//"use strict"; var LibraryOpenAL = { $AL__deps: ['$Browser'], $AL: { contexts: [], currentContext: null, QUEUE_INTERVAL: 25, QUEUE_LOOKAHEAD: 100, getCurrentTime: function(context) { // currentTime is frozen during execution, use performance timers to // emulate the current time at call time return (window['performance']['now']() - context.startTime) / 1000.0; }, updateSources: function(context) { for (var i = 0; i < context.src.length; i++) { AL.updateSource(context.src[i]); } }, updateSource: function(src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG var idx = AL.currentContext.src.indexOf(src); #endif if (src.state !== 0x1012 /* AL_PLAYING */) { return; } var currentTime = AL.getCurrentTime(AL.currentContext); var startTime = src.bufferPosition; for (var i = src.buffersPlayed; i < src.queue.length; i++) { var entry = src.queue[i]; var startOffset = startTime - currentTime; var endTime = startTime + entry.buffer.duration; // Clean up old buffers. if (currentTime >= endTime) { // Update our location in the queue. src.bufferPosition = endTime; src.buffersPlayed = i + 1; // Stop / restart the source when we hit the end. if (src.buffersPlayed >= src.queue.length) { if (src.loop) { AL.setSourceState(src, 0x1012 /* AL_PLAYING */); } else { AL.setSourceState(src, 0x1014 /* AL_STOPPED */); } } } // Process all buffers that'll be played before the next tick. else if (startOffset < (AL.QUEUE_LOOKAHEAD / 1000) && !entry.src) { // If the start offset is negative, we need to offset the actual buffer. var offset = Math.abs(Math.min(startOffset, 0)); entry.src = AL.currentContext.ctx.createBufferSource(); entry.src.buffer = entry.buffer; entry.src.connect(src.gain); entry.src.start(startTime, offset); #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log('updateSource queuing buffer ' + i + ' for source ' + idx + ' at ' + startTime + ' (offset by ' + offset + ')'); #endif } startTime = endTime; } }, setSourceState: function(src, state) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG var idx = AL.currentContext.src.indexOf(src); #endif if (state === 0x1012 /* AL_PLAYING */) { if (src.state !== 0x1013 /* AL_PAUSED */) { src.state = 0x1012 /* AL_PLAYING */; // Reset our position. src.bufferPosition = AL.getCurrentTime(AL.currentContext); src.buffersPlayed = 0; #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log('setSourceState resetting and playing source ' + idx); #endif } else { src.state = 0x1012 /* AL_PLAYING */; // Use the current offset from src.bufferPosition to resume at the correct point. src.bufferPosition = AL.getCurrentTime(AL.currentContext) - src.bufferPosition; #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log('setSourceState resuming source ' + idx + ' at ' + src.bufferPosition.toFixed(4)); #endif } AL.stopSourceQueue(src); AL.updateSource(src); } else if (state === 0x1013 /* AL_PAUSED */) { if (src.state === 0x1012 /* AL_PLAYING */) { src.state = 0x1013 /* AL_PAUSED */; // Store off the current offset to restore with on resume. src.bufferPosition = AL.getCurrentTime(AL.currentContext) - src.bufferPosition; AL.stopSourceQueue(src); #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log('setSourceState pausing source ' + idx + ' at ' + src.bufferPosition.toFixed(4)); #endif } } else if (state === 0x1014 /* AL_STOPPED */) { if (src.state !== 0x1011 /* AL_INITIAL */) { src.state = 0x1014 /* AL_STOPPED */; src.buffersPlayed = src.queue.length; AL.stopSourceQueue(src); #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log('setSourceState stopping source ' + idx); #endif } } else if (state == 0x1011 /* AL_INITIAL */) { if (src.state !== 0x1011 /* AL_INITIAL */) { src.state = 0x1011 /* AL_INITIAL */; src.bufferPosition = 0; src.buffersPlayed = 0; #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log('setSourceState initializing source ' + idx); #endif } } }, stopSourceQueue: function(src) { for (var i = 0; i < src.queue.length; i++) { var entry = src.queue[i]; if (entry.src) { entry.src.stop(0); entry.src = null; } } } }, alcProcessContext: function(context) {}, alcSuspendContext: function(context) {}, alcMakeContextCurrent: function(context) { if (context == 0) { AL.currentContext = null; return 0; } else { AL.currentContext = AL.contexts[context - 1]; return 1; } }, alcGetContextsDevice: function(context) { if (context <= AL.contexts.length && context > 0) { // Returns the only one audio device return 1; } return 0; }, alcGetCurrentContext: function() { for (var i = 0; i < AL.contexts.length; ++i) { if (AL.contexts[i] == AL.currentContext) { return i + 1; } } return 0; }, alcDestroyContext: function(context) { // Stop playback, etc clearInterval(AL.contexts[context - 1].interval); }, alcCloseDevice: function(device) { // Stop playback, etc }, alcOpenDevice: function(deviceName) { if (typeof(AudioContext) == "function" || typeof(webkitAudioContext) == "function") { return 1; // non-null pointer -- we just simulate one device } else { return 0; } }, alcCreateContext__deps: ['updateSources'], alcCreateContext: function(device, attrList) { if (device != 1) { return 0; } if (attrList) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log("The attrList argument of alcCreateContext is not supported yet"); #endif return 0; } var ctx; try { ctx = new AudioContext(); } catch (e) { try { ctx = new webkitAudioContext(); } catch (e) {} } if (ctx) { var context = { ctx: ctx, err: 0, src: [], buf: [], interval: setInterval(function() { AL.updateSources(context); }, AL.QUEUE_INTERVAL), startTime: window['performance']['now']() }; AL.contexts.push(context); return AL.contexts.length; } else { return 0; } }, alGetError: function() { if (!AL.currentContext) { return 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; } else { // Reset error on get. var err = AL.currentContext.err; AL.currentContext.err = 0 /* AL_NO_ERROR */; return err; } }, alcGetError__deps: ['alGetError'], alcGetError: function(device) { // We have only one audio device, so just return alGetError. return _alGetError(); }, alDeleteSources: function(count, sources) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alDeleteSources called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var sourceIdx = {{{ makeGetValue('sources', 'i*4', 'i32') }}} - 1; delete AL.currentContext.src[sourceIdx]; } }, alGenSources: function(count, sources) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alGenSources called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var gain = AL.currentContext.ctx.createGain(); gain.connect(AL.currentContext.ctx.destination); AL.currentContext.src.push({ state: 0x1011 /* AL_INITIAL */, queue: [], loop: false, get refDistance() { return this._refDistance || 1; }, set refDistance(val) { this._refDistance = val; if (this.panner) this.panner.refDistance = val; }, get maxDistance() { return this._maxDistance || 10000; }, set maxDistance(val) { this._maxDistance = val; if (this.panner) this.panner.maxDistance = val; }, get rolloffFactor() { return this._rolloffFactor || 1; }, set rolloffFactor(val) { this._rolloffFactor = val; if (this.panner) this.panner.rolloffFactor = val; }, get position() { return this._position || [0, 0, 0]; }, set position(val) { this._position = val; if (this.panner) this.panner.setPosition(val[0], val[1], val[2]); }, get velocity() { return this._velocity || [0, 0, 0]; }, set velocity(val) { this._velocity = val; if (this.panner) this.panner.setVelocity(val[0], val[1], val[2]); }, gain: gain, panner: null, buffersPlayed: 0, bufferPosition: 0 }); {{{ makeSetValue('sources', 'i*4', 'AL.currentContext.src.length', 'i32') }}}; } }, alSourcei__deps: ['updateSource'], alSourcei: function(source, param, value) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcei called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcei called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } switch (param) { case 0x1007 /* AL_LOOPING */: src.loop = (value === 1 /* AL_TRUE */); break; case 0x1009 /* AL_BUFFER */: var buffer = AL.currentContext.buf[value - 1]; if (value == 0) { src.queue = []; } else { src.queue = [{ buffer: buffer }]; } AL.updateSource(src); break; case 0x202 /* AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE */: if (value === 1 /* AL_TRUE */) { if (src.panner) { src.panner = null; // Disconnect from the panner. src.gain.disconnect(); src.gain.connect(AL.currentContext.ctx.destination); } } else if (value === 0 /* AL_FALSE */) { if (!src.panner) { var panner = src.panner = AL.currentContext.ctx.createPanner(); panner.panningModel = "equalpower"; panner.distanceModel = "linear"; panner.refDistance = src.refDistance; panner.maxDistance = src.maxDistance; panner.rolloffFactor = src.rolloffFactor; panner.setPosition(src.position[0], src.position[1], src.position[2]); panner.setVelocity(src.velocity[0], src.velocity[1], src.velocity[2]); panner.connect(AL.currentContext.ctx.destination); // Disconnect from the default source. src.gain.disconnect(); src.gain.connect(panner); } } else { AL.currentContext.err = 0xA003 /* AL_INVALID_VALUE */; } break; default: #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log("alSourcei with param " + param + " not implemented yet"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA002 /* AL_INVALID_ENUM */; break; } }, alSourcef: function(source, param, value) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcef called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcef called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } switch (param) { case 0x1003 /* AL_PITCH */: #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log("alSourcef was called with 0x1003 /* AL_PITCH */, but Web Audio does not support static pitch changes"); #endif break; case 0x100A /* AL_GAIN */: src.gain.gain.value = value; break; // case 0x100D /* AL_MIN_GAIN */: // break; // case 0x100E /* AL_MAX_GAIN */: // break; case 0x1023 /* AL_MAX_DISTANCE */: src.maxDistance = value; break; case 0x1021 /* AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR */: src.rolloffFactor = value; break; // case 0x1022 /* AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN */: // break; // case 0x1001 /* AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE */: // break; // case 0x1002 /* AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE */: // break; case 0x1020 /* AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE */: src.refDistance = value; break; default: #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log("alSourcef with param " + param + " not implemented yet"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA002 /* AL_INVALID_ENUM */; break; } }, alSource3f: function(source, param, v1, v2, v3) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSource3f called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSource3f called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } switch (param) { case 0x1004 /* AL_POSITION */: src.position = [v1, v2, v3]; break; case 0x1006 /* AL_VELOCITY */: src.velocity = [v1, v2, v3]; break; default: #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log("alSource3f with param " + param + " not implemented yet"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA002 /* AL_INVALID_ENUM */; break; } }, alSourcefv__deps: ['alSource3f'], alSourcefv: function(source, param, value) { _alSource3f(source, param, {{{ makeGetValue('value', '0', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('value', '8', 'float') }}}); }, alSourceQueueBuffers__deps: ["updateSource"], alSourceQueueBuffers: function(source, count, buffers) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourceQueueBuffers called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourceQueueBuffers called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var bufferIdx = {{{ makeGetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}; if (bufferIdx > AL.currentContext.buf.length) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourceQueueBuffers called with an invalid buffer"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var bufferIdx = {{{ makeGetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}; var buffer = AL.currentContext.buf[bufferIdx - 1]; src.queue.push({ buffer: buffer, src: null }); } AL.updateSource(src); }, alSourceUnqueueBuffers__deps: ["updateSource"], alSourceUnqueueBuffers: function(source, count, buffers) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourceUnqueueBuffers called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourceUnqueueBuffers called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } if (count > src.buffersPlayed) { AL.currentContext.err = 0xA003 /* AL_INVALID_VALUE */; return; } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var entry = src.queue.shift(); // Write the buffers index out to the return list. for (var j = 0; j < AL.currentContext.buf.length; j++) { var b = AL.currentContext.buf[j]; if (b && b == entry.buffer) { {{{ makeSetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'j+1', 'i32') }}}; break; } } src.buffersPlayed--; } AL.updateSource(src); }, alDeleteBuffers: function(count, buffers) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alDeleteBuffers called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } if (count > AL.currentContext.buf.length) { AL.currentContext.err = 0xA003 /* AL_INVALID_VALUE */; return; } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var bufferIdx = {{{ makeGetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}} - 1; // Make sure the buffer index is valid. if (bufferIdx >= AL.currentContext.buf.length || !AL.currentContext.buf[bufferIdx]) { AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } // Make sure the buffer is no longer in use. var buffer = AL.currentContext.buf[bufferIdx]; for (var j = 0; j < AL.currentContext.src.length; ++j) { var src = AL.currentContext.src[j]; if (!src) { continue; } for (var k = 0; k < src.queue.length; k++) { if (buffer === src.queue[k].buffer) { AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } } } } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var bufferIdx = {{{ makeGetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}} - 1; delete AL.currentContext.buf[bufferIdx]; } }, alGenBuffers: function(count, buffers) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alGenBuffers called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { AL.currentContext.buf.push(null); {{{ makeSetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'AL.currentContext.buf.length', 'i32') }}}; } }, alBufferData: function(buffer, format, data, size, freq) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alBufferData called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } if (buffer > AL.currentContext.buf.length) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alBufferData called with an invalid buffer"); #endif return; } var channels, bytes; switch (format) { case 0x1100 /* AL_FORMAT_MONO8 */: bytes = 1; channels = 1; break; case 0x1101 /* AL_FORMAT_MONO16 */: bytes = 2; channels = 1; break; case 0x1102 /* AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 */: bytes = 1; channels = 2; break; case 0x1103 /* AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 */: bytes = 2; channels = 2; break; default: #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alBufferData called with invalid format " + format); #endif return; } try { AL.currentContext.buf[buffer - 1] = AL.currentContext.ctx.createBuffer(channels, size / (bytes * channels), freq); } catch (e) { AL.currentContext.err = 0xA003 /* AL_INVALID_VALUE */; return; } var buf = new Array(channels); for (var i = 0; i < channels; ++i) { buf[i] = AL.currentContext.buf[buffer - 1].getChannelData(i); } for (var i = 0; i < size / (bytes * channels); ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < channels; ++j) { switch (bytes) { case 1: var val = {{{ makeGetValue('data', 'i*channels+j', 'i8') }}} & 0xff; // unsigned buf[j][i] = -1.0 + val * (2/256); break; case 2: var val = {{{ makeGetValue('data', '2*(i*channels+j)', 'i16') }}}; buf[j][i] = val/32768; break; } } } }, alSourcePlay__deps: ['setSourceState'], alSourcePlay: function(source) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcePlay called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcePlay called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } AL.setSourceState(src, 0x1012 /* AL_PLAYING */); }, alSourceStop__deps: ['setSourceState'], alSourceStop: function(source) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourceStop called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourceStop called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } AL.setSourceState(src, 0x1014 /* AL_STOPPED */); }, alSourcePause__deps: ['setSourceState'], alSourcePause: function(source) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcePause called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alSourcePause called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } AL.setSourceState(src, 0x1013 /* AL_PAUSED */); }, alGetSourcei__deps: ['updateSource'], alGetSourcei: function(source, param, value) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alGetSourcei called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alGetSourcei called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } // Being that we have no way to receive end events from buffer nodes, // we currently proccess and update a source's buffer queue every // ~QUEUE_INTERVAL milliseconds. However, this interval is not precise, // so we also forcefully update the source when alGetSourcei is queried // to aid in the common scenario of application calling alGetSourcei(AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED) // to recycle buffers. AL.updateSource(src); switch (param) { case 0x202 /* AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE */: {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.panner ? 1 : 0', 'i32') }}}; break; case 0x1009 /* AL_BUFFER */: if (!src.queue.length) { {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0', 'i32') }}}; } else { // Find the first unprocessed buffer. var buffer = src.queue[src.buffersPlayed].buffer; // Return its index. for (var i = 0; i < AL.currentContext.buf.length; ++i) { if (buffer == AL.currentContext.buf[i]) { {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'i+1', 'i32') }}}; return; } } {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0', 'i32') }}}; } break; case 0x1010 /* AL_SOURCE_STATE */: {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.state', 'i32') }}}; break; case 0x1015 /* AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED */: {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.queue.length', 'i32') }}} break; case 0x1016 /* AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED */: if (src.loop) { {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0', 'i32') }}} } else { {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.buffersPlayed', 'i32') }}} } break; default: AL.currentContext.err = 0xA002 /* AL_INVALID_ENUM */; break; } }, alGetSourcef: function(source, param, value) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alGetSourcef called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } var src = AL.currentContext.src[source - 1]; if (!src) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alGetSourcef called with an invalid source"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA001 /* AL_INVALID_NAME */; return; } switch (param) { // case 0x1003 /* AL_PITCH */: // break; case 0x100A /* AL_GAIN */: {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.gain.gain.value', 'float') }}} break; // case 0x100D /* AL_MIN_GAIN */: // break; // case 0x100E /* AL_MAX_GAIN */: // break; case 0x1023 /* AL_MAX_DISTANCE */: {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.maxDistance', 'float') }}} break; case 0x1021 /* AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR */: {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.rolloffFactor', 'float') }}} break; // case 0x1022 /* AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN */: // break; // case 0x1001 /* AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE */: // break; // case 0x1002 /* AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE */: // break; case 0x1020 /* AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE */: {{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'src.refDistance', 'float') }}} break; // case 0x1024 /* AL_SEC_OFFSET */: // break; // case 0x1025 /* AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET */: // break; // case 0x1026 /* AL_BYTE_OFFSET */: // break; default: AL.currentContext.err = 0xA002 /* AL_INVALID_ENUM */; break; } }, alDistanceModel: function(model) { if (model !== 0 /* AL_NONE */) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log("Only alDistanceModel(AL_NONE) is currently supported"); #endif } }, alListenerfv: function(param, values) { if (!AL.currentContext) { #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.error("alListenerfv called without a valid context"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA004 /* AL_INVALID_OPERATION */; return; } switch (param) { case 0x1004 /* AL_POSITION */: AL.currentContext.ctx.listener.setPosition( {{{ makeGetValue('values', '0', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '4', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '8', 'float') }}} ); break; case 0x1006 /* AL_VELOCITY */: AL.currentContext.ctx.listener.setVelocity( {{{ makeGetValue('values', '0', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '4', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '8', 'float') }}} ); break; case 0x100F /* AL_ORIENTATION */: AL.currentContext.ctx.listener.setOrientation( {{{ makeGetValue('values', '0', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '4', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '8', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '12', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '16', 'float') }}}, {{{ makeGetValue('values', '20', 'float') }}} ); break; default: #if OPENAL_DEBUG console.log("alListenerfv with param " + param + " not implemented yet"); #endif AL.currentContext.err = 0xA002 /* AL_INVALID_ENUM */; break; } }, alIsExtensionPresent: function(extName) { return 0; }, alcIsExtensionPresent: function(device, extName) { return 0; }, alGetString: function(param) { return allocate(intArrayFromString('NA'), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL); }, alGetProcAddress: function(fname) { return 0; }, alcGetString: function(param) { return allocate(intArrayFromString('NA'), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL); }, alcGetProcAddress: function(device, fname) { return 0; }, alDopplerFactor: function(value) { }, alDopplerVelocity: function(value) { } }; autoAddDeps(LibraryOpenAL, '$AL'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryOpenAL);