path: root/emlink.py
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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/emlink.py b/emlink.py
index 387b7de8..3db7578e 100644
--- a/emlink.py
+++ b/emlink.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Fast static linker for emscripten outputs. Specifically this links asm.js module
See https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/wiki/Linking
-import os, subprocess, sys, re
+import os, subprocess, sys
from tools import shared
-from tools import js_optimizer
+from tools.asm_module import AsmModule
me, main, side, out = sys.argv[:4]
@@ -22,270 +22,6 @@ print 'Output:', out
-class AsmModule():
- def __init__(self, filename):
- self.filename = filename
- self.js = open(filename).read()
- self.start_asm = self.js.find(js_optimizer.start_asm_marker)
- self.start_funcs = self.js.find(js_optimizer.start_funcs_marker)
- self.end_funcs = self.js.rfind(js_optimizer.end_funcs_marker)
- self.end_asm = self.js.rfind(js_optimizer.end_asm_marker)
- # pre
- self.pre_js = self.js[:self.start_asm]
- # heap initializer
- self.staticbump = int(re.search(shared.JS.memory_staticbump_pattern, self.pre_js).group(1))
- if self.staticbump:
- self.mem_init_js = re.search(shared.JS.memory_initializer_pattern, self.pre_js).group(0)
- # global initializers
- global_inits = re.search(shared.JS.global_initializers_pattern, self.pre_js)
- if global_inits:
- self.global_inits_js = global_inits.group(0)
- self.global_inits = map(lambda init: init.split('{')[2][1:].split('(')[0], global_inits.groups(0)[0].split(','))
- else:
- self.global_inits_js = ''
- self.global_inits = []
- # imports (and global variables)
- first_var = self.js.find('var ', self.js.find('var ', self.start_asm)+4)
- self.pre_imports_js = self.js[self.start_asm:first_var]
- self.imports_js = self.js[first_var:self.start_funcs]
- self.imports = {}
- for imp in js_optimizer.import_sig.finditer(self.imports_js):
- key, value = imp.group(0).split('var ')[1][:-1].split('=', 1)
- self.imports[key.strip()] = value.strip()
- #print >> sys.stderr, 'imports', self.imports
- # funcs
- self.funcs_js = self.js[self.start_funcs:self.end_funcs]
- self.funcs = set([m.group(2) for m in js_optimizer.func_sig.finditer(self.funcs_js)])
- #print 'funcs', self.funcs
- # tables and exports
- post_js = self.js[self.end_funcs:self.end_asm]
- ret = post_js.find('return')
- self.tables_js = post_js[:ret]
- self.exports_js = post_js[ret:]
- self.tables = self.parse_tables(self.tables_js)
- self.exports = set([export.strip() for export in self.exports_js[self.exports_js.find('{')+1:self.exports_js.find('}')].split(',')])
- # post
- self.post_js = self.js[self.end_asm:]
- self.sendings = {}
- for sending in [sending.strip() for sending in self.post_js[self.post_js.find('}, { ')+5:self.post_js.find(' }, buffer);')].split(',')]:
- colon = sending.find(':')
- self.sendings[sending[:colon].replace('"', '')] = sending[colon+1:].strip()
- self.module_defs = set(re.findall('var [\w\d_$]+ = Module\["[\w\d_$]+"\] = asm\["[\w\d_$]+"\];\n', self.post_js))
- def relocate_into(self, main):
- # heap initializer
- if self.staticbump > 0:
- new_mem_init = self.mem_init_js[:self.mem_init_js.rfind(', ')] + ', Runtime.GLOBAL_BASE+%d)' % main.staticbump
- main.pre_js = re.sub(shared.JS.memory_staticbump_pattern, 'STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + %d;\n' % (main.staticbump + side.staticbump) + new_mem_init, main.pre_js, count=1)
- # Find function name replacements TODO: do not rename duplicate names with duplicate contents, just merge them
- replacements = {}
- for func in self.funcs:
- rep = func
- while rep in main.funcs:
- rep += '_'
- replacements[func] = rep
- #print >> sys.stderr, 'replacements:', replacements
- # sendings: add invokes for new tables
- all_sendings = main.sendings
- added_sending = False
- for table in self.tables:
- if table not in main.tables:
- sig = table[table.rfind('_')+1:]
- all_sendings['invoke_%s' % sig] = shared.JS.make_invoke(sig, named=False)
- added_sending = True
- # imports
- all_imports = main.imports
- for key, value in self.imports.iteritems():
- if key in self.funcs or key in main.funcs: continue # external function in one module, implemented in the other
- value_concrete = '.' not in value # env.key means it is an import, an external value, and not a concrete one
- main_value = main.imports.get(key)
- main_value_concrete = main_value and '.' not in main_value
- if value_concrete and main_value_concrete: continue # standard global var
- if not main_value or value_concrete:
- if '+' in value:
- # relocate
- value = value.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('| 0', '').replace('|0', '').replace(' ', '')
- left, right = value.split('+')
- assert left == 'H_BASE'
- value = str(main.staticbump + int(right))
- all_imports[key] = value
- if (value_concrete or main_value_concrete) and key in all_sendings:
- del all_sendings[key] # import of external value no longer needed
- main.imports_js = '\n'.join(['var %s = %s;' % (key, value) for key, value in all_imports.iteritems()]) + '\n'
- # check for undefined references to global variables
- def check_import(key, value):
- if value.startswith('+') or value.endswith('|0'): # ignore functions
- if key not in all_sendings:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: external variable %s is still not defined after linking' % key
- all_sendings[key] = '0'
- for key, value in all_imports.iteritems(): check_import(key, value)
- if added_sending:
- sendings_js = ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in all_sendings.iteritems()])
- sendings_start = main.post_js.find('}, { ')+5
- sendings_end = main.post_js.find(' }, buffer);')
- main.post_js = main.post_js[:sendings_start] + sendings_js + main.post_js[sendings_end:]
- # tables
- f_bases = {}
- f_sizes = {}
- for table, data in self.tables.iteritems():
- main.tables[table] = self.merge_tables(table, main.tables.get(table), data, replacements, f_bases, f_sizes)
- main.combine_tables()
- #print >> sys.stderr, 'f bases', f_bases
- # relocate
- temp = shared.Building.js_optimizer(self.filename, ['asm', 'relocate', 'last'], extra_info={
- 'replacements': replacements,
- 'fBases': f_bases,
- 'hBase': main.staticbump
- })
- #print >> sys.stderr, 'relocated side into', temp
- relocated_funcs = AsmModule(temp)
- shared.try_delete(temp)
- main.extra_funcs_js = relocated_funcs.funcs_js.replace(js_optimizer.start_funcs_marker, '\n')
- # update function table uses
- ft_marker = 'FUNCTION_TABLE_'
- def update_fts(what):
- updates = []
- i = 1 # avoid seeing marker in recursion
- while 1:
- i = what.find(ft_marker, i)
- if i < 0: break;
- start = i
- end = what.find('[', start)
- table = what[i:end]
- if table not in f_sizes:
- # table was not modified
- i += len(ft_marker)
- continue
- nesting = 1
- while nesting > 0:
- next = what.find(']', end+1)
- nesting -= 1
- nesting += what.count('[', end+1, next)
- end = next
- assert end > 0
- mask = what.rfind('&', start, end)
- assert mask > 0 and end - mask <= 13
- fixed = update_fts(what[start:mask+1] + str(f_sizes[table]-1) + ']')
- updates.append((start, end, fixed))
- i = end # additional function table uses were done by recursion
- # apply updates
- if len(updates) == 0: return what
- parts = []
- so_far = 0
- for i in range(len(updates)):
- start, end, fixed = updates[i]
- parts.append(what[so_far:start])
- parts.append(fixed)
- so_far = end+1
- parts.append(what[so_far:])
- return ''.join(parts)
- main.funcs_js = update_fts(main.funcs_js)
- main.extra_funcs_js = update_fts(main.extra_funcs_js)
- # global initializers
- if self.global_inits:
- my_global_inits = map(lambda init: replacements[init] if init in replacements else init, self.global_inits)
- all_global_inits = map(lambda init: '{ func: function() { %s() } }' % init, main.global_inits + my_global_inits)
- all_global_inits_js = '/* global initializers */ __ATINIT__.push(' + ','.join(all_global_inits) + ');'
- if main.global_inits:
- target = main.global_inits_js
- else:
- target = '// === Body ===\n'
- all_global_inits_js = target + all_global_inits_js
- main.pre_js = main.pre_js.replace(target, all_global_inits_js)
- # exports
- def rep_exp(export):
- key, value = export.split(':')
- if key in replacements:
- repped = replacements[key]
- return repped + ': ' + repped
- return export
- my_exports = map(rep_exp, self.exports)
- exports = main.exports.union(my_exports)
- main.exports_js = 'return {' + ','.join(list(exports)) + '};\n})\n'
- # post
- def rep_def(deff):
- key = deff.split(' ')[1]
- if key in replacements:
- rep = replacements[key]
- return 'var %s = Module["%s"] = asm["%s"];\n' % (rep, rep, rep)
- return deff
- my_module_defs = map(rep_def, self.module_defs)
- new_module_defs = set(my_module_defs).difference(main.module_defs)
- if len(new_module_defs) > 0:
- position = main.post_js.find('Runtime.') # Runtime is the start of the hardcoded ones
- main.post_js = main.post_js[:position] + ''.join(list(new_module_defs)) + '\n' + main.post_js[position:]
- def write(self, out):
- f = open(out, 'w')
- f.write(self.pre_js)
- f.write(self.pre_imports_js)
- f.write(self.imports_js)
- f.write(self.funcs_js)
- f.write(self.extra_funcs_js)
- f.write(self.tables_js)
- f.write(self.exports_js)
- f.write(self.post_js)
- f.close()
- # Utilities
- def parse_tables(self, js):
- tables = {}
- parts = js.split(';')
- for part in parts:
- if '=' not in part: continue
- part = part.split('var ')[1]
- name, data = part.split(' = ')
- tables[name] = data
- return tables
- def merge_tables(self, table, main, side, replacements, f_bases, f_sizes):
- sig = table.split('_')[-1]
- side = side[1:-1].split(',')
- side = map(lambda f: replacements[f] if f in replacements else f, side)
- if not main:
- f_bases[sig] = 0
- f_sizes[table] = len(side)
- return '[' + ','.join(side) + ']'
- main = main[1:-1].split(',')
- # TODO: handle non-aliasing case too
- assert len(main) % 2 == 0
- f_bases[sig] = len(main)
- ret = main + side
- size = 2
- while size < len(ret): size *= 2
- aborter = ret[1] # we can assume odd indexes have an aborting function with the right signature
- ret = ret + [aborter]*(size - len(ret))
- assert len(ret) == size
- f_sizes[table] = size
- return '[' + ','.join(ret) + ']'
- def combine_tables(self):
- self.tables_js = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n'
- for table, data in self.tables.iteritems():
- self.tables_js += 'var %s = %s;\n' % (table, data)
main = AsmModule(main)
side = AsmModule(side)