path: root/test/Assembler
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2003-08-21New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-08-21remove invalid testChris Lattner
2003-08-21Test case distilled from `bash'.Misha Brukman
2003-08-20New testcase for GEP foldingChris Lattner
2003-06-30This causes an assert in the assembler. :(Chris Lattner
2003-06-28Remove usage of grep-not scriptChris Lattner
2003-06-28Remove explicit control flow through the use of the 'not' scriptChris Lattner
2003-06-17New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-05-21New testcase, found by inspectionChris Lattner
2003-05-21New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-05-21Add run stringChris Lattner
2003-05-21New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-05-15New testcase, straight out of the asm manualChris Lattner
2003-05-15Add noteChris Lattner
2003-05-15New testcase that breaks the assembler.Chris Lattner
2003-05-12New bug distilled from aha programChris Lattner
2003-05-08Remvoe testcase that should never be implementedChris Lattner
2003-05-08New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-05-03New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-04-25New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-04-17Test case to make sure that constexprs are automatically foldedChris Lattner
2003-04-15New testcase that triggered assertion failure.Chris Lattner
2003-03-06Update testcases to use long to index gepChris Lattner
2003-03-03New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-02-02New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-01-30New testcaseChris Lattner
2003-01-23Limit the amount of time the test will runChris Lattner
2002-12-15Allow folding together two globals through type resolutionChris Lattner
2002-10-15New testcaseChris Lattner
2002-10-13Simplify againChris Lattner
2002-10-13Simplify testcaseChris Lattner
2002-10-13Rename test so that we can run the disassembler on it.Chris Lattner
2002-10-13Checking testcase for bytecode reader/writer that is causing the SPEC parserChris Lattner
2002-10-08New testcase that the assembler is unacceptably slow onChris Lattner
2002-08-22New testcaseChris Lattner
2002-08-19New testcaseChris Lattner
2002-08-16New testcase distilled from much larger problemChris Lattner
2002-08-15New testcaseChris Lattner
2002-08-15There seem to be issues with constant exprsChris Lattner
2002-07-31NEw testcaseChris Lattner
2002-07-25New testcase for bugChris Lattner
2002-07-25New testcaseChris Lattner
2002-07-25Add testcase for disassembler problem.Chris Lattner
2002-07-14Minor rename of outputChris Lattner
2002-07-14New testcase to track opaque type bugChris Lattner
2002-07-14Allow tests that use custom commands to runChris Lattner
2002-07-14Test to make sure that 'internal' flags don't get dropped accidentally!Chris Lattner
2002-07-09Add a new testcase. It actually is not infinite looping. It just takesChris Lattner
2002-05-03We currently don't allow unresolved opaque types!Chris Lattner
2002-05-03Add -d switch to test AsmWriter as wellChris Lattner