diff options
authorPhil Hagelberg <technomancy@gmail.com>2009-10-09 10:03:17 -0700
committerTom Faulhaber <git_net@infolace.com>2009-12-02 23:42:24 -0800
commitbd3c20fab02105d50388f97bdee2cfdb8089a18b (patch)
parent7e11a5525bc35083ebdf53484cbdfb76755b252f (diff)
Backport logging to 1.0-compatible branch.clojure-1.0-compatible
Signed-off-by: Tom Faulhaber <git_net@infolace.com> See #29
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure/contrib/logging.clj b/src/clojure/contrib/logging.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1df25ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clojure/contrib/logging.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+;;; logging.clj -- delegated logging for Clojure
+;; by Alex Taggart
+;; July 27, 2009
+;; Copyright (c) Alex Taggart, July 2009. All rights reserved. The use
+;; and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
+;; Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
+;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
+;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
+;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
+;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
+ #^{:author "Alex Taggart, Timothy Pratley"
+ :doc
+ "Logging macros which delegate to a specific logging implementation. At
+ macro-expansion-time a specific implementation is selected from, in order
+ Apache commons-logging, log4j, and finally java.util.logging.
+ Logging levels are specified by clojure keywords corresponding to the
+ values used in log4j and commons-logging:
+ :trace, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
+ Logging occurs with the log macro, or the level-specific convenience macros
+ which write either directly or via an agent. For performance reasons, direct
+ logging is enabled by default, but setting the *allow-direct-logging* boolean
+ atom to false will disable it. If logging is invoked within a transaction it
+ will always use an agent.
+ The log macros will not evaluate their 'message' unless the specific logging
+ level is in effect. Alternately, you can use the spy macro when you have code
+ that needs to be evaluated, and also want to output the code and its result to
+ the debug log.
+ Unless otherwise specified, the current namespace (as identified by *ns*) will
+ be used as the log-ns (similar to how the java class name is usually used).
+ Note: your log configuration should display the name that was passed to the
+ logging implementation, and not perform stack-inspection, otherwise you'll see
+ something like \"fn__72$impl_write_BANG__39__auto____81\" in your logs.
+ Use the enabled? macro to write conditional code against the logging level
+ (beyond simply whether or not to call log, which is handled automatically).
+ You can redirect all java writes of System.out and System.err to the log
+ system by calling log-capture!. To rebind *out* and *err* to the log system
+ invoke with-logs. In both cases a log-ns (e.g., \"com.example.captured\")
+ needs to be specified to namespace the output."}
+ clojure.contrib.logging)
+(declare *impl-name* impl-get-log impl-enabled? impl-write!)
+;; Macros used so that implementation-specific functions all have the same meta.
+(defmacro def-impl-name
+ {:private true} [& body]
+ `(def
+ #^{:doc "The name of the logging implementation used."}
+ *impl-name*
+ ~@body))
+(defmacro def-impl-get-log
+ {:private true} [& body]
+ `(def
+ #^{:doc
+ "Returns an implementation-specific log by string namespace. End-users should
+ not need to call this function."
+ :arglist '([~'log-ns])}
+ impl-get-log
+ (memoize ~@body)))
+(defmacro def-impl-enabled?
+ {:private true} [& body]
+ `(def
+ #^{:doc
+ "Implementation-specific check if a particular level is enabled. End-users
+ should not need to call this function."
+ :arglist '([~'log ~'level])}
+ impl-enabled?
+ ~@body))
+(defmacro def-impl-write!
+ {:private true} [& body]
+ `(def
+ #^{:doc
+ "Implementation-specific write of a log message. End-users should not need to
+ call this function."
+ :arglist '([~'log ~'level ~'message ~'throwable])}
+ impl-write!
+ ~@body))
+(defmacro commons-logging
+ "Defines the commons-logging-based implementations of the core logging
+ functions. End-users should never need to call this macro."
+ {:private true}
+ []
+ (try
+ (import 'org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory)
+ (import 'org.apache.commons.logging.Log)
+ `(do
+ (def-impl-name "org.apache.commons.logging")
+ (def-impl-get-log
+ (fn [log-ns#]
+ (org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory/getLog #^String log-ns#)))
+ (def-impl-enabled?
+ (fn [#^org.apache.commons.logging.Log log# level#]
+ (condp = level#
+ :trace (.isTraceEnabled log#)
+ :debug (.isDebugEnabled log#)
+ :info (.isInfoEnabled log#)
+ :warn (.isWarnEnabled log#)
+ :error (.isErrorEnabled log#)
+ :fatal (.isFatalEnabled log#))))
+ (def-impl-write!
+ (fn [#^org.apache.commons.logging.Log log# level# msg# e#]
+ (condp = level#
+ :trace (.trace log# msg# e#)
+ :debug (.debug log# msg# e#)
+ :info (.info log# msg# e#)
+ :warn (.warn log# msg# e#)
+ :error (.error log# msg# e#)
+ :fatal (.fatal log# msg# e#))))
+ true)
+ (catch Exception e nil)))
+(defmacro log4j-logging
+ "Defines the log4j-based implementations of the core logging functions.
+ End-users should never need to call this macro."
+ {:private true}
+ []
+ (try
+ (import 'org.apache.log4j.Logger)
+ (import 'org.apache.log4j.Level)
+ `(do
+ (def-impl-name "org.apache.log4j")
+ (def-impl-get-log
+ (fn [log-ns#]
+ (org.apache.log4j.Logger/getLogger #^String log-ns#)))
+ (let [levels# {:trace org.apache.log4j.Level/TRACE
+ :debug org.apache.log4j.Level/DEBUG
+ :info org.apache.log4j.Level/INFO
+ :warn org.apache.log4j.Level/WARN
+ :error org.apache.log4j.Level/ERROR
+ :fatal org.apache.log4j.Level/FATAL}]
+ (def-impl-enabled?
+ (fn [#^org.apache.log4j.Logger log# level#]
+ (.isEnabledFor log# (levels# level#))))
+ (def-impl-write!
+ (fn [#^org.apache.log4j.Logger log# level# msg# e#]
+ (if-not e#
+ (.log log# (levels# level#) msg#)
+ (.log log# (levels# level#) msg# e#)))))
+ true)
+ (catch Exception e nil)))
+(defmacro java-logging
+ "Defines the java-logging-based implementations of the core logging
+ functions. End-users should never need to call this macro."
+ {:private true}
+ []
+ (try
+ (import 'java.util.logging.Logger)
+ (import 'java.util.logging.Level)
+ `(do
+ (def-impl-name "java.util.logging")
+ (def-impl-get-log
+ (fn [log-ns#]
+ (java.util.logging.Logger/getLogger log-ns#)))
+ (let [levels# {:trace java.util.logging.Level/FINEST
+ :debug java.util.logging.Level/FINE
+ :info java.util.logging.Level/INFO
+ :warn java.util.logging.Level/WARNING
+ :error java.util.logging.Level/SEVERE
+ :fatal java.util.logging.Level/SEVERE}]
+ (def-impl-enabled?
+ (fn [#^java.util.logging.Logger log# level#]
+ (.isLoggable log# (levels# level#))))
+ (def-impl-write!
+ (fn [#^java.util.logging.Logger log# level# msg# e#]
+ (if-not e#
+ (.log log# #^java.util.logging.Level (levels# level#)
+ #^String (str msg#))
+ (.log log# #^java.util.logging.Level (levels# level#)
+ #^String (str msg#) #^Throwable e#)))))
+ true)
+ (catch Exception e nil)))
+;; Initialize implementation-specific functions
+(or (commons-logging)
+ (log4j-logging)
+ (java-logging)
+ (throw ; this should never happen in 1.5+
+ (RuntimeException.
+ "Valid logging implementation could not be found.")))
+(def #^{:doc
+ "The default agent used for performing logging durng a transaction or when
+ direct logging is disabled."}
+ *logging-agent* (agent nil))
+(def #^{:doc
+ "A boolean indicating whether direct logging (as opposed to via an agent) is
+ allowed when not operating from within a transaction. Defaults to true."}
+ *allow-direct-logging* (atom true))
+(defn agent-write!
+ "Writes the message immediately, and ignores the first argument. Used by the
+ logging agent. End-users should never need to call this function."
+ [_ log level message throwable]
+ (impl-write! log level message throwable))
+(defmacro log
+ "Logs a message, either directly or via an agent. Also see the level-specific
+ convenience macros."
+ ([level message]
+ `(log ~level ~message nil))
+ ([level message throwable]
+ `(log ~level ~message ~throwable ~(str *ns*)))
+ ([level message throwable log-ns]
+ `(let [log# (impl-get-log ~log-ns)]
+ (if (impl-enabled? log# ~level)
+ (if (and @*allow-direct-logging*
+ (not (clojure.lang.LockingTransaction/isRunning)))
+ (impl-write! log# ~level ~message ~throwable)
+ (send-off *logging-agent*
+ agent-write! log# ~level ~message ~throwable))))))
+(defmacro enabled?
+ "Returns true if the specific logging level is enabled. Use of this function
+ should only be necessary if one needs to execute alternate code paths beyond
+ whether the log should be written to."
+ ([level]
+ `(enabled? ~level ~(str *ns*)))
+ ([level log-ns]
+ `(impl-enabled? (impl-get-log ~log-ns) ~level)))
+(defmacro spy
+ "Evaluates expr and outputs the form and its result to the debug log; returns
+ the result of expr."
+ [expr]
+ `(let [a# ~expr] (log :debug (str '~expr " => " a#)) a#))
+(defn log-stream
+ "Creates a PrintStream that will output to the log. End-users should not need
+ to invoke this function."
+ [level log-ns]
+ (java.io.PrintStream.
+ (proxy [java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream] []
+ (flush []
+ (proxy-super flush)
+ (let [s (.trim (.toString #^java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream this))]
+ (proxy-super reset)
+ (if (> (.length s) 0)
+ (log level s nil log-ns)))))
+ true))
+(def #^{:doc
+ "A ref used by log-capture! to maintain a reference to the original System.out
+ and System.err streams."
+ :private true}
+ *old-std-streams* (ref nil))
+(defn log-capture!
+ "Captures System.out and System.err, redirecting all writes of those streams
+ to :info and :error logging, respectively. The specified log-ns value will
+ be used to namespace all redirected logging. NOTE: this will not redirect
+ output of *out* or *err*; for that, use with-logs."
+ [log-ns]
+ (dosync
+ (let [new-out (log-stream :info log-ns)
+ new-err (log-stream :error log-ns)]
+ ; don't overwrite the original values
+ (if (nil? @*old-std-streams*)
+ (ref-set *old-std-streams* {:out System/out :err System/err}))
+ (System/setOut new-out)
+ (System/setErr new-err))))
+(defn log-uncapture!
+ "Restores System.out and System.err to their original values."
+ []
+ (dosync
+ (when-let [{old-out :out old-err :err} @*old-std-streams*]
+ (ref-set *old-std-streams* nil)
+ (System/setOut old-out)
+ (System/setErr old-err))))
+(defmacro with-logs
+ "Evaluates exprs in a context in which *out* and *err* are bound to :info and
+ :error logging, respectively. The specified log-ns value will be used to
+ namespace all redirected logging."
+ [log-ns & body]
+ (if (and log-ns (seq body))
+ `(binding [*out* (java.io.OutputStreamWriter.
+ (log-stream :info ~log-ns))
+ *err* (java.io.OutputStreamWriter.
+ (log-stream :error ~log-ns))]
+ ~@body)))
+(defmacro trace
+ "Logs a message at the trace level."
+ ([message]
+ `(log :trace ~message))
+ ([message throwable]
+ `(log :trace ~message ~throwable)))
+(defmacro debug
+ "Logs a message at the debug level."
+ ([message]
+ `(log :debug ~message))
+ ([message throwable]
+ `(log :debug ~message ~throwable)))
+(defmacro info
+ "Logs a message at the info level."
+ ([message]
+ `(log :info ~message))
+ ([message throwable]
+ `(log :info ~message ~throwable)))
+(defmacro warn
+ "Logs a message at the warn level."
+ ([message]
+ `(log :warn ~message))
+ ([message throwable]
+ `(log :warn ~message ~throwable)))
+(defmacro error
+ "Logs a message at the error level."
+ ([message]
+ `(log :error ~message))
+ ([message throwable]
+ `(log :error ~message ~throwable)))
+(defmacro fatal
+ "Logs a message at the fatal level."
+ ([message]
+ `(log :fatal ~message))
+ ([message throwable]
+ `(log :fatal ~message ~throwable)))