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Diffstat (limited to 'clojurescript/src/clojure/contrib/clojurescript.clj')
-rw-r--r-- | clojurescript/src/clojure/contrib/clojurescript.clj | 357 |
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clojurescript/src/clojure/contrib/clojurescript.clj b/clojurescript/src/clojure/contrib/clojurescript.clj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66e7eac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/clojurescript/src/clojure/contrib/clojurescript.clj @@ -0,0 +1,357 @@ +; Copyright (c) Chris Houser, Sep 2008-Jan 2009. All rights reserved. +; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +; the terms of this license. +; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +; Reads Clojure code and emits equivalent JavaScript + +(ns clojure.contrib.clojurescript + (:import (clojure.lang Compiler Compiler$C Compiler$BodyExpr + Compiler$DefExpr Compiler$InstanceMethodExpr)) + (:require [clojure.contrib.duck-streams :as ds])) + +(defn- vstr [v] + (let [sb (StringBuilder.) + lvl (fn lvl [v] + (doseq [i v] + (if (vector? i) + (lvl i) + (.append sb (str i)))))] + (lvl v) + (str sb))) + +(def *debug-fn-names* true) +(def *debug-comments* true) +(def *eval-defmacro* true) + +; used internally +(def *has-recur*) +(def *local-names* {}) + +(defmulti #^{:private true} tojs (fn [e ctx] (class e))) + +(defn- fnmethod [fm maxm ctx] + (let [lm (into {} (for [[lb lb] (.locals fm)] + [lb (str (.name lb) "_" (.idx lb))])) + thisfn (first (filter #(= 0 (.idx %)) (keys lm))) + [body has-recur] (binding [*has-recur* false] + [(tojs (.body fm) + (merge-with merge ctx {:localmap lm})) + *has-recur*]) + mparm (into {} (for [p (.reqParms maxm)] [(.idx p) p])) + inits (concat + (when has-recur ["_cnt" "_rtn"]) + (vals (reduce dissoc lm + (conj (.reqParms fm) thisfn (.restParm fm)))) + (when (:fnname ctx) [(str (lm thisfn) "=arguments.callee")]) + (when (not= fm maxm) + (for [lb (.reqParms fm) + :when (not= (.name lb) (.name (mparm (.idx lb))))] + [(lm lb) "=arguments[" (dec (.idx lb)) "]"])) + (when-let [lb (.restParm fm)] + [(str (lm lb) "=clojure.JS.rest_args(this,arguments," + (count (.reqParms fm)) ")")]))] + (.reqParms maxm) + (vstr [(when (seq inits) + [(apply vector "var " (interpose "," inits)) ";\n"]) + (if has-recur + ["do{_cnt=0;_rtn=" + body + "\n}while(_cnt);return _rtn;"] + ["return (" body ")"])]))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$FnExpr [e ctx] + (let [maxm (or (.variadicMethod e) + (-> (into (sorted-map) + (for [fm (.methods e) + :when (not= fm (.variadicMethod e))] + [(count (.reqParms fm)) fm])) + last val)) + manym (< 1 (count (.methods e))) + newctx (assoc ctx :fnname (.thisName e)) + [methods local-names] (binding [*local-names* *local-names*] + [(into {} (for [fm (.methods e)] + [fm (fnmethod fm maxm newctx)])) + *local-names*])] + (vstr [(when (.variadicMethod e) + ["clojure.JS.variadic(" (count (.reqParms maxm)) ","]) + "(function" + (when *debug-fn-names* + [" __" (.replaceAll (.name e) "[\\W_]+" "_")]) + "(" + (vec (interpose "," (for [lb (.reqParms maxm)] + [(.name lb) "_" (.idx lb)]))) + "){" + ;"\n//" (vec (interpose "," (vals local-names))) "\n" + (when manym + ["switch(arguments.length){" + (vec (for [[fm body] methods :when (not= fm maxm)] + ["\ncase " (count (.reqParms fm)) ":" body])) + "}"]) + "\n" + (methods maxm) "})" + (when (.variadicMethod e) + ")") + ]))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$BodyExpr [e ctx] + (apply str (interpose ",\n" (map #(tojs % ctx) (.exprs e))))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$LetExpr [e ctx] + (let [inits (vec (interpose ",\n" (for [bi (.bindingInits e)] + ["(" ((:localmap ctx) (.binding bi)) + "=" (tojs (.init bi) ctx) ")"])))] + (if (.isLoop e) + (binding [*has-recur* false] + (vstr ["((function" + (when *debug-fn-names* " __loop") + "(){var _rtn,_cnt;" + inits ";" + "do{_cnt=0;\n_rtn=" (tojs (.body e) ctx) + "}while(_cnt);return _rtn;})())"])) + (vstr ["(" inits ",\n" (tojs (.body e) ctx) ")"])))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$VectorExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["clojure.JS.lit_vector([" + (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.args e)))) + "])"])) + +(defn- const-str [c] + (cond + (or (instance? Character c) + (string? c)) (pr-str (str c)) + (keyword? c) (str "clojure.core.keyword(\"" (namespace c) "\",\"" (name c) "\")") + (symbol? c) (str "clojure.core.symbol(\"" c "\")") + (class? c) (.getCanonicalName c) + (list? c) (vstr ["clojure.JS.lit_list([" + (vec (interpose "," (map const-str c))) + "])"]) + (fn? c) (str \" c \") + (instance? java.util.regex.Pattern c) (str "(/" + (.replace (str c) "/" "\\/") + "/)") + :else (str "(" c ")"))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$ConstantExpr [e ctx] + (const-str (.v e))) + +(def js-reserved '#{import boolean short byte char class}) + +(defn- var-munge [x] + (let [n (-> x str Compiler/munge (.replace "." "_DOT_"))] + (if (js-reserved (symbol n)) + (str n "_") + n))) + +(defn- var-parts [e] + (let [{:keys [name ns]} ^(.var e)] + [(Compiler/munge (str (.getName ns))) (var-munge name)])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$UnresolvedVarExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["clojure.JS.resolveVar(\"" + (var-munge (name (.symbol e))) "\"," + (Compiler/munge (name (.name *ns*))) ")"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$VarExpr [e ctx] + (let [[vns vname] (var-parts e)] + (if (and (= vns "clojurescript.js") (#{"this"} vname)) + vname + (str vns "." vname)))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$TheVarExpr [e ctx] + (let [[vns vname] (var-parts e)] + (str vns "._var_" vname))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$AssignExpr [e ctx] + (let [target (.target e)] + (if (instance? clojure.lang.Compiler$InstanceFieldExpr target) + (vstr ["(" (tojs (.target target) ctx) "." + (var-munge (.fieldName target)) "=" (tojs (.val e) ctx) ")"]) + (let [[vns vname] (var-parts target)] + (str vns "._var_" vname ".set(" (tojs (.val e) ctx) ")"))))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$DefExpr [e ctx] + (let [[vns vname] (var-parts e)] + (str "clojure.JS.def(" vns ",\"" vname "\"," (tojs (.init e) ctx) ")"))) + + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr [e ctx] + (vstr [(tojs (.fexpr e) ctx) + ".apply(null,[" + (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.args e)))) + "])"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$LocalBindingExpr [e ctx] + (let [local-name ((:localmap ctx) (.b e))] + (set! *local-names* (assoc *local-names* (.b e) local-name)) + local-name)) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$NilExpr [e ctx] + "null") + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$EmptyExpr [e ctx] + (str (.getCanonicalName (class (.coll e))) ".EMPTY")) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$StringExpr [e ctx] + (const-str (.str e))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$KeywordExpr [e ctx] + (const-str (.k e))) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$StaticFieldExpr [e ctx] + (str "clojure.JS.getOrRun(" (.getCanonicalName (.c e)) ",\"" + (var-munge (.fieldName e)) "\")")) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$StaticMethodExpr [e ctx] + (vstr [(.getCanonicalName (.c e)) "." (.methodName e) "(" + (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.args e)))) + ")"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$NewExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["(new " (.getCanonicalName (.c e)) "(" + (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.args e)))) + "))"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$InstanceMethodExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["(" (tojs (.target e) ctx) ")." (var-munge (.methodName e)) + "(" (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.args e)))) ")"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$InstanceFieldExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["clojure.JS.getOrRun(" (tojs (.target e) ctx) ",\"" + (var-munge (.fieldName e)) "\")"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$IfExpr [e ctx] + (str "((" (tojs (.testExpr e) ctx) + ")?(" (tojs (.thenExpr e) ctx) + "):(" (tojs (.elseExpr e) ctx) "))")) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$RecurExpr [e ctx] + (set! *has-recur* true) + (vstr ["(_cnt=1,_rtn=[" + (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.args e)))) + "]" + (vec (map #(str "," ((:localmap ctx) %1) "=_rtn[" %2 "]") + (.loopLocals e) (iterate inc 0))) + ")"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$MapExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["clojure.core.hash_map(" + (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.keyvals e)))) + ")"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$SetExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["clojure.core.hash_set(" + (vec (interpose "," (map #(tojs % ctx) (.keys e)))) + ")"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$BooleanExpr [e ctx] + (if (.val e) "true" "false")) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$ThrowExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["(function" + (when *debug-fn-names* " __throw") + "(){throw " (tojs (.excExpr e) ctx) "})()"])) + +(defmethod tojs clojure.lang.Compiler$TryExpr [e ctx] + (vstr ["(function" + (when *debug-fn-names* " __try") + "(){try{var _rtn=(" + (tojs (.tryExpr e) ctx) + ")}" + (when (seq (.catchExprs e)) + (when (not= 1 (count (.catchExprs e))) + (throw (Exception. "tojs only supports one catch clause per try"))) + (let [cc (first (.catchExprs e))] + ["\ncatch(" ((:localmap ctx) (.lb cc)) "){_rtn=" + (tojs (.handler cc) ctx) + "}"])) + (when (.finallyExpr e) + ["\nfinally{" + (tojs (.finallyExpr e) ctx) + "}"]) + "return _rtn})()"])) + + +(defmulti toclj class) +(defmethod toclj clojure.lang.Compiler$KeywordExpr [e] (.k e)) +(defmethod toclj clojure.lang.Compiler$StringExpr [e] (.str e)) +(defmethod toclj clojure.lang.Compiler$ConstantExpr [e] (.v e)) + + +(def skip-def '#{;-- implemented directly in clj.js + seq instance? assoc apply refer first rest import + hash-map count find keys vals get class contains? + print-method class? number? string? integer? nth + to-array cons keyword symbol load + ;-- not supported yet + make-array to-array-2d re-pattern re-matcher re-groups + re-seq re-matches re-find format + ;-- macros defined without using defmacro + let loop fn defn defmacro + ;-- will probably never be supported in clojurescript + eval resolve ns-resolve await await-for macroexpand + macroexpand-1 load-reader load-string special-symbol? + bigint bigdec floats doubles ints longs float-array + double-array int-array long-array aset-int + aset-long aset-boolean aset-float aset-double + aset-short aset-char aset-byte slurp seque + decimal? float? pmap primitives-classnames}) + +(def skip-method #{"java.lang.Class"}) + +(defn formtojs [f] + (when-not (and (coll? f) (= 'definline (first f))) + (binding [*allow-unresolved-vars* true + *private-compiler-loader* (clojure.lang.RT/makeClassLoader)] + (let [expr (Compiler/analyze Compiler$C/STATEMENT `((fn [] ~f))) + mainexpr (-> expr .fexpr .methods first .body .exprs first) + defmacro? (and (instance? Compiler$BodyExpr mainexpr) + (instance? Compiler$DefExpr (first (.exprs mainexpr))) + (instance? Compiler$InstanceMethodExpr (second (.exprs mainexpr))) + (= "setMacro" (.methodName (second (.exprs mainexpr)))))] + (if defmacro? + (when *eval-defmacro* + (eval f) + nil) + (when-not (or (and (instance? Compiler$DefExpr mainexpr) + (skip-def (:name ^(.var mainexpr)))) + (and (instance? Compiler$InstanceMethodExpr mainexpr) + (or (= "setMacro" (.methodName mainexpr)) + (and (= "addMethod" (.methodName mainexpr)) + (skip-method (tojs (first (.args mainexpr)) + nil))))) + (and (instance? Compiler$BodyExpr mainexpr) + (instance? Compiler$DefExpr (first (.exprs mainexpr))) + (instance? Compiler$InstanceMethodExpr (second (.exprs mainexpr))) + (= "setMacro" (.methodName (second (.exprs mainexpr)))))) + (tojs expr {:localmap {}}))))))) + +(defn filetojs [filename & optseq] + (let [reader (java.io.PushbackReader. (ds/reader filename)) + opts (apply array-map optseq)] + (binding [*ns* (create-ns 'user) + *debug-fn-names* (:debug-fn-names opts true) + *debug-comments* (:debug-comments opts true) + *eval-defmacro* (:eval-defmacro opts true)] + (loop [] + (let [f (read reader false reader false)] + (when-not (identical? f reader) + (if-let [js (formtojs f)] + (do + (when *debug-comments* + (println "\n//======") + (print "//") + (prn f) + (println "//---")) + (println (str js ";")) + (when (and (coll? f) + (or (= 'ns (first f)) + (= 'in-ns (first f)))) + (eval f))) + (when *debug-comments* + (print "// Skipping: ") + (prn f))) + (recur))))))) |