#!/usr/bin/env python2 ''' Fast static linker for emscripten outputs. Specifically this links asm.js modules. Usage: emlink.py [main module] [side module] [output name] Main module should be built with -s MAIN_MODULE=1 (and possibly -s DISABLE_GL_EMULATION=1, if you do not need GL emulation) Side module should be built with -s SIDE_MODULE=1 Note that the output file can be used as a main module, so you can link multiple side modules into a main module that way. Limitations: * Modules cannot be minified (but can be minified after linking) * We duplicate code in some cases, like overlapping names in different modules, and function aliases * We only share code between modules, not global variables. Global variables should be declared in the module that uses them, other modules can reach them through function calls. For example, a static class function implemented in one module can be called from another, and it can provide access to static variables on that class. (Note that implementing the static class function in a header will not work, then the code will be duplicated in each module, with only one of them able to correctly access the variable - the one in the same module as where the variable is declared.) * We do not link in compiled libraries (libc, libc++, etc.) in side modules. If the main module does not automatically link in the ones that side modules will need, you should compile the main module with EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=1 emcc .. which will link in all the libraries (you can also do EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=libc for example to include just libc and its dependencies; run with EMCC_DEBUG=1 to see which are necessary and include the first one). Overall, this linking approach should be fast to perform, but generate less-optimal results than to link all the bitcode together and build to JS as a single project. Final builds should be done in that approach, but during development static linking can avoid recompiling your entire project all the time. ''' import os, subprocess, sys, re from tools import shared from tools import js_optimizer try: me, main, side, out = sys.argv[:4] except: print >> sys.stderr, 'usage: emlink.py [main module] [side module] [output name]' sys.exit(1) print 'Main module:', main print 'Side module:', side print 'Output:', out shared.try_delete(out) class AsmModule(): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.js = open(filename).read() self.start_asm = self.js.find(js_optimizer.start_asm_marker) self.start_funcs = self.js.find(js_optimizer.start_funcs_marker) self.end_funcs = self.js.rfind(js_optimizer.end_funcs_marker) self.end_asm = self.js.rfind(js_optimizer.end_asm_marker) # pre self.pre_js = self.js[:self.start_asm] # heap initializer self.staticbump = int(re.search(shared.JS.memory_staticbump_pattern, self.pre_js).group(1)) if self.staticbump: self.mem_init_js = re.search(shared.JS.memory_initializer_pattern, self.pre_js).group(0) # global initializers global_inits = re.search(shared.JS.global_initializers_pattern, self.pre_js) if global_inits: self.global_inits_js = global_inits.group(0) self.global_inits = map(lambda init: init.split('{')[2][1:].split('(')[0], global_inits.groups(0)[0].split(',')) else: self.global_inits_js = '' self.global_inits = [] # imports (and global variables) first_var = self.js.find('var ', self.js.find('var ', self.start_asm)+4) self.pre_imports_js = self.js[self.start_asm:first_var] self.imports_js = self.js[first_var:self.start_funcs] self.imports = {} for imp in js_optimizer.import_sig.finditer(self.imports_js): key, value = imp.group(0).split('var ')[1][:-1].split('=', 1) self.imports[key] = value #print >> sys.stderr, 'imports', self.imports # funcs self.funcs_js = self.js[self.start_funcs:self.end_funcs] self.funcs = set([m.group(2) for m in js_optimizer.func_sig.finditer(self.funcs_js)]) #print 'funcs', self.funcs # tables and exports post_js = self.js[self.end_funcs:self.end_asm] ret = post_js.find('return') self.tables_js = post_js[:ret] self.exports_js = post_js[ret:] self.tables = self.parse_tables(self.tables_js) self.exports = set([export.strip() for export in self.exports_js[self.exports_js.find('{')+1:self.exports_js.find('}')].split(',')]) # post self.post_js = self.js[self.end_asm:] self.sendings = {} for sending in [sending.strip() for sending in self.post_js[self.post_js.find('}, { ')+5:self.post_js.find(' }, buffer);')].split(',')]: colon = sending.find(':') self.sendings[sending[:colon].replace('"', '')] = sending[colon+1:].strip() self.module_defs = set(re.findall('var [\w\d_$]+ = Module\["[\w\d_$]+"\] = asm\["[\w\d_$]+"\];\n', self.post_js)) def relocate_into(self, main): # heap initializer if self.staticbump > 0: new_mem_init = self.mem_init_js[:self.mem_init_js.rfind(', ')] + ', Runtime.GLOBAL_BASE+%d)' % main.staticbump main.pre_js = re.sub(shared.JS.memory_staticbump_pattern, 'STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + %d;\n' % (main.staticbump + side.staticbump) + new_mem_init, main.pre_js, count=1) # Find function name replacements TODO: do not rename duplicate names with duplicate contents, just merge them replacements = {} for func in self.funcs: rep = func while rep in main.funcs: rep += '_' replacements[func] = rep #print >> sys.stderr, 'replacements:', replacements # sendings: add invokes for new tables all_sendings = main.sendings added_sending = False for table in self.tables: if table not in main.tables: sig = table[table.rfind('_')+1:] all_sendings['invoke_%s' % sig] = shared.JS.make_invoke(sig, named=False) added_sending = True # imports all_imports = main.imports for key, value in self.imports.iteritems(): if key in self.funcs or key in main.funcs: continue # external function in one module, implemented in the other value_concrete = '.' not in value # env.key means it is an import, an external value, and not a concrete one main_value = main.imports.get(key) main_value_concrete = main_value and '.' not in main_value if value_concrete and main_value_concrete: continue # standard global var if not main_value or value_concrete: if '+' in value: # relocate value = value.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('| 0', '').replace('|0', '').replace(' ', '') left, right = value.split('+') assert left == 'H_BASE' value = str(main.staticbump + int(right)) all_imports[key] = value if (value_concrete or main_value_concrete) and key in all_sendings: del all_sendings[key] # import of external value no longer needed main.imports_js = '\n'.join(['var %s = %s;' % (key, value) for key, value in all_imports.iteritems()]) + '\n' if added_sending: sendings_js = ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in all_sendings.iteritems()]) sendings_start = main.post_js.find('}, { ')+5 sendings_end = main.post_js.find(' }, buffer);') main.post_js = main.post_js[:sendings_start] + sendings_js + main.post_js[sendings_end:] # check for undefined references to global variables def check_import(key, value): if value.startswith('+') or value.endswith('|0'): # ignore functions if key not in all_sendings: print >> sys.stderr, 'external variable %s is still not defined after linking' % key for key, value in all_imports.iteritems(): check_import(key, value) # tables f_bases = {} f_sizes = {} for table, data in self.tables.iteritems(): main.tables[table] = self.merge_tables(table, main.tables.get(table), data, replacements, f_bases, f_sizes) main.combine_tables() # relocate temp = shared.Building.js_optimizer(self.filename, ['asm', 'relocate', 'last'], extra_info={ 'replacements': replacements, 'fBases': f_bases, 'hBase': main.staticbump }) #print >> sys.stderr, 'relocated side into', temp relocated_funcs = AsmModule(temp) shared.try_delete(temp) main.extra_funcs_js = relocated_funcs.funcs_js.replace(js_optimizer.start_funcs_marker, '\n') # update function table uses ft_marker = 'FUNCTION_TABLE_' def update_fts(what): updates = [] i = 1 # avoid seeing marker in recursion while 1: i = what.find(ft_marker, i) if i < 0: break; start = i end = what.find('[', start) table = what[i:end] if table not in f_sizes: # table was not modified i += len(ft_marker) continue nesting = 1 while nesting > 0: next = what.find(']', end+1) nesting -= 1 nesting += what.count('[', end+1, next) end = next assert end > 0 mask = what.rfind('&', start, end) assert mask > 0 and end - mask <= 13 fixed = update_fts(what[start:mask+1] + str(f_sizes[table]-1) + ']') updates.append((start, end, fixed)) i = end # additional function table uses were done by recursion # apply updates if len(updates) == 0: return what parts = [] so_far = 0 for i in range(len(updates)): start, end, fixed = updates[i] parts.append(what[so_far:start]) parts.append(fixed) so_far = end+1 parts.append(what[so_far:]) return ''.join(parts) main.funcs_js = update_fts(main.funcs_js) main.extra_funcs_js = update_fts(main.extra_funcs_js) # global initializers if self.global_inits: my_global_inits = map(lambda init: replacements[init] if init in replacements else init, self.global_inits) all_global_inits = map(lambda init: '{ func: function() { %s() } }' % init, main.global_inits + my_global_inits) all_global_inits_js = '/* global initializers */ __ATINIT__.push(' + ','.join(all_global_inits) + ');' if main.global_inits: target = main.global_inits_js else: target = '// === Body ===\n' all_global_inits_js = target + all_global_inits_js main.pre_js = main.pre_js.replace(target, all_global_inits_js) # exports def rep_exp(export): key, value = export.split(':') if key in replacements: repped = replacements[key] return repped + ': ' + repped return export my_exports = map(rep_exp, self.exports) exports = main.exports.union(my_exports) main.exports_js = 'return {' + ','.join(list(exports)) + '};\n})\n' # post def rep_def(deff): key = deff.split(' ')[1] if key in replacements: rep = replacements[key] return 'var %s = Module["%s"] = asm["%s"];\n' % (rep, rep, rep) return deff my_module_defs = map(rep_def, self.module_defs) new_module_defs = set(my_module_defs).difference(main.module_defs) if len(new_module_defs) > 0: position = main.post_js.find('Runtime.') # Runtime is the start of the hardcoded ones main.post_js = main.post_js[:position] + ''.join(list(new_module_defs)) + '\n' + main.post_js[position:] def write(self, out): f = open(out, 'w') f.write(self.pre_js) f.write(self.pre_imports_js) f.write(self.imports_js) f.write(self.funcs_js) f.write(self.extra_funcs_js) f.write(self.tables_js) f.write(self.exports_js) f.write(self.post_js) f.close() # Utilities def parse_tables(self, js): tables = {} parts = js.split(';') for part in parts: if '=' not in part: continue part = part.split('var ')[1] name, data = part.split(' = ') tables[name] = data return tables def merge_tables(self, table, main, side, replacements, f_bases, f_sizes): side = side[1:-1].split(',') side = map(lambda f: replacements[f] if f in replacements else f, side) if not main: f_bases[table] = 0 f_sizes[table] = len(side) return '[' + ','.join(side) + ']' main = main[1:-1].split(',') # TODO: handle non-aliasing case too assert len(main) % 2 == 0 f_bases[table] = len(main) ret = main + side size = 2 while size < len(ret): size *= 2 aborter = ret[1] # we can assume odd indexes have an aborting function with the right signature ret = ret + [aborter]*(size - len(ret)) assert len(ret) == size f_sizes[table] = size return '[' + ','.join(ret) + ']' def combine_tables(self): self.tables_js = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n' for table, data in self.tables.iteritems(): self.tables_js += 'var %s = %s;\n' % (table, data) main = AsmModule(main) side = AsmModule(side) side.relocate_into(main) main.write(out)