/* longlong.h -- definitions for mixed size 32/64 bit arithmetic.
   Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This definition file is free software; you can redistribute it
   and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

   This definition file is distributed in the hope that it will be
   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
   See the GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* Borrowed from gcc-3.4.3 */

#define __BITS4 (W_TYPE_SIZE / 4)
#define __ll_B ((UWtype) 1 << (W_TYPE_SIZE / 2))
#define __ll_lowpart(t) ((UWtype) (t) & (__ll_B - 1))
#define __ll_highpart(t) ((UWtype) (t) >> (W_TYPE_SIZE / 2))

#define count_leading_zeros(count, x) ((count) = __builtin_clz(x))

#define __udiv_qrnnd_c(q, r, n1, n0, d) \
  do {									\
    UWtype __d1, __d0, __q1, __q0;					\
    UWtype __r1, __r0, __m;						\
    __d1 = __ll_highpart (d);						\
    __d0 = __ll_lowpart (d);						\
    __r1 = (n1) % __d1;							\
    __q1 = (n1) / __d1;							\
    __m = (UWtype) __q1 * __d0;						\
    __r1 = __r1 * __ll_B | __ll_highpart (n0);				\
    if (__r1 < __m)							\
      {									\
	__q1--, __r1 += (d);						\
	if (__r1 >= (d)) /* i.e. we didn't get carry when adding to __r1 */\
	  if (__r1 < __m)						\
	    __q1--, __r1 += (d);					\
      }									\
    __r1 -= __m;							\
    __r0 = __r1 % __d1;							\
    __q0 = __r1 / __d1;							\
    __m = (UWtype) __q0 * __d0;						\
    __r0 = __r0 * __ll_B | __ll_lowpart (n0);				\
    if (__r0 < __m)							\
      {									\
	__q0--, __r0 += (d);						\
	if (__r0 >= (d))						\
	  if (__r0 < __m)						\
	    __q0--, __r0 += (d);					\
      }									\
    __r0 -= __m;							\
    (q) = (UWtype) __q1 * __ll_B | __q0;				\
    (r) = __r0;								\
  } while (0)

#define udiv_qrnnd __udiv_qrnnd_c

#define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
  do {									\
    UWtype __x;								\
    __x = (al) - (bl);							\
    (sh) = (ah) - (bh) - (__x > (al));					\
    (sl) = __x;								\
  } while (0)

#define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v)						\
  do {									\
    UWtype __x0, __x1, __x2, __x3;					\
    UHWtype __ul, __vl, __uh, __vh;					\
    __ul = __ll_lowpart (u);						\
    __uh = __ll_highpart (u);						\
    __vl = __ll_lowpart (v);						\
    __vh = __ll_highpart (v);						\
    __x0 = (UWtype) __ul * __vl;					\
    __x1 = (UWtype) __ul * __vh;					\
    __x2 = (UWtype) __uh * __vl;					\
    __x3 = (UWtype) __uh * __vh;					\
    __x1 += __ll_highpart (__x0);/* this can't give carry */		\
    __x1 += __x2;		/* but this indeed can */		\
    if (__x1 < __x2)		/* did we get it? */			\
      __x3 += __ll_B;		/* yes, add it in the proper pos.  */	\
    (w1) = __x3 + __ll_highpart (__x1);					\
    (w0) = __ll_lowpart (__x1) * __ll_B + __ll_lowpart (__x0);		\
  } while (0)