#!/usr/bin/python ''' Runs csmith, a C fuzzer, and looks for bugs ''' import os, sys, difflib from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT sys.path += [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), 'tools')] import shared filename = sys.argv[1] print 'testing file', filename print '2) Compile natively' shared.try_delete(filename) shared.execute([shared.CLANG_CC, '-O2', filename + '.c', '-o', filename] + CSMITH_CFLAGS, stderr=PIPE) assert os.path.exists(filename) print '3) Run natively' try: correct = shared.timeout_run(Popen([filename], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE), 3) except Exception, e: print 'Failed or infinite looping in native, skipping', e notes['invalid'] += 1 os.exit(0) # boring print '4) Compile JS-ly and compare' def try_js(args): shared.try_delete(filename + '.js') shared.execute([shared.EMCC, '-O2', '-s', 'ASM_JS=1', '-s', 'PRECISE_I64_MATH=1', '-s', 'PRECISE_I32_MUL=1', filename + '.c', '-o', filename + '.js'] + CSMITH_CFLAGS + args, stderr=PIPE) assert os.path.exists(filename + '.js') js = shared.run_js(filename + '.js', stderr=PIPE, engine=engine1) assert correct == js, ''.join([a.rstrip()+'\n' for a in difflib.unified_diff(correct.split('\n'), js.split('\n'), fromfile='expected', tofile='actual')]) # Try normally, then try unaligned because csmith does generate nonportable code that requires x86 alignment ok = False normal = True for args, note in [([], None), (['-s', 'UNALIGNED_MEMORY=1'], 'unaligned')]: try: try_js(args) ok = True if note: notes[note] += 1 break except Exception, e: print e normal = False if not ok: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) # boring