* Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 VIA Networking Technologies, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* File: rf.c
* Purpose: rf function code
* Author: Jerry Chen
* Date: Feb. 19, 2004
* Functions:
* IFRFbWriteEmbeded - Embeded write RF register via MAC
* Revision History:
#include "mac.h"
#include "srom.h"
#include "rf.h"
#include "baseband.h"
/*--------------------- Static Definitions -------------------------*/
//static int msglevel =MSG_LEVEL_INFO;
#define BY_RF2959_REG_LEN 23 //24bits
#define CB_RF2959_INIT_SEQ 15
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_RF2959 200 //us
#define RF2959_PWR_IDX_LEN 32
#define BY_MA2825_REG_LEN 23 //24bit
#define CB_MA2825_INIT_SEQ 13
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_MA2825 200 //us
#define MA2825_PWR_IDX_LEN 31
#define BY_AL2230_REG_LEN 23 //24bit
#define CB_AL2230_INIT_SEQ 15
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_AL2230 200 //us
#define AL2230_PWR_IDX_LEN 64
#define BY_UW2451_REG_LEN 23
#define CB_UW2451_INIT_SEQ 6
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_UW2451 200 //us
#define UW2451_PWR_IDX_LEN 25
//{{ RobertYu: 20041118
#define BY_MA2829_REG_LEN 23 //24bit
#define CB_MA2829_INIT_SEQ 13
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_MA2829 200 //us
#define MA2829_PWR_IDX_LEN 64
//}} RobertYu
//{{ RobertYu:20050103
#define BY_AL7230_REG_LEN 23 //24bit
#define CB_AL7230_INIT_SEQ 16
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_AL7230 200 //us
#define AL7230_PWR_IDX_LEN 64
//}} RobertYu
//{{ RobertYu: 20041210
#define BY_UW2452_REG_LEN 23
#define CB_UW2452_INIT_SEQ 5 //RoberYu:20050113, Rev0.2 Programming Guide(remove R3, so 6-->5)
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_UW2452 100 //us
#define UW2452_PWR_IDX_LEN 64
//}} RobertYu
#define BY_VT3226_REG_LEN 23
#define CB_VT3226_INIT_SEQ 12
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_VT3226 200 //us
#define VT3226_PWR_IDX_LEN 16
/*--------------------- Static Classes ----------------------------*/
/*--------------------- Static Variables --------------------------*/
const DWORD dwAL2230InitTable[CB_AL2230_INIT_SEQ] = {
0x03F79000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x03333100+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x01A00200+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x00FFF300+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x0005A400+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x0F4DC500+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x0805B600+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x0146C700+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x00068800+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x0403B900+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x00099B00+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
const DWORD dwAL2230ChannelTable0[CB_MAX_CHANNEL] = {
0x03F79000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, // channel = 1, Tf = 2412MHz
0x03F79000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, // channel = 2, Tf = 2417MHz
0x03E79000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, // channel = 3, Tf = 2422MHz
0x03E79000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, // channel = 4, Tf = 2427MHz
0x03F7A000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, // channel = 5, Tf = 2432MHz
0x03F7A000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, // channel = 6, Tf = 2437MHz