* PS3 hvcall interface.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* Copyright 2006 Sony Corp.
* Copyright 2003, 2004 (c) MontaVista Software, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <asm/processor.h>
#include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
#define lv1call .long 0x44000022; extsw r3, r3
mflr r0; \
std r0, 16(r1); \
li r11, API_NUMBER; \
lv1call; \
ld r0, 16(r1); \
mtlr r0; \
#define LV1_0_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_1_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_2_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_3_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_4_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_5_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_6_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_7_IN_0_OUT LV1_N_IN_0_OUT
#define LV1_0_IN_1_OUT(API_NAME, API_NUMBER) \
mflr r0; \
std r0, 16(r1); \
stdu r3, -8(r1); \
li r11, API_NUMBER; \
lv1call; \
addi r1, r1, 8; \
ld r11, -8(r1); \
std r4, 0(r11); \
ld r0, 16(r1); \
mtlr r0; \
#define LV1_0_IN_2_OUT(API_NAME, API_NUMBER) \
mflr r0; \
std r0, 16(r1); \
std r3, -8(r1); \
stdu r4, -16(r1); \
li r11, API_NUMBER; \
lv1call; \
addi r1, r1, 16; \
ld r11, -8(r1); \
std r4, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -16(r1); \
std r5, 0(r11); \
ld r0, 16(r1); \
mtlr r0; \
#define LV1_0_IN_3_OUT(API_NAME, API_NUMBER) \
mflr r0; \
std r0, 16(r1); \
std r3, -8(r1); \
std r4, -16(r1); \
stdu r5, -24(r1); \
li r11, API_NUMBER; \
lv1call; \
addi r1, r1, 24; \
ld r11, -8(r1); \
std r4, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -16(r1); \
std r5, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -24(r1); \
std r6, 0(r11); \
ld r0, 16(r1); \
mtlr r0; \
#define LV1_0_IN_7_OUT(API_NAME, API_NUMBER) \
mflr r0; \
std r0, 16(r1); \
std r3, -8(r1); \
std r4, -16(r1); \
std r5, -24(r1); \
std r6, -32(r1); \
std r7, -40(r1); \
std r8, -48(r1); \
stdu r9, -56(r1); \
li r11, API_NUMBER; \
lv1call; \
addi r1, r1, 56; \
ld r11, -8(r1); \
std r4, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -16(r1); \
std r5, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -24(r1); \
std r6, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -32(r1); \
std r7, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -40(r1); \
std r8, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -48(r1); \
std r9, 0(r11); \
ld r11, -56(r1); \
std r10, 0(r11); \
ld r0, 16(r1); \
mtlr r0; \
#define LV1_1_IN_1_OUT(API_NAME, API_NUMBER) \
mflr r0; \
std r0, 16(r1); \
stdu r4, -8(r1); \
li r11, API_NUMBER; \
lv1call; \
addi r1, r1, 8; \
ld r11, -8(r1); \