diff options
authorMichel Jaouen <michel.jaouen@stericsson.com>2011-09-29 17:17:27 +0200
committerØyvind Harboe <oyvind.harboe@zylin.com>2011-09-30 09:45:26 +0200
commit00ded4eb012006da1f56c0ba39af09cc4a66db07 (patch)
parentef885d3b2a3001325f525df250dadd570e5d743e (diff)
armv7a ,cortex a : add L1, L2 cache support, va to pa support
6 files changed, 911 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/src/target/arm_dpm.c b/src/target/arm_dpm.c
index 012316bf..dfd3f275 100644
--- a/src/target/arm_dpm.c
+++ b/src/target/arm_dpm.c
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ static int dpm_mcr(struct target *target, int cpnum,
/* Toggles between recorded core mode (USR, SVC, etc) and a temporary one.
* Routines *must* restore the original mode before returning!!
-static int dpm_modeswitch(struct arm_dpm *dpm, enum arm_mode mode)
+int dpm_modeswitch(struct arm_dpm *dpm, enum arm_mode mode)
int retval;
uint32_t cpsr;
diff --git a/src/target/arm_dpm.h b/src/target/arm_dpm.h
index b20184c8..ba2e155c 100644
--- a/src/target/arm_dpm.h
+++ b/src/target/arm_dpm.h
@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ int arm_dpm_setup(struct arm_dpm *dpm);
int arm_dpm_initialize(struct arm_dpm *dpm);
int arm_dpm_read_current_registers(struct arm_dpm *);
+int dpm_modeswitch(struct arm_dpm *dpm, enum arm_mode mode);
int arm_dpm_write_dirty_registers(struct arm_dpm *, bool bpwp);
void arm_dpm_report_wfar(struct arm_dpm *, uint32_t wfar);
diff --git a/src/target/armv7a.c b/src/target/armv7a.c
index 151deb41..e0d08827 100644
--- a/src/target/armv7a.c
+++ b/src/target/armv7a.c
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 by David Brownell *
* *
+ * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011 michel.jaouen@stericsson.com *
+ * *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
@@ -34,7 +36,8 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include "arm_opcodes.h"
+#include "target.h"
+#include "target_type.h"
static void armv7a_show_fault_registers(struct target *target)
@@ -84,6 +87,661 @@ done:
/* (void) */ dpm->finish(dpm);
+int armv7a_read_ttbcr(struct target *target)
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct arm_dpm *dpm = armv7a->armv4_5_common.dpm;
+ uint32_t ttbcr;
+ int retval = dpm->prepare(dpm);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ /* MRC p15,0,<Rt>,c2,c0,2 ; Read CP15 Translation Table Base Control Register*/
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2),
+ &ttbcr);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr1_used = ((ttbcr & 0x7)!=0)? 1: 0;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr0_mask = 7 << (32 -((ttbcr & 0x7)));
+#if 0
+ LOG_INFO("ttb1 %s ,ttb0_mask %x",
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr1_used ? "used":"not used",
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr0_mask);
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr1_used == 1)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("SVC access above %x",
+ (0xffffffff & armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr0_mask));
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.os_border = 0xffffffff & armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr0_mask;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fix me , default is hard coded LINUX border */
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.os_border = 0xc0000000;
+ }
+ dpm->finish(dpm);
+ return retval;
+/* method adapted to cortex A : reused arm v4 v5 method*/
+int armv7a_mmu_translate_va(struct target *target, uint32_t va, uint32_t *val)
+ uint32_t first_lvl_descriptor = 0x0;
+ uint32_t second_lvl_descriptor = 0x0;
+ int retval;
+ uint32_t cb;
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct arm_dpm *dpm = armv7a->armv4_5_common.dpm;
+ uint32_t ttb = 0; /* default ttb0 */
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr1_used == -1) armv7a_read_ttbcr(target);
+ if ((armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr1_used) &&
+ (va > (0xffffffff & armv7a->armv7a_mmu.ttbr0_mask)))
+ {
+ /* select ttb 1 */
+ ttb = 1;
+ }
+ retval = dpm->prepare(dpm);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+ goto done;
+ /* MRC p15,0,<Rt>,c2,c0,ttb */
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 0, 0, 2, 0, ttb),
+ &ttb);
+ retval = armv7a->armv7a_mmu.read_physical_memory(target,
+ (ttb & 0xffffc000) | ((va & 0xfff00000) >> 18),
+ 4, 1, (uint8_t*)&first_lvl_descriptor);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+ return retval;
+ first_lvl_descriptor = target_buffer_get_u32(target, (uint8_t*)
+ &first_lvl_descriptor);
+ /* reuse armv4_5 piece of code, specific armv7a changes may come later */
+ LOG_DEBUG("1st lvl desc: %8.8" PRIx32 "", first_lvl_descriptor);
+ if ((first_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 0)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("Address translation failure");
+ }
+ if ((first_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 2)
+ {
+ /* section descriptor */
+ cb = (first_lvl_descriptor & 0xc) >> 2;
+ *val = (first_lvl_descriptor & 0xfff00000) | (va & 0x000fffff);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ if ((first_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 1)
+ {
+ /* coarse page table */
+ retval = armv7a->armv7a_mmu.read_physical_memory(target,
+ (first_lvl_descriptor & 0xfffffc00) | ((va & 0x000ff000) >> 10),
+ 4, 1, (uint8_t*)&second_lvl_descriptor);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+ return retval;
+ }
+ else if ((first_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 3)
+ {
+ /* fine page table */
+ retval = armv7a->armv7a_mmu.read_physical_memory(target,
+ (first_lvl_descriptor & 0xfffff000) | ((va & 0x000ffc00) >> 8),
+ 4, 1, (uint8_t*)&second_lvl_descriptor);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+ return retval;
+ }
+ second_lvl_descriptor = target_buffer_get_u32(target, (uint8_t*)
+ &second_lvl_descriptor);
+ LOG_DEBUG("2nd lvl desc: %8.8" PRIx32 "", second_lvl_descriptor);
+ if ((second_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 0)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("Address translation failure");
+ }
+ /* cacheable/bufferable is always specified in bits 3-2 */
+ cb = (second_lvl_descriptor & 0xc) >> 2;
+ if ((second_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 1)
+ {
+ /* large page descriptor */
+ *val = (second_lvl_descriptor & 0xffff0000) | (va & 0x0000ffff);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ if ((second_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 2)
+ {
+ /* small page descriptor */
+ *val = (second_lvl_descriptor & 0xfffff000) | (va & 0x00000fff);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ if ((second_lvl_descriptor & 0x3) == 3)
+ {
+ *val = (second_lvl_descriptor & 0xfffffc00) | (va & 0x000003ff);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ /* should not happen */
+ LOG_ERROR("Address translation failure");
+ return retval;
+/* V7 method VA TO PA */
+int armv7a_mmu_translate_va_pa(struct target *target, uint32_t va,
+ uint32_t *val, int meminfo)
+ int retval = ERROR_FAIL;
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct arm_dpm *dpm = armv7a->armv4_5_common.dpm;
+ uint32_t virt = va & ~0xfff;
+ *val = 0xdeadbeef;
+ retval = dpm->prepare(dpm);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+ goto done;
+ /* mmu must be enable in order to get a correct translation */
+ /* use VA to PA CP15 register for conversion */
+ retval = dpm->instr_write_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MCR(15, 0, 0, 7, 8, 0),
+ virt);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 0, 0, 7, 4, 0),
+ val);
+ /* decode memory attribute */
+ NOS = (*val >> 10) & 1; /* Not Outer shareable */
+ NS = (*val >> 9) & 1; /* Non secure */
+ SH = (*val >> 7 )& 1; /* shareable */
+ INNER = (*val >> 4) & 0x7;
+ OUTER = (*val >> 2) & 0x3;
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ *val = (*val & ~0xfff) + (va & 0xfff);
+ if (*val == va)
+ LOG_WARNING("virt = phys : MMU disable !!");
+ if (meminfo)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("%x : %x %s outer shareable %s secured",
+ va, *val,
+ NOS == 1 ? "not" : " ",
+ NS == 1 ? "not" :"");
+ switch (OUTER) {
+ case 0 : LOG_INFO("outer: Non-Cacheable");
+ break;
+ case 1 : LOG_INFO("outer: Write-Back, Write-Allocate");
+ break;
+ case 2 : LOG_INFO("outer: Write-Through, No Write-Allocate");
+ break;
+ case 3 : LOG_INFO("outer: Write-Back, no Write-Allocate");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (INNER) {
+ case 0 : LOG_INFO("inner: Non-Cacheable");
+ break;
+ case 1 : LOG_INFO("inner: Strongly-ordered");
+ break;
+ case 3 : LOG_INFO("inner: Device");
+ break;
+ case 5 : LOG_INFO("inner: Write-Back, Write-Allocate");
+ break;
+ case 6 : LOG_INFO("inner: Write-Through");
+ break;
+ case 7 : LOG_INFO("inner: Write-Back, no Write-Allocate");
+ default: LOG_INFO("inner: %x ???",INNER);
+ }
+ }
+ dpm->finish(dpm);
+ return retval;
+static int armv7a_handle_inner_cache_info_command(struct command_context *cmd_ctx,
+ struct armv7a_cache_common *armv7a_cache)
+ if (armv7a_cache->ctype == -1)
+ {
+ command_print(cmd_ctx, "cache not yet identified");
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ command_print(cmd_ctx,
+ "D-Cache: linelen %i, associativity %i, nsets %i, cachesize %d KBytes",
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.linelen,
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.associativity,
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.nsets,
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.cachesize);
+ command_print(cmd_ctx,
+ "I-Cache: linelen %i, associativity %i, nsets %i, cachesize %d KBytes",
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.linelen,
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.associativity,
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.nsets,
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.cachesize);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+static int _armv7a_flush_all_data(struct target *target)
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct arm_dpm *dpm = armv7a->armv4_5_common.dpm;
+ struct armv7a_cachesize *d_u_size =
+ &(armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.d_u_size);
+ int32_t c_way, c_index = d_u_size->index;
+ int retval;
+ /* check that cache data is on at target halt */
+ if (!armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.d_u_cache_enabled)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("flushed not performed :cache not on at target halt");
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ retval = dpm->prepare(dpm);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ do {
+ c_way = d_u_size->way;
+ do {
+ uint32_t value = (c_index << d_u_size->index_shift)
+ | (c_way << d_u_size->way_shift);
+ /* DCCISW */
+ //LOG_INFO ("%d %d %x",c_way,c_index,value);
+ retval = dpm->instr_write_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MCR(15, 0, 0, 7, 14, 2),
+ value);
+ if (retval!= ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ c_way -= 1;
+ } while (c_way >=0);
+ c_index -= 1;
+ } while (c_index >=0);
+ return retval;
+ LOG_ERROR("flushed failed");
+ dpm->finish(dpm);
+ return retval;
+static int armv7a_flush_all_data( struct target * target)
+ int retval = ERROR_FAIL;
+ /* check that armv7a_cache is correctly identify */
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.ctype == -1)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("trying to flush un-identified cache");
+ return retval;
+ }
+ if (target->smp)
+ {
+ /* look if all the other target have been flushed in order to flush level
+ * 2 */
+ struct target_list *head;
+ struct target *curr;
+ head = target->head;
+ while(head != (struct target_list*)NULL)
+ {
+ curr = head->target;
+ if ((curr->state == TARGET_HALTED))
+ { LOG_INFO("Wait flushing data l1 on core %d",curr->coreid);
+ retval = _armv7a_flush_all_data(curr);
+ }
+ head = head->next;
+ }
+ }
+ else retval = _armv7a_flush_all_data(target);
+ return retval;
+/* L2 is not specific to armv7a a specific file is needed */
+static int armv7a_l2x_flush_all_data(struct target * target)
+#define L2X0_CLEAN_INV_WAY 0x7FC
+ int retval = ERROR_FAIL;
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct armv7a_l2x_cache *l2x_cache = (struct armv7a_l2x_cache*)
+ (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.l2_cache);
+ uint32_t base = l2x_cache->base;
+ uint32_t l2_way = l2x_cache->way;
+ uint32_t l2_way_val = (1<<l2_way) -1;
+ retval = armv7a_flush_all_data(target);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) return retval;
+ retval = target->type->write_phys_memory(target,
+ (uint32_t)(base+(uint32_t)L2X0_CLEAN_INV_WAY),
+ (uint32_t)4,
+ (uint32_t)1,
+ (uint8_t*)&l2_way_val);
+ return retval;
+static int armv7a_handle_l2x_cache_info_command(struct command_context *cmd_ctx,
+ struct armv7a_cache_common *armv7a_cache)
+ struct armv7a_l2x_cache *l2x_cache = (struct armv7a_l2x_cache*)
+ (armv7a_cache->l2_cache);
+ if (armv7a_cache->ctype == -1)
+ {
+ command_print(cmd_ctx, "cache not yet identified");
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ command_print(cmd_ctx,
+ "L1 D-Cache: linelen %i, associativity %i, nsets %i, cachesize %d KBytes",
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.linelen,
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.associativity,
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.nsets,
+ armv7a_cache->d_u_size.cachesize);
+ command_print(cmd_ctx,
+ "L1 I-Cache: linelen %i, associativity %i, nsets %i, cachesize %d KBytes",
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.linelen,
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.associativity,
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.nsets,
+ armv7a_cache->i_size.cachesize);
+ command_print(cmd_ctx, "L2 unified cache Base Address 0x%x, %d ways",
+ l2x_cache->base, l2x_cache->way);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+int armv7a_l2x_cache_init(struct target *target, uint32_t base, uint32_t way)
+ struct armv7a_l2x_cache *l2x_cache;
+ struct target_list *head = target->head;
+ struct target *curr;
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ if (armv7a == NULL)
+ LOG_ERROR("not an armv7a target");
+ l2x_cache = calloc(1, sizeof(struct armv7a_l2x_cache));
+ l2x_cache->base = base;
+ l2x_cache->way = way;
+ /*LOG_INFO("cache l2 initialized base %x way %d",
+ l2x_cache->base,l2x_cache->way);*/
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.l2_cache)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("cache l2 already initialized\n");
+ }
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.l2_cache = (void*) l2x_cache;
+ /* initialize l1 / l2x cache function */
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.flush_all_data_cache
+ = armv7a_l2x_flush_all_data;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.display_cache_info =
+ armv7a_handle_l2x_cache_info_command;
+ /* initialize all target in this cluster (smp target)*/
+ /* l2 cache must be configured after smp declaration */
+ while(head != (struct target_list*)NULL)
+ {
+ curr = head->target;
+ if (curr != target)
+ {
+ armv7a = target_to_armv7a(curr);
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.l2_cache)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("smp target : cache l2 already initialized\n");
+ }
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.l2_cache = (void*) l2x_cache;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.flush_all_data_cache =
+ armv7a_l2x_flush_all_data;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.display_cache_info =
+ armv7a_handle_l2x_cache_info_command;
+ }
+ head = head -> next;
+ }
+ return JIM_OK;
+ struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
+ uint32_t base, way;
+switch (CMD_ARGC) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ //command_print(CMD_CTX, "%s %s", CMD_ARGV[0], CMD_ARGV[1]);
+ /* AP address is in bits 31:24 of DP_SELECT */
+ armv7a_l2x_cache_init(target, base, way);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+return ERROR_OK;
+int armv7a_handle_cache_info_command(struct command_context *cmd_ctx,
+ struct armv7a_cache_common *armv7a_cache)
+ if (armv7a_cache->ctype == -1)
+ {
+ command_print(cmd_ctx, "cache not yet identified");
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ if (armv7a_cache->display_cache_info)
+ armv7a_cache->display_cache_info(cmd_ctx, armv7a_cache);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+/* retrieve core id cluster id */
+int arnv7a_read_mpidr(struct target *target)
+ int retval = ERROR_FAIL;
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct arm_dpm *dpm = armv7a->armv4_5_common.dpm;
+ uint32_t mpidr;
+ retval = dpm->prepare(dpm);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ /* MRC p15,0,<Rd>,c0,c0,5; read Multiprocessor ID register*/
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5),
+ &mpidr);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ if (mpidr & 1<<31)
+ {
+ armv7a->multi_processor_system = (mpidr >> 30) & 1;
+ armv7a->cluster_id = (mpidr >> 8) & 0xf;
+ armv7a->cpu_id = mpidr & 0x3;
+ LOG_INFO("%s cluster %x core %x %s", target->cmd_name,
+ armv7a->cluster_id,
+ armv7a->cpu_id,
+ armv7a->multi_processor_system == 0 ? "multi core": "mono core");
+ }
+ else
+ LOG_ERROR("mpdir not in multiprocessor format");
+ dpm->finish(dpm);
+ return retval;
+int armv7a_identify_cache(struct target *target)
+ /* read cache descriptor */
+ int retval = ERROR_FAIL;
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct arm_dpm *dpm = armv7a->armv4_5_common.dpm;
+ uint32_t cache_selected,clidr;
+ uint32_t cache_i_reg, cache_d_reg;
+ struct armv7a_cache_common *cache = &(armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache);
+ armv7a_read_ttbcr(target);
+ retval = dpm->prepare(dpm);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ /* retrieve CLIDR */
+ /* mrc p15, 1, r0, c0, c0, 1 @ read clidr */
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ &clidr);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ clidr = (clidr & 0x7000000) >> 23;
+ LOG_INFO("number of cache level %d",clidr /2 );
+ if ((clidr /2) > 1)
+ {
+ // FIXME not supported present in cortex A8 and later
+ // in cortex A7, A15
+ LOG_ERROR("cache l2 present :not supported");
+ }
+ /* retrieve selected cache */
+ /* MRC p15, 2,<Rd>, c0, c0, 0; Read CSSELR */
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ &cache_selected);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ retval = armv7a->armv4_5_common.mrc(target, 15,
+ 2, 0, /* op1, op2 */
+ 0, 0, /* CRn, CRm */
+ &cache_selected);
+ /* select instruction cache*/
+ /* MCR p15, 2,<Rd>, c0, c0, 0; Write CSSELR */
+ /* [0] : 1 instruction cache selection , 0 data cache selection */
+ retval = dpm->instr_write_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ 1);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ /* read CCSIDR*/
+ /* MRC P15,1,<RT>,C0, C0,0 ;on cortex A9 read CCSIDR */
+ /* [2:0] line size 001 eight word per line */
+ /* [27:13] NumSet 0x7f 16KB, 0xff 32Kbytes, 0x1ff 64Kbytes */
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ &cache_i_reg);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ /* select data cache*/
+ retval = dpm->instr_write_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ 0);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ retval = dpm->instr_read_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ &cache_d_reg);
+ if (retval!=ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ /* restore selected cache */
+ dpm->instr_write_data_r0(dpm,
+ ARMV4_5_MRC(15, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ cache_selected);
+ if (retval != ERROR_OK) goto done;
+ dpm->finish(dpm);
+ // put fake type
+ cache->d_u_size.linelen = 16 << (cache_d_reg & 0x7);
+ cache->d_u_size.cachesize = (((cache_d_reg >> 13) & 0x7fff)+1)/8;
+ cache->d_u_size.nsets = (cache_d_reg >> 13) & 0x7fff;
+ cache->d_u_size.associativity = ((cache_d_reg >> 3) & 0x3ff) +1;
+ /* compute info for set way operation on cache */
+ cache->d_u_size.index_shift = (cache_d_reg & 0x7) + 4;
+ cache->d_u_size.index = (cache_d_reg >> 13) & 0x7fff;
+ cache->d_u_size.way = ((cache_d_reg >> 3) & 0x3ff);
+ cache->d_u_size.way_shift = cache->d_u_size.way+1;
+ {
+ int i=0;
+ while(((cache->d_u_size.way_shift >> i) & 1)!=1) i++;
+ cache->d_u_size.way_shift = 32-i;
+ }
+ /*LOG_INFO("data cache index %d << %d, way %d << %d",
+ cache->d_u_size.index, cache->d_u_size.index_shift,
+ cache->d_u_size.way, cache->d_u_size.way_shift);
+ LOG_INFO("data cache %d bytes %d KBytes asso %d ways",
+ cache->d_u_size.linelen,
+ cache->d_u_size.cachesize,
+ cache->d_u_size.associativity
+ );*/
+ cache->i_size.linelen = 16 << (cache_i_reg & 0x7);
+ cache->i_size.associativity = ((cache_i_reg >> 3) & 0x3ff) +1;
+ cache->i_size.nsets = (cache_i_reg >> 13) & 0x7fff;
+ cache->i_size.cachesize = (((cache_i_reg >> 13) & 0x7fff)+1)/8;
+ /* compute info for set way operation on cache */
+ cache->i_size.index_shift = (cache_i_reg & 0x7) + 4;
+ cache->i_size.index = (cache_i_reg >> 13) & 0x7fff;
+ cache->i_size.way = ((cache_i_reg >> 3) & 0x3ff);
+ cache->i_size.way_shift = cache->i_size.way+1;
+ {
+ int i=0;
+ while(((cache->i_size.way_shift >> i) & 1)!=1) i++;
+ cache->i_size.way_shift = 32-i;
+ }
+ /*LOG_INFO("instruction cache index %d << %d, way %d << %d",
+ cache->i_size.index, cache->i_size.index_shift,
+ cache->i_size.way, cache->i_size.way_shift);
+ LOG_INFO("instruction cache %d bytes %d KBytes asso %d ways",
+ cache->i_size.linelen,
+ cache->i_size.cachesize,
+ cache->i_size.associativity
+ );*/
+ /* if no l2 cache initialize l1 data cache flush function function */
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.flush_all_data_cache == NULL)
+ {
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.display_cache_info =
+ armv7a_handle_inner_cache_info_command;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.flush_all_data_cache =
+ armv7a_flush_all_data;
+ }
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.ctype = 0;
+ dpm->finish(dpm);
+ arnv7a_read_mpidr(target);
+ return retval;
+int armv7a_init_arch_info(struct target *target, struct armv7a_common *armv7a)
+ struct armv7a_common *again;
+ struct arm *armv4_5 = &armv7a->armv4_5_common;
+ armv4_5->arch_info = armv7a;
+ target->arch_info = &armv7a->armv4_5_common;
+ /* target is useful in all function arm v4 5 compatible */
+ armv7a->armv4_5_common.target = target;
+ armv7a->armv4_5_common.common_magic = ARM_COMMON_MAGIC;
+ armv7a->common_magic = ARMV7_COMMON_MAGIC;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.l2_cache = NULL;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.ctype = -1;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.flush_all_data_cache = NULL;
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.display_cache_info = NULL;
+ again =target_to_armv7a(target);
+ return ERROR_OK;
int armv7a_arch_state(struct target *target)
static const char *state[] =
@@ -103,9 +761,9 @@ int armv7a_arch_state(struct target *target)
LOG_USER("MMU: %s, D-Cache: %s, I-Cache: %s",
- state[armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.mmu_enabled],
- state[armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.armv4_5_cache.d_u_cache_enabled],
- state[armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.armv4_5_cache.i_cache_enabled]);
+ state[armv7a->armv7a_mmu.mmu_enabled],
+ state[armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.d_u_cache_enabled],
+ state[armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.i_cache_enabled]);
if (armv4_5->core_mode == ARM_MODE_ABT)
@@ -116,11 +774,37 @@ int armv7a_arch_state(struct target *target)
return ERROR_OK;
+static const struct command_registration l2_cache_commands[] = {
+ {
+ .name = "l2x",
+ .handler = handle_cache_l2x,
+ .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+ .help = "configure l2x cache "
+ "",
+ .usage = "[base_addr] [number_of_way]",
+ },
+const struct command_registration l2x_cache_command_handlers[] = {
+ {
+ .name = "cache_config",
+ .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+ .help = "cache configuation for a target",
+ .chain = l2_cache_commands,
+ },
const struct command_registration armv7a_command_handlers[] = {
.chain = dap_command_handlers,
+ {
+ .chain = l2x_cache_command_handlers,
+ },
diff --git a/src/target/armv7a.h b/src/target/armv7a.h
index f9324563..dde1f23e 100644
--- a/src/target/armv7a.h
+++ b/src/target/armv7a.h
@@ -43,6 +43,56 @@ enum
#define V2POWPW 5
#define V2POWUR 6
#define V2POWUW 7
+/* L210/L220 cache controller support */
+struct armv7a_l2x_cache {
+ uint32_t base;
+ uint32_t way;
+struct armv7a_cachesize
+ uint32_t level_num;
+ /* cache dimensionning */
+ uint32_t linelen;
+ uint32_t associativity;
+ uint32_t nsets;
+ uint32_t cachesize;
+ /* info for set way operation on cache */
+ uint32_t index;
+ uint32_t index_shift;
+ uint32_t way;
+ uint32_t way_shift;
+struct armv7a_cache_common
+ int ctype;
+ struct armv7a_cachesize d_u_size; /* data cache */
+ struct armv7a_cachesize i_size; /* instruction cache */
+ int i_cache_enabled;
+ int d_u_cache_enabled;
+ /* l2 external unified cache if some */
+ void *l2_cache;
+ int (*flush_all_data_cache)(struct target *target);
+ int (*display_cache_info)(struct command_context *cmd_ctx,
+ struct armv7a_cache_common *armv7a_cache);
+struct armv7a_mmu_common
+ /* following field mmu working way */
+ int32_t ttbr1_used; /* -1 not initialized, 0 no ttbr1 1 ttbr1 used and */
+ uint32_t ttbr0_mask;/* masked to be used */
+ uint32_t os_border;
+ int (*read_physical_memory)(struct target *target, uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint8_t *buffer);
+ struct armv7a_cache_common armv7a_cache;
+ uint32_t mmu_enabled;
struct armv7a_common
@@ -57,9 +107,13 @@ struct armv7a_common
uint32_t debug_base;
uint8_t debug_ap;
uint8_t memory_ap;
+ /* mdir */
+ uint8_t multi_processor_system;
+ uint8_t cluster_id;
+ uint8_t cpu_id;
- /* Cache and Memory Management Unit */
- struct armv4_5_mmu_common armv4_5_mmu;
+ /* cache specific to V7 Memory Management Unit compatible with v4_5*/
+ struct armv7a_mmu_common armv7a_mmu;
int (*examine_debug_reason)(struct target *target);
int (*post_debug_entry)(struct target *target);
@@ -112,9 +166,16 @@ target_to_armv7a(struct target *target)
int armv7a_arch_state(struct target *target);
+int armv7a_identify_cache(struct target *target);
struct reg_cache *armv7a_build_reg_cache(struct target *target,
struct armv7a_common *armv7a_common);
int armv7a_init_arch_info(struct target *target, struct armv7a_common *armv7a);
+int armv7a_mmu_translate_va_pa(struct target *target, uint32_t va,
+ uint32_t *val,int meminfo);
+int armv7a_mmu_translate_va(struct target *target, uint32_t va, uint32_t *val);
+int armv7a_handle_cache_info_command(struct command_context *cmd_ctx,
+ struct armv7a_cache_common *armv7a_cache);
extern const struct command_registration armv7a_command_handlers[];
diff --git a/src/target/cortex_a.c b/src/target/cortex_a.c
index 39f1b9e1..7547f17f 100755
--- a/src/target/cortex_a.c
+++ b/src/target/cortex_a.c
@@ -66,12 +66,6 @@ static int cortex_a8_dap_write_coreregister_u32(struct target *target,
static int cortex_a8_mmu(struct target *target, int *enabled);
static int cortex_a8_virt2phys(struct target *target,
uint32_t virt, uint32_t *phys);
-static int cortex_a8_disable_mmu_caches(struct target *target, int mmu,
- int d_u_cache, int i_cache);
-static int cortex_a8_enable_mmu_caches(struct target *target, int mmu,
- int d_u_cache, int i_cache);
-static int cortex_a8_get_ttb(struct target *target, uint32_t *result);
* FIXME do topology discovery using the ROM; don't
@@ -82,6 +76,99 @@ static int cortex_a8_get_ttb(struct target *target, uint32_t *result);
#define swjdp_memoryap 0
#define swjdp_debugap 1
+/* restore cp15_control_reg at resume */
+static int cortex_a8_restore_cp15_control_reg(struct target* target)
+ int retval = ERROR_OK;
+ struct cortex_a8_common *cortex_a8 = target_to_cortex_a8(target);
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ if (cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg !=cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr)
+ {
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr = cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg;
+ //LOG_INFO("cp15_control_reg: %8.8" PRIx32, cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg);
+ retval = armv7a->armv4_5_common.mcr(target, 15,
+ 0, 0, /* op1, op2 */
+ 1, 0, /* CRn, CRm */
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg);
+ }
+ return ERROR_OK;
+/* check address before cortex_a8_apb read write access with mmu on
+ * remove apb predictible data abort */
+static int cortex_a8_check_address(struct target *target, uint32_t address)
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ struct cortex_a8_common *cortex_a8 = target_to_cortex_a8(target);
+ uint32_t os_border = armv7a->armv7a_mmu.os_border;
+ if ((address < os_border) &&
+ (armv7a->armv4_5_common.core_mode == ARM_MODE_SVC)){
+ LOG_ERROR("%x access in userspace and target in supervisor",address);
+ return ERROR_FAIL;
+ }
+ if ((address >= os_border) &&
+ ( cortex_a8->curr_mode != ARM_MODE_SVC)){
+ dpm_modeswitch(&armv7a->dpm, ARM_MODE_SVC);
+ cortex_a8->curr_mode = ARM_MODE_SVC;
+ LOG_INFO("%x access in kernel space and target not in supervisor",
+ address);
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ if ((address < os_border) &&
+ (cortex_a8->curr_mode == ARM_MODE_SVC)){
+ dpm_modeswitch(&armv7a->dpm, ARM_MODE_ANY);
+ cortex_a8->curr_mode = ARM_MODE_ANY;
+ }
+ return ERROR_OK;
+/* modify cp15_control_reg in order to enable or disable mmu for :
+ * - virt2phys address conversion
+ * - read or write memory in phys or virt address */
+static int cortex_a8_mmu_modify(struct target *target, int enable)
+ struct cortex_a8_common *cortex_a8 = target_to_cortex_a8(target);
+ struct armv7a_common *armv7a = target_to_armv7a(target);
+ int retval = ERROR_OK;
+ if (enable)
+ {
+ /* if mmu enabled at target stop and mmu not enable */
+ if (!(cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg & 0x1U))
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("trying to enable mmu on target stopped with mmu disable");
+ return ERROR_FAIL;
+ }
+ if (!(cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr & 0x1U))
+ {
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr |= 0x1U;
+ retval = armv7a->armv4_5_common.mcr(target, 15,
+ 0, 0, /* op1, op2 */
+ 1, 0, /* CRn, CRm */
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr & 0x4U)
+ {
+ /* data cache is active */
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr &= ~0x4U;
+ /* flush data cache armv7 function to be called */
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.flush_all_data_cache)
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.flush_all_data_cache(target);
+ }
+ if ( (cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr & 0x1U))
+ {
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr &= ~0x1U;
+ retval = armv7a->armv4_5_common.mcr(target, 15,
+ 0, 0, /* op1, op2 */
+ 1, 0, /* CRn, CRm */
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr);
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
* Cortex-A8 Basic debug access, very low level assumes state is saved
@@ -929,7 +1016,11 @@ static int cortex_a8_internal_restore(struct target *target, int current,
buf_set_u32(armv4_5->pc->value, 0, 32, resume_pc);
armv4_5->pc->dirty = 1;
armv4_5->pc->valid = 1;
+ /* restore dpm_mode at system halt */
+ dpm_modeswitch(&armv7a->dpm, ARM_MODE_ANY);
+ /* called it now before restoring context because it uses cpu
+ * register r0 for restoring cp15 control register */
+ retval = cortex_a8_restore_cp15_control_reg(target);
retval = cortex_a8_restore_context(target, handle_breakpoints);
if (retval != ERROR_OK)
return retval;
@@ -1147,6 +1238,7 @@ static int cortex_a8_debug_entry(struct target *target)
/* read Current PSR */
retval = cortex_a8_dap_read_coreregister_u32(target, &cpsr, 16);
+ /* store current cpsr */
if (retval != ERROR_OK)
return retval;
@@ -1220,32 +1312,21 @@ static int cortex_a8_post_debug_entry(struct target *target)
if (retval != ERROR_OK)
return retval;
LOG_DEBUG("cp15_control_reg: %8.8" PRIx32, cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg);
+ cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg_curr = cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg;
- if (armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.armv4_5_cache.ctype == -1)
+ if (armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.ctype == -1)
- uint32_t cache_type_reg;
- /* MRC p15,0,<Rt>,c0,c0,1 ; Read CP15 Cache Type Register */
- retval = armv7a->armv4_5_common.mrc(target, 15,
- 0, 1, /* op1, op2 */
- 0, 0, /* CRn, CRm */
- &cache_type_reg);
- if (retval != ERROR_OK)
- return retval;
- LOG_DEBUG("cp15 cache type: %8.8x", (unsigned) cache_type_reg);
- /* FIXME the armv4_4 cache info DOES NOT APPLY to Cortex-A8 */
- armv4_5_identify_cache(cache_type_reg,
- &armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.armv4_5_cache);
+ armv7a_identify_cache(target);
- armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.mmu_enabled =
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.mmu_enabled =
(cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg & 0x1U) ? 1 : 0;
- armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.armv4_5_cache.d_u_cache_enabled =
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.d_u_cache_enabled =
(cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg & 0x4U) ? 1 : 0;
- armv7a->armv4_5_mmu.armv4_5_cache.i_cache_enabled =
+ armv7a->armv7a_mmu.armv7a_cache.i_cache_enabled =
(cortex_a8->cp15_control_reg & 0x1000U) ? 1 : 0;
+ cortex_a8->curr_mode = armv7a->armv4_5_common.core_mode;
return ERROR_OK;