-- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game -- http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ -- contributed by Mike Pall local function BottomUpTree(item, depth) if depth > 0 then local i = item + item depth = depth - 1 local left, right = BottomUpTree(i-1, depth), BottomUpTree(i, depth) return { item, left, right } else return { item } end end local function ItemCheck(tree) if tree[2] then return tree[1] + ItemCheck(tree[2]) - ItemCheck(tree[3]) else return tree[1] end end local N = tonumber(arg and arg[1]) or 4 if N == 0 then N = 0 elseif N == 1 then N = 9.5 elseif N == 2 then N = 11.99 elseif N == 3 then N = 12.85 elseif N == 4 then N = 14.72 elseif N == 5 then N = 15.82 end local mindepth = 4 local maxdepth = mindepth + 2 if maxdepth < N then maxdepth = N end do local stretchdepth = maxdepth + 1 local stretchtree = BottomUpTree(0, stretchdepth) io.write(string.format("stretch tree of depth %d\t check: %d\n", stretchdepth, ItemCheck(stretchtree))) end local longlivedtree = BottomUpTree(0, maxdepth) for depth=mindepth,maxdepth,2 do local iterations = 2 ^ (maxdepth - depth + mindepth) local check = 0 for i=1,iterations do check = check + ItemCheck(BottomUpTree(1, depth)) + ItemCheck(BottomUpTree(-1, depth)) end io.write(string.format("%d\t trees of depth %d\t check: %d\n", iterations*2, depth, check)) end io.write(string.format("long lived tree of depth %d\t check: %d\n", maxdepth, ItemCheck(longlivedtree)))