#!/usr/bin/python import sys, re def print_usage(): print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: ll-strip.py file from to" print >> sys.stderr, "\tStrip function bodies in all ll file in the [from, to] range" sys.exit(1) try: range_from = int(sys.argv[2]) range_to = int(sys.argv[3]) if range_from >= range_to: raise "error" file = open(sys.argv[1]) except: print_usage() func_start = re.compile("^define\s") func_end = re.compile("^}$") function_counter = 0 in_function = False line_number = 0 skip = False dummy_stmt = "unreachable" for orig_line in file: line = orig_line.strip() if func_start.match(line): if in_function: print >> sys.stderr, "Discovered a function inside another function!" sys.exit(1) in_function = True line_number = 0 skip = False function_counter = function_counter + 1 elif func_end.match(line): if not in_function: print >> sys.stderr, "Discovered a function end without a matching beginning!" sys.exit(1) in_function = False line_number = 0 skip = False elif in_function: line_number = line_number + 1 if not skip and line_number == 1: if line == dummy_stmt: function_counter = function_counter - 1 if range_from <= function_counter <= range_to and line_number == 1: #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if line != dummy_stmt: skip = True print dummy_stmt if not skip: print orig_line.rstrip("\n")