diff options
authorChristian Grothoff <christian@grothoff.org>2012-06-09 20:30:31 +0000
committerChristian Grothoff <christian@grothoff.org>2012-06-09 20:30:31 +0000
commit409ce81945b301f64dc1bb29c2a919135c9db1ed (patch)
parent1a2fec7a210bd41778d39fb544944b2dff98bc47 (diff)
-misc fixes
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/fs/gnunet-service-fs_cp.c b/src/fs/gnunet-service-fs_cp.c
index 2f1ba1a284..9c229251d2 100644
--- a/src/fs/gnunet-service-fs_cp.c
+++ b/src/fs/gnunet-service-fs_cp.c
@@ -68,12 +68,6 @@ struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle
struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *prev;
- * Handle for an active request for transmission to this
- * peer, or NULL (if core queue was full).
- */
- struct GNUNET_CORE_TransmitHandle *cth;
- /**
* Time when this transmission request was issued.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute transmission_request_start_time;
@@ -109,14 +103,6 @@ struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle
size_t size;
- * Set to 1 if we're currently in the process of calling
- * 'GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready' (so while cth is
- * NULL, we should not call notify_transmit_ready for this
- * handle right now).
- */
- unsigned int cth_in_progress;
- /**
* GNUNET_YES if this is a query, GNUNET_NO for content.
int is_query;
@@ -264,12 +250,26 @@ struct GSF_ConnectedPeer
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *request_map;
+ * Handle for an active request for transmission to this
+ * peer, or NULL (if core queue was full).
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_CORE_TransmitHandle *cth;
+ /**
* Increase in traffic preference still to be submitted
* to the core service for this peer.
uint64_t inc_preference;
+ * Set to 1 if we're currently in the process of calling
+ * 'GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready' (so while cth is
+ * NULL, we should not call notify_transmit_ready for this
+ * handle right now).
+ */
+ unsigned int cth_in_progress;
+ /**
* Trust rating for this peer on disk.
uint32_t disk_trust;
@@ -423,9 +423,9 @@ schedule_transmission (struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *pth)
struct GSF_ConnectedPeer *cp;
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity target;
- if ((NULL != pth->cth) || (0 != pth->cth_in_progress))
- return; /* already done */
cp = pth->cp;
+ if ((NULL != cp->cth) || (0 != cp->cth_in_progress))
+ return; /* already done */
GNUNET_assert (0 != cp->ppd.pid);
GNUNET_PEER_resolve (cp->ppd.pid, &target);
@@ -448,15 +448,17 @@ schedule_transmission (struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *pth)
cp->rc =
GNUNET_ATS_reserve_bandwidth (ats, &target, DBLOCK_SIZE,
&ats_reserve_callback, cp);
+ return;
- GNUNET_assert (pth->cth == NULL);
- pth->cth_in_progress++;
- pth->cth =
- GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready (GSF_core, GNUNET_YES, pth->priority,
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining
- (pth->timeout), &target, pth->size,
- &peer_transmit_ready_cb, pth);
- GNUNET_assert (0 < pth->cth_in_progress--);
+ GNUNET_assert (cp->cth == NULL);
+ cp->cth_in_progress++;
+ cp->cth =
+ GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready (GSF_core, GNUNET_YES, pth->priority,
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining
+ (pth->timeout), &target, pth->size,
+ &peer_transmit_ready_cb, cp);
+ GNUNET_assert (NULL != cp->cth);
+ GNUNET_assert (0 < cp->cth_in_progress--);
@@ -471,19 +473,24 @@ schedule_transmission (struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *pth)
static size_t
peer_transmit_ready_cb (void *cls, size_t size, void *buf)
- struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *pth = cls;
+ struct GSF_ConnectedPeer *cp = cls;
+ struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *pth = cp->pth_head;
struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *pos;
- struct GSF_ConnectedPeer *cp;
size_t ret;
- GNUNET_assert ((NULL == buf) || (pth->size <= size));
- pth->cth = NULL;
+ cp->cth = NULL;
+ if (NULL == pth)
+ return 0;
+ if (pth->size > size)
+ {
+ schedule_transmission (pth);
+ return 0;
+ }
if (pth->timeout_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (pth->timeout_task);
pth->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- cp = pth->cp;
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (cp->pth_head, cp->pth_tail, pth);
if (GNUNET_YES == pth->is_query)
@@ -500,14 +507,11 @@ peer_transmit_ready_cb (void *cls, size_t size, void *buf)
ret = pth->gmc (pth->gmc_cls, size, buf);
- GNUNET_assert (NULL == pth->cth);
- for (pos = cp->pth_head; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next)
+ if (NULL != (pos = cp->pth_head))
GNUNET_assert (pos != pth);
schedule_transmission (pos);
- GNUNET_assert (pth->cth == NULL);
- GNUNET_assert (pth->cth_in_progress == 0);
GNUNET_free (pth);
return ret;
@@ -562,16 +566,17 @@ ats_reserve_callback (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
cp->did_reserve = GNUNET_YES;
pth = cp->pth_head;
- if ((NULL != pth) && (NULL == pth->cth) && (0 == pth->cth_in_progress))
+ if ((NULL != pth) && (NULL == cp->cth) && (0 == cp->cth_in_progress))
/* reservation success, try transmission now! */
- pth->cth_in_progress++;
- pth->cth =
+ cp->cth_in_progress++;
+ cp->cth =
GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready (GSF_core, GNUNET_YES, pth->priority,
(pth->timeout), peer, pth->size,
- &peer_transmit_ready_cb, pth);
- GNUNET_assert (0 < pth->cth_in_progress--);
+ &peer_transmit_ready_cb, cp);
+ GNUNET_assert (NULL != cp->cth);
+ GNUNET_assert (0 < cp->cth_in_progress--);
@@ -1350,13 +1355,13 @@ peer_transmit_timeout (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
else if (GNUNET_NO == pth->is_query)
GNUNET_assert (0 < cp->ppd.pending_replies--);
GNUNET_LOAD_update (cp->ppd.transmission_delay, UINT64_MAX);
- if (NULL != pth->cth)
+ if (NULL != cp->cth)
- GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready_cancel (pth->cth);
- pth->cth = NULL;
+ GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready_cancel (cp->cth);
+ cp->cth = NULL;
pth->gmc (pth->gmc_cls, 0, NULL);
- GNUNET_assert (0 == pth->cth_in_progress);
+ GNUNET_assert (0 == cp->cth_in_progress);
GNUNET_free (pth);
@@ -1401,10 +1406,7 @@ GSF_peer_transmit_ (struct GSF_ConnectedPeer *cp, int is_query,
prev = pos;
pos = pos->next;
- if (prev == NULL)
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (cp->pth_head, cp->pth_tail, pth);
- else
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (cp->pth_head, cp->pth_tail, prev, pth);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (cp->pth_head, cp->pth_tail, prev, pth);
if (GNUNET_YES == is_query)
else if (GNUNET_NO == is_query)
@@ -1431,18 +1433,12 @@ GSF_peer_transmit_cancel_ (struct GSF_PeerTransmitHandle *pth)
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (pth->timeout_task);
pth->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- if (NULL != pth->cth)
- {
- GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready_cancel (pth->cth);
- pth->cth = NULL;
- }
cp = pth->cp;
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (cp->pth_head, cp->pth_tail, pth);
if (GNUNET_YES == pth->is_query)
GNUNET_assert (0 < cp->ppd.pending_queries--);
else if (GNUNET_NO == pth->is_query)
GNUNET_assert (0 < cp->ppd.pending_replies--);
- GNUNET_assert (0 == pth->cth_in_progress);
GNUNET_free (pth);
@@ -1556,20 +1552,20 @@ GSF_peer_disconnect_handler_ (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer)
GNUNET_PEER_decrement_rcs (cp->ppd.last_p2p_replies, P2P_SUCCESS_LIST_SIZE);
memset (cp->ppd.last_p2p_replies, 0, sizeof (cp->ppd.last_p2p_replies));
GSF_push_stop_ (cp);
+ if (NULL != cp->cth)
+ {
+ GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready_cancel (cp->cth);
+ cp->cth = NULL;
+ }
+ GNUNET_assert (0 == cp->cth_in_progress);
while (NULL != (pth = cp->pth_head))
- if (NULL != pth->cth)
- {
- GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready_cancel (pth->cth);
- pth->cth = NULL;
- }
if (pth->timeout_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (pth->timeout_task);
pth->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (cp->pth_head, cp->pth_tail, pth);
- GNUNET_assert (0 == pth->cth_in_progress);
pth->gmc (pth->gmc_cls, 0, NULL);
GNUNET_free (pth);