mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, { $SOCKFS__postset: '__ATINIT__.push({ func: function() { SOCKFS.root = FS.mount(SOCKFS, {}, null); } });', $SOCKFS__deps: ['$FS', 'mkport'], $SOCKFS: { mount: function(mount) { return FS.createNode(null, '/', {{{ cDefine('S_IFDIR') }}} | 511 /* 0777 */, 0); }, createSocket: function(family, type, protocol) { var streaming = type == {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}}; if (protocol) { assert(streaming == (protocol == {{{ cDefine('IPPROTO_TCP') }}})); // if SOCK_STREAM, must be tcp } // create our internal socket structure var sock = { family: family, type: type, protocol: protocol, server: null, peers: {}, pending: [], recv_queue: [], #if SOCKET_WEBRTC #else sock_ops: SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops #endif }; // create the filesystem node to store the socket structure var name = SOCKFS.nextname(); var node = FS.createNode(SOCKFS.root, name, {{{ cDefine('S_IFSOCK') }}}, 0); node.sock = sock; // and the wrapping stream that enables library functions such // as read and write to indirectly interact with the socket var stream = FS.createStream({ path: name, node: node, flags: FS.modeStringToFlags('r+'), seekable: false, stream_ops: SOCKFS.stream_ops }); // map the new stream to the socket structure (sockets have a 1:1 // relationship with a stream) = stream; return sock; }, getSocket: function(fd) { var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (!stream || !FS.isSocket(stream.node.mode)) { return null; } return stream.node.sock; }, // node and stream ops are backend agnostic stream_ops: { poll: function(stream) { var sock = stream.node.sock; return sock.sock_ops.poll(sock); }, ioctl: function(stream, request, varargs) { var sock = stream.node.sock; return sock.sock_ops.ioctl(sock, request, varargs); }, read: function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position /* ignored */) { var sock = stream.node.sock; var msg = sock.sock_ops.recvmsg(sock, length); if (!msg) { // socket is closed return 0; } #if USE_TYPED_ARRAYS == 2 buffer.set(msg.buffer, offset); #else for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { buffer[offset + i] = msg.buffer[i]; } #endif return msg.buffer.length; }, write: function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position /* ignored */) { var sock = stream.node.sock; return sock.sock_ops.sendmsg(sock, buffer, offset, length); }, close: function(stream) { var sock = stream.node.sock; sock.sock_ops.close(sock); } }, nextname: function() { if (!SOCKFS.nextname.current) { SOCKFS.nextname.current = 0; } return 'socket[' + (SOCKFS.nextname.current++) + ']'; }, // backend-specific stream ops websocket_sock_ops: { // // peers are a small wrapper around a WebSocket to help in // emulating dgram sockets // // these functions aren't actually sock_ops members, but we're // abusing the namespace to organize them // createPeer: function(sock, addr, port) { var ws; if (typeof addr === 'object') { ws = addr; addr = null; port = null; } if (ws) { // for sockets that've already connected (e.g. we're the server) // we can inspect the _socket property for the address if (ws._socket) { addr = ws._socket.remoteAddress; port = ws._socket.remotePort; } // if we're just now initializing a connection to the remote, // inspect the url property else { var result = /ws[s]?:\/\/([^:]+):(\d+)/.exec(ws.url); if (!result) { throw new Error('WebSocket URL must be in the format ws(s)://address:port'); } addr = result[1]; port = parseInt(result[2], 10); } } else { // create the actual websocket object and connect try { // runtimeConfig gets set to true if WebSocket runtime configuration is available. var runtimeConfig = (Module['websocket'] && ('object' === typeof Module['websocket'])); // The default value is 'ws://' the replace is needed because the compiler replaces "//" comments with '#' // comments without checking context, so we'd end up with ws:#, the replace swaps the "#" for "//" again. var url = '{{{ WEBSOCKET_URL }}}'.replace('#', '//'); if (runtimeConfig) { if ('string' === typeof Module['websocket']['url']) { url = Module['websocket']['url']; // Fetch runtime WebSocket URL config. } } if (url === 'ws://' || url === 'wss://') { // Is the supplied URL config just a prefix, if so complete it. url = url + addr + ':' + port; } // Make the WebSocket subprotocol (Sec-WebSocket-Protocol) default to binary if no configuration is set. var subProtocols = '{{{ WEBSOCKET_SUBPROTOCOL }}}'; // The default value is 'binary' if (runtimeConfig) { if ('string' === typeof Module['websocket']['subprotocol']) { subProtocols = Module['websocket']['subprotocol']; // Fetch runtime WebSocket subprotocol config. } } // The regex trims the string (removes spaces at the beginning and end, then splits the string by // , into an Array. Whitespace removal is important for Websockify and ws. subProtocols = subProtocols.replace(/^ +| +$/g,"").split(/ *, */); // The node ws library API for specifying optional subprotocol is slightly different than the browser's. var opts = ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE ? {'protocol': subProtocols.toString()} : subProtocols; #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('connect: ' + url + ', ' + subProtocols.toString()); #endif // If node we use the ws library. var WebSocket = ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE ? require('ws') : window['WebSocket']; ws = new WebSocket(url, opts); ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EHOSTUNREACH); } } #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket adding peer: ' + addr + ':' + port); #endif var peer = { addr: addr, port: port, socket: ws, dgram_send_queue: [] }; SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.addPeer(sock, peer); SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.handlePeerEvents(sock, peer); // if this is a bound dgram socket, send the port number first to allow // us to override the ephemeral port reported to us by remotePort on the // remote end. if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}} && typeof !== 'undefined') { #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket queuing port message (port ' + + ')'); #endif peer.dgram_send_queue.push(new Uint8Array([ 255, 255, 255, 255, 'p'.charCodeAt(0), 'o'.charCodeAt(0), 'r'.charCodeAt(0), 't'.charCodeAt(0), (( & 0xff00) >> 8) , ( & 0xff) ])); } return peer; }, getPeer: function(sock, addr, port) { return sock.peers[addr + ':' + port]; }, addPeer: function(sock, peer) { sock.peers[peer.addr + ':' + peer.port] = peer; }, removePeer: function(sock, peer) { delete sock.peers[peer.addr + ':' + peer.port]; }, handlePeerEvents: function(sock, peer) { var first = true; var handleOpen = function () { #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket handle open'); #endif try { var queued = peer.dgram_send_queue.shift(); while (queued) { #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket sending queued data (' + queued.byteLength + ' bytes): ' + [ Uint8Array(queued))]); #endif peer.socket.send(queued); queued = peer.dgram_send_queue.shift(); } } catch (e) { // not much we can do here in the way of proper error handling as we've already // lied and said this data was sent. shut it down. peer.socket.close(); } }; function handleMessage(data) { assert(typeof data !== 'string' && data.byteLength !== undefined); // must receive an ArrayBuffer data = new Uint8Array(data); // make a typed array view on the array buffer #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket handle message (' + data.byteLength + ' bytes): ' + []); #endif // if this is the port message, override the peer's port with it var wasfirst = first; first = false; if (wasfirst && data.length === 10 && data[0] === 255 && data[1] === 255 && data[2] === 255 && data[3] === 255 && data[4] === 'p'.charCodeAt(0) && data[5] === 'o'.charCodeAt(0) && data[6] === 'r'.charCodeAt(0) && data[7] === 't'.charCodeAt(0)) { // update the peer's port and it's key in the peer map var newport = ((data[8] << 8) | data[9]); SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.removePeer(sock, peer); peer.port = newport; SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.addPeer(sock, peer); return; } sock.recv_queue.push({ addr: peer.addr, port: peer.port, data: data }); }; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { peer.socket.on('open', handleOpen); peer.socket.on('message', function(data, flags) { if (!flags.binary) { return; } handleMessage((new Uint8Array(data)).buffer); // copy from node Buffer -> ArrayBuffer }); peer.socket.on('error', function() { // don't throw }); } else { peer.socket.onopen = handleOpen; peer.socket.onmessage = function peer_socket_onmessage(event) { handleMessage(; }; } }, // // actual sock ops // poll: function(sock) { if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}} && sock.server) { // listen sockets should only say they're available for reading // if there are pending clients. return sock.pending.length ? ({{{ cDefine('POLLRDNORM') }}} | {{{ cDefine('POLLIN') }}}) : 0; } var mask = 0; var dest = sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}} ? // we only care about the socket state for connection-based sockets SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, sock.daddr, sock.dport) : null; if (sock.recv_queue.length || !dest || // connection-less sockets are always ready to read (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING) || (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED)) { // let recv return 0 once closed mask |= ({{{ cDefine('POLLRDNORM') }}} | {{{ cDefine('POLLIN') }}}); } if (!dest || // connection-less sockets are always ready to write (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.OPEN)) { mask |= {{{ cDefine('POLLOUT') }}}; } if ((dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING) || (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED)) { mask |= {{{ cDefine('POLLHUP') }}}; } return mask; }, ioctl: function(sock, request, arg) { switch (request) { case {{{ cDefine('FIONREAD') }}}: var bytes = 0; if (sock.recv_queue.length) { bytes = sock.recv_queue[0].data.length; } {{{ makeSetValue('arg', '0', 'bytes', 'i32') }}}; return 0; default: return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL; } }, close: function(sock) { // if we've spawned a listen server, close it if (sock.server) { try { sock.server.close(); } catch (e) { } sock.server = null; } // close any peer connections var peers = Object.keys(sock.peers); for (var i = 0; i < peers.length; i++) { var peer = sock.peers[peers[i]]; try { peer.socket.close(); } catch (e) { } SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.removePeer(sock, peer); } return 0; }, bind: function(sock, addr, port) { if (typeof sock.saddr !== 'undefined' || typeof !== 'undefined') { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL); // already bound } sock.saddr = addr; = port || _mkport(); // in order to emulate dgram sockets, we need to launch a listen server when // binding on a connection-less socket // note: this is only required on the server side if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}}) { // close the existing server if it exists if (sock.server) { sock.server.close(); sock.server = null; } // swallow error operation not supported error that occurs when binding in the // browser where this isn't supported try { sock.sock_ops.listen(sock, 0); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e; if (e.errno !== ERRNO_CODES.EOPNOTSUPP) throw e; } } }, connect: function(sock, addr, port) { if (sock.server) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODS.EOPNOTSUPP); } // TODO autobind // if (!sock.addr && sock.type == {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}}) { // } // early out if we're already connected / in the middle of connecting if (typeof sock.daddr !== 'undefined' && typeof sock.dport !== 'undefined') { var dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, sock.daddr, sock.dport); if (dest) { if (dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CONNECTING) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EALREADY); } else { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EISCONN); } } } // add the socket to our peer list and set our // destination address / port to match var peer = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.createPeer(sock, addr, port); sock.daddr = peer.addr; sock.dport = peer.port; // always "fail" in non-blocking mode throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EINPROGRESS); }, listen: function(sock, backlog) { if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EOPNOTSUPP); } if (sock.server) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL); // already listening } var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; var host = sock.saddr; #if SOCKET_DEBUG console.log('listen: ' + host + ':' +; #endif sock.server = new WebSocketServer({ host: host, port: // TODO support backlog }); sock.server.on('connection', function(ws) { #if SOCKET_DEBUG console.log('received connection from: ' + ws._socket.remoteAddress + ':' + ws._socket.remotePort); #endif if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}}) { var newsock = SOCKFS.createSocket(, sock.type, sock.protocol); // create a peer on the new socket var peer = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.createPeer(newsock, ws); newsock.daddr = peer.addr; newsock.dport = peer.port; // push to queue for accept to pick up sock.pending.push(newsock); } else { // create a peer on the listen socket so calling sendto // with the listen socket and an address will resolve // to the correct client SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.createPeer(sock, ws); } }); sock.server.on('closed', function() { sock.server = null; }); sock.server.on('error', function() { // don't throw }); }, accept: function(listensock) { if (!listensock.server) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL); } var newsock = listensock.pending.shift(); =; return newsock; }, getname: function(sock, peer) { var addr, port; if (peer) { if (sock.daddr === undefined || sock.dport === undefined) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.ENOTCONN); } addr = sock.daddr; port = sock.dport; } else { // TODO saddr and sport will be set for bind()'d UDP sockets, but what // should we be returning for TCP sockets that've been connect()'d? addr = sock.saddr || 0; port = || 0; } return { addr: addr, port: port }; }, sendmsg: function(sock, buffer, offset, length, addr, port) { if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}}) { // connection-less sockets will honor the message address, // and otherwise fall back to the bound destination address if (addr === undefined || port === undefined) { addr = sock.daddr; port = sock.dport; } // if there was no address to fall back to, error out if (addr === undefined || port === undefined) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EDESTADDRREQ); } } else { // connection-based sockets will only use the bound addr = sock.daddr; port = sock.dport; } // find the peer for the destination address var dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, addr, port); // early out if not connected with a connection-based socket if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}}) { if (!dest || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.ENOTCONN); } else if (dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CONNECTING) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EAGAIN); } } // create a copy of the incoming data to send, as the WebSocket API // doesn't work entirely with an ArrayBufferView, it'll just send // the entire underlying buffer var data; if (buffer instanceof Array || buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { data = buffer.slice(offset, offset + length); } else { // ArrayBufferView data = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.byteOffset + offset, buffer.byteOffset + offset + length); } // if we're emulating a connection-less dgram socket and don't have // a cached connection, queue the buffer to send upon connect and // lie, saying the data was sent now. if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}}) { if (!dest || dest.socket.readyState !== dest.socket.OPEN) { // if we're not connected, open a new connection if (!dest || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED) { dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.createPeer(sock, addr, port); } #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket queuing (' + length + ' bytes): ' + [ Uint8Array(data))]); #endif dest.dgram_send_queue.push(data); return length; } } try { #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket send (' + length + ' bytes): ' + [ Uint8Array(data))]); #endif // send the actual data dest.socket.send(data); return length; } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL); } }, recvmsg: function(sock, length) { // if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}} && sock.server) { // tcp servers should not be recv()'ing on the listen socket throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.ENOTCONN); } var queued = sock.recv_queue.shift(); if (!queued) { if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}}) { var dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, sock.daddr, sock.dport); if (!dest) { // if we have a destination address but are not connected, error out throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.ENOTCONN); } else if (dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED) { // return null if the socket has closed return null; } else { // else, our socket is in a valid state but truly has nothing available throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EAGAIN); } } else { throw new FS.ErrnoError(ERRNO_CODES.EAGAIN); } } // will be an ArrayBuffer if it's unadulterated, but if it's // requeued TCP data it'll be an ArrayBufferView var queuedLength = ||; var queuedOffset = || 0; var queuedBuffer = ||; var bytesRead = Math.min(length, queuedLength); var res = { buffer: new Uint8Array(queuedBuffer, queuedOffset, bytesRead), addr: queued.addr, port: queued.port }; #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket read (' + bytesRead + ' bytes): ' + []); #endif // push back any unread data for TCP connections if (sock.type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}} && bytesRead < queuedLength) { var bytesRemaining = queuedLength - bytesRead; #if SOCKET_DEBUG Module.print('websocket read: put back ' + bytesRemaining + ' bytes'); #endif = new Uint8Array(queuedBuffer, queuedOffset + bytesRead, bytesRemaining); sock.recv_queue.unshift(queued); } return res; } } } });