#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (c) 2007, Joe Perches <joe@perches.com>
# created from checkpatch.pl
# Print selected MAINTAINERS information for
# the files modified in a patch or for a file
# usage: perl scripts/get_maintainer.pl [OPTIONS] <patch>
# perl scripts/get_maintainer.pl [OPTIONS] -f <file>
# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
use strict;
my $P = $0;
my $V = '0.22';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
my $lk_path = "./";
my $email = 1;
my $email_usename = 1;
my $email_maintainer = 1;
my $email_list = 1;
my $email_subscriber_list = 0;
my $email_git = 1;
my $email_git_penguin_chiefs = 0;
my $email_git_min_signatures = 1;
my $email_git_max_maintainers = 5;
my $email_git_min_percent = 5;
my $email_git_since = "1-year-ago";
my $email_git_blame = 0;
my $email_remove_duplicates = 1;
my $output_multiline = 1;
my $output_separator = ", ";
my $output_roles = 0;
my $output_rolestats = 0;
my $scm = 0;
my $web = 0;
my $subsystem = 0;
my $status = 0;
my $keywords = 1;
my $from_filename = 0;
my $pattern_depth = 0;
my $version = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $exit = 0;
my @penguin_chief = ();
push(@penguin_chief,"Linus Torvalds:torvalds\@linux-foundation.org");
#Andrew wants in on most everything - 2009/01/14
#push(@penguin_chief,"Andrew Morton:akpm\@linux-foundation.org");
my @penguin_chief_names = ();
foreach my $chief (@penguin_chief) {
if ($chief =~ m/^(.*):(.*)/) {
my $chief_name = $1;
my $chief_addr = $2;
push(@penguin_chief_names, $chief_name);
my $penguin_chiefs = "\(" . join("|",@penguin_chief_names) . "\)";
# rfc822 email address - preloaded methods go here.
my $rfc822_lwsp = "(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])";
my $rfc822_char = '[\\000-\\377]';
if (!GetOptions(
'email!' => \$email,
'git!' => \$email_git,
'git-chief-penguins!' => \$email_git_penguin_chiefs,
'git-min-signatures=i' => \$email_git_min_signatures,
'git-max-maintainers=i' => \$email_git_max_maintainers,
'git-min-percent=i' => \$email_git_min_percent,
'git-since=s' => \$email_git_since,
'git-blame!' => \$email_git_blame,
'remove-duplicates!' => \$email_remove_duplicates,
'm!' => \$email_maintainer,
'n!' => \$email_usename,
'l!' => \$email_list,
's!' => \$email_subscriber_list,
'multiline!' => \$output_multiline,
'roles!' => \$output_roles,
'rolestats!' => \$output_rolestats,
'separator=s' => \$output_separator,
'subsystem!' => \$subsystem,
'status!' => \$status,
'scm!' => \$scm,
'web!' => \$web,
'pattern-depth=i' => \$pattern_depth,
'k|keywords!' => \$keywords,
'f|file' => \$from_filename,
'v|version' => \$version,
'h|help' => \$help,
)) {
die "$P: invalid argument - use --help if necessary\n";
if ($help != 0) {
exit 0;
if ($version != 0) {
print("${P} ${V}\n");
exit 0;
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
die "$P: argument missing: patchfile or -f file please\n";
if ($output_separator ne ", ") {
$output_multiline =