//"use strict"; // See browser tests for examples (tests/runner.py, search for sdl_). Run with // python tests/runner.py browser var LibrarySDL = { $SDL__deps: ['$FS', '$Browser'], $SDL: { defaults: { width: 320, height: 200, copyOnLock: true }, version: null, surfaces: {}, events: [], audios: [null], fonts: [null], keyboardState: null, shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, startTime: null, mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, DOMEventToSDLEvent: {}, keyCodes: { // DOM code ==> SDL code. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Document_Object_Model_%28DOM%29/KeyboardEvent and SDL_keycode.h 38: 1106, // up arrow 40: 1105, // down arrow 37: 1104, // left arrow 39: 1103, // right arrow 33: 1099, // pagedup 34: 1102, // pagedown 17: 305, // control (right, or left) 18: 308, // alt 109: 45, // minus 16: 304, // shift 96: 88 | 1<<10, // keypad 0 97: 89 | 1<<10, // keypad 1 98: 90 | 1<<10, // keypad 2 99: 91 | 1<<10, // keypad 3 100: 92 | 1<<10, // keypad 4 101: 93 | 1<<10, // keypad 5 102: 94 | 1<<10, // keypad 6 103: 95 | 1<<10, // keypad 7 104: 96 | 1<<10, // keypad 8 105: 97 | 1<<10, // keypad 9 112: 58 | 1<<10, // F1 113: 59 | 1<<10, // F2 114: 60 | 1<<10, // F3 115: 61 | 1<<10, // F4 116: 62 | 1<<10, // F5 117: 63 | 1<<10, // F6 118: 64 | 1<<10, // F7 119: 65 | 1<<10, // F8 120: 66 | 1<<10, // F9 121: 67 | 1<<10, // F10 122: 68 | 1<<10, // F11 123: 69 | 1<<10, // F12 188: 44, // comma 190: 46, // period 191: 47, // slash (/) }, scanCodes: { // SDL keycode ==> SDL scancode. See SDL_scancode.h 97: 4, // A 98: 5, 99: 6, 100: 7, 101: 8, 102: 9, 103: 10, 104: 11, 105: 12, 106: 13, 107: 14, 108: 15, 109: 16, 110: 17, 111: 18, 112: 19, 113: 20, 114: 21, 115: 22, 116: 23, 117: 24, 118: 25, 119: 26, 120: 27, 121: 28, 122: 29, // Z 44: 54, // comma 46: 55, // period 47: 56, // slash 49: 30, // 1 50: 31, 51: 32, 52: 33, 53: 34, 54: 35, 55: 36, 56: 37, 57: 38, // 9 48: 39, // 0 13: 40, // return 9: 43, // tab 27: 41, // escape 32: 44, // space 92: 49, // backslash 305: 224, // ctrl 308: 226, // alt }, structs: { Rect: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'x'], ['i32', 'y'], ['i32', 'w'], ['i32', 'h'], ]), PixelFormat: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'format'], ['void*', 'palette'], ['i8', 'BitsPerPixel'], ['i8', 'BytesPerPixel'], ['i8', 'padding1'], ['i8', 'padding2'], ['i32', 'Rmask'], ['i32', 'Gmask'], ['i32', 'Bmask'], ['i32', 'Amask'], ['i8', 'Rloss'], ['i8', 'Gloss'], ['i8', 'Bloss'], ['i8', 'Aloss'], ['i8', 'Rshift'], ['i8', 'Gshift'], ['i8', 'Bshift'], ['i8', 'Ashift'] ]), KeyboardEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'type'], ['i32', 'windowID'], ['i8', 'state'], ['i8', 'repeat'], ['i8', 'padding2'], ['i8', 'padding3'], ['i32', 'keysym'] ]), keysym: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'scancode'], ['i32', 'sym'], ['i16', 'mod'], ['i32', 'unicode'] ]), MouseMotionEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'type'], ['i32', 'windowID'], ['i8', 'state'], ['i8', 'padding1'], ['i8', 'padding2'], ['i8', 'padding3'], ['i32', 'x'], ['i32', 'y'], ['i32', 'xrel'], ['i32', 'yrel'] ]), MouseButtonEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'type'], ['i32', 'windowID'], ['i8', 'button'], ['i8', 'state'], ['i8', 'padding1'], ['i8', 'padding2'], ['i32', 'x'], ['i32', 'y'] ]), AudioSpec: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'freq'], ['i16', 'format'], ['i8', 'channels'], ['i8', 'silence'], ['i16', 'samples'], ['i32', 'size'], ['void*', 'callback'], ['void*', 'userdata'] ]), version: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i8', 'major'], ['i8', 'minor'], ['i8', 'patch'] ]) }, loadRect: function(rect) { return { x: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.x', '0', 'i32') }}}, y: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.y', '0', 'i32') }}}, w: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.w', '0', 'i32') }}}, h: {{{ makeGetValue('rect + SDL.structs.Rect.h', '0', 'i32') }}} }; }, // Load SDL color into a CSS-style color specification loadColorToCSSRGB: function(color) { var rgba = {{{ makeGetValue('color', '0', 'i32') }}}; return 'rgb(' + (rgba&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 8)&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 16)&255) + ')'; }, loadColorToCSSRGBA: function(color) { var rgba = {{{ makeGetValue('color', '0', 'i32') }}}; return 'rgba(' + (rgba&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 8)&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 16)&255) + ',' + (((rgba >> 24)&255)/255) + ')'; }, translateColorToCSSRGBA: function(rgba) { return 'rgba(' + ((rgba >> 24)&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 16)&255) + ',' + ((rgba >> 8)&255) + ',' + ((rgba&255)/255) + ')'; }, translateRGBAToCSSRGBA: function(r, g, b, a) { return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + (a/255) + ')'; }, makeSurface: function(width, height, flags, usePageCanvas, source, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) { flags = flags || 0; var surf = _malloc(14*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE); // SDL_Surface has 14 fields of quantum size var buffer = _malloc(width*height*4); // TODO: only allocate when locked the first time var pixelFormat = _malloc(18*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE); flags |= 1; // SDL_HWSURFACE - this tells SDL_MUSTLOCK that this needs to be locked {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*0', '0', 'flags', 'i32') }}} // SDL_Surface.flags {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*1', '0', 'pixelFormat', 'void*') }}} // SDL_Surface.format TODO {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*2', '0', 'width', 'i32') }}} // SDL_Surface.w {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*3', '0', 'height', 'i32') }}} // SDL_Surface.h {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*4', '0', 'width*4', 'i32') }}} // SDL_Surface.pitch, assuming RGBA for now, // since that is what ImageData gives us in browsers {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*5', '0', 'buffer', 'void*') }}} // SDL_Surface.pixels {{{ makeSetValue('surf+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*6', '0', '0', 'i32*') }}} // SDL_Surface.offset {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.format', '0', '-2042224636', 'i32') }}} // SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888 {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.palette', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.BitsPerPixel', '0', '32', 'i8') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.BytesPerPixel', '0', '4', 'i8') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Rmask', '0', 'rmask || 0x000000ff', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Gmask', '0', 'gmask || 0x0000ff00', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Bmask', '0', 'bmask || 0x00ff0000', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Amask', '0', 'amask || 0xff000000', 'i32') }}} // Decide if we want to use WebGL or not var useWebGL = (flags & 0x04000000) != 0; // SDL_OPENGL var canvas; if (!usePageCanvas) { canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; } else { canvas = Module['canvas']; } var ctx = Browser.createContext(canvas, useWebGL, usePageCanvas); SDL.surfaces[surf] = { width: width, height: height, canvas: canvas, ctx: ctx, surf: surf, buffer: buffer, pixelFormat: pixelFormat, alpha: 255, flags: flags, locked: 0, usePageCanvas: usePageCanvas, source: source }; return surf; }, freeSurface: function(surf) { _free(SDL.surfaces[surf].buffer); _free(SDL.surfaces[surf].pixelFormat); _free(surf); SDL.surfaces[surf] = null; }, receiveEvent: function(event) { switch(event.type) { case 'mousemove': // workaround for firefox bug 750111 event['movementX'] = event['mozMovementX']; event['movementY'] = event['mozMovementY']; // fall through case 'keydown': case 'keyup': case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup': case 'DOMMouseScroll': if (event.type == 'DOMMouseScroll') { event = { type: 'mousedown', button: event.detail > 0 ? 4 : 3, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY }; } SDL.events.push(event); if (SDL.events.length >= 10000) { Module.printErr('SDL event queue full, dropping earliest event'); SDL.events.shift(); } if ((event.keyCode >= 37 && event.keyCode <= 40) || // arrow keys event.keyCode == 32 || // space event.keyCode == 33 || event.keyCode == 34) { // page up/down event.preventDefault(); } break; } return false; }, makeCEvent: function(event, ptr) { if (typeof event === 'number') { // This is a pointer to a native C event that was SDL_PushEvent'ed _memcpy(ptr, event, SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.__size__); // XXX return; } switch(event.type) { case 'keydown': case 'keyup': { var down = event.type === 'keydown'; //Module.print('Received key event: ' + event.keyCode); var key = event.keyCode; if (key >= 65 && key <= 90) { key += 32; // make lowercase for SDL } else { key = SDL.keyCodes[event.keyCode] || event.keyCode; } var scan; if (key >= 1024) { scan = key - 1024; } else { scan = SDL.scanCodes[key] || key; } {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}} //{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.which', '1', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.state', 'down ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.repeat', '0', 'i8') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.scancode', 'scan', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.sym', 'key', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.mod', '0', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.unicode', 'key', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.keyboardState', 'SDL.keyCodes[event.keyCode] || event.keyCode', 'event.type == "keydown"', 'i8') }}}; SDL.shiftKey = event.shiftKey; SDL.ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey; SDL.altKey = event.altKey; break; } case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup': case 'mousemove': { var x = event.pageX - Module['canvas'].offsetLeft; var y = event.pageY - Module['canvas'].offsetTop; if (event.type != 'mousemove') { var down = event.type === 'mousedown'; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.button', 'event.button+1', 'i8') }}}; // DOM buttons are 0-2, SDL 1-3 {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.state', 'down ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.x', 'x', 'i32') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseButtonEvent.y', 'y', 'i32') }}}; } else { {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.type', 'SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]', 'i32') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.button', 'event.button', 'i8') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.state', 'down ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.x', 'x', 'i32') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.y', 'y', 'i32') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.xrel', 'Browser.getMovementX(x - SDL.mouseX, event)', 'i32') }}}; {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.MouseMotionEvent.yrel', 'Browser.getMovementY(y - SDL.mouseY, event)', 'i32') }}}; } SDL.mouseX = x; SDL.mouseY = y; break; } default: throw 'Unhandled SDL event: ' + event.type; } }, estimateTextWidth: function(fontData, text) { var h = fontData.size; var fontString = h + 'px sans-serif'; // TODO: use temp context, not screen's, to avoid affecting its performance? var tempCtx = SDL.surfaces[SDL.screen].ctx; tempCtx.save(); tempCtx.font = fontString; var ret = tempCtx.measureText(text).width | 0; tempCtx.restore(); return ret; }, // Sound allocateChannels: function(num) { // called from Mix_AllocateChannels and init if (SDL.numChannels && SDL.numChannels >= num) return; SDL.numChannels = num; SDL.channels = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { SDL.channels[i] = { audio: null, volume: 1.0 }; } }, // Debugging debugSurface: function(surfData) { console.log('dumping surface ' + [surfData.surf, surfData.source, surfData.width, surfData.height]); var image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height); var data = image.data; var num = Math.min(surfData.width, surfData.height); for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { console.log(' diagonal ' + i + ':' + [data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 0], data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 1], data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 2], data[i*surfData.width*4 + i*4 + 3]]); } } }, SDL_Linked_Version: function() { if (SDL.version === null) { SDL.version = _malloc(SDL.structs.version.__size__); {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.version + SDL.structs.version.major', '0', '1', 'i8') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.version + SDL.structs.version.minor', '0', '3', 'i8') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.version + SDL.structs.version.patch', '0', '0', 'i8') }}} } return SDL.version; }, SDL_Init: function(what) { SDL.startTime = Date.now(); ['keydown', 'keyup'].forEach(function(event) { addEventListener(event, SDL.receiveEvent, true); }); SDL.keyboardState = _malloc(0x10000); _memset(SDL.keyboardState, 0, 0x10000); // Initialize this structure carefully for closure SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['keydown'] = 0x300; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['keyup'] = 0x301; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['mousedown'] = 0x401; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['mouseup'] = 0x402; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent['mousemove'] = 0x400; return 0; // success }, SDL_WasInit__deps: ['SDL_Init'], SDL_WasInit: function() { if (SDL.startTime === null) { _SDL_Init(); } return 1; }, SDL_GetVideoInfo: function() { // %struct.SDL_VideoInfo = type { i32, i32, %struct.SDL_PixelFormat*, i32, i32 } - 5 fields of quantum size var ret = _malloc(5*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE); {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*0', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*1', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*2', '0', '0', 'void*') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*3', '0', 'SDL.defaults.width', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ret+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE*4', '0', 'SDL.defaults.height', 'i32') }}} return ret; }, SDL_ListModes: function(format, flags) { return -1; // -1 == all modes are ok. TODO }, SDL_SetVideoMode: function(width, height, depth, flags) { ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove', 'DOMMouseScroll'].forEach(function(event) { Module['canvas'].addEventListener(event, SDL.receiveEvent, true); }); Module['canvas'].width = width; Module['canvas'].height = height; return SDL.screen = SDL.makeSurface(width, height, flags, true, 'screen'); }, SDL_Quit: function() { for (var i = 0; i < SDL.audios; i++) { SDL.audios[i].pause(); } Module.print('SDL_Quit called (and ignored)'); }, // Copy data from the canvas backing to a C++-accessible storage SDL_LockSurface: function(surf) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; surfData.locked++; if (surfData.locked > 1) return 0; if (!surfData.image) { surfData.image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height); if (surf == SDL.screen) { var data = surfData.image.data; var num = data.length; for (var i = 0; i < num/4; i++) { data[i*4+3] = 255; // opacity, as canvases blend alpha } } } if (SDL.defaults.copyOnLock) { // Copy pixel data to somewhere accessible to 'C/C++' #if USE_TYPED_ARRAYS == 2 HEAPU8.set(surfData.image.data, surfData.buffer); #else var num2 = surfData.image.data.length; for (var i = 0; i < num2; i++) { {{{ makeSetValue('surfData.buffer', 'i', 'surfData.image.data[i]', 'i8') }}}; } #endif } // Mark in C/C++-accessible SDL structure // SDL_Surface has the following fields: Uint32 flags, SDL_PixelFormat *format; int w, h; Uint16 pitch; void *pixels; ... // So we have fields all of the same size, and 5 of them before us. // TODO: Use macros like in library.js {{{ makeSetValue('surf', '5*Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE', 'surfData.buffer', 'void*') }}}; return 0; }, // Copy data from the C++-accessible storage to the canvas backing SDL_UnlockSurface: function(surf) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; surfData.locked--; if (surfData.locked > 0) return; // Copy pixel data to image var num = surfData.image.data.length; if (!surfData.colors) { var data = surfData.image.data; var buffer = surfData.buffer; #if USE_TYPED_ARRAYS == 2 assert(buffer % 4 == 0, 'Invalid buffer offset: ' + buffer); var src = buffer >> 2; var dst = 0; var isScreen = surf == SDL.screen; while (dst < num) { // TODO: access underlying data buffer and write in 32-bit chunks or more var val = HEAP32[src]; // This is optimized. Instead, we could do {{{ makeGetValue('buffer', 'dst', 'i32') }}}; data[dst ] = val & 0xff; data[dst+1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; data[dst+2] = (val >> 16) & 0xff; data[dst+3] = isScreen ? 0xff : ((val >> 24) & 0xff); src++; dst += 4; } #else for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { // We may need to correct signs here. Potentially you can hardcode a write of 255 to alpha, say, and // the compiler may decide to write -1 in the llvm bitcode... data[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('buffer', 'i', 'i8') + (CORRECT_SIGNS ? '&0xff' : '') }}}; if (i % 4 == 3) data[i] = 0xff; } #endif } else { var width = Module['canvas'].width; var height = Module['canvas'].height; var s = surfData.buffer; var data = surfData.image.data; var colors = surfData.colors; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var base = y*width*4; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { // See comment above about signs var val = {{{ makeGetValue('s++', '0', 'i8') + (CORRECT_SIGNS ? '&0xff' : '') }}}; var color = colors[val] || [Math.floor(Math.random()*255),Math.floor(Math.random()*255),Math.floor(Math.random()*255)]; // XXX var start = base + x*4; data[start] = color[0]; data[start+1] = color[1]; data[start+2] = color[2]; } s += width*3; } } // Copy to canvas surfData.ctx.putImageData(surfData.image, 0, 0); // Note that we save the image, so future writes are fast. But, memory is not yet released }, SDL_Flip: function(surf) { // We actually do this in Unlock, since the screen surface has as its canvas // backing the page canvas element }, SDL_UpdateRect: function(surf, x, y, w, h) { // We actually do the whole screen in Unlock... }, SDL_Delay: function(delay) { throw 'SDL_Delay called! Potential infinite loop, quitting. ' + new Error().stack; }, SDL_WM_SetCaption: function(title, icon) { title = title && Pointer_stringify(title); icon = icon && Pointer_stringify(icon); }, SDL_EnableKeyRepeat: function(delay, interval) { // TODO }, SDL_GetKeyboardState: function() { return SDL.keyboardState; }, SDL_GetModState: function() { // TODO: numlock, capslock, etc. return (SDL.shiftKey ? 0x0001 & 0x0002 : 0) | // KMOD_LSHIFT & KMOD_RSHIFT (SDL.ctrlKey ? 0x0040 & 0x0080 : 0) | // KMOD_LCTRL & KMOD_RCTRL (SDL.altKey ? 0x0100 & 0x0200 : 0); // KMOD_LALT & KMOD_RALT }, SDL_GetMouseState: function(x, y) { if (x) {{{ makeSetValue('x', '0', 'SDL.mouseX', 'i32') }}}; if (y) {{{ makeSetValue('y', '0', 'SDL.mouseY', 'i32') }}}; return 0; }, SDL_WarpMouse: function(x, y) { return; // TODO: implement this in a non-buggy way. Need to keep relative mouse movements correct after calling this SDL.events.push({ type: 'mousemove', pageX: x + Module['canvas'].offsetLeft, pageY: y + Module['canvas'].offsetTop }); }, SDL_ShowCursor: function(toggle) { // TODO }, SDL_GetError: function() { return allocate(intArrayFromString("SDL is cool"), 'i8'); }, SDL_CreateRGBSurface: function(flags, width, height, depth, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) { return SDL.makeSurface(width, height, flags, false, 'CreateRGBSurface', rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); }, SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha: function(surf) { var oldData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; var ret = SDL.makeSurface(oldData.width, oldData.height, oldData.flags, false, 'copy:' + oldData.source); var newData = SDL.surfaces[ret]; //newData.ctx.putImageData(oldData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, oldData.width, oldData.height), 0, 0); newData.ctx.drawImage(oldData.canvas, 0, 0); return ret; }, SDL_FreeSurface: function(surf) { if (surf) SDL.freeSurface(surf); }, SDL_UpperBlit: function(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect) { var srcData = SDL.surfaces[src]; var dstData = SDL.surfaces[dst]; var sr, dr; if (srcrect) { sr = SDL.loadRect(srcrect); } else { sr = { x: 0, y: 0, w: srcData.width, h: srcData.height }; } if (dstrect) { dr = SDL.loadRect(dstrect); } else { dr = { x: 0, y: 0, w: -1, h: -1 }; } dstData.ctx.drawImage(srcData.canvas, sr.x, sr.y, sr.w, sr.h, dr.x, dr.y, sr.w, sr.h); if (dst != SDL.screen) { // XXX As in IMG_Load, for compatibility we write out |pixels| console.log('WARNING: copying canvas data to memory for compatibility'); _SDL_LockSurface(dst); dstData.locked--; // The surface is not actually locked in this hack } return 0; }, SDL_FillRect: function(surf, rect, color) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must.. var r = SDL.loadRect(rect); surfData.ctx.save(); surfData.ctx.fillStyle = SDL.translateColorToCSSRGBA(color); surfData.ctx.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); surfData.ctx.restore(); }, SDL_BlitSurface__deps: ['SDL_UpperBlit'], SDL_BlitSurface: function(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect) { return _SDL_UpperBlit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect); }, SDL_SetAlpha: function(surf, flag, alpha) { SDL.surfaces[surf].alpha = alpha; }, SDL_GetTicks: function() { return Math.floor(Date.now() - SDL.startTime); }, SDL_PollEvent: function(ptr) { if (SDL.events.length === 0) return 0; if (ptr) { SDL.makeCEvent(SDL.events.shift(), ptr); } return 1; }, SDL_PushEvent: function(ptr) { SDL.events.push(ptr); // XXX Should we copy it? Not clear from API return 0; }, SDL_PeepEvents: function(events, numEvents, action, from, to) { switch(action) { case 2: { // SDL_GETEVENT assert(numEvents == 1); var got = 0; while (SDL.events.length > 0 && numEvents > 0) { var type = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[SDL.events[0].type]; if (type < from || type > to) break; SDL.makeCEvent(SDL.events.shift(), events); got++; numEvents--; // events += sizeof(..) } return got; } default: throw 'SDL_PeepEvents does not yet support that action: ' + action; } }, SDL_PumpEvents: function(){}, SDL_SetColors: function(surf, colors, firstColor, nColors) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; surfData.colors = []; for (var i = firstColor; i < nColors; i++) { surfData.colors[i] = Array_copy(colors + i*4, colors + i*4 + 4); } return 1; }, SDL_MapRGB: function(fmt, r, g, b) { // Canvas screens are always RGBA return r + (g << 8) + (b << 16); }, SDL_WM_GrabInput: function() {}, // SDL_Image IMG_Init: function(flags) { return flags; // We support JPG, PNG, TIF because browsers do }, IMG_Load__deps: ['SDL_LockSurface'], IMG_Load: function(filename) { filename = FS.standardizePath(Pointer_stringify(filename)); var raw = preloadedImages[filename]; if (!raw) { Runtime.warnOnce('Cannot find preloaded image ' + filename); return 0; } var surf = SDL.makeSurface(raw.width, raw.height, 0, false, 'load:' + filename); var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; surfData.ctx.drawImage(raw, 0, 0, raw.width, raw.height, 0, 0, raw.width, raw.height); // XXX SDL does not specify that loaded images must have available pixel data, in fact // there are cases where you just want to blit them, so you just need the hardware // accelerated version. However, code everywhere seems to assume that the pixels // are in fact available, so we retrieve it here. This does add overhead though. _SDL_LockSurface(surf); surfData.locked--; // The surface is not actually locked in this hack return surf; }, SDL_LoadBMP: 'IMG_Load', SDL_LoadBMP_RW: 'IMG_Load', // SDL_Audio SDL_OpenAudio: function(desired, obtained) { SDL.allocateChannels(32); // FIXME: Assumes 16-bit audio assert(obtained === 0, 'Cannot return obtained SDL audio params'); SDL.audio = { freq: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.freq', 'i32', 0, 1) }}}, format: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.format', 'i16', 0, 1) }}}, channels: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.channels', 'i8', 0, 1) }}}, samples: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.samples', 'i16', 0, 1) }}}, callback: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.callback', 'void*', 0, 1) }}}, userdata: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.userdata', 'void*', 0, 1) }}}, paused: true, timer: null }; var totalSamples = SDL.audio.samples*SDL.audio.channels; SDL.audio.bufferSize = totalSamples*2; // hardcoded 16-bit audio SDL.audio.buffer = _malloc(SDL.audio.bufferSize); SDL.audio.caller = function() { FUNCTION_TABLE[SDL.audio.callback](SDL.audio.userdata, SDL.audio.buffer, SDL.audio.bufferSize); SDL.audio.pushAudio(SDL.audio.buffer, SDL.audio.bufferSize); }; // Mozilla Audio API. TODO: Other audio APIs try { SDL.audio.mozOutput = new Audio(); SDL.audio.mozOutput['mozSetup'](SDL.audio.channels, SDL.audio.freq); // use string attributes on mozOutput for closure compiler SDL.audio.mozBuffer = new Float32Array(totalSamples); SDL.audio.pushAudio = function(ptr, size) { var mozBuffer = SDL.audio.mozBuffer; for (var i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++) { mozBuffer[i] = ({{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 'i*2', 'i16', 0, 0) }}}) / 0x8000; // hardcoded 16-bit audio, signed (TODO: reSign if not ta2?) } SDL.audio.mozOutput['mozWriteAudio'](mozBuffer); } } catch(e) { SDL.audio = null; } if (!SDL.audio) return -1; return 0; }, SDL_PauseAudio: function(pauseOn) { if (SDL.audio.paused !== pauseOn) { SDL.audio.timer = pauseOn ? SDL.audio.timer && clearInterval(SDL.audio.timer) : setInterval(SDL.audio.caller, 1/35); } SDL.audio.paused = pauseOn; }, SDL_CloseAudio: function() { if (SDL.audio) { _SDL_PauseAudio(1); _free(SDL.audio.buffer); SDL.audio = null; } }, SDL_LockAudio: function() {}, SDL_UnlockAudio: function() {}, SDL_CreateMutex: function() { return 0 }, SDL_LockMutex: function() {}, SDL_UnlockMutex: function() {}, SDL_DestroyMutex: function() {}, SDL_CreateCond: function() { return 0 }, SDL_CondSignal: function() {}, SDL_CondWait: function() {}, SDL_DestroyCond: function() {}, // SDL Mixer Mix_OpenAudio: function(frequency, format, channels, chunksize) { SDL.allocateChannels(32); return 0; }, Mix_CloseAudio: 'SDL_CloseAudio', Mix_AllocateChannels: function(num) { SDL.allocateChannels(num); return num; }, Mix_ChannelFinished: function(func) { SDL.channelFinished = func; }, Mix_Volume: function(channel, volume) { var info = SDL.channels[channel]; var ret = info.volume * 128; info.volume = volume / 128; if (info.audio) info.audio.volume = info.volume; return ret; }, Mix_SetPanning: function() { return 0; // error }, Mix_LoadWAV_RW: function(filename, freesrc) { filename = FS.standardizePath(Pointer_stringify(filename)); var raw = preloadedAudios[filename]; if (!raw) { Runtime.warnOnce('Cannot find preloaded audio ' + filename); return 0; } var id = SDL.audios.length; SDL.audios.push({ source: filename, audio: raw }); return id; }, Mix_FreeChunk: function(id) { SDL.audios[id] = null; }, Mix_PlayChannel: function(channel, id, loops) { // TODO: handle loops var audio = SDL.audios[id].audio; if (!audio) return 0; if (channel == -1) { channel = 0; for (var i = 0; i < SDL.numChannels; i++) { if (!SDL.channels[i].audio) { channel = i; break; } } } var info = SDL.channels[channel]; info.audio = audio.cloneNode(true); if (SDL.channelFinished) { info.audio['onended'] = function() { // TODO: cache these Runtime.getFuncWrapper(SDL.channelFinished)(channel); } } info.audio.play(); info.audio.volume = info.volume; return channel; }, Mix_PlayChannelTimed: 'Mix_PlayChannel', // XXX ignore Timing Mix_FadingChannel: function(channel) { return 0; // MIX_NO_FADING, TODO }, Mix_HaltChannel: function(channel) { var info = SDL.channels[channel]; if (info.audio) { info.audio.pause(); info.audio = null; } if (SDL.channelFinished) { Runtime.getFuncWrapper(SDL.channelFinished)(channel); } return 0; }, Mix_HookMusicFinished: function(func) { SDL.hookMusicFinished = func; }, Mix_VolumeMusic: function(func) { return 0; // TODO }, Mix_LoadMUS: 'Mix_LoadWAV_RW', Mix_FreeMusic: 'Mix_FreeChunk', Mix_PlayMusic: function(id, loops) { loops = Math.max(loops, 1); var audio = SDL.audios[id].audio; if (!audio) return 0; audio.loop = loops != 1; // TODO: handle N loops for finite N audio.play(); SDL.music = audio; return 0; }, Mix_PauseMusic: function(id) { var audio = SDL.audios[id]; if (!audio) return 0; audio.audio.pause(); return 0; }, Mix_ResumeMusic: function(id) { var audio = SDL.audios[id]; if (!audio) return 0; audio.audio.play(); return 0; }, Mix_HaltMusic: function() { var audio = SDL.music; if (!audio) return 0; audio.src = audio.src; // rewind audio.pause(); SDL.music = null; if (SDL.hookMusicFinished) { FUNCTION_TABLE[SDL.hookMusicFinished](); } return 0; }, Mix_FadeInMusicPos: 'Mix_PlayMusic', // XXX ignore fading in effect Mix_FadeOutMusic: 'Mix_HaltMusic', // XXX ignore fading out effect // SDL TTF TTF_Init: function() { return 0 }, TTF_OpenFont: function(filename, size) { filename = FS.standardizePath(Pointer_stringify(filename)); var id = SDL.fonts.length; SDL.fonts.push({ name: filename, // but we don't actually do anything with it.. size: size }); return id; }, TTF_RenderText_Solid: function(font, text, color) { // XXX the font and color are ignored text = Pointer_stringify(text) || ' '; // if given an empty string, still return a valid surface var fontData = SDL.fonts[font]; var w = SDL.estimateTextWidth(fontData, text); var h = fontData.size; var color = SDL.loadColorToCSSRGB(color); // XXX alpha breaks fonts? var fontString = h + 'px sans-serif'; var surf = SDL.makeSurface(w, h, 0, false, 'text:' + text); // bogus numbers.. var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; surfData.ctx.save(); surfData.ctx.fillStyle = color; surfData.ctx.font = fontString; surfData.ctx.textBaseline = 'top'; surfData.ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0); surfData.ctx.restore(); return surf; }, TTF_RenderText_Blended: 'TTF_RenderText_Solid', // XXX ignore blending vs. solid TTF_RenderText_Shaded: 'TTF_RenderText_Solid', // XXX ignore blending vs. solid TTF_SizeText: function(font, text, w, h) { var fontData = SDL.fonts[font]; if (w) { {{{ makeSetValue('w', '0', 'SDL.estimateTextWidth(fontData, Pointer_stringify(text))', 'i32') }}}; } if (h) { {{{ makeSetValue('h', '0', 'fontData.size', 'i32') }}}; } return 0; }, TTF_FontAscent: function(font) { var fontData = SDL.fonts[font]; return Math.floor(fontData.size*0.98); // XXX }, TTF_FontDescent: function(font) { var fontData = SDL.fonts[font]; return Math.floor(fontData.size*0.02); // XXX }, // SDL gfx boxRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must.. // TODO: if ctx does not change, leave as is, and also do not re-set xStyle etc. surfData.ctx.save(); surfData.ctx.fillStyle = SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a); surfData.ctx.fillRect(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1); surfData.ctx.restore(); }, rectangleRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must.. surfData.ctx.save(); surfData.ctx.strokeStyle = SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a); surfData.ctx.strokeRect(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1); surfData.ctx.restore(); }, lineRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; assert(!surfData.locked); // but we could unlock and re-lock if we must.. surfData.ctx.save(); surfData.ctx.strokeStyle = SDL.translateRGBAToCSSRGBA(r, g, b, a); surfData.ctx.beginPath(); surfData.ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); surfData.ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); surfData.ctx.stroke(); surfData.ctx.restore(); }, pixelRGBA__deps: ['boxRGBA'], pixelRGBA: function(surf, x1, y1, r, g, b, a) { // This cannot be fast, to render many pixels this way! _boxRGBA(surf, x1, y1, x1, y1, r, g, b, a); }, // GL SDL_GL_SetAttribute: function(attr, value) { console.log('TODO: SDL_GL_SetAttribute'); }, SDL_GL_GetProcAddress__deps: ['$GLEmulation'], SDL_GL_GetProcAddress: function(name_) { return GLEmulation.getProcAddress(Pointer_stringify(name_)); }, SDL_GL_SwapBuffers: function() {}, // Misc SDL_InitSubSystem: function(flags) { return 0 }, SDL_NumJoysticks: function() { return 0 }, SDL_RWFromFile: function(filename, mode) { return filename; // XXX We just forward the filename }, SDL_EnableUNICODE: function(on) { var ret = SDL.unicode || 0; SDL.unicode = on; return ret; }, SDL_AddTimer: function(interval, callback, param) { return window.setTimeout(function() { FUNCTION_TABLE[callback](interval, param); }, interval); }, SDL_RemoveTimer: function(id) { window.clearTimeout(id); return true; } }; autoAddDeps(LibrarySDL, '$SDL'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibrarySDL);