path: root/src
diff options
authorDavid Barksdale <amatus.amongus@gmail.com>2012-06-13 21:01:35 -0500
committerDavid Barksdale <amatus.amongus@gmail.com>2012-06-13 21:02:24 -0500
commit7f1ab14907f95a81055bf113d0c9a2a66f149c0c (patch)
tree6264ee850aa5923a856ab02e95c9eb7e25e78cda /src
parentb1a30b1eef2bab695621cd7f2fda600f890b13dd (diff)
The start of work on the next phase: the local backend.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure/foofs/localbackend.clj b/src/clojure/foofs/localbackend.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a00560b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clojure/foofs/localbackend.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+; Copyright (C) David Barksdale 2012 <amatus.amongus@gmail.com>
+; foofs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+; Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+; (at your option) any later version.
+; foofs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+; with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(ns foofs.localbackend
+ (:use [foofs.filesystembackend :only [FilesystemBackend]]
+ [foofs.fuse bytebuffer jna]
+ foofs.util))
+(def empty-inode
+ {:size 0
+ :blocks 0
+ :atime 0
+ :mtime 0
+ :ctime 0
+ :atimensec 0
+ :mtimensec 0
+ :ctimensec 0
+ :mode 0
+ :nlink 0
+ :uid 0
+ :gid 0
+ :rdev 0})
+;; this is obviously a state monadic function
+(defn make-inode
+ [state mode]
+ (let [child-nodeid (next-key (:inode-table state)
+ (:next-nodeid state)
+ inode (assoc empty-inode :mode mode)
+ state (assoc-in state [:inode-table child-nodeid] inode)
+ state (assoc state :next-nodeid (inc child-nodeid))]
+ [state child-nodeid]))
+(defn inode-modifier!
+ [state-agent nodeid f continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [inode-table (:inode-table state)
+ inode (get inode-table nodeid)]
+ (if (nil? inode)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (let [new-inode (f inode)]
+ (agent-do state-agent (continuation! new-inode))
+ (assoc-in state [:inode-table nodeid] new-inode)))))))
+(defn attribute-modifier!
+ [state-agent nodeid f attribute continuation!]
+ (inode-modifier! state-agent nodeid
+ (fn [inode]
+ (assoc inode attribute (f (get inode attribute))))
+ continuation!))
+;; TODO: Implement CHK encryption, Reed-Solomon coding, and store the blocks
+;; in local files.
+(defrecord LocalBackend
+ [^clojure.lang.Agent state-agent]
+ FilesystemBackend
+ (lookup [_ nodeid child continuation!]
+ (let [lookup-table (:lookup-table (deref state-agent))]
+ (if (= "" child)
+ (continuation! nodeid)
+ (continuation! (get-in lookup-table [nodeid child])))))
+ (getattr [_ nodeid continuation!]
+ (let [inode (get-in (deref state-agent) [:inode-table nodeid])]
+ (if (nil? inode)
+ (continuation! nil)
+ (continuation! (assoc inode :nodeid nodeid)))))
+ (reference [_ nodeid continuation!]
+ (attribute-modifier! state-agent nodeid inc :nlink continuation!))
+ (dereference [_ nodeid continuation!]
+ (attribute-modifier! state-agent nodeid dec :nlink continuation!))
+ (clonedir [_ nodeid continuation!]
+ (let [state (deref state-agent)
+ inode-table (:inode-table state)]
+ (continuation!
+ (map
+ (fn [[filename child-nodeid]]
+ {:name filename
+ :nodeid child-nodeid
+ :type (get-in inode-table [child-nodeid :mode])})
+ (get-in state [:lookup-table nodeid])))))
+ (readfile [_ nodeid offset size continuation!]
+ (let [file (get-in (deref state-agent) [:file-table nodeid])]
+ (if (nil? file)
+ (continuation! errno-noent)
+ (continuation! (take size (drop offset file))))))
+ (writefile [_ nodeid offset size data continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [inode-table (:inode-table state)
+ file-table (:file-table state)
+ inode (get inode-table nodeid)
+ file (get file-table nodeid)]
+ (if (nil? inode)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (let [tail-offset (+ offset size)
+ tail-size (- (max tail-offset (:size inode)) tail-offset)
+ file-extended (concat file (repeat (byte 0)))
+ file-written (concat
+ (take offset file-extended)
+ (buffer-seq! data)
+ (take tail-size
+ (drop tail-offset file-extended)))
+ new-size (count file-written)
+ state (assoc-in state [:inode-table nodeid :size] new-size)
+ state (assoc-in state [:file-table nodeid] file-written)]
+ (agent-do state-agent
+ (continuation! {:size (.limit data)}))
+ state))))))
+ (mknod [_ nodeid filename mode continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (if (contains? (get-in state [:lookup-table nodeid]) filename)
+ (do (continuation! errno-exist) state)
+ (let [[state child-nodeid] (make-inode state mode)
+ state (assoc-in state [:inode-table child-nodeid :nlink] 1)
+ state (assoc-in state [:lookup-table nodeid filename]
+ child-nodeid)
+ state (assoc state :next-nodeid (inc child-nodeid))
+ inode (get-in state [:inode-table child-nodeid])]
+ (agent-do state-agent
+ (continuation! (assoc inode :nodeid child-nodeid)))
+ state)))))
+ (mkdir [_ nodeid filename mode continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (if (contains? (get-in state [:lookup-table nodeid]) filename)
+ (do (continuation! errno-exist) state)
+ (let [[state child-nodeid] (make-inode
+ state (bit-or stat-type-directory mode))
+ state (assoc-in state [:inode-table child-nodeid :nlink] 2)
+ state (assoc-in state [:lookup-table nodeid filename]
+ child-nodeid)
+ state (assoc-in state [:lookup-table child-nodeid]
+ {"." child-nodeid ".." nodeid})
+ nlink (get-in state [:inode-table nodeid :nlink])
+ state (assoc-in state [:inode-table nodeid :nlink]
+ (inc nlink))
+ state (assoc state :next-nodeid (inc child-nodeid))
+ inode (get-in state [:inode-table child-nodeid])]
+ (agent-do state-agent
+ (continuation! (assoc inode :nodeid child-nodeid)))
+ state)))))
+ (link [_ nodeid filename target-nodeid continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [children (get-in state [:lookup-table nodeid])
+ inode (get-in state [:inode-table nodeid])
+ target-inode (get-in state [:inode-table target-nodeid])]
+ (if (contains? children filename)
+ (do (continuation! errno-exist) state)
+ (if (not (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode inode))))
+ (do (continuation! errno-notdir) state)
+ (if (nil? target-inode)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (let [state (assoc-in state [:inode-table target-nodeid :nlink]
+ (inc (:nlink target-inode)))
+ state (assoc-in state [:lookup-table nodeid filename]
+ target-nodeid)]
+ (agent-do state-agent
+ (continuation! (assoc target-inode
+ :nodeid target-nodeid)))
+ state))))))))
+ (unlink [_ nodeid filename continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [inode-table (:inode-table state)
+ inode (get inode-table nodeid)
+ children (get-in state [:lookup-table nodeid])
+ child-nodeid (get children filename)
+ child-inode (get inode-table child-nodeid)]
+ (cond
+ (nil? inode)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (not (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode inode))))
+ (do (continuation! errno-notdir) state)
+ (nil? child-inode)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode child-inode)))
+ (do (continuation! errno-isdir) state)
+ true
+ (let [nlink (dec (:nlink child-inode))
+ state (assoc-in state [:lookup-table nodeid]
+ (dissoc children filename))
+ inode-table (if (zero? nlink)
+ (dissoc inode-table child-nodeid)
+ (assoc-in inode-table [child-nodeid :nlink]
+ nlink))
+ state (assoc state :inode-table inode-table)]
+ ;; agent-do?
+ (continuation! 0)
+ state))))))
+ (rmdir [_ nodeid filename continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [inode-table (:inode-table state)
+ inode (get inode-table nodeid)
+ lookup-table (:lookup-table state)
+ children (get lookup-table nodeid)
+ child-nodeid (get children filename)
+ child-inode (get inode-table child-nodeid)
+ child-children (get lookup-table child-nodeid)]
+ (cond
+ (nil? inode)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (not (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode inode))))
+ (do (continuation! errno-notdir) state)
+ (nil? child-nodeid)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (not (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode child-inode))))
+ (do (continuation! errno-notdir) state)
+ (not (empty? (dissoc child-children "." "..")))
+ (do (continuation! errno-notempty) state)
+ true
+ (let [nlink (- (:nlink child-inode) 2)
+ lookup-table (assoc lookup-table nodeid
+ (dissoc children filename))
+ lookup-table (dissoc lookup-table child-nodeid)
+ state (assoc state :lookup-table lookup-table)
+ inode-table (if (zero? nlink)
+ (dissoc inode-table child-nodeid)
+ (assoc-in inode-table [child-nodeid :nlink]
+ nlink))
+ inode-table (assoc-in inode-table [nodeid :nlink]
+ (dec (get-in inode-table
+ [nodeid :nlink])))
+ state (assoc state :inode-table inode-table)]
+ (agent-do state-agent (continuation! 0))
+ state))))))
+ (chmod [_ nodeid mode continuation!]
+ (attribute-modifier! state-agent nodeid
+ #(bit-or (bit-and stat-type-mask %)
+ (bit-and stat-mode-mask mode))
+ :mode continuation!))
+ (setuid [_ nodeid uid continuation!]
+ (attribute-modifier! state-agent nodeid
+ (fn [_] uid)
+ :uid continuation!))
+ (setgid [_ nodeid gid continuation!]
+ (attribute-modifier! state-agent nodeid
+ (fn [_] gid)
+ :gid continuation!))
+ (truncate [_ nodeid size continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (if (nil? (get-in state [:inode-table nodeid]))
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ (let [file (get-in state [:file-table nodeid])
+ state (assoc-in state [:inode-table nodeid :size] size)
+ state (assoc-in state [:file-table nodeid]
+ (take size (concat file (repeat (byte 0)))))]
+ (agent-do state-agent (continuation! nil))
+ state)))))
+ (setatime [_ nodeid seconds nseconds continuation!]
+ (inode-modifier! state-agent nodeid
+ #(assoc % :atime seconds :atimensec nseconds)
+ continuation!))
+ (setmtime [_ nodeid seconds nseconds continuation!]
+ (inode-modifier! state-agent nodeid
+ #(assoc % :mtime seconds :mtimensec nseconds)
+ continuation!))
+ (rename [_ nodeid target-nodeid filename target-filename continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [inode-table (:inode-table state)
+ lookup-table (:lookup-table state)
+ dir-inode (get inode-table nodeid)
+ target-dir-inode (get inode-table target-nodeid)
+ children (get lookup-table nodeid)
+ file-nodeid (get children filename)
+ file-inode (get inode-table file-nodeid)]
+ (cond
+ (not (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode dir-inode))))
+ (do (continuation! errno-notdir) state)
+ (not (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode target-dir-inode))))
+ (do (continuation! errno-notdir) state)
+ (nil? file-inode)
+ (do (continuation! errno-noent) state)
+ true
+ (let [lookup-table (assoc lookup-table nodeid
+ (dissoc children filename))
+ lookup-table (assoc-in lookup-table [target-nodeid
+ target-filename]
+ file-nodeid)
+ ;; If we are renaming a directory fixup ".." link
+ file-isdir (= stat-type-directory
+ (bit-and stat-type-mask (:mode file-inode)))
+ lookup-table (if file-isdir
+ (assoc-in lookup-table [file-nodeid
+ ".."]
+ target-nodeid)
+ lookup-table)
+ inode-table (if file-isdir
+ (assoc-in inode-table [nodeid :nlink]
+ (dec (:nlink dir-inode)))
+ inode-table)
+ inode-table (if file-isdir
+ (assoc-in inode-table [target-nodeid :nlink]
+ (inc (:nlink target-dir-inode)))
+ inode-table)
+ state (assoc state :inode-table inode-table
+ :lookup-table lookup-table)]
+ (agent-do state-agent (continuation! nil))
+ state))))))
+ (symlink [_ nodeid filename link-target continuation!]
+ (send
+ state-agent
+ (fn [state]
+ (if (contains? (get-in state [:lookup-table nodeid]) filename)
+ (do (continuation! errno-exist) state)
+ (let [[state child-nodeid] (make-inode
+ state
+ (bit-or stat-type-link 0777))
+ state (assoc-in state [:inode-table child-nodeid :nlink] 1)
+ state (assoc-in state [:lookup-table nodeid filename]
+ child-nodeid)
+ state (assoc state :next-nodeid (inc child-nodeid))
+ state (assoc-in state [:file-table child-nodeid] link-target)
+ inode (get-in state [:inode-table child-nodeid])]
+ (agent-do state-agent
+ (continuation! (assoc inode :nodeid child-nodeid)))
+ state)))))
+ (readlink [_ nodeid continuation!]
+ (let [file (get-in (deref state-agent) [:file-table nodeid])]
+ (if (nil? file)
+ (continuation! errno-noent)
+ (continuation! file)))))