* bitmap.c two-level bitmap (C) Peter T. Breuer (ptb@ot.uc3m.es) 2003
* bitmap_create - sets up the bitmap structure
* bitmap_destroy - destroys the bitmap structure
* additions, Copyright (C) 2003-2004, Paul Clements, SteelEye Technology, Inc.:
* - added disk storage for bitmap
* - changes to allow various bitmap chunk sizes
* - added bitmap daemon (to asynchronously clear bitmap bits from disk)
* Still to do:
* flush after percent set rather than just time based. (maybe both).
* wait if count gets too high, wake when it drops to half.
* allow bitmap to be mirrored with superblock (before or after...)
* allow hot-add to re-instate a current device.
* allow hot-add of bitmap after quiessing device
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <