path: root/test/Transforms/LoopUnswitch/2008-11-03-Invariant.ll
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-03-12Revert the test moves from 176733. Use "REQUIRES: asserts" instead.Jan Wen Voung
2013-03-08Disable statistics on Release builds and move tests that depend on -stats.Jan Wen Voung
2012-07-02Convert the uses of '|&' to use '2>&1 |' instead, which works on oldChandler Carruth
2009-09-11Change tests from "opt %s" to "opt < %s" so that opt doesn't see theDan Gohman
2009-09-08Change these tests to feed the assembly files to opt directly, insteadDan Gohman
2008-12-08Actually test something. Use PR3170 test case.Devang Patel
2008-12-08Undo previous patch. Devang Patel
2008-11-03Ignore conditions that are outside the loop.Devang Patel