354,1355,-1,1356,1357,1358,-1,1359,1360,1361,-1,1362,1363,1364,-1,1365,1366,1367,-1,
+ 1368,1369,1370,-1,1371,1372,1373,-1,1374,1375,1376,-1,1377,1378,1379,-1,1380,1381,1382,-1,1383,1384,1385,-1,1386,1387,1388,-1,1389,1390,1391,-1,
+ 1392,1393,1394,-1,1395,1396,1397,-1,1398,1399,1400,-1,1401,1402,1403,-1,1404,1405,1406,-1,1407,1408,1409,-1,1410,1411,1412,-1,1413,1414,1415,-1,
+ 1416,1417,1418,-1,1419,1420,1421,-1,1422,1423,1424,-1,1425,1426,1427,-1,1428,1429,1430,-1,1431,1432,1433,-1,1434,1435,1436,-1,1437,1438,1439,-1,
+ 1440,1441,1442,-1,1443,1444,1445,-1,1446,1447,1448,-1,1449,1450,1451,-1,1452,1453,1454,-1,1455,1456,1457,-1,1458,1459,1460,-1,1461,1462,1463,-1,
+ 1464,1465,1466,-1,1467,1468,1469,-1,1470,1471,1472,-1,1473,1474,1475,-1,1476,1477,1478,-1,1479,1480,1481,-1,1482,1483,1484,-1,1485,1486,1487,-1,
+ 1488,1489,1490,-1,1491,1492,1493,-1,1494,1495,1496,-1,1497,1498,1499,-1,1500,1501,1502,-1,1503,1504,1505,-1,1506,1507,1508,-1,1509,1510,1511,-1,
+ 1512,1513,1514,-1,1515,1516,1517,-1,1518,1519,1520,-1,1521,1522,1523,-1,1524,1525,1526,-1,1527,1528,1529,-1,1530,1531,1532,-1,1533,1534,1535,-1,
+ 1536,1537,1538,-1,1539,1540,1541,-1,1542,1543,1544,-1,1545,1546,1547,-1,1548,1549,1550,-1,1551,1552,1553,-1,1554,1555,1556,-1,1557,1558,1559,-1,
+ 1560,1561,1562,-1,1563,1564,1565,-1,1566,1567,1568,-1,1569,1570,1571,-1,1572,1573,1574,-1,1575,1576,1577,-1,1578,1579,1580,-1,1581,1582,1583,-1,
+ 1584,1585,1586,-1,1587,1588,1589,-1,1590,1591,1592,-1,1593,1594,1595,-1,1596,1597,1598,-1,1599,1600,1601,-1,1602,1603,1604,-1,1605,1606,1607,-1,
+ 1608,1609,1610,-1,1611,1612,1613,-1,1614,1615,1616,-1,1617,1618,1619,-1,1620,1621,1622,-1,1623,1624,1625,-1,1626,1627,1628,-1,1629,1630,1631,-1,
+ 1632,1633,1634,-1,1635,1636,1637,-1,1638,1639,1640,-1,1641,1642,1643,-1,1644,1645,1646,-1,1647,1648,1649,-1,1650,1651,1652,-1,1653,1654,1655,-1,
+ 1656,1657,1658,-1,1659,1660,1661,-1,1662,1663,1664,-1,1665,1666,1667,-1,1668,1669,1670,-1,1671,1672,1673,-1,1674,1675,1676,-1,1677,1678,1679,-1,
+ 1680,1681,1682,-1,1683,1684,1685,-1,1686,1687,1688,-1,1689,1690,1691,-1,1692,1693,1694,-1,1695,1696,1697,-1,1698,1699,1700,-1,1701,1702,1703,-1,
+ 1704,1705,1706,-1,1707,1708,1709,-1,1710,1711,1712,-1,1713,1714,1715,-1,1716,1717,1718,-1,1719,1720,1721,-1,1722,1723,1724,-1,1725,1726,1727,-1,
+ 1728,1729,1730,-1,1731,1732,1733,-1,1734,1735,1736,-1,1737,1738,1739,-1,1740,1741,1742,-1,1743,1744,1745,-1,1746,1747,1748,-1,1749,1750,1751,-1,
+ 1752,1753,1754,-1,1755,1756,1757,-1,1758,1759,1760,-1,1761,1762,1763,-1,1764,1765,1766,-1,1767,1768,1769,-1,1770,1771,1772,-1,1773,1774,1775,-1,
+ 1776,1777,1778,-1,1779,1780,1781,-1,1782,1783,1784,-1,1785,1786,1787,-1,1788,1789,1790,-1,1791,1792,1793,-1,1794,1795,1796,-1,1797,1798,1799,-1,
+ 1800,1801,1802,-1,1803,1804,1805,-1,1806,1807,1808,-1,1809,1810,1811,-1,1812,1813,1814,-1,1815,1816,1817,-1,1818,1819,1820,-1,1821,1822,1823,-1,
+ 1824,1825,1826,-1,1827,1828,1829,-1,1830,1831,1832,-1,1833,1834,1835,-1,1836,1837,1838,-1,1839,1840,1841,-1,1842,1843,1844,-1,1845,1846,1847,-1,
+ 1848,1849,1850,-1,1851,1852,1853,-1,1854,1855,1856,-1,1857,1858,1859,-1,1860,1861,1862,-1,1863,1864,1865,-1,1866,1867,1868,-1,1869,1870,1871,-1,
+ 1872,1873,1874,-1,1875,1876,1877,-1,1878,1879,1880,-1,1881,1882,1883,-1,1884,1885,1886,-1,1887,1888,1889,-1,1890,1891,1892,-1,1893,1894,1895,-1,
+ 1896,1897,1898,-1,1899,1900,1901,-1,1902,1903,1904,-1,1905,1906,1907,-1,1908,1909,1910,-1,1911,1912,1913,-1,1914,1915,1916,-1,1917,1918,1919,-1,
+ 1920,1921,1922,-1,1923,1924,1925,-1,1926,1927,1928,-1,1929,1930,1931,-1,1932,1933,1934,-1,1935,1936,1937,-1,1938,1939,1940,-1,1941,1942,1943,-1,
+ 1944,1945,1946,-1,1947,1948,1949,-1,1950,1951,1952,-1,1953,1954,1955,-1,1956,1957,1958,-1,1959,1960,1961,-1,1962,1963,1964,-1,1965,1966,1967,-1,
+ 1968,1969,1970,-1,1971,1972,1973,-1,1974,1975,1976,-1,1977,1978,1979,-1,1980,1981,1982,-1,1983,1984,1985,-1,1986,1987,1988,-1,1989,1990,1991,-1,
+ 1992,1993,1994,-1,1995,1996,1997,-1,1998,1999,2000,-1,2001,2002,2003,-1,2004,2005,2006,-1,2007,2008,2009,-1,2010,2011,2012,-1,2013,2014,2015,-1,
+ 2016,2017,2018,-1,2019,2020,2021,-1,2022,2023,2024,-1,2025,2026,2027,-1,2028,2029,2030,-1,2031,2032,2033,-1,2034,2035,2036,-1,2037,2038,2039,-1,
+ 2040,2041,2042,-1,2043,2044,2045,-1,2046,2047,2048,-1,2049,2050,2051,-1,2052,2053,2054,-1,2055,2056,2057,-1,2058,2059,2060,-1,2061,2062,2063,-1,
+ 2064,2065,2066,-1,2067,2068,2069,-1,2070,2071,2072,-1,2073,2074,2075,-1,2076,2077,2078,-1,2079,2080,2081,-1,2082,2083,2084,-1,2085,2086,2087,-1,
+ 2088,2089,2090,-1,2091,2092,2093,-1,2094,2095,2096,-1,2097,2098,2099,-1,2100,2101,2102,-1,2103,2104,2105,-1,2106,2107,2108,-1,2109,2110,2111,-1,
+ 2112,2113,2114,-1,2115,2116,2117,-1,2118,2119,2120,-1,2121,2122,2123,-1,2124,2125,2126,-1,2127,2128,2129,-1,2130,2131,2132,-1,2133,2134,2135,-1,
+ 2136,2137,2138,-1,2139,2140,2141,-1,2142,2143,2144,-1,2145,2146,2147,-1,2148,2149,2150,-1,2151,2152,2153,-1,2154,2155,2156,-1,2157,2158,2159,-1,
+ 2160,2161,2162,-1,2163,2164,2165,-1,2166,2167,2168,-1,2169,2170,2171,-1,2172,2173,2174,-1,2175,2176,2177,-1,2178,2179,2180,-1,2181,2182,2183,-1,
+ 2184,2185,2186,-1,2187,2188,2189,-1,2190,2191,2192,-1,2193,2194,2195,-1,2196,2197,2198,-1,2199,2200,2201,-1,2202,2203,2204,-1,2205,2206,2207,-1,
+ 2208,2209,2210,-1,2211,2212,2213,-1,2214,2215,2216,-1,2217,2218,2219,-1,2220,2221,2222,-1,2223,2224,2225,-1,2226,2227,2228,-1,2229,2230,2231,-1,
+ 2232,2233,2234,-1,2235,2236,2237,-1,2238,2239,2240,-1,2241,2242,2243,-1,2244,2245,2246,-1,2247,2248,2249,-1,2250,2251,2252,-1,2253,2254,2255,-1,
+ 2256,2257,2258,-1,2259,2260,2261,-1,2262,2263,2264,-1,2265,2266,2267,-1,2268,2269,2270,-1,2271,2272,2273,-1,2274,2275,2276,-1,2277,2278,2279,-1,
+ 2280,2281,2282,-1,2283,2284,2285,-1,2286,2287,2288,-1,2289,2290,2291,-1,2292,2293,2294,-1,2295,2296,2297,-1,2298,2299,2300,-1,2301,2302,2303,-1,
+ 2304,2305,2306,-1,2307,2308,2309,-1,2310,2311,2312,-1,2313,2314,2315,-1,2316,2317,2318,-1,2319,2320,2321,-1,2322,2323,2324,-1,2325,2326,2327,-1,
+ 2328,2329,2330,-1,2331,2332,2333,-1,2334,2335,2336,-1,2337,2338,2339,-1,2340,2341,2342,-1,2343,2344,2345,-1,2346,2347,2348,-1,2349,2350,2351,-1,
+ 2352,2353,2354,-1,2355,2356,2357,-1,2358,2359,2360,-1,2361,2362,2363,-1,2364,2365,2366,-1,2367,2368,2369,-1,2370,2371,2372,-1,2373,2374,2375,-1,
+ 2376,2377,2378,-1,2379,2380,2381,-1,2382,2383,2384,-1,2385,2386,2387,-1,2388,2389,2390,-1,2391,2392,2393,-1,2394,2395,2396,-1,2397,2398,2399,-1,
+ 2400,2401,2402,-1,2403,2404,2405,-1,2406,2407,2408,-1,2409,2410,2411,-1,2412,2413,2414,-1,2415,2416,2417,-1,2418,2419,2420,-1,2421,2422,2423,-1,
+ 2424,2425,2426,-1,2427,2428,2429,-1,2430,2431,2432,-1,2433,2434,2435,-1,2436,2437,2438,-1,2439,2440,2441,-1,2442,2443,2444,-1,2445,2446,2447,-1,
+ 2448,2449,2450,-1,2451,2452,2453,-1,2454,2455,2456,-1,2457,2458,2459,-1,2460,2461,2462,-1,2463,2464,2465,-1,2466,2467,2468,-1,2469,2470,2471,-1,
+ 2472,2473,2474,-1,2475,2476,2477,-1,2478,2479,2480,-1,2481,2482,2483,-1,2484,2485,2486,-1,2487,2488,2489,-1,2490,2491,2492,-1,2493,2494,2495,-1,
+ 2496,2497,2498,-1,2499,2500,2501,-1,2502,2503,2504,-1,2505,2506,2507,-1,2508,2509,2510,-1,2511,2512,2513,-1,2514,2515,2516,-1,2517,2518,2519,-1,
+ 2520,2521,2522,-1,2523,2524,2525,-1,2526,2527,2528,-1,2529,2530,2531,-1,2532,2533,2534,-1,2535,2536,2537,-1,2538,2539,2540,-1,2541,2542,2543,-1,
+ 2544,2545,2546,-1,2547,2548,2549,-1,2550,2551,2552,-1,2553,2554,2555,-1,2556,2557,2558,-1,2559,2560,2561,-1,2562,2563,2564,-1,2565,2566,2567,-1,
+ 2568,2569,2570,-1,2571,2572,2573,-1,2574,2575,2576,-1,2577,2578,2579,-1,2580,2581,2582,-1,2583,2584,2585,-1,2586,2587,2588,-1,2589,2590,2591,-1,
+ 2592,2593,2594,-1,2595,2596,2597,-1,2598,2599,2600,-1,2601,2602,2603,-1,2604,2605,2606,-1,2607,2608,2609,-1,2610,2611,2612,-1,2613,2614,2615,-1,
+ 2616,2617,2618,-1,2619,2620,2621,-1,2622,2623,2624,-1,2625,2626,2627,-1,2628,2629,2630,-1,2631,2632,2633,-1,2634,2635,2636,-1,2637,2638,2639,-1,
+ 2640,2641,2642,-1,2643,2644,2645,-1,2646,2647,2648,-1,2649,2650,2651,-1,2652,2653,2654,-1,2655,2656,2657,-1,2658,2659,2660,-1,2661,2662,2663,-1,
+ 2664,2665,2666,-1,2667,2668,2669,-1,2670,2671,2672,-1,2673,2674,2675,-1,2676,2677,2678,-1,2679,2680,2681,-1,2682,2683,2684,-1,2685,2686,2687,-1,
+ 2688,2689,2690,-1,2691,2692,2693,-1,2694,2695,2696,-1,2697,2698,2699,-1,2700,2701,2702,-1,2703,2704,2705,-1,2706,2707,2708,-1,2709,2710,2711,-1,
+ 2712,2713,2714,-1,2715,2716,2717,-1,2718,2719,2720,-1,2721,2722,2723,-1,2724,2725,2726,-1,2727,2728,2729,-1,2730,2731,2732,-1,2733,2734,2735,-1,
+ 2736,2737,2738,-1,2739,2740,2741,-1,2742,2743,2744,-1,2745,2746,2747,-1,2748,2749,2750,-1,2751,2752,2753,-1,2754,2755,2756,-1,2757,2758,2759,-1,
+ 2760,2761,2762,-1,2763,2764,2765,-1,2766,2767,2768,-1,2769,2770,2771,-1,2772,2773,2774,-1,2775,2776,2777,-1,2778,2779,2780,-1,2781,2782,2783,-1,
+ 2784,2785,2786,-1,2787,2788,2789,-1,2790,2791,2792,-1,2793,2794,2795,-1,2796,2797,2798,-1,2799,2800,2801,-1,2802,2803,2804,-1,2805,2806,2807,-1,
+ 2808,2809,2810,-1,2811,2812,2813,-1,2814,2815,2816,-1,2817,2818,2819,-1,2820,2821,2822,-1,2823,2824,2825,-1,2826,2827,2828,-1,2829,2830,2831,-1,
+ 2832,2833,2834,-1,2835,2836,2837,-1,2838,2839,2840,-1,2841,2842,2843,-1,2844,2845,2846,-1,2847,2848,2849,-1,2850,2851,2852,-1,2853,2854,2855,-1,
+ 2856,2857,2858,-1,2859,2860,2861,-1,2862,2863,2864,-1,2865,2866,2867,-1,2868,2869,2870,-1,2871,2872,2873,-1,2874,2875,2876,-1,2877,2878,2879,-1,
+ 2880,2881,2882,-1,2883,2884,2885,-1,2886,2887,2888,-1,2889,2890,2891,-1,2892,2893,2894,-1,2895,2896,2897,-1,2898,2899,2900,-1,2901,2902,2903,-1,
+ 2904,2905,2906,-1,2907,2908,2909,-1,2910,2911,2912,-1,2913,2914,2915,-1,2916,2917,2918,-1,2919,2920,2921,-1,2922,2923,2924,-1,2925,2926,2927,-1,
+ 2928,2929,2930,-1,2931,2932,2933,-1,2934,2935,2936,-1,2937,2938,2939,-1,2940,2941,2942,-1,2943,2944,2945,-1,2946,2947,2948,-1,2949,2950,2951,-1,
+ 2952,2953,2954,-1,2955,2956,2957,-1,2958,2959,2960,-1,2961,2962,2963,-1,2964,2965,2966,-1,2967,2968,2969,-1,2970,2971,2972,-1,2973,2974,2975,-1,
+ 2976,2977,2978,-1,2979,2980,2981,-1,2982,2983,2984,-1,2985,2986,2987,-1,2988,2989,2990,-1,2991,2992,2993,-1,2994,2995,2996,-1,2997,2998,2999,-1,
+ 3000,3001,3002,-1,3003,3004,3005,-1,3006,3007,3008,-1,3009,3010,3011,-1,3012,3013,3014,-1,3015,3016,3017,-1,3018,3019,3020,-1,3021,3022,3023,-1,
+ 3024,3025,3026,-1,3027,3028,3029,-1,3030,3031,3032,-1,3033,3034,3035,-1,3036,3037,3038,-1,3039,3040,3041,-1,3042,3043,3044,-1,3045,3046,3047,-1,
+ 3048,3049,3050,-1,3051,3052,3053,-1,3054,3055,3056,-1,3057,3058,3059,-1,3060,3061,3062,-1,3063,3064,3065,-1,3066,3067,3068,-1,3069,3070,3071,-1,
+ 3072,3073,3074,-1,3075,3076,3077,-1,3078,3079,3080,-1,3081,3082,3083,-1,3084,3085,3086,-1,3087,3088,3089,-1,3090,3091,3092,-1,3093,3094,3095,-1,
+ 3096,3097,3098,-1,3099,3100,3101,-1,3102,3103,3104,-1,3105,3106,3107,-1,3108,3109,3110,-1,3111,3112,3113,-1,3114,3115,3116,-1,3117,3118,3119,-1,
+ 3120,3121,3122,-1,3123,3124,3125,-1,3126,3127,3128,-1,3129,3130,3131,-1,3132,3133,3134,-1,3135,3136,3137,-1,3138,3139,3140,-1,3141,3142,3143,-1,
+ 3144,3145,3146,-1,3147,3148,3149,-1,3150,3151,3152,-1,3153,3154,3155,-1,3156,3157,3158,-1,3159,3160,3161,-1,3162,3163,3164,-1,3165,3166,3167,-1,
+ 3168,3169,3170,-1,3171,3172,3173,-1,3174,3175,3176,-1,3177,3178,3179,-1,3180,3181,3182,-1,3183,3184,3185,-1,3186,3187,3188,-1,3189,3190,3191,-1,
+ 3192,3193,3194,-1,3195,3196,3197,-1,3198,3199,3200,-1,3201,3202,3203,-1,3204,3205,3206,-1,3207,3208,3209,-1,3210,3211,3212,-1,3213,3214,3215,-1,
+ 3216,3217,3218,-1,3219,3220,3221,-1,3222,3223,3224,-1,3225,3226,3227,-1,3228,3229,3230,-1,3231,3232,3233,-1,3234,3235,3236,-1,3237,3238,3239,-1,
+ 3240,3241,3242,-1,3243,3244,3245,-1,3246,3247,3248,-1,3249,3250,3251,-1,3252,3253,3254,-1,3255,3256,3257,-1,3258,3259,3260,-1,3261,3262,3263,-1,
+ 3264,3265,3266,-1,3267,3268,3269,-1,3270,3271,3272,-1,3273,3274,3275,-1,3276,3277,3278,-1,3279,3280,3281,-1,3282,3283,3284,-1,3285,3286,3287,-1,
+ 3288,3289,3290,-1,3291,3292,3293,-1,3294,3295,3296,-1,3297,3298,3299,-1,3300,3301,3302,-1,3303,3304,3305,-1,3306,3307,3308,-1,3309,3310,3311,-1,
+ 3312,3313,3314,-1,3315,3316,3317,-1,3318,3319,3320,-1,3321,3322,3323,-1,3324,3325,3326,-1,3327,3328,3329,-1,3330,3331,3332,-1,3333,3334,3335,-1,
+ 3336,3337,3338,-1,3339,3340,3341,-1,3342,3343,3344,-1,3345,3346,3347,-1,3348,3349,3350,-1,3351,3352,3353,-1,3354,3355,3356,-1,3357,3358,3359,-1,
+ 3360,3361,3362,-1,3363,3364,3365,-1,3366,3367,3368,-1,3369,3370,3371,-1,3372,3373,3374,-1,3375,3376,3377,-1,3378,3379,3380,-1,3381,3382,3383,-1,
+ 3384,3385,3386,-1,3387,3388,3389,-1,3390,3391,3392,-1,3393,3394,3395,-1,3396,3397,3398,-1,3399,3400,3401,-1,3402,3403,3404,-1,3405,3406,3407,-1,
+ 3408,3409,3410,-1,3411,3412,3413,-1,3414,3415,3416,-1,3417,3418,3419,-1,3420,3421,3422,-1,3423,3424,3425,-1,3426,3427,3428,-1,3429,3430,3431,-1,
+ 3432,3433,3434,-1,3435,3436,3437,-1,3438,3439,3440,-1,3441,3442,3443,-1,3444,3445,3446,-1,3447,3448,3449,-1,3450,3451,3452,-1,3453,3454,3455,-1,
+ 3456,3457,3458,-1,3459,3460,3461,-1,3462,3463,3464,-1,3465,3466,3467,-1,3468,3469,3470,-1,3471,3472,3473,-1,3474,3475,3476,-1,3477,3478,3479,-1,
+ 3480,3481,3482,-1,3483,3484,3485,-1,3486,3487,3488,-1,3489,3490,3491,-1,3492,3493,3494,-1,3495,3496,3497,-1,3498,3499,3500,-1,3501,3502,3503,-1,
+ 3504,3505,3506,-1,3507,3508,3509,-1,3510,3511,3512,-1,3513,3514,3515,-1,3516,3517,3518,-1,3519,3520,3521,-1,3522,3523,3524,-1,3525,3526,3527,-1,
+ 3528,3529,3530,-1,3531,3532,3533,-1,3534,3535,3536,-1,3537,3538,3539,-1,3540,3541,3542,-1,3543,3544,3545,-1,3546,3547,3548,-1,3549,3550,3551,-1,
+ 3552,3553,3554,-1,3555,3556,3557,-1,3558,3559,3560,-1,3561,3562,3563,-1,3564,3565,3566,-1,3567,3568,3569,-1,3570,3571,3572,-1,3573,3574,3575,-1,
+ 3576,3577,3578,-1,3579,3580,3581,-1,3582,3583,3584,-1,3585,3586,3587,-1,3588,3589,3590,-1,3591,3592,3593,-1,3594,3595,3596,-1,3597,3598,3599,-1,
+ 3600,3601,3602,-1,3603,3604,3605,-1,3606,3607,3608,-1,3609,3610,3611,-1,3612,3613,3614,-1,3615,3616,3617,-1,3618,3619,3620,-1,3621,3622,3623,-1,
+ 3624,3625,3626,-1,3627,3628,3629,-1,3630,3631,3632,-1,3633,3634,3635,-1,3636,3637,3638,-1,3639,3640,3641,-1,3642,3643,3644,-1,3645,3646,3647,-1,
+ 3648,3649,3650,-1,3651,3652,3653,-1,3654,3655,3656,-1,3657,3658,3659,-1,3660,3661,3662,-1,3663,3664,3665,-1,3666,3667,3668,-1,3669,3670,3671,-1,
+ 3672,3673,3674,-1,3675,3676,3677,-1,3678,3679,3680,-1,3681,3682,3683,-1,3684,3685,3686,-1,3687,3688,3689,-1,3690,3691,3692,-1,3693,3694,3695,-1,
+ 3696,3697,3698,-1,3699,3700,3701,-1,3702,3703,3704,-1,3705,3706,3707,-1,3708,3709,3710,-1,3711,3712,3713,-1,3714,3715,3716,-1,3717,3718,3719,-1,
+ 3720,3721,3722,-1,3723,3724,3725,-1,3726,3727,3728,-1,3729,3730,3731,-1,3732,3733,3734,-1,3735,3736,3737,-1,3738,3739,3740,-1,3741,3742,3743,-1,
+ 3744,3745,3746,-1,3747,3748,3749,-1,3750,3751,3752,-1,3753,3754,3755,-1,3756,3757,3758,-1,3759,3760,3761,-1,3762,3763,3764,-1,3765,3766,3767,-1,
+ 3768,3769,3770,-1,3771,3772,3773,-1,3774,3775,3776,-1,3777,3778,3779,-1,3780,3781,3782,-1,3783,3784,3785,-1,3786,3787,3788,-1,3789,3790,3791,-1,
+ 3792,3793,3794,-1,3795,3796,3797,-1,3798,3799,3800,-1,3801,3802,3803,-1,3804,3805,3806,-1,3807,3808,3809,-1,3810,3811,3812,-1,3813,3814,3815,-1,
+ 3816,3817,3818,-1,3819,3820,3821,-1,3822,3823,3824,-1,3825,3826,3827,-1,3828,3829,3830,-1,3831,3832,3833,-1,3834,3835,3836,-1,3837,3838,3839,-1,
+ 3840,3841,3842,-1,3843,3844,3845,-1,3846,3847,3848,-1,3849,3850,3851,-1,3852,3853,3854,-1,3855,3856,3857,-1,3858,3859,3860,-1,3861,3862,3863,-1,
+ 3864,3865,3866,-1,3867,3868,3869,-1,3870,3871,3872,-1,3873,3874,3875,-1,3876,3877,3878,-1,3879,3880,3881,-1,3882,3883,3884,-1,3885,3886,3887,-1,
+ 3888,3889,3890,-1,3891,3892,3893,-1,3894,3895,3896,-1,3897,3898,3899,-1,3900,3901,3902,-1,3903,3904,3905,-1,3906,3907,3908,-1,3909,3910,3911,-1,
+ 3912,3913,3914,-1,3915,3916,3917,-1,3918,3919,3920,-1,3921,3922,3923,-1,3924,3925,3926,-1,3927,3928,3929,-1,3930,3931,3932,-1,3933,3934,3935,-1,
+ 3936,3937,3938,-1,3939,3940,3941,-1,3942,3943,3944,-1,3945,3946,3947,-1,3948,3949,3950,-1,3951,3952,3953,-1,3954,3955,3956,-1,3957,3958,3959,-1,
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+ 3984,3985,3986,-1,3987,3988,3989,-1,3990,3991,3992,-1,3993,3994,3995,-1,3996,3997,3998,-1,3999,4000,4001,-1,4002,4003,4004,-1,4005,4006,4007,-1,
+ 4008,4009,4010,-1,4011,4012,4013,-1,4014,4015,4016,-1,4017,4018,4019,-1,4020,4021,4022,-1,4023,4024,4025,-1,4026,4027,4028,-1,4029,4030,4031,-1,
+ 4032,4033,4034,-1,4035,4036,4037,-1,4038,4039,4040,-1,4041,4042,4043,-1,4044,4045,4046,-1,4047,4048,4049,-1,4050,4051,4052,-1,4053,4054,4055,-1,
+ 4056,4057,4058,-1,4059,4060,4061,-1,4062,4063,4064,-1,4065,4066,4067,-1,4068,4069,4070,-1,4071,4072,4073,-1,4074,4075,4076,-1,4077,4078,4079,-1,
+ 4080,4081,4082,-1,4083,4084,4085,-1,4086,4087,4088,-1,4089,4090,4091,-1,4092,4093,4094,-1,4095,4096,4097,-1,4098,4099,4100,-1,4101,4102,4103,-1,
+ 4104,4105,4106,-1,4107,4108,4109,-1,4110,4111,4112,-1,4113,4114,4115,-1,4116,4117,4118,-1,4119,4120,4121,-1,4122,4123,4124,-1,4125,4126,4127,-1,
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+ 4224,4225,4226,-1,4227,4228,4229,-1,4230,4231,4232,-1,4233,4234,4235,-1,4236,4237,4238,-1,4239,4240,4241,-1,4242,4243,4244,-1,4245,4246,4247,-1,
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+ 4344,4345,4346,-1,4347,4348,4349,-1,4350,4351,4352,-1,4353,4354,4355,-1,4356,4357,4358,-1,4359,4360,4361,-1,4362,4363,4364,-1,4365,4366,4367,-1,
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+ 4488,4489,4490,-1,4491,4492,4493,-1,4494,4495,4496,-1,4497,4498,4499,-1,4500,4501,4502,-1,4503,4504,4505,-1,4506,4507,4508,-1,4509,4510,4511,-1,
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+ 4608,4609,4610,-1,4611,4612,4613,-1,4614,4615,4616,-1,4617,4618,4619,-1,4620,4621,4622,-1,4623,4624,4625,-1,4626,4627,4628,-1,4629,4630,4631,-1,
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+ 4656,4657,4658,-1,4659,4660,4661,-1,4662,4663,4664,-1,4665,4666,4667,-1,4668,4669,4670,-1,4671,4672,4673,-1,4674,4675,4676,-1,4677,4678,4679,-1,
+ 4680,4681,4682,-1,4683,4684,4685,-1,4686,4687,4688,-1,4689,4690,4691,-1,4692,4693,4694,-1,4695,4696,4697,-1,4698,4699,4700,-1,4701,4702,4703,-1,
+ 4704,4705,4706,-1,4707,4708,4709,-1,4710,4711,4712,-1,4713,4714,4715,-1,4716,4717,4718,-1,4719,4720,4721,-1,4722,4723,4724,-1,4725,4726,4727,-1,
+ 4728,4729,4730,-1,4731,4732,4733,-1,4734,4735,4736,-1,4737,4738,4739,-1,4740,4741,4742,-1,4743,4744,4745,-1,4746,4747,4748,-1,4749,4750,4751,-1,
+ 4752,4753,4754,-1,4755,4756,4757,-1,4758,4759,4760,-1,4761,4762,4763,-1,4764,4765,4766,-1,4767,4768,4769,-1,4770,4771,4772,-1,4773,4774,4775,-1,
+ 4776,4777,4778,-1,4779,4780,4781,-1,4782,4783,4784,-1,4785,4786,4787,-1,4788,4789,4790,-1,4791,4792,4793,-1,4794,4795,4796,-1,4797,4798,4799,-1,
+ 4800,4801,4802,-1,4803,4804,4805,-1,4806,4807,4808,-1,4809,4810,4811,-1,4812,4813,4814,-1,4815,4816,4817,-1,4818,4819,4820,-1,4821,4822,4823,-1,
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+ 4872,4873,4874,-1,4875,4876,4877,-1,4878,4879,4880,-1,4881,4882,4883,-1,4884,4885,4886,-1,4887,4888,4889,-1,4890,4891,4892,-1,4893,4894,4895,-1,
+ 4896,4897,4898,-1,4899,4900,4901,-1,4902,4903,4904,-1,4905,4906,4907,-1,4908,4909,4910,-1,4911,4912,4913,-1,4914,4915,4916,-1,4917,4918,4919,-1,
+ 4920,4921,4922,-1,4923,4924,4925,-1,4926,4927,4928,-1,4929,4930,4931,-1,4932,4933,4934,-1,4935,4936,4937,-1,4938,4939,4940,-1,4941,4942,4943,-1,
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+ 4968,4969,4970,-1,4971,4972,4973,-1,4974,4975,4976,-1,4977,4978,4979,-1,4980,4981,4982,-1,4983,4984,4985,-1,4986,4987,4988,-1,4989,4990,4991,-1,
+ 4992,4993,4994,-1,4995,4996,4997,-1,4998,4999,5000,-1,5001,5002,5003,-1,5004,5005,5006,-1,5007,5008,5009,-1,5010,5011,5012,-1,5013,5014,5015,-1,
+ 5016,5017,5018,-1,5019,5020,5021,-1,5022,5023,5024,-1,5025,5026,5027,-1,5028,5029,5030,-1,5031,5032,5033,-1,5034,5035,5036,-1,5037,5038,5039,-1,
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+ 5232,5233,5234,-1,5235,5236,5237,-1,5238,5239,5240,-1,5241,5242,5243,-1,5244,5245,5246,-1,5247,5248,5249,-1,5250,5251,5252,-1,5253,5254,5255,-1,
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+ 5592,5593,5594,-1,5595,5596,5597,-1,5598,5599,5600,-1,5601,5602,5603,-1,5604,5605,5606,-1,5607,5608,5609,-1,5610,5611,5612,-1,5613,5614,5615,-1,
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+ 5664,5665,5666,-1,5667,5668,5669,-1,5670,5671,5672,-1,5673,5674,5675,-1,5676,5677,5678,-1,5679,5680,5681,-1,5682,5683,5684,-1,5685,5686,5687,-1,
+ 5688,5689,5690,-1,5691,5692,5693,-1,5694,5695,5696,-1,5697,5698,5699,-1,5700,5701,5702,-1,5703,5704,5705,-1,5706,5707,5708,-1,5709,5710,5711,-1,
+ 5712,5713,5714,-1,5715,5716,5717,-1,5718,5719,5720,-1,5721,5722,5723,-1,5724,5725,5726,-1,5727,5728,5729,-1,5730,5731,5732,-1,5733,5734,5735,-1,
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+ 5760,5761,5762,-1,5763,5764,5765,-1,5766,5767,5768,-1,5769,5770,5771,-1,5772,5773,5774,-1,5775,5776,5777,-1,5778,5779,5780,-1,5781,5782,5783,-1,
+ 5784,5785,5786,-1,5787,5788,5789,-1,5790,5791,5792,-1,5793,5794,5795,-1,5796,5797,5798,-1,5799,5800,5801,-1,5802,5803,5804,-1,5805,5806,5807,-1,
+ 5808,5809,5810,-1,5811,5812,5813,-1,5814,5815,5816,-1,5817,5818,5819,-1,5820,5821,5822,-1,5823,5824,5825,-1,5826,5827,5828,-1,5829,5830,5831,-1,
+ 5832,5833,5834,-1,5835,5836,5837,-1,5838,5839,5840,-1,5841,5842,5843,-1,5844,5845,5846,-1,5847,5848,5849,-1,5850,5851,5852,-1,5853,5854,5855,-1,
+ 5856,5857,5858,-1,5859,5860,5861,-1,5862,5863,5864,-1,5865,5866,5867,-1,5868,5869,5870,-1,5871,5872,5873,-1,5874,5875,5876,-1,5877,5878,5879,-1,
+ 5880,5881,5882,-1,5883,5884,5885,-1,5886,5887,5888,-1,5889,5890,5891,-1,5892,5893,5894,-1,5895,5896,5897,-1,5898,5899,5900,-1,5901,5902,5903,-1,
+ 5904,5905,5906,-1,5907,5908,5909,-1,5910,5911,5912,-1,5913,5914,5915,-1,5916,5917,5918,-1,5919,5920,5921,-1,5922,5923,5924,-1,5925,5926,5927,-1,
+ 5928,5929,5930,-1,5931,5932,5933,-1,5934,5935,5936,-1,5937,5938,5939,-1]
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+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
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+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
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+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
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+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
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+ -0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ -0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
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+ -0.92387953 0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ -0.92387953 0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
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+ -0.79335334 0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ -0.60876143 0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
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+ -0.38268343 0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ -0.38268343 0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0.66312266 0.74851075 0,0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
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+ 0.82298387 0.56806475 0,0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
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+ 0.99270887 0.12053668 0,0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
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+ 0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
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+ 0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
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+ 0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
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+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
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+ -0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ -0.38268343 0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
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+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
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+ -0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ -0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ -0.79335334 0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
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+ -0.38268343 0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
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+ -0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ -0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,-0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ -0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ -0.99144486 0.13052619 0,-0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
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+ -0.38268343 0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ -0.13052619 0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 0.99144486 0,0.13052619 0.99144486 0,
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+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 0.92387953 0,0.38268343 0.92387953 0,
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+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 0.79335334 0,0.60876143 0.79335334 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 0.60876143 0,0.79335334 0.60876143 0,
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+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 0.38268343 0,0.92387953 0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 0.13052619 0,0.99144486 0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
+ 0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,0.99144486 -0.13052619 0,
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+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
+ 0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,0.92387953 -0.38268343 0,
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+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ 0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
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+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
+ 0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,-0.13052619 -0.99144486 0,
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+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
+ -0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,-0.38268343 -0.92387953 0,
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+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,-0.60876143 -0.79335334 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
+ -0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,-0.79335334 -0.60876143 0,
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+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
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+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
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+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
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+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ 0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ 0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ 0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ 0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ 0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ -0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ -0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ -0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ -0.94388333 0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ -0.8467242 0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.53203208 0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ -0.33027906 0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
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+ -0.11196448 0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 0.99371221 0,0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 0.99371221 0,0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 0.99371221 0,0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.33027906 0.94388333 0,0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 0.94388333 0,0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 0.94388333 0,0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ 0.53203208 0.8467242 0,0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 0.8467242 0,0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 0.8467242 0,0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.8467242 0.53203208 0,0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 0.53203208 0,0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 0.53203208 0,0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ 0.94388333 0.33027906 0,0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 0.33027906 0,0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 0.33027906 0,0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ 0.99371221 0.11196448 0,0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ 0.99371221 0.11196448 0,0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ 0.99371221 0.11196448 0,0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
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+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ 0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ 0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ 0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ 0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ 0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ 0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 -0.99371221 0,
+ -0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 -0.94388333 0,
+ -0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 -0.8467242 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 -0.53203208 0,
+ -0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 -0.33027906 0,
+ -0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 -0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ -0.99371221 0.11196448 0,-0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ -0.94388333 0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ -0.94388333 0.33027906 0,-0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ -0.8467242 0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ -0.8467242 0.53203208 0,-0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.53203208 0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ -0.53203208 0.8467242 0,-0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ -0.33027906 0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ -0.33027906 0.94388333 0,-0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
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+ -0.11196448 0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ -0.11196448 0.99371221 0,-0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 0.99371221 0,0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 0.99371221 0,0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.11196448 0.99371221 0,0.11196448 0.99371221 0,
+ 0.33027906 0.94388333 0,0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 0.94388333 0,0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ 0.33027906 0.94388333 0,0.33027906 0.94388333 0,
+ 0.53203208 0.8467242 0,0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 0.8467242 0,0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ 0.53203208 0.8467242 0,0.53203208 0.8467242 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.8467242 0.53203208 0,0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 0.53203208 0,0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ 0.8467242 0.53203208 0,0.8467242 0.53203208 0,
+ 0.94388333 0.33027906 0,0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 0.33027906 0,0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ 0.94388333 0.33027906 0,0.94388333 0.33027906 0,
+ 0.99371221 0.11196448 0,0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ 0.99371221 0.11196448 0,0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ 0.99371221 0.11196448 0,0.99371221 0.11196448 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ -0.99573418 0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ -0.99573418 0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
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+ -0.96182564 0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ -0.96182564 0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
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+ -0.89516329 0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ -0.89516329 0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
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+ -0.79801723 0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ -0.79801723 0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
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+ -0.67369564 0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ -0.67369564 0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
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+ -0.52643216 0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ -0.52643216 0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.18374952 0.9829731 0,0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ 0.18374952 0.9829731 0,0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ 0.18374952 0.9829731 0,0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ 0.36124167 0.93247223 0,0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
+ 0.36124167 0.93247223 0,0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
+ 0.36124167 0.93247223 0,0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
+ 0.52643216 0.85021714 0,0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ 0.52643216 0.85021714 0,0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ 0.52643216 0.85021714 0,0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ 0.67369564 0.73900892 0,0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ 0.67369564 0.73900892 0,0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ 0.67369564 0.73900892 0,0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ 0.79801723 0.60263464 0,0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ 0.79801723 0.60263464 0,0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ 0.79801723 0.60263464 0,0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ 0.89516329 0.44573836 0,0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ 0.89516329 0.44573836 0,0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ 0.89516329 0.44573836 0,0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ 0.96182564 0.27366299 0,0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ 0.96182564 0.27366299 0,0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ 0.96182564 0.27366299 0,0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ 0.99573418 0.092268359 0,0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 0.092268359 0,0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 0.092268359 0,0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ 0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
+ 0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
+ 0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
+ 0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
+ 0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
+ 0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
+ 0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
+ 0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
+ 0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
+ 0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
+ 0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
+ 0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
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+ 0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ 0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ 0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ 0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ 0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
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+ 0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
+ 0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,-0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
+ -0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,-0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
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+ -0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,-0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ -0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,-0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ -0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ -0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ -0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
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+ -0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
+ -0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
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+ -0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
+ -0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
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+ -0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
+ -0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
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+ -0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
+ -0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
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+ -0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ -0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
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+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
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+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
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+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
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+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
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+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
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+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
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+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
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+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
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+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ 1 -1.571393e-08 0,1 -1.571393e-08 0,
+ 1 -1.571393e-08 0,1 -1.571393e-08 0,
+ 1 -1.571393e-08 0,1 -1.571393e-08 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 1.0845742e-06 -1 0,1.0845742e-06 -1 0,
+ 1.0845742e-06 -1 0,1.0845742e-06 -1 0,
+ 1.0845742e-06 -1 0,1.0845742e-06 -1 0,
+ 0.34198933 -0.93970383 0,0.34198933 -0.93970383 0,
+ 0.34198933 -0.93970383 0,0.34198933 -0.93970383 0,
+ 0.34198933 -0.93970383 0,0.34198933 -0.93970383 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 0.93969262 0,0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 0.76604444 0,0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 0.17364818 0,0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 1 1.571393e-08 0,1 1.571393e-08 0,
+ 1 1.571393e-08 0,1 1.571393e-08 0,
+ 1 1.571393e-08 0,1 1.571393e-08 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 -0.93969262 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 -0.76604444 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 -0.17364818 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.98480775 0.17364818 0,-0.98480775 0.17364818 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.64278761 0.76604444 0,-0.64278761 0.76604444 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ -0.34202014 0.93969262 0,-0.34202014 0.93969262 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.34202924 0.93968931 0,0.34202924 0.93968931 0,
+ 0.34202924 0.93968931 0,0.34202924 0.93968931 0,
+ 0.34202924 0.93968931 0,0.34202924 0.93968931 0,
+ -1.1975204e-06 1 0,-1.1975204e-06 1 0,
+ -1.1975204e-06 1 0,-1.1975204e-06 1 0,
+ -1.1975204e-06 1 0,-1.1975204e-06 1 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
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+ 0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
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+ 0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ 0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ 0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ 0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
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+ 0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
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+ 0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
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+ 0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ -0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ -0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ -0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
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+ -0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ -0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
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+ -0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
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+ -0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ -0.93087375 0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ -0.93087375 0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ -0.93087375 0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
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+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
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+ -0.78183148 0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
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+ -0.43388374 0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
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+ -0.29475517 0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
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+ -0.14904227 0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ -0.14904227 0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
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+ 0.93087375 0.36534102 0,0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ 0.93087375 0.36534102 0,0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ 0.97492791 0.22252093 0,0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 0.22252093 0,0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 0.22252093 0,0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ 0.9972038 0.074730094 0,0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 0.074730094 0,0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 0.074730094 0,0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
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+ 0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
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+ 0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
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+ 0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ 0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ 0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ 0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ 0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ -0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ -0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ -0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ -0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ -0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ -0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ -0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ -0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ -0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
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+ -0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
+ -0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
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+ -0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ -0.93501624 0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ -0.93501624 0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ -0.93501624 0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
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+ -0.82298387 0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ -0.82298387 0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
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+ -0.66312266 0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ -0.66312266 0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ -0.46472317 0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
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+ -0.23931566 0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ -0.23931566 0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.23931566 0.97094182 0,0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 0.97094182 0,0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 0.97094182 0,0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0.46472317 0.88545603 0,0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 0.88545603 0,0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 0.88545603 0,0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ 0.66312266 0.74851075 0,0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 0.74851075 0,0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 0.74851075 0,0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ 0.82298387 0.56806475 0,0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ 0.82298387 0.56806475 0,0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ 0.82298387 0.56806475 0,0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ 0.93501624 0.35460489 0,0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 0.35460489 0,0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 0.35460489 0,0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ 0.99270887 0.12053668 0,0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 0.12053668 0,0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 0.12053668 0,0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ 0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
+ 0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ 0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ 0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ 0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ 0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ 0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ -0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 -0.97094182 0,
+ -0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 -0.88545603 0,
+ -0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ -0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ -0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 -0.74851075 0,
+ -0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ -0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
+ -0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 -0.56806475 0,
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+ -0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
+ -0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 -0.35460489 0,
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+ -0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 -0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ -0.99270887 0.12053668 0,-0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ -0.93501624 0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ -0.93501624 0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ -0.93501624 0.35460489 0,-0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ -0.82298387 0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ -0.82298387 0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ -0.82298387 0.56806475 0,-0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
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+ -0.66312266 0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ -0.66312266 0.74851075 0,-0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ -0.46472317 0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ -0.46472317 0.88545603 0,-0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
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+ -0.23931566 0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ -0.23931566 0.97094182 0,-0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.23931566 0.97094182 0,0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 0.97094182 0,0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0.23931566 0.97094182 0,0.23931566 0.97094182 0,
+ 0.46472317 0.88545603 0,0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 0.88545603 0,0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ 0.46472317 0.88545603 0,0.46472317 0.88545603 0,
+ 0.66312266 0.74851075 0,0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 0.74851075 0,0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ 0.66312266 0.74851075 0,0.66312266 0.74851075 0,
+ 0.82298387 0.56806475 0,0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ 0.82298387 0.56806475 0,0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ 0.82298387 0.56806475 0,0.82298387 0.56806475 0,
+ 0.93501624 0.35460489 0,0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 0.35460489 0,0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ 0.93501624 0.35460489 0,0.93501624 0.35460489 0,
+ 0.99270887 0.12053668 0,0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 0.12053668 0,0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99270887 0.12053668 0,0.99270887 0.12053668 0,
+ 0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
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+ 0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
+ 0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
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+ 0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
+ 0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
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+ 0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
+ 0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
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+ 0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
+ 0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
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+ 0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ 0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
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+ 0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ 0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
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+ 0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
+ 0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,-0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
+ -0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,-0.18374952 -0.9829731 0,
+ -0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,-0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ -0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,-0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ -0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,-0.36124167 -0.93247223 0,
+ -0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ -0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ -0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 -0.85021714 0,
+ -0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
+ -0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
+ -0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 -0.73900892 0,
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+ -0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
+ -0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 -0.60263464 0,
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+ -0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
+ -0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 -0.44573836 0,
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+ -0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
+ -0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 -0.27366299 0,
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+ -0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ -0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 -0.092268359 0,
+ -0.99573418 0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ -0.99573418 0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ -0.99573418 0.092268359 0,-0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ -0.96182564 0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ -0.96182564 0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ -0.96182564 0.27366299 0,-0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
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+ -0.89516329 0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ -0.89516329 0.44573836 0,-0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
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+ -0.79801723 0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ -0.79801723 0.60263464 0,-0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
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+ -0.67369564 0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ -0.67369564 0.73900892 0,-0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
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+ -0.52643216 0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ -0.52643216 0.85021714 0,-0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
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+ -0.36124167 0.93247223 0,-0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
+ -0.36124167 0.93247223 0,-0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
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+ -0.18374952 0.9829731 0,-0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ -0.18374952 0.9829731 0,-0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.18374952 0.9829731 0,0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ 0.18374952 0.9829731 0,0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ 0.18374952 0.9829731 0,0.18374952 0.9829731 0,
+ 0.36124167 0.93247223 0,0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
+ 0.36124167 0.93247223 0,0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
+ 0.36124167 0.93247223 0,0.36124167 0.93247223 0,
+ 0.52643216 0.85021714 0,0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ 0.52643216 0.85021714 0,0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ 0.52643216 0.85021714 0,0.52643216 0.85021714 0,
+ 0.67369564 0.73900892 0,0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ 0.67369564 0.73900892 0,0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ 0.67369564 0.73900892 0,0.67369564 0.73900892 0,
+ 0.79801723 0.60263464 0,0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ 0.79801723 0.60263464 0,0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ 0.79801723 0.60263464 0,0.79801723 0.60263464 0,
+ 0.89516329 0.44573836 0,0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ 0.89516329 0.44573836 0,0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ 0.89516329 0.44573836 0,0.89516329 0.44573836 0,
+ 0.96182564 0.27366299 0,0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ 0.96182564 0.27366299 0,0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ 0.96182564 0.27366299 0,0.96182564 0.27366299 0,
+ 0.99573418 0.092268359 0,0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 0.092268359 0,0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ 0.99573418 0.092268359 0,0.99573418 0.092268359 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 -0.96592583 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 -0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.96592583 0.25881905 0,-0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ -0.25881905 0.96592583 0,-0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.25881905 0.96592583 0,0.25881905 0.96592583 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
+ 0.96592583 0.25881905 0,0.96592583 0.25881905 0,
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+ 0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,
+ 0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,
+ 0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,
+ 0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,
+ 0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,
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+ 0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,
+ 0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,
+ 0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,
+ 0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,
+ 0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,
+ 0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,
+ 0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,
+ 0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,
+ 0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,
+ 0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,
+ 0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,
+ 0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,
+ 0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,
+ 0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,
+ 0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,
+ 0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 0.99619475 0.087155127 0,0.99619475 0.087155127 0,
+ 0.99619475 0.087155127 0,0.99619475 0.087155127 0,
+ 0.99619475 0.087155127 0,0.99619475 0.087155127 0,
+ 0.96592626 0.25881744 0,0.96592626 0.25881744 0,
+ 0.96592626 0.25881744 0,0.96592626 0.25881744 0,
+ 0.96592626 0.25881744 0,0.96592626 0.25881744 0,
+ 0.90630635 0.42262134 0,0.90630635 0.42262134 0,
+ 0.90630635 0.42262134 0,0.90630635 0.42262134 0,
+ 0.90630635 0.42262134 0,0.90630635 0.42262134 0,
+ 0.81915127 0.57357754 0,0.81915127 0.57357754 0,
+ 0.81915127 0.57357754 0,0.81915127 0.57357754 0,
+ 0.81915127 0.57357754 0,0.81915127 0.57357754 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 0.70710678 0,0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ 0.57357754 0.81915127 0,0.57357754 0.81915127 0,
+ 0.57357754 0.81915127 0,0.57357754 0.81915127 0,
+ 0.57357754 0.81915127 0,0.57357754 0.81915127 0,
+ 0.42262134 0.90630635 0,0.42262134 0.90630635 0,
+ 0.42262134 0.90630635 0,0.42262134 0.90630635 0,
+ 0.42262134 0.90630635 0,0.42262134 0.90630635 0,
+ 0.25881744 0.96592626 0,0.25881744 0.96592626 0,
+ 0.25881744 0.96592626 0,0.25881744 0.96592626 0,
+ 0.25881744 0.96592626 0,0.25881744 0.96592626 0,
+ 0.087155127 0.99619475 0,0.087155127 0.99619475 0,
+ 0.087155127 0.99619475 0,0.087155127 0.99619475 0,
+ 0.087155127 0.99619475 0,0.087155127 0.99619475 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ -0.087155127 0.99619475 0,-0.087155127 0.99619475 0,
+ -0.087155127 0.99619475 0,-0.087155127 0.99619475 0,
+ -0.25881744 0.96592626 0,-0.25881744 0.96592626 0,
+ -0.25881744 0.96592626 0,-0.25881744 0.96592626 0,
+ -0.25881744 0.96592626 0,-0.25881744 0.96592626 0,
+ -0.42262134 0.90630635 0,-0.42262134 0.90630635 0,
+ -0.42262134 0.90630635 0,-0.42262134 0.90630635 0,
+ -0.42262134 0.90630635 0,-0.42262134 0.90630635 0,
+ -0.57357754 0.81915127 0,-0.57357754 0.81915127 0,
+ -0.57357754 0.81915127 0,-0.57357754 0.81915127 0,
+ -0.57357754 0.81915127 0,-0.57357754 0.81915127 0,
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+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 0.70710678 0,
+ -0.81915127 0.57357754 0,-0.81915127 0.57357754 0,
+ -0.81915127 0.57357754 0,-0.81915127 0.57357754 0,
+ -0.81915127 0.57357754 0,-0.81915127 0.57357754 0,
+ -0.90630635 0.42262134 0,-0.90630635 0.42262134 0,
+ -0.90630635 0.42262134 0,-0.90630635 0.42262134 0,
+ -0.90630635 0.42262134 0,-0.90630635 0.42262134 0,
+ -0.96592626 0.25881744 0,-0.96592626 0.25881744 0,
+ -0.96592626 0.25881744 0,-0.96592626 0.25881744 0,
+ -0.96592626 0.25881744 0,-0.96592626 0.25881744 0,
+ -0.99619475 0.087155127 0,-0.99619475 0.087155127 0,
+ -0.99619475 0.087155127 0,-0.99619475 0.087155127 0,
+ -0.99619475 0.087155127 0,-0.99619475 0.087155127 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,-0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,
+ -0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,-0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,
+ -0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,-0.99619475 -0.087155127 0,
+ -0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,-0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,
+ -0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,-0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,
+ -0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,-0.96592626 -0.25881744 0,
+ -0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,-0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,
+ -0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,-0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,
+ -0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,-0.90630635 -0.42262134 0,
+ -0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,-0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,
+ -0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,-0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,
+ -0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,-0.81915127 -0.57357754 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,-0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,
+ -0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,-0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,
+ -0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,-0.57357754 -0.81915127 0,
+ -0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,-0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,
+ -0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,-0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,
+ -0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,-0.42262134 -0.90630635 0,
+ -0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,-0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,
+ -0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,-0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,
+ -0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,-0.25881744 -0.96592626 0,
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+ -0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,-0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,
+ -0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,-0.087155127 -0.99619475 0,
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+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
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+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
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+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
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+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
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+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
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+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
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+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
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+ 0.93087375 0.36534102 0,0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ 0.93087375 0.36534102 0,0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
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+ 0.97492791 0.22252093 0,0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 0.22252093 0,0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
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+ 0.9972038 0.074730094 0,0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 0.074730094 0,0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ 0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
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+ 0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ 0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
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+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
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+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
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+ 0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
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+ 0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
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+ 0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
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+ 0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
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+ 0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ -0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
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+ -0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
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+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
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+ -0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
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+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
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+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
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+ -0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ -0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
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+ -0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
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+ -0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
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+ -0.93087375 0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ -0.93087375 0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
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+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
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+ -0.78183148 0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ -0.43388374 0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ -0.29475517 0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
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+ -0.76604444 0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
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+ -0.5 0.8660254 0,-0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ -0.5 0.8660254 0,-0.5 0.8660254 0,
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+ -0.17364818 0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ -0.17364818 0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ -0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ -0.5 -0.8660254 0,-0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ -0.5 -0.8660254 0,-0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ -0.5 -0.8660254 0,-0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
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+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
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+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
+ -1 0 0,-1 0 0,
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+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ -0.76604444 0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ -0.5 0.8660254 0,-0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ -0.5 0.8660254 0,-0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ -0.5 0.8660254 0,-0.5 0.8660254 0,
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+ -0.17364818 0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ -0.17364818 0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 0.98480775 0,0.17364818 0.98480775 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 0.8660254 0,0.5 0.8660254 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 0.64278761 0,0.76604444 0.64278761 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 0.34202014 0,0.93969262 0.34202014 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 1 0 0,1 0 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.5 -0.8660254 0,0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ -0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ -0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ -0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,-0.17364818 -0.98480775 0,
+ -0.5 -0.8660254 0,-0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ -0.5 -0.8660254 0,-0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ -0.5 -0.8660254 0,-0.5 -0.8660254 0,
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
+ -0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,-0.76604444 -0.64278761 0,
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+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
+ -0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,-0.93969262 -0.34202014 0,
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+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
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+ 0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
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+ 0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ 0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 -0.5 0,0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
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+ 0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
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+ 0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
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+ 0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
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+ 0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
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+ 0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
+ 0 -1 0,0 -1 0,
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+ -0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ -0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 -0.98883083 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 -0.95557281 0,
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+ -0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 -0.90096887 0,
+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 -0.82623877 0,
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+ -0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 -0.73305187 0,
+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 -0.6234898 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 -0.5 0,-0.8660254 -0.5 0,
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+ -0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
+ -0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 -0.36534102 0,
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+ -0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 -0.22252093 0,
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+ -0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 -0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.9972038 0.074730094 0,-0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ -0.97492791 0.22252093 0,-0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
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+ -0.93087375 0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ -0.93087375 0.36534102 0,-0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
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+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ -0.8660254 0.5 0,-0.8660254 0.5 0,
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+ -0.78183148 0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ -0.78183148 0.6234898 0,-0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
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+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.68017274 0.73305187 0,-0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ -0.56332006 0.82623877 0,-0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
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+ -0.43388374 0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ -0.43388374 0.90096887 0,-0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
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+ -0.29475517 0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ -0.29475517 0.95557281 0,-0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
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+ -0.14904227 0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ -0.14904227 0.98883083 0,-0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.14904227 0.98883083 0,0.14904227 0.98883083 0,
+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ 0.29475517 0.95557281 0,0.29475517 0.95557281 0,
+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ 0.43388374 0.90096887 0,0.43388374 0.90096887 0,
+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ 0.56332006 0.82623877 0,0.56332006 0.82623877 0,
+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ 0.68017274 0.73305187 0,0.68017274 0.73305187 0,
+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
+ 0.78183148 0.6234898 0,0.78183148 0.6234898 0,
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+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
+ 0.8660254 0.5 0,0.8660254 0.5 0,
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+ 0.93087375 0.36534102 0,0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
+ 0.93087375 0.36534102 0,0.93087375 0.36534102 0,
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+ 0.97492791 0.22252093 0,0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
+ 0.97492791 0.22252093 0,0.97492791 0.22252093 0,
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+ 0.9972038 0.074730094 0,0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
+ 0.9972038 0.074730094 0,0.9972038 0.074730094 0,
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+ 0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,
+ 0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,
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+ 0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ 0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
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+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ 0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ 0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,
+ 0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,
+ 0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,
+ 0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,
+ 0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,
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+ -0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,-0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,
+ -0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,-0.15643447 -0.98768834 0,
+ -0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,-0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,
+ -0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,-0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,
+ -0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,-0.4539905 -0.89100652 0,
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+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
+ -0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,-0.70710678 -0.70710678 0,
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+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ -0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,-0.89100652 -0.4539905 0,
+ -0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,-0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,
+ -0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,-0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,
+ -0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,-0.98768834 -0.15643447 0,
+ -0.98768834 0.15643447 0,-0.98768834 0.15643447 0,
+ -0.98768834 0.15643447 0,-0.98768834 0.15643447 0,
+ -0.98768834 0.15643447 0,-0.98768834 0.15643447 0,
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