/** * @license * Visual Blocks Editor * * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Functions for injecting Blockly into a web page. * @author fraser@google.com (Neil Fraser) */ 'use strict'; goog.provide('Blockly.inject'); goog.require('Blockly.Css'); goog.require('Blockly.Options'); goog.require('Blockly.WorkspaceSvg'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.ui.Component'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); /** * Inject a Blockly editor into the specified container element (usually a div). * @param {!Element|string} container Containing element, or its ID, * or a CSS selector. * @param {Object=} opt_options Optional dictionary of options. * @return {!Blockly.Workspace} Newly created main workspace. */ Blockly.inject = function(container, opt_options) { if (goog.isString(container)) { container = document.getElementById(container) || document.querySelector(container); } // Verify that the container is in document. if (!goog.dom.contains(document, container)) { throw 'Error: container is not in current document.'; } var options = new Blockly.Options(opt_options || {}); var subContainer = goog.dom.createDom('div', 'injectionDiv'); container.appendChild(subContainer); var svg = Blockly.createDom_(subContainer, options); var workspace = Blockly.createMainWorkspace_(svg, options); Blockly.init_(workspace); workspace.markFocused(); Blockly.bindEvent_(svg, 'focus', workspace, workspace.markFocused); Blockly.svgResize(workspace); return workspace; }; /** * Create the SVG image. * @param {!Element} container Containing element. * @param {!Blockly.Options} options Dictionary of options. * @return {!Element} Newly created SVG image. * @private */ Blockly.createDom_ = function(container, options) { // Sadly browsers (Chrome vs Firefox) are currently inconsistent in laying // out content in RTL mode. Therefore Blockly forces the use of LTR, // then manually positions content in RTL as needed. container.setAttribute('dir', 'LTR'); // Closure can be trusted to create HTML widgets with the proper direction. goog.ui.Component.setDefaultRightToLeft(options.RTL); // Load CSS. Blockly.Css.inject(options.hasCss, options.pathToMedia); // Build the SVG DOM. /* ... */ var svg = Blockly.createSvgElement('svg', { 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'xmlns:html': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'xmlns:xlink': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'version': '1.1', 'class': 'blocklySvg' }, container); /* ... filters go here ... */ var defs = Blockly.createSvgElement('defs', {}, svg); var rnd = String(Math.random()).substring(2); /* */ var embossFilter = Blockly.createSvgElement('filter', {'id': 'blocklyEmbossFilter' + rnd}, defs); Blockly.createSvgElement('feGaussianBlur', {'in': 'SourceAlpha', 'stdDeviation': 1, 'result': 'blur'}, embossFilter); var feSpecularLighting = Blockly.createSvgElement('feSpecularLighting', {'in': 'blur', 'surfaceScale': 1, 'specularConstant': 0.5, 'specularExponent': 10, 'lighting-color': 'white', 'result': 'specOut'}, embossFilter); Blockly.createSvgElement('fePointLight', {'x': -5000, 'y': -10000, 'z': 20000}, feSpecularLighting); Blockly.createSvgElement('feComposite', {'in': 'specOut', 'in2': 'SourceAlpha', 'operator': 'in', 'result': 'specOut'}, embossFilter); Blockly.createSvgElement('feComposite', {'in': 'SourceGraphic', 'in2': 'specOut', 'operator': 'arithmetic', 'k1': 0, 'k2': 1, 'k3': 1, 'k4': 0}, embossFilter); options.embossFilterId = embossFilter.id; /* */ var disabledPattern = Blockly.createSvgElement('pattern', {'id': 'blocklyDisabledPattern' + rnd, 'patternUnits': 'userSpaceOnUse', 'width': 10, 'height': 10}, defs); Blockly.createSvgElement('rect', {'width': 10, 'height': 10, 'fill': '#aaa'}, disabledPattern); Blockly.createSvgElement('path', {'d': 'M 0 0 L 10 10 M 10 0 L 0 10', 'stroke': '#cc0'}, disabledPattern); options.disabledPatternId = disabledPattern.id; /* */ var gridPattern = Blockly.createSvgElement('pattern', {'id': 'blocklyGridPattern' + rnd, 'patternUnits': 'userSpaceOnUse'}, defs); if (options.gridOptions['length'] > 0 && options.gridOptions['spacing'] > 0) { Blockly.createSvgElement('line', {'stroke': options.gridOptions['colour']}, gridPattern); if (options.gridOptions['length'] > 1) { Blockly.createSvgElement('line', {'stroke': options.gridOptions['colour']}, gridPattern); } // x1, y1, x1, x2 properties will be set later in updateGridPattern_. } options.gridPattern = gridPattern; return svg; }; /** * Create a main workspace and add it to the SVG. * @param {!Element} svg SVG element with pattern defined. * @param {!Blockly.Options} options Dictionary of options. * @return {!Blockly.Workspace} Newly created main workspace. * @private */ Blockly.createMainWorkspace_ = function(svg, options) { options.parentWorkspace = null; var mainWorkspace = new Blockly.WorkspaceSvg(options); mainWorkspace.scale = options.zoomOptions.startScale; svg.appendChild(mainWorkspace.createDom('blocklyMainBackground')); // A null translation will also apply the correct initial scale. mainWorkspace.translate(0, 0); mainWorkspace.markFocused(); if (!options.readOnly && !options.hasScrollbars) { var workspaceChanged = function() { if (Blockly.dragMode_ == Blockly.DRAG_NONE) { var metrics = mainWorkspace.getMetrics(); var edgeLeft = metrics.viewLeft + metrics.absoluteLeft; var edgeTop = metrics.viewTop + metrics.absoluteTop; if (metrics.contentTop < edgeTop || metrics.contentTop + metrics.contentHeight > metrics.viewHeight + edgeTop || metrics.contentLeft < (options.RTL ? metrics.viewLeft : edgeLeft) || metrics.contentLeft + metrics.contentWidth > (options.RTL ? metrics.viewWidth : metrics.viewWidth + edgeLeft)) { // One or more blocks may be out of bounds. Bump them back in. var MARGIN = 25; var blocks = mainWorkspace.getTopBlocks(false); for (var b = 0, block; block = blocks[b]; b++) { var blockXY = block.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); var blockHW = block.getHeightWidth(); // Bump any block that's above the top back inside. var overflowTop = edgeTop + MARGIN - blockHW.height - blockXY.y; if (overflowTop > 0) { block.moveBy(0, overflowTop); } // Bump any block that's below the bottom back inside. var overflowBottom = edgeTop + metrics.viewHeight - MARGIN - blockXY.y; if (overflowBottom < 0) { block.moveBy(0, overflowBottom); } // Bump any block that's off the left back inside. var overflowLeft = MARGIN + edgeLeft - blockXY.x - (options.RTL ? 0 : blockHW.width); if (overflowLeft > 0) { block.moveBy(overflowLeft, 0); } // Bump any block that's off the right back inside. var overflowRight = edgeLeft + metrics.viewWidth - MARGIN - blockXY.x + (options.RTL ? blockHW.width : 0); if (overflowRight < 0) { block.moveBy(overflowRight, 0); } } } } }; mainWorkspace.addChangeListener(workspaceChanged); } // The SVG is now fully assembled. Blockly.svgResize(mainWorkspace); Blockly.WidgetDiv.createDom(); Blockly.Tooltip.createDom(); return mainWorkspace; }; /** * Initialize Blockly with various handlers. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} mainWorkspace Newly created main workspace. * @private */ Blockly.init_ = function(mainWorkspace) { var options = mainWorkspace.options; var svg = mainWorkspace.getParentSvg(); // Supress the browser's context menu. Blockly.bindEvent_(svg, 'contextmenu', null, function(e) { if (!Blockly.isTargetInput_(e)) { e.preventDefault(); } }); var workspaceResizeHandler = Blockly.bindEvent_(window, 'resize', null, function() { Blockly.hideChaff(true); Blockly.svgResize(mainWorkspace); }); mainWorkspace.setResizeHandlerWrapper(workspaceResizeHandler); Blockly.inject.bindDocumentEvents_(); if (options.languageTree) { if (mainWorkspace.toolbox_) { mainWorkspace.toolbox_.init(mainWorkspace); } else if (mainWorkspace.flyout_) { // Build a fixed flyout with the root blocks. mainWorkspace.flyout_.init(mainWorkspace); mainWorkspace.flyout_.show(options.languageTree.childNodes); mainWorkspace.flyout_.scrollToStart(); // Translate the workspace sideways to avoid the fixed flyout. mainWorkspace.scrollX = mainWorkspace.flyout_.width_; if (options.toolboxPosition == Blockly.TOOLBOX_AT_RIGHT) { mainWorkspace.scrollX *= -1; } mainWorkspace.translate(mainWorkspace.scrollX, 0); } } if (options.hasScrollbars) { mainWorkspace.scrollbar = new Blockly.ScrollbarPair(mainWorkspace); mainWorkspace.scrollbar.resize(); } // Load the sounds. if (options.hasSounds) { Blockly.inject.loadSounds_(options.pathToMedia, mainWorkspace); } }; /** * Bind document events, but only once. Destroying and reinjecting Blockly * should not bind again. * Bind events for scrolling the workspace. * Most of these events should be bound to the SVG's surface. * However, 'mouseup' has to be on the whole document so that a block dragged * out of bounds and released will know that it has been released. * Also, 'keydown' has to be on the whole document since the browser doesn't * understand a concept of focus on the SVG image. * @private */ Blockly.inject.bindDocumentEvents_ = function() { if (!Blockly.documentEventsBound_) { Blockly.bindEvent_(document, 'keydown', null, Blockly.onKeyDown_); Blockly.bindEvent_(document, 'touchend', null, Blockly.longStop_); Blockly.bindEvent_(document, 'touchcancel', null, Blockly.longStop_); // Don't use bindEvent_ for document's mouseup since that would create a // corresponding touch handler that would squeltch the ability to interact // with non-Blockly elements. document.addEventListener('mouseup', Blockly.onMouseUp_, false); // Some iPad versions don't fire resize after portrait to landscape change. if (goog.userAgent.IPAD) { Blockly.bindEvent_(window, 'orientationchange', document, function() { // TODO(#397): Fix for multiple blockly workspaces. Blockly.svgResize(Blockly.getMainWorkspace()); }); } } Blockly.documentEventsBound_ = true; }; /** * Load sounds for the given workspace. * @param {string} pathToMedia The path to the media directory. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to load sounds for. * @private */ Blockly.inject.loadSounds_ = function(pathToMedia, workspace) { workspace.loadAudio_( [pathToMedia + 'click.mp3', pathToMedia + 'click.wav', pathToMedia + 'click.ogg'], 'click'); workspace.loadAudio_( [pathToMedia + 'disconnect.wav', pathToMedia + 'disconnect.mp3', pathToMedia + 'disconnect.ogg'], 'disconnect'); workspace.loadAudio_( [pathToMedia + 'delete.mp3', pathToMedia + 'delete.ogg', pathToMedia + 'delete.wav'], 'delete'); // Bind temporary hooks that preload the sounds. var soundBinds = []; var unbindSounds = function() { while (soundBinds.length) { Blockly.unbindEvent_(soundBinds.pop()); } workspace.preloadAudio_(); }; // Android ignores any sound not loaded as a result of a user action. soundBinds.push( Blockly.bindEvent_(document, 'mousemove', null, unbindSounds)); soundBinds.push( Blockly.bindEvent_(document, 'touchstart', null, unbindSounds)); }; /** * Modify the block tree on the existing toolbox. * @param {Node|string} tree DOM tree of blocks, or text representation of same. */ Blockly.updateToolbox = function(tree) { console.warn('Deprecated call to Blockly.updateToolbox, ' + 'use workspace.updateToolbox instead.'); Blockly.getMainWorkspace().updateToolbox(tree); };