# - Try to find the libopenjpeg library # Once done this will define # # LIBOPENJPEG_FOUND - system has libopenjpeg # LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIRS - the libopenjpeg include directories # LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES - Link these to use libopenjpeg # LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR is internal and deprecated for use # Copyright (c) 2008, Albert Astals Cid, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. if (LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES AND LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR) # in cache already set(LIBOPENJPEG_FOUND TRUE) else (LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES AND LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR) #reset vars set(LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES) set(LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR) find_path (LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR openjpeg.h PATH_SUFFIXES openjpeg) find_library(LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES openjpeg) if(LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR AND LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES) set(LIBOPENJPEG_FOUND TRUE) endif(LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR AND LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(LibOpenJPEG DEFAULT_MSG LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR) endif (LIBOPENJPEG_LIBRARIES AND LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR) set(LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR})