/* from src/prism2/download/prism2dl.c
* utility for downloading prism2 images moved into kernelspace
* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* linux-wlan
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
* made directly to:
* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
* info@linux-wlan.com
* http://www.linux-wlan.com
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Portions of the development of this software were funded by
* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* System Includes */
#include <linux/ihex.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
/* Local Constants */
#define PRISM2_USB_FWFILE "prism2_ru.fw"
#define S3DATA_MAX 5000
#define S3PLUG_MAX 200
#define S3CRC_MAX 200
#define S3INFO_MAX 50
#define S3ADDR_PLUG (0xff000000UL)
#define S3ADDR_CRC (0xff100000UL)
#define S3ADDR_INFO (0xff200000UL)
#define S3ADDR_START (0xff400000UL)
#define CHUNKS_MAX 100
#define WRITESIZE_MAX 4096
/* Local Types */
struct s3datarec {
u32 len;
u32 addr;
u8 checksum;
u8 *data;
struct s3plugrec {
u32 itemcode;
u32 addr;
u32 len;
struct s3crcrec {
u32 addr;
u32 len;
unsigned int dowrite;
struct s3inforec {
u16 len;
u16 type;
union {
hfa384x_compident_t version;
hfa384x_caplevel_t compat;
u16 buildseq;
hfa384x_compident_t platform;
} info;
struct pda {
u8 buf[HFA384x_PDA_LEN_MAX];
hfa384x_pdrec_t *rec[HFA384x_PDA_RECS_MAX];
unsigned int nrec;
struct imgchunk {
u32 addr; /* start address */
u32 len; /* in bytes */
u16 crc; /* CRC value (if it falls at a chunk boundary) */
u8 *data;
/* Local Static Definitions */
/* s-record image processing */
/* Data records */
unsigned int ns3data;
struct s3datarec s3data[S3DATA_MAX];
/* Plug records */
unsigned int ns3plug;
struct s3plugrec s3plug[S3PLUG_MAX];
/* CRC records */
unsigned int ns3crc;
struct s3crcrec s3crc[S3CRC_MAX];
/* Info records */
unsigned int ns3info;
struct s3inforec s3info[S3INFO_MAX];
/* S7 record (there _better_ be only one) */
u32 startaddr;
/* Load image chunks */
unsigned int nfchunks;
struct imgchunk fchunk[CHUNKS_MAX];
/* Note that for the following pdrec_t arrays, the len and code */
/* fields are stored in HOST byte order. The mkpdrlist() function */
/* does the conversion. */
/* PDA, built from [card|newfile]+[addfile1+addfile2...] */
struct pda pda;
hfa384x_compident_t nicid;
hfa384x_caplevel_t rfid;
hfa384x_caplevel_t macid;
hfa384x_caplevel_t priid;
/* Local Function Declarations */
static int prism2_fwapply(const struct ihex_binrec *rfptr,
wlandevice_t *wlandev);
static int read_fwfile(const struct ihex_binrec *rfptr);
static int mkimage(struct imgchunk *clist, unsigned int *ccnt);
static int read_cardpda(struct pda *pda, wlandevice_t *wlandev);
static int mkpdrlist(struct pda *pda);
static int plugimage(struct imgchunk *fchunk, unsigned int nfchunks,