path: root/debian/control
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-01-27Revert some of the previous changes to target wheezy.debian/0.9.3-5Bertrand Marc
2012-10-18Drop dependency on gettext for gnunet-client and gnunet-server as it is not n...Bertrand Marc
2012-08-05Revert "Rewrite gnunet-server.init based on /etc/init.d/skeleton and make gnu...Bertrand Marc
2012-07-13Rewrite gnunet-server.init based on /etc/init.d/skeleton and make gnunet-serv...Bertrand Marc
2012-07-01debian/control: update Vcs-* to the new repository in collab-maint.Bertrand Marc
2012-05-21gnunet-server breaks/replaces gnunet-client (<<0.9) (Closes: #673801).Bertrand Marc
2012-05-19Gnunet-server breaks/replaces gnunet-fuse (<<0.9) as they both contains commo...Bertrand Marc
2012-05-19Build-depends on libextractor (>=1:0.6.3), with an epoch (Closes: #673302).Bertrand Marc
2012-05-06Make gnunet-dbg depends on alternativesdebian/0.9.2-1Bertrand Marc
2012-05-05debian/control: add Vcs-git and Vcs-browser fields.Bertrand Marc
2012-05-02Imported Debian patch 0.9.2-1Bertrand Marc