BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteruse readFile in dlopen, instead of hackish internals-only usage of contents; ...Alon Zakai10 years
push-upstreamFix IDBFS for webworkersDavid Barksdale10 years
1.20.0-0amatus1commit 1844ec1caf...Alon Zakai10 years
1.20.0commit 39f126fa17...Alon Zakai10 years
1.19.2commit 3781d44edc...Alon Zakai10 years
1.19.1commit a0ca1cd1d4...Alon Zakai10 years
1.19.0commit 4ae305542c...Alon Zakai10 years
1.18.4commit d46e9600bc...Alon Zakai10 years
1.18.3commit 56ba073185...Alon Zakai11 years
1.18.2commit c454100901...Jukka Jylänki11 years
1.18.1commit 0edf2a8c95...Alon Zakai11 years
1.18.0commit 5b8a74f2bc...Alon Zakai11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2013-01-07fix asm relooper bug1.2.2Alon Zakai
2013-01-07do not asm coerce values of type void (e.g. functions that return nothing)Alon Zakai
2013-01-07accept either 0.0 or +0 as double in asm coercionAlon Zakai
2013-01-07ensure float literals are hinted as floats in asmAlon Zakai
2013-01-07add asm.js mode to relooper, for label comparisons1.2.1Alon Zakai
2013-01-07update relooper testsAlon Zakai
2013-01-07always coerce asm callsAlon Zakai
2013-01-07remove unneeded ' in asm exportsAlon Zakai
2013-01-07reset the stack top when CATCH_EXIT_CODEAlon Zakai
2013-01-07disable EXCEPTION_DEBUG by defaultAlon Zakai