# Uncrustify 0.51+svn
# General options
# The type of line endings
newlines = auto # auto/lf/crlf/cr
# The original size of tabs in the input
input_tab_size = 4 # number
# The size of tabs in the output (only used if align_with_tabs=true)
output_tab_size = 4 # number
# The ascii value of the string escape char, usually 92 (\) or 94 (^). (Pawn)
string_escape_char = 92 # number
# Alternate string escape char for Pawn. Only works right before the quote char.
string_escape_char2 = 0 # number
# Indenting
# The number of columns to indent per level.
# Usually 2, 3, 4, or 8.
indent_columns = 4 # number
# How to use tabs when indenting code
# 0=spaces only
# 1=indent with tabs, align with spaces
# 2=indent and align with tabs
indent_with_tabs = 1 # number
# Whether to indent strings broken by '\' so that they line up
indent_align_string = true # false/true
# The number of spaces to indent multi-line XML strings.
# Requires indent_align_string=True
indent_xml_string = 0 # number
# Spaces to indent '{' from level
indent_brace = 0 # number
# Whether braces are indented to the body level
indent_braces = false # false/true
# Disabled indenting function braces if indent_braces is true
indent_braces_no_func = false # false/true
# Indent based on the size of the brace parent, ie 'if' => 3 spaces, 'for' => 4 spaces, etc.
indent_brace_parent = false # false/true
# Whether the 'namespace' body is indented
indent_namespace = false # false/true
# Whether the 'extern "C"' body is indented
indent_extern = false # false/true
# Whether the 'class' body is indented
indent_class = true # false/true
# Whether to indent the stuff after a leading class colon
indent_class_colon = false # false/true
# False=treat 'else\nif' as 'else if' for indenting purposes
# True=indent the 'if' one level
indent_else_if = true # false/true
# Amount to indent variable declarations after a open brace. neg=relative, pos=absolute
indent_var_def_blk = 0 # number
# True: indent continued function call parameters one indent level
# False: align parameters under the open paren
indent_func_call_param = true # false/true
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for function defs
indent_func_def_param = true # false/true
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for function protos
indent_func_proto_param = true # false/true
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for class declarations
indent_func_class_param = false # false/true
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for class variable constructors
indent_func_ctor_var_param = false # false/true
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for templates
indent_template_param = false # false/true
# Double the indent for indent_func_xxx_param options
indent_func_param_double = true # false/true
# Indentation column for standalone 'const' function decl/proto qualifier
indent_func_const = 0 # number
# Indentation column for standalone 'throw' function decl/proto qualifier
indent_func_throw = 0 # number
# The number of spaces to indent a continued '->' or '.'
# Usually set to 0, 1, or indent_columns.
indent_member = 0 # number
# Spaces to indent single line ('//') comments on lines before code
indent_sing_line_comments = 0 # number
# If set, will indent trailing single line ('//') comments relative
# to the code instead of trying to keep the same absolute column
indent_relative_single_line_comments = false # false/true
# Spaces to indent 'case' from 'switch'
# Usually 0 or indent_columns.
indent_switch_case = 0 # number
# Spaces to shift the 'case' line, without affecting any other lines
# Usually 0.
indent_case_shift = 0 # number
# Spaces to indent '{' from 'case'.
# By default, the brace will appear under the 'c' in case.
# Usually set to 0 or indent_columns.
indent_case_brace = 0 # number
# Whether to indent comments found in first column
indent_col1_comment = false # false/true
# How to indent goto labels
# >0 : absolute column where 1 is the leftmost column
# <=0 : subtract from brace indent
indent_label = 1 # number
# Same as indent_label, but for access specifiers that are followed by a colon
indent_access_spec = 1 # number
# Indent the code after an access specifier by one level.
# If set, this option forces 'indent_access_spec=0'
indent_access_spec_body = false # false/true
# If an open paren is followed by a newline, indent the next line so that it lines up after the open paren (not recommended)
indent_paren_nl = false # false/true
# Controls the indent of a close paren after a newline.
# 0: Indent to body level
# 1: Align under the open paren
# 2: Indent to the brace level
indent_paren_close = 0 # number
# Controls the indent of a comma when inside a paren.If TRUE, aligns under the open paren
indent_comma_paren = false # false/true
# Controls the indent of a BOOL operator when inside a paren.If TRUE, aligns under the open paren
indent_bool_paren = false # false/true
# If an open square is followed by a newline, indent the next line so that it lines up after the open square (not recommended)
indent_square_nl = false # false/true
# Don't change the relative indent of ESQL/C 'EXEC SQL' bodies
indent_preserve_sql = false # false/true
# Align continued statements at the '='. Default=True
# If FALSE or the '=' is followed by a newline, the next line is indent one tab.
indent_align_assign = true # false/true
# Spacing options
# Add or remove space around arithmetic operator '+', '-', '/', '*', etc
sp_arith = force # ignore/add/remove/force
# Add or remove space around assignment operator '=', '+=', etc
sp_assign = force # ignore/add/remove/force
# Add or remove space before assignment operator '=', '+=', etc. Overrides sp_assign.
sp_before_assign = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force
# Add or remove space after assignment operator '=', '+=', etc. Overrides sp_assign.
sp_after_assign = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force
# Add or remove space