/** * @license * Visual Blocks Language * * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Generating PHP for list blocks. * @author daarond@gmail.com (Daaron Dwyer) */ /* * Lists in PHP are known to break when non-variables are passed into blocks * that require a list. PHP, unlike other languages, passes arrays as reference * value instead of value so we are unable to support it to the extent we can * for the other languages. * For example, a ternary operator with two arrays will return the array by * value and that cannot be passed into any of the built-in array functions for * PHP (because only variables can be passed by reference). * ex: end(true ? list1 : list2) */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.PHP.lists'); goog.require('Blockly.PHP'); Blockly.PHP['lists_create_empty'] = function(block) { // Create an empty list. return ['array()', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_create_with'] = function(block) { // Create a list with any number of elements of any type. var code = new Array(block.itemCount_); for (var i = 0; i < block.itemCount_; i++) { code[i] = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'ADD' + i, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'null'; } code = 'array(' + code.join(', ') + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_repeat'] = function(block) { // Create a list with one element repeated. var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_repeat', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '($value, $count) {', ' $array = array();', ' for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {', ' $array[] = $value;', ' }', ' return $array;', '}']); var element = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'ITEM', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'null'; var repeatCount = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'NUM', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || '0'; var code = functionName + '(' + element + ', ' + repeatCount + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_length'] = function(block) { // String or array length. var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'length', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '($value) {', ' if (is_string($value)) {', ' return strlen($value);', ' } else {', ' return count($value);', ' }', '}']); var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\''; return [functionName + '(' + list + ')', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_isEmpty'] = function(block) { // Is the string null or array empty? var argument0 = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL) || 'array()'; return ['empty(' + argument0 + ')', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_indexOf'] = function(block) { // Find an item in the list. var argument0 = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'FIND', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || '\'\''; var argument1 = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_MEMBER) || '[]'; if (Blockly.PHP.ONE_BASED_INDEXING) { var errorIndex = ' 0'; var indexAdjustment = ' + 1'; } else { var errorIndex = ' -1'; var indexAdjustment = ''; } if (block.getFieldValue('END') == 'FIRST') { // indexOf var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'indexOf', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '($haystack, $needle) {', ' for ($index = 0; $index < count($haystack); $index++) {', ' if ($haystack[$index] == $needle) return $index' + indexAdjustment + ';', ' }', ' return ' + errorIndex + ';', '}']); } else { // lastIndexOf var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lastIndexOf', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '($haystack, $needle) {', ' $last = ' + errorIndex + ';', ' for ($index = 0; $index < count($haystack); $index++) {', ' if ($haystack[$index] == $needle) $last = $index' + indexAdjustment + ';', ' }', ' return $last;', '}']); } var code = functionName + '(' + argument1 + ', ' + argument0 + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_getIndex'] = function(block) { // Get element at index. var mode = block.getFieldValue('MODE') || 'GET'; var where = block.getFieldValue('WHERE') || 'FROM_START'; switch (where) { case 'FIRST': if (mode == 'GET') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_MEMBER) || 'array()'; var code = list + '[0]'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_MEMBER]; } else if (mode == 'GET_REMOVE') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || 'array()'; var code = 'array_shift(' + list + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'REMOVE') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || 'array()'; return 'array_shift(' + list + ');\n'; } break; case 'LAST': if (mode == 'GET') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || 'array()'; var code = 'end(' + list + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'GET_REMOVE') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || 'array()'; var code = 'array_pop(' + list + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'REMOVE') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || 'array()'; return 'array_pop(' + list + ');\n'; } break; case 'FROM_START': var at = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT'); if (mode == 'GET') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_MEMBER) || 'array()'; var code = list + '[' + at + ']'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_MEMBER]; } else if (mode == 'GET_REMOVE') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; var code = 'array_splice(' + list + ', ' + at + ', 1)[0]'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'REMOVE') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; return 'array_splice(' + list + ', ' + at + ', 1);\n'; } break; case 'FROM_END': if (mode == 'GET') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; var at = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT', 1, true); var code = 'array_slice(' + list + ', ' + at + ', 1)[0]'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'GET_REMOVE' || mode == 'REMOVE') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || 'array()'; var at = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT', 1, false, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_SUBTRACTION); code = 'array_splice(' + list + ', count(' + list + ') - ' + at + ', 1)[0]'; if (mode == 'GET_REMOVE') { return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'REMOVE') { return code + ';\n'; } } break; case 'RANDOM': var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'VALUE', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_NONE) || 'array()'; if (mode == 'GET') { var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_get_random_item', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '($list) {', ' return $list[rand(0,count($list)-1)];', '}']); code = functionName + '(' + list + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'GET_REMOVE') { var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_get_remove_random_item', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(&$list) {', ' $x = rand(0,count($list)-1);', ' unset($list[$x]);', ' return array_values($list);', '}']); code = functionName + '(' + list + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; } else if (mode == 'REMOVE') { var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_remove_random_item', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(&$list) {', ' unset($list[rand(0,count($list)-1)]);', '}']); return functionName + '(' + list + ');\n'; } break; } throw 'Unhandled combination (lists_getIndex).'; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_setIndex'] = function(block) { // Set element at index. // Note: Until February 2013 this block did not have MODE or WHERE inputs. var mode = block.getFieldValue('MODE') || 'GET'; var where = block.getFieldValue('WHERE') || 'FROM_START'; var value = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'TO', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_ASSIGNMENT) || 'null'; // Cache non-trivial values to variables to prevent repeated look-ups. // Closure, which accesses and modifies 'list'. function cacheList() { if (list.match(/^\$\w+$/)) { return ''; } var listVar = Blockly.PHP.variableDB_.getDistinctName( 'tmp_list', Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE); var code = listVar + ' = &' + list + ';\n'; list = listVar; return code; } switch (where) { case 'FIRST': if (mode == 'SET') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_MEMBER) || 'array()'; return list + '[0] = ' + value + ';\n'; } else if (mode == 'INSERT') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; return 'array_unshift(' + list + ', ' + value + ');\n'; } break; case 'LAST': var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; if (mode == 'SET') { var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_set_last_item', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(&$list, $value) {', ' $list[count($list) - 1] = $value;', '}']); return functionName + '(' + list + ', ' + value + ');\n'; } else if (mode == 'INSERT') { return 'array_push(' + list + ', ' + value + ');\n'; } break; case 'FROM_START': var at = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT'); if (mode == 'SET') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_MEMBER) || 'array()'; return list + '[' + at + '] = ' + value + ';\n'; } else if (mode == 'INSERT') { var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; return 'array_splice(' + list + ', ' + at + ', 0, ' + value + ');\n'; } break; case 'FROM_END': var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; var at = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT', 1); if (mode == 'SET') { var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_set_from_end', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(&$list, $at, $value) {', ' $list[count($list) - $at] = $value;', '}']); return functionName + '(' + list + ', ' + at + ', ' + value + ');\n'; } else if (mode == 'INSERT') { var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_insert_from_end', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(&$list, $at, $value) {', ' return array_splice($list, count($list) - $at, 0, $value);', '}']); return functionName + '(' + list + ', ' + at + ', ' + value + ');\n'; } break; case 'RANDOM': var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_REFERENCE) || 'array()'; var code = cacheList(); var xVar = Blockly.PHP.variableDB_.getDistinctName( 'tmp_x', Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE); code += xVar + ' = rand(0, count(' + list + ')-1);\n'; if (mode == 'SET') { code += list + '[' + xVar + '] = ' + value + ';\n'; return code; } else if (mode == 'INSERT') { code += 'array_splice(' + list + ', ' + xVar + ', 0, ' + value + ');\n'; return code; } break; } throw 'Unhandled combination (lists_setIndex).'; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_getSublist'] = function(block) { // Get sublist. var list = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; var where1 = block.getFieldValue('WHERE1'); var where2 = block.getFieldValue('WHERE2'); if (where1 == 'FIRST' && where2 == 'LAST') { var code = list; } else if (list.match(/^\$\w+$/) || (where1 != 'FROM_END' && where2 == 'FROM_START')) { // If the list is a simple value or doesn't require a call for length, don't // generate a helper function. switch (where1) { case 'FROM_START': var at1 = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT1'); break; case 'FROM_END': var at1 = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT1', 1, false, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_SUBTRACTION); at1 = 'count(' + list + ') - ' + at1; break; case 'FIRST': var at1 = '0'; break; default: throw 'Unhandled option (lists_getSublist).'; } switch (where2) { case 'FROM_START': var at2 = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT2', 0, false, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_SUBTRACTION); var length = at2 + ' - '; if (Blockly.isNumber(String(at1)) || String(at1).match(/^\(.+\)$/)) { length += at1; } else { length += '(' + at1 + ')'; } length += ' + 1'; break; case 'FROM_END': var at2 = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT2', 0, false, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_SUBTRACTION); var length = 'count(' + list + ') - ' + at2 + ' - '; if (Blockly.isNumber(String(at1)) || String(at1).match(/^\(.+\)$/)) { length += at1; } else { length += '(' + at1 + ')'; } break; case 'LAST': var length = 'count(' + list + ') - '; if (Blockly.isNumber(String(at1)) || String(at1).match(/^\(.+\)$/)) { length += at1; } else { length += '(' + at1 + ')'; } break; default: throw 'Unhandled option (lists_getSublist).'; } code = 'array_slice(' + list + ', ' + at1 + ', ' + length + ')'; } else { var at1 = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT1'); var at2 = Blockly.PHP.getAdjusted(block, 'AT2'); var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_get_sublist', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '($list, $where1, $at1, $where2, $at2) {', ' if ($where1 == \'FROM_END\') {', ' $at1 = count($list) - 1 - $at1;', ' } else if ($where1 == \'FIRST\') {', ' $at1 = 0;', ' } else if ($where1 != \'FROM_START\'){', ' throw new Exception(\'Unhandled option (lists_get_sublist).\');', ' }', ' $length = 0;', ' if ($where2 == \'FROM_START\') {', ' $length = $at2 - $at1 + 1;', ' } else if ($where2 == \'FROM_END\') {', ' $length = count($list) - $at1 - $at2;', ' } else if ($where2 == \'LAST\') {', ' $length = count($list) - $at1;', ' } else {', ' throw new Exception(\'Unhandled option (lists_get_sublist).\');', ' }', ' return array_slice($list, $at1, $length);', '}']); var code = functionName + '(' + list + ', \'' + where1 + '\', ' + at1 + ', \'' + where2 + '\', ' + at2 + ')'; } return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_sort'] = function(block) { // Block for sorting a list. var listCode = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'LIST', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || 'array()'; var direction = block.getFieldValue('DIRECTION') === '1' ? 1 : -1; var type = block.getFieldValue('TYPE'); var functionName = Blockly.PHP.provideFunction_( 'lists_sort', ['function ' + Blockly.PHP.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '($list, $type, $direction) {', ' $sortCmpFuncs = array(', ' "NUMERIC" => "strnatcasecmp",', ' "TEXT" => "strcmp",', ' "IGNORE_CASE" => "strcasecmp"', ' );', ' $sortCmp = $sortCmpFuncs[$type];', ' $list2 = $list;', // Clone list. ' usort($list2, $sortCmp);', ' if ($direction == -1) {', ' $list2 = array_reverse($list2);', ' }', ' return $list2;', '}']); var sortCode = functionName + '(' + listCode + ', "' + type + '", ' + direction + ')'; return [sortCode, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; }; Blockly.PHP['lists_split'] = function(block) { // Block for splitting text into a list, or joining a list into text. var value_input = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'INPUT', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA); var value_delim = Blockly.PHP.valueToCode(block, 'DELIM', Blockly.PHP.ORDER_COMMA) || '\'\''; var mode = block.getFieldValue('MODE'); if (mode == 'SPLIT') { if (!value_input) { value_input = '\'\''; } var functionName = 'explode'; } else if (mode == 'JOIN') { if (!value_input) { value_input = 'array()'; } var functionName = 'implode'; } else { throw 'Unknown mode: ' + mode; } var code = functionName + '(' + value_delim + ', ' + value_input + ')'; return [code, Blockly.PHP.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL]; };