/* * linux/arch/mips/tx4938/toshiba_rbtx4938/spi_txx9.c * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Toshiba Corporation * * 2003-2005 (c) MontaVista Software, Inc. This file is licensed under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. This program is * licensed "as is" without any warranty of any kind, whether express * or implied. * * Support for TX4938 in 2.6 - Manish Lachwani (mlachwani@mvista.com) */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include <linux/wait.h> #include <asm/tx4938/spi.h> #include <asm/tx4938/tx4938.h> static int (*txx9_spi_cs_func)(int chipid, int on); static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(txx9_spi_lock); extern unsigned int txx9_gbus_clock; #define SPI_FIFO_SIZE 4 void __init txx9_spi_init(unsigned long base, int (*cs_func)(int chipid, int on)) { txx9_spi_cs_func = cs_func; /* enter config mode */ tx4938_spiptr->mcr = TXx9_SPMCR_CONFIG | TXx9_SPMCR_BCLR; } static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(txx9_spi_wait); static void txx9_spi_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs) { /* disable rx intr */ tx4938_spiptr->cr0 &= ~TXx9_SPCR0_RBSIE; wake_up(&txx9_spi_wait); } static struct irqaction txx9_spi_action = { txx9_spi_interrupt, 0, 0, "spi", NULL, NULL, }; void __init txx9_spi_irqinit(int irc_irq) { setup_irq(irc_irq, &txx9_spi_action); } int txx9_spi_io(int chipid, struct spi_dev_desc *desc, unsigned char **inbufs, unsigned int *incounts, unsigned char **outbufs, unsigned int *outcounts, int cansleep) { unsigned int incount, outcount; unsigned char *inp, *outp; int ret; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&txx9_spi_lock, flags); if ((tx4938_spiptr->mcr & TXx9_SPMCR_OPMODE) == TXx9_SPMCR_ACTIVE) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&txx9_spi_lock, flags); return -EBUSY; } /* enter config mode */ tx4938_spiptr->mcr = TXx9_SPMCR_CONFIG | TXx9_SPMCR_BCLR; tx4938_spiptr->cr0 = (desc->byteorder ? TXx9_SPCR0_SBOS : 0) | (desc->polarity ? TXx9_SPCR0_SPOL : 0) | (desc->phase ? TXx9_SPCR0_SPHA : 0) | 0x08; tx4938_spiptr->cr1 = (((TXX9_IMCLK + desc->baud) / (2 * desc->baud) - 1) << 8) | 0x08 /* 8 bit only */; /* enter active mode */ tx4938_spiptr->mcr = TXx9_SPMCR_ACTIVE; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&txx9_spi_lock, flags); /* CS ON */ if ((ret = txx9_spi_cs_func(chipid, 1)) < 0) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&txx9_spi_lock, flags); return ret; } udelay(desc->tcss); /* do scatter IO */ inp = inbufs ? *inbufs : NULL; outp = outbufs ? *outbufs : NULL; incount = 0; outcount = 0; while (1) { unsigned char data; unsigned int count; int i; if (!incount) { incount = incounts ? *incounts++ : 0; inp = (incount && inbufs) ? *inbufs++ : NULL; } if (!outcount) { outcount = outcounts ? *outcounts++ : 0; outp = (outcount && outbufs) ? *outbufs++ : NULL; } if (!inp && !outp) break; count = SPI_FIFO_SIZE; if (incount) count = min(count, incount); if (outcount) count = min(count, outcount); /* now tx must be idle... */ while (!(tx4938_spiptr->sr & TXx9_SPSR_SIDLE)) ; tx4938_spiptr->cr0 = (tx4938_spiptr->cr0 & ~TXx9_SPCR0_RXIFL_MASK) | ((count - 1) << 12); if (cansleep) { /* enable rx intr */ tx4938_spiptr->cr0 |= TXx9_SPCR0_RBSIE; } /* send */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) tx4938_spiptr->dr = inp ? *inp++ : 0; /* wait all rx data */ if (cansleep) { wait_event(txx9_spi_wait, tx4938_spiptr->sr & TXx9_SPSR_SRRDY); } else { while (!(tx4938_spiptr->sr & TXx9_SPSR_RBSI)) ; } /* receive */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { data = tx4938_spiptr->dr; if (outp) *outp++ = data; } if (incount) incount -= count; if (outcount) outcount -= count; } /* CS OFF */ udelay(desc->tcsh); txx9_spi_cs_func(chipid, 0); udelay(desc->tcsr); spin_lock_irqsave(&txx9_spi_lock, flags); /* enter config mode */ tx4938_spiptr->mcr = TXx9_SPMCR_CONFIG | TXx9_SPMCR_BCLR; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&txx9_spi_lock, flags); return 0; }