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author | David Barksdale <amatus@amatus.name> | 2014-08-13 18:04:11 -0500 |
committer | David Barksdale <amatus@amatus.name> | 2014-08-13 18:04:11 -0500 |
commit | f05c100b6a7051106229cda5a845e94e36e71b17 (patch) | |
tree | c69ec39e1fc49491a3f74587eb97da5419ca2708 | |
parent | 76eb481bf48dceae202d928d9a9d1b7c7bbcda79 (diff) |
82 files changed, 7 insertions, 1049 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/io-mapping.txt b/Documentation/io-mapping.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 473e43b2d58..00000000000 --- a/Documentation/io-mapping.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -The io_mapping functions in linux/io-mapping.h provide an abstraction for -efficiently mapping small regions of an I/O device to the CPU. The initial -usage is to support the large graphics aperture on 32-bit processors where -ioremap_wc cannot be used to statically map the entire aperture to the CPU -as it would consume too much of the kernel address space. - -A mapping object is created during driver initialization using - - struct io_mapping *io_mapping_create_wc(unsigned long base, - unsigned long size) - - 'base' is the bus address of the region to be made - mappable, while 'size' indicates how large a mapping region to - enable. Both are in bytes. - - This _wc variant provides a mapping which may only be used - with the io_mapping_map_atomic_wc or io_mapping_map_wc. - -With this mapping object, individual pages can be mapped either atomically -or not, depending on the necessary scheduling environment. Of course, atomic -maps are more efficient: - - void *io_mapping_map_atomic_wc(struct io_mapping *mapping, - unsigned long offset) - - 'offset' is the offset within the defined mapping region. - Accessing addresses beyond the region specified in the - creation function yields undefined results. Using an offset - which is not page aligned yields an undefined result. The - return value points to a single page in CPU address space. - - This _wc variant returns a write-combining map to the - page and may only be used with mappings created by - io_mapping_create_wc - - Note that the task may not sleep while holding this page - mapped. - - void io_mapping_unmap_atomic(void *vaddr) - - 'vaddr' must be the the value returned by the last - io_mapping_map_atomic_wc call. This unmaps the specified - page and allows the task to sleep once again. - -If you need to sleep while holding the lock, you can use the non-atomic -variant, although they may be significantly slower. - - void *io_mapping_map_wc(struct io_mapping *mapping, - unsigned long offset) - - This works like io_mapping_map_atomic_wc except it allows - the task to sleep while holding the page mapped. - - void io_mapping_unmap(void *vaddr) - - This works like io_mapping_unmap_atomic, except it is used - for pages mapped with io_mapping_map_wc. - -At driver close time, the io_mapping object must be freed: - - void io_mapping_free(struct io_mapping *mapping) - -Current Implementation: - -The initial implementation of these functions uses existing mapping -mechanisms and so provides only an abstraction layer and no new -functionality. - -On 64-bit processors, io_mapping_create_wc calls ioremap_wc for the whole -range, creating a permanent kernel-visible mapping to the resource. The -map_atomic and map functions add the requested offset to the base of the -virtual address returned by ioremap_wc. - -On 32-bit processors with HIGHMEM defined, io_mapping_map_atomic_wc uses -kmap_atomic_pfn to map the specified page in an atomic fashion; -kmap_atomic_pfn isn't really supposed to be used with device pages, but it -provides an efficient mapping for this usage. - -On 32-bit processors without HIGHMEM defined, io_mapping_map_atomic_wc and -io_mapping_map_wc both use ioremap_wc, a terribly inefficient function which -performs an IPI to inform all processors about the new mapping. This results -in a significant performance penalty. diff --git a/arch/ia64/scripts/check-gas b/arch/ia64/scripts/check-gas index 2499e0b2243..2499e0b2243 100755..100644 --- a/arch/ia64/scripts/check-gas +++ b/arch/ia64/scripts/check-gas diff --git a/arch/ia64/scripts/toolchain-flags b/arch/ia64/scripts/toolchain-flags index 3f0c2adacb7..3f0c2adacb7 100755..100644 --- a/arch/ia64/scripts/toolchain-flags +++ b/arch/ia64/scripts/toolchain-flags diff --git a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/apollo3g.dts b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/apollo3g.dts index ffe03c281e6..ffe03c281e6 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/apollo3g.dts +++ b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/apollo3g.dts diff --git a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/beech.dts b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/beech.dts index 341fb2cf0af..341fb2cf0af 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/beech.dts +++ b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/beech.dts diff --git a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts index 3a9804b3a82..3a9804b3a82 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts +++ b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts diff --git a/arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper b/arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper index ac9e9a58b2b..ac9e9a58b2b 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper +++ b/arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper diff --git a/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_defconfig b/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_defconfig index 0a5d46ae512..0a5d46ae512 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_defconfig +++ b/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_defconfig diff --git a/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_sata_defconfig b/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_sata_defconfig index 4dab1f9e068..4dab1f9e068 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_sata_defconfig +++ b/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/beech_sata_defconfig diff --git a/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/bluestone_defconfig b/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/bluestone_defconfig index 218a3c20c0a..218a3c20c0a 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/bluestone_defconfig +++ b/arch/powerpc/configs/44x/bluestone_defconfig diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h index 965786e1d4b..965786e1d4b 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h +++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h b/arch/powerpc/include/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h index 4ff4fd2d2a7..4ff4fd2d2a7 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/include/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h +++ b/arch/powerpc/include/ppc460ex_plb_adma.h diff --git a/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/bluestone-usb.c b/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/bluestone-usb.c index 06a8dcc5c96..06a8dcc5c96 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/bluestone-usb.c +++ b/arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/bluestone-usb.c diff --git a/arch/powerpc/relocs_check.pl b/arch/powerpc/relocs_check.pl index d2571096c3e..d2571096c3e 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/relocs_check.pl +++ b/arch/powerpc/relocs_check.pl diff --git a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.c b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.c index 8bec6fff4ce..8bec6fff4ce 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.c +++ b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.c diff --git a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.h b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.h index 64b2f335068..64b2f335068 100755..100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.h +++ b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/ppc4xx_msi.h diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh index a277eb23411..a277eb23411 100755..100644 --- a/build.sh +++ b/build.sh diff --git a/drivers/ata/sata_dwc_pmp.c b/drivers/ata/sata_dwc_pmp.c index df3b490f86e..df3b490f86e 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/ata/sata_dwc_pmp.c +++ b/drivers/ata/sata_dwc_pmp.c diff --git a/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.c b/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.c index cb2888d5213..cb2888d5213 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.c +++ b/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.c diff --git a/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.h b/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.h index c9448f34de4..c9448f34de4 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.h +++ b/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_dma.h diff --git a/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_sgdma.c b/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_sgdma.c index fb26dd76ce7..fb26dd76ce7 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_sgdma.c +++ b/drivers/dma/ppc460ex_4chan_sgdma.c diff --git a/drivers/scp/Kconfig b/drivers/scp/Kconfig index b44c6d556cb..b44c6d556cb 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/scp/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/scp/Kconfig diff --git a/drivers/scp/Makefile b/drivers/scp/Makefile index 8fa43d08906..8fa43d08906 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/scp/Makefile +++ b/drivers/scp/Makefile diff --git a/drivers/scp/scp-dev.c b/drivers/scp/scp-dev.c index b8f286c0342..b8f286c0342 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/scp/scp-dev.c +++ b/drivers/scp/scp-dev.c diff --git a/drivers/scp/scp-dev.h b/drivers/scp/scp-dev.h index 4e7c385a596..4e7c385a596 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/scp/scp-dev.h +++ b/drivers/scp/scp-dev.h diff --git a/drivers/scp/spi_eeprom.c b/drivers/scp/spi_eeprom.c index 47c83a4679d..47c83a4679d 100755..100644 --- a/drivers/scp/spi_eeprom.c +++ b/drivers/scp/spi_eeprom.c diff --git a/fs/splice.c b/fs/splice.c index 0d810e86f6c..5a21493e9e8 100644 --- a/fs/splice.c +++ b/fs/splice.c @@ -2599,20 +2599,22 @@ static long do_splice_2(int fd_in, struct file *in, loff_t __user *off_in, /** handle error status */ if( ret <= 0 ) { +#ifdef DEBUG_SPLICE printk( KERN_ERR "%s:%s:%d\n" "sock_splice_read read error %ld.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret ); - +#endif /** fail on specific errors */ if ( ret == 0 || ! ignore_splice_error ( ret ) ) { +#ifdef DEBUG_SPLICE printk( KERN_ERR "%s:%s:%d\n" "returning read error %ld " "after reading %d out of %d bytes.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret, spliced_len, len ); - +#endif release_splice_pipebufs_special(pipe); goto out; } diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0a854586675..00000000000 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef _XT_CONNMARK_H_target -#define _XT_CONNMARK_H_target - -#include <linux/types.h> - -/* Copyright (C) 2002,2004 MARA Systems AB <http://www.marasystems.com> - * by Henrik Nordstrom <hno@marasystems.com> - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - */ - -enum { - XT_CONNMARK_SET = 0, - XT_CONNMARK_SAVE, - XT_CONNMARK_RESTORE -}; - -struct xt_connmark_tginfo1 { - __u32 ctmark, ctmask, nfmask; - __u8 mode; -}; - -#endif /*_XT_CONNMARK_H_target*/ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_DSCP.h b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_DSCP.h deleted file mode 100644 index 648e0b3bed2..00000000000 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_DSCP.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -/* x_tables module for setting the IPv4/IPv6 DSCP field - * - * (C) 2002 Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org> - * based on ipt_FTOS.c (C) 2000 by Matthew G. Marsh <mgm@paktronix.com> - * This software is distributed under GNU GPL v2, 1991 - * - * See RFC2474 for a description of the DSCP field within the IP Header. - * - * xt_DSCP.h,v 1.7 2002/03/14 12:03:13 laforge Exp -*/ -#ifndef _XT_DSCP_TARGET_H -#define _XT_DSCP_TARGET_H -#include <linux/netfilter/xt_dscp.h> -#include <linux/types.h> - -/* target info */ -struct xt_DSCP_info { - __u8 dscp; -}; - -struct xt_tos_target_info { - __u8 tos_value; - __u8 tos_mask; -}; - -#endif /* _XT_DSCP_TARGET_H */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_MARK.h b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_MARK.h deleted file mode 100644 index bc9561bdef7..00000000000 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_MARK.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef _XT_MARK_H_target -#define _XT_MARK_H_target - -#include <linux/types.h> - -struct xt_mark_tgi |