path: root/tests
diff options
authorAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2013-06-26 10:53:17 -0700
committerAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2013-06-26 10:53:17 -0700
commit501022cbaa9e63cab9cc218ee0239256945a3061 (patch)
treefbad1d122eff2e22707552bff81b35fe2df4a621 /tests
parent493d0dcf303d66726be5bb08c187f8183ee96a65 (diff)
parent5383aa8bf93e5c9fed3f67853b2675ab2be10493 (diff)
Merge branch 'source-maps' of github.com:int3/emscripten into int3-source-maps
Conflicts: tools/js-optimizer.js
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/tests/runner.py b/tests/runner.py
index 2c459f6f..c55c96fd 100755
--- a/tests/runner.py
+++ b/tests/runner.py
@@ -170,16 +170,13 @@ class RunnerCore(unittest.TestCase):
post1 = post_build
post2 = None
- def run_post(post):
- if not post: return
- exec post in locals()
- shutil.copyfile(filename + '.o.js', filename + '.o.js.prepost.js')
- process(filename + '.o.js')
if self.emcc_args is None:
Building.emscripten(filename, append_ext=True, extra_args=extra_emscripten_args)
- run_post(post1)
- run_post(post2)
+ if post1:
+ exec post1 in locals()
+ shutil.copyfile(filename + '.o.js', filename + '.o.js.prepost.js')
+ process(filename + '.o.js')
+ if post2: post2(filename + '.o.js')
transform_args = []
if post1:
@@ -196,7 +193,7 @@ process(sys.argv[1])
transform_args = ['--js-transform', "%s %s" % (PYTHON, transform_filename)]
Building.emcc(filename + '.o.ll', Settings.serialize() + self.emcc_args + transform_args + Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS, filename + '.o.js')
- run_post(post2)
+ if post2: post2(filename + '.o.js')
# Build JavaScript code from source code
def build(self, src, dirname, filename, output_processor=None, main_file=None, additional_files=[], libraries=[], includes=[], build_ll_hook=None, extra_emscripten_args=[], post_build=None):
@@ -9215,97 +9212,92 @@ def process(filename):
- post3 = '''
-def process(filename):
- script_src_2 = \'\'\'
- var sme = new Module.Parent(42);
- sme.mulVal(2);
- Module.print('*')
- Module.print(sme.getVal());
- Module.print('c1');
- var c1 = new Module.Child1();
- Module.print(c1.getVal());
- c1.mulVal(2);
- Module.print(c1.getVal());
- Module.print(c1.getValSqr());
- Module.print(c1.getValSqr(3));
- Module.print(c1.getValTimes()); // default argument should be 1
- Module.print(c1.getValTimes(2));
- Module.print('c1 v2');
- c1 = new Module.Child1(8); // now with a parameter, we should handle the overloading automatically and properly and use constructor #2
- Module.print(c1.getVal());
- c1.mulVal(2);
- Module.print(c1.getVal());
- Module.print(c1.getValSqr());
- Module.print(c1.getValSqr(3));
- Module.print('c2')
- var c2 = new Module.Child2();
- Module.print(c2.getVal());
- c2.mulVal(2);
- Module.print(c2.getVal());
- Module.print(c2.getValCube());
- var succeeded;
- try {
- succeeded = 0;
- Module.print(c2.doSomethingSecret()); // should fail since private
- succeeded = 1;
- } catch(e) {}
- Module.print(succeeded);
- try {
- succeeded = 0;
- Module.print(c2.getValSqr()); // function from the other class
- succeeded = 1;
- } catch(e) {}
- Module.print(succeeded);
- try {
- succeeded = 0;
- c2.getValCube(); // sanity
- succeeded = 1;
- } catch(e) {}
- Module.print(succeeded);
- Module.Child2.prototype.printStatic(); // static calls go through the prototype
- // virtual function
- c2.virtualFunc();
- Module.Child2.prototype.runVirtualFunc(c2);
- c2.virtualFunc2();
-''' + ('''
- // extend the class from JS
- var c3 = new Module.Child2;
- Module.customizeVTable(c3, [{
- original: Module.Child2.prototype.virtualFunc,
- replacement: function() {
- Module.print('*js virtualf replacement*');
- }
- }, {
- original: Module.Child2.prototype.virtualFunc2,
- replacement: function() {
- Module.print('*js virtualf2 replacement*');
- }
- }]);
- c3.virtualFunc();
- Module.Child2.prototype.runVirtualFunc(c3);
- c3.virtualFunc2();
- c2.virtualFunc(); // original should remain the same
- Module.Child2.prototype.runVirtualFunc(c2);
- c2.virtualFunc2();
-''') + '''
- Module.print('*ok*');
- \'\'\'
- src = open(filename, 'a')
- src.write(script_src_2 + '\\n')
- src.close()
+ def post3(filename):
+ script_src_2 = '''
+ var sme = new Module.Parent(42);
+ sme.mulVal(2);
+ Module.print('*')
+ Module.print(sme.getVal());
+ Module.print('c1');
+ var c1 = new Module.Child1();
+ Module.print(c1.getVal());
+ c1.mulVal(2);
+ Module.print(c1.getVal());
+ Module.print(c1.getValSqr());
+ Module.print(c1.getValSqr(3));
+ Module.print(c1.getValTimes()); // default argument should be 1
+ Module.print(c1.getValTimes(2));
+ Module.print('c1 v2');
+ c1 = new Module.Child1(8); // now with a parameter, we should handle the overloading automatically and properly and use constructor #2
+ Module.print(c1.getVal());
+ c1.mulVal(2);
+ Module.print(c1.getVal());
+ Module.print(c1.getValSqr());
+ Module.print(c1.getValSqr(3));
+ Module.print('c2')
+ var c2 = new Module.Child2();
+ Module.print(c2.getVal());
+ c2.mulVal(2);
+ Module.print(c2.getVal());
+ Module.print(c2.getValCube());
+ var succeeded;
+ try {
+ succeeded = 0;
+ Module.print(c2.doSomethingSecret()); // should fail since private
+ succeeded = 1;
+ } catch(e) {}
+ Module.print(succeeded);
+ try {
+ succeeded = 0;
+ Module.print(c2.getValSqr()); // function from the other class
+ succeeded = 1;
+ } catch(e) {}
+ Module.print(succeeded);
+ try {
+ succeeded = 0;
+ c2.getValCube(); // sanity
+ succeeded = 1;
+ } catch(e) {}
+ Module.print(succeeded);
+ Module.Child2.prototype.printStatic(); // static calls go through the prototype
+ // virtual function
+ c2.virtualFunc();
+ Module.Child2.prototype.runVirtualFunc(c2);
+ c2.virtualFunc2();
+ // extend the class from JS
+ var c3 = new Module.Child2;
+ Module.customizeVTable(c3, [{
+ original: Module.Child2.prototype.virtualFunc,
+ replacement: function() {
+ Module.print('*js virtualf replacement*');
+ }
+ }, {
+ original: Module.Child2.prototype.virtualFunc2,
+ replacement: function() {
+ Module.print('*js virtualf2 replacement*');
+ }
+ }]);
+ c3.virtualFunc();
+ Module.Child2.prototype.runVirtualFunc(c3);
+ c3.virtualFunc2();
+ c2.virtualFunc(); // original should remain the same
+ Module.Child2.prototype.runVirtualFunc(c2);
+ c2.virtualFunc2();
+ Module.print('*ok*');
+ '''
+ src = open(filename, 'a')
+ src.write(script_src_2 + '\n')
+ src.close()
@@ -9349,7 +9341,7 @@ Child2:9
*virtualf2*''') + '''
-''', post_build=[post2, post3])
+''', post_build=(post2, post3))
def test_scriptaclass_2(self):
if self.emcc_args is None: return self.skip('requires emcc')
@@ -9590,7 +9582,120 @@ def process(filename):
self.do_run(src, '*nothingatall*', post_build=post)
except Exception, e:
# This test *should* fail
- assert 'Assertion failed' in str(e), str(e)
+ assert 'Assertion failed: x < 15' in str(e), str(e)
+ def test_source_map(self):
+ if Settings.USE_TYPED_ARRAYS != 2: return self.skip("doesn't pass without typed arrays")
+ if NODE_JS not in JS_ENGINES: return self.skip('sourcemapper requires Node to run')
+ if '-g' not in Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS: Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS.append('-g')
+ src = '''
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
+ __attribute__((noinline)) int foo() {
+ printf("hi"); // line 6
+ return 1; // line 7
+ }
+ int main() {
+ printf("%d", foo()); // line 11
+ return 0; // line 12
+ }
+ '''
+ dirname = self.get_dir()
+ src_filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'src.cpp')
+ out_filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'a.out.js')
+ no_maps_filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'no-maps.out.js')
+ with open(src_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(src)
+ assert '-g4' not in Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS
+ Building.emcc(src_filename, Settings.serialize() + self.emcc_args +
+ Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS, out_filename)
+ # the file name may find its way into the generated code, so make sure we
+ # can do an apples-to-apples comparison by compiling with the same file name
+ shutil.move(out_filename, no_maps_filename)
+ with open(no_maps_filename) as f: no_maps_file = f.read()
+ no_maps_file = re.sub(' *//@.*$', '', no_maps_file, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS.append('-g4')
+ def build_and_check():
+ import json
+ Building.emcc(src_filename, Settings.serialize() + self.emcc_args +
+ Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS, out_filename, stderr=PIPE)
+ with open(out_filename) as f: out_file = f.read()
+ # after removing the @line and @sourceMappingURL comments, the build
+ # result should be identical to the non-source-mapped debug version.
+ # this is worth checking because the parser AST swaps strings for token
+ # objects when generating source maps, so we want to make sure the
+ # optimizer can deal with both types.
+ out_file = re.sub(' *//@.*$', '', out_file, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ self.assertIdentical(no_maps_file, out_file)
+ map_filename = out_filename + '.map'
+ data = json.load(open(map_filename, 'r'))
+ self.assertIdentical(out_filename, data['file'])
+ self.assertIdentical(src_filename, data['sources'][0])
+ self.assertIdentical(src, data['sourcesContent'][0])
+ mappings = json.loads(jsrun.run_js(
+ path_from_root('tools', 'source-maps', 'sourcemap2json.js'),
+ tools.shared.NODE_JS, [map_filename]))
+ seen_lines = set()
+ for m in mappings:
+ self.assertIdentical(src_filename, m['source'])
+ seen_lines.add(m['originalLine'])
+ # ensure that all the 'meaningful' lines in the original code get mapped
+ assert seen_lines.issuperset([6, 7, 11, 12])
+ # EMCC_DEBUG=2 causes lots of intermediate files to be written, and so
+ # serves as a stress test for source maps because it needs to correlate
+ # line numbers across all those files.
+ old_emcc_debug = os.environ.get('EMCC_DEBUG', None)
+ os.environ.pop('EMCC_DEBUG', None)
+ try:
+ build_and_check()
+ os.environ['EMCC_DEBUG'] = '2'
+ build_and_check()
+ finally:
+ if old_emcc_debug is not None:
+ os.environ['EMCC_DEBUG'] = old_emcc_debug
+ else:
+ os.environ.pop('EMCC_DEBUG', None)
+ def test_exception_source_map(self):
+ if Settings.USE_TYPED_ARRAYS != 2: return self.skip("doesn't pass without typed arrays")
+ if '-g4' not in Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS: Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS.append('-g4')
+ if NODE_JS not in JS_ENGINES: return self.skip('sourcemapper requires Node to run')
+ src = '''
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ __attribute__((noinline)) void foo(int i) {
+ if (i < 10) throw i; // line 5
+ }
+ int main() {
+ int i;
+ scanf("%d", &i);
+ foo(i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ '''
+ def post(filename):
+ import json
+ map_filename = filename + '.map'
+ mappings = json.loads(jsrun.run_js(
+ path_from_root('tools', 'source-maps', 'sourcemap2json.js'),
+ tools.shared.NODE_JS, [map_filename]))
+ with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines()
+ for m in mappings:
+ if m['originalLine'] == 5 and '__cxa_throw' in lines[m['generatedLine']]:
+ return
+ assert False, 'Must label throw statements with line numbers'
+ dirname = self.get_dir()
+ self.build(src, dirname, os.path.join(dirname, 'src.cpp'), post_build=(None, post))
def test_linespecific(self):
if Settings.ASM_JS: return self.skip('asm always has corrections on')
@@ -11705,6 +11810,42 @@ elif 'browser' in str(sys.argv):
self.btest('hello_world_sdl.cpp', reference='htmltest.png',
message='You should see "hello, world!" and a colored cube.')
+ def test_html_source_map(self):
+ if 'test_html_source_map' not in str(sys.argv): return self.skip('''This test
+ requires manual intervention; will not be run unless explicitly requested''')
+ cpp_file = os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'src.cpp')
+ html_file = os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'src.html')
+ # browsers will try to 'guess' the corresponding original line if a
+ # generated line is unmapped, so if we want to make sure that our
+ # numbering is correct, we need to provide a couple of 'possible wrong
+ # answers'. thus, we add some printf calls so that the cpp file gets
+ # multiple mapped lines. in other words, if the program consists of a
+ # single 'throw' statement, browsers may just map any thrown exception to
+ # that line, because it will be the only mapped line.
+ with open(cpp_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(r'''
+ #include <cstdio>
+ int main() {
+ printf("Starting test\n");
+ try {
+ throw 42; // line 8
+ } catch (int e) { }
+ printf("done\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ''')
+ # use relative paths when calling emcc, because file:// URIs can only load
+ # sourceContent when the maps are relative paths
+ Popen([PYTHON, EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-o', 'src.html', '-g4'],
+ cwd=self.get_dir()).communicate()
+ webbrowser.open_new('file://' + html_file)
+ print '''
+Set the debugger to pause on exceptions
+You should see an exception thrown at src.cpp:7.
+Press any key to continue.'''
+ raw_input()
def build_native_lzma(self):
lzma_native = path_from_root('third_party', 'lzma.js', 'lzma-native')
if os.path.isfile(lzma_native) and os.access(lzma_native, os.X_OK): return