path: root/tools/js-optimizer.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-03-27remove stack parameter from js optimizer traverse(), to avoid overhead when n...Alon Zakai
2014-03-27optimize away individual loop vars, even if we can't remove them allAlon Zakai
2014-03-26eliminate X=X which can happen due to eliminationAlon Zakai
2014-03-17flip a non-existent else block in simplifyIfs, if adding such a block can helpAlon Zakai
2014-03-17flip in simplifyElses if it can helpAlon Zakai
2014-03-17fuse if-elses where the relooper did not emit a label clearingAlon Zakai
2014-03-17fix else fusing when label has multiple assigns or checksAlon Zakai
2014-03-17fuse elses to remove unnecessary label settings and checks, after we simplifi...Alon Zakai
2014-03-17don't commaify if it doesn't helpAlon Zakai
2014-03-17simplify nested ifs with identical elsesAlon Zakai
2014-03-17uncommaify between ifs that can potentially be simplifiedAlon Zakai
2014-03-17remove unnecessary code from simplifyIfsAlon Zakai
2014-03-17filter out empty blocks in simplifyIfsAlon Zakai
2014-03-17simplifyIfs js optimizer passAlon Zakai
2014-03-15don't needlessly add empty nodes in asm normalization/denormalizationAlon Zakai
2014-03-15remove empty subnodes after aggressive variable eliminationAlon Zakai
2014-03-15remove empty subnodes after vacuumAlon Zakai
2014-03-15remove empty subnodes after eliminateAlon Zakai
2014-02-23disable some outlining loggingAlon Zakai
2014-02-23add stack bump if only sp is defined but no bump is present, when outliningAlon Zakai
2014-02-21do not outline the entire stack prelude, including STACKTOP = ..Alon Zakai
2014-02-16tolerate non-asm variables in asm optimization passes, with no-op coercions (...Alon Zakai
2014-02-16optimize traverseGeneratedAlon Zakai
2014-02-11optimize redundant frounds in -O3Alon Zakai
2014-02-10Handle while statements with empty bodies.Dan Gohman
2014-02-10Merge pull request #2071 from rfk/rfk/fix-test-longjmp-throw-asm3Alon Zakai
2014-02-04do not apply de-morgan's laws on floats, nans break themAlon Zakai
2014-02-03proper fix for simplifying f32-int bitcastsAlon Zakai
2014-02-03handle fround in optimizing out of tempDoublePtrAlon Zakai
2014-02-02Simplify labelled-block handling so it works better with switch statements.Ryan Kelly
2014-02-02Handle non-breaking case bodies in switch statement.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-31Teach buildFlowGraph about functions that are known to always throw.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-31Don't let buildFlowGraph return to a junction if it's known to be unreachable.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-31Add return-type tracking to normalizeAsm/denormlizeAsmRyan Kelly
2014-01-28Fix assertion that all switch-cases break.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-23Add TODO about more permissive label handling in registerizeHarderRyan Kelly
2014-01-23Simplify handling of switch statements in registerizeHarder.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-23Reduce memory usage when assigning registers in a block.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-21assign to null to clear a local variable, avoid deleteAlon Zakai
2014-01-21fix typoAlon Zakai
2014-01-21avoid nonstandard use of spliceAlon Zakai
2014-01-21rename a variable to our conventionsAlon Zakai
2014-01-21Registerize based on full liveness analysis.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-21Minify loop labels while we're minifying local names.Ryan Kelly
2014-01-20Fix a param-handling bug in normalizeAsmRyan Kelly
2014-01-17handle unsigned reads in safe heapAlon Zakai
2014-01-17use double for float arguments to safe heapAlon Zakai
2014-01-16enable a form of safe heap in asm, using js optimizer pass to ensure full cov...Alon Zakai
2014-01-15add todoAlon Zakai
2014-01-15Merge pull request #2016 from rfk/rfk/minify-names-separatelyAlon Zakai