path: root/configure.ac
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Diffstat (limited to 'configure.ac')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74ff7f12ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+dnl Autoconf requirements
+dnl AC_INIT(package, version, bug-report-address)
+dnl information on the package
+dnl checks for programs
+dnl checks for libraries
+dnl checks for header files
+dnl checks for types
+dnl checks for structures
+dnl checks for compiler characteristics
+dnl checks for library functions
+dnl checks for system services
+dnl AC_CONFIG_FILES([file...])
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Initialize
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Configure a header file
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Determine which system we are building on
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Check the install program (needs to be done before canonical stuff)
+dnl Check which host for which we're compiling. This will tell us which LLVM
+dnl compiler will be used for compiling SSA into object code.
+dnl Now, for some of our own magic:
+dnl We will use the build machine information to set some variables.
+case $build in
+ *i*86*) AC_SUBST(OS,[Linux])
+ AC_SUBST(LLVMGCCDIR,[/home/vadve/lattner/local/x86/llvm-gcc/])
+ ;;
+ *sparc*) AC_SUBST(OS,[SunOS])
+ AC_SUBST(LLVMGCCDIR,[/home/vadve/lattner/local/sparc/llvm-gcc/])
+ ;;
+ *) AC_SUBST(OS,[Unknown])
+ ;;
+dnl If we are on a Solaris machine, pretend that it is V9, since that is all
+dnl that we support at the moment, and autoconf will only tell us we're a
+dnl sparc.
+case $target in
+ *sparc*solaris*) AC_SUBST(target,[[sparcv9-sun-solaris2.8]])
+ ;;
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Check for programs.
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Check for compilation tools
+dnl Ensure that compilation tools are GCC; we use GCC specific extensions
+if test "$GCC" != "yes"
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([gcc required but not found])
+if test "$GXX" != "yes"
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([g++ required but not found])
+dnl Check for GNU Make. We use its extensions to, so don't build without it
+if test -z "$_cv_gnu_make_command"
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU Make required but not found])
+dnl Check for compiler-compiler tools (reminds me of Little Caesar's Pizza)
+dnl Check for libtool
+dnl Check for our special programs
+dnl Verify that the source directory is valid
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Check for libraries.
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl libelf is for sparc only; we can ignore it if we don't have it
+AC_CHECK_LIB(elf, elf_begin)
+dnl dlopen() is required. If we don't find it, quit.
+AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dlopen,dl,,AC_MSG_ERROR([dlopen() required but not found]))
+dnl mallinfo is optional; the code can compile (minus features) without it
+dnl The math libraries are used by the test code, but not by the actual LLVM
+dnl code.
+dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(m, cos)
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Checks for header files.
+dnl * Chances are, if the standard C or POSIX type header files are missing,
+dnl * then LLVM just isn't going to compile. However, it is possible that
+dnl * the necessary functions/macros will be included from other
+dnl * (non-standard and non-obvious) header files.
+dnl *
+dnl * So, we'll be gracious, give it a chance, and try to go on without
+dnl * them.
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Check for ANSI C/POSIX header files
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(assert.h fcntl.h limits.h sys/time.h unistd.h errno.h signal.h math.h)
+dnl Check for system specific header files
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(malloc.h strings.h sys/mman.h sys/resource.h)
+dnl Check for header files associated with dlopen and friends
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(dlfcn.h link.h)
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Check for const and inline keywords
+dnl Check for machine endian-ness
+dnl Check for types
+AC_CHECK_TYPES([int64_t],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Type int64_t required but not found]))
+AC_CHECK_TYPES([uint64_t],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Type uint64_t required but not found]))
+dnl Check for C++ extensions
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Checks for library functions.
+dnl **************************************************************************
+if test ${ac_cv_func_mmap_file} = "no"
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([mmap() of files required but not found])
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getcwd gettimeofday strcspn strdup strerror strspn strstr strtod strtol)
+dnl MAP_FIXED is only needed for Sparc
+dnl MAP_ANON is used for Sparc and BSD
+dnl Everyone should have MAP_PRIVATE
+dnl Check for certain functions (even if we've already found them) so that we
+dnl can quit with an error if they are unavailable.
+dnl As the code is made more portable (i.e. less reliant on these functions,
+dnl these checks should go away.
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(mmap,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Function mmap() required but not found]))
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(mprotect,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Function mprotect() required but not found]))
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Enable various compile-time options
+dnl **************************************************************************
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(purify,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-purify],[Compile with purify (default is NO)]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_PURIFY,[[ENABLE_PURIFY=1]]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_PURIFY,[[]]))
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(verbose,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-verbose],[Enable verbose compilation messages (default is NO)]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_VERBOSE,[[VERBOSE=1]]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_VERBOSE,[[]]))
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(profiling,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-profiling],[Compile with profiling information (default is NO)]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_PROFILING,[[ENABLE_PROFILING=1]]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_PROFILING,[[]]))
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(optimized,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-optimized],[Compile with optimizations enabled (default is NO)]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_OPTIMIZED,[[ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1]]), AC_SUBST(ENABLE_OPTIMIZED,[[]]))
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(spec,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-spec],[Compile SPEC benchmarks (default is NO)]), AC_SUBST(USE_SPEC,[[USE_SPEC=1]]), AC_SUBST(USE_SPEC,[[]]))
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(precompiled_bytecode,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-precompiled_bytecode],[Use pre-compiled bytecode (default is NO)]), AC_SUBST(UPB,[[USE_PRECOMPILED_BYTECODE=1]]), AC_SUBST(UPB,[[]]))
+case $build in
+ *i*86*) AC_ARG_ENABLE(jit,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-jit],[Enable Just In Time Compiling (default is NO)]), AC_SUBST(JIT,[[TARGET_HAS_JIT=1]]), AC_SUBST(JIT,[[]]))
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl * Set the location of various third-party software packages
+dnl **************************************************************************
+AC_ARG_WITH(spec,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-spec],[Location of SPEC benchmarks]),AC_SUBST(SPEC_ROOT,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(SPEC_ROOT,[/home/vadve/shared/benchmarks/speccpu2000/benchspec]))
+AC_ARG_WITH(llvmgccdir,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-llvmgccdir],[Location of LLVM GCC front-end]),AC_SUBST(LLVMGCCDIR,[$withval]))
+AC_ARG_WITH(bcrepos,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-bcrepos],[Location of Bytecode Repository]),AC_SUBST(BCR,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(BCR,[/home/vadve/lattner/LLVMPrograms]))
+AC_ARG_WITH(papi,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-papi],[Location of PAPI]),AC_SUBST(PAPIDIR,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(PAPIDIR,[/home/vadve/shared/papi-]))
+AC_ARG_WITH(objroot,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-objroot],[Location where object files should be placed (default is .)]),AC_SUBST(OBJROOT,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(OBJROOT,[.]))
+AC_ARG_WITH(purify,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-purify],[Location of purify program]),AC_SUBST(PURIFY,[$withval]))