#include #include #include #include #include static Mix_Chunk *sound = NULL; static Mix_Chunk *noiseLoop = NULL; static Mix_Music *music = NULL; static int soundChannel = 0; static int noiseLoopChannel = 0; void one_iter(); void one_iter() { static int frames = 0; frames++; switch( frames ) { case 1: soundChannel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sound, 0); printf("channel = %d", soundChannel); assert(soundChannel != -1 && soundChannel != 0); noiseLoopChannel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, noiseLoop, -1); printf("noiseLoopChannel = %d", noiseLoopChannel); assert(noiseLoopChannel != -1 && noiseLoopChannel != 0); // set noiseLoopChannel to half volume Mix_Volume(noiseLoopChannel,MIX_MAX_VOLUME/10); break; case 2: printf("channel %d is playing = %d", soundChannel, Mix_Playing(soundChannel)); assert(Mix_Playing(soundChannel)); break; case 30: Mix_Pause(soundChannel); Mix_PlayMusic(music, 1); break; case 31: assert(Mix_Paused(soundChannel)); assert(Mix_PlayingMusic()); break; case 60: Mix_Resume(soundChannel); Mix_PauseMusic(); break; case 61: assert(Mix_Playing(soundChannel)); assert(Mix_PausedMusic()); break; case 90: Mix_ResumeMusic(); break; case 91: assert(Mix_PlayingMusic()); break; case 120: Mix_HaltChannel(soundChannel); Mix_HaltMusic(); int result = 1; #ifdef REPORT_RESULT REPORT_RESULT(); #endif break; }; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO); Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_OGG); // This reserves channel 0 for other purposes. // We are just going to verify that we are not // allocated channel 0 when we call Mix_PlayChannel(-1, ...) Mix_ReserveChannels(1); int ret = Mix_OpenAudio(0, 0, 0, 0); // we ignore all these.. assert(ret == 0); sound = Mix_LoadWAV("sound.ogg"); assert(sound); noiseLoop = Mix_LoadWAV("noise.ogg"); assert(noiseLoop); music = Mix_LoadMUS("music.ogg"); assert(music); emscripten_set_main_loop(one_iter, 30, 0); // force a quit while(Mix_Init(0)) Mix_Quit(); Mix_CloseAudio(); return 0; }