import random, subprocess, difflib while True: # Random decisions num = random.randint(2, 250) density = random.random() * random.random() decisions = [random.randint(1, num*20) for x in range(num*3)] branches = [0]*num defaults = [0]*num for i in range(num): b = set([]) bs = random.randint(1, max(1, round(density*random.random()*(num-1)))) for j in range(bs): b.add(random.randint(1, num-1)) b = list(b) defaults[i] = random.choice(b) b.remove(defaults[i]) branches[i] = b print num, density for temp in ['fuzz', '', 'fuzz.slow.js', 'fuzz.cpp']: try: os.unlink(temp) except: pass # parts entry = '''print('entry'); var label; var state; var modded; var decisions = %s; var index = 0; function check() { if (index == decisions.length) throw 'HALT'; return decisions[index++] }''' % str(decisions) slow = entry + '\n' for i in range(len(branches[0])): if i > 0: slow += 'else ' b = branches[0] slow += 'if (modded == %d) { label = %d; }\n' % (i, b[i]) # TODO: split range 1-n into these options if len(branches[0]): slow += 'else ' slow += 'label = %d;\n' % defaults[0] slow += ''' while(1) switch(label) { ''' fast = ''' #include #include "Relooper.h" int main() { char *buffer = (char*)malloc(10*1024*1024); Relooper::SetOutputBuffer(buffer, 10*1024*1024); ''' for i in range(1, num): slow += ' case %d: print(%d); state = check(); modded = state %% %d\n' % (i, i, len(branches[i])+1) b = branches[i] for j in range(len(b)): slow += ' if (modded == %d) { label = %d; break }\n' % (j, b[j]) # TODO: split range 1-n into these options slow += ' label = %d; break\n' % defaults[i] branch_vars = [] for i in range(num): branch_var = '"modded"' if len(branches[i]) > 0 and not (len(branches[i]) == 1 and random.random() < 0.5) else 'NULL' branch_vars.append(branch_var) if i == 0: fast += ''' Block *b%d = new Block("%s", %s); ''' % (i, entry, branch_var) else: fast += ''' Block *b%d = new Block("print(%d); state = check(); modded = state %% %d; %s", %s); ''' % (i, i, len(branches[i])+1, '// ' + ('.' * int(random.expovariate(0.5/num))), branch_var) for i in range(num): branch_var = branch_vars[i] b = branches[i] for j in range(len(b)): if branch_var == 'NULL': fast += ''' b%d->AddBranchTo(b%d, "modded == %d"); ''' % (i, b[j], j) else: fast += ''' b%d->AddBranchTo(b%d, "case %d:"); ''' % (i, b[j], j) fast += ''' b%d->AddBranchTo(b%d, NULL); ''' % (i, defaults[i]) fast += ''' Relooper r; ''' for i in range(num): fast += ''' r.AddBlock(b%d); ''' % i fast += ''' r.Calculate(b0); printf("\\n\\n"); r.Render(); puts(buffer); return 1; } ''' slow += '}' open('fuzz.slow.js', 'w').write(slow) open('fuzz.cpp', 'w').write(fast) print '_' slow_out = subprocess.Popen(['mozjs', '-m', '-n', 'fuzz.slow.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] print '.'['g++', 'fuzz.cpp', 'Relooper.o', '-o', 'fuzz', '-g']) print '*'['./fuzz'], stdout=open('', 'w')) print '-' fast_out = subprocess.Popen(['mozjs', '-m', '-n', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] print if slow_out != fast_out: print ''.join([a.rstrip()+'\n' for a in difflib.unified_diff(slow_out.split('\n'), fast_out.split('\n'), fromfile='slow', tofile='fast')]) assert False #break