#!/usr/bin/env python ''' emcc - compiler helper script ============================= emcc is a drop-in replacement for a compiler like gcc or clang. Tell your build system to use this instead of the compiler, and similarly use emar, emld and emranlib instead of the same command without 'em'. Example uses: * For configure, instead of ./configure, cmake, etc., run emconfigure.py with that command as an argument, for example emconfigure.py ./configure [options] emconfigure.py is a tiny script that just sets some environment vars as a convenience. The command just shown is equivalent to EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE=1 RANLIB=PATH/emranlib AR=PATH/emar CXX=PATH/em++ CC=PATH/emcc ./configure [options] where PATH is the path to this file. EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE tells emcc that it is being run in ./configure, so it should relay everything to gcc/g++. You should not define that when running make, of course. * With CMake, the same command will work (with cmake instead of ./configure). You may also be able to do the following in your CMakeLists.txt: SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "PATH/emcc") SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "PATH/em++") SET(CMAKE_LINKER "PATH/emld") SET(CMAKE_CXX_LINKER "PATH/emld") SET(CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE "PATH/emld") SET(CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE "PATH/emld") SET(CMAKE_AR "PATH/emar") SET(CMAKE_RANLIB "PATH/emranlib") * For SCons the shared.py can be imported like so: __file__ = str(Dir('#/project_path_to_emscripten/dummy/dummy')) __rootpath__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) def path_from_root(*pathelems): return os.path.join(__rootpath__, *pathelems) exec(open(path_from_root('tools', 'shared.py'), 'r').read()) For using the Emscripten compilers/linkers/etc. you can do: env = Environment() ... env.Append(CCFLAGS = COMPILER_OPTS) env.Replace(LINK = LLVM_LD) env.Replace(LD = LLVM_LD) TODO: Document all relevant setup changes After setting that up, run your build system normally. Note the appearance of em++ instead of emcc for the C++ compiler. This is needed for cases where we get a C++ file with a C extension, in which case CMake can be told to run g++ on it despite the .c extension, see https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/issues/6 (If a similar situation occurs with ./configure, you can do the same there too.) emcc can be influenced by a few environment variables: EMMAKEN_NO_SDK - Will tell emcc *not* to use the emscripten headers. Instead your system headers will be used. EMMAKEN_COMPILER - The compiler to be used, if you don't want the default clang. ''' import os, sys, shutil, tempfile from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from tools import shared DEBUG = os.environ.get('EMCC_DEBUG') TEMP_DIR = os.environ.get('EMCC_TEMP_DIR') ################### XXX print >> sys.stderr, '\n***This is a WORK IN PROGRESS***' ################### XXX if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: ', ' '.join(sys.argv) # Handle some global flags if len(sys.argv) == 1: print 'emcc: no input files' exit(0) if sys.argv[1] == '--version': print '''emcc (Emscripten GCC-like replacement) 2.0 Copyright (C) 2011 the Emscripten authors. This is free and open source software under the MIT license. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ''' exit(0) elif sys.argv[1] == '--help': this = os.path.basename('em++' if os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_CXX') else 'emcc') print '''%s [options] file... Most normal gcc/g++ options will work, for example: --help Display this information --version Display compiler version information Options that are modified or new in %s include: -O0 No optimizations (default) -O1 Simple optimizations, including safe LLVM optimizations, and no runtime assertions or C++ exception catching (to re-enable C++ exception catching, use -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 ) -O2 As -O1, plus the relooper (loop recreation), plus closure compiler advanced opts Warning: Compiling with this takes a long time! -O3 As -O2, plus dangerous optimizations that may break the generated code! If that happens, try -O2 and then adding dangerous optimizations one by one. -s OPTION=VALUE JavaScript code generation option passed into the emscripten compiler --typed-arrays 0: No typed arrays 1: Parallel typed arrays 2: Shared (C-like) typed arrays (default) --llvm-opts 0: No LLVM optimizations (default in -O0) 1: Safe/portable LLVM optimizations (default in -O1 and above) 2: Full, unsafe/unportable LLVM optimizations; this will almost certainly break the generated code! --closure 0: No closure compiler (default in -O0, -O1) 1: Run closure compiler (default in -O2, -O3) The target file, if specified (-o ), defines what will be generated: .js JavaScript (default) .html HTML with embedded JavaScript .bc LLVM bitcode .o LLVM bitcode The -c option (which tells gcc not to run the linker) will cause LLVM bitcode to be generated, as %s only generates JavaScript in the final linking stage of building. The input file(s) can be either source code files that Clang can handle (C or C++), LLVM bitcode in binary form, or LLVM assembly files in human-readable form. ''' % (this, this, this) exit(0) # If this is a configure-type thing, do not compile to JavaScript, instead use clang # to compile to a native binary (using our headers, so things make sense later) CONFIGURE_CONFIG = os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE') CMAKE_CONFIG = 'CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir' in ' '.join(sys.argv)# or 'CMakeCCompilerId' in ' '.join(sys.argv) if CONFIGURE_CONFIG or CMAKE_CONFIG: compiler = shared.CLANG if 'CXXCompiler' in ' '.join(sys.argv) or os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_CXX'): compiler = shared.to_cc(compiler) cmd = [compiler] + shared.EMSDK_OPTS + sys.argv[1:] if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc, just configuring: ', cmd exit(os.execvp(compiler, cmd)) if os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_COMPILER'): CXX = os.environ['EMMAKEN_COMPILER'] else: CXX = shared.CLANG CC = shared.to_cc(CXX) # If we got here from a redirection through emmakenxx.py, then force a C++ compiler here if os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_CXX'): CC = CXX CC_ADDITIONAL_ARGS = shared.COMPILER_OPTS # + ['-g']? EMMAKEN_CFLAGS = os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_CFLAGS') if EMMAKEN_CFLAGS: CC_ADDITIONAL_ARGS += EMMAKEN_CFLAGS.split(' ') # ---------------- Utilities --------------- SOURCE_SUFFIXES = ('.c', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.cc') BITCODE_SUFFIXES = ('.bc', '.o', '.ll') def unsuffixed(name): return '.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1]) def unsuffixed_basename(name): return os.path.basename(unsuffixed(name)) LLVM_INTERNAL_OPT_LEVEL = 2 # ---------------- End configs ------------- if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in ['x', 't']: # noop ar if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc, just ar' sys.exit(0) use_cxx = True header = False # pre-compiled headers. We fake that by just copying the file for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): arg = sys.argv[i] if not arg.startswith('-'): if arg.endswith('.c'): use_cxx = False if arg.endswith('.h') and sys.argv[i-1] != '-include': header = True # Check if a target is specified target = None for i in range(len(sys.argv)-1): if sys.argv[i].startswith('-o='): raise Exception('Invalid syntax: do not use -o=X, use -o X') if sys.argv[i] == '-o': target = sys.argv[i+1] sys.argv = sys.argv[:i] + sys.argv[i+2:] break if header: # header or such if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'Just copy.' shutil.copy(sys.argv[-1], sys.argv[-2]) exit(0) if TEMP_DIR: temp_dir = TEMP_DIR if os.path.exists(temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) # clear it os.makedirs(temp_dir) else: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def in_temp(name): return os.path.join(temp_dir, name) try: call = CXX if use_cxx else CC ## Parse args newargs = sys.argv[1:] opt_level = 0 llvm_opt_level = None closure = None def check_bad_eq(arg): assert '=' not in arg, 'Invalid parameter (do not use "=" with "--" options)' for i in range(len(newargs)): if newargs[i].startswith('-O'): try: opt_level = int(newargs[i][2]) assert 0 <= opt_level <= 3 except: raise Exception('Invalid optimization level: ' + newargs[i]) newargs[i] = '' elif newargs[i].startswith('--llvm-opts'): check_bad_eq(newargs[i]) llvm_opt_level = eval(newargs[i+1]) assert 0 <= llvm_opt_level <= 1, 'Only two levels of LLVM optimizations are supported so far, 0 (none) and 1 (safe)' newargs[i] = '' newargs[i+1] = '' elif newargs[i].startswith('--closure'): check_bad_eq(newargs[i]) closure = int(newargs[i+1]) newargs[i] = '' newargs[i+1] = '' elif newargs[i] == '-MF': # clang cannot handle this, so we fake it f = open(newargs[i+1], 'w') f.write('\n') f.close() newargs[i] = '' newargs[i+1] = '' newargs = [ arg for arg in newargs if arg is not '' ] if llvm_opt_level is None: llvm_opt_level = 1 if opt_level >= 1 else 0 if closure is None: closure = 1 if opt_level >= 2 else 0 settings_changes = [] for i in range(len(newargs)): if newargs[i] == '-s': assert '=' in newargs[i+1], 'Incorrect syntax for -s (use -s OPT=VAL): ' + newargs[i+1] settings_changes.append(newargs[i+1]) newargs[i] = newargs[i+1] = '' elif newargs[i].startswith('--typed-arrays'): assert '=' not in newargs[i], 'Invalid typed arrays parameter (do not use "=")' settings_changes.append('USE_TYPED_ARRAYS=' + newargs[i+1]) newargs[i] = '' newargs[i+1] = '' newargs = [ arg for arg in newargs if arg is not '' ] input_files = [] has_source_inputs = False for i in range(len(newargs)): # find input files XXX this a simple heuristic. we should really analyze based on a full understanding of gcc params, # right now we just assume that what is left contains no more |-x OPT| things arg = newargs[i] if arg.endswith(SOURCE_SUFFIXES + BITCODE_SUFFIXES): # we already removed -o , so all these should be inputs newargs[i] = '' if os.path.exists(arg): if arg.endswith(SOURCE_SUFFIXES): input_files.append(arg) has_source_inputs = True else: # this should be bitcode, make sure it is valid if arg.endswith('.ll') or shared.Building.is_bitcode(arg): input_files.append(arg) else: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: %s: Not valid LLVM bitcode' % arg else: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: %s: No such file or directory' % arg newargs = [ arg for arg in newargs if arg is not '' ] assert len(input_files) > 0, 'emcc: no input files' newargs += CC_ADDITIONAL_ARGS specified_target = target target = specified_target if specified_target is not None else 'a.out.js' # specified_target is the user-specified one, target is what we will generate target_basename = unsuffixed_basename(target) # -c means do not link in gcc, and for us, the parallel is to not go all the way to JS, but stop at bitcode has_dash_c = '-c' in newargs if has_dash_c: assert has_source_inputs, 'Must have source code inputs to use -c' target = target_basename + '.o' final_suffix = target.split('.')[-1] # Apply optimization level settings if opt_level >= 1: shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS = 0 shared.Settings.DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING = 1 if opt_level >= 2: shared.Settings.RELOOP = 1 if opt_level >= 3: shared.Settings.CORRECT_SIGNS = 0 shared.Settings.CORRECT_OVERFLOWS = 0 shared.Settings.CORRECT_ROUNDINGS = 0 shared.Settings.I64_MODE = 0 shared.Settings.DOUBLE_MODE = 0 print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Applying some potentially unsafe optimizations! (Use -O2 if this fails.)' # Apply -s settings in newargs here (after optimization levels, so they can override them) for change in settings_changes: key, value = change.split('=') exec('shared.Settings.' + key + ' = ' + value) ## Compile source code to bitcode if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: compiling to bitcode (%s)' % str(sys.argv) # First, generate LLVM bitcode. For each input file, we get base.o with bitcode for input_file in input_files: if input_file.endswith(SOURCE_SUFFIXES): args = newargs + ['-emit-llvm', '-c', input_file, '-o', in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o')] if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, "emcc running:", call, ' '.join(args) Popen([call] + args).communicate() else: # bitcode if input_file.endswith(('.bc', '.o')): shutil.copyfile(input_file, in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o')) else: #.ll shared.Building.llvm_as(input_file, in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o')) # Optimize, if asked to if llvm_opt_level > 0: if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: LLVM opts' for input_file in input_files: try: shared.Building.llvm_opt(in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o'), LLVM_INTERNAL_OPT_LEVEL, safe=llvm_opt_level < 2) except: # This might be an invalid input, which will get ignored during linking later anyhow print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: warning: LLVM opt failed to run on %s, continuing without optimization' % input_file # If we were just asked to generate bitcode, stop there if final_suffix not in ['js', 'html']: if not specified_target: for input_file in input_files: shutil.move(in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o'), unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.' + final_suffix) else: if len(input_files) == 1: shutil.move(in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_files[0]) + '.o'), specified_target) else: assert not has_dash_c, 'fatal error: cannot specify -o with -c with multiple files' + str(sys.argv) # We have a specified target (-o ), which is not JavaScript or HTML, and # we have multiple files: Link them TODO: llvm link-time opts? ld_args = map(lambda input_file: in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o'), input_files) + \ ['-o', specified_target] #[arg.split('-Wl,')[1] for arg in filter(lambda arg: arg.startswith('-Wl,'), sys.argv)] if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: link: ' + str(ld_args) Popen([shared.LLVM_LINK] + ld_args).communicate() exit(0) ## Continue on to create JavaScript if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: generating JavaScript' extra_files_to_link = [] # Check if we need to include dlmalloc. Note that we assume a single symbol is enough to know if we have/do not have dlmalloc. If you # include just a few symbols but want the rest, this will not work. need_dlmalloc = False has_dlmalloc = False for input_file in input_files: symbols = shared.Building.llvm_nm(in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o')) for malloc_def in ['malloc', 'free', 'calloc', 'memalign', 'realloc', 'valloc', 'pvalloc', 'mallinfo', 'mallopt', 'malloc_trim', 'malloc_stats', 'malloc_usable_size', 'malloc_footprint', 'malloc_max_footprint', 'independent_calloc', 'independent_comalloc']: if malloc_def in symbols.undefs: need_dlmalloc = True if malloc_def in symbols.defs: has_dlmalloc = True if need_dlmalloc and not has_dlmalloc: # We need to build and link dlmalloc in if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: including dlmalloc' Popen([shared.EMCC, shared.path_from_root('src', 'dlmalloc.c'), '-g', '-o', in_temp('dlmalloc.o')], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() if llvm_opt_level > 0: shared.Building.llvm_opt(in_temp('dlmalloc.o'), LLVM_INTERNAL_OPT_LEVEL, safe=llvm_opt_level < 2) extra_files_to_link.append(in_temp('dlmalloc.o')) # dlmalloc needs some sign correction. # If we are in mode 0, switch to 2. We will add our lines try: if shared.Settings.CORRECT_SIGNS == 0: raise Exception('we need to change to 2') except: # we fail if equal to 0 - so we need to switch to 2 - or if CORRECT_SIGNS is not even in Settings shared.Settings.CORRECT_SIGNS = 2 if shared.Settings.CORRECT_SIGNS == 2: shared.Settings.CORRECT_SIGNS_LINES = [shared.path_from_root('src', 'dlmalloc.c') + ':' + str(i+4) for i in [4816, 4191, 4246, 4199, 4205, 4235, 4227]] # If we are in mode 1, we are correcting everything anyhow. If we are in mode 3, we will be corrected # so all is well anyhow too. # First, combine the bitcode files if there are several if len(input_files) + len(extra_files_to_link) > 1: shared.Building.link(map(lambda input_file: in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_file) + '.o'), input_files) + extra_files_to_link, in_temp(target_basename + '.bc')) # TODO: LLVM link-time opts? here and/or elsewhere? else: shutil.move(in_temp(unsuffixed_basename(input_files[0]) + '.o'), in_temp(target_basename + '.bc')) # Emscripten if opt_level >= 2: print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: The relooper optimization can be very slow.' final = shared.Building.emscripten(in_temp(target_basename + '.bc'), append_ext=False) if opt_level >= 1: # js optimizer if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: running pre-closure post-opts' final = shared.Building.js_optimizer(final, 'loopOptimizer') # eliminator final = shared.Building.eliminator(final) # js optimizer pre-pass final = shared.Building.js_optimizer(final, 'simplifyExpressionsPre') if closure: if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: running closure' final = shared.Building.closure_compiler(final) if opt_level >= 1: # js optimizer post-pass if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: running post-closure post-opts' final = shared.Building.js_optimizer(final, 'simplifyExpressionsPost') # If we were asked to also generate HTML, do that if final_suffix == 'html': if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: generating HTML' shell = open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell.html')).read() html = open(target_basename + '.html', 'w') html.write(shell.replace('{{{ SCRIPT_CODE }}}', open(final).read())) html.close() else: # copy final JS to output shutil.move(final, target_basename + '.js') finally: if not TEMP_DIR: try: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except: pass else: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc saved files are in:', temp_dir