path: root/emrun
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'emrun')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/emrun b/emrun
index 9c096db3..0759e26d 100644
--- a/emrun
+++ b/emrun
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import os, platform, optparse, logging, re, pprint, atexit, urlparse, subprocess
from operator import itemgetter
from urllib import unquote
from Queue import PriorityQueue
+from threading import Thread, RLock
# Populated from cmdline params
emrun_options = None
@@ -82,7 +83,10 @@ def format_html(msg):
msg = cgi.escape(msg)
msg = msg.replace('\r\n', '<br />').replace('\n', '<br />')
return msg
+# HTTP requests are handled from separate threads - synchronize them to avoid race conditions
+http_mutex = RLock()
# Prints a log message to 'info' stdout channel. Always printed.
def logi(msg):
global last_message_time
@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@ def is_browser_process_alive():
# Kills browser_process and processname_killed_atexit.
def kill_browser_process():
- global browser_process, processname_killed_atexit
+ global browser_process, processname_killed_atexit, emrun_options
if browser_process:
logv('Terminating browser process..')
@@ -161,21 +165,25 @@ def kill_browser_process():
browser_process = None
if len(processname_killed_atexit) > 0:
- logv("Terminating all processes that have string '" + processname_killed_atexit + "' in their name.")
- process_image = processname_killed_atexit if '.exe' in processname_killed_atexit else (processname_killed_atexit + '.exe')
- process = subprocess.Popen(['taskkill', '/F', '/IM', process_image, '/T'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- process.communicate()
+ if emrun_options.android:
+ logv("Terminating Android app '" + processname_killed_atexit + "'.")
+ subprocess.call(['adb' ,'shell', 'am', 'force-stop', processname_killed_atexit])
- try:
- subprocess.call(['pkill', processname_killed_atexit])
- except OSError, e:
+ logv("Terminating all processes that have string '" + processname_killed_atexit + "' in their name.")
+ process_image = processname_killed_atexit if '.exe' in processname_killed_atexit else (processname_killed_atexit + '.exe')
+ process = subprocess.Popen(['taskkill', '/F', '/IM', process_image, '/T'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ process.communicate()
+ else:
- subprocess.call(['killall', processname_killed_atexit])
+ subprocess.call(['pkill', processname_killed_atexit])
except OSError, e:
- loge('Both commands pkill and killall failed to clean up the spawned browser process. Perhaps neither of these utilities is available on your system?')
+ try:
+ subprocess.call(['killall', processname_killed_atexit])
+ except OSError, e:
+ loge('Both commands pkill and killall failed to clean up the spawned browser process. Perhaps neither of these utilities is available on your system?')
+ # Clear the process name to represent that the browser is now dead.
processname_killed_atexit = ''
# Our custom HTTP web server that will server the target page to run via .html.
@@ -190,56 +198,61 @@ class HTTPWebServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
def handle_incoming_message(self, seq_num, log, data):
global have_received_messages
- have_received_messages = True
- if self.expected_http_seq_num == -1:
- self.expected_http_seq_num = seq_num+1
- log(data)
- elif seq_num == -1: # Message arrived without a sequence number? Just log immediately
- log(data)
- elif seq_num == self.expected_http_seq_num:
- log(data)
- self.expected_http_seq_num += 1
- self.print_messages_due()
- elif seq_num < self.expected_http_seq_num:
- log(data)
- else:
- log(data)
- self.http_message_queue += [(seq_num, data, log)]
- self.http_message_queue.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
- if len(self.http_message_queue) > 16:
- self.print_next_message()
+ with http_mutex:
+ have_received_messages = True
+ if self.expected_http_seq_num == -1:
+ self.expected_http_seq_num = seq_num+1
+ log(data)
+ elif seq_num == -1: # Message arrived without a sequence number? Just log immediately
+ log(data)
+ elif seq_num == self.expected_http_seq_num:
+ log(data)
+ self.expected_http_seq_num += 1
+ self.print_messages_due()
+ elif seq_num < self.expected_http_seq_num:
+ log(data)
+ else:
+ log(data)
+ self.http_message_queue += [(seq_num, data, log)]
+ self.http_message_queue.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
+ if len(self.http_message_queue) > 16:
+ self.print_next_message()
# If it's been too long since we we got a message, prints out the oldest queued message, ignoring the proper order.
# This ensures that if any messages are actually lost, that the message queue will be orderly flushed.
def print_timed_out_messages(self):
global last_message_time
- now = time.clock()
- max_message_queue_time = 5
- if len(self.http_message_queue) > 0 and now - last_message_time > max_message_queue_time:
- self.print_next_message()
+ with http_mutex:
+ now = time.clock()
+ max_message_queue_time = 5
+ if len(self.http_message_queue) > 0 and now - last_message_time > max_message_queue_time:
+ self.print_next_message()
# Skips to printing the next message in queue now, independent of whether there was missed messages in the sequence numbering.
def print_next_message(self):
- if len(self.http_message_queue) > 0:
- self.expected_http_seq_num = self.http_message_queue[0][0]
- self.print_messages_due()
+ with http_mutex:
+ if len(self.http_message_queue) > 0:
+ self.expected_http_seq_num = self.http_message_queue[0][0]
+ self.print_messages_due()
# Completely flushes all out-of-order messages in the queue.
def print_all_messages(self):
- while len(self.http_message_queue) > 0:
- self.print_next_message()
+ with http_mutex:
+ while len(self.http_message_queue) > 0:
+ self.print_next_message()
# Prints any messages that are now due after we logged some other previous messages.
def print_messages_due(self):
- while len(self.http_message_queue) > 0:
- msg = self.http_message_queue[0]
- if msg[0] == self.expected_http_seq_num:
- msg[2](msg[1])
- self.expected_http_seq_num += 1
- self.http_message_queue.pop(0)
- else:
- return
+ with http_mutex:
+ while len(self.http_message_queue) > 0:
+ msg = self.http_message_queue[0]
+ if msg[0] == self.expected_http_seq_num:
+ msg[2](msg[1])
+ self.expected_http_seq_num += 1
+ self.http_message_queue.pop(0)
+ else:
+ return
def serve_forever(self, timeout=0.5):
global emrun_options, last_message_time, page_exit_code, have_received_messages, emrun_not_enabled_nag_printed
@@ -279,7 +292,7 @@ class HTTPWebServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
# If we detect that the page is not running with emrun enabled, print a warning message.
time_since_page_serve = now - page_last_served_time
- if not emrun_not_enabled_nag_printed and not have_received_messages and time_since_page_serve > 5:
+ if not emrun_not_enabled_nag_printed and not have_received_messages and time_since_page_serve > 10:
logi('The html page you are running is not emrun-capable. Stdout, stderr and exit(returncode) capture will not work. Recompile the application with the --emrun linker flag to enable this, or pass --no_emrun_detect to emrun to hide this check.')
emrun_not_enabled_nag_printed = True
@@ -773,6 +786,9 @@ def main():
parser.add_option('--browser', dest='browser', default='',
help='Specifies the browser executable to run the web page in.')
+ parser.add_option('--android', dest='android', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Launches the page in a browser of an Android device connected to an USB on the local system. (via adb)')
parser.add_option('--system_info', dest='system_info', action='store_true',
help='Prints information about the current system at startup.')
@@ -827,43 +843,82 @@ def main():
url = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(file_to_serve), serve_dir)
if len(cmdlineparams) > 0:
url += '?' + '&'.join(cmdlineparams)
- url = 'http://localhost:'+str(options.port)+'/'+url
+ server_root = 'localhost'
+ if options.android:
+ server_root = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
+ url = 'http://' + server_root + ':' + str(options.port)+'/'+url
logv('Web server root directory: ' + os.path.abspath('.'))
- browser = find_browser(str(options.browser))
- browser_exe = browser[0]
- browser_args = []
- if 'safari' in browser_exe.lower():
- # Safari has a bug that a command line 'Safari http://page.com' does not launch that page,
- # but instead launches 'file:///http://page.com'. To remedy this, must use the open -a command
- # to run Safari, but unfortunately this will end up spawning Safari process detached from emrun.
- if OSX:
- browser = ['open', '-a', 'Safari'] + (browser[1:] if len(browser) > 1 else [])
- processname_killed_atexit = 'Safari'
- elif 'chrome' in browser_exe.lower():
- processname_killed_atexit = 'chrome'
- browser_args = ['--incognito', '--enable-nacl', '--enable-pnacl', '--disable-restore-session-state', '--enable-webgl', '--no-default-browser-check', '--no-first-run', '--allow-file-access-from-files']
-# if options.no_server:
-# browser_args += ['--disable-web-security']
- elif 'firefox' in browser_exe.lower():
- processname_killed_atexit = 'firefox'
- elif 'iexplore' in browser_exe.lower():
- processname_killed_atexit = 'iexplore'
- browser_args = ['-private']
- elif 'opera' in browser_exe.lower():
- processname_killed_atexit = 'opera'
- # In Windows cmdline, & character delimits multiple commmands, so must use ^ to escape them.
- if browser_exe == 'cmd':
- url = url.replace('&', '^&')
- browser += browser_args + [url]
+ if options.android:
+ if options.browser == 'firefox':
+ browser_app = 'org.mozilla.firefox/.App'
+ elif options.browser == 'firefox_beta':
+ browser_app = 'org.mozilla.firefox_beta/.App'
+ elif options.browser == 'firefox_aurora' or options.browser == 'fennec_aurora':
+ browser_app = 'org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/.App'
+ elif options.browser == 'firefox_nightly' or options.browser == 'fennec':
+ browser_app = 'org.mozilla.fennec/.App'
+ elif options.browser == 'chrome':
+ browser_app = 'com.android.chrome/.Main'
+ elif options.browser == 'chrome_beta' or options.browser == 'chrome_canary': # There is no Chrome Canary for Android, but Play store has 'Chrome Beta' instead.
+ browser_app = 'com.chrome.beta/com.android.chrome.Main'
+ elif options.browser == 'opera':
+ browser_app = 'com.opera.browser/com.opera.Opera'
+ elif options.browser == 'opera_mini': # Launching the URL works, but page seems to never load (Fails with 'Network problem' even when other browsers work)
+ browser_app = 'com.opera.mini.android/.Browser'
+ elif options.browser =='dolphin': # Current stable Dolphin as of 12/2013 does not have WebGL support.
+ browser_app = 'mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser/.BrowserActivity'
+ else:
+ loge("Don't know how to launch browser " + options.browser + ' on Android!')
+ return 1
+ # To add support for a new Android browser in the list above:
+ # 1. Install the browser to Android phone, connect it via adb to PC.
+ # 2. Type 'adb shell pm list packages -f' to locate the package name of that application.
+ # 3. Type 'adb pull <packagename>.apk' to copy the apk of that application to PC.
+ # 4. Type 'aapt d xmltree <packagename>.apk AndroidManifest.xml > manifest.txt' to extract the manifest from the package.
+ # 5. Locate the name of the main activity for the browser in manifest.txt and add an entry to above list in form 'appname/mainactivityname'
+ url = url.replace('&', '\\&')
+ browser = ['adb', 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-a', 'android.intent.action.VIEW', '-n', browser_app, '-d', url]
+ processname_killed_atexit = browser_app[:browser_app.find('/')]
+ else: #Launching a web page on local system.
+ browser = find_browser(str(options.browser))
+ browser_exe = browser[0]
+ browser_args = []
+ if 'safari' in browser_exe.lower():
+ # Safari has a bug that a command line 'Safari http://page.com' does not launch that page,
+ # but instead launches 'file:///http://page.com'. To remedy this, must use the open -a command
+ # to run Safari, but unfortunately this will end up spawning Safari process detached from emrun.
+ if OSX:
+ browser = ['open', '-a', 'Safari'] + (browser[1:] if len(browser) > 1 else [])
+ processname_killed_atexit = 'Safari'
+ elif 'chrome' in browser_exe.lower():
+ processname_killed_atexit = 'chrome'
+ browser_args = ['--incognito', '--enable-nacl', '--enable-pnacl', '--disable-restore-session-state', '--enable-webgl', '--no-default-browser-check', '--no-first-run', '--allow-file-access-from-files']
+ # if options.no_server:
+ # browser_args += ['--disable-web-security']
+ elif 'firefox' in browser_exe.lower():
+ processname_killed_atexit = 'firefox'
+ elif 'iexplore' in browser_exe.lower():
+ processname_killed_atexit = 'iexplore'
+ browser_args = ['-private']
+ elif 'opera' in browser_exe.lower():
+ processname_killed_atexit = 'opera'
+ # In Windows cmdline, & character delimits multiple commmands, so must use ^ to escape them.
+ if browser_exe == 'cmd':
+ url = url.replace('&', '^&')
+ browser += browser_args + [url]
if options.kill_on_start:
+ pname = processname_killed_atexit
+ processname_killed_atexit = pname
if options.system_info:
logi('Time of run: ' + time.strftime("%x %X"))
@@ -894,6 +949,9 @@ def main():
browser_process = subprocess.Popen(browser)
if options.kill_on_exit:
+ # For Android automation, we execute adb, so this process does not represent a browser and no point killing it.
+ if options.android:
+ browser_process = None
if not options.no_server:
logv('Starting web server in port ' + str(options.port))