 * Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 VIA Networking Technologies, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * File: desc.h
 * Purpose:The header file of descriptor
 * Revision History:
 * Author: Tevin Chen
 * Date: May 21, 1996

#ifndef __DESC_H__
#define __DESC_H__

#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>

#include "tether.h"

/* max transmit or receive buffer size */
#define CB_MAX_BUF_SIZE     2900U       /* NOTE: must be multiple of 4 */

/* max TX buffer size */
/* max RX buffer size when not use Multi-RD */

#define CB_BEACON_BUF_SIZE  512U        /* default beacon buffer size */


#define MAX_INTERRUPT_SIZE              32

#define RX_BLOCKS           64          /* from 0x60 to 0xA0 */
#define TX_BLOCKS           32          /* from 0xA0 to 0xC0 */

#define CB_MAX_RX_DESC      128         /* max # of descriptors */
#define CB_MIN_RX_DESC      16          /* min # of RX descriptors */
#define CB_MAX_TX_DESC      128         /* max # of descriptors */
#define CB_MIN_TX_DESC      16          /* min # of TX descriptors */

#define CB_RD_NUM           64          /* default # of RD */
#define CB_TD_NUM           64          /* default # of TD */

 * bits in the RSR register
#define RSR_ADDRBROAD       0x80
#define RSR_ADDRMULTI       0x40
#define RSR_ADDRUNI         0x00
#define RSR_IVLDTYP         0x20        /* invalid packet type */
#define RSR_IVLDLEN         0x10        /* invalid len (> 2312 byte) */
#define RSR_BSSIDOK         0x08
#define RSR_CRCOK           0x04
#define RSR_BCNSSIDOK       0x02
#define RSR_ADDROK          0x01

 * bits in the new RSR register
#define NEWRSR_DECRYPTOK    0x10
#define NEWRSR_CFPIND       0x08
#define NEWRSR_HWUTSF       0x04
#define NEWRSR_BCNHITAID    0x02
#define NEWRSR_BCNHITAID0   0x01

 * bits in the TSR register
#define TSR_RETRYTMO        0x08
#define TSR_TMO             0x04
#define TSR_ACKDATA         0x02
#define TSR_VALID           0x01


 * if retries exceed 15 times, TX will abort, and
 * if TX fifo underflow, TX will fail
 * we should try to resend it

#define FIFOCTL_AUTO_FB_1   0x1000
#define FIFOCTL_AUTO_FB_0   0x0800
#define FIFOCTL_GRPACK      0x0400
#define FIFOCTL_11GA        0x0300
#define FIFOCTL_11GB        0x0200
#define FIFOCTL_11B         0x0100
#define FIFOCTL_11A         0x0000
#define FIFOCTL_RTS         0x0080
#define FIFOCTL_ISDMA0      0x0040
#define FIFOCTL_GENINT      0x0020
#define FIFOCTL_TMOEN       0x0010
#define FIFOCTL_LRETRY      0x0008
#define FIFOCTL_CRCDIS      0x0004
#define FIFOCTL_NEEDACK     0x0002
#define FIFOCTL_LHEAD       0x0001

/* WMAC definition Frag Control */
#define FRAGCTL_AES         0x0300
#define FRAGCTL_TKIP        0x0200
#define FRAGCTL_LEGACY      0x0100
#define FRAGCTL_NONENCRYPT  0x0000
#define FRAGCTL_ENDFRAG     0x0003
#define FRAGCTL_MIDFRAG     0x0002
#define FRAGCTL_STAFRAG     0x0001
#define FRAGCTL_NONFRAG     0x0000

#define TYPE_TXDMA0     0
#define TYPE_AC0DMA     1
#define TYPE_ATIMDMA    2
#define TYPE_SYNCDMA    3
#define TYPE_MAXTD      2


#define TYPE_RXDMA0     0
#define TYPE_RXDMA1     1
#define TYPE_MAXRD      2

/* TD_INFO flags control bit */
#define TD_FLAGS_NETIF_SKB 0x01 /* check if need release skb */
#define TD_FLAGS_PRIV_SKB  0x02 /* check if called from private skb(hostap) */
#define TD_FLAGS_PS_RETRY  0x04 /* check if PS STA frame re-transmit */

 * RsvTime buffer header
typedef struct tagSRrvTime_gRTS {
    u16        wRTSTxRrvTime_ba;
    u16        wRTSTxRrvTime_aa;
    u16        wRTSTxRrvTime_bb;
    u16        wReserved;
    u16        wTxRrvTime_b;
    u16        wTxRrvTime_a;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
SRrvTime_gRTS, *PSRrvTime_gRTS;

typedef const SRrvTime_gRTS *PCSRrvTime_gRTS;

typedef struct tagSRrvTime_gCTS {
    u16        wCTSTxRrvTime_ba;
    u16        wReserved;
    u16        wTxRrvTime_b;
    u16        wTxRrvTime_a;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
SRrvTime_gCTS, *PSRrvTime_gCTS;

typedef const SRrvTime_gCTS *PCSRrvTime_gCTS;

typedef struct tagSRrvTime_ab {
    u16        wRTSTxRrvTime;
    u16        wTxRrvTime;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
SRrvTime_ab, *PSRrvTime_ab;

typedef const SRrvTime_ab *PCSRrvTime_ab;

typedef struct tagSRrvTime_atim {
    u16        wCTSTxRrvTime_ba;
    u16        wTxRrvTime_a;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
SRrvTime_atim, *PSRrvTime_atim;

typedef const SRrvTime_atim *PCSRrvTime_atim;

 * RTS buffer header
typedef struct tagSRTSData {
    u16    wFrameControl;
    u16    wDurationID;
    u8    abyRA[ETH_ALEN];
    u8    abyTA[ETH_ALEN];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef const SRTSData *PCSRTSData;

typedef struct tagSRTS_g {
    u8        bySignalField_b;
    u8        byServiceField_b;
    u16        wTransmitLength_b;
    u8        bySignalField_a;
    u8        byServiceField_a;
    u16        wTransmitLength_a;
    u16        wDuration_ba;
    u16        wDuration_aa;
    u16        wDuration_bb;
    u16        wReserved;
    SRTSData    Data;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
typedef const SRTS_g *PCSRTS_g;

typedef struct tagSRTS_g_FB {
    u8        bySignalField_b;
    u8        byServiceField_b;
    u16        wTransmitLength_b;
    u8        bySignalField_a;
    u8        byServiceField_a;
    u16        wTransmitLength_a;
    u16        wDuration_ba;
    u16        wDuration_aa;
    u16        wDuration_bb;
    u16        wReserved;
    u16        wRTSDuration_ba_f0;
    u16        wRTSDuration_aa_f0;
    u16        wRTSDuration_ba_f1;
    u16        wRTSDuration_aa_f1;
    SRTSData    Data;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef const SRTS_g_FB *PCSRTS_g_FB;

typedef struct tagSRTS_ab {
    u8        bySignalField;
    u8        byServiceField;
    u16        wTransmitLength;
    u16        wDuration;
    u16        wReserved;
    SRTSData    Data;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
SRTS_ab, *PSRTS_ab;

typedef const SRTS_ab *PCSRTS_ab;

typedef struct tagSRTS_a_FB {
    u8        bySignalField;
    u8        byServiceField;
    u16        wTransmitLength;
    u16        wDuration;
    u16        wReserved;
    u16        wRTSDuration_f0;
    u16        wRTSDuration_f1;
    SRTSData    Data;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef const SRTS_a_FB *PCSRTS_a_FB;

 * CTS buffer header
typedef struct tagSCTSData {
    u16    wFrameControl;
    u16    wDurationID;
    u8    abyRA[ETH_ALEN];
    u16    wReserved;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef struct tagSCTS {
    u8        bySignalField_b;
    u8        byServiceField_b;
    u16        wTransmitLength_b;
    u16        wDuration_ba;
    u16        wReserved;
    SCTSData    Data;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef const SCTS *PCSCTS;

typedef struct tagSCTS_FB {
    u8        bySignalField_b;
    u8        byServiceField_b;
    u16        wTransmitLength_b;
    u16        wDuration_ba;
    u16        wReserved;
    u16        wCTSDuration_ba_f0;
    u16        wCTSDuration_ba_f1;
    SCTSData    Data;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef const SCTS_FB *PCSCTS_FB;

 * TX FIFO header
typedef struct tagSTxBufHead {
	u32 adwTxKey[4];
    u16    wFIFOCtl;
    u16    wTimeStamp;
    u16    wFragCtl;
    u16    wReserved;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
STxBufHead, *PSTxBufHead;
typedef const STxBufHead *PCSTxBufHead;

typedef struct tagSTxShortBufHead {
    u16    wFIFOCtl;
    u16    wTimeStamp;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
STxShortBufHead, *PSTxShortBufHead;
typedef const STxShortBufHead *PCSTxShortBufHead;

 * TX data header
typedef struct tagSTxDataHead_g {
    u8    bySignalField_b;
    u8    byServiceField_b;
    u16    wTransmitLength_b;
    u8    bySignalField_a;
    u8    byServiceField_a;
    u16    wTransmitLength_a;
    u16    wDuration_b;
    u16    wDuration_a;
    u16    wTimeStampOff_b;
    u16    wTimeStampOff_a;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
STxDataHead_g, *PSTxDataHead_g;

typedef const STxDataHead_g *PCSTxDataHead_g;

typedef struct tagSTxDataHead_g_FB {
    u8    bySignalField_b;
    u8    byServiceField_b;
    u16    wTransmitLength_b;
    u8    bySignalField_a;
    u8    byServiceField_a;
    u16    wTransmitLength_a;
    u16    wDuration_b;
    u16    wDuration_a;
    u16    wDuration_a_f0;
    u16    wDuration_a_f1;
    u16    wTimeStampOff_b;
    u16    wTimeStampOff_a;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
STxDataHead_g_FB, *PSTxDataHead_g_FB;
typedef const STxDataHead_g_FB *PCSTxDataHead_g_FB;

typedef struct tagSTxDataHead_ab {
    u8    bySignalField;
    u8    byServiceField;
    u16    wTransmitLength;
    u16    wDuration;
    u16    wTimeStampOff;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
STxDataHead_ab, *PSTxDataHead_ab;
typedef const STxDataHead_ab *PCSTxDataHead_ab;

typedef struct tagSTxDataHead_a_FB {
    u8    bySignalField;
    u8    byServiceField;
    u16    wTransmitLength;
    u16    wDuration;
    u16    wTimeStampOff;
    u16    wDuration_f0;
    u16    wDuration_f1;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
STxDataHead_a_FB, *PSTxDataHead_a_FB;
typedef const STxDataHead_a_FB *PCSTxDataHead_a_FB;

 * MICHDR data header
typedef struct tagSMICHDRHead {
	u32 adwHDR0[4];
	u32 adwHDR1[4];
	u32 adwHDR2[4];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef const SMICHDRHead *PCSMICHDRHead;

typedef struct tagSBEACONCtl {
	u32 BufReady:1;
	u32 TSF:15;
	u32 BufLen:11;
	u32 Reserved:5;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef struct tagSSecretKey {
	u32 dwLowDword;
    u8    byHighByte;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef struct tagSKeyEntry {
    u8  abyAddrHi[2];
    u16  wKCTL;
    u8  abyAddrLo[4];
	u32 dwKey0[4];
	u32 dwKey1[4];
	u32 dwKey2[4];
	u32 dwKey3[4];
	u32 dwKey4[4];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))

#endif /* __DESC_H__ */