path: root/KSDK_1.2.0/platform/drivers/inc/fsl_enc_driver.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'KSDK_1.2.0/platform/drivers/inc/fsl_enc_driver.h')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/KSDK_1.2.0/platform/drivers/inc/fsl_enc_driver.h b/KSDK_1.2.0/platform/drivers/inc/fsl_enc_driver.h
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+* Copyright [2014-]2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+* This software is owned or controlled by Freescale Semiconductor.
+* Use of this software is governed by the Freescale License
+* distributed with this Material.
+* See the LICENSE file distributed for more details.
+#ifndef __FSL_ENC_DRIVER_H__
+#define __FSL_ENC_DRIVER_H__
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "fsl_enc_hal.h"
+#include "fsl_os_abstraction.h"
+ * @addtogroup enc_driver
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Definitions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+extern ENC_Type* const g_encBase[];
+extern const IRQn_Type g_encCmpIrqId[ENC_INSTANCE_COUNT];
+extern const IRQn_Type g_encHomeIrqId[ENC_INSTANCE_COUNT];
+extern const IRQn_Type g_encWdtIrqId[ENC_INSTANCE_COUNT];
+extern const IRQn_Type g_encIndexIrqId[ENC_INSTANCE_COUNT];
+ * @brief User configuration structure for ENC driver.
+ *
+ * Use an instance of this structure with the ENC_DRV_Init()function. This enables configuration of the
+ * most common settings of the ENC peripheral with a single function call.
+ * @internal gui name="ENC configuration" id="encCfg"
+ */
+typedef struct EncUserConfig {
+ uint32_t posCntInitValue; /*!< Value to put in Initialization Register. @internal gui name="Initialization register" id="InitReg" */
+ uint32_t posCmpValue; /*!< Value to put in Position Compare Register. @internal gui name="Position compare register" id="PosCompReg" */
+ uint32_t moduloValue; /*!< Value to put in Modulus Register. @internal gui name="Modulus register" id="ModReg" */
+ uint16_t watchdogTimeout; /*!< Value to put in Watchdog Timeout Register. @internal gui name="Watchdog time-out register" id="WdogTimetReg" */
+ uint8_t filterCount; /*!< Value represents the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the input filter accepting an input transition. @internal gui name="Filter sample count" id="FilterCount" */
+ uint8_t filterPeriod; /*!< Value represents the sampling period (in IPBus clock cycles) of the decoder input signals. @internal gui name="Filter sample period" id="FilterPeriod" */
+ enc_operation_mode_t operationMode; /*!< Operation mode: Normal mode, modulo counting mode or bypass (signal phase count) mode. @internal gui name="Operation mode" id="OpMode" */
+ bool reverseCounting; /*!< Counting direction: Normal (false) or reverse (true) counting direction. @internal gui name="Reverse counting" id="ReverseCnt" */
+ bool indexInputNegativeEdge; /*!< Type of transition edge of INDEX input signal: positive (false) or negative (true). @internal gui name="INDEX input signal" id="IdxNegEdge" */
+ bool homeInputNegativeEdge; /*!< Type of transition edge of HOME input signal: positive (false) or negative (true). @internal gui name="HOME input signal" id="HomeNegEdge" */
+ bool indexPulsePosInit; /*!< To use HOME (false) or INDEX (true) input to initialize position counter to value in Initialization Register. @internal gui name="Position counter init. type" id="IdxPulsePosInit" */
+ bool triggerUpdateHoldRegEnable; /*!< Enable/disable updating hold registers on TRIGGER input. @internal gui name="Update hold registers" id="UpdateHoldReg" */
+ bool triggerClearPosRegEnable; /*!< Enable/disable clear of position registers on TRIGGER input. @internal gui name="Clear position registers" id="ClearPosReg" */
+ bool moduloRevolutionCounting; /*!< Type of revolution counter - index pulse counting (on false) or modulo counting (on true). @internal gui name="Revolution counter" id="TypeRevCnt" */
+ bool outputControlOnReading; /*!< Used to control the behaviour of the POSMATCH output signal. True - output control on reading position register, false - OC on match position register. @internal gui name="POSMATCH output signal" id="PosMatchOut" */
+} enc_user_config_t;
+ * @brief User configuration structure for ENC driver - ENC test module configuration.
+ *
+ * Use an instance of this structure with the ENC_DRV_TestInit()function.
+ * This enables configuration of the Test module of the ENC peripheral
+ * with a single function call.
+ */
+typedef struct EncTestConfig {
+ uint8_t testCount; /*!< Test count - holds the number of quadrature advances to generate. */
+ uint8_t testPeriod; /*!< Test period - holds the period of quadrature phase in IPBus clock cycles. */
+ bool testNegativeSignalEnable; /*!< Test signal type, positive (false) or negative (true). */
+} enc_test_config_t;
+ * @brief Counter registers structure for ENC driver.
+ *
+ * Use an instance of this structure with the ENC_DRV_ReadHoldRegisters() or
+ * ENC_DRV_ReadCounters() functions. This reads counters and hold registers of
+ * Position, PositionDifference, Revolution Counter.
+ */
+typedef struct EncCounter {
+ int32_t position; /*!< Position Counter/Hold Register. */
+ int16_t posDiff; /*!< Position Difference Counter/Hold Register. */
+ int16_t revolution; /*!< Revolution Counter/Hold Register. */
+} enc_counter_t;
+ * @brief Input monitor structure for ENC driver.
+ *
+ * Use an instance of this structure with the ENC_DRV_ReadInputMonitorRegister().
+ * This reads Input Monitor register that contains the values of the raw or filtered
+ * PHASEA, PHASEB, INDEX and HOME input signals.
+ */
+typedef struct EncInputMonitor {
+ bool phaseA; /*!< PHASEA input. */
+ bool phaseB; /*!< PHASEB input. */
+ bool index; /*!< INDEX input. */
+ bool home; /*!< HOME input. */
+} enc_input_monitor_t;
+ * API
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+ * @name Configuration
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Fills the initial user configuration for the ENC module
+ * without the interrupts enablement.
+ *
+ * This function fills the initial user configuration. Calling the initialization
+ * function with the filled parameter configures the ENC module to function as
+ * a simple Quadrature Encoder. The settings are:
+ *
+ @code
+ encUserConfig.operationMode = kEncNormalMode;
+ encUserConfig.reverseCounting = false;
+ encUserConfig.indexInputNegativeEdge = false;
+ encUserConfig.homeInputNegativeEdge = false;
+ encUserConfig.indexPulsePosInit = true;
+ encUserConfig.posCntInitValue = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.posCmpValue = 0xFFFFU;
+ encUserConfig.moduloValue = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.triggerUpdateHoldRegEnable = false;
+ encUserConfig.triggerClearPosRegEnable = false;
+ encUserConfig.moduloRevolutionCounting = false;
+ encUserConfig.outputControlOnReading = false;
+ encUserConfig.watchdogTimeout = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.filterCount = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.filterPeriod = 0U;
+ @endcode
+ *
+ * @param userConfigPtr Pointer to the user configuration structure.
+ * @return Execution status.
+ */
+enc_status_t ENC_DRV_StructInitUserConfigNormal(enc_user_config_t * userConfigPtr);
+ * @brief Initializes an ENC instance for operation.
+ *
+ * This function initializes the run-time state structure to un-gate the clock to the ENC module,
+ * initializes the module to user-defined settings and default settings,
+ * configures the IRQ state structure, and enables the module-level interrupt to the core.
+ * This example shows how to set up the enc_state_t and the
+ * enc_user_config_t parameters and how to call the ENC_DRV_Init function by passing
+ * in these parameters:
+ @code
+ enc_user_config_t encUserConfig;
+ encUserConfig.operationMode = kEncNormalMode;
+ encUserConfig.reverseCounting = false;
+ encUserConfig.indexInputNegativeEdge = false;
+ encUserConfig.homeInputNegativeEdge = false;
+ encUserConfig.indexPulsePosInit = true;
+ encUserConfig.posCntInitValue = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.posCmpValue = 0xFFFFU;
+ encUserConfig.moduloValue = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.triggerUpdateHoldRegEnable = false;
+ encUserConfig.triggerClearPosRegEnable = false;
+ encUserConfig.moduloRevolutionCounting = false;
+ encUserConfig.outputControlOnReading = false;
+ encUserConfig.watchdogTimeout = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.filterCount = 0U;
+ encUserConfig.filterPeriod = 0U;
+ ENC_DRV_Init(&encUserConfig);
+ @endcode
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param userConfigPtr The user configuration structure of type enc_user_config_t. The user
+ * is responsible to fill out the members of this structure and to pass the pointer
+ * of this structure into this function.
+ * @return Execution status.
+ */
+enc_status_t ENC_DRV_Init(uint32_t instance, const enc_user_config_t *userConfigPtr);
+ * @brief De-initializes the ENC peripheral.
+ *
+ * This function shuts down the ENC clock to reduce power consumption.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ */
+void ENC_DRV_Deinit(uint32_t instance);
+ * @brief Initializes an ENC test module.
+ *
+ * This function initializes the run-time state structure to enable the test module
+ * and sets the test period and test count values.
+ * This example shows how to set up the enc_test_config_t parameters and
+ * how to call the ENC_DRV_TestInit function by passing in these parameters:
+ @code
+ enc_test_config_t encTestConfig;
+ encTestConfig.testNegativeSignalEnable = false;
+ encTestConfig.testCount = 100;
+ encTestConfig.testPeriod = 10;
+ ENC_DRV_TestInit(&encTestConfig);
+ @endcode
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param userConfigPtr The user configuration structure of type enc_test_config_t.
+ * @return Execution status.
+ */
+enc_status_t ENC_DRV_TestInit(uint32_t instance, const enc_test_config_t * userConfigPtr);
+ * @brief Shuts down the ENC test module, disables test counter,
+ * and clears the test period and test count values.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ */
+void ENC_DRV_TestDeinit(uint32_t instance);
+ * @brief Enables/disables the selected ENC interrupt.
+ *
+ * The interrupt source is passing as argument of type enc_interrupt_source_t.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param intSrc The type of interrupt to enable/disable.
+ * @param enable Bool parameter to enable/disable.
+ * @return Execution status.
+ */
+enc_status_t ENC_DRV_SetIntMode
+ (uint32_t instance, enc_int_source_t intSrc, bool enable);
+ * @brief Gets the configuration of the selected ENC interrupt.
+ *
+ * The interrupt type is passing as an argument of type enc_int_source_t.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param intSrc The type of interrupt to get configuration.
+ * @return Configuration of selected interrupt source.
+ */
+bool ENC_DRV_GetIntMode(uint32_t instance, enc_int_source_t intSrc);
+ * @brief Gets the interrupt status flag of the selected interrupt source.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param flag Selected type of status flag.
+ * @return State of selected flag.
+ */
+bool ENC_DRV_GetStatusFlag(uint32_t instance, enc_status_flag_t flag);
+ * @brief Clears the status flag of the selected status source.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param flag Selected type of status flag.
+ */
+void ENC_DRV_ClearStatusFlag(uint32_t instance, enc_status_flag_t flag);
+ * @brief Reads the actual values of the ENC counter registers.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param countRegPtr The structure of ENC counter registers.
+ * @return Execution status.
+ */
+enc_status_t ENC_DRV_ReadCounters(uint32_t instance, enc_counter_t * countRegPtr);
+ * @brief Reads the ENC hold registers.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param holdRegPtr The structure of ENC hold registers.
+ * @return Execution status.
+ */
+enc_status_t ENC_DRV_ReadHoldReg(uint32_t instance, enc_counter_t * holdRegPtr);
+ * @brief Resets the ENC counter registers.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ */
+void ENC_DRV_ResetCounters(uint32_t instance);
+ * @brief Reads the ENC input monitor register.
+ *
+ * @param instance ENC instance ID.
+ * @param inputMonitorRaw The type of input monitor - raw (true) / filtered (false).
+ * @param inputMonitorPtr The structure of ENC Monitor register variables.
+ * @return Execution status.
+ */
+enc_status_t ENC_DRV_ReadInputMonitor
+ (uint32_t instance, bool inputMonitorRaw, enc_input_monitor_t * inputMonitorPtr);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+/*! @}*/
+#endif /* __FSL_ENC_DRIVER_H__*/
+ * EOF
+ ******************************************************************************/