path: root/src/cljs/gnunet_web/filesharing.cljs
diff options
authorDavid Barksdale <amatus@amatus.name>2014-09-14 19:19:47 -0500
committerDavid Barksdale <amatus@amatus.name>2014-09-14 19:19:47 -0500
commit3e182aa2417e0d215fdc53e45f1dde2ce1564fee (patch)
tree8f7608abd50913904cdfc3867985dfd3ff95a513 /src/cljs/gnunet_web/filesharing.cljs
parent1b416513d6a870437367741006afe9895b55423d (diff)
Try a filesharing search for "test"
This uses hard-coded values derived from the keyword "test" as a demonstration.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cljs/gnunet_web/filesharing.cljs')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cljs/gnunet_web/filesharing.cljs b/src/cljs/gnunet_web/filesharing.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af224a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cljs/gnunet_web/filesharing.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+;; filesharing.cljs - filesharing service for gnunet-web website
+;; Copyright (C) 2014 David Barksdale <amatus@amatus.name>
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(ns gnunet-web.filesharing
+ (:use [gnunet-web.encoder :only (encode-uint32)]
+ [gnunet-web.message :only (encode-message parse-message-types)]
+ [gnunet-web.parser :only (items parser parse-absolute-time parse-uint32
+ parse-utf8 tail)]
+ [gnunet-web.service :only (client-connect)])
+ (:require [goog.crypt])
+ (:require-macros [monads.macros :as monadic]))
+(def message-type-start-search 136)
+(def message-type-fs-put 138)
+(def block-type-u 9)
+(defn encode-start-search
+ [{:keys [options type anonymity-level target query]
+ :or {options 0
+ type 0
+ anonymity-level 0
+ target (repeat 32 0)}}]
+ (encode-message
+ {:message-type message-type-start-search
+ :message (concat
+ (encode-uint32 options)
+ (encode-uint32 type)
+ (encode-uint32 anonymity-level)
+ target
+ query)}))
+(def parse-u-block
+ (monadic/do parser
+ [signature (items 64)
+ purpose (items 8)
+ verification-key (items 32)
+ data tail]
+ {:signature signature
+ :purpose purpose
+ :verification-key verification-key
+ :data data}))
+(def parse-encrypted-u-block
+ (monadic/do parser
+ [update-identifier parse-utf8
+ uri parse-utf8
+ metadata tail]
+ {:update-identifier update-identifier
+ :uri uri
+ :metadata metadata}))
+(defn unwords
+ [word-array]
+ (take (.-sigBytes word-array)
+ (mapcat #(list (bit-and 0xff (bit-shift-right % 24))
+ (bit-and 0xff (bit-shift-right % 16))
+ (bit-and 0xff (bit-shift-right % 8))
+ (bit-and 0xff %))
+ (.-words word-array))))
+(defn decrypt
+ [data]
+ (let [ciphertext (js/CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create
+ (clj->js
+ {:ciphertext (js/CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create data)}))
+ twofish-key (js/CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse "9A89B29A3896E200279ADC010D7F70F7F9A0582190881A17825B87754CA95B81")
+ twofish-iv (js/CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse "9E71233934B556C9D9E97609CD22FBC1")
+ plaintext (js/CryptoJS.TwoFish.decrypt ciphertext twofish-key
+ (clj->js
+ {:iv twofish-iv
+ :mode js/CryptoJS.mode.CFB}))
+ ciphertext (js/CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create
+ (clj->js {:ciphertext plaintext}))
+ aes-key (js/CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse "8D2E569BB26A7F45A933941996DC43C2F2C141F055AD2C863EE9A66379D59B61")
+ aes-iv (js/CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse "FBE06BD519F62556BE465A67B80777EC")
+ plaintext (js/CryptoJS.AES.decrypt ciphertext aes-key
+ (clj->js
+ {:iv aes-iv
+ :mode js/CryptoJS.mode.CFB}))]
+ (unwords plaintext)))
+(def parse-fs-put
+ (with-meta
+ (monadic/do parser
+ [type parse-uint32
+ expiration parse-absolute-time
+ last-transmission parse-absolute-time
+ transmission-count parse-uint32
+ respect-offered parse-uint32
+ data tail]
+ (conj
+ {:type type
+ :expiration expiration
+ :last-transmission last-transmission
+ :transmission-count transmission-count
+ :respect-offered respect-offered}
+ (condp = type
+ block-type-u
+ {:u-block (let [u-block (.-v (parse-u-block data))]
+ (if (coll? u-block)
+ (first u-block)))}
+ {:data data})))
+ {:message-type message-type-fs-put}))
+(defn search
+ [{:keys [callback] :as args}]
+ (let [message-channel (js/MessageChannel.)]
+ (set! (.-onmessage (.-port1 message-channel))
+ (fn [event]
+ (let [message (.-v ((parse-message-types
+ #{parse-fs-put})
+ (.-data event)))]
+ (if (coll? message)
+ (callback (:message (first message)))))))
+ (client-connect "fs" "web app (search)"
+ (.-port2 message-channel))
+ (.postMessage (.-port1 message-channel)
+ (into-array (encode-start-search args)))))