#!/usr/bin/env python2 ''' Fast static linker for emscripten outputs. Specifically this links asm.js modules. Usage: emlink.py [main module] [side module] [output name] Main module should be built with -s MAIN_MODULE=1 (and possibly -s DISABLE_GL_EMULATION=1, if you do not need GL emulation) Side module should be built with -s SIDE_MODULE=1 Note that the output file can be used as a main module, so you can link multiple side modules into a main module that way. Limitations: * Modules cannot be minified (but can be minified after linking) * We duplicate code in some cases, like overlapping names in different modules, and function aliases * We do not handle sharing of global constants across modules, only code (you can make a function to access a constant, if you need that) Overall, this linking approach should be fast to perform, but generate less-optimal results than to link all the bitcode together and build to JS as a single project. Final builds should be done in that approach, but during development static linking can avoid recompiling your entire project all the time. ''' import os, subprocess, sys, re from tools import shared from tools import js_optimizer try: me, main, side, out = sys.argv[:4] except: print >> sys.stderr, 'usage: emlink.py [main module] [side module] [output name]' sys.exit(1) print 'Main module:', main print 'Side module:', side print 'Output:', out class AsmModule(): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.js = open(filename).read() self.start_asm = self.js.find(js_optimizer.start_asm_marker) self.start_funcs = self.js.find(js_optimizer.start_funcs_marker) self.end_funcs = self.js.rfind(js_optimizer.end_funcs_marker) self.end_asm = self.js.rfind(js_optimizer.end_asm_marker) # pre self.pre_js = self.js[:self.start_asm] # heap initializer mem_init = re.search(shared.JS.memory_initializer_pattern, self.pre_js) if mem_init: self.mem_init_full_js = mem_init.group(0) self.mem_init_js = mem_init.groups(0)[0][:-2] self.mem_init_size = self.mem_init_js.count(',') + self.mem_init_js.count('concat') + 1 # XXX add testing for large and small ones pad = 8 - (self.mem_init_size % 8) #print >> sys.stderr, 'pad', self.mem_init_size, pad if pad < 8: self.mem_init_js += '.concat([' + ','.join(['0']*pad) + '])' self.mem_init_size += pad else: self.mem_init_js = '' self.mem_init_size = 0 #print >> sys.stderr, self.mem_init_js # global initializers global_inits = re.search(shared.JS.global_initializers_pattern, self.pre_js) if global_inits: self.global_inits_js = global_inits.group(0) self.global_inits = map(lambda init: init.split('{')[2][1:].split('(')[0], global_inits.groups(0)[0].split(',')) else: self.global_inits_js = '' self.global_inits = [] # imports self.imports_js = self.js[self.start_asm:self.start_funcs] self.imports = [m.group(0) for m in js_optimizer.import_sig.finditer(self.imports_js)] #print 'imports', self.imports # funcs self.funcs_js = self.js[self.start_funcs:self.end_funcs] self.funcs = [m.group(2) for m in js_optimizer.func_sig.finditer(self.funcs_js)] #print 'funcs', self.funcs # tables and exports post_js = self.js[self.end_funcs:self.end_asm] ret = post_js.find('return') self.tables_js = post_js[:ret] self.exports_js = post_js[ret:] self.tables = self.parse_tables(self.tables_js) self.exports = set([export.strip() for export in self.exports_js[self.exports_js.find('{')+1:self.exports_js.find('}')].split(',')]) # post self.post_js = self.js[self.end_asm:] self.module_defs = set(re.findall('var [\w\d_$]+ = Module\["[\w\d_$]+"\] = asm\["[\w\d_$]+"\];\n', self.post_js)) def relocate_into(self, main): # heap initializer concat = '.concat(' if main.mem_init_js and self.mem_init_js else '' end = ')' if main.mem_init_js and self.mem_init_js else '' allocation = main.mem_init_js + concat + self.mem_init_js + end if allocation: full_allocation = '/* memory initializer */ allocate(' + allocation + ', "i8", ALLOC_NONE, Runtime.GLOBAL_BASE)' main.pre_js = re.sub(shared.JS.memory_initializer_pattern if main.mem_init_js else shared.JS.no_memory_initializer_pattern, full_allocation, main.pre_js, count=1) main.pre_js = re.sub('STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE \+ (\d+);', 'STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + %d' % (main.mem_init_size + side.mem_init_size), main.pre_js, count=1) # imports main_imports = set(main.imports) new_imports = [imp for imp in self.imports if imp not in main_imports] main.imports_js += '\n'.join(new_imports) # Find function name replacements TODO: do not rename duplicate names with duplicate contents, just merge them main_funcs = set(main.funcs) replacements = {} for i in range(len(self.funcs)): rep = func = self.funcs[i] while rep in main_funcs: rep += '_' replacements[func] = rep #print >> sys.stderr, 'replacements:', replacements # tables f_bases = {} f_sizes = {} for table, data in self.tables.iteritems(): main.tables[table] = self.merge_tables(table, main.tables.get(table), data, replacements, f_bases, f_sizes) main.combine_tables() # relocate temp = shared.Building.js_optimizer(self.filename, ['asm', 'relocate'], extra_info={ 'replacements': replacements, 'fBases': f_bases, 'hBase': main.mem_init_size }) #print >> sys.stderr, 'relocated side into', temp relocated_funcs = AsmModule(temp) shared.try_delete(temp) main.extra_funcs_js = relocated_funcs.funcs_js.replace(js_optimizer.start_funcs_marker, '\n') # update function table uses def update_fts(what): def fix(m): table = 'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + m.group(1) contents = m.group(2) assert '[' not in contents # TODO handle nesting return '%s[%s&%d]' % (table, contents, f_sizes[table]-1) return re.sub('FUNCTION_TABLE_(\w+)\[(.*)& ?(\d+)\]', fix, what) main.funcs_js = update_fts(main.funcs_js) main.extra_funcs_js = update_fts(main.extra_funcs_js) # global initializers if self.global_inits: my_global_inits = map(lambda init: replacements[init] if init in replacements else init, self.global_inits) all_global_inits = map(lambda init: '{ func: function() { %s() } }' % init, main.global_inits + my_global_inits) all_global_inits_js = '/* global initializers */ __ATINIT__.push(' + ','.join(all_global_inits) + ');' if main.global_inits: target = main.global_inits_js else: target = '// === Body ===\n' all_global_inits_js = target + all_global_inits_js main.pre_js = main.pre_js.replace(target, all_global_inits_js) # exports def rep_exp(export): key, value = export.split(':') if key in replacements: repped = replacements[key] return repped + ': ' + repped return export my_exports = map(rep_exp, self.exports) exports = main.exports.union(my_exports) main.exports_js = 'return {' + ','.join(list(exports)) + '};\n})\n' # post def rep_def(deff): key = deff.split(' ')[1] if key in replacements: rep = replacements[key] return 'var %s = Module["%s"] = asm["%s"];\n' % (rep, rep, rep) return deff my_module_defs = map(rep_def, self.module_defs) new_module_defs = set(my_module_defs).difference(main.module_defs) if len(new_module_defs) > 0: position = main.post_js.find('Runtime.') # Runtime is the start of the hardcoded ones main.post_js = main.post_js[:position] + ''.join(list(new_module_defs)) + '\n' + main.post_js[position:] def write(self, out): f = open(out, 'w') f.write(self.pre_js) f.write(self.imports_js) f.write(self.funcs_js) f.write(self.extra_funcs_js) f.write(self.tables_js) f.write(self.exports_js) f.write(self.post_js) f.close() # Utilities def parse_tables(self, js): tables = {} parts = js.split(';') for part in parts: if '=' not in part: continue part = part.split('var ')[1] name, data = part.split(' = ') tables[name] = data return tables def merge_tables(self, table, main, side, replacements, f_bases, f_sizes): side = side[1:-1].split(',') side = map(lambda f: replacements[f] if f in replacements else f, side) if not main: f_bases[table] = 0 f_sizes[table] = len(side) return '[' + ','.join(side) + ']' main = main[1:-1].split(',') # TODO: handle non-aliasing case too assert len(main) % 2 == 0 f_bases[table] = len(main) ret = main + side size = 2 while size < len(ret): size *= 2 ret = ret + [0]*(size - len(ret)) assert len(ret) == size f_sizes[table] = size return '[' + ','.join(ret) + ']' def combine_tables(self): self.tables_js = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n' for table, data in self.tables.iteritems(): self.tables_js += 'var %s = %s;\n' % (table, data) main = AsmModule(main) side = AsmModule(side) side.relocate_into(main) main.write(out)