function asm(x, y) { x = +x; y = y | 0; var int1 = 0, int2 = 0; // do not mix the types! var double1 = +0, double2 = +0; int1 = (x+x)|0; double1 = d(Math.max(10, Math_min(5, f()))); int2 = (int1+2)|0; print(int2); double2 = double1*5; return double2; } function _doit($x, $y$0, $y$1) { $x = $x | 0; $y$0 = $y$0 | 0; $y$1 = $y$1 | 0; var __stackBase__ = 0; __stackBase__ = STACKTOP; _printf(__str | 0, (tempInt = STACKTOP, STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 8 | 0, HEAP32[(tempInt & 16777215) >> 2] = $y$0, HEAP32[(tempInt + 4 & 16777215) >> 2] = $y$1, tempInt)); STACKTOP = __stackBase__; return 0 | 0; } function rett() { if (f()) { g(); return 5; } // missing final return, need to add it } function ret2t() { if (f()) { g(); return; } // missing final return, but no need } function retf() { if (f()) { g(); return +h(); } // missing final return, need it as a float } // EMSCRIPTEN_GENERATED_FUNCTIONS: ["asm", "_doit", "rett", "ret2t", "retf"]