/* This file is part of GNUnet. (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * @file fs/fs_api.h * @brief shared definitions for the FS library * @author Igor Wronsky, Christian Grothoff */ #ifndef FS_API_H #define FS_API_H #include "gnunet_constants.h" #include "gnunet_datastore_service.h" #include "gnunet_dht_service.h" #include "gnunet_fs_service.h" #include "gnunet_block_lib.h" #include "block_fs.h" #include "fs.h" /** * Pick a multiple of 2 here to achive 8-byte alignment! We also * probably want DBlocks to have (roughly) the same size as IBlocks. * With SHA-512, the optimal value is 32768 byte / 128 byte = 256 (128 * byte = 2 * 512 bits). DO NOT CHANGE! */ #define CHK_PER_INODE 256 /** * Maximum size for a file to be considered for inlining in a * directory. */ #define MAX_INLINE_SIZE 65536 /** * Name of the directory with top-level searches. */ #define GNUNET_FS_SYNC_PATH_MASTER_SEARCH "search" /** * Name of the directory with sub-searches (namespace-updates). */ #define GNUNET_FS_SYNC_PATH_CHILD_SEARCH "search-child" /** * Name of the directory with master downloads (not associated * with search or part of another download). */ #define GNUNET_FS_SYNC_PATH_MASTER_DOWNLOAD "download" /** * Name of the directory with downloads that are part of another * download or a search. */ #define GNUNET_FS_SYNC_PATH_CHILD_DOWNLOAD "download-child" /** * Name of the directory with publishing operations. */ #define GNUNET_FS_SYNC_PATH_MASTER_PUBLISH "publish" /** * Name of the directory with files that are being published */ #define GNUNET_FS_SYNC_PATH_FILE_INFO "publish-file" /** * Name of the directory with unindex operations. */ #define GNUNET_FS_SYNC_PATH_MASTER_UNINDEX "unindex" /** * @brief complete information needed * to download a file. */ struct FileIdentifier { /** * Total size of the file in bytes. (network byte order (!)) */ uint64_t file_length; /** * Query and key of the top GNUNET_EC_IBlock. */ struct ContentHashKey chk; }; /** * Information about a file and its location * (peer claiming to share the file). */ struct Location { /** * Information about the shared file. */ struct FileIdentifier fi; /** * Identity of the peer sharing the file. */ struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity peer; /** * Time when this location URI expires. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime; /** * Signature over the GNUNET_EC_FileIdentifier, * peer identity and expiration time. */ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature contentSignature; }; /** * Types of URIs. */ enum GNUNET_FS_UriType { /** * Content-hash-key (simple file). */ GNUNET_FS_URI_CHK, /** * Signed key space (file in namespace). */ GNUNET_FS_URI_SKS, /** * Keyword search key (query with keywords). */ GNUNET_FS_URI_KSK, /** * Location (chk with identity of hosting peer). */ GNUNET_FS_URI_LOC }; /** * A Universal Resource Identifier (URI), opaque. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri { /** * Type of the URI. */ enum GNUNET_FS_UriType type; union { struct { /** * Keywords start with a '+' if they are mandatory (in which * case the '+' is NOT part of the keyword) and with a simple * space if they are optional (in which case the space is ALSO * not part of the actual keyword). * * Double-quotes to protect spaces and %-encoding are NOT used * internally (only in URI-strings). */ char **keywords; /** * Size of the keywords array. */ unsigned int keywordCount; } ksk; struct { /** * Identifier of the namespace. */ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey ns; /** * Human-readable identifier chosen for this entry in the * namespace. */ char *identifier; } sks; /** * Information needed to retrieve a file (content-hash-key * plus file size). */ struct FileIdentifier chk; /** * Information needed to retrieve a file including signed * location (identity of a peer) of the content. */ struct Location loc; } data; }; /** * Information for a file or directory that is * about to be published. */ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation { /** * Files in a directory are kept as a linked list. */ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *next; /** * If this is a file in a directory, "dir" refers to * the directory; otherwise NULL. */ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *dir; /** * Handle to the master context. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h; /** * Pointer kept for the client. */ void *client_info; /** * Metadata to use for the file. */ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta; /** * Keywords to use for KBlocks. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords; /** * CHK for this file or directory. NULL if * we have not yet computed it. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *chk_uri; /** * Block options for the file. */ struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions bo; /** * At what time did we start this upload? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start_time; /** * Under what filename is this struct serialized * (for operational persistence). Should be determined * using 'mktemp'. */ char *serialization; /** * Encoder being used to publish this file. */ struct GNUNET_FS_TreeEncoder *te; /** * Error message (non-NULL if this operation failed). */ char *emsg; /** * Name of the file or directory (must be an absolute path). */ char *filename; /** * Data describing either the file or the directory. */ union { /** * Data for a file. */ struct { /** * Function that can be used to read the data for the file. */ GNUNET_FS_DataReader reader; /** * Closure for reader. */ void *reader_cls; /** * If this file is being indexed, this value is set to the hash * over the entire file (when the indexing process is started). * Otherwise this field is not used. */ struct GNUNET_HashCode file_id; /** * Size of the file (in bytes). */ uint64_t file_size; /** * Should the file be indexed or inserted? */ int do_index; /** * Is "file_id" already valid? Set to #GNUNET_YES once the hash * has been calculated. */ int have_hash; /** * Has the service confirmed our INDEX_START request? * GNUNET_YES if this step has been completed. */ int index_start_confirmed; } file; /** * Data for a directory. */ struct { /** * Linked list of entries in the directory. */ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *entries; /** * Size of the directory itself (in bytes); 0 if the * size has not yet been calculated. */ size_t dir_size; /** * Pointer to the data for the directory (or NULL if not * available). */ void *dir_data; } dir; } data; /** * Is this struct for a file or directory? */ int is_directory; /** * Are we done publishing this file? */ int is_published; }; /** * The job is now ready to run and should use the given client * handle to communicate with the FS service. * * @param cls closure * @param client handle to use for FS communication */ typedef void (*GNUNET_FS_QueueStart) (void *cls, struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection * client); /** * The job must now stop to run and should destry the client handle as * soon as possible (ideally prior to returning). */ typedef void (*GNUNET_FS_QueueStop) (void *cls); /** * Priorities for the queue. */ enum GNUNET_FS_QueuePriority { /** * This is a probe (low priority). */ GNUNET_FS_QUEUE_PRIORITY_PROBE, /** * Default priority. */ GNUNET_FS_QUEUE_PRIORITY_NORMAL }; /** * Entry in the job queue. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry { /** * This is a linked list. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *next; /** * This is a linked list. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *prev; /** * Function to call when the job is started. */ GNUNET_FS_QueueStart start; /** * Function to call when the job needs to stop (or is done / dequeued). */ GNUNET_FS_QueueStop stop; /** * Closure for start and stop. */ void *cls; /** * Handle to FS primary context. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h; /** * Client handle, or NULL if job is not running. */ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client; /** * Time the job was originally queued. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute queue_time; /** * Time the job was started last. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start_time; /** * Total amount of time the job has been running (except for the * current run). */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative run_time; /** * How many blocks do the active downloads have? */ unsigned int blocks; /** * How important is this download? */ enum GNUNET_FS_QueuePriority priority; /** * How often have we (re)started this download? */ unsigned int start_times; }; /** * Information we store for each search result. */ struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult { /** * File-sharing context this result belongs to. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h; /** * Search context this result belongs to; can be NULL * for probes that come from a directory result. */ struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc; /** * URI to which this search result refers to. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri; /** * Metadata for the search result. */ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta; /** * Client info for this search result. */ void *client_info; /** * ID of a job that is currently probing this results' availability * (NULL if we are not currently probing). */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *probe_ctx; /** * ID of an associated download based on this search result (or * NULL for none). */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *download; /** * If this search result triggered an update search, this field * links to the update search. */ struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *update_search; /** * Name under which this search result is stored on disk. */ char *serialization; /** * Bitmap that specifies precisely which keywords have been matched already. */ uint8_t *keyword_bitmap; /** * Key for the search result */ struct GNUNET_HashCode key; /** * ID of the task that will clean up the probe_ctx should it not * complete on time (and that will need to be cancelled if we clean * up the search result before then). */ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier probe_cancel_task; /** * Task we use to report periodically to the application that the * probe is still running. */ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier probe_ping_task; /** * When did the current probe become active? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute probe_active_time; /** * How much longer should we run the current probe before giving up? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative remaining_probe_time; /** * Anonymity level to use for probes using this search result. */ uint32_t anonymity; /** * Number of mandatory keywords for which we have NOT yet found the * search result; when this value hits zero, the search result is * given to the callback. */ uint32_t mandatory_missing; /** * Number of optional keywords under which this result was also * found. */ uint32_t optional_support; /** * Number of availability tests that have succeeded for this result. */ uint32_t availability_success; /** * Number of availability trials that we have performed for this * search result. */ uint32_t availability_trials; }; /** * Add a job to the queue. * * @param h handle to the overall FS state * @param start function to call to begin the job * @param stop function to call to pause the job, or on dequeue (if the job was running) * @param cls closure for start and stop * @param blocks number of blocks this download has * @param priority how important is this download * @return queue handle */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry * GNUNET_FS_queue_ (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h, GNUNET_FS_QueueStart start, GNUNET_FS_QueueStop stop, void *cls, unsigned int blocks, enum GNUNET_FS_QueuePriority priority); /** * Dequeue a job from the queue. * * @param qe handle for the job */ void GNUNET_FS_dequeue_ (struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *qe); /** * Function that provides data by reading from a file. * * @param cls closure (points to the file information) * @param offset offset to read from; it is possible * that the caller might need to go backwards * a bit at times * @param max maximum number of bytes that should be * copied to buf; readers are not allowed * to provide less data unless there is an error; * a value of "0" will be used at the end to allow * the reader to clean up its internal state * @param buf where the reader should write the data * @param emsg location for the reader to store an error message * @return number of bytes written, usually "max", 0 on error */ size_t GNUNET_FS_data_reader_file_ (void *cls, uint64_t offset, size_t max, void *buf, char **emsg); /** * Create the closure for the 'GNUNET_FS_data_reader_file_' callback. * * @param filename file to read * @return closure to use */ void * GNUNET_FS_make_file_reader_context_ (const char *filename); /** * Function that provides data by copying from a buffer. * * @param cls closure (points to the buffer) * @param offset offset to read from; it is possible * that the caller might need to go backwards * a bit at times * @param max maximum number of bytes that should be * copied to buf; readers are not allowed * to provide less data unless there is an error; * a value of "0" will be used at the end to allow * the reader to clean up its internal state * @param buf where the reader should write the data * @param emsg location for the reader to store an error message * @return number of bytes written, usually "max", 0 on error */ size_t GNUNET_FS_data_reader_copy_ (void *cls, uint64_t offset, size_t max, void *buf, char **emsg); /** * Notification of FS that a search probe has made progress. * This function is used INSTEAD of the client's event handler * for downloads where the GNUNET_FS_DOWNLOAD_IS_PROBE flag is set. * * @param cls closure, always NULL (!), actual closure * is in the client-context of the info struct * @param info details about the event, specifying the event type * and various bits about the event * @return client-context (for the next progress call * for this operation; should be set to NULL for * SUSPEND and STOPPED events). The value returned * will be passed to future callbacks in the respective * field in the GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo struct. */ void * GNUNET_FS_search_probe_progress_ (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo *info); /** * Main function that performs the upload. * * @param cls "struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext" identifies the upload * @param tc task context */ void GNUNET_FS_publish_main_ (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc); /** * Function called once the hash of the file * that is being unindexed has been computed. * * @param cls closure, unindex context * @param file_id computed hash, NULL on error */ void GNUNET_FS_unindex_process_hash_ (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_HashCode * file_id); /** * Extract the keywords for KBlock removal * * @param uc context for the unindex operation. */ void GNUNET_FS_unindex_do_extract_keywords_ (struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *uc); /** * If necessary, connect to the datastore and remove the KBlocks. * * @param uc context for the unindex operation. */ void GNUNET_FS_unindex_do_remove_kblocks_ (struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *uc); /** * Fill in all of the generic fields for a publish event and call the * callback. * * @param pi structure to fill in * @param pc overall publishing context * @param p file information for the file being published * @param offset where in the file are we so far * @return value returned from callback */ void * GNUNET_FS_publish_make_status_ (struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo *pi, struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext *pc, const struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *p, uint64_t offset); /** * Fill in all of the generic fields for a download event and call the * callback. * * @param pi structure to fill in * @param dc overall download context */ void GNUNET_FS_download_make_status_ (struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo *pi, struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc); /** * Task that creates the initial (top-level) download * request for the file. * * @param cls the 'struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext' * @param tc scheduler context */ void GNUNET_FS_download_start_task_ (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc); /** * Fill in all of the generic fields for * an unindex event and call the callback. * * @param pi structure to fill in * @param uc overall unindex context * @param offset where we are in the file (for progress) */ void GNUNET_FS_unindex_make_status_ (struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo *pi, struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *uc, uint64_t offset); /** * Fill in all of the generic fields for a search event and * call the callback. * * @param pi structure to fill in * @param h file-sharing handle * @param sc overall search context * @return value returned by the callback */ void * GNUNET_FS_search_make_status_ (struct GNUNET_FS_ProgressInfo *pi, struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h, struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc); /** * Connect to the datastore and remove the blocks. * * @param uc context for the unindex operation. */ void GNUNET_FS_unindex_do_remove_ (struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *uc); /** * Build the request and actually initiate the search using the * GNUnet FS service. * * @param sc search context * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error */ int GNUNET_FS_search_start_searching_ (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc); /** * Start the downloading process (by entering the queue). * * @param dc our download context */ void GNUNET_FS_download_start_downloading_ (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc); /** * Start download probes for the given search result. * * @param sr the search result */ void GNUNET_FS_search_start_probe_ (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *sr); /** * Remove serialization/deserialization file from disk. * * @param h master context * @param ext component of the path * @param ent entity identifier */ void GNUNET_FS_remove_sync_file_ (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h, const char *ext, const char *ent); /** * Remove serialization/deserialization directory from disk. * * @param h master context * @param ext component of the path * @param uni unique name of parent */ void GNUNET_FS_remove_sync_dir_ (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h, const char *ext, const char *uni); /** * Synchronize this file-information struct with its mirror * on disk. Note that all internal FS-operations that change * file information data should already call "sync" internally, * so this function is likely not useful for clients. * * @param fi the struct to sync */ void GNUNET_FS_file_information_sync_ (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *f); /** * Synchronize this publishing struct with its mirror * on disk. Note that all internal FS-operations that change * publishing structs should already call "sync" internally, * so this function is likely not useful for clients. * * @param pc the struct to sync */ void GNUNET_FS_publish_sync_ (struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext *pc); /** * Synchronize this unindex struct with its mirror * on disk. Note that all internal FS-operations that change * publishing structs should already call "sync" internally, * so this function is likely not useful for clients. * * @param uc the struct to sync */ void GNUNET_FS_unindex_sync_ (struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext *uc); /** * Synchronize this search struct with its mirror * on disk. Note that all internal FS-operations that change * publishing structs should already call "sync" internally, * so this function is likely not useful for clients. * * @param sc the struct to sync */ void GNUNET_FS_search_sync_ (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext *sc); /** * Synchronize this search result with its mirror * on disk. Note that all internal FS-operations that change * publishing structs should already call "sync" internally, * so this function is likely not useful for clients. * * @param sr the struct to sync */ void GNUNET_FS_search_result_sync_ (struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *sr); /** * Synchronize this download struct with its mirror * on disk. Note that all internal FS-operations that change * publishing structs should already call "sync" internally, * so this function is likely not useful for clients. * * @param dc the struct to sync */ void GNUNET_FS_download_sync_ (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc); /** * Create SUSPEND event for the given publish operation * and then clean up our state (without stop signal). * * @param cls the 'struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext' to signal for */ void GNUNET_FS_publish_signal_suspend_ (void *cls); /** * Create SUSPEND event for the given search operation * and then clean up our state (without stop signal). * * @param cls the 'struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext' to signal for */ void GNUNET_FS_search_signal_suspend_ (void *cls); /** * Create SUSPEND event for the given download operation * and then clean up our state (without stop signal). * * @param cls the 'struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext' to signal for */ void GNUNET_FS_download_signal_suspend_ (void *cls); /** * Create SUSPEND event for the given unindex operation * and then clean up our state (without stop signal). * * @param cls the 'struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext' to signal for */ void GNUNET_FS_unindex_signal_suspend_ (void *cls); /** * Function signature of the functions that can be called * to trigger suspend signals and clean-up for top-level * activities. * * @param cls closure */ typedef void (*SuspendSignalFunction) (void *cls); /** * We track all of the top-level activities of FS * so that we can signal 'suspend' on shutdown. */ struct TopLevelActivity { /** * This is a doubly-linked list. */ struct TopLevelActivity *next; /** * This is a doubly-linked list. */ struct TopLevelActivity *prev; /** * Function to call for suspend-signalling and clean up. */ SuspendSignalFunction ssf; /** * Closure for 'ssf' (some struct GNUNET_FS_XXXHandle*) */ void *ssf_cls; }; /** * Create a top-level activity entry. * * @param h global fs handle * @param ssf suspend signal function to use * @param ssf_cls closure for ssf * @return fresh top-level activity handle */ struct TopLevelActivity * GNUNET_FS_make_top (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h, SuspendSignalFunction ssf, void *ssf_cls); /** * Destroy a top-level activity entry. * * @param h global fs handle * @param top top level activity entry */ void GNUNET_FS_end_top (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h, struct TopLevelActivity *top); /** * Master context for most FS operations. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle { /** * Configuration to use. */ const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg; /** * Name of our client. */ char *client_name; /** * Function to call with updates on our progress. */ GNUNET_FS_ProgressCallback upcb; /** * Closure for upcb. */ void *upcb_cls; /** * Head of DLL of top-level activities. */ struct TopLevelActivity *top_head; /** * Tail of DLL of top-level activities. */ struct TopLevelActivity *top_tail; /** * Head of DLL of running jobs. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *running_head; /** * Tail of DLL of running jobs. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *running_tail; /** * Head of DLL of pending jobs. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *pending_head; /** * Tail of DLL of pending jobs. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *pending_tail; /** * Task that processes the jobs in the running and pending queues * (and moves jobs around as needed). */ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier queue_job; /** * Average time we take for a single request to be satisfied. * FIXME: not yet calcualted properly... */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative avg_block_latency; /** * How many actual downloads do we have running right now? */ unsigned int active_downloads; /** * How many blocks do the active downloads have? */ unsigned int active_blocks; /** * General flags. */ enum GNUNET_FS_Flags flags; /** * Maximum number of parallel downloads. */ unsigned int max_parallel_downloads; /** * Maximum number of parallel requests. */ unsigned int max_parallel_requests; }; /** * Handle for controlling a publication process. */ struct GNUNET_FS_PublishContext { /** * Handle to the global fs context. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h; /** * Our top-level activity entry (if we are top-level, otherwise NULL). */ struct TopLevelActivity *top; /** * File-structure that is being shared. */ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi; /** * Namespace that we are publishing in, NULL if we have no namespace. */ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *ns; /** * ID of the content in the namespace, NULL if we have no namespace. */ char *nid; /** * ID for future updates, NULL if we have no namespace or no updates. */ char *nuid; /** * Filename used for serializing information about this operation * (should be determined using 'mktemp'). */ char *serialization; /** * Our own client handle for the FS service; only briefly used when * we start to index a file, otherwise NULL. */ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client; /** * Current position in the file-tree for the upload. */ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi_pos; /** * Non-null if we are currently hashing a file. */ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext *fhc; /** * Connection to the datastore service. */ struct GNUNET_DATASTORE_Handle *dsh; /** * Queue entry for reservation/unreservation. */ struct GNUNET_DATASTORE_QueueEntry *qre; /** * Context for SKS publishing operation that is part of this publishing operation * (NULL if not active). */ struct GNUNET_FS_PublishSksContext *sks_pc; /** * Context for KSK publishing operation that is part of this publishing operation * (NULL if not active). */ struct GNUNET_FS_PublishKskContext *ksk_pc; /** * ID of the task performing the upload. NO_TASK if the upload has * completed. */ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier upload_task; /** * Storage space to reserve for the operation. */ uint64_t reserve_space; /** * Overall number of entries to reserve for the * publish operation. */ uint32_t reserve_entries; /** * Options for publishing. */ enum GNUNET_FS_PublishOptions options; /** * Space reservation ID with datastore service * for this upload. */ int rid; /** * Set to GNUNET_YES if all processing has completed. */ int all_done; /** * Flag set to GNUNET_YES if the next callback from * GNUNET_FS_file_information_inspect should be skipped because it * is for the directory which was already processed with the parent. */ int skip_next_fi_callback; }; /** * Phases of unindex processing (state machine). */ enum UnindexState { /** * We're currently hashing the file. */ UNINDEX_STATE_HASHING = 0, /** * We're telling the datastore to delete * the respective DBlocks and IBlocks. */ UNINDEX_STATE_DS_REMOVE = 1, /** * Find out which keywords apply. */ UNINDEX_STATE_EXTRACT_KEYWORDS = 2, /** * We're telling the datastore to remove KBlocks. */ UNINDEX_STATE_DS_REMOVE_KBLOCKS = 3, /** * We're notifying the FS service about * the unindexing. */ UNINDEX_STATE_FS_NOTIFY = 4, /** * We're done. */ UNINDEX_STATE_COMPLETE = 5, /** * We've encountered a fatal error. */ UNINDEX_STATE_ERROR = 6 }; /** * Handle for controlling an unindexing operation. */ struct GNUNET_FS_UnindexContext { /** * The content hash key of the last block we processed, will in the * end be set to the CHK from the URI. Used to remove the KBlocks. */ struct ContentHashKey chk; /** * Global FS context. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h; /** * Our top-level activity entry. */ struct TopLevelActivity *top; /** * Directory scanner to find keywords (KBlock removal). */ struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *dscan; /** * Keywords found (telling us which KBlocks to remove). */ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *ksk_uri; /** * Current offset in KSK removal. */ uint32_t ksk_offset; /** * Name of the file that we are unindexing. */ char *filename; /** * Short name under which we are serializing the state of this operation. */ char *serialization; /** * Connection to the FS service, only valid during the * UNINDEX_STATE_FS_NOTIFY phase. */ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client; /** * Connection to the datastore service, only valid during the * UNINDEX_STATE_DS_NOTIFY phase. */ struct GNUNET_DATASTORE_Handle *dsh; /** * Pointer kept for the client. */ void *client_info; /** * Merkle-ish tree encoder context. */ struct GNUNET_FS_TreeEncoder *tc; /** * Handle used to read the file. */ struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle *fh; /** * Handle to datastore 'get_key' operation issued for * obtaining KBlocks. */ struct GNUNET_DATASTORE_QueueEntry *dqe; /** * Current key for decrypting UBLocks from 'get_key' operation. */ struct GNUNET_HashCode ukey; /** * Current query of 'get_key' operation. */ struct GNUNET_HashCode uquery; /** * First content UID, 0 for none. */ uint64_t first_uid; /** * Error message, NULL on success. */ char *emsg; /** * Context for hashing of the file. */ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_FileHashContext *fhc; /** * Overall size of the file. */ uint64_t file_size; /** * Random offset given to 'GNUNET_DATASTORE_get_key'. */ uint64_t roff; /** * When did we start? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start_time; /** * Hash of the file's contents (once computed). */ struct GNUNET_HashCode file_id; /** * Current operatinonal phase. */ enum UnindexState state; }; /** * Information we keep for each keyword in * a keyword search. */ struct SearchRequestEntry { /** * Hash of the public key, also known as the query. */ struct GNUNET_HashCode uquery; /** * Derived public key, hashes to 'uquery'. */ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey dpub; /** * The original keyword, used to derive the * key (for decrypting the UBlock). */ char *keyword; /** * Map that contains a "struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult" for each result that * was found under this keyword. Note that the entries will point * to the same locations as those in the master result map (in * "struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext"), so they should not be freed. * The key for each entry is the XOR of the key and query in the CHK * URI (as a unique identifier for the search result). */ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *results; /** * Is this keyword a mandatory keyword * (started with '+')? */ int mandatory; }; /** * Handle for controlling a search. */ struct GNUNET_FS_SearchContext { /** * Handle to the global FS context. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h; /** * Our top-level activity entry (if we are top-level, otherwise NULL). */ struct TopLevelActivity *top; /** * List of keywords that we're looking for. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri; /** * For update-searches, link to the search result that triggered * the update search; otherwise NULL. */ struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *psearch_result; /** * Connection to the FS service. */ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client; /** * Pointer we keep for the client. */ void *client_info; /** * Name of the file on disk we use for persistence. */ char *serialization; /** * Error message (non-NULL if this operation failed). */ char *emsg; /** * Map that contains a "struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult" for each result that * was found in the search. The key for each entry is the XOR of * the key and query in the CHK URI (as a unique identifier for the * search result). */ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *master_result_map; /** * Per-keyword information for a keyword search. This array will * have exactly as many entries as there were keywords. */ struct SearchRequestEntry *requests; /** * When did we start? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start_time; /** * How long to wait before we try to reconnect to FS service? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative reconnect_backoff; /** * ID of a task that is using this struct and that must be cancelled * when the search is being stopped (if not * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK). Used for the task that adds some * artificial delay when trying to reconnect to the FS service. */ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier task; /** * How many of the entries in the search request * map have been passed to the service so far? */ unsigned int search_request_map_offset; /** * How many of the keywords in the KSK * map have been passed to the service so far? */ unsigned int keyword_offset; /** * Anonymity level for the search. */ uint32_t anonymity; /** * Number of mandatory keywords in this query. */ uint32_t mandatory_count; /** * Options for the search. */ enum GNUNET_FS_SearchOptions options; }; /** * FSM for possible states a block can go through. The typical * order of progression is linear through the states, alternatives * are documented in the comments. */ enum BlockRequestState { /** * Initial state, block has only been allocated (since it is * relevant to the overall download request). */ BRS_INIT = 0, /** * We've checked the block on the path down the tree, and the * content on disk did match the desired CHK, but not all * the way down, so at the bottom some blocks will still * need to be reconstructed). */ BRS_RECONSTRUCT_DOWN = 1, /** * We've calculated the CHK bottom-up based on the meta data. * This may work, but if it did we have to write the meta data to * disk at the end (and we still need to check against the * CHK set on top). */ BRS_RECONSTRUCT_META_UP = 2, /** * We've calculated the CHK bottom-up based on what we have on * disk, which may not be what the desired CHK is. If the * reconstructed CHKs match whatever comes from above, we're * done with the respective subtree. */ BRS_RECONSTRUCT_UP = 3, /** * We've determined the real, desired CHK for this block * (full tree reconstruction failed), request is now pending. * If the CHK that bubbled up through reconstruction did match * the top-level request, the state machine for the subtree * would have moved to BRS_DOWNLOAD_UP. */ BRS_CHK_SET = 4, /** * We've successfully downloaded this block, but the children * still need to be either downloaded or verified (download * request propagates down). If the download fails, the * state machine for this block may move to * BRS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR instead. */ BRS_DOWNLOAD_DOWN = 5, /** * This block and all of its children have been downloaded * successfully (full completion propagates up). */ BRS_DOWNLOAD_UP = 6, /** * We got a block back that matched the query but did not hash to * the key (malicious publisher or hash collision); this block * can never be downloaded (error propagates up). */ BRS_ERROR = 7 }; /** * Information about an active download request. */ struct DownloadRequest { /** * While pending, we keep all download requests in a doubly-linked list. */ struct DownloadRequest *next; /** * While pending, we keep all download requests in a doubly-linked list. */ struct DownloadRequest *prev; /** * Parent in the CHK-tree. */ struct DownloadRequest *parent; /** * Array (!) of child-requests, or NULL for the bottom of the tree. */ struct DownloadRequest **children; /** * CHK for the request for this block (set during reconstruction * to what we have on disk, later to what we want to have). */ struct ContentHashKey chk; /** * Offset of the corresponding block. Specifically, first (!) byte of * the first DBLOCK in the subtree induced by block represented by * this request. */ uint64_t offset; /** * Number of entries in 'children' array. */ unsigned int num_children; /** * Depth of the corresponding block in the tree. 0==DBLOCKs. */ unsigned int depth; /** * Offset of the CHK for this block in the parent block */ unsigned int chk_idx; /** * State in the FSM. */ enum BlockRequestState state; /** * GNUNET_YES if this entry is in the pending list. */ int is_pending; }; /** * (recursively) free download request structure * * @param dr request to free */ void GNUNET_FS_free_download_request_ (struct DownloadRequest *dr); /** * Context for controlling a download. */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext { /** * Global FS context. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h; /** * Our top-level activity entry (if we are top-level, otherwise NULL). */ struct TopLevelActivity *top; /** * Connection to the FS service. */ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client; /** * Parent download (used when downloading files * in directories). */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *parent; /** * Associated search (used when downloading files * based on search results), or NULL for none. */ struct GNUNET_FS_SearchResult *search; /** * Head of list of child downloads. */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *child_head; /** * Tail of list of child downloads. */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *child_tail; /** * Previous download belonging to the same parent. */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *prev; /** * Next download belonging to the same parent. */ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *next; /** * Context kept for the client. */ void *client_info; /** * URI that identifies the file that we are downloading. */ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri; /** * Known meta-data for the file (can be NULL). */ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta; /** * Error message, NULL if we're doing OK. */ char *emsg; /** * Random portion of filename we use for syncing state of this * download. */ char *serialization; /** * Where are we writing the data (name of the * file, can be NULL!). */ char *filename; /** * Where are we writing the data temporarily (name of the * file, can be NULL!); used if we do not have a permanent * name and we are a directory and we do a recursive download. */ char *temp_filename; /** * Our entry in the job queue. */ struct GNUNET_FS_QueueEntry *job_queue; /** * Non-NULL if we are currently having a request for * transmission pending with the client handle. */ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_TransmitHandle *th; /** * Tree encoder used for the reconstruction. */ struct GNUNET_FS_TreeEncoder *te; /** * File handle for reading data from an existing file * (to pass to tree encoder). */ struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle *rfh; /** * Map of active requests (those waiting for a response). The key * is the hash of the encryped block (aka query). */ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *active; /** * Head of linked list of pending requests. */ struct DownloadRequest *pending_head; /** * Head of linked list of pending requests. */ struct DownloadRequest *pending_tail; /** * Top-level download request. */ struct DownloadRequest *top_request; /** * Identity of the peer having the content, or all-zeros * if we don't know of such a peer. */ struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity target; /** * ID of a task that is using this struct and that must be cancelled * when the download is being stopped (if not * GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK). Used for the task that adds some * artificial delay when trying to reconnect to the FS service or * the task processing incrementally the data on disk, or the * task requesting blocks, etc. */ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier task; /** * What is the first offset that we're interested * in? */ uint64_t offset; /** * How many bytes starting from offset are desired? * This is NOT the overall length of the file! */ uint64_t length; /** * How many bytes have we already received within * the specified range (DBlocks only). */ uint64_t completed; /** * What was the size of the file on disk that we're downloading * before we started? Used to detect if there is a point in * checking an existing block on disk for matching the desired * content. 0 if the file did not exist already. */ uint64_t old_file_size; /** * Time download was started. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start_time; /** * How long to wait before we try to reconnect to FS service? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative reconnect_backoff; /** * Desired level of anonymity. */ uint32_t anonymity; /** * The depth of the file-tree. */ unsigned int treedepth; /** * Options for the download. */ enum GNUNET_FS_DownloadOptions options; /** * Flag set upon transitive completion (includes child downloads). * This flag is only set to GNUNET_YES for directories where all * child-downloads have also completed (and signalled completion). */ int has_finished; /** * Have we started the receive continuation yet? */ int in_receive; /** * Are we ready to issue requests (reconstructions are finished)? */ int issue_requests; }; #endif /* end of fs_api.h */