/* * Copyright (C) 2000 David J. Mckay (david.mckay@st.com) * * May be copied or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public * License. See linux/COPYING for more information. * * This file handles programming up the Altera Flex10K that interfaces to * the Galileo, and does the PS/2 keyboard and mouse * */ #include <linux/config.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/smp.h> #include <linux/smp_lock.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <asm/overdriver/gt64111.h> #include <asm/overdrive/overdrive.h> #include <asm/overdrive/fpga.h> #define FPGA_NotConfigHigh() (*FPGA_ControlReg) = (*FPGA_ControlReg) | ENABLE_FPGA_BIT #define FPGA_NotConfigLow() (*FPGA_ControlReg) = (*FPGA_ControlReg) & RESET_FPGA_MASK /* I need to find out what (if any) the real delay factor here is */ /* The delay is definately not critical */ #define long_delay() {int i;for(i=0;i<10000;i++);} #define short_delay() {int i;for(i=0;i<100;i++);} static void __init program_overdrive_fpga(const unsigned char *fpgacode, int size) { int timeout = 0; int i, j; unsigned char b; static volatile unsigned char *FPGA_ControlReg = (volatile unsigned char *) (OVERDRIVE_CTRL); static volatile unsigned char *FPGA_ProgramReg = (volatile unsigned char *) (FPGA_DCLK_ADDRESS); printk("FPGA: Commencing FPGA Programming\n"); /* The PCI reset but MUST be low when programming the FPGA !!! */ b = (*FPGA_ControlReg) & RESET_PCI_MASK; (*FPGA_ControlReg) = b; /* Prepare FPGA to program */ FPGA_NotConfigHigh(); long_delay(); FPGA_NotConfigLow(); short_delay(); while ((*FPGA_ProgramReg & FPGA_NOT_STATUS) != 0) { printk("FPGA: Waiting for NotStatus to go Low ... \n"); } FPGA_NotConfigHigh(); /* Wait for FPGA "ready to be programmed" signal */ printk("FPGA: Waiting for NotStatus to go high (FPGA ready)... \n"); for (timeout = 0; (((*FPGA_ProgramReg & FPGA_NOT_STATUS) == 0) && (timeout < FPGA_TIMEOUT)); timeout++); /* Check if timeout condition occured - i.e. an error */ if (timeout == FPGA_TIMEOUT) { printk ("FPGA: Failed to program - Timeout waiting for notSTATUS to go high\n"); return; } printk("FPGA: Copying data to FPGA ... %d bytes\n", size); /* Copy array to FPGA - bit at a time */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { volatile unsigned w = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { *FPGA_ProgramReg = (fpgacode[i] >> j) & 0x01; short_delay(); } if ((i & 0x3ff) == 0) { printk("."); } } /* Waiting for CONFDONE to go high - means the program is complete */ for (timeout = 0; (((*FPGA_ProgramReg & FPGA_CONFDONE) == 0) && (timeout < FPGA_TIMEOUT)); timeout++) { *FPGA_ProgramReg = 0x0; long_delay(); } if (timeout == FPGA_TIMEOUT) { printk ("FPGA: Failed to program - Timeout waiting for CONFDONE to go high\n"); return; } else { /* Clock another 10 times - gets the device into a working state */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { *FPGA_ProgramReg = 0x0; short_delay(); } } printk("FPGA: Programming complete\n"); } static const unsigned char __init fpgacode[] = { #include "./overdrive.ttf" /* Code from maxplus2 compiler */ , 0, 0 }; int __init init_overdrive_fpga(void) { program_overdrive_fpga(fpgacode, sizeof(fpgacode)); return 0; }