import shutil, time, os, sys, json, tempfile, copy, shlex, atexit, subprocess from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from tempfile import mkstemp import js_optimizer __rootpath__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) def path_from_root(*pathelems): return os.path.join(__rootpath__, *pathelems) # Emscripten configuration is done through the EM_CONFIG environment variable. # If the string value contained in this environment variable contains newline # separated definitions, then these definitions will be used to configure # Emscripten. Otherwise, the string is understood to be a path to a settings # file that contains the required definitions. EM_CONFIG = os.environ.get('EM_CONFIG') if not EM_CONFIG: EM_CONFIG = '~/.emscripten' if '\n' in EM_CONFIG: CONFIG_FILE = None else: CONFIG_FILE = os.path.expanduser(EM_CONFIG) if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE): config_file = open(path_from_root('tools', '')).read().split('\n') config_file = config_file[1:] # remove "this file will be copied..." config_file = '\n'.join(config_file) # autodetect some default paths config_file = config_file.replace('{{{ EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT }}}', __rootpath__) llvm_root = '/usr/bin' try: llvm_root = os.path.dirname(Popen(['which', 'clang'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].replace('\n', '')) except: pass config_file = config_file.replace('{{{ LLVM_ROOT }}}', llvm_root) node = 'node' try: node = Popen(['which', 'node'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].replace('\n', '') or \ Popen(['which', 'nodejs'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].replace('\n', '') except: pass config_file = config_file.replace('{{{ NODE }}}', node) # write open(CONFIG_FILE, 'w').write(config_file) print >> sys.stderr, ''' ============================================================================== Welcome to Emscripten! This is the first time any of the Emscripten tools has been run. A settings file has been copied to %s, at absolute path: %s It contains our best guesses for the important paths, which are: LLVM_ROOT = %s NODE_JS = %s EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT = %s Please edit the file if any of those are incorrect. This command will now exit. When you are done editing those paths, re-run it. ============================================================================== ''' % (EM_CONFIG, CONFIG_FILE, llvm_root, node, __rootpath__) sys.exit(0) try: config_text = open(CONFIG_FILE, 'r').read() if CONFIG_FILE else EM_CONFIG exec(config_text) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error in evaluating %s (at %s): %s, text: %s' % (EM_CONFIG, CONFIG_FILE, str(e), config_text) sys.exit(1) # Expectations EXPECTED_LLVM_VERSION = (3,1) def check_clang_version(): expected = 'clang version ' + '.'.join(map(str, EXPECTED_LLVM_VERSION)) actual = Popen([CLANG, '-v'], stderr=PIPE).communicate()[1].split('\n')[0] if expected in actual: return True print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: LLVM version appears incorrect (seeing "%s", expected "%s")' % (actual, expected) return False def check_llvm_version(): try: check_clang_version(); except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: Could not verify LLVM version: %s' % str(e) EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION = (0,6,8) def check_node_version(): try: actual = Popen([NODE_JS, '--version'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() version = tuple(map(int, actual.replace('v', '').split('.'))) if version >= EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION: return True print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: node version appears too old (seeing "%s", expected "%s")' % (actual, 'v' + ('.'.join(map(str, EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION)))) return False except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: cannot check node version:', e return False # Check that basic stuff we need (a JS engine to compile, Node.js, and Clang and LLVM) # exists. # The test runner always does this check (through |force|). emcc does this less frequently, # only when ${EM_CONFIG}_sanity does not exist or is older than EM_CONFIG (so, # we re-check sanity when the settings are changed) # We also re-check sanity and clear the cache when the version changes EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION = '1.0.1a' def check_sanity(force=False): try: if not force: if not CONFIG_FILE: return # config stored directly in EM_CONFIG => skip sanity checks settings_mtime = os.stat(CONFIG_FILE).st_mtime sanity_file = CONFIG_FILE + '_sanity' reason = 'unknown' try: sanity_mtime = os.stat(sanity_file).st_mtime if sanity_mtime <= settings_mtime: reason = 'settings file has changed' else: sanity_version = open(sanity_file).read() if sanity_version != EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION: reason = 'version bump' else: return # all is well except: pass print >> sys.stderr, '(Emscripten: %s, clearing cache)' % reason Cache.erase() # some warning, not fatal checks - do them even if EM_IGNORE_SANITY is on check_llvm_version() check_node_version() if os.environ.get('EM_IGNORE_SANITY'): print >> sys.stderr, 'EM_IGNORE_SANITY set, ignoring sanity checks' return print >> sys.stderr, '(Emscripten: Running sanity checks)' if not check_engine(COMPILER_ENGINE): print >> sys.stderr, 'FATAL: The JavaScript shell used for compiling (%s) does not seem to work, check the paths in %s' % (COMPILER_ENGINE, EM_CONFIG) sys.exit(1) if NODE_JS != COMPILER_ENGINE: if not check_engine(NODE_JS): print >> sys.stderr, 'FATAL: Node.js (%s) does not seem to work, check the paths in %s' % (NODE_JS, EM_CONFIG) sys.exit(1) for cmd in [CLANG, LLVM_LINK, LLVM_AR, LLVM_OPT, LLVM_AS, LLVM_DIS, LLVM_NM]: if not os.path.exists(cmd) and not os.path.exists(cmd + '.exe'): # .exe extension required for Windows print >> sys.stderr, 'FATAL: Cannot find %s, check the paths in %s' % (cmd, EM_CONFIG) sys.exit(1) try:[JAVA, '-version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: java does not seem to exist, required for closure compiler. -O2 and above will fail. You need to define JAVA in ~/.emscripten' if not os.path.exists(CLOSURE_COMPILER): print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Closure compiler (%s) does not exist, check the paths in %s. -O2 and above will fail' % (CLOSURE_COMPILER, EM_CONFIG) # Sanity check passed! if not force: # Only create/update this file if the sanity check succeeded, i.e., we got here f = open(sanity_file, 'w') f.write(EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION) f.close() except Exception, e: # Any error here is not worth failing on print 'WARNING: sanity check failed to run', e # Tools/paths LLVM_ADD_VERSION = os.getenv('LLVM_ADD_VERSION') # Some distributions ship with multiple llvm versions so they add # the version to the binaries, cope with that def build_llvm_tool_path(tool): if LLVM_ADD_VERSION: return os.path.join(LLVM_ROOT, tool + "-" + LLVM_ADD_VERSION) else: return os.path.join(LLVM_ROOT, tool) CLANG_CC=os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(LLVM_ROOT, 'clang')) CLANG_CPP=os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(LLVM_ROOT, 'clang++')) CLANG=CLANG_CPP LLVM_LINK=build_llvm_tool_path('llvm-link') LLVM_AR=build_llvm_tool_path('llvm-ar') LLVM_OPT=os.path.expanduser(build_llvm_tool_path('opt')) LLVM_AS=os.path.expanduser(build_llvm_tool_path('llvm-as')) LLVM_DIS=os.path.expanduser(build_llvm_tool_path('llvm-dis')) LLVM_NM=os.path.expanduser(build_llvm_tool_path('llvm-nm')) LLVM_INTERPRETER=os.path.expanduser(build_llvm_tool_path('lli')) LLVM_COMPILER=os.path.expanduser(build_llvm_tool_path('llc')) LLVM_EXTRACT=os.path.expanduser(build_llvm_tool_path('llvm-extract')) EMSCRIPTEN = path_from_root('') DEMANGLER = path_from_root('third_party', '') NAMESPACER = path_from_root('tools', '') EMCC = path_from_root('emcc') EMXX = path_from_root('em++') EMAR = path_from_root('emar') EMRANLIB = path_from_root('emranlib') EMLIBTOOL = path_from_root('emlibtool') EMCONFIG = path_from_root('em-config') EMMAKEN = path_from_root('tools', '') AUTODEBUGGER = path_from_root('tools', '') BINDINGS_GENERATOR = path_from_root('tools', '') EXEC_LLVM = path_from_root('tools', '') FILE_PACKAGER = path_from_root('tools', '') RELOOPER = path_from_root('src', 'relooper.js') # Temp dir. Create a random one, unless EMCC_DEBUG is set, in which case use TEMP_DIR/emscripten_temp try: TEMP_DIR except: print >> sys.stderr, 'TEMP_DIR not defined in ~/.emscripten, using /tmp' TEMP_DIR = '/tmp' CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR = os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, 'emscripten_temp') EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR = None DEBUG = os.environ.get('EMCC_DEBUG') if DEBUG: try: EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR = CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR if not os.path.exists(EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR): os.makedirs(EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, e, 'Could not create canonical temp dir. Check definition of TEMP_DIR in ~/.emscripten' if not EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR: EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='emscripten_temp_', dir=TEMP_DIR) def clean_temp(): try_delete(EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR) atexit.register(clean_temp) # EM_CONFIG stuff try: JS_ENGINES except: try: JS_ENGINES = [JS_ENGINE] except Exception, e: print 'ERROR: %s does not seem to have JS_ENGINES or JS_ENGINE set up' % EM_CONFIG raise try: CLOSURE_COMPILER except: CLOSURE_COMPILER = path_from_root('third_party', 'closure-compiler', 'compiler.jar') try: JAVA except: print >> sys.stderr, 'JAVA not defined in ~/.emscripten, using "java"' JAVA = 'java' # Additional compiler options try: COMPILER_OPTS # Can be set in EM_CONFIG, optionally except: COMPILER_OPTS = [] # Force a simple, standard target as much as possible: target 32-bit linux, and disable various flags that hint at other platforms COMPILER_OPTS = COMPILER_OPTS + ['-m32', '-U__i386__', '-U__x86_64__', '-U__i386', '-U__x86_64', '-U__SSE__', '-U__SSE2__', '-U__MMX__', '-UX87_DOUBLE_ROUNDING', '-UHAVE_GCC_ASM_FOR_X87', '-DEMSCRIPTEN', '-U__STRICT_ANSI__', '-U__CYGWIN__', '-D__STDC__', '-Xclang', '-triple=i386-pc-linux-gnu', '-D__IEEE_LITTLE_ENDIAN'] USE_EMSDK = not os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_NO_SDK') if USE_EMSDK: # Disable system C and C++ include directories, and add our own (using -idirafter so they are last, like system dirs, which # allows projects to override them) # Note that -nostdinc++ is not needed, since -nostdinc implies that! EMSDK_OPTS = ['-nostdinc', '-Xclang', '-nobuiltininc', '-Xclang', '-nostdsysteminc', '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'local', 'include'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include', 'emscripten'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include', 'bsd'), # posix stuff '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include', 'libc'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include', 'libcxx'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libcxxabi', 'include'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include', 'gfx'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include', 'net'), '-Xclang', '-isystem' + path_from_root('system', 'include', 'SDL'), ] + [ '-U__APPLE__', '-U__linux__', '-D_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_DELETED_FUNCTIONS' # otherwise libc++ has errors with --std=c++11 ] COMPILER_OPTS += EMSDK_OPTS else: EMSDK_OPTS = [] # Engine tweaks try: if 'gcparam' not in str(SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE): if type(SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE) is str: SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE = [SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE] SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE += ['-e', "gcparam('maxBytes', 1024*1024*1024);"] # Our very large files need lots of gc heap except NameError: pass WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith('win') # If we have 'env', we should use that to find python, because |python| may fail while |env python| may work # (For example, if system python is 3.x while we need 2.x, and env gives 2.x if told to do so.) ENV_PREFIX = [] if not WINDOWS: try: assert 'Python' in Popen(['env', 'python', '-V'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).communicate()[0] ENV_PREFIX = ['env'] except: pass # Temp file utilities def try_delete(filename): try: os.unlink(filename) except: try: shutil.rmtree(filename) except: pass class TempFiles: def __init__(self): self.to_clean = [] def note(self, filename): self.to_clean.append(filename) def get(self, suffix): """Returns a named temp file with the given prefix.""" named_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=TEMP_DIR if not DEBUG else EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR, suffix=suffix, delete=False) self.note( return named_file def clean(self): if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'not cleaning up temp files since in debug mode, see them in %s' % EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR return for filename in self.to_clean: try_delete(filename) self.to_clean = [] def run_and_clean(self, func): try: func() finally: self.clean() # Utilities def check_engine(engine): # TODO: we call this several times, perhaps cache the results? try: if not CONFIG_FILE: return True # config stored directly in EM_CONFIG => skip engine check return 'hello, world!' in run_js(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.js'), engine) except Exception, e: print 'Checking JS engine %s failed. Check %s. Details: %s' % (str(engine), EM_CONFIG, str(e)) return False def timeout_run(proc, timeout, note='unnamed process'): start = time.time() if timeout is not None: while time.time() - start < timeout and proc.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.1) if proc.poll() is None: proc.kill() # XXX bug: killing does not kill it's child process! raise Exception("Timed out: " + note) return proc.communicate()[0] def run_js(filename, engine=None, args=[], check_timeout=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=None, cwd=None): if engine is None: engine = JS_ENGINES[0] if type(engine) is not list: engine = [engine] command = engine + [filename] + (['--'] if 'd8' in engine[0] else []) + args return timeout_run(Popen(command, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd), 15*60 if check_timeout else None, 'Execution') def to_cc(cxx): # By default, LLVM_GCC and CLANG are really the C++ versions. This gets an explicit C version return cxx.replace('clang++', 'clang').replace('g++', 'gcc') def line_splitter(data): """Silly little tool to split JSON arrays over many lines.""" out = '' counter = 0 for i in range(len(data)): out += data[i] if data[i] == ' ' and counter > 60: out += '\n' counter = 0 else: counter += 1 return out def limit_size(string, MAX=80*20): if len(string) < MAX: return string return string[0:MAX/2] + '\n[..]\n' + string[-MAX/2:] def read_pgo_data(filename): ''' Reads the output of PGO and generates proper information for CORRECT_* == 2 's *_LINES options ''' signs_lines = [] overflows_lines = [] for line in open(filename, 'r'): try: if line.rstrip() == '': continue if '%0 failures' in line: continue left, right = line.split(' : ') signature = left.split('|')[1] if 'Sign' in left: signs_lines.append(signature) elif 'Overflow' in left: overflows_lines.append(signature) except: pass return { 'signs_lines': signs_lines, 'overflows_lines': overflows_lines } # Settings. A global singleton. Not pretty, but nicer than passing |, settings| everywhere class Settings: @classmethod def reset(self): class Settings2: QUANTUM_SIZE = 4 reset = Settings.reset # Given some emcc-type args (-O3, -s X=Y, etc.), fill Settings with the right settings @classmethod def load(self, args=[]): # Load the JS defaults into python settings = open(path_from_root('src', 'settings.js')).read().replace('var ', 'Settings.').replace('//', '#') exec settings in globals() # Apply additional settings. First -O, then -s for i in range(len(args)): if args[i].startswith('-O'): level = eval(args[i][2]) Settings.apply_opt_level(level) for i in range(len(args)): if args[i] == '-s': exec 'Settings.' + args[i+1] in globals() # execute the setting # Transforms the Settings information into emcc-compatible args (-s X=Y, etc.). Basically # the reverse of load_settings, except for -Ox which is relevant there but not here @classmethod def serialize(self): ret = [] for key, value in Settings.__dict__.iteritems(): if key == key.upper(): # this is a hack. all of our settings are ALL_CAPS, python internals are not jsoned = json.dumps(value) ret += ['-s', key + '=' + jsoned] return ret @classmethod def apply_opt_level(self, opt_level, noisy=False): if opt_level >= 1: Settings.ASSERTIONS = 0 Settings.DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING = 1 if opt_level >= 2: Settings.RELOOP = 1 if opt_level >= 3: Settings.INLINING_LIMIT = 0 Settings.DOUBLE_MODE = 0 Settings.PRECISE_I64_MATH = 0 Settings.CORRECT_SIGNS = 0 Settings.CORRECT_OVERFLOWS = 0 Settings.CORRECT_ROUNDINGS = 0 if noisy: print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Applying some potentially unsafe optimizations! (Use -O2 if this fails.)' global Settings Settings = Settings2 Settings.load() # load defaults Settings.reset() # Building class Building: COMPILER = CLANG LLVM_OPTS = False COMPILER_TEST_OPTS = [] # For use of the test runner @staticmethod def get_building_env(): env = os.environ.copy() env['CC'] = EMCC if not WINDOWS else 'python %r' % EMCC env['CXX'] = EMXX if not WINDOWS else 'python %r' % EMXX env['AR'] = EMAR if not WINDOWS else 'python %r' % EMAR env['LD'] = EMCC if not WINDOWS else 'python %r' % EMCC env['LDSHARED'] = EMCC if not WINDOWS else 'python %r' % EMCC env['RANLIB'] = EMRANLIB if not WINDOWS else 'python %r' % EMRANLIB #env['LIBTOOL'] = EMLIBTOOL if not WINDOWS else 'python %r' % EMLIBTOOL env['EMMAKEN_COMPILER'] = Building.COMPILER env['EMSCRIPTEN_TOOLS'] = path_from_root('tools') env['CFLAGS'] = env['EMMAKEN_CFLAGS'] = ' '.join(Building.COMPILER_TEST_OPTS) env['HOST_CC'] = CLANG_CC env['HOST_CXX'] = CLANG_CPP env['HOST_CFLAGS'] = "-W" #if set to nothing, CFLAGS is used, which we don't want env['HOST_CXXFLAGS'] = "-W" #if set to nothing, CXXFLAGS is used, which we don't want env['PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR'] = path_from_root('system', 'local', 'lib', 'pkgconfig') + os.path.pathsep + path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'pkgconfig') env['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = os.environ.get ('EM_PKG_CONFIG_PATH') or '' return env @staticmethod def handle_CMake_toolchain(args, env): CMakeToolchain = ('''# the name of the target operating system SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux) # which C and C++ compiler to use SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER %(winfix)s$EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT/emcc) SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER %(winfix)s$EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT/em++) SET(CMAKE_AR %(winfix)s$EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT/emar) SET(CMAKE_RANLIB %(winfix)s$EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT/emranlib) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS $CFLAGS) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS $CXXFLAGS) # here is the target environment located SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH $EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT/system/include ) # adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands: # search headers and libraries in the target environment, search # programs in the host environment set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE BOTH) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PACKAGE ONLY)''' % { 'winfix': '' if not WINDOWS else 'python ' }) \ .replace('$EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT', path_from_root('').replace('\\', '/')) \ .replace('$CFLAGS', env['CFLAGS']) \ .replace('$CXXFLAGS', env['CFLAGS']) toolchainFile = mkstemp(suffix='.cmaketoolchain.txt', dir=TEMP_DIR)[1] open(toolchainFile, 'w').write(CMakeToolchain) args.append('-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%s' % os.path.abspath(toolchainFile)) return args @staticmethod def configure(args, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=None): if not args: return if env is None: env = Building.get_building_env() env['EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE'] = '1' if 'cmake' in args[0]: args = Building.handle_CMake_toolchain(args, env) try: Popen(args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env).communicate() except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: Exception thrown when invoking Popen in configure with args: "%s"!' % ' '.join(args) raise del env['EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE'] @staticmethod def make(args, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=None): if env is None: env = Building.get_building_env() #args += ['VERBOSE=1'] try: Popen(args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env).communicate() except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: Exception thrown when invoking Popen in make with args: "%s"!' % ' '.join(args) raise @staticmethod def build_library(name, build_dir, output_dir, generated_libs, configure=['sh', './configure'], configure_args=[], make=['make'], make_args=['-j', '2'], cache=None, cache_name=None, copy_project=False, env_init={}, source_dir=None): ''' Build a library into a .bc file. We build the .bc file once and cache it for all our tests. (We cache in memory since the test directory is destroyed and recreated for each test. Note that we cache separately for different compilers). This cache is just during the test runner. There is a different concept of caching as well, see |Cache|. ''' if type(generated_libs) is not list: generated_libs = [generated_libs] if source_dir is None: source_dir = path_from_root('tests', name) temp_dir = build_dir if copy_project: project_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, name) if os.path.exists(project_dir): shutil.rmtree(project_dir) shutil.copytree(source_dir, project_dir) # Useful in debugging sometimes to comment this out, and two lines above else: project_dir = build_dir try: old_dir = os.getcwd() except: old_dir = None os.chdir(project_dir) generated_libs = map(lambda lib: os.path.join(project_dir, lib), generated_libs) #for lib in generated_libs: # try: # os.unlink(lib) # make sure compilation completed successfully # except: # pass env = Building.get_building_env() for k, v in env_init.iteritems(): env[k] = v if configure: # Useful in debugging sometimes to comment this out (and the lines below up to and including the |link| call) Building.configure(configure + configure_args, stdout=open(os.path.join(project_dir, 'configure_'), 'w'), stderr=open(os.path.join(project_dir, 'configure_err'), 'w'), env=env) def open_make_out(i, mode='r'): return open(os.path.join(project_dir, 'make_' + str(i)), mode) def open_make_err(i, mode='r'): return open(os.path.join(project_dir, 'make_err' + str(i)), mode) for i in range(2): # FIXME: Sad workaround for some build systems that need to be run twice to succeed (e.g. poppler) with open_make_out(i, 'w') as make_out: with open_make_err(i, 'w') as make_err: Building.make(make + make_args, stdout=make_out, stderr=make_err, env=env) try: if cache is not None: cache[cache_name] = [] for f in generated_libs: basename = os.path.basename(f) cache[cache_name].append((basename, open(f, 'rb').read())) break except: if i > 0: # Due to the ugly hack above our best guess is to output the first run with open_make_err(0) as ferr: for line in ferr: sys.stderr.write(line) raise Exception('could not build library ' + name) if old_dir: os.chdir(old_dir) return generated_libs @staticmethod def link(files, target, remove_duplicates=False): actual_files = [] unresolved_symbols = set(['main']) # tracking unresolveds is necessary for .a linking, see below. (and main is always a necessary symbol) resolved_symbols = set() temp_dirs = [] files = map(os.path.abspath, files) for f in files: if not Building.is_ar(f): if Building.is_bitcode(f): new_symbols = Building.llvm_nm(f) resolved_symbols = resolved_symbols.union(new_symbols.defs) unresolved_symbols = unresolved_symbols.union(new_symbols.undefs.difference(resolved_symbols)).difference(new_symbols.defs) actual_files.append(f) else: # Extract object files from ar archives, and link according to gnu ld semantics # (link in an entire .o from the archive if it supplies symbols still unresolved) cwd = os.getcwd() try: temp_dir = os.path.join(EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR, 'ar_output_' + str(os.getpid()) + '_' + str(len(temp_dirs))) temp_dirs.append(temp_dir) if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.makedirs(temp_dir) os.chdir(temp_dir) contents = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, Popen([LLVM_AR, 't', f], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')) if len(contents) == 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Archive %s appears to be empty (recommendation: link an .so instead of .a)' % f else: for content in contents: # ar will silently fail if the directory for the file does not exist, so make all the necessary directories dirname = os.path.dirname(content) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) Popen([LLVM_AR, 'x', f], stdout=PIPE).communicate() # if absolute paths, files will appear there. otherwise, in this directory contents = map(lambda content: os.path.join(temp_dir, content), contents) contents = filter(os.path.exists, map(os.path.abspath, contents)) needed = False # We add or do not add the entire archive. We let llvm dead code eliminate parts we do not need, instead of # doing intra-dependencies between archive contents for content in contents: new_symbols = Building.llvm_nm(content) # Link in the .o if it provides symbols, *or* this is a singleton archive (which is apparently an exception in gcc ld) if new_symbols.defs.intersection(unresolved_symbols) or len(files) == 1: needed = True if needed: for content in contents: if Building.is_bitcode(content): new_symbols = Building.llvm_nm(content) resolved_symbols = resolved_symbols.union(new_symbols.defs) unresolved_symbols = unresolved_symbols.union(new_symbols.undefs.difference(resolved_symbols)).difference(new_symbols.defs) actual_files.append(content) finally: os.chdir(cwd) try_delete(target) if remove_duplicates: # Remove duplicate symbols. This is a workaround for how we compile .a files, we try to # emulate ld behavior which is permissive TODO: cache llvm-nm results seen_symbols = set() print >> sys.stderr, actual_files for actual in actual_files: symbols = Building.llvm_nm(actual) dupes = seen_symbols.intersection(symbols.defs) if len(dupes) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: warning: removing duplicates in', actual for dupe in dupes: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: warning: removing duplicate', dupe Popen([LLVM_EXTRACT, actual, '-delete', '-glob=' + dupe, '-o', actual], stderr=PIPE).communicate() Popen([LLVM_EXTRACT, actual, '-delete', '-func=' + dupe, '-o', actual], stderr=PIPE).communicate() Popen([LLVM_EXTRACT, actual, '-delete', '-glob=.str', '-o', actual], stderr=PIPE).communicate() # garbage that appears here seen_symbols = seen_symbols.union(symbols.defs) # Finish link output = Popen([LLVM_LINK] + actual_files + ['-o', target], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] assert os.path.exists(target) and (output is None or 'Could not open input file' not in output), 'Linking error: ' + output + '\nemcc: If you get duplicate symbol errors, try --remove-duplicates' for temp_dir in temp_dirs: try_delete(temp_dir) # Emscripten optimizations that we run on the .ll file @staticmethod def ll_opts(filename): ## Remove target info. This helps LLVM opts, if we run them later #cleaned = filter(lambda line: not line.startswith('target datalayout = ') and not line.startswith('target triple = '), # open(filename + '.o.ll', 'r').readlines()) #os.unlink(filename + '.o.ll') #open(filename + '.o.ll.orig', 'w').write(''.join(cleaned)) pass # LLVM optimizations # @param opt Either an integer, in which case it is the optimization level (-O1, -O2, etc.), or a list of raw # optimization passes passed to llvm opt @staticmethod def llvm_opt(filename, opts): if type(opts) is int: opts = Building.pick_llvm_opts(opts) output = Popen([LLVM_OPT, filename] + opts + ['-o=' + filename + '.opt.bc'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] assert os.path.exists(filename + '.opt.bc'), 'Failed to run llvm optimizations: ' + output shutil.move(filename + '.opt.bc', filename) @staticmethod def llvm_opts(filename): # deprecated version, only for test runner. TODO: remove if Building.LLVM_OPTS: shutil.move(filename + '.o', filename + '.o.pre') output = Popen([LLVM_OPT, filename + '.o.pre'] + Building.LLVM_OPT_OPTS + ['-o=' + filename + '.o'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] assert os.path.exists(filename + '.o'), 'Failed to run llvm optimizations: ' + output @staticmethod def llvm_dis(input_filename, output_filename=None): # LLVM binary ==> LLVM assembly if output_filename is None: # use test runner conventions output_filename = input_filename + '.o.ll' input_filename = input_filename + '.o' try_delete(output_filename) output = Popen([LLVM_DIS, input_filename, '-o=' + output_filename], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] assert os.path.exists(output_filename), 'Could not create .ll file: ' + output return output_filename @staticmethod def llvm_as(input_filename, output_filename=None): # LLVM assembly ==> LLVM binary if output_filename is None: # use test runner conventions output_filename = input_filename + '.o' input_filename = input_filename + '.o.ll' try_delete(output_filename) output = Popen([LLVM_AS, input_filename, '-o=' + output_filename], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] assert os.path.exists(output_filename), 'Could not create bc file: ' + output return output_filename @staticmethod def llvm_nm(filename, stdout=PIPE, stderr=None): # LLVM binary ==> list of symbols output = Popen([LLVM_NM, filename], stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr).communicate()[0] class ret: defs = [] undefs = [] commons = [] for line in output.split('\n'): if len(line) == 0: continue parts = filter(lambda seg: len(seg) > 0, line.split(' ')) if len(parts) == 2: # ignore lines with absolute offsets, these are not bitcode anyhow (e.g. |00000630 t d_source_name|) status, symbol = parts if status == 'U': ret.undefs.append(symbol) elif status != 'C': ret.defs.append(symbol) else: ret.commons.append(symbol) ret.defs = set(ret.defs) ret.undefs = set(ret.undefs) ret.commons = set(ret.commons) return ret @staticmethod def emcc(filename, args=[], output_filename=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=None): if output_filename is None: output_filename = filename + '.o' try_delete(output_filename) Popen(ENV_PREFIX + ['python', EMCC, filename] + args + ['-o', output_filename], stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env).communicate() assert os.path.exists(output_filename), 'emcc could not create output file' @staticmethod def emar(action, output_filename, filenames, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=None): try_delete(output_filename) Popen(ENV_PREFIX + ['python', EMAR, action, output_filename] + filenames, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env).communicate() if 'c' in action: assert os.path.exists(output_filename), 'emar could not create output file' @staticmethod def emscripten(filename, append_ext=True, extra_args=[]): # Allow usage of without warning os.environ['EMSCRIPTEN_SUPPRESS_USAGE_WARNING'] = '1' # Run Emscripten settings = Settings.serialize() compiler_output = timeout_run(Popen(ENV_PREFIX + ['python', EMSCRIPTEN, filename + ('.o.ll' if append_ext else ''), '-o', filename + '.o.js'] + settings + extra_args, stdout=PIPE), None, 'Compiling') #print compiler_output # Detect compilation crashes and errors if compiler_output is not None and 'Traceback' in compiler_output and 'in test_' in compiler_output: print compiler_output; assert 0 assert os.path.exists(filename + '.o.js') and len(open(filename + '.o.js', 'r').read()) > 0, 'Emscripten failed to generate .js: ' + str(compiler_output) return filename + '.o.js' @staticmethod def can_build_standalone(): return not Settings.BUILD_AS_SHARED_LIB and not Settings.LINKABLE @staticmethod def can_use_unsafe_opts(): return Settings.USE_TYPED_ARRAYS == 2 @staticmethod def can_inline(): return Settings.INLINING_LIMIT == 0 @staticmethod def pick_llvm_opts(optimization_level): ''' It may be safe to use nonportable optimizations (like -OX) if we remove the platform info from the .ll (which we do in do_ll_opts) - but even there we have issues (even in TA2) with instruction combining into i64s. In any case, the handpicked ones here should be safe and portable. They are also tuned for things that look useful. An easy way to see LLVM's standard list of passes is llvm-as < /dev/null | opt -std-compile-opts -disable-output -debug-pass=Arguments ''' assert 0 <= optimization_level <= 3 unsafe = Building.can_use_unsafe_opts() opts = [] if optimization_level > 0: if unsafe: if not Building.can_inline(): opts.append('-disable-inlining') if not Building.can_build_standalone(): # -O1 does not have -gobaldce, which removes stuff that is needed for libraries and linkables optimization_level = min(1, optimization_level) opts.append('-O%d' % optimization_level) #print '[unsafe: %s]' % ','.join(opts) else: allow_nonportable = False optimize_size = True use_aa = False # PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager if allow_nonportable and use_aa: # ammo.js results indicate this can be nonportable opts.append('-tbaa') opts.append('-basicaa') # makes fannkuch slow but primes fast if Building.can_build_standalone(): opts.append('-internalize') opts.append('-globalopt') opts.append('-ipsccp') opts.append('-deadargelim') if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-instcombine') opts.append('-simplifycfg') opts.append('-prune-eh') if Building.can_inline(): opts.append('-inline') opts.append('-functionattrs') if optimization_level > 2: opts.append('-argpromotion') # XXX Danger: Can turn a memcpy into something that violates the # load-store consistency hypothesis. See hashnum() in Lua. # Note: this opt is of great importance for raytrace... if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-scalarrepl') if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-early-cse') # ? opts.append('-simplify-libcalls') opts.append('-jump-threading') if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-correlated-propagation') # ? opts.append('-simplifycfg') if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-instcombine') opts.append('-tailcallelim') opts.append('-simplifycfg') opts.append('-reassociate') opts.append('-loop-rotate') opts.append('-licm') opts.append('-loop-unswitch') # XXX should depend on optimize_size if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-instcombine') if Settings.QUANTUM_SIZE == 4: opts.append('-indvars') # XXX this infinite-loops raytrace on q1 (loop in |new node_t[count]| has 68 hardcoded ¬ fixed) if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-loop-idiom') # ? opts.append('-loop-deletion') opts.append('-loop-unroll') ##### not in llvm-3.0. but have | #addExtensionsToPM(EP_LoopOptimizerEnd, MPM);| if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-instcombine') # XXX Danger: Messes up Lua output for unknown reasons # Note: this opt is of minor importance for raytrace... if optimization_level > 1 and allow_nonportable: opts.append('-gvn') opts.append('-memcpyopt') # Danger? opts.append('-sccp') if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-instcombine') opts.append('-jump-threading') opts.append('-correlated-propagation') opts.append('-dse') #addExtensionsToPM(EP_ScalarOptimizerLate, MPM); opts.append('-adce') opts.append('-simplifycfg') if allow_nonportable: opts.append('-instcombine') opts.append('-strip-dead-prototypes') if Building.can_build_standalone(): opts.append('-globaldce') if optimization_level > 1: opts.append('-constmerge') Building.LLVM_OPT_OPTS = opts return opts @staticmethod def js_optimizer(filename, passes): return, passes, NODE_JS) @staticmethod def closure_compiler(filename): if not os.path.exists(CLOSURE_COMPILER): raise Exception('Closure compiler appears to be missing, looked at: ' + str(CLOSURE_COMPILER)) # Something like this (adjust memory as needed): # java -Xmx1024m -jar CLOSURE_COMPILER --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS --variable_map_output_file src.cpp.o.js.vars --js src.cpp.o.js --js_output_file args = [JAVA, '-Xmx' + (os.environ.get('JAVA_HEAP_SIZE') or '1024m'), # if you need a larger Java heap, use this environment variable '-jar', CLOSURE_COMPILER, '--compilation_level', 'ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS', '--formatting', 'PRETTY_PRINT', '--language_in', 'ECMASCRIPT5', #'--variable_map_output_file', filename + '.vars', '--js', filename, '--js_output_file', filename + '.cc.js'] if os.environ.get('EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS'): args += shlex.split(os.environ.get('EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS')) process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) cc_output = process.communicate()[0] if process.returncode != 0 or not os.path.exists(filename + '.cc.js'): raise Exception('closure compiler error: ' + cc_output + ' (rc: %d)' % process.returncode) return filename + '.cc.js' _is_ar_cache = {} @staticmethod def is_ar(filename): try: if Building._is_ar_cache.get(filename): return Building._is_ar_cache[filename] b = open(filename, 'r').read(8) sigcheck = b[0] == '!' and b[1] == '<' and \ b[2] == 'a' and b[3] == 'r' and \ b[4] == 'c' and b[5] == 'h' and \ b[6] == '>' and ord(b[7]) == 10 Building._is_ar_cache[filename] = sigcheck return sigcheck except: return False @staticmethod def is_bitcode(filename): # checks if a file contains LLVM bitcode # if the file doesn't exist or doesn't have valid symbols, it isn't bitcode try: defs = Building.llvm_nm(filename, stderr=PIPE) # If no symbols found, it might just be an empty bitcode file, try to dis it if len(defs.defs) + len(defs.undefs) + len(defs.commons) == 0: # llvm-nm 3.0 has a bug when reading symbols from ar files # so try to see if we're dealing with an ar file, in which # case we should try to dis it. if not Building.is_ar(filename): test_ll = os.path.join(EMSCRIPTEN_TEMP_DIR, 'test.ll') Building.llvm_dis(filename, test_ll) assert os.path.exists(test_ll) except: return False # look for magic signature b = open(filename, 'r').read(4) if b[0] == 'B' and b[1] == 'C': return True # look for ar signature elif Building.is_ar(filename): return True # on OS X, there is a 20-byte prefix elif ord(b[0]) == 222 and ord(b[1]) == 192 and ord(b[2]) == 23 and ord(b[3]) == 11: b = open(filename, 'r').read(24) return b[20] == 'B' and b[21] == 'C' return False # Make sure the relooper exists. If it does not, check out the relooper code and bootstrap it @staticmethod def ensure_relooper(): if os.path.exists(RELOOPER): return try: ok = False print >> sys.stderr, '=======================================' print >> sys.stderr, 'bootstrapping relooper...' Cache.ensure() RELOOPER_DIR = path_from_root('src', 'relooper') def make(opt_level): raw = RELOOPER + '.raw.js' Building.emcc(os.path.join(RELOOPER_DIR, 'Relooper.cpp'), ['-I' + os.path.join(RELOOPER_DIR), '--post-js', os.path.join(RELOOPER_DIR, 'emscripten', 'glue.js'), '-s', 'TOTAL_MEMORY=52428800', '-s', 'DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE=["memcpy", "memset", "malloc", "free", "puts"]', '-O' + str(opt_level), '--closure', '0'], raw) f = open(RELOOPER, 'w') f.write("// Relooper, (C) 2012 Alon Zakai, MIT license,\n") f.write("var Relooper = (function() {\n"); f.write(open(raw).read()) f.write('\n return Module.Relooper;\n') f.write('})();\n') f.close() # bootstrap phase 1: generate unrelooped relooper, for which we do not need a relooper (so we cannot recurse infinitely in this function) print >> sys.stderr, ' bootstrap phase 1' make(1) # bootstrap phase 2: generate relooped relooper, using the unrelooped relooper (we see relooper.js exists so we cannot recurse infinitely in this function) print >> sys.stderr, ' bootstrap phase 2' make(2) print >> sys.stderr, 'bootstrapping relooper succeeded' print >> sys.stderr, '=======================================' ok = True finally: if not ok: print >> sys.stderr, 'bootstrapping relooper failed. You may need to manually create src/relooper.js by compiling it, see src/relooper/emscripten' 1/0 # Permanent cache for dlmalloc and stdlibc++ class Cache: dirname = os.environ.get('EM_CACHE') if not dirname: dirname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.emscripten_cache')) @staticmethod def ensure(): if not os.path.exists(Cache.dirname): os.makedirs(Cache.dirname) @staticmethod def erase(): try: shutil.rmtree(Cache.dirname) except: pass try_delete(RELOOPER) # Request a cached file. If it isn't in the cache, it will be created with # the given creator function @staticmethod def get(shortname, creator): if not shortname.endswith('.bc'): shortname += '.bc' cachename = os.path.join(Cache.dirname, shortname) if os.path.exists(cachename): return cachename Cache.ensure() shutil.copyfile(creator(), cachename) return cachename # Compression of code and data for smaller downloads class Compression: on = False @staticmethod def compressed_name(filename): return filename + '.compress' @staticmethod def compress(filename): execute(Compression.encoder, stdin=open(filename, 'rb'), stdout=open(Compression.compressed_name(filename), 'wb')) @staticmethod def worth_it(original, compressed): return compressed < original - 1500 # save at least one TCP packet or so def execute(cmd, *args, **kw): try: return subprocess.Popen(cmd, *args, **kw).communicate() # let compiler frontend print directly, so colors are saved (PIPE kills that) except: if not isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = ' '.join(cmd) print >> sys.stderr, 'Invoking Process failed: <<< ' + cmd + ' >>>' raise def suffix(name): parts = name.split('.') if len(parts) > 1: return parts[-1] else: return None def unsuffixed(name): return '.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1]) def unsuffixed_basename(name): return os.path.basename(unsuffixed(name))