* linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.S
* Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Russell King
* Copyright (C) 2004 Hyok S. Choi (MPU support)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <linux/linkage.h>
* Debugging stuff
* Note that these macros must not contain any code which is not
* 100% relocatable. Any attempt to do so will result in a crash.
* Please select one of the following when turning on debugging.
#ifdef DEBUG
.macro loadsp, rb
.macro writeb, ch, rb
mcr p14, 0, \ch, c0, c1, 0
#include <asm/arch/debug-macro.S>
.macro writeb, ch, rb
senduart \ch, \rb
#if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_SA1100)
.macro loadsp, rb
mov \rb, #0x80000000 @ physical base address
add \rb, \rb, #0x00050000 @ Ser3
add \rb, \rb, #0x00010000 @ Ser1
#elif defined(CONFIG_ARCH_IOP331)
.macro loadsp, rb
mov \rb, #0xff000000
orr \rb, \rb, #0x00ff0000
orr \rb, \rb, #0x0000f700 @ location of the UART
#elif defined(CONFIG_ARCH_S3C2410)
.macro loadsp, rb
mov \rb, #0x50000000
add \rb, \rb, #0x4000 * CONFIG_S3C2410_LOWLEVEL_UART_PORT
.macro loadsp, rb
addruart \rb
.macro kputc,val
mov r0, \val
bl putc
.macro kphex,val,len
mov r0, \val
mov r1, #\len
bl phex
.macro debug_reloc_start
#ifdef DEBUG
kputc #'\n'
kphex r6, 8 /* processor id */
kputc #':'
kphex r7, 8 /* architecture id */
kputc #':'
mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0
kphex r0, 8 /* control reg */
kputc #'\n'
kphex r5, 8 /* decompressed kernel start */
kputc #'-'
kphex r9, 8 /* decompressed kernel end */
kputc #'>'
kphex r4, 8 /* kernel execution address */
kputc #'\n'
.macro debug_reloc_end
#ifdef DEBUG
kphex r5, 8 /* end of kernel */
kputc #'\n'
mov r0, r4
bl memdump /* dump 256 bytes at start of kernel */
.section ".start", #alloc, #execinstr
* sort out different calling conventions
.type start,#function
.rept 8
mov r0, r0
b 1f
.word 0x016f2818 @ Magic numbers to help the loader
.word start @ absolute load/run zImage address
.word _edata @ zImage end address
1: mov r7, r1 @ save architecture ID
mov r8, r2 @ save atags pointer
#ifndef __ARM_ARCH_2__
* Booting from Angel - need to enter SVC mode and disable
* FIQs/IRQs (numeric definitions from angel arm.h source).
* We only do this if we were in user mode on entry.
mrs r2, cpsr @ get current mode
tst r2, #3 @ not user?
bne not_angel
mov r0, #0x17 @ angel_SWIreason_EnterSVC
swi 0x123456 @ angel_SWI_ARM
mrs r2, cpsr @ turn off interrupts to
orr r2, r2, #0xc0 @ prevent angel from running
msr cpsr_c, r2
teqp pc, #0x0c000003 @ turn off interrupts
* Note that some cache flushing and other stuff may
* be needed here - is there an Angel SWI call for this?
* some architecture specific code can be inserted
* by the linker here, but it should preserve r7, r8, and r9.
adr r0, LC0
ldmia r0, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, ip, sp}
subs r0, r0, r1 @ calculate the delta offset
@ if delta is zero, we are
beq not_relocated @ running at