// To use emscripten's SDL library here, you need to define // Module.canvas and at least one of Module.ctx2D, Module.ctxGL. // // More specifically, for 2D our SDL implementation will look for // Module.canvas and Module.ctx2D. You should fill them using // something like // // function onLoad() { // // Pass canvas and context to the generated code // Module.canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); // Module.ctx2D = Module.canvas.getContext('2d'); // } // // Note that this must be called during onload, since you will // only be able to access the canvas element in the page after // it loads. You will likely also want to disable running by // default, with something like // // var Module = { // noInitialRun: true // }; // // which is defined BEFORE you load the compiled code. Here // is a full example: /* Demo
*/ // Other stuff to take into account: // // * Make sure alpha values are proper in your input. If they are all 0, everything will be transparent! // // * It's best to set the ctx stuff in your html file, as above. Otherwise you will need // to edit the generated .js file each time you generate it. // // * Your code should not write a 32-bit value and expect that to set an RGBA pixel. // The reason is that that data will be read as 8-bit values, and according to the // load-store consistency assumption, it should be written that way (see docs/paper.pdf). // Instead, do something like *ptr++ = R; *ptr++ = G; *ptr++ = B; // // * SQL_Quit will wipe the screen with random noise. This is intentional, in order // to make it clear when SDL has shut down (which could be due to an error). If you // want your output to remain on the screen, do not call SDL_Quit. // // * A normal C++ main loop with SDL_Delay will not work in JavaScript - there is no way // to wait for a short time without locking up the web page entirely. The simplest // solution here is to have a singleIteration() function which is a single loop // iteration, and from JS to do something like setInterval(_singleIteration, 1/30) mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, { $SDL__deps: ['$Browser'], $SDL: { defaults: { width: 320, height: 200, copyScreenOnLock: false }, surfaces: {}, events: [], keyCodes: { 38: 273, // up arrow 40: 274, // down arrow 37: 276, // left arrow 39: 275, // right arrow 17: 305, // control (right, or left) 18: 308, // alt 109: 45, // minus 16: 304 // shift }, structs: { PixelFormat: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['void*', 'palette'], ['i8', 'BitsPerPixel'], ['i8', 'BytesPerPixel'], ['i8', 'Rloss'], ['i8', 'Gloss'], ['i8', 'Bloss'], ['i8', 'Aloss'], ['i8', 'Rshift'], ['i8', 'Gshift'], ['i8', 'Bshift'], ['i8', 'Ashift'], ['i32', 'Rmask'], ['i32', 'Gmask'], ['i32', 'Bmask'], ['i32', 'Amask'] // Docs say i8, ./include/SDL_video.h says i32... ]), KeyboardEvent: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i8', 'type'], ['i8', 'which'], ['i8', 'state'], ['i32', 'keysym'] ]), keysym: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i8', 'scancode'], ['i32', 'sym'], ['i32', 'mod'], ['i16', 'unicode'] ]), AudioSpec: Runtime.generateStructInfo([ ['i32', 'freq'], ['i16', 'format'], ['i8', 'channels'], ['i8', 'silence'], ['i16', 'samples'], ['i32', 'size'], ['void*', 'callback'], ['void*', 'userdata'] ]) }, makeSurface: function(width, height, flags) { var surf = _malloc(14*QUANTUM_SIZE); // SDL_Surface has 14 fields of quantum size var buffer = _malloc(width*height*4); var pixelFormat = _malloc(18*QUANTUM_SIZE); flags |= 1; // SDL_HWSURFACE - this tells SDL_MUSTLOCK that this needs to be locked {{{ makeSetValue('surf+QUANTUM_SIZE*0', '0', 'flags', 'i32') }}} // SDL_Surface.flags {{{ makeSetValue('surf+QUANTUM_SIZE*1', '0', 'pixelFormat', 'void*') }}} // SDL_Surface.format TODO {{{ makeSetValue('surf+QUANTUM_SIZE*2', '0', 'width', 'i32') }}} // SDL_Surface.w {{{ makeSetValue('surf+QUANTUM_SIZE*3', '0', 'height', 'i32') }}} // SDL_Surface.h {{{ makeSetValue('surf+QUANTUM_SIZE*4', '0', 'width*4', 'i16') }}} // SDL_Surface.pitch, assuming RGBA for now, // since that is what ImageData gives us in browsers {{{ makeSetValue('surf+QUANTUM_SIZE*5', '0', 'buffer', 'void*') }}} // SDL_Surface.pixels {{{ makeSetValue('surf+QUANTUM_SIZE*6', '0', '0', 'i32*') }}} // SDL_Surface.offset {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.palette', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.BitsPerPixel', '0', '32', 'i8') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.BytesPerPixel', '0', '4', 'i8') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Rmask', '0', '0xff', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Gmask', '0', '0xff', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Bmask', '0', '0xff', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('pixelFormat + SDL.structs.PixelFormat.Amask', '0', '0xff', 'i32') }}} SDL.surfaces[surf] = { width: width, height: height, canvas: Module['canvas'], ctx: Module['ctx2D'], surf: surf, buffer: buffer, pixelFormat: pixelFormat, alpha: 255 }; return surf; }, freeSurface: function(surf) { _free(SDL.surfaces[surf].buffer); _free(SDL.surfaces[surf].pixelFormat); _free(surf); delete SDL.surfaces[surf]; }, receiveEvent: function(event) { switch(event.type) { case 'keydown': case 'keyup': //print('zz receive Event: ' + event.keyCode); SDL.events.push(event); } //event.preventDefault(); return false; }, makeCEvent: function(event, ptr) { if (typeof event === 'number') { // This is a pointer to a native C event that was SDL_PushEvent'ed _memcpy(ptr, event, SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.__size__); return; } switch(event.type) { case 'keydown': case 'keyup': var down = event.type === 'keydown'; var key = SDL.keyCodes[event.keyCode] || event.keyCode; if (key >= 65 && key <= 90) { key = String.fromCharCode(key).toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0); } //print('zz passing over Event: ' + key); {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.type', 'down ? 2 : 3', 'i8') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.which', '1', 'i8') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.state', 'down ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.scancode', 'key', 'i8') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.sym', 'key', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.mod', '0', 'i32') }}} //{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 'SDL.structs.KeyboardEvent.keysym + SDL.structs.keysym.unicode', 'key', 'i32') }}} break; case 'keypress': break // TODO default: throw 'Unhandled SDL event: ' + event.type; } } }, SDL_Init__deps: ['$SDL'], SDL_Init: function(what) { SDL.startTime = Date.now(); ['keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress'].forEach(function(event) { addEventListener(event, SDL.receiveEvent, true); }); return 0; // success }, SDL_WasInit: function() { return 0 }, // TODO SDL_GetVideoInfo: function() { // %struct.SDL_VideoInfo = type { i32, i32, %struct.SDL_PixelFormat*, i32, i32 } - 5 fields of quantum size var ret = _malloc(5*QUANTUM_SIZE); {{{ makeSetValue('ret+QUANTUM_SIZE*0', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('ret+QUANTUM_SIZE*1', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} // TODO {{{ makeSetValue('ret+QUANTUM_SIZE*2', '0', '0', 'void*') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ret+QUANTUM_SIZE*3', '0', 'SDL.defaults.width', 'i32') }}} {{{ makeSetValue('ret+QUANTUM_SIZE*4', '0', 'SDL.defaults.height', 'i32') }}} return ret; }, SDL_ListModes: function(format, flags) { return -1; // -1 == all modes are ok. TODO }, SDL_GL_SetAttribute: function(attr, value) { // TODO }, SDL_SetVideoMode: function(width, height, depth, flags) { return SDL.screen = SDL.makeSurface(width, height, flags); }, SDL_Quit: function() { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[SDL.screen]; if (surfData) { surfData.image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height); var num = surfData.image.data.length; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { surfData.image.data[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*255); } surfData.ctx.putImageData(surfData.image, 0, 0); } _SDL_CloseAudio(); // make sure we don't leave our audio timer running __shutdownRuntime__(); throw 'SDL_Quit!'; }, SDL_LockSurface: function(surf) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; if (!surfData.image) { surfData.image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height); var data = surfData.image.data; var num = data.length; for (var i = 0; i < num/4; i++) { data[i*4+3] = 255; // opacity, as canvases blend alpha } } if (SDL.defaults.copyScreenOnLock) { // Copy pixel data to somewhere accessible to 'C/C++' var num2 = surfData.image.data.length; for (var i = 0; i < num2; i++) { {{{ makeSetValue('surfData.buffer', 'i', 'surfData.image.data[i]', 'i8') }}}; } } // Mark in C/C++-accessible SDL structure // SDL_Surface has the following fields: Uint32 flags, SDL_PixelFormat *format; int w, h; Uint16 pitch; void *pixels; ... // So we have fields all of the same size, and 5 of them before us. // TODO: Use macros like in library.js {{{ makeSetValue('surf', '5*QUANTUM_SIZE', 'surfData.buffer', 'void*') }}}; }, SDL_UnlockSurface: function(surf) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; // Copy pixel data to image var num = surfData.image.data.length; if (!surfData.colors) { var data = surfData.image.data; var buffer = surfData.buffer; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { // We may need to correct signs here. Potentially you can hardcode a write of 255 to alpha, say, and // the compiler may decide to write -1 in the llvm bitcode... data[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('buffer', 'i', 'i8') + (CORRECT_SIGNS ? '&0xff' : '') }}}; } } else { var width = Module['canvas'].width; var height = Module['canvas'].height; var s = surfData.buffer; var data = surfData.image.data; var colors = surfData.colors; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var base = y*width*4; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { // See comment above about signs var val = {{{ makeGetValue('s++', '0', 'i8') + (CORRECT_SIGNS ? '&0xff' : '') }}}; var color = colors[val] || [Math.floor(Math.random()*255),Math.floor(Math.random()*255),Math.floor(Math.random()*255)]; // XXX var start = base + x*4; data[start] = color[0]; data[start+1] = color[1]; data[start+2] = color[2]; } s += width*3; } } // Copy to canvas surfData.ctx.putImageData(surfData.image, 0, 0); // Note that we save the image, so future writes are fast. But, memory is not yet released }, SDL_Flip: function(surf) { // We actually do this in Unlock... }, SDL_UpdateRect: function(surf, x, y, w, h) { // We actually do the whole screen in Unlock... }, SDL_Delay: function(delay) { print('SDL_Delay called! - potential infinite loop'); }, SDL_WM_SetCaption: function(title, icon) { title = title && Pointer_stringify(title); icon = icon && Pointer_stringify(icon); }, SDL_EnableKeyRepeat: function(delay, interval) { // TODO }, SDL_ShowCursor: function(toggle) { // TODO }, SDL_GetError: function() { return allocate(intArrayFromString("SDL is cool"), 'i8'); }, SDL_CreateRGBSurface: function(flags, width, height, depth, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) { return SDL.makeSurface(width, height, flags); }, SDL_FreeSurface: function(surf) { SDL.freeSurface(surf); }, SDL_UpperBlit: function(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect) { assert(!srcrect && !dstrect); // TODO var srcData = SDL.surfaces[src]; var dstData = SDL.surfaces[dst]; assert(srcData.width === dstData.width && srcData.height === dstData.height); {{{ makeCopyValues('dstData.buffer', 'srcData.buffer', 'srcData.width*srcData.height*4', 'i8') }}} return 0; }, SDL_BlitSurface__deps: ['SDL_UpperBlit'], SDL_BlitSurface: function(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect) { return _SDL_Blit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect); }, SDL_SetAlpha: function(surf, flag, alpha) { SDL.surfaces[surf].alpha = alpha; }, SDL_GL_SwapBuffers: function() {}, SDL_GetTicks: function() { return Math.floor(Date.now() - SDL.startTime); }, SDL_PollEvent: function(ptr) { if (SDL.events.length === 0) return 0; if (ptr) { SDL.makeCEvent(SDL.events.shift(), ptr); } return 1; }, SDL_PushEvent: function(ptr) { SDL.events.push(ptr); // XXX Should we copy it? Not clear from API return 0; }, SDL_SetColors: function(surf, colors, firstColor, nColors) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; surfData.colors = []; for (var i = firstColor; i < nColors; i++) { surfData.colors[i] = Array_copy(colors + i*4, colors + i*4 + 4); } return 1; }, // SDL_Image IMG_Load: function(filename) { filename = Pointer_stringify(filename); var format = filename.split('.').slice(-1)[0]; var data = readBinary(filename); var raw = Browser.decodeImage(data, format); var surf = SDL.makeSurface(raw.width, raw.height, 0); // XXX Extremely inefficient! for (var i = 0; i < raw.width*raw.height*4; i++) { {{{ makeSetValue('SDL.surfaces[surf].buffer', 'i', 'raw.data[i]', 'i8') }}} } return surf; }, // SDL_Audio SDL_OpenAudio: function(desired, obtained) { // FIXME: Assumes 16-bit audio assert(obtained === 0, 'Cannot return obtained SDL audio params'); SDL.audio = { freq: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.freq', 'i32', 0, 1) }}}, format: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.format', 'i16', 0, 1) }}}, channels: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.channels', 'i8', 0, 1) }}}, samples: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.samples', 'i16', 0, 1) }}}, callback: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.callback', 'void*', 0, 1) }}}, userdata: {{{ makeGetValue('desired', 'SDL.structs.AudioSpec.userdata', 'void*', 0, 1) }}}, paused: true, timer: null }; var totalSamples = SDL.audio.samples*SDL.audio.channels; SDL.audio.bufferSize = totalSamples*2; // hardcoded 16-bit audio SDL.audio.buffer = _malloc(SDL.audio.bufferSize); SDL.audio.caller = function() { FUNCTION_TABLE[SDL.audio.callback](SDL.audio.userdata, SDL.audio.buffer, SDL.audio.bufferSize); SDL.audio.pushAudio(SDL.audio.buffer, SDL.audio.bufferSize); }; // Mozilla Audio API. TODO: Other audio APIs try { SDL.audio.mozOutput = new Audio(); SDL.audio.mozOutput['mozSetup'](SDL.audio.channels, SDL.audio.freq); // use string attributes on mozOutput for closure compiler SDL.audio.mozBuffer = new Float32Array(totalSamples); SDL.audio.pushAudio = function(ptr, size) { var mozBuffer = SDL.audio.mozBuffer; for (var i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++) { mozBuffer[i] = ({{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 'i*2', 'i16', 0, 1) }}} / 65536)-1; // hardcoded 16-bit audio } SDL.audio.mozOutput['mozWriteAudio'](mozBuffer); } } catch(e) { SDL.audio = null; } if (!SDL.audio) return -1; return 0; }, SDL_PauseAudio: function(pauseOn) { if (SDL.audio.paused !== pauseOn) { SDL.audio.timer = pauseOn ? SDL.audio.timer && clearInterval(SDL.audio.timer) : setInterval(SDL.audio.caller, 1/35); } SDL.audio.paused = pauseOn; }, SDL_CloseAudio: function() { if (SDL.audio) { _SDL_PauseAudio(1); _free(SDL.audio.buffer); SDL.audio = null; } }, SDL_LockAudio: function() {}, SDL_UnlockAudio: function() {}, });