/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if !defined(hycomp_h) #define hycomp_h /** * USE_PROTOTYPES: Use full ANSI prototypes. * * CLOCK_PRIMS: We want the timer/clock prims to be used * * LITTLE_ENDIAN: This is for the intel machines or other * little endian processors. Defaults to big endian. * * NO_LVALUE_CASTING: This is for compilers that don't like the left side * of assigns to be cast. It hacks around to do the * right thing. * * ATOMIC_FLOAT_ACCESS: So that float operations will work. * * LINKED_USER_PRIMITIVES: Indicates that user primitives are statically linked * with the VM executeable. * * OLD_SPACE_SIZE_DIFF: The 68k uses a different amount of old space. * This "legitimizes" the change. * * SIMPLE_SIGNAL: For machines that don't use real signals in C. * (eg: PC, 68k) * * OS_NAME_LOOKUP: Use nlist to lookup user primitive addresses. * * VMCALL: Tag for all functions called by the VM. * * VMAPICALL: Tag for all functions called via the PlatformFunction * callWith: mechanism. * * SYS_FLOAT: For some math functions where extended types (80 or 96 bits) are returned * Most platforms return as a double * * FLOAT_EXTENDED: If defined, the type name for extended precision floats. * * PLATFORM_IS_ASCII: Must be defined if the platform is ASCII * * EXE_EXTENSION_CHAR: the executable has a delimiter that we want to stop at as part of argv[0]. */ /** * By default order doubles in the native (that is big/little endian) ordering. */ #define HY_PLATFORM_DOUBLE_ORDER /** * Define common types: *
U_32 / I_32
- unsigned/signed 32 bitsU_16 / I_16
- unsigned/signed 16 bitsU_8 / I_8
- unsigned/signed 8 bits (bytes -- not to be
* confused with char)U_64 / I_64
- unsigned/signed 64 bitsUDATA
- unsigned data, can be used as an integer or
* pointer storageIDATA
- signed data, can be used as an integer or
* pointer storageSCHED_OTHER
* scheduling policy.
#if !defined(HY_PRIORITY_MAP)
* If no priority map if provided, priorities will be determined
* algorithmically.
#if !defined(FALSE)
#define FALSE ((BOOLEAN) 0)
#if !defined(TRUE)
#define TRUE ((BOOLEAN) (!FALSE))
#if !defined(NULL)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define NULL (0)
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#if defined(USE_PROTOTYPES)
#define PROTOTYPE(x) x
#define VARARGS , ...
#define PROTOTYPE(x) ()
#define VARARGS
* Assign the default line delimiter, if it was not set.
#define PLATFORM_LINE_DELIMITER "\015\012"
* Set the max path length, if it was not set.
#define MAX_IMAGE_PATH_LENGTH (2048)
typedef double ESDOUBLE;
typedef float ESSINGLE;
* Helpers for U_64s.
#define CLEAR_U64(u64) (u64 = (U_64)0)
#define LOW_LONG(l) (*((U_32 *) &(l)))
#define HIGH_LONG(l) (*(((U_32 *) &(l)) + 1))
#define I8(x) ((I_8) (x))
#define I8P(x) ((I_8 *) (x))
#define U16(x) ((U_16) (x))
#define I16(x) ((I_16) (x))
#define I16P(x) ((I_16 *) (x))
#define U32(x) ((U_32) (x))
#define I32(x) ((I_32) (x))
#define I32P(x) ((I_32 *) (x))
#define U16P(x) ((U_16 *) (x))
#define U32P(x) ((U_32 *) (x))
#define OBJP(x) ((HyObject *) (x))
#define OBJPP(x) ((HyObject **) (x))
#define OBJPPP(x) ((HyObject ***) (x))
#define CLASSP(x) ((Class *) (x))
#define CLASSPP(x) ((Class **) (x))
#define BYTEP(x) ((BYTE *) (x))
* Test - was conflicting with OS2.h
#define ESCHAR(x) ((CHARACTER) (x))
#define FLT(x) ((FLOAT) x)
#define FLTP(x) ((FLOAT *) (x))
#if defined(NO_LVALUE_CASTING)
#define LI8(x) (*((I_8 *) &(x)))
#define LI8P(x) (*((I_8 **) &(x)))
#define LU16(x) (*((U_16 *) &(x)))
#define LI16(x) (*((I_16 *) &(x)))
#define LU32(x) (*((U_32 *) &(x)))
#define LI32(x) (*((I_32 *) &(x)))
#define LI32P(x) (*((I_32 **) &(x)))
#define LU16P(x) (*((U_16 **) &(x)))
#define LU32P(x) (*((U_32 **) &(x)))
#define LOBJP(x) (*((HyObject **) &(x)))
#define LOBJPP(x) (*((HyObject ***) &(x)))
#define LOBJPPP(x) (*((HyObject ****) &(x))
#define LCLASSP(x) (*((Class **) &(x)))
#define LBYTEP(x) (*((BYTE **) &(x)))
#define LCHAR(x) (*((CHARACTER) &(x)))
#define LFLT(x) (*((FLOAT) &x))
#define LFLTP(x) (*((FLOAT *) &(x)))
#define LI8(x) I8((x))
#define LI8P(x) I8P((x))
#define LU16(x) U16((x))
#define LI16(x) I16((x))
#define LU32(x) U32((x))
#define LI32(x) I32((x))
#define LI32P(x) I32P((x))
#define LU16P(x) U16P((x))
#define LU32P(x) U32P((x))
#define LOBJP(x) OBJP((x))
#define LOBJPP(x) OBJPP((x))
#define LOBJPPP(x) OBJPPP((x))
#define LIOBJP(x) IOBJP((x))
#define LCLASSP(x) CLASSP((x))
#define LBYTEP(x) BYTEP((x))
#define LCHAR(x) CHAR((x))
#define LFLT(x) FLT((x))
#define LFLTP(x) FLTP((x))
* Macros for converting between words and longs and accessing bits.
#define HIGH_WORD(x) U16(U32((x)) >> 16)
#define LOW_WORD(x) U16(U32((x)) & 0xFFFF)
#define LOW_BIT(o) (U32((o)) & 1)
#define LOW_2_BITS(o) (U32((o)) & 3)
#define LOW_3_BITS(o) (U32((o)) & 7)
#define LOW_4_BITS(o) (U32((o)) & 15)
#define MAKE_32(h, l) ((U32((h)) << 16) | U32((l)))
#define MAKE_64(h, l) ((((I_64)(h)) << 32) | (l))
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define HY_CFUNC "C"
#define HY_CDATA "C"
#define HY_CFUNC
#define HY_CDATA
* Macros for tagging functions which read/write the vm thread.
* Macro for tagging functions, which never return.
#if defined(__GNUC__)
* On GCC, we can actually pass this information on to the compiler.
#define NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
#define NORETURN
* On some systems va_list is an array type. This is probably in
* violation of the ANSI C spec, but it's not entirely clear. Because of
* this, we end up with an undesired extra level of indirection if we take
* the address of a va_list argument.
* To get it right, always use the VA_PTR macro
#if !defined(VA_PTR)
#define VA_PTR(valist) (&valist)
#if !defined(TOC_UNWRAP_ADDRESS)
#define TOC_UNWRAP_ADDRESS(wrappedPointer) (wrappedPointer)
#if !defined(TOC_STORE_TOC)
#define TOC_STORE_TOC(dest,wrappedPointer)
* Macros for accessing I_64 values.
#define PTR_LONG_STORE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) ((*U32P(dstPtr) = *U32P(aLongPtr)), (*(U32P(dstPtr)+1) = *(U32P(aLongPtr)+1)))
#define PTR_LONG_VALUE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) ((*U32P(aLongPtr) = *U32P(dstPtr)), (*(U32P(aLongPtr)+1) = *(U32P(dstPtr)+1)))
#define PTR_LONG_STORE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) (*(dstPtr) = *(aLongPtr))
#define PTR_LONG_VALUE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) (*(aLongPtr) = *(dstPtr))
* Macro used when declaring tables which require relocations.
#if !defined(HYCONST_TABLE)
#define HYCONST_TABLE const
* ANSI qsort is not always available.
#if !defined(HY_SORT)
#define HY_SORT(base, nmemb, size, compare) qsort((base), (nmemb), (size), (compare))
* Helper macros for storing/restoring pointers to jlong.
#define jlong2addr(a, x) ((a *)((IDATA)(x)))
#define addr2jlong(x) ((jlong)((IDATA)(x)))
#endif /* hycomp_h */