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6 files changed, 0 insertions, 3545 deletions
diff --git a/arch/i386/boot/bootsect.S b/arch/i386/boot/bootsect.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 011b7a4993d..00000000000
--- a/arch/i386/boot/bootsect.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * bootsect.S Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
- *
- * modified by Drew Eckhardt
- * modified by Bruce Evans (bde)
- * modified by Chris Noe (May 1999) (as86 -> gas)
- * gutted by H. Peter Anvin (Jan 2003)
- *
- * BIG FAT NOTE: We're in real mode using 64k segments. Therefore segment
- * addresses must be multiplied by 16 to obtain their respective linear
- * addresses. To avoid confusion, linear addresses are written using leading
- * hex while segment addresses are written as segment:offset.
- *
- */
-#include <asm/boot.h>
-SETUPSECTS = 4 /* default nr of setup-sectors */
-BOOTSEG = 0x07C0 /* original address of boot-sector */
-INITSEG = DEF_INITSEG /* we move boot here - out of the way */
-SETUPSEG = DEF_SETUPSEG /* setup starts here */
-SYSSEG = DEF_SYSSEG /* system loaded at 0x10000 (65536) */
-SYSSIZE = DEF_SYSSIZE /* system size: # of 16-byte clicks */
- /* to be loaded */
-ROOT_DEV = 0 /* ROOT_DEV is now written by "build" */
-SWAP_DEV = 0 /* SWAP_DEV is now written by "build" */
-#ifndef SVGA_MODE
-#ifndef RAMDISK
-#define RAMDISK 0
-#ifndef ROOT_RDONLY
-#define ROOT_RDONLY 1
-.global _start
- # Normalize the start address
- jmpl $BOOTSEG, $start2
- movw %cs, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw %ax, %es
- movw %ax, %ss
- movw $0x7c00, %sp
- sti
- cld
- movw $bugger_off_msg, %si
- lodsb
- andb %al, %al
- jz die
- movb $0xe, %ah
- movw $7, %bx
- int $0x10
- jmp msg_loop
- # Allow the user to press a key, then reboot
- xorw %ax, %ax
- int $0x16
- int $0x19
- # int 0x19 should never return. In case it does anyway,
- # invoke the BIOS reset code...
- ljmp $0xf000,$0xfff0
- .ascii "Direct booting from floppy is no longer supported.\r\n"
- .ascii "Please use a boot loader program instead.\r\n"
- .ascii "\n"
- .ascii "Remove disk and press any key to reboot . . .\r\n"
- .byte 0
- # Kernel attributes; used by setup
- .org 497
-setup_sects: .byte SETUPSECTS
-root_flags: .word ROOT_RDONLY
-syssize: .word SYSSIZE
-swap_dev: .word SWAP_DEV
-ram_size: .word RAMDISK
-vid_mode: .word SVGA_MODE
-root_dev: .word ROOT_DEV
-boot_flag: .word 0xAA55
diff --git a/arch/i386/boot/edd.S b/arch/i386/boot/edd.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 34321368011..00000000000
--- a/arch/i386/boot/edd.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
- * BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive support
- * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Dell, Inc.
- * by Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch@dell.com> October 2002
- * conformant to T13 Committee www.t13.org
- * projects 1572D, 1484D, 1386D, 1226DT
- * disk signature read by Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch@dell.com>
- * and Andrew Wilks <Andrew_Wilks@dell.com> September 2003, June 2004
- * legacy CHS retrieval by Patrick J. LoPresti <patl@users.sourceforge.net>
- * March 2004
- * Command line option parsing, Matt Domsch, November 2004
- */
-#include <linux/edd.h>
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-#if defined(CONFIG_EDD) || defined(CONFIG_EDD_MODULE)
-# It is assumed that %ds == INITSEG here
- movb $0, (EDD_MBR_SIG_NR_BUF)
- movb $0, (EDDNR)
-# Check the command line for options:
-# edd=of disables EDD completely (edd=off)
-# edd=sk skips the MBR test (edd=skipmbr)
-# edd=on re-enables EDD (edd=on)
- pushl %esi
- movw $edd_mbr_sig_start, %di # Default to edd=on
- movl %cs:(cmd_line_ptr), %esi
- andl %esi, %esi
- jz old_cl # Old boot protocol?
-# Convert to a real-mode pointer in fs:si
- movl %esi, %eax
- shrl $4, %eax
- movw %ax, %fs
- andw $0xf, %si
- jmp have_cl_pointer
-# Old-style boot protocol?
- push %ds # aka INITSEG
- pop %fs
- cmpw $0xa33f, (0x20)
- jne done_cl # No command line at all?
- movw (0x22), %si # Pointer relative to INITSEG
-# fs:si has the pointer to the command line now
-# Loop through kernel command line one byte at a time. Just in
-# case the loader is buggy and failed to null-terminate the command line
-# terminate if we get close enough to the end of the segment that we
-# cannot fit "edd=XX"...
- cmpw $-5, %si # Watch for segment wraparound
- jae done_cl
- movl %fs:(%si), %eax
- andb %al, %al # End of line?
- jz done_cl
- cmpl $EDD_CL_EQUALS, %eax
- jz found_edd_equals
- cmpb $0x20, %al # <= space consider whitespace
- ja cl_skipword
- incw %si
- jmp cl_atspace
- cmpw $-5, %si # Watch for segment wraparound
- jae done_cl
- movb %fs:(%si), %al # End of string?
- andb %al, %al
- jz done_cl
- cmpb $0x20, %al
- jbe cl_atspace
- incw %si
- jmp cl_skipword
-# only looking at first two characters after equals
-# late overrides early on the command line, so keep going after finding something
- movw %fs:4(%si), %ax
- cmpw $EDD_CL_OFF, %ax # edd=of
- je do_edd_off
- cmpw $EDD_CL_SKIP, %ax # edd=sk
- je do_edd_skipmbr
- cmpw $EDD_CL_ON, %ax # edd=on
- je do_edd_on
- jmp cl_skipword
- movw $edd_start, %di
- jmp cl_skipword
- movw $edd_done, %di
- jmp cl_skipword
- movw $edd_mbr_sig_start, %di
- jmp cl_skipword
- popl %esi
- jmpw *%di
-# Read the first sector of each BIOS disk device and store the 4-byte signature
- movb $0x80, %dl # from device 80
- movw $EDD_MBR_SIG_BUF, %bx # store buffer ptr in bx
- movl $0xFFFFFFFF, %eax
- movl %eax, (%bx) # assume failure
- pushw %bx
- movb $READ_SECTORS, %ah
- movb $1, %al # read 1 sector
- movb $0, %dh # at head 0
- movw $1, %cx # cylinder 0, sector 0
- pushw %es
- pushw %ds
- popw %es
- movw $EDDBUF, %bx # disk's data goes into EDDBUF
- pushw %dx # work around buggy BIOSes
- stc # work around buggy BIOSes
- int $0x13
- sti # work around buggy BIOSes
- popw %dx
- popw %es
- popw %bx
- jc edd_mbr_sig_done # on failure, we're done.
- cmpb $0, %ah # some BIOSes do not set CF
- jne edd_mbr_sig_done # on failure, we're done.
- movl (EDDBUF+EDD_MBR_SIG_OFFSET), %eax # read sig out of the MBR
- movl %eax, (%bx) # store success
- incb (EDD_MBR_SIG_NR_BUF) # note that we stored something
- incb %dl # increment to next device
- addw $4, %bx # increment sig buffer ptr
- cmpb $EDD_MBR_SIG_MAX, (EDD_MBR_SIG_NR_BUF) # Out of space?
- jb edd_mbr_sig_read # keep looping
-# Do the BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive calls
-# This consists of two calls:
-# int 13h ah=41h "Check Extensions Present"
-# int 13h ah=48h "Get Device Parameters"
-# int 13h ah=08h "Legacy Get Device Parameters"
-# A buffer of size EDDMAXNR*(EDDEXTSIZE+EDDPARMSIZE) is reserved for our use
-# in the boot_params at EDDBUF. The first four bytes of which are
-# used to store the device number, interface support map and version
-# results from fn41. The next four bytes are used to store the legacy
-# cylinders, heads, and sectors from fn08. The following 74 bytes are used to
-# store the results from fn48. Starting from device 80h, fn41, then fn48
-# are called and their results stored in EDDBUF+n*(EDDEXTSIZE+EDDPARMIZE).
-# Then the pointer is incremented to store the data for the next call.
-# This repeats until either a device doesn't exist, or until EDDMAXNR
-# devices have been stored.
-# The one tricky part is that ds:si always points EDDEXTSIZE bytes into
-# the structure, and the fn41 and fn08 results are stored at offsets
-# from there. This removes the need to increment the pointer for
-# every store, and leaves it ready for the fn48 call.
-# A second one-byte buffer, EDDNR, in the boot_params stores
-# the number of BIOS devices which exist, up to EDDMAXNR.
-# In setup.c, copy_edd() stores both boot_params buffers away
-# for later use, as they would get overwritten otherwise.
-# This code is sensitive to the size of the structs in edd.h
- # %ds points to the bootsector
- # result buffer for fn48
- movw $EDDBUF+EDDEXTSIZE, %si # in ds:si, fn41 results
- # kept just before that
- movb $0x80, %dl # BIOS device 0x80
- movb $CHECKEXTENSIONSPRESENT, %ah # Function 41
- movw $EDDMAGIC1, %bx # magic
- int $0x13 # make the call
- jc edd_done # no more BIOS devices
- cmpw $EDDMAGIC2, %bx # is magic right?
- jne edd_next # nope, next...
- movb %dl, %ds:-8(%si) # store device number
- movb %ah, %ds:-7(%si) # store version
- movw %cx, %ds:-6(%si) # store extensions
- incb (EDDNR) # note that we stored something
- movw $EDDPARMSIZE, %ds:(%si) # put size
- movw $0x0, %ds:2(%si) # work around buggy BIOSes
- movb $GETDEVICEPARAMETERS, %ah # Function 48
- int $0x13 # make the call
- # Don't check for fail return
- # it doesn't matter.
- xorw %ax, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds:-4(%si)
- movw %ax, %ds:-2(%si)
- # Ralf Brown's Interrupt List says to set ES:DI to
- # 0000h:0000h "to guard against BIOS bugs"
- pushw %es
- movw %ax, %es
- movw %ax, %di
- pushw %dx # legacy call clobbers %dl
- movb $LEGACYGETDEVICEPARAMETERS, %ah # Function 08
- int $0x13 # make the call
- jc edd_legacy_done # failed
- movb %cl, %al # Low 6 bits are max
- andb $0x3F, %al # sector number
- movb %al, %ds:-1(%si) # Record max sect
- movb %dh, %ds:-2(%si) # Record max head number
- movb %ch, %al # Low 8 bits of max cyl
- shr $6, %cl
- movb %cl, %ah # High 2 bits of max cyl
- movw %ax, %ds:-4(%si)
- popw %dx
- popw %es
- movw %si, %ax # increment si
- movw %ax, %si
- incb %dl # increment to next device
- cmpb $EDDMAXNR, (EDDNR) # Out of space?
- jb edd_check_ext # keep looping
diff --git a/arch/i386/boot/setup.S b/arch/i386/boot/setup.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dbcc95b212..00000000000
--- a/arch/i386/boot/setup.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1075 +0,0 @@
- * setup.S Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
- *
- * setup.s is responsible for getting the system data from the BIOS,
- * and putting them into the appropriate places in system memory.
- * both setup.s and system has been loaded by the bootblock.
- *
- * This code asks the bios for memory/disk/other parameters, and
- * puts them in a "safe" place: 0x90000-0x901FF, ie where the
- * boot-block used to be. It is then up to the protected mode
- * system to read them from there before the area is overwritten
- * for buffer-blocks.
- *
- * Move PS/2 aux init code to psaux.c
- * (troyer@saifr00.cfsat.Honeywell.COM) 03Oct92
- *
- * some changes and additional features by Christoph Niemann,
- * March 1993/June 1994 (Christoph.Niemann@linux.org)
- *
- * add APM BIOS checking by Stephen Rothwell, May 1994
- * (sfr@canb.auug.org.au)
- *
- * High load stuff, initrd support and position independency
- * by Hans Lermen & Werner Almesberger, February 1996
- * <lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de>, <almesber@lrc.epfl.ch>
- *
- * Video handling moved to video.S by Martin Mares, March 1996
- * <mj@k332.feld.cvut.cz>
- *
- * Extended memory detection scheme retwiddled by orc@pell.chi.il.us (david
- * parsons) to avoid loadlin confusion, July 1997
- *
- * Transcribed from Intel (as86) -> AT&T (gas) by Chris Noe, May 1999.
- * <stiker@northlink.com>
- *
- * Fix to work around buggy BIOSes which don't use carry bit correctly
- * and/or report extended memory in CX/DX for e801h memory size detection
- * call. As a result the kernel got wrong figures. The int15/e801h docs
- * from Ralf Brown interrupt list seem to indicate AX/BX should be used
- * anyway. So to avoid breaking many machines (presumably there was a reason
- * to orginally use CX/DX instead of AX/BX), we do a kludge to see
- * if CX/DX have been changed in the e801 call and if so use AX/BX .
- * Michael Miller, April 2001 <michaelm@mjmm.org>
- *
- * New A20 code ported from SYSLINUX by H. Peter Anvin. AMD Elan bugfixes
- * by Robert Schwebel, December 2001 <robert@schwebel.de>
- */
-#include <asm/segment.h>
-#include <linux/utsrelease.h>
-#include <linux/compile.h>
-#include <asm/boot.h>
-#include <asm/e820.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/setup.h>
-/* Signature words to ensure LILO loaded us right */
-#define SIG1 0xAA55
-#define SIG2 0x5A5A
-INITSEG = DEF_INITSEG # 0x9000, we move boot here, out of the way
-SYSSEG = DEF_SYSSEG # 0x1000, system loaded at 0x10000 (65536).
-SETUPSEG = DEF_SETUPSEG # 0x9020, this is the current segment
- # ... and the former contents of CS
-.globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss
- jmp trampoline
-# This is the setup header, and it must start at %cs:2 (old 0x9020:2)
- .ascii "HdrS" # header signature
- .word 0x0206 # header version number (>= 0x0105)
- # or else old loadlin-1.5 will fail)
-realmode_swtch: .word 0, 0 # default_switch, SETUPSEG
-start_sys_seg: .word SYSSEG
- .word kernel_version # pointing to kernel version string
- # above section of header is compatible
- # with loadlin-1.5 (header v1.5). Don't
- # change it.
-type_of_loader: .byte 0 # = 0, old one (LILO, Loadlin,
- # Bootlin, SYSLX, bootsect...)
- # See Documentation/i386/boot.txt for
- # assigned ids
-# flags, unused bits must be zero (RFU) bit within loadflags
-LOADED_HIGH = 1 # If set, the kernel is loaded high
-CAN_USE_HEAP = 0x80 # If set, the loader also has set
- # heap_end_ptr to tell how much
- # space behind setup.S can be used for
- # heap purposes.
- # Only the loader knows what is free
-#ifndef __BIG_KERNEL__
- .byte 0
-setup_move_size: .word 0x8000 # size to move, when setup is not
- # loaded at 0x90000. We will move setup
- # to 0x90000 then just before jumping
- # into the kernel. However, only the
- # loader knows how much data behind
- # us also needs to be loaded.
-code32_start: # here loaders can put a different
- # start address for 32-bit code.
-#ifndef __BIG_KERNEL__
- .long 0x1000 # 0x1000 = default for zImage
- .long 0x100000 # 0x100000 = default for big kernel
-ramdisk_image: .long 0 # address of loaded ramdisk image
- # Here the loader puts the 32-bit
- # address where it loaded the image.
- # This only will be read by the kernel.
-ramdisk_size: .long 0 # its size in bytes
- .long 0 # obsolete
-heap_end_ptr: .word modelist+1024 # (Header version 0x0201 or later)
- # space from here (exclusive) down to
- # end of setup code can be used by setup
- # for local heap purposes.
-pad1: .word 0
-cmd_line_ptr: .long 0 # (Header version 0x0202 or later)
- # If nonzero, a 32-bit pointer
- # to the kernel command line.
- # The command line should be
- # located between the start of
- # setup and the end of low
- # memory (0xa0000), or it may
- # get overwritten before it
- # gets read. If this field is
- # used, there is no longer
- # anything magical about the
- # 0x90000 segment; the setup
- # can be located anywhere in
- # low memory 0x10000 or higher.
-ramdisk_max: .long (-__PAGE_OFFSET-(512 << 20)-1) & 0x7fffffff
- # (Header version 0x0203 or later)
- # The highest safe address for
- # the contents of an initrd
-kernel_alignment: .long CONFIG_PHYSICAL_ALIGN #physical addr alignment
- #required for protected mode
- #kernel
-relocatable_kernel: .byte 1
-relocatable_kernel: .byte 0
-pad2: .byte 0
-pad3: .word 0
-cmdline_size: .long COMMAND_LINE_SIZE-1 #length of the command line,
- #added with boot protocol
- #version 2.06
-trampoline: call start_of_setup
- .align 16
- # The offset at this point is 0x240
- .space (0xeff-0x240+1) # E820 & EDD space (ending at 0xeff)
-# End of setup header #####################################################
-# Bootlin depends on this being done early
- movw $0x01500, %ax
- movb $0x81, %dl
- int $0x13
-# Reset the disk controller.
- movw $0x0000, %ax
- movb $0x80, %dl
- int $0x13
-# Set %ds = %cs, we know that SETUPSEG = %cs at this point
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- movw %ax, %ds
-# Check signature at end of setup
- cmpw $SIG1, setup_sig1
- jne bad_sig
- cmpw $SIG2, setup_sig2
- jne bad_sig
- jmp good_sig1
-# Routine to print asciiz string at ds:si
- lodsb
- andb %al, %al
- jz fin
- call prtchr
- jmp prtstr
-fin: ret
-# Space printing
-prtsp2: call prtspc # Print double space
-prtspc: movb $0x20, %al # Print single space (note: fall-thru)
-# Part of above routine, this one just prints ascii al
-prtchr: pushw %ax
- pushw %cx
- movw $7,%bx
- movw $0x01, %cx
- movb $0x0e, %ah
- int $0x10
- popw %cx
- popw %ax
- ret
-beep: movb $0x07, %al
- jmp prtchr
-no_sig_mess: .string "No setup signature found ..."
- jmp good_sig
-# We now have to find the rest of the setup code/data
- movw %cs, %ax # SETUPSEG
- movw %ax, %ds
- xorb %bh, %bh
- movb (497), %bl # get setup sect from bootsect
- subw $4, %bx # LILO loads 4 sectors of setup
- shlw $8, %bx # convert to words (1sect=2^8 words)
- movw %bx, %cx
- shrw $3, %bx # convert to segment
- addw $SYSSEG, %bx
- movw %bx, %cs:start_sys_seg
-# Move rest of setup code/data to here
- movw $2048, %di # four sectors loaded by LILO
- subw %si, %si
- pushw %cs
- popw %es
- movw $SYSSEG, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- rep
- movsw
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- movw %ax, %ds
- cmpw $SIG1, setup_sig1
- jne no_sig
- cmpw $SIG2, setup_sig2
- jne no_sig
- jmp good_sig
- lea no_sig_mess, %si
- call prtstr
- hlt
- jmp no_sig_loop
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax # aka INITSEG
- movw %ax, %ds
-# Check if an old loader tries to load a big-kernel
- testb $LOADED_HIGH, %cs:loadflags # Do we have a big kernel?
- jz loader_ok # No, no danger for old loaders.
- cmpb $0, %cs:type_of_loader # Do we have a loader that
- # can deal with us?
- jnz loader_ok # Yes, continue.
- pushw %cs # No, we have an old loader,
- popw %ds # die.
- lea loader_panic_mess, %si
- call prtstr
- jmp no_sig_loop
-loader_panic_mess: .string "Wrong loader, giving up..."
-# check minimum cpuid
-# we do this here because it is the last place we can actually
-# show a user visible error message. Later the video modus
-# might be already messed up.
- call verify_cpu
- testl %eax,%eax
- jz cpu_ok
- movw %cs,%ax # aka SETUPSEG
- movw %ax,%ds
- lea cpu_panic_mess,%si
- call prtstr
-1: jmp 1b
- .asciz "PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel."
-#include "../kernel/verify_cpu.S"
-# Get memory size (extended mem, kB)
- xorl %eax, %eax
- movl %eax, (0x1e0)
- movb %al, (E820NR)
-# Try three different memory detection schemes. First, try
-# e820h, which lets us assemble a memory map, then try e801h,
-# which returns a 32-bit memory size, and finally 88h, which
-# returns 0-64m
-# method E820H:
-# the memory map from hell. e820h returns memory classified into
-# a whole bunch of different types, and allows memory holes and
-# everything. We scan through this memory map and build a list
-# of the first 32 memory areas, which we return at [E820MAP].
-# This is documented at http://www.acpi.info/, in the ACPI 2.0 specification.
-#define SMAP 0x534d4150
- xorl %ebx, %ebx # continuation counter
- movw $E820MAP, %di # point into the whitelist
- # so we can have the bios
- # directly write into it.
- movl $0x0000e820, %eax # e820, upper word zeroed
- movl $SMAP, %edx # ascii 'SMAP'
- movl $20, %ecx # size of the e820rec
- pushw %ds # data record.
- popw %es
- int $0x15 # make the call
- jc bail820 # fall to e801 if it fails
- cmpl $SMAP, %eax # check the return is `SMAP'
- jne bail820 # fall to e801 if it fails
-# cmpl $1, 16(%di) # is this usable memory?
-# jne again820
- # If this is usable memory, we save it by simply advancing %di by
- # sizeof(e820rec).
- #
- movb (E820NR), %al # up to 128 entries
- cmpb $E820MAX, %al
- jae bail820
- incb (E820NR)
- movw %di, %ax
- addw $20, %ax
- movw %ax, %di
- cmpl $0, %ebx # check to see if
- jne jmpe820 # %ebx is set to EOF
-# method E801H:
-# memory size is in 1k chunksizes, to avoid confusing loadlin.
-# we store the 0xe801 memory size in a completely different place,
-# because it will most likely be longer than 16 bits.
-# (use 1e0 because that's what Larry Augustine uses in his
-# alternative new memory detection scheme, and it's sensible
-# to write everything into the same place.)
- stc # fix to work around buggy
- xorw %cx,%cx # BIOSes which don't clear/set
- xorw %dx,%dx # carry on pass/error of
- # e801h memory size call
- # or merely pass cx,dx though
- # without changing them.
- movw $0xe801, %ax
- int $0x15
- jc mem88
- cmpw $0x0, %cx # Kludge to handle BIOSes
- jne e801usecxdx # which report their extended
- cmpw $0x0, %dx # memory in AX/BX rather than
- jne e801usecxdx # CX/DX. The spec I have read
- movw %ax, %cx # seems to indicate AX/BX
- movw %bx, %dx # are more reasonable anyway...
- andl $0xffff, %edx # clear sign extend
- shll $6, %edx # and go from 64k to 1k chunks
- movl %edx, (0x1e0) # store extended memory size
- andl $0xffff, %ecx # clear sign extend
- addl %ecx, (0x1e0) # and add lower memory into
- # total size.
-# Ye Olde Traditional Methode. Returns the memory size (up to 16mb or
-# 64mb, depending on the bios) in ax.
- movb $0x88, %ah
- int $0x15
- movw %ax, (2)
-# Set the keyboard repeat rate to the max
- movw $0x0305, %ax
- xorw %bx, %bx
- int $0x16
-# Check for video adapter and its parameters and allow the
-# user to browse video modes.
- call video # NOTE: we need %ds pointing
- # to bootsector
-# Get hd0 data...
- xorw %ax, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- ldsw (4 * 0x41), %si
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax # aka INITSEG
- pushw %ax
- movw %ax, %es
- movw $0x0080, %di
- movw $0x10, %cx
- pushw %cx
- cld
- rep
- movsb
-# Get hd1 data...
- xorw %ax, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- ldsw (4 * 0x46), %si
- popw %cx
- popw %es
- movw $0x0090, %di
- rep
- movsb
-# Check that there IS a hd1 :-)
- movw $0x01500, %ax
- movb $0x81, %dl
- int $0x13
- jc no_disk1
- cmpb $3, %ah
- je is_disk1
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax # aka INITSEG
- movw %ax, %es
- movw $0x0090, %di
- movw $0x10, %cx
- xorw %ax, %ax
- cld
- rep
- stosb
-# check for Micro Channel (MCA) bus
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax # aka INITSEG
- movw %ax, %ds
- xorw %ax, %ax
- movw %ax, (0xa0) # set table length to 0
- movb $0xc0, %ah
- stc
- int $0x15 # moves feature table to es:bx
- jc no_mca
- pushw %ds
- movw %es, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax # aka INITSEG
- movw %ax, %es
- movw %bx, %si
- movw $0xa0, %di
- movw (%si), %cx
- addw $2, %cx # table length is a short
- cmpw $0x10, %cx
- jc sysdesc_ok
- movw $0x10, %cx # we keep only first 16 bytes
- rep
- movsb
- popw %ds
- movb $0xff, 0x40 # flag on config found
- movb $0xc0, %al
- mov $0xff, %ah
- int $0x15 # put voyager config info at es:di
- jc no_voyager
- movw $0x40, %si # place voyager info in apm table
- cld
- movw $7, %cx
- movb %es:(%di), %al
- movb %al,(%si)
- incw %di
- incw %si
- decw %cx
- jnz voyager_rep
-# Check for PS/2 pointing device
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax # aka INITSEG
- movw %ax, %ds
- movb $0, (0x1ff) # default is no pointing device
- int $0x11 # int 0x11: equipment list
- testb $0x04, %al # check if mouse installed
- jz no_psmouse
- movb $0xAA, (0x1ff) # device present
- movl $0x0000E980, %eax # IST Support
- movl $0x47534943, %edx # Request value
- int $0x15
- movl %eax, (96)
- movl %ebx, (100)
- movl %ecx, (104)
- movl %edx, (108)
-#if defined(CONFIG_APM) || defined(CONFIG_APM_MODULE)
-# Then check for an APM BIOS...
- # %ds points to the bootsector
- movw $0, 0x40 # version = 0 means no APM BIOS
- movw $0x05300, %ax # APM BIOS installation check
- xorw %bx, %bx
- int $0x15
- jc done_apm_bios # Nope, no APM BIOS
- cmpw $0x0504d, %bx # Check for "PM" signature
- jne done_apm_bios # No signature, no APM BIOS
- andw $0x02, %cx # Is 32 bit supported?
- je done_apm_bios # No 32-bit, no (good) APM BIOS
- movw $0x05304, %ax # Disconnect first just in case
- xorw %bx, %bx
- int $0x15 # ignore return code
- movw $0x05303, %ax # 32 bit connect
- xorl %ebx, %ebx
- xorw %cx, %cx # paranoia :-)
- xorw %dx, %dx # ...
- xorl %esi, %esi # ...
- xorw %di, %di # ...
- int $0x15
- jc no_32_apm_bios # Ack, error.
- movw %ax, (66) # BIOS code segment
- movl %ebx, (68) # BIOS entry point offset
- movw %cx, (72) # BIOS 16 bit code segment
- movw %dx, (74) # BIOS data segment
- movl %esi, (78) # BIOS code segment lengths
- movw %di, (82) # BIOS data segment length
-# Redo the installation check as the 32 bit connect
-# modifies the flags returned on some BIOSs
- movw $0x05300, %ax # APM BIOS installation check
- xorw %bx, %bx
- xorw %cx, %cx # paranoia
- int $0x15
- jc apm_disconnect # error -> shouldn't happen
- cmpw $0x0504d, %bx # check for "PM" signature
- jne apm_disconnect # no sig -> shouldn't happen
- movw %ax, (64) # record the APM BIOS version
- movw %cx, (76) # and flags
- jmp done_apm_bios
-apm_disconnect: # Tidy up
- movw $0x05304, %ax # Disconnect
- xorw %bx, %bx
- int $0x15 # ignore return code
- jmp done_apm_bios
- andw $0xfffd, (76) # remove 32 bit support bit
-#include "edd.S"
-# Now we want to move to protected mode ...
- cmpw $0, %cs:realmode_swtch
- jz rmodeswtch_normal
- lcall *%cs:realmode_swtch
- jmp rmodeswtch_end
- pushw %cs
- call default_switch
-# Now we move the system to its rightful place ... but we check if we have a
-# big-kernel. In that case we *must* not move it ...
- testb $LOADED_HIGH, %cs:loadflags
- jz do_move0 # .. then we have a normal low
- # loaded zImage
- # .. or else we have a high
- # loaded bzImage
- jmp end_move # ... and we skip moving
- movw $0x100, %ax # start of destination segment
- movw %cs, %bp # aka SETUPSEG
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %bp # aka INITSEG
- movw %cs:start_sys_seg, %bx # start of source segment
- cld
- movw %ax, %es # destination segment
- incb %ah # instead of add ax,#0x100
- movw %bx, %ds # source segment
- addw $0x100, %bx
- subw %di, %di
- subw %si, %si
- movw $0x800, %cx
- rep
- movsw
- cmpw %bp, %bx # assume start_sys_seg > 0x200,
- # so we will perhaps read one
- # page more than needed, but
- # never overwrite INITSEG
- # because destination is a
- # minimum one page below source
- jb do_move
-# then we load the segment descriptors
- movw %cs, %ax # aka SETUPSEG
- movw %ax, %ds
-# Check whether we need to be downward compatible with version <=201
- cmpl $0, cmd_line_ptr
- jne end_move_self # loader uses version >=202 features
- cmpb $0x20, type_of_loader
- je end_move_self # bootsect loader, we know of it
-# Boot loader doesnt support boot protocol version 2.02.
-# If we have our code not at 0x90000, we need to move it there now.
-# We also then need to move the params behind it (commandline)
-# Because we would overwrite the code on the current IP, we move
-# it in two steps, jumping high after the first one.
- movw %cs, %ax
- cmpw $SETUPSEG, %ax
- je end_move_self
- cli # make sure we really have
- # interrupts disabled !
- # because after this the stack
- # should not be used
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax # aka INITSEG
- movw %ss, %dx
- cmpw %ax, %dx
- jb move_self_1
- addw $INITSEG, %dx
- subw %ax, %dx # this will go into %ss after
- # the move
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw $INITSEG, %ax # real INITSEG
- movw %ax, %es
- movw %cs:setup_move_size, %cx
- std # we have to move up, so we use
- # direction down because the
- # areas may overlap
- movw %cx, %di
- decw %di
- movw %di, %si
- subw $move_self_here+0x200, %cx
- rep
- movsb
- ljmp $SETUPSEG, $move_self_here
- movw $move_self_here+0x200, %cx
- rep
- movsb
- movw $SETUPSEG, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw %dx, %ss
-end_move_self: # now we are at the right place
-# Enable A20. This is at the very best an annoying procedure.
-# A20 code ported from SYSLINUX 1.52-1.63 by H. Peter Anvin.
-# AMD Elan bug fix by Robert Schwebel.
-#if defined(CONFIG_X86_ELAN)
- movb $0x02, %al # alternate A20 gate
- outb %al, $0x92 # this works on SC410/SC520
- call a20_test
- jz a20_elan_wait
- jmp a20_done
-A20_TEST_LOOPS = 32 # Iterations per wait
-A20_ENABLE_LOOPS = 255 # Total loops to try
- # First, see if we are on a system with no A20 gate.
- call a20_test
- jnz a20_done
- # Next, try the BIOS (INT 0x15, AX=0x2401)
- movw $0x2401, %ax
- pushfl # Be paranoid about flags
- int $0x15
- popfl
- call a20_test
- jnz a20_done
- # Try enabling A20 through the keyboard controller
-#endif /* CONFIG_X86_VOYAGER */
- call empty_8042
- call a20_test # Just in case the BIOS worked
- jnz a20_done # but had a delayed reaction.
- movb $0xD1, %al # command write
- outb %al, $0x64
- call empty_8042
- movb $0xDF, %al # A20 on
- outb %al, $0x60
- call empty_8042
- # Wait until a20 really *is* enabled; it can take a fair amount of
- # time on certain systems; Toshiba Tecras are known to have this
- # problem.
- xorw %cx, %cx
- call a20_test
- jnz a20_done
- loop a20_kbc_wait_loop
- # Final attempt: use "configuration port A"
- inb $0x92, %al # Configuration Port A
- orb $0x02, %al # "fast A20" version
- andb $0xFE, %al # don't accidentally reset
- outb %al, $0x92
- # Wait for configuration port A to take effect
- xorw %cx, %cx
- call a20_test
- jnz a20_done
- loop a20_fast_wait_loop
- # A20 is still not responding. Try frobbing it again.
- #
- decb (a20_tries)
- jnz a20_try_loop
- movw $a20_err_msg, %si
- call prtstr
- hlt
- jmp a20_die
- .byte A20_ENABLE_LOOPS
- .ascii "linux: fatal error: A20 gate not responding!"
- .byte 13, 10, 0
- # If we get here, all is good
-#endif /* CONFIG_X86_VOYAGER */
-# set up gdt and idt and 32bit start address
- lidt idt_48 # load idt with 0,0
- xorl %eax, %eax # Compute gdt_base
- movw %ds, %ax # (Convert %ds:gdt to a linear ptr)
- shll $4, %eax
- addl %eax, code32
- addl $gdt, %eax
- movl %eax, (gdt_48+2)
- lgdt gdt_48 # load gdt with whatever is
- # appropriate
-# make sure any possible coprocessor is properly reset..
- xorw %ax, %ax
- outb %al, $0xf0
- call delay
- outb %al, $0xf1
- call delay
-# well, that went ok, I hope. Now we mask all interrupts - the rest
-# is done in init_IRQ().
- movb $0xFF, %al